2015 VAECE Conference Program

59th Annual VAECE Conference Richmond Marriott Richmond, Virginia This book belongs to Hosted by: Central Virginia Association for the Education of Young Children Greater Lynchburg Chapter of VAECE Valley Chapter of VAECE



Transcript of 2015 VAECE Conference Program

Page 1: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

59th Annual VAECE Conference Richmond MarriottRichmond, Virginia

This book belongs to

Hosted by: Central Virginia Association for the

Education of Young Children Greater Lynchburg Chapter of VAECE

Valley Chapter of VAECE

Page 2: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

Please plan to relax, learn, get new ideas, and enjoy meeting and sharing with others. This is a wonderful opportunity to reflect and think about your work with and for children and to set future plans and goals.

Get The Most Out of Attending a VAECE


As soon as you arrive, familiarize yourself with the printedconference program. Select your workshops, making a first, second, and third choice for the same time slot. There will probably be some full or cancelled sessions. Schedule changes or cancellations will be posted on signs on the easels outside the workshop rooms and at Registration and Hospitality.

Attend as many workshops and seminars as you can, from morning to night, and leave tired, but enlightened with a renewed and eager spirit!! Use the attendance log and certificate in your program to validate your participation.

When you attend workshops and seminars, write down any great ideas you receive and try them when you return to your classrooms.

Set aside one block of time to enjoy the exhibits without the crowds. Although daily lunchtime appears to be a prime time to visit exhibits, hundreds of others have the same idea and the exhibit hall gets crowded.

If you are in a session that runs out of handouts, ask the presenter if s/he will send you a copy. Have your name, address, and email address handy.

Please take the time to submit the emailed conference evaluation and tell us what you like. Your input will be passed on to next year’s conference planning committee.

Expect a few stressful moments, as eager conference-goers may create some traffic problems moving in and out of popular workshops. If you get to a desired workshop and find it full, select one of your other preplanned options.




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Featured SpeakerS

pages 8-10


page 15platinum Sponsor: preschoolFirst.com Ceu Sponsor: proSolutions training tour transportion Sponsor: J. Sargeant reynolds Community College

ConFerenCe overview

page 16-17at-a-glance overview of all three days events and time tables.

advocacy Luncheon with Margaret nimmo CroweBanquet with Senator Creigh deeds

Motivational Luncheon with John almarodeopening Session with Sandy Slack and Gerin Martin


page 19tour 1: weinstein JCC preschooltour 2: vCu CdCopen House - vCu CdC

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Contentsoverview Schedulepages 16-17 overview of all three days of conference, including workshops, seminars, and special events.

thursday schedule and complete listings with summaries.page 20

page 25

page 32

professional recognitionspages 42-51 Listing of Star-rated and naeYC accredited centers.

presenterspages 53-57Listing of all presenters by last name, including their contact information and sessions.

exhibitorspages 59-61 Listing of all exhibitors by company, including their contact information and booth numbers.

Certificate and Attendance Logpages 67-68 use the log to adhere session labels to verify attendance and Ceus.

Friday schedule and complete listings with summaries.

Saturday schedule and complete listings with summaries.

Mapspage 62Map for the hotel with room names and vaeCe registration area

Future Conferencespages 63-66information on future vaeCe, naeYC, and SeCa conferences, including the 2016 vaeCe Call for proposals.

announcements and Highlightspages 11-14information on other special events, things to keep in mind, and attendee services.

Continuing education unitspage 18Ceus are available through proSolutions training.

vaeCe welcome and Leadership

page 3

Conference welcome and Leadership

page 4

vaeCe Membership

page 5

vaeCe Local Groups

page 62016 vaeCe


page 64

vaeCe annual Meeting

page 13

vaeCe Leadership

page 7

outstanding Service award

page 40

Scholarships and Media awards

page 41

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welcome to the 59th annual Conference!

in everything we do, vaeCe works to improve the care and education of children age birth to eight. WE are a fi eld with individuals from diverse back-grounds working in a wide variety of workplaces. we are all on the same jour-ney of serving the children and families we care for to the best of our ability. vaeCe knows your commitment to continuous professional growth.

Whether it’s a desire to improve your knowledge about a specifi c topical area, refi ne your curriculum or achieve accreditation, our annual conference offers many professional development opportunities that will help you reach your goals. preparing this conference has been a labor of love for the hard working confer-ence committee. a heartfelt thank you goes out to all the members of the 59th annual vaeCe Conference planning committee for their dedication.

Welcome to you all. Don’t stop Believin’…in our fi eld and in your efforts on its behalf.

- debra deLoose 2013-2015 vaeCe president

toni Cacace-Beshears past president

Christine Scibetta2nd vice president, prof. development

pat victorson3rd vice president, public policy and Liaisons

atleacia Gibson4th vice president, outreach

John almarodeMember-at-Large

Johnnie Humphreytreasurer

Stephanie Massie Secretary

Susan BarnesSeCa representative

2014-2015 Board of directors

Central Virginia AEYC: Jennifer McdonaldGreater Lynchburg Chapter: Janet trent and Holly LayneLord Fairfax AEYC: Maureen keelerNew River Valley Chapter: kim thomasonNorthern Virginia AEYC: Ginny Holloway and Fahemeh pirzadehPrince William AEYC: Laura Basu and Stacey GodinRichmond ECA: Susan Hill and debbi MintzSoutheastern AEYC: Quniana Futtrell and navine Fortune Southside AECE: Joyce JonesSouthwest Virginia Chapter: donna FoleyTidewater AECE: Bonnie turner and Gretchen tisoneValley Chapter: Holly McCartney

Affi liate/Chapter Presidents

Committees/Taskforcespublic policy taskforce: pat victorson, Chairtechnology taskforce: atleacia Gibson, Chair Student taskforce: John almarode, ChairAccreditation / CDA: Kamna Seth, Chair Viewpoint editor : paige Beatty

Cindy Brown1st vice president, Affi liate Support

Holly McCartney president-elect

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2015 Conference Committee

Conference Committee, Co-Chairs - Brookes Sims and Stephanie Massie, CvaeYC Children’s art - Jennifer Mcdonald, CvaeYC

Commercial exhibitors - Sara Smith, vaeCe

non-Commercial exhibitors - Jennifer Mcdonald, CvaeYC

Facilities/Dining - Holly Layne, Greater Lynch-burg Chapter

Hospitality - Janet trent and Sandra McConnell, Greater Lynchburg Chapter

Membership - Susan Barnes and Holly McCartney, valley Chapter

program - amy Mcintyre, CvaeYC

publications - Shannon Banks, ellen Houle, and trisha edwards, CvaeYC

publicity - Susan Barnes, valley Chapter

Student activities - Susan Barnes and Holly McCartney, valley Chapter

tours - Janet trent, Greater Lynchburg Chapter

treasurer - State - Johnnie Humphrey, vaeCe

treasurer Local - Holly McCartney, valley Chapter

Don’t Stop Believin’!

the Central virginia aeYC, Greater Lynchburg and valley Chapters of vaeCe would like to welcome you to the 59th annual vaeCe Conference: don’t Stop Believin’!

we believe that children, from birth, are excited to learn. they strive to examine, experience, and connect with everything around them. We believe children fl ourish when exposed to rich and engaging environments and experiences, when given time for the pleasure of learning and just being, a sense of belonging, and op-timism for the future. we believe all children should be respected and appreciated for their individualism, potential, abilities, and humanity.

our committee has worked diligently to provide you amazing pro-fessional development opportunities as well as a fun and engaging experience. whether it’s a workshop, a seminar, a tour, a special guest speaker, or a fl ashmob, we promise you won’t be disap-pointed.

over the course of the weekend, check out the exhibit hall! we’re trying something different in there this year. we have a Social Media Wall where you can take selfi es and group photos then tag your friends and vaeCe to commemorate your time at conference. if you attended the 2014 vaeCe conference banquet, you may have witnessed VAECE’s fi rst Flashmob to Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’! Maybe you’ll be witness to vaeCe’s second Flashmob on Friday? Lastly, we hope you’ll enjoy the three center tours we are offering. Two of the scheduled tours offer certifi cates for partici-pation!

we hope you enjoy yourself this weekend! we also hope you take back a renewed excitement for learning and try out those new ideas in your classrooms. and remember, don’t Stop Believin’!!

Brookes Sims and Stephanie Massie 2015 Conference

Committee Co-Chairs

are you interested in learning more about working on a conference? the 2016 and 2017 Conference

Committees invite you to learn more about how you can be a part of this exciting event! Call Sara at 703-946-3413 for more information!

2016 and 2017 Call for Committe Membersprogram vendorsprogram design by: Sed Consulting [email protected]

program printed by: Fleet printing Services champton@fl eetprinting.net

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vaeCe Membership information

“VAECE acts and speaks on behalf of all young children in Virginia”

Purposethe purpose of this organization is to serve and act on behalf of the needs and rights of all young children and to work with all groups serving the interest and well being of children in virginia. Some of the particular concerns of vaeCe are: • promoting the professional growth of persons

working with young children.• improving the availability and quality of

developmental and educational services and resources for young children.

• advocating for and promoting public policy decisions which improve the quality of life for young children and their families.• supporting, disseminating and utilizing research related to the well being and education of young children.

Who Is VAECE?the virginia association for early Childhood education has its roots in the virginia Council on Social work. efforts began in 1955 to bring together child care personnel and others interested in preschool children. in 1956, 60 persons attended a Child Care preschool institute in roanoke. a year later, more than 200 persons met, adopted a constitution, and selected the name -- virginia association for early Childhood education. Current membership is now over 2,200.

a major step in the professional development of the association and of the membership was achieved in 1969 with VAECE’s affiliation with the National Association for the education of Young Children (naeYC). in 1972, vaeCe affiliated with the Southern Early Childhood Association (SeCa).

What Is VAECE?the virginia association for early Childhood education is an organization of people interested in the education and welfare of young children and their families. the purpose of their website is to support the mission of vaeCe, by providing easy access to information and reference materials of interest to our membership.

Membership is available to all people concerned with the well-being of children, from birth through age eight, in virginia.

Who Joins VAECE?Members include administrators, directors, classroom teachers, teacher assistants, teacher aides, teacher educators, family child care providers, students, volunteers, state employees, consultants, social workers, health specialists, psychologists, parents, grandparents, parent educators, and elected and appointed officials.

VAECE Benefits• rights of membership in naeYC, SeCa

and vaeCe• online access to the current issue of

Young Children in the Members only section, along with the print

publication of your choice - Young Children or Teaching Young Children.• three issues of Dimensions • three issues of Viewpoint• reduced conference fees• opportunities to attend local workshops

and meetings• networking opportunities with other

early childhood professionals at all levels in the field• opportunities to purchase discounted

educational materials and publications• Access to insurance and other benefits

VAECE620 London Street

portsmouth, va 23704Hotline: 888-228-2323

email: [email protected]: www.vaece.org

SECA8500 west Markham, Suite 105

p.o. Box 5930Little rock, ar 72205phone: 800-305-7322

website: www.southernearlychildhood.org

NAEYC1313 L St.

washington, d.C. 20005phone: 800-424-2460

website: www.naeyc.org

Page 8: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


vaeCe Local Groups

Central virginia aeYC

valley Chapter

new river valley Chapter

prince william aeYC

northern virginia aeYC

richmond eCa

Sw vaChapter Southside

aeCe tidewateraeCe

Lord FairfaxaeYC


Greater Lynchburg Chapter

“VAECE acts and speaks on behalf of all young children in Virginia”

VAECE has 12 local groups (8 affi liates and 4 chapters) across the state. The groups are joined with vaeCe to provide opportunities for professional development and to broaden the public’s awareness on issues affecting children, families and professionals. vaeCe supports the local

groups through grants, strategic partnerships, and chapter development programs.

vaeCe local groups organize and host training events for early childhood professionals, participate in grassroots advocacy efforts, and offer networking opportunities for both members and

non-members alike. Get involved with a group by attending events and conferences.


each local group is organized by a volunteer board of directors comprised of individuals representing all of the professional areas in early childhood education.

additionally, each group maintains numerous committees that help further their work and unifi ed mission.

Leaders at both the state and local levels are nurtured and supported through valuable mentorship, are provided with critical leadership development by vaeCe, SeCa, and naeYC, and are recognized annually for their contribution.

take the next step in your membership and advocacy andbecome a leader today! Contact your local group president or email [email protected] to learn more about volunteer opportunities.

don’t forget to join us at the vaeCe annual Meeting on Saturday

morning in Salon 4/5

everyone is invited as we recognize the achievements of 2015 Cda

recipients and those programs that have achieved naeYC accreditation

and vSQi ratings in 2015.

all attendees will be entered to win door prizes and enjoy a light


Grassroots leadership and advocacy starts with

you!Central va


Page 9: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

Make a difference

for virginia's children!


vaeCe presidents1995-1997

Carole B. whitener

1997-1998 Malcolm Cole*

1998-1999 ann Marie Leonard

(completing Malcolm Cole’s term)

1999-2001 ann Marie Leonard

2001-2003 toni Cacace-Beshears

2003-2005 Mary-Margaret Gardiner

2005-2007 edyth wheeler

2007-2009 Joyce Jones

2009-2011 Mary Landis

2011-2013 toni Cacace-Beshears

1975-1977 Shirley Farrier

1977-1979 Lois Fears

1979-1981 evelyn Bickham

1981-1983 Johnnie Humphrey

1983-1985 Helen richardson


ruth Steinbrunner

1987-1989 Lucille everhart

1989-1991 Janet Sawyers

1991-1993 victoria Fu

1993-1995 pearl L. waxman

Leaders at both the state and local levels are nurtured and supported through valuable mentorship, are provided with critical leadership development by vaeCe, SeCa, and naeYC, and are recognized annually for their contribution.

take the next step in your membership and advocacy, become a leader today! Contact your local group president or email [email protected] to learn more about volunteer opportunites, including those with:

Leadership - Engage, Influence, Act

- Student development and activities - advocacy and Grassroots initiatives

vaeCe is a volunteer-led and volunteer-managed organization. the majority of the programs and services it provides is accomplished through the dedication of local volunteers. the Conference Committee is one example. these volunteer leaders are invaluable to the success of vaeCe. Leadership is open to any vaeCe member. whether you are just starting out or are a veteran who has dedicated years to early childhood education, your involvement is welcome and invited!

- Conferences and trainings - Fund development

1957-1959 Jane Moncure

1959-1960 alice powell*

1960-1961 Bonnie king*

(completing alice powell’s term)

1961-1963 Bonnie king*

1963-1965 alice powell*

1965-1967 Margaret Browning

1967-1969 Jane Goldman*

1969-1971 Florence Mason

1971-1973 Mildred dickerson

1973-1975 Charles Caldwell*

(first time a president-elect was designated in the

minutes)Current President

June, 2013- June, 2015Debra DeLoose(*deceased)

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Featured Speakers - opening Session

Grand Opening Session“Successful Boys: It’s Up to Us!”

thursday, 5:00 - 6:00 pmRoom: Salon 4/5

Sandy Slack, M.ed., George washington university

Sandy has had a long career in early childhood education. She started as a Head Start lead teacher. after earning a master’s degree in early childhood special education, she moved to Lynchburg, virginia, where her career spanned 30 years. along with teaching she wrote and won grants to support active learning for preschoolers through elementary school students. She became an endorsed HighScope curriculum trainer and then a fi eld consultant for the HighScope educational research Foundation. She has written several articles that HighScope has published on a variety of early childhood topics. Her latest endeavor has been co-authoring a book on supporting boys using active learning strategies. it is based on personal classroom experiences adapted from current research on boys.

Gerin Martin

Gerin earned her bachelor’s degree from radford university in human growth and development with a concentration in day care teaching and administration. She taught pre-k in a private early childhood program in Lynchburg for seven years. During her tenure, Gerin was the fi rst to establish an inclusive classroom and achieved HighScope teacher cer-tifi cation. She received an M. Ed from Lynchburg College in early childhood special education. Currently, Gerin is em-ployed by Lynchburg City Schools as a special educator supporting preschool aged children with disabilities in community placements. Gerin is an endorsed HighScope trainer, has created community playgroups for preschool aged children, and most recently been awarded the honor of Lynchburg City Schools teacher of the Year. Currently, Gerin is seeking a second M. ed in educational leadership from Lynchburg College. She is the co-author of a book on supporting boys using active learning strategies.

Sandy Slack

Gerin Martin


"don't Stop Believin'!" and don't give up on those boys. there is a boy epidemic in our society. the classroom environments are not matching the needs of boys that are

driven by biological and gender differences. Come learn how to create a "goodness of fi t" in your classroom by supporting the needs of young boys through active learning as

well as strategies that will benefi t ALL children!

Page 11: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


Featured Speakers - Luncheons

*session requires pre-registration and additional fee. inquire at registration for available seats.

John almarode

Motivational Luncheon*“From Stop Lights to Sticky Notes:

Creating Smart Thinkers”thursday, 11:45 am - 1:00 pm

Room: Salon 4/5

Margaret nimmo CrowePublic Policy Luncheon:

“Early Childhood Education Policy in Virginia”*Friday, 11:45 am - 1:15 pm

Room: Salon 4/5

the Luncheon will focus on policy discussions underway in virginia in the Mcauliffe administration and in the legislature, including an update on any

action taken during the General assembly.

Margaret nimmo Crowe is the executive director of voices for virginia’s Children. Margaret has worked at the organization for a total of ten years, previously serving as policy director. She led the Campaign for Children’s Mental Health, a broad-based advocacy initiative that is increasing access to children’s mental health services in the Commonwealth, and is frequently quoted in the media state-wide as an expert on children’s mental health policy. as a result of her advocacy efforts on behalf of children, Margaret was awarded the Joseph v. Gartlan award, given by the virginia association of Community Services Boards.

dr. John almarode is an assistant professor in the College of education at James Madison university and Head of the educational Foundations and exceptionalities department.

Getting young children engaged in their learning and keeping them engaged is a signifi cant challenge in today’s classrooms. However, once they are engaged, how do we improve the retention, retrieval, and transfer of knowledge, understandings, and skills. Just as we use sticky notes to prompt our own memory, the young brain uses cognitive sticky notes to prompt the recall of new and old learning. in addition, some of our students encoun-ter barriers to learning that, quite frankly, put a red light up for learning. For the best learning outcomes, we need to create an environment that changes that red light to a green light. this keynote explores the recent research on how our brain learns and what factors are associ-ated with better learning outcomes.

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Featured Speaker - Banquet

State Senator Creigh deeds

“Building a Public System of Mental Healthcare for the 21st Century: A

Case for Early Intervention”*Friday, 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Room: Salon 4/5

Senator Creigh deeds represents the 25th Senate district, which includes the counties of albemarle (part), alleghany, Bath, Highland, nelson, and rockbridge, and the cities of Buena vista, Coving-ton, Charlottesville, and Lexington. He serves on four Senate standing committees: General Laws, privileges and elections, rehabilitation and Social Services, and transportation.

Senator deeds chairs the Joint Subcommittee to Study Mental Health Services in the twenty-First Century. He also serves on the Small Business Commission, the Standards of Learning innovation Committee, the State water Commission, the Joint Commission on transportation accountability, and the Joint Committee to Study interstate 73.

the national alliance on Mental illness honored Sen. deeds with the richard t. Greer advocacy award for his efforts to reform mental health. His advocacy work has also been acknowledged by naMi – virginia and the psychiatric Society of virginia. For his work on behalf of crime victims, he was awarded the warren Stambaugh award from virginians united against Crime. He also has received the Leadership in public policy award from the nature Conservancy, the preservation al-liance of virginia delegate of the Year, and the virginia association for parks Legislator of the Year. His legislative work and accomplishments have also been recognized by the Fairfax Coalition of police, the virginia Conference of the american association of university professors, virginia educa-tion association, Bikewalk virginia, the virginia professional Fire Fighters, and the virginia Commu-nity Healthcare association.

Senator deeds attended virginia’s public schools and graduated from Bath County High School in 1976. after completing undergraduate work at Concord College, he received his law degree from wake Forest university in 1984. Senator deeds is an attorney in private practice and lives in Bath County with his wife, Siobhan. He has four children.

the success or failure of our mental health system begins with our youth, and early educators play a vital role in recognizing mental illness and sending people on a path to long-term recovery. in my view, our current mental health system is far too

reactive and centered on crisis intervention. to better serve those with mental illness and their families, we need to build and fund a mental health system that focuses on prevention and early intervention.

*session requires pre-registration and additional fee. inquire at registration for available seats.

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Conference announcements

Up-To-Date ConferenceInformation

Please wear your name

badges to all sessions!

Schedule changes or cancellations will be posted on the easels outside the workshop rooms, at the Hospitality table, and at


VAECE Membershipif you are interested in

joining vaeCe, starting an affiliate/chapter in your area, or just finding out more about the

organization, inquire about vaeCe membership at the

Membership table near registration.

Evaluationsin an effort to “go green”,

evaluations will be sent daily to your email

address on file for online submission, and a link will also be on the conference webpage:

www.vaece.org/conference. if you would prefer to

submit via paper form, please feel free to obtain one from the registration desk and return to

the box there.

Need Help?Conference Commitee Chairs and the hospitality volunteers

will be wearing sequined bands or lanyards. they are available

to assist you in any way. Feel free to introduce yourself and let them know how things are going.

we are glad you’re here!

Exhibit Hall

Come take your picture at our vaeCe photo booth and hashtag or Facebook friends and family about your experience at the


thursday, March 192:00pm-6:00pmFriday, March 209:30am-5:00pm

Saturday, March 2110:30am-2:00pm

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Conference announcements

Lost & Foundplease make sure to gather your

personal items before leaving a session. if you should lose or find something, please contact the volunteers at the

Conference registration area.

Please make sure to visit each

exhibitor! The conference is

largely supported by their attendance!

Participation in this conference may allow you to receive recertification points for teaching certificates in Virginia. Decisions are made by the school division or by the VA Department of Education. Up to 5 re-certification points may be used for each day. keep the handouts and labels from the sessions

you attended as evidence of your attendance. Ceus are available! See page 19 for more information.

Re-Certification Points and CEUs

Restroomsdue to the demographics of our

group, some men’s restrooms have been changed to women’s. please have patience with us and hotel as we work together to accommodate

our attendees

Hungry?there will be concessions

available in the exhibit Hall on Friday and Saturday.

t-Miller’s Sports Bar and the Liberty Bar in the hotel offer

full-service dining. in the lobby, a starbucks offers beverages,

snacks, and grab ‘n go options.

Securityplease take your valuables and cash when you leave your hotel room. remember, hotels are not

responsible for losses of any items other than those placed in its safety

deposit boxes.

Scavenger HuntFriday, March 20

Let’s have some fun! the Scavenger Hunt is your free and fun chance to win a great prize. You’ll find the scavenger list in your confer-

ence bag upon registration. once you have found all the items on your list, return your list to the Scavenger Hunt box in the exhibit Hall. a draw-ing will be held Friday at 4:30pm and a winner will be announced. Must be

present to win!

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Conference Highlights

participate in your organization! review events of the past year, hear recognitions, and learn about upcoming issues and activities. Members and

guests are welcome. all attendees will be entered to win door prizes and receive a complimentary light breakfast.

Saturday, 8:00 - 9:15 am Salon 4/5

vaeCe and its local groups are volunteer led and volunteer managed. all state and local

board and committee members are invited to a small reception in their honor to celebrate their

dedication and leadership.

thursday, 3:30 - 4:30 pm president’s Suite

Leadership reception

vaeCe annual Membership Meeting

all former members of the vaeCe Board are invited to

meet with this informal group, which meets each year at conference, to renew old

acquaintances and catch up on the latest vaeCe news.

if you are a fossil, please plan on attending this fun-filled

meeting on thursday 1:30 pm - 2:30 pm in the

president’s Suite.

Fun ribbons!For those of you who love

accumulating ribbons on your conference badge, we are selling

ribbons with fun phrases about early childhood education at the registration desk. the cost of the ribbon is $1 each.

Calling all Fossils!

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Conference Highlights

every day, the work you do makes you an expert in the needs of young children, families,

teachers and caregivers. and every day, legislators are making decisions about you and

your program! Join us at these conference sessions to get news, tools, and meet other

advocates for young children!

Advocacy and YOU!

Advocacy 101Presenter: Quniana Futrell

Friday, 1:30-2:45pmRoom: Salon 7

Policy and You: News and Action from Richmond and More!

Presenters: Emily Griffey and Mary Beth TestaFriday, 3:30-4:45pm

Room: Madison

Friday, March 20th 10:00am – 4:00pm

Salon d

remember to drink plenty of water, eat a good meal, and bring a photo id.

Friday, 3:00 - 4:30 pm Capitol

Come explore the vast arena of the early Childhood profession. Learn

how you can support young children to develop measurement concepts

using some yummy snack units during this fun Make it – take it (or Make it – eat it !) session. partici-pants will engage in this appealing math lesson that they can easily

replicate in a classroom with young children. Free and open to all stu-

dents. no pre-registrationrequired.

Student Workshop and Social

(High School and College)

during the 2015 General assembly, law makers and regulators worked hard to improve safety of children in care. vaeCe particularly wishes to


delegate richard anderson 51st districtdelegate eileen Filler-Corn 41st districtSenator emmet Hanger Jr. 24th districtSenator Barbara Favola 31st districtCommissioner Margaret Schultze and the virginia State Board of Social Services

every 3 seconds, someone in the u.S. needs a blood transfusion, and over 20 percent of these people are children. You can save up to three lives with just one blood donation.

the american red Cross donation Center Salon d

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Conference Sponsors


vaeCe thanks the following for their generous support:

Platinum Sponsor

CEU Sponsor

please make sure to visit their booths in the exhibit Hall and say thank you for their support of vaeCe and quality early childhood

education in virginia!

Tour Transportation

Page 18: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

Conference Schedule

wednesday, March 18, 2015

Registration / Hospitality / Information

vaeCe executive Committee Meeting president’s Suite

thursday, March 19, 2015

Registration / Hospitality / Information



Lower Level reg. desk

Friday, March 20, 2015

Registration / Hospitality / Information

11:45 am - 1:00 pm Motivational Luncheon with dr. John almarode*

Salon 4/5

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm exhibits


tour 2: vCu CdC

7:00 pm - 8:00 pm

7:00 pm - 9:00 pm

7:00 am - 8:00 pm

10:00 am - 12:00 pm2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

8:00 am - 9:15 am9:30 am - 10:45 am

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm3:30 pm - 4:45 pm

11:00 am - 12:15 pm

9:30 am - 12:00 pm tour 1: JCC weinstein depart fromvaeCe Hospitality


thursday Social with Music and karaoke

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Fossil Meeting president’s Suite


red Cross Blood drive

Leadership reception president’s Suite3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

7:00 am - 5:00 pm

9:30 am - 5:00 pm

8:00 am - 9:15 am9:30 am - 10:45 am

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm3:30 pm - 4:45 pm

11:00 am - 12:15 pm

9:30 am - 12:00 pm

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

10:00 am - 12:00 pm2:00 pm - 4:00 pm10:00 am - 4:00 pm


Lower Level reg. desk

Lower Level reg. desk

depart fromvaeCe Hospitality

Salon 4/5

Grand Ballroom

Grand Ballroom

Salon d

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Grand opening: Gerin Martin and Sandy Slack Salon 4/5

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Conference Schedule

7:00 am -2:00 pm

9:30 am - 10:45 am11:00 am - 12:15 pm12:30 pm - 1:45 pm workshops

Saturday, March 21, 2015


Just a reminder:Schedule changes and/or cancellations do happen.

up-to-date information is posted on the easels outside the workshop rooms and at the registration table.


8:00 am - 9:15 am vaeCe annual Meeting & Breakfast Members and Guests welcome


11:45 pm - 1:15 pm Friday public policy Luncheon with Margaret nimmo Crowe*

Capitol3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Student workshop and Social

Salon 4/5 Foyer

Friday, March 20, 2015 (continued)

6:15 pm - 8:00 pm Banquet with Senator Creigh deeds*

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm3:30 pm - 4:45 pm

10:30 am - 2:00 pm exhibits

8:00 am - 9:15 am

* requires pre-registration

9:00 am - 11:00 am tour 3: vCu Health Systems CdC open House

Lower Level reg. desk

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm pre-Banquet reception

7:30 am - 9:30 am10:00 am - 2:00 pm2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

vaeCe Local Group presidents Meeting9:00 am - 11:00 am president’s Suite

Salon 4/5

Salon 4/5

Salon 4/5

Grand Ballroom


directions are available at Hospitality

Page 20: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

Friday Banquet

Featured Speaker: Senator Creigh deeds

dinner is by pre-registration only. inquire at registration for available seats.


Process: after each session, affix the session label to the label page at the back of this program. When you are finished attending all the sessions you’d like to, bring the label page to the Ceu desk at the registration area. there, we will ask you to complete a contact information form, evaluation form, and provide you with a copy of your label form. after conference, we

will be sending your label sheet and contact information form to proSo-lutions Training. They will process and send you a certificate within 4-6


the majority of our workshops and seminars are Ceu eligible! NEED CONTINUING EDUCATION UNITS?

proSolutions training and vaeCe have partnered to make most workshops and seminars Ceu

eligible! if a session is eligible, the label will note it, the sign outside

the room will tell you, and the presenter will remind you. the cost

is $25 per filing (any number of Ceus).

Friday Reception5:00 - 6:00 pm

room: Foyer. Cash Bar.

Friday Banquet6:15 - 8:00 pm

Room: Salon 4/5

Music by


“DJ Double U”


Page 21: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


the weinstein JCC preschool serves children ages 2-5, is accredited by naeYC and incorporates the reggio emilia approach. they recently received an award from SeCa celebrating their outdoor playground.

the weinstein JCC preschool’s classrooms are alive with investigation, collaboration, and creativity. incorporating the reggio emilia approach into the very heart of our programs provides an experience that shapes not only children’s knowledge and skill, but also their attitudes about learning and intellectual curiosity.

thursday tour: JCC weinstein Centerthursday: 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ($15.00)

depart from vaeCe Hospitality desk 9:15 a.m.

thursday and Friday tours require pre-registration. inquire at registration to see about available seats. Saturday open House does not require pre-registration.

the weinstein JCC preschool serves children ages 2-5, is accredited by naeYC and incorporates the reggio emilia approach. they recently received an award from SeCa

the weinstein JCC preschool’s classrooms are alive with investigation, collaboration, and

Friday tour: vCu Child development Center Friday: 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. ($15.00)

depart from vaeCe Hospitality desk 9:15 a.m.the vCu Child development Center was established over 100 years ago as the Belle Bryan nursery to serve families in need. vCu assumed responsibility for the operation of the center in 1971 after recognizing that many of its patrons were employees of theuniversity and realizing the need to establish a childcare center in the richmond area. it operates under the oversight of the vCu School of education. additional Fee and pre-registration required.

Saturday open House: vCu Child development Center Saturday, 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.

Cost: no Cost, open House, on Your ownthe vCu Health Systems Child development Center serves children ages 6 weeks to 5

years, having one of the largest infant programs on the east Coast. they are accredited by naeYC, a 3-Star vSQi program and inspired by the reggio emilia approach. Conference attendees are invited to tour the center which is in walking

distance from the hotel between 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Saturday morning. 607 north 10th Street. directions are available at Hospitality. Bring your badge.


Page 22: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

8:00 pm - 10:00 pm thursday Social with Music and karoke

thursday, March 19, 2015


plan for the day

times Choices & alternatives Locations

8:00 am - 9:15 am

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

11:45 am - 1:00 pm


workshops9:30 am - 10:45 am

11:00 am - 12:15 pm



Motivational Luncheon with dr. John almarode*


*session requires pre-registration and additional fee. inquire at registration for available seats.

Registration/Hospitality/Information7:00 am - 8:00 pm

9:30 am - 10:45 am tour 1 (JCC weinstein Center) Meet at vaeCe Hospitality

1:30 pm - 2:30 pm Fossil Meeting president’s Suite

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm Leadership reception president’s Suite

Salon 4/5

Salon 4/5

Lower Level reg. desk

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Grand opening: Gerin Martin & Sandy Slack

3:30 pm - 4:45 pm workshops

Salon 4/5

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Seminars

2:00 pm - 6:00 pm exhibits open


Grand Ballroom

Page 23: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

thursday Seminars and Special Sessions

Virginia’s Early Childhood Needs Assessment: Voices of Families and Providersresults are analyzed at the regional level and it is time to take action. presenters provide data to guide localities.Presenter(s): Susan Barnes, Teresa Harris, John Almarode Room: Salon D

8:00 am - 10:00 am

ChefBoyarMe! Cooking in the Classroomin this workshop we will get beyond runny noses and get to the business of using cooking as a way for children to develop much needed skills!Presenter(s): LuAnn CarrigRoom: Salon A

Diversity in My Classroom: Let’s Talk About What To Dothis interactive session will get you thinking and talking about research-based practices for working with diverse populations of young children and their families.Presenter(s): Karin H Spencer, Lorelie Pisha Room: Salon 8

Introducing Conscious DisciplineConscious discipline is a comprehensive classroom management program as well as a social and emotional curriculum based on current brain research, child development information, and developmentally appropriate practices. Presenter(s): Kim Hughes Room: Monroe

Ready Set Go! The Importance of Physical Activity and Active Play for Infants and Toddlersthis interactive training provides information on the importance of physical activity and ideas for creating environments that promote active play for infants and toddlers.Presenter(s): Gayanne Murphy Room: Salon 3

Spotlight on Literacy Developmentusing quality literature & action-packed activities, encourage students’ literacy development...from developing phonological awareness to word recognition. Bring scissors & markers to create a literacy game.Presenter(s): Mariella Walker Room: Commonwealth

Unlucky 13: The 13 Manager Mistakes That Can Lead to Lawsuitsthis workshop will raise awareness of the 13 management mistakes that can lead to employee/employer lawsuits, how to avoid them, and ultimately prevent unnecessary and costly litigation.Presenter(s): Janice Nieliwocki Room: Salon 2

10:00 am - 12:00 pmCreating a Trauma Sensitive Learning Environmentparticipants will learn the signs and symptoms of traumatic stress and how to structure the classroom/center environment to increase children’s sense of felt safety and maximize their learning opportunities.Presenter(s): Lynne Edwards, Marjorie Buchanan Room: Salon B

Reaching Out to Dual Language Learners: Top 10 StrategiesHow does a child acquire a second language? we’ll talk about language acquisition & you’ll learn the top 10 strategies for assisting your dual Language Learners.Presenter(s): Mariella Walker Room: Commonwealth

Sneaking Early Learners Through the Brain’s BACKDOOR for Easy Access to the Alphabet and BeyondHack-into the brain’s hardwired system for easy mastery of the hardest letter-sound skills- just “2-weeks to 2-months!” transform daily reading and writing into a virtual playground for critical thinking with these brain-based “secrets” for literacy learning!Presenter(s): Katie Garner Room: Salon A

The Environment as the Third Teacher; Sensory EditionIn this session, you will find new perspectives and ideas to create a place where children do more than learn; they discover, explore, and find inspiration!Presenter(s): Corrinne Pace Room: Salon 8

Use Your Words! Engaged Conversations with Toddlersthis session will focus on practical suggestions for helping toddlers build a working vocabulary, develop the ability to “use their words,” and explore ways to extend feedback loops during one-to-one and peer conversations.Presenter(s): Jane McCarty Room: Salon 3

Who’s There to Protect the Child: Strategies for Mandated Reportersin this highly engaging workshop, learn why staff sometimes don’t report suspected child abuse. discuss and develop policies and procedures to ensure consistent reporting.Presenter(s): Alan Guttman Room: Salon 7

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Successful Boys: It’s Up to Us!Come learn how to create a “goodness of fit” in your classroom

by supporting the needs of young boys through active learning as well as strategies that will benefit ALL children!

Presenter(s): Gerin Martin and Sandy Slack Room: Salon 4/5

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm Grand Opening


“From Stop Lights to Sticky Notes: Creating Smart Thinkers”

Presenter(s): John Almarode Room: Salon 4/5

11:45 am - 1:00 pm Motivational Luncheon*

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thursday workshops

Back to Basics; Quilting, Woodworking and Gardening in a STEM Worlddiscover how to introduce these skills and related activities to 3-6 year olds in your classroom and outdoor learning environments.Presenter(s): Carol J Clark Room: Madison

Leading the Early Childhood ProgramGetting through the day is often all early childhood directors can do. Come to a session to learn the importance of vision setting for programs caring for young children.Presenter(s): Michelle Clauberg Room: Salon 6

Managing Myself So I Can Better Manage Othersdo your co-workers drive you crazy? Learn how to respond instead of react to conflict and find solutions instead of blame.Presenter(s): Amanda Lloyd Room: Salon 3

Maximizing Instruction in Opening GroupLarge Group instruction has never been more purposeful! using easy-to-obtain materials, learn to teach important literacy, self-regulation, math and music concepts within your large group!Presenter(s): Kimberly Miller Room: Jefferson

Parent Issues in a Handbook and a NutshellThis workshop will address a variety of topics that staff find challenging when interacting with parents. Focus will be on the importance of good communication in addressing these issues with parents and necessary policies to include in the parent Handbook.Presenter(s): Janice Nieliwocki Room: Salon 2

Preschool Book Themes; Promoting Children’s Literacy Through ActivitiesLearn about book themes and how to integrate early literacy into all classroom areas.Presenter(s): Tammy Foster, Robin Doggett Room: Dominion

Promoting Life Long leadership Skills in School Aged ChildrenLearn how to find the leader in every child while promoting lifelong leadership and goal setting skills for the future. every child has a unique skill or talent that is waiting to be noticed. Find out how to unveil and use these leadership skills to make your program better for you and your students.Presenter(s): Faith Bornoff, Nicole Schaefer, Keia Shearn Room: Salon 1

8:00 am - 9:15 amUsing a Big Voice: Teaching the Skills of Assertiveness and CommunicationChildren must learn that they teach others how to treat them. walk away from this session with a better understanding of Conscious discipline® and its role in building new skills and resources turning classroom struggles into shared cooperation by using conflicts as an opportunity to teach missing social-emotional skills.Presenter(s): Kim Hughes Room: Monroe

We’re All in This Together! Building Connections Between Preschool and FamiliesThis motto fits perfectly as teachers learn creative activities that encourage family involvement. topics: postcard train, the Magic tree...! Bring permanent markers & your creativity!Presenter(s): Mariella Walker Room: Salon 7

8:00 am - 9:15 am con’t

7 Habits for Effective Leadersdon’t stop believin’ in your leadership abilities and communications with othersPresenter(s): Joyce Oandasan Room: Salon 6

A Developing Brain and a Growing Child; Wired for Early LearningCome to see and hear how the latest research in early brain development impacts the growing child. as an educator you will learn more about how early relationships and reactions to young children will impact how they learn and what they do with learning for the rest of their lives.Presenter(s): Cathy Cook, Cheryl Henderson Room: Madison

Daily Health Observation and Blood Borne Pathogensdaily Health observation includes: health assessment technique, school exclusion / re-admittance criteria, hand washing/disinfection to control the spread of disease (OSHA), immunization requirements and more.Presenter(s): Stanley Cobbs Room: Salon B

Fine Motor Skills…Write Out of the Boxoccupational therapist and naeYC presenter shares meaningful activities/rationale for WHAT’s, HOW’s, and WHY’s of fine motor development for children 3-6 years old and future efficient handwriting.Presenter(s): Marianne Gibbs Room: Salon 1

Getting a Grip on QualityLearn tips to develop the characteristics of high quality care.Presenter(s): Quniana D Futrell Room: Jefferson

9:30 am - 10:45 am

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thursday workshops

Integrating Learning from Favorite Children’s Books Across All Curriculum AreasWorkshop will give examples of ways specific books are used to enhance student learning across the preschool day in all areas of the curriculumPresenter(s): Janet Owen Room: Dominion

Narrative Icons: Story Quilt Representations of Children’s Storiesafter observing preschool children repeatedly enfolding consistent story themes into their play and into their interactions with one another and the adults in their lives, the children were asked to self-identify the stories they were the most involved with and to then represent those stories by creating a narrative icon in fabric, which they sewed onto a collaborative story quilt using a sewing machine. the story quilt icons were used on an ongoing basis to generate more storytelling, both orally and visually, through formats of drawing and writing.Presenter(s): Laura Ramsey Room: Capitol

STEM in the Preschool and Kindergarten Classroomexplore a SteM approach to developmentally appropriate curriculum by examining resources such as Sesame Street. active learning experiences will be used to demonstrate SteM in early childhood.Presenter(s): Dorothy Sluss Room: Salon C

9:30 am - 10:45 am con’t

Everything is Changing: Adjusting Our Lens- It’s All About PerspectiveFrom administrators to teachers, this workshop will give a new way of looking at what we do each day. Learning new perspectives, and terminology, early Care providers will come away from the workshop with new strategies for their programs to show improved quality in education for children.Presenter(s): Kathy Banks Room: Salon C

Inspired! A Peek Inside a Montessori Inspired Classroomthis session will provide participants with a peek inside a Montessori inspired classroom and a understanding of the teachings of dr. Maria Montessori.Presenter(s): Rebecca McNulty-Shaffer, Lori Marano Room: Jefferson

Introducing VA Shared Network- A New Provider Web Resource for All Your Child Care NeedsLearn about the services available to child care professionals in va, including free technical assistance, training and marketing opportunities, and the new va Shared network.Presenter(s): Peggy Watkins, Jodi Roberts Room: Salon 1

Learning New Words From StoriesLet’s learn how to critique a book so that we can teach new vocabulary words, analyze story content, and encourage our children to become loquacious speakers.Presenter(s): Richelle Newlin Room: Dominion

11:00 am - 12:15 pm

Positive Teacher Child Interactions…Explore, Empower and EnricheXpLore highly effective ways for interactions. eMpower meaningful communication between teachers and children. enriCH the learning environmentPresenter(s): Navine Fortune Room: Salon B

Preparing the Beginner Teacher for the First Day of SchoolThis session will offer ideas and examples of some difficult situations, which teachers have overcome.Presenter(s): Nicole Jackson Room: Salon 6

Raising the Bar for Classroom Behavior Means Teaching to Expectationsteaching behavioral expectations is as important as teaching academics. when we systematically teaCH routines and procedures, we can set high expectations and get great results!Presenter(s): Cheryl Smith Turner Room: Madison

When You Are Old, Your Eyelashes Will Fall Out; Preschool Investigation of Life and Deatha multi-month investigation with 3-5 year olds that involved collecting artifacts of their personal and collaborative theories in regard to life and death and aging.Presenter(s): Laura Ramsey Room: Capitol

11:00 am - 12:15 pm con’t

A Dramatic Approach for Developing Oral Language and Literacy Skillsdrama’s kinesthetic and imaginative process engages, excites, and motivates students to speak, attend, and comprehend a text. in this session participants will learn through active engagement several developmentally appropriate strategies for integrating drama with the development of language and reading comprehension skills.Presenter(s): Lenore Blank Kelner Room: Capitol

Commitment to High Quality! NAEYC Accreditation Information SessionJoin an interactive session to commit to high quality by having a deeper understanding of the naeYC accreditation process and clear any misconceptions!Presenter(s): Kamna Seth Room: Jefferson

Developmental Portfolios: Believe in the MagicLearn about developmental portfolios and believe in the positive affect portfolios have on recording development, assessment, and sharing information with others to benefit the child.Presenter(s): Kae Bieber Room: Madison

Emergent Writing: From Early Scribbles to Meaningful Writingall young children go through the same stages of emergent writing. Learn what each stage looks like and ways to support it.Presenter(s): Janet Owen Room: Dominion

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm

Page 26: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

thursday workshops


Empathy: the Heart of Emotional Intelligenceuse Conscious discipline® and the skill of empathy to help children build a solid foundation for emotional development.Presenter(s): Heidi Condrey Room: Monroe

Foundational Skills: Standards Tell Us What, Reasearch Tell Us How (Common Core Standards)Learn how to implement effective, research-based strategies to accelerate the progress of your students in meeting standards laid out in the Common Core State Standards.Presenter(s): Elaine Balum Room: Salon 6

Guiding Children to Reflection and Meditationdon’t Stop Believin’ that children can experience quiet. in this workshop we will talk about how children are born contemplative; how they crave quiet and why quiet is necessary for children’s success.Presenter(s): LuAnn Carrig Room: Salon 4/5

Legal Aspects of Recruiting, Interviewing, Hiring, and Terminatingan organization’s most important investment is its employees. this workshop will assist participants in developing a process for selecting quality employees, while avoiding hiring pitfalls.Presenter(s): Janice Nieliwocki Room: Salon 2

Watch, Explore, Play, Read with PBSpBS kidS is always working on something new. early learning educators will be introduced to free resources and the effective watch, explore, play, read Methodology.Presenter(s): Trish Reed,Martha Razor Room: Salon 1

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm con’t

Art Materials and the Role of the Studio Artist in Reggio Inspired Centersart and imagination are an unspoken language, one of the many languages of children, unseen until the child begins to create and explore. through observation of this process, we can learn so much about a child’s development and the complexity of their thought processes.Presenter(s): Melissa W. Barnes Room: Capitol

Children’s Art as a Pathway to Literacywhen children are given the freedom and encouragement to draw, they begin to give meaning to the marks that they put on paper. they begin to understand that their drawings are symbols of things they know about. their drawings become a system of symbols used to communicate meaning and knowledge. this is a pathway to further work with symbols, a pathway to literacy.Presenter(s): Kathryn Brown Room: Dominion

3:30 pm - 4:45 pm

Developing a Nature Based Curriculum Around an Active Children’s GardenCreate an active, working sustainable garden at your center or family day care home that can become the centerpiece of your program, driving your curriculum, motivating your staff, engaging your parents, and interesting community collaborations while “Going Green” and fighting childhood obesity.Presenter(s): Rose Ann Smythe Room: Salon C

Encouraging Words That Build Strong BrainsConscious discipline helps us to see that an encouraging environment builds a child’s self esteem. Learn the skill of noticing that will strengthen their prefrontal lobes, bring awareness to their actions and facilitate lasting change. we’ll learn how to offer encouragement through noticing vs. judging that primes their brain for academic achievement.Presenter(s): Jessica Shields Flowers Room: Monroe

Evaluating Your Employees Performancethis seminar will focus on the importance of conducting accurate employee performance appraisals and will outline legal issues and suits which have risen from inaccurate performance appraisals.Presenter(s): Janice Nieliwocki Room: Salon 2

Star Quality 2.0- Overview of the Virginia Star Quality Initiatives New StandardsCome and Learn about virginia’s newly revised Quality rating and improvement System, Star Quality 2.0! participants will leave this session with a better understanding of the requirements and activities that are now available for continuous program improvement.Presenter(s): Kris Meyers Room: Salon 4/5

That Child’s Humming is Driving Me Crazy! The Theory of Multiple Intelligencesdid you ever feel like you weren’t intelligent enough? attend this workshop and discover how intelligent you are and how you can go back into your classroom and see children through a different lens.Presenter(s): LuAnn Carrig Room: Salon 1

Using Mindfulness Activities to Help Children Manage Their BehaviorChallenging behaviors in children is hard on teachers and the children. Learn some strategies to use in your classroom to help children manage their behavior.Presenter(s): Elizabeth Page, Margo Buchanan Room: Jefferson

3:30 pm - 4:45 pm con’t

Page 27: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


Friday, March 20, 2015

*session requires pre-registration and additional fee. inquire at registration for available seats.

plan for the day


times Choices & alternatives Locations

8:00 am - 9:15 am workshops

workshops9:30 am - 10:45 am

Registration/Hospitality/Information7:00 am - 8:00 pm

9:30 am - 10:45 am tour 2 (vCu CdC) Meet at vaeCe Hospitality

Lower Level reg. desk

11:00 am - 12:15 pm workshops

10:00 am - 12:00 pm Seminars

10:00 am - 4:00 pm red Cross Blood drive

exhibits9:30 am - 5:00 pm

6:15 pm - 8:00 pm Banquet with Senator Creigh deeds* Salon 4/5

5:00 pm - 6:00 pm pre-Banquet reception Salon 4/5 Foyer

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm Seminars

3:30 pm - 4:45 pm workshops


3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Student workshop and Social Capitol

Salon d

Grand Ballroom

Seminars9:30 am - 11:00 am

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm Seminars

11:45 am - 1:00 pm public policy Luncheon withMargaret nimmo Crowe* Salon 4/5

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm workshops

1:30 pm - 2:45 pm workshops

Page 28: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


Friday Seminars and Special Sessions

Let’s Explore the Number Core: Sequencing Math Instruction to Build Number Sensein this session, you will explore instructional practices and mathematical models that build number sense in young children.Presenter(s): Kathryn McGill Austin Room: Salon 8

9:30 am - 11:30 am

The Top Three legal Issues Effecting Early Care Programsthis session will look at the recent trends in legal actions facing Early Care and Education Programs, specifically Unemployment Compensation claims, discrimination lawsuits and violations of the Fair Labor Standards act.Presenter(s): Janice Nieliwocki Room: Salon 7

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

The I.D.E.A. Strategy for Challenging Behaviori.d.e.a. (investigate, describe, empathize and act), is a strategy to help parents, teachers and caregivers deal with challenging behavior (tantrums, meltdowns) from their young children.Presenter(s): Joshua Metz Room: Salon A

2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

Speech Pathology Collaboration:Providing Effective and Sustainable Intervention Services in Kenyawhen providing speech pathology intervention services internationally, it is imperative that outcomes be functional and sustainable as well as applicable for both school and home environment. this presentation will discuss how to prioritize and collaborate with teachers, parents and staff when one is only in a country for a very brief period of time.Presenter(s): Eliza Thompson Room: Commonwealth

12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Supporting Boys in the Preschool Classroom: It’s Up to UsCome learn how to create a “goodness of fit” in your classroom by supporting the needs of young boys through active learning. You will leave with an understanding of how the biological differences you see between the genders impacts your classroom and how to implement strategies that will benefit ALL children!Presenter(s): Gerin Martin,Sandy Slack Room: Salon 8

2:15 pm - 4:15 pm

Who’s There to Protect the Child: Strategies for Mandated Reportersin this highly engaging workshop, learn why staff sometimes don’t report suspected child abuse. discuss and develop policies and procedures to ensure consistent reporting.Presenter(s): Alan Guttman Room: Commonwealth

2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

Using Your Personnel Policy Manual as an Effective Management ToolThe focus of this workshop is development and/or revision of a personnel policy manual. General personnel practices, legal aspects of employment and specific needs of child care agencies will be addressed.Presenter(s): Janice Nieliwocki Room: Salon 7

3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Leadership-The Heart of the Program is YOULeadership-”The Heart of the Program is YOU” - a reflective developmental journey to awareness and understanding of the power of a teacher’s influence in the lives of children.Presenter(s): Lin Phelps Room: Salon C

3:30 pm - 5:30 pm“Early Childhood Education

Policy in Virginia”* the Luncheon will focus on policy discussions

underway in virginia in the Mcauliffe administration and in the legislature, including

an update on any action taken during the General assembly.

Presenter(s): Margaret Nimmo CroweRoom: Salon 4/5

11:45 pm - 1:00 pm Public Policy Luncheon*

3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Student Social

Free and open to all students. no pre-registration required.

room: Capitol

Page 29: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


Friday workshops

Achieving Academic Excellence Through Play: The Ideal EC ClassroomChildren can master academic standards through play. Learn how teachers facilitate a child’s learning through questioning, SteM activities and outdoor activities while children engage in play.Presenter(s): Nicole Thomas-Jackson Room: Capitol

ASSERTIVENESS: Respectfully Setting Limits for Young ChildrenLearn how to give clear, concise directions. Learn the difference between passive, aggressive, and assertive statements and why giving assertive directions leads to a calmer classroom.Presenter(s): Sara E Andrew Room: Salon B

Believe It: Physical Activities and Cognitive DevelopmentLearn games, activities, and homemade toys for developing balance, coordination, strength, and flexibility in preschoolers in ways that are fun and also enhance cognitive development.Presenter(s): Kirby Worthington Room: Salon 8

Building Resilient Children Through the Use of StoriesHow can children’s stories build resiliency? a review of story titles, open-ended questions to use, and extended activities are presented.Presenter(s): Tracy Leonard Room: Dominion

Children Who Have Parents in Prison NEED Teachers Who Know About Prisonover 3 million children in the uS have an incarcerated parent. this session provides resources and valuable facts to support families with confidence.Presenter(s): Quniana D Futrell Room: Jefferson

Creating Family Connections: Complying with the NAEYC Accreditation Criteria for Families Standardthis session will examine current research, information from naeYC accreditation Criteria for Families Standard and encourage participants to reflect on their own experiences to stimulate discussions.Presenter(s): Kamna Seth Room: Salon 6

Enhancing Resiliency Through Play; A Case Study PerspectiveLearn to reframe resilience for children navigating toxic stress in order to improve developmental outcomes. Connect theory and practice through examples from presenters’ professional practicePresenter(s): Heather Walter, Asia Chalin, Angela Royster, William White Room: Madison

Fun on the Farm; A Hands On Approach to LearningHarvest a basket full of ideas for your class to create hand-on activities from the barn and garden. excite young minds through tactile experiences.Presenter(s): Tammy Maxey Room: Salon A

8:00 am - 9:15 amGiggles and Wiggles! It’s Circle TimeLearn new techniques and how to incorporate interactive props for presenting music, movement, stories, and creative activities.Presenter(s): Sharron Krull Room: Salon C

Lions, Tigers, Toddlers, Oh My!Looking for better ways to improve discipline techniques for toddlers? ease on down the road to learn how to promote self-control and a positive atmosphere.Presenter(s): Kristal Knowles Room: Salon 3

Locally Sourced CultureMuseums have much to offer but where to start? attendees will engage in discussions empowering their students to learn in their communities and beyond.Presenter(s): Sarah Erdman,Stacia Jackson Room: Salon 5

Partnering in Play the High Scope WayChildren bring curiosity, discovery, and delight to play. Learn supporting strategies by reconnecting with your inner child and truSt: time, respect, unfold, Shield, translate.Presenter(s): LaToya Carter, Karen Alexander, Bethany Hill, Jessica Nettles Room: Commonwealth

Playing: The Brain Builderduring play children are actively building both the mass and connectivity of their neural systems. the very foundations for logic concepts used to learn language, literacy, math, and science skills are intertwined with this simple activity. Presenter(s): Patty Stine Room: Salon 2

Sensory Solutions for Infants and ToddlersCome along on this informative journey to understand how sensory integration/sensory processing is key to infant/toddler development and beyond!Presenter(s): Cecilia Cruse Room: Salon 1

The Fair Labor Standards Act: Child Care Related to the FLSAparticipants will be lead through the often confusing FLSa, including the new FairPay Update, employee classification, paying for training hours and overtime.Presenter(s): Janice Nieliwocki Room: Salon 7

The Truth About ConsequencesMistakes are an opportunity to teach! Learn the difference between punishment and consequences and how to effectively use consequences in your classroom.Presenter(s): Amanda Lloyd Room: Monroe

What INCLUSION Looks Like in a Quality Programthe Star Quality Standards and the early Childhood environment rating Scale (eCerS-r) will be explored as a framework for building quality.Presenter(s): Marilyn Rice Room: Salon 4

8:00 am - 9:15 am

Page 30: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


Friday workshops

100 Billion Neurons: Fostering Language Development in Young Childreninfants are born with 100 billion neurons. new research reveals young children’s language development is fostered through face-to-face interactions and positive experiences.Presenter(s): Rebecca L. Akers Room: Dominion

Creating an Inclusive Successful Environment for All Studentsthis workshop will address any roadblocks and questions teachers have about an inclusive environment. it will also demonstrate addressing the needs of your students collaboratively.Presenter(s): William L White Room: Salon B

Discover the CLASS System: Learning about, Measuring and Improving InteractionsJoin teachstone® experts to explore ways the CLaSS System integrates measurement and improvement efforts to boost teaching and learning. ideal for those new to the CLaSS system.Presenter(s): Sedra Spano Room: Salon 3

Empathy: The Heart of Emotional Intelligenceuse Conscious discipline® and the skill of empathy to help children build a solid foundation for emotional development.Presenter(s): Heidi Condrey Room: Monroe

Everything is Changing: Adjusting Our Lens- It’s All About PerspectiveFrom administrators to teachers, this workshop will give a new way of looking at what we do each day. Learning new perspectives, and terminology, early Care providers will come away from the workshop with new strategies for their programs to show improved quality in education for children.Presenter(s): Kathy Banks Room: Salon A

Flipped Professional Development: Self Directed Learning to Improve Qualityimprove program quality by Flipping pd! put teachers in charge of their professional development. Learn strategies and resources to make teacher training meaningful.Presenter(s): Shelley Keith Room: Salon 6

Getting Projects Startedoverwhelmed by the prospect of a reggio-style project? dawn kowal, atelierista and Master teacher at the weinstein JCC preschool in richmond will lead this collaborative session exploring project work in an emergent curriculum. drawing on your own classroom experiences, dawn will help you develop a practical approach to project work from how to identify a “big idea”, to how to sustain interest, and how to know when a project has run its course.Presenter(s): Dawn Kowal Room: Capitol

9:30 am - 10:45 amImplementing a Developmentally Appropriate Preschool Leadership ProgramCome learn more about this empowering preschool Leadership initiative that helps children embrace their innate talents, make great decisions, and increase their ability to self-manage.Presenter(s): Susan K Bishop Room: Jefferson

Laying a Firm Preschool Foundation with Foundation BlocksCome get your hands on the revised Foundation Blocks and learn how to use it effectively to ensure your preschoolers are ready for kindergarten. See how easy it is to add quality activities to each day!Presenter(s): Krista Dawson, Cybil Faulks Brown Room: Madison

Partnering with Home Visiting Programs to Impact Children Beyond the ClassroomLearn how child care and preschool providers can improve children’s experiences at home by engaging parents and collaborating with community resources.Presenter(s): Ashley Graham, Brittany Tracy Smith Room: Salon C

Rock, Paper, Scissors - Helping Children Develop Fine Motor AbilityThe development of a child’s fine motor ability is an important skill that will support a child’s later school success. in this workshop we will look at children with varying abilities and participants will come away with 30+ fine motor activities to take back to their setting.Presenter(s): LuAnn Carrig Room: Salon 1

Stop Look Touch! Science for Young Childrendo you look forward to engaging young children in science experiences? Join us as we explore and investigate a hands-on, minds-on approach to science.Presenter(s): Donald Reece Wilson, Dorothy Sluss Room: Salon 2

Sneaking Early Learners Through the Brain’s BACKDOOR for Easy Access to the Alphabet and BeyondHack-into the brain’s hardwired system for easy mastery of the hardest letter-sound skills- just “2-weeks to 2-months!” transform daily reading and writing into a virtual playground for critical thinking with these brain-based “secrets” for literacy learning!Presenter(s): Katie Garner Room: Commonwealth

9:30 am - 10:45 am con’t

While we try to teach our children all about life, our children teach us what

life is all about.

- Angela Schwindt

Page 31: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

Friday workshops


Cooking in the Classroom: How-to for Toddler TeachersIn this workshop toddler teachers will gain the confidence and the know-how to bring cooking into their classrooms while incorporating literacy, math, and science. By sharing recipes and material lists, story stretcher ideas, and allergy alternatives, you will never stop believin’ that you, too, can cook with your toddler classes!Presenter(s): Ashley Taylor, Penny Johnson Room: Salon 3

Facilitating Dramatic Play in the Preschool Environmentthis workshop will help you understand children’s need for dramatic play, the role of dramatic play in the developmental domains and so much more!Presenter(s): Joan Rowe Room: Salon 1

How to Build Beginning Literacy Skills That Last a LifetimeBringing literacy to life in the classroom makes learning fun! Experience firsthand multisensory and child-friendly instructional strategies that actively engage students and enhances literacy instruction.Presenter(s): Vicki Norris Room: Dominion

Pass the Carrots Please-Evaluating, Supporting and Rewarding Staffin this workshop administrators and directors will explore ways to evaluate staff (checklist/portfolio); learn about appropriate methods to mentor staff and finally, talk about what REALLY motivates the individuals and how inexpensive and creative ideas can meet those needs.Presenter(s): LuAnn Carrig Room: Salon 6

Putting Preschoolers in Charge of Learning Through Student Lead Conferencesit’s never too early to put students in charge of their learning, or to get parents more involved in their preschooler’s education. Come explore how you can showcase what you teach through student lead conferences. rainbow Station at wyndham’s preschool students will join the session to demonstrate student lead conferences first hand.Presenter(s): Faith Bornoff, Tiffany Linick, Shannon Foster, Katie Strange Room: Madison

Raising the Bar for Classroom Behavior Means Teaching to Expectationsteaching behavioral expectations is as important as teaching academics. when we systematically teaCH routines and procedures, we can set high expectations and get great results!Presenter(s): Cheryl Smith Turner Room: Salon A

The I.D.E.A. Strategy for Challenging Behaviori.d.e.a. (which stands for investigate, describe, empathize and act), is a strategy to help parents, teachers and caregivers deal with challenging behavior (tantrums, meltdowns) from their young children.Presenter(s): Joshua Metz Room: Jefferson

11:00 am - 12:15 pmThe Joy of Art- Process Focused Art for Toddlers and Twosparticipants will discover how to facilitate art experiences for toddlers and twos that are filled with fun, laughter, learning, and discovery!Presenter(s): Rebecca Danis Room: Capitol

The Power of Effective Feedback: Using CLASS Observations as a Catalyst for Teacher Professional GrowthJoin teachstone® CLaSS experts to explore effective approaches for providing CLaSS observation feedback to teachers and care providers.Presenter(s): Joe Pierce Room: Salon B

Using Encouragement: Knowing What to Say the High Scope Waywhy saying “Good Job!” is not “Good practice.” Learn how to encourage rather than praise children and foster their self esteem by building their confidence.Presenter(s): Karen Alexander, LaToya Carter, Bethany Hill, Jessica Nettles Room: Salon C

What You See is What You Getpositive intent positions adults to teach and children to learn. adults who learn Conscious discipline’s® skill of positive intent can powerfully transform opposition into cooperation.Presenter(s): Anne Moriarty Room: Monroe

11:00 am - 12:15 pm con’t

Daily Health Observation & Blood Borne Pathogensdaily Health observation includes: health assessment technique, school exclusion / re-admittance criteria, hand washing/disinfection to control the spread of disease (OSHA), immunization requirements and more.Presenter(s): Stanley Cobbs Room: Capitol

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm

Advocacy 101Learn about local, state, and national initiatives and opportunities for involvement in the ECE field.Presenter(s): Quniana D Futrell Room: Salon 7

1:30 pm - 2:45 pm

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Friday workshops

“Welcome/Bienvenidos/Bienvenue” Preschool Acclimation Strategies for Non Native Speakersthis session will highlight multiple methods (routines, music, literature) for optimizing preschool adjustment for non-native speakers of the classroom language and their families.Presenter(s): Karen O’Connor-Floman, Jessica Morales, Fadila Rakene Room: Dominion

Art through the Ages-Instilling Art Appreciation in the Youngest GenerationLearn ways to apply art expression techniques that include aLL subject areas to keep children engaged and encourage a love for learning to last forever!Presenter(s): Erin Rice Room: Madison

ASSERTIVENESS: Respectfully Setting Limits for Young ChildrenLearn how to give clear, concise directions which young children will understand and have them most likely comply. Learn the difference between passive, aggressive, and assertive statements and why giving assertive directions leads to a calmer classroom.Presenter(s): Sara E Andrew Room: Monroe

Best Practices for Working with Dual Language Learnersparticipants will review the current research on second language acquisition. the stages of second language acquisition will be presented, and the implications for practice discussed. For each stage, developmentally appropriate teaching strategies will be examined.Presenter(s): Carol Coleman Montealegre, SECA Pres-elect Room: Salon 5

Building Parent Involvement that Stays, the High Scope Wayparents can add dynamic dimensions to programs but sometimes hesitate to get involved. this workshop focuses on strategies for engaging families into your program.Presenter(s): Bethany Hill, LaToya Carter, Jessica Nettles, Karen Alexander Room: Salon 4

CLASS Instructional Support: An Introduction to Improvement Strategiesdiscover concrete strategies for use with teachers as they work to improve interactions within the CLaSS instructional Support domain. recommended for educators with intermediate to advanced knowledge of CLaSS content knowledge who work supporting teachers and children.Presenter(s): Mary Margret Gardiner Room: Jefferson

Creating A Learning Space for Infants and Toddlersthis workshop will examine appropriate learning environments for children Birth to three- years during a time of rapid brain development that form the basis for how children learn to learn. participants will explore furnishings, materials and classroom set up structured to support both physical and cognitive development.Presenter(s): Ginny Streckewald Room: Salon 3

2:00 pm - 3:15 pmLet’s Make a Deal - Methods to Support Making Your Program The BIG DEAL OF THE DAYHas your program aLwaYS been full with a waiting list But now you are seeing a decline in enrollment? You are not alone. we will talk about how we can change that. don’t be the Zonk and don’t Stop Believin’ that you can be the Big deal of the day!Presenter(s): LuAnn Carrig Room: Salon 6

Splashing in Puddles: Creating Play Based Meaningful Outdoor Experiencesexplore ways to create meaningful, play based, whole child experiences in the outdoor setting, helping children develop a sense of wonder and appreciation for nature.Presenter(s): Wendy Dixon, Suzanne Hendrix Room: Salon C

Tools for TantrumsChildren’s control of their behavior is often conditional – what happened last night, this morning or two seconds ago. as we work with children to inspire self-control there are techniques and skills we can use along the way to help children. these are easily mastered practices you can implement the day following the workshop.Presenter(s): Patty Stine Room: Salon 2

Top 5 Preschool Developmental Questionspopular caregiver and parent preschool questions are now accessible to you! a physical therapist’s evidence based outlook will empower you to provide developmentally supportive education.Presenter(s): Mary Lynn Hafner Room: Salon 1

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm con’t

Catch the Reading Wave: Building Reading and Writing into Your Summer ProgramsCome “Catch the reading wave” and see how childcare centers can take some of these summer reading strategies and improve their summer learning outcomes.Presenter(s): Krista Dawson, Beth Morris Room: Dominion

Empathy: The Heart of Emotional Intelligenceuse Conscious discipline® and the skill of empathy to help children build a solid foundation for emotional development.Presenter(s): Heidi Condrey Room: Salon 3

Finding Drama Everywhere; Bringing Nonfiction to LifeEvery non-fiction curriculum topic is an exciting story waiting to happen! Children are gathering research every day through books, media, and sensory observations. discover strategies for collecting, sharing, and celebrating this research as a classroom community. telling and acting out stories encourages teamwork, fosters creative thinking, reinforces vocabulary, and helps children make connections in their learning.Presenter(s): Melissa Richardson Room: Salon B

3:30 pm - 4:45 pm

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Friday workshops

Making Friendships the High Scope Way!a great deal of learning takes place through social interactions. Come learn strategies in how to build a classroom community and support lasting friendships.Presenter(s): Jessica Nettles, LaToya Carter, Bethany Hill, Karen Alexander Room: Salon A

Planning Around the Preschool CORthe participants will investigate how to take the preschool Cor assessment to the next level for planning around their day and how to scaffold students to the next level of development.Presenter(s): Richelle Newlin Room: Salon 4

Policy and You: News and Action from Richmond and More!Come to this session to get information and tools to be a stronger advocate for early care and education. Get the latest policy news – and why it matters to You! Let’s take action together!Presenter(s): Emily Griffey, Mary Beth Testa Room: Madison

STEM in the Preschool and Kindergarten Classroomexplore a SteM approach to developmentally appropriate curriculum by examining resources such as Sesame Street. active learning experiences will be used to demonstrate SteM in early childhood.Presenter(s): Dorothy Sluss Room: Salon 2

The CLASS Measure: Infants, Toddlers, and Effective Interactionsexplore infant and toddler CLaSS measures, how they align with children’s developmental stages, and practical suggestions for using the measures in classrooms serving infants and toddlers.Presenter(s): Mary Margaret Gardiner Room: Jefferson

3:30 pm - 4:45 pm con’tThe Virginia Cross-Sector Professional Development System: What’s New?the vCpd works to ensure that virginia’s early childhood workforce has the knowledge and skill to provide quality services. Come learn about our newest initiatives!Presenter(s): Jaye Harvey Room: Salon 6

Transitions for the Special Needs ChildParticipants will discover why transitions are diffi cult for children, and how they can help smooth out rough spots to ensure a smooth transition.Presenter(s): Courtney Bevan Room: Salon 5

Using a Big Voice: Teaching the Skills of Assertiveness and CommunicationChildren must learn that they teach others how to treat them. Conferees will understand how to use confl icts as an opportunity to teach students life skills and focus on assertive solutions by teaching both victims to use a self-assured voice and bullies to use effective verbal communication. walk away from this session with a better understanding of Conscious discipline® and its role in building new skills and resources turning classroom struggles into shared cooperation by using confl icts as an opportunity to teach missing social-emotional skills.Presenter(s): Kim Hughes Room: Monroe

You Say Trash, I Say Collection!Young children are natural collectors! Creating and exploring a classroom collection helps children use their prior knowledge while being introduced to new knowledge.Presenter(s): LuAnn Carrig Room: Salon 1

3:30 pm - 4:45 pm con’t

“When you become a parent, or a teacher, you

turn into a manager of this whole system. You become the person controlling the bubble of innocence around

a child.”

- Kazuo Ishiguro

Page 34: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


Saturday, March 21, 2015

plan for the day

*session requires pre-registration and additional fee. inquire at registration for available seats.


times Choices & alternatives Locations

Registration/Hospitality/Information7:00 am - 2:00 pm

2:30 pm - 4:30 pm Seminars

3:30 pm - 4:45 pm

2:00 pm - 3:15 pm workshops


11:00 am - 12:15 pm workshops


8:00 am - 9:15 am workshops

workshops9:30 am - 10:45 am

8:00 am - 9:15 am vaeCe annual Meeting & BreakfastMembers and Guests welcome

10:00 am - 2:00 pm

tour 3: open House (vCu Health Systems CdC)9:00 am - 11:00 am

9:30 am - 11:00 am vaeCe Local Group presidents Meeting

10:30 am - 2:00 pm exhibits

12:30 pm - 1:45 pm workshops

directions available at Hospitality

Salon 4/5


Seminars7:30 am - 9:30 am

Grand Ballroom

Lower Level reg. desk

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Saturday Seminars and Special Sessions

Documenting Milestones Through Portfoliosthis session will present the theories of child development through written documentation and/or pictures. The Professional development would allow teachers to receive training on the ideas of documenting a child’s milestones and developmental stages. the quality standards would include accurate dates and be shared with parents and teachers to accommodate children. Best practices and state licensing regulations will be met by presenting, sharing and displaying in the classrooms during Parent/Teacher Conferences, which are required to be scheduled with teachers and parents.Presenter(s): Nicole Jackson Room: Salon D

Fostering Resiliency and Building Relationships in Preschoolersare children born with a resilient exterior and mind? despite dna children need guidance and support to develop emotionally to cope with many situations. with all the abuse, neglect and traumatic events children experience daily we are a constant source of peace, predictability and hope.Presenter(s): Cybil Faulks-Brown, Sadie Johnson Room: Salon 8

Something New Under the Sun; You Have the Power to Make a Differencedo you always wonder what would happen if …? the natural cycle of inquiry for both children and adults leads the way to reflective practice in action research. Experienced action researchers (in capes) will help you begin your own research process. Presenter(s): Rebecca Mauck, Marilyn Rice, Susanne Croasdaile, Patsy Moon, Laura Ramsey, Celeste Schmidt, Mary Thornton Room: Salon 7

7:30 am - 9:30 amHelp Me to Play: Scaffolding Play for Children on the Autism Spectrumthis session is an accessible overview of what current research tells us about why children on the autism spectrum have trouble playing and how developing or strengthening play skills can provide benefits to the child. Explore techniques and activities that you can begin to use immediately to scaffold play development in children with aSd, learn how to plan the environment to match the needs of the child with aSd, and how to create and use play mediators to encourage role taking and how to actively teach play scripts in a way that is developmentally appropriate and engaging to all children.Presenter(s): Amy Hornbeck, Angela Alvis Room: Salon 7

Managing Staff with Difficult PersonalitiesYour leadership style and recruitment methods characterize the type of cast you have. knowing your cast of characters’ strengths and weakness will help you appropriately match staff with defining “roles”. Managing Difficult Staff is something we all have done before. this workshop will give you practical strategies to identify and see the good in every staff despite obstacles.Presenter(s): Cybil Faulks-Brown,Kim Tuppince Room: Salon 8

Strengthening the Parent Teacher Partnershipearly childhood teachers and childcare providers have a unique opportunity to strengthen families and educate the parents with which they work. parents want what is in their child’s best interest but are often confused as to what that means. this workshop will provide skills in communicating effectively with parents to include the importance of building trust, how to have a successful parent/teacher conference and how to manage conflict with a parent.Presenter(s): Susan M Brown Room: Salon D

10:00 am - 12:00 pm

everyone is invited as we recognize the achievements of 2015 Cda recipients and those programs that have achieved

naeYC accreditation and vSQi ratings in 2015. all attendees will

be entered to win door prizes and enjoy a light breakfast.

Room: Salon 4/5

8:00 am - 9:15 am VAECE Annual Meeting Developing Effective Board of Directors; Fulfill Your Program

Mission and Ensure Quality Improvementworking with a Board can be overwhelming! this hands-on session will provide practical information and opportunities for networking and developing successful strategies for working with a governing board.Presenter(s): Barbara McCreedy Room: Salon 7

Listen Up! Successfully Engaging All Families in the Classroom and Beyondthis interactive workshop will explore the important role developing a trusting and respectful relationship with each student’s parent(s)/family members plays in helping to build a bridge between home and school. Strategies will be provided that will help cultivate this type of relationship for aLL families.Presenter(s): Bweikia Steen, Niamah A. Dolly Room: Salon 8

2:30 pm - 4:30 pm

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Saturday workshops

Catching at Risk K’s Before They Fail in 20 Mins/DayJoin us to learn quick, yet effective, ways to intervene and provide additional support for struggling kindergartners, during the regular school day, using 10-minute, mini-lessons, focused on language, reading, and word work and tied directly to the virginia Standards of Learning.Presenter(s): Alison Schmerler Room: Dominion

Creating STEMtastic Kids Using Art and LiteratureHave you read “Hiding phil” by eric Barclay? did you know it is filled with STEM ideas? Even preschoolers can become “STEM-tastic”. Let’s discover how.Presenter(s): Constance L Goode Room: Commonwealth

Get Your Motor Running! Physical Activities for Toddlers and PreschoolersJoin in cooperative group games and use simple equipment to promote motor skill development and fitness for all children. Fun physical activity boosts learning!Presenter(s): Sharron Krull Room: Salon B

Managing Myself So I Can Better Manage Othersdo your co-workers drive you crazy? Learn how to respond instead of react to conflict and find solutions instead of blame.Presenter(s): Amanda Lloyd Room: Monroe

Partnering with Home Visiting Programs to Impact Children Beyond the ClassroomLearn how child care and preschool providers can improve children’s experiences at home by engaging parents and collaborating with community resources.Presenter(s): Ashley Graham, Brittany Tracy Smith Room: Salon 1

Pumpkin Playtime...Big Pumpkin...mmm, Pumpkin Pie!Let’s learn about the life cycle of a pumpkin involving all contents of learning through a book entitled Big pumpkin.Presenter(s): Bettie N. Vaughan, Margaret F, Woyer Room: Madison

The Essentials of Human Resource Developmentare you stressed by high employee turnover? Learn cutting edge strategies for developing your team. this session will introduce the essential elements of a human resource system.Presenter(s): Lauren M Small Room: Salon 6

Using Mindfulness Activities to Help Children Manage Their BehaviorChallenging behaviors in children are hard on teachers and the children. Learn some strategies to use in you classroom to help children manage their behavior.Presenter(s): Elizabeth Page, Margo Buchanan Room: Salon C

8:00 am - 9:15 amBelieving in Great Expectations; Creating Big Vocabulary for Little Peoplethe Hart and risley study is always mentioned when we talk about preschoolers and vocabulary. do you believe that teachers of young children can help increase vocabulary of the children in their care and really make a difference? dare to believe that you can help reduce the vocabulary gap. Let’s discuss ways you can make a difference.Presenter(s): Cheryl P Thompson Room: Dominion

Building Your STEAM Teamwe will discuss developmentally appropriate activities for S.t.e.a.M. (Science, technology, engineering, art, and Mathematics), while fostering the natural curiosity of a child.Presenter(s): Ron Mohl Room: Salon C

Developing Play in Young Children in Inclusion Settingsthe session will describe how Make-Believe play can be implemented in inclusion and mixed-aged classrooms. participants will discuss not only play themes but also scaffolds and supports for younger children and children with special needs. an overview of the vygotskian approach to play will be given with special emphasis on an inclusion setting. examples are from tools of the Mind classrooms in a public school inclusion setting serving children ages 2-5 years, but the lessons learned can be applied to any classroom seeking a play based approach.Presenter(s): Angela Alvis, Sharon Sheppard Room: Salon B

Differences Enhance Greatnessthis workshop is designed to explain how your thought process effects the perceptions of how you view the students in your classroom. Participants will reflect on their biases that could be drawn from their own personal experiences.Presenter(s): Mary A. Jackson Room: Salon 4/5

Effective Bullying Prevention Must Start Earlyintentionally building young children’s social-emotional skills limits aggression and increases pro-social behaviors, curbing bullying. Learn effective, easy-to-use strategies that create a calm, caring, respectful environment.Presenter(s): Mary Lynn White Room: Commonwealth

Encouraging Words That Build Strong BrainsConscious discipline™ helps us to see that an encouraging environment builds a child’s self esteem. Learn the skill of noticing that will strengthen children’s prefrontal lobes, bring awareness to their actions and facilitate lasting change. we’ll learn how to offer encouragement through noticing vs. judging that primes the brain for academic achievement.Presenter(s): Jessica Shields Flowers Room: Monroe

9:30 am - 10:45 am

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Saturday workshops

Men in the Early Childhood Classroomthis session explores the role of men as teachers in early childhood centers. through the stories of 4 male teachers we will explore why male teachers are drawn to the early childhood classroom and what support measures can be put in place to attract and retain excellent male teachers.Presenter(s): Amy Brereton, Aaron Rhodes, Jason Parr, Eric Schneiderhan, Chris Tietjen, Gary Kennedy Room: Jefferson

Starting a Preschool Learning Cooperativetired of attending professional development that targets k-12, with no information pertaining to early childhood? we were, too! that’s why we created rCpS preschool Learning Cooperative. You can create your own, too – with ease. Come and hear our story, then get our assistance in starting your own path to professional development that pertains to you and your students.Presenter(s): Kimberly Miller Room: Salon 2

Strategic Planning for Quality improvementStrategic planning is a framework for leaders to envision a bright future for their programs and get there through planning, execution, and evaluation.Presenter(s): Alyson Williams Room: Salon 6

Success is a Matter of Mindstime to teach provides proven classroom management strategies, motivational hands-on solutions, reduces discipline by 70%, returns lost instructional time, increasing test scores and school climate.Presenter(s): Gwendolyn Kinlaw Room: Salon 1

The Importance of Rituals in the Lives of Childrenthe shared experience of rituals enhances the lives, memories and joys of children and reflects the repetition and universality of human needs in every culture.Presenter(s): Cecelia Alvarado Room: Madison

The Joy of Art- Process Focused Art for Toddlers and Twosparticipants will discover how to facilitate art experiences for toddlers and twos that are filled with fun, laughter, learning, and discovery!Presenter(s): Rebecca Danis Room: Salon 3

9:30 am - 10:45 amBoost Learning Time with Brain Breaksdiscover why and how to keep students actively learning, using Conscious discipline® techniques and other brain breaks.Presenter(s): Anne Moriarty Room: Monroe

Create Books: Keep the Wonderthis presentation is a hands-on demonstration, using recyclable materials to fabricate developmentally appropriate children’s books in unique, fun, creative ways.Presenter(s): Dottie Ports Room: Dominion

Doing What’s Right: Examining Ethical Issues in the Early Childhood Professionalparticipants will learn a new way to analyze ethical dilemmas as early childhood professionals. the goal of the workshop is to construct new understandings of ethics, ethical reasoning, as well as share typical ethical dilemmas in the classroom while practicing ways of analyzing and working through them. Presenter(s): Holly McCartney Room: Capitol

Dramatic Play BoxesFun, Fun, and More Fun! a dress-up box with all the props! they will never know that they are learning!Presenter(s): Jacqueline Bolt Room: Salon 1

Enhancing Teaching and Assessment by Identifying Learning Styles of Young Childrenthis workshop focuses on how students use their learning styles to participate in a classroom . we will identify learning styles and show how differentiated instruction can be a vital tool. we will also look at assessment techniques that best track our student’s progress in a variety of ways.Presenter(s): Nicole D Lumpkin Room: Salon 4/5

It’s SIDSthis workshop is design to assist teachers with understanding what Sudden infant death Syndrome(SidS) is, the risk factors associated with Sudden infant death Syndrome as well as ways to reduce the incidence of SidS.Presenter(s): Marvena Haynes Room: Salon 3

My Job Title Says Director, But I Am Truly A Leaderadministrators of programs, directors, assistant directors, Managers and those aspiring to move into leadership, please join us for a discussion about the transition from a director to a Leader. explore the traits of strong leaders, philosophies of leadership, leading through service to others, effective results management, communication and more. Leave the session with a list of resources to help you grow as a leader in the field of Early education.Presenter(s): Samara Musselman Room: Salon 6

11:00 am - 12:15 am

“Share your knowledge. It is a way to achieve


- Dalai Lama XIV

Page 38: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


Saturday workshops

Playing it Safe (Playground Safety)For children to be safe outdoors, playground safety must be given routine attention before children arrive on the playground! explore the topics that assure a safe playground and begin the creation of a playground supervision plan.Presenter(s): Patty Stine Room: Commonwealth

Pre-K Math…What’s That?this presentation will give participants fun and innovative ways to teach math in the eCe classroom. the presentation will include a lesson demonstration, make & take activities.Presenter(s): Tausha C Sapp Room: Salon B

Teaching Children with Emotional and Behavioral Disordersask any teacher and they will tell you that all children deserve a quality education. Children with emotional and Behavioral Disorders often challenge us to fi nd new ways to provide for every child in an inclusion environment. Here, we dig deeper into the realm of eBd, and learn new perspectives and strategies for creating a safe learning environment that welcomes children of all abilities in an inclusive classroom!Presenter(s): Corrinne Pace Room: Jefferson

Virginia’s ECE Learning Collaboratives Project; Quality Practices to Prevent Childhood ObesityLearn how virginia’s project is helping programs make critical changes to support children’s healthy habits. Best practice recommendations, “do-able” approaches, getting staff buy-in, on-line resources will be shared.Presenter(s): Emily Keenum Room: Madison

11:00 am - 12:15 am con’t

Guess What? We Believe in You! Interactive Activities and Conversations to Help Children Expand Their Ideasan interactive discussion which encourages teachers to plan for the success of children through the use of children’s storybooks, open ended activities, and recognition of the child’s work and feelings.Presenter(s): Dianna Forrest Room: Madison

Preventing Power Struggles: The Power of Choiceuse Conscious discipline® and the skill of positive choices to prevent power struggles, foster compliance and empower your students!Presenter(s): Heidi Condrey Room: Monroe

See, Hear, Do, and Learn!See, Hear, do and Learn! this presentation provides music suggestions, books suggestions, and ideas to teach about the fi ve senses, weather, and the Earth for Preschoolers through kindergarten ages.Presenter(s): Katherine Maddox, Elizabeth Windom Room: Salon 1

12:45 pm - 2:00 pm

Stop Look Touch! Science for Young Childrendo you look forward to engaging young children in science experiences? Join us as we explore and investigate a hands-on, minds-on approach to science.Presenter(s): Donald Reece Wilson, Dorothy Sluss Room: Salon D

Taking the Journey Towards Quality Using the Environment Rating ScaleserS assessments give more than a score. Learn how to effectively use these instruments for program improvement, gain a deeper understanding of the scales & see before/after pictures of classroom quality improvement.Presenter(s): Tricia Sifford Room: Salon B

Talking to Parents About Diffi cult Issueswhen parents hear “bad “news from educators about their child they can feel judged, alone and angry. How can teachers best help?Presenter(s): Elizabeth Page, Margo Buchanan Room: Salon 6

Word Walk; An Engaging Vocabulary Strategy for Young ChildrenResearch identifi es rich oral language and vocabulary experiences as foundational for children’s successful literacy development. preschool teachers serving the youngest students need effective, practical, research-based strategies for developing children’s oral language and vocabulary. this presentation introduces teachers to a new instructional vocabulary strategy called “word walk.” the presenters will present the word walk instructional strategy, engage conferees in planning a word walk lesson, and will share word walk extension activities and child outcome data from the word walk study. in addition, presenters will provide conferees with materials to facilitate application of information gleaned from the presentation after the session has concluded.Presenter(s): Katherine Beauchat, Katrin Blamey Room: Dominion

12:45 pm - 2:00 pm

“One child, one teacher, one book, one pen can change the

world.” - Malala Yousafzai

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Saturday workshops

Boosting Children’s Brain Potential Through Connections That CountConscious discipline™ teaches us that all children need connections. How do we create these connections that literally wire their brains for willingness and impulse control? “i Love You rituals” provide these daily tune-ups that will increase their attention span and cooperation improves.Presenter(s): Jessica Shields Flowers Room: Monroe

Fabulous Fun Family Eventsan engaging and practical presentation that explores ideas for fun and engaging family events that connects families with curriculum content. as the demands on family’s time increases, it becomes more challenging to plan events that will build anticipation and result in high participation. this presentation will include practical ideas for planning, implementation, documentation, and community connections.Presenter(s): Peggy McCarthy-Hughes Room: Salon 1

Interactive Learning for Little Kids: What Makes it Great?“don’t Stop Believin” is a good match for this session because presenters will talk about how important it is for instruction to reflect what we know works so well for young children: direct, hands-on experiences. at the same time, we want educators to appreciate that the technology they are enthusiastic about using can also be exciting for young children, if designed and delivered to meet them where they are.Presenter(s): Melissa King,Ben Graff Room: Salon 4/5

Let’s ExperimentBring science to your room in a hands on way that involves children in their learning. Learn how documentation strategies show learning in your room.Presenter(s): Betsy Darling, Linda Tiernan-Johnson Room: Madison

Lions Tigers and Men: How Male Practitioners Influence the Lives of Children and the Culture of ECEJoin us in a meaningful dialog on the importance of male practitioners and discover ways to intentionally recruit and specifically support men in your centers.Presenter(s): Mary Thornton, Patricia Moon, Tracy Walters Room: Jefferson

That Crazy English: Raps and Songs for Teaching English LiteracyParticipants will learn a flexible rhythmic format for modeling correct english, building on students’ preferences as well as the teacher’s vocabulary, language, and literacy objectives.Presenter(s): Kathleen Leatherwood Room: Dominion

2:15 pm - 3:30 pmTurn your Competitor into Your ColleagueChange your prospective from competitor to colleague with other providers to build your business, you are not alone and we can work together for success.Presenter(s): Tracey Ray Room: Salon 6

Using Tools of the Mind in the ClassroomJoin us as we investigate and explore tools of the Mind curriculum.Presenter(s): Dakota Gagliardi, Dorothy Sluss Room: Salon D

VMFA’s Arty Infants: Arts Inclusion Years One and Twointroducing vMFa’s artsy infants curriculum. this hands-on workshop explores infant/child development, homemade/non-toxic art supplies, and, tips for implementing sensory driven art experiences in your classroom.Presenter(s): Lori Valente Coffey Room: Salon 3

2:15 pm - 3:30 pm con’t

Child Protective Services and Mandated Reporters in ECEdid you know that if you are working with young children you must, by law, report suspected child abuse? Come learn about the process.Presenter(s): Margo Buchanan,Elizabeth Page Room: Salon 6

Easy, Effective Literacy for PKJoin us for an overview and easy-to-understand explanation of the four foundational blocks of early literacy: oral language; book/print awareness; phonological awareness; and alphabet knowledge. Presenter(s): Alison Schmerler Room: Dominion

Look at our MasterpiecesLearn how to encourage individual creativity in your classroom art experiences. also create exciting displays honoring the children’s efforts.Presenter(s): Amanda Arnn, Karen Davis Room: Madison

Preventing Power Struggles: The Power of Choiceuse Conscious discipline® and the skill of positive choices to prevent power struggles, foster compliance and empower your students!Presenter(s): Heidi Condrey Room: Monroe

STEAMing Ahead: Making Science and Math Fun in the Classroomknow what S.t.e.a.M. is? a little nervous but still excited to use it in your classroom? Come explore a hands-on approach!Presenter(s): Adria Bader Room: Capitol

3:45 pm - 5:00 pm

Page 40: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


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Page 41: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


vaeCe outstanding Service awardthe vaeCe award for outstanding Service to Young Children in virginia, awarded each year since 1975, recognizes persons from a wide range of professions who have made significant and sustained contributions to the welfare of virginia’s young children. this year’s award will be given at the vaeCe Membership Meeting.

1975dorothy Mcdiarmid

1976dr. alice powell

1977dr. elizabeth whitehurst

1978noman Sisisky

1979Jane Moncure

1980dr. Charles Caldwell

1981Jane Goldman

1982Mildred dickerson

1983kathleen wampler

1984Margaret Miller

1985dr. Margaret Mcintyre

1986Jane Shields

1987Harmor Booker

1988Governor Gerald Baliles 1989dr. Shirley Farrier

1990Mary Steinhardt

1991Martha norris Gilbert

1992Marian Houck

1993Grey ritchie

1994Clarene vicery

1995Helen richardson-Mitchell

1996the Honorable Stanley C. walker, va State Senator

1997dr. victoria Fu

1998dr. katharine kersey

1999dr. Stephen Fairchild

2000delegate Mitchell van Yahres

2001Johnnie Humphrey

2002peg Spangenthal 2003Lucille everhart

2004Carole whitener

2005Lisa Collis

2006Jo Lynn deMary

2007ivy Mitchell

2008Judith rosen

2009Governor tim kaine

2010M.a. Lucas

2011John r. Morgan

2012ann Janney-Schultz 2013 adele robinson

2014Mary Landis

2015Sue Hutchison

A genuine leader is not a searcher for consensus but a molder of consensus.

Martin Luther King, Jr.

Page 42: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


vaeCe outstanding Service award

2015 vaeCe outstanding Service to

Children award

Congratulations to Sue Hutchison!

Sue Hutchison has had a major impact on the education and development of young children for her entire life. She began her career over forty years ago as a kindergarten teacher at Bridgewater elementary School in rockingham County, va. while taking time off to raise her three young children, she became a preschool teacher at the James Madison university Lab School. eventually, Sue returned to teaching kindergarten in the public school system.

She then returned to JMu as a teacher-in-residence where she continued to impact young children through her work as an instructor of early childhood education and as the direct of the Lab School there. She successfully saw the school through two naeYC accreditations, earning an unheard of rating of 100% in the most recent cycle.

while the above in itself would certainly provide enough evidence of her commitment to young children, Sue’s most accomplished achievement is her work with the Challenger Baseball League. She was instrumental in developing the Bridgewater league, a division of Little League Baseball for children ages 5-18 with special needs who cannot safely participate in other baseball programs.

Sue has also served as the treasurer for the valley Chapter for more years than we have kept records. In that capacity she maintains all fi nancial records, serves on the executive board to plan, promote, and in many cases – “bring the donuts.” at the state level, Sue has served on the committee to develop preschool standards. Sue is retired now and continues to support young children through her work with the Challenger baseball team and keeping her young grandchildren.

to nominate an individual for 2016, please contact the vaeCe hotline at [email protected] or your local affi liate. When submitting a nomination, include the reason for selection of this nominee, contributions to the education and development of young children, other recognition received by nominee, and any professional recognition.

Page 43: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


vaeCe awards and recognition

the virginia association for early Childhood education has established annual scholarships to be awarded to VAECE members to attend their fi rst VAECE

Conference. each scholarship includes complimentary conference registration and a $100 stipend. The scholarships are awarded to the affi liate chapters who are

sponsoring the Annual Conference. Each affi liate chapter selects one recipient.

2015 Conference Scholarships

the 2015 recipients will be announced at the

vaeCe annual Meeting Saturday, 8:00 - 9:15 am

Salon 4/5

2015 vaeCe Media awardsnominated for their continued efforts to support early childhood education.

katie Brooke has been a reporter in Lynchburg, virginia since 2013 when she graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Broadcasting Communications at Liberty university. Her favorite things about journalism are the many different people she gets to meet and the fact that each day holds a new story. She also loves keeping the community informed, especially when it comes to families and early child-hood development. She enjoys reporting on a little bit of everything including crime, education, health, and local business.

katie Brooke, reporter, aBC 13, wSet

navine is an early childhood professional, practitioner-scholar and an agent of social change with over 17 years of experience in the fi eld of early childhood education. through the use of social media, she is able to promote and bring attention to the efforts of others to provide high-quality early childhood educational opportunities for all. as an advocate, she works diligently on behalf of the children, families and early childhood professionals of South Hampton roads. other roles serving the community include: Star Quality Mentor in the eastern region and Child development Specialist for the Council for professional recognition.

navine Fortune, Social Media Maven

to nominate an individual for 2016, please contact the vaeCe hotline at [email protected] or your local affi liate. When submitting a nomination, include the reason for selection of this nominee.

Page 44: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


naeYC accredited programs

aLive! Child development Centeralexandria, va

annandale Cooperative preschool inc.annandale, va

annandale united Methodist Church Child development Centerannandale, va

aoL Child development CenterSterling, va

aoL Child development CenterSterling, va

auMC weekday preschool and early Learning programannandale, va

Bettye ackerman-Cobb Child development Centerrichmond, va

Booz allen Hamilton Family CenterMcLean, va

Bright Horizons at Crystal Cityarlington, va

Bright Horizons at inova Fair oaksFairfax, va

Bright Horizons at inova Mount vernonalexandria, va

Bright Horizons early education and Back-up CenterMcLean, va

Ca Montessori Children’s CenterHerndon, va

Child Care & education at virginia Hospital Centerarlington, va

Child Care and Learning Centerwashington, va

Child development resources First Stepswilliamsburg, va

Child development resources First Stepswilliamsburg, va

Children’s Harbor - Ghentnorfolk, va

Children’s Harbor ChesapeakeChesapeake, va

Children’s Harbor SuffolkSuffolk, va

Children’s Harbor-olde towneportsmouth, va

Classroom of discoverySterling, va

Communikids preschool LLCFalls Church, va

Country day SchoolMcLean, va

Creative play Schoolalexandria, va

Creative play Schoolalexandria, va

dam neck Child development Centervirginia Beach, va

dora L. Lewis Family & Child development Centerrichmond, va

downtown Hampton Child development CenterHampton, va

elizabeth’s early Learning CenterLynchburg, va

elizabeth’s early Learning CenterLynchburg, va

Fairfax presbyterian preschoolFairfax, va

Fairfax united Methodist Church preschoolFairfax, va

Falls Church - McLean Children’s CenterFalls Church, va

Finding dreams in Children Child development Center at virginia Squarearlington, va

First presbyterian weekday Schoolwinchester, va

Fort eustis Child development CenterFort eustis, va

Fort Lee Child development Center YorktownFort Lee, va

Herndon Children’s Center, inc.Herndon, va

Hidenwood presbyterian preschoolnewport news, va

Hopkins House - James L. & Juliette Mcneil preschool academyalexandria, va

Hopkins House-Helen day preschool academyalexandria, va

HQ Complex dLa Child development CenterFort Belvoir, va

indian village Child development Centerroanoke, va

List of centers provided by naeYC as of January 3, 2015

Page 45: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


naeYC accredited programsinnovation Station Child development Centeralexandria, va

international School of CharlottesvilleCharlottesville, va

JeB Fort Story Child development Centervirginia Beach, va

Joint expeditionary Base Little Creek Child devel-opment Center Little Creekvirginia Beach, va

keiko Company dba rainbow Station at wynd-hamGlen allen, va

kinderCarevirginia Beach, va

kinderCare Learning Centerrichmond, va

kinderCare Learning Centerrichmond, va

kinderCare Learning Centeralexandria, va

kinderCare Learning CenterStafford, va

kinderCare Learning Centerwoodbridge, va

kinderCare Learning Centervirginia Beach, va

kinderCare Learning CenterChester, va

kinderCare Learning Center - ashburn villageashburn, va

kinderCare Learning Center #000208virginia Beach, va

kinderCare Learning Center #301796Fairfax, va

kinderCare Learning Center at Lakeridgewoodbridge, va

kinderCare Learning Center, isaac newton Squarereston, va

kinderCare Learning Center, LLCreston, va

kinderCare Learning Centers #000540Springfield, VA

king of Glory preschool and kindergartenwilliamsburg, va

Langley Child development programsHampton, va

Langley Child development programsHampton, va

Langley Children’s CenterMcLean, va

Living Savior preschoolFairfax Station, va

Main Street Child development CenterFairfax, va

Malcolm w. Cole Child Care CenterCharlottesville, va

Markham part-day preschoolFort Belvoir, va

Multi program Child development CenterFort Lee, va

naval Support activity Hampton roads Child development Centernorfolk, va

naval weapons Station Yorktown Child develop-ment Centernewport news, va

new Gosport Child development Centerportsmouth, va

new Gosport Child development Centerportsmouth, va

new river Community College early Learning Centerdublin, va

north post Child development CenterFort Belvoir, va

northwest Child development CenterChesapeake, va

nSu Child development Labnorfolk, va

our neighborhood Child development Center incCharlottesville, va

parish day Schoolvirginia Beach, va

prince william educational institutewoodbridge, va

Quantico Child development CenterQuantico, va

rainbow riders Childcare CenterBlacksburg, va

rainbow StationMechanicsville, va

rainbow Stationrichmond, va

rainbow Station at the Bouldersrichmond, va

rainbow Station at virginia Beachvirginia Beach, va

rainbow Station at virginia Beachvirginia Beach, va

red apple Child Care dba Starling Child Care and Learning Complexrichmond, va

reston Children’s Centerreston, va

robert e. Simon, Jr. Children’s Center, inc.reston, va

Sharon a. peterson Child development Centervirginia Beach, va

South post Child development CenterFort Belvoir, va

St. anthony’s day Schoolalexandria, va

St. John’s Lutheran early Childhood education Centeralexandria, va

Sunnybrook day Schoolvirginia Beach, va

tauxemont Cooperative preschoolalexandria, va

the Campagna Center - aHS Jefferson Houstonalexandria, va

the Campagna Center - aHS Jefferson Houstonalexandria, va

the Campagna Center - aHS Jefferson Houstonalexandria, va

the Campagna Center - Cora kellyalexandria, va

the Campagna Center - George washington, patrick Henry and tC williamsalexandria, va

the Campagna Center - George washington, patrick Henry and tC williamsalexandria, va

the Campagna Center - George washington, patrick Henry and tC williamsalexandria, va

the Campagna Center - John adamsalexandria, va

the Campagna Center - John adamsalexandria, va

the Child & Family network Centers - Charles Houston & Cora kellyalexandria, va

the Child & Family network Centers - Charles Houston & Cora kellyalexandria, va

Page 46: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

naeYC accredited programsthe Children’s Learning Laboratoryashburn, va

the Children’s School, incarlington, va

the Goddard SchoolChantilly, va

the Goddard Schoolashburn, va

the Goddard School at rivers BendChester, va

the Goddard School, va Beachvirginia Beach, va

the peninsula academyYorktown, va

united Christian parish preschoolreston, va

united Jewish Community early Childhood Centernewport news, va

university of virginia Child development CenterCharlottesville, va

vCu Health System Child Carerichmond, va

vCu Health System Child Carerichmond, va

vCu Health System Child Carerichmond, va

virginia Commonwealth university vCu Child development Centerrichmond, va

virginia tech Child development Center for Learn-ing and researchBlacksburg, va

westgate Childcare, LLC - the Goddard Schoolrichmond, va

winwood Children’s CenterGainesville, va

YMCa Child development Center at Colonial williamsburgwilliamsburg, va

Young Children’s programHarrisonburg, va

YwCa of richmond Child development Centerrichmond, va


Page 47: 2015 VAECE Conference Program
Page 48: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

a world of Children preschool - Holland rdvirginia Beach

aBC Learning Centernorfolk

aCCa Child development Centerannandale

agape early Learning CenterHampton

always Sonshine Learn and playFredericksburg

antioch Learning Centerrichmond

arms of the king, incnewport news

as we Growrichmond

Barnes Child Carenewport news

Barrett early Learning Center, inc.Charlottesville

Bashful Giraffe early Learning CenterLynchburg

Beach day Schoolvirginia Beach

Beach Montessori techvirginia Beach

Beautiful Beginnings daycare and Learning Centerpetersburg

Bedford Head StartBedford

Beginnings academy of Learningnewport news

Bell Creek Child developmentMechanicsville

Bethesda kidz Childcare Centerpowhatan

Betty’s Child Care CenterHampton

Beverley Manor elementary preschoolStaunton

Big island Head StartBig island

Bonsack Baptist weekday early education Centerroanoke

Bountiful BlessingsLynchburg

Bright Heights Learning Centernewport news

Bright Stars - CaleCharlottesville

Bright Stars - GreerCharlottesville

Bright Stars - ScottsvilleScottsville

Bright Stars - Stone robinsonCharlottesville

Bright Stars - woodbrookCharlottesville

Bright Start Learning Centeralexandria

Bryant early Learning Centeralexandria

Building Blocks preschoolnorfolk

Building Bridgesdublin

Bullfrogs and Butterfliesvirginia Beach

Busy B’s day Care Centerdublin

Calvary Children’s Schoolarlington

Cameron elementary School Head Startalexandria

Campagna Center - alexandria Head Start - Cora kellyalexandria

Campagna Center - alexandria Head Start - novaalexandria

2015 Star programs


Campagna Center - alexandria Head Start - St. paul’salexandria

Campagna Center - George washingtonalexandria

Campagna tiny titans Child development Centeralexandria

Captain kiddsHampton

Carousel Child development Center, LLC - ManassasManassas

Cdi Head Start - Bowling Green elementaryBowling Green

Cdi Head Start - Lewis & Clark elementaryruther Glen

Cdi Head Start - Madison elementaryruther Glen

Centerville Baptist preschoolChesapeake

Childcare network #123Bristol

Children First Learning CenterBlairs

Children of america ManassasManassas

Children of america-Bluemont CrossingSpotsylvania

Children of america-deacon roadStafford

Children of america-docStoneStafford

Children of america-Lees HillSpotsylvania

Children of america-Salem ChurchFredericksburg

Children of the villagenewport news

Children’s academics CenterShawsville

the following centers and programs are currently

Star rated.

Page 49: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

2015 Star programs


Children’s Castleroanoke

Children’s Choice Learning Centerrichmond

Children’s Harbor SuffolkSuffolk

Children’s Harbor-ChesapeakeChesapeake

Children’s Harbor-Ghentnorfolk

Children’s Harbor-olde towneportsmouth

Childtime Learning Center-FairfaxFairfax

Childtime Learning Center-restonreston

Churchville elementary preschoolChurchville

Clymore elementary preschoolFort Defiance

Colonial day Schoolnorfolk

Community improvement Council, inc. Head Start Child developmentdanville

Copper Hill Child CareFloyd

Cornerstone preschoolFredericksburg

Cornerstone tendercarepetersburg

Courthouse Christian preschool and afterschoolvirginia Beach

Covenant presbyterian preschoolroanoke

Covesville Child development CenterCovesville

Craig County Child Care Centernew Castle

Craigsville elementary preschoolCraigsville

Creative Learning School inc.alexandria

Creative play School - Howard Streetalexandria

Cuffie Chapel Day Caredendron

Culpeper Baptist Child development CenterCulpeper

Culpeper County Child CareCulpeper

Culpeper County Head StartCulpeper

Curious kat Child development Centernorfolk

danville regional Medical Center Child Care Centerdanville

denbigh Head Startnewport news

denbigh united presbyterian preschoolnewport news

downtown Hampton Child development Center @ Mary peakeHampton

eagles nestnewport news

eagles nest Learning Center denbighnewport news

elon Head StartMadison Heights

emmanuel Lutheran preschool and Child devel-opment CenterHampton

enoch Baptist Church Christian academyvirginia Beach

episcopal Church of the ascension day Schoolnorfolk

Fairfax County employees’ Child Care CenterFairfax

Faith Childcare & development CenterHampton

Faith Christian academyHurt

Falls Church-McLean Children’s CenterFalls Church

Families First Children’s Centerdanville

Family YMCa of emporia-Greenvilleemporia

FCpS dogwood Head Startreston

First Baptist ashland CCdCashland

First Baptist early Childhood development CenterCharlottesville

First Baptist preschool - newport newsnewport news

First Christian School & a division of First Bap-tist ChurchSouth Hill

First discovery Child development Centervirginia Beach

First Steps Child Care & development Centerwilliamsburg

First united Methodist preschoolnewport news

Five Star academyLynchburg

For kids only Child Care CenterQuinton

Foundations Child development CenterCharlottesville

Four Seasons day Careking George

Fries Head Start CenterFries

Galax Head Start CenterGalax

Generations CrossingHarrisonburg

George Mason university Child dev, CenterFairfax

Georgetown South early Head Start CdCManassas

Gifted Minds academyportsmouth

Good 4 kidz 1 daycare & Learning Center, incHopewell

Grace united Methodist weekday educational programnewport news

Grandin Court Baptist preschoolroanoke

Great things Christian Child CareChesapeake

Greenvale School inc.roanoke

Growing up at oBiCi preschool and Child development CenterSuffolk

Gum Springs Children Centeralexandria

Hampton university Child development CenterHampton

Happy daycare early Learning Centernorfolk

Hardy elementary Learning CenterSmithfield

Harvest Child Care Center/BEVCpetersburg

Page 50: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

2015 Star programs


Head Start at BattlefieldManassas

Head Start at Gar-Fieldwoodbridge

Head Start at Historic trianglewilliamsburg

Head Start at Hyltonwoodbridge

Head Start at James riverwilliamsburg

Head Start at west GateManassas

Hensel eckman YMCa Child development Centerpulaski

Heritage Child development CenterCulpeper

Herndon parkway kinderCareHerndon

Hidenwood presbyterian preschoolnewport news

Hilltop day Care CenterCharlottesville

Hopkins House - Mcneil preschool academyalexandria

Huddleston Head StartHuddleston

Hugh k. Cassell elementary preschoolwaynesboro

i Can Child Care CenterHampton

in Coretta’s Carenewport news

Infinitee Day Schoolnorfolk

James Child development Centerprince George

Jefferson Houston vpialexandria

John adams elementary School - vpialexandria

Joyful Care Child Care CenterHampton

kempsville preschool Buddiesvirginia Beach

kiddie BridgesSalem

kid’s Cottage, LLCking George

kids HeavenBlacksburg

kids unlimited - CentralLow Moor

kids unlimited - westCovington

kidz Learn -n-playwaverly

king George County preschool programking George

king George Family YMCa preschoolking George

king of Glory preschool and kindergartenwilliamsburg

kingston parish preschoolMathews

La petite academy - Culver Lanevirginia Beach

La petite academy 7130Manassas

La petite academy 7131dumfries

Laurel Learning Centerreston

Leaping & Learning Child development Center LLCnorfolk

Learn ‘n play preschool and Children’s CenterFredericksburg

Liberty Christian academy early Learning CenterLynchburg

Liddle tykes Child development CenterGalax

Light Years infant Care Centernorfolk

Lil angels day CareHopewell

Little BlessingsCascade

Little explorers Child development CenterHopewell

Little School, inc.Hopewell

Little treasuresCana

Little wingsLynchburg

Loch Meadow kindergartennorfolk

London Towne E.S. Head Start/FECEPCentreville

Madison Heights Head StartMadison Heights

Main Street Child development CenterFairfax

Mallory Head StartHampton

Manassas park Community Center preschoolManassas park

Marion Baptist Church Child development programMarion

Marriner Christian academyportsmouth

Mary Bethune academyLynchburg

Middlesex Family YMCa preschoolHartfield

Milestones Child Care CenterFloyd

Minnieland a Child’s place iiFredericksburg

Minnieland academy at technologyManassas

Miss amy’s Child Careabingdon

Mt vernon Lee Child development Centeralexandria

naSa Langley Child development CenterHampton

new direction Childcare & Learning Centerrichmond

new river Community College early Learning Centerdublin

norfolk Montessori academynorfolk

norge elementary Schoolwilliamsburg

north river elementary preschoolMt. Solon

northern amherst Head Startamherst

no. va. Family Service George Mason Head Start Child development Centerarlington

northwest Child development Centerroanoke

nrCa-Blacksburg Head StartBlacksburg

nrCa-Christiansburg Head StartChristiansburg

nrCa-narrows Head Startnarrows

nrCa-pearisburg Head Startpearisburg

Page 51: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

2015 Star programs


nrCa-pulaski Head Startpulaski

nrCa-radford Head Startradford

nSu Child development Labnorfolk

oak Grove Child Care Centerrichmond

oceana Child development Centervirginia Beach

Office of Human Affairs Aberdeen SchoolHampton

old Forest road Head StartLynchburg

orange County public Schools Child Care Centerorange

otter river Head StartGoode

parish day School of eastern Shore Chapelvirginia Beach

parkway preschoolroanoke

patrick Henry elementary School vpialexandria

pCCa Head Start - Bethel Baptist Churchdanville

pCCa Head Start - ChathamChatham

piedmont YMCa intergenerational Learning CenterCharlottesville

play - n-pretenddanville

portsmouth YMCaportsmouth

precious Gems Christian Child Careking George

princess anne preschool Buddiesvirginia Beach

Quaker Memorial presbyterian day SchoolLynchburg

rainbow riders Child Care CenterBlacksburg

rainbow riders Childcare Center at vt CrCBlacksburg

rainbow Station at virginia Beachvirginia Beach

randolph College nursery SchoolLynchburg

riverheads elementary preschoolStaunton

rivermont ave Baptist Church early Learning CenterLynchburg

roC Child Care and development Centerrichmond

ron rosner of Spotsylvania Co. YMCa pre-schoolSpotsylvania

S.p. Morton elementary School - vpiFranklin

Saint patrick Catholic Schoolnorfolk

Salem Fields Learning CenterFredericksburg

SCS Cedar Forest elementary School - Head StartFredericksburg

SCS Courtland elementary - Head StartSpotsylvania

SCS John J. wright education & Cultural Center - Head StartSpotsylvania

SCS Livingston elementary School-Head StartSpotsylvania

SCS Salem elementary School-Head StartFredericksburg

SCS wilderness elementary School-Head StartSpotsylvania

Shiloh pittsylvania County Head StartCascade

Simonsdale presbyterian preschoolportsmouth

Sinclair elementary Head StartManassas

Small Steps Learning academyroanoke

Smyrna Child development Centerdinwiddie

Someplace Like Home, LLC Childhood devel-opment CenterHampton

South roanoke united Methodist preschoolroanoke

Southside Child development Centerrichmond

St. andrew preschoolLynchburg

St. andrew preschool - SuffolkSuffolk

St. George’s episcopal preschoolFredericksburg

St. James Children’s Centerrichmond

St. John Child development CenterStony Creek

St. John’s Lutheran early Childhood education Centeralexandria

St. Luke’s united Methodist preschoolFalls Church

St. philip Lutheran pre-kindergartenroanoke

Stafford County Head StartFredericksburg

Steppin Stonesvirginia Beach

Stepping Stones Child development Center - Jeffersonnewport news

Stepping Stones Child development Center - warwicknewport news

Stewartsville Head StartGoodview

Stuarts draft elementary preschoolStuarts draft

Stump elementary preschoolStuarts draft

Sugar and Spice Child enrichment Center of vaGalax

Sunshine Child Care CenterFredericksburg

tap Belmont Head Startroanoke

tap Head Start Betty Lou Brown CdCroanoke

tap Head Start St. John’s Child development Centerroanoke

tap Jefferson Street Child development Center Head Startroanoke

tap Lansdowne Head Startroanoke

taylor early Head Startorange

teaching Little ChristiansMadison Heights

texie Camp Marks Children’s CenterFranklin

the Carmel Schoolruther Glen

Page 52: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

2015 Star programs


the Child and Family network Centers - Chirilaguaalexandria

the Child and Family network Centers -Mt vernonalexandria

the Children’s CenterSuffolk

the Children’s Center at prudenSuffolk

the Children’s Center early Head StartFranklin

the Country MouseLawrenceville

the Garden of Children Ltdnewport news

the Gingerbread HouseFranklin

the improvement association Greensville/Emporia Head Startemporia

the improvement association refuge Head Startalberta

the improvement association-dinwiddiedinwiddie

the kensington Schoolwilliamsburg

the Learning Center at encounterFredericksburg

the Learning Ladder Child development CenterChristiansburg

the Stand Schoolprince George

thrasher preschoolvinton

tinkling Spring presbyterian Church early Childhood Learning CenterFishersville

tiny angels early Learning Center, inc.appomattox

tot Spot Camdendanville

tot Spot Child Care Center & kindergartendanville

tots around the Clockvirginia Beach

trinity Lutheran School preschoolnewport news

trinity preschoolMoneta

valley interfaith Child Care CenterBlacksburg

verona elementary preschoolverona

virginia tech Child development Center for Learning and researchBlacksburg

wee Care day Care LLCnewport news

western Branch academyChesapeake

westminster Child Care CenterCharlottesville

weyanoke eS Head Start- FCpSalexandria

white rock Head StartLynchburg

white rock Head StartLynchburg

william Byrd Community Houserichmond

william ramsay elementary School vpialexandria

williams Farm preschool Buddiesvirginia Beach

williamsburg Campus Child Carewilliamsburg

wilson elementary preschoolFishersville

windsor Baptist Learning Centerwindsor

woodlawn Baptist Church parent’s out programHopewell

woodlawn Learning Center-Head StartHopewell

woodley Hills eS Head Start FCpSalexandria

wythe presbyterian preschoolHampton

wytheville Child development Centerwytheville

YMCa newport newsnewport news

York County Head Start - YorktownYorktown

York County Head Start at Bethel ManorLangley aFB

York County Head Start-Griffin Yeateswilliamsburg

Page 53: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

2015 Family and Home-Based Star programs


a Joyous Beginning Learning Centerrichmond

a parent’s Helping Hands daycarenewport news

all things Common Family day CareLynchburg

annie’s Home day Carenorfolk

anointed Minds early Learning CenterMadison Heights

araceli’s Family Child Caretoano

Bettina’s Blissful Home daycarenorfolk

Blessings from aboverichmond

Booker’s daycare preschool Homepetersburg

Bre’s Care Home ChildcareChesapeake

Building Minds preschool & daycareHaymarket

Busy Bees Child Carenorfolk

Childcare GardenFairfax

Childcare Starnewport news

Children of FaithFranklin

Children’s Corner Family Child Care HomeSuffolk

ComfortZone Family day Carevirginia Beach

dana’s daycareGlen allen

debbie’s daycareManassas

discovery daycareLebanon

dJ’s Shining StarsChesterfield

Fairfield Montessori Schoolvirginia Beach

Faith academy Home daycaredumfries

Fluitt’s Child Carealexandria

Gabdan’s Christian Schooldanville

Gail e. Bland Family Child Carerichmond

Glory Home Child Care preschoolGoochland

Grandma’s daycare and preschoolreston

Guardian angel Family daycareSpring Grove

Heavenly Hearts daycareChesapeake

Heavenly playhouserichmond

Heaven’s Light Childcare LLCNorth Chesterfield

Howard’s day Caredanville

infant toddler Family day Carevienna

Jackson Child CareSpringfield

Jackson’s Child Carepetersburg

Juliana’s ChildcareFredericksburg

Jumpstart Creative Childcareportsmouth

kathy rider day CareBluefield

keeler’s Family day Carewinchester

kiddie kastle Family day Homevirginia Beach

kids First Home CareChesapeake

Leona Buford’s Family Home daycarepetersburg

Lil House of Smilesemporia

Little Friends Child Carepetersburg

Little imaginations daycareportsmouth

Little prince and Little princess Family day Careringgold

Little Stars ChildcareChesapeake

Little Sunshine Child Careportsmouth

Love 4 them Childcareportsmouth

Marietta parham daycarepetersburg

Martin Family day CareMartinsville

Michelle’s playlandSuffolk

MJ’s Family daycareYorktown

Ms. Barbara’s Child Carenorfolk

neighborhood Child development Centerrichmond

nurture Home Carerichmond

our Little Stars Christian Home Child CareChesapeake

precious Bookworm daycare and Learning Centerwoodbridge

pulley’s Childcare & preschool Homedinwiddie

raggedy ann Child Care LLCrichmond

rising Stars daycare and Learning CenterHampton

Sandy’s tender CareChesapeake

Seifu infant toddler Family day Carealexandria

tender Care daycareportsmouth

the wonderful world of Childrennorfolk

tiny tots daycareportsmouth

tiny world Child CareChesapeake

toddler time Home daycareportsmouth

tracy’s tiny totsStafford

white’s Home Family daycareChesapeake

XQuiZit Care for kidsrichmond

the following family and home-based programs are currently Star rated.

Page 54: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

For details contact:

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Schedule this program at your school. Classes available in the Richmond Metropolitan area.

Early Literacy Programs for Preschools, Day Care Centers, and Kindergartens

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Participatory creative drama for 3 1/2 – 5 years old

Ideal introduction to the magical worlds of theatre and literature

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Early Childhood Programming

Page 55: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

presentersakers, rebecca [email protected] Billion neurons: Fostering Language development in Young ChildrenFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, dominion

alexander, karen [email protected] encouragement: knowing what to Say the High Scope wayCo- presenter(s): Latoya Carter, Bethany Hill, Jessica nettlesFriday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon C

almarode, John [email protected] Luncheon* with John almarodeThursday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm, Salon 4/5

alvarado, Cecelia [email protected] importance of rituals in the Lives of ChildrenSaturday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Madison

alvis, angela [email protected] play in Young Children in inclusion SettingsCo- presenter(s): Sharon SheppardSaturday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon B

andrew, Sara [email protected]: respectfully Setting Limits for Young ChildrenFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon BFriday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Monroe

arnn, amanda [email protected] at our MasterpiecesCo- presenter(s): karen davisSaturday, 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm, Madison

Bader, adria [email protected] ahead: Making Science and Math Fun in the ClassroomSaturday, 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm, Capitol

Balum, elaine [email protected] Skills: Standards tell us what, reasearch tell us How Common Core Standardsthursday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Salon 6

Banks, kathy [email protected] is Changing: adjusting our Lens- it’s all about perspectivethursday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon CFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon a

Barnes, Melissa [email protected] Materials and the role of the Studio artist in reggio inspired Centersthursday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Capitol

Barnes, Susan [email protected]’s early Childhood needs assessment: voices of Families and providersCo- presenter(s): teresa Harris, John almarodethursday, 8:00 am - 10:00 am, Salon d

Beauchat, katherine [email protected] walk; an engaging vocabulary Strategy for Young ChildrenCo- presenter(s): katrin BlameySaturday, 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm, dominion

Bevan, Courtney [email protected] for the Special needs ChildFriday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Salon 5

Bieber, kae [email protected] portfolios: Believe in the Magicthursday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Madison

Bishop, Susan [email protected] a developmentally appropriate preschool Leadership programFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Jefferson

Blank kelner, Lenore [email protected] dramatic approach for developing oral Language and Literacy Skillsthursday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Capitol

Bolt, Jacqueline [email protected] play BoxesSaturday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon 1

Bornoff, Faith [email protected] Life Long leadership Skills in School aged ChildrenCo- presenter(s): nicole Schaefer, keia Shearnthursday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 1putting preschoolers in Charge of Learning through Student Lead ConferencesCo- presenter(s): tiffany Linick, Shannon Foster, katie StrangeFriday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Madison

Brereton, amy [email protected] in the early Childhood ClassroomCo- presenter(s): aaron rhodes, Jason parr, eric Schneiderhan, Chris tietjen, Gary kennedySaturday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Jefferson

Brown, Susan [email protected] the parent teacher partnershipSaturday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Salon d

Brown, kathryn [email protected]’s art as a pathway to Literacythursday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, dominion

Buchanan, Margo [email protected] protective Services and Mandated reporters in eCeCo- presenter(s): elizabeth pageSaturday, 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm, Salon 6

Carrig, Luann [email protected]! Cooking in the Classroomthursday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Salon aGuiding Children to Reflection and MeditationThursday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Salon 4/5that Child’s Humming is driving Me Crazy! the theory of Multiple intelligencesthursday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Salon 1rock, paper, Scissors - Helping Children develop Fine Motor abilityFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon 1pass the Carrots please- evaluating, Supporting and rewarding StaffFriday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon 6Let’s Make a deal - Methods to Support Making Your program the BiG deaL oF tHe daYFriday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Salon 6You Say trash, i Say Collection!Friday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Salon 1

Carter, Latoya [email protected] in play the High Scope wayCo- presenter(s): karen alexander, Bethany Hill, Jessica nettlesFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Commonwealth

Clark, Carol [email protected] to Basics; Quilting, woodworking and Gardening in a SteM worldthursday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Madison

Clauberg, Michelle [email protected] the early Childhood programthursday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 6

Cobbs, Stanley [email protected] Health observation and Blood Borne pathogensthursday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon Bdaily Health observation & Blood Borne pathogensFriday, 12:30 pm - 1:45 pm, Capitol

Coleman Montealegre, Carol [email protected] practices for working with dual Language LearnersFriday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Salon 5


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Condrey, Heidi [email protected]: the Heart of emotional intelligencethursday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, MonroeFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, MonroeFriday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Salon 3preventing power Struggles: the power of ChoiceSaturday, 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm, MonroeSaturday, 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm, Monroe

Cook, Cathy [email protected] developing Brain and a Growing Child; wired for early LearningCo- presenter(s): Cheryl Hendersonthursday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Madison

Cruse, Cecilia [email protected] Sensory Solutions for infants and toddlersFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 1

danis, rebecca rdanis@va- itsnetwork.orgthe Joy of art- process Focused art for toddlers and twosFriday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, CapitolSaturday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon 3

darling, Betsy [email protected]’s experimentCo- presenter(s): Linda tiernan- JohnsonSaturday, 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm, Madison

dawson, krista [email protected] a Firm preschool Foundation with Foundation BlocksCo- presenter(s): Cybil Faulks BrownFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, MadisonCatch the reading wave: Building reading and writing into Your Summer programsCo- presenter(s): Beth MorrisFriday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, dominion

dixon, wendy [email protected] in puddles: Creating play Based Meaningful outdoor experiencesCo- presenter(s): Suzanne HendrixFriday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Salon C

edwards, Lynne [email protected] a trauma Sensitive Learning environmentCo- presenter(s): Marjorie Buchananthursday, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Salon B

erdman, Sarah [email protected] Sourced CultureCo- presenter(s): Stacia JacksonFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 5

Faulks- Brown, Cybil [email protected] resiliency and Building relationships in preschoolersCo- presenter(s): Sadie JohnsonSaturday, 7:30 am - 9:30 am, Salon 8Managing Staff with Difficult PersonalitiesCo- presenter(s): kim tuppinceSaturday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Salon 8

Forrest, dianna [email protected] what? we Believe in You! interactive activities and Conversations to Help Children expand their ideasSaturday, 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm, Madison

Fortune, navine [email protected] teacher Child interactions…explore, empower and enrichthursday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon B

Foster, tammy [email protected] Book themes; promoting Children’s Literacy through activitiesCo- presenter(s): robin doggettthursday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, dominion

Futrell, Quniana [email protected] a Grip on Qualitythursday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Jeffersonwho Have parents in prison need teachers who know about prisonFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Jefferson advocacy 101Friday, 1:30 pm - 2:45 pm, Salon 7 Children

Gagliardi, dakota [email protected] tools of the Mind in the ClassroomCo- presenter(s): dorothy SlussSaturday, 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm, Salon d

Gardiner, Mary Margaret [email protected] instructional Support: an introduction to improvement StrategiesFriday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, JeffersonFriday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Jefferson

Garner, katie [email protected] early Learners through the Brain’s BaCkdoor for easy access to the alphabet and Beyondthursday, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Salon aFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 pm, Commonwealth

Gibbs, Marianne [email protected] Motor Skills…write out of the Boxthursday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon 1

Goode, Constance [email protected] SteMtastic kids using art and LiteratureSaturday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Commonwealth

Graham, ashley [email protected] with Home visiting programs to impact Children Beyond the ClassroomCo- presenter(s): Brittany tracy SmithFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon CSaturday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 1

Griffey, emily [email protected] and You: news and action from richmond and More!Co- presenter(s): Mary Beth testaFriday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Madison

Guttman, alan [email protected]’s there to protect the Child: Strategies for Mandated reportersCo- presenter(s): thursday, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Salon 7 Friday, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm, Commonwealth

Hafner, Mary Lynn [email protected] 5 preschool developmental QuestionsFriday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Salon 1

Harvey, Jaye [email protected] virginia Cross- Sector professional development System: what’s new?Friday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Salon 6

Haynes, Marvena [email protected]’s SidSSaturday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon 3

Hill, Bethany [email protected] parent involvement that Stays, the High Scope wayCo- presenter(s): Latoya Carter, Jessica nettles, karen alexanderFriday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Salon 4

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Hornbeck, amy [email protected] Me to play: Scaffolding play for Children on the autism SpectrumCo- presenter(s): angela alvisSaturday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Salon 7

Hughes, kim [email protected] Conscious disciplinethursday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Monroeusing a Big voice: teaching the Skills of assertiveness and Communicationthursday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, MonroeFriday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Monroe

Jackson, Mary [email protected] enhance GreatnessSaturday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon 4/5

Jackson, nicole [email protected] the Beginner teacher for the First day of Schoolthursday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon 6documenting Milestones through portfoliosSaturday, 7:30 am - 9:30 am, Salon d

keenum, emily [email protected]’s eCe Learning Collaboratives project; Quality practices to prevent Childhood obesitySaturday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Madison

keith, Shelley [email protected] [email protected] professional development: Self directed Learning to improve QualityFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon 6

king, Melissa [email protected] Learning for Little kids: what Makes it Great?Co- presenter(s): Ben GraffSaturday, 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm, Salon 4/5

kinlaw, Gwendolyn [email protected] is a Matter of MindsSaturday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon 1

knowles, kristal [email protected], tigers, toddlers, oh My!Friday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 3

kowal, dawn [email protected] projects StartedFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Capitol

krull, Sharron [email protected] and wiggles! it’s Circle timeFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon CGet Your Motor running! physical activities for toddlers and preschoolersSaturday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon B

Leatherwood, kathleen [email protected] Crazy english: raps and Songs for teaching english LiteracySaturday, 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm, dominion

Leonard, tracy [email protected] resilient Children through the use of StoriesFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, dominion

Lloyd, amanda [email protected] Myself So i Can Better Manage othersSaturday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Monroe

Lloyd, amanda [email protected] Myself So i Can Better Manage othersthursday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 3the truth about ConsequencesFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Monroeenhancing teaching and assessment by identifying Learning Styles of Young ChildrenSaturday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon 4/5

Maddox, katherine [email protected], Hear, do, and Learn!Co- presenter(s): elizabeth windomSaturday, 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm, Salon 1

Martin, Gerin [email protected] Boys in the preschool Classroom: it’s up to usCo- presenter(s): Sandy SlackFriday, 2:15 pm - 4:15 pm, Salon 8

Mauck, rebecca [email protected] new under the Sun; You Have the power to Make a differenceCo- presenter(s): Marilyn rice, Susanne Croasdaile, patsy Moon, Laura ramsey, Celeste Schmidt, Mary thorntonSaturday, 7:30 am - 9:30 am, Salon 7

Maxey, tammy [email protected] on the Farm; a Hands on approach to LearningFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon a

McCarthy- Hughes, peggy [email protected] Fun Family eventsSaturday, 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm, Salon 1

McCartney, Holly [email protected] what’s right: examining ethical issues in the early Childhood professionalSaturday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Capitol

McCarty, Jane [email protected] Your words! engaged Conversation with toddlersthursday, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Salon 3

McCreedy, Barbara [email protected] Effective Board of Directors; Fulfill Your program Mission and ensure Quality improvementSaturday, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon 7

McGill austin, kathryn [email protected]’s explore the number Core: Sequencing Math instruction to Build number SenseFriday, 9:30 am - 11:30 am, Salon 8

Mcnulty- Shaffer, rebecca [email protected]! a peek inside a Montessori inspired ClassroomCo- presenter(s): Lori Maranothursday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Jefferson

Metz, Joshua [email protected] i.d.e.a. Strategy for Challenging BehaviorFriday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, JeffersonFriday, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Salon a

Meyers, kris [email protected] Star Quality 2.0- overview of the virginia Star Quality initiatives new StandardsThursday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Salon 4/5

Miller, kimberly [email protected] instruction in opening Groupthursday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, JeffersonStarting a preschool Learning CooperativeCo- presenter(s): Saturday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon 2

Mohl, ron [email protected] Your SteaM teamCo- presenter(s): Saturday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon C

Moriarty, anne [email protected] You See is what You GetFriday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, MonroeBoost Learning time with Brain BreaksSaturday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Monroe

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presentersMurphy, Gayanne gmurphy@va- itsnetwork.orgready Set Go! the importance of physical activity and active play for infants and toddlersthursday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Salon 3

Musselman, Samara [email protected] Job title Says director, But i am truly a LeaderSaturday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon 6

nettles, Jessica [email protected] Friendships the High Scope way!Co- presenter(s): Latoya Carter, Bethany Hill, karen alexanderFriday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Salon a

newlin, richelle [email protected] new words From Storiesthursday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, dominionplanning around the preschool CorFriday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Salon 4

nieliwocki, Janice [email protected] issues in a Handbook and a nutshellthursday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 2unlucky 13: the 13 Manager Mistakes that Can Lead to Lawsuitsthursday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Salon 2Legal aspects of recruiting, interviewing, Hiring, and terminatingthursday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Salon 2evaluating Your employees performancethursday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Salon 2the Fair Labor Standards act: Child Care related to the FLSaFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 7the top three legal issues effecting early Care programsFriday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Salon 7using Your personnel policy Manual as an effective Management toolFriday, 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Salon 7

norris, vicki [email protected] to Build Beginning Literacy Skills that Last a LifetimeFriday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, dominion

oandasan, Joyce [email protected] 7 Habits for effective Leadersthursday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon 6

o’Connor- Floman, karen [email protected]“Welcome/Bienvenidos/Bienvenue” Preschool acclimation Strategies for non native SpeakersCo- presenter(s): Jessica Morales, Fadila rakeneFriday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, dominion

owen, Janet [email protected], [email protected] writing: From early Scribbles to Meaningful writingthursday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, dominion

owen, Janet [email protected] Learning from Favorite Children’s Books across all Curriculum areasthursday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, dominion

pace, Corrinne [email protected] environment as the third teacher; Sensory editionthursday, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Salon 8teaching Children with emotional and Behavioral disordersSaturday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Jefferson

page, elizabeth [email protected] Mindfullness activities to Help Children Manage their BehaviorCo- presenter(s): Margo Buchananthursday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Jefferson Saturday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon CTalking to Parents About Difficult IssuesCo- presenter(s): Margo BuchananSaturday, 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm, Salon 6

phelps, Lin [email protected] the Heart of the program is YouFriday, 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm, Salon C

pierce, Joe [email protected] the power of effective Feedback: using CLaSS observations as a Catalyst for teacher professional GrowthFriday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon B

ports, dottie [email protected] Books: keep the wonderSaturday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, dominion

ramsey, Laura [email protected] narrative icons: Story Quilt representations of Children’s Storiesthursday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Capitol when You are old, Your eyelashes will Fall out; preschool investigation of Life and deaththursday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Capitol

ray, tracey [email protected] your Competitor into Your ColleagueSaturday, 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm, Salon 6

reece wilson, donald [email protected] Look touch! Science for Young ChildrenCo- presenter(s): dorothy SlussFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon 2Saturday, 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm, Salon d

reed, trish [email protected], explore, play, read with pBSCo- presenter(s): Martha razorthursday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Salon 1

rice, erin [email protected] through the ages- instilling art appreciation in the Youngest GenerationFriday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Madison

rice, Marilyn [email protected] inCLuSion Looks Like in a Quality programFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 4

richardson, Melissa [email protected] Drama Everywhere; Bringing Nonfiction to LifeFriday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Salon B

rowe, Joan [email protected] dramatic play in the preschool environmentFriday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon 1

Sapp, tausha [email protected] k Math…what’s that?Saturday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon B

Schmerler, alison [email protected] at risk k’s Before they Fail in 20 Mins/DaySaturday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, dominioneasy, effective Literacy for pkSaturday, 3:45 pm - 5:00 pm, dominion

Seth, kamna [email protected] to High Quality! naeYC accreditation information Sessionthursday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, JeffersonCreating Family Connections: complying with the naeYC accreditation Criteria for Families StandardFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 6


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Shields Flowers, Jessica [email protected] words that Build Strong Brainsthursday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, MonroeSaturday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, MonroeBoosting Children’s Brain potential through Connections that CountSaturday, 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm, Monroe

Sifford, tricia [email protected] the Journey towards Quality using the environment rating ScalesCo- presenter(s): Saturday, 12:45 pm - 2:00 pm, Salon B

Slack, Sandy [email protected] Boys: it’s up to us!Co- presenter(s): Gerin MartinThursday, 4:00 pm - 5:00 pm, Salon 4/5Supporting Boys in the preschool Classroom: it’s up to usCo- presenter(s): Gerin MartinFriday, 2:15 pm - 4:15 pm, Salon 8

Sluss, dorothy [email protected] in the preschool and kindergarten Classroomthursday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon CFriday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Salon 2

Small, Lauren [email protected] essentials of Human resource developmentSaturday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 6

Smith turner, Cheryl [email protected] the Bar for Classroom Behavior Means teaching to expectationsthursday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, MadisonFriday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon a

Smythe, rose ann [email protected] a nature Based Curriculum around an active Children’s Gardenthursday, 3:30 pm - 4:45 pm, Salon C

Spano, Sedra [email protected] the CLaSS System: Learning about, Measuring and improving interactionsFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon 3

Spencer, karin [email protected] in My Classroom: Let’s talk about what to doCo- presenter(s): Lorelie pishathursday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Salon 8

Steen, Bweikia [email protected] up! Successfully engaging all Families in the Classroom and BeyondCo- presenter(s): niamah a. dollySaturday, 2:30 pm - 4:30 pm, Salon 8

Stine, patty [email protected]: the Brain BuilderFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 2tools for tantrumsFriday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Salon 2playing it Safe playground SafetySaturday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Commonwealth

Streckewald, Ginny [email protected] a Learning Space for infants and toddlersFriday, 2:00 pm - 3:15 pm, Salon 3

taylor, ashley [email protected] in the Classroom: How-to for toddler teachersCo- presenter(s): penny JohnsonFriday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon 3

thomas- Jackson, nicole [email protected] academic excellence through play: the ideal eC ClassroomFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Capitol

thompson, Cheryl [email protected] in Great expectations; Creating Big vocabulary for Little peopleSaturday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, dominion

thompson, eliza [email protected] pathology Collaboration:providing effective and Sustainable intervention Services in kenyaFriday, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm, Commonwealth

thornton, Mary mthornton@mcvh- vcu.eduLions tigers and Men: How Male practitioners Influence the Lives of Children and the Culture of eCeCo- presenter(s): patricia Moon, tracy waltersSaturday, 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm, Jefferson

valente, Lori [email protected]’s arty infants: arts inclusion Years one and twoSaturday, 2:15 pm - 3:30 pm, Salon 3

vaughan, Bettie [email protected] playtime...Big pumpkin...mmm, pumpkin pie!Co- presenter(s): Margaret F, woyerSaturday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Madison

walker, Mariella [email protected]’re all in this together! Building Connections Between preschool and Familiesthursday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 7Spotlight on Literacy developmentthursday, 10:00 am - 12:00 pm, Commonwealthreaching out to dual Language Learners: top 10 Strategiesthursday, 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm, Commonwealth

walter, Heather [email protected] resiliency through play; a Case Study perspectiveCo- presenter(s): asia Chalin, angela royster, william whiteFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Madison

watkins, peggy [email protected] va Shared network- a new provider web resource for all Your Child Care needsCo- presenter(s): Jodi robertsthursday, 11:00 am - 12:15 pm, Salon 1

white, Mary Lynn [email protected] Bullying prevention Must Start earlySaturday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Commonwealth

white, william [email protected] an inclusive Successful environment for all StudentsFriday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon B

williams, alyson [email protected] planning for Quality improvementSaturday, 9:30 am - 10:45 am, Salon 6

worthington, kirby [email protected] it: physical activities and Cognitive developmentFriday, 8:00 am - 9:15 am, Salon 8

“Teachers have three loves: love of learning, love of learners, and

the love of bringing the first two loves together.”

- Scott Hayden

Page 60: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


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Page 61: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

Commercial exhibitors

kamna Seth [email protected]

www.preschoolfirst.comBooth: 26

platinum Conference Sponsor the exhibit Hall is located in the Grand Ballroom. Booth numbers are subject to



Abrams Learning TrendsMike Gregory and Michael [email protected], 800-277-9120www.abramslearningtrends.comtable: 1

Accelerate Learningtom Custertcuster@acceleratelearning.com443-413-5409www.acceleratelearning.comBooth: 21

Barrs RecreationCarolynne [email protected]: 34

Bright Horizons Family SolutionsStacie Schattenbergstacie.schattenberg@brighthorizons.com617-331-2514www.brighthorizons.comBooth: 19

CommuniKidsamerica deloachamerica@communikids.com804-360-3400www.communikids.comBooth: 22

Community PlaythingsMolly thornsales@communityplaythings.com800-777-4244www.communityplaythings.comBooth: 9

Conscious DisciplineMandy Lloydmandylloyd.cdci@gmail.com703-216-5106www.consciousdiscipline.comBooth: 7 and 11

DentaQuest/Smiles For ChildrenJacqueline wakejacqueline.wake@dentaquest.com866-853-0657www.dentaquest.comBooth: 25

DexterGenny [email protected]: 17

Discount School SupplyFrancine towbridgeFtowbridge@discountschoolsupply.com240-252-9836www.discountschoolsupply.comBooth: 23

Discovery ToysJudith [email protected]: 2

Felt LadyMichelle [email protected]: 16

Frog Street PressShannon [email protected]: 31

Fun and FunctionMichal [email protected] ext. 945www.funandfunction.comBooth: 24

Fun Scienceandrea [email protected]: 8

Grounds For PlayLamar McBurnettlmcburnett@siibrands.com770-832-6660www.groundsforplay.comBooth: 28

Heritage Treasures Screen Printingaudrey [email protected]: 15

Kaplan Early Learning CompanyMicki [email protected]: 4

Kurtz Bros.Stacy [email protected]: 14

Lakeshore Learning MaterialsJonathan Hudsonjhudson@lakeshorelearning.com800-421-5354www.lakeshorelearning.comBooth: 32

Learning Care Group Pamela [email protected]: 4

Letterland InternationalCat [email protected]: 20

Mary Kay Cosmeticspattigene [email protected]: 2

MaxPlayFit, LLCpat [email protected]: 29

MTS RecreationsMit [email protected]: 10

O’Brien Associatestricia Hickstricia@obrienassociates.com804-346-2424www.obrienassociates.comBooth: 33

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Commercial exhibitors


PEARSONSusan [email protected]: 5 and 6

ProSolutions Trainingdebbie Johnstondebbiejohnston@prosolutionstraining.com770-642-6939www.prosolutionstraining.comBooth: 18

Read NaturallyMaggie [email protected]: 3

RightStart Mathematics by Activities for Learning, Inc. kathleen Cotter Lawler [email protected] 701-782-2000 www.rightstartmath.comtable: 12

School Specialty Inc.nicole Gorgesnicole.gorges@schoolspecialty.com920-882-5875www.schoolspecialty.comtable: 3

Soccer Shotswww.soccershots.orgBooth: 13

Teaching Strategies, LLCCaitlin [email protected] x 1752www.teachingstrategies.comBooth: 30

Teachstone Training, LLCMary Margaret [email protected] x 256www.teachstone.orgBooth: 1

Concessions - Friday and Saturday















Non-Commercial Tables1 2 3

Commercial Exhibitors are located on the first floor in the

Grand Ballroom


Page 63: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

valley Chapter

new river valley Chapter

prince william aeYC

northern virginia aeYC

richmond eCa

Sw vaChapter Southside

aeCe tidewateraeCe

Lord FairfaxaeYC


Greater Lynchburg Chapter

non-Commercial exhibitors2-1-1 Virginiaaltise [email protected]

Child Care Aware of Virginiapeggy watkinspeggyw@va.childcareaware.org804-285-0846www.va.childcareaware.org

Conexuskaiya [email protected] x5www.conexusvision.org

Dist. 24 D Lions Clubs of VirginiaChildren’s Servicesevonne [email protected]://lions-of-virginia-24d.org/

Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC)Lakeshia Yancey [email protected]

The Virginia Alliance of Family Child Care Associations (VAFCCA)Mary [email protected]


Non-Commercial Exhibitors are located on the tables on the front and right

walls in the Exhibit Hall

Virginia Project Learning TreeLisa deatonlisa.deaton@dof.virginia.gov804-512-2933www.web1.cnre.vt.edu/plt/

Virginia Repertory Theatrerai anne [email protected] ext 1140www.virginiarep.org

Virginia529Becky [email protected]

WHRO Public Media (PBS)Martha [email protected]

Young Audiences of Virginia, Inc.anna [email protected] x 306www.yav.org

VAECE and Local Affiliate/Chapter Tables are Located in the foyer in front of the Exhibit Hall.

Central va aeYC


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exhibit Hall

Grand Ballroom

Conference registration


Marriott Floorplan

VAECE and Local Affiliate/Group Tables


itol /




Page 65: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


upcoming national and regional events

2015 naeYC annual Conference & expo

november 18-21, 2015orlando, Florida

naeYC's national institute for early Childhood professional development

June 7-10, 2015new orleans, Louisiana


Southern Early Childhood Association


Page 66: 2015 VAECE Conference Program


upcoming events

Hosted by:richmond eCa

Southside aeCe

vaeCe’s 60th annual Conference!

richmond, va March 17-19, 2016

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Page 69: 2015 VAECE Conference Program

2015 vaeCe annual ConferenceMarch 19-21, 2015richmond, virginia

Conference attendance Log for:________________________

thursday, March 19th Friday, March 20th Saturday, March 21st

Adhere your workshop/seminar labels to this log. Keep this as a record of the workshops, seminars, and events you have attended at the Conference.


See page 19 for

Ceu information!

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