2015 Smederevo Pozivno Pismo Osnovno

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Transcript of 2015 Smederevo Pozivno Pismo Osnovno

  • 8th Coarse angling youth world championship U14 20th Coarse angling youth world championship U18 29th Coarse angling youth world championship U23

    Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA

    03.08.2015 08.08.2015

  • Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA, 03.08.- 08.08.2015 COARSE ANGLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP U14, U18, U23

    SERBIA ASSOCIATION OF SPORT FISHING, M.Milovanovia 4/I 11000 Beograd * Telef:+.381.37 418 333 * Fax: +.381.37 420 850 * Mail: [email protected] * Site: www.ribolovci.org.rs

    Poziv / Invitation / Invitation Poziv Dragi Predsednie, Savez sportskih ribolovaca Srbije poziva reprezentacije vae zemlje na Svetsko prvenstvo za mlade i to osmo za kategoriju kadeta U14, dvadeseto za kategoriju juniora U18 i dvadeset deveto za kategoriju juniora U23 koje e se odrati u Srbiji od 03. avgusta do 08. avgusta 2015 godine. Svetsko prvenstvo za mlade e se odrati u Smederevu, na kanalu elezare, gde postoje idealni uslovi za odravanje ovakvog sportskog takmienja. Mi se radujemo vaem dolasku i ueu na ovom velikom takmienju Mi emo se kao domaini potruditi da vam Srbija i Smederevo ostanu u lepom i trajnom seanju

    Predsednik Saveza sportskih ribolovaca Srbije Dragan Boskovic

    Invitation Dear Mr. President, Serbia Association of sportfishing fishermen invate your country's national team to the Coarse angling World Championship U14 ( 8th ), U18 ( 20th ) and U23 ( 29th )that will be held in Serbia from 03.08. to 08.08.2015. The World Championship will be held in Smederevo, in the canal Steelworks, where there are ideal conditions for this kind of sports competition. We are looking forward to your visit and participation in this great contest. We will try as the hosts to preserve Smederevo and Serbia in your beautiful and lasting memories.

    President, Serbia assotiation of sport fishing Dragan Boskovic


    Chr Prsident, La Fdration sportive des pecheurs de Serbie invite le votre quipe nationale qui reprsentera votre pays qu Championnat dMonde de Pche au Coup 2015, U14 (8eme), U18 (20 eme) et U23 (29 eme ) qui aura lieu en Serbie du 03 Aot au 08 Aot 2015. Championnat dMonde de Pche au Coup se deroulera Smederevo sur le canal FERRONNERIE, o les conditions sont idales pour ce genre de concours sportif. Cest avec un grand plaisir que nous attendons votre venue et votre participation au comptition. Nous ferons tout notre possible, en tant quorganisateurs, afin de vous rendre ce sjour en Serbie et Smederevo innoubliable.

    President, La Federatioan de peche sportive de Serbie Dragan Boskovic

  • Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA, 03.08.- 08.08.2015 COARSE ANGLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP U14, U18, U23

    SERBIA ASSOCIATION OF SPORT FISHING, M.Milovanovia 4/I 11000 Beograd * Telef:+.381.37 418 333 * Fax: +.381.37 420 850 * Mail: [email protected] * Site: www.ribolovci.org.rs

    Uvod / Introduction / Introduction

    Savez sportskih ribolovaca Srbije e organizovati Svetsko prvenstvo za mlade U14 (8mo), U18 (20to) i U23 (29to ) na kanalu ELEZARE u Smederevu. Serbia assotiation of sport fishing will organize Coarse angling World Championship U14 (8th), U18 (20th)and U23 (29th ) in the canal STEELWORKS in Smederevo. La Federatioan de peche sportive de Serbie organisera Championnat dMonde de Pche au Coup U14 (8eme), U18 (20eme) et U23 (29eme ) la canal FERRONNERIE Smederevo.

    Smederevo (Serbian Cyrillic: , je grad u Srbiji, smeten na desnpj obali Dunava, udaljen oko 45 kilomataraod glavnog grada Beograda. Po zvaninim rezultatima iz 2011 godine, grad ima 64,105 stanovnika a 108,209 stanovnika ivi na teritoriji optine. Smederevo je sedite regiona Podunavlje. Smederevo (Serbian Cyrillic: , is a city in Serbia, on the right bank of the Danube, about 45 kilometres (28 miles) downstream of the capital Belgrade. According to official results of the 2011 census, the city has a population of 64,105, and 108,209 people live in its administrative area. Smederevo is the seat of the Podunavlje District. Smederevo (en serbe cyrillique:. Smederevo, est une ville de Serbie, sur la rive droite du Danube, environ 45 kilomtres (28 milles) en aval de la capitale Belgrade Selon les rsultats officiels du recensement de 2011, la ville a une population de 64,105 , et 108,209 personnes vivent dans sa rgion administrative. Smederevo est Podunavlje.

  • Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA, 03.08.- 08.08.2015 COARSE ANGLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP U14, U18, U23

    SERBIA ASSOCIATION OF SPORT FISHING, M.Milovanovia 4/I 11000 Beograd * Telef:+.381.37 418 333 * Fax: +.381.37 420 850 * Mail: [email protected] * Site: www.ribolovci.org.rs

    Istorija: - Na mestu dananjeg Smedereva nalazila su se rimska naselja Mons Aureus i Vincea; - Od 1428. do 1430. zidan je Mali grad tvrave. Veliki grad sazidan je u narednih 10 godina; - 1435. godine, 12.januara u Smederevo su donete moti apostola i jevaneliste sv. Luke; - 1459.godine Turci osvajaju Smederevsku tvravu. Njenim padom pala je i srednjevekovna srpska drava. Smederevo ostaje pod turskom vlau do 1805. godine; - 1805.Smederevo je po drugi put prestonica jer je u njemu sedite Serbskog Praviteljstvujueg Sovjeta (vlade) od 1805 do 1807 godine; - 1806. godine otvorena je prva Srpska osnovna kola u Smederevu; - 1871. poela sa radom Gimnazija u Smederevu; - 1888. prireena je prva izloba groa, dananja Smederevska jesen; - 1913. osnovano Srpsko akcionarsko rudarsko topioniarsko industrijsko drutvo SARTID; - 1941. 5. juna, snana eksplozija deponovane municije u Tvravi. Veliki deo grada je uniten;

    History: - At the site of the present Smederevo There were Roman settlements Mons Aureus and Vince; - From 1428 to 1430 it was built the city of Smederevo Small tvrave.Veliki city was built in the next 10 years; - 1435, January 12, in Smederevo were brought relics of the Apostle and Evangelist St. Luke; - 1459.godine Turks conquered Smederevo Fortress. With its fall, fell, and the medieval Serbian state. Smederevo remained under Ottoman rule until 1805; - 1805.Smederevo is the second time the capital because it serbskogo headquarters of the Council (government) from 1805 and in 1807; - In 1806 the opening of the first Serbian elementary school in Smederevo; - 1871 began with the work of the Grammar School in Smederevo; - In 1888 was organized the first exhibition of grapes, today's "Smederevo autumn"; - 1913 established the Serbian joint stock Mining and Smelting industrial society SARTID; - On 5 June 1941, a powerful explosion of ammunition deposited in the fortress. Much of the city was destroyed;

    Histoire: - Sur le site de la prsente Smederevo il y avait colonies romaines Mons Aureus et Vince; - De 1428 1430, a t construit petite ville de Smederevo chteau tvrave.Veliki t construit dans les 10 prochaines annes; - 1435 reliques, le 12 Janvier Smederevo, naquirent de l'aptre et vangliste Saint- Luke; - 1459.godine Turcs ont conquis la forteresse de Smederevo. Avec sa chute, est tomb, et l'tat serbe mdival. Smederevo est rest sous la domination turque jusqu'en 1805; - 1805.Smederevo est la deuxime fois la capitale parce qu'il serbskogo sige du Conseil (gouvernement) de 1805 et en 1807; - 1806 a ouvert la premire cole lmentaire serbe de Smederevo; - 1871 a commenc travailler Gymnase Smederevo; - 1888 a t organise la premire exposition de raisins, "Smederevo Automne" d'aujourd'hui; - 1913 a fond la minire de participation serbe et la socit industrielle Smelting Sartid; - 5 juin 1941, une puissante explosion de munitions dpos dans la forteresse. Une grande partie de la ville a t dtruite;

  • Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA, 03.08.- 08.08.2015 COARSE ANGLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP U14, U18, U23

    SERBIA ASSOCIATION OF SPORT FISHING, M.Milovanovia 4/I 11000 Beograd * Telef:+.381.37 418 333 * Fax: +.381.37 420 850 * Mail: [email protected] * Site: www.ribolovci.org.rs

    Industrija: Smederevo ima dugu istoriju teke industrije I proizvodnje. U Smederevu se nalazi jedina elezara u Srbiji. Zapoljava oko5400 radnika.

    Industry: Smederevo has a history of heavy industry and manufacturing. The city is home to the only operating steel mill in the country - elezara (STEELWORKS) Smederevo. The plant was renamed elezara (STEEL WORKS) Smederevo and employs about 5,400 workers.

    Industry: Industrie: Smederevo a une histoire de l'industrie lourde et de la fabrication. La ville est le foyer de la seule acirie d'exploitation dans le pays - Steel Works (aciries) Smederevo. L'usine a t rebaptis Steel Works acirie de Smederevo) et emploie environ 5400 travailleurs.

    CANAL STEELWORKS: Takmiarska staza / Competition lane / Parcours la competition

    Kanal elezare u Smederevu je duine od 7200 metara, prosene irine 35 metara, a dubina je oko 3 metara. Nivo Dunava ne utie na njega. Prosena dubina: Na 3m od obale 1,0 - 1,5m Na 13m od obale 2,0 - 3,0m Protok vode na takmiarskoj stazi je spor, bez promena. Dno je zemljano, muljevito Canal STEELWORKS in Smederevo has a lenght of 7200 m, average width of 35m, and depth of about 3m. The level of the Danube does not affect it. Average depth: At 3m from the river bank 1,0 - 1,5m At 13m from the river bank 2,0 - 3,0m The water flow in the lane is slow without the alteration River bed is earthy, mudy, slimy.

    Canal FERRONNERIE Smederevo a une longueur de 7200 m, largeur moyenne de 35 m, et la profondeur d'environ 3m. Le niveau du Danube ne l'affecte. La profondeur moyenne: A trois mtres de la rive du fleuve 1,0 - 1,5 m A 13m de la 2,0 rive du fleuve - 3,0m Le dbit d'eau dans la voie lente est sans altration Lit de la rivire est terreuse, boueux, visqueux.

  • Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA, 03.08.- 08.08.2015 COARSE ANGLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP U14, U18, U23

    SERBIA ASSOCIATION OF SPORT FISHING, M.Milovanovia 4/I 11000 Beograd * Telef:+.381.37 418 333 * Fax: +.381.37 420 850 * Mail: [email protected] * Site: www.ribolovci.org.rs

    TEHNIKE RIBOLOVA Fiksni tapovi tekovi svih duina Bolonjezi, Meevi ANGLING CATEGORIES Fishing rod 4m, 5m, 6m Long-Poles or Take-Apart all lenghts Bolognese, Match LES TECHNIQUES DE LA PECHE Les cannes de 4m, 5m, 6m Les cannes emmanchements toutes les longueurs, Bolognaise (pche la Bolognaise), Match (pche lAnglaise)

    ako doi do Smedereva/How to get there to Smederevo/Comment arriver Smederevo

    Ukoliko stignete avionom / If you arrive by plane / Si vous arrivez en avion :

    Aerodrom u Beogradu / Airport in Belgrade / Aroport Belgrade ( 73 Km ) o Skrenite desno na raskrsnici na put E-70 / Turn right at the crossroads of the road E-70 / Tourner droite la

    jonction de la route de E-70 ; o Izaite na izlaz za auto put E-75 / Take the exit to the highway E-75 / Prendre la sortie de l'autoroute E-75; o Nastavite auto putem, E-75, do skretanja za Smederevo(10-1) / Continue highway, E-75, turns up in Smederevo

    (10-1) / Continuer la route, E-75, dbarque Smederevo (10-1) ; o Izlaz na putanju 10-1 / exit the path 10-1 / L'accs au chemin 10-1;

    Ukoliko stignete drumskim putevima / If you arrive by Road / Si vous arrivez par la route:

    Vi ulazite u Srbiju na graninim prelazima Batrovci (iz Hrvatske), Horgo (iz Maarske), Gradina (iz Bugarske), Tabanovce (iz Makedonije)

    You enter into Serbia at border crossings Batrovci (Croatia), Horgos (from Hungary), Gradina (Bulgaria), Tabanovce (Macedonia) Vous entrez dans la Serbie la frontire passages Batrovci (Croatie), Horgos (Hongrie), Gradina (Bulgarie), Tabanovce (Macdoine) Uite u Srbiju na graninom prelazu / Go to Serbia at the crossing border / Aller la Serbie, la frontire; Produite do izlaza za auto put E-75 / Continue to exit the highway E-75 / Continuer sortir de l'autoroute E-75; Nastavite auto putem, E-75, do skretanja za Smederevo(10-1) / Continue highway, E-75, turns up in Smederevo

    (10-1) / Continuer la route, E-75, dbarque Smederevo (10-1) ; Izlaz na putanju 10-1 / exit the path 10-1 / L'accs au chemin 10-1;


    Deverika (bream lat. Abramis brama ) Bodorka (roach, gardon lat.Rutilus rutilus) Kara (carassio lat. Carassius), aran (lat. Cyprinus carpio)

    Keder (lat. Alburnus alburnus), RIBLJI FOND : Sve ribe Dunavskog sliva. FISH STOCK: All species of the Danube river basin. LE CHOIX DE POISSON: Les poissons du bassin de Danube.

  • Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA, 03.08.- 08.08.2015 COARSE ANGLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP U14, U18, U23

    SERBIA ASSOCIATION OF SPORT FISHING, M.Milovanovia 4/I 11000 Beograd * Telef:+.381.37 418 333 * Fax: +.381.37 420 850 * Mail: [email protected] * Site: www.ribolovci.org.rs

    Organizator - Organizer - Organisateur:


    Registracija / Registration / Registre

    Organizacioni odbor treba da dobije od zemlje uesnice, obrazac za registraciju ( prijavnicu ) kao i uplatu preko bankovnog rauna najkasnije do 01.05.2015.

    The Organizing Committee shall receive the registration form completely filled in together with the payment of the registration fee via bank wire transfer by the deadline of 01.05.2015.

    Le comit organisateur doit recevoir le formulaire d'inscription (formulaire de demande) et le paiement compte de transit bancaire au plus tard le 01.05.2015.

    Kotizacija / Entry Fee / Participation

    Sva plaanja mora da se izvre preko bankovnog rauna pre 01.05. na raun: All the payments must be done by bank transfer, before 01.05., directly too: Tous les payements des frais de participations doivent tre effectus uniquement par Transfer bancaire, avant le 01.05. au



    57 Account No 57a: 100 936 5289 0000 VBUBRS22 (VOJVODJANSKA BANKA a.d.NOVI SAD, SRBIJA) 59aBeneficary costumer: IBAN RS35355000320007881459

    SAVEZ SPORTSKIH RIBOLOVACA SRBIJE Milovana Milovanovica 4/1 11000 Beograd

    U skladu sa F.i.p.s.-ed pravilima/In compliance with F.i.p.s.-ed rules/ Conformment au rglement de la FIPSed

    The entry fee for one team is 1,100.00. Minus the contribution from FIPSed of 350.00. For one team:

    the total is 750.00

    U kotizaciju je ukljueno pored ulaznica za gala veeru (8) ribolovake dozvole (5), osiguranje, kao i pokloni koji se dobijaju od organizatora. The registration fee includes, in addition to the tickets for the gala dinners (8 ) and the fishing permits (5), insurance and any gift that the organization may distribute. Dans ce montant est inclus 5 x permis de pche, 8 x tickets pour la crmonie et le banquet officiel de clture, assurances pour les participants etc.

    The entry fee for two teams is 1,800.00. Minus the contribution from FIPSed of 700.00 For two teams:

    the total is 1,100.00

    U kotizaciju je ukljueno pored ulaznica za gala veeru (16) ribolovake dozvole (10 ), osiguranje, kao i pokloni koji se dobijaju od organizatora. The registration fee includes, in addition to the tickets for the gala dinners (16 ) and the fishing permits (10), insurance and any gift that the organization may distribute. Dans ce montant est inclus (10) x permis de pche, (16) x tickets pour la crmonie et le banquet officiel de clture, assurances pour les participants etc.

    The entry fee for three teams is 2,500.00. Minus the contribution from FIPSed of 1,050.00, For three teams:

    the total is 1,450.00

    U kotizaciju je ukljueno pored ulaznica za gala veeru (24) ribolovake dozvole (15), osiguranje, kao i pokloni koji se dobijaju od organizatora. The registration fee includes, in addition to the tickets for the gala dinners (24) and the fishing permits (15), insurance and any gift that the organization may distribute. Dans ce montant est inclus (15) x permis de pche, (24) x tickets pour la crmonie et le banquet officiel de clture, assurances pour les participants etc.

    Pojedinane- naknadne ulaznice se kupuju kod sekretara organizatora ampionata u skladu sa brojem mesta sa kojim se raspolae. The extra banquets can be bought at the secretary of the championships according to the places available.

    Pojedinane naknadne ulaznice

    za finalni banket Extra Final Banquet Prix pour les banquets

    supplmentaires 50

  • Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA, 03.08.- 08.08.2015 COARSE ANGLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP U14, U18, U23

    SERBIA ASSOCIATION OF SPORT FISHING, M.Milovanovia 4/I 11000 Beograd * Telef:+.381.37 418 333 * Fax: +.381.37 420 850 * Mail: [email protected] * Site: www.ribolovci.org.rs

    Oficijelni program / Official Program/ Programe officiel:

    Ponedeljak 3 Avgust / Monday 3th of August / Lundi 3 Aot 07h30 reb za izvlaenje Boxova za vreme ribolovnog takmienja / Draw for the training Boxes on the fishing course / Tirage au sort des boxes dentranements

    Ponedeljak Utorak 3-4 avgust / Monday - Tuesday, 3th- 4th of August/ Lundi Mardi - 3-4 Aot 10h00 - 18h00 - Trening / Training session / Entranements Sreda 5 avgust /Wednesday, 5th of August /Mercredi 5 Aot 10h00 - 14h00 Trening / Training session / Entranements 18h00 - Zvanino otvaranje Svetskog prvenstva / Official opening of World Championships / Crmonie douverture etvrtak 6 avgust/ Thursday, 6th of August / Jeudi,6 Aot 10h00 - 14h00 Trening / Training session / Entranements 15h00 - 1.Sastanak kapitena / The First Captains meeting / 1re Runion des capitaines Petak 7 avgust / Friday, 7th of August / Vendredi 7 Aot

    07h00 - 2. Sastanak kapitena / The Second Team Captains meeting and drawing of lots / 2me Runion des capitaines 08h00 - 1. Signal - Ulazak takmiara u boxove / The First Signal Entry of the fisherman in their rings/ 1er signal entre des comptiteurs dans leurs emplacement 08h45 - 2. Signal - Zadnjih 5 minuta do poetka kontrole mamaca i hrane / The Second Signal Warning 5 minutes to beginning bait and groundbait control / 2 me signal 5min avant le dbut du contrle des esches et amorces 08h50 - 3. Signal - Zadnjih 5 minuta do poetka kontrole mamaca i hrane / The Third Signal Control start / 3 me signal

    dbut des contrles 09h50 - 4. Signal - Hrana / The fourth Signal Groudbaiting no fishing / 4me signal - Amorage lourd pas de pche 10h00 - 5. Signal - Start takmienja / The Fifth Signal - Start of Championship / 5me signal - dbut de la comptition

    U14, U18 12h55 - 6 Signal - Zadnjih 5 minuta do zavretka ribolova / The Sixth Signal - Warning that 5 minutes of fishing remain / 6me signal - 5min avant la fin de la comptition 13h00 - 7 Signal - Kraj prvog takmienja / The Seventh Signal - End of first leg / 7me signal - fin de la comptition (premire manche)

    U23 13h55 - 6 Signal - Zadnjih 5 minuta do zavretka ribolova / The Sixth Signal - Warning that 5 minutes of fishing remain / 6me signal - 5min avant la fin de la comptition 14h00 - 7 Signal - Kraj prvog takmienja / The Seventh Signal - End of first leg / 7me signal - fin de la comptition (premire manche)

    16h00 - Rezulati 1 takmienja i 3 Sastanak kapitena / The Results of The First leg and the Third Captains meeting / 3me

    Runion des capitaines

  • Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA, 03.08.- 08.08.2015 COARSE ANGLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP U14, U18, U23

    SERBIA ASSOCIATION OF SPORT FISHING, M.Milovanovia 4/I 11000 Beograd * Telef:+.381.37 418 333 * Fax: +.381.37 420 850 * Mail: [email protected] * Site: www.ribolovci.org.rs

    Subota, 8 avgust / Saturday, 8thof August / Samedi 8 Aot:

    06h30 4.Sastanak kapitena i reb / 4th Captains meeting and drawing of lots / 4me Runion des capitaines 08h00 1. Signal - Ulazak takmiara u boxove / The First Signal Entry of the fisherman in their rings/ 1er signal entre des comptiteurs dans leurs emplacement 08h45 - 2. Signal - Zadnjih 5 minuta do poetka kontrole mamaca i hrane / The Second Signal Warning 5 minutes to beginning bait and groundbait control / 2 me signal 5min avant le dbut du contrle des esches et amorces 08h50 - 3. Signal - Zadnjih 5 minuta do poetka kontrole mamaca i hrane / The Third Signal Control start / 3 me signal

    dbut des contrles 09h50 - 4. Signal - Hrana / The fourth Signal Groudbaiting no fishing / 4me signal - Amorage lourd pas de pche 10h00 - 5. Signal - Start takmienja / The Fifth Signal - Start of Championship / 5me signal - dbut de la comptition

    U14, U18 12h55 - 6 Signal - Zadnjih 5 minuta do zavretka ribolova / The Sixth Signal - Warning that 5 minutes of fishing remain / 6me signal - 5min avant la fin de la comptition 13h00 - 7 Signal - Kraj prvog takmienja / The Seventh Signal - End of first leg / 7me signal - fin de la comptition (premire manche)

    U23 13h55 - 6 Signal - Zadnjih 5 minuta do zavretka ribolova / The Sixth Signal - Warning that 5 minutes of fishing remain / 6me signal - 5min avant la fin de la comptition 14h00 - 7 Signal - Kraj prvog takmienja / The Seventh Signal - End of first leg / 7me signal - fin de la comptition (premire manche)

    19h00 - Finalni rezultati Dodela nagrada / Final Results - Prize-giving / Rsultats, crmonie de remise des prix 20h00 - Zavrni banket / Final banquet / Banquet officiel CAPTAINS MEETINGS 1. Sastanak kapitena / 1st Meeting / 1re Runion - etvrtak / Thursday / Jeudi 06.08. - 15,00; 2. Sastanak kapitena / 2ndMeeting / 2me Runion - Petak / Friday / Vendredi 07.08. - 07,00; 3. Sastanak kapitena / 3rdMeeting / 3me Runion - Petak / Friday / Vendredi 07.08. - 16.00; 4. Sastanak kapitena / 4thMeeting / 4me Runion - Subota / Saturday / Samedi 08.08. - 06.30.

  • Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA, 03.08.- 08.08.2015 COARSE ANGLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP U14, U18, U23

    SERBIA ASSOCIATION OF SPORT FISHING, M.Milovanovia 4/I 11000 Beograd * Telef:+.381.37 418 333 * Fax: +.381.37 420 850 * Mail: [email protected] * Site: www.ribolovci.org.rs

    Informacije o Svetskom prvenstvu u sportskom ribolovu Information about coarse angling World championship

    Information sur le Championnat dMonde de Pche au Coup



    RGLEMENT OFFICIEL F.I.P.S.e.d. Pour NATIONS la concurrence internationale

    ROD LENGHT LIMITS U14 MAX 10,00 MET. U18 MAX 11,50 MET. U23 MAX 13,00 MET.


    U14 1,5 L

    ukljuujui 0,5 litra aquatic larve including 0,5 litres of aquatic larves - bloodworms only for hook

    dun 0,5 litre de larves aquatiques (fouillis) - vers de vase autorises seul lhameon

    U18 1,5 L ukljuujui 0,5 litra aquatic larve including 0,5 litres of aquatic larves - bloodworms only for hook

    dun 0,5 litre de larves aquatiques (fouillis) - vers de vase autorises seul lhameon

    U23 2,0 L ukljuujui 1 litar aquatic larve including 1 litres of aquatic larves - bloodworms only for hook

    dun 1 litre de larves aquatiques (fouillis) - vers de vase autorises seul lhameon

    PRIMAMA - GROUNDBAITS - AMORCES U14 MAX 17 lit. U18 MAX 17 lit. U23 MAX 20 lit.



    Mamci i Primama / Baits and Groundbaits / Appats et amorces

    Mamce i primamu moete dobiti ako popunite obrazac u prilogu i poaljete to pre na faks ili e-mail adresu: Baits and groundbaits may be supplied by filling in the order form you can find attached and sending it as soon as possible to the following fax number or e-mail address: Appts et amorce peut tre obtenu en remplissant le formulaire ci-joint et l'envoyer ds que possible par fax ou l'adresse e-mail:

    SSRS,Kosovska 35 37000 Kruevac Telef: +381 37 418 330 Fax: +381 37 420 850

    Mail: [email protected]

  • Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA, 03.08.- 08.08.2015 COARSE ANGLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP U14, U18, U23

    SERBIA ASSOCIATION OF SPORT FISHING, M.Milovanovia 4/I 11000 Beograd * Telef:+.381.37 418 333 * Fax: +.381.37 420 850 * Mail: [email protected] * Site: www.ribolovci.org.rs

    Smetaj i ishrana / Accomodation and food / L hebergement:

    TOURIST ORGANIZATION Despota ura 27 113000 Smederevo: Tel +381 (26) 46-22-952 Mail: [email protected] Site: http://www.toosd.com SMETAJ PREKO ORGANIZATORA / ACCOMODATION THROUGH ORGANIZER / PRIX DU SERVICE PAR L'ORGANISATEUR Organizator (Savez sportskih ribolovaca Srbije) e se potruditi da vam obezebedi smetaj i ishranu preko naeg servisa.Ukoliko se odluite da obezbedite smetaj preko organizatora, dajemo vam ovde cenovnik ( Hotel Car, Hotel Hamburg...): Organizer (Association - SSRS) will ensure that the accommodation and food provided through its service. If you choose to provide the service you Organizer (Association- SSRS) accommodation and (or) food price list here( Hotel Car, Hotel Hamburg....): Organisateur (Association - SSRS) va Assurez-vous que l'hbergement et la nourriture fournie par le biais de son service. Si vous choisissez de fournir le service que vous Organizer (Association-SSRS) le logement et (ou) la liste des prix alimentaires ici ( Hotel Car, Hotel Hamburg.....): CENOVNIK PREKO NAEG SERVISA (Savez sportskih ribolovaca Srbije). Molimo Vas da pogledate listu hotela uprilogu PRICING OF SERVICE THROUGH ORGANIZER (ASSOCIATION- SSRS).Please refer to the list of hotels attached to the competition schedule. PRIX DU SERVICE PAR L'ORGANISATEUR (ASSOCIATION-SSRS).S'il vous plat se rfrer la liste des htels attach l'horaire de la comptition.




    Euro() Euro() Euro() Euro() RENTING A HOUSE OR HOLIDAY HOUSE 12/15 BED 19 16 15 BED & BREAKFAST 24 20 18 HALF BOARD (bed@breakfast@dinner) 32 28 26 FULL BOARD(bed@breakfast@lunch@dinner) BREAKFAST 5 LUNCH 10 DINNER 10 CLOSED BANKET 50


    Hotel Car

    ure Daniia 66 +381 26 642 042 +381 26 229 760 [email protected] www.cartourism.net

  • Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA, 03.08.- 08.08.2015 COARSE ANGLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP U14, U18, U23

    SERBIA ASSOCIATION OF SPORT FISHING, M.Milovanovia 4/I 11000 Beograd * Telef:+.381.37 418 333 * Fax: +.381.37 420 850 * Mail: [email protected] * Site: www.ribolovci.org.rs

    HOTEL HAMBURG Hotel "Hamburg"

    alinaka BB potanski fax 44 +381 26 618 887 +381 26 619 887 +381 65 5484 484

    [email protected] www.hamburghotel.rs

    ZLATNIK Restoran sa prenoitem Zlatnik

    Kovinski put bb 026/651 411 069/ 27 28 494 [email protected]

  • Canal STEELWORKS Smederevo SERBIA, 03.08.- 08.08.2015 COARSE ANGLING WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP U14, U18, U23

    SERBIA ASSOCIATION OF SPORT FISHING, M.Milovanovia 4/I 11000 Beograd * Telef:+.381.37 418 333 * Fax: +.381.37 420 850 * Mail: [email protected] * Site: www.ribolovci.org.rs

    Ukoliko izaberete da samostalno obezbedite smetaj I ishranu, dajemo vam spisak hotela I ostalog smetaja u Smederevu i Kovinu. If you choose to provide your own accommodation and food,we give you list of hotels and accommodation the capacity in Smederevo i Kovin. Mais si vous choisissez de fournir leur propre logement et la nourriture, nous vous donnons la liste des htels et des capacits d'hbergement dans le Smederevo et Kovin ..

    ACCOMMODATION HOTEL HAMBURG, alinaka bb, tel +381 26 618 887 HOTEL CAR, ure Daniia 66, tel +381 26 642 042 VILA ZLATNO BRDO, Gorika 23 AB +381 26 642 620 M NA RASKRU, Kolarski put bb Smederevo, +381 26/662-616 VILA MILANO, JNA 18, Kovin, 013/744-002,+381 63/7725823, www.villamilano.rs RESTORAN SA PRENOITEM, PALAZZO, Svetozara Markovia 56 Kovin, +381 63-33 22 56 BELI BOR, Svetozara Markovia 64, Kovin, 013/741-655 HOTEL PLAMEN GRAD, Dunavska 19 Kovin, +381 13 741 353 STASEA JUGOVO, Goranska 165, +381 26 670 270 PRIVATNI SMETAJ GORAN JANI, Lukijana Muickog 75 +381 63 248 691 [email protected] VILA GRAF, Beogradski put 106 +381 26 670 555 KONAK, Ljubika 3, +381 26 612 763 KRALJEV DVOR, Crvene armije 280 Smederevo, 026& 651 223 DVOR, Jablanika 1, +381 26 612 200 ZLATNIK, Kovinski put bb, +381 26 651 411 HOSTEL ALEKSANDAR, Srbina 9, +381 26 225 965