2015 March

1 THE APPLE CONNECTING TASMANIAN FAMILIES 01 March 2015 With the 2015 Combined CHAT Groups Holiday Program done and dusted and families settled into the start of a new school year or child and parent programs, I would like to share with readers the success of the Holiday Program and what my two programs will look like in this first half of the year. Holiday Program The great thing about facilitating groups in summer (apart from the fabulous weather) is knowing that families look forward to coming along to the holiday activities as they are open to all CHAT families with children 0 -12 years, and older siblings too! It is also great combining with the Dads CHAT families for the program. We had two new dads become CHAT members at the first activity, BBQ-and-Play at Lagoon Beach, Low Head, along with two renewals, and another new family join at the second activity, a bus trip to Launceston Royal Park and walk to the Cataract Gorge. A further two dads joined CHAT during the third activity, a bus trip to Myrtle Park, and two mums who participated at the final week’s program That’s A Wrap!, joined CHAT‘n’MUNCH at the first session back for the year. We also welcomed the return of a couple of members and their families who enjoy catching up with us in the holidays as their children are all school age and they therefore no longer participate in our regular programs. It is always great coming up with new ideas and places to explore. Many members had not been to Royal Park let alone done the walk to Cataract Gorge, with the wonderful sights and sounds along the way. We had 10 families (40 people) join us at Myrtle Park, and I was surprised that many had never been there before. It was also great to welcome along one of Jason’s Dads CHAT Mowbray families to this activity. Before returning home, three of the CHAT‘n’Munch families planned their Easter Holiday break…camping at Myrtle Park! Their children will have a ball! Have you planned for your next family holiday? Remember it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, it’s all in the planning and preparation. Why not grab a map and involve the children in the planning? Seven families joined us for the last activity at the new George Town Child and Family Centre, to play, explore and enjoy yummy healthy wraps the day before school went back. Growing Families By Kathryn Ervin



Transcript of 2015 March



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With the 2015 Combined CHAT Groups Holiday Program done and dusted and families settled into the start of a new school year or child and parent programs, I would like to share with readers the success of the Holiday Program and what my two programs will look like in this first half of the year.

Holiday Program The great thing about facilitating groups in summer (apart from the fabulous weather) is knowing that families look forward to coming along to the holiday activities as they are open to all CHAT families with children 0 -12 years, and older siblings too! It is also great combining with the Dads CHAT families for the program.

We had two new dads become CHAT members at the first activity, BBQ-and-Play at Lagoon Beach, Low Head, along with two renewals, and another new family join at the second activity, a bus trip to Launceston Royal Park and walk to the Cataract Gorge.

A further two dads joined CHAT during the third activity, a bus trip to Myrtle Park, and two mums who participated at the final week’s program That’s A Wrap!, joined CHAT‘n’MUNCH at the first session back for the year. We also welcomed the return of a couple

of members and their families who enjoy catching up with us in the holidays as their children are all school age and they therefore no longer participate in our regular programs.

It is always great coming up with new ideas and places to explore. Many members had not been to Royal Park let alone done the walk to Cataract Gorge, with the wonderful sights and sounds along the way. We had 10 families (40 people) join us at Myrtle Park, and I was surprised that many had never been there before. It was also great to welcome along one of Jason’s Dads CHAT Mowbray families to this activity.

Before returning home, three of the CHAT‘n’Munch families planned their Easter Holiday break…camping at Myrtle Park! Their children will have a ball! Have you planned for your next family holiday? Remember it doesn’t have to cost a lot of money, it’s all in the planning and preparation. Why not grab a map and involve the children in the planning?

Seven families joined us for the last activity at the new George Town Child and Family Centre, to play, explore and enjoy yummy healthy wraps the day before school went back.

Growing Families By Kathryn Ervin


George Town CHAT’n’MUNCH George Town CHAT‘n’MUNCH is back with a crunch! Our first session in the brand new kitchen at the George Town Child & Family Centre involved a lot of chatting and a lot of munching, and a simple craft activity for little ones. This year I have introduced an ‘Early Birds’ component for any parents who wish to come along half an hour earlier to plan and/or shop for the recipes to prepare. We have started the year with a focus on Healthy Snack & Lunchbox ideas with parents keen to discuss the recipes, taste the finished product, take copies of the recipes and also discuss ingredient variations. I look forward to hearing how well the recipes are received at home over the coming weeks!

Because being in the kitchen at the Centre may not be practical for everyone with young children, parents are welcome to come along and chat and play in the child friendly area in front of the kitchen, and the wonderful outdoor area. It was lovely when a mum with a young child, just visiting the Centre, came over and joined us. Maybe it was because of the noise level, as we were all getting rather excited chatting about ingredients, recipes, and future sessions. Or, maybe the smell of yummy food was the magnet? Because people entering the Centre need to walk past the kitchen I am sure we will entice more people over for a sticky beak. It’s great for promotion!

Mobile CHAT‘n’MUNCH The Mobile CHAT‘n’MUNCH sessions are a great component of the Growing Families Project. Over the

years I have provided stands with nutrition-related children’s activities at community events, or special sessions at playgroups or primary schools with discussions on particular topics and/or food preparation. Topics range from Introducing Solids/Finger Food Recipe Ideas, Healthy Snack or Lunch Box Ideas, and Quick ‘n’ Easy meals on a Budget. The service is available to all primary schools, service providers, families, and carers with children aged 0 – 12 years in the local Communities for Children area.

During March I will be facilitating ‘FEED ME A STORY 2’ in George Town in partnership with the George Town LINC, as well as a session at Ravenswood Child & Family Centre in Term 1 or 2.



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President’s Report By Katie Wightman

After the excitement of the New Year, it’s now time to reconnect with the services CHAT has to offer. While our members reconnect after the summer holiday break the Board are down to business and have set our meetings for 2015 including the AGM Saturday 24th October to be held in Launceston.

The Board warmly welcome Elizabeth Crane incoming State Executive Officer (SEO) to lead the CHAT team. We very much look forward to working with Elizabeth and outgoing SEO Alison Wood at the strategic planning day in March.

They say every five years life changes. It was 6 years ago I delivered twins, we moved house and after 10 years of work I took maternity leave. Big changes, considerable changes, some hoped for, some unplanned, others controlled and well some were just out of control!

Every five years the Board should write a Strategic Plan for CHAT because the organisation needs to evaluate

community changes and ensure we are meeting the needs of our members and funding providers. 2015 is the year we are due to write a new strategic plan and we will commence the task in March. It’s hard to accomplish anything without a plan. Whether you’re preparing for a twin birth, moving house, soon to be a first time parent, coaching a football team or running a small business, you need a strategic plan.

For CHAT our strategic plan will look at all the things we could do and narrow it down to the things we are actually good at doing. The strategic plan also helps our State Executive Officer and Board to determine where to spend time and money.

What would you like CHAT to look like in five years? Have your say, email: [email protected], subject heading: Strategic Plan 2020. Emails must be received by 5pm, Friday, 13 March 2015.

State Executive Officer’s Report By Alison Wood

It is with some sadness I write my final SEO Report for CHAT. I will be finishing up at the end of March to embark on the exciting adventure of Motherhood for the second time - here’s hoping I learned a few lessons along the way with number one!

I’m thrilled that we have been able to release our Calendar of Events for 2015 – it is absolutely packed full in the South, where we have fantastic support and contacts from local professionals to help us offer a great variety of information sessions. It is fantastic to see information sessions booked for both the north and north west regions over the next few months also, as we begin to focus on reintroducing services and resources in those regions.

Our two new Regional Coordinators in those areas will be very busy seeking out new contacts over the coming months, to help us deliver more to our members in those regions. Be sure to keep an eye on the calendar throughout the year for any additions.

It has been a great start to the year with three new Pram Walking Groups starting up - two in the north and one in the north west. Pram Walking is a great way for new parents to find motivation to get out of the house on those challenging days, to meet other new parents and get some exercise while catching up and swapping stories, while bubs get some fresh air. Most Pram Walks finish up at a park or playground, where

older children can have a play, and the group can share a bit of BYO morning tea.

We have also relaunched our Launceston City CHAT group in February, with a new day, time and location. The group will run out of the lovely Newstead Child Health Clinic and as with all our Playgroups, all are welcome. We should be able to report on a new Playgroup in Devonport in the next edition of The Apple!

Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to introduce the incoming SEO for CHAT, Elizabeth Crane. Liz comes to us from Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania, and will be based in the Hobart office. Liz comes into the role with great professional experience and is very excited about the opportunities that lay ahead for CHAT.

I would like to thank you all for your support over the last few months. I have had great pleasure in undertaking the SEO role, and while I’m excited about what lays ahead for me with my growing family, I am sad to leave CHAT at such an exciting time of development and growth. While I will no longer be a staff member, I hope to continue some involvement at a volunteer level - CHAT has a great future ahead, and I don’t want to miss out!

All the best.



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When did you start with CHAT and why did you want to work with us? I will be starting with CHAT on the 16th March. As a Mum myself I am passionate about giving families opportunities to access the education and support they need to give their children the best start in life, the CHAT groups I attended with my children were absolute sanity savers for me! I am very excited to be joining the CHAT team and working hard to achieve the organisations goals.

What is your favourite food? I am a terrible sweet tooth, and my favourite food would have to be Pavlova or Cheesecake.

Describe your ideal holiday….. Somewhere tropical – relaxing by the pool, or on the beach, with a cocktail and a good book.

Who are you outside of CHAT? Outside CHAT I am Mum to Lewis (6) and Esther (2). I also love cooking and am known as the “feeder” in my friendship group as I love hosting a dinner party, enjoying a nice glass of wine and good company. If you had one wish, what would it be? For my children to love themselves and always be happy. Relaxation – book or movie? Definitely a book – I love to read.

Favourite quote…….. Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind. – Dr Seuss

Introducing Elizabeth Crane, Incoming SEO



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2015 Tasmania, while a small state, has a wonderful sense of

community. I have witnessed as a volunteer with CHAT the significant number of people that donate their time to deliver programs. We have more services and activities on offer this year in each of our regions due to the dedication of staff and volunteers working effectively together.

At every meeting this year our agenda will include planning for the 100 year anniversary of Child Health Association Tasmania. Our centenary year is significant. The Board invite staff, volunteers, members and life members to help us plan our

centenary. We would like you to join our Board sub-committee to plan CHATs centenary year. If you would like to be part of the subcommittee please express your interest by email: [email protected], subject heading: CHAT 100 years.

While our lives move forward and the years click over I hope you can consider where you were this time five years ago. I hope you can smile. Has your perspective changed? What were you doing routinely this time five years ago?

Liz Crane joins the CHAT team after working in the area of Community Development for over eight years. Liz has previously been the Coordinator of the Tailem Bend Community Centre in a small town about an hour out of Adelaide in South Australia and most recently (after relocating back home to Tassie), the Development Officer for Neighbourhood Houses Tasmania (NHT). NHT is the Peak Body for the thirty-five Neighbourhood and Community Houses across Tasmania. During these roles Liz has managed a variety of projects, including implementing a playgroup for isolated Mums and Bubs, designing programs that create pathways to employment and looking at evaluation and reporting methods to track Program outcomes. Liz is passionate about working with and for communities to provide opportunities, education and pathways and is excited to be continuing this passion with the CHAT team.


The Compartment A Business Connect InterviewBy Rachel Baker, Business Connect Coordinator

Who is The Compartment? The Compartment is an all-ages music school and creator space owned and run by husband and wife team – Craig and Michelle Wood (me!).

Tell us about your business and what you do. The Compartment is a space for community, creation, and musical education. We have a passion for relationships, fostering enjoyment of music, and keeping music accessible. My role within that has many faces. Firstly I manage the running and development of a business with 7 tutors and a whole lot of potential, then it’s producing, teaching, the odd bit of costume design, and everything in the middle. What it all comes down to for me is that I love to make things happen! So that’s what I do.

What were you doing prior to The Compartment? My dot point bio – graduated school at 17, turned 18 while travelling in Germany for a gap year, came back and met my husband to be, Craig, and became engaged at 19. Graduated with a diploma in Theatre production and got married at 20, spent a year freelancing as a theatre technician, fell pregnant at 21 and started CMW Music (precursor to The Compartment) from the front room of our house, baby and first business premises at 22, bigger business property and rebranding (to The Compartment) at 23.

Inspiration behind starting The Compartment? We chose to rebrand as The Compartment to be a place that is inclusive, a place where people can come to connect and enjoy music. I am saddened when I hear stories of people who didn’t continue to learn music due to a teacher who wasn’t right for them, and my ‘fix it’ nature just wants to jump in and say – let’s work this out, let’s find the right person, let’s explore the possibilities.

What was your first step in setting up The Compartment? Taking an honest assessment of what we’d learnt over the past 18 months in our previous business, and putting together a business plan.

Your biggest achievement to date? We’re still going! And not completely mental (yet).

Best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? How to communicate positively with others to achieve a common goal. To celebrate the ups and trust that the downs wont last too long (still working on that one).

Which person or brand do you admire, why? Having worked with, and been inspired by, a rich diversity of individuals it is far too hard to pick just one. The common traits I do admire between all those people include a strong sense of self, an awareness of others, and a reason.

You're a business woman - how do you balance home/work life? Weekends are sacred. Well, as much as possible. Craig and I love what we do, it’s our hobby as well as our livelihood, so even when the computers are turned off, and we’re at home, there’s still cross over. Music and

creation are such an integral part of who we are and what we do I couldn’t have it any other way. Having said that, my work computer stays at work, and my phone doesn’t receive work emails, so I try to keep a separation between fun work and ‘work’ work. Being able to have focused work time and focused family time is really important for me.

What do you do to relax? It’s still a little bit work related, but the Hobart Mum’s Choir is one of the highlights of my week. Singing is such a great way to relax my body, choir is my ‘me time’ where I can ignore the rest of the world and just be in the ‘now’. And finding moments, whether for family, baby, work, or other, where I can

be fully present, is incredibly positive for my mood!

Finish this line. If I could accomplish… World domination, I would get really bored ‘cause there’d be nothing left to do. But seriously, I enjoy the journey, once something is accomplished and finished, I’m on to the next project.

Any hot tips for aspiring Business Mums? We’re all learning and making it up as we go along. Promise. Don’t be shy to ask for help or advice, and make sure you have someone, or a group of someones, who add value to your life. Be picky about whose opinion you actually take on board. Hater’s gonna Hate hate hate hate hate, so shake it off and work through any issues with someone who you respect. Someone who will be able to give you a fresh perspective, and someone who cares about you and your business.



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New Logo With the start of autumn comes a refreshing new look for Family Food Patch. Now into our 14th year of program delivery we hope you like our fun new logo, designed by Tasmanian Katie Hepper. Family Food Patch is all about communication and sharing ideas and we think she has captured this beautifully in this simple yet striking design!

Next Family Food Patch Educator Training We are delighted to announce that our next Family Food Patch Educator training will be held at Okines Community House in Dodges Ferry, starting on Wednesday 22nd April. The five Wednesday sessions run from 9.30am – 2.30pm each week with childcare and travel reimbursement available and catering and all resources necessary provided.

The training covers a wide range of topics including starting solids, fussy eating, label reading, physical activity for all the family, lunchboxes and drinks and is aimed at parents and carers of children 0-12yrs old. Expressions of Interest to attend the training are now open and will close on 1st April. To register your interest and find out more about the training please contact Emma at [email protected] or call 0438 926 242. Be quick, we only have 12 places available.

We also now have a new short YouTube film that gives you an introduction to what our program is all about. Check out our Family Food Patch Channel here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCB1cquEpGBcspH-K1H6hpNQ

FFP Activity Challenge Have you set yourself a new resolution for 2015? With the start of the school year I have pledged to change my pattern of physical activity from inactive to dynamic ;) and to try and be a good role model to my 5yr old daughter. We live a 25min car journey from the city where I work and she goes to school and so we have started parking at my office and then walking the 15 - 20min journey to school each morning and afternoon, giving us a great opportunity to chat about the day ahead and what is happening around us. This also gives me 1hr of activity each day and saves petrol and the environment at the same time!! This new routine is easier to start in the summer months whilst the weather is finally nice and we’ll see how committed we can both be on rainy days or dark mornings. We’d love to hear from you if you set yourself an activity challenge – pop along to share on our Facebook page.

www.superhealthykids.com A good resource website to check out is website www.superhealthykids.com.

Recipes, meal plans, blogs and resources at your finger tips!

Their philosophy: “For kids to develop healthy habits, it’s important for them to learn to love a variety of fruits and vegetables, in a variety of ways. Serving fruits or vegetables in different forms, textures, and temperatures will actually help children develop a mature palate, which is more accepting to a wider variety of new foods. Don’t hesitate to offer fruits and veggies fresh, frozen, dried, canned, juiced, pureed, blended, etc! Parents should be in the business of training their kids’ tastes and appetites for real food, rather than a love for a specific vegetable.”

Chicken, Pear and Blueberry Salad This scrummy recipe from the Nutrition Australia website (www.nutritionaustralia.org.au) is a great hit with adults and children alike and a wonderful way to incorporate some Tassie fruit and veg into your day.

Ingredients: 200g baby cos lettuce (torn) 100g snow peas (trimmed and finely sliced) 2 celery stalks (thinly sliced) 1 pear (cored, quartered and thinly sliced lengthways) 125g fresh blueberries or seedless grapes 2 small skinless chicken fillets (grilled and sliced) 1 cup reduced fat Greek-style yoghurt 1 tbsp fresh chives (finely chopped) 2 tsp wholegrain mustard Freshly squeezed juice of half an orange

Method: • Arrange lettuce, snowpeas, celery, pear slices and

blueberries on a large serving platter, scatter over the chicken.

• Combine yogurt, chives, mustard and juice, then drizzle over the salad before serving.

Family Food Patch By Emma Rowell



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This month we begin working with local artist, Hannah Poon, on a community art project for Collins Court. On Wednesdays during our regular Needles and Craft sessions, members of the public and Child Health Association Tasmania are welcome invited to work on knitted and crocheted works of art to decorate Collins Court in the spirit of “yarn bombing”. For more information, stay tuned to our Facebook page for when these sessions are due to begin.

We continue to partner with Leaps Ahead Early Intervention to provide our members with information on topics of interest. In February, Michelle Furminger spoke on the topic of Food Refusal and Introducing New Foods. March 27

she’ll be leading a discussion on managing tantrums. Be sure to RSVP on our Facebook page or [email protected] as slots are limited to 20 families.

A conversation I overheard at The Haven this past week truly warmed my heart. There were only two mothers and their little ones in the room. Neither had met each other before. One mother was from overseas and English was her second language. The other was a local mother. As there children played beautifully together, they began chatting and exchanged details. The local mother asked, “Would you like to catch up later this week at a cafe? You can practice your English with me.”

The Haven is where families connect.

Who can use it? All families are welcome at The Haven: mums, dads, bubs and kids, grandparents, carers, aunties, and uncles. Entry is $2 per family. FREE for Child Health Association Tasmania members. Opening Hours: Monday - Friday,9:30am-12:30pm

Location: 121 Macquarie St, Hobart (down the alley off Macquarie St. behind St. Davids Cathedral office building)

The Haven By Christine Jolly

We have the following opportunities for volunteering. We would love the help of our members to assist our staff in the following ways:


Volunteers to coordinate pram walking groups and CHAT groups across all regions.

NORTH BABY AND KIDS MARKETS • Volunteers: 9-12pm, 23 May, 22 August, 14

November. You will be assisting Katrina in running the kids area and passing out balloons and apples and chatting to families about what our organisation offers Northern families.

Email Katrina Lokan at [email protected] or call 0400 820 070

SOUTH THE HAVEN • WANTED - Haven Volunteer Coordinator - We are

looking for one of our members to commit to joining our volunteer team to coordinate the roster and oversee Haven operations. (Four hours per week)

• Volunteers: Monday-Friday, 9:30-11:30am and 10:30am-12:30pm — 10 Volunteers (1 per shift; 2 each day) - open up, welcome families to The Haven and pack up.

BABY AND KIDS MARKETS • Volunteers: 9-12pm, 31 May, 16 August, 8

November. You will be assisting Christine in running the kids area and passing out balloons and apples and chatting to families about what our organisation offers Southern families.

Email Christine Jolly at [email protected] or call 0400 518 154 if you are keen to lend a hand.

Volunteer Opportunities By Christine Jolly



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I heard a great phrase the other day.... “Courage precedes confidence”.

Think about it... before you were a successful driver, you needed to have the courage to give it a go, to practice, and to keep at it even when you made mistakes or couldn’t change gears without ‘crunching’ it.

Or when you went for the job interview for a position you really wanted – you may have had mock interviews with your friend’s support, and even practised in front of the mirror, to make sure you knew what to say and how you looked.

The phrase ‘courage precedes confidence’ is also true in parenting, both as the parent or the child, and in our relationships within our family.

A baby needs an element of courage to crawl off and explore parts of the house, or to try standing again even when they’ve fallen down three times.

A toddler is fuelled by a desire to explore their world, and the courage to leave Mum or Dad’s side to do so... whether it’s climbing the stairs for the slippery dip, or putting their hands in mud or shaving cream for the first time.

Young children learn about courage when they go to Pre-Kindy or Childcare and they have to say goodbye to their parent(s). They may have tears and fears about your return, but they learn to be courageous and stay with the carers until your return. After a while they are confident to do so.

School age children use courage to approach children in the playground to ask whether they can play together, and they learn to have the courage to have a go at sounding words out as they are learning to read.

In each example the children needed to be willing to give it a go, to repeat and practise it, and only then were they confident to do it.

In parenting it’s the same process. Think back to your birthing experience. For most women (and men) there’s a bit of fear mixed in with the excitement of an impending birth. No matter how many books you’ve read and dvd’s you’ve watched, there is still apprehension about the process, and the birthing experience takes courage to travel through the contractions and the pain, or the fear of a caesarian to deliver a child. The second time is a little easier because you know what to expect, and you are generally more confident.

When you had this new little baby to care for at home, without any hospital staff or family members to support you, it again was a mix of excitement and fear of not knowing what to do, or doing it wrong in some way. It took courage to give it a go, and to learn the best way to feed your baby or how to hold him when you gave him a bath. The more you did it, your confidence grew.

When parents model being courageous or brave they show their children how to do it. It doesn’t mean brave enough to climb Mt Everest, or wrestle a crocodile..... it’s about everyday courage – learning to cook a new recipe, or to take a dance class with two left feet! It could be learning a new language, or going to a new playgroup or pram walking group. New things often feel uncomfortable because we haven’t done them before, and it takes an element of courage to give it a go. Over time it becomes more comfortable and we end up feeling confident in it.

So, what can you do new this week, to step outside your comfort zone? Be courageous and do it, knowing that with practise you will be confident in it! And, it’s great modelling for your children!

Happy Courageous Parenting!

CHAT member, Sonja is a Senior Parenting Consultant, with 14 years parenting experience, on top of a 20 year teaching background. She is also a Life Coach. Sonja can be found at www.theparentingcafe.com.au or via email: [email protected]

Courage Precedes Confidence By Sonja Preston



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North West Region

This has been an exciting season for CHAT in the NW. We have started a pram walking group in Devonport, which meets every Thursday at 10.30am. We have had two walks so far – one in moderate weather and one in the rain, hence why we resorted to a nearby coffee shop for some chit chat, and missed out on our exercise that morning! I am putting regular posts in both our CHAT Facebook page and NW Mums Network page with updates on the group’s meeting location and the plan for inclement weather. For all NW Mums please like our NW Mums Network page to keep updated on CHAT events, groups and upcoming information sessions and come along to join the fun!!

CHAT had an information marquee at the Penguin Festival this month, distributing service pamphlets and inviting parents to ‘like’ us on Facebook for more information and suggestions. We were also at the Festival in the Park in Ulverstone and the Kentish Family Support House opening in Sheffield. So please look on our pages for more information and bring the kids along for a play, free balloons and apple slinkies.

We also have a Kidsafe Tasmania information session coming up in Devonport in April, where RACT will provide free carseat checks, and an Oral Health information session in May. I am planning on starting up a new Playgroup in Devonport in the coming weeks, so please contact me with any suggestions, ideas or queries as I would love to hear from you.

To join our online community of mums in North West Tasmania, visit http://goo.gl/Z9aBRO

Coordinator: Jayne Freshney [email protected] 0407 306 010

Southern Region

Raise your hand if you have saved money to cover the whole cost of your CHAT membership by using our Retailer Discounts with local businesses? For the few of you who haven’t we’ve got great partnerships with local pharmacies and family-friendly businesses. Drop into one this month and show them your membership card. Here’s the link to our list of partnering businesses: http://goo.gl/09wB3B

This month begins our wonderful endeavour to provide great First Aid information sessions to our Southern members through New Generation First Aid Tasmania through funding granted to us through Rotary Club of City Central Hobart. Keep an eye on our weekly “What’s On” emails to find out when our first session begins. This will be only available to our members. Get your friends to sign up for membership for only $5 on our website www.chatas.com.au.

A big thank you to all of our volunteers who coordinate playgroups, pram walking groups, staff The Haven, and assist at local events we are involved in. You have made it possible for us to fulfil our goal to connect local families with one another and the wider community.

To join our online community of mums in Southern Tasmania, visit http://goo.gl/0haJdk

Coordinator: Christine Jolly [email protected] 0400 518 154

Northern Region

It has been another busy month in the north. I am pleased to announce we have two new pram walking groups up and running. Kings Meadows on Fridays at 10am, leaving from Carr Villa Carpark and Tamar/Gorge on Tuesdays at 11am, leaving from Penny Royal Car Park. I hope to see you there. City Playgroup should be up and running very soon.

CHAT had a successful Parenting Tent at Festivale this year. Despite the rain we had a steady flow of mums and dads coming in to use our changing facilities and relax on the couch to feed bub. The tent was in the Kids Kingdom. This area was packed full of wonderful actvities for the little ones including face painting, crafts and play equipment, Tiny Top with mini performances; and kid friendly food stalls. We had some good feedback from our wonderful volunteers about how to improve our parenting tent for next year, so I’ll look into those. If you came along and had any thoughts don’t hesitate to email or call me.

Don’t forget to come along to a Pram Walk! We have a lovely group of mums walking with us and are always welcoming of new faces.

To join our online community of mums in Northern Tasmania, visit http://goo.gl/s9N9rg

Coordinator: Katrina Lokan [email protected] 0400 820 070

Tasmanian Regional Reports TH


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Honouring Our Life Members Annette Bain Kathy Barry Mary Brain Denise Bizjak Julie Bott Mary Brain Karen Cashion Debra Chick Esme Clarke Gill Clarke Jenny Clements Barbara Cooper Elizabeth Cowan Marylynn Connelley Chris Dahlenberg Margaret Davis Dee Dawkins Brenda Dickenson Kathryn Direen Marianne Dolbey Maree Duggan Maria Eaton Kathryn Edwards Kathryn Ervin Jillian Freeman Martha Frankcombe

Ruth Freeman Maria Gill Fiona Gleeson Jan Griffiths Pat Harthen Anita Hine Lindy Holmard Suzette Holmes Eilin Hordvik Suzanne Horton Jenni Howlett Judy Hunt Pauline Hurd Mandy Jackson Elaine Johnston Anna Jones Marylynn Jones Rosemary Kellaway Mary Keller Tanya King Christine LeFevre Annette Langham Lyn Long Jillian Lynch Margaret Maine Celeste Marchant

Jessica Marston Susan McKinnon Jane McKnight Tanya McNeill Anita Meier Charlene Milner Christine Minchin Chris Mooy Louise Morgan Robyn Nandan Lynne Neep Carol Newbon Leanne Newson Sonia Ollongton Allison O’May Maree Peck Eleanor Phelan Jenny Ploughman Catherine Revell Pam Revell Audrey Richardson Fiona Ringrose Robyn Robertson Gail Saggers Judy Salter Raelene Salter

Leonie Scott Elizabeth Singleton Emily Shepherd Kaye Smith Linda Smith Tammy Smith Kristy Springer Loriee Snook Christine Stacey Janet Stephens Rhonda Stewart Anita Street Pat Swindells Shelley Thomson Lyn Williams Kerrie Walkem Ann Wedding Marion Wilson Jill Zeeman

*Please contact us regarding any missing members or edits.



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Your ad could feature here.

Contact Christine Jolly

at [email protected] to learn how you can

both support our various initiatives and

connect with Tasmanian families.

The following programs are part of Child Health Association Tasmania

Business Connect Family Food Patch Growing Families

The Haven Hobart Mums Network

North West Mums Network Pram Walking Groups

Resource Libraries Retailers Discount Program

To find out more about our programs and membership, please visit our website


A/State Executive Officer Alison Wood 0428 221 886

[email protected]

Finance/Admin Officer Matt Smith

0477 033 669 [email protected]

Southern Regional Coordinator Christine Jolly 0400 518 154

[email protected]

North West Regional Coordinator Jayne Freshney 0407 306 010

[email protected]

Northern Regional Coordinator Katrina Lokan 0400 820 070

[email protected]

Family Food Patch Program Manager Emma Rowell 0438 926 242

[email protected]

Growing Families Program Manager Dianne Martin 0478 242 196

[email protected]