2015 July SBcolor ver2 - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · Planning Retreat Ordination of...

Seabreeze Vol. XLV, No. 7 JULY 2015 We have two of our biggest events this month--Vacation Bible School (July 6–10) and then Family Camp (July 26–31). Those two were preceded by the PCJC Leadership Conference (June 27) and our involvement in the VJCC Festival (June 27, 28). Additionally, we have people going on short term mis- sions in July. A team is going to Japan to serve in the area beset by the earthquake and tsunami, and indi- viduals are going to minister in Brazil, Ohio inner city, JEMS Mt. Hermon Conference and our PCJC Family Camp. It’s going to be a full month! It is also going to be a month full of ministry opportunities. We have the chance to share the mes- sage of Jesus Christ with people who are in need. We are living out God’s calling to us when we participate in spiritual growth opportunities. I commend each one who serves in some ministry capacity this month. You are exhibiting the spirit of Christ and of our church. May God bless you with a joy in ministry and great fruitfulness. “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10 Pastor Jim Miyabe Sincerely, Volume XLV, No. 7 Venice - Santa Monica Free Methodist Church Youth Grad Banquet at Truxtons, June 13. Student Leadership Training and Planning Retreat Ordination of PCJC Pastors Jeremy Carr and Phillip Sakanashi (4th and 5th from left) with new District Superintendent Jason Garcia (far left) and Bishop Matt Thomas (center), June 27. A hearty Venice welcome to Mr. Nathan Cherney who has joined our staff to serve as full-time Assistant Pastor in our church as of June 9. Mr. Cher- ney grew up in the Chino area, graduated UC River- side and Talbot Seminary and served a church in Texas for a short time. Pastor Nathan will be serving in the variety of pastoral duties and will be leading the Discipleship Council which includes Christian Education and LIFE Development Ministries. Under Christian Education, Children, Youth and Adult Ministries will be under his oversight. He can be reached via email at “Pastor- [email protected]” and by phone at 909/230- 3777. He recently married the former Valeria (Va- lerie) Rubio on May 16, and the two will be living in Culver City. We extend a warm welcome to Nathan and Valeria Cherney and a prayer for God’s abundant blessings on them as they join our pastoral staff and church. Events Welcome Pastor Nathan Cher- ney and Valerie Lauren Hong mission trip dedication, June 21. S.A.M. “Scam Alert” luncheon with LAPD, June 20. Assistant Pastor Nathan dedication, June 21.

Transcript of 2015 July SBcolor ver2 - Clover Sitesstorage.cloversites.com... · Planning Retreat Ordination of...

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eVol. XLV, No. 7

JULY 2015

We have two of our biggest events this month--Vacation Bible School (July 6–10) and then Family Camp (July 26–31). Those two were preceded by the PCJC Leadership Conference (June 27) and our involvement in the VJCC Festival (June 27, 28). Additionally, we have people going on short term mis-sions in July. A team is going to Japan to serve in the area beset by the earthquake and tsunami, and indi-viduals are going to minister in Brazil, Ohio inner city, JEMS Mt. Hermon Conference and our PCJC Family Camp. It’s going to be a full month! It is also going to be a month full of ministry opportunities. We have the chance to share the mes-sage of Jesus Christ with people who are in need. We are living out God’s calling to us when we participate in spiritual growth opportunities. I commend each one who serves in some ministry capacity this month. You are exhibiting the spirit of Christ and of our church. May God bless you with a joy in ministry and great fruitfulness. “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10

Pastor Jim MiyabeSincerely,

Volume XLV, No. 7Venice - Santa Monica Free Methodist Church

Youth Grad Banquet at Truxtons, June 13.Student Leadership Training and Planning Retreat

Ordination of PCJC Pastors Jeremy Carr and Phillip Sakanashi (4th and 5th from left) with new District Superintendent Jason Garcia (far left) and Bishop Matt Thomas (center), June 27.

A hearty Venice welcome to Mr. Nathan Cherney who has joined our staff to serve as full-time Assistant Pastor in our church as of June 9. Mr. Cher-ney grew up in the Chino area, graduated UC River-side and Talbot Seminary and served a church in Texas for a short time.

Pastor Nathan will be serving in the variety of pastoral duties and will be leading the Discipleship Council which includes Christian Education and LIFE Development Ministries. Under Christian Education, Children, Youth and Adult Ministries will be under his oversight. He can be reached via email at “[email protected]” and by phone at 909/230-3777. He recently married the former Valeria (Va-lerie) Rubio on May 16, and the two will be living in Culver City. We extend a warm welcome to Nathan and Valeria Cherney and a prayer for God’s abundant blessings on them as they join our pastoral staff and church.


Welcome Pastor Nathan Cher-ney and Valerie

Lauren Hong mission trip dedication, June 21.

S.A.M. “Scam Alert” luncheon with LAPD, June 20.

Assistant Pastor Nathan dedication, June 21.

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Our best to those serving in different ministries in June - Dean, Catherine & Nicole Matsuda served at a medical clinic in Jamaica. Lauren Tang served as a counselor at JEMS Mt. Her-mon Middle High Camp.

Youth Ministry held their Grad Banquet at Trux-ton’s Restaurant on June 13. Our best to all our graduates!

Thanks to everyone who supported the Moth-ers of PreSchoolers (MOPS) fundraising dinner at PitFire Pizza on June 15. Funds will go toward scholarships and child care for their ministry.

Fathers were recognized at our worship ser-vices on June 21. May God bless all our fa-thers who serve their families.

Twelve people attended the CPR Training we hosted on Saturday, June 20, and 17 people attended training on Monday, June 22. Thanks to the Body Life Council Board for their support in bringing this event to Venice church and for subsidizing the cost for those regularly serving in ministries.  

The Senior Adult Ministry luncheon on June 22 had a very helpful seminar on preventing scams. Informative speakers included Sharon Holmes (LAPD), and Kanako Fukuyama (Keiro). Thanks to all who helped out!

PCJC Leadership Conference was held on June 27 at the Mission Valley FMC. Rev. Ja-son Garcia began his ministry as our new Superintendent. Mr. Philip Sakanashi (Mis-sion Valley FMC) was ordained as a minister in

the FM church and Mrs. Linda Akutagawa and Mr. Ryan Granucci (VSMFMC) were con-ferred the Conference Ministerial Candidate status. We were represented by delegates Patty Chung and Tom Granucci (reserves Reg Ariyasu and Jodi Yokota) and Pastor Jim Miyabe.

Good to hear from Lauren Hong on June 21 in our worship services. She was commissioned to serve on an inner city short-term mission in Over-the-Rhine (Cincinnati), Ohio in July. Kimberly Chew was commissioned June 28 to serve a short-term mission to Brazil, also in July.

Congratulations to Robbie & Perrie (nee Chu) Chew who were married on June 27. God bless you as you begin married life!

Our thanks to each person who helped out at our booths and udon noodle cooking at the VJCC Festival on June 27 & 28.


VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (VBS): July 6-10 At “Journey Off the Map”, children (3 yrs. old (potty-trained) thru 5th grade) will discover that Jesus is the Ultimate Guide on a journey un-charted by them but known by Him. $10 fee per child (includes a CD with all of the VBS music and a t-shirt). 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Register online at our website: venicechurch.org.

Y O U T H S U M M E R E V E N T S : Wednesdays thru August 12 “Gospel Journey Maui” will be held every Wednesday (except 7/29) from 2:00 p.m.-8:00 p.m. They will be discussing world religions, going on adventures and having fun. Contact Linda for information at [email protected].

TIRE OUT THE TYKES (TOTTS): July 7, 14, 17, 21 & 28 TOTTS hosts activities for moms & their chil-dren include a variety of events during the

summer months at 9:30 a.m. at the Toddler House or off-site. If you are interested in par-ticipating, please contact Leslie Hudson at [email protected].

CONVALESCENT HOSPITAL MINISTRY: July 19 Once a month we minister to the residents at Santa Monica Convalescent Hospital at 2 p.m. Want to participate? Contact Wayne Ginoza at 310–963–4681 or [email protected].

FAMILY CAMP: July 26-31 About 120 people from our church have regis-tered for Family Camp. The theme is “Un-chained, Free to Set Free,” from Luke 4:18, 19. Please pray for a most blessed time for all attendees. If you are taking our bus, please be here at the church on SUNDAY, July 26 at 7:30 a.m. with all luggage tagged with your name and “Venice Church”. The bus will return on FRIDAY, July 31, at approximately 5:00 p.m. To contact a conferee at the camp you can call/write: c/o Redwood Christian Camp, 15000 Two Bar Rd., Boulder Creek, CA 95006. Phone: 831/338–2134.


ANNUAL LABOR DAY PICNIC: September 7 Enjoy the fellowship of the church family, deepen your relationships and get to know some new folks. It is a fun day to relax, eat and enjoy fellowship. We meet at Veteran’s Park (corner of Culver Blvd & Overland Ave.) There will also be a softball game. Starting times for the picnic & softball game TBA.

MEN’S RETREAT: September 11–13 MEN! You are all encouraged to attend our retreat themed “Amazing” (from Matthew 8:10)! Please save the date! Sign up at venicechurch.org/#/forms/mens-retreat.


HABITAT FOR HUMANITY CULVER CITY PROJECT We have joined Habitat for Humanity to build a home for a deserving family in Culver City. Over $19,600 of the $20,000 we have pledged to raise for the project has been donated. We will be help with the actual construction in 2015/2016. You can help serve by giving a donation and/or by signing up for a work day.

CULVER PALMS MEALS-ON-WHEELS Volunteer drivers are needed to deliver meals to home of people who are incapacitated due to age or disability on the Westside. Call 310/559–0666 if you would like to help.

WESTCHESTER PLAYA VILLAGE WPV assists seniors with activities like grocery shopping, a ride to and from appointments home visits etc. Volunteers are sought to make a difference in their lives. Call the church office for info.

FELLOWSHIP LUNCHEON SUNDAY: First Sundays Every 1st Sunday of the month is Fellowship Luncheon Sunday. Please join us after the 2nd

PLEASE PRAY FOR... ...those who are serving on short-term

missions: Kimberly Chew (Brazil, July), Sara Fong (U. of Tenn. with InterVarsity); Lauren Hong (inner city Cincinnati, Ohio, July); Alan, Donna, Peter & Drew Oda, Hector, Carla & Jessey Cedillo (Japan, July); Rob, Denise, Stephanie & Cori

Anne Tang (Thailand with ZOE Ministries); Lauren Tang (JEMS Mt. Her-

mon Middle High Counselor).

...those military personnel serving our country--Keaton Frey and Andrew Sum-ida (Navy), Julie Akiyama and Robert

Sugai (Army), and Geoffrey West (Marines).



News Briefs


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worship service for a wonderful time of fellow-ship and for a delicious meal prepared by members of the Hospitality Ministry.

GOD TIME: Scripture meditation & prayer from 6 p.m.-8 p.m. every Tuesday at the church.

SUNDAY MORNING SCHEDULE Our two English Worship Services start at 8:45 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. The Japanese language Worship Service starts at 10:15 a.m. English language Sunday school is held at 8:45 a.m. & 10:15 a.m. Japanese language Sunday school is at 8:45 a.m. Call the church office for more specific information on the youth and children’s schedule.

MISS A WORSHIP SERVICE? Did you miss a worship service because you were ill or out of town? You can hear the mes-sages from our website venicechurch.org or order a CD. You can also access this news-letter (the “Seabreeze”) at our website and much, much more! (Please let Michelle Stultz in the church office know if you access the Seabreeze off the web and don’t need one mailed to your home.)


In Memory of Mrs. Elma Arao – Mr. David Kikuta

Birthday Offering – B. Galloway – Mrs. Ikuko Migita

In Memory of Mrs. Aiko Kobata – Kobata Family.

In Memory of Mr. Francis Tahata – Mrs. Nan-cy Tahata


Our sympathies to the family of Mr. Dick Lipock who passed away on May 26. May God’s peace comfort the entire family.

Our condolences to Charles, Lisette & Bruce Fedrick on the passing of Lisette’s father, Mr. Abel Herrera, on June 6 in El Salvador. May God’s comfort be with the entire family.



July YOUTH Events • July 1, 8, 15, and 22, 2015 (Weds) 2:00 PM to 8:00 PM- Gospel Journey

Maui: Learn about world religions and go on an adventure with us! Bring money to buy dinner at Centinela Cafe. We will be watching a video series, playing games, cooking snacks, and having a fun time of fellowship!

• July 5, 2015 (Sun) ALL YOUTH PLAN ON BEING IN SERVICE - NO SUNDAY SCHOOL – Tang Family Sharing and to observe as prep for Youth Sunday.

• July 5, 2015 (Sun) 12:00 to 3:00 PM - VBS Volunteer Kick-Off! • July 6 - July 10: Vacation Bible School (VBS) ALL YOUTH report to Youth

Ministry House at 5 PM. Dinner will be served for volunteers (VBS kids will be there from 6:30 to 8:30 PM). Please plan on being there until 9 PM.

• July 12, 2015 (Sun) YOUTH SUNDAY! We will be serving and leading at both the 8:45 and 10:15 services! Please let me know if you are interested in helping with worship, ushering, or sharing a testimony!

• July 12, 2015 (Sun) 12:00PM to 3:30 PM Youth VBS THANK YOU Lunch fellowship! We want to appreciate all our youth who helped out at VBS with a special lunch and hangout! Lunch will be served in the Multi-Purpose Room (MPR) with games following.

Linda will be on vacation from July 13 through July 20. Please direct any questions

that week to Ryan at [email protected]

Follow us on Instagram: veniceyouth Facebook: Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/groups/veniceyouth/

Shutterf ly - https://venicechurchyouthgroup.shutterfly.com/ Email: [email protected]

Children’s Ministry NewsVBS

July 6-10, 2015 6:30pm – 8:30pm

Be part of reaching out to kids and our community with the gospel.

Water Bottle donations requested. Adults needed to provide security, and to help in preschool.

Sign-up to Volunteer through our church website or visit the VBS Table.

Youth graduation celebrations.

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STAFF E-MAIL ADDRESSES & PHONE NUMBERS:Pastor Jim Miyabe (Lead Pastor) [email protected] (310/822-8094)

Pastor Yongsu Park (Japanese language) [email protected] (310/822-8094)

Pastor Nathan Cherney (Assistant Pastor) [email protected] (909/230-3777)

Linda Akutagawa (Youth Director) [email protected] (310/962-3529)

Ryan Grannucci (Youth Worker) [email protected] (310/415-3642)

Audrey Hodges (CM Director) [email protected] (310/822-8094)

Ken Koshimizu (CM Assistant Director) [email protected] (310/822-8094)

Emiko Kuwata (Infant/Toddler Director) [email protected] (310/418-7791)

Michelle Stultz (Office Administrator) [email protected] (310/822-8094)

Jodi Yokota (Bookkeeper) [email protected] (310/822-8094)

Venice-Santa Monica Free Methodist Church

Main Office: 310/822-8094 email: [email protected]: 310/821-5474 http://www.venicechurch.org




CHECK OUT OUR CHURCH WEBSITE: We’ve got a new online location at:

http://www.venicechurch.org It has our news and events!  This newsletter, “Seabreeze,” is also here.  Let us know if you receive the Seabreeze off the web and

don’t need one mailed to your home.  Also, Pastor Jim’s sermons are available there via Podcast or through its media player. Venice Youth (6th-12th grade ministry) has a new e-mail address! [email protected]