2015 DCON Key to Caring Issue

1 Wisconsin- Upper Michigan Key Club: Key to Caring



Transcript of 2015 DCON Key to Caring Issue

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Upper Michigan

Key Club:

Key to Caring

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Page 3: District Board Helping Eliminate

Page 4: District Lemon

Page 6: ICON Update

Page 8: Back to School, Back to Key Club

Page 9: New Recruitment

Page 10: Division 7 DCM Fun

Page 11: Governor Update

Page 12: Webshops DCON Webshop Discount

Page 13: District Leadership Conference

Page 14: Costa Rica Service Tour

Page 15: Kimberly Halloween Party

Page 16: International Trustee Introduction

Page 17: District Board Directory

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How to Recruit New Members With football games, new clubs, new classes and new underclassmen

flooding the school, it’s crucial that you advertise Key Club and what it’s all about!

It can be as simple as the spread of word by just telling friends or even siblings in

the school all about Key Club and providing information about meetings. There

are other ways to advertise your club of course like big colorful posters approved

by your school or even asking your principle if you can do a morning

announcement over the P.A system. My school (Waukesha West) provides

student broadcasting every Friday with videos made by the students. With their

help, they helped us create a funny and encouraging video announcement of our

advisor to show the whole school at one time how much fun and rewarding Key

Club is! There are many successful way to advertise your club and even talking to

other clubs about what worked for them could be very helpful. Gaining new

members in the beginning of the year can help boost your club through the whole

year! Good Luck on the beginning of a new Key Club year!

-McKenna Mielkie


For those of you who don’t know, the WIUM District board had an August

board meeting from August 1-3. One of the most exciting components for all

those present was the Eliminate Board Auction that the Eliminate district chair,

Celia Nalbach organized! This auction included handmade scarfs, Cow tails, t-

shirts, chocolate, a cow and cheese head hats, bags, pins, plastic fruit, hand

painted bags from an Aktion Club, sunglasses, our own WIUM district socks, and

so much more. By auctioning off this variety of silly items both Key Club related

and not, our board raised a grand total of $641.68 in under an hour to donate to

the Eliminate project! With the success of this auction, plus other fundraising

throughout the summer, the board raised over $1272 in these past three summer

months that equals over 706 babies saved through Eliminate. The success of this

summer including the auction was astounding and really shows that when a group

of Key Clubbers get together, we can do great things for others!

-Eliza Godfrey


District Board Helping Eliminate

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The District Lemon There was not a bitter soul in the room as our Wisconsin Upper Michigan District

Board got out their wallets and prepared for the 2014 District Board Auction,

hosted by the one and only Miss Celia Nalbach, our District Eliminate Project

Chair. The auction was to include many zesty items, such as pins from the 2014

International Convention in Anaheim, the last eleven pairs of the heavily sought-

after striped Key Club socks, some fun Key Club t-shirts, and...plastic fruit? Yes, the

most important items were definitely an artificial bunch of grapes, an orange, an

apple, and a lemon. Why does the WIUM District Board value such frivolous items

so highly, you may ask? It all began almost one year ago, at the 2013 November

District Board Meeting.

Baylee Radke (now the Immediate Past District Eliminate Project Chair)

decided to hold a board auction with all proceeds going to the Eliminate Project.

She auctioned off oodles of items such as Key Club stickers, shirts, and sunglasses.

Oddly enough, a plastic lemon somehow found its way into the box of items.

Baylee figured she might as well sell it, so she started the bidding off at ten cents.

Celia (the District Bulletin Editor at the time) decided her desire for the lemon was

so strong that she’d be willing to spend several dollars on it. Connor Navis, the

Immediate Past Division 18 Lieutenant Governor, realized Celia’s intense yearning

for the lemon and bid her up to $5. The whole District Board will cherish and

remember this moment for years to come since Celia’s purchase was so

ridiculously absurd.

Celia has shared that the lemon portrays a deeper meaning for herself

personally. It has reminded her of her dedication to Key Club and her love and

passion for the organization and the Eliminate Project. At the November Board

Meeting, she was planning on running for District Bulletin Editor again. However,

after the lemon became her own, she realized that she wanted to change the

world for the better on a much greater scale than making Key to Caring issues.

Celia wanted to make a direct impact, and her sacred plastic lemon inspired her to

do just that. She decided to step down from her executive board position and into

the appointed position of District Eliminate Project Chair.

The lemon was always an object of humor and inspiration for Celia and the

rest of the 2013-2014 District Board. It even traveled with us to the International

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do just that. She decided to step down from her executive board position and into

the appointed position of District Eliminate Project Chair.

The lemon was always an object of humor and inspiration for Celia and the

rest of the 2013-2014 District Board. It even traveled with us to the International

Convention in Anaheim this past July, where it was regally shown off at the Service

Fair for International Key Clubbers to see. It was also brought to our District Board

Auction in the beginning of August, but this time for a different reason. Celia

thought it would only be right to give the very special lemon to our fabulous

Executive Administrator, Kathy Gillis, as a surprise. Of course, the rest of the

District Board knew exactly what was going on ahead of time. When the end of

the auction drew near, Celia got out a small gift bag (adorned with the theme of

our next DCON, of course) and passed around a cup. Each board member pitched

in a few bucks and by the time the cup went around the whole table it had

collected over $50. Celia presented Kathy with the bag, which she quickly opened.

She was flabbergasted as she reached into the bag and pulled out the much-loved

District Lemon. It was a very heartwarming experience for everyone in the room.

To know that we made such a difference in the world in only one hour was

amazing. Kathy has said that she will forever cherish receiving the lemon. It will be

a part of the District Board memories, holding a prominent place at every board

meeting as long as she holds her position as District Administrator. It will serve as

an inspiration as to what the members of our District are capable of


Megan Jursch Division 16 Lieutenant Governor

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ICON Update On July 2-8, the sunny Anaheim, California hosted the annual Key Club

International Convention (ICON)! It was a frenzy of workshops, general sessions,

dances, and House of Delegates, all while making tons of new friends and

strengthening the friendships that already existed. For those that did not attend

ICON, this article is here to cover the events that took place that affect the

membership as a whole.

One thing that took place was the House of Delegates. There were two

sessions of it, and both were extremely intense and passionate. Putting aside all of

the drama that took place there, these were the six amendments that were

presented at the House of Delegates (shortened for visual pleasure):

1. The requirements for forming a new district would be changed from “no less than 25 active Key Clubs and no less than 375 active Key Club members” to “at least 15 active Key Clubs and at least 450 active Key Club members”. Passed

2. The outline of becoming and being an Honorary Key Club member would be changed. Honorary members cannot be in high school and upon becoming an honorary member they would not pay dues or have any privileges of being a Key Club member. (Since they would not be paying dues, there was no reason for International to allow them any privileges of paying members.) Passed

3. The fifty cents ($0.50) from International dues that is usually put into the Youth Opportunities Fund would stop being put into that fund. This means that International would have fifty cents/member more in their budget. Passed

4. The fifty cents ($0.50) from International dues that is usually put into the Youth Opportunities Fund would stop being put into that fund. This means that International would have fifty cents/member more in their budget. Passed

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5. International dues would be raised from $6.50 to $8.50 or an increase of $2 to the current International dues. Failed...HOWEVER

→Amendment to the Amendment: International dues would be raised from $6.50 to $7.00 or an increase of $0.50 to the International dues. Passed

6. The guidelines of being a Key Club member would be changed to allow any student to be a Key Club member for as long as their secondary high school allows them to, but students would only be able to hold office in Key Club for a total of four years. (You have to understand that some school systems inside AND outside the US have their secondary education set longer than four years. In other words, someone in one of these school systems would be able to be a member as long as their “high school” is but would only be able to hold office for a maximum of four years.) Failed

7. The guidelines of being a Key Club member would allow any student in their secondary education of any school system to be a Key Club member. (Basically, this was the exact opposite of Amendment 5.) Passed

You might think I’m crazy for saying that was a shortened version, but you

would be surprised. The next and last item on the “List of Important Things to

Share” is the results of the International Board elections that took place. The

competition was fierce to say the least; there were so many excellent and

qualified candidates. However the results are (drum roll, please):

International President: Maria Palazzolo – Illinois-Eastern Iowa District

International Vice President: Kevin Zhang – Pacific Northwest District

International Trustee: Barry Seng – Pennsylvania District →Yes there are way more trustees, but Barry is our district’s (so the only one you really need to know) →Sister Districts for 2014-2015: New Jersey and Texas-Oklahoma

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From all of this you would think business was all we did at ICON, but I know I

wasn’t going to miss the opportunity of going to Disneyland and California

Adventure Park! For the last two days of our trip, our district group spent a day

each at these two parks. WHAT A BLAST! There were so many exhilarating rides, it

was a balmy 90˚, and you got to do some close bonding with members of the

district (even though at this point, you were already besties with everyone in the


As you can see, those who didn’t go to ICON missed out. It’s always hard to

rationalize going to these types of things sometimes, but I will tell you right now

and a million times over it is worth it. The experience was indescribable…one of

those camps/conventions that I might ACTUALLY remember for the rest of my life.

So, getting to the point: Go to ICON next year‼ It’s in Indianapolis, so it is way

closer to home, and it’s going to be combined with all other international

conventions of the other branches of the Kiwanis Family! This is attributed to it

being the 100th anniversary for Kiwanis International‼ I’d say it’s safe to assume

it’s going to be a convention like no other…I hope to see you there.

-Joshua Dvorak, Division 5 Lieutenant Governor

Back to School, Back to Key Club Be ready to welcome a great new 2014-2015 school year! While you might

be looking forward to having a new pencil every day for the next two weeks

before they ALL mysteriously go missing, you should be getting excited for the

possibilities that await you this year in your high school key club. The beginning of

the year can sometimes be overwhelming, but here is a few suggestions to keep in

mind while you start off your best year yet.

First and foremost, invite your friends to get involved! It can be as simple as

taking them to a meeting or having them tag along on a group service project.

Speaking of meetings, make this your year of being a regular attendee at your

schools weekly meetings, they’re great for brainstorming ideas and taking down

dates for upcoming events. After all, you can’t go if you don’t know.

Another way to maximize your Key Club experience is to take the

opportunity to plan a service project that you are passionate about. This can be

anything from a race, to a wacky fundraiser. The district, and sponsoring Kiwanis

clubs, often have scholarships or are at least willing to help in some way to make

your dream service project come true, all you have to do is ask and start an action


Last but not least, if you really want to see inner workings of Key Club,

become a committee head or a club officer. Not only will you grow as a member,

but also as a person. There is a lot to learn and it encourages organizational and

social skills. College applications anyone?

There is a great year ahead of you so go out there and rock it! Yours in


Maya Braden


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New Recruitment With football games, new clubs, new classes and new underclassmen

flooding the school, it’s crucial that you advertise Key Club and what it’s all about!

It can be as simple as the spread of word by just telling friends or even siblings in

the school all about Key Club and providing information about meetings. There

are other ways to advertise your club of course like big colorful posters approved

by your school or even asking your principle if you can do a morning

announcement over the P.A system. My school (Waukesha West) provides

student broadcasting every Friday with videos made by the students. With their

help, they helped us create a funny and encouraging video announcement of our

advisor to show the whole school at one time how much fun and rewarding Key

Club is! There are many successful way to advertise your club and even talking to

other clubs about what worked for them could be very helpful. Gaining new

members in the beginning of the year can help boost your club through the whole

year! Good Luck on the beginning of a new Key Club year!

-McKenna Mielkie


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Division 7 DCM Fun During the Division 7 DCM, we made 2 tie blankets and donated them to the

emergency shelter of Fox Valley. Making the tie blankets was a great way for our

division to bond and have some fun together after our DCM! The emergency

shelter was so thankful for the blankets when I dropped them off, and the kids

absolutely loved them.

-Amy Blossom


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Governor Update Hey Key Clubbers! I hope you are all having a great start to 2015. Just a few

updates for you all. Please remember that the registration deadline for the District

Leadership Conference (DCON) is approaching quickly! All the materials for

registration can be found on the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan website at

wiumkeyclub.com under the DCON tab and are due January 31st. Please work with

your advisor to get all of this in on time. Along with the registration deadline

comes the deadline for the DCON Webshop Discount. You can only qualify for the

discount until 11:59pm on January 31st. If you have not completed them by this

point, the discount will not be applied, there are no extensions to this discount. If

you do qualify for the discount, please tell your advisor, and the discount will

automatically be applied to your club registration. If you are interested in running

for a position on the District Board, please begin working with your Lieutenant

Governor to get all of your forms in on time so that you can be put in the DCON

Program. Not ready to take on the responsibility of the District Board, but you

want to pursue a position in Key Club, talk to your club board members to get

information on running for a club position. Your Club elections should be held

during the month of February, so they are approaching quickly! As always, if you

have any questions I can be reached by email at [email protected] or by

phone/text at 262-909-5560. Happy DCON Season!

Yours in Service and Kindness,

Erin Idler

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DCON Webshop Discount

Webshops Webshops are the WIUM District Training opportunities for Club officers,

general members, and our Advisors (both Faculty and Kiwanis). This year’s board

created many new webshops for your viewing. To find these you can either use

webshops.wiumkeyclub.com or you can go to the district website and click on the

link on the homepage. Once you get to the videos you view them, take a short 3

question quiz, and print out a certificate. Please encourage everyone in your clubs

to watch them.

As an incentive for completing the training sessions, the District is offering

the Webshop DCON Discount. Every member and/or Advisor successfully

completing 10 webshops, taking the quiz for each; and is registered for DCON, will

receive $10 off of their DCON registration. You must complete all 10 webshops by

JANUARY 31st ,2015 to receive the discount! If you view them as part of a club

meeting, we will need one member responding to the quiz and an emailed list of

members attending from the Faculty Advisor. This will need to be sent to Kathy at

[email protected].

We do not need to receive copies of any of the certificates; but recommend

that you keep them on file. You could even create a contest within your club to

see who can view and test out of the most webshops. Most are very short,

informative and fun!

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District Leadership Conference






DCON is approaching very quickly! Right now is the time to

start registration. Everything you need for registration can

be found on our district website, wiumkeyclub.com ,under

the DCON tab. Make sure to be working with your board

and advisor to make sure that everything is turned in by

January 31st.



ral In


This year the DCON theme is Harry Potter! To go along with

the theme there will be amazing decoration all over the

hotel. There will also be big group opening and closing

sessions. The District Board will be holding informative

Workshops. These will be helping you learn about your

position in your club and about new service project ideas

to bring to your club.








This years Keynote Speaker is Michael McGowan. He

has worked as an educator, a family counselor, an

alcohol and drug counselor and a trainer. Mr.

McGowan is a renowned speaker whose

presentations are personal and inspirational.

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Costa Rica Service Tour Our District has set up a Service Tour through the International Partner,

Rustic Pathways. All of the information about the tour is on the Rustic Pathways

WIUM Page listed below. You will need a password to get on the page. The site

indicates that the registration deadline was early December. We are extending the

deadline so that as many of our students can take advantage of this service tour

as possible. We are limited in the number of participants so when discussing this

option, please express urgency in enrolling. The deadline has been extended until

JANUARY 15th. Students attending do accumulate 35 service hours that can be

recorded toward achieving any service hour goals your club has in place. Adults

are welcome on the tour. The adults attending will also be performing service in

the local Costa Rican community.

Rustic Pathways WIUM: Page: http://www.rusticpathways.com/groups/trips/summercamp/ Password: costarica

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Kimberly Halloween Party During the month of October, Kimberly Key club worked hard to organize our

annual Halloween Party. This year we invited Key Clubbers from the District Board

and JRG Builders Club (middle school key club) to help run our event which was

located at Westside Elementary. At this event we had Key Clubbers running

Halloween games, a trick-o-treat hallway, crafts table, face painting, pumpkin

patch/decorating, a costume contest, bounce house and concessions. As the people

walked in, the first thing they saw was a big display of UNICEF describing what it

was and why we are raising money for this great event. Little kids of all ages came in

their costumes to have fun and get some pre-Halloween candy. Even we Key

Clubbers wore a costume! It was hard work, but putting smiles on little kid’s faces

was worth it!

Michaela Beck

Kimberly Key Club

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International Trustee Introduction Greetings Wisconsin-Upper Michigan Key Clubbers! My name is Barry Seng and I am thrilled to have the opportunity to serve as your International Trustee. I serve on the Key Club International Board with ten other trustees, a vice president, and a president. The Key Club International President and Vice President are Maria Palazzolo and Kevin Zhang, respectively. As trustee, I work with my three assigned districts throughout the year by providing updates, holding meetings, visiting each district, and helping anyone with Key Club issues. My three districts are the New Jersey District, the Texas-Oklahoma District, and the Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District.

Since I am your trustee, it is important that all you get to know me, so you can trust me. I am from the majestic Pennsylvania District of Key Club International. I live an hour north of Philadelphia in the Lehigh Valley. Yes, I love pretzels and Philly cheesesteaks. No, I am not Amish! In my family, I am the youngest of four children. Both my parents and my three siblings were members of Key Club! Besides Key Club, I love to run, read, and travel with my family. Running is my escape from the stresses of life. I have run two half-marathons but my ultimate goal is run in the Boston Marathon. In my free time, I enjoy reading books of various genres. However, Harry Potter books will always be my favorite. In the summer, my family loves to travel to new places. I have been to twenty eight states and two countries but I want to travel to all fifty states and as many countries as possible. I love to experience new cultures.

Throughout the year, you will meet the real Barry Seng. I look forward to getting to know all of you. Together, we will serve the world!

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District Board Directory

Position Name Email Address District Governor Erin Idler [email protected] District Secretary/Treasurer

Justine Schwarz [email protected]

District Bulletin Editor Isabella Blackburn [email protected] Director of Committees Shiyue Xie [email protected]

Director of Technology Mikaela Hanrahan [email protected]

Division 1 Lieutent Governor

Zach Raetzman [email protected]

Division 2 Lieutenant Governor

Lauren Camacho [email protected]

Division 3 Lieutenant Governor

Eliza Godfrey [email protected]

Division 4 Lieutenant Governor

Wendy Hoang [email protected]

Division 5 Lieutenant Governor

Joshua Dvorak [email protected]

Division 6 Lieutenant Governor

Armando Ramirez [email protected]

Division 7 Lieutenant Governor

Amy Blossom [email protected]

Division 8 Lieutenant Governor

Maren Hjortnaes [email protected]

Division 9 Lieutenant Governor

McKenna Mielkie [email protected]

Division 10 Lieutenant Governor

Hunter Engels [email protected]

Division 11 Lieutenant Governor

Natasha Chase [email protected]

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Position Name Email Address Division 12 Lieutenant Governor

Mackenzie Mas [email protected]

Division 13 Lieutenant Governor

Arietta Zenku [email protected]

Division 14 Lieutenant Governor

Maya Braden [email protected]

Division 15 Lieutenant Governor

Connor Meinke [email protected]

Division 16 Lieutenant Governor

Megan Jursch [email protected]

Eliminate Chair Celia Nalbach [email protected]

Perferred Charities Chair

Taylor Hurst [email protected]

Bylaws & Policies Chair

Stephanie Rink [email protected]

Public Relations Chair Chelsey Barnes [email protected]

Membership Development

Ashlee Trotter [email protected]

International Trustee Barry Seng [email protected]

District Administrator Kathy Gillis [email protected]