©2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promise Developing Your Destination Promise 1.

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2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Developing Your Destination Promise 1 Slide 2 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Thousands of brands worldwide have enhanced their perception, image and success by applying our BrandScience principles. 2 Slide 3 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Our Dialogue Today I.Genuine BrandMindset II.Building a Destination BrandPromise III.Collective Wisdom 3 Slide 4 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Genuine Brands? 4 Slide 5 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com I. Genuine BrandMindset The internalized sum of all impressions received by G.U.E.S.T.s and influencers resulting in a DISTINCTIVE position in their minds eye based on the PERCEIVED VALUE of emotional and functional BENEFITS. focussed on SUBSTANCE not hype delivers VALUE engenders TRUST fosters LOYALTY 5 Slide 6 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Destination BrandScience 6 Slide 7 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com A Guest not a visitor! A tourism product is what the customer buys but the tourism experience is what they remember and talk about, its the emotional feeling and connection that makes them feel like a valued GUEST. 7 Slide 8 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com The G.U.E.S.T. Philosophy 8 Greeting Everyone communicates: Were glad youre here! Understanding Listen, learn and understand your guests. We always listen for the way our guests feel. Efficiency Fast and easy is always the answer. We respect your time; we know it is valuable. Special Treatment Everyone wants to feel special. We have the power to provide a pleasant surprise for our guests. Thankfulness Thank each and every guest. We want you to be a friend and we appreciate your good will and the lifetime value of your relationship. Slide 9 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com One of a Kind from service to HOSPITALITY 9 Service is what we do. HOSPITALITY is how we exceed guests expectations....the art of greeting GUESTs with graciousness & appreciation Great Good ONE OF A KIND Customer Service HOSPITALITY Slide 10 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com II. Your Brand is Only As Good As Your Promise! 10 What does Promise mean to you? De belotte Versprechenpromesa Slide 11 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com A Genuine PROMISE Truthful & aspirational description of how you want your G.U.E.S.T.s to feel. Essence.heart, soul & spirit of your organisation/destination. Creates a distinctive experience thats attractive for everyone. Evokes a positive emotional connection. NOT an advertising message..your internal commitment. NOTHING without actions to implement. MissionVision...PROMISE 11 Slide 12 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com The BrandPromise You have to decide what your Promise and deliverables can be once a key connection with consumers is made, your brand can go from being one that satisfies consumers to one that they insist on. -Hallmark President & CEO Serves as the Guiding Star. 12 Slide 13 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com BrandBusinessPromise Coffee Privileged Relationships with Consumers EntertainmentMake Dreams Come True HotelJust Say Yes Business vs. Promise 13 Slide 14 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Three Fundamental Questions 14 1.What is the BRAND experience about? 2.What DISTINGUISHES your products and services? 3.How do you offer SUPERIOR VALUE to your customers? Pickup & delivery: anytime, anyplace When you absolutely, positively want someone to get it Immediate gratification Slide 15 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Promise Principles Provide a unique experience with products and services that enhance guests lives. Achieve internal partnership, passion and support for a Promise. Create a perception of exceptional value and distinctive benefits. 15 Slide 16 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Its All About the Experience A Genuine Promise creates an experience thats attractive for everyone. A Promise must evoke a positive emotional connection. It is all about how people feel! 16 Slide 17 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Promise Passion 17 Emotion al Functional How your guests feel. What you do. People must be emotionally capable of delivering a Promise before they can be functionally able. Slide 18 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Value is Everything 18 Perceived Value = Benefits Cost GESTALT Slide 19 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com The Way Promises Work #1The Promise of your business is your internal commitment for how you want your guests to feeltheir experience. It is not the advertising messagehowever; advertising messages and all brand communications should be driven by the Promise. 19 Slide 20 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com The Way Promises Work (continued) #2In order for your Promise to be effective, you must have a Plan of clearly defined Actions to deliver your Promise experiences. Your Promise is nothing without the implementation of its Plan of Action. 20 Slide 21 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com The Way Promises Work (continued) #3The key Promise principles expand and identify the functional and emotional benefits. Your Promise sets the direction for your business strategy from 30,000ft! 21 Slide 22 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com This is what matters The experience of the product. How it makes someone feel. We spend our time on a few great things. Until every idea we touch Enhances each life it touches. 22 Slide 23 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Wherever the Guest experience takes place in our parks, on the high seas, on a guided tour of exotic locales, through our vacation ownership program we remain dedicated to the promise that our Cast Members turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. Making dreams come true every day is central to our global growth strategy. 23 Slide 24 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Our company was built on a commitment to service, quality and value. Our Team Members are empowered to be Beyond the Best and serve our guests. By exceeding our guests expectations, we are able to create lasting memories. Our goal is to anticipate our guests wants and desires. We want to be proactive and offer, rather than being reactive and having the guest ask. The secret to our success is to build long-term relationships with our guests. We want to be their home away from home. Guests will find unbeatable value in gaming, food, hotel and entertainment. 24 Slide 25 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Genuine Brands 25 Slide 26 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com The BrandPromise 26 PURPOSE PROCESS Create and communicate a long- term value proposition from the guests perspective. Answer three fundamental questions: What is your business/destination experience all about? What distinguishes your product /destination from the competition? What is superior about the value you offer to your guests? confidencedifferentiation strategic direction Slide 27 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com The BrandPromise Process Create your Promise Team Complete a Brand Assessment Develop your Brand Promise Communicate your Promise - everyone learns to deliver your Promise 27 Slide 28 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Deliver on the Promise 28 Treat people BETTER than they EXPECT Successful brands keep their commitments with G.U.E.S.T.s and enthusiastically deliver on the Promise! Slide 29 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Slide 30 Whats Your Promise? 30 1.What is the BRAND experience about? 2.What DISTINGUISHES your products and services? 3.How do you offer SUPERIOR VALUE to your customers? ? ? ? Slide 31 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com BrandPromise Assessment 31 What are your guests perception and image of your brand? What is the first word that you want to come to mind when guests think of your brand? What attributes of your brand are important? What does your brand stand for in the minds of your staff and community? Slide 32 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com BrandPromise Assessment 32 What should your brands distinctive image be? Is your brand perceived as one of a kind? What are the benefits of being perceived as a one of a kind? What happens when your guests are disappointed? Would your guests describe your brand as their friend? Slide 33 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Anacortes the Center of Northwest Enjoyment You are here 33 Slide 34 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Destination Anacortes Paradigm Shifts 34 From: Small Town Visitor Mindset (On Your Own) Gateway (Ferry Access) One of Many Destinations Off Season (Seasonal) Drive Thru No Real City Center Competition To: Island Escape & Authentic Village Guest Mindset (Exceptional Service) Getaway One Of A Kind Destination (Preferred) Always On (In Season) Lots To Enjoy! Create a Pedestrian Plaza Cooperation Slide 35 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Remember 35 Love life and life will love you back. Love people and they will love you back. Arthur Rubinstein Slide 36 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com III. Collective Wisdom 36 Slide 37 2015 BrandStrategy, Inc. Developing A Destination Promisewww.brandstrategy.com Proprietary Properties 37 BrandMindset, BrandPromise, Brandictionary, BrandPsychic, Destination BrandScience and BrandStrategy are trademarks of BrandStrategy, Inc. All other trademarks, brands and brand names are the property of their respective owners and are used for illustrative purposes only. No sponsorship, association or affiliation with BrandStrategy, Inc. is intended or implied.