· 2015. 9. 14. · u. rllLYJOURNAL. VOLUMEXXXVI....

u. rllLY JOURNAL. VOLUME XXXVI. LOUISVILLE, KENTUCKY. MOXD AY. DECEMBER ' 18, 18B5. C.RBARNES' GOlopeNSI nanx^B AMD nuo un skmt fbmb to ; / mr AMraa c. p. BARmn. •t Bif Okmt Btett) mat M.lii ite.. I^iWvUt. Rr. DE. SBELYE%3 LIQUID c:«R wwTMited if iStRctl^ Are foUoweL tamiM. BorTLEB wax last a HOMru. COU) UK THM HBAD S*H»v«a IS F«« Micf.. »< >r *—pMt> Mcrtrt ai. UuMi tr OaUnliAl Ceatieaa. AEVfX or BBftBLL WtHA iMMoal ar Betlroral. Wt— uMiil htrOWuiWOiftcaltiea. TXZ&OAV Arrscnov* AM mtam BnaiaMr ttea uW w>«i oraMd hr MW, Waiy B-MOM iiJtui* fWiui Mw iMal. r^mn tTr BucAw W( aIcIA, mat WiMiic IraM CalarrU, art aaaa* tr DR.SEELYE’S CITAEEH RESEEDY! W'WrMa far aar paaehM BraertMf faBr al^ a\ae*ataa. U ariU ba aaaa tree ie aar adBraaa. TUa Braiaflr t~1t*~ aa Hiaafal ar PDiaaDanf Iae^e4^eaa^^ tm W paapaiai traa TapaaaMa Kitraca. Exalaaiaatr; abanfan M b Parfartlr Btialaaa. araa to tba aMt eeaWai aa4 laM iila «AUA Piiaa Bl par baaila. AAAraa. BR. D. H. SEELTE ft CO., rKEtPOBT. DR. SEELTR’S BROMHIAL SIRUP. Aa rafAMaf AeaM^r fer C«at;k«, CalAs, rwMilda, Aar* nraat, aarccacw aaA InHattaa *f the Braaehial TmAm ar Laa««. TicAJlBf la dw Thraat, aa4 Craa#. EaU br JOB1I O. PAU CiaeiaBati. aa« a£ Wbalc- aate l>ri«lala, mat at ItauU bp MueauTg c\xaYWUi:Bc. laoM raeaSaAwlp X> X S P £3 nr S .A. Zl. 'S' PM MB 4l or SPECIAL DISEASES, ***!• Will naEar, aerwaKS maim and Matbrt Baviof te aataral rmmrw paal aatiaa* tba fcyWou. matm af traatoaat far PriMa Diaaaaaa, br » aaa ar aaaaUc toj acMaai arith pahafal Mentioiia. . wBf kroaaai *0 tha piaaaaaeMa Maabaat inaama wei br aaaM ofa pr aaai M mat raHabb iaa brtbaM aauiaa ar traifani pfajMaaa aia aBHial br aall ana ranralbl wttb aaaaada- IN. Joaaa baa eiaeaaara* a Ba*a « aHai aamoara » ar amuua, avaaaa areaaa, I aaar waapaaaa praAaaai br aba aU aohaai OoDoniisa -> iB a tar Aa; a arttbaaWa wa af palaial taMP- Tba vaaaleaaaf at a^ <ta laBai uaa af bfa raaaAaa la tba abortal >r. Jonaa aaafcat a aif rbarai apaa eraeilnaalaa abr can at aL iiaaiiai latri«ardao hia aaia. aai H b iara to bb baaarab aa aaaa « aMt at apea^ w paa- HEIMt l.VBlI Pt'KNMHED b mamm, wblafe mmm tbepaltaal tba arbaaaaaal af maetalaa. or .raKOptuat wlurai. la aoMp tomi wacn laan wa wiraM at ab charaa. *— in .a. y iiiaab tHa praaabiiiar at arpcbra la “-‘“-a Mfirinia at Mm Arua mum. Tu« aWaa b ao tbat aatM aaef aar yaa abili abtra. AH buaU i4 oarraapaaAaaaa maimliy pn*bM. Itatlaal Oa- wMt. Moataraal Kaarrxua, aai all troablaa ada- * BKLF-ABCbB. i aai pargiaiMWUr aarai to a abort Mba. Luaub mat cuaocun la ruatlBC Dr. Joaea* Olapaa- (bottii bt pai itraiar la muai to I!m auiabtr at abaet. aa tecta mtm raaaa la laa tiateay alilab la- tbaaaaf Ur. Aaock A plpia ava Wi* aa tsuat cAoar. AD evuiaaataabaaM aaaU aratbar- lauU br aiJiaan i to “Dt. A. BMiart Jaaat Dta- Sar Pbib Ant at. btliwita Ifaia aW Marfcat. Nr.- M Bay br touai ia iba aaaaaarbaarba- A. H aDi»P M UK he Great Western Despatch AST FKEiCBT LI\E Bi: BOW TKANSFORTiSj FRdGHT PRSN V lOU AA» MSTM Td LATISTILUE . ilUitic, All fircat ul JeffpiN-iii ilk RAILWAYS. Ji but One Trausfer. leMba iaiirarc* at Manbaab’ Aaarr U Iba UUawlat ~ FbM Oaat. aaMiChaa. TblriClav. I.R-A 1.1 1 iPrca. Mrw Vark to LaotarlUa T Oaya. frifi B ittao a* LouirviUc t Da,'k •BM eaaiaiibal U iaaliai. THA OALY fast FRKIOlirL'MM THIS PitfMT ALL AAlbbaputf. araiaat tierCN no’ll OF TUKIK KblbG ice ar LOW WAT£A ia j praatpHy ^aalai. "CaAAT Waaiaaa OtbPAToa*' Laatec a* . A.rV OCO. A. DOCaCRAY. A«% a.laray.B. Y. 7C Wartiiattoo it-. Bjatoa. rt.B«T,eapX HC.UlMMaS.AcM, K''trba(k. fn Faanb aL, LoterrUla. 8UPFLIE8-F&ESH BEEF. u J UK CMtar CoMMaaaar or SoBaaraxoBj Uap.BTifBaT or KaaTcoAT, 7 Lmutiua, Kr„ Dac. R la«.t D PROPOSALR n DCPUCAIR, WILL BR ai at tbb aWar aatil 11 *ciaak M, TL'U «raWar ja. tafarabbiaa FirW Baat la li Utaatcbaapa Matlaiiai la tbr Daparfam at y. rxw pHiiir Maarporl aai UaviiMtMi aoi ta HiaaHaapai ttaar. CaaLaal to be ia Lraa abfc aaMaii abua aaaba iay at Jaaaao', oAiac «a *t Mat i.y at Han*. IWC. be fraai ataan. MBicaiat aai batlbaa ei (4W; paaata a* aacb Shall ba 4tU aarai praptaiara W lara aai blai qaanan raaeka. ui al iaay CaUo<r aa br OTdaiaii la aacb aaan- tball boat tUMta alar br Rrairai far Iba liaa Maabityaac abaS bt iaaltaatij by tea UiM aHatr Tbt aaaba afabtaatUrabufhaaraa a ba ealt rarai aa tbb n iMtab WaU ba eat all tab tortabral yaiaL aai tba brata tdautai fata .aaraataaball baaataMfraa bv tarbai abmabr kaMt^faiaL aai at blai tasMaaaalcbl taabaa abaaa Iha paaDiral ar i aa bt Mair ia aaW faai. aa ara taafabad by ia»rna farlbat paipaa,aai aa fartaiteAe tpaai mm ra,alf*i by ibe aaiirirapl. WaraM ba tairaa We prapar ilaaba, wbLb aaaa arWRfl aaMrbiW,aai aaiatwWt aaatraa. Mrraa tbc afibl Be raiaal tay aai L. A HAWTHORM. Ota ataOhiatC.S., on PUAUtioBi to Eont or Sell, cAii BMAn AoaarcT, UMBSTOHE OO.. ALA. l-MOnUGlin HAS POR REST OR SALE A ^ f**— PlaataK*.. Potaw. 4a- M aanirtac a iac plaMaaliaB aWpiai aa laialM fwilflf MDEPHT, Kraal* tta RtaO DaWar bilba bta etaiiy at OO.A.IL. Wakltatai RaaoM raa. ***** •**> tWri, aear Mala. iltitgia ! VISVILLE JOITUN aI rtI!«T*T> Ain> FTBLlMBTi liT PRENTICE, HENDERSON, A OSBORNE, JOl'KSAL OFFICE BCILDINO, «r*ra atrrat. Aatvrea nWrA amd ramrtk. GEORGE D.PRENTICE, PnbUc PriDter for the CommonwetlUL PTBSCBIPnOSS BY MAIL-IM ADTAIiCR ; n«ll, per ill aa Dally f-n-aaMMitba a in i>' lly lor I MatifSa t tt ^all> far 1 moolb 1 », DELIA*BReD IN THE CITY : V.'rrklr a atOLtlM 1 Ml Weekly Uaiamfai t D IMn'Br Mire ta rerirlar year laMar. if yoa wUh na li lalcr tbr liak ml Iba Iom. MONDAT. DEl'EHbER IMS Wi'STi* Fashions Tbe New York Post bks 4 looE reriew of the winter fA»hioll^ tbe featnre of arbicb. it f«rA tbelr fbowinMs and tbe ex* pcRBlyeDtM of aimost crerr artlde of ladies' ap* pate'. EveiytUicR ia caj and festive. Tinrel and iiold omaiBOiits are mneb employed on bats and bonnets and veils sometimes covered with Kilt ^leiicles. Few plain colon are vrora, red twin* tbe favorite. Tbera are red petUookts. and red UUnminES for pstiicoats of Uadi, white, Kray, or striped, and red for children's dreasei nod doaks. For bonnets, velvet is the favorite material, vritb tmall, rich oeuidi feathers as the eleHMt deeoratl'w. Tbe front is Fometlmes made of velvet and tbe crown of saUn, io some eoBtrastiPR color. Tbe floating veil, which is felly a yard long and abont tbree-fonrtbs of a yard vride. is considered Indispetisable with the anoplre b'mnet. Tbe smsll veile, tbongb sUll worn to SOBS extant, are no longer fashionable. Tbe ronnd hate are goowally psrferred to the boMnete by very yoamt ladisa and are much worn. Tnere U the uaoal variety of shapes. Tbe three-cemered. tbe Glengarry torbon. the cavalier, intended for a riding bat, and the ‘Lady Derby,” made of black vdvet, with ronnd crown. Tbe lad-named bats are also msde in felt, and. if It were not for tbe long raO. m-ght be supposed to be men's bats. There are at pre^t no novelties in dress ftfariot. Bat there is what is called ‘‘a rage'’ for expensive materiala So many costly goods have Dtver before been sold in Sew York dor- ir.g tbe same length of time as in this season. Dress skirts tre very foil, and am nsnally ent goring, thongh the straight skirt U still, to some extent, in vogue. Tae richest msterials ere ornameMtad In a slrap’e and not ehovrv man* net, if at alL Tbe ronnd. high waist appears to be tbe favorite, tboigh (ackets have many adni’era. Tbe eqnareor Pompadonr corsage is considered st> lisk, and to a g^ fignre is be* oomict- There is also a revival of a style of fir MvenUenth oentory—tbe dress being ent low and sonars inf,onL bnt higher in tb* back, a large box plait at tbe back, which hangs loose from the back, and tbe skirt trails for a yard aad a balL Bkeoninrs made of heavy beaver cloth and MSlvet, are tbe h adlcg style, bat circnlara and loose sacks are also mneb wurn. Qoiltcd skirts, made of bludi silk, black al* paca. etc , acd sthebed or trimmed vritb some ooBtrasUag color, are mneb worn. They are heavier amd warmer than the balmorals, have S Beat aprearance. Bilmorala are still mad. in almost every style, of white and black, gray, mixed, striped, and red, and are beavily r'n mrd. Tbe red skirls trimmed with black era worn to some < xteet. For evening wear a Uiirtof white moreen flonneed is considered Beat There is a new inveDtioe, recently Intro dneed, to <»vertbe lower part of tbe hoop. Tlie doth is ent goring and doable abont half a yard deep, aad is neatly trimmed with black or red, aecording to the color of tbe skirt. It has e^ ei ta, abotil three or fonr inches apart, upon the Di'per edge, and is lared npon the hoopo. Trisnt only prevents tbe hoop from aoUing, b It looks well, and with it the large hoc^ are munageable Thf Poucx GornrSMTsm ^TheQncinnati Ct-mamdal'm city aditor Is good at sketching— ride the foUowing: “He is a pacnliar charac* ter—decidedly pecnliar—and hard to be da* scribed. We doatat If Diekens oonld do him Jnstice. His dreas is reamrkahly noUeeable; b<a sole leather is dene ap in tbe shape of brogans; boots of iasbiooable cat he despises: his panta* IcoM were long sinoe fringed at the bnttons with evidences of severe nsage, and they ex- Mbit, in tbe vicinity of tbe kneea, tbe reflsetive powers of a mirror. His shirt may have been Wksbtd and mended acme time since, bat yon fail to see fttbe sbiri—for a tightly fitting vest, having some resemblance. In the g(oas of severe tubbing, to the Japancing of a three-year ol 1 ***'*T, cctinlY coaceals it. His coat is veneni* We, with the iedicalloos of many years’ exp^ rirBce, and tbe canvas of the neck-tie. wbldt helps U> conceal the dusky has of the shirt* foliar. Is perCscUy plain to view. Bat wbat, after all Is dress U aa esUmate of bis charac* Urt We ansvrer, nothing: K don’t do josUce to the Mbjeet. In tbe days of bis early ctildbood, onr friend, tbe sfo.^^, may have been operated upon in an attempt to beat into him tbe rndiments of a com* mf* KdMol education by some cross reads pedagogne—bnt be does not even show any signs of snUt an operation. A fasUdioae brarver might pronounce liia dress shabby and hfr appetranoe decidedly Ineleganu lU mak« it a loint in bts dallv walk to dispose of at least Itn osots* worth of floe ent or plug, one result of a hlcii is tbe nsnal montb*corner ornvmenta* '''<n. always noticeable. He Is in his glory a bile cross*ex >mlning a vritneM. With legs eiossfd Lfgllpvntly and c^^ice fixed upon tbe < cnii>siit of tbe witness etaad in a stare which be -eeme to thick a penetrating look, be sbow* er» upon the witness a deluge of infractions of rules by which ae EugUsh language is spoken with riroprkty. A single hasitatlon in a point made plain in testimony in chieC K tbe signal wiUt bim for a trinmpbtnt expression of conn- Lraroe, and a threatening demanslratisn vritb the sicmp of a lead. pencil npoe an evv-reidy acrap cf paper. A common plecs of strategy in Ictimidalion. And then, with what a flon-Uh of an attempt at rhetoric be storms the patient /edge in his argnraent. fcUewing the few to* tbe-point words of tbe ProaecuUeg Attorney. With s five-dotlar treasury note of msgeifleent pioportiaoe ia view, beraisesfive digite heaven* ward acd calls upon JosUce to look down upon his client, who is sore to be of the no “hot* move” character. Throngh the glass of his htrapgne tbe prosUtote is seen as a model of virtue and proprietv’, tbe profeiakmal thief as a pattern of honesty, and the vagrant aa tbe pos- amor of all tbe comforts of a home, free of motigage.” tf A fire in Alleghany City, Pennsylvania, on Monday night, destroyed twenty*two build- ings and an imir-.aT'— amount at property. A large qoanUty of benzole, running from an oil radnery, throngh a creek to the river, was ae* ddentally eet on fire by some boya. InstanUy the water vras covered vritb a sheet of flame, which communicated to all tbe heuaes adjoin* tag, and tbg whole were immediately a mass of Are. Hat burgh's slanghter-bonse, Hallenbach’t elaaghter*h«aw, >fiehoffer'i carriage-shop, Bbanm A Kohler's cooper-shop, and many fraam and brick dweiling-honies vrere barned. AVThe ML Sterling Sentinel of Friday says "We onderstand eooM of oar leading dtizeu nredkenaeing the project of a railroad from this plaeeto Paris. Aa there is no inreiih<>nfl of work ever being resnmed on the Lexington and Big Sandy railroad, vre think the people ought to take bold of this matter In eatnesL and pot tbe work tbroogh at onoe.” Sale of Satv-TABO. The Government Ship- yard nt Chattanooga was condMionally sold on Mondr y Inst for tbe earn of All, 300 to Fitzger* a'd A Co. This aale waa made subject to the approval of the Qnartermaster-GeneraL ST'MaJ. S. M. Hibicr has pnrtAvel the farm of Mr. Tho. D. Carr, seven miles from Lexing* ursi, on the Ricbmond pike, containing tdO acres, for A2A. 000 SrGen J. T. Croxton, of Paris, Ky., bu re* signad his com mission, which was accepted, to take efieet on tbe 2 1 insL VThe Gontty Gout will be held on Toes* day, Deoenabsr If, Instead of Monday. Fumolci.ical am> IIoRTicri.TORAL Tcc coevenUon wbicb met at RUzsbethtowu, Ky., re the 12ib and of October list, was com- peted of a number of onr first pomolgg’iat*, and after organizing tbe Kentucky State Po- mological and Iloiticnltaral Society, for a per* mat cut insUtutioD, they by a vote recom- mended tbe following list of frails as worthy of cuUIvatioi ; Twertv-fonr varieties recommended for cen* eral culUvalicn: AITIJA. Suwivtmr Early Ilarveet. Rsd Astrachan, Orat.gc Sweet. Carolina Red June, American Sunitrer Pearmain. King Apple. /\iUMaiden 'sB'u«h. Frankfort Qieen, P.>nn* SAlvenia Red Streak, Porter, Fall Pippin, Ort- ley, or White Bel'flower. WhiterLady Finger, Rome Bsanty, Winter Peaimaiu (Striped) Wine Sip, RawKs's Jonet, Smitn’s Cider. Roxbu."v Rnsset B a D.vis or New York Pi(>pin, Mi'am. Little Romaai'e. L Oilier Twig. Mo.ore's Sweet Cider AfjileeHngb’a Crab and ITuTl«on were adopu^, and tbe Urd Crab rtcommenied TTomiolng well. I'eart for General Ca>f{roti’m Birtleth F 'm l‘b Beantv, Madeline, White Dtvenne, BitTu a. Ol'.ut Moreean. Benire G.onbaulL Seekle. BJ'.e LocraUve, Tvson. Swan's O.-auge, Bloodgoxd, Dovenne Bous.sock. Dtearf PfOTM on Qtt»"cnt Osband’s Summer, Du cheese d’ Acgonleme, Glont Moroeau, Tyson, BoCnm, Louise Bonne de Jersey, Lawrence Bel'e Lucrative. Pearkes Recommended far General CaVrd'Ms. Evrly TilloUson. Catharine. Brevoort M >rrls. White Heath. George Uie IF.. Eirly Newing- ton, Haines's E*rlv Red. L\ Grange, Troth’s Eariv. Columbia, Van Ztndt's Superb. Craw- fi.rfiV Early, Waid’e Late Free. Granl Adstlr- atle. Large Rare Ripe, Red Rare Ripe. Tlope* ronr«. Hopkinsville Cling, Smock's Late Free, Crawford’s Late. GRAPES. Delaware, Catawba, Concord, MazaUwoey, Norton’s Virginia. Hartford Prolifie. Apples rreommeaded for further trial in cer- tain Incaliiiee. These were popu'Ar varieUcs, bnt owing to several yeara (aiiare except In certain localities, were reit"led from the list: Pryor’s Red, Rimbo, Yellow Boll-Flower. CUXSt m'T'IOR OF Tfts XETSTTCKT POXOLOGICAI. Asro. iiOKTici-LruRAL aoriarv. 1. This Society shall be knosm as “The Ken- trrlry State Pomologlcil and UorticuUural S>>e5rtv.” 2. Its officers shall be a President, Vice-Presi- dents, Corresponding Secretary, RecordLag S*<-retary, and Traasurer. 3. Tbe President shall preside an 1 conduct all meeUnga of tbe 8 cletr. and la hU abaence one of tbe VTce-Prealdents sball perform the same dnUes. 4. Tbe Recording Secretary shall recorl all ptoceedimrs of tbe Society, arid ollect anl i>:e- pate for t^ pre« all cmmunlcattoni 5. Ihe UOrreapondlog SecreUrv sbtll perferji all the correspoedenoe, and furnish such as may be nccessar}' thereof to the R-.-cordlng Sicre- tarv. fi, Tbe. Trea«nrer shall collect and hold all the 'usds of the Society, and pay out the same m on tbe O'der of i be Secretary. 7. Tbe officers shall be elected annnallv and srpaiately by a ballot vole, and sbiU hoitl the clfice ncUl their sncceasors are appointed. a The object 4f I he Society bMng to collect, condense, and collate informaUon relaUve to all varieties of f.ulL acd dispense tbs same among toe people—every member shall pty into tbe Trevurv two dollars a year for the purpose of pubUsblng and other expenses, and any f-erson Interested in froiis mav become a member bv forwarding to the Treasurer or 8> cretary ^ membership fee. B Ev^- member sha’l b<* entiUed to a eopv f Ibe TransactioLS of I'oe Society from year to yeor. 10 Tte President of the S>clety mav call a nee leg at any time and place be d-ems ad* vitabie by a notice of thirty days in the pabUc pspers. 11. By-laws and alterations in the Constltu* tlco lor the purpose of governing farther waals of tie Society may be enacied by a majority of Ibe members present at a meeUng. 12. .An Ezt-cuUve C>immittee shall be ap* p inud to attend to tbe interests of this Society wviing vacation. Officers of the Kentucky Stats Pomilijlcal S' 4 HorUcultaral S.ciety, aad their pist* tfficts: l^sident—Lawrence Young, Looisvlile, Ky. Vice-Prcsldects—Z. R. Huggln*. Glasgow, K’ .: Dr. B. R. Yoong. Elizabethtown. K».; A. D C TnU, Georgetown, Scott conntv, Kv, Correepooding Secretary—Samuel HaycrafL El zabetbtosrn. Recording Seoetaiy—Charles E. Noarse, EI'Bubetbtown. Treasurer— Alferd M. Brown. EUzibsthtown. Fxccntlve Committee—Dr. B R Young Har- din connlj ; J. W Ooren, Barren conntv; Har- rison Taylor. Ma.y>n crmnti; Wm. Jahnson, Bardstown: Jos. B. Woolfork, Meade countv; Lawrence Voeng. JefTerson county, and New- ton Craig, Scott county. Euzabmut )WK, OcL 18, To the Fruit Groioert and HorticuUuritii of Kmntmcly: Tbe last four years of war have been trying to car progre^ but as peace has again dawned njion oiw country, new life and hope have been io'osed into most of oar iodnstrial pursuiU, and ptrticnlarly into your branch of IL Tbe opening of tbe Louisville and Nashville railroad has brought into market the valuable finlt lands of Mnldrowa’s Hill, immediately in the vicinity of Elizabethtown, and thought by many to be one of the best fruit localities in the I'ni.ed States, and althongh Mnldrows’e Hill, forming the south bank of Salt .river and the Rolling Fork, extends np and down those atreams for more than fifty miles, vet as the finlt-growers near where the railroad enu the hill. In four miles of E'ieabetbtown, have taken stub a lively interest In pomologv, it was tbroght beet to call a convention at that to wn, not lor tbe porpure of makiug a local associa. tion, but one coextenttve with tbe State, aad tbe result has fully coma op to our mast eaa- x-ulne ixpcctafr ns We have had a full mset- ing, as large as we expected, and moreso, of mrny of the most skillful and successful cDUlvbtors in the State, and have or- gsrized a society on a liberal scale— “Tee Kentucky State Pomological and HorU- cniinral Society.” Now the object of this ad- dles* is to call upon all frnit-groww' borticnl- tnrlsis, flor'sts, and lovers of fruit, and those b it ndiy to the best interest of the people, to % me to our aid and rally around the nucleus f't jadiciottrly formed. A State organlzuion Is cwtainly far preferable to any local associa* il<«, forby the State sodely we call together annoaky Ute ntost experienced, energetic, and •‘lieriiflc fruit-growers and borUenUuri^ in <Jif Slate, with an increasing interest from each ar nual meeting, and drawing the attention and ri reiving the aid of like institutions ol o'Jter Kates. A* yon will see by our proceedlng.s. the great or d leading object will be to collect and dis- a mibiite useful informatioo in relation to soil, ilJ*’ “^P®*** culture, varieties for a succei- '-lf>n Of dope sniiable to all parts of the State, varkUre hwt suited for family and market pur* P< destructive Insects, and diseases of fruits “u an open field for discusdons on Ml snbjects conicct^ with or touch'ing the ob- jw’t* shove namet. we would like to get in a (v nSiiloB. and with your help attain It, to cLtr annum premmaas to encourage cultivators to aim at tbe highest verfection. We want your ^ hoping us you will help ’» urrelves. Tbe small aiun of two dollars annu* uj ^titles yon to memfiersbip and a copy of all ibe proceedings of tbe Sodely. Therefore, It M to he hoped every well -wisher of the 8>ci. wilL at the earliest convenience, hand in < b< ir two doUai^ and their names for member* -t P, and then every man of you eo»ne to our text ennoal meeting. Tbe next arnual meeting of tbe Society will at Elizaijelhtown. on Wednesday af*r the -eofi d Monday In September, 18G6 Th - time ar<i place for fumre mecUnip! will be fixed at lacb annual eearion. SAMUEL HAYCR-VFT. Orrespondlng Secretary. THE SOUTH, We glean the following interesting budget of news from Bouiheni papers received at tbe ofiioe of tbe Jouraai; VIROIXIA. Tbe Richmond Whig of Monday Urns ex* prmes itself in regard to the Vir g inia »ad o'.ber Southern mcmbcTF of Oxgrea-: Tbe members of Congress sent from thl Suts, as, indeed, from tbe South geuerallv ap pear thus far to have acted with tbat digailv and dc cornm due to tbe occasion. It is gratifying to witness tbe calm and digni- fied o nrse of our representaUves elect, aad to paredvetbat they uke a sensible view of tbdr dutiea. To no contest for seats should they be a party. Such a party, if engaged in by them would necessarily be attended by incidents of an acrimonions character, and would tend rath- er to exasperate rpi>osition and infiame resent- ment than enlist kindly influences. Whatever their rights mav be under tbe Constitntion and in tbe Presidrnt’a contemplation, tbev, in point of facL stand before Uongrees in the stUtade of raididates, and by the votes of the members of (ioegrens will thadr several claims be decided They hbonld calmlv await the issue of the r«eo^ lotion offered by Mr. Stevens, and pas^ by the Hi use of liepreeentaUvea. In the Senate of Virginia on Saturday tbe joint reeoinUon looking to a petiUon to’ the Brr rident for tbe relesM of Hon. Jeff. Davia, (x-I‘niddentot the late Confederate States, in* trodneed by Senator Dulaney on Wednesday was taken np. and. after some disetUBioa' unrB'moaaiy adofked. In tbe Hr.nse of Delegates, on the Btb inst Mr Suangbam, of N’Wtbumberland, said that a resolntim had been laid upon the table on the {irsvioas day. which ahonld not be permitted to lie ttere. He alluded to the resolution offered tv tbe meiEber from Norfolk county (Mr Heret^ in relation to General B F. Butler. Tbe rKxnd of the House did not show what ^oeld h* known, tbat tbe resolntion was consigned to U e UUe by aa almost nnanimoes vote the •ni! erof tbe resolution alone disMnUng ' Ha Bicved tbat tbe resolution be talrai up; and that done, l.c f bonld offer the fol’owlng as an amnud* mm, bv way of a fubstitcie: Wbeieas, it Unnntcesrarv and unwise for this Houfe to act upon any subject wh’ire they have BO other data ni>on which to ground such action than cu.ient report” and common rumors; aud wheieasthis House has assembled wit’u but one great object In view—to legislate f»r the good oi tbe Sia'.e and the peace and prosperity of her (Itizens. and In no wise to reflect upon the mr>rol character of individuals, either public or private, frier d or foeand whereas this House 8 boib willing and anxious to pursue such a conciliatory course toward the Federal antbori- tlee, not irconsietent with the rights and the honor of tbe 8.ate, as will not retard theimme diate restoration of the re’ations between tho Stale and Federal Government which existed before the late war; therefo’e. be It Pemolnd, That any motion or resol itlon in* cr.'Tisistent with the foregoing preambl«»shonld not be mode or offered, and, if made or cllsred, will meet with the disapprobation of this H' u-e On motion of Mr. liunnlngtcn, of F.nnco Wlili.-m. tbe memt'Cr from Norfolk i>er- mltud to withdraw his resolution from the ta- ble sr.d tbe matter was dispo ed of. The Richmond Times says: Tie of Mrs. Isabel Ould. charge ! with tbp sbirf ting, some three mo iths sinea, ol U n. Vei'de. her reputed Bill meed, came no lie- tore tbe Mayor for trial on Saturday last, tjaiie a number of s[x>ctat'ire w ^re present, prompt- ed ae well by cu>iosiiy to see the heroine os to li^t<n to tbe evidence' which migbt be adduced Mrs. Isabel Ould, bring cal'ed. approached the stand, attended bvber coui sel, Mr. MarmuJuke Johnson, and followed by Meade, the vicUni of ber frenzied wrath. She was attired in light g-een debege. straw bat trimmed wUh block velveL block lace and thick brown veils thrown over the same, and was enveloped with a heavy, dingy, brown gentleman's shawl. In personal apptarance she might be considered grossly go^ looking, about thirty years of age, uud in tbe enjoyment of fine hMith, though discon- tented and disturbed in spirits Daring the ormpincv of her seat In front of tbe presiding f ffleer, sbo mainlined a decorous reserve: but her eves, when tbev occasionally turned foward Mesde, her former lover, who stood at her right, wonid suddenly brighten np with a wild brUliancy, denoting the reflex of inward feel- ings of happiness and misery mixed together. Tbe call of witnesses developed the fact tbat bnt few were presenL whereupon Mr. Johnson arpeaicd for a continnsnee of the, alleg'mg that sufficient time had not been allowed hb client to ob'ahi the attendance of her witnrases. The Alavor acceded, and adjourned the muter till Thursday next at 10 o'clock The Whig is verv much pfeved with the sp- pcintmentof Major J. H Claiborne as OQlet of Police of Richmond. It says: ‘•TnecloseU can- va.racf the citv could not have resultel lu a mere suitable and satisfactory selection than that of Major Claiborn*. He has aa ar.luoas office, requiring a quick and accurate ohserv i- tinn. great skill, unUring energy, and mtuly courage.” GBORSIA. The Atlanta New Era of December 1 relates tbe foil- wing shocking outrage: On Tbnrsday eyenine, as Mr. James Crew was reluming to his home from his ofliie, he wasVnoiksd down atd mast seriously If not fatally irjnred. Tbe parcicn ars, as far as we have tieen able to obtain them, are about as fol- lows: Mr. Wm. Solomon, tearing some noise near his gate, went to the door and saw what be sup|K*ed was a drunken man, reeling abont tbe street He eoon di-^mvared that It wm .Mr. Crew. He went out immediately, and found tbat be bad been b.adly hnrtbv some scoundrel- ly ruffian. His skull was terribly fractured and crushed, so much so tbat be bM been insensible tVer since. A bar of iron was found Ivin g near, with which tbe villain bod coTu-nitted the out- rage. It Is supposed tbat Mr. Crew had b rsn d(>gged from tbe offioe by his assarslnitor with tbe intention of knocking him down cud rob- bieg him. expecting to find on bis person cou- aiderable funds. One cf his pockets w is torn ont, but it contained nothing but a church key. The Savannah Republican, In reference to tbe vL'it of Gen. Grant to Charleston, remarks: The dtiz>-nB and merchants of Cbr.rleston ten- dered a ccmplimentary dlncer to LleuL-Gen. Grant, which tbe General was compellel ta de- cline cn scccunt of his previ ’US engagements We are glad to see thU maulfostatton of g iod wiil on tbe part ol the cilizans of our sister city, Charleston, as it shows a dl«iK>sition to forget tbe past and a willirgneM to acc*mn')- date themselves to the cireumUancas that sur- round them. Tbe same paper, io a leading article on the pr liUcal slination of tbe State, savs: Lit us waste no time in talking abont tbe consUtntiocality of this or that measure. Tdose who fought for tbe preservation of that instrn* m< Ft will doubtless feel that tbev are b''st ca* [Able of Judging of its requirements and con- ditions applicable to our cose. Whatever ar* gnments we might advance wonid be met bv tbe simple clteiion tbat “each House shall be the Jndre of tbe election returns and quallflca* tions of its own members.” “Tbat tbe United Sutes shall guarantee to every Bute in the Union a republican form of govern* menL” Falling, these would come the arffii. mentum ad himinem, tbst tbe war-makiug power very naturally carries with it tbe power to en- force the conditions of peore. There has not been any change in tbe policy of tbe -Adminis- tration, except such as onr conduct hw render- ed absolutely necessary. Onr refusal to act upon the FUggestioDs of the President, accam* panied, as they were, by expressions of the kirdert regsrd, bos constrained bim to adopt a different coarse; and if his wishes are now pre- sented in more anthoriutive manner it is our fsnlt. not bin There is certainly no desire on Lis ra.*t to treat ns as a subjugated people. An ice manufacturing company bas hcim suited in Angnst.a, with a capital of A150 000, ni.der tbe impression tbat it will cost less to make ice there than import it. BRITISH OPINIONS OF PRESIDENT JOHN- SON'S POLICY. roi.iurAi. WISDOM Axi> r.oi.n liukrautt. [From the Loadra Timat ] Wc tbir'T Mr. Johnson, in hla liberal treat- ment of the Sontb, shows political wisdom and atnie appreciation of the differences which have dfvldrd tbe two sections of tbe republic. Tae principles which he annonneed in his speech to tbe Sontbern delegation at Washington the other day are consi-tent both with his former acts and present policy. Tbev are simply that tbe Union must be maintained at all hazards, by any mean* and against anv men or party; but that,tbe Union once seenred. tbe rights and politlcai tndei>endence of tbe States are the best gnarantees of national prosperity. Slavery Is gone and the rebellion is over. This being tbe, the re*toratIon of all the States to their former relations with each other aad with the Federal Government Is desirable. This theory nndoabtedly tends to give the South art earlier and larger possession of poUttcal power than b thought safe even bv raodarate men of the republican party Hut tee think ih it the romfidenoe t f the Prerident and the b-M Lberali'f of hi* policy are not likely Io he in rain ** The woiBt evil tbe Feieral Government can fear is tbat the Bonthe-ners In their political inter, course with the North mav become factious and T«rven-e. This, indeed. Is not unlikely; but it b tn Inconvenience which can welt be borne, and which U sure to decrease with time. .All tbe better instincts of the i>nople will be against csrry'ng on a war of words or of votes when tbe war of weapons has failed, and they will Furrly find their interest in snhmictlog cheer- fuJly 'to the deetiny wbicb has linked them for- ever to the Northern Slates. After all, it 1s no gi'evous doom to form part of the American Uni’ n. evrn tbongb State patiiolism mav bs Vfxed by the ln«igniflcant part which Virginia and South Carolina must play in comparisou milh the time when they were leading repnhiics in tbe Union. Presid* nt Johnson probably fee* tbat both neceeaity and interest bid the coi qnered Slates to be loyal, and for this re- stores to esch of them its insUtu ion*, anl to its citizens their liberties and property. THE rRKSIDEST’s BRITTATtOS AT liOMR. fHew York t-orreiyopdeuce of llie Loodoo Nowb.] I think there has never, since the foundation rf tbe Repnbiic, been a President and Cabinet which enjoyed sneb freedom of auction on all qoeeU<'ns of fbrel^ politics as the present. Tbe causes of this are various. Among the principal are tbe high ideas which evervbody or nearly evervbody enterUins of their skill and experience. Their rei>atatlon is such as none of their predeceseors sisce Washington have erjoved, and it would be bard to deny tbat it is well earned But. whether earned or n^L the fact tbat tbe country has come ont of tbe late fearful struegle so much better than even its most sanguine friends ventured to hops baa, no matter to what combination of circnmstences it may have been owing, pi iced the men who bad charge of its affairs during that period in a position such aa no American statesmen since tbe levolutionary period ever held. iiK SAGAnry asd piirDicrcn. [Frooi the lomdoo Nawa, editorial.] We have not had to wait long for a justlflca* tlon of tbe belief of the most dispassionate ob- ^rvers tbat tbe restoration ef the American L nion is going on as well as the difficulty of the Mse admits, and as tbe sagacity and prudence of tbe Government mav fairlv encourage the World to expecL •• We knew before ffiat Mr. Johnson was no party man; and. if swe of his sayings and doings looked rather like bis being a sectional man, doubt was pres- rotly thrown on his having any twist from bis Bonibera origin by some word of wisdom some glance of insight di^oeed, wbum revived tbe hope that be really was more adequate to the position he bolds than any other known man in tbe country. A MBRCAaTn-K VI zw. [From Uia Loodoo Sliifpiac O itata.] President Johnson is pursuing a temperate the rccrmstrociion of the ^uth, which is winning him golden opinions from the representatives of every party in the country, txcept only the extreme radicals, who advocate raffle because It would throw into * 1 .?^** bands an amount of political power dsirn*^*' at present na defensible SHE I-RESmXllT’s TASK OJtX THAT MIQBT HAVK rezZUtU RICHRLIKII. j tFrcmthr Loodoo Telaaraph .1 Mr. Johnson may, in one sense, be said to have had ‘'grvstnras tbrn?t npon,” rather thsn to have achieved i»; bat he hw already shown that his powers are worthy of bit sta- tior. And it affords. Ini’ cod, both a crushing r.'bukcio tbe believers in an of worn diplomacy, snd u splendid encouragement to those who be- lieve in the capacity ofa free people to select fi. rnfers, when wc ree that this self-taught tailor t f Tentiesfee, by virtue of his direct siucerlty of puri'Ote, and hU homely mother-wit, bids fel- tosntce^ in a task which m'‘gbt have sorely trltd the statecrof; of .a Bl . helleu. For, let n* note, it is not merely mxra’. excel- lence tbat he dlsplavs, not merely tba self-eon ttol which has enabled him to ocnqnsr pissi oi ar.d to resist temptation, nor that kiudli- ncse of temperamenL that generosity to a fallen foe. which fo fn qnent'y charaeterizes men of the Ai'glo Soxon racs. What we hive als > t) admire in him is the Sixon sbrcwds'ss. the ready appreciation of existing circam Ivncc*. tie toeierence of feet to theory, the star'dl/ practical t-pi-lt of his statesmanship. IT.Al F I BOM TltK FNGT.TSU TOBFC?. [From tli9 Loadi n Ilera’d 1 To turn fcnfllcg Into reverence, curves Into b’- snd to conquer the good oplni >n of the world in despite aim' st of Itself, * w.rrk not given to msnv men. There are a few g-anil axamplis in hl-’tory, and but a few. Tntreforc. wntn we find a ruler whose eleva- il n seemed to piesage a reign of terror, and wbo-e antecedents pointed bim out rather as an avrngerlhana healer of svclal disorder, win- ning his way In the world’s esteem bv cle’m enc.v, the fpectacle makes a deep Impression on cur minds, and calls for remark not m-we geu- e’^ous than jusL President Andrew Johnson hfs agreeably disappointed at least one- half of tbe world by a wite and Btatesmanllkc policy that will give him abigb place in the Pantheon of American worthies. Quite in another way to that contemplated by the Ke[>u'oUcan fanatics, be is tbe man for the time; acd, while Wash- ington has tbe credit of establishing hisconu- trv ’s iudeptendence and settling Its form of gov- ernment, Andrew Johnson may yet go down to posterity ae tbe statesman who, by a wise clem- ency, reconstructed the edifice wh^n it had auf- fcrM a blow that shattered U W* Ife founda- tions. OriXIOXS OF AX EXOLISII C.VPirALIST. [8ir Morton Peto'a rpeaeh at B.-Utal, KDgluid.][ One thing which very much gratified me In my vi.=lt to America was my interview with the PiesldenL I was with him for some time, and I will say at once that he is a man who, ouce seen, is never forgotten, for he Is one of uu lure’s nobllitv— [cheers |a man who not only Lssta’entand mind, but who, thank God bat a heart. Andrew Johnson was hiui'C’f a South- erneri and was not very wtll treated bv hi* ccuiitr .mLn thire irom his determlnatiou to npbold the csu:« of tbe Union. Bat it 1^ wdl fur Item tbat Andrew John.*on knows how to forget and forgive. He has mot bis brethren of the South In the only way in which they could be met to be cunclliatory. He d les not make them sacrifi.-e their self-rewpeut in passing them bock to his confidence. A man goes to him and says, “I am very sorry for what I have done; I am perfidy willing to take the oath.” His replv Is, “My friend, you are pardoue-f.” 1 myself read one of those pardons, aud the only condition Is this. If the person so pardoned ever itossesses a slave or abets slavery that p ar.lon ceases. [Cheers'] He had no fea* of thu 8 luth, and he would tell them why. It was t lat the South were not handed over to attorneys and roidcle-men, as Jamaica bad been, bnt the own ere of the estates were looking after their own wrrkmen, so that they wonid be treatol fairlv, and if they were not' the President had con*tl- tJtad a commission in tbe South, and to that ctmUii slon every que-lion was referred. With regard to some men who complained that cer- tain masters did not give them sufficient wages, a nr.tiflcation came to tbe effect that unless the employed rectived a right rate of wages the Government would withdraw all the men from tbeemplov of those masters who refucel to properly compensate them. There was a de*Ire In the North to treat tbe South In a spirit of equity. Sir Morton related an anecdote of a large capitalist who had Informed him that he rhonld not p'~esa his debtors in the Southern States if they w> nid take their coats off and go to aork. If tuch a stare of things were the csfo be bad no fear for tbe South. America would not do what England had done in respect to Jamaica, emancipate tbe slave* aud let them take their cbarce. [Cheers ] Bat Ame.Tca wt n'd rule them In equity and falmces, and they must do their part [Cheers 1 Pexiax Bsothxrbood—OFi-iofAi. CrRcrran TO THE Orgaxizatiox.— T he following circular has been issued to the various circlee: Senate Chamber. Brothkriioot>, \ Nrw York, December 7, 18<i5 j To the 3fembert of the Fenian Rrotherhooi: Brothers: However painful tbe accompanying resolutions may be [tbe bond resolntion* al- ready published J. we, your representativns, had but one alteroative before usto tnbmit In si- lence to tbe rain of onr cause and the robbery of a too confiding people, or to lay before you the trulh and trust to your virtue and patrlotUm to save Ireland and h^ name from the contempt of tbe world The President, disregarding that constitution which he has sworn to yon to snppoit, re'uscs to acknowledge the anthority of the Senate, your chosen reprt.-entatives. In a few days you will be In possession of an official statement of every fact; unlit then let it suffice to sav tbat the Secretary of War, a tried aud experienced soldier, whose ability aud gal- lantry have stood the test of eighteen years, has been impeded in the perfection of his plans for immediate action by the imbecility ana tbe dis- hoj esty of men in whom we had, unfortunately, reposed cur confidence. Tlw Secretary of tbe Treasury refuse* an In- vestigation of his books. We are prevented from Inquiring Into tbe expenditure of thoie moneys which you have contributed to farther the cau«e of your country. An am''<uat of money had been appropriated to the War Dj- parimenl; buL when a portion was called for to buy arms and materials of war, the monev was refusrd, although It wa* statol that “sma’d amounts would be ^ven to meet curront ex- jienses.” And yet there were funds wherewith a paiace was hired, eight‘;en months’ real paid in advance, a large sam deposited In tbs hands of the owner as eecnrity for possible dini.ag8t to hi* premises, and lock^ np In his hands until 1867; sumptuous sleeping room* have bean fitted np, and elegant fnraiture pnrchaael for several thousand dollars more, for tbe accom- modation not merely of the tuocbicery neces- sarv to onr GovsrnmenL bat also for the use of a crowd of ageless, and In some cases even dangerms, hanger* cn, wh'ose names have never been presented to your Ssnafe lor con- firmation. We f hall ask of you to look at facts—U> I'sten to tbe truth. We a*k of yon to siiopfjrt that man whose appointment to the direction of milHary affaire was hailed by all of you a* a pledge tbat business was meant, and Ih it we were no lorger to remain Inactive, while onr brethren at home were lying in a British dnngeon, awaiting their sammons to the scaf- fold. All remittances of moneys for the pnruise of the Peuian Brotherhood shonld be made in drafts t’avahle to the order of the Trea*urer, Patrick O R mrke, and be directed to box .5.1 11, Post-office, New York. An account of the amount of money forwarded bv each circle since the date of the Philadelphia Congress shonld be sent by the treasurer of the circle to the address of the Treasurer in New York, as above. The names of those members who have paid tbe “final call” should al*j bs sent f.n, in order tbat such members may receive the bonds therefor when properly sigui and ist-ned. We remain, brothers, yours in frateraltv, J.iMES Giri'.ors,' Philadelphia, Ptan.; P. B.exxox, Lonlsville, Ky.; J W. Fitzgkralu, Cincinnati, 0 ; 'W. SrouvAX, Tiffin. Ohio; P. O'Uoi’RKR, New York city; Wm. Fi.rmixg, Troy. N. Y ; Eiiwaro L. Carey, Npw York citv; Patmck j., New York city; Michael Chicago, Id ; W. R Roi-.bkts, New York cit*; Members of the Senate of the Fenian Srothcr- LooiL Ax E.vtraoedixart Domestic TRU>-nox The following extraordinary domestic tradition is e.xtracted from a new book, entitled “Napo- leon the Third and his Court, which ii much talked of in Europe: Tte Duke of Alba, the brother- in law of Na- poleon tbe Third, is a short, little man. vbo has something icy about his whole manner. Small and weak, bis face displavs an alabasfer hue, which gives him a ghost like aspecL Ii Spain tbe story is emrent tbat the Duke was buried before he was born. When his mother was ex- riente with him she was taken so desperately ill that all the attempts to restore her remained fraiilesB. Tbe Duchess died far away from Madrid, at a chateau which had always been berSavorite residence. She was buried' in tbe lamifr vault; and, ae it is tbe custom of the Spanish nobility, several valuables, among others her rinisi, were put into tbe coffin. The t^easare^ which bad been left to oblivion with tbe Duchere tronsed the cupidity of some ruffians; they broke into tbe vault on the night following the funeral, robbed tbe dead woman, and wonid not leave tbe Cf flin UU they had plucked a flasbing dia- mond from tbe finger of the corpse. The dia- mond was on the little finger, anl -wonid not come ofiL This gave Uie body-snatchers tbe traly can- nibal idea of entting the finger. Tte pain aroused the apparenUy dead woman: she came to her senses, sat np in her coffin, and, by her unexpected wakening, pnt the robbers to flight When they departed they forgot to close the vault The finchess fonnd sofflclent strength to quit her coffin and return to the chateau, abere she was at first taken for a ghost and a prkst was calli d in to exorcise it, bnt as he was uvahle to banish tbe specter, the people in the chateau gradually began to beUeve In her cor- poral existence. Tbe dnetaess recovered and gave birth to a boy, who has never lost tbe deathly pallor which be brought into the world with him. A feeble jeet suggested by Alexander Smith’s last book—If a man tarries in the Isle of Skye dues he lecome aSitye toiiiec? TELECf?APHIC NE^RfS Sit , md sfterwsnl UnPed States 8ena‘rr, - d td thl- moniicg at his residence, io this cUy. Milledoxmli., Gj,. Dec. If The SDflrage Qarstioa ia Washington. Gov. Jenklc* was Inanguratel t'O-Uay Gov- erLor o[ Uiis Sute. PiTisiicRo, Dec. 16>L \ rb^Dlar Vote to b8 TiSt.aOaif. R v rll rffiiowhes, andtuung. Weather clear uLd co!d. Mcrcuiy 2t’i. H k.t J.ff Rath is saw I’obf. r:.„ ; ..S 'S'm « s w alt r in tie channel. Thermometer 25. PtSSfBtoj PacjQcRiilroid Coc^*'. ^ ,, i«_m. Fldfiii- qntpt without chAnge Im prWMMi. h#«t io ipmmI d niRoJ: reMipt* boitu Hffbt, p-iceo hAvtailvAncel 4 . . clcslDp At $l 6o(4t 90 for pomohld rod. aod I €1D fPT Di^chircr^d :oforllMjb«^rrAd«rrfofn-w. ra r.i W notuivn* torn.U.-.d>at«*<&'JC. lcrDewesr.5.-a*5cfor.l»llol OaU have AdvAurtsl to 4ic in elevritur vrliU a food Ul’ lid. Kye %l 7'i^73j for priiud. Ocr with HoMJduUAud pric*# ST* lower, cloAioe At 5.) UL. uriauriis HIIU t ', „,|. „rcipt. if iSU hrad. Mr» pork dull at $37 for - j ritv. Hulk mcRU dull at tin l-'i. au'J I»*«. U'C( o TuetiU la Dioderate d.iDAud tl)^. And ItVf, Proi»»s5l to Sead \vg»o >s to PtorJda. ! I liiAt. Vf aivk)- (Id Jued to ga 33 , Nik Yoke, Dee. I't—U. . S^Bd'Dg IMFpatChPS to OR" ' stork. firtniT. Money on call 7 per erot. Ucarlios I *1 tlir at li y]4. Lhir.a-oan<l Kirk feUnd liT'V: Chic - fu, Itutiicalon, aad Quinrey Va; .M'lwaukra and Prai- ra-A.a a, .... ....... .... . r)r du Chrin 96: ruiabarv, Fort Waur. and Chicuo 1 li&l t'OODtPrfpIt $100 SlOtC .\sfilli, * Chicago and Alton lUO; Miehix.n C.»ntr*l n-ii,. ^ M chiran tlciithern, T8'i; CIOTrlaa'l ar.d PiUab ire, - - fourth. '.'l’.: cbinira and Northwr.trrn, *6; do, am'rr- . _ rori. Ri'.; CIrvrUud and Toltdo. 114: Xriv York Cantral Late I.^ttlHgcnce fren Porto Uico. |j|;^-;j»j,ir,:c\;dopreferitd.('sv. uud.»,iu!-; r.«i- Gild I |rrrd at 146*< and chard at l-Ki',. IHinot. On- . , , , traltcr p 3t 6’a of '.I toupana 1 j7.'i 5-au*oupoaa of ',13 ICiYfcts frcB O'jr Facifle Squadron. I CittoniiuMat 4:iy(5ll, Flour dull and uiirh*ii«A.| at I iMg* 30 for aitra State andgS 6»^ M for K H. O. Peru Jains rbili twnfnut Sfinln Wl'rat-IJo rm-ipta; K^Sc better and more arrive, at a u altlllis , util .l^afUsI npaill. rit tlij^l so for CMcacorpriBit. ;«1 >-,41 *3 for Milwau- - kee c ub, fl -4 lot No. f Milwaukee. Corn dull, no receipU: '*9(j|!»Sc for unaoand, 9«s for TO TIIX AsaoctATRO PRESS. aouud. Data qnlet at 4*<4.-ite for unaonod, 6Uv463c for aoiind. Pork Iiravy, $3* '.i<4X) Clj< for uiaaa, cloai jg at __ Dec. 16. *^LaIidlte*dv at l'' 4i|10r. WhL-key fte-.dy at $2 S3q| Tpc HeraM*6 WashlncrtOQ special savs: A 8 **s fcr Wi-feUm. l*ctro!mim quioc Ad drm; oAlej of call has teen Issnetl for a general election in bbuatl'^stic. Butter duU. tbat Dl trlct, to be hpid on the 21*t Inst . to Ob- Nrw Yoek, Dee. IS-hU P. M. lam a manifest from tbe voting commnnitv and Fleur rioeed dull and droyin*. Wheel cloeed a to be placed before Congre-« to show ho'w re- iiugnuLt the passage of the negro-suffrage act way. Laid cioMd heavy at^ioLatic. aa^itky ateady! w to the people. The floating population of Washington—de- v.„. w- _ » partmeDt clerks, and Government artl.sios— n-® ^ 'a whose famUles ret-ide ehsewhere, are consider- ^‘^Patch of yesterday, the 13th: “This morning rWt Incensed at the recommeedation contain- twelvemonth the booming gnns of a friendly, * P"*** and also a hostile army, reverberated over and tax of two dollars on all such residents. .. j ..... . . ... 1 he Herald’s Fortress Monroe correspondent > to-day, so stiU and placid, in- rayr: Jeff. Davis h turning his attention more angnrating one of the grandest, most anspl- ihsn f ver to the corcern of his soul. He has ciens events in the history of the warthe bat- re< er.tly been vkltcd by his old snlritnal advlrer. m i i u- - tbe p'.stor of SL Paul’s Church, Richmond, who ^ >a6hvUle. To the dlstlngnl-hed chieflam pa- SI d an entire day st his prison In religioas who now commands IhU Department, Major- rreding and converration, and adminblered to General George H. Thomas, may be ascribed The Mw“wLhlngton dPpatch contains “tf? 1 the following: The Sicretiry of tha T.-oasury “cwtarltthcd^and In great measure, lha to-dav decided not to anticipate tho Jan>aarv era of peace and returning prosperity now irteroft on ben^ of mo:e than the whole beaming ovir all i ur broad land.” swotinL The interest, payable In gold, is 515,- " 0‘](),0^. T. Fatal AcciDrXT A man named JohuGlf- C. P Huntington, Vice-P.-esldent of the Cen- j . ... r: tr»l Pacific Railroad, yesterdav received from employed In makmg repairs tho Treasury Department $11 030 In bonds oa upon the Newport and Coyington suspension account of the second division of that road, bridge, came to his death on Wednesday even- '^The HctIuV? WiteWn^on dL«p.atches say the f^^®^**** manner: WhUe engaged in rettlement of the back pav and ace mn s of onvmg a bolt Into the new railing now being discharged soldiers will be much facilitated by coLstracted upon the bridge, the unfortunate r£“f,‘S SSK S.S of the DlFlrlct of Washington. By this meaM t f forty feet to the ground, fraclnrlng the long delay occasioned bv soldiers’ accounts bis right leg in two places, and injuring him in- to the Second Auditor’s office will be avoided, ternaily to tuch an extent tbat he survived but Till* is understood to apply only to cases where » w ji„ i. . the applicant Is living. Dri-eased leaves a wife anti famUy Tbe want of a regular mall service between totally uijprovlded for. Ihi* country and Columbia bos long bean felt to be very injurious to our interests In that The United States Grand Jury at Coving- quarter. Toe consequence is that onr trade Is ton cloeed its labors Thursday. Indictmento ceclinlrg there, while that of England I* rapli- -.nortwi a nnmh..r nt n.viUa iv- ly int reoelng, because there are several Uum of ^Ported agai^nst a number of parlies for bteaniirrs which convey regular m^lls hetweoa to attach tevenne etamps to receipts the Columbian and the Eaiciish ports. Kiven by them. Several whlttky dif^tUlers were A f h:dlcted for not making report* to the Col- dillicultf, prepared the draft cf a {lostal con- ^ ^ 7 T-T - vouiion, whicu was submitted to Senor Salzor, **gfob and the Assesior of Internal Revenue, of tbe Columbian Minlsier, in August Lost, which, tbe amount of spiritous liquors maoufactured with the exception of two articles, was ap- by them, proted. The draft in question was ac-'orJingly retonied to Senor Salzir on the 1*1 ult , with a O' Immtcse quantities of hogs are passed Fuggtalon that certain modlflcatioas ba made Hut ugh Coviogton dally to that bonrae (In Ti‘l" lith of the same month a note was ad- whence no good hog to the departmea’ by that officer, stat- beiurns, except in a “hogshead,” while nam- ing ibal In consequecca of his ree tU from the bets tx me to an nntlmely end berore leaving ' the State of their nativity. The condition of the wf.nld be Impofflble for- ® the re- ... ... . ' .... lotion of postal convenllou, and that he hid brought to market Is eaid to be unnsnolly forward^ the communication to bim of the 1st goc*]. of September to his GuverameaL and that, as a. rTI T the modiOcationa suarirested were ac 3ep'.qb!e, ^ff'Tne TennesBee Le^Ulalnrc hxs adjourned he tiusted tbat the postal convention w-iuld be Qutil the 8th of .Jannary. spr-ecliy ratified. Gen.'Kl'patrlck leaves here to-morrow, aud Lexixotox Kt J«U« v“* ““ ‘’f '** New Yorx, Dec. 16. The LegUlatnre now in session will have to conference between him and a lesrifOative com- niiitee will probably be eubmlMed to Con- nny one party nDaidea by tha votes of the other O^ieral John Eaton, late Superintendent of tbe Kreedmen of the District of CiluTtblv has n* rt-eigned, and proposes to establish himself In speak a Memi.hia.Tenn.. aloval jonreahto be caUed the Memphis FosL ^ * Presume, will dispute tbat he is pre-emi- TTc Government detained a vesselat B*stou destined for Europe, and another at Delaware Breakwater destined for Indio, via Brazil, nutll reding; yesterday, for the purpose of taking the Govern- ® ^ ment annual reports to our foreign represento- forclb.e in the pr^nta.ion of his vhws, Im tires and naval officers ** 1 Is alwnvs conrteons to those who differ with The Times’s Washini^n dispatch savs: Sec- HI?’ .^'rom the ^ginning of the war hU po- retary Stanton lett that city for a t.-ip N jrth. General Gi ant is.sued an order to com-nand- JjW'fotlrK or equivocal support fo the Govern- ers of posts where p.owder is stored to take retMlIion. precautions for its preservation. Tb« clo*9 of " the war has left Immense quantities of powder i?®? "ere few in tb a Sttte, ho declar^ for tlm in the bands of the OovernmenL *a ** 1 **** ^*^5 *^**,*®** Hon. WUIlam A. Darling, of New York, on “5 Wednesday last offered the following resolution in the Hou«e, with a view to provide peasions iiP achleveracn s to the surviving representativts of the hna lral- illustrate many pages of day men. It was omitted in the press on ac- cc-nnt of the proceedings: ^ * J? for the ser- Readred. That the OramUtee on Military 7]“* riews In entire Affairs be directed to inquire Into the propriety of allowing pensions to surviving reprcsenia- lives of soldiers called Into the service of the 9®*’*“®*’ oiher leading United States lor a period of one bnndred dav*, or less, and who died while in tbe service. Slid more powerful than anv other of the Committee to report by bill or othe-wlse. The W- rld’s Wishlng'.on dlspit’hes sav that ^ Inca.culable benefit to Kentucky. No other ReprssentaUve Eggleston, of Ohio, will Intro- “1?®“ dnee In the House on Monday a bill to rei*eil ^ * ipport In the the charter of the city of Waihiogton and place u the mnniclpol government in tbe baud* of three Wends onjinize and work «,mmh-8loner^ as was the case many years Lta fsnV*»t num^fof ^ "t^ele“T hlm The Cabinet was in session yesterday after- would noon, all the members being*enL dlent to withdraw him from Coagre** Ur nt -Gen. Grant was In alteadanee at their hii'a k delUeratfens would be flllsd by the election of Mr M illorv. An irvestfeallon just mode dlsclnses the fact t thrt 8. M. Clark, of the rbi-r .ncv Burcaa. and ^ Solicitor Jordan, of the Treasur*', were both ia ®"‘ ptnsession more than a year ag6 of all the In- » thorough organ- fbrmation in regard to the abstraction of the plate upon which the hundred-dollar counter- IaIl Tr#ft«nrv notA4 wafp nrintArf blKutdl lQt4)reftA ol th9 OtAtO AOd tb6 Of Gen. Spinner, It is said, is now satisfied that ni^***fi***" the plate was Ukeu from the Currency Dap »rt- th.? ment, and that the American Bank Note Com- S^-t” i l>at \ ate entirely Innocent of the matter. nnhi* The Tribune’s Washington dispatches siv: A. J urdun. acting Consul at San Juio, Porto Rico. iBf.,rms the State Department, under date 1 of Novpml.«r 27, that the ports of Ameho, ^ ^necess Ha to worthy of AqnadUla,and Magnado are to ba clooel ai Vorts of entrv, and left open onlv for expo.-ta- ®Mlh!^’ tion. This reknlation will Uke effect 3 months m thp i«th nf Mrivflmh«r iodus'rr, and his fnccess IS a constant enconr- Tbe Nivy? Ete^artrnem received advices to- K> strive to advance dny from commander Bruhear, of the Pacific *L •qn-idron. dated at Callao, Nov. 2Ist. stating Rvai-rm-i r rvEo that the Government of Para had determined Ar .. v '.> In •nob.. with r’hllt .k. Th« foM. wlPt 111*** W*tB WriUMl 1»7 TvrOOA PjWer*. to ntakt’ a common cause with Chiu against the the famous Irish comsdlan. who |owtsho4 on tho stemmor I agvn-f.slODS of Spain. Frr*i3t-t.t. "niey were ins^bad on tho wall of tho “Old The clerical force of the Treasury Department niandford church,” near Petersburg, Va.: is to be reorganized, and diminished one huu- Thou art erumbliiMi to the dust, old pile! dred bv the l*t of Jannarv, 1866. . The Tribune’s Washington special save: Gen. ^cli^lh^ fi^to‘?h?^rir“““*’ Howard’s official report concerning the opera- Th' wan>h'pers are sc*itered now, i tiona of the Frtedmen’s Bureau aad the coudl- '''’***’ hncit before thy ahrim-: Hon cf tMogs in.the S.aulh to sUll in the hanls of the Prrsldent, where it has been for fedayiof Aifld Lon* Syne. ceven or eight davs, and its pabiico- And sadly slaha the wanderinc wind, dXv P®r'?’';*®^' J,'*® delay ia ascribed to its containing state- Tb« Biahestofthe iifeb. mentscocceralng tbe spirit and conduct of the The tnaii. of many a busy foot people In the rebel States. It to calculated to . Th** •« ‘vht thy aisiea U o'or, show that the withdrawal of all Federal con- irol from those States wonid endanger the In- terest* and safety of freedmen and Union peo- iiow dote ambition's hty. take wings, pie. The publlcaUon of the report Is looked La? tSdSSn't’ilt^s dii^ for with considerable intert.*L Tlie dead are mute below; r.TT.n TOa/. Id The atm tbat shone upon their paths LAIRO, lOeC. Ih. Igggly mVmm. The steamer Peerless, from Cincinnati to Tb« zephyra which once fanned their brows, New Orleans, with a fall cargo, strack the The ureas aboTc them warea. sunken wreck of the Blackhawk below Monad Oh! could we call tbemany bad ntty, took fire, and was entirely consumed Who've yatbered hero in vain. The boat WSB valued at #60,000, and Insured lor #45,000. Value of cargo unknown. Bew would our very hearta be stirred .ww mm To BwM th« eAflkwt #AZ# New York, DdC. 16. 0 f the lordly Aod^ beAutifult The Times’s Washington dispatches say Hon. Tbe ll«hu of o»her days! B M. Harrto, member of Congress from Mary- Land, propo^ to take bis seat. He says he in the North Carolina Honae of Commons on can toke the oath. Some believe he wIU be December 1, Mr. Kenneth Raynor stated that he refused to occupy his seat, and will look npon bad important information, which he would bim as an nnworthy membeim for the offense uke to impart to the membera, given him by of which he was convicted last summer by the President during hto sojonra in Washlng- coart martial. too; that he would impart It if the House wonid Mr. Harrto claims tbat the pardon of the Pres- resolve into secret session. Messrs. Thompson, ident removes pkilltlcol disability. Henrv, and Wangh opposed secret session, ana Hon. Tom Corwin was strack with paralysis the question being pnt to tbe House, the matter last night while at an assmnblage of some die- ,ras tabled. by J. C. Wet- Ward went to church not long since, mote, MlUtary Agent preacher asked In most earaert terms, Montreal, Dec. 15. “How are the mighty fallen!” He pansed and Tre rold weather \ias set In hero In earnest, again excl^med, “How are the mlgnty fallen!” At 8 o’clock this morning the thermometer Again be pasted and for tbe third time called registered 8 degtves below zero. cut vt-hcmentlv. “How are the mighty fallen!” New York, Dec. IG. Artomus look^ np and sold, “I give It np!” The Feniay, Senate has adjonrned. Several qko mnslc'ans of Ntw York will givk on of the Sena*.oiB have gone home The rest are the 14th. a grand concert iir honor of the late Wkiiirig With Roberts for the arrival ot Ste- William Vincent Wallace, composer of “Lur- P*>*o*' line.” “Leonora,” and other admirable operas. PRorn>F.xcB, R. I., Dec. 16. in Philadelphia a similar tesUmonlal will be THE NUMBER 2: PROFESSIONAL. TO THE ASaOClATEO PRESS. New York, Dec. 16. The Herald’s Washington special says: A call boa been Issned for a general election in that Dl trlct, to bo held on the 21 *t inst . to ob- lam a manifest from tbe voting community, and to be placed before Congre*. to ehowhbw re- iiugnuLt the passage of the uegro-enffrage act to to the people. The floating population of Washington—de- partment clerks, and Government artl.sios whose famUles reside ehsewhere, are consider- aWv Irceneed st the recommeedation contain- ed in tbe Mayor’s late message to Impose a p jll tax of two dollars on all such residents. 1 he Herald’s Fortress Monroe correspondent rayf: Jeff. Davto to turning his attention more than f ver to tbe corcern of his sonl. lie has re< er.tly been vtolt?d by hto old sniritnal advtoer, tbep'.storof St Paul’s ChurcK Richmond, who pa-F*d an entire day st hto prison In religious reeding and conveira’Jon, and adminblered to him the racramenL The World’s Washington dtopitch contains the following: The Sicretiry of tha Treasury to-dav decided not to anticipate tho Jan'iirv irteroet on bends of mo:e than tbe whole sgoiint. The interest, payable In gold, is $15,- O'DO.OOO. o . V , c;. P HunlingtoD, Vice-P.resldent of the Cen- tral Pacific Railroad, yesterdav received from tho Treasury Department #11 030 In bonds oa account of the second division of that road, wliich has been completed. The Gerald's Washington dlsp.atches say the rettlement of the back pav and acc-iun s of discharged soldiers will be much facilitated by serdlng their discharge onpers direct to the tfflee r-f Col. Paulding, Paymaster in charge of tbe Dtotrict of Wssbington. By this means the long delay occasioned bv soldiers’ accounts to tbe Second Auditor’s office will be avoided. This to understood to apply only to coses where the applicant to living. Tbe want of a regular mall service between Ihi* country and Colombia bos long been felt to be very Icjnrlous to our interests In that quarter. Tae consequence to that onr trade to Ceclinlrg there, while that of England to rapli- ly inc-reaelng, because there su-e several lines of steamers whii-.b convey regular malls between the Columbian and the English ports. Poklmaster-Guneral Denn'son. aware of the difficulty, prepared tbe draft cf a t>o*taI con- vouiion, whicu was submitted to Sanor Salzor, tbe Columbian Minister, in Angnst Lost, which, with the exception of two articles, was ap- pro* ed. Tbe draft in question was ac'.’orJingly relnttied to Ssnor Salzir on the 1st uU , with a Fuggiaion tbat certain modlQcatioiu be made tte It in. Ti e 12th of the same month a note was ad- ,“,;;ed to the departmeu’- by that officer, stat- ing ibal Ul cotrequenca of his ree lU from the I ’ltit ol Envoy Exlraordinarv in this country it wf.nld be Impofflble for il'’™ contlnne the re- lation of postal convenllou, and tbat he bid forwarded the communication to bim of the 1st of September to hto Guverameat. and that, as the modlOcationa enggested were acceptable, he tiusted tbat the postal convention w->ald be ap'-ecliy ratified. Gen.'Kl'patrlck leaves here to-morrow, aud will depart on hto mission to Chili on the 1st of Jacuaiy. New .York, Dec. 16. Tbe Tribune’s Washington special says: Col. Brown. Assistant Commissioner of the Freed- mru’s Bnrcm for Virginia, has rnihmltted to Gen. Hamon a proposition concerning the transfer of negroes from Virginia to anoccupled Geverament lands In Florida. Theresnltof a conference between him and a legislative com- Riiitee will probably be snbmiued to Con- grefs. General John Eaton, late Superintendent of tbe Freedmen of the District of Colu-nbla, has rr-elgned, and proposes to establish himself In Memphis, Tenn., a loyal jonraal, to be called the Memphis Post. Tbe Government detained a vesselat Boston destined for Europe, and another at Delaware Breakwater destined for India, via Brazil, nutll yesterday, for the purpose of taking the Govern- ment annual reports to our foreign represeuto- tives and naval officers. The Times’s Washington dl*patch savs: Sec- retary Stanf ">n left that city for a t.-ip N orth. General Gi ont !s.*ued an order to command- ers of poets where p.owder to stored to take precantions for its preservation. Tha clo*9 of tbe war has left Immense qaantltle* of powder in the bands of the Government. Hod. William A. Darling, of New York, on Wednesday last offered the following resolntion in the Hoiire, with a view to provide peasions to the surviving representatives of the bnadrel- day men. It was omitted in the press on ac- cc'rint of the proceedings: Resolved. That the C>ra-nUtee on Military Affairs be directed to inquire Into the propriety of allowlDg pensions to surviving representa- tives of soldiers called into the service of the United States lor a period of one hundred dav*, or less, and who died while in tbe service. Bald Committee to report by bill or otherwise. The W’-rld’s Washington dlspit'-hes siv that Representative Eggleston, of Ohio, will intro- dnee in tbe Hnnse on Monday a bill to re[*eal the charter of the city of Waihington and place the mnnicipal government in tbe band* of three cc.mmtosioners, as was the case many years ego. The Cabinet was in session yesterday after- noon, all the members being p.*e*eaL LUnt -Gen. Grant was in attendance at their delUerations. An irvestlfi’allon jost mode dlsclnses the fact tbst 8. M. Clark, of the iduremcv Barcaa, and Solicitor Jordan, of tbe Treasnry, were both in potsescion more than a year ago of all tbe In- formation in regard to the abstraction of tha plate upon which the bnndred-dollar counter- feit Tr*a*nry notes were printed. Gen. Spinner, It is sold, to now sattofied that the plate was Ukeu from the Currency Dap irt- meot, and that the American Bank Note Corn- par* aie entirely innocent of the matter. The Tribune’s Washington dispatches siv; A. J urdun, acting Consul at Bin Jain, Porto Rico, informs the State Department, under date Ilf N(iveml.«r 27, that the ports of Ameho, Aqnadilla, and Magnado are to ba close 1 as ports of entry, and left open onlv for expo.-ta- lion. This regnlation will take effect 3 months fr» m the 18th of November. The Navy Department received advices to- day from commander Bruhear, of the Pacific •qn-idron. dated at Callao, Nov. 2Ist. slating that the Government of Para had determined to make a common cause with Chili against the agvri-FsiODS of Spain. The clerical force of the Treasury Dapartment is to be reorganized, and diminished one hun- dred bv the l*t of Jannarv, 1866. The Tribune’s Washington special savs: Gen. Howard’s official report concerning tha opera- tions of the Freed men’s Bureau and the coudl- tiun rf tHogs in.the .South is still in the hanls of the President, where it has been for ceven or eight days, and its pabiico- il'w has not yet been permitted. The delay to ascribed to its containing state- ments concerning tbe spirit and conduct of the people In the rebel States. It to calculated to show that the withdrawal of all Federal con- trol from those States would endanger the in- terest* and safety of freedmen and Union peo- ple. Tbe publication of the report is looked lor with considerable intere.*L Cairo, Dec. 16. The steamer Peerless, from Cincinnati to New Orleans, with a fall cargo, strack the sunken wreck of the Blackhawk below Monad City, took fire, and was entirely consumed Tbe boat was valued at #60,000, and insured lor #45,000. 'Value of cargo unknown. New York, Dec. 16. Tbe Times’s Washington dispatches say Hon. B M. Harrto, member of Congress from Mary- land, proposes to take bis seat. He says he can take tbe oath. Some believe he will be refused to occupy his seat, and will look upon bim as an nnworthy membeiA for the offense of which he was convicted last summer by coart martial. Mr. Harrto claim* tbat the pardon of the Pres- ident removes pxiiltlcal disability. Hon. Tom Corwin was strack with paralysis last night while at an assnmblage of some dis- Ungnlshed Obions entertn'ined by J. C. Wet- mote, Military AgenL Moxtrsal, Dac. 16. The cold weather \ias set in here in earnest. At 8 o’clock this morning the thermometer registered 8 degtves below zera New York, Dec. IG. Tie Feniav, Senate has adjonrned. Several of the 8ena*.oiB have gone home The rest are Wkhirig Wiih Roberts for the arrival of Sto- pbens^ I Providexce, R. I., Dec. 16. Hon. Philip Alien lormctL UoVLTuuya^i^^ COLLECTION AND SECtjaiHS sodtherh debts o«fy. iMis, IIM rolfoc*ia« tear tbruusktlM MmtmmI MMnlpgi, ArkuMM, Lmiwm. Onrila. iwliliig ealWrisr.a, m iwwing |-f ma V-IIEELER 4 \VILS0.\ BT7LUST 4i ZLAJU>ZSr, Atieracfs at Law* IS a I ''*'«eoatFawerti:dc«rri4aitraM.tM4m,^ta Sswin^ IVj^cfiins ~>an>t B* .k f L*uLw;|«. Vlrril McEnWlM. tteiA cl Lsateckv. Wi;«a a rmmm^J Itelf V r*I^M Bock cf kisolackv. 13 NOW ON EXHIBIT!* .N AT Xa.^ W C3A'F» WM. C.P. BKE KI^RIDGE. TBE (illE.\T LM£R.VIT10.\.\L Fllu “^ttoirtxoy ia«w, UUIMOTUNa KT,« PRACTTCR IN ALL TiiJC COUNTim Culk AT .r ^ DutriJriid 4 SI i W ^ of HanluM, acd Mwetr, Berlin, X^russia. H* S. SAUNDERS, - - DENTIST. To have made and sold so sreat a number of Machines is an evi- dence of the marvelous and uni- versal popularity of the Wheeler k Wilson Machine, and everywhere thronghont the habitable globe, where fabrics are sewn into hnman j apparel, it has maintained its rep- I ntation, through eight years of bu- ! ter competition, as the Leading Family Sewing Machine of the world. The fact that this popn- larity LASTS is proof that it is , merited. Evei*v* MacliinciL-^ WARRINIED THREE \EATkS. FLLL lii8TkLCriOX3 GIVES At tb^ hmiM of the eueloBcr* on«2 aoitber psliM oor expeute to hoTe thtoi GIVE ENTIUB 3AT13FACTION. WM. SUMNER ft CO., No. 1 Masonic Tem'^le, LOUZBVZLLB, HY. ajASAwam Skatei, Okates, Skates. T he lakgfst andfi-xf^t A3!ioRT]iE<rr or 8k«i** in rite Vitm. .V»o went for sh^Tly*. lent 8k.te, at U.« fltHldlery *nd ttarUw*ri' Kooin. of J. M MVKIU, Tblrd, bet. Mrin and Market, LDiitovUW, ttr. dlSCtf PETROLEUM! PETROLEUM I 9,000 A.cies of SSoniitsm Land for Sale. 7 UAVB 6.UX) ACBF8 OF LAND IN CCMBKRLAND •A couiity, Tcdii.. h tuf oo Closr Cr<rek« snd oo tho at«ri c I CaiiltiUor HItot; sioo sboai actco iu Overtoe conuG f Tcdu.: wbkii Uatk 1 FrepM ^ ch**of. Tfecro Id on sbundsoco of Coo: otvl Mliurok upon Ib^ loads. Addmi BAATLEfr, <1H du* CookriUOi PutaoiD oo.« Toax uroTioE- rrORENT. IN STEWART COUNTY, GRORGIA, A A Mttk menlol land containing 3.3uu acres, foot teen bundled c^rartd, wiil bring Irani 1, uIIoLAai piunda of ated ocuoo per acre: two MUlcraente oa the p:*co well feproTcd; two Gln-bouja.. two CoUoo derowa. with Oiain Tb-athea and Fant. efebl aood Nagro HetuCa un ona iiiaee, and hve oa tba otear:ana huuir^ anca o( amali aroin .owed. Tbe yUnUtion to weU watered, and in a tianltbv la- ealitr. There to to ba told oo the place, il rented, U Head Miitoa and Hotta; i Fine Milch Cow.; 13 Head Dn C.tllr; Ivu Uaad clock Mag.; » Mead Pork Uoca; LMO Rt»he!i Cera; 1 %o lki.tio 1 Cottao Seed: lu.ucU PuuDda Fodder 1 tM MI*ekim<Ua' Tool* Plow*, and P.ow Gear 1 rix lion* Wagoo and Harn**.; 1 Yoke Large Uxen and tVagoa There aietwalve pawn ne.raaa an tba ptoaa—aan ba emihited— a Na 1 blackainitb, T aaita Caan—And will ae lu Iba market until Iba 1*1 of January, 1*<!S, if not dii'poacd of brlbta Iba tuna. For iidui Illation addraaa W. L. JANKLL, 8un.pkiu, Stewait oouuty, Gaorgia, Cara ot Cbaiubaciui A Boyntca. dI3dSAw3* Offlve LoetoTllle Issovlatfea fer tire In- j prgfcOKOt *r the Brcc4l »t Uarscs LouisTUaLS, Kt.« Dec. lA, I T hf 8TOr.KBOLDEK3 OF LOCX3VILLC A330CIA I tiifO t4>t Ibe iiDproTvmrnt ot tba Nrerd of Hastes sr« } irquoited to meet fts WAi«er*t Ksebso^ oo Fritit/a the ] iHQ «ky ol JsuuArFt aI lu o'siO'Jtf oo hMiooM of impoitAiKv. By erder of WM. T. BUFOBD Pr»ri*t, W. F. Mtr.TOw, Sec'F pro leiu. dJi il*j ILexicfct* D Ob»**trer oiid Reportor aepT-l SissolQtioii of OopartnersUip. fTHF. COPARTNERSHIP, HF.RETOFOKG RXUT- A uc^r tnm i.aise sod drm of C. G. Tik^h'i.i A tiro a ia tlie dsF di«eoiTed bj biuiwUofe; Lewis rmihsa | leluiuK. C. G. Tsrhiiu wbo cviatiauee to tba t'otinoks. Will eloM up tte bueiiMMe of lha Ute droL Wo'tlce of CopartnersUp. T HFrNDEKSIttNKD HAVR THIS DAY FUKMKO s (Vpu^toeivhip uader the DABia snddriaoc C. U. Tarbsii c Co.« lor tbu tz*ow\ctioo of s WboUwolo, Ci<v« sud Tobncco bti^incM, st the o!<l «tsod. No. ITI fftm,L riuu:ktxi4g tbo friet.«la sod euotomori of tte old film for pAatfavoeSg we bate to ment ibeir Writer pa* rcos^. C G T4Ctl%U« LouiariRe, Xj.* Doe. 1, 1^. F&PID. WMULM. diao«; Zfrnibville and Z7a2hvlde Hailroad, FRKIORT DEPARTMJlNr. ' Loctsviiaot* Dot. 7, N 'OTK E to 8!IirrKB8-Tte rantrictiotm to *blp- mtnra of freight jit Atlactt. sad of tbor^ hsre beeu n o otoo, »i:d frei|{bt t# rreoieed st ihU depot lor s'l roiot* 3(Hith M ueusL F. S. VAN ALdlTlN^ dldtt FielmhtAoooL ( iFFlCe AND RE8IDCNCE NO. JKVFZmom at rT" haawean daamd wd JOHN McCarthy, <^k.'t't^>3^zxoy A't 31I1.1T40Y ^L.41.11 ACiEXT* Oflaa!fa.iCaaitlVaa. LOI MYTtLR, ET. J. P. CARLTBERd. H. C. EI»», CABUTHEES A KING, Attorneys at Law, '.ASca ia Ayraa BaiUtug, MEItPHlS, TENH. Will rreatea Claim# for Cbllcetton la Wta » and bortb mto.ia.ira> and atoa Uaima a«ainte OmZZ ajt <Ua JLO^T ORJBTOLEN. white, wub a vary dark .aaa wa the tell .Ida about lha .iaa of a aiitii miM’a aklrt. wSlafe •* «^rrad wtoh taS **!.* ^ bwaa and all reMoncbla axpaiarata drit^, « died foe tea bora# mH ibmf. **** R. M HATHAWAY. _ boarding. 7 Jt ARD-BT THE DAT UR WEEK- rUtarA^LAta J> Herman tobicai at tea Maliagoiitan UoacL wcMcornarflneBlbaadMarkaa. J»daa RESTAURANTS. OEMSBY HOUSE llalB st., hctwccB Fdarth aad r.ftk. 'THIS HOTEL, KEPTON THE EUROPEAN PLAtg 7 acd ogaw at all bonia, baa baan ladMad and tatma- abhrd ia azealtoat a4> to. Tb. Imdrr ml teto Hotel to at all Mmaa aapwHad wNto (Very hixmy teat tba maikal, tha rtvar, a^ tea sraL rie afford. Tha aaltor to weD modkat ta^tea flMb kraiida of Imatard Bqnera aad wiaen ^ Patron. wlU Crd al Iba URMABT IPVnE al Ita U'MK'KTSofa HUM*. ^*<»« dURR A ARBEGCar, PraartoSara. Siamcnd-Sack Thirspia, Oanvas-back Bucks. Shrewsburv Opstanb ^ to < ODCOCE, JACE 8NIPE. (jLAIL. GROCSB. PURAAANTflL VKNiaoak s Dd aO Iba tnxnriaa greennfela, aaaamaMy aa ImC w*> aarvad np in toy to teat can cat ba avvomad at ten bT. LBARLU RDTAL'RAJVr, C C. Rl FRS A OO. Piapriatato. N. a-DATTOM ALB and PORTER alwayi an hnta In larpB g nintittoa, in hbto, half bMn aadln balMmi •ImAa C C BCPER ACQu ariaAsanmi WALKEE’S EXCHANGE, Third lA, ban Main mfe Harkato GREEN SEA TURTLE, VENISON, e roas4).Qattil,rbeasant,Woodcock, Shell Oysters, BLIE-TVING DLCK, M.\LLARD DUCK. TKAL DUCK. S i.d all olber •aaamabie Mtoaeie*, arnalaiillf oo hand and W.a k. MTved ia tee moat laabORbe Myin. Maato •rul Io private lesldewees w.ih a.1 laaanii ammanto. Famuto. mppiiad wite all kindauf Gama Ojndara, ateu n.* aiA«-|t Ji CAWZIN * OOt CLIPPER DRAG SAW, Ouc aad Tvan ilnrar-pawer— Weight CM Ihn WALL PAPER 1 -. Window -Shades, SHOWCASES. <0 T he GREATPfiT LABOR SATINa M kcmiTR OM Iba ana. Wm cut term W M li aard. M wood pax day. Raary toiaanr ahaald bava oon, PRICRi No. S auB Ba.I m J. D. BONDL RANT Ate*, fcle - paed aad -idncultuni Wi VENETIAN BLINDS. THIRD STREET, ABOVE M.4IN. olT etftnSdarS Improved Parker Sewing-Machine. T he ATTENTION OF THE PUBiJC 19 CALLED lo tbeao UNKIVALKU FAMILY SEW1 N*FMa- CUINKS. A eombiaalion ot aotlra aimMmly, aritb eoarp eto rffretiveoea*. Il baa Impravad Uaminsr and Fallm. Braider, Binder, aad Ouillar. The altMb made by tbto maebioa wtll not rip by wear nor rmrmL yal M can ba be taken out at tea pleura of tba oraraior; it to aa elaat c aa Ibe moat alatoie (abriea, and to tb* ooty atilch wbkh abouTd aver be uaed on good. wh.eb bava occaaloa to ko into tba araah-tnb. Every kind of caw- ing a'ld m at rajnUUe ambroidary can b* don* oa ana and tha ..ana -.-i.uu. Call and aae them. T. JOHNS LON, Agmit, ni Fourth at., Loultalto, Ky, Agent, wanted tbrooghout tea Waal and dJotb. Lito eral induremrnto odarod. FKAKK BALDWIN, Gooaral Wndarn Atanl, nS7 dim 3SS Main at., Ulneian.tL Obia. coasB ozni. covax ami LocruTiUA, Kr., Nov. M, UgR, T he attrntion of tub public u called to th* foct that tier* ha* been a new Wateb-lt.toa*r- izg and Jewelry Balabitohmcnt opened ai No. *1 Market (treet. two doon from tee eonacr of Third, when tea order dgned to repairing all kind, of work at lb* lowta Eaalain prlcaa. Particular attention pa'd te fine work. J. B. T LTOft Practi^ Watahmaker, B. B.—An work Warranted. nW dim FDrmocnU copy * tiasci.] 1 boaband, formally ol Sbetby county, Ala. He wool North iu March, 1-64. 1 bava board aathlag from him tince. Any peraon reading tetoadvorttoameotwUlalaaa* addrora MRS. MARY A. TKRViLL, dll dluAwl* Cobamteana, Shelby coonty. Ate, Imported Savan* and Domestic Cigars, , T HP LABOR5T STOCK IN THS CITY, JUST SB- ceivrd: togetber with tbe fineet Virgnto and Mia- aouri Tobacco, genuln* Moacaebanm and Briar Ptpui. and a Uig* aaamamaat of .mokara-artietta for tala cheap U C. U TACUAU A CO., dl3 aim Na 174 Main at., bet. FtIUi and dUtb. To Dumber Dealers and Others. I X)R SALK, IN QrAUrmSS TO 3UIT PUSCHA- aera. a good aaMirtment of Canada itoeR Boardfo and Ijf inch oummoo, and L Ijfo ar i inch apaer uualitiaB; alao Flooring, Siding, and faj tewvd .hlagte at tha law- CM whotoaal* prieaa. ».— may rtm.l n ia pilaa ar 1 ard to April U, ltdS. POBTABLB PI.ATFOBIi fanlwM Lilrni 8C.A.XAX3a. Nruoa a Daw Pantatou Hay aeaie*. I Moa, RIM, Umbria te be faratobtR J. D. BOHDURANT A COU LoafevIBti Ky,. Sol* Agonte for Ik* Maiiufoctaiar% rei dSra Main. k aCwtau Third aari Poaftfo. Dissolution. T he firm op mcsrs a birbcb isdikoltsd by mutual toga, to. I have taken tee axtoneiv* Worehooee and Ftaaiy Vo. 14W Water (tract corner ef Ptolcher. aad will ecartnuo te Manutactar* and impart th* beat tuailtte* aad biwida of CIGARS Under Ibe Arm ef D. U1R3CH A CO- My friantewd tee trade geaaraUy. brtng wall aruuaiaimd with mr drallnm. 1 bav* n* drabt wiU give mn a teora af teta lutui* patnnaga. D. HiaSCH. New York, De*. UM. H*. U, Water tonato dlSdS ESIBKOIDEREOTlBLE-COVEftS, KNTIRKLY NEW. HOST ELSOANT AND UMCFLX PRKSHT. Juat imfouted and for tela a* CHARLES F. BACCHFUSP, Mo. ia*M roM 3$l Famte at, baa. Market AJ iSte in. dUdS Zonisville and Washvillo Railroad. Laumvtu.^ Daa. M, IHK rpHS COUPONS OF THS FIRST MOATG tOM 1 Pond, af teto Uamraav.Sne tea latof Jannary naat. wiUbaaaidan piaaaa niien at teto aAaaanaad alter ^ Ute WILLU RA.VNEY, Saeratecy. dl4 dl* r m VNDBBSibT,'^!r> HAVSTHl^bATKNTEaaD inte a copartncTvbte. »a^ COtJU A OU . for tb* tran.aatina of a WdOLESALM GROCKRY and commission BClMBBkl, aad bna* tek.n tea toora Nn W Main, baawaan Saem d and TbirA torata. wbma tera win ba ptoaaad te ta teatobte^ C.O. SMITH. Uantovfl1a.D«*.l.Isre- A«d1tn J. A. POOD. sroTXoa. i;qiR BEirr, for thk yeab last, oa for a r term af tereaar flva yanra, alarra aad wall-anNnto ad Wagon Sbo, in Clarh. villa, Tana a bate tor aad engiaaaf thirty bora* aawar, aad aSteaamas tor mwlitowtaa rite bar toa Unabtaitii* iraa. . la pte tomag* P aoa,^, Ae Tb* .team pawar to aaMetent te ran machinery eapabteefp radaafag a hr,* muatow of wagena. «nd*A*r hranrbm af ma aiifoeturi ag aauUen- ^y b* roancetad with it. A mackrt far all lb* pradaaMaaa to aSbrdad bytesad- totoiito teoafoV. and teaaada-iroaa af aagagiag ta ten kualnaaa. tetoatforteafloa uueuiad- Andrew in aaraam Oopartnershln. llONKr > HAVE THld D rtiwnbte. andte ten n DAVID OiXlDWILLIB. iH* dS Comer Franklin and Ohio ate.. Chicago. <01TUN YARNS -110 bagi In aaor* and kr nri* by

Transcript of · 2015. 9. 14. · u. rllLYJOURNAL. VOLUMEXXXVI....

Page 1: · 2015. 9. 14. · u. rllLYJOURNAL. VOLUMEXXXVI. LOUISVILLE,KENTUCKY.MOXDAY.DECEMBER'18,18B5. C.RBARNES' GOlopeNSI nanx^BAMDnuounskmtfbmbto; /mr AMraa c.p.BARmn. •tBifOkmtBtett)matM


C.RBARNES'GOlopeNSInanx^B AMD nuo un skmt fbmb to ;

/ mr AMraac. p. BARmn.

•t Bif Okmt Btett) mat M.lii ite.. I^iWvUt. Rr.



c:«R wwTMited if iStRctl^ Are foUoweL

tamiM. BorTLEB wax last a HOMru.

COU) UK THM HBADS*H»v«a IS • F«« Micf..

€»< >r *—pMt> Mcrtrtai.

UuMi tr OaUnliAl Ceatieaa.

AEVfX or BBftBLLWtHA iMMoal ar Betlroral.

Wt— uMiil htrOWuiWOiftcaltiea.

TXZ&OAV Arrscnov*AM mtam BnaiaMr ttea uWw>«i oraMd hr •

MW, Waiy B-MOM iiJtui* fWiui Mw iMal. r^mn tTrBucAw W( aIcIA, mat WiMiic IraM Cala rrU, art

aaaa* tr


CITAEEH RESEEDY!W'WrMa far aar paaehM BraertMf faBr al^

a\ae*ataa. U ariU ba aaaa tree ie aar adBraaa. TUaBraiaflr t~1t*~ aa Hiaafal ar PDiaaDanf Iae^e4^eaa^^

tm W paapaiai traa TapaaaMa Kitraca. Exalaaiaatr;

abanfan M b Parfartlr Btialaaa. araa to tba aMteeaWai aa4 laM iila «AUA Piiaa Bl par baaila. AAAraa.

BR. D. H. SEELTE ft CO.,



BROMHIAL SIRUP.Aa rafAMaf AeaM^r fer C«at;k«, CalAs,

rwMilda, Aar* nraat, aarccacwaaA InHattaa *f the Braaehial

TmAm ar Laa««. TicAJlBf la

dw Thraat, aa4 Craa#.

EaU br JOB1I O.PAU CiaeiaBati. aa« a£ Wbalc-

aate l>ri«lala, mat at ItauU bp

MueauTg c\xaYWUi:Bc.

laoM raeaSaAwlp

X> XSP£3 nrS .A. Zl. 'S'PM MB

4l b£ or SPECIAL DISEASES,***!• Will naEar, aerwaKS maim and

Matbrt Baviof te aataral rmmrw paal aatiaa* tbafcyWou. matm af traatoaat far PriMa Diaaaaaa, br» aaa ar aaaaUc tojacMaai arith pahafal Mentioiia.

. wBf kroaaai *0 tha piaaaaaeMa Maabaat inaamawei br aaaM ofa praaaiM mat raHabb iaabrtbaM aauiaa ar traifan i pfajMaaa aiaaBHial br aall ana ranralbl wttb aaaaada-

IN. Joaaa baa eiaeaaara* a Ba*a «

aHai aamoara » ar amuua, avaaaa areaaa,I aaar waapaaaa praAaaai br aba aU aohaai

OoDoniisa-> iB a tar Aa; a arttbaaWa wa af palaial taMP-

Tba vaaaleaaaf at

a^ <ta laBai uaa af bfa raaaAaa la tba abortal

>r. Jonaa aaafcat a aiM«f rbarai apaa eraeilnaalaaabr can at aL iiaaiiai latri«ardao hia aaia. aai H b

iara to bb baaarab aa aaaa « aMt at apea^ w paa-

HEIMt l.VBlI Pt'KNMHEDb mamm, wblafe mmm tbepaltaal tba arbaaaaaalaf maetalaa. or .raKOptuat wlurai. la aoMptomi wacn laan wa wiraM at ab charaa. *—

^ in.a. y iiiaab tHa praaabiiiar at arpcbra la “-‘“-aMfirinia at Mm Arua mum. Tu« aWaa b ao

tbat aatM aaef aar yaa abili abtra. AH buaUi4 oarraapaaAaaaa maimliy pn*bM. Itatlaal Oa-wMt. Moataraal Kaarrxua, aai all troablaa ada-

* BKLF-ABCbB.i aai pargiaiMWUr aarai to a abort Mba.

Luaub mat cuaocun la ruatlBC Dr. Joaea* Olapaa-(bottii bt pai itraiar la muai to I!m auiabtr at

abaet. aa tecta mtm raaaa la laa tiateay alilab la-' tbaaaaf Ur. Aaock A plpia ava Wi* aa tsuatcAoar. AD evuiaaataabaaM t» aaaU aratbar-lauU br aiJiaan i to “Dt. A. BMiart Jaaat Dta-

Sar Pbib Ant at. btliwita Ifaia aW Marfcat.Nr.-M Bay br touai ia iba aaaaaarbaarba-

A. H aDi»P M UK

he Great Western Despatch



. ilUitic, All fircat ul JeffpiN-iii ilk


Ji but One Trausfer.leMba iaiirarc* at Manbaab’ Aaarr U Iba UUawlat~FbMOaat. aaMiChaa. TblriClav. I.R-A 1.1


iPrca. Mrw Vark to LaotarlUa T Oaya.frifi B ittao a* LouirviUc t Da,'k

•BM eaaiaiibal U iaaliai.

THA OALY fast FRKIOlirL'MMTHIS PitfMT ALL AAlbbaputf.araiaat tierCN no’ll OF TUKIKKblbG ice ar LOW WAT£A ia

j praatpHy ^aalai."CaAAT Waaiaaa OtbPAToa*'

Laatec a*. A.rV OCO. A. DOCaCRAY. A«%

a.laray.B. Y. 7C Wartiiattoo it-. Bjatoa.rt.B«T,eapX HC.UlMMaS.AcM,

K''trba(k. fn Faanb aL, LoterrUla.

8UPFLIE8-F&ESH BEEF.u J UK CMtar CoMMaaaar or SoBaaraxoBj

Uap.BTifBaT or KaaTcoAT, 7Lmutiua, Kr„ Dac. R la«.t

D PROPOSALR n DCPUCAIR, WILL BRai at tbb aWar aatil 11 *ciaak M, TL'U«raWar ja. tafarabbiaa FirW Baat lali Utaatcbaapa Matlaiiai la tbr Daparfam aty. rxw pHiiir Maarporl aai UaviiMtMi aoita HiaaHaapai ttaar. CaaLaal to be ia Lraaabfc aaMa ii abua aaaba 1« iay at Jaaaao',oAiac «a *t Mat i.y at Han*. IWC.

be fraai ataan. MBicaiat aai batlbaaei (4W; paaata a* aacb Shall ba 4tUaarai

praptaiara W lara aai blai qaanan raaeka.ui aliaay CaUo<r aa br OTdaiaii la aacb aaan-tball boat tUMta alar br Rrairai far Ibaliaa Maabityaac abaS bt iaaltaatij by teaUiM aHatr Tbt aaaba afabtaatUrabufhaaraaa ba eal trarai aa tbb niMtab WaU ba eat alltab tortabral yaiaL aai tba brata fata .aaraataaball baaataMfraabv tarbai abmabr kaMt^faiaL aai at blaitasMaaaalcbl taabaa abaaa Iha paaDiral ar

i aa bt Mair ia aaW faai. aa ara taafabad byia»rna farlbat paipaa,aai aa fartaiteAetpaai mm ra,alf*i by ibe aaiirirapl.WaraM ba tairaa We prapar ilaaba, wbLb

aaaa arWRfl aaMrbiW,aaiaaiatwWt aaatraa .

Mrraa tbc afibl Be raiaal tay aai

L. A HAWTHORM.Ota ataOhiatC.S.,

on PUAUtioBi to Eont or Sell,


l-MOnUGlin HAS POR REST OR SALE A^ f**— PlaataK*.. Potaw. 4a-M aanirtac a iac plaMaaliaB aWpiai aa laialM

fwilflf MDEPHT,Kraal* tta RtaO DaWar bilba bta etaiiy at

OO.A.IL.Wakltatai RaaoM raa.

***** •**> tWri, aear Mala. iltitgia



«r*ra atrrat. Aatvrea nWrA amd ramrtk.

GEORGE D.PRENTICE,PnbUc PriDter for the CommonwetlUL



n«ll, per ill aaDally f-n-aaMMitba a in

i>' lly lor I MatifSa t tt^all> far 1 moolb 1 »,



V.'rrklr a atOLtlM 1 MlWeekly Uaiamfai t DIMn'Br Mire ta rerirlar year laMar. if yoa wUh na li

lalcr tbr liak ml Iba Iom.


Wi'STi* Fashions —Tbe New York Post bks

4 looE reriew of the winter fA»hioll^ tbe featnre

of arbicb. it f«rA i« tbelr fbowinMs and tbe ex*

pcRBlyeDtM of aimost crerr artlde of ladies' ap*

pate'. EveiytUicR ia caj and festive. Tinrel

and iiold omaiBOiits are mneb employed on

bats and bonnets and veils sometimes covered

with Kilt ^leiicles. Few plain colon are vrora,

red twin* tbe favorite. Tbera are red petUookts.

and red UUnminES for pstiicoats of Uadi, white,

Kray, or striped, and red for children's dreasei

nod doaks. For bonnets, velvet is the favorite

material, vritb tmall, rich oeuidi feathers as the

eleHMt deeoratl'w. Tbe front is Fometlmes

made of velvet and tbe crown of saUn, io some

eoBtrastiPR color. Tbe floating veil, which is

felly a yard long and abont tbree-fonrtbs of a

yard vride. is considered Indispetisable with the

anoplre b'mnet. Tbe smsll veile, tbongb sUll

worn to SOBS extant, are no longer fashionable.

Tbe ronnd hate are goowally psrferred to the

boMnete by very yoamt ladisa and are muchworn. Tnere U the uaoal variety of shapes.

Tbe three-cemered. tbe Glengarry torbon. the

cavalier, intended for a riding bat, and the

‘Lady Derby,” made of black vdvet, with

ronnd crown. Tbe lad-named bats are also

msde in felt, and. if It were not for tbe long

raO. m-ght be supposed to be men's bats.

There are at pre^t no novelties in dress

ftfariot. Bat there is what is called ‘‘a rage'’

for expensive materiala So many costly goods

have Dtver before been sold in Sew York dor-

ir.g tbe same length of time as in this season.

Dress skirts tre very foil, and am nsnally ent

goring, thongh the straight skirt U still, to

some extent, in vogue. Tae richest msterials

ere ornameMtad In a slrap’e and not ehovrv man*net, if at alL Tbe ronnd. high waist appears

to be tbe favorite, tboigh (ackets have manyadni’era. Tbe eqnareor Pompadonr corsage

is considered st> lisk, and to ag^ fignre is be*

oomict- There is also a revival of a style of

fir MvenUenth oentory—tbe dress being ent

low and sonars inf,onL bnt higher in tb* back,

a large box plait at tbe back, which hangs loose

from the back, and tbe skirt trails for a yard

aad a balL

Bkeoninrs made of heavy beaver cloth andMSlvet, are tbe h adlcg style, bat circnlara andloose sacks are also mneb wurn.

Qoiltcd skirts, made of bludi silk, black al*

paca. etc ,acd sthebed or trimmed vritb some

ooBtrasUag color, are mneb worn. They are

heavier amd warmer than the balmorals,

have S Beat aprearance. Bilmorala are still

mad. in almost every style, of white and black,

gray, mixed, striped, and red, and are beavilyr'n mrd. Tbe red skirls trimmed with black

era worn to some < xteet. For evening wear a

Uiirtof white moreen flonneed is considered

Beat There is a new inveDtioe, recently Intro

dneed, to <»vertbe lower part of tbe hoop.Tlie doth is ent goring and doable abont half ayard deep, aad is neatly trimmed with black orred, aecording to the color of tbe skirt. It has

e^ ei ta, abotil three or fonr inches apart, uponthe Di'per edge, and is lared npon the hoopo.Trisnt only prevents tbe hoop from aoUing,

b It looks well, and with it the large hoc^ aremunageable

Thf Poucx GornrSMTsm —^TheQncinnatiCt-mamdal'm city aditor Is good at sketching—ride the foUowing: “He is a pacnliar charac*ter—decidedly pecnliar—and hard to be da*scribed. We doatat If Diekens oonld do himJnstice. His dreas is reamrkahly noUeeable; b<asole leather is dene ap in tbe shape of brogans;boots of iasbiooable cat he despises: his panta*IcoM were long sinoe fringed at the bnttonswith evidences of severe nsage, and they ex-Mbit, in tbe vicinity of tbe kneea, tbe reflsetive

powers of a mirror. His shirt may have beenWksbtd and mended acme time since, bat yonfail to see ft—tbe sbiri—for a tightly fitting vest,

having some resemblance. In the g(oas of severetubbing, to the Japancing of a three-year ol 1

***'*T, cctinlY coaceals it. His coat is veneni*We, with the iedicalloos of many years’ exp^rirBce, and tbe canvas of the neck-tie. wbldthelps U> conceal the dusky has of the shirt*foliar. Is perCscUy plain to view. Bat wbat,after all Is dress U aa esUmate of bis charac*Urt We ansvrer, nothing: K don’t do josUceto the Mbjeet. In tbe days of bis earlyctildbood, onr friend, tbe sfo.^^, mayhave been operated upon in an attemptto beat into him tbe rndiments of a com*mf* KdMol education by some cross readspedagogne—bnt be does not even showany signs of snUt an operation. A fasUdioaebrarver might pronounce liia dress shabby and

hfr appetranoe decidedly Ineleganu lU mak«it a loint in bts dallv walk to dispose of at least

Itn osots* worth of floe ent or plug, one resultof a hlcii is tbe nsnal montb*corner ornvmenta*'''<n. always noticeable. He Is in his glorya bile cross*ex >mlning a vritneM. With legs

eiossfd Lfgllpvntly and c^^ice fixed upon tbe< cnii>siit of tbe witness etaad in a stare whichbe -eeme to thick a penetrating look, be sbow*er» upon the witness a deluge of infractions ofrules by which ae EugUsh language is spokenwith riroprkty. A single hasitatlon in a pointmade plain in testimony in chieC K tbe signal

wiUt bim for a trinmpbtnt expression of conn-Lraroe, and a threatening demanslratisn vritb

the sicmp of a lead. pencil npoe an evv-reidyacrap cf paper. A common plecs of strategyin Ictimidalion. And then, with what a flon-Uhof an attempt at rhetoric be storms the patient/edge in his argnraent. fcUewing the few to*

tbe-point words of tbe ProaecuUeg Attorney.With s five-dotlar treasury note of msgeifleentpioportiaoe ia view, beraisesfive digite heaven*ward acd calls upon JosUce to look down uponhis client, who is sore to be of the no “hot*move” character. Throngh the glass of hishtrapgne tbe prosUtote is seen as a model ofvirtue and proprietv’, tbe profeiakmal thief as apattern of honesty, and the vagrant aa tbe pos-amor of all tbe comforts of a home, free ofmotigage.”

tf A fire in Alleghany City, Pennsylvania,on Monday night, destroyed twenty*two build-

ings and an imir-.aT'— amount at property. Alarge qoanUty of benzole, running from an oil

radnery, throngh a creek to the river, was ae*

ddentally eet on fire by some boya. InstanUythe water vras covered vritb a sheet of flame,

which communicated to all tbe heuaes adjoin*

tag, and tbg whole were immediately a mass of

Are. Hat burgh's slanghter-bonse, Hallenbach’t

elaaghter*h«aw, >fiehoffer'i carriage-shop,

Bbanm A Kohler's cooper-shop, and manyfraam and brick dweiling-honies vrere barned.


AVThe ML Sterling Sentinel of Friday says

"We onderstand eooM of oar leading dtizeunredkenaeing the project of a railroad from this

plaeeto Paris. Aa there is no inreiih<>nfl ofwork ever being resnmed on the Lexington andBig Sandy railroad, vre think the people oughtto take bold of this matter In eatnesL and pottbe work tbroogh at onoe.”

Sale of Satv-TABO.—The Government Ship-

yard nt Chattanooga was condMionally sold onMondr y Inst for tbe earn of All, 300 to Fitzger*

a'd A Co. This aale waa made subject to the

approval of the Qnartermaster-GeneraL

ST'MaJ. S. M. Hibicr has pnrtAvel the farm

of Mr. Tho. D. Carr, seven miles from Lexing*ursi, on the Ricbmond pike, containing tdO

acres, for A2A.000

SrGen J. T. Croxton, of Paris, Ky., bu re*

signad his commission, which was accepted,*

to take efieet on tbe 2 1 insL

VThe Gontty Gout will be held on Toes*day, Deoenabsr If, Instead of Monday. I

Fumolci.ical am> IIoRTicri.TORAL TcccoevenUon wbicb met at RUzsbethtowu, Ky.,

re the 12ib and of October list, was com-peted of a number of onr first pomolgg’iat*,

and after organizing tbe Kentucky State Po-

mological and Iloiticnltaral Society, for a per*

mat cut insUtutioD, they by a vote recom-

mended tbe following list of frails as worthy of



Twertv-fonr varieties recommended for cen*eral culUvalicn:


Suwivtmr— Early Ilarveet. Rsd Astrachan,Orat.gc Sweet. Carolina Red June, AmericanSunitrer Pearmain. King Apple./\iU—Maiden'sB'u«h. Frankfort Qieen, P.>nn*

SAlvenia Red Streak, Porter, Fall Pippin, Ort-ley, or White Bel'flower.

Whiter—Lady Finger, Rome Bsanty, WinterPeaimaiu (Striped) Wine Sip, RawKs's Jonet,Smitn’s Cider. Roxbu."v Rnsset B a D.vis orNew York Pi(>pin, Mi'am. Little Romaai'e.L Oilier Twig. Mo.ore's SweetCider Afjilee—Hngb’a Crab and ITuTl«on

were adopu^, and tbe Urd Crab rtcommenieda« TTomiolng well.

I'eart for General Ca>f{roti’m —Birtleth F 'ml‘b Beantv, Madeline, White Dtvenne, BitTu a.

Ol'.ut Moreean. Benire G.onbaulL Seekle. BJ'.e

LocraUve, Tvson. Swan's O.-auge, Bloodgoxd,Dovenne Bous.sock.

Dtearf PfOTM on Qtt»"cnt —Osband’s Summer,Du cheese d’ Acgonleme, Glont Moroeau, Tyson,BoCnm, Louise Bonne de Jersey, LawrenceBel'e Lucrative.

Pearkes Recommended far General CaVrd'Ms.Evrly TilloUson. Catharine. Brevoort M >rrls.

White Heath. George Uie IF.. Eirly Newing-ton, Haines's E*rlv Red. L\ Grange, Troth’sEariv. Columbia, Van Ztndt's Superb. Craw-fi.rfiV Early, Waid’e Late Free. Granl Adstlr-atle. Large Rare Ripe, Red Rare Ripe. Tlope*ronr«. Hopkinsville Cling, Smock's Late Free,Crawford’s Late.


Delaware, Catawba, Concord, MazaUwoey,Norton’s Virginia. Hartford Prolifie.

Apples rreommeaded for further trial in cer-tain Incaliiiee. These were popu'Ar varieUcs,bnt owing to several yeara (aiiare except In

certain localities, were reit"led from the list:

Pryor’s Red, Rimbo, Yellow Boll-Flower.


1. This Society shall be knosm as “The Ken-trrlry State Pomologlcil and UorticuUuralS>>e5rtv.”

2. Its officers shall be a President, Vice-Presi-

dents, Corresponding Secretary, RecordLagS*<-retary, and Traasurer.

3. Tbe President shall preside an 1 conductall meeUnga of tbe 8 cletr. and la hU abaenceone of tbe VTce-Prealdents sball perform thesame dnUes.

4. Tbe Recording Secretary shall recorl all

ptoceedimrs of tbe Society, arid ollect anl i>:e-

pate for t^ pre« all cmmunlcattoni5. Ihe UOrreapondlog SecreUrv sbtll perferji

all the correspoedenoe, and furnish such as maybe nccessar}' thereof to the R-.-cordlng Sicre-tarv.

fi, Tbe. Trea«nrer shall collect and hold all the'usds of the Society, and pay out the samemon tbe O'der of i be Secretary.

7. Tbe officers shall be elected annnallv andsrpaiately by a ballot vole, and sbiU hoitl theclfice ncUl their sncceasors are appointed.a The object 4f I he Society bMng to collect,

condense, and collate informaUon relaUve toall varieties of f.ulL acd dispense tbs sameamong toe people—every member shall ptyinto tbe Trevurv two dollars a year for thepurpose of pubUsblng and other expenses, andany f-erson Interested in froiis mav become amember bv forwarding to the Treasurer or8> cretary^ membership fee.

B Ev^- member sha’l b<* entiUed to a eopv• f Ibe TransactioLS of I'oe Society from year toyeor.

10 Tte President of the S>clety mav call anee leg at any time and place be d-ems ad*vitabie by a notice of thirty days in the pabUcpspers.

11. By-laws and alterations in the Constltu*tlco lor the purpose of governing farther waalsof tie Society may be enacied by a majority ofIbe members present at a meeUng.

12. .An Ezt-cuUve C>immittee shall be ap*

p inud to attend to tbe interests of this Societywviing vacation.

Officers of the Kentucky Stats PomilijlcalS' 4 HorUcultaral S.ciety, aad their pist*tfficts:

l^sident—Lawrence Young, Looisvlile, Ky.Vice-Prcsldects—Z. R. Huggln*. Glasgow,

K’ .: Dr. B. R. Yoong. Elizabethtown. K».; A.D C TnU, Georgetown, Scott conntv, Kv,Correepooding Secretary—Samuel HaycrafL

El zabetbtosrn.Recording Seoetaiy—Charles E. Noarse,

EI'Bubetbtown.Treasurer—Alferd M. Brown. EUzibsthtown.Fxccntlve Committee—Dr. B R Young Har-

din connlj; J. W Ooren, Barren conntv; Har-

rison Taylor. Ma.y>n crmnti; Wm. Jahnson,Bardstown: Jos. B. Woolfork, Meade countv;Lawrence Voeng. JefTerson county, and New-ton Craig, Scott county.

Euzabmut )WK, OcL 18,

To the Fruit Groioert and HorticuUuritii ofKmntmcly:

Tbe last four years of war have been tryingto car progre^ but as peace has again dawnednjion oiw country, new life and hope have beenio'osed into most of oar iodnstrial pursuiU, andptrticnlarly into your branch of ILTbe opening of tbe Louisville and Nashville

railroad has brought into market the valuablefinlt lands of Mnldrowa’s Hill, immediately inthe vicinity of Elizabethtown, and thought bymany to be one of the best fruit localities in theI'ni.ed States, and althongh Mnldrows’e Hill,forming the south bank of Salt .river and theRolling Fork, extends np and down thoseatreams for more than fifty miles, vet as thefinlt-growers near where the railroad enu thehill. In four miles of E'ieabetbtown, have takenstub a lively interest In pomologv, it wastbroght beet to call a convention at that to wn,not lor tbe porpure of makiug a local associa.tion, but one coextenttve with tbe State, aadtbe result has fully coma op to our mast eaa-x-ulne ixpcctafr ns We have had a full mset-ing, as large as we expected, and moreso, ofmrny of the most skillful and successfulcDUlvbtors in the State, and have or-gsrized a society on a liberal scale—“Tee Kentucky State Pomological and HorU-cniinral Society.” Now the object of this ad-dles* is to call upon all frnit-groww' borticnl-tnrlsis, flor'sts, and lovers of fruit, and thoseb it ndiy to the best interest of the people, to% me to our aid and rally around the nucleusf't jadiciottrly formed. A State organlzuionIs cwtainly far preferable to any local associa*il<«, forby the State sodely we call togetherannoaky Ute ntost experienced, energetic, and•‘lieriiflc fruit-growers and borUenUuri^ in<Jif Slate, with an increasing interest from eachar nual meeting, and drawing the attention andri reiving the aid of like institutions ol o'JterKates.

A* yon will see by our proceedlng.s. the greator d leading object will be to collect and dis-a mibiite useful informatioo in relation to soil,

ilJ*’ “^P®*** culture, varieties for a succei-'-lf>n Of dope sniiable to all parts of the State,varkUre hwt suited for family and market pur*P< destructive Insects, and diseases of fruits“u an open field for discusdons onMl snbjects conicct^ with or touch'ing the ob-jw’t* shove namet. we would like to get in a(v nSiiloB. and with your help attain It, tocLtr annum premmaas to encourage cultivatorsto aim at tbe highest verfection. We want your

^ hoping us you will help’» urrelves. Tbe small aiun of two dollars annu*uj ^titles yon to memfiersbip and a copy ofall ibe proceedings of tbe Sodely. Therefore,It M to he hoped every well-wisher of the 8>ci.

wilL at the earliest convenience, hand in< b< ir two doUai^ and their names for member*-t P, and then every man of you eo»ne to ourtext ennoal meeting.Tbe next arnual meeting of tbe Society willat Elizaijelhtown. on Wednesday af*r the

-eofi d Monday In September, 18G6 Th - timear<i place for fumre mecUnip! will be fixed atlacb annual eearion.

SAMUEL HAYCR-VFT.Orrespondlng Secretary.

THE SOUTH,We glean the following interesting budget of

news from Bouiheni papers received at tbeofiioe of tbe Jouraai;


Tbe Richmond Whig of Monday Urns ex*prmes itself in regard to the Virginia »ado'.ber Southern mcmbcTF of Oxgrea-:Tbe members of Congress sent from thl

Suts, as, indeed, from tbe South geuerallv appear thus far to have acted with tbat digailvand dc cornm due to tbe occasion. • • •It is gratifying to witness tbe calm and digni-fied o nrse of our representaUves elect, aad toparedvetbat they uke a sensible view of tbdrdutiea. To no contest for seats should they bea party. Such a party, if engaged in by themwould necessarily be attended by incidents ofan acrimonions character, and would tend rath-er to exasperate rpi>osition and infiame resent-ment than enlist kindly influences. Whatevertheir rights mav be under tbe Constitntion andin tbe Presidrnt’a contemplation, tbev, in pointof facL stand before Uongrees in the stUtade ofraididates, and by the votes of the members of(ioegrens will thadr several claims be decidedThey hbonld calmlv await the issue of the r«eo^lotion offered by Mr. Stevens, and pas^ by theHi use of liepreeentaUvea.

In the Senate of Virginia on Saturday tbejoint reeoinUon looking to a petiUon to’ theBrr rident for tbe relesM of Hon. Jeff. Davia,(x-I‘niddentot the late Confederate States, in*trodneed by Senator Dulaney on Wednesdaywas taken np. and. after some disetUBioa'unrB'moaaiy adofked.

In tbe Hr.nse of Delegates, on the Btb instMr Suangbam, of N’Wtbumberland, said thata resolntim had been laid upon the table on the{irsvioas day. which ahonld not be permitted tolie ttere. He alluded to the resolution offeredtv tbe meiEber from Norfolk county (MrHeret^ in relation to General B F. Butler. TberKxnd of the House did not show what ^oeldh* known, tbat tbe resolntion was consignedto U e UUe by aa almost nnanimoes vote the•ni! erof tbe resolution alone disMnUng ' HaBicved tbat tbe resolution be talrai up; and that

done, l.c f bonld offer the fol’owlng as an amnud*mm, bv way of a fubstitcie:

Wbeieas, it Unnntcesrarv and unwise for this

Houfe to act upon any subject wh’ire they haveBO other data ni>on which to ground such actionthan cu.ient report” and common rumors; audwheieasthis House has assembled wit’u but onegreat object In view—to legislate f»r the good oi

tbe Sia'.e and the peace and prosperity of her(Itizens. and In no wise to reflect upon themr>rol character of individuals, either public orprivate, frierd or foe—and whereas this House8 boib willing and anxious to pursue such aconciliatory course toward the Federal antbori-

tlee, not irconsietent with the rights and thehonor of tbe 8.ate, as will not retard theimmediate restoration of the re’ations between thoStale and Federal Government which existedbefore the late war; therefo’e. be It

Pemolnd, That any motion or resol itlon in*

cr.'Tisistent with the foregoing preambl«»shonldnot be mode or offered, and, if made or cllsred,

will meet with the disapprobation of this

H' u-eOn motion of Mr. liunnlngtcn, of F.nnco

Wlili.-m. tbe memt'Cr from Norfolk w« i>er-

mltud to withdraw his resolution from the ta-

ble sr.d tbe matter was dispo ed of.

The Richmond Times says:

Tie of Mrs. Isabel Ould. charge ! withtbp sbirf ting, some three mo iths sinea, ol Un. Vei'de. her reputed Bill meed, came no lie-

tore tbe Mayor for trial on Saturday last, tjaiie

a number of s[x>ctat'ire w ^re present, prompt-ed ae well by cu>iosiiy to see the heroine os toli^t<n to tbe evidence' which migbt be adducedMrs. Isabel Ould, bring cal'ed. approached thestand, attended bvber coui sel, Mr. MarmuJukeJohnson, and followed by Meade, the vicUni ofber frenzied wrath. She was attired in light

g-een debege. straw bat trimmed wUh blockvelveL block lace and thick brown veils thrownover the same, and was enveloped with a heavy,dingy, brown gentleman's shawl. In personalapptarance she might be considered grosslygo^ looking, about thirty years of age, uudin tbe enjoyment of fine hMith, though discon-

tented and disturbed in spirits Daring theormpincv of her seat In front of tbe presiding

f ffleer, sbo mainlined a decorous reserve: buther eves, when tbev occasionally turned fowardMesde, her former lover, who stood at herright, wonid suddenly brighten np with a wildbrUliancy, denoting the reflex of inward feel-

ings of happiness and misery mixed together.

Tbe call of witnesses developed the fact tbat

bnt few were presenL whereupon Mr. Johnsonarpeaicd for a continnsnee of the, alleg'mgthat sufficient time had not been allowed hbclient to ob'ahi the attendance of her witnrases.

The Alavor acceded, and adjourned the mutertill Thursday next at 10 o'clock

The Whig is verv much pfeved with the sp-pcintmentof Major J. H Claiborne as OQlet ofPolice of Richmond. It says: ‘•TnecloseU can-va.racf the citv could not have resultel lu amere suitable and satisfactory selection thanthat of Major Claiborn*. He has aa ar.luoas

office, requiring a quick and accurate ohserv i-

tinn. great skill, unUring energy, . and mtulycourage.”

GBORSIA.The Atlanta New Era of December 1 relates

tbe foil- wing shocking outrage:

On Tbnrsday eyenine, as Mr. James Crewwas reluming to his home from his ofliie, hewasVnoiksd down atd mast seriously If notfatally irjnred. Tbe parcicn ars, as far as wehave tieen able to obtain them, are about as fol-

lows: Mr. Wm. Solomon, tearing some noisenear his gate, went to the door and saw whatbe sup|K*ed was a drunken man, reeling abonttbe street He eoon di-^mvared that It wm .Mr.

Crew. He went out immediately, and foundtbat be bad been b.adly hnrtbv some scoundrel-ly ruffian. His skull was terribly fractured andcrushed, so much so tbat be bM been insensible

tVer since. A bar of iron was found Ivin g near,with which tbe villain bod coTu-nitted the out-

rage. It Is supposed tbat Mr. Crew had b rsn

d(>gged from tbe offioe by his assarslnitor withtbe intention of knocking him down cud rob-

bieg him. expecting to find on bis person cou-aiderable funds. One cf his pockets w is tornont, but it contained nothing but a church key.

The Savannah Republican, In reference to

tbe vL'it of Gen. Grant to Charleston, remarks:

The dtiz>-nB and merchants of Cbr.rleston ten-dered a ccmplimentary dlncer to LleuL-Gen.Grant, which tbe General was compellel ta de-cline cn scccunt of his previ ’US engagementsWe are glad to see thU maulfostatton of g iodwiil on tbe part ol the cilizans of our sistercity, Charleston, as it shows a dl«iK>sition toforget tbe past and a willirgneM to acc*mn')-date themselves to the cireumUancas that sur-round them.Tbe same paper, io a leading article on the

pr liUcal slination of tbe State, savs:Lit us waste no time in talking abont tbe

consUtntiocality of this or that measure. Tdosewho fought for tbe preservation of that instrn*m< Ft will doubtless feel that tbev are b''st ca*[Able of Judging of its requirements and con-ditions applicable to our cose. Whatever ar*gnments we might advance wonid be met bvtbe simple clteiion tbat “each House shall bethe Jndre of tbe election returns and quallflca*tions of its own members.” “Tbat tbe UnitedSutes shall guarantee to every Bute in theUnion a republican form of govern*menL” Falling, these would come the arffii.

mentum ad himinem, tbst tbe war-makiug powervery naturally carries with it tbe power to en-force the conditions of peore. There has notbeen any change in tbe policy of tbe -Adminis-tration, except such as onr conduct hw render-ed absolutely necessary. Onr refusal to actupon the FUggestioDs of the President, accam*panied, as they were, by expressions of thekirdert regsrd, bos constrained bim to adopt adifferent coarse; and if his wishes are now pre-sented in more anthoriutive manner it is ourfsnlt. not bin There is certainly no desire onLis ra.*t to treat ns as a subjugated people.An ice manufacturing company bas hcim

suited in Angnst.a, with a capital of A150 000,ni.der tbe impression tbat it will cost less tomake ice there than import it.


roi.iurAi. WISDOM Axi> r.oi.n liukrautt.[From the Loadra Timat ]

Wc tbir'T Mr. Johnson, in hla liberal treat-

ment of the Sontb, shows political wisdom andatnie appreciation of the differences which havedfvldrd tbe two sections of tbe republic. Taeprinciples which he annonneed in his speech totbe Sontbern delegation at Washington theother day are consi-tent both with his formeracts and present policy. Tbev are simply thattbe Union must be maintained at all hazards,by any mean* and against anv men or party;but that,tbe Union once seenred. tbe rights andpolitlcai tndei>endence of tbe States are the bestgnarantees of national prosperity. Slavery Is

gone and the rebellion is over. This being, the re*toratIon of all the States to theirformer relations with each other aad with theFederal Government Is desirable. This theorynndoabtedly tends to give the South art

earlier and larger possession of poUttcalpower than b thought safe even bv raodaratemen of the republican party Hut tee think ih it the

romfidenoe tf the Prerident and the b-M Lberali'f ofhi* policy are not likely Io he in rain • * *

The woiBt evil tbe Feieral Government can fearis tbat the Bonthe-ners In their political inter,course with the North mav become factious andT«rven-e. This, indeed. Is not unlikely; but it

b tn Inconvenience which can welt be borne,and which U sure to decrease with time. .All

tbe better instincts of the i>nople will be againstcsrry'ng on a war of words or of votes whentbe war of weapons has failed, and they willFurrly find their interest in snhmictlog cheer-fuJly 'to the deetiny wbicb has linked them for-

ever to the Northern Slates. After all, it 1s nogi'evous doom to form part of the AmericanUni’ n. evrn tbongb State patiiolism mav bsVfxed by the ln«igniflcant part which Virginiaand South Carolina must play in comparisoumilh the time when they were leading repnhiicsin tbe Union. Presid* nt Johnson probablyfee* tbat both neceeaity and interest bid thecoi qnered Slates to be loyal, and for this re-

stores to esch of them its insUtu ion*, anl toits citizens their liberties and property.


fHew York t-orreiyopdeuce of llie Loodoo Nowb.]

I think there has never, since the foundationrf tbe Repnbiic, been a President and Cabinetwhich enjoyed sneb freedom of auction on all

qoeeU<'ns of fbrel^ politics as the present.Tbe causes of this are various. Among theprincipal are tbe high ideas which evervbodyor nearly evervbody enterUins of their skill andexperience. Their rei>atatlon is such as noneof their predeceseors sisce Washington haveerjoved, and it would be bard to deny tbat it is

well earned But. whether earned or n^L thefact tbat tbe country has come ont of tbe latefearful struegle so much better than even its

most sanguine friends ventured to hops baa, nomatter to what combination of circnmstencesit may have been owing, pi iced the men whobad charge of its affairs during that period ina position such aa no American statesmen sincetbe levolutionary period ever held.

iiK SAGAnry asd piirDicrcn.

[Frooi the lomdoo Nawa, editorial.]

We have not had to wait long for a justlflca*tlon of tbe belief of the most dispassionate ob-^rvers tbat tbe restoration ef the AmericanL nion is going on as well as the difficulty of theMse admits, and as tbe sagacity and prudenceof tbe Government mav fairlv encourage theWorld to expecL • • • We knew beforeffiat Mr. Johnson was no party man; and. ifswe of his sayings and doings looked ratherlike bis being a sectional man, doubt was pres-rotly thrown on his having any twist from bisBonibera origin by some word of wisdom

some glance of insight di^oeed,wbum revived tbe hope that be really was more

adequate to the position he bolds thanany other known man in tbe country.

A MBRCAaTn-K VIzw.[From Uia Loodoo Sliifpiac O itata.]

President Johnson is pursuing a temperatethe rccrmstrociion of the ^uth,

which is winning him golden opinions from therepresentatives of every party in the country,txcept only the extreme radicals, who advocate

Iraffle because It would throw into


1.?^**bands an amount of political power

dsirn*^*'at present na defensible



tFrcmthr Loodoo Telaaraph .1

Mr. Johnson may, in one sense, be said to

have had ‘'grvstnras tbrn?t npon,” rather

thsn to have achieved i»; bat he hw already

shown that his powers are worthy of bit sta-

tior. And it affords. Ini’cod, both a crushing

r.'bukcio tbe believers in an ofworn diplomacy,

snd u splendid encouragement to those who be-

lieve in the capacity of a free people to select fi.

rnfers, when wc ree that this self-taught tailor

t f Tentiesfee, by virtue of his direct siucerlty of

puri'Ote, and hU homely mother-wit, bids fel-

tosntce^ in a task which m'‘gbt have sorely

trltd the statecrof; of .a Bl . helleu.

For, let n* note, it is not merely mxra’. excel-

lence tbat he dlsplavs, not merely tba self-eon

ttol which has enabled him to ocnqnsr pissi oi

ar.d to resist temptation, nor that kiudli-

ncse of temperamenL that generosity to a fallen

foe. which fo fn qnent'y charaeterizes men of

the Ai'glo Soxon racs. What we hive als > t)

admire in him is the Sixon sbrcwds'ss. theready appreciation of existing circam Ivncc*.

tie toeierence of feet to theory, the star'dl/

practical t-pi-lt of his statesmanship.


[From tli9 Loadi n Ilera’d 1

To turn fcnfllcg Into reverence, curves Into

b’- snd to conquer the good oplni >n ofthe world in despite aim' st of Itself, !« * w.rrknot given to msnv men. There are a fewg-anil axamplis in hl-’tory, and but a few.

Tntreforc. wntn we find a ruler whose eleva-

il n seemed to piesage a reign of terror, andwbo-e antecedents pointed bim out rather as anavrngerlhana healer of svclal disorder, win-ning his way In the world’s esteem bv cle’m

enc.v, the fpectacle makes a deep Impression oncur minds, and calls for remark not m-we geu-e’^ous than jusL President Andrew Johnsonhfs agreeably disappointed at least one- half oftbe world by a wite and Btatesmanllkc policythat will give him abigb place in the Pantheon ofAmerican worthies. Quite in another way tothat contemplated by the Ke[>u'oUcan fanatics,

be is tbe man for the time; acd, while Wash-ington has tbe credit of establishing hisconu-trv ’s iudeptendence and settling Its form of gov-ernment, Andrew Johnson may yet go down toposterity ae tbe statesman who, by a wise clem-ency, reconstructed the edifice wh^n it had auf-fcrM a blow that shattered U W* Ife founda-tions.


[8ir Morton Peto'a rpeaeh at B.-Utal, KDgluid.][

One thing which very much gratified me Inmy vi.=lt to America was my interview with thePiesldenL I was with him for some time, andI will say at once that he is a man who, ouceseen, is never forgotten, for he Is one of uulure’s nobllitv— [cheers |—a man who not onlyLssta’entand mind, but who, thank God bata heart. Andrew Johnson was hiui'C’f a South-erneri and was not very wtll treated bv hi*ccuiitr .mLn thire irom his determlnatiou tonpbold the csu:« of tbe Union. Bat it 1^ wdlfur Item tbat Andrew John.*on knows how toforget and forgive. He has mot bis brethrenof the South In the only way in which theycould be met to be cunclliatory. He d les notmake them sacrifi.-e their self-rewpeut in passingthem bock to his confidence. A man goes tohim and says, “I am very sorry for what I havedone; I am perfidy willing to take the oath.”His replv Is, “My friend, you are pardoue-f.”1 myself read one of those pardons, aud theonly condition Is this. If the person so pardonedever itossesses a slave or abets slavery thatp ar.lonceases. [Cheers'] He had no fea* of thu 8 luth,and he would tell them why. It was t lat theSouth were not handed over to attorneys androidcle-men, as Jamaica bad been, bnt the own -

ere of the estates were looking after their ownwrrkmen, so that they wonid be treatol fairlv,

and if they were not' the President had con*tl-tJtad a commission in tbe South, and to thatctmUii slon every que-lion was referred. Withregard to some men who complained that cer-tain masters did not give them sufficient wages,a nr.tiflcation came to tbe effect that unless theemployed rectived a right rate of wages theGovernment would withdraw all the men fromtbeemplov of those masters who refucel toproperly compensate them. There was a de*IreIn the North to treat tbe South In a spirit ofequity. Sir Morton related an anecdote of alarge capitalist who had Informed him that herhonld not p'~esa his debtors in the SouthernStates if they w> nid take their coats off and goto aork. If tuch a stare of things were thecsfo be bad no fear for tbe South. Americawould not do what England had done in respectto Jamaica, emancipate tbe slave* aud let themtake their cbarce. [Cheers ] Bat Ame.Tcawt n'd rule them In equity and falmces, andthey must do their part [Cheers 1

Pexiax Bsothxrbood—OFi-iofAi. CrRcrranTO THE Orgaxizatiox.—


he following circular

has been issued to the various circlee:

Senate Chamber. Brothkriioot>, \Nrw York, December 7, 18<i5 j

To the 3fembert of the Fenian Rrotherhooi:

Brothers: However painful tbe accompanyingresolutions may be [tbe bond resolntion* al-ready published

J. we, your representativns, hadbut one alteroative before us—to tnbmit In si-lence to tbe rain of onr cause and the robbery ofa too confiding people, or to lay before you thetrulh and trust to your virtue and patrlotUm tosave Ireland and h^ name from the contemptof tbe worldThe President, disregarding that constitution

which he has sworn to yon to snppoit, re'uscsto acknowledge the anthority of the Senate,your chosen reprt.-entatives.

In a few days you will be In possession of anofficial statement of every fact; unlit then let it

suffice to sav tbat the Secretary of War, a triedaud experienced soldier, whose ability aud gal-lantry have stood the test of eighteen years, hasbeen impeded in the perfection of his plans forimmediate action by the imbecility ana tbe dis-hoj esty of men in whom we had, unfortunately,reposed cur confidence.

Tlw Secretary of tbe Treasury refuse* an In-vestigation of his books. We are preventedfrom Inquiring Into tbe expenditure of thoiemoneys which you have contributed to fartherthe cau«e of your country. An am''<uat ofmoney had been appropriated to the War Dj-parimenl; buL when a portion was called forto buy arms and materials of war, the monevwas refusrd, although It wa* statol that “sma’damounts would be ^ven to meet curront ex-jienses.” And yet there were funds wherewitha paiace was hired, eight‘;en months’ real paidin advance, a large sam deposited In tbs handsof the owner as eecnrity for possible dini.ag8t tohi* premises, and lock^ np In his hands until1867; sumptuous sleeping room* have beanfitted np, and elegant fnraiture pnrchaael forseveral thousand dollars more, for tbe accom-modation not merely of the tuocbicery neces-sarv to onr GovsrnmenL bat also for the useof a crowd of ageless, and In some cases evendangerms, hanger* cn, wh'ose names havenever been presented to your Ssnafe lor con-firmation.

We f hall ask of you to look at facts—U> I'stento tbe truth. We a*k of yon to siiopfjrt thatman whose appointment to the direction ofmilHary affaire was hailed by all of you a* apledge tbat business was meant, and Ih it wewere no lorger to remain Inactive, while onrbrethren at home were lying in a Britishdnngeon, awaiting their sammons to the scaf-fold.

All remittances of moneys for the pnruise ofthe Peuian Brotherhood shonld be made indrafts t’avahle to the order of the Trea*urer,Patrick O R mrke, and be directed to box .5.1 11,Post-office, New York. An account of theamount of money forwarded bv each circlesince the date of the Philadelphia Congressshonld be sent by the treasurer of the circle tothe address of the Treasurer in New York, asabove. The names of those members whohave paid tbe “final call” should al*j bs sentf.n, in order tbat such members may receivethe bonds therefor when properly sigui andist-ned.

We remain, brothers, yours in frateraltv,J.iMES Giri'.ors,' Philadelphia, Ptan.;P. B.exxox, Lonlsville, Ky.;J W. Fitzgkralu, Cincinnati, 0 ;

'W. SrouvAX, Tiffin. Ohio;P. O'Uoi’RKR, New York city;Wm. Fi.rmixg, Troy. N. Y ;

Eiiwaro L. Carey, Npw York citv;

Patmck j., New York city;Michael Chicago, Id


W. R Roi-.bkts, New York cit*;

Members of the Senate of the Fenian Srothcr-LooiL

Ax E.vtraoedixart Domestic TRU>-nox —The following extraordinary domestic tradition

is e.xtracted from a new book, entitled “Napo-leon the Third and his Court, ” which ii muchtalked of in Europe:

Tte Duke of Alba, the brother- in law of Na-poleon tbe Third, is a short, little man. vbo hassomething icy about his whole manner. Smalland weak, bis face displavs an alabasfer hue,which gives him a ghost like aspecL Ii Spaintbe story is emrent tbat the Duke was buriedbefore he was born. When his mother was ex-riente with him she was taken so desperately ill

that all the attempts to restore her remainedfraiilesB.

Tbe Duchess died far away from Madrid, at achateau which had always been berSavoriteresidence. She was buried' in tbe lamifr vault;and, ae it is tbe custom of the Spanish nobility,several valuables, among others her rinisi, wereput into tbe coffin. The t^easare^ which badbeen left to oblivion with tbe Duchere tronsedthe cupidity of some ruffians; they broke intotbe vault on the night following the funeral,robbed tbe dead woman, and wonid not leavetbe Cf flin UU they had plucked a flasbing dia-mond from tbe finger of the corpse. The dia-

mond was on the little finger, anl -wonid notcome ofiL

This gave Uie body-snatchers tbe traly can-nibal idea of entting the finger. Tte painaroused the apparenUy dead woman: she cameto her senses, sat np in her coffin, and, by herunexpected wakening, pnt the robbers to flight

When they departed they forgot to close thevault The finchess fonnd sofflclent strengthto quit her coffin and return to the chateau,abere she was at first taken for a ghost and aprkst was calli d in to exorcise it, bnt as he wasuvahle to banish tbe specter, the people in thechateau gradually began to beUeve In her cor-

poral existence. Tbe dnetaess recovered andgave birth to a boy, who has never lost tbedeathly pallor which be brought into the worldwith him.

A feeble jeet suggested by Alexander Smith’slast book—If a man tarries in the Isle of Skyedues he lecome aSitye toiiiec?

TELECf?APHIC NE^RfS Sit , md sfterwsnl UnPed States 8ena‘rr,— - d td thl- moniicg at his residence, io this cUy.

Milledoxmli., Gj,. Dec. IfThe SDflrage Qarstioa ia Washington. Gov. Jenklc* was Inanguratel t'O-Uay Gov-

erLor o[ Uiis Sute.“ PiTisiicRo, Dec. 16—>L

\ rb^Dlar Vote to b8 TiSt.aOaif. R v rll rffiiowhes, andtuung. Weatherclear uLd co!d. Mcrcuiy 2t’i.

H k.t J.ff Rath is saw t» I’obf. r:.„ ; ..S 'S'm « sw alt r in tie channel. Thermometer 25.

PtSSfBtoj PacjQcRiilroid Coc^*'. ^ ,, i«_m.

Fldfiii- qntpt without chAnge Im prWMMi. h#«t io ipmmId niRoJ: reMipt* boitu Hffbt, p-iceo hAvtailvAncel

4 . . clcslDp At $l 6o(4t 90 for pomohld rod. aodI €1D fPT Di^chircr^d :oforllMjb«^rrAd«rrfofn-w. ira r.i W notuivn* torn.U.-.d>at«*<&'JC. lcrDewesr.5.-a*5cfor.l»llol I

— OaU have AdvAurtsl to 4ic in elevritur vrliU a foodUl’ lid. Kye %l 7'i^73j for priiud.

Ocr with HoMJduUAud pric*# ST* lower, cloAioe At 5.)UL. uriauriis HIIU t ', „,|. „rcipt. if iSU hrad. Mr» pork dull at $37 for-


ritv. Hulk mcRU dull at tin l-'i. au'J I»*«.

U'C( o TuetiU la Dioderate d.iDAud tl)^. And ItVf,

Proi»»s5l to Sead \vg»o >s to PtorJda.



liiAt. Vf aivk)- (Id Jued to ga 33

, Nik Yoke, Dee. I't—U. .

S^Bd'Dg IMFpatChPS to OR" ' stork. firtniT. Money on call 7 per erot. Ucarlios


*1 tlir at li y]4 . Lhir.a-oan<l Kirk feUnd liT'V: Chic -

fu, Itutiicalon, aad Quinrey Va; .M'lwaukra and Prai-ra-A.a a, .... ....... .... .

r)r du Chrin 96: ruiabarv, Fort Waur. and Chicuo1 li&l t'OODtPrfpIt $100 SlOtC .\sfilli, * Chicago and Alton lUO; Miehix.n C.»ntr*l n-ii,.

^ M chiran tlciithern, T8'i; CIOTrlaa'l ar.d PiUab ire,- -

!fourth. '.'l’.: cbinira and Northwr.trrn, *6; do, am'rr-

• . _,

rori. Ri'.; CIrvrUud and Toltdo. 114: Xriv York CantralLate I.^ttlHgcnce fren Porto Uico. '

|j|;^-;j»j,ir,:c\;dopreferitd.('sv. uud.»,iu!-; r.«i-

' Gild I |rrrd at 146*< and chard at l-Ki',. IHinot. On-. , , , I

traltcr p 3t 6’a of '.I toupana 1 j7.'i 5-au*oupoaa of ',13

ICiYfcts frcB O'jr Facifle Squadron.


ICittoniiuMat 4:iy(5ll, Flour dull and uiirh*ii«A.| at

I iMg* 30 for aitra State andgS 6»^ M for K H. O.Peru Jains rbili twnfnut Sfinln i

Wl'rat-IJo rm-ipta; K^Sc better and more arrive, ata u altlllis , util .l^afUsI npaill. rit tlij^l so for CMcacorpriBit. ;«1 >-,41 *3 for Milwau-- kee c ub, fl -4 lot No. f Milwaukee.

Corn dull, no receipU: '*9(j|!»Sc for unaoand, 9«s forTO TIIX AsaoctATRO PRESS. aouud. Data qnlet at 4*<4.-ite for unaonod, 6Uv463c for— aoiind. Pork Iiravy, $3* '.i<4X) Clj< for uiaaa, cloaijg at

__ „ Dec. 16. *^LaIidlte*dv at l''4i|10r. WhL-key fte-.dy at $2 S3q|Tpc HeraM*6 WashlncrtOQ special savs: A 8 **s fcr Wi-feUm. l*ctro!mim quioc Ad drm; oAlej of

call has teen Issnetl for a general election inbbuatl'^stic. Butter duU.

tbat Dl trlct, to be hpid on the 21*t Inst . to Ob- Nrw Yoek, Dee. IS-hU P. M.lam a manifest from tbe voting commnnitv and Fleur rioeed dull and droyin*. Wheel cloeed ato be placed before Congre-« to show ho'w re-


iiugnuLt the passage of the negro-suffrage act way. Laid cioMd heavy at^ioLatic. aa^itky ateady!w to the people.The floating population of Washington—de- v.„. w- _ »

partmeDt clerks, and Government artl.sios— n-® ^ 'awhose famUles ret-ide ehsewhere, are consider- ^‘^Patch of yesterday, the 13th: “This morningrWt Incensed at the recommeedation contain- twelvemonth the booming gnns of a friendly,

* P"*** and also a hostile army, reverberated over andtax of two dollars on all such residents. .. j ..... . . ...1 he Herald’s Fortress Monroe correspondent > to-day, so stiU and placid, in-

rayr: Jeff. Davis h turning his attention more angnrating one of the grandest, most anspl-ihsn f ver to the corcern of his soul. He has ciens events in the history of the war—the bat-re< er.tly been vkltcd by his old snlritnal advlrer. m i i u- -

tbe p'.stor of SL Paul’s Church, Richmond, who “ ^ >a6hvUle. To the dlstlngnl-hed chieflam

pa- SI d an entire day st his prison In religioas who now commands IhU Department, Major-rreding and converration, and adminblered to General George H. Thomas, may be ascribed

The Mw“wLhlngton dPpatch contains “tf? 1the following: The Sicretiry of tha T.-oasury “cwtarltthcd^and In great measure, lhato-dav decided not to anticipate tho Jan>aarv era of peace and returning prosperity nowirteroft on ben^ of mo:e than the whole beaming ovir all i ur broad land.”swotinL The interest, payable In gold, is 515,- "0‘](),0^.

T. „ Fatal AcciDrXT —A man named JohuGlf-C. P Huntington, Vice-P.-esldent of the Cen- „ j . ... r:

tr»l Pacific Railroad, yesterdav received from employed In makmg repairs

tho Treasury Department $11 030 In bonds oa upon the Newport and Coyington suspensionaccount of the second division of that road, bridge, came to his death on Wednesday even-

'^The HctIuV? WiteWn^on dL«p.atches say thef^^®^**** manner: WhUe engaged in

rettlement of the back pav and ace mn s of onvmg a bolt Into the new railing now beingdischarged soldiers will be much facilitated by coLstracted upon the bridge, the unfortunate

r£“f,‘S SSK S.S •

of the DlFlrlct of Washington. By this meaM t f forty feet to the ground, fraclnrlng

the long delay occasioned bv soldiers’ accounts bis right leg in two places, and injuring him in-to the Second Auditor’s office will be avoided, ternaily to tuch an extent tbat he survived butTill* is understood to apply only to cases where » w ji„ i. .the applicant Is living.

“ Dri-eased leaves a wife anti famUy

Tbe want of a regular mall service between totally uijprovlded for.

Ihi* country and Columbia bos long bean felt—

to be very injurious to our interests In that The United States Grand Jury at Coving-quarter. Toe consequence is that onr trade Is ton cloeed its labors Thursday. Indictmentoceclinlrg there, while that of England I* rapli- -.nortwi a nnmh..r nt n.viUa iv-ly int reoelng, because there are several Uum of

^Ported agai^nst a number of parlies for

bteaniirrs which convey regular m^lls hetweoa to attach tevenne etamps to receipts

the Columbian and the Eaiciish ports. Kiven by them. Several whlttky dif^tUlers were

A f h:dlcted for not making report* to the Col-dillicultf, prepared the draft cf a {lostal con- ^ ^ 7 • T-T -vouiion, whicu was submitted to Senor Salzor,

**gfob and the Assesior of Internal Revenue, of

tbe Columbian Minlsier, in August Lost, which, tbe amount of spiritous liquors maoufacturedwith the exception of two articles, was ap- by them,proted. The draft in question was ac-'orJingly •

retonied to Senor Salzir on the 1*1 ult , with a O' Immtcse quantities of hogs are passedFuggtalon that certain modlflcatioas ba made Hut ugh Coviogton dally to that bonrae (In


Ti‘l" lith of the same month a note was ad-whence no good hog

to the departmea’ by that officer, stat- beiurns, except in a “hogshead,” while nam-ing ibal In consequecca of his ree tU from the bets tx me to an nntlmely end berore leaving

' the State of their nativity. The condition of thewf.nld be Impofflble for- ® the re- ... ... .

' ....lotion of postal convenllou, and that he hid brought to market Is eaid to be unnsnolly

forward^ the communication to bim of the 1st goc*].

of September to his GuverameaL and that, as a. r—TI T

the modiOcationa suarirested were ac 3ep'.qb!e, ^ff'Tne TennesBee Le^Ulalnrc hxs adjourned

he tiusted tbat the postal convention w-iuld be Qutil the 8th of .Jannary.

spr-ecliy ratified. —

Gen.'Kl'patrlck leaves here to-morrow, aud Lexixotox Kt

J«U« v“*““

‘’f '**

New Yorx, Dec. 16. The LegUlatnre now in session will have to

conference between him and a lesrifOative com-niiitee will probably be eubmlMed to Con- nny one party nDaidea by tha votes of the other

O^ieral John Eaton, late Superintendent oftbe Kreedmen of the District of CiluTtblv has n*rt-eigned, and proposes to establish himself In

speak a

Memi.hia.Tenn.. aloval jonreahto be caUedthe Memphis FosL

^ * Presume, will dispute tbat he is pre-emi-

TTc Government detained a vesselat B*stoudestined for Europe, and another at DelawareBreakwater destined for Indio, via Brazil, nutll reding;yesterday, for the purpose of taking the Govern- ®^ment annual reports to our foreign represento-

forclb.e in the pr^nta.ion of his vhws, Im

tires and naval officers** 1 Is alwnvs conrteons to those who differ with

The Times’s Washini^n dispatch savs: Sec- HI?’.^'rom the ^ginning of the war hU po-

retary Stanton lett that city for a t.-ip N jrth.General Gi ant is.sued an order to com-nand- JjW'fotlrK or equivocal support fo the Govern-

ers of posts where p.owder is stored to take retMlIion.

precautions for its preservation. Tb« clo*9 of"

the war has left Immense quantities of powder i?®?"ere few in tb a Sttte, ho declar^ for tlm

in the bands of the OovernmenL *a**

1**** ^*^5 *^**,*®**

Hon. WUIlam A. Darling, of New York, on “5Wednesday last offered the following resolutionin the Hou«e, with a view to provide peasions iiP

achleveracn s

to the surviving representativts of the hna lral- illustrate many pages of

day men. It was omitted in the press on ac-cc-nnt of the proceedings: ^ *J? for the ser-

Readred. That the OramUtee on Military 7]“* riews In entire

Affairs be directed to inquire Into the proprietyof allowing pensions to surviving reprcsenia-lives of soldiers called Into the service of the 9®*’*“®*’ oiher leading

United States lor a period of one bnndred dav*,or less, and who died while in tbe service. Slid

more powerful than anv other of the

Committee to report by bill or othe-wlse.The W- rld’s Wishlng'.on dlspit’hes sav that ^ Inca.culable benefit to Kentucky. No other

ReprssentaUve Eggleston, of Ohio, will Intro- “1?®“

dnee In the House on Monday a bill to rei*eil^ * ipport In the

the charter of the city of Waihiogton and place uthe mnniclpol government in tbe baud* of three

Wends onjinize and work

«,mmh-8loner^ as was the case many years Lta fsnV*»t num^fof ^ "t^ele“T hlmThe Cabinet was in session yesterday after- would

noon, all the members being*enLdlent to withdraw him from Coagre**

Ur nt -Gen. Grant was In alteadanee at their“

‘hii'a k

delUeratfens • would be flllsd by the election of Mr M illorv.

An irvestfeallon just mode dlsclnses the fact tthrt 8. M. Clark, of the rbi-r .ncv Burcaa. and ^

Solicitor Jordan, of the Treasur*', were both ia®"‘

ptnsession more than a year ag6 of all the In-» thorough organ-

fbrmation in regard to the abstraction of theplate upon which the hundred-dollar counter-IaIl Tr#ft«nrv notA4 wafp nrintArf

blKutdl lQt4)reftA ol th9 OtAtO AOd tb6 Of

Gen. Spinner, It is said, is now satisfied that ni^***fi***"the plate was Ukeu from the Currency Dap »rt- th.?ment, and that the American Bank Note Com- S^-t” i

l>at \ ate entirely Innocent of the matter. nnhi*The Tribune’s Washington dispatches siv: A.

J urdun. acting Consul at San Juio, PortoRico. iBf.,rms the State Department, under date 1of Novpml.«r 27, that the ports of Ameho, ^ ^necess Ha to worthy of


AqnadUla,and Magnado are to ba clooel aiI

Vorts of entrv, and left open onlv for expo.-ta- ®Mlh!^’tion. This reknlation will Uke effect 3 monthsm thp i«th nf Mrivflmh«r iodus'rr, and his fnccess IS a constant enconr-

Tbe Nivy? Ete^artrnem received advices to-K> strive to advance !

dny from commander Bruhear, of the Pacific *L

•qn-idron. dated at Callao, Nov. 2Ist. stating Rvai-rm-i r rvEo'

that the Government of Para had determined „ Ar .. v '.>

In •nob.. • with r’hllt .k. Th« foM. wlPt 111*** W*tB WriUMl 1»7 TvrOOA PjWer*.|to ntakt’ a common cause with Chiu against the the famous Irish comsdlan. who |owtsho4 on tho stemmor I

agvn-f.slODS of Spain. Frr*i3t-t.t. "niey were ins^bad on tho wall of tho “OldThe clerical force of the Treasury Department niandford church,” near Petersburg, Va.:

is to be reorganized, and diminished one huu- Thou art erumbliiMi to the dust, old pile! i

dred bv the l*t of Jannarv, 1866. .i

The Tribune’s Washington special save: Gen. ^cli^lh^ fi^to‘?h?^rir“““*’Howard’s official report concerning the opera- Th' wan>h'pers are sc*itered now, i

tiona of the Frtedmen’s Bureau aad the coudl- '''’***’ hncit before thy ahrim-:

Hon cf tMogs in.the S.aulh to sUll in the hanlsof the Prrsldent, where it has been for

fedayiof Aifld Lon* Syne. i

ceven or eight davs, and its pabiico- And sadly slaha the wanderinc wind,

dXv P®r'?’';*®^' J,'*®delay ia ascribed to its containing state- Tb« Biahestofthe iifeb.mentscocceralng tbe spirit and conduct of the The tnaii. of many a busy foot

people In the rebel States. It to calculated to .Th** •« ‘vht thy aisiea U o'or,

show that the withdrawal of all Federal con-irol from those States wonid endanger the In-terest* and safety of freedmen and Union peo- iiow dote ambition's hty. take wings,

pie. The publlcaUon of the report Is looked La? tSdSSn't’ilt^s dii^for with considerable intert.*L Tlie dead are mute below;

r.TT.n TOa/. Id The atm tbat shone upon their pathsLAIRO, lOeC. Ih.

Igggly mVmm.The steamer Peerless, from Cincinnati to Tb« zephyra which once fanned their brows,

New Orleans, with a fall cargo, strack the The ureas aboTc them warea.

sunken wreck of the Blackhawk below Monad Oh! could we call tbemany badntty, took fire, and was entirely consumed Who've yatbered hero in vain.

The boat WSB valued at #60,000, and Insuredlor #45,000. Value of cargo unknown. Bew would our very hearta be stirred

.ww mm To BwM th« eAflkwt #AZ#New York, DdC. 16. 0f the lordly Aod^ beAutifult

The Times’s Washington dispatches say Hon. Tbe ll«hu of o»her days!

B M. Harrto, member of Congress from Mary-Land, propo^ to take bis seat. He says he in the North Carolina Honae of Commons oncan toke the oath. Some believe he wIU be December 1, Mr. Kenneth Raynor stated that herefused to occupy his seat, and will look npon bad important information, which he wouldbim as an nnworthy membeim for the offense uke to impart to the membera, given him byof which he was convicted last summer by the President during hto sojonra in Washlng-coart martial. too; that he would impart It if the House wonidMr. Harrto claims tbat the pardon of the Pres- resolve into secret session. Messrs. Thompson,

ident removes pkilltlcol disability. Henrv, and Wangh opposed secret session, anaHon. Tom Corwin was strack with paralysis the question being pnt to tbe House, the matter

last night while at an assmnblage of some die- ,ras J. C. Wet- Ward went to church not long since,

mote, MlUtary Agentpreacher asked In most earaert terms,

Montreal, Dec. 15. “How are the mighty fallen!” He pansed andTre rold weather \ias set In hero In earnest, again excl^med, “How are the mlgnty fallen!”

At 8 o’clock this morning the thermometer Again be pasted and for tbe third time calledregistered 8 degtves below zero. cut vt-hcmentlv. “How are the mighty fallen!”

New York, Dec. IG. Artomus look^ np and sold, “I give It np!”

The Feniay, Senate has adjonrned. Several qko mnslc'ans of Ntw York will givk onof the Sena*.oiB have gone home The rest are the 14th. a grand concert iir honor of the lateWkiiirig With Roberts for the arrival ot Ste- William Vincent Wallace, composer of “Lur-P*>*o*' line.” “Leonora,” and other admirable operas.

PRorn>F.xcB, R. I., Dec. 16. in Philadelphia a similar tesUmonlal will be





New York, Dec. 16.

The Herald’s Washington special says: Acall boa been Issned for a general election inthat Dl trlct, to bo held on the 21 *t inst . to ob-lam a manifest from tbe voting community, andto be placed before Congre*. to ehowhbw re-iiugnuLt the passage of the uegro-enffrage actto to the people.The floating population of Washington—de-

partment clerks, and Government artl.sioswhose famUles reside ehsewhere, are consider-aWv Irceneed st the recommeedation contain-ed in tbe Mayor’s late message to Impose a p jlltax of two dollars on all such residents.

1 he Herald’s Fortress Monroe correspondentrayf: Jeff. Davto to turning his attention morethan f ver to tbe corcern of his sonl. lie hasre< er.tly been vtolt?d by hto old sniritnal advtoer,tbep'.storof St Paul’s ChurcK Richmond, whopa-F*d an entire day st hto prison In religiousreeding and conveira’Jon, and adminblered tohim the racramenLThe World’s Washington dtopitch contains

the following: The Sicretiry of tha Treasuryto-dav decided not to anticipate tho Jan'iirvirteroet on bends of mo:e than tbe wholesgoiint. The interest, payable In gold, is $15,-O'DO.OOO.

o . V ,

c;. P HunlingtoD, Vice-P.resldent of the Cen-tral Pacific Railroad, yesterdav received fromtho Treasury Department #11 030 In bonds oaaccount of the second division of that road,wliich has been completed.The Gerald's Washington dlsp.atches say the

rettlement of the back pav and acc-iun s ofdischarged soldiers will be much facilitated byserdlng their discharge onpers direct to thetfflee r-f Col. Paulding, Paymaster in chargeof tbe Dtotrict of Wssbington. By this meansthe long delay occasioned bv soldiers’ accountsto tbe Second Auditor’s office will be avoided.This to understood to apply only to coses wherethe applicant to living.

Tbe want of a regular mall service betweenIhi* country and Colombia bos long been felt

to be very Icjnrlous to our interests In thatquarter. Tae consequence to that onr trade to

Ceclinlrg there, while that of England to rapli-ly inc-reaelng, because there su-e several lines ofsteamers whii-.b convey regular malls betweenthe Columbian and the English ports.

Poklmaster-Guneral Denn'son. aware of thedifficulty, prepared tbe draft cf a t>o*taI con-vouiion, whicu was submitted to Sanor Salzor,tbe Columbian Minister, in Angnst Lost, which,with the exception of two articles, was ap-pro* ed. Tbe draft in question was ac'.’orJingly

relnttied to Ssnor Salzir on the 1st uU , with aFuggiaion tbat certain modlQcatioiu be madette It in.

Ti e 12th of the same month a note was ad-,“,;;ed to the departmeu’- by that officer, stat-

ing ibal Ul cotrequenca of his ree lU from the

I ’ltit ol Envoy Exlraordinarv in this country it

wf.nld be Impofflble for il'’™ contlnne the re-

lation of postal convenllou, and tbat he bidforwarded the communication to bim of the 1st

of September to hto Guverameat. and that, asthe modlOcationa enggested were acceptable,he tiusted tbat the postal convention w->ald beap'-ecliy ratified.

Gen.'Kl'patrlck leaves here to-morrow, audwill depart on hto mission to Chili on the 1st ofJacuaiy.

New .York, Dec. 16.

Tbe Tribune’s Washington special says: Col.Brown. Assistant Commissioner of the Freed-mru’s Bnrcm for Virginia, has rnihmltted toGen. Hamon a proposition concerning thetransfer of negroes from Virginia to anoccupledGeverament lands In Florida. Theresnltof aconference between him and a legislative com-Riiitee will probably be snbmiued to Con-grefs.

General John Eaton, late Superintendent oftbe Freedmen of the District of Colu-nbla, hasrr-elgned, and proposes to establish himself InMemphis, Tenn., a loyal jonraal, to be calledthe Memphis Post.Tbe Government detained a vesselat Boston

destined for Europe, and another at DelawareBreakwater destined for India, via Brazil, nutllyesterday, for the purpose of taking the Govern-ment annual reports to our foreign represeuto-tives and naval officers.

The Times’s Washington dl*patch savs: Sec-retary Stanf ">n left that city for a t.-ip N orth.General Gi ont !s.*ued an order to command-

ers of poets where p.owder to stored to takeprecantions for its preservation. Tha clo*9 oftbe war has left Immense qaantltle* of powderin the bands of the Government.Hod. William A. Darling, of New York, on

Wednesday last offered the following resolntionin the Hoiire, with a view to provide peasionsto the surviving representatives of the bnadrel-day men. It was omitted in the press on ac-cc'rint of the proceedings:

Resolved. That the C>ra-nUtee on MilitaryAffairs be directed to inquire Into the proprietyof allowlDg pensions to surviving representa-tives of soldiers called into the service of theUnited States lor a period of one hundred dav*,or less, and who died while in tbe service. BaldCommittee to report by bill or otherwise.The W’-rld’s Washington dlspit'-hes siv that

Representative Eggleston, of Ohio, will intro-dnee in tbe Hnnse on Monday a bill to re[*eal

the charter of the city of Waihington and placethe mnnicipal government in tbe band* of threecc.mmtosioners, as was the case many yearsego.The Cabinet was in session yesterday after-

noon, all the members being p.*e*eaLLUnt -Gen. Grant was in attendance at their

delUerations.An irvestlfi’allon jost mode dlsclnses the fact

tbst 8. M. Clark, of the iduremcv Barcaa, andSolicitor Jordan, of tbe Treasnry, were both inpotsescion more than a year ago of all tbe In-

formation in regard to the abstraction of thaplate upon which the bnndred-dollar counter-feit Tr*a*nry notes were printed.

Gen. Spinner, It is sold, to now sattofied thatthe plate was Ukeu from the Currency Dap irt-

meot, and that the American Bank Note Corn-par* aie entirely innocent of the matter.The Tribune’s Washington dispatches siv; A.

J urdun, acting Consul at Bin Jain, PortoRico, informs the State Department, under dateIlf N(iveml.«r 27, that the ports . of Ameho,Aqnadilla, and Magnado are to ba close 1 asports of entry, and left open onlv for expo.-ta-lion. This regnlation will take effect 3 monthsfr» m the 18th of November.The Navy Department received advices to-

day from commander Bruhear, of the Pacific•qn-idron. dated at Callao, Nov. 2Ist. slatingthat the Government of Para had determinedto make a common cause with Chili against theagvri-FsiODS of Spain.The clerical force of the Treasury Dapartment

is to be reorganized, and diminished one hun-dred bv the l*t of Jannarv, 1866.The Tribune’s Washington special savs: Gen.

Howard’s official report concerning tha opera-tions of the Freedmen’s Bureau and the coudl-tiun rf tHogs in.the .South is still in the hanlsof the President, where it has been forceven or eight days, and its pabiico-il'w has not yet been permitted. Thedelay to ascribed to its containing state-ments concerning tbe spirit and conduct of thepeople In the rebel States. It to calculated toshow that the withdrawal of all Federal con-trol from those States would endanger the in-terest* and safety of freedmen and Union peo-ple. Tbe publication of the report is lookedlor with considerable intere.*L

Cairo, Dec. 16.

The steamer Peerless, from Cincinnati toNew Orleans, with a fall cargo, strack thesunken wreck of the Blackhawk below MonadCity, took fire, and was entirely consumedTbe boat was valued at #60,000, and insuredlor #45,000. 'Value of cargo unknown.

New York, Dec. 16.

Tbe Times’s Washington dispatches say Hon.B M. Harrto, member of Congress from Mary-land, proposes to take bis seat. He says hecan take tbe oath. Some believe he will berefused to occupy his seat, and will look uponbim as an nnworthy membeiA for the offenseof which he was convicted last summer bycoart martial.Mr. Harrto claim* tbat the pardon of the Pres-

ident removes pxiiltlcal disability.

Hon. Tom Corwin was strack with paralysislast night while at an assnmblage of some dis-Ungnlshed Obions entertn'ined by J. C. Wet-mote, Military AgenL

Moxtrsal, Dac. 16.

The cold weather \ias set in here in earnest.At 8 o’clock this morning the thermometerregistered 8 degtves below zera

New York, Dec. IG.

Tie Feniav, Senate has adjonrned. Severalof the 8ena*.oiB have gone home The rest areWkhirig Wiih Roberts for the arrival of Sto-pbens^


Providexce, R. I., Dec. 16.

Hon. Philip Alien lormctL UoVLTuuya^i^^

COLLECTION AND SECtjaiHSsodtherh debts

o«fy. iMis, IIM rolfoc*ia« tear tbruusktlM MmtmmIMMnlpgi, ArkuMM, Lmiwm. Onrila.

iwliliig ealWrisr.a, m iwwing |-f ma


Atieracfs at Law*• IS a I ''*'«eoatFawerti:dc«rri4aitraM.tM4m,^ta

Sswin^ IVj^cfiins i

~>an>t B* .k f L*uLw;|«. Vlrril McEnWlM.tteiA cl Lsateckv. Wi;«a a rmmm^J Itelf\

V r*I^M Bock cf kisolackv.


WM. C.P. BKE KI^RIDGE.TBE (illE.\T LM£R.VIT10.\.\L Fllu “^ttoirtxoy ia«w,


iW ^ of HanluM, acd Mwetr,

Berlin, X^russia. H* S. SAUNDERS, - - DENTIST.

To have made and sold so sreata number of Machines is an evi-dence of the marvelous and uni-versal popularity of the Wheeler kWilson Machine, and everywherethronghont the habitable globe,where fabrics are sewn into hnman


apparel, it has maintained its rep- I

ntation, through eight years of bu-!

ter competition, as the LeadingFamily Sewing Machine of theworld. The fact that this popn-larity LASTS is proof that it is



Evei*v* MacliinciL-^


FLLL lii8TkLCriOX3 GIVESAt tb^ hmiM of the eueloBcr* on«2 aoitber psliM oorexpeute to hoTe thtoi



No. 1 Masonic Tem'^le,LOUZBVZLLB, HY.


Skatei, Okates, Skates.

The lakgfst andfi-xf^t A3!ioRT]iE<rr or8k«i** in rite Vitm. .V»o went for sh^Tly*.

lent 8k.te, at U.« fltHldlery *nd ttarUw*ri' Kooin. ofJ. M MVKIU,

Tblrd, bet. Mrin and Market, LDiitovUW, ttr.dlSCtf


9,000 A.cies of SSoniitsm Landfor Sale.

7 UAVB 6.UX) ACBF8 OF LAND IN CCMBKRLAND•A couiity, Tcdii.. h tuf oo Closr Cr<rek« snd oo tho

at«ri c I CaiiltiUor HItot; sioo sboai actcoiu Overtoe conuG f Tcdu.: wbkii Uatk 1 FrepM ^ch**of. Tfecro Id on sbundsoco of Coo: otvl Mliurokupon Ib^ loads. Addmi BAATLEfr,<1H du* CookriUOi PutaoiD oo.« Toax

uroTioE-rrORENT. IN STEWART COUNTY, GRORGIA, AA Mttk menlol land containing 3.3uu acres, foot teenbundled c^rartd, wiil bring Irani 1, uIIoLAai piundaof ated ocuoo per acre: two MUlcraente oa the p:*cowell feproTcd; two Gln-bouja.. two CoUoo derowa.with Oiain Tb-athea and Fant. efebl aood NagroHetuCa un ona iiiaee, and hve oa tba otear:ana huuir^anca o( amali aroin .owed.Tbe yUnUtion to weU watered, and in a tianltbv la-

ealitr. '

There to to ba told oo the place, il rented,

U Head Miitoa and Hotta;i Fine Milch Cow.;13 Head Dn C.tllr;Ivu Uaad clock Mag.;» Mead Pork Uoca;

LMO Rt»he!i Cera;1 %o lki.tio 1 Cottao Seed:lu.ucU PuuDda Fodder

1 tM MI*ekim<Ua' Tool* Plow*, and P.ow Gear1 rix lion* Wagoo and Harn**.;1 Yoke Large Uxen and tVagoa

There aietwalve pawn ne.raaa an tba ptoaa—aan baemihited— a Na 1 blackainitb,T aaita Caan—And will ae lu Iba market until Iba 1*1

of January, 1*<!S, if not dii'poacd of brlbta Iba tuna.For iidui Illation addraaa W. L. JANKLL,

8un.pkiu, Stewait oouuty, Gaorgia,Cara ot Cbaiubaciui A Boyntca.


Offlve LoetoTllle Issovlatfea fer tire In-j

prgfcOKOt *r the Brcc4l »t Uarscsj

LouisTUaLS, Kt.« Dec. lA, I


tiifO t4>t Ibe iiDproTvmrnt ot tba Nrerd of Hastes sr« }

irquoited to meet fts WAi«er*t Ksebso^ oo Fritit/a the]

iHQ «ky ol JsuuArFt aI lu o'siO'Jtf oo hMiooM of i

impoitAiKv. I

By erder of WM. T. BUFOBD Pr»ri*t,

W. F. Mtr.TOw, Sec'F pro leiu. dJi il*jILexicfct* D Ob»**trer oiid Reportor aepT-l '

SissolQtioii of OopartnersUip.fTHF. COPARTNERSHIP, HF.RETOFOKG RXUT-A uc^r tnm i.aise sod drm of C. G. Tik^h'i.i A .

tiro a ia tlie dsF di«eoiTed bj biuiwUofe; Lewis rmihsa|

leluiuK. C. G. Tsrhiiu wbo cviatiauee to tba t'otinoks.Will eloM up tte bueiiMMe of lha Ute droL

Wo'tlce of CopartnersUp.'


s (Vpu^toeivhip uader the DABia snddriaoc C. U.Tarbsii c Co.« lor tbu tz*ow\ctioo of s WboUwolo, Ci<v« i

sud Tobncco bti^incM, st the o!<l «tsod. No. ITI I

fftm,L riuu:ktxi4g tbo friet.«la sod euotomori of tte old 1

film for pAatfavoeSg we bate to ment ibeir Writer pa*rcos^. C G T4Ctl%U«LouiariRe, Xj.* Doe. 1, 1^. F&PID. WMULM.diao«;

Zfrnibville and Z7a2hvlde Hailroad,FRKIORT DEPARTMJlNr.


Loctsviiaot* Dot. 7,

N'OTK E to 8!IirrKB8-Tte rantrictiotm to *blp-mtnra of freight jit Atlactt. sad of tbor^

hsre beeu n o otoo, »i:d frei|{bt t# rreoieed st ihU depotlor s'l roiot* 3(Hith M ueusL F. S. VAN ALdlTlN^dldtt FielmhtAoooL

(iFFlCe AND RE8IDCNCE NO. • JKVFZmomat rT" haawean daamd wd

JOHN McCarthy,<^k.'t't^>3^zxoy A't31I1.1T40Y ^L.41.11 ACiEXT*

Oflaa!fa.iCaaitlVaa.” LOI MYTtLR, ET.

J. P. CARLTBERd. H. C. EI»»,

CABUTHEES A KING,Attorneys at Law,

'.ASca ia Ayraa BaiUtug,

MEItPHlS, TENH.Will rreatea Claim# for Cbllcetton la Wta »

and bortb mto.ia.ira> and atoa Uaima a«ainte OmZZ“ ajt <Ua


white, wub a vary dark .aaa wathe tell .Ida about lha .iaa of a aiitii miM’a aklrt. wSlafe•* «^rrad wtoh taS

**!.* ^ bwaa and all reMoncbla axpaiaratadrit^, « died foe tea bora#mH ibmf.**** R. M HATHAWAY.

_ boarding.7 JtARD-BT THE DAT UR WEEK- rUtarA^LAtaJ> Herman tobicai at tea Maliagoiitan UoacLwcMcornarflneBlbaadMarkaa. J»daa


OEMSBYHOUSEllalB st., hctwccB Fdarth aad r.ftk.

'THIS HOTEL, KEPT ON THE EUROPEAN PLAtg7 acd ogaw at all bonia, baa baan ladMad and tatma-abhrd ia azealtoat a4> to.Tb. Imdrr ml teto Hotel to at all Mmaa aapwHad wNto

(Very hixmy teat tba maikal, tha rtvar, a^ tea sraLrie afford. Tha aaltor to weD modkat ta^tea flMbkraiida of Imatard Bqnera aad wiaen ^Patron. wlU Crd al Iba URMABT IPVnE al Ita

U'MK'KTSofa HUM*.^*<»« dURR A ARBEGCar, PraartoSara.

Siamcnd-Sack Thirspia,Oanvas-back Bucks.





s Dd aO Iba tnxnriaa greennfela, aaaamaMy aa ImCw*> aarvad np in toy to teat can cat ba avvomad at ten

bT. LBARLU RDTAL'RAJVr,C C. RlFRS A OO. Piapriatato.

N. a-DATTOM ALB and PORTER alwayi an hntaIn larpB g nintittoa, in hbto, half bMn aadln balMmi•ImAa C C BCPER ACQu ariaAsanmi

WALKEE’S EXCHANGE,Third lA, ban Main mfe Harkato


e roas4).Qattil,rbeasant,Woodcock,Shell Oysters,


TKAL DUCK.S i.d all olber •aaamabie Mtoaeie*, arnalaiillf oo handand W.a k. MTved ia tee moat laabORbe Myin. Maato•rul Io private lesldewees w.ih a.1 laaanii ammanto.Famuto. mppiiad wite all kindauf Gama Ojndara, ateun.* aiA«-|t Ji CAWZIN * OOt

CLIPPER DRAG SAW,Ouc aad Tvan ilnrar-pawer—Weight CM Ihn


Window -Shades,


T he GREATPfiT LABOR SATINa M kcmiTR OMIba ana. Wm cut term W M li aard. M wood pax

day. Raary toiaanr ahaald bava oon,

PRICRiNo. S auBBa.I m

J. D. BONDLRANT Ate*, fcle -

paed aad -idncultuni Wi



olT etftnSdarS

Improved Parker Sewing-Machine.


CUINKS. A eombiaalion ot aotlra aimMmly, aritb

eoarp eto rffretiveoea*. Il baa Impravad Uaminsr andFallm. Braider, Binder, aad Ouillar. The altMb madeby tbto maebioa wtll not rip by wear nor rmrmL yal Mcan ba be taken out at tea pleura of tba oraraior; it to

aa elaat c aa Ibe moat alatoie (abriea, and to tb* ootyatilch wbkh abouTd aver be uaed on good. wh.eb bavaoccaaloa to ko into tba araah-tnb. Every kind of caw-ing a'ld m at rajnUUe ambroidary can b* don* oa anaand tha ..ana .» -.-i.uu. Call and aae them.

T. JOHNS LON, Agmit,ni Fourth at., Loultalto, Ky,

Agent, wanted tbrooghout tea Waal and dJotb. Litoeral induremrnto odarod.

FKAKK BALDWIN, Gooaral Wndarn Atanl,nS7 dim 3SS Main at., Ulneian.tL Obia.

coasB ozni. covax amiLocruTiUA, Kr., Nov. M, UgR,

The attrntion of tub public u calledto th* foct that tier* ha* been a new Wateb-lt.toa*r-

izg and Jewelry Balabitohmcnt opened ai No. *1 Market(treet. two doon from tee eonacr of Third, when teaorder dgned to repairing all kind, of work at lb* lowtaEaalain prlcaa. Particular attention pa'd te fine work.

J. B. T LTOftPracti^ Watahmaker,

B. B.—An work Warranted. nW dimFDrmocnU copy * tiasci.]

1 boaband, formally ol Sbetby county, Ala. He woolNorth iu March, 1-64. 1 bava board aathlag from himtince. Any peraon reading tetoadvorttoameotwUlalaaa*addrora MRS. MARY A. TKRViLL,dll dluAwl* Cobamteana, Shelby coonty. Ate,

Imported Savan* and DomesticCigars, ,

THP LABOR5T STOCK IN THS CITY, JUST SB-ceivrd: togetber with tbe fineet Virgnto and Mia-

aouri Tobacco, genuln* Moacaebanm and Briar Ptpui.

and a Uig* aaamamaat of .mokara-artietta for tala

cheap U C. U TACUAU A CO.,dl3 aim Na 174 Main at., bet. FtIUi and dUtb.

To Dumber Dealers and Others.

IX)R SALK, IN QrAUrmSS TO 3UIT PUSCHA-' aera. a good aaMirtment of Canada itoeR Boardfo and

Ijf inch oummoo, and L Ijfo ar i inch apaer uualitiaB;

alao Flooring, Siding, and faj tewvd .hlagte at tha law-CM whotoaal* prieaa. ».— may rtm.ln ia pilaa ar

1 ard to April U, ltdS.


fanlwM Lilrni

8C.A.XAX3a.Nruoa a Daw Pantatou

Hay aeaie*. I Moa, RIM, Umbria te be faratobtR

J. D. BOHDURANT A COU LoafevIBti Ky,.Sol* Agonte for Ik* Maiiufoctaiar%

rei dSra Main. k aCwtau Third aari Poaftfo.


The firm op mcsrs a birbcb isdikoltsdby mutual toga, to.

I have taken tee axtoneiv* Worehooee and FtaaiyVo. 14W Water (tract corner ef Ptolcher. aad willecartnuo te Manutactar* and impart th* beat tuailtte*aad biwida of

CIGARSUnder Ibe Arm ef D. U1R3CH A CO- My friantewdtee trade geaaraUy. brtng wall aruuaiaimd with mrdrallnm. 1 bav* n* drabt wiU give mn a teora af tetalutui* patnnaga.

D. HiaSCH.New York, De*. UM. H*. U, Water tonatodlSdS


HOST ELSOANT AND UMCFLX PRKSHT.Juat imfouted and for tela a*

CHARLES F. BACCHFUSP,Mo. ia*M roM 3$l Famte at, baa. MarketAJ iSte in.


Zonisville and Washvillo Railroad.

Laumvtu.^ Daa. M, IHKrpHS COUPONS OF THS FIRST MOATG tOM1 Pond, af teto Uamraav.Sne tea latof Jannary naat.

wiUbaaaidan piaaaa niien at teto aAaaanaad alter^ Ute WILLU RA.VNEY, Saeratecy.dl4 dl*

rm VNDBBSibT,'^!r> HAVSTHl^bATKNTEaaDinte a copartncTvbte. »a^

COtJU A OU . for tb* tran.aatina of a WdOLESALMGROCKRY and commission BClMBBkl, aad bna*tek.n tea toora Nn W Main, baawaan Saemd and TbirAtorata. wbma tera win ba ptoaaad te ta teatobte^

C.O. SMITH.Uantovfl1a.D«*.l.Isre- A«d1tn J. A. POOD.

sroTXoa.i;qiR BEirr, for thk yeab last, oa for ar term af tereaar flva yanra, alarra aad wall-anNntoad Wagon Sbo, in Clarh. villa, Tana a bate

tor aad engiaaaf thirty bora* aawar, aad aSteaamastor mwlitowtaa ritebar toa Unabtaitii* iraa. . lapte

tomag* P aoa,^, Ae Tb* .team pawar to aaMetent te

ran machinery eapabteefp radaafag a hr,* muatow ofwagena. «nd*A*r hranrbm afma aiifoeturiag aauUen-^y b* roancetad with it.

A mackrt far all lb* pradaaMaaa to aSbrdad bytesad-totoiito teoafoV. and teaaada-iroaa af aagagiag ta tenkualnaaa. tetoatforteafloa uueuiad- Andrew in aaraam

Oopartnershln.llONKr > HAVE THld Drtiwnbte. andte ten n

DAVID OiXlDWILLIB.iH* dS Comer Franklin and Ohio ate.. Chicago.

<01TUN YARNS -110 bagi In aaor* and kr nri* by

Page 2: · 2015. 9. 14. · u. rllLYJOURNAL. VOLUMEXXXVI. LOUISVILLE,KENTUCKY.MOXDAY.DECEMBER'18,18B5. C.RBARNES' GOlopeNSI nanx^BAMDnuounskmtfbmbto; /mr AMraa c.p.BARmn. •tBifOkmtBtett)matM



Or«n Hint. u TkM u4 Faiulk.


OMt CkarRablk Lnrmrnoxg —Hie Oar-

«nor, IB hk oMMce, epeeke la tem« of Jnet

oaweailettnei of tbe diariubte laiUutioD» of

oar State, tba Etatan aad Wattera Louutic

Sf.rhuBa. the Firtila Hlaili i1 lartUate at Frank-

tort, the Deal aad Dwab Aerlun at Daa^-iUe.

and the itiint. §gf the BUad at LoakrtUe. and

nrgealke aeceaetty which axkta for their •mote

ampia aapport ** We haartily eoncnr in the

Oorenork rtewa.

Dailac the war tkaM taMtitatioiie were al-

moat koiB ahaolate aaeasailT too aiarh orar-;

lookad.aad tkoach they did aot oeaae their oper-

atkMtkair aaeace were crippled and their baa- .

eSta iapaired.

With the lecani of peace, ther idioold resolrej

More oaicfol attenttnn and all the aid they re-

qalre to enable then to ooate (he Kraateat poe- .

Hbic amoant of sood npoa the aailt'jen and|

aSlrtod pcitiaa of the oommnnity that they .

WHC dakaaed to btaaa. There k no laare aa-|

crad doty deroirtaR upon the LaRkiatare. .

Thaw lawltintniie ate moaaiaenta of the|

phitaathropy aad drilUatioo of

Eeatarky. They are )ewek in her crowo

thatoaacht to be cheriahed aad kept alwa>i

bamkhed Tc minkter to a “mind dkeMod,”|

and, if poakblc, reiure reaeon to ner ancm4tbroaa, k eniaty a work worthy of men and an-


ink. Baw auny, ala;l of the Rll>ed children

of iNaiae hare, in dUhrenl acne and oonntriee.

barn bareft of that Rreat annlichl of the aonl.|

rcaaoB, and been kfl to waadar throagta a niRhl

an aiarleM till the rood God hae aeen proper

to take them la mercy ap where daik-

aam aad ehadowe an nnkaown. Formerly it

wee thOBcht that Inaanity k incnraUe, andtoo fieoDcaUy it waa anppoaed to mark tba pe-

cnltar dkpkaanre of the Creator acainat thoae

thna afflktod. The ricUma wen Inreetod with

a aort of anpantitlaaa draad, and they wen MlIn nnaeronr inataaeea to perieb mieerady in

ihck chaiaa aad dane and flltb. Bnt, thanks to

onr BObk aad advaadnc Chfiatian drUication,

a cfaanrc for the belter has bean wroocht, and

Inaanity k now known to be a diacam, not of

the Bind itaaU, Brtotly kwakinc. bat of the

bnta. the orcan through which ks phenomena

are awtiUeebed. and that in a mnltUnle of

caeca it k capabk of a radical and permanent

rnre, like any other diawaae Science and med-ical tfcUl bare been cradnally redadag the per-

ccatagc of the abaolnlely in^nrably inaane, and

mar jat entirely cxtingakh k.

With regard to the feeblo-miaded. a grrU

change hae ako haea ifleetod. It k tonnd that

nU of the daae an capable with jndidone tnat-

meat of some improvcaMnt. however elow it

may be. whilemany can ha laaght aaefnl tradaa,

and tfaaa enahlad, after a while, to anpport

thrmeelree. The old definition of Blackitano

that “an idtot or natnral fool k one thtt bath

had BO nnderetaadiag born bk natirity, and

tbeictore k hr law pnramed nerer likdy to

atlaia any," tm became to aome extent de-

fcctlra. Hr b capable of attaining aeme andor-ac the aetnal czperimanu which hare

hiaa Baade prom. The adacation of the deaf

aad damb eoablae them to become naefol if

BOt BOiay naambere of aodety: and if the Mi«<t

4o not Ikerally “reodre their aighl,” they anao taagbt that they can enjoy anything exceptthe aentc of eight to as great extent aa anyother memben of the comiaanity.

Wc an not familiar with the allaire of oarOmf and Dnaab Aaylam at Danville, and caa-Bot, thardore. apeak of ka particniar auaage-ment, hot hare ao doabt k k ia able aad Jodi-

ekm handa, aad worthy of the fodertageanaf the State.

, Wkh rdereflHb the iaditotion for the bUadnear ihk city we am bettor poded, aad caaapaak mon dtflakdy. The locattonk mn«tbmmlfal aad lorely, Ibd, ander the rigUant

aad oanfnl anperiatendeaoe of Mr. Pattoa aadMaweB choam amodates, k k aot only a school

b« a homa tor the bliad. oae of the bed man-agad, Baatart aad, ia all reapecia, moat admin-his aayhiaH of the kind that can be fboad ia


We paid k a ridt aot loog ago, and wan de-

Ughtod wkh cnrythlng we taw. The gronada'an ample aad aky, aad the health of the ia-

maim aieelleat Kothtog that can contribnla

to the wdtan, improrament, eoaatort,aad hap-ptaemof the aafartnaatoa aaaow forgottaaor

aagkrtod. Wa saw aparimani of bead-work,

OBaented by thagkk, that look aa if they hadhaaa maawfartinrid by tha faitiaa. Mr. Paitoa

kaaartooliiighk iaganaky for aaw means for

gtrtog amploymaat to both boys and giik, aadlam toaahaace theirpiaaonmand their improre*

moat. Tha laatltnHna auSared aarerdy by the

war.the iamaiae hariag been driren oat of it,aad

the bnUdlBgt taraad iato a koepkaL Mattenhare bean righted, howerer, aad the Agylnm kBOW ia the fall tide of ancoeedal progreea. Uk eapabieof accommodating many mon poplkthan k nor has. Ito advantages for the adn-

catton of the bliad ahoald be aiade knownthroogboat the State.

We were eatoakhad to aee the “PandkeLoot" aad many other great works printed in

laksd charactera, aad to peradre with whatraadiacee aad latelllgeacf the pnpik read andappnekte them.

Thk laatkBtlaa k indeed aa honor aad aglory to Kentocky, and richly meriu all

ahe baa done for k.

Soambndy baa observed by way of contnatbatwam Chiktka aad heathen dviUsatlaB-^the kttir may be ao termed—that than k not

a daglf charitable iadkatiaa lor the benefit ofaaen in any heathen oonatry oa the face of theearth. The remait was eiirifit the

ex steaoe of a aort of baepkal for -t--n i*i

arhlch was eome years ago rkked and daa-

eribed by aa American mkalonary la Bormah.One of the moat vivid aad thrilling desctlp-

ticaa at Ittmtoa wratchadneee and horror wecrar parnaec was Dr. Madden's accoont of hkidt to the Mahometan mad-boose at Cairo,la Egypt. It foiriy thrilled one’s bload. Therirtlina were all rfaalned like wild baaata iatheir dins aad ao lenaained UU death relieved

them of tbelr aikmina

Too kttlc do we appreciate onr noble aadbnmane dvUiaaaloe.

Tan Caaraniiaa at FnABaFoar ix Jaxcabt I

Kaxx.—Wc an glad to ofaatrve that prtMni-aant and iaaoenlfol gMUlemen, ^rlth

the agrtcnltaral Sociaty of the State, anabontto take dedrire alepa toward eBablkhlng inKentocky a reilable ayitam of labor. At a

rrfirg of the Soeicty, at Franklon. on the14th hMt., a «r>mmlttor waa appointed, la

oocdaaoc wkh a nsoInttoB. toksaeacallfor acoareattoa. oomprking repmaentaUves of the

iadaMrial intenma of the Oommoowealth, toaaaemblc in Frankfort, on the 11th of Jaaaarynext, the object of the convention bdng theadopOoB of the aaort Judidotw plan lor en-aoanglng the imaalgration of ^Ibdaautoaa men to Keatncky, as wdl aa to dk-cam the aaoM eOtoUre ptindplee upon whichto eoaatraet a new system of labor. The call


tor thk ooawntiou appeared la oer onatorday, and we oaneoUy larite to k the at-

toatton of the fanaora Uarooghont the <»»-«.«

Xhk aatfjeet k oae of migfaty iaipoit to thk

itoto. b pertatoa to k iinkt that an fanda-

maaul to the waUam of Keatncky. The 4e-

BMad tor reliable aad efSeknt lahonn la the

nktatof Babaacxoaadingly pteminc one, the

Importance of which k aorely foil in evory de-

portment of indnatry. The overthrow of Mav-

mytenaeeaaartly left the eanae of labor In a

dmangod eandkioa ia thk State, andk k nowIniaiiilil apoa oar agricekariata, in oo-opar-

aUoa arkh the Legklaton, to darke tha

eaadiart ptea tor romedylag the coaaaqnent

aelk. Wc baltere that thorn avikoaabaepeed-

y nmorod by Ike coacertod action of the

y-**-g agtiealtorkli of the State, aad the ooa-

aaBkoB ladtcatad by the pnaiiit can wB aarve

m the beat mediam throngh which the wants

andwkhesof oar peoplecaa be know. The call

propoaaa that each eoaaty in the Staff shall sand

flnlagatw to the ooarwkion, in which the anb-

Jaola of labor and ImmigratloB Mtall be fnelydk-

caimi,to conaecttoa wkhtha seeds ofoar indna-

trial totasmta Wc an aan. at leaot we hope,

toe moectog will ha altoniliil by repramata

Mam foom asssrr aaetkm of toe State. Tbedk-CMftaaa Ukaty to OGoar la the eoarantion wiU

CMta fioed of Sghl apoa the material iatanats

mi toertiabla daottoy of Kaaiacky.

Mo State of the Cnkm pamemei tba eiemestts

cf snakh and gnatoms man boontifnlly Utaa

ov own proad Omamonwealth. We hare a

eftante m pan ani gaaitl as that of balr; oar

aefi b aaprodoctira aa toe allarial of the Daka,

a^jd bcnea'li It are rarlon* and namcroas m'n-

crak cf the highest and richest character. The

bidd-. B wealth of Kentocky k beyond compo-

totU n, and now her fields are opened for the

Irte access of all avaUahie labor and casts'.

What we need at present k a reliable Byatem of

labor for developing onr bonnteons neources,

and we earneaUy hope the opportnnity f»r die-

cnasing thk vital enbject in cwvenQon will not

be allowed to poea nnimproved by the agricol-

tnrista of the State. Let, tberelbre, the pro-

posed convention comprise repreaeatatlve*

from every coonty of the wealth and indnstty

of Kentocky.

fiOBEBT L. MAITLAJSD ft 00.,GKeneral

ooBOMOsuosTB^mosAsmAXn>BAnBM,an. I Hauu.n BidiafanA Haaovet

BomnUMAiTLAnJ MBW VORM.Wiixuv Waun. ( kSS ahwtatr

Skirts made to order#

(rmt’a Wrappers and Drawers,

Ladk s* Hoods, Caps, and Glores,

Gent's Enbrold'd Shirts to order,

Paitf Eids and Ties,

Ladies* Fur Opera Waterfalls,

Silk and Meriao I nderwear,

Searfs and Ncek-Ties,

Hisses' Squirrel Sets,

Linen and Silk Handkerchiefs,

Cloth and Leather Glores,

Children's Fnr Caps,

Alexander's Genoine HJd Gloves,

Snspenders and Shonlder-hraees,

Russia Sthie Furs,

Shaker Fianrel Underwear,

Linea aad Paper Collars,

Gent's Fur Gloves,

Scarf-Pins and Sleeve-Buttons,

Wool Mufflers and Cnfls,

FuU stock of Fors




wm «aenn 1 Ilia tba lareeM mocA ot



Their Week tmimcai all <)atlitiei from tte oohudob-

c«t t#:the vei7 CDcat.


OIL WELLMlach-ineryFort&ble Steam Engines

M Tariooiilaeki

Boring and Extracting Tools,

Pumps and TubingDAYIES to Oe.,

FALLS CITY BANK,K4kft comer ofiMaio eud Balliit etr.

Capital ...... S44S.000,To be increased to - SSOO.OOO.

L. L. WAEBKN, Picidenl.

Hon. JaoiM Oitthrir, 1Fdwatd A. Oaidiiri, I

William F. OlonT, )Dii acton.Rictiard A RoMutoo, I

Puakney Vatbla, j

TN Arnmos to its ordinary kychasoe1 and Difnril tbli lUuk will, ou Mon-day, the «f October, oi-on


in whk* Oei>o>lt# of ONK DOLJ-ARber ofmn dollar, will borecrivod and dniw iniore.4

at the rate of threo per cent per anoum on the

tonne of Sarioce Baiilu. Thio aflordft an opportunity

for la) inf us trn.U •avio«A which^ hern much nood-

rd. atw% w ank dcpoirtory in which fandi to he held


0^^ # m 10 o'clock»,?af:‘a:hier.

Jti.c. McFman. B. J. Menefee. Jno. B. McFerran.

McFERRAN ft MENEFEEtXanie of LouierlUe* Ky,A*



Non. IP‘A nail 104 \Vntt Colnnibla M.,



Mortheut eoraer of Jefitrton and Third etraew,


Forasm A. D. IBM. CBAaTxaaD A. D. 1S4°.

CTNDFreS-O 16 Banrie Cr


Commission Merchants,NEW YORK.

LIBKRAL CASH ADVANCES MADE ON COtoimwent. to the above

At J. L. Danfbrth ACo.V Inenranee Awney,it rr. oonwr Main and Bullitt ati.


Commission Merchants,CHICAGO. ILL.

1AM THE ArTBOBmO AOBNT FOB THEabove Otto ia tkk city, and aoUcit orden for the put-

choM e( PtevMon., he., in the Chiaaeo muket.H. A. DCMESNIL,

At J. L. Danforih A Oo.*# Inmiranee A«8ncy.el# dietf M. W. eeroar Main ud Bullitt ria.



Fxl stock of thebe and othbb bestnakai attowprioee.

D. r. rAuu>s,y« Main rt. hetwntn Saeoad and Third.


StereotjpeFpnodr}’,IM JaOanen rt. bet. lUrd aad Poorth,


A B wb abr thb autbobized aobmts fobA the FBANKUN TYPE FOCNDKY, wa erepre-pw«d to faniWb eomplato enlAl. to FrinMnc OAoei.Wa keep an hand a laim aeaniltoiwl of

Printers’ Materials.Weed toteravlnc nllidtoi. BcanCand Pattirn l<ai-

ISort eo ftarft

K. B.-All ardan irewptly attmaed to. rtiaktjaal




D’AT GOODS : *«*'* ^ ««»»»*».

CLOAKS AND FURS [Thua st., near the P. O.

C. T. MERJl', RtewYork Store.





n ILL open rJ. mov-day an EVTIRPLY mvw I



*ai«ajua. n txna,

£VXXCX Olotlx01O£klS.S,

Amoop whirh will be found dome of the gieitj.t nov-eltiee of the etuscti.


National Hotel, Fouitb itreet.


J. 7. BO'S!), Principal. F

V/ ed} for the rerepfion of dtudeot# in B'VOk-keepiho,tto C01.T.ATBEAL Boiufon, aad TKLBOBA.rui>a.Bis diftSm


i- en of th# Loii!erilie and County Afiaocia-lioo lor t1 r efoctimi of Oftiwra will he beM at K iefor'a,

on filAlU KDaY, Dec SSd. at IS oVIock. A ftnnetu tl ai-

lecdaoce ia mixnaUd. W. II. MBEIWKTUKR,Bectetary.

Special XTotice of the Adama Ss-preas Company.

This company is prohibited bythkircon-tract with Kailroad CompaDief from carr> inp Gun-

Powder, and therefore refuse to it for thiemeut.Merchaote and otben who pack it m boxes and otherpackar^ aod rfifp the rame a* mcrchaodise without ourkiK>wU<dpe. endanror the lire* and property of others,and thcmre'rf a to all the riake aud losaea whichmay arise from its explralon.dl8 d€ 8. A JONR3, 8 >pH.





Together with








Togethtr with a great variety of other Good., which

we bought pravioua to the Ut« advance, and with an

e>TCcial view to the bolidaya, and will mU all at prlcca

to lult every one who calU upon oi.

a. BABJXER dit CO.




juat finiahedinoy Kiitabli.hment,and warranted to be of

thebraf n'Aifc .Vciaf tcith the Beavieti Utandard Shef-

field Platt


For Bale at very moderate price#. Pleaaocall

and examine. In addition, I have a Complete Stock of



IU3 (old 313j Third et., bet. Maket and Jeffereon,

C? 16 Banrle Cranberrien;34 ** Choice Hominy;60 “ Butkn heat Flour:

9W) - Peach Blow PeUtoot:6u0 “ Neebaaock “SC# •* Onionr;60 - Navy White Beona;SO “ Koe Uerriua:

6«« Bocee W. K Choeae;200 “ F.. D. “430 “ Uarobnrgh Cbeeee:130 Fbfclsr Choice Butter; in .tore and for nle.

ABNEK CUUFER.dlS dO A** Market atrect, (New No. 07.1

NOTIOfi TO OIL 8BX1KB&8.Oil Territory fbr Sale.

A I AROE INTERFST IN lu.000 ACRES OF WELLSelected Leaeei, in an exealteot nil region, which i.

raploly growing in public Cavor. To an active and In-flutnliol oil man. rare inducimente will be offi-n-l. Theotoeci in lelling bring to nctm aid in the devaloping ofthe laoda. For parlicalat*. apply to

JUUUS BARBAROLTt.dl^ d4* Cor. Floyd and Waahington iti.


Hosiery, Gloves,& Gent’s

Fiirnisliiiig Goods


Less than RegiilarWholesale Prices




LCttS* TBIMMINOBof MoNri, Aj>t.Ei, BoMurai.r,

k STBAiaa, No G.Tl N. E. comer S^enth and Main

.Ireeta, will now eloee it out, to their o'd frienda and

the tndc generally, at very low figniea, in order toI

make room, by or hafore January 1, lb66, for a stock of

Foreicn Notional SmaU Wares, aad Fancy Gooda. Ev-

ery article of the ahoie detirablc stock has been pur-

chaMd rince Aogiut M, couiequently are very desirable

and of good value. Merchants desiring any of these

good, will study their own Intereeta by calling on us

before rurehoring. AU orders promptly attended to.


No. ‘231 N. E. comer Seventh snd Main .ti.,


BCasofiic Saving's’ Znstilatlon.

P)R THE PRESENT. BUSINESS WITH THEabove-named Institution will be transacted dally

from t to 4 o'ccck P. M. at the office in the MasonicTemple. EuUance on Fourth street.d1« d3 J. M . 8. McUURKLhL C isbier.


To All Whom It May Concern.

W'E HAVE BEPTt INFORMED THAT SOME PER-VI sons iu Louisville. Ky. and vicinity, are seliingGrate, which are an infringement ou Dodge's Patent.And we further learn the persons so engsged arenet responsible, in which case we shall be oh iged toprocet-d sgaiusi the persons using said infringement fordrmages unless they have them taken out of theirGrata. SHKKMA.N P. WHALEY & CU., No. 67Sixth street, arc the only autborixsd Agents for Dodge'sPsteot Stoves aud Grates ibr Louisville and vicimty.JOHN B. RYAN k CO. sole Pioprietors of Dodee'i

Patent Stores aud Grata, No. 17 West FiiUi street, Oiu-dtinati. Ohio. dl7 dkSUl


Dodge’s Patent Qrates and Stoves.

Bair tbc real will Pradarr Donblr thrBeal C«aiparc4 wHh any otber OpenFire.

X fuccevlul rperatioo in nil tb<* oriuclptl ciU*« of theVnlrn for pftit ei^bt peon. Wc hftve oo our Clr>cuUr ft IftTK* number of the bMt uftiiiec in thi* city,«rbo bftve 1ic« n ueluf it for yCAn. Now U the ilme tobe prepftrod for the odd. 8eod or laove order* ftt

8UEKMAM P. WHALKY 4: CO.,dl7 dftSlS 67 8ixtb itre^ mBole Aireutf tor Loaifrllfo ftod vicinHy.


X cn *torft|te ftt tbe oomer of Ninth and Bro^waj tortbe iftd two year** «i>d If tboy are not called for in thenext ten day* they will be told for etoraire and insur-anoe. Bale to take place at our Auction-room i, 67 Sixthrtn-ci. bctwet'ii Mam aud Market, on TLESl>AY,Jan-oarr Is 1^66, at lii o'clock. Tbe following are the iotaand


1 Box. Paik* ft MeCracacu# marked C^iuznbux, Ky.1 box. A . Tborburn.S Boxea. E. Uaeb.1 Box. Dr.n Griewold.t boxer. L. Tbompeon.1 Trunk* do mark.S Barrel* Jar*—Stone Fruit Jar*—no marie*.1 Bound Army Bak* tyven aiMi Fixture* Nomaik.



dl7 dftetJl 67 Sixth street.





XT nzicmvED tbb




perUtlon, Ladies' and Gent's Dressing Coses, Work-

Boxes, Cohos Toilet Bets ond Toilet articles. Cord Coses,

Bsgs, Ft ns, Peorl Combs, ond a Tbonsond other articles.

Coll snd see for yonrsclvcs, at


4^7 SIkd6 86 Fouitb street, near Market.


WM. KENDRICK’SIn a rich and baoutifiil variety, euch es

Watches, Diamond and other Jew-elry, Plain and Fancy Silver-

Ware, Plated Coffee and Tea Sets,

Pitchers, Waiters, Castors, &c.,

end to wbidi fkeqnent additions are being made elatest stylss, direct trom the importers aud mangiactu-reri.

Third M., betwern Haln and Sarket, He.77(Old No. 226J.

dl6 eHkmlSiskllos


E INVITE OUR FRIENDS AND THE PUBLICin general to an Inspection of our very fine and large

stock of goeds, such as SOLID SILVER TEA SETS,PITCHERS, GOBLETS, 4c., and many other articles

sulUble for holiday present.; COLD WATCHES for

Ladies and Ocntlomcn, of tbe finest quality and styles;



finest quality only, and In large quantities. We wonld

cspeelaBy call attention to our msgaificent stock of

DIAMONDS, which we have in endless variety.


153 Main street.Between Fourth and Fifth,

(\FFER AT REDUCED PRICES A M03P COM-vy plete aftfortiuuut of

Gold and Silver Watches; Gold

Chains, Chattelains, Seals, andKeys; suits of rich Diamond,

Pearl, Coral, Garnet, and Ame-thyst Jewelry; fine Diamond Ringsand Pins; richly chased and Enam-eled Bracelets, Buckles, Sleeve

Buttons and Studs; Canes with

gold, silver, and ivory heads; Spec-

tacles, Opera Glasses and Field

Glasses; Gold Pens of the most ap-

proved makes; rich Silver Tea and

Coffee Sets, Urns, Pitchers, Goblets,

Cups, Butter Coolers, Ice Creamand Berry Stands; Forks, Spoons,

Ladles, and the greatest variety

of Fancy Silver, of new and ele-

gant patterns; Plated Tea Sets,

Waiters, Urns, Baskets, Castors,

Butter Stands, Oyster and Soup

Tureens, Ice and Punch Pitchers,

Wine and Liquor Stands, Egg-hoil-

ers, Knives, Forks, Spoons, &c.; fine

Table Cutlery, Pen-Knives, Razors,

Scissors, French Clocks, filusic

Boxes, and Fancy articles in great


Purebsssn are particularly Invited to ozamlne ourstock.

FLETCHER k BETCETT,132 Main street.




ON rUFSHAY MORNING, Doc 1», U 10 <yeloek UAuitiou-noTo Main stret hstwoen First and^rnd. we will »I1 33 nurs Youths' Cali Bo<t«faNa 1Hitlclcl. a Jot of Ovm's U-Serwear, 33 doiea Broom-,F lour, M.ckciel, D,«-i;.'ff<. Bl.ukris, 4r.

, „ TWEDDLE A FUNTAINB,«i-** ^3 Auctiunevrx.


ON TUESDAY. Ifth December, 1465, at 10 A. M.. willbe .old sn aMortUi ut of wss luab'e Booto Shoes

Slid Brog- p». Al-n, to c.ose cons gnmeute, cues Mon'-Uisln snd Kip Bco2. ’

^ O’* WFII'NESDAY, kdh December, 14-G. at Id g. M .

• i/ " J' M »*''Jrted Dry Cools No-•incs. Small Werea and Job Stock.r “ ««-

OS THURSDAY’. Sid Dt-eember. I’fS, at 1-) M.,will be sold a stock of Staple aud F'aocr Drr Gooihs

eirbtaring lines of Pms Goods, Cloths. Cassime-eo,Teaui Co.tinsa ( loakiiigs, Gcrmaut)wn Goods, Goat'sFuinii-hins Stork, Hols. Csps. 4e.Also, at 13 M.. a .lock ot Kvady-made Clothing suited

to the season.Terms cash (bankable funds],

thud. ANDBBSON a OOodT»d4 Auctiooeers.

Sir s. o. ajBXTR'S’ a oo.6eu CASES MEN’S, BUYS', AND YOUTHS’ BOOTS


ON YVEINFlSDAY M< RNINO, Dec 30. at 10 o'clock.we wLl tell a large and dcsiiable .lock rf tha abors


„ •- O. HENRY 4 CO„^18 dS Anrtlooeeri.



ON TUESDAY MORNING next. Dec. 19. at Auction-rooms, SI lu o'clock, we will sell a large lot of Dry

Goods, Clothing, and Hats, eonsUtiug of

Ladist' Drees Goods, Satinet., Ctreimeres,Umn Tablo-CloUis, 4e.

Also300 sMorted Over-CoatRSbtl CssslEvre and Satinet Pan's;140 '* *- •* Cuahi;

“ Half ShIU.

AlsoSOS dozen Hen’s, Bojs*, and Youths' HoU.

Bale jwilivo. 8. G. HENRY 4 OO.,Auctumeere.

Sale of QoTenunent Property atCamp Ztelson, Ky,at Pi BI.IC AUCTION.A to the higberi bidd-r, st Camp .S-Usno. Ky„ com-

M. WEDNESJAY.Jvmiary 3,

StaUi^ic*’*Stoics, the property of Uw UnlM

Powder; 376 assoued lUmaMrs:»I0 Itstcopor Rivets; l.u Suine Stooges;60 Stove Pipe Elbows; IS Trowe'.-^*

8,0«io lb. Stove Pipe, 11 pluel6 l'a>ofcii>g Stoves and IS Tanii

Fixtures: 1,600 feet6 Cookiug Stoves; PI 'eet 1

76 lbs liou Kivets: 6 Puwc17 Stove Drums; 34 a-sor11 Office Desks; 1,‘5T Fork7U efike Sloies; 10 F«uc12 Tables; 16 HoyW Ox Bows; 6 Hvy84 Carta; Ig pion116 Log Chains; 6u Ktke

1 Log Wagon: 4 Buck1 2-borss WsierWtgnn;3 117 Sp^ni;2 S-whecledOxWsgcus; IMS Hoeo;

11 Pinch Bars;13 Tamper Bart;

l.iiSkfect Leaihrr B-ltlng;ai ’eet Governor a,*5 Puwder Cans:


1,'5T Forks:10 Faucets:IS llay Hes^ks;6 Hvy P.soKs;18 Plows;6u Kskera;4 Buck-Saws 4 Fixates;

1 Hay 8^:FA Grrodstonfs;169 Mta Cart ilarrrets;86 2-horis Wosoos;8U Hay do;2 do;4 Kalchet Dri'ls;25 Stene do;10 Jumper do-9 Rouhug Buckets;75 Wncclborrowf;1 Cultivator;

18 OU Cons;Su Tool Chests;3 Btcxm Engines;

L8o7 Kniver;13 Collar Palms;29 p eees Wuudra Water

Pipe:1 Upper Rig to SawMiU;2 Scythe dnattaes;1 MuleStorta and Belt.;

i tot-'MuleSto-ksAUelti;1 R'p-Saw Table;1 Cut-Off do;

50 Iron Wedges:277 lbs HempPacking;

Commissioner’s Sale of the

RII !l

.1 'I- Hemp Packing;18 OU Cons; 31 Vlscs-2u Tool Chests; 6 8. Winches;


Btcxm Engines; 100 lbs Plaslere;.' Hain

The above eals to cor Unue nntil all tbe artielee enu-mersted are told. Terms ea«h in Government funds.Sale posiUve, and the property to be removed at onoeby the pure lister. «By order of the Hon. Bcetetary of War.

H- IL RESTIEUX.dl8 dlO Capt and A. Q. M.



ON TUESDAY, Dee. 19, at 10 o'clock A. M.. w# wiUscU a neat, new Frame Cottage and Lot on Twelfth

street, between Broodway and Mule. Igit 36 feet frontby 16U deep to a i^foot uloy.Tebas—


ash, with the sxeeption of two notes for$167 each, bearing interest- the first due Aug. 18, 1866,aud tbe otber Aug. 18, 1847—which the purahseer mayassume. SUAFF'EB 4 CO..





ON TUESDAY MORNING. Dse. 19. 186(, at 10o'clock, we wUl sell, at our Aactioa-ioams, a

lane and .plendid lot of Goods.Sw peslUve aud peremptory to close eonaigamsnta.Trims casb. SHERMAN P. WHALKY « CO.,dl7 d3 A.ieUsnesn.

BY SHERfflAN F. WHALEY k CO.,67 Sum SraxgT.



IntfraatioB.'iI Exhibition, HOLIDAY PRESENTS.


All Other Machines




Every Article of Ladies’ WearAT TUB

Sales-Room—No, 5 Masonic Temple. BAZAAR OF FASIIlO^f,

Fourtb Btrest, oppoeite National HoteL

dI4 dASUanllsi, HAKTIS, Proprietor.

Merino Shirts & Drawers,

SliakerFlaiinel Shirts and


Canton Flannel Drawers

Beantifxil Chriitmaa Gift for Offi-cers and Soldiers.

"VO MORE ACCEPTABLE AND USEFUX PRRSE.NTcciuld be made by Motkers, Wive*, Si*t6ra« 8«vect-

beartN ai.d friend* lo tbelr ftcxioaiutanoe* and relative**who are or have been in the army, than a cupy of

Q. Ihl. 33.This work D recommeuded in tbe highest terms byHaj.-Orn. Sherman, Maj.-Gcn Meigs,MHj.-Oeu. Thomas, Maj. Gen. Allen,M.j.Gen. Bberidiiu, Btift. Geu Swords,

Estill Steam Z^imace,

X> CircQit Court, in the State of Kentucky, in tbe «aitof Jottiah A. Jackaon's Adm'r., va. Joriah A. Jackaoa'abeitH and eteditors, 1 will, a* Commiasiooer, tell at pub-lic auction, without rcaenre, to the bUhe*t bidder, onthepiemitse*. ou the 17th of January, lS8d« at the BedKiver lion Work* in Eetlll county, Ky., aU the real e*>tate which beloueod to Joaiah A. Jackvon at the time ofhi* death fincludtns also the one undivided fifth of theproperi) hereatler deecribed. eold by Jaduon in hU lifetime to 8. D Martini, oonfitstinit of the Bed River IronWork* or Forge, and tbe Estill Steam Fomace, aad theUnde attached thereto.The Forye tract eoutalne between 4,000 and 5,000 acre*

of land—1.3uu of which i* fine bottom laud, 900 thereofbciu|! in cultivation, and productive a* any laud inthe State, and fully aufficient to support tbe whole work*when in i ull operation: tbe balance tf the tract U heavilytimbered. There ie also on thU tract a SiW Mill and aGifat Mill, with three tun of atone*, and a ready eale forall the proc nets ot both. The water p^wer U t^in the State, and is available during the wh^eyear,and la capable of driving any amoant of machioery thatmay be atuebi-d thereby and ha* aite aod forc>bays all

comp'ete, for any kind of manufactory that may bedeaired.Tbe Eftill Steam Furnace tract contain* between

24.0U6 and S&.OOO acre** all of which is mineral land, af*ttrding an inexhauatible aiipply of «re, the timber of thevery beat uuality in tlie SuUe. There !* also a form ofsue acres of good bottom land in the Funiaee tract, witha good lartn>houae on it. Tbe buildiofr* at the furnaceare all that are neceesary for tbe aceoiiimodation of allthe haiidfs with abop*. Ac , tor an e*tabU*hment of thiskind. Tbe iron made At thi* furn«ice iacoldh'set, andbaa the juat reputation of bein* superior to any made intbe etate. Tbe indicalicn* cf tne exiateuce of iVuvleumon the*e land* are aa favorable as any in the andit ia believed that this section will prove to be avery fire oil region. The furoace ia eltaiited seven mile*from the Kentucky river, which aflfordaan outlet for <

the kbipoieut of tbe iron. The Forge i* *itoated cn Si;driver, a atream navagable for fiat boats, aod is 15 mile*distant from Mt. Sterling, and mile* from Winctie**


ter. from both of wh'cb place* good turnpike road* runinto tbe rich«rt couiitie* in the State.The entire property will be sold altogether, and is

worthy oithe attention of cspitaliata. who may wish tomake a pioHtable iuveatment.Tksmh OF Salk.—


he purchaser will be required teexecute bond* for the purchase money, with sood per*(Kmal security (a lien will also be reserved on the UndJ,having the force and effect of judgmenU. aud payftbleat tbe First National Bank of Lexington: one*third of

ON TUESDAY MORNING, Dec. 19, at 10 o*e!oek, wewill sell, at our Auction-room*, a large and SDlen-

did aaaortment of Pietore* (ummedj, conaietmg of Kn>gravings. ftc.

Sale positive, a* the owner ia a non-residentSUF&MAN P. WHALKY ft GO.«

dl7 dS Auctioneers.


67 SixTu SikkiT.


V-7 1663, ami cautinuing every uigbt eloeml. Alra,a large lot of Piciiuca, SUvor-plated Ware, Jenreiry,Wat bee, 4c.Sale to commeLce at 7 o’clock.

8. P. WHALEY 4 CO..617 (3 Auetioneer*.




ON MONDAY. Dee. 18, 1866, at 10 o'clock, I willtell, on the nrvniiece, on the Koilh ride of Walnut,

briweeu devratu aud Eighth >110010. at No. 276, a two-ttory aud baxrmeut brick bouxo, coetainiag about tonrcoma, with .moke, carriage, and coal-hoiuee, with goodri'llari, cieb-rna 4c., in go^ order, with lot about 33Jroiit by I'Wdtt-p. loan alley, together with all tbe above-named foueebuld articlri: aleo a lar.e lo# of good featherbed#, mattr> tttt, tahle*. took .tevea, and er«rylhiag lathe houee-keeping liite. Tbe bouee will be .old firvt. Tol«rwn> wxutiug agood borne, or eeokiug Invotmenta,tbie I# a good oppottnnity.Teima ot .ale for the bouM and lot i< $4,000 eaab: bal-

auce in one aud two yeara,witb iutcreat and Ueo. Forboiuebuld good, and lumitute, ca>b.

James l. brown,d14 d44.1* Auctioneer.

the amount payable in 13U daya ono-tUrd In twelve MEDICAL COLLEQE OF OHIO.

Brig.-Gen. Hyer#,Col. SawteUe,Col. Sidell,Col. CifO,

Maj.-Gen Meign,Maj. Gen. Allen,Biig. lieu Swordx,Col. Symonda,Col Perry.Col. Myer.,Col. Potter,

U. 8. Service kbgazlne. Army and Navy Journal,Loui(.riIle Jonrual, Louirvllle Proc,Louiaville Democrat, New York World,

Aud by many other..

For eale byJOHN P. MORTON 4 CO.. M.ln, bet. Fourth 4 Fifth.Capt. W. JENK1NS>316 JeSeraou,bet.Tliird4Fourtb.dlleodkw


frem the day of ule. Inetead of peieonal .ecurity, thepurchofer nuy .ubstUute a# eecurity, bond> of thaUnited State., to be depoaited with the L'omialeaioner,to be held a> ccurity for tbepurchaee money Forfarther particular#, apply tto 8. Q. .faekaon, at tbe RedRiver Iron Wurka or to tbe undenigned, at Winchee-ter, Ky. Bole at 11 u'riock A. H.

B. F. BUCKNER, Com’r.LouiivlIIe .Toumol Inert twice a week In drily paper

till day of n\t.—Lexington Obaetver A- Rei>orter,d.l d3awtd

CardingMachines.VT CARDS now ready for delivery, with or withool

tbe Burrinc attachmeoti Pickers, ftc. are of su-perior wor^ and warranted te give frtforaetioa, tewhich we can fundah nomeroaa reference* lliroug'ioafKeutucky, Indiana, Teniifsaee, and Miascorl.

Fertj'flfth Aatiual IFewloa*

A has entered epon its 45th year.Lecture* will be resumed a* foilowv:Clinical lectures at tba Collage Dispenaaif aod at

the Uottpitalm Oct. 4th.P eliminary teim, including didactic IrcFtree at the

College, aud wuical lectures a* above. eommeneeOft the l^th of October, aod oouUuue till Ike upeuing aftlie regular teMlon, Novemlwr 1st.

Ticket* for Ua coarse ft?0. M<UaicuUlion 95.

FACULTY.GRO.C. BLACKMAN, M. D., PretetMvrof Principles*nd Practice of Surgery aud Clinical Surgery.

JAS. GBAMAM# H D.» Profosaor of the Theory andPractice o* Medicine.

M. B. WKIGUI, M. D, Prof<^ ef Obatetrica andDieease* * f Women aud ClilldreD.

C. G.COMEGYA M D.. ProUavorof the lostitutea eM*^tcine aud CUuical Mt^diaine.

THEC»PUlLl’a PABVIN, M. D., Prefnaor af MateriaMrdica and TherapeuUn.

W. U. GOBEKCUT. M D # Prefteor of Anatomy.BOBKHTS BARTHOLOW, M. Proiaasurof Physioi„« ^ ^ n A A /^* BOBKHTa BARTHOLOW, M. D., Proiea*«r of PhysU

WM. W. MORRIS 4 CO., W. B. BELPNAP & CO, CottOD GlIlS,AR iIm# from 10 to UO lowi, for bond or powat.

WHOLESALE IroDA'ails,Steel,&c., Card Clotbin?, Belfiiij;, Bolttng-Cloth


1 3*4 Mai" Itreet, between Fourth ond Fiflb #tr«eta.

The mebcuants' bank of umtucky hasremoved to Sixth otreoi, to tba Southwn office in

Homlltoo'i baildlngADd will continue a Generol Bank-ing ond Exdwnf# Bueinci#. Oovemment, State, ondHuolci^ Securitiee; Coin ond Corponttoo Stock, ondBoode UHigbt ond Mid on Cemmlaaion. CoUectionimod# oo oil acrtarible point# In tbe United State# ondConado. Tbe derign of the monagemanl ho> been toermbiae the edvoutagee ef tbe two >yiUnu of inoer-porated capital and ot privota bonkari, ond offord theirilrainn tix- lorgeat focilitiaa with tbe greoteit prompt-reaa. In oil tbe detail, of burineta, in which they beUeve they bove been eminently meemriul.Tbe aeoounti of Boukri Bonkera, and Indlvidoola oreletted.

J. H. UNDENBRRGER,d28 iHxlni Uonbier.

CHABCTAOZni.Tl ST RFCKITEO-ffi etoto "Bar Mojeriy," eq Jtl toej tbe Widow CUe>iaol; oIm 60 >*oil,rif Mru-otliraUbompogne toe cocktail.. For Mle by

CAMBRIDGE 4 CO.,d6 deedlm Agent, for tbe Importore.

JU8T Bmcziivzm,

A CHOICE LOT OF DOUBU AND SINOLB HTA-CINTB8, TLXIF8 for border or pot enttura.


Seed ond Agricnllmal Worabouaa,nlO d2BtI« U6 Moin at., bet. Third ond Eoutth.



EXCELLINO ALL OTHBB8by ita anperior .hope ond weight ond tbe ezqol .ltd finiah oud whitencM of the poper.

MARCH 4 BJ^S , FIERCE 4 CO.Winthropftqoore. B eton,

flftUing ftgcula.Tbe trode roppUedot Boeton prieee by

UAMBRlDaB 4 CO„Commiwlcn Mercbonta,

337 Moin iL, oppoaite Louisville Hoiri,Loulaville, Ky.


CAMBBIDGE 4 CO.,1337 Moin at., Loulaville, Ky,

No. 83 corner Kata and Third streets,

Horse and Mute Shoes,

Horse and Mule NaiJs

Blaoksmiths’ Tools,

Flow-makers’ Haterials,

Wagon-makers’ Materials,

Springs and Ailes,

Hollow* ware Oastines,

Oakum, Boat Spikes, ftc.;

ALSO aomTS fob

Shoenberger &Co.’s Boiler Plates,

£. ft T. Fairbanks ft Co.’s Scales,CoDpriaiiig Cattle, Cosl, l)ay« Platform, Counter, ftc,


Lillie’s Fire and BurglarproofSafesN. B.—We are selling tbe above-named goods at man-

ufacturers* prieee. Tbe **Janlata,** ^'Sligo,** and **Ty«

rone** brands of Iron we sell have no equal in thia or

any otber market. deel d6fteow9m


Aftd Irinrmbfr the Irunkarii’s Friend,

URBAN’S INEBRIATE’S HOPE,liBKPABED AND SOLD BY RAIHOND 4 CO„i 7g Fourth Itreet, near Main. Price $3 per packoie.Sent by mail poetage free. nbl eodlmAwk

BT'Catalogaei, giving fnll deKrtotion and priatolent by molL H. W. WILKBS. JB.,

ftt diawtf 406 Main M.. Loni.vitta, Kv


606 lain it., urtk side, near Ftirti

Machine Belting,

Bolting Cloth,

Cotton Warps,

Machine Cards,

HoseandPacking,Mill, Facterj, Railroad) and fill

Well Supplies ef all kinds#

W-Catalsgn« Mol (tea by BtaO.

•WTaetory dlaeoanl M dealan. (11 flaw

STATB CLAIMS.77 State for either Qaartermoateia’ ocConunLaoryatort. furniahed lo State troop..

.HAWES 4 JENKINS,dll d6i. 311 Jafferton at.

R. W. SAUNDEB8, M. D„ ProMctor to Profenaar ofSurgetT.

C. O. WRIGHT, M. D„ Proaector to Profmor ofAnatomy,Addrew THEOPUILL-S PABVIN. M. O., Dean,o31 diawti Cincinnati, Dbio.


emeULAR SAWMILLSPirtabit aid Statitury Sttam Ib^in,


Factory comer Hamilton Rood and Wolnnt ri.,

Oti^ and Worebouae No. ISO Wool Secoudri.,


Wn. R. iLE\i.^DER, .(KCBt.


SPIIBROIDAL GLA881S SCIENTIFICALLY AD-jiuded lo tbe failing Rye by

K SINCERB.PmaoTii'.ii. OmciA!.,

Main atioet, nnder the Notional H»4ei.

t9~A briniont oMorlment of M. thwnatiral, Phik>'

npbleol, and Optical Iiwtrumenta.Tiimao'. Surgical Inetrumenti on bond at hia pri

to'*Artificial Kyco ioMtlad without cowing polo.


Weitern Financial Oorporatidn.

TUE'IOURTH instalment op TEN PER CENTon rufaeei iptieita torinck In the Weriern Fieonciol

Co'pcratloB" will be doe and payable on the 3rib De-cen.her next at the office at H. D. Newoomb 4 Bco.

u«- aemt u. D. NEWCOMB, Proct.


J .Tfetorn .mtrrneU:VOU^KBOM RICH AND POOR,

VotoTi5‘pSltS:far'“* L-ivrixa


SICILIAN HAIR RENETTER.It too perfect and mlroculeea ortiete. Cure, bold-

dpewing than aay•oU" or -ponitoum." Soften brmib, dry, and wiKhair into BmuUful aikc n Trewf*. Bat, atove oU, ttegreo# wonder la tbe rapldilv with which UnMaMGRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIQI.NAL COLOfc


Uri it a few timw. .ndPRESTO CHANGE!

the whiteit ard wont looking heir raanmea ita yeatb-ful beaut-. It docc no4 dye the hair, bat rtrikoa at therow and fiUa it with imw HM and eoloriog maMer.

It will pri take a long, diiwgrceab e trtoff le prove thetroth of thi. mutor. 1 b. firri aMlicitioo will do good:

ria tbe NATU RaL COLOR returning every day,

.K. .. BEFORE YOU KNOW IT.ina old, gray, dlKolored appearance of tha bair wiH be

glvlug pUee to lastroua. ihlnlng, a;.d beaulifol

Ark (or 7*-'y» Slei'^ *».D Benawn- ee olbd' ortl-'** Vra WIU find ItCHEAP To Bl Y> PLEASANT TO TRT.Tb«. ”» DO%UGOOa***V

^ tttay nnitationa. Be iun von aroenrag. nuine, muinfortmad only b^ ^ yrvenre me

Frv„u h- .n . * £ “^*-1' * CD" Soibno. N. H.rcttalebygndrufgbta. ^ gl5 dAwSmPreiwrveYoar II«lr:_Keeviwr«tl»«

of .71 ill, fie. rv. -Thi. anrt“riS«.d beatCfie. ^ brirtoer«.t bau mft and p i.ble; proved dSeSe” tUKolp. premature decay of the hwr. and k.iJZT!? “

^ ^C^DAICHELOB, New York, andi^ iS^pfw,

Balrbrlor'. Ilnlr Dyp-Tba Beta fai the World IHoi m'M.. teliaUe iwUntancoo*. Tbe only p-rfcetUjel No di..p»<MnlBent—DO ridtcnloai tint.. OwivIm I. rigstd WiLuoJi A. BAVCozLoa. Said by oRI”’'’gg'»*» _ dP dip

I.ATE»T FK0.71 K44VPT.,

extractt of the EGYPTTAH*»8uirito p«fiw;e for the hondhor-

rhief Clmpotra and the Udiea of tbe pratoot daythe wma perfume: *


MaDnffirtiired by F. A. Pinnxy, Brooklra, N. Y.K. LovgjoT. Agent 33 Pulton rt.. N. Y. nd lUm

Mabziaos avo CKLiBaev.—An Ewor of Wamiiriand Iwtruction for Yooog Men, jnal publtahed hy theHoward Awociotion, and wnt in moled Mier envelapefree of charge. AJdrew Dr. J. Saiuak UaB.wron,Howard Amociatioiu PhlladelphU, Po. oU

a Phyatoleclerii View af -l~irl ni rtneltato

tog nearly iOl pafw and Ui Sne FtsMa aagravtiffiaf tiM Acalooiy af ti:a Sazaal Or*u« fax a riala af

aaoMhaed Maeaaa, with aTtnatlaaoe Seltdboid, Ita

DaptaraMa CriMeqnaooto npea the Mind aad Body, wHhtba ABaho--i Plan of Trettmeno-- the eotr nttoeel aadmecdarital made of esro, aa ibuwu by tha npert af ihmbraatad. A watUol adr-Mx to tha oorriM tad lho«MBMaaplaitng raartiac* who actortola doobta of ihahPhytienl eoodMoB. Seri bee of poatoxa to tmj xdffipta

•> raeafpl af 16 einia, ta riampa or poalal rorreev, hyaddroritag Dr. LA CBOiX, Me. Q Moidw. Ta-., Aijm.y.H.Y. OaaaaWa*todhycnrJlAgb«(w-a. sari fi*wiP



Piano - Forte Manufactorer;,fiW*A fine atcck af Ptonos atwoya ea h-nd and a# a

wide range of pricaa.

M^etrireat, oortb ride, batwaao Sixth and Srmnth,17*^ LOU18VILLB, KY.

Secret Diseases.8A>fA11IT.4X'* CIFT.8.4.n.4BlT.%.V'S <i|FT.

T*« .Moot Certmfm Moor Vtei.Yta a Poative Cuk!

Baleam Cmpncim and Mtreury DftetutltA.

Only too pIEi to be taken to aflhet a earn.They ora puioly vegetable, having no imell ar ua-

plramnt taato, and will not failure tba atomoeh or bow-a'l ef the meat delicate.

Cnrei ia from two to four dkya, and raaant earn iattKfUp-Jour homn.No expoauro, no tronbla, no ehanga whatovar.Male piwkagaa $3; fomole S3—aeal by taolL

SAMARITAN ROOT AND HERB JUICES.A poriUve and penianent cure far SyYltiUa. Scrofula,

ITcera Sorea Spota, Tcttara, 4e.There ia not onotbar reuMdy known to equal R for tba

cure of SyphUio. It reoebaa and emdicoMi it Prieefit 66 per bottle. All remittaDcea muet be oeeantpanied

by 12c pottage. Sold by RAYMOND 4 CO.No. 74 Fourth riroet, LouiavlIlaL

DESMOND 4 CO.. ProprMoca.rpU mw4. Sm 916 Race .Meet, Philadelphia.


•Trindor." Gray “Hair Color Doaa Raatorac.""Leudon- "llAir Color Roriorer.*"Loodcii- Hair "Hair Color not Wnitni nr


"Londoa’* "Hair Cohw Reitorer.-"London- Changed "Hair Cnkw Blain Beriorer.-"London" "Hair Color Ra torer.-"Loudoti" wUboot "Hair Color er Sell Rnrifrae*"Loodou’* "Hair Cdor En tawi~“L<mdi.n“ Dyeing. "Hair Color Anything. Reriorer.-"LoDdon- "Hair Color Reriarar.<*Bx.Ti>aaa Onav Han tom NarmaL Ooiria.MAirea TSB Han Sorr, GLoaer, ann Lexmoirr.Kura TBB Scalp (Xbak, Omii.. an HaaLraT.No wiriiing or preparation befxra or after ita nee; ap-

riicd by the bond or aofi bruah. Far natoring GrayBair lo ita original, lifa-Iiko appeanoea, and proiacfava new growth oo bold mota.

WE CHALLraOB THB WORLDTo produce lie aquoLLadir. who drem tfaeir hair wItt ‘-Lendea Hair Celar

Beriorer and Dreming- proaouuea it perfael aod theonly Beatorer af Color and Blecaat Hair ean-bined.Price If ecDta a hottie; aiz bottlaa M. Adfoem on or-

der. to Dm. Swatjib 4 Son, SW Norte Sixth atreet, PhU-


WANTED^i W*^*TE0-A man to DO CBORK& MILK.7V teo PbiUra ;earSalcwneB, Ifriveni itoe*ler, twaata-fivo Canrween nw eiih


avoir rw wanting <np'o,Bwt. I Mean - -w-w.eal Aacacy, weal aide offifth tarnea, Mutoag


w-S ***'•. d» dt-

W - ‘ ORRESFOBDENCiL - A YOUNG.*• ^ letormhly qssd-'eafe-

iog, with goad artapeeta wt.h.i a cevNepawtoM withy’*"« ‘Siea with a view to molriweny.

uotaiee. to de all that a reemnakli wifo aawld raantraLAddrrmA. J W„ Jornnl .dke. did d«4wl

\|,"AMTE^ A mUATION-BY A OENTLBMk.NT-— *»*'I"'4ri aiie hehlM and riantve

*5 "toll Wtda, in map whnlawliy.*.*-***’ ^ "foaineia eon he given.Aedrsss O g ftt tftl* ftOf.


W KATE-TO oucupt avftlLftarDlsM4 frpBi irfth sv'Vhiq

•rgay w,tb ct^raUeaton enly. Charge ffi' par wM-k.A; p y at 367 JeHerwn H, d'6 di*

YfhiHVX- BOhRDCRS-ROOMB FOB PAMIUBigenttatam, wNh haardiBa. at No 161

which bee bean

^3d»-****^^ riw day beeidera wU be token.

Y1 A^tl> TO GIVB AWAY. IN OROER TOOBT’5"? ‘“Wtdnerd. ttirae New Invmitieaa. wjrth*« ef the creoaari ellUly. Thia ta the graattot gift

ever oNated to IhepahUe. Sand year eddeem. aad in-54 evtift* to e«v«r npmm H jnriftMftiiis J.

LRA Sox S.419 tiU^


etaMt for mat, lemleJ ia the haet hv.iiie.e

5!li ? »ft»p itrftsl. Tito btoftft tafts *sl «b!kiltoftp

* 6hv wholemta h-i-iA J. c, W. ftlifs*nbj ^ -ffirr dL-* kr


CAVf: CITY HOTELIXta voluahia H ntol, with the greuade. -»-ilaiie 4e .

Mtached. tnelmting about four arnTrilu^MSne of the Lautavllia and Mmto^Rril!^ ta

Jf*^.*!.** 7oer kWd ar for a term af ynarn.It ta 1^ wafobaewa eating taetioa for paaaragrr* eathe X 4 N R R.. aad oBrnt .npartar laduaatooata tok ewra Tha ealite tnmitaia of the haaee aaa ha pae-rtaecd to rmaenshta rtoao. Pemriae can he given hyhe let af January nest.Bond, with good Menrltr, wlB ha afika

leime. For tarm. todnaa er eott ea John amw the uedarrixacd. to Iho Bnaklae-heoea of -ntataLM".ton^« Mrin itieot. bocwaaaLouov^ Ky. H. Y. LOVTNG. 8*1^ Sla Tmtooe. 4a.

NOOMffi NO. IS MAB-A’ llET Itreet. hetwocB yirri aad Break, a nah ride.Raforaeeee rviulrgd. d17dS* B. MAYERS.

I’OR SALE-TWO-PTOBY BUSINRSIS IIOCSB* «» 8 raeaw aMeeh.d, m Itoaptnh ride Mertat. baawt.a Fifth and S;xlhata; uLfomewtaa riven tal-taanmy. Con ba renaad lordl^aa. Price and tonu liberal

_ - - DUNOAN 4 SMI TH.dl6 da 154 Jeftram to, bto Ponrth and Fifth.

|i ^ two-story Ml >Du»-belli Brtak Bouae—one iptandid taora aadNlE

fwid new Bakery of larae 22krira—toahta end camaga-hmoi r«e a"d wtoar fix-

comer « TetW aad Wriaal .taatoaWiU beoffortd toa bergaia for ehnrt time Pa-mmuagiven imBMdtately. Ul NUAM k SMITH.dUda 164 JeflaraoB to„ tot Fonitk and Filth.[Aexeieavaapv.]

^-OB Pa||P- *Mk


.,-V***. ,^..°*wed to artvoM mla, for rixty dam""“« Lto. rituotod botweka Sactiad

y? ooruptod hy Jae. M. dtokm kseM If ato dtapoeed ef to tn«t liiar. it wiU ha eold to

e'etackP.M. Apply la O. J HUbBAYar. . „ _ ^ JNO. T. MUi >ltX.

did dtF.M '»*“*kar. fo Co.'h 713M— to


,*”*** H * doiag a gaad tontain. Apply ea rriwdl4dfi

FO? RECE.NfLY BnLT FRAME STA-A ^ wU arrotameda ltea for rixto heceea. —ind ItoJlh feet of good bmber Aap*y toUtaber Apari to

rWEDDLE 4 FONTALNE.iariraat.baa.ytm«a4S,„,g

L'OR SALE-"BlYini VlBW-_Tmt UnDER-r— “C? *” tale bta prapa ity, kaawaae"Rivar \ mw Stoad." 17 milaa bataw LanleviUa, aa toa^i«v^ aad Naebviita Tumplka. Thta ilaad ta anaof tbabctoaatkieraad, wMb paad dwalllaa-hoaaa ead^ n. eyary eal-halkSnga iptandid harm, aad eitoeiaaAboatfoaera.of load hriaaat to thta preparty, all mlhi trui tree, af boto aortaataa, Jaal eaameaaiag tohear. For farther putleolon roll aa the ———‘-r -rd

ar E. W. Kctlidli. Lootaviltai Ky.SI* »ly O 8 DUNCaX


the thriving town af Etainaaea, Er. foiidmideaca baa mven raarii, togatber with aoeaa- ftSLmry aal-buUdiDga (howl. The dwePtar ta oa a Aoemtaa ef gcad laad. plaatfd aith wall-mtaetaJ (rail trvwiapplea and peathr ., ama haartog . 1 will aim mil larbatuaha d and kitobaa farahara, p-Th, lard, vapauhla-,•cel, wood, cara. hay, aad^ato Thabeaaaaod • > ,

ta very dceirahla—the lmUi& af tha varr toah - • <whhin twa keutif ran oa laihrad at L->atevlUa^^Frankfott— waaiaky aad eatarpetalag ,-^riiT

exraltaBi ebarebta. iithaol., aed aaltagaa , ^ .

Fog fuithgr pandgalan iaqufaa at the -- jriCT. ,


Sold in Louln-ille. Ky . by R. A. ROBINSON * OO.and WILSON 4 PBTKB, Druggtato.

13 M,W,Tb48alf

CONSTITUTION WATER.CONSTTrunON water, the only known regaedy

for Dtabetea, Stone ta tbe Bladder, Coleulua OravrtBrick- duto Deporit, and Miieoua or Milky Diichorgee,Irritatioo of tM Bladder, gf tka KiffiMy,Catarrh of tbe Bladder.The arirmiihing lueceae which baa atariided thta taa.

valuable mcdidDe renden it tbe moat valuable aoa everdiMOvered. No langinae etn aouvey an adaquato Idaaof tbe immediate and almoto miraculous ebnaga whichit oectoiocc to tbe debilitated and ritattored systgto. Infact it (tanda ourivaled aa a remedy for tba eormonentcure at tba moladlca above meutionod, ana .tao DIA-BKT6:S. IMPUTENCY. LOSS OF MUSCTLAR ENEB-OY. PHYSICAL PROSTRATION, INDiaESTION,OLEFT, and ovary iHieaea any way eonaaeted with tbadiMtder ot decay.Privora if rrmaHoua of any weakarig, aheuld tokg tha I

CONSTITUTIdH water, whriber hrrAaa down byexceaa, weak by natain, or impaired by .Irknam, tbauDitrung and relax«d oryoniatoum ta to ooea rebraead,n-vlTUtad. and built up. W«n mo)’ thta eelebrstod rain,ei^ba colled tbe MF-inCAL WONDER.Tte atooping, trembling viciim at depraaaion and dp-

bilily brer-mea a new man; ba rioada areto, be aioveawith a firm step; bii Blind, arhtab wa. previouriy >uakIn gloom of on olxtoto idiotic apathy, beeemee brigMluid active, and he gtwa forth regenentod, eoneeion. atnew viger. ’The medicine rooehe. tbe eotitoitiiMoa IP-

elf, and reatona It to ita normal eoaditioB.

For tbeae gtmaaea it ta truly a mvereign iWBPly, andVo> much mnnot be mid in It. protae. A sirrla doaabto been known to reltava the moto urgent aymptoae.Try it ri them coeea and yen will give yeur prataa toCONBTITUTK.N WATER. ^uai Vti OK FEMALES, are you tnnblel wHh thto

diatr.--ataia pain in the .mall of tba hack and throuabyoia hipof Htamtitution Water" will raltave you like

TF^aele by aU Drugrtala. Price RLW.B GREGG 4 CO., Proprieton.

MOKGAN <t .ALLEN.Oacerol Agouta, No. 46 CUil attach New York.

aSt Ahn

il CROWN OF OLORV.EVERY MAN, Woman, and Child who boa uaad

STERLING’S AMBROSIAb willing to reoemmend it. Three yean af rapidly in-

rrearind mla have made tha Anthroaia fomoua all over

tbe world

IT 1.S WARRANTED TO PLEA-XE.It enrm Iteblng of Iho Heed.

It '".hm Mow Hair grow cn Bold Hetda.

It prevanta tbe Bolr bera FoUiug Out.

It reuderi tbe Bolr Soft and Oloay.Cleanma the Scalp; Cools tbe Healed Brow; Removal

Dandruft Cnrea Nervoua Hawtortwi; Corea BaUncaa;

Inmirea Loxuriant Loekri laelinea Hair to Curl; foipor-

leda. Wigo; KlUa Halr-eatore. Good, affact appotaal


Tba Ambeoaia will auil yen to a T. Elegantly put op.

Delicately perfumad. Ptoreuiaed by Opera Singara and

Actiemea. Sold ia mtaodid bozaa or cortoao, rontaln-

lag two latgg boUlea—Ha. S for momind. No. 1 for


rmama ta .v« juiarjaa jtamvT it.STEKLINO'S AMBROSIA ta the bato mart igraeahia,

and efhetiva loUat in tba watld. To prove thta, fay a i


Sold by DmggitoP

StcrEfog’i ArtkrkfilR laMractnrlRf €•.,aSgd6m MIS Fulton Mrcet. New Verio.


Pl3.11rtC*elp>lX.l4h, Prt.,wnonanoLB ra.i ma u


CoorignmaolB Of Sootliam Cotton Ton lolleitaR.


xuzffssozr dt Boorzziu).Monufacturen of

EXCELSIOR FIREWORKS,Laikns, Fin Crarken, TirptlM*. Ic

9 DEY XTKKET. actor Brktodwtoy.N. T.

ofi5 <fooft Sm


POK BALB-HOKSK AND SPBING-TPA'inil-byr CKOPPEB, FATTUM. k Ctt.dlSd6 Raa-foandairewlkto.

r rail ptantuioa Matau. 1 will aaUtaw.^KPnrchaaan can buy a baiaalm. W

r. J. DERONY. 4BftWMto Sulpbar, SeoM ae. Ky . Dm. 13, l<s<6 -#'

r Btack, with 4d foto of Chain (news. Apply to IhkaouoMne-reom of thta ofitaP. M dMIa

8TRAYEDOR form of Mr.. W. U. KEED, near i/Boanou*. SSanMil inn. Jtdenon County. Ky , obaul the^^SZLInto., a LARGE BRUWM BORSB. WM Imn* .1 on.Sa d horm ta W yeai. old. hm me whim hLad boa, amuUI mar In Fmcheto rooa a fomut lulWT. Uetavarygrntle. and in fine reodittou when tail men A Ubanltoward u ill be .aid tar bta ream, ar any infoc n.ttanthat may lend to bta lete.riy.

LKANDEB K BCBD.<18 dr N". to Soamd to_ LmtavtUa.

77 tor the above cotahretod CAST IRON PLOW,whtab wa ore mlling to the vary lowato aesk prism.Tbe liemaad will ba macb grietir than tha mppiy, anffi

wv advtae our frienfo to wnd ia tboir rirdaii aorty.Price Ctoafarwe fumtahed prompaly oa eppltanltim.

rmiH. WIABD, « >.




CUTrUtO-aOKBS (Turtom klndW

COBN-SHELLBRS fsettoua kinkiH;HAV-PliBeSES (Rand and

CurruN GINS fKagtap.tmOWASHI.SG-MACRDfES ^MoWhar);

IrtAG SAW MILLS fvortoiMltindto;UANH-LOOm OlliiliiiiiiPiRi

Wa have ham devtoing Iks tato twel.e yew*rively to mlUni Seed# and Iwgiiaimto, and porehaWHeon rely m gcatiny aeabing hue roltahta rnom hem omeon rosy m gemng nomine nn* m imom rnom worn <nmtome. Our annual i Inmnm aud ftatolngna wiffi hktgndf fof dfariihuttoto to Dawmbag.

pmUH. WIABD. kLooMvUtodKy.




AD growth gfUrtfoktoifohyPrrXlM, WIABD AOU-

Lmtawtito, Mr,

ihproibwploivs LIME# CEXaSNT) Slc,

OUR VERY SUTEBIOBFACTUTIBS FOB MANU-faetiulag them celebrated Plowa, enable, a. tojhr-

niah them at a tam price than asy o4hnr Oato Plowmaanfiwtuied in tbe United fitatm. Tbe meteriata used,and finUh given to them Ploiva ta ool .u rpaweS if

equaled by any otber made. Wa ore preparwi to fiU

all orden promptly, and make a Uhanl dtacuuul todcotan.

LIST OF PRICBS-MU'MBEBS BB\18BO.Improved No,0. Light One Uono R4 tfi

Improved Noi L One norm 4 ItInprevad No. A One Bone 4 ipImptovod No. A Light Two Hoew 6 lip

Improved No. A TwoHovw d IPImproved Mo. A Two or Three Horm T 61

Extra pointo fumtahed in any qaantity, which wfllfit tbe new or old numbera alike, beiad tbo wmoL


H ooddwSm LOlTSVaxx. KY.«

1 000UBMBHT:


'500 ***^ LAICWP PLAST*


Tor tola WoldASAlotol

T. W. BARTLEY, » JL.?H>7 ftoadwoy. »7 atormrm.

BARTLEY ft BURHETT,Attorneys at Law,

Offiep 29 Wait Third •«., CENCINNATL 0>

rmn. wiARD A (MULmtavUto. By.

Page 3: · 2015. 9. 14. · u. rllLYJOURNAL. VOLUMEXXXVI. LOUISVILLE,KENTUCKY.MOXDAY.DECEMBER'18,18B5. C.RBARNES' GOlopeNSI nanx^BAMDnuounskmtfbmbto; /mr AMraa c.p.BARmn. •tBifOkmtBtett)matM


VCoBtrmrr to omr expacutSons, prtntinj;-

g||r hac advaacad 2S per eeat la the laet

IM& aad «c are oMtcad to make a chxiigf in

u terse, whkii trom Uue date will beD»Ur aeryeDaflraer6iDiiu aw«iMr peril

tU «( M« V1


Bajn> Cam Nawa —Tbe fricode of tbe Jonr-

aal In aU parte of tbe State and r-Mintry are re*

apaetfbOr arged to feeor na, br letter, wUb anytoportaat ne«e that nay traneplre ia tbeir lo-

aaHka. A compUanoa with this reqaaM wUl*emetb]raapiritaf atneere tbaakialnaai on oorpart. Is acwding tbeir farore, oarra^x>ndents

win pleeae write legiblT and npon bat one aide

of the pane.

Tn Naw Cakas 6cb.ia<.t —The leaeibilit'-’

of openiac a canal from the river to the creek

between Firat and OUv atreeU, haa been intro-

dneed to pnblic notice thronch the city presr ae

well at by their able eoadjntora on 'Cuan^There it no danger of aa} ink too modi np^naovital a eabiect, providod trath and plavsibility

are kept in view. One of tbe meat important

artidet to oar dty la faal, and ia order to get it

at Haaonable prioea we maat have honorable

oospetltion. Many partite in LoaieviUe wouldCBkMK ia the ooa! boeiaeae if they coold obtainproper laodiDka at tbe wharf for the diverge«( tUIr earpnee Tbie advasUite can only behad by opening a canal aa aoggeated. No oneataB familiar with the geocraphy of oar rivwtreat aaid ha told that no benefit WL*ald acerMto the coal Importer even by the conversion ofthe whole ^OMx between the Portland canaland Firat atmet into wharfage. But by the neeof tbe aatarai baeia fornsd by the Beargrasscnek, there woaid he ample room lor the die-

charge of coal, iroa. salt, produce, u™,lum-

ber, etc., affording evory needed enconraga-sent to all chooeing to engage in the train

The advantagee of aneh a pobiie improvementbe snltiform. Firat of all, oor inade-

^pwe river front would be relieved of fiatrboau

'and bargea. giving a fine and commodioa* har>bar to fteamhoew . The ownera of ooal andother betgea would have, ia the cnek iclet, asonrirg eafe from loe and atonna, thoa avert-

ing one of the hcavieat loeeta to oor river eom-erca. The earth taken from the canal cooldbe need fat filiiag and raising the old wharf aboveThird and Fahon etreeta—a work Uiat fe mochneeded. Front the convenient location of the ba-•ia. ccal eonid t« deiiveted to the Gae Worksand Bolling Jfili. by meana of railwaya, at aaanch lew price than ia now paid for carting.

Theieh room on the creek for fbandriee an 1

saLnIacforlei of all kinds, which con’d be nip.

ptkd with coal and material at a trifling cost for

drayage. StlU another vastly important fact

Tbe creek it now little elee than arecc;>Ucle for

all the (Utk which paana throogb the eewenand drama emptying Into it, forming, duringlow water hi the ennimer, a ocw-pool for the

breeding ef atehnaw and death. By gi’rlag thia

creek aa outlet to tbe river, there would be aflow of fro* water through it at all timaa, re-

aaovtaigall poisosooa depcaits and promoting

the betUh of that part of tbe c'.t'’. Tbe dtygovamment would, at tbe aame time avoid the

cnoraaoui expanae of boiiding more aewere ia

the bed of the creek. In a word, the advan-

tages of aach a canal to iba commercial and

lomcafMtBriag interasu of LooiaviUe are incaU

calahls. We hope the good aenae of oor City

CoonrUmea will prompt them to immediate

and dedrive aetkm ia thia mattar, which ao

deeply coneami tha individaal and general

^ welfare of their cousthuenU.'

Awamae oca Cnr CHAarsa —We observe

that a bili to amend tbe charter of thia city kabout to bepteaaed npon oor Slate Legislature.

It k well aadetriood that the bill waa got

ap m the mtereat of a cikjne of men, woo,

peenniatffy and oUierwiee identified with the

Bailw^ Company,” and looking to the

coofingcncy of Mayor Tomppert being depoaad

nnder the chargee of impaachment now pro-

leiTtd aaaiaet him, are preparing the way for

reversing. If potoitile, the soiema adjudication

of the oonit hefuic which he is tried.

The aoMndment propoeed la to the effect that

a Mayor who has been impmched by the Com-mon Coondl md convicted by the Board of

Aldermen, rititng a? a coert, akall, contraryto tbe preeent whe provWona of ttm charter,

mediately cUgihle to the Mayoral^ again,

tbne aong^ to be made is ntierly

imml^^ll^he oanee of peace and law in oor

dty, whUe^^'vstHs a principle wholly at war

wkh oer republican syatem of Govemment.We have aa ordinary—we think a enifleient—

amount of laHwct for popular opinion as ex-

pressed by a popolar dectioai, bat we cannot

h^,(MMnt to the eonvankm of oar rapabUcaa

reptceeatatlve syatem of government into a

aaobocracy. If tbe dedofoa of the Board of

Aldciiacn, aiuing aa a court to try a cate

cowiimt wkhiB lu Jnriadietlaa, ia to ba sab-

mlUcd to the ballo-box for lejectioa or ap-

proval we wuaid prefer that no each farce of a

oenrt ohonld exist. Upon the aame principle

here involved, and for the same reaaons. the

dccatione of ah the civil eouita of Eentncky

eboald be enbmiued to the people for ratiflea-

tlcn or rrJecUan. la this way we can eatMth

tnte for cor present syatem a tboroagher de-

mocracy, like thu of Athena, ia which the

maases, as each, instead of their representativee,

abai: demrmmc ah legal and political qnestiaus.

by this proeeas. we might have the pride and

pleasore of a handred Mayoralty elecUons an-


KiiJ-iao or a Nbgbo Max nr a Wmitk Bor.

In edciihm to the many tbefts already repjrt-

•d, the eacredecea of yeEterdsy waa violated bv

that worst of crimes, murder. Aboot three

o'clock in tke afternoon a negro man, whosenas-'C we did not leata, was ehot aad killed bya youth naoned Charlie Kllnk, at the comer of

Hancock street and Broadway. Tha particn-

lan, BO fir as we have been able to Ictm them,

ere aa follows: A party ofyoung men, from six-

teen tosigbtecn years of age, c-ieriaiiagef Char-lie Kllnk, Gat. KUnk. Frank Leibeagood, and —Knapp, were loitering at the above comer,

L When the drneeeed and another negro man and^voman pamid by on their way to charrin One

the y oong men tripped otie of the negroe’,

HUap rnaenriii ii. hot walked along, whereup-on tbe paity of yoong men threw etonee at theMgrocs The daeeaied retamed to the comer,and, while rTpoetnUting wUh tbe crowd, yoangBliiik d.rew a pistol and shot tbe negro throogb

n fhe heart, killiiig him Inoiaatly. Tbe deed was^bMeaead by no one exeept w lltUe girt abootI7 old, and the pHties named. No ar-

net hw^XM made ap to a late boor last Bight.

I We hope Ort aathoritieB will i»«h> an1 ate investigatkm of the affair.

Tire Tatan OF TWO Matou.—There will be anadyoamed imirtiBg of tbe coart, oampoead ofthe memben ol the Board of Alderman, at tbeir

chamber, at > o'clock this morning, to oondade!

the investigation of tbs eharges preferred bytbe Common C-wncU agai«««« Philip Tomppert,


MaycrofUMCky, whoheebeenarraignad forapoeiitve retaaal on his part to discharge his doty

fae the exeentive offiom of the city. Wc iaierthat the invesUgatioa will not oe a protracted

•• Ike qncKion involved appears to bemaM'ly as to wbethcr tha Mayor icfned, afxrthing dkcctod ia tbe legal manner, to carrv ontthe wisheaof the Coandl in the laer of alga-

Ing the conreel evamted with Hendor-oon for the eonetracJon of a syelesn of ttraat

niiroads in this city. Kxtraneoua matters mayhe eonght to he introdnoad, hot wc presumethe board af AJdarmen will not ontEpiyr^y^

the horinem heioM tbem by permitting ootcideknes to be nbmiited for adjodioatioa.

Thf Amukii aw rxn:»s« Covp.vw axi>

Mbkiiiakt^' Di-rATcii Fast Krf.iuht Lix‘'. —Both these sterling institntioDS, we are pleased

to see, are ia foil tide of sncccse, aa they well,

deaarve. Tbe first agency of tbe AmericanExpress Company waa eatabllahed in ibk diyabout right years ago. Thia oommeccement woenpon a very small scale, bnt time and the alerp-

ieaa en'eri;>riee of tbe managers have nut only

reKned the agency from its prisliot obscurity,

bnt have advanced it to a poiat of elevatioa

second to none of the many great interests of

LcoSsvillr. Since tbe day of its location hero,

thk agency has rapidly augmente<l its bu-lnesa—shipping tons of frsigbt now where ounces on ywere transported then. The cfBcers of tbla

company are gentlemen of the truest stamp,{ aiukers of (be spirit of the age in which theyI,ye—prfyrtif;pe. There names are as follows:

I’reiideni—Henry Wells, N. Y ; Treasurer—Alexander Ilulland, do.; SetveUry and Manag-ing Dj^ctor—W. G. Fargo, Bnflfaio; MinaglogDirector Western Division—J C Fargo, Chica-go

This able cab'inet has no more efficient co-opeiatcra than the cfficers of the LouisvilleAgency, namely: .Avent, D K Folsom: Cashier,

J. H. Uiggiaboibam; Freight man, V. B. By-ron; Bill Clerk, C. O. UofiTmai); Receiving

Qcrk, II. H. Christmas.

These gentlemen deserve more than casnarotice. One and all, from tbe genial andworthy age^, Mr. Folsom, to the yiorter of thetffioe, are the yerypials of affability and attcc-

livencsB. It is a real pleaaare to transact busi-

nees with them. The quality of politeness, in

he r case, is n t atrained. They inherit it

from natn-e, and hence it is impossible tor themnot to be agreeable. The company’s office, onMainetieet, between Fourth and Fifth, is oneof the cosiest and beet regnbted in the city.

But the growing immensity of their businesswill ere loam compel them to seek more com-modions qnarterB.

The Merchants’ EHspatch Fast Freight Lineoccupies the houae jointly with the express c rm-yanv. Onr merchants deal with no cleverer

gentleman than those who control tbe Mer-

ebanu’ Dispatch. We give their names:Agent, L. E. Perldns; Caahier, G. B. Sherman;Tallyman, d. Hoglan.

In lisiS the American Express Company pnr-

ebastd tbe freght-Une known aa “Kasson'e Dia-

I atch,” infnsed into it new life, and have since

iLat period “inn’’ the concern ander tbe nameof the Merchants' Dispatch, which is the oldest

and meet reliable fast freight line in tbe UnitedStates. Aa every enterprise of this kind begets

ethers, nnateroos “fast freight lines” have been(Etablisked on a principle similar in its work-

ings to tbe klerchanta' Dispatch, and originally

rdupted by them, bnt many of them have fallen

to riee no mere, while a few are atUl in

ex'stence to accommodate tbe growing

’xis nes- of the West. None have maintained

so firm a hold upon the confidence of tbe basl-

Lcss commiiLity ae the Merchants' Dis|iatch.

From “small beginnings'' of a few tons per day,

they now ran their own chartered cars over all

ibe principal railroads from Kew York andBoston to tbe Weet and 8'jathwest, canyingtboasaade of tons of freight yearly. Oor ownmetchants cannot have forgotten the prompt-

tesi and dir|iatch with which this line formerly

transacted their business; and, alihongb daring

tbe war they have been under a clund, tbruugb

cansea beyond tbe control of their agent here,

the line haa “arisen from its tabes,” and wUlhcreatter transport freight and transact all bosi-

cew> with more than its former dLpatch, andt >^oal to the best of i's rivals.

The Foutics of the Cocacn. ajid thbMayou.—The silly attempt of the editor of the

Dtmocrat to introduce |K>Uties into the discus-

6100 between Mayor Tomppert and the Commum Council k too absord to our ciiixens whohave watched tbe tortnoiu track ol this tricky

otheial; eo prolific in vetoes upon the M irket-

street railroad contract, to require any refuta-

tion, but ae there may be some who are not so

well advised npon this Babject, we will sutethat there were memben of tbe Conneii whoveted tor and urged the passage of the reeoln-

tk« containing the chargee against the Mayor,

who not only voted for Tomppert at the may or-

atty election, but were active In his eopport,

both in and ont of their own wards. Will any

cancid man believe each members, again't

whom there k not a breath of ansplcion as to

the motivee that prompted their action, coold

have been governed by any political coneidera-

tkins? Tbe idea k so piepoeteroas that the in-

trocnction of it into the colamnB of tbe Damo-C'at demenstratea clearly to what exiremiUeB

lb a monopoly ebampkm k driven. Havmgbeen fairly met and routed uponail the kenes in thk controveny, trne andhe now endeavors to draw the party lines, rake

a hue and ay ri puliUcal pereecution, and

thereby aave the incorraptable Mayor from the

docm that may otherwiee await him. And, in

rigard to the Board of Aldermen, we are relia-

bly Informed that more than half of that body

cast tbeir voles for Mr. Tomppert for Mayor.Is the Demoaat afraid to trnst the decision of

ihe Mayor’s cese to a tribunal compcBcd of tiU

o«c political friend-.* The fact k that ttna far

not tbe find lota of politics has entered into this

local qaestloii; and either we or the ciiior of

tbe Democrat are mneb mistaken if be thinks

be can, by may process whatever, drive a pin’s

point of poUtks into it.

LeriBvnxB Tweatue—Mariktta Ravel —Ihls lovely and dktiagnished artist wi'.lcontlnne

her engagement at tb« LookviHe the prev ntwtek. No oee, having a jart ai.p.-ieciaii<»n ofexii I'enoe in art, rboold neg>ci tbe chause ofaiineasiDg Mile Rivel’s perionnanaes. gae is

>h(- (kscendaot of a family who, in their peca’iarb:ancb of the mimic art, have no oomp;^at>ra.lh« names of Antoine and Gabriel Revel areLe sj ion? ms of {.erfection in pant -mime and

at leiica. But the niece of these great artiste

da s not rest b« success upon tbeir hard-earnedauic. She relies solely upon Lev persona,tffuits to win that reward which sms jthes theroccidneta of a professional life such as hers

Her mule >ct pcrsplcuoua and beau'JfuUy ex-j

i-f - ive language of the eyas, features, Um'jt,

and bc>dy in pantomime, and her fearless and'aaitchieg aiUiudes npon the light-rope should

be teen by every body.

Masosic Temple—Artemds Wabd.—Tbe£r-t ol A. Wald's comic illnetrated specialties

wtU be given at the Masonic Temple to-nighh

Tbe pictorial yiart of the entertainment will em-brace eighteen panoramic views of the streets

of flail Lake C3iy and the beantifal Valley of

Utah. Tmae exhibitfons of art will be accom-panied by deecriptive lectnres in that vein of

o iginal hnmor which has mode tbe name of

Arutuna Ward familiar to every one on the

American continent. He will lecture to im-mense audknoes thk and to-morrow evening.

We are requested to Bay that reaeived setts

may be engaged at the Masonic Temple as well

as at the mncic store of D F. Faulds.

0* Lieutenant D. W. Haley aad hk cornet

band arrived in the city last evening. Tb«yhave jafit returned from Cincinnati and Goving-

ton. where, aa we see by tbe Cincinnati papers,

they have bad a gay time for the past tew days.

Mo wonder, forHaley and hk boye aever fall to

win the prake of lovers of eomd music. We nn-

dcistand that th* Due of steamers, the

Louisville sod Frankfort, and Covington andLeziEgton railroads, presented Lieutenant Ha-

ley and bis band with complimentary passes

over tbeir rootaa.

EtavHETB Aeecal Baix or the Boas ofEnis.—We nndersund that the United Sons of

£(ki will give their annual ball on Mew Yearnight. From tbe preparationa in progress, weexpect that the ball will be one of the grandestof tbe season, it will be seen by flnnday’a

Drmocrat that a portion of aoine of the first

kekeu were stolen in tbe robbery of Mr. Dal-ton'# afote; ootiacqaBnUy tbe Committee of Ar-langemenk bad to get new ttekiHii tbe strientickets are known by the misapeUing of theFresident'B name—Corll instead of CarrolL

ff9*An altercation ooenrred at Ghent, Carro'icounty. By., 00 Thnreday, between a couple ofdtirena named Geo. Gregg, Jr., and Aleck Foa-ter, whieb resalted in tbq latter bring abot, and.It k eqipoeed, mortally woonded.

! tW An old mar earned J i*in U g'aerbr.'ek

a re.'ldent of Jamestown, K-niucby, was ar-

irested cn Tlurnlay evening, on Ihechirgjo'

I infaetkide, and conveyed to Newport aadlodged in jail. The particulars of the atrair, so

far as develop: d, are as follow#: gherbrockbfs bern living for some time in an illegal

manner with a ] onng woman whose child thkis supposed to be. On Wednesday last the

tiodt of the intent—apparently abont a weekole—was discovered, nnlmried, and in a state of

andity, in tbe Catholic cemetery, near James-town, the body bearing evident marks of vio-

lence. Su.opicicn was immediately aronsed,

acd a sea.’ch maue, which lesulted in the dis-

covery of a sheet in gberb.-ock's house coveredaith blood, and bearing tbe impression of tbe

bands, bead, and feet of an infant. Tbe snddendisapt«aracce of tbe woman was also noticed.

I'b* #e, tegetber with other facte not mentioned,

kd to the arrest of Sberbroik.

gjT-kt the meelitg of the City Council of Cov-

irgioD, on Thursday night, it was resolvod that

tbe Committee on Wa.'S and Means bs in-

strccted to apply to tbe Legidatnre during its

pretenl session, for anthority to levy and col-

lect a si«cial tax of twenty-seven cents on each

one l.ondred dollars’ valuation of tbe taxable

pr< i<rty of the city of Cuvington, to raise a

fnnd for tbe purpose of paying the floating

debt of tbe city, and ertatiog a sinking fund to

]>rovide for tbe payment of maturing bonds of

tie ciiy.

or Tbe temiieraDce i»e>ple of Cincicnati

have 0].entd a C: ffee-r :om for wotkneen, wbeieat all hours of tbe day and till late at night, hot

erffee and crackers or a plate of hot soup maybe bad for the small sum of five cents. Cou-nccUd a itb the coffee-room k a readlng-r.txim,

SDIipiicd with tbe leading newspapers and peri-

odicals of thk country and Great Britain, andtbkfreetoalL Tbk k tbe most pra^Ucsl tern,

perance measure yet adopted.

^g‘X correspondent at Lagr»nge, Oa., fnr-

nistes tbe Lexington Obeerver tbe followinglist of Kentuckians who died in tbe Confeder-ate servioe and were buried in that i>bice: W.Frszk r, lith Kentucky cavalry, December 2o,

IddS; R. C. Bryant, Gtb Kentucky infAUtry,

Match 18, 1804; W. B Coleman, Hlh Rentnekviniantry, August lij, 18C4.

Mobe Thiavbs.

The cluihicg store of H.A. Weseels, on Main street, Lexington, wasbri ken open on Wednesday night last, androbbed of goods to tbe amount of $1100. AnineCectnal attempt was also made tbe sameLight to eater tbe hardware store of ThomasBridley. Keep your doors boiled, and pisUik

loaded. *

Tboe. g. Williams, of Covington, andlate of tbe kjib Kentnekv, who entered the ser-

vice 00 the tMth of September, 18C1, as a pri-

vate in tbe 33d Kentucky, ba# been promoted to

tbe rank of B.evet Brigadler-Ueneral, to date

from September I86.‘i.

(ir<3oss!p has it that when Jefferson Daviswas asked what be thought of Freeident Jobn-Bcn's message, he replied: “It k wisely andboldly specified npon every eubject but tbe oneconcerning me most vitally—my triaL”

At a meeting of the Common Council of

Covington on Thursday night, a resolution todonate two thousand bushels of coal to the Re-lief Union, to be distribnted among the poor of

the dty, was adopted.

last Saturday tbe boiler of the steam-er De Soto, a lumber boat pl>1ng between Fas-csgonla and New OrUans, exploded near Fas-

Cigoulo. Ten or eleven lives were lost.

fi9*Jobn Mitchell is repjitei in Faris as

looking extremely iU.

^’Tbe following transfers of real estate in

tbe city of Loukville and county of Jefferson

were made from the 12th ts the lath ofDecember: .-

John Lckhvto U*1I t BarHi, ITM feet br I'M,00 IteraH titi't, betKoea f'i tii and Sixth;aUo one other lot, on tbe nootbiroet corner ofTrrtb and Walnut, XI br KB ievt eit.000 00

M> *r« Addkrr to Cbarlee Uamberaer B6 feet br114’. on Sevemh •tivvt U.U00 00

A W. Hall to U. W. Sbrevc, U feet br BM, onSconud ettvet 10,t00 00

Ttioaiv J. Parker to Michael SoeeuSeld, 34b ft bv lull, on Market rtreet LdOu 00

G.T. Bnriuannto Gvorse WiiuSeld, 17 9-10acrteoflacd to Jeff-mn county, Ky S,3M 00

Geo. U Dueker to Frank Siiuou, 19 feet by ^M.on JvStuton atreet, between EiabUi andNinth gCOJ 00

John K«mB-er to Henry Wetxel, M feet byon Pifteeutb •lre«t..v X8M 00

B. H CemfMI to R R. Jonea, S3 feet by SOO,ce Portland avenue X,000 00

Franklin Dupont to Geom Twidtler, XI feetby 163, on Ghwtnut Hreet 1,90# W

G . TwirUer to Henry Summeti, 10 feet lOO,or Jrlbricai etreet 1,70# 00

Fred, gebaidt to John RHehel, Sii fait, byon Meroball street 1,490 00

J. U DennU to PaL Winn, M Catl by Uu, onSeTenteentb etreet 717 ag

J. H. Ueonie to Pat. Mouohan, II feiH by IfiO,

on Seveuteentb etreet tW Oo

KENTUCKY LEGISLATURE.Faamkfoxt, Dec. 16, 1981.


SenMe met &t 10 o'clock, &ad W4e Of>eaed wUbuffuei.

scroKT8 or ootfunTEw.Mr Gorio—jDdiclAiT—A bill for tbe benefit of Kieh-

eta ifATuett, ot B«rd6(i couotjr. FaMCd*OOKTCSTCn BEAT.

Tbe CBie of Cartj It- rt. Benton, vu reported on by tbeboMid to whom it w«i leierrcd. fluid tbe mfiontr report

that ibe boerd bad co jarifidlcticn. 'Xyic miAOtityretKATi wu ID d'rect oppoeitioo to tbe above.Mr. Dud er» who piwent(*d the m«joniv report, adn>-

Ckted iU adupt-ott. a« did Gov. llWoie while Mr. Mjt*r« w wa# equally stmiou# for tbv adoptio i of tbe minoritrn|ort, wh'ecb wan alao Uvosed bf Mr. Hiker, tUe ficua«tor ftoB Caiupbcll.TbeiD«jo:U/ Tcportwaf adopted and referred to tbe

C<Dimi<tre oii Prfvliegti f atid Kivctiooa.Mr. Uarriaoti—Ffom tbe Jadiciary—A bill td amend

Uie cbMjtar of tbe city of LiOMUviiir. Ordered ty bepunted and tcadi- the »pecial order for Muud«y next.Mr. Ofaitcv—’Kromtbr Oooititluo'* oo Propotitlooi and

Giievancep—A H'^'iiee bid to ad^ a poriioj of Moreauc tmly totbeeountyof We'f.

Mr. (RardiMv—Kk^licionxA bill for the benefit of theC Ibt-Uc Cburchb*t;Lexiii;.'ton. Diacbargcd.Mr. Bruiirr^KeviM*d fitiaut* —A bill to amend eec-

t.OD i*. chapter 47. of tbe Viaed SUtutea, tiUe ^ilua-BDdW ife.” Dip^arged.Mr. Wm. Jobofroo— Couiti—


Houae bill for the bene-fit ot the iM'iFonal r<.prtecutativv« ot J. K. ]lu<hefl. toe1' t^ eWk of the Union County and Circuit CouriB.PMr. Baker^Coonty Gonrta—A Houfe bill to aiiend

Uie art to chaegt: tbe time o! boldine tbs t^uartcriyU4 .at in Gariard county. Wittidr«nu.Mr d J Laiidram- From the aame—A Ho'ofle bill to

t^labliab an additional Jaetic«*fl diatrlet lu Mereauol;: tv. Paaakd.Ml. Gwin- Judfelity- A Ilooae bill to inewporate

Ue Kciiturky Mutual Life iucoranoe Company.A;.;r-Tickd and piiwAd.- epiue— A 11< uff<* bill to amend an act to loorporate

Cr<^frboro Pt tmb iim Company.,Mr. Coeb'an—bai&e—A til! to rep <!a! an act to amendJ^ry lawfl of Uiii Commoowea th CTniaUtbeiaw

viiicb cfuipvlcjnrymen to uke a t««t oath ki^jre theyoau tvivc iu tLt cfl4Miclty ]


f***®*® • vuiu4 place la Lew L* eoanty.Ai'iCi and parked.

Mr Pfiit frorn the nliio-Ify vt c^mmitte*. malea ri port in n|'|*o«icion to tlie imi'ority rvptjtt,

Uih: J*f. \ViJK>n, tte Trrr.*?j;T, !• rntitled to Uu*reiU ai d repwb-d » rffloJutlrm fo •’ffeet.

Mr. Wilroci addre«td tike lloii*e nt aora«‘ leneth la fa-f>r of the adcpUoii of the inluoiity irpcrt, urid in-Gtlrik'tti.tbpo far at he fe concwmFd aied beliovce llie Hecti*inwi# fail ly coixluctod, and Uiat be ia le^*al!y eutiti.^d toIfialn liD Foat.

Mr. IWi moved to portpono tlie further rr^iaideratioaof the n>attervand thattlietvo rvpirt* b- rented and '

made tbe rpecial ord»r for Turodi) at 11 o'clock.


Mr. Roark—Piivili-gee and Blecttoni To chan«r thejliur ol iu Duincl No. S, in Gravea connty.



SniKIVlY XlftHT’S msPtTCHK'i.

^p(ri£l Uti-patcii frdtii Iti(*iaua polls.

Jnariz ro&(!t.u*s to t>3 Pfraidsn).

Mr. Conklin—Claiinfl- For the benefit of llobert J I rwt. a l j h* — wa . a

Bwirnr, cf Mflcou County. P.«»td. ‘| T&6 AbiCOSdCr taAStDRD RftBTOfdfl

Mr McHenry—Judiciary-tf’nAte bill to repeal anact I' prthiliitond present rebeliion by ritizdofof Kentufky. and ©iherfi iu thi« SUie, approved 1XL 1st, 1- ;i,pFfre*>d. Yea* &&, naye 31.

ft’uate till to amend oectlun 9, chapter 47, life* llu-baiid and Wile, of tbe Mevirod Sututeg. approvedAupurt dirt, ITbU law to be repeated retjuire^tliat DO |H*raan tdifUl •oleiuiiize marrioze until. In addi-t on to the prrreiit rc<|ulremenU of law. he rhall file inthe feiiiity Lcurl Clerk’t ottice an oeth to tiipoott theCoD*tilution of tlie l'nit<‘d dtouM and cf Kant-.ickr, andlie faithtt'l and true to tbe Cumniou'A'ealtb ot Koutnekvand t!ie lAM and fcovernmcut thereof, and that be btunot arfiitod* aided, or aU-ited, d recily or iodirect'y, tlieFO called Coufudriate any per»;u falUnic to com-ply wilhtSe provtaimfl of tik- law may be fined not hatthan fifty nor more than five h'joored doliara.]Mr. Dell fiffei c*d tbe toliowiiac as an cuzroeced ryder.


Prvri'Ud Ik'fore any minjFiers of any denomination»hallKM-cumzemaiiiah‘4 i beshaU take, in thf C-iiruyCourt ot hi» residence, the oath of alle^ilauco to ttie S;aU*of Kentucky.

.Mr. Allen moved to recommit the bilU with inrtnic-tions to rt port a blil ri'quiiinc miuMers and oUiero, be-l*»ie O' If uitiiziiig mat rinye. ti> tiikt an oath tuctipporc »Jit*

C i^jfut'OLi (ft the I'liiu d :5tA*ei and K>n:tucky, and Lolaith iland true to the Commonwealm of Krut’jcky,aim tlk* laws and govcrnmi nl th 'reef, an 1 re|*-a!iuy allotlier l arli of the otith prcfcnbed iu Uu id of Ke-jrc*«d—yens 4i, nay# 4»>.

M' B iph prep leed the followinf a iiib^Utn'e forMr. Rell'e auiecdmeut, which was uccepud by Mr. DjILviz


Protiilfd, botPftvT, That na minister or other pcr§OQehail be authoriz* d to eo!emuiz«‘ tbo rlghti d m tA laMnuiil a'Ur ho tliall litre taki'ii the oath ri‘<|uir« d ufother citil ofiicem in tbe CouetituUcu of ibis Slate.Adopted. Yii.1, 71; iiav*. IS.

Mr. Mclb'ury moVtd to rc-oommit tbe b’H to theCommicuw ou tze Judiciary, bijcctcd. Veto. 27;nior»v 59.

Ibe bill was then pak^ed Y*eaa, nays, 3D.

MONTH!.Y KEPORT I T.dM AriUTOB.TloSpealcer laid bef re th>‘ Hooec the reports of the

Auditor, which were ordered to be printed and referredto tbe ComiLittee on Ways and Mi ana.

yRruLE-Mixi'En ihbtiti'te.

Mr. Harlan moved that 1 MU copiea of ttc report of tbeFdebic-Miudtd luotitute be printed.

LTAvz or AnaENCBWoe irranted to Mr. \'anmeter, indefinitely.And tbrQ Uk' ilouoe adjourn^.

SZSD,On Sunda}* morviug, 17th imt, Wh.uiam Bartlxv,

infant son « I George and Hannah M. Furman.Thk* fuii«*nU will uke place thiK afternoon at fX'

4 *clock Irum tbe renldcnce of W. J. Audeiaou, cu Sixihitreet. •

CaowDRn OtT.—The extraordinary demandof oor advertising liiends npon tke colnouts oftke JoBiaal compek as fo omit mneb city intel-

Or^Ix Fenian cireka la FkiUfiriphU pro- Ugenca from day today. We bofe soon to havenaocefi agalBit O’Makoay. aton ribow-room.

f .‘"H Y*'“««nier«u thsGrentt* Oil Conipinr.

** Uk ttendi- Rock OiJ Com-

pe^Tr“*~^•<> ‘newvorate Um A-pIultlac OU Com-

b»::porate tlie Blute and State OU

Its?’”?*' ”•« «:oo«h»h» Oil Com-<wpo.-stiuiu,aU ot wtuca

““ Oil Company.IWtolulicn appropriaiiug moae/,due sod farairnUu- purpu^lmUk ofMr. Holben, Uie eouterteut of Mr. Gog^o'invt finsiMr.

Mr. Greluacr--Coiuiuitt«e on Benk. -Reported a bUlto rn end tlw chsrter ot liie 1 Bulk

»:r. LeDdiun- UrauiuUoD-lnMructiu, Uie Commtt-tr, i ij Fripoutiooe sud Giicvuictvtoiuuuire iutu wliet;ei uUt'uu ere In force under which Uk dulr newso.-pv . eie turuiFh. d ilie S- uete.

‘ “ewepe

Mi. btoue -Roeulutioa— Thet nienih-.. -i— -ii...

i niii I d to per dins hot rfaell to miteeje duriui: the pro-pn.i-e lOCM*. Laid over.I.-ave U sheenev war granted M(Hin. Ludrun and

ColTo'.3 b- Senate then adjoarned.

1U>» SE.

1 be Iloner wrr r,iro*d with prayeru urutl.1 Ik Jvadinr ot ttei jouruel of > eeterdey wu dirpeneed


Wi-re p-cemted by Mrem. Tboinaa and B.irchett, andrrfemd.

KxriLT raoE xciuToa.I lie Spanker UU before the Houm the rteionee of the

Auditor to e rieolatitici of tbe Houae in rejUlon to theuuiulKroIttiMrkiUrd by dop. In lnij, fn Kentuckyw|p rh wee reterred to the GoimniUce oa Aaricultaianud Muniilecturte.

axsuLrrioxaMr. Theme offered the fodowing jatnt leeoiaUoo,

wh rb lie* one day on tbe taUe:VVtKieaa, Tbe ConMUuUon of this Bt.te provide* that

no reerieo of tbe General aaieiubly rhtU conttnue be-yei a sixty day. except by tb. vote of two third, of allIbe meniber* elected lo each Hoiue: and wbereea. in tbeJudgment ct thi. iKC.ttUure tbe public mod reoiiiraechat Ihe prereut .eatioo uf the Leaislature ought to beextended beyood Ihe oooetituttooat peritxl: the^ it

RemJvei by the Gfneml Amemblyo/ the Cbmnton-iraltk uf Ktititrley. That Ilia piwriU seerioo of tbieGei’oral Aiaeubly .ball be and the same is hereby cx-troded beyond eiity dayi.Mr Buckner offered tbe foUowioc Joint rceolution,

which liar one day on tbe table, vix;Rrtvlvtd d-e.. That tbe people of Kentucky arc unti-

terably oppoMd to the pamaae of all law. parmitliasrearotr to teelify aa wilneaaee, and tore! ae Juron In thecourt, of jurtice iu thi. CommoowealltLMr. Hailaii oSend Ibe fuflowin# Joint reeolution,

which tier one day oa tbe table, visWherraa Tbexe no looaer exiate any cebellioo or

other public danser, therefore

tie If reiuileed, d'C. That it U due to Kentucky thatthe writ of babea. eorpue be reatored within tbie Slate,and the Governor be mjuettud to conmiuuicate withtbe Freeident, and iiielet upon Ue pcompt certora-tiao.

Mr. liarten offered the foUowine rSMluthm, whichw*t adopted, via:Rrmlued, That the Cemmittee on Military Affain

inquire and repurt wliat, U auv, leRU ali'n ia neededto earbla citizet,. lo ebt^ oompenaation for boraea andother pnpeity taken by Stale tcoopa, and also for prop-etty uMd hy aoldiera, and lost while in the Slits aer-tice.


Mr. Ilarlan- Frivileaaa and Bbictioa. from a maiorityof aaid eonuciUee- Ma^ a report iu tbe oaM; of Wm. A.B:auu, ccultatiiig Ibe right of Jae. Wikon to a neat inthi* Houw from the eouoty ct Fend'i-toa, togetherwith a lawiltilioo di-clariog tbe seat of Wilson vacanLai ddirreting the Speaker lo iaeuc a writ of election totill mid vacakcy.


fig" Who cares for French or English extract

for handkcrriliet when Fhalon’s “Nigh*.-

Bluoining Cerens.'' a perfume that transcends

them all. k sold at a price that would scarcely

pay the duty on these foreign failuret? Sjld

tveri where^^

fi^We callftieclal attention to va’ua’ilc r. a’

estate on Market and Walnut street for sals bvDiing&n giuilh See advertisemeut in columnof Fot gale and Rent in tc-day's paper.

0-No more nseiui present can be made thana line set of fare, or a handsomer. Green &Gr<cn will sell tbeir very large stock of care-iuUy selected fuis at such prices as will n >t tell

to give satisfaction to those who are judges ofquality. They are rcgtilar fur dealers, and will

guarantee all goods.

BUSINESS M0TIC£8.BROsniiTis —^The usual symptoms of this

distase are cough, soreoess' of the lungs orthroat, boarsenese, dltlioulty of breathing, hec-tic lever, a si itiing of phlegm or matter, andsometimes blood. It is an inllimation of thegee skin lining the inside the whole of tbewind tubes or air ves^la which run throughevery part of the luuga. Jayne’s Expectorantimmediately suppresses the cough, pain, infia-loaiion, fever, and difficulty of breathing; pro-duces a free and easy expectoration, and effectsa speedy cure. Sold by all druggists.cI6 ga,M/W PRt.sawrs —Persons desirous ofmaking Cbrktmas presents will find an abun-dance of tc'ilet goods and perfumery at our oldstand, opposite the National Hotel. No. 76Founh Fireet. K.VYMOND * CO.dlo dlmeod'is

Cave Citt Ho»l.—


hU valuable hotelp-operty, on the Nashville railroad, U offeredlor tent. An excfdlent opportunity is presentedin it lor a man soiled to the holri business tomake money.

0-Go to Biyant, Stratton, & DeQxn’a L’)u-isvLiie or Cincinnati Commercial and Tule-giapb College to learn to be Book keepers orTelegraph Operators. These are the be.H in thecountry. d3 s&Jlf

Crbistmas Fuass:MTs.—Ladies’ work-box s,

companion#, and pori-moiuiesdlT 81&<!6 ^g. LANG’S.

^TA splendid lot of dolls and toy tea-aets atGxy 's China Palace, Fourth and Green streets.


0 Silver plated-ware, a fine varietv suitablefor holiday presents at Gay's China Palace,Fourth and Green streets. ' dl7 d2

CiTRisTMAs FKESiuin.—Pearl and coral j’lw-elti and fancy and ivory combsdl7 81& d6 at B. LANG'fl.

Flowfr Vases-


he largest variety in thecity, at Gay’s China Palace, Fourth and Gr#ensUttte. dl7 d2

0* Christmas presents for the million atAl Aron's. 112 Market, south side, betweenTUrd and Fourth. dl7 Sld:d3

CiHUSTMAR Pkksf.nts.—


col lacc collars andset*, embroidered sets, iace and embroideredhandkerchiefscl7 tlvkdC at 8. LANG 'a.

JesT REctivLO—At the Btztar of Fashion,fcr steamer Australia, fifty dozeas of Foster'sCeleirated Carriage and Walking GauntletGloves. dlO diul

Git nuRLRv'a Aoce Toxic.—


here is no bet-ter remedv for ChUU and Fever in the countrythan ilurU^e Ague Tonic. Auv one who hastoken the 'ronic spe.ok in the hlgbLSt terms ofit; in fact, none should tail t'l buy it when theyhate the chills. nl6 ildtwtf


GLA7.ixa.-The undersigned will attend to all

orders for window-glazing and re-glazing onthe shortest notice, in the be#t manner, aud at

tl:e iaireat terms. J. V. BERNAL,No 133 Green street, next door to Alasonic

Tttnple. n7 dJL

0- Ifyon are olseaseu read Dr. Jones’s advcriieern'ent on our first page. u23 dtf

0*Mr. Louis Tripp has got his new ma#lcstore and piano ware-rooms. Nos. 92 and 94Jclterion street, fitted np, and is now ready toFee and wait upon bis friends and customers.Give Hm a caU. n23 dtf

0- If yon want great bargains in (Jlgara,

Tobacco, and Pipes, cttl at Nicholas Lemos’119 (late 334) Main street, between Tiiird

and Fourth, north side, opposite the Nationalil ’lcL lie keeps the largest stock in the city,

anu eells as cheap xi any house in the iCast.

8tp‘27 d3m

0-Remember the old establkhment, wherea Well-selected stock of genuine popuiar mtdi-riueeie alwais CD hand, suited to oliaott everydicease “that llcsh is heir to.”


No. 76 Fuiirib street, near Main.eSO eodclBi Aw


0- We call the attention uf our readers to

Mr. Jas L. Brown’s sale of valuable real esta eacd household fornituic. See bdverUseinxul in

Auction column.

0- Afv entire stock of tioaks and fancy goodsat leduced prices uuiiug Chtistma.-’ week.cl7 Bl&d3


CiinisTMAS Pkeskets.—


mbroidered merinofui^' tor childrenC17 SlAdC * at 8. LANS'S.

Paki AX M.iniiLK.—A large selec'don of Statuessnd Bou-ts, of different styles, at Gay’s ChinaPalace, Fourth and Green streets. dl7 d2

Christmas Pkesi xtb—Gkkat Ixdccembxts.I'ntil alter the holidays children’s cloaks andwoclen goods at cost at 8. LANG’S,

113 Jtilcr&on street, betweenfl7 81<fcd6 Third and Fourth.

FtATEs, Seatks Skates—


large ai#ort-mtni aid for sale low at J. SUES’.cl3 dSt

A.VKRICAX Wat< iiEs, lodles’ aud gentlemen’ssizes, beautifully engraved and enameled goldcases, for presents, at C. P. BARNES’S, cornerof Main and Sixth streets. dl3 dtjanl

FAxnr Gooos.—The largest assortment in the>Vc#t is at Gay’s China Palace, Fourth andGreen streets, consisting in part of ParianMarble and Bisque Statuary, Rosewood Boxes,Cigar-holders, Writing desks, and Jewel hold-ers, China, Parian, and Bohemian Glass Vases,Motto Cups, Mui^ Cologne Sets, Card Re-reivers, and a full stock of cheap toys; in short,il >on want a present for voung or old. Gay'sChina Palace U the place to buy it. dl5 dtt

Paroxt’s Ixt>:rxaitoxal RESTAUBAn.—Reg-ular dinner everj day from Vi}4 to 3 o’clock.Keeps constantly on hand Sea Salmon, Pike,Eel^ Lobsters, Clams, Soft-shell Crabs, Terra-pins, Cauliflowers, and all vegeUbles in season.Also Sea Salmon, Eells, CauUllowers, &:l. re-tailed lor family use. d9 dtf


.OppositeSflational_^teL.b>BlsviUe.7'be largest and most Uberallv conducted es-

tablishment of the kind in the United States.We constantly keep on hand all the standard

and miseellaneous books published, which wesell at tbe lowest pubUsbers’ prices, and a giftwith each book, at tbe time cl sale, worth fromfifty cents to one handred dollars. Cataloguesmailed fo any addraas upon tbe receipt of fiveoenlB, or fornished gratis at tbe store.Prompt attention paid to orders.

M. MURPHY, Agent.s20d3m Post-Office Box 76.

iHore .Ibout FrctaD Troubl«:.

Fuiibfr Iut(ll!)(riire frem J iaaicn*

2,000 to 1,000 Nfaroes Executed.

Ioaii?aratioD of CioTerarr Jeckbs.

[Special Dirpateb to the LouixviUe Journal.


Isi.iASArous, D.;c. 16 .

In the Senate, a bill regulating the i>assenger

fare on railroads passed to a third reading. Thebill locating an agricultural college at Bloom-ington passed. Tne Negro Testimony bill pass-

ed, exclading negroes coming into the Suite

si^ce the adoption of tbe constitution.

In tbe Hense, tbe Select Committee on the

Soldiers’ and Seamen's Home recommended an

appropriation of $23,000 for tbe purchase of

tb« laud upon which Jefferson Ilospital is situ-

ated. The Select Committee recommended the

purchase of the State Bank building for tbe

State t fflees aud tbe preservation of the archives,

at a cost of #.'>6,000. The Governor’s veto of tbe

bUl increasing tbe power of the Board of tha

Sicking Fund, was unanimously sustained.

The bill proTldlng for tbe settling of the sfl'airs

ot the free blacks by adminUtralors in case of

tae death of the principal officer, passed. Thebill regulating fuieign in#urance companies do-

Irg business in the State failed, for want of acoubtitaliomal majority. The bill repealing theact impeding a tax for the rellri of soldier's tem-ilke, with an amendment, reserving seven per

cent to meet api>ropriationa already luxde by

Ibe Executive, passed. The bill providing fur

tte piotectiun uf laborers on railroads passed.

Tbe tiill for the protection of the fruit-tree b'Td,

that kills caterpillars, etc., tolled lo pas^ tor

want of a constitutional majority. The joiut

resolution, placing soldiers, seamen, and offi-

cers on an equal footieg os regards pay, {ten-

sions, and bounty, pa#eed.

There will be a great gathering of Fenian? in

Inoiarapolla on Thursday next. The Center ofthis Slate, who has called the Convention, is

burerctood to be a strong O'Mahouey man.Weather better. Uogi dulL

To the Asaorinli-d Prt-*i-

W AsiiLNorox, Dec. 16.

Mayer Wallack api>roved the act pa-sedin the City Councils on Thursday night author-i7.ii g a s{>ecial election to )>e held on Thursdaynext to ascertain the opinion of the {>eople otWtshinglon upon the Rubjtcl of negro suffrageiu the D'Slrici ol Columbia.

I'he Su|>reme Court of the United States ha?ordtrtd that Robert A. Marr have leave to file sprinted argument, asking, as does Mr. Garland,that be may be tdmltted to practice withouttaking tbe oath presc.ibod by Congress.Senor Romero, the Mexican .NUnister, re-

crived cflicial news from Matamoras to the 10thlust.

Gen. Escobedo took the citv of Montorev andheld It for some time. Tbe French were' sentalter him in force, and be was finally compel ed to abandon the town. Two French dl-visions attacked him, and it is report^ he de-feated tbem with heavy loss.

Ex-Governor Corwin has been in a dvlng con-dition all day aud is not expected to live ihro’-ont the night. Among those who have calledare Ex Governor Graham, Poelmaster GtaieralDennison, Chief Justice Chase, and the Sena-tors and Reptesentativea (-f Uhio. Hu has beenuncoDCions ever since Ids attack last night withparahsis.The echconer Eclipse from New York, laden

with hay and army stores, was destroyed bvfire at the Seventh St. Wharf; loe.# over #10,000.Ttere was a crowd at the Executive Mansion

to-day, including many Senatotu, Kupre,enta-Uves, Generals Batler, llampbrev, and Barton.Mr. Colfax returned to the Capital this morn-

ing from Balittnute..

A rumor was current upon the street thismorning that Gen. Logan had left Waihingtonfur his destination as Minister to Mexico.The Post Bays the Fenian Senate has not ad-

journed, as has been erroneously reported. Theorder recently i.s.«ued by Col. O’Mahouey callingthe delegates ot the Fenians to assemole inCongress on tbe 2d of January, will be coun-termanded by Mr. Roberta, the new Presidentol the organization.

New York, Dec. 16 .

Some three mouths since Thus. J. 8elle>,while engaged in his dntles in the baUery-roomof the -American Telegra{>h Company ia thiscity, fell and injured himself so badly that, af'erliLgering till this morning, death ensued. Hewas forty-six years of age, and one of tbe olde-tU-legrspbers in this county, having been in thatservice over seventeen years. He was alwayshighly respected by all with whom be wasbtongbt in contact.Francisco^ Cabagzon, found guilty of conn-

terfeitlEg United State? currency, was thislEotning sentenced by Justice Shipman to fit-

teen years’ impriconment at bard labor and#5,000 fine. John Thomas, accured of paisingaenuuterfeit Trea#ury note of two doll’trs, wasccnvlcted and sentenced to six years’ impri?-OLmint.A new regiment for the State m'ditia U to be

fo rntd from tbe New York Fifth Artillery, avaluable organization which was In seivice iut e war under Col. Edward Murray. Tuis offi .er

la- received the requisite permldsi'on from Gov.Feet n and the regiment will become one ofthe National Guard organiztlioui o f tne Stateas Focn as organized.

The Salem, N. C.. Pres? says: A CiptriuWilton, of Vadkin county, late commiadc* oftbe First Battalion North Carolina Sbarpshout-ers cf tbe Confederate Army, was brought tothat place on Tuesday lact by an order of theUnlit d States military authorities and deliveredto tbe civil anthorit'ies of that county, underit'dictmi nt for sbootiug or cauring to be shotsevtr-l citizens in that county in the month of,M. r«.h. He was committed to the county jailfor ball at our next 8u{>erior Court.Ihe gunboat Moncngahela, which sailed on

Thnreday for Cajie H-xytlen, returned to-davwiih the less ot tbe foremast bead, bnt herofficers refuse to give the press anj iufurmationrtJuiive to tbe disaster.

The steamers City of New York and Quren oftbe Br; men, s..Ued for Europe to-day, takingover #l,f)0d,000 in ei>ecle.

Thiie steamers railed for Savannah, andscveial o'ihcrs tor va.iaus Southern ports,

AIiLLF.ncEvii.Li!, Ga , Dye I'l

G< v. Jenkins, in his address toibeLegis'a-tnie, sa.'s there 1? no conllict beiAe-sn theccii'isluuUcn of the United States and the c-oa-siUuiicn of the State of Georgia. The laws ofthe I'nited States are enpreme. The Governor{>ays a bandeome tribute fo the good conductof the negroes during the war. He save theymuei be thoroughly {)rotected in personal prop-erty, and have a right to tii’.er the courts. Theyshould be encouraged to work, and then theywould be the best working cla's, and their lateowLcrs the best employer#, in the world. TheGovernor then reviews tbe condition of the.''tate lEbtitntions, and says for a time even thelightest taxes will prove burdensome, but hethinks in the end the people w’Jl not suffer. HeccEc'udes hL address with an eaniert pruverthat God will help ns all. At the close of Iheaddress. Provisional Governor Johiuon handedthe great seal of the State of Georgia to Gov.JcLkins, who took the oath of olB .-e, and wasthen declared, by the President of the Senate,Gtvernor of the State of Georgia.Tce bcntimeDts of the address are most cor-

dk.)ly indorsed by the membirsof the StaleLegUlature, which adjonrns to-morrow.

Nasiiviiae, Dec. 16The Legislature cf Tennessee refust-d to al-

low legro testimony to be token in the courtsof ihl# State.

Get era! Fisk, Supeiinlendect Freedmen’s Bu-reau of this D'.'trict, under sfieciU orders fromthe War Dep>artment, has issued an order whichdemaEds that all cares in which negro testimo-ny is involved and which have heretofore beendisi'osed of by mnnicipal auth’ rity shoU bebrc>nght before his court lor odjadicaiion.

It commenced snowing at 4 P. 31. to-day,on* -half inch haa fallen. It is still snowing.Tbe river is thirty-three inches on the Shoals

and falling slowly.

Nxiv York, Dec. 16.

The speculation in railway shares was quiteanimated this morning and a large business wastransacted at both boards. There waa a gen-eral advance in nrices, but the greatest rise andmost excitement was in Pittsburg and Toledodaring tbe day. The market was strong at thelast board, with an npward movement inToledo and Fort Wayne. There was an activedemand for stocks generally. .After the boardprices were a trifle firmer on the street.

Tbe following were the closing prices at 4 30P. M.: Ohio and Mississippi certiSeates 29A^,

N. Y. CcBlral 96H, Erie V.\%, Hudson 109)^,Reading 1I6X, Michigan Soutnern 75V. Cleve-bind and Pilteburg 92%, Cleveland and Toledo

Money continues easy at 7 per cent. Someloons were made at 6 per cent. Gold haa beenfirm during the day and cloeed at 146%. Statebonds (loiet and steady. Missisaippi sizesclo: ed at 76<376%.The leading p^ts of the decree of President

Jnarez announcing his intention of continuiagto exercise the innetions of Exeentive of theMexican Republic, issued at El Paaso on tbe8th of November, and briefly noticed here be-fore. are pnblisbed this morning. Juarez statesthat, though his term has expired, as there hasieen no opportnnity in consequence of the di?-ordertd condition of the country to elect bis auc-cesfor, and as Congress has invested him withextraordinary powers, he regards it a? his dutyto continue to act as President nniU such timea< aLOther election can be held.

New Yo-.k, Djc. 10.Diipalche? from W-Hhington say there i? a

mraor that M Montboion ha? intimated that incase a Minister i? accredltetl by our Governmentto Ibe Mexican RepuWic, the French Legationwit) he withdrawn from Washington.

It is alFO u’uorted that ytsterdiy's C.vblcetmeeting was longer than usual, and attendedby G«n Grant.Tbe Hi Vtian war steamer Oxletia sailed yes

terOav In m New York f^r Port au Prince, hav-irgen board Gen Rmnain, the U«vtian Min-ister,who, bv instrucUoue from bis (i rvernment.It it teeo 11. U. her, E q , iu charge of the Hxy-tian I-T-gatl-m during hie a'lience.A dUpatch from Washington save: There are

indications that Congress will be called upon tolegielsle extensively in regard to railroadi thi?wintti. The line between Washington audNtw York will receive early attention; andal#<) a I’lan for eiteudlng the New York ControlRailroad from Biltimore to Washington.Smith J. Ra.'tman, who a'oscouded to F-trope

Fetcro] m''titba ago, and w-os a defaulter in alarge amonnt, has returned to New York. ItIs slated that he has jtaid hi? p-jrii rn of me in-debtednefs, and negotiations arc now underwav for settling the balaece.

El.'en O'.Mahonev, head dire?tres8 ol the Fe-nian i-L-tcrhood, publishes a c ird, saving thatIreland will soon be a ballle-fie!d, and askinglor piomjjt contributions to the lund, andn'-gesth>- ]>urckrs8 of Fenian bonds.

It is announced that the Fenians In Chicagohive clfered to fit cut a fleet of privateers fort'le Northern lakes whenever ihev are desired.Senator Scanlon baa published a card de-

Eouucing U'Mahoncy and bis Cabinet.

WASHixi.rox, Dec. 16.

Tte Prreident to-day received the foUowiagdfrpaicl:

MlLLKnOEVlLLE D.=C. l.'>.

To flis Kretiltnrg Andrew Johnson, Trisident of/At I'ltilfd aiiitee;

The Legiolaiure lakes a recess till the 15th of.Tanuary, without having elected Senators.Governor Jenkins was inaugurated vesterday.You will be pleased with bis aUdrew. I feelcontldent that there will be entire harmony be-tween him aud yoorself. J. J( JHNdON,

Provisional Governor.The United Slates frigate SteLawrence, which

for a long time has been naval ordnance ship atNorfolk, has been put ont of use and her storesirantfetred lo the frigate Constitution. Theformer commander of the St. Lawrence, CaptainLynch, is ordered to report tor duly at PiiUo-deli Wa.

SrM>.\Y MGKT’8 UISP.milES,

Te Che Afleecliue^ Preiw#

New Oklkas.s, December 12.

There have been sales here of 5,600 bales ofcotton, with middling quoted at 47c 8ag.irard molasses are dull. Checks on New Yorkare % t>ieminm. Sterling, 58. Freights—Cotli-n to New York,Gtn. Winfleld Scott arrived here this morning

from Ntw Y rk on the steamer McC.ellan. .A

solute Was tired.

1 be steamer Da Soto, hence for Pa?cagoult,expk ded her boiler, killing tour, scalding four,and wounding the pilot and the second engi-neer.


In the Legislature a bill has been Introduced{ ruviding #20.000 for disabled Federal and Cjn-ftdi rate soldiers, citizens of the State.

Alfo, a bill >0 establish a State emigrationbnii-nn.

The cotton crop in the pari?h of NiUchitxhe?*m unis to 100,000 bales all told. In Terra-bonne parkh cotton and sugar wiU yield verysm; II.

Au old and re#pectable citizen of New Orleinsjust rctnined from Matamoras a few day? ago,who was intimate there with French offi »rs,says they fully anticipate war between Franceand tbe United States, to commence on tbe RioGrande, and they already have their plan ofcampaign mapped out which is, anticipating aFUdcitu crossing of tbe United States force? overtte Rio Oiande on [lontoons, to abandon .Mata-moras and tbe Kiu Grande, and fall back onMonterey, which would be held as a strategickey. Their officers claimed to be thoroughlyinlrrmed as to all the means the United Statrehive at their disposal here and in Tex;is for anadvance into Mexico.A rpecial from Mitledgeville to tbe Micon

Telegraph states that the Legislature ralillultbe C‘. netilutional AmendmenL

New York, Djc. 17.

The Herald's Washington dispatch saw: Itis rum: red that tbe French Mmister, now inNew York, is much disiileased with tbs con-gtetslonal action on tbe Mexiem, andhas decided cot to return to Washtng’fon aolusstome explanation be given him.General Grant is not likely to leave Washing-

ton until Congressional action is taken on miii-tai y affairs.

Tbe House Foreign Committee dined withMr. Seward Saturday night.Tbe Herald’s correspondent says: The steam

ship City of Boston, which arrived here la?tweek, was overhaaled at sea by a B itisb cruiser,and searched for snp[K«ed concealed Fenians.The City of Mexico correspondence of Tiints

dated Dre. 3d, has the following additiotialMexican news:Tbe Ehnperor has postponed his visit to Cnr-

navaco. He will depart for that place alter tbecelebraticD of the festival of the Lady of Gaud-aloupe.The Msz.atlan Times of Nov. lUb, received

this m'-rning, says that a company, under thename of the Mexican Sea Island Cotton Com-pany, has began operations on their land nearMazailan.

Cairo, Dec. 17.

The cotorioos guerrilla leader Mat Lnxon,nnder sentence ?ot death, escaped from theMemphis Military Prison on Thursday last.

Cotton has advanced 4c in Memphis; mid-dling is quoted at 42c; strictly middling 4V^tlc.Ure hundred bales of cotton passed here

to-day for SL Loola, and 575 for Cincinnati andNew Albany.Tte small-pox is raging among the freedmen

in tbe vicinity uf SeiuLa, Alabama, to such anextent that they ore not allowed to enter thatcity except under tbe most pressing circum-Ftai.rc#.

Tbe steamer Darling sunk at Plumb Point,a chort distance below Cairu.

I.ieuieuant Commander Bartlett, of tbe Mon-itor Oneido, shot and killed a man here yester-day. Bartlett was arrested and bouad over to:.E*werUie charge of manblaiighter

To llic vVrstern Anioelntril Pm?.New York, Decemb-.-r 17.

Ttere waa a session of the Fenian 3ena'.e ves-lerday, tut its action was not made public. Twonewly arrived senators, Daly, of lodlaut, whodtftatcd iLe Fenian ConstUution, O’Sullivan,ol Auburn, weie at Union Square head'ju irtersyt s'erday. Another (enator is exiiecteu to-day.Ml. O’Mahoney is reported to b.- getting up anew conetitation. Tbe Kulghts of St. Patrickhave [ aseed reFolutions of non-intervention inthe Fenian difficulty.

Boin bran^es ol the Fenian Brotherho.ud arearxU Italy a'^lting tbe arrival of Stephens, andit is rei^rted that the police are aLo on thelookout for him. The steamer City of Bostonbriuett rmt a delegation ot Feolaus to thecircles at Buffalo, Chicago, and St. Loui?.

Fu’ttcr news from Klrgjton, Jauialca, sayan tddresa to the maroons, which had b.eniFFued by the colonel commanding, refer# tothe wav in which the 8e{)oy rebel# were dia-{xjsc-d of by say leg they were blown from themon'.h?of cannon, pursusd to the verv fort#,and slaughtered like sheep, sweepiog them(loroti e face of the earth, and slgaitlea’.lv addsseme of the her. e# Who performed these act#,were ready to re-enact them if nece?s try

Advices fn m Ottaway, Canada, say anotherdelegation will leave that city for Washingtonto nrge the renewal of the reciprocity treaty.

A comroisiion has been appointed oa'bebaif oftbeCsnadian Goyernment to endeavor to facil-

itate trade between the Provinces and thecountry along the Mediterrancau.A letter from Buenos Ayres says: The Para-

gfivai s are now retreating towards their owntiorders and concentrating near tbe town ofEmpredeado, on the Paraguay river, below tbecity of Corrientes. They are taking with them1 irge numbers of cattle. One division recentlydrove before it 14 000 head, and another gaib-eiel 15 000 ready to pas# over into Para-guav.

President Topicz is at Ilumayta, at the monthof the Paraguay river. One of his chief cum-mneder# is nnder arrest for allowing [>ropo#a1s

to be made to himself to seU his comioanJ lo

the ctemy.Tbe allies are moving ail their forces toward

the Paraguayan coast. The fortifleation on theriver bank a't Cnava# haa been removed. Theyhave bad all tbeir troops relieved from all gar-

rison duty and from the guarding of passes.

Tbey are concentrating and gathering togethersome 50,000 trex'pe. Their army and navy is in

a very fine condition. It is thought they will

soon end the war.Washwotox, Dec 17.

Official information ba# reached the D ipart-

mtuiot Stale of tbe ratidcation by tbe Legisla-luri s of Indiana, Georgia, and Alabama of thepropofed amendment to the Constitution of theUnited States on The subject of slavery.

Senor Romeio has received official informvtinn from El Poseo np to the Pith of November.Pre.' dent Jnarez, the Cabinet, and other offi-

cure of the National Government intended toleave El Paaso on tbe I3th of that month fortbe Citv of Cbeparpa.The French had retired as far as Durango, and

it was nnderstood that they would abandonthat State im their movement of conreatraiion.While Mr. Burlingame, our minister to China,

was in this city he was tbe recipient of markedattention, not only from the Secretary ol Stateand otho’ high dignitaries of the Government,bnt from tbe diplomatic corps.Gov. Corwin has been gradnally sinking all

day. Tbe physician in atteudancs think# bewill not live through tbe niguL Many promi-nent friends callea to-day to inquire into hiscondition. He baa been unconscious ever sincehe was stricken by paralysis on Friday night.The Postmsster.General has addressed a dr-

cnlar to railroad managers, mentioning tbefact that service on tbe railroad generally dnr-iug last winter was so irregnlarly performed aa

serionsly to delay tbe transmission ot tbe mails.Tbe remedy, he sajrs, is with the companies.Lessen tbe number of cars on the trains, espe-

cially on those carrying the throngh mails tothe msximnm that will not necessarily preventtbe schednie time being regularly made, andthe difficulty will be removed. The re<{aeet

now made is not anrcasonablc, bnt demandedalike for tbe Interests of the government andthe public.

Baxoor, Mb., Dec. 17.

The extensive mill pr«^tly of Rufus Dwmel,Esq

,at West Great Works was entlrelv de-

stroyed by fire last night. Lobs #70.000; insn-

ance #t0,000.PirrsBUBfi, Dec 17.

The river i« three feet one inch by the rivtr

maik and falling. The weather la mild andcloudy.


Wild \Vt!z9n^« CiiL GeotSTAl Lvtle, CId.Gooer&l ijufli. Oki. K«te RobiuMO, Uiji.SilTur Piuraj, Alice Dean Cl#Miunt’Oia, Cm. Abeonm. Ifemplife.Ar^«y Nu.U»JcL£«ciiTiIla. Louifl*, Jobu ?&vUfe.

DSPAKTUKICi TOTXRDAT.Wild W«iro»-(*r. Cin. Gea*?r»l Lrtle, Ctn.Gtbrrai BtielL Cin. Kate Robiojon, S(. L'>uU.

li1|>rav.N«w OrimiF. A!1c« MvwpUie.Miniitoia. Mun’vhi*. Abronz, C^tn.

aVigcry No. 3, Cm. CiiL

Till Bivae —During ite twmtj-foor bom preeed*

Ing »ix oVkek P. M. ycFterdir, Ibe river U tbu noiufl

lecetkd alioot three inchefl» leevittg a dei' of ivefeee»iz icchtfl in the czual, end three foot and % h%li ou theliUIfl.

1 iiF Wr.ATUER^-lUi modenfed cotuidenh!/. T^irwind yeptt’rdsy chitted arouud mud tieiV iniMiT fromtiN; e>ouihAVr»L bt toheuiog eerljr rem. Vfe need The fevee unilttreetive 7eett*rdzr«t

uFii^l .u S iTidnyi. Noim^.teor fxpnrte at freightw«te reported, tze^pt by the reguler pAcieli for Cmem-

fir. P\TKirK roi IfrMpnifl.—The eleciat in!»BUt-niD!iiDgpkCkvL 3t. pAirieJt in cemmYnd^ C«pL

O. Hart, Hill Icive for is 5 o'clock t^«tvenng liom tbe P« rtiind whiri. By the wir* one otoiir cotifiervo of Uie Vtureuiieii fiudUtutj dun hu Utol/iiiTT'vd on thedt Patrick, ilo aiyi **Wo nid IheA itihdtlQu I week igo of enjoying i trip trom LouU-vilU* to K\iiM»viUe on the fern ua fiteamer St. Patrick.BTid. liter I perflooiil czpcneuce ire no touger iirprUcdIt llie ui»boundid pupowitj of thii tpleud’d M ‘mpitb

ck*-t. No loorv courtcouA or gt^at-omiu ireHdfliiic dtek </f vcfiOel th»n Cipt. Ueo O. Hirt, lud be Libiv ikkWtud by tlioee clever ind iccocupiuh«4 cleri*,Merirf. Alvord ind Noltr; !o fact ill the itticht2«i uf theto.xi MOmtu exert ihcm«elvt‘« to render I trip ou hjr int c highrtt devree pleinuii. and her croir^’J cibiui. ooeach It >p. #buw liow wril tl»ey fluecu'ed. Coomiimd uitvrj to th ’ Dcb'.e^t. Pitrick a^her gi^Uot ereir **

M^ri'cry I OB Nashvilli.—


i'be Louiivtlle indNl hvUlo Picket CompADy'a tteinier M'^reur*', Captiin

iMx m comniaiid. depArti tor NunviUe it io'clock thia erening from the city wharf.Uoan:o Maihio^.—


fte tri wetikly picket Ro-meo wiu Inve for MadLson it U o*cM>£k thL a*y irumtlie city whtil.Hr. roB CiNci?c!fiTT.—Thii ppleodld

pdcift C't the Pt*t.*plc'i Line depirtA lor Ciaclaniii it Uo'r'cek khii diy Jiom the Pourtn atreet landing.Imiah hi ATI* r«>B Cn*ot9!«ATi.—Tbii anmptuoiw

•I'd reiiable atCAiui-v ii tbe niuruing packet of tbeHiil Line for CloeioniU to-day, hmviog tbe fjol ofThfrd fitrect it 13 o'clock.ICa-iob A>ukbiom »ob CiKnnifATi.—Tbit iliuDch

iLd ekyiuit »tcamor ii the evening packet for Clnemaitit'A-diy, drpiniug it 4 o'clock trout the mtKiih.x^ wharf,loot of Third lireet.Por I li«^t of the cteimen luvlnc thU port to-morrow

•Or idveriitM’iueDti.


daily review of THE MARKET.Orrtkii ur Tits LoriSTfr.i.s floan-saL,!

hATLinar, P. M.. Doe. Id, lo46. $

Veney muiini esi>', without my chinfo in tbe rate

of difl<;punt for firtt cl im piper.

bjEchiugc il ffcarce, with in active baying demiod it

}m prem., lud reUiog it 1-fi.

D.fpitchei to tbi' Exchange from New York to-diyquoted go:d opened it dL'chut-d to lh» and c'oModat I4d. b lour- -demiud moderate and prioei fiiin.Wh4?nt, higher. Corn droopioir. o^ti firmei#Cotton fnactive and prices drooping, at 4i«c. M p TkopeueU active it in idvioce of ^4 Uc, but cloooil it lowerlatt^ qifoUd It 4^^ 75. Lird iinchiiiged at Whis-ky i*teady at 3i. C'/ffoe ia iu fair dciuiud ludfirm. btigaiM dull; h ird. l"^tC(July three pickera were killing tvdiy, O. W. Thomia

A Co., F. Li’iL aud Hamilton A Broiber, who joiutly».aiu:I)tt‘xt.*d l.^fO tieid. Tbe oumber previouiJy kii edla ll,4c6 bead. The wemther is uomiuil at fwioer quoti-tione, grovi. The market for tbe meat of theHcek hrii been very cold lud fevorabie for i)au,$UterincThe miu k 1 1 at CiucaiuaU rcuudufi 'latet at iC groris,

or li'ullhXc btt.The* ittcLdaitce on *Chinge to-day wu very good

though tlie ma: ket feaeraUy is •lUiet, exeept with tnejobbing and rt-liii trade. No heavy iranMctioui in laydcpiituiiuiirc tnurpiiUg. Mo»t leid’ug irticlei ireti n;, particularly Hour lud bacon. Imlia DAgging ruleaH Ol It S4c. while Kcutacky make ia Iu fair requeat at i

former raUe. Bile roM is lower with few off to flcil;'

liADd made it 14c, w’ltL i sile of lia) ooils it U ‘46. S ^mslots of extra maciiioe ropo, iu bilf coils, is held at 17- ^ 4^

17Xc. Cotton uud coU'U fabrics are uus*Tiied? whilehi'igm arc firm it former rates. Cooperage ft in steadyd<>d h ith nUes of second hand Hour barrals at 4o 44hc. Coi perc, however, are aaking previous qooCatioiM.ow icg to the rcarrity o| lalx*r and material, thoughcoiiUxcts on delivery next week have been mads at 5SctcT Heur barrels in lots of hi or more. New bacjo is ingood request with large 8outbem orders ponriogoo tbemarket, dalra of sugar cured hams at :!7e, and newctoii dersat 15>x; old ire duU it Itc. Gra^n is segreeind m d<mind tor nearly ill kinds, tfoles of new cornm biiik It 5Ue. 0*ts range lor extra it 5u4&^. Bwlsyifl dull and lower flairs of spring at *'5<4i»ie: prime fUlat pi L4K41 35. with 1 sale of 5s0 bushels it fll 35. Bar*ls> Diiit fll 5(kfll 56 New and good chrese, 31)^; oldW’ektriu Keserve, ickjkiijfc In k>U Ginslog is in moredemand st while tiaxueed is dull at ei (fo.

with a doH nwi'd h’odeocy. Featliert are slow at dS460c, iu tiuall lol«: choice rhippiug lots held at 7uc. Ck>*veiMid,in lotS; u(4g9 76. fluLulsiief at uu. CiderVinegar 35c per gilhm; apple do, 45c; wine d^ 7ue pergal ou.Haimtug akt> Hors—Common hind made 31h435e

chuic" iiower loom.SlvflS^c. ludia bsggiug, ;i*c UAierofie, baud maio, choice marhiBo 17t417c>4.BaTTiNG^Siles at 36d45ci and retail silee it 50e for

No 1.

BrrKWUj:a.T—Supplies light, with mles it perp ULd.Bi4H>n CoRiv^We quote No. 1 it 4250 V ton.CotTUN^llolders ire firm. FiicdS nouoinm at 4oA

43c.Cortow-TaEifs—Holden ire firm In tbalr met

for yams, with Mdes of No. 500 it 41e in lots. No. iUU alpYtn and No. 7UU It 35c per dozen. fluiiU sales at Ic ad-vance OQ each nnmlier.Coan nzaj#.~We quote new unbolted at 55t455c, and

bo'tcd It 75c.CoBuaGk«>Pricee have idvAoced BicL and ciles e

mauilla are making at X7<4'i’^Cami'Lzi—


rices ire lower. 8Ui candles in lots, toUie tfsAk, aie sold b> Uic mauu'aciurers for 13 oe at 9Ss.13 os at 34c, aud 14 oz at ide. flxiall laics at Ic advance,TnTow caudles 1rt^l7c.

CoAi.'-Bist Piitsburg, afloat, 15i4fli.c, retiUim; it Ue. 1

Pomeroy Xfle to toAla.CoofEBAOK—SiUs of new flour barrels it 55c; sec* 1

oud bifc d do. 4(KA^c.CocMTET PmouvoB—Green apples flS OCHfld. Gbolee

buuer in buzse, aud firkins 86q|3>'fo. Beeswax4<iel43e. Crwese—Western reserve searee at tte,and "SkXo for teleeted. New York dairy at Me, Ham-burg 'eSiWCn and •mall kfls at ttc. ail net weight. Driedapples 11(4 13c for new. Dried peaches teirce it U 4d0cfor uupekled and a>^3ac for psaled V 1^ Feathersbu> uig pnee 7<>(#75c. riaxseed fl3 tf5. Petotoes—lu lots per bbt Bsm 2>^|35c for iresh. Btooms—Cotnmou fl4(#5i Shaker, best, fls flB44^ S; Luuisvillsmake, beeV go 75 V dosen. Gioseog buying at 8J4"3o.Beaus oomiindat fll *i5(i#l 75 for white. Onfom A3 75 todriers; soiall sales lU 03 35 fit bM.Doukstioi-*-No slock of Great Wevtem on the mar*

kuL OUier Btaudards are quoted at flX'4^.Fuocb—


be market is meady with fair supp'iee.Sales ot 4i*0 bbls euperfiae at $7. plain extra, ex-tia fAmily, fllO ooijlu 75. Jobbing sales of fancy bramkat higher rates.GSAiN^We quote wheat at fll 54a^l 45 for now, and

$1 i*&(A3 15 for prime old, with sales ot I <*uu bush# s newat 45(41 Corn scarre^new ear, 5uc; old, nominalat'to&slc. Oafs range Itom 5u^fl54c. Kye in light de-mand. Sales of 4U0 busbelt from store it ifoc. Birfeyquitt. Sfpring i» dull it b5^3Uc: fall, $1 S5, with a siU*o 5 uCU bushels It fll 35.

Hiitri .vHii Tau.«>w—Buyera are ptying to bulcbenfor green hides 6c; dry hid«M range from goodlots of dr>* Hint 14c; rough tiUow buy ing at 7>4reudurtd llKflllc.

Soai‘.^Wc quote Gcimio, No. 1 it 14c and NxJ itI3r; c«>micou lie, tuid fouoy imi ciatiie U perpcuud. .UrraL— Fair detnacd Brin 9^3414; shorts

rhit . tuff middlingWool—


he market is dull aad in fern demand, boy-en ps> ing 9:\g'SSc for unwished fieeoe and 5uq|5dc fortub-waslkd.buoi— &1ICS of patent it $4(41 ^ por big, and

imUl «alt I at $4 40. Buck-shot $4 9),

Hay* Lower, with sale of good timothy on the wharfat ?fl4; stiiaU salte at $15

(iBtx'ZBi.'^^i— flatkiT firm, with 9%!ec of fair togood hio S( ffee at Sua^uXc, common to pnmo

mJc# of 175 bags at 50>gp 31c. B.w sugA’slOwlv:: hard standard (u lots of 50 or lU)this; a rale 01 35 bbls C sugar at 17)4c; yellow sugarsrange fxom coffee sugan \»)i Kice

in casks. Porto Kico molawet $i 1 m,41 A>; l^ast-

sii ups $1(41 M audpsckag’*.PBOVI6I0M AM) Lain.—Tb-9 maiket b quiet and

IM lets uucliangcd. flalus of 52 bob moss pork, uew,Bulk meals, nothing doing. Green hams are held at15c. Ngw bac-'i is firm. flUes of new sugar curedb«ir.i. M. A A '9 at 37c;WU’W should -rt, U.'«'c;clear

sides, Lard duli^prune, iu tierce*, I4c, aadiu kegs, 1*.*’ jC.

>\uiekY- Market dull for new; raw at $3 35. A safeof iui bbb one year eid, eopptT, at $3 5U.

flu i>— Small ea os of clover at $1 73 4'i 5*1, in lots.

ToBACco^Xhe offorings to-day amo mted to«&bhds,wiih rvjocticns ot prices b d on 4 btids TTio market is

iiuchfit'gAd. flaleii include 4 hbds at $4 05^4 at $5lM(d5 MS 5 at 4U, 7 at $7(47 'M). « a^ $4 u5^ To. 3 at$;*r.c'-:>5. I at $I0-#1>I75. 5at$lh41l 75. I at $13,41375, 6 al ixIShsia 75, 3 at $14(414 Ifo, 1 at $15 75, at $16^1»; :i5 11 at $1' 25. 3 At $h* 7^ 1 at $3U

1.«'i irivii.LB Wabjuimchi—/*ari/»s, C'riJteefl, Co^pTfi 7»n>fefs.—Ofrer* d lo-day, 15 hbd^. 8 Ues amount to

3 hl.Oi at $5 h0v;47 15, 3 at $* 75, 3 at $li 7j $ j

3 st $14^414 50. 2 at $15 76v4H 3 at $ld 35, 2 at yld


t Inclnnail Fluur. 44 rain, ctc,^ .Uarkot.CiwoiMKaTi, Dec. 14—P. M.

Fl 'urdull and withoot any material change in pricesheat »toad> at $1 60.41 7u for No. 1 uew red and

$1 (41 9$ for prime aid red. Coro b in good demanda. 5('c' lor new ear and 5Sc forsbeUed Oat* in light

•upi'Iy, and with ati^ demand; prices have advaucedto 42)^c in elevator. Kye quiet at «o(4’«lc for prime,Tlieie is notbiug ^iog in bailey.

liteK* dull and prices to a great extent aamioit. Pack-ers aie uoi dirpuved t-^uy to any extent at eh' 41^50gross aud drovers are unwilling to ic<;rpt tboKe ratesUeel>. KecC’pU 2.40U head

&!• •>- pork dull at*$37 for city. Grrea m’.*ats are held*1 1134c. and 14 ‘tc for shouldfiv, sides, an-* hAmsBuik meau can tw obtained at 1^ 15c, aud 1634c pick*^for Khoiildrrs. Fides, aud clear sides. Lard dull 14lor prime city.

Cotuu# dull at 45c for mldding.GtO' erles qu’et-^ hi»-ky uufrt tiled and prices irrefuUr at $2 95.

Gold 146. The weather b clo-ady; ihezmomstec tt.

New York Flaar, UnUn, •&«*, IlluiceuNbw Yokk. Dee. 1*L-P. M.

Cetton ratker more active it 4i«^50c for middlinguplauoa. _ ______Flour opened dull and closed quU t, wHB i opcnning

tendvDO' II $*i tt for extra fltate ami <hr

round-hoop Ohio.Whbky *tcad> ; Western $9 19^ ^ .Wheat 9(43c better, ihe demaud chiefly for tpecali-

tive at $l 6<h41 W for Chicago spring, $l 6 n#

waukle, aud $l 90 fur extra cbolee new amber Mil-

waukie. Corn marki t 1c ipwer at 69^'«5e for uusoundand 96c for sound mixed Western. Oats quiet at

for unsound aud 6b^6.1c for sound. ...Pt ti oleum quiet; criule 4l<44l‘«c and refined in bond

Ptrk heavy and drooping at $1^ 53343^*closii g at 6934 regular way aud $25v425 5U for prime

mess, bicleteady. tUnw firmer; fltate a- d VJ^fornX2(4jic. Bacon b lower; Cumbin-laud-cut 143^c. Unwedhogs dull aud lower al lS)4(4l3\s. lart ^kot is

iH^vy at c. Butler duU at for Ohio andS5<446c for fltate. Cheese dull.

New Yerk Meney andNbw Yosk- Dee. l6^. M

Miner e^r at 7 V ceoX, Sterling axchaogo doll

iMs^ciive snd lower, spening at 146)$, declining

to 145?*, and closing at 146.

Total txpDifo of liofcfe to-day $890,191).

Gt vemment stocks less active and a ahade easier,

F*rtighh! to Liverpool a sh^ better,

Chloacn Market*. „ « ^Ciiioaoo, Dec. 16—P. M.

Floor setive and idvinced UhiflflOc it $7 15i4* ^prime extra. ^ ,

Wt eat dull and declined 4c and snbsoiuentiy rallfoA

clMiiu# fliiu »l #1 tt.*! MJ, for No 1 lud $1 FJR ffl Mfor Bo. J. Ccrn«dive ru 46obtic for No. 1 aud 43i^4ac for

No, 9. Oats dull at tt3te.Uifthwines quiet. «Provisions quiet. Mete pork at $96 50^37. Hogs

quiet; quetaiioos nominal; dressed in good demand tor

rhipmeut at $lu^ll gross.. ,

Receipls—lHuu barreb flour, 87,000 busbek wheat,

liuuu bnsbvb com, 4,500 busheU oaU. flhipmeuls-

5 500 barreblfloar.








A Ur#,low br


bbU Beflned White and Yollow Sucon;hbda. good to choice F, K. 8u#ar«:kego Noilovporkoge. Moo. 1, 1, and S Mookw,!—all newtub;boxM Star CondleKbbte. Sirup and Molgrow:

I kegi. # gallon each, •iiperlor Qoldto Sirn?;I no*. Ruckvki and Tubs.I doo. Brown.—plain and Buie^;I boxea Tobocc^Toiiou# Miwourl and Yir-glnia brand..asaortmeBt of Orocwlw gmeralls’i for lol#



M Main it. Cincinnati, Ohio.

Mioa Lno HnwonF. L. Kelfor

SotoLMMK— .Aetiiic aud 9U#s Manager.

«*#ag«nent of MARIETTAHAVEL, who WtU apfoor in two (a,onl, cteno-

ONPAY EVENING, Dm. 1#. tha pwfnunw wiBjJX eoismef>ee with the Orama of the


MrraUo fUw Daub BorJ Mwietca B*»eL***•*•“ Mr. P. Cooncl:; .

After wh’eh, MARIE riTA K AVBL, Ihs '»Wr, ofn<dMa.-oa Um TIGHT- ItetrK wIUmuI a aoloMenUa.To conclud, with the Utania cf the

, ^ M tt'NTAJN DEVIL.-“‘“J** BavaL

S>'P,ocM by Mr. Conaelly and lb, in rebeonol the gorgewi. oonaiw ih.


tW-OKAND MATINKK on Saturday oftomooa.

Wood^s Theater,Ooruer Fourtk aud JeOmemi streett

DrrrikLn A Fi.tww ! mTiTT. Minismi.\ho of NashviUe Theater, Nashville, Teao,

W-,**- F'-aT*# AcUn# and ikM, iLuiaMr.C. L. Aoana Trwwuw.

bAT Firrt night of the hri-Jiaat young actor Mr LAC-KENCE P. BAKKETf. ^


ROSEDALE.0# lua KtrL# Ball.

llUott Gray Sir. L. P. BonMt.Supported hy g great coot.

Maw SewMry by Wert. Mew Moehiccry by Moewand all ibo ncrewgry odluncW and auziUorire.

AA (iRAXD MATINEE 6aturda>' afkirncow.

B^PBKwn or Amfiaaion—Orwo CIrat, and PoronMiaTt Gfo: PriTOM Boxoi W: Bnand Tlor fu ew. dkoW

' iMy h, nciued in Ihe Drw, Circle without ulrnchorga.

•V-Dowmpmi at o*Cteafc: to bocin at 7}f o>MeelL

masonic Temple.-A.XDOO, ATPOO.

ArUmus Warfs fuewfU ii Ai^nfa.Th, pobiie ora leapMtfidly Informod tlwr

ARTEMUd WARDWill sppsar in Ills



tv Urn win mart pooltirely ba hu tort nighli in Lewl,-Tblopiicr to hi. drpartai, for EnrIuMi, where omogo-wrul. ore olr<«dy being mode for bfo early irfitainirnat Krypiian HoU, Lwnfow.Iho pictorial port ol th# Entertdnoionl ombroewpiGmsEN pan4jkamic view#OF THE bTKEETa OF BALT LAKE CITY,

And tl-e rirunilariy


r?*ffi.nLy and oecuniely pointed frew phomaraohjlaiken In tbe land of the Monnooa, outer thsiwaS^^tle»«.pertcte-i»ADe,.f AKTEMLS WARD. Th«e eiew,wor, Urtwl^d to eon? .. by otiau of eefob.i.bed rap-

arkDuwkdgid wboerer thle Entoitounn..,. k.. - - --

given.The aceoirpanying dercrlptireLectni, hr ABTEMUBWARD will aim to be aATBxn Livri.y,Ho beliere, it ior belter to rtoy ia th, annehliw wbil,

wa may, inonimh a. the .hodow muet, ol it# uwa ao-- OLid. romo only too #oen.

Adniif rion 5u itr. Kererved ceot, 71 etc. filer i ii Jfrot# lor rale at th, Mu-ic dtoc, of D. P. Fonldo, Mo TuMvinitmL Sole of reMrved eeati will FommooeeoaI ridgy mominr. Dee. 11, and wntinae following day,.D rcr# rp-u at 7- at i otefoek. Tb, Chicko-rirg FUoo need i. kindly furalabed hr D. P. Foiilda,K..;. dtt dA&dd JNO. P BMI Ttt Dirwtor.

Louisville Theater.

thvuwiit CiuVu W ce\^.


Italian 0|KTa foiupany,or

85 ARTISTES,For a Season of 7 Performancev,


SEVEN OPERAS. cbooM fran a repwtoire ofT« INTT. o nipruing four narer Iwforo pcMoofod iaLoufoviUo, coa of wnich wee never rtndRred tn thecountry, and three of tne old fomcites. via: TK<iV\-ylOkK MARTHA, KAl dr. L'ELI.XIK DE AMOKK,RObEAlU IL LlABlLo, PGLLIUTU, and dAr k'O.

4 Prima Douna#, nneqaaled in Anforica:




;t BanU-nrwaixu< n BBODINI, ORlttNDINL K FELUML

3 Bor^or:Signor, HILLERL FOLUNl. * OOLLETL

Buffn Bone 3<gnor A.VRTL Comprimorla ; 9i#narmAl ELINA dENGKA, Tenor, ind Homo Compritwerfo;dtenoTP LAPtiKTK and MANEKEDI; Pimki, DOo-•uae, M'UeAMTUME.‘A Conductoti and Dirccton, SUnor* MUZIO A MUMO.With an efficleut Cborno of 3M perfarwa Mfoeladfrom tbe hart eoiccs ia Kurof,, and a GRAND UR-CHEdTRA.

0perm tcU! be rrjpeafied


Tbe Box onto, at tho LoiiieviUa Thooter win h, opemon Monday and Tar-day. Dec. 1# gad U. from It) A. M.toi P. M , to «u acaeon Tickeli for th, htm p«-knnanoei.Tlckoto for alternate niabte may b, oeenrwi on

WcdnCKhtr and, Doc. 3» and ::t, and Ttekotofor soeh Opera may b, .Mured on irndoy ar:d dxtunlar,D«e,ttai-da.

To give all an rppertnnity to eoliy tb, Qroad OymmBeaMn, tbe foifowiug price, h«v« teeu BxeR LnwwPrivoi, Boxm, idmlttlBg ilx penono. fit# par night:U| per Bonn, admitting flve pemone. #U per ni^t; Se-cured aeot* ia Utm# Circle and Parn^nerta #1 each.Adminion Ticket, to Dram Circia and roruiirtla hi H;dreond Ti.r #1; aecnrM moU tn decond Tier #1 WcCol wed Boxa, #1: GoUary Nl cfo.

rvr-None but Kaosn TVket, for tha caeon por farm-tnre. will be Mid on Mondo>' and Tuenlay noyr




or Tua

Stove and IloL'ow-Ware Mslders'



Thursday Fvening’, Dec. 11,1835 .

C'mmittrr of AmaB«r*triitmJames McX>vrmott Chss. PfriAH*,Michifol ^rrtooy Ncil Doughorty,C. D. Gerbirt, Jss. Kyaik,J u< . Co> fe, i#bas. Dily,CtA#. MeJ f^naott, WUl. Usric«Isitfiac; Uug#ui, Usory Poirrfer.

.liiL«hirul Uirertor:

WiU. Uerao. 415 fll4

Frsukiort A>sfmbly Ball I'lcb,

THE OI.D “A.S3KMBLY BALL CLUB- OFrankfort, Ky.. bavinr Men rwtrganiaed, will giya forie, ot Fite B.ALU} at Ihe Capital linCol oa

rr-K tbe f.blowing WcdnrwUy svenin## at # o’ctock:

Wt^dnefiday, December IK l-<it.“ “17. 1«»».“ Jsnnary lo. l-*t.“ - 9t,l-A.

E. H TAYLOR..Prmi(lenl.OFJ). W. MONROE, Secretary. nSt dim

Dancing and Calisthenics.\1R. WAd'lluX, FBUM HER MATEffTY'Stti Tbeater, Lniuloii, and atony year. Teacher at HOWillie, reepcctmily infocm. the aiiiaana of Loui.- 2VTill, that nia AcMfooiy ie nnaa for th, taoeon atHownic ftcmpla. Uoun of Tuition— Friday, from <

Willie, reepectmily infocm. the aiiiaana of Lauio- 2vTill, that nia AcMfony ia nnaa for th, taaaoo atHoar nic tcmpla. Uoun of Tuition— Friday, from <

to t; Haturday, ftea I> A. M to U M. and from I to t P.M Schoota and tamilfoa autndsd.Terma per quarter fiU, payable ia ndvanca.oW dAObn


Pure Cider Vinegar.N O ACID Ok UlU&H DBLETKlUOtfl SUB-

•saoers ussd. A Uxgg supply riiftsttnUy la sisr*Bud for Mala W tLs trade*



No. *27 Fourth rtrMI, betwoen Main and Water atadiy

PALMER’SVegetable Cosmetic Lotion

T 3 A MEDICINE FOR TUE SKIN. IT id THK 30V-1 erefen helm tor tbe fieUevt pimple om tk« foee, asw«n as ihe most (flstrsesisg cutaneous ikiaass canaifiict any part of tLc persoo. All irritatiag sr

licbiBX (oatagions l)

Are cured by it without (iiU. Thooo terjr ernptioaa ofthe tare, that ora aoch a lonrm of marudeatiua to thavictiino, and of d-atrcee even to tha brboiAm. ore earaff

by a Irw oppUrationa. For inatanca, rood tna foUowin#from Chrt. E Noblo. Eau.. Grtforol Aceot for the Mich-by a Irw oppUrationa. For inatanca, rood tna foUowin#from Chrt. E Noblo. Em., Grtforol Areot for the Mich-iaon Central Kailrceid. Me. 173 Rroadway, Mew York,to a friend in thia city, under dote of Judy SL l##(c

“Polmer'i Coametfo Lotion curm a dlflteal^ that inmy caae haa bolbrd tbe tttU of tbe beat phyRclain 1could find, of different .ehaoto. for nearly throa yeaiRand 1 am now loohiug quite Uke a tnon.-

II your «kin ianot entirely (im from eetey kind ofdioeoae ot tbe ttin. you ahoald no* foil to, atoaea, priKcure a bottle of thia garat niedleino. ao, indeed, it ouebtto be in every family. PrcMrcd only by

MOl.ON PAL.MER. A«eo«.Mo. M Wirt Fourth rtraet, Cinrinnatl.

tV~For aoto by DruggMi generally. WbitlmoM

Agrt ki WiUoa A Prtar, Hanry Choathw* ACo„ Lon-

lavllUs Ky. aU aodka


V' « RAY8UM STRERT, botwMn Saventb and Ei«btbFtreeta, doing work at oa low pricaa aa any Doetial In

the city. Teetk Inaeilcd oa GoIR illvor, or R.jbbac.

CaU and ne (pecimeiu. dAfflm

8. F. BEAUMONT. PtmideaK W. P. HUM*. Cartiicr.


Does a genkbal B.ANKiNa and bxchamobHici"— .

ftoedal ottontinn paid tn CitlloriinM, andrMittancea moM on day at paymart.

Ktyulnr MaahvUIn Poclut ComMRv.Var ('lauMatrUla mart Nn^'eMoT^

MEaCURT M*t. - -

LMMooIfy whwf ihia dap. DmI#,gLmWcZl.'W ‘ f M- fetdtlvojy. Fmlmtahao, po2

;r apply an hoard rr to^MTCALM A LEVL Apeato,

Mo. a Wort Wall itniM

Meycbnitt # and Fhopln^ UmrFar t lartuyMI, aad .NtuAvrflto.

UtMCURY tw, uimmou. Mtotor..1 Win leeva to Okero iMo d^. Dm.

S ofotnc* P. M.. froM otp wkart.orAm#bt or paaaap*WpiT on kcardm in

B. J. GAFFREY. AgoaK<1B 137 WoU rtiegK

KefiDinr LociaTil'e and MaoATUln PncMat 0(xhwr < Iwrhavlllp and Mai.h,llle Dforct.

MEKCl RY Ui. .taaea, Maator.WnHoaverilr tekorribiaday. Dee. IC,

<U# CROPPER. PAnuX A (XX, .A#nM.

Atlantic* and Miwdmfppi Htwawiblp CoopoRW.For > icIinAaem. Natenro, end New OrietoamPkYToNA. -.-Wmt CnnaoR Maotaw

Will foave Pnrtfond Tmadap. Deo. Uc* *Nlock P. M. VhrbtoohtocpMman

sn honra oc is(.19 KJtWUI A DONAUCa, Ignitt,

Laolftilie 3£d Noahriild Pockdt CoiapnRj’n

Far EvnnwcUle. rtnutklaacK (’InrtunlUa, aartNiu.hvHie.

_ .-warn u.TbeaMl»gk»-draiuhtpomga<iaritoamMCoptoiB Gw>. licx. lewaMCoptoiB Gw>. Dcx. lewaM

above aad fog aU iate toodtato loi^inpi till. day. tha tetb inal.. at k Foiock P. IR, IkMOety wharf. Per foainht « paampe, hoelac aupertorgi:eoa.u,«iau<iiia, opp y oa heard ae to

^ H. S. LO.NG A CO . *1 -

dl? Mo. «* W.oU rtreoK

LuuUttUa end TennANed Kiver Pack#S Co#^• vaa? 'a St#a#Mr

Far Evaanville. Pwdnrgh. JehnaawvlH,. oartEaorpart,

..The Od* nem light dmoohl paaoeapM

“-m- riNX VARBLH, tteptua Mil*Mraor*. HAOroa aad Wiiitb,

Cloik, kaeraforiba ohoM p, rto and all jarnriiiidl ikafondinpa Solmdv. Iba 3## inat., at 9 FclnA P. H..potitiecly, fowd net hg/arrj tarn rtky wharf. PMtreighn or, hertag fca matyOB (oord or to M. A LONG A CU.. agwato.dl? No 43 WrtTrtreM.

AUanik: end Mlealoalppl Scoamattip CaaapoRp’aStoMtac.

Far New (kriraim Dirrel.PAYTONA „Wwert Maa##m

wow ^ Leavoa Portland wharfTnaaday. Deo. UtF. M. FMM#hlMfaana<a ap^cm

boned, rr 8sSMITH A arrURGEOIK Aaonin.

dl? 4# Wtot WoU Mart.

Far f'larkMlIta aad .?laaA,tlla.rEMPfi8Xi...D.U. Pain, Mnrter.W. L Jou!W>a.CrM,

Will lonM on Mundoy, Dca. 1\er.M. p irtWedy. Am rtt> whorK^^KmkiFar frmghf m pa»Mg> apply cahonidM

to :<nn moorhkad a tx?.. Atom

Far NnoArMla.MERCIRY M»r. Hmkw.

-a~w Win fooM la aboM M.ni4ar. Dm. I?** ** ** paaitivoly. Pm trohlMrt gam

opptv on hoard nt toMU«)K(tr..vD A C«>_ Aaoami.

Ixitii«vl*le and Memphis Packet Company.8T. PATKtCK lioo. o. H .ir, dl#M.— ml^wa ^ IfoOMO to abuve, Aum tSutloud, Mou-

the l-ch l>ai, at# oMo k P. M.

LoolvrlUe o&d Meeapbli Paefint Coatpxar.aaOWrmHrta.

tdl nr.sH k No. s.. sav Ab« ttMisSbIT-?—’ . Wul iMMtoaboM W'-dm «tM, Dm. 3R

Prr Aeiah* «e samMO MaHr « board m to R J. CAPFREY. AgeoA<“* MS Waa arooA

^ her I Aire aad.Heaiidiito^T. PATRICK— UaoT, MmlmkM WUl iMv, Portland when M xmay. Dm.

al » P. M„ poMIlMfy. Pm irw#MM^^^^^^paoiaae apply on board or to


........*'•' *^'»**’* and AlaMpAto.

arr. PATRICK Uam MaaMO,

_ -IT* Mondto. Dec. IN oil

ott MOORHEAD A CO.. Agento.

..„.,F-r Padaenh, ('Alra. Aad ”-nghfoLIBERTY NO. 3. .

. SowAouncA Maotoe.*- Soa^agucA Ri iIM.

a ..o»»v« Wedoeodoy, Dao.

L?- •’ »"***—fr « * “ Ftotload.foFjr fraUUor paoaaga apply ea booedMM

Moorhead A c(teA#eam.Ma U# WrtTocaok.

KeKOiar Memptaf# Pack##.Pa^MmA, t'alrm. aad tfeaMFar Padara h, t'alrm. aad

ST. PaIRICRLmvm nctimid Monday. Doa 1%

C^-t 4 cTokick P. M., pMrtraaly. Por Am#l2I potooge apply on board cr to

MONTtlvLM A LRVL AgnMONTU.VLM a LRVL AandRWo. n Wcet wig jOrMk.

Far Cairm. Illrtunoa. aad ,>l«»phia.Tb# •wMI and mienhet eeemmem atooMM

ST. PATRICK UmA^ tLoamMacca Alvmb, Ea,., amk,

TMa ^ Lm,m a ohev, fond tor elf iatoramI

1^*-— leaittoiBg MonMr.taa teth Ooa.t P. M., poeit imie. &mb *t Portfo0

BecalAr Piw fi#g PacketFar EyamMiMr. Padarmh.Calra.aad Mra*M^—V Ttw wloadl* paaomMpr atoaotor 1AM.

V mm A Oartt daw Aaowog, R H.d1iMMM#dfo,<tii«tiAamk.lMMaaaah«iaMWo^M-dm . tiw n th iurt . oliFclaM P. M.. portdMirA«m ftoA.huM w i Aft. For nvight or mMaM*i hmriM aiwgcfMaccaa. iii. trtaibiMi apply Mhoard or m_ M. SL lUMO A (XX. AomitA<U Mol « WoU rtra#R

rtPKED MkFRTV, 1 Qf*t»lOOO. ANlXrttlFOKT. loOO.Mricalnr l.aatnyiUa, Ryoaorilla f'mlra, oart

HEKPHIS rtriiEr f0KP».\f,I LIBERTY Me. X Captain Sam ArehM.

t-rSARZaa - Sr P.\ TRICK. Captain Gm. a Uwt.) LAI RA FENTON, (fortoia W. Wailiow.

(And a for#, new heat hnittia# j

Tx'lw'^^T’ooteJ.y XjixxoeThe thoM ratefom rtaaMerg. for»

the IMular and IT I nalaiiluhtida^BM^^^bL'...wrtlla aad Meaphie P.mBat Liacyw til icoM promptly to adrertiaed. Xacahnailaaffteaiidby Ibonagnly expeiienced hootman, whma Ume gadenergica, oa weU m cm own, will, aa haietofcre, ha do-vetid to tha Utorcau of oor mariAiufo. ahlpp-i, <4•took. Iba Wxvcliag pubLc, and tha -wik- a«^ tharouto genoraliy.Wa bam fotmad roUabla eaanaetioaa with y—*—


lloM fcr Taaaaoaee, Ounbortend, While, aad ArkouMritera New Orkaa^ Vtckahtar#, all way pianortMa^and SC. Louio, to wbwh wa glm IliraMh raortpM mom-letlratoa.Caniagro. orefchorpea, Ac, pcMipUy affjMtrd am

hoard or at our edteoAJ. B ARCHER, LaoiartBa.E. R. U.UCi‘7Maiitphto.

CSdtf rrapr imora.

Kegsifrr pMk«i Isr

SsdiMfO, Ckrrfilltsii, 4 CsSsr LsiluBl.l’R WEMa .NO. L

lA Lrm.0, Maator. D. W. Homoak CHitawkMi, Thia loild ikiaitit iiait —M Maw:

LooloTiUa ovMy Tmoday, TbaroAMlaBK^HMteoad Soinrda.. at t yslcwgP. MLU OnrirTiaic. PATTON. A OCX. AoMdrt

RmUr L««iSTlllt, KaSisss,CuTsUtSB, fiiiu ieSsr Lsc4 RacRSti

WTKA.7IUC WMK.N,doa Wfniaai Moatm, 6. W. Wuona. (Jla&—me foam forjjha ohoM aadla#Mn

w ^Jlg^ Ama.i»w CY, WRtnBfidHBiESkDAT, tad FRf&AV S'/KNlNOfiTallg rtoM. [mfldkf] MOCmHIUD A(XJ.. Agomm



Om, rt lb, oboM atoouMr, will lOBM Aolfr rtU oNtoifi

M. from tito Ohio and Mbdidpi t Traiwp nrtaaliB Om#



U. S. MAIliBOATSPor Owenaboto, Byarntrilld, end Hoit—

eonadetinc M BvaaeyiUa with th*

OalTfr aad BwaDaFilla FaeSaBb11w itoW and Uabt-droA rtoomar, MORNOfO StAS

aud STAR GRAY XAGLR WUl IMM ovor, TmiMiWWo^gaday. Friday, gad aotanfop. rt » P. M.

NOTICE.on MigMI gad pmimigtri mart ha rt KM Part#

wharf hofor, i oNfoak P M., oa tba boom wifi art haIgyad oAor tba# time mador anyhlUa of ladliig,

KMiCUAM .WAIL LLNR FACttHIFm (.fmetaamtl,

Couuecting aai .'liifliiirtW witkOMfr Rhotara Mi

CNTTRD 8TATMlf?r??fT. Wmi iimi.

GRM. LYTLfi. QoamaA k

^.mvm k. Omaaflh, aboM oMamara wtR^^^^^^Z^^nnctuoily t#M o?rtoeA M. Mlly. a

ieeuee .VM CirculmHemr-Inewre AM Btetee,

(GfiO. tt WARFIfiLP,T. p pcnrs,

‘rtnmrroan jQg rdwardb,nlO ddgfon iOEU. W. HILLMAN.RirttKnoag.-Manhattan Monk. Naw York; Com

mental Motional Bonk. Cipolnnatt: Northern Book of

Kentucky, LuulavlUa, Ky.; Third Matioaal Bonk, Maak.TUlmTana.

Major .anorrbom ^#na awMaOKH. BUKLLWiU foam lor (Aa oama port rt 4 ofoladk P. M. MM

Offfoa oa IfaU Oo-N wharfhoat. fool rt TMMMWart

RprmIu’ LBSlsTlils rsfisesgtr ss4FrHfhl fsekMa


HORMAM Boa. Oox. Mmim. J. W. OBaoK, ClacKWUl fooim efoy wkorf apoB Ma naoiM^

, ICP' rt naefortfoa M Oaokartaad Rftrtfc

UatfgawkM Afo nooiaa wUl ha rtma.taoNTCAUf A LRVL l#M#fo

oUMf Mol a WoOmmIl

miWITE. HO&TOM, dMOmCommi^ion. Merohantaw


B. ATKIliioW dB oo,B##a#man to Hawm A O#;,




C?ASB ADTANCMM MAM OH ALL 0 PMfiLTS./ tootwMtrMkff ML O.W. THOMAS kOD..aofkdM# Mk 4I WfiMValfoWa

Page 4: · 2015. 9. 14. · u. rllLYJOURNAL. VOLUMEXXXVI. LOUISVILLE,KENTUCKY.MOXDAY.DECEMBER'18,18B5. C.RBARNES' GOlopeNSI nanx^BAMDnuounskmtfbmbto; /mr AMraa c.p.BARmn. •tBifOkmtBtett)matM


P*f—»— > t ii Ui M «Mk tbe «wthTMr talaM I 4t*I Mad oraa asa wHfcayj flnwar.AndMM aln UaaM *v as!

A aad and lilaa* tIaM H waaWhkki the haaar af waa:

And ham aaah aba* at luttraal-nr Woad iMraTiad toalait.

Aa K rartlM fa randan baaleTb aid Iba ainkinc haait’

SaMIr wa IraA aa if afraidTo Bar tbr afaMar*a deep.

And akair teal laakr at Wa aad faeaParataarr Mkacp.

And nban a teal ha «a baraa afarFran Ibi wnrid'awmt atria

Hear aAfaibouabldidiaaMtenUra afar Ua mite Ufa.

Dia aanrr fa*^ raarr wad.Bb varr aator'a n>aa.Caaar hnak ao a Uka tbioo«^a warlh

la anlf priai nbau (ate!

Tba (rtaf baa paal wUb rnaia «war.And )ar baa baan ar fat:

Hot anr ia ten* raaatebaai*.

n« aaynri hanie bfa HcMIr bp.And tenva Iba faiatteal tracn.

Hadbrdaep b a<A ihte aattvw wninMo War eM naea aC.en.

EMiriKATToir TO Mnir.!—


eckk op Pater.|

morrJcAAEx.—Tbe following; i( A trne eopr i4 I

tbe decree of PreHdeBt Joeru. iaiied in 1864, I

•ettinf fortb ccruin indooemente to etniKrnnfa

to Mexieo. Tbe Indnceffleste are very liberal,I

and many Americana nave already eubraoed I

tbe aiFiial adTanUfcee they contain:|



PFO\'Eia>T8Tbe Piai'CDt of tbe Roi^bUe has been

pkaatd to eend to me tbe fbUdwiiur decree:

Airotda Juarr: Ci»ttihitioma> Pretidmi tf tin

Vmtti Stalet of Jfejiro, tv kit feUtm-oUitemt,fnttiog.

Ic the cxrrdae of tbe ample ficnltiae withwhicb I am invaaiod. 1 have deemed U properto adopt ia OatdoetCianael adecree, aafollowe:

Art. 1. To all fureiirnera who may preientttevaelvee anneei with the arms reqnfaite for

inlaikuy or caralry, in order to sere tbe Gdveremeot in the deCenaeof tbeIndependeooe of Mexioo and its repablieaa in-

atMnikma. there (ball be Riven, in addition totbe pav aaeicned by law to the army, a bonntyin laM, at tbe trimination of tbe war, or wben-erer tber beeume unfit for military aarviee.

An. i' This bannty abali be of tbe value ofooe tht naand delfars for all private aoldiere andMW-commiroioRed cflioarv: of tbe valne of oneIhonsand five bmidred dollars lor all olBaerefrom the Rrade of 2d lAeatenaat or easiRn tothat of Oaptaie; and of tbe valne of two tboa-eabd doliaia for enperior officers.

Art. S Tbe lanCc destioed for these bonntiesahall be tbe Gwrernment nnapproprlaied landAtbr oonfiacatad lands of all those RnUtv of tbecriaw of treason. acoordiikR to tbe law of the16b of AnRnsL IMl or any other laods con-nffiered ae naUonal propatty.Art A Tbe valne of the nnappropriated lands

ahail he earlmated eecoitUnR to the aesessmsatenfaUBR nt the time of the Rrantinc of tbe bonn-t' : nnd the value of the coofiKated lands and of


Ibe rtheraeonridered m national property ac-|

cordinR to tbeir reapecUne valnatioasArt 6. In order to proaactc the dividon of


proper^ , the larreet extent of land that will beRtvM to one pnraoa abali be the fonrth part ofe Mexieaa sqaare laacne, or alee tbe foarth partof an nrdinai-y RraxinR farm, tbe difTerenec be-


InR madcap in inimhor. or by other propertv, i

If tbe valne of the land dons not reach onettooraad. owe tbonaand five handred, or twoIbnnmnd doUars, aa tbe case may bt.Alt €. Tbe nnappropriated lands that mav


be aeqnired ia coaformitv srlth this law, and i

nil tbe hwiirnvnaMate that may be mate uponthem, tenll be rwimptad from the pavment of .

all taxes for five ynart As loon ee there eballbe fifty peraoM cawRreRated ae residents there- '

on, thav abali have tbe riRht of forminR them-aalves Iwto a townahip. with tbe privilaRe of


elertinR tbeir manidp^ anthorttieB: and then|

aneh Riawts abali be made to them at may aeem '

converi iewt for the proRtem and deyelopmeniof tbe tawnabip.AiC 7. Ia aceertenoe srUh rristing laRfaU-

ttOB. all foreiReen srbo praswit tbemaelves foracrWcaib theamvof tbe BepabUc ahall im-MffidliffilffiAv kMAM# riticjMiffi

riRtate sad obliRatiawe of aw^ dUaaoa. i

Aft. A. Tbe acceptance of the eervicea of aach'

fnrdfiiT-T abali be by tbe anpreme Oovernment,j

by tbe Oovernors or mllit^ commandera ^the fitatea, or by tbe commantera-la chief; and I

WRlstriea are to be kept la which are to bewriuec dosrn the names of tbe foreiznera thatpreeent tbemaelvea. their deacripU joa, and thaday on which they eater the aerricA Of thesereRtetriea. copies are to be Riven to tbe partiesintereeted and the aaoeasaty dapiicates ia caseof loM of the former c ipisAAlt 9. Tbe anthorttiea before m*ntlaned,

whenever thev deem it proper, may admit no-armed farelRners into tbe pnblie earnoe, towhom in eneb caae there ahall begifea a boan-ty of alna handred doUara, ia la!^ at tbe endof the war. or srbeaeyer they become incaptcltated for military dnty.

Art 10. Tboae who deaart or srho, for anvother proper reaeon, abali be diamUteed from tbe•erviee. diell loae all riRht to the bonntr hereinoSwed.

Alt. 11. Tbe preaentaticn of the doenmentemewHow ea in Ait 8, toRether with the retiaisiteproof of bav^ eowUnned in tbe eeryice natOthe terminatioB of tbe war. or onUl thev havebean Incapachated for militaiy datv, ahall Riveto those presentiac tl^em tbe foil right to ob-

tbe bOQStV.Art 12 la tbe aame cartifieatm aneh diaUiv

Rnfabed aarvieesteaU be recorded m those mivMve perfoemed who present them ic orderthat they may receive tte epedal recomponceswWob they meritWbertfare . I oeter that this decree be print-

ed. paWitead, drcnlnied, and doly canied intonfeetOhsm at the Palaee of tbe Natiowkl Govern-

RMWl at Konterey, on tte 11th of Aoriis). 1864.

_ BEHITOJCARKZTo tb6 GMmb Jofv Masi4 laEotmAA. Minitterof Jnniioe and PabUc Inatrncu^^


And I oommanicaie k to yon for yonr infor.mation. and to Rive H doe ^ectBddoncawd Uheety, Monterey, Anr 11. usi


Rev. On. K. H. CHAna.—The New TorkTHbnnc gtvea the following aywopaii of Rev.Dr. E. H. Cbapln’-s FhwbkagivinR aermom Or.Qa(fa W one of tke mom chaate and magnlfi.CMt pnlidt ocators to whom we evar IfatoDed:

After readiuR aMectioae from tbe &.3lptaTeBappropriau to the nooa*>ian of Thanka^vinR,Dr. Chapin took kia text from Oonesia, lx., 13:1 do aet mv bow in tbe dondn

It sms promised by tbe AlmiRhtythat tbe del-nee ebonld onbaite and tbe waters no moreoownr tbe anitb, and as a token of tte promiseBe ant Us bow in tbe dond. TC-dav erarthnaghit may be exalted by conaideriiiR the leAnon of tbe bow in the efond. which teaches nstbe moral and apfritnal ARniflcaacc of pbenom-tOA Varicna natiocs aaaociated devont ideaswith tbe raiabow. la aome of these oonoeptioosthere la eomethinR abawd phyeicallv, bat tberell have a morml or apirHaal tegntArimiyi At•he praemt time we behold tbe Rlorv of oorharfiela, the ptaydeal procesr of which is aim-pie enough; hot srbo caa Rraep tbe aob)eet iaililaatarreteioaaaBalyaia? Ov nnnaal tbankaUvInR la a leligfona aiavioA to thank God foribc barveati aprioRlaR oat of tbe earth, andwhm we dnsetl npoa oar dependnnee to theaaath and the benefieenee of natore, we feel

that we osre these biamteg^. not fo • natnral.bnt to a dlvinA power, srUcb sra now asaamblein onr diarebnt to tbanfc. and srtaen we reoog-Uae this, we ««a appradate in ita true meanlutbe bow in mond. Let as be eondstent—anotlbe onr bemmt to mere natnral forces, orracoRidae tbs moral and apirknal aiRiiificanoeof tbfnRA Tbrongbont the laat year, io srblchwe have enaerged from a terrible war, we havebeen Warned srkb plantifal barmst: and in tbiaeofidlMnai of tUnRe Ood boe boon very mordfolto H. and we teonid be tbankfol that faminetaaanatboenadtedtoonrbardenain tbiatrylnRcddA Many, however, Hller to-day nrithpoverty, end today we can, at leam, accordIhem onr pky and Hrmpathy. Then nre pointa—MPtefl by twiman acancy, and other paintsairifamad bv divine aRency—a r^ dtviaePfao wWeh nina IbrooRh all orh. Hardly nay-ibM lohw piaoe aa wc tboagbt R wonld. betB hlitery abowi tbe reenlta of one miRUy,•kiaeant plen. This apphoa to onr own na-Mom hMoey. AyoaraRothe prospset sraaaoomloN onA lor sre viawnd it fro« s Northernffite; now we bane faOosred Hrant and Sber.won. and we gaoe miop she nation from tbefontlM aUA and one vB the land, ae It wereteMiaR Mo the bfaom of peace rwtorad as•he oaitfc oftor ibe doinRA Preddent John-eon, in hia mwaacA atrnch one chord ia•JM^nenwent breast when he qnotad from

f "Bveryetepbysrhiehthe people of the United States Uva ad-ycad MHhe chametw of aa indiyentent na-Mon aoM to^ been dfaUnRol^ed by aome

t» He 1 (lire, sr^cn tV whole corUcertis C- VC ell nil!; a si"! K' 'rioas peo-.>Ir.

Aid, cuiicg therr-.etit tcrril li war. how ol,. nbsv; m-si-v ihongbt and skid tbe! U coaid oal:

end iu tnic; bni tbe band of God wm leading

ns on, and inin was iespoisiblA We have

thrown c.ffslivcry for the same reas-on. bacaav-

an ineoistible force was carrying at forward to

that end; and now we see tte drswning, se it

were, of tbe bow in the clond—tbe promise thst

tbe delngc of war is diswieg to m permanentckwA How much grander is tbe study of bnman loster than the study of human eclene-


and if we recognize that ail things are divinely

Rovamed. let ns also rscognlzs that tbs samething pievaDs in the mond and Intellecta 1

world. Tbe wildest and moet tumaliuou?Ume has served trnth and righteonsnees. Forthe lest twenty-five years are can see tbs ad.vanorment of tbe prindplee of democraticUbertv; and this is the way we must regardthat there is an irresistible tendency in event*.It is God’s world and not the devil's; and therehas never been anrthing for one moment to•bake car faith in it Not only are seed Umeand harvest promised in tbe text, but the lib-

erty and happiness of the human race on tbeeaiih. and that promise is being fulfilled. Con.sider tbe oomiption that preceded onr deluge

the people absorbed in material things—ourpolitics vitiated—6imetking as tbe world wasbefore tbe days of tbe flood of Noab: and notby force of aims alone have tbe reenlu flowedfor srblch we are to-day thankful, bat from di.

vine interposition and idd. for there te a drift in

things which is not the drift of hamia actionalone—tbe drift of a divine pnrpoee tor onr wel-fsi e: and lor this we are more thankful thananything elsA when we stand as to-day, withthe Bow of Promise breaking from the doudswhich still roll above tbe nation, and with, let

ns trnst, thankfnlners in tbe breasts of all, fromthe brightest In the land to tbe meanest freed-

man, wbo looks bopefnlly to heaven from themidst of bis broken fettera.

EUH.ST-OIT Extract from Daxiel Wxr.STEAAt the present time the following rxtract of aspeech mate by Mr. Webster, tbe great maneloqnect, wni be read with interest It was de>

Uvered more than thirty years ago. In reply to

John C Oalboon, on the bill to “provide for

the ooUectioe of duties on ImportA” in Febrn.ary, 1833. At that time, it is known, Mr. Cal-

bennV remedy for a conodved grievance was“nnllification.’>s “secession’’ was that of his

cbool of poUtidans. We qnote ae fo lows.-

If the fiieads of nullification should be ableto propagate their opinions, and give thempractical eSeot, thev wonld. In my Jadgmentprove themselves tbe most skillful “architectsof rnin.” the most efiieetnal extingnlshers ofb'gh-rtisod expvrtstion. the greatest blasters ofbeman hopeA which anv age has prodncel.They W( nld Hand np to pt^ain., in tooaswbich wonld pierce the ears of half the hnmsnrace that the last great experiment of reprs-eer tative govemment had failed Thev wonldsend fortb lonnds at which the doctrine oftbe divine richt of kings won'd feel, even in its

grave, a retn-ning sensation of vltialitv and resnsefation. Millions of eyes, of those wbo nowf- ed Um ir inherent love of libsrtv on the sncc*siof tbe American example, wonld tarn awav f.-omb(bold:rR onr dismemhenwrot. and flnl noplace tn earth wbe.ra«i to rest their grat fie)

sight. AndAri me incant:;tioas and or/ies ofnniUAcatinn. secession, disnni'm, and revoln-Uon, Wf.nld be celebrated the funeral rites ofCoi etituti'«l 1 an^ repavifcan Hhertv.

But If the & vernment do its dntv, if it actwith firmness and with moderation, these opin-ioos racnot i icvall. Be aasnred. that, amongtbe politiial scDtimento of this people, the loveof Bnion Is still uppermost. Tbev wUl stsndfast by tbe CooetitutioD, and by those who de-lend h. I rely on no temporary erpsdlents, onno political cmnbinaUoe,' but I rdv on tbetroeAmerican fsellrg. the genaliie patriotism of thepeople and the imperative decision of the poblie voice. Disorder and confosloo, ind-ea. mayarise; scenes of commotion an4 con*est arethreatened, and perhaps mav come. With mywhole heart I pray for the'eontinnknee of thedomestic reace and qoiet of tbs coaotrv. I de-sire, most LideoUv, the restoration of affec ionard bannonv to all iu parts. I desire that everycitizen of the whole country may look to thisGoyernmeat with no other sentimenU hat thoseof grate'nl respect and a'taehment Bat I can.not yield, even to kind feelings, tbe cause oftheCcnstitation. the true glorv of the eonntrr, andthe great trnst whicb we bold in onr handsfor sneoeeding ages, ff IbeConstiintion cin-Bot be maintained wiibont meeting thesescenes of c'>nimotion and contest, however nn-welcome, they must come We cannot, wemust not we dare not, omit to do that which,in onr jodgment, the eafetv of the Union ro-qnlns. Not regardless of cons qaencss, wemust yet meetconernoenoes; sseiog the htzirdswbich sorroand tbe aisebarge of pnhlic dnty. it

must yet be discharged. For mveelf. I sbnn norcsposisihUity Jnstly devolving on nsA hers orelsewhere. In attempting to msinUin tbe cause.I am tied to it by indissolnbie bands of afiTectionand duty, and I shall cbeerfaUv partake in lufortnnes and Its fate. I am ready to perf wm mvown apprnpriite part, whenever and wherevtftbe occasion may call on me, and to take mvchance among those upon whom blows may fallfast and fell thInkeEt. I shall exert everv faen’tyI pmsess in aiding to prevent the ConsUtalionfrom being nnllified. deetroved. or impaired;and even sbonld I see it fell. 1 will still, wi h aV. ioA feeble, perfaapA bnt earnest as ever issuedfrom human lipAand with fidelity and zealwhich nothing etell extingoish, call on thernoriA fo come to iu rescue.

Natolrox Borai'artr—We learn from khenotices of recent |^aropeac booiu in a latenumber of the Roand Table, a new work onNspoleoe L, entitled, “Napoleon I Feint parLnimeiBA” which is prodnciiig some sensationon both sites of the chann^ Tbe snibor fa M.RandoA nnd be has made np a terrible monn-ment for the first Napoleon by bringing to-gether extracts from the volnminon* Napoleonic


correspobteoce which is being pab'isbed byiraUllmtnU, under tbe snpervision of PrinceAW A UIVFW UUAL £«»(AUiCUUWM capable of any meanneK as well as of anycrime There Is one letter that arranges andcommands e-ptonage upon Madame deSuei,whom be bate:- above all women, and B.rpj sminConstant. He would cat out the tongue of alawyer that would wag against the Government.His toite is alwavs Irriulte. low. and egotistiAand his inclii ation seems to alwa-.s be for tbeI«Uiest expedientA wbich were not even re-dei med by b< big smart. I send yon tbe fol-lowing tracslation of one of the letters. It waswritten to bis brother J>.*>;ph and Vt Junot,and relates to some small popular movetnent inItal';

“Ton will not tracqnilize lUIy bv phrasas.Follow my example at Biats-xi. 'Burn a Urgeyrillage; shoot a dozen lasnrgenU. My intin-tfon is that the village where tne mntiny b: okeoot be bnrnt. that tbe priest now in eviarge ofthe bishop at Piaisance be shot, and that threeor fonr hundred of tbe InsargenU be sent to thegalleyA Ban two or three vUlagCA let novestige of their existence remain. • •

Ton are far too good for the onntiy over whichyonrnlA Ton most disarm tbe peop’A hiveth«m lodged, and traseiKired. Never pirdon.Let s:X bnndrr-d at least o( tire InsargenU beshoe They killed more than that am ount ofmy own eoldierA Born the h-msas of thirtv ofthe priac4'al persons in tbe vi:iages and dividetheir prc|>erty among voor troops Disarm all

the inbabitanU and pillage five nr six of tbevUlegee which bive mntinied. • • s

I very mneh wieh that tbe Naples eanaillf wouldrevolt. Until yon have made aa example yonwill never be iu master. Everv conqueredcnQDiryrsqnires a rebellion, and I shonld con.sider a rising at Naples as the lather of a familymight tbe small-pr-x breaking oat among bkcbildren, provided ft did not weaken tbe pa-tient too mneh. It is a salntary crisis.”

A volnme containing many each specimensof Napoleonic bnmanity as tbe above willgreatly shock Abbott and' other American book-makers who have been for tbe last dozen yearswhitewaehing tbe repntation of Napoleon Wecan well Imagine that be will now, however,btocme immensely popular with Mr. ToaddeusStertb!- and the R^. Dr Beecher.

The BoaiA of the American Baptist Missionary Union. repreaentiDg the Foreign Missionwork of tbe Baptist cbnrcbM of tbe NorthernStates, bold a special meeting to-day. A greatenlargement of the work of this bodv is presredupon tbe committee, especially in Earope andAlilca, and tbe Board is called together to de-dte what shall Ue tbeir action.

'UNION LINE”Union Transpirtafion & Insurance Co.



S« Fourth straeA LOUISVILLE, KY.

A ooeot for ter abot-e Uampaur. is preptrrl to iwuelec-ipte for Bo^ward-bouad fratebta to Baltiteoro, Phil-oAol^ia Nr« York, and BorUn.Mr. E e Rnbtnooo contlnuai in the oAoe ai »—'riant



M b. thovas j. maktin, ,m., formkbly ofLmdsTille. Ky , bveomea a metuber of our brm

II om Ib-rcmher 1. i-ss.The etrle o< tbo 8t. IauIh House will remain tbe

rams, end lb«t at Nrw Orloana La . will te chsoEed,on that date, la H ABTIN. POLHONDE, & COBB.

cnBB, HOLHDNDE, *r.O.. et I.onle Mo.F. UULUUNOE * OO., Now Uiieaiu, La.

r. roi noxrz. j\o. i>. oosb. tho. j. maxtix. jb

COSB, DOZiBOZVBZi, 6i COFOKWAHni.VO^ NFUCUAN IB. Mo. 7 North S«codU et ecu

CbeeUiut and lUikeL Lonii.

MARTIN, DOl.llOVDE, &.TORR,/ ^OTXr.N and tobacco FACTOKS. r-OMMl.^SION\ AM) lOKyVARDlNO MEKCHAMd, No. „1 Nat-cbea eheet. New Orleauis La.

Order, are rallrited for the purchore or eale of Cot-tno. Sugar, Molmriee. Coff.e, Grri^rle*. yVittein PrS-duoe, Urain of all iKBie. Hey, Naval dtorae, Baveine,Bope, Tebacoo, *c , wbich wUl receive our best perHou-al atb-ctlon. d5 dim



CeniBiMoD (ml FerTardlOR nrrebanti,

No. 4(i Wert Well it.,

LOUISVILLE, KY.Ki:rr«rj«cr»-D. 8. B»>nedict A Sene and U. D N<-w-Opmb a Bro . U>ulni!le Ky : K Atklnoon A C\ and

Warren Newcomb A Co.; New York; Ilewett, Norton.A Co. end Given, Waite, A Co„ New Orleaue.

The aimve firm will do exclusively aCommieeion btuuir.., tnakiiri: liberal adveneee on

eoneignmenu—will irl.e prompt attention to order, forsupplie* aud to tbe purchaee and sale of Wortern Pro-dope and all other articles of merebandiee. dS dlm

MILLEIU^-(X)..coBCBtzsszonr aoBiicHAza'TB


Flear, Gratai, Provisioiit, and Soatbernand IlrstrrB Produce Rencrally,

No S‘J Broad street. NEW YORK.I Dvxepptioqable reference* riven on eppUcation Lib-

eral eaeb advanor. made on contirnmenU dl dtm*

W. JAMES JOHNaON, T. T. WRIGHT,Foimerly of Louievlite, Ky. Of Steamer High Flyer.


STEAMBOAT AGENTS,Ftrtardio' ud CoDnnissioi lercbints,



Herchantr' end Peoples' Une,Bt. Louis and New Orleans Packets,

Memphis aud Louisville Psekets,Memphis and Vicksburg Packets,

AJ* auras, Wlilte, aud Yazoo River Packets.

Oo* '

'^risaeiyned to our care will be forwarded with-rnfelciay. ndS dly


CommiBBion dt Grocflry Merchant?,No. lul CcoiiDerc« Kt., MONUOMhBV, ALA.

ERFFEA toEbin. Kiiic, A Co., Bankert, Koutfomer^, AIa.Jt«iah Mniric, •* ** *Whartoti A Bt nDPtL LoolFtiHOe o96 dSm


Commission Merchants,134 Gravieret. fup stein), NEW ORLEANS.pABnCLXAR ATTENTION PAID TOITHE 8ALBA cf Tobacco, Cotton, Pork, Flour, and Western Pro-duce. LibeJtel idvaueee aiade upon eourigaments.sit dAwdni

OARDNBK. DEXTER, dk C'O..rvOMMISelON MEKCBANTd FOR THE SALE OFV-J Cotton. No. 116 Pearl itreet. New York, No. 34Franklin rtreet, Boston. Kefer to National AmericanKxchaore Bank, Mew York; National Bmk of Ocra-mecce. National Revere Bank, Borton Having amplemeans for advances, e business ecunainteoos of 36 yearswith Eastern spli>nera,aud ooDfinlngtlH'mselvesstricilyto a eommiraiea buslress without cmeratlug on tbeirown eocouut. rcepectfully solicit ccnsiimmeuts.

J. L. ABHOT A CO .IAzent. In Mobile.oH dZm C. E. DEXTEK. Agent in Columbus, Ga.

Aucticn Sale ofSubsistence fatores.OrricE DiroTConuiasiEv 8i-nrieTr.NrR.r

N.ckiivii.i.E, rzNX., Dee. 11, Iri^S. I

T wn L OF! ER 1-OR !•ALE, AT PITIUC AUCTION.1 on F KIDAY, D- r. ft!, W6, at the Katoo Dep-it, in iliecity of Nwhvlllc. Teno.. one milliou tl 'bo fN.i, paini^mere or U*f. of H.yRD BHKaD fyi two*? eoiidilioit.Abo, at the c.rme t iii<- and pl<ci-, .tiiy tXiTidrinu >]

diibairUiice Stores n Coiumirrary Preperty ttaat maybe ou bard at O at tin e.

I'lBve o:- Sa! r—Casli in GoVf ramcnt funds. Storesto be lemcvcd imn.cuiately at tbe crpeuMoi thepar-cbs.or. J. M. BL-MR.dl6 dS Cspt. A O. S.

Fubiic ^ale of G-overuni«Dt Saw-TWili^

Mii.TTAr.T Divrsiox of Tirz Trvxrss-n, i

Q. .Si ’» U>>-K-E, U. 8. MiUTAKl B.MLKOAIri. >NAbiiviiLB, T.Nxri-su, December 13, loilj. )

T W’iLL EXrOSbb AT PUBLIC AITCTION, ON1 ThuiMiiy. 18-c. 33, at 1‘3 o'clock, rear tbs Chattaiioo-«a I'lpH. Niirhville, Trun., one Saw Mi:I. Ciemeoc'PatenL with cspscity of ihiity-slx horse power.Terms emh, ii> Go\enimeut Kurds.

a A HAMILU^l-' d7 Capt and A. Q. M., U. E. M. K. R.

Auction Sale of Goveroment FuoL

16,000 Cords of Wood.

X fullouiris l.ts of Gov. rrimrnt Wood. :-itiiatcd on tbeline of the Nii-hviUe and Nerlhwoeteru KtiirOAd:

At Section IS CSmilb's 11 UI), T.'iCX Cord-.“ « 34 a,:.:w“

“ •' 36 41« ““ ** 27 4M) ““ *• Sd 2i0•* •• t!» a HI ““ “ ;,s 9iy\' “'• *• nj fWMtcIUufl) 1,M4 ““ “ SS 1.1-W“ “ l.i»\ *•

“ 85 137 ““ “ .3.! l.V^« "'• “ 37 3-« ““ “ sa PluX "“ “ 19 1,4-:J4

“*• “ 42 (Smotdvilic) 67»x ““ '• 4S S,5i-4’a ri

Pale to crmmence on Wediiordsy, Decemlier 36. 1'r.j,

St 10 o'clock, at Section 1:1, N.asbville and NorthwesternRailroad, and trom thence to each section as they appearin Ibis advertisement.A special train will be furnished for tbe accommoda-

tion of purchasers, to leave tbe depot at Nashville,Tcnn„ at 6 A. M on the day of tlic sole.Terms cash . Government Futula


By order of Cspt. A. K. Eimv, U. 8. A., Cliief Q. M.Dr pt. of Teur-.essee.dl5 dS A. W. WELL, Brevet Major and A. Q. M.

MiTonat-L A AaMmoHa,LouirviUe,

MorzBsax A MBNErsa,Cineiiuiali.


Proli'ion and ('onimission Mer-chantii aod Cotton Factors*

No. I


north do Main rt„ bet. First and Second.

OABTICULAB ATTENTION PAID TO THE PUR-X chase and sale of Pork. Baeon, Lard, Bourbon, andRaw Whisky, Aleobel. Calocne Spints, Bale Rope,and Bagrinf. MITCHELL A ARMSTRONG,old d.'kn

JOSEPH H. OGLESBY,Late OeiAsny A MacAn.n,

Commission Merchant,Nos. KM, 70, snd 7‘A Tcboopitouloi street,


PEPRESENTED In CINCINATI by B F. BRANMAN,X\ Esq., President Franklin Rank: In IgmisvlIIe by

Bank: io Bt. Loois by H.'b. McLEAN, Eo«., SAe;etaryCiMseos' Insurance Coopasy, s36 ddm


C3-I^OOEHesS,CoBUriaalnM «i4 FnrTRnlliis Berchaals.

Na lie Main terseS, LOUISVILLB, KT.lyll dUB


44 tL, NEW ORLEANS.VOTICg.-The house of K H SHORT A CO wasi-V disiolvad on tlie let d*y of McT,16-' limitadou.Either partoer wUi sign tbe name In UquidaSion.nSl (ban

MSZLCSR, ANTSIsO, AGO.,General CommiBsion Merchants

rOE lUE •ftLB OPCetton, £tmp, Tobacco, Ae.,

PHILADELPHIA, PA.Bpfer to W. C Yllto, Ee;).« Cssba ComoerclEl B«ok of

^fnituckikLottUvU a. uSl (Util*


fommission& ForwardiogMERCHANT,

No. «l Magazine st. Cup stairs), NEW ORLEANS.


Commission Merchants,l*^9 And 191 Front Et*« New York.

/ ’tONSIGNMFNTS OF COTTOS, LEAF AND UANU-Iffidured Tobffioco »oIicUed.

nF.^'Cr. JF. IT rOn,OF LOLiflVXLLE, KY.,

Will receire nod tonrftrd edp aoi^Endiee Ediressedto their eare end vuike advEocoF on eame.fV^OAre DorUsWOti comer of Mftin fenH Second

LouhnriUe. Ky. nlo dBm

TOf K, DAVIS, & CO.,

G' R O C E H SAjn>

Geaeral roBfflisiiiofiMerchaBf^Keep coostantly oo bsnd a Urge itoek of

Flour, Staple and Fancy Brands.ParticuUr attention frlren to the buying sod Miliag

of oil fcinde of Froduoe uid MorchffiaoiJM.

822 3HAa.1xa. Stx-eot,Between Eicfalb and Nmtb. LOUiSNU^JS, KY.

R. W. TpokJJ.O. Davia3A P.Trnz. ) oaOdtf



Government Building’s

At I. oui!?ville, Ky.

«t pirmi't^ oa TU ESDAY. DKO lx« the toliosr-

Inp d* »«iibcd Governmeut Bulldma^, vieEisM STAIiLKS comer cf and Wa’nut rts.

rij ih'e STABLE. Oeuter et.« bet. Oie»*Dd: Walnut et9.

REFl'GFI S' fiOMl^ Uioadway, bcUveeu l''lh ii iHibKte., couaiatiug of

ri) One RARRACKS;Oj One llOtnTAL

Sale to rommenco at corner Koat and Walnut strocUal lo o'clock A M.1 EBMP— in r. S. currency.By oiikr of the Quaxte;n.aater Ger'«»rftl U. 8 A.


Aii'l Qua’icrniMtor'tf Office,


LouievUle, DiC IS* 1^. i d‘^d7

U" ^ wulitn the cuc osiure, at corner Kant aud Walnut»ti(€la, Tueeday, December T.*, 1“^.

J. H. nKACHFR,d15 d4 O 'pt end A. .X.

Auction Bale of noTeroment Prop-erty at Chattanooga, Tenn.

There WILL BE EXPOSKD FOR 8.LEAT THEkuiidlns* of the Gkattanooc<\ Ordlnanca Dun'll on

Tuet!da) , December Hy a Iririre quantity of euipluaiind coodemufd pro|>erty, coxieLtitig in part of

Leather Accoutrement? and Equlpmeuta;8 ddloi and Saddle Blankets;ScTFp Metal. Rope, and Tatpatrinf:Carpenters', BUckemitlia*, Carria^O'iuakers, and 8ad~

diet*' Toola:Fellini; Axea. Pick Axw. Spadco, Shovels Ac , &c,;Office Furniture, coiisUting of D«Mk«, CuAls'‘a, O.tico

Safra, etc.

Tenne caab. Govemment Funds.JOHN II. nOlAN,

dll dtdocSf Brevet Lieut -Col. Coinmandine.



Auth»rized 1’. S. Claim A{:tintg,

FF^Office No. 91 jefffraon afreet, north elds bet tveenTlihd aud Kounh, up aUira, over licCurUl kMeinimrera* Muaic Stoie.

4 LL KINDS OF CLAIMS AGAINST THE GOVERN-rtT\ meut promptly collected.Pentioor, Bounties, Back Pay, and Prize Money

promptly obtained.Ao advance feca charced.Nocharyemadeinany caae unless auoce*«aful in tlie

prosocutiem ot tbe claim.Address L'ck Bux LI, Louisville, Ky.^ ^ CAVEN&C.LRR.Bcfer to—General ROUSSEAU,

Major SPEED.dl4 d34 General WARD.



Wholesale and BetaM Depot, No. 70 Market street, be*tveen S^ond and ThircL

*7 and beet matci lab sU the latest and mo4 faabiona-b'e at>lee of CHINOLINR, adapted to the Drawlnflorm, Pe«r, Carriaite, and Street. Wo ruarantee ourSklita not to dUiolu, aa ia the cao with the commonKaatcrn-made Skirt. Wc will sell thorn at the lowetitfactoiT n.icea, either wnCLCfiauc or sbtail. We willas-o make SkfrU to order or fop-Jr them.Soutlicrn aud Countr> Merchanta are particularly in-

vited to eznmiue otir aio'k. a^ weaeli U*>oti Skirts 90p«-r cent Icm than tho> arc sold at Main street wboiosatdbouses. IM^Ladiea, do not foraet tbe place —

No- 70 ffionth ctidr .YflarUct streoUold A. WCKJLNEK. No. 70 Market at.

IKLAUaj^Z O’SAZATI'OULD KESPEUTFIXLY ANNOU14CE TO> * tbe public thrt Rm bu removed to the i.nitb

tide o< Market rtraet fcetweeu Jaekaen ui Uu-oock, third door 6-om Uancorki where abe may beeoiiaulled by all wbo may derire to kuow snytliingof Fnxkz Evikt.. She will give tbe ntune, age,and character of any pertc. Sbo will alio delta-rate ebaraeter trm likimoacra n.-O dim*

VilTCDESiJEiVELRy,115 Third atpeel. and 4ty7 Mviu street. t

I |4»old IViiffi Poiiiird lor ,50 ceul«. B'

.9 ..LiivT SajiT Fa«jc.

I jSCencU BrantL and Name PiAiea lor Linoucat Aft usual. I


Addit>a K. Vo UIIaIa dk €(1*"^I

40 mid 43 Broadavay and S3 New at. NEW YORK.L. B. FiTzuroH.of Kentucky.W. L. Wiuaca, ol Philadelphia, Pa.Tbm. C. Oalz. of Norfolk, Va.OZAiiAa L. Upcuaa. of St. ly-nia. Ho. olO dSm

R.K. WALKER <&. CO.,No. 73 Caroudelet rtreet, NEW ORLEANS,

J.F. JOHNSON (too.,No 99 Commerce at., MONTGOMERY, ALA.,

Cotton and Tobacco Factors

TO TEL«GRAPU C ^MPANIES- THE BALIZETelerrspo Lme from New Urleane tj the Passe of

ilte Mississippi River, with intermediate atatioas atliead ol Paaikw. OuarRCttoe Station. Forts Jackson an ibt. Philip, will be leased fw ooe year, fh>m the 1st ofJai'uary next.The line is io complete workinf order.W rii^ u prop>«aU will be rcreived by the nndersian-

ed hquidatora ol Good Intent Towboat Compaxi> , untilthe nut of Dec< mbt'r next, tor lease oftbe line for one> eai', or for ita purebaae.


_ ,Office 6 Caroudelet street. New Orleans.

Lcnl^ille Jvurosl advertlae until 30th ot rVeem*ler.-N.O. nca>une, dll dtdecSl



Clieap I.«ee Slore, Fourth etreet.

'VEIZjSNEW STYLES,Juat imported aud for lale at


^rth at., bi-t. Haravt aud Jefferaon.


STACEYHOU^,NashAnllo, Term.

This house is just being finished, con-tainiri; all the modem improvementa of a FIRST-

CLASS HOTEL. It will be formally opened to tbepuWir on TllL hSDAY, tho 14tb dfty of Dix:e'uber.

dl2 Cl'm J. EDWARD 8TACKY.

Bszm&xcs atoirazs,Corner Church ard MrLemore at*, only ono rourfl front

Chatteraoga Depot, NASH VILLK, TEN.N.

Tins ELEGANT HOTEL ha* juat been opened, andtlie Iravelliig public will fiad the aceommodationa

nnenrpaeecd by any beam in tho elty Moala ready intime lor ail looralug tniu* going eit’-er South or N irth.

o31 d3m L. U. ELDKIDGW, Proprietor.

PLANTERS’ HOTEL,Louiriville, Kv.

D. W. POOH Lcser-a.

Saih afreet, nenr .tlnln.

rruis HOIYE HAS EF.EN THOROrOlILY RE-X paired. rrStted, aud i-eiuruiahed, and ia uotr open ata firrt-^Iaea Hotel ol3 dam


Patent Locks,Night Latches,

StoTb-door Lock#,Gash-drawer Locks, *

Capboard Locks,

For eiile by SNEAD £ CO.,Market Street Archilertural Foundry,

Market at., bet. Eighth and Ninth *10.,

And by HUINLV. DODGE. & HARDY,Main et., bvlu een Third and Fotiitb ata.

D99irim Lonsvii,!.., Kt.


NAUTS&MAMEU,Ne, '*^47 north ilde MaIh ftreet* between Sixth and


ijomjsvnjXLsia, xai-sr..

Iron, Steel,Aails, Spikes,&c

! mm\$30,080,000 LOAM

OF Till


Twenty-year Coijpon Bonds in l^uiiis

ef $50, $100, $500, &$L000.IMEBCST SEFEV PFR fF.TT, P ITABLE W

THE cm OF :t£W YORK.


$10,000,000 to be Bold at SZZZ7vsaizs on tbo no jjXsn.R,

in U. S.-Currency, thua yielding an Intereet ofTWELVEPER CE.VT IN GOLD, «r SEVENTEEN PER CENTIN CURRENCY, at tbe preaent rate of premluni, oa

Tbe First Tear’s Interest Already Protlded.


IMMENSE TRACTS OF MINiNO AND AGRICUL-Tl RAL LANDS; SIXTY PER CENT of PORT DUES,IMPOSTS, and TAXES in the State* of TAMAULIPA3and SAN LUISPOT08I; and the PLIUHTEO FAITHof the said Stelea and the GENERAL OOVERNMENTare ALL PLEDGED for tbe redemptioa'ef tbaee Bondssnd payment of intereat.


S30 in U. 8. Currency will buy a 7 per ct. Gold Bond of $50$60 “ u jioo

$300 4* H 4. » 44 Jjyg$600 4. M 44 44 44

Ln iTEUiT LOviz or Bzpdhliosh Imstitctiobs bittST LZSBT

OMS BOZSTD.CircuUn forwarded and anbaerlptlona received by

JOHN W. CORUES d! CO. sndJ. N. ITFFT, Financial Agent of tbe Republic

of Mexieo, 67 Broadway, N. Y.tWS'ibffTipUoni also rercived by Bank* and Bank-

ers generally tbreugbout the United StUea.

nS6 dSm&wS

PrfininnSCIlill^MftChiDCS Gfoeral C'omnibNioB MerchaDts.

y-" WeroraMtioafad a>7 Ood. thfe notkia bos boaa oo led

BiibsDfi it fo be traced from tte lerolaUoa op

LEAV Z'PT^SzamoTSDnoV7BARormi,

Wrtahliiksd fa MH}. witransadfcr five yesra.

$W~nX)EKWCE swarded the praratnm st tbsFair eftlie Smsrtran Inrtttiita, IMS.

_WILOOX aOlBBS' and PAKK« MACHINBS, otecRIMGEB'S. any afao, wban erdnrad.

Atvn ou> Aozarai, tU Fetrara araErr. nss Main,SatenAOItei T JOHNSTON. Arant,

TXUCKWHKAT F1X)UR -460 bega freMi PeniMylva-tf nismeirad peg ateanibogt Pine Prove sud leraatefo GEO C. HUNrEK A PO.,dt dla Main, tart. Third and Feurth at*.

$V liberal advances made on oonaignmanta.•ICdSm



COMMISSION MERfJHANTS,For the aale end parchMe of

fottM aii4 Tabacca, Wheat, Floor,pork,Bacob, Lorfi, feriefi Fralt, iroB,

ab4 Profiacc VcBcrAUy.No*. 9 and 1 1 Bromi sL, NASHVILLE, TENN..Strict aSteutlon paid to rsoaiving and forwordind, .d

ubenl odvanoes aude oo eonaignmenti.

__ _ kzmznnza:r®' Wirfo. J. M. Davis A Co., Moors, Brarao-

**<*'“van A Menifee, Murrrtl^SaSe^m!A 5- “ WUder, J. M RoblnaooOConief*? A Co. W. H Stokes, HP“’'ffaf *Co., J. 8 Lithgow A Oe., and Jaa. Todd,

to merehm.te. honkers, and citizen* gen-rally ef Neehville. ^

rianters’ national Bank.IdHitevii.Le, Kv., Dee. », 16«,

A MEFTOiG OF THE STOCKHOLDERS OP THISwU^ held el iw Bauking-hauae on •*'„e.d.v,Oiejnb day of January, less, for tbe eiccUou tf firadireriois. to serve tbe eo.nin* yearan d'jaiiS J. w. BaiUUELOR, Cashier.

fSHl-nzeSOB TU \V. SWEZ.SY,,Ol’ooeT* ami ’oritef'rirtn at*

No. -Atitl 8. E. corner .laeksoii aud_ LOUISVILLE KY.,Keep* constej.tly on hand the b«t O/nters, Hjh. audGame- rte~Mrala at al> boun on .Uort notice

Meal* served at private residences.d|i dim

Tom. M. Davie. J. V. BuxeTri. Jas. Ellib.

DHI^C\STER,&(0.,Srot-zaaois to J. W. Hills A Co.,

Wharf-Boat Proprietors

Dealers in Boat Stores, Groceries,Dry Goods, and Clothing,

SMITIXXj.A.^N'13, •FC’y.nl8 dim*

XonisYille City national Bank,Louuvillb, Dec. 8, lldS.

rPHE BTOCjyiOLDERS OF THIS BANK AREA hereby notified that on election for five Direc-tor*. to »erve lor the eiiiulng year, will be heid. at theBanking-bouee. on Tue*da>-, Hh day of Jounory. 1866bt-tween U e hour* of 16 and 4 o'clockBy Older of tbe Board.

dtd R. 8. MOXLEY, Ca»hler.

nZBBZTT A son,UrHOLESALB AND RETAIL ORfKJKRS, OffAL-^ EK8 Id FLOUK* BA0>N, IaARD, snd COUNTRYPKODt'CKv No. 888 Msrkel itreei hetwe«m Saoonti anjnura. Lofuavtto R-v.

rrnTs nx)TnFaS-WA8ErKR has now.been be-X folo tho public shout f ur yrsra. Uiirtnf tbopmexit ) esr wc bsve m*iBuficturutl and aold weverslhubdi'cd to cur cuatomertysnd, sftor s full sud tb^roticbU «t* wo hs' 0 sbuDdaut rvHpon for believius it li thel eft Wafber in Americs; beuce wc chsUenge ttkc worldto produce iU equal.TLc Kentucky Waahor to<'k the first proroiiim st our

Ifefct State Fair over tho cvlebrstcd ikitv, the crack^asflicr of New Et.yiaud, tho iiydrsu'ic. the UnionWapber. rnd other* cf U«t note; eince which time, inn*vc'il fair and tbor'ueh cootcrta with the bc«t of the*emschiuefe ANU TIIK CI*1FDKU, the J* d<O0 dc-t i led that thx* Kentucky would ws b dOMhle the amountOl cUithiii^ ill a given t mo. YvUh au“h ler* wear to thet^ibric. and Y«i(b s great deal leaa labor to tha operstor$than tbe ne; t hi ft warber.The Kentncky will annually rave !t* cost In tbe wear

fud tear ot clothing, and save double it« coat in labor.It in flmple. durable, aod rooet couveniently arranged.The Wrirper attaobed to tbe Kentucky Washer U tbe

rjcffit dumble. mo*t easily adiiiated. and the very beetlaiug of iu kind ever iovenUd Send for a circular.

BHINLY. DODGE. A U UtDYe8o'e McuiifactiirerB of tbe Briuiy Plow. Goodrich'*KYapuatur; dealera iu ilardwaxe. Farm Xmplomeatf,Ac.

StGTf or Goli>ik Plow*118 Biain ft.« between Third and Fourth*

d37 ddrwtJal Louhtvill^ Ky*


Third atrtet, MAGON* GA.Dealeia In Forclrn and Domestic Exchange, Stock*i

Bond*, Gold. Silver. Bank Note*. Atn,

leAAO ScOlT. 0. A. MCTTUlQe A. II. POWBLL.n80 AM*


CLOTHING1 WILL, ON MONDAY, THE IITU INST., COM-1 Biencc celling ofi' uiy Uu ge stock of

CLOTHING AT COST,Con*irtlog iu GENT'S OVERCOATS of all kind*.


and qualities. Also a good variety of


PnTObr.pers will find it greatly to their advantig*to call and vzomiue my stock before else-where. c;. r. ii.A.ti,

No. loo south side Market street,.411 dtf Between Third and Fourth. Louisville, Ky,





3:Krcs-,A.XkXkS cAj oo.,163 Main st., bet. Fourth and Fifth.


Office Sbelbvville ALooisviile Torii-pike ZLoad Compauy,

OEALED PROPOSALS WILL BB KEUEIVEI) ATJJ tLuolhce until Januar>-L 1866, for furuisbiug finebTok« sUMie. delivered on *ald road at auch place* and iufucbquautiUitfM may be defigaated by th« Super Inteu-dent ol said road. Bide will be received for the wholeor any part of the twenty mile*. PropcaaU to 1w ad-drcMcd to J. B. PARKS Pre-ideut.

Office at Lotilaviile Savingi* Bank,dlldiignl* Path itreet, LouirviUe, Ky,


Ptoclamation by the Oovamor,S300 REWARD.

CCMXONWiALTn or Kcntcoicy,)P.xp.rrTiva DErASTMC.sT. (

^^nKRFA8, IT HAS BEEN MADE KNOWN TO MEtbfet Jftcoti Giitiier BtaLd<) indicted iu Uio C:a? Cir*

»*ult Court f’.rthe mu derofWillUm fl.irk. arid thUvaM Jacob Giltuer ha* fied fiom juaticCiaud U now goingall rpe,Thei eiVgro I. Tbr* E. Bramlette. Got ernor of the Com-

monwralt^ atoresfeid. do hereby offer a reward I'f ThreeD liar* Cit.lOG) lor the apprehenfion of theauH

Jacob GiUuer. and hie delirerv to the Jailor ot ClayCounts’ wilhin one year fiona the d te hereof.

Io teetimooy whereof 1 have hereunto aet

I BIT a r Ii*“d. and caupel the seal rf the iJom*\

" — Jttonwealth to be affixed Dene at Fraak-thif. the 2<J day of Decvmh*»r, A. D.

and in ih'' 74;h year of the CommonweteitU,By the Qovernr*r:

Y. Y I>* VAN WINKLE, 8ec*y of 8»ate.By Ji8. R. Page A«’t Sec'y, di d itn

VroclamKtiou by the CkiYeroor.

$300 REWARD.ConuoNWEaLTH or Ksm7UO«Tk

Eircuxivi DzraBTMKNT. JW HEREAB, IT HAS BEEN MADE KNOWN TO•' IOC that one Jsmvs Laivsou hu bscii iailicteJ in

tbr Meicrr Circuit Court for murdering one Bub Mos-1*7, of Mercer ctunty, tho said James Lawson bosfitdfWm jiutloe and Is >hiw going at targe;Now, therelore. 1, Tlies. E. B.-umlene. Governor of

IheCommoi wraltii of Kentucky, to hereby offer a re-waid of three hundred dollars tor the approbensiooof tb* said James L.w*un and bis dcMvery to the Jai.trol Meteor county within one year bom the datehereof

In testimony wheraof.Ibsve berenufo set

fttir . f \niZha‘iJ »’id caused tho sralof tiieCom-l^

• - Tu.mweal;:: to ke affix, d. Done at Fr.nk'. rlD.** tire #4th day of November; A. D. 1865,

and In the 74th jeor of khe t'owmouwealth

^ „ TUOS. E. BRAMLETTE.By the Governor:

» T w »PL VANWINKLE, Secy of State.

By Jai. B. Pauz, Ass't bec’y. u3I dJnj

Proclamation by the Governor.• S300 REWARD.

Common u'zar.Tii or Kc.vTrncT.tEzzovtive Dzpaktmz.nt. j

IJI'-nKREAS, IT HAS BEEN MADE KNOWN TOTl me that one Rotiert G. Turner dlA i-u November,

181 S. in the county of Lrgan, murder K. S. Porter, andis now a fugitive from justice going at large;

Now, tiierefore. L 'Tbos. E. Bramlette, Governor oftbe Commonwealth of Kentucky, do hereby offer a re-word of th:ee hundred dollars for the apprehension oftbe said Robert Q. ‘I'urner and his deliver/ to the Jaileref Logsii county within one year from the dote liere.-f.

* «» In testimoay whereif, I have hereuntoJ^set B>- hand and caused the seal of tbe Com-

[»Afo mnnwrnlth to be alfised. Done at Frankfurt

this Soth day of November, A. D. l*<a, and** in tbe 74tb year of the Commonwealth.

THUS. K. BKAMLETTB.By the Governor

K. L. VAN WINKLE, Sec'y of SUte.By JAS. B. PAGF, Ass't Ste'y.

DESCRirnON.Robert G. Turner h abont S6 or 40 years old, I feet 10

inrhe* high, light bair, had a blue mark under one eye;formerly Irom tlie State of Miixonri. n37 dSm

Frociamation by the Governor,S350 REWARD.


WHEREAS IT HAS BKEN MADE KNOWN T^K» T that Ben. Johnson, ol the county of Hart, dfiVon

tho 6th day of November, 1-65, maliciously shoot andkill Samuel Manifieid, of said county, and ne U now aa fugitive from Jurtlce 4-oiiig at large;Now, therrfore, 1, Thoi. E. Bramlette, Governor of

the Commouwealth aforesaid, d.t hereby c-ffer a rewardot Two Hundred and Kilt. Dollars for Uie apppreheu-s'on of the said Ben. Johnson aud hi* delivery to tbaJailer of Hart county within one year from the dalehereof.

la testimony wbereot I have hereunto set

f Sir Afo baud snd ca.«scd the seal of toe Com-l — -irionmealth to be atlized. Done at FrankfortvlTTr^yfhi* the 16th day ol Novemb'r, A. D. 1866,Olid lu the i4th year of the Commonwealth.„ „ THO. E BRAMLETTE.By the Governor;

E. r. VAN WINKLE, SoCy of State.By JaS. R. Page, Ase't Sec'y,

DKScioPTION.^n- Jehnson is about 35 yearao* age. about 8 feel

high, weighs 150 pouudt, light o mplexion and heard.Hue or gro}- eyes, scar in one hand, and Whu a riiddlerby trade. nl7 dJm

Proclamation by the Governor.

S500 REWARD.CoMMoirwzaL-ru ar KENTuaxT.I

Executive DzraBTHXNT. I

WHEREAS, IT HAS BKEN MADE KNOWN TO MB• T teat at the February term, 1*65, of tbe QarrardCircuit Court an Indirtment was fouud by the GrandJiirycf said Court agolust James aud Oreen Slaughter,for tbe murder of Absolum Puiioid, and they ore nowfugitive* from Jiistfre.Nfw, teercleru, I, Thos. E. BronSette, Governor cl

tbe Commonwealth aforusolA do hereb? offer a rewordcf two hundred and fifty dollon each for tee oppreben-*01101 tbe uid James and Green Slaughter and th'-irdelivery to tbe Jailer of Gon-ord co'unty, withiu oneyear from the date hereof.

in testimony whereof I have beraunto set

I SEAL, 'H" hand aud cansed to be affixed the seal ofI -r — the Commonwealth. Done at FronkiOrt

this the 8te day of November, A. D. 1868,and iLthe 7<Ui year ef tbe Commonwealth.


E. L. VAN WINKLE, Sec’y of State.By Jaa. B. Pauz, Ass't Sec’y.

DESCRIPTION.Grren SIsngbter, is about 35 yean old, about 5 feet

18 tnehe* high, hsavy set, weight 180 Jibs., block eyes,hair, and whiskers.James Slaughter, is about 19 years old, round face, 6

fret 6 to 8 inches high aud slightly round aboiilderedOl d heav} wt. nl3 d3m

Proclamation by the Governor.



n^EREAS. IT HAS BEEN BLADE KNOWN TO ME"that John aud Robert Wiseman, of Ibe county

rf KstlU, State of Kentucky, did on tbe Wth day ofOctober, Iriio, ma liciously short and kill Clayton Witt,01 said county, aud they have fled from justica aud oregoing at large;Now, tberetore, L Thos. B. Bramlette, Governor c(

tbe Commonwealth aforesaid, do hereby offer a rewordof two hundred and fifty dollars each, nr tea oppre-benclon ef tec sold John and Robert Wiseman, andtbeir delivery to the Jailer ot Estill county witniu oneyear from the date hereof.

In testimony wbsreof I have beretmta setCanav ^my bond and eaussd the teal of tbe Cora-

-- -- .monweelth to be affixed. Dona at Frank-'a-/ 9 fort thii the 8th day of November A.D. 186^ood hi the ?4th year af the Co-nmonweoUb.

TUOS. R. BRAMLETTB.3y tee OovernoR

F.. L. VAN WINKLB, SecT o SuM.By Joe. B. Paez, Ass't Sec'y.

DESciuPriON. •

J.-bn W<*en an is about i feet 6 inch** high, weighsE'SIbs, dsik cemplex'OD, blue e>es, dark kair, roundvbouldercd. bow-legged, scar ou one of his breasts.

railroads: WANTED.Zrf>nlBviUe and SZashviUo IL ZL Oo.,


train* will run •• folDwae&0U A. M. Throu^ti Freight for NathvUle &nd w*y Sln-

tiootiUiif (except 8usdn>’j.fc30 A. M. Piiss^Kor Train for L«bAnAn, PanTTifle,

panviUe, lUrrodiburir, CuLpbelifville, Co-lumbU daily Ct'xoootSundayj.

7:00 A M. Ifftil and pHMoncer Tnin for NuhrlUaLBowUm Greon. and CUrkfvillo daily.

7:15 A. M. FreUbt Train for Lebouoa Breach Eo*d toBrumfield daily fezeept Sunday).

3:00 P. M. Arcommodation Truin for Bard^town dAll>'fexcept SundiiT).

0:00 P. M Freight Ti^n for Rn^hvllle, Bowling Green,end Memphis B ench deily fexcept dumlev).

^:00 P. M. Kxoref* P«i#enrer IVtin for Miirihvilie ALBEKT FlNKa General SuperiukenJent.

LenisviUa di. Frankfort and Ziszing'-

tonA Zh'ankfoit Jlaiiroads.

ON AND AFTER MONDAY, OCTOBER «, IsdS,Trains will leave os foUnws:

No. l.>Leave* Louisville dolly feicert Sunloys) at 6:06A M ; stopping at oil stations except EairGronuds Rsce Course, Browusooro. oculview; c.vnnsctiag by stage at Fra- kfort forLawrcnceburg. Harrodshurg, and BanvUle, atMidway for Vers-,illes, at F'ayne’s f,>r George-town, and at Lexington by Rail and Stage forNicboIasviUe, Danville, HarrodWiu’C, Laueos-trr, Stanford, Richmond, Mt. Si/rling, ard aUinterior towns. LravssLexingt'.t at -km P. M„and arrives at Louisville at 7:(i0 P. M. Con-nectii'f by stage at PAyne’s for Geortetnwn, atMidway for Venaillcs, and at Christiansb'jrgfcrShslbjville.

No. it—Leave* Louisville at bSO P. M. (S'lndayi ex-cepted), stepping at oil rtati.rM except FairGround', Rica Course, Brcinul oro, and NorthBenson: connecting at Christe. I'biirg by stagefor SlielbyvlMe. Leave* Lcxl .jton at 6:15 A.M., and urives st Louisville at 11:16 .A M.

No, 3^,lccommodation— Leaves Lograuge duly fStin-daysezespted) at 7 ;'j8 A. M., and arrlv<>s at Lon-bvllle at 8:45 A. M. Leave* Louisville at 4:30P. M ; arrives at Lagrange at AUU P. M.

FREIGHT TRAINS leave LoniovUie and Lexingtondoily, Sundays excepted.

088 SAM’L gill. iiipN.



Louisville and t' e East.THE



la DOW io full and cuceeteful op^iatloo,

Fr»iii Cinciouti t» ,^ev hrk, Boitui, Ic.,

And is tea only direct route to tha

Oil Reprions of Pcnnsjivaala.Cenneetioof are mada with the

J' ffor«onv1t]e and Ohio A Mift*i«*ippi R R. Tia Ser'mourJ«tTdr#onvilIe aud ludianfepoli* A Coi. R. R. Urbuna;Louuville A Lf^z. am) Ky. Cent. R. R. via *.inciuu*ti;

. U. 8. Mail Line Steamers via Cineiunali.

TU*0 THBOVAim THJiA'B OdffAY*.PaMencer* by the Broad Gaiire Railway secure wide

and ocmiortable cars, quick time, and lure eoanection*.

Throiich Ticket* aud Baxinute CheeV* can be pnwuredat all the priucipsl Raulroadaod tMoazuboat otbc«a in i

Loci*ville and the South.D McLARKN. Gea'l Sup'l.

B. F. Ff’TsLER. Oen'l Ticket Aeeut i

J. D. COLE Piiftaenaer Anent. \ No. 3ft Fonrth utreel,

WM COLLIKK. FieUht Aci nL) LiMiUyUle, Ky. odd

KEW BU4\MN« AB&A3<^£M£NTOilm




7:00 A.Cinrinnotl, and all pointa West. North, and N rtb wsot.

2,1 X Y> ItK Doily fexcept Sundays), mobgiJT . iu. direct connectiouiM trilcww

AT INDIANAPULUiFoe Clarateod, Plttshorg, Philadelphia, New York, Bot-

tom Balfmore, Watuingloa Ctly, and oUpohiti Baitand Noitbwest.

Per Chicago- Detroit, and oU points in the RertboafNorteweek.

For Cairo, St. Louis, Hannibal, Qiiincv, K, Joseph, 4te

9*lWl "P *^*1’ fSatordays axositedA.\i\J X • M-m making direct eommauieotiwj a»

foUewiiAT 8EYMOUE:

Fee 81. Lonlo, Cairo, 81. Joseph: and aft pNite *fass

AT INDIANAPOLIS;For an Eosleni and Nerthtostara eitlte

For T-dado, DetrolA Ac.Fnr Chicago and Nortewaatarn and Wertaro sstlOi.

nf~P«teengers by taking tlJs roote avoid a i~tse| eqi

able onddurty OMNIBUS RIDK OF FIVB$a'~This route b iiU MILES KIOBTriR, aud passea-

gars save l‘$ HOURS In time over ouy and oil otiite

roolet to Chicago and tbe Northwest.THIS 18 THB ONLY DIRBCT ALL-BAIL BOCTB TC

BASTERN dTIKS.• ''Puaaorert sbonld RXAMINBTHBIR TlCKffinCARKFULLY to see thoi tber reed "JBFFKliSONVILLB RAILROAD."iV~Any informoiloa con *« oetahied nc Tlskate par-

shooed at the office of the Cosiptiny. SOUTHRAST oat-

mu' of Main and Third streeta, Loubvilfa, Ky.,ac at MmR. B. Depot, Jeflereonville,

Fare alwaye tu law ae by aay ather raata.ol* JAMF.8 FEKKIER, Ueoerol Ttcket Agao*.


ZK>iiiKvllle, ITew Albaay,caro Haliroad.


9 * Ull A \f Chicago Xxpreia, ffaily 3cn4• OVy ill exeepteda iuakii:c direct eeni

tion at Mitchell fjc 8t, LouUL CulrO) KvauevlUe. 9L*oph« Xjeave&wortbp Kama* Olty* and all point* WalM at Grveo Ca*llc and IjuArtocte for Terre deutCt Bt«>uti* Alton* Decatur, Sprii'^^id, Jackacnvilleband all point* in Centr^ Ultnoi*| and at (

for DotroiLChicaa’o, and point* Northweet.

W iLf ^ t^l* and Uair* Michlo^\9 X • Iu.b pTCMp daily* makiOK direct <

Rifbert Witeiuan, *ye about 33 ya*rs« about 6 feetMxh. weight 165 or 17U o^unda* bow-leirceil, rather darkcoDiplexioti. datk hair, blue eye»* *car a* loo* a* thepalm oi the h^d on the rleht thish, made by a burn.nl3 d3m

Proclamation by tbe Governor.500 REWARD.


TirHEREAS, IT HAi BEKN MADE KNOWN TOV * me U>at$ ou the 15tb of October* 18''5. an unkn'^wnwoman waft murdered in Jefferron county, about threeniilea firm the city of Lout*ville, aud tho murderer i*

Ifoinx at large:Now, therefore, L The*. E. Bramlette. Governor of

the (jommonwealtb of Keutneky, do hereby offer a r^ward of Five liundred IXllan* for t)>e apprehension auddelivery of t) a luiknon'ii murd-rer or mard.*rer* to thejailer of Jefferson cooutv withiu one >ear from the datehereof, and their conviction.

Li toet’mrny whereoC I ba^e hereunto

{ ajp my baud and c^uaed the seal ot the

I Commonwealth to be affixed. Done atFrankfort tbe 34th day of Octo^*or, A

D. 1666, aud in tha 74th year of tbe t'ummouwca'th.TUoS. E. BH.\ML£T1B«

By tbe GovenionE. L. VAN WINKLPs. 8ec*v of 8ute.

o!E dnm By J Ad. R PAIB. A-«’t 3ee>.

Proclamaticn by tbe Governor.



WHERRA8, It has been mode known to me teal Wil-liun J. Cray, Jr., did, ou the 3d day oi Sept. 1864, mu^der Policemsn Edward Bend whiUt In the discharge ofhis ofliclai duties in the city of Louisville, and is now atugitive from Justice,Now, therelore, L Thos. B. BBOMi.zTrz. Qovnrner el

tee Commonwealth ofor-Mald, do htrvby offer a rewardot Three Hundred Doilers for the apprehension at saidWilliam ,T. Gray, Jr., and tbe delivery of him to theoilor of Jeffeifan county srittin cna year from thisdate.

la tastiffiooy whereof. I have beronnK

fBBA.I, set my bond and caused tba seal of tbaCca-/inonwealth so be affixed.

'^’'0 Done at Frankfort this, the liHh dajLOfOctrber, A. D. 18«6, and in Uie T4th year of tee Com-monwealth. TUOS. E. BRAMLETTK.By the Oovenior.

E. L. Vah WticKLZ, Seel’y State.By Joa. R. Paiic, Asst Sect'y.

Dnezimoit—Wm. J. Gray Is about S3 years of age, 4fo* hUb, and stoops a little. Wore, wliru last seen.Ions, light auburn hsir. Has blue eyes loog nose, sal-

lew complexion. Acted at one time os a guerrilla w‘thCopt. Hedge iu Nelson, Bullitt, and Spencer counties.

o31 d3m

Proclamation by the Governor.



TX' IlEHRAS, IT HAS BEEN MADE RNOWNYg M>* that one John danders stands Indicted byBoone Circuit Court for the murder of Joshua Ellis,

Host said John Sanders is a fiigitive from Justice goingat large;Now, therefore, I, Richard T. Jacob, Lieutenant and

Acting Governor for tlie Commonwealth afccesoid, dohereby offer a reword of two hundred d Hors C$4' 6) for

the apprehension of the said John Sanders, and his de-

livery te the Jailer of Boone connty, within one yearfrom tbe date hereof.

-OS «.. In testimony whereo*, I have hereinto

r .•** hand and caused the seal of theI BKAi. ,Commonwealth to be affixed. Don* at

V^TX’^V'Frankforl this 3i th day of September, A. D.1865, and in tbe 74th year of the Common-

wealth. RICUAKO T. JACOB,Lt. and Act'g Gov.

By the DovenionE. L. VAN WINKLE, Sec'y of StaU.

By .IA8. R PAGE, Awft Sec’y. sil d8m


Of Memphis,No. 8 Jefferson sUeel, MEMPHIS, TENN.

Paid in Capital $35«.000.Authorized Capitol $1,(IOU,UOO.

W. II. CuzzBT, President. A. T. LaoZT, V. President.R. C. Damn., Ciishier.

Collections In this city and at all oeeeralble pointsIn Ibe Southern States made and punctually remitted ateurient rates of New York exchange.Refer to tbe Bonks and Bankers of LoulsviUg.nSP dim

ISAAC CROMIE,(Suecessor to Cbomih, Oodzh, A Co.),

WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN BEST> • Pittsburg and YoughioghenyOO^H..Offiee on Market itreet, noi th *i(ie* abovo Third* andJ. P. Oremie** lee Dep^ Filth street, between Mar*

ket find Jefferson.F. B. Those in need of a good article of Coal wonM do

well to see me before purchasina. el6 d3m7 p: BBLS NO. a MACKEEBL:%0 M )4bbl* No. a do:

Only one diance of cart to Bt. Loois, Chfomfc, and Ob’eliukati. Ba^’k’axe checked Uuou4(h fiom tte Uota)*.F<v ftirtkcr intoraatioa andthreu^ ticketi Afpty *1

the office Ol theCompi^ny* soathweft comet Mn.n andTlird street* LotUsviUe* Kt. Office epeu donday* fr.jift to ? o'clock, F M. & 8. tXSJLMSLo AmiB. F. MaiTur, Buperlnteudent. tlcoM

OSS. 2rj^JEUEL:£3’S


OH -A. 3VC 3P -A. C3- Iff 33,


An sssortmsnt of tbe above brand of fniompogna,ol^^-ady isvorablv kn wn throogbout the Wratern audSciAhcru States, will be found constantly on hand at

Merits. A. ZANONE A SON'S,Agents for Kentucky and Tennessee.

Sold at New York price* (freight added). nSdSm

BEAUTY or YOUTH.Circassian Liquid,


Sunburn, Ton, and tha cure of R naworm.For sole by J. W. 8E,Vn )N A CO.,ol6 dSm Corner of Jefferson and Fourth ste.

Loniiville and NashviLe RailroadCompany.Lovuvillm. Ky. Oct. 9f, 1^

The LOUISVILLE AND NASHVILLE RAILROADCOMPANY is authorized by tbe Co«ity of Sumner,

Tenn., to redeem eaid Ofoimt>** Bc«J«, issued to ^Compauy, bj aiving Stock in tb# Company at par tor

ti e &>nd* and Stork, and Cmb for tbe interest dueai;*oii the Bonds, and ^11 do ^ on pre^ntatioo of the

Ifonds, with Coupons attach^, st this Om^o97iUm W. RANNKY, aerreUry.

Reduced Prices.A splendid lOiOitment ot

LADIES’ CLOAKS, bUck and colored;






AtGi'eatlv Reduced Priceci

MR'S’. A. OOBS’,106 Market it., between Third and Foutb.

Coll and see before purchuiug elsewhere.

n31 dim





For sale at factory prices by

SNEAD & CO„ Ai-ents,Ma-ket Street Architectural Foundry,

n3*d1m Markrt it., bet . Eishth and Ninth st*.

CARRZAGZiaThe immense stock now inthrewlarob

Wareroom*. covsriug an area of 15,U0i» square feet,

EHTMANi-xe- 4o0 BnOADWAY and 16 CROSBY 8r„Ifoing tee LARGEST ASSORTMENT of Carriages evirollMril in New York, will now bo sold rt greatly re-

duced prica. HAKNUS,Be.—aa assortment always onhaiuj. C. WITTYo36 di’m 430 Braadway, N. V.


" F '** I-SA.<!E or irvr-FAKM OR O ARDEN.h"*'!''*'’

' " *“’**- in hieta to suit len'vro— iroae iweta tejB*|100 peroral pi Ofil. III. on* o' ih* V* -, „-.i ,r;.e - . mil's f-<c. the city, os IhaCoM* Rna Kood,ever offned, snd agents or** pMliively m '.ki s irma .al-i 413 JOHNTto $116 per iloy hi ill OU44. k ..irraior, »dJr >*i

‘^—— .. ..

dPdlm* l('“BBK?«T_AM-\l.'»8TRESrifroKBFa)*R»ET,iMbk-aRW *.,

r and F‘xtn;c* for sate. Aenlr te

4NO FENALri. .

xtii: c* for sate. Apply teLEE, 9HAFKE. 4 CO


Msia rt.. brt. Eighth on f Ninth.

^ Month guak.%nte£o. and rx.pen'e* paid, lo Salmnoa, eaergstie yonag

mrn, Teechers. Kriurned S' Idiere, :iU(J all who engage :othe ssie cf "Hi )LI..\N-yS L: IK OP Live- I.Ji." -B< >n’S HIsroRY OF THE REBE- J-IOX" "UBAUlLEVS UPE OF WASIIISOTON." and m«nyother Standard Woi ks and Engravings. For term* andterritory apply inuusiliateiy, in persna or bv Irttor, mlm> office. F. I DIDRLK,

114 Fourth at., bet. Market and .lefferson,ans3» ri4w4m IxoitrvUia. Ky.


ZOSZSZSS AIZ9 BROASZ9313,For tbe core of

KHEl MA-nCS, TUBERCULOUS DISE.t!t*.a; m’io.fur tl '« cure of *11 UL tNoVLAK. SCROF-


ST2LUMATZO SAZiTI,Produced from the wells of tbe


T he HE-4LTHY. VIVIFYI.M AND STIMULAT-Ing Infiueoce of mineral Waters need externally a*

bstlilsa well eslohiisbed fact; yetteeaetfonaf suchwoleie groally vaiie* with tbeir eoinpositlon. 'ibeobc te-namrd Stnimatic Soltii, ooed in sointlon in formnf hath*, and rontainlng os th^ do large <iuaiitUi*s < flooidcs aud Bromides of Potassium with other soil ssuch ss Chloride of Mogneslnm, Ina, Potassiam, andSodium, constitute the most active agent in the eur* oftee above-named d i seosei. The Salt is te be nord, db-•oived in worm water, os baths, or tu the shape <if appli-cations of Hannel moistcnel with tbsso'utlon.For lols at every resp-.ctabte Uruggiri Store.


General A. euts for Krn'nckv and 'feouessee.Also for loie u oil of the Relul Drug Storas iu tbs

citi dl.: JAui


Foituarly of docinoatig ha* imatr 1 fonuaz;et:t2y 2b


Dr. COUDEN will devotB spsetal att#utfoQ to tb#traatmeat cf Caucer auj Caucerc^ afferti* u.

It* calling attcnl^oQ to m/ Cancor Anli«kAa* % r*0Wtrr.ntntcrt frr CaDo«,r, permit mo to say tliathlstbotntmi wonderffil <Useovery evar mado is modl«!ioo. It Hti a CTMt feviJeiatum so loDgsoaghl for by tba McJicUProiei4ifi4^u aiid tba afflicted with caocar. Its aperatfooU truly astODUhiag, without a i^hraUeU and is the oulvirnowti iiutldote to canevr an«1 all caBcorroa affilctiorattbe medur oocraodi of tba auti’lota is •aparcBtly by ea-wriiig iototfia chemical aomyosition or tM caoaar, ean-ccrotia* maairaaot* or unb«^th/ srnwtb, thereby iw?rr.% iug ail Ill's sod vitaliiv, autld.4hig, kUltog,aoddestroying tbe eanoer, averv particie root an1 fibrelobgmg to it* without pain or the use of the kaito; with*oat caustic caUac or bu: ning; witho'it tha \om ofi r in tbe laMEt affecting the mond flrah. U ba ay*pli.'d to tba naked e>e or an r-p«n w'suod* as easily and.rraly as water. By this means Ur<e omears caa baictnovedi'mmvtUi parts, the eye, targe bio d vessala$


Ac., where DO Other trvatmeoi could possibly be used;and io tloiug so wa feel assured of ma ucg penaaoanftcures wlk nail other treatment fiUis Tha laediealtra-ternlty aadail interested araiavitadto eaU* and I willexhibit a laiga number of cancers that 1 have thuamoved and preaert'ed, and If deeireJ will refer lo Hraiy.

dred* of eareo curt d throoghoui the country.Cooranr ption. Asthma, KrnnchitLi, Phairnritis, and

all affections, treated b; InhaUtloo* or t^erwtse.ticiilar eUetiUoo p^d fo all dtsoosas of tba «od Kar$•nrb ar partial bPodness or deafness, either asata ogchiooic. 1 am in posertmion of almosi a never railingrtircdy for Fits and Apoplvtic Dtseaseo.

Hrrcfnla, Rbenmatiaw, nad Uver CBoaplalBKTremfod with eocceae, aniprlva disease*, Noch as mirors,pUes, and tumors, foald brad syphilis, syphJIitte' ra* meicuiLst disoasee, dy-pvpeis. and inxli^csaioo,eriftspUas goitre, or well ntek. All aff.*etioos of thoKldnc} a acd hploa will roreive due atteoftioa.AIro a new aiul arceesai'ul rno«^4ly tor ramoring Ttpe-

Worm* aod aU otter varietiae of worm fouud in tbasystem.1 be pnhlic and regular profieesioo are invtftad to call

and exattiina my ftpeciibans of canrer. ol7 dSoi

Dr. G A-TES’SFiiiale Medical Uispensa!;.


Strlfture. Primary tr Scaeniary 8at>kUia, HemtntUHeinial DebUity, lmve''ney, Bomnmett,

oe any Dlsets. of the Geu .tal or Urinary Organs, bfeart tmpsrtiug tha saesrt to say ona tbouU firrt reiiff

PRIVATB NIKDIC.AL. COCootoiniita * troallas on Disrosos of tea Oanttel ao$Criiiory Ontan* «f both Sexas, with Brs-ripte aa4 M-rectlrais for curing tbe saui-.- Price M coals. Sons Ofsnail to any oddrsm on rerript of prica.ToTHE LAUlEff.—We or* agent* for Mad. CapannPi

PiMAi-z M0HTU1.T Pills, a iota ouJ affsetual zomoOrfor all female gisosna, such aa Irregularities, Ofauorillou ol tee Meuseo, While*, -lu. thic* 3/ —»», $1 ougsue pwtege stamp.CaCTinn.—Tuesa Pills sbojig art ba taken ffurfaf

fecms. By their use marrioj UiiiM mar Ihstitea uura-hai cfUietr offepriog at pieosuze, without tbs foastdongetof in;ury to ibe health. They art hr pravenSng eerac ption taking plaee. On* box will Ital for yeoca Ptiraby auiil $J onii two pretigokemoirswill obteiu much ra.-„' jo Loformotlaa bp

reading the Private MeJicsJ C< a-Jo.-.

lV?t quality of Freuc'-, Mob- 5afos for solca. Pure fCm Is each sc $-5 par doaeo. Scut ay matt aa cacetp* rtprica.Persons wlshhu k> eoosall os person oU> so ouv oftha

shove dlrasc-s will flnj uS at our otiioe, aenh rest roc-nrr Third aud Market sti rota: privatv c :: ..r r. rhuvistreet, from 6 A. M tc 7 P. M 8<iuc.ys 'ro-i • .1 A.M. Noclourgc for eouri:ltr.<laaxnds>




s. Cus-sr itatioo roenu vitirviy privata. Secretr in sRcss.*luTiclohte. Addrvn all Ir-rarr fo

UtSd. H. C. MILL*?, i <».oSdSa I. •r'Vs, Kr.

nt wl i< h t: -s an Big Boirm River, at tea teed of a'aak.vt:rr navigitlan. teiw ssilrs narihaas* af Braiintlirr . n. sod naa and a half miln.f B'isSaw’sStatioit. oater L>ui*vi-lr and NashviUa Rallnad. and in a gaola, iah'uoshcad mad rfehcooiterT:>n ea.MK* I. irt mill naveniaot, and s goad Irrtrinn tor husO-cse, aeing ai Irag lOoBdiiid and pndtabfo to tee voro-ri*. Pvnciia w.ntipg to p-irchasit inch preenrty woaMdn well to coil aiul ( xanUnetha property If my it ekrt goate 1. notmU at whoisarta hr tea 1st rt -f t;>n ary,If'6, I will tri: teem lawrr than they eta be hriwhf laGrevn river ssnafoy. rdHdl7) A. OlifllVM.


AND ffroRB AND WOPK-3HOP TO LET.The urfenigncA haviiid iimsUiiled te retura te hie

bcaie iu rhattaaorga. Tran, ia now offrrind hie si.t' -*sferk of GAS tTXn'RKS, Lampo, Uodafobef Sfoek.Irerther with oil TOOLS teUmgliig te ami c isssaare

^ fhesasautacliiriDdrt theokrwe gGRK *TSACklFiCE. He will als* rrat his— " linir dca Jtff-rwn itrert, hntwtea Third and Fwirih, Inerthrrwith tbr twe-4lory Work-thop, tedog l-a .’art loag, omlhaving plenty f yard roeot—'s wr>i tdipiad for carry-ing w an* manufacturing hnrtnmi. Cfe•con ami ree ferynnrMlvM Tbi* t a bazz i uomcm.oed douV B t* It. FUr peiticuUn iaanire rt

M. BRADT,d* dim in Jrffeiron sL. hat. Wiird tad Fourth.[Oimrcnt copy and trad Mil te 111 Jefferion rt]

" GOOIS at Beerd't Statioa. ea the LouUville oS.Frarkfori Railroad, 18 milre frent Loniiville. Thh'plsce ceatoiD* 7 oae*. with eomfortabte dweUlmi offour lecas, kifebea and serraata* rsaw, leahoaea,wsren and h’acksmite shop, Ac , *11 tesmadlately at teashave rtrtion Per tarmo, Ac., faqaire rt Rav. H. P.R'wa. Flaydshurs. Ky- or rt tba uadstsigaad, at fadMain ri-sst, between ^Ih end Slate.87 dl4‘ H. K H %Y3l

L'OR S.\LE-r ILNE HENRY COUNTY FARM.A* I have Bora land than I core to mark, I new offer

for tale ay t vrat rt fSu acres. wiih.a aaa mile tad ahalf of Rntnraes. *a th* Rsalnene* on-t MaweaatiaTuiLplk*. Sart f.rm is sm sratirt * rt dlvirta-i, thsraheirs iwo dwclilugs oean I* -rith oU nareiaary onO-huiUins*. Tha laddaBie feinting tea pik**e«au >**i*bt roeoM, I* rt trick and framo. w-te grtd ant-ba'ld-fags, orctewA hr., which, with 3te oesra rt lb* Uud.

in grass, ia well wsts.-od, oeA in oddioiaa ti era of teehsrt stork fstaa, it is oae rt tbs lichsrt. hurt crop-greie-Irg Items in th* eranlry. Th* bock ferm Ifae oa acoiiefT roaA reetiuns 17* aerre .t io a oool sttla rt ent.liynitou. with remlOfUhlefraaM Jweliiug, Ac. SuiS-cral ihrha'' on eftfo-r pioc*.

1 will sell tee abitvr farm or forte* oil l*.-*te*c soddiviAe te rult pqrch.ssTs. Terms resv.Alan ri orrrs rt Shelby county LviA Ij inr oa tha

?n.:;b^rld snd Stc'hv v.llaTurnp ka. milwir h- tav?rathrss places. This piece rt land »• iu a high st M rtc-liivstina. If not sold before tite creoud M -ndav'criinly n-nrt dav) iu .lanuorr oevl. it will ha salA tethe bidder, at the rourt-h-ius - iu rh-:hyvilta.

I will aJeo tell a b4-*atif.!: Rs*«d«Dea in te* thrivingti.wn of EminenrA Said revhk-nee la new, eootaius sfMlona-s. with all tea aeararansanahaldiupa wbxh arenew, whh eii-bcd povemeats fawNud te soeh. Thiadwelling is oa a 8 aero kd, with da* friiil and srapse.snd gardeo. and is th* sfahUisol focattaa fa the tesea,improveitmits sU bring aa-'e n.

All of this picperiy I oifar for **Ia is very briag in tba midM of ona af Ih* o;ost wealthy andperepotow pseple in tea Stota. The eiefafv i, ten bast.With sxnllent trhooX rol l ta's. oaJ ahiuxbes fa Ikmtown af Emlsanc*. inquire rt

ra.v. J. H WHITM.8*dl3 faaiaenre Ky.

rl LP.T-IfaRT.E AND KI-BT. \NTLY FURNI4HKDIhKma with th* very bsrtof baa A hi te* Atr ar

r^R SALE—ONE OF THE Bt8T BUILDING UrW1 fa tha city sttuotsd oa tee aocth si^ rt rSeatna*tersst. bs twsau Slgth and Wsvamh. lu-iuli* at No. I.aJrilfaBaa street, noar Fifth. dd dif

VUR RENT—r BorEL AND BOVRDINO-HOUSE. ^rtTTre * Esgle Hrlel.'' near Kotlread Ifepot. nt Jrf- 10§LfcxMiavilfa Pi sgvBsi igi ttveu Lt -»o-.'emhvr. Apo-y te P. RAI OHFI^o38 d Fourth st., hst. Marks* ood Jvfisfem sfa

L'rOR SALR—VALI ABLE L.A.NO-OW1NOTUmrhsiita in th* syatea rt lohac fa tea d otfo i un

anahle fo cultivate all my land I ihacsWe offhs immk- my p'antetieBa on lb* Miesfasippi R-vsr. ia Cnuoae-dia Pvrish, Louiidaaa. opposite tL* Sfoulh of foe Uomochitfo Riisv, known ae "Black Uawk,** ’‘BaUymacan.waud **W ithfaconr


ee," containuid in *U about 1J0Oeerteef alluvial laaA There w* good quarter* and*sIcaB gin rathe first-named plaaas. Thess plintitlrstehsre vaffnred ihtl* from Hie war. and tw* or teem sranow planted fa eetion and com. Tina sepply rt wooil is

almasl iuaxhsustiU*. aod for asany yean a lacra preffiboa been aad* for adllng weed fo tteshike ita TheraIs 'snd snaagh sera ea Use* pisem ta raeapy EN Sanfe.I effsT tb* land fa block, or will sou tee plautat-<Mm•rparatcly, at veiT rcosraahl* prieeo. A fe-tien rt te*purrhose aMoav will ha azpacted fo ba ^4 fa rash,oLd the baloag* secured by rander'i uan ar by ar.-kiahf-

td prisonol soeurity. Th* till* 1* Indij utvbfa. and thapri petty unipcun oareA Asipiy 1* W. T. MAEiTlM,AtK-inas' otLaw. NatahsA Mim.ol» dSm ANNA P. ELLKT.

e FORAALB-UDWELLINGS-ANUlGR0:KY stork aad LOTS «od 4 VAC.V.NTWPLtiTh fa dlflermt poita of Lsoierillec *1**

a f ARM riTO aciri). SU miiseoasSof Luaksvtita. A*p4pon Th:rd street, briwsra Oieeu end Trtfrrsn-i. at omtR.;.kfag f.fflcc. (>il7<'P] ME.NDRL A KELLY.

lUWt CONCORD, Cn..VWARE. YRN.VNOO,A*’, iM'V Northeru Vicglaia dewIMiu end Ivae8- rdlicg. tos many other ki.-d. • ! C'.KAz'-'-V.S’SOamtCTmv Snf thasaaie; sfa> WLSK -i. De'« vweiCea-eorA I4i d VsnansA fa Uc>*«* ste II iuau;:uri. for sofaby J. SAIJK^rElieK,

Orren sk, hok Cla> on-: 8.. -ihv,

o4-Jfn * Lo- h.4il-.,, Er

T\rK runARi k rRArr>xs' kiposui,

HAGglR fi CO No *^.4 Os. Tfew T^rk Gfer.

T hIaSoux rar.\BL!3HK • f< t :i\ in h a• fe fe.*9 jky« ztMc-M Ol U< ',>^7. r khw tnfi>*n'8tr I' C-pTL't-r# *$ • T>r--v willi

fftcil Neft If' ^sq a

r .4 >i »v«4 > aweripUA;o. i

F‘r'wAM'4 fell •«)» 1 *•

W. & 4<0N

BIcrehant Tailors,No. JtNM iL

New fL"ANY, INDrN'Wo ar* AdMitB ftjr Sl.Niii'R'd SE -Vri LMA-

tli'Nrs. I'.m*

ISTew Wholesalel)KYCi0»D»l!3tl^Kw j.TAPr,

* S. J. iArPv. * CkdhBlQMril& ATtpp


B.' P WALSU,Of Kerij--gy,


tomere snd the pnhlic in ianera! that I have on hand a

larr* and beautiful new stoek ef LADIES' and GENT'S


and tbe latzst sttlz of SILVER and PLATED

WARE, suitable for pbcszhts, vrhUh I will sell at

greatly leduced price*. I lespectf.illy solicit ptlronijh.

SUO. BJCa72Bq1 ei) (old No. S13) Tbiid si, be>. Market A Jrffhceoa.

d8 -llm

FAMILY DYE COLORS.Patraled October 13, IN4t3.

BUrt, /aV"Slack for SWeDark Blur. SILiokt Blvt. rfFmek Blut. I I

Claret Brwn, \ V

Dark Bnnm.Liykt Bnam. ^SntUT Brotta. rt'Cherry. VICrinuam. HJDark Drab. MLidhf Drab. fa

Faint Drab. «L t faun Drab gfS

Dark Orrm.VO iLieAf ferrojo.





h :>)^~--re.q f 4 Pm*,r / / Purple.L: \ Royal Purplt.

jfalmoit.ftfe siau.Sn SoUerino.Kflirieirt.^^PeUeaL

Fer Dyeing 8ilk, Woolen, end Mixed Goods, ShawifaSeal fa, Dresses, Ribbons, Glovoa, Booucka Hots,

FtothsTS, ChUdrra’s Clothing, and oUkinds rt Wearlofi Appent.

A 8ATIXG OF SO PER C!£XT.For Ei cents yon can eolor st many goods as woalfi

otherwiaa coot fire times that sum. Vanoca ihsflm conb* produced from tba raina dy*. Tha wroeem la sJsopia,

and toy oa* ctn os* tb* Ife* with perim sueeemToi-rscGoas fa Englith, Frsaehi sud German. Ineida ofanehpacksd*. HOWE A STEVENS,

Ml Broadway, Bestoo.For aola by druggie and deales s aonatallyWILSON A PETER, Loi-iarilla, Ky„ uenta for Ksn-

lucky and Tranema*. OeM dAwim


Cry Goods, Notions, &c..•Xea (old No. TU) Main sk, bek Savanlh A Eiahsh.

Lo'ui.-^ville', Kv-ttavr nowon hand a l.\k je hand-A A eem* eseortment at FRESH Guilt'S, whseb waoffer tor sash at priem lower than a*n h* hnagrt m NewYork. Coll and wc fer t ennelvaa. *L> dhm







a A tU dcacriptian*. Partfas wtekfag te tad ara fa-

j riled to forward Uata. Niiihernna spillrstirai now sa

;file rron parties wiehiac fo pareliaea.


MAKE tXiLLECTlONE oa ail porta rt th* eoanlsY.

I Pay tsperisi aMentioo ta tee sal* and diraoml rt' Southern producta, and aak* sdraace* ra diiaol era-

agUBcata. MATTHEW B. BRIDGE Mauagar,Na t. Broad atros*. Now York GMr-

Rrfrrcnrea ky PtrailssdaA.

Hosl Beujomfa Fitsp*teick,llx-il«irsrnsr of Alabaaim

P. HatBcnr's Nephews A Ua, Bankart, No k) Bread

way. New York.

Meean. H. B. Cfelin A Ca. Itapoctars. New York.

A. W. Oicenleef, Beq., Banker, New York.nUdlsa



Woolen MachineryFaftwy Fiiftla^


R®J^5(*3®F5*,ll''nnNPS. C.kRDINO sad SPIN-NING MkLkll&jiY, LOOMS. A*. Itaennd ksad


MfninTy, me, wMABmtm*


and ecrasara Bteel lpettacl m, Cussi Aa.,

NralMN Narth Nth ol.. PhthtdalphlA. Pa.

N B.-Ordera by mail i liaivs grnnfa t slSea li ra.


For BMTana tUi QiarlAston.

The fast siDE-wanEL ironSleaterr “ISABELLA." LlAfi Tulfa ^ ffHE

R. C. Wonssraw. C.issn iadeT. wlB ha^^^^^Treaiiy I* ofoke bar first trip shenl faeBSHHIHBmiddle of U intalr" PW ftright or pessare. vp^ly MBUUIUSI le

(J A t B.\ RRA.18 CiAStaerra aa„ sfasbas* aw.

Elegant gu otete iiart nAS far psssra srta. d»dU

V- 7vo boxes W. R. Clieeeoc5U) do Homhura do;4u0 do EoCtni y Dairy Cheese;lOU do BugUsh Dairy An:

In itore and tor rale byGEO. C HUNTER.

d$ dim Main, bet. Toil J and Fourth sta.

irgs. . . .

Crrtire Ilo. 1 |-J Main staseO. eearad $00*, twM fa

rear rt Kennedy 's Inraranee OiBra. « <Mm


Mi-oea’ Shoae toot iseereea and fer vale bydJdim UAMBEIDGE A CO.. Mf Main sk.