2015 05 25 ten plus of phd-holders

ABCPhD Program Architecture, Built Environment and Construction Engineering Doctorate Program enrico de angelis 架架 architecture 架架 construction 架架 engineering environment (built) 架架 Cercateci su slideshare e su FACEBOO

Transcript of 2015 05 25 ten plus of phd-holders

ABCPhD ProgramArchitecture, Built Environmentand Construction EngineeringDoctorate Program

enrico de angelis

架構 architecture房屋 construction工程 engineering environment (built) 環境

Cercateci su slideshare e su FACEBOOK

Who is the PhD holder?The ten “doctoral plus”

1. A PhD holder knows how to find answers

If you are trained to identify and solve problems, you are trained for decision-making:• critical thinking • complex problem solving

Isaiah Hankel, “7 Advantages PhDs Have Over Other Job Candidates” www.cheekyscientist.com

2. A PhD holder is not easily frightened:he/she learns from failures …

Isaiah Hankel, “7 Advantages PhDs Have Over Other Job Candidates” www.cheekyscientist.com

2. A PhD holder is not easily frightened… and is tempered in uncertainty

Isaiah Hankel, “7 Advantages PhDs Have Over Other Job Candidates” www.cheekyscientist.com

… and is fully experienced with negative bosses

3. A PhD holder is taught (tempered) for high level communication

Isaiah Hankel, “7 Advantages PhDs Have Over Other Job Candidates” www.cheekyscientist.com

You don’t just regurgitate information, you create it.

4. A PhD holder is taught (tempered) to compete and to cooperate

Isaiah Hankel, “7 Advantages PhDs Have Over Other Job Candidates” www.cheekyscientist.com

5. A PhD holder is adaptable to change (technological, social, organizational)

… he/she is trained to generate the change and often is already beyond the chance that is to come

6. PhD holder’s talent is innovation[progressive&disruptive innovation]

«les docteurs … peuvent apporter “les innovations de rupture” qui feront les emplois et la croissance de demain» M.C. Corbier, LesEcho.fr 12/11/14

7. PhD holders share a valuable set of relations with experts and stakeholders

PhD Doctors are requested to build relations at a global level with the most influential and experts and to join, locally too, with stakeholders and their representative. These networks are less easily ACCESSIBLE by industrial and social parties

8. PhD holders have knowledge, experience and creativity to use it with high profit

9. The three years costs to grow PhD holders are payed back by their three year work

PhD Candidates, during their first year are mostly devoted to understand the questions to face and to complete their knowledge. But they start working ASAP … and the more their are helped in this first task, the quicker their results come … do you have any question?

three year costs may be payed bach before than three year

10. PhD training cost is lowbut it needs medium term programs

Slide by: Lidia Borrell-Damian Director, Research and Innovation, European University Association, 8th EUA-CDE workshop Aix-Marseille, January 2015)