20140825-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Boeing - Australia & South Pacific-MH17 & WORSE THAN Titanic...

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Transcript of 20140825-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Boeing - Australia & South Pacific-MH17 & WORSE THAN Titanic...

  • 8/11/2019 20140825-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Boeing - Australia & South Pacific-MH17 & WORSE THAN Titanic Rivet E


    p1 25-8-2014 To: Boeing - Australia & South Pacific


    A 1stedition limited special numbered book on Data DVDISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0

    PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI seriesby making a reservation, See also

    Http://www.schorel-hlavka.com Blog atHttp://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati


    Boeing - Australia & South Pacific 25-8-2014Boeing Australia, Level 10, Exchange House, 10 Bridge St, Sydney NSW 2000, AUSTRALIA

    Tel: +61-2-9086 3300 C/[email protected]

    Cc: Mr Tony Abbott PM C/[email protected]

    Mark RuttePrime Minister, Minister of General AffairsYour contact referfence E3151680/E3155221

    Pieter Jaap Aalbersberg, head of the repatriation missionYour contact referfence E3151680/E315522110

    Ivo Opstelten Minister of Security and JusticeYour contact referfence E3151680/E3155221

    Mr V. Putin, President 23, Ilyinka Street, Moscow, 103132, Russia.

    15 Datuk Azharuddin Abdul Rahman (DCA) director-general,DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AVIATION, MALAYSIA Email :[email protected]

    Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, [email protected]

    President Petro Poroshenko C/o [email protected] &[email protected]

    20140825-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Boeing - Australia & South Pacific

    -MH17 & WORSE THAN Titanic rivet effect- etcSir/Madam,25

    I am n t aware of any courtesy response/acknowledgement from you regarding my

    previous 23-8-2014 correspondence, I look forwards to the same as my readers then will be

    aware that Boeing does take matters seriously.

    In my 23-8-2014 correspondence I referred to countersank rivet heads but this should be30

    considered to refer also to bullet head rivets.

    As I am showing in the images below, the holes for the rivets were drilled ab out half way to

    allow the bullet head rivet to be flat with the surface of the outer panel of the plane. By this the

    actual material that is left holding the rivet is ab out half or less of the thickness of the plate. You

    find that by this not just rivet after rivet popped through the plates but entire rows of rivets at the35

    same time. As shown below a plate witch seems to be nearly straight nevertheless had all rivets

    pulled through the plate. Even double lined rivets were pulled through. Yet, images also show

    that mushroom head rivet remained intact.

    The plate below shows how what might be shrapnel that pierced through and caused somedamage, but where about all rivet holes are without rivets.40

  • 8/11/2019 20140825-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Boeing - Australia & South Pacific-MH17 & WORSE THAN Titanic Rivet E


    p2 25-8-2014 To: Boeing - Australia & South Pacific


    A 1stedition limited special numbered book on Data DVDISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0

    PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI seriesby making a reservation, See also

    Http://www.schorel-hlavka.com Blog atHttp://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

    If the face of the above image of the plate is the outside (considering the recesses of the rivet

    holes in the plate) then if the hole damage was caused by shrapnel then this was from within the

    plane, such as shrapnel that went through one side of the planes body plate and then came

    through on the other side of the planes body plates. Which may indicate a considerable high

    explosive missile having been used. Arrows shows where rivet heads are still left in the plate.5

    Rivet lines 1 to 2 + 3 to 4 were simultaneously pulled from the rivets and line 5 to 6 and line 7 to

    8 also. While at 9 the rivet is missing at either side A and B still shows a rivet in place. Pulling

    though so many rivets at the same time surely appears to me to indicate a considerable weakness!

    10Above images shows at 1 and 2 countersank screws having been used. And in its line the plate

    cracked apart. It is a well-known factor that when one drill holes in any material it generally

    weakens the material at the area, and so reduces the strength of the material in the area. As such,

    one has to consider what was done to overcome this loss of strength of material? Were

    countersank and bullet head not suitable for usage considering the limited thickness of the plates?15

    Should only mushroom heads fasteners have been used as to give strength to the plates where theholes had weakened it?

    In particular where bullet heads were sank into the plates then the height of the bullet

    heads would have already thin thickness of the plates left little to hold the bullet head rivet

    and so as minimal pressure could easily cause all bullet head rivets to pop through.20It was one thing to use bullet head rivets but it is another thing to use recesses in the plates to

    accommodate bullet heads, as then the real thickness of the plates of the plane body are only that

    which is left after the recess. As such by recessing for bullet head rivers to be flat on the outside

    of the plane body in effect the plate thickness must be measured to what was left over of

    thickness after the recessing of the rivet bullet head rather than considering the ordinary25

    thickness of the outer body plate of the plane.

    One also has to question why the bolt was pulled out, where there appears to be no deformationat the plate itself? Was it hit by shrapnel just next to the bolt and caused the beam to be destroyed

    and by this the bolt came loose, or was the bolt stripped from its thread in some way or another?


  • 8/11/2019 20140825-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Boeing - Australia & South Pacific-MH17 & WORSE THAN Titanic Rivet E


    p3 25-8-2014 To: Boeing - Australia & South Pacific


    A 1stedition limited special numbered book on Data DVDISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0

    PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI seriesby making a reservation, See also

    Http://www.schorel-hlavka.com Blog atHttp://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

    This panel shows that row A to B had its rivets pulled through all at the same time as the arrows

    indicate the force direction on the plate. D shows rivers left in the beam and at c there is a strip

    but it is not a sheer from the plate as the plate shows red and blue pain on the side. As such C

    was not part of the plate originally.5

    This penal is a telling tale where from A to B the panel did sheer of along the rivet line but from

    B to C it had the rivets pulled through.

    The damage at A could have been caused by the fall onto the ground or where the force initially10

    was and then the entire piece merely so to say dropped off. From B to D and H to E as with the

    rivet line of G it shows that no matter different rows they were seemingly all together pulled

    from the rivets as was for example the rivets in line F even so the panel appears not to show

    much of a bend to explain why this eventuated. As such it seems that the panel merely so to say

    dropped off as there was little resistance to hold the plate fastened. The bend between A and F is15

    what one could expect if the force of air pressure had so to say blown off the panel with about

    near identical pressure along the panel. At least that is my view. It would however be extra

    ordinary that where the panel is riveted against beams then nevertheless the air pressure being it

    of an internal explosion or otherwise could still blow of such part of the penal without little

    deformation of bending. As after all even if there had been an explosion inside the plane, not that20

    I seek to suggest it was then ordinary the panel would bend where the beams are as to rip it of therivets, whereas this isnt particular shown to have occurred. This to me indicates that in general

    the structure of the plane was very weak due to the panels having been predrilled recessed for

    rivet heads. Hence the same weakness in structure likely may exist in all planes build/constructed

    in the same manner25

    The blue arrow is where it appears (albeit the image is very small and so the actual piece needs to

    be looked at) that this was a recessed bullet hole for a bullet head rivet but the edge that had been

    there has broken away by the force of the rivet bullet head. Even so the panel doesnt appear to30

    be bend nevertheless a whole row of 8 rivets show to have been pulled through. This even so

    before and after the bullet head rivet still is visible.

  • 8/11/2019 20140825-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Boeing - Australia & South Pacific-MH17 & WORSE THAN Titanic Rivet E


    p4 25-8-2014 To: Boeing - Australia & South Pacific


    A 1stedition limited special numbered book on Data DVDISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0

    PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI seriesby making a reservation, See also

    Http://www.schorel-hlavka.com Blog atHttp://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

    While the beams show twisting this may have been caused by hitting the ground where other

    images indicate the panel part that is missing from it was nowhere nearby and so already had so

    to say fallen off in the air.

    5What the above images shows is a near plat panel (left) which nevertheless shows that entire row

    of rivets are missing. What seems to be is that the panel (right side of that image) may have been

    ripped off from the rivets and then the shear along the rivet line to the left and then broke off (top

    of image) the arrows shows how about one third of the panel strength is loss due to the recess of

    the countersunk hole for the countersunk rivet.10

    Because of aerodynamics it may be wiser to use strips as shown as C, with a strip over it to

    reduce drag. At A is the current (assumed) system of rivet heads.

    At B with an added head, but this likely will dramatically alter the aerodynamics and so

    increase drag on the plane, meaning a lot more fuel to be used.15

    At D it shows what currently appears to me to be the current recess in the plate and how little


  • 8/11/2019 20140825-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Boeing - Australia & South Pacific-MH17 & WORSE THAN Titanic Rivet E


    p5 25-8-2014 To: Boeing - Australia & South Pacific


    A 1stedition limited special numbered book on Data DVDISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0

    PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI seriesby making a reservation, See also

    Http://www.schorel-hlavka.com Blog atHttp://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

    What is essential is to seek to establish what was the original damage caused by a


    How did the plane disintegrate in mid-air?

    Was there a profound weakness in the construction of the planes body that allowed

    the plane to disintegrate in an accelerated manner?5

    Where the mushroom and/or bullet head rivet heads a critical factor in escalation of


    Was the recessing of the planes panels for countersank and/or bullet head rivets acause why the plane disintegrated as it did?

    Would replacing the bullet head rivets with bullet head rivets having also a10

    mushroom head on it be the best way to strengthening the rivets without having

    excess space in the recess in the plates, in existing planes? This would allow plates to

    be left in place but just the rivet having double heads to strengthening the hold on

    the outside of the plates.

    Would replacing the countersunk head rivets with countersunk head rivets having15

    also a mushroom head on it be the best way to strengthening the rivets without

    having excess space in the recess in the plates, in existing planes? This would allow

    plates to be left in place but just the rivet having double heads to strengthening the

    hold on the outside of the plates. Where the change to the rivet heads may cause aerodynamicproblems then to have20

    a strip covering the mushroom heads held by a channel that is held by the same

    rivets then this may to some extend reduce friction and so drag. Yet, the strip can be

    easily removed to allow access to rivets, if needed.

    The next images shows how panels can end up severely damaged but the rivets in general didn t25

    give way. Just some rivets and clearly the panel is not straight at all but shows forces having

    twisted it in different shapes, besides the missile damage.

  • 8/11/2019 20140825-G. H .Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B. to Boeing - Australia & South Pacific-MH17 & WORSE THAN Titanic Rivet E


    p6 25-8-2014 To: Boeing - Australia & South Pacific


    A 1stedition limited special numbered book on Data DVDISBN 978-0-9803712-6-0

    PLEASE NOTE: You may order books in the INSPECTOR-RIKATI seriesby making a reservation, See also

    Http://www.schorel-hlavka.com Blog atHttp://www.scrib.com/InspectorRikati

    Below some images of severe forces and rivets having been pulled through the plates or

    alternative the heads simply came off.

    5I am well aware that rivets are ordinary of a certain standard however, replacing an entire fleet of

    airplanes panels (consider the loss of usage to do so, as well as the huge cost involved versus

    seeking to strengthen existing panels is something else. By the additional head on an existing

    rivet head then while for manufacturing this may need to be done, (but as I used to be in charge

    of production planning and production of a nail factory I am well aware that certain heading10

    machines can likely perform the job. It merely would take some R&D (Research & development)

    to get to the right product.) certain international rivets standards still may need to be complied

    with, such as strength, etc. But they may already be failing such standards or the standards may

    need to be revised where now it may be proven that the way those rivets were used it allows easypopping out or ripping out of rows of rivets at the same time. Even a replacement of rivets in15

    more critical areas may perhaps make the difference in reliable strength of the strength of an

    airplane to withstand certain extra ordinary forces.

    Obviously, there is a lot more to it but I look forwards that this contribution will be of assistance

    to investigators. Also, while not seeking to imply to condone anyone firing missiles upon any20

    kind of aircraft, it also may perhaps assist to establish if the missile was the real cause to down

    MH17 or that it was because of a combination of factors and MH17 might have been able to

    safely land after a missile strike had the rivets not given way in the manner as it did. Indeed why

    did certain rivets not break off or let go of the panels while other did?25

    My condolence is with those grieving for their lost ones and I hope that these writings may assistto clarify what really eventuated. Perhaps it may even result to actions of modifications to seek to

    prevent such repeat of considerable rivet failure, at least as I perceive tit to have been.

    This correspondence is not intended and neither must be perceived to refer to all details30

    and issues but merely is some outline some of my concerns.

    Awaiting your response, G. H. Schorel-Hlavka O.W.B.(Friends call me Gerrit)

    MAY JUSTICE ALWAYS PREVAIL(Our name is our motto!)35
