20140511 Web Bulletin


Transcript of 20140511 Web Bulletin

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MAY 11, 2014

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Welcome! We are glad you’re here! We invite you to

seek out the folks wearing the “Ask Me” badge.

Through them you will find information about the

ministries of Salem Heights Church and how to

become involved. Please fill out a Visitor Card and drop

it in one of the offering boxes as you leave or scan this code to go

directly to our website and fill out a visitor card. We have an excellent

nursery and programs for children newborn through high school. Any

of the ushers will be happy to direct you to the proper classroom. If

you feel more comfortable having your infant with you during the

service, the last row in the Auditorium will be reserved for parents with

small children. There is a private room for nursing mothers across the

hall from the Auditorium with a rocking chair, changing table and

portable crib. For your convenience, it also includes a monitor to

enable you to still hear and view the service.

Our Purpose...

To reach people with the love of Jesus Christ, provide a safe and

supportive environment, proclaim the standards of God’s truth,

duplicate the Christian life in others, and celebrate the majesty

New to Salem Heights?

Sunday Worship


“Incensed with Incense”

Malachi - Part 1

Presented by Pastor Justin Greene

“A son honors his father, and a servant his master. Then if I am a father, where is

My honor? And if I am a master, where is My respect?’ says the LORD of hosts to

you, O priests who despise My name. But you say, ‘How have we despised Your

name?’” Malachi 1:6

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Child Sponsor Opportunity today! Compassion International recently contacted us about a number of children from various centers around the world who are waiting for a monthly sponsor. Would you prayerfully consider sponsoring one of these children? If

you are interested in sponsoring a child through Compassion, please go to their website at www.compassion.com and click on “sponsor a child.” If you have questions, contact the church office at 503-588-0403.

Info & News

Important Upcoming Events

• Women’s Discipleship Dessert, May 13

• Women’s Discipleship Brunch/Lunch, May 14

• Moms and Tots, May 16, 9:30AM, Gym

• Pastor Ron’s Celebration Of Life Service, May 17, 1:00PM

• Lord’s Supper and Baptisms, May 18, 6:00PM

C{äïãäíÖÅì D{ï C{âå This year we have opportunity for five more junior counselors (ages 14 and up) to help during our Canyonview day camp. Camp will be the week of July 28 through August 1. If you are interested in being a junior counselor for this week of camp, there is a $10 charge for a shirt and a training session on July 24 at 7 p.m. Contact Russ Libby through the church office @ 503-588-0403 for more information, if you have questions or if the $10 cost is a hardship.

At our May 18 Lord’s Supper we will be having baptisms. If you are interested in participating in the baptisms, please see today’s insert for more information. Contact the church office @ 503-588-0403 or drop the insert in one of our offering boxes to let us

know of your desire to be baptized.

The Celebration of Life Service for Pastor Ron Schafer will be May 17 at 1:00 PM. Childcare will be available during the service. If you have questions or would like to help, please contact the church office. Cards of sympathy and encouragement may be sent to Lorna at P.O. Box 326, Monument, OR 97864.

Moms and Tots Summer Playdates Summer Park Dates begin soon for our Moms and Tots. Park dates will be every Wednesday morning throughout the summer from 9:30 to 12 noon. If you are a mom, grandma, aunt or caregiver of children ages infant through elementary school, join us! It is a free activity and a great opportunity to invite your friends. Our first play date is May 21 at Wes Bennett park. For more information or to be added to the email reminder list, contact Kari McClain at [email protected].

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Please see today’s insert for current Food Closet needs. Thank you for serving the body of Christ as well as the surrounding community in this ministry. Many people have been, and will be, blessed by your generosity.

Calendar of Events


8:15 a.m. Prayer - Room 205

9:00 a.m. The Cross Road College Sunday School

9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Worship Services



7:00 p.m. The Most Excellent Way


6:45 p.m. Club RockSalt

7:00 p.m. Ministry Night

7:00 p.m. Women’s Discipleship Dessert


9:15 a.m. Women’s Discipleship Brunch

12:00 p.m. Women’s Discipleship Lunch

6:45 p.m. Worship Team


7:oo p.m. The Cross Road College Group


9:30 a.m. Moms and Tots


May 18 Guatemala Mission Team Meeting

May 18 Lord’s Supper and Baptisms

May 25 Arizona/Monument Mission Team Meetings

Aug 6-9 Cause MOG Backpack Trip

“outta this


vacation Bible School

July 21-25 9 AM - 12Noon $12 Per Child

($36 Family Maximum)

Registration Begins June 8th

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Giving Update

THE MINISTRY OF SALEM HEIGHTS CHURCH The ministry of Salem Heights Church is funded entirely by the generous giving of God’s people. You will notice that we do not pass the offering plate; however, there are offering boxes in the back of the auditorium. We have done this so no one gives out of compulsion. We believe from the Word of God that the Spirit of God will lead people towards giving back to God of their first fruits. “...God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Cor. 9:7) and we know He blesses those who take His Word seriously in every regard. Thank you for prayerfully supporting Salem Heights financially as we desire to reach the lost and disciple the Saints.

How Can I Serve?

Do you own a SmartPhone? Scan the coded icon below to view opportunities to serve the body of Salem Heights Church. You can also visit our website at www.salemheightschurch.org for more detailed information. Below are some areas in which you can immediately become involved:


TOTAL GIVING $23,414 $107,000


May Weekly Need Actual Giving Received

Week 1 $26,750 $23,414

Week 2 $26,750 $

Week 3 $26,750 $

Week 4 $26,750 $

Fiscal Year to Date +/- -$38,054


Current Balance $47,768

• Many of you have enjoyed the fellowship time after our

monthly Lord's Supper services. There is currently a need for someone to step forward and organize the dessert donations for that monthly event. If you are interested in helping or being the contact person for the monthly fellowship time, please contact the church office at 503-


• Do you enjoy serving others by preparing a meal? If you are not on the

church prayer list and would like to let us know that you are available for the Mealtrain Ministry, please call the church office. We will add your name to our list and check your availability as needs arise for meals.

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Salem Heights Church

375 Madrona Ave. S.

Salem, OR 97302


fax: 503-588-5338

Office Hours:

Monday - Thursday

8 a.m. - 4 p.m.


8 a.m. - 3 p.m.

Sunday Worship Services:

9 & 11 a.m.

Message CDs are available in

the Registration Area for $4.

Please visit the desk in the

southwest corner to order

and pick-up your CDs.

You can also check the

website for our podcast.

[email protected]



Justin Greene Senior Pastor/Elder

Carl Chica Pastor of Family Life/Elder

Matt MacCollin Pastor of Men’s/College/Elder

Lay Elders Chuck Moore

Ted Ferry

Administration and Staff

Please see our Mission Boards in the foyer for current active missionaries.

Ron Groves Administrator

Russ Libby Director of Ministries

Scott Hunter Facilities Manager

AJ Acker Music Ministry

Tim Saffeels Director of Student Ministries

Jason Brownell High School Ministries

Ed Reister Community Connection

Rick Smith Community Care

Jay Duffus Men’s Biblical Counseling

Laura Chica Women’s Biblical Counseling

Julie Bernard Women’s Ministry

Gina Weigand Office Staff

Christa Kahili Office Staff

Connie Libby Office Staff

Jenn Elliott Office Staff

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The Divine Tapestry PART 124

“Incensed With Incense”

Malachi – Part 1 Malachi 1

Presented by Pastor Justin Greene

May 4, 2014

John Phillips observed:

Malachi was the John the Baptist of the Old Testament, the voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths straight.” Malachi was the apostle Paul of the Old Testament, one born out of due season. Everyone else was dead. Zerubbabel was gone, and Joshua was gone, Haggai was gone, a victim of old age, and Zechariah was gone, martyred for the faith. Noble Ezra was gone, and fearless Nehemiah was gone. To be a prophet of God had always been a lonely calling. It must have seemed to Malachi that his was a particularly lonely calling. A century had come and gone from the last of his near neighbors in the prophetic order. That was plenty of time for the prevailing wind to set in. Malachi could see quite clearly the way things were going. The wind of those days was blowing away from the Torah and strongly toward what would be the Talmud. It was blowing toward Sadducean liberalism and toward Pharasaic hypocrisy and toward rabbinical Judaism.1

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Once Malachi’s accusing voice died away, there would be no more word of God for over 400 years...This was God’s last call before they would see Christ.


• Malachi = My Messenger

• There are at least twenty-seven questions in Malachi. � Seven times these questions are put in the mouth

of the people , making up the divisions in the book.

• The opening verses highlight a love/hate relationship.

� Love = To choose, honor, prefer. � Hate = To love less, not prefer - does not mean

vindictive/angry . (See Genesis 29:30-31)

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The opening volley of questions are aimed at God’s

people, especially the priests ...the Lord asks, “How did I become such a burden ?”

Your relationship with God will turn from love to loathing:

• When you exchange your devotion for duty (v. 7, 8).

− At risk...your heart...first love or forced love (Rev. 2:4)?

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• When your lack of dedication leads to a lack of direction (v. 9, 10).

− At risk...your vision...bright eyed or blind (2 Peter 1:5-10)?

• When your disdain for righteousness exposes a defiled heart (v. 13).

− At risk...your fruit...faithful or fleshly (Galatians 5:16-26, James 4:1-5)?

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1. Do you live with the kingdom in view (v. 11)?

2. Do you swindle grace (v. 14)?

1Exploring the Minor Prophets: An Expository Commentary, John Phillips, 1998 Kregel Publications, Grand Rapids, Michigan.

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If y�u �r y�ur chi�d w�u�d �i�e t� be bapti�ed p�ease c��p�ete the f�r� be��w a�d p�ace i� a�y �fferi�g b�x� A pre�baptis� c�ass wi�� be he�d �� Thursday� �ay 15 at 7P�� If y�u have questi��s� p�ease c��tact the church �ffice� Tha�� y�u!

Pers�� t� be bapti�ed '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Ph��e '''''''''''''''''''''

If a �i��r� p�ease �ist pare�t’s �a�e '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

May 18 at 6:00 PM

May 18 at 6:00 PM

If y�u �r y�ur chi�d w�u�d �i�e t� be bapti�ed p�ease c��p�ete the f�r� be��w a�d p�ace i� a�y �fferi�g b�x� A pre�baptis� c�ass wi�� be he�d �� Thursday� �ay 15 at 7P�� If y�u have questi��s� p�ease c��tact the church �ffice� Tha�� y�u!

Pers�� t� be bapti�ed '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' Ph��e '''''''''''''''''''''

If a �i��r� p�ease �ist pare�t’s �a�e '''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''

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− Pasta/Top Ramen**

− Tomato Sauce/


− Spaghetti Sauce**

− Saltine Crackers

− Boxed Meals

− Dry Cereal

− Dry Mashed


− Jams/Jelly**

− Peanut Butter

− Rice

− Granola Bars

− Condiments

[Catsup, etc.]

− Puddings

− Pancake Mix & Syrup

− Flour/Sugar

− Muffin Mixes

− Cake Frosting

− Cooking Oils/Sprays

− Packaged Seasoning


− Popcorn

− Snacks for Kids/


− Soups/Chili**

− Canned Fruits**

− Paper Towels**

− Napkin Packs **


− Toilet Paper**

− Shampoo

− Toothpaste**

− Dish Soap**

− Bath Soap

− Laundry Detergent**

Please help our Food Closet Ministry

by donating the following items:

Please take into consideration date stamps on all items. Canned items with new or future dates are best. Also, please NO “BULK” ITEMS.

**These items are in great demand but short supply in our food closet.

− Pasta/Top Ramen**

− Tomato Sauce/


− Spaghetti Sauce**

− Saltine Crackers

− Boxed Meals

− Dry Cereal

− Dry Mashed


− Jams/Jelly**

− Peanut Butter

− Rice

− Granola Bars

− Condiments

[Catsup, etc.]

− Puddings

− Pancake Mix & Syrup

− Flour/Sugar

− Muffin Mixes

− Cake Frosting

− Cooking Oils/Sprays

− Packaged Seasoning


− Popcorn

− Snacks for Kids/


− Soups/Chili**

− Canned Fruits**

− Paper Towels**

− Napkin Packs **


− Toilet Paper**

− Shampoo

− Toothpaste**

− Dish Soap**

− Bath Soap

− Laundry Detergent**

Please help our Food Closet Ministry

by donating the following items:

Please take into consideration date stamps on all items. Canned items with new or future dates are best. Also, please NO “BULK” ITEMS.

**These items are in great demand but short supply in our food closet.

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H�pe Pregacy C�iic’s Baby Bottle Boomerang

begins today!

Z Pick up your empty baby bottle(s)

in the welcome center

Z Fill with loose change or currency

Return baby bottles by:


Contact the church office if you have questions

H�pe Pregacy C�iic’s Baby Bottle Boomerang

begins today!

Z Pick up your empty baby bottle(s)

in the welcome center

Z Fill with loose change or currency

Return baby bottles by:


Contact the church office if you have questions