2014 Winter Monitor

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Transcript of 2014 Winter Monitor

  • 7/27/2019 2014 Winter Monitor




    EvergreenHealth Medical

    Center in Kirkland, including

    Home Health and Hospice

    24-Hour Emergency Care

    in Kirkland and Redmond

    Urgent Care in Redmond

    and Woodinville

    Primary Care in Canyon Park,

    Duvall, Kirkland, Kenmore,

    Monroe, Redmond, Sammamish

    and Woodinville

    24 Specialty Practices

    in Kirkland

    EvergreenHealth Nurse

    Navigator & Healthline


    Lifesaving Heart CareA Bothell man credits EvergreenHealths coordinated approach for his healthand lifetoday.

    07 CPR Training PrevailsWhen Minutes Matter

    Fast action in an emergencycan make all the difference

    08 Heart to Heartwith Dr. Rachael Wyma

    What women need to knowabout heart disease

    10 Regaining Strength asPart of a Heart Commun

    After a heart attack,gain strength and support


  • 7/27/2019 2014 Winter Monitor



    2014 also marks the second year of EvergreenHealths

    partnership with Virginia Mason, which builds upon the

    clinical capabilities of our physicians and technology to

    create a broader network of coordinated cardiac care

    for those who live in the Puget Sound region, offering

    nationally recognized clinical outcomes and safety, and

    exceptional patient experiences and value.

    We hope that 2014 is a year of health for you. All 4,000

    of us who practice and work at EvergreenHealth look

    forward to the privilege of serving your family and our

    greater community this year, and for many more

    to come.

    Wishing you your healthiest best,

    Robert H. Malte

    Chief Executive Officer

    Dear neighbors,Happy New Year and welcome to 2014!

    With the start of a new year comes the annual ritual

    many of us partake in of making resolutions about

    many things, including taking better care of ourselves

    and being in better health. As we have been for

    42 years, we are here to support you in turning those

    resolutions into resolve. The providers, nurses, staff

    and volunteers of EvergreenHealth are here to be

    your partners in health. Whether it is primary ca re

    or specialty care, scheduled care or emergency care,

    preventive care or restorative care, we are here for

    you 24/7 to h elp you find solutions to achieve your

    healthiest best.

    This edition of Monitoris dedicated to describing how

    the teams of cardiologists and vascular specialists of

    EvergreenHealth Heart & Vascular Care collaborate

    to provide life-changing carefrom swift diagnoses

    and treatments to comprehensive follow-up care

    that sets the standard for care, outcomes and valuein our region.

    Heart disease can affect even the

    healthiest men and women. Despite the

    best intentions to balance diet, exercise,

    stress and many of lifes additional

    demands, an unexpected diagnosis

    can stop you in your tracks.

    As a partner in helping our

    community to live at its

    healthiest best, its our goal

    to help patients prevent

    health complications before

    they become serious problems.

    But when a challenging heart

    prognosis is unavoidableas

    three patients featured in this issue

    foundthe physicians, providers, nurses

    and staff of EvergreenHealth Heart &

    Vascular Care partner with you, from the uncertainty

    that can come with such a diagnosis, to navigation

    of the most effective treatment options and throughan individualized rehabilitation program designed

    to provide you with lifelong support, resources and


    In this issue of Monitor, youll meet the patients and

    their families who faced the emotional an d physical

    trauma of a cardiac event and prevailed to share their

    stories and their commitment to h eart-healthy living.


    Features 04 | Lifesaving Heart Care

    07 | CPR Training Prevails When Minutes Ma

    08 | Heart to Heart with Dr. Rachael Wyman

    10 | Regaining Strength as Part of a Heart Co

    12 | Navigating EvergreenHealth

    Heart & Vascular Care

    Updates 14 | Introducing Safe Kids Eastside

    EvergreenHealth Welcomes New Practic

    Recognized for Quality and Patient Expe

    Save the Date: Shaking? It Could Be Ess

    Tremor Seminar

    In Every Issue 02 | Message from the CEO

    15 | Health Classes

    18 | EvergreenHealth


    20 | Primary, Urgent,


    and Specialty Care

    TableofContentsA Message from the CEO

    When it comes to caring for the heart,we are by your side at every beat.



  • 7/27/2019 2014 Winter Monitor




    The Gregorich family had

    always maintained good

    health. In fact, when they were

    growing up, Geoff and Lynn

    Gregorichs kids hardly missed

    a day of school. Outside of

    regular checkups, the Bothell

    family was fortunate to avoid

    accidents or injuries that

    required a trip to the hospital.

    I hadnt so much as seen the inside of a hospital in many years,

    Geoff Gregorich says. But when he visited his primary care provider for his

    annual physical exam in June 2012, the seemingly healthy 62-year-old was

    launched down a path of life-altering health events that would change his

    perspective entirely.

    That physical probably saved my life, Gregorich recalls.

    It was near the end of the routine exam when Gregorichs primary care pro

    Dr. Doug Portelance of EvergreenHealth Internal Medicine + Primary Care,

    listened to Gregorichs heart and detected a faint arrhythmia.

    It sounded to me like atrial fibrillation, which can be fairly common,

    Dr. Portelance says of Gregorichs slightly irregular heartbeat. An in-office

    electrocardiogram (EKG), which can measure the heart s electrical activity,

    confirmed his suspicions.

    But there was something unusual about Gregorichs presentation. He didn

    have any of the common risk factors for atrial fibrillation, so Dr. Portelance

    referred him to EvergreenHealth Heart & Vascular Care for additional tests

    Lifesaving Heart CareA Bothell man credits EvergreenHealths coordinated approachfor his healthand lifetoday.


  • 7/27/2019 2014 Winter Monitor






    Coordinated CareBothell resident Geoff Gregorich was diagnosed with a

    rare heart tumor after a routine visit to his primary care

    provider revealed a slightly irregular heartbeat. In just a

    weeks time, Gregorichs doctors, including primary care

    provider Dr. Doug Portelance, cardiologist Dr. William

    Getchell and cardiac surgeon Dr. Gautam Velamoor,

    worked swiftly and seamlessly to diagnose and remove

    the threatening mass, ultimately saving Gregorichs life.


    Within a few days, Gregorich was on EvergreenHealths

    Kirkland campus undergoing a complete workup of

    diagnostic imaging tests that would help specialistspinpoint the cause of his abnormal heart activity.

    Thats when an echocardiogram detected what no

    one expected.

    The echo tests ultrasound images revealed a tumor in

    the left ventricle of Gregorichs heart that was restricting

    80 percent of his hearts blood flow. Dr. William Getchell,

    a cardiologist by specialty and medical director of

    invasive cardiology at EvergreenHealth Heart & Vascular

    Care, diagnosed Gregorich with an atrial myxoma

    a rare but extremely dangerous tumor within the

    heart. Though itself benign, the tumors placement

    can leave patients at high risk for a debilitating stroke

    or even death.

    Any time blood flow is obstructed, its a serious

    condition. Equally concerning is that myxomas can

    accumulate blood clots and spit small pieces of the

    clots off, causing a stroke. Fixing the condition is an

    urgent situation, Dr. Getchell explains.

    That evening, while the clinic was closing for the day,

    Dr. Getchell shared the diagnosis with Gregorich and

    immediately began making phone calls that would set

    Gregorichs expedited care plan in motion.

    I remember Dr. Getchell telling me that the good news

    was that my heart was in great shape, but the bad news

    was that Id be having open-heart surgery the next day,

    Gregorich says.

    When patients trust us with their care, we take care

    of everything, Dr. Getchell says of EvergreenHealths

    comprehensive and coordinated approach to heart

    care. And our relationship with Virginia Mason makes

    it a seamless process for patients to receive complete

    care. Once they are in our care, they can rest assured that

    theyre not going to navigate the system a lone.

    Barely a week after h is lifesaving physical with

    Dr. Portelance, Gregorich was scheduled for open-heart

    surgery at Virginia Mason, where a cardiac surgery team

    led by Dr. Gautam Velamoor successfully removed

    the tumor.

    Although everything happened so quickly, I never felt

    for one second that there was any doubt about the

    care process. At each step, my doctors anticipated

    every possibility and truly provided world-class care,

    Gregorich says, looking back on his journey. I really

    believe they saved my life.

    Despite beginning with engine troubles and

    ending with a hospital s tay, June 30, 2013, was

    one of the luckiest days of Tim Nugents life.

    With one day left before the start of crab season, the

    57-year-old Seattle resident was getting his boat readyfor a three-day solo fishing trip, but things werent

    going as planned. Instead of heading out on the water,

    Nugent found himself laboring under the hot summer

    sun, trying to deal with the engine problems that were

    delaying his a dventure.

    Then the unimaginable happened.

    After piddling around outside, trying to figure out why

    the engine wasnt running, he came into the house and

    told me he had a pain in the middle of his back, says

    Laura Nugent, Tims wife. He couldnt figure out if hed

    pulled a muscle trying to lift heavy crab pots into the

    boat or something like that, but he tried to lay down

    with an ice pack and nothing helped.

    Moments later, Laura heard Tim call her name from

    the living room.

    Ive never heard him call me in that tone, in that way,

    so I grabbed my phone and went running to him, she

    remembers. Im calling his name and shouting, Are you

    OK? and I see his eyes are rolled back in his head, histongue is hanging out and he isnt breathing.

    Tim had suffered a heart attackand Laura

    knew exactly what to do next. Although

    she was in a terrifying scenario, the

    45-year-old CPR and first aid instructor

    kept her cool and called 911. Then

    she relied on the lifesaving skills she

    currently teaches bus drivers as part of

    her job with the Northshore School


    For the next eight minutes, Laura and the 911 operat

    counted together as Laura performed hands-only C

    on her husband. She continued chest compressions

    until paramedics arrived on the scene and took Tim


    The EvergreenHealth team was ready for Tim

    before he even got out of the ambulance, says

    Laura. There were people ready to take me to se

    him and tell me what was going on. There were

    wonderful nurses there to reassure me.

    And there were cardiac experts Dr. Christopher Price

    Dr. William Getchell to care for Tim, who promptly

    recovered following the placement of two stents in

    arteries. But the key to Tims health was his wifes

    preparedness and quick thinking.

    Without CPR to keep Tims blood flowing, he could h

    suffered permanent brain injuries or heart damage

    Laura did a great job, and I am very fortunate to be a

    says Tim, who made it through the life-threatening

    experience with just a few sore ribs. It happened so

    quickly, and there was no warning. Thats why peopl

    really need to know CPR.

    EvergreenHealth offers regular community health educational sem

    on CPR and first aid. For registration information, see the Health Cl

    section in this issue, visit w ww.evergreenhealth.com/classes

    or call 425.899.3000.

    CPR Training PrevailsWhenMinutes Matter


    Stronger TogetherEvergreenHealths partnership with

    Virginia Mason builds upon the clinical

    capabilities of each organizations physicians

    and technology to create a broader network

    of coordinated cardiac care for those who

    live in the Puget Sound region,

    offering nationally recognized

    clinical outcomes and safety, and

    exceptional patient experiences

    and value.

  • 7/27/2019 2014 Winter Monitor





    While heart disease continues to be the

    leading cause of death among women,

    beating out all cancers combined, studies

    show that few women see it as the greatest

    threat to their health and longevity.

    EvergreenHealth Heart & Vascular CareMedical Director of Noninvasive Cardiology

    Dr. Rachael Wyman sat down with us to

    share what women should know about

    their risks and the important ways they

    can prevent heart disease by being informed

    and making smart choices.

    HearttoHeartwithDr. Rachael Wyman


    Did You Kno

    Low-fat and heart-healthyarent necessarily synonymous.

    In fact, studies show that eating a Mediterrane

    diet, which is rich in healthy fats, provides the

    beneficial nutrition for reducing the risk of hea

    Many of the healthy fats in a Mediterranean d

    unsaturated, and they primarily come from pla

    foods such as olive oil, nuts and certain vegetaUnsaturated fats, when substituted for saturatreduce unhealthy low-density lipoprotein (LDL

    levelsoften considered the bad cholesterol

    help promote high-density lipoprotein (HDL) c

    which is good for your heart and your overall h

    Eat plenty of plant-based foods, including fr

    leafy green vegetables, whole grains, legume

    Opt for fish or poultry as your main protein.

    Try to limit red meat to just a few times a mo

    If you do eat red meat, choose lean cuts that

    about the size of a deck of cards.

    Replace butter with moderate amounts of

    or canola oil.

    Skip the salt and use fresh herbs and spi

    to enhance flavor.

    Pair your meal with a glass of red wine

    this is optional and should be done in m

    For more healthy meal ideas,

    visit www.evergreenhealth.com/eatw

    Consider these Mediterranean-style diet guidwhen planning your next meal:

    There seems to be a greateremphasis on womens cardiachealth in recent years.

    Has that made an impact on the rates ofwomen who suffer from heart disease?

    Weve made a lot of progress over the last 15 years

    or so in raising awareness of heart disease as an

    equal opportunity diseasethat it affects women

    just as it does men. And th e good news is that th e

    heart disease death rate in both men and women isdeclining, thanks in large part to the American Heart

    Association and its dedication to promoting cardiac

    health, in women especially. Still, more women die

    each year from heart disease than men, and theres

    more we can be doing to prevent our risks.

    Q: What are the best waysfor women to preventheart disease and

    maintain good cardiac health?

    When it comes to the heart, women must

    take charge of making the smart and healthy

    lifestyle choices they know they should be

    making but that often get overlooked. Beyond

    those good decisions, there are a number ofnoninvasive tests our specialists can run to

    measure your risk for heart complications.

    Those, along with taking a look at family

    history, can tell us a lot about the likelihood

    of heart disease. Finally, and perhaps most

    importantly, I tell women to listen to their

    intuition. If something does not seem right

    about how you feel, schedule an appointment

    with your doctor to get it checked out.


    Who, among women,is at risk for heart disease?

    Its really important to know that

    heart disease can affect women at any age, regardless

    of family history and overall health. I do see a lot

    of women, though, who have put off seeking care

    because the disease often begins to develop at a time

    when they are their busiest. They are in their 50s or

    60s, not yet retired, and stretched thin from taking

    care of others before themselves. Our tendency as

    women to delay getting care is often what accelerates

    the risk of the disease.

    For women who develop heart disease, its rarely from

    just one major risk fac tor. Its typically a combination

    of several declining health attributes that compound

    each other: Her cholesterol is a bit off, her bloodpressure is perhaps a little high, shes gained some

    weight from inactivity and poor diet habits, and shes

    recently had higher stress levels.


    What warning signs shouldwomen watch for?

    Its often difficult to catch some of

    the major risk factors while they are developing. High

    cholesterol, high blood pressure and even diabetes are

    often fairly asymptomatic, and they offer few signs

    until theyre serious health issues. Women need to be

    diligent about communicating with their doctors and

    tracking their blood pressure and cholesterol levels

    over time.

    Women should also know the symptoms

    of acute cardiac distress and when to

    seek immediate medical care. Chest

    pain or discomfort is a common red

    flag, along with an achy, heavy feeling,which is an indicator of coronary

    artery disease. That feeling

    can radiate to the back, up

    into the jaw, down the arms or

    shoulders, oftentimes on the

    left side. Other symptoms,

    like shortness of breath,

    sweating or nausea

    or feeling excessively

    fatigued, are common,

    as well.


  • 7/27/2019 2014 Winter Monitor





    After a heart attack, the thought of returning

    to exercise and physical activity is daunting.

    Thats how 57-year-old Woodinville resident

    Ted Perrywhod been used to an active

    Northwest lifestylesays he felt after he

    suffered a mild heart attack in April 2013.

    It was the night before Perry was planning to leave on a

    trip to Montana when he felt an ache toward the back

    of his jawa sensation unlike anything hed ever felt

    before, but one he knew should be taken seriously.

    It turned out that despite his good physical condition,

    Perry had a previously undetected severe artery blockage

    that caused his symptoms to appear suddenly. His

    doctors at EvergreenHealth

    Heart & Vascular Care

    recommended a stenting

    procedure to clear the

    blockage, and after just two

    nights in the hospital, Perry

    was back at home, thankful

    his heart attack hadnt been

    worse, but uncertain what

    the future might hold.

    I was especially anxious about returning to exerciseand wasnt confident in star ting to be active again,

    Perry recalls. It was an unfamiliar role for this avid

    golfer, fly fisherman, hiker and sailor.

    Perrys care team referred him to EvergreenHealth

    Heart & Vascular Wellness Services, which offers

    rehabilitation programs for all patients recovering

    from cardiac events. Its where specialists with

    expertise in cardiology, exercise physiology,

    nutrition and pharmacology come together to

    offer personalized exercise, counseling, education and

    lifestyle-change resources designed to improve cardiac

    health and overall wellness.

    Most notably, its a place

    where patients can find

    a community of people

    who understand their

    challenges and who work

    side by side to overcome

    barriers that are both

    physical and emotional.

    Patients come to us

    as individuals andoften leave as part

    of a greater heart

    community, explains

    Jeff Roberts, manager

    of EvergreenHealth

    Heart & Vascular

    Wellness Services.

    Theres a healthy

    synergy among

    patients supporting

    Regaining Strengthas Part of aHeart Community


    each other and between the providers who work one-

    on-one with them to reach their goals.

    Perry was paired with Nancy Smith, a registered

    nurse and Heart & Vascular Wellness Services case

    manager, who worked with him to establish his exercise

    thresholds based on his heart-rate targets and the level

    of activity Perry hoped to achieve.

    Thats the benefit it gave me, Perry adds. The workouts

    were closely monitored so we could see exactly whatwas happening with my heart. It gave me a lot of

    security when doing some fairly strenuous activity.

    Beyond the regular exercise sessions, Perry took

    advantage of educational classes that aim to help

    participants navigate lifestyle changes and lower their

    risk factors.

    I learned that even at 57, I wasnt the youngest person

    in the program and my heart attack wasnt the most

    severe. The camaraderie you build with others going

    through the same experience really helps. Everyone

    it together, Perry says.

    But EvergreenHealths program and others like it

    across the country have proven to be more than just

    emotionally beneficial.

    Patients who go through a cardiac rehabilitation

    program are generally among those with lower

    mortality rates, Roberts adds.

    Still, despite that good news, national data from the

    American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmon

    Rehabilitation indicates that such programs are a la

    underutilized service, with just a fraction of eligible

    patients opting to participate.

    According to Roberts, however, EvergreenHealths

    participation rates are good, and impending change

    health care insurance coverage may encourage broa

    participation, as well.

    As for Perry, though hes successfully completed his

    personalized 12-week rehabilitation program, he say

    benefitsin the form of both the friendships and th

    knowledge hes gainedcontinue to make an impa

    He even plans to teach a fellow participant how to s

    These are things thatll stay with me the rest of my

    he says.

    Step by Step

    EvergreenHealth rehabilitation and wellness case ma

    Nancy Smith, RN, worked with Ted Perry on interval

    training techniqueswhich alternate higher-intensityexercise with lower-intensity recovery periodsto he

    Woodinville resident gradually return to physical acti

    after a heart attack. Perry says he continues to use ma

    of the exercises he learned in the rehabilitation progr

    as part of his regular workouts today.


    Patients come to us as

    individuals and often leave

    as part of a greater heart


    Our goal is to help patients regainindependence in a safe environment

    so that theyre comfortable being active

    at home, Smith says.

    Did YouKnow?

    The American Heart Association

    recommends getting 30 minutes

    of exercise a day, but did you

    know that three 10-minute bursts

    are just as beneficial to your

    overall fitness as one 30-minute

    session? For more tips li ke these,

    visit www.evergreenhealth.com/


  • 7/27/2019 2014 Winter Monitor




    Vascular Imaging& Surgical ServicesEvergreenHealths vascular specialists

    are equipped to diagnose and treat

    a range of conditions affecting the

    circulatory system outside of the

    heart. Among the clinics specialties

    is treatment of aneurysms, blocked

    arteries, and blood clots, along with

    care for conditions including Raynauds

    disease, varicose veins, and many other

    vascular issues.

    CholesterolManagementServicesSpecialists offer a focused, one-on-

    one approach to help patients reduce

    their cholesterol and minimize their

    risk of heart disease. These services

    offer comprehensive support that joins

    nutrition and exercise consultation

    with medication management to help

    patients balance their cholesterol levels

    through smart lifestyle choices.

    CatheterizationServicesCatheterization services offer

    minimally invasive diagnostic and

    interventional procedures, such as

    stenting, that can open and treat heart

    artery blockages to improve blood flow

    to the heart muscle.

    AnticoagulationServicesPharmacists work with patients

    to provide careful medical

    management and prevention of

    blood-clotting disorders. By offering

    attentive, ongoing, collaborative

    care, these services strive to

    achieve excellent outcomes while

    preventing the complications

    that otherwise might occur.

    Heart ImagingServicesProviders specializing in noninvasive

    diagnostic testing use a range of

    tests, combined with a patients

    symptoms and medical and family

    history, to fully understand potential

    heart conditions before the patients

    care is escalated to more invasive

    procedures. Some of the tests offered

    include echocardiography, or cardiac

    ultrasound, stress testing and nuclear

    cardiology, which helps trace blood

    flow within the cardiovascular system.

    Heart &Vascular CareThe Heart & Vascular Care practice

    offers comprehensive diagnostic

    services and treatment for a

    range of conditions affecting

    the cardiovascular system. The

    practices team of cardiologists

    and vascular surgeons consults

    with adult patients to care for a

    range of complexities. They provide

    comprehensive care for managing

    chronic diseases, assist with heart-

    device management, and provide

    access to innovative treatments for

    other conditions.

    Heart & VascularWellness ServicesPatients recovering from a cardiac

    event receive comprehensive

    education, exercise training,

    counseling and lifestyle-change

    resources from this state-of-the-

    art center in EvergreenHealths

    DeYoung Pavilion. An individualized

    rehabilitation program guides patients

    through their recovery, helping them

    return to an active lifestyle with

    the tools to successfully manage

    their condition and prevent future


    Navigating EvergreenHealthHeart & Vascular Care

    You have access to a full continuum of cardiovascular services when you

    are in our care. The specialists of EvergreenHealth Heart & Vascular Care

    work in tandem with primary care providers and emergency physicians

    to treat patients in need of specialty care from EvergreenHealths team

    of heart and vascular doctors. Access EvergreenHealths range of

    heart and vascular care and services by visiting

    www.evergreenhealth.com/hearthealth or call 425.899.0555.

    Whats Your Risk?Visit EvergreenHealths online assessment tool to evaluate how your lifestyle,

    family history and overall health may contribute to your risk of having a heart

    attack or suffering from heart disease. www.evergreenhealth.com/hearthealth

    Entry Points into


    Heart & Vascular Care

    PRIMARY CAREPatients often enter Heart & VascularCare with a referral from their primary

    care provider to investigate symptomsthat may require a higher level ofnoninvasive or invasive treatments.

    EMERGENCY CAREEvergreenHealths Kirkland and Redmondemergency departments quickly diagnosesigns of a possible heart attack, as well

    as other cardiac conditions, and ensurepatients receive immediate interventionand treatment from the appropriatespecialty team.

    PATIENT SELF-REFERRALPatients dont need a physician referral to see anEvergreenHealth Heart & Vascular provider. Those

    seeking preventive, diagnostic and interventionaltreatment may also contact EvergreenHealthHeart & Vascular Care directly at 425.899.0555.


    The physicians,

    providers, nurses

    and staff of

    EvergreenHealth Heart & V

    Care collaborate as a team,

    primary care providers and

    across the organization, to o

    most coordinated approach

    centered care.

    William Getchell, MD

    Medical Directorof Invasive Cardiology

    Rachael Wyman, MD

    Medical Directorof Noninvasive Cardiology

    Lena Avedissian, MD

    Edward Kim, MD

    Rubin Maidan, MD

    Mark Ombrellaro, MD

    Christopher Price, MD

    James Schneider, MD

    Ramandeep Sidhu, MD

    Mark Vossler, MD

    Cynthia Warner, MD

    Jason Montemayor, PA-C

    Irina Penev, PA

    Randi Leonetti, MSN, ARNP

    Rachel Maas, ARNP

    Laurie Niernberg, ARNP

    Julie Young, ARNP

    VIRGINIA MASON PARTproviding care and services atEvergreenHealth Heart & Vascu

    Mark Hill, MD

    Michael Longo, MD

    Robert Rho, MD

    Gautam Velamoor, MD

    J. Susie Woo, MD

  • 7/27/2019 2014 Winter Monitor






    Introducing Safe Kids Eastside

    EvergreenHealth is proud to lead Safe Kids Eastside,

    a newly established local coalition of Safe Kids

    Worldwide, a nonprofit organization dedicated to

    preventing unintentional injury among children

    across the world.

    Locally, Safe Kids Eastside aims to serve

    as a resource for parents with the goal

    of preventing avoidable injuries to

    youth, driven by the suppor t of member

    organizations including the Brain

    Injury Association of Washington, King County Emergency

    Medical Services, the Kirkland Police Department and

    many more.

    Through community outreach, events and educational

    opportunities, Safe Kids Eastside focuses primarily on

    preventing pedestrian, child passenger and sports-related

    injuries, which are all leading causes of emergency room

    visits among children in East King County. To learn more

    about the Safe Kids mission or to find an upcoming event

    in your area, visit www.safekidseastside.org.

    Recognized for Qualityand Patient Experience

    EvergreenHealth begins 2014 with the special

    honor of its fifth Distinguished Hospital for Clinical

    Excellencerecognition by Healthgrades, the

    nations leading independent health care ratings

    organization. The Distinguished Hospital for Clinical

    Excellence award places EvergreenHealth among

    the top 5 percent of hospitals nationwide.

    Healthgrades also recently recognizedEvergreenHealth among Americas 100

    Best Hospitals for its pulmonary and

    gastrointestinal specialties.

    For more information on EvergreenHealths

    commitment to quality, visit


    Evergreenhealth WelcomesNew Practices

    Several new practices have recently joined the

    EvergreenHealth network, each serving to expand the

    communitys access to specialists and high-quality care

    across a wide range of practice areas.


    EvergreenHealth Colon and Rectal Care

    EvergreenHealth Diabetes and Endocrinology Care

    EvergreenHealth Internal Medicine + Primary Care

    EvergreenHealth Kidney Care

    EvergreenHealth Orthopedic & Sports Care

    EvergreenHealth Womens Care

    EvergreenHealth Womens Care, Monroe

    EvergreenHealth Womens Gynecological Care

    EvergreenHealth Signature Care, Woodinville

    Explore EvergreenHealths range of services, practice areas

    and specialists by calling theEvergreenHealth 24/7

    Nurse Navigator & Healthline at 425.899.3000 or

    by visiting www.evergreenhealth.com.

    Free Seminars

    BREAKTHROUGH TREATMENTFOR PAINTheres nothing worse than painthat keeps you from your work,your favorite activities or justgetting out of bed in the morning

    without hurting. At our freeseminars,learn how our advancedtreatment technologies can helpyou get back to life pain-free.

    Knee or Hip PainJan. 30

    Back PainTBD

    Please call 425.899.3000 or visitwww.evergreenhealth.com fortimes,locations and registration.

    WEIGHT-LOSS SURGERY:IS IT RIGHT FOR YOU?Experts from the EvergreenHealthBariatric Center will discusssurgical options,postoperativefollow-up,lifestyle changes,financial information andnutrition support. Feb. 5,17,Mar. 5,17,Apr. 2,21,6-8 :30 p.m.

    UNDERSTANDING HOSPICE CAREJoin us for this interactive andeducational class designed tooffer information about hospiceas an option for care at theend of life. This program will

    share an overview of hospicephilosophy and services,as well asinformation about the end-of-lifeprocess. Feb. 15,9 a.m.noon.

    Parenting& Relationships

    PARENT EFFECTIVENESSTRAINING (P.E.T.)P.E.T. offers principles and practicesthat promote harmoniousrelationships between parents

    and their children,betweenchildren and their siblings,andindeed between all who learn touse the P.E.T. approach to gettingalong with others. P.E.T. skillsand concepts have been proveneffective for anyone working withchildren or familiesparents andprofessionals alike. This eight-week series starts Apr. 1,7-9 p.m.,$200/person or $350/couple.

    Wellness& Healthy Living

    RELAX AND RENEWExperience howmeditation andvisualization can give you abreak in your day from stress andworry. Learn how to renew yourenergy and spirit by focusing onthe present moment. Jan. 29,6-8 p.m.,$10/person.

    COLON CANCERCome learn about colon health,prevention of gastrointestinal(GI) cancers and all the screeningoptions. Feb. 4,6-8 p.m., free.

    HOW TO START AFITNESS REGIMENReady to start a fitnessregimen but dont knowwhere to start? Learn techniques,skills,tools and tips on how toestablish and maintain a programand have fun while doing it!Feb. 27,6-8 p.m.,$10/person.

    MANAGING HIGHBLOOD PRESSUREGet the lowdown on highblood pressure,includingrisk factors and current treatmentoptions. Learn how you canmanage high blood pressure.Mar. 11,6-8 p.m.,$10/person.

    THE HEALING POWER OF HUMORJoin humor specialist DonnaOiland for a fun-filled discussionof the healing power of humorand how to incorporate laughterinto your everyday routine.Mar. 25,6-8 p.m.,$10/person.

    YOGA FOR THE FAMILYPracticing yoga together as afamily is a wonderful way tostrengthen connections,buildself-awareness,and developcalming techniques along withother tools for life. You and yourchild will explore movement,breath and meditation in fun andinspiring ways while spendingtime together as a family in asupportive yoga environment.This is a fun and lively classappropriate for strong walkers toage 8 with an adult. Please bringone yoga mat per person. Mar. 26,7-8:30 p.m.,$10/person or$25/family.

    BELLY AND BRAIN CONNECTIONSUnderstand how inflammationin your gastrointestinal (GI)

    tract,allergens from food,andbad bacteria may not only affectyour digestion but also alteryour mood. Well discuss diet,lifestyle and food choices to makedigestion easier and keep yourbelly healthy and happy. Apr. 24,6-8 p.m.,$10/person.


    Please visitwww.evergreenhealth.comin April for more details.


    & Safety Information

    BABYSITTING BASICSFor ages 11 to 16. Feb. 8,MarApr. 12,9 a.m.-3 p.m.,$50.

    INFANT/CHILD CPRAND FIRST AIDParticipants receive an infanchild CPR and first aid card vfor two years. Jan. 25,Feb. 8,Apr. 12,9 a.m.-3 p.m.,$55.

    INFANT AND CHILD CPRParticipants receive an infanchild CPR card valid for two Feb. 11,Mar. 11,6-9: 30 p.m.,$$15 discount if also enrolledBabysitting Basics.

    COMMUNITY CPRParticipants receive a CPR cavalid for two years. Feb. 1,MApr. 5,9 a.m.-12 p.m.,$45.

    COMMUNITY FIRST AIDParticipants receive a first avalid for two years. Feb. 1,MApr. 5,30, 1-5 p.m.,$45.

    COMMUNITY CPR AND FIRSParticipants receive a CPR aaid card valid for two years. Mar. 1,Apr. 5,9 a.m.-5 p.m.,$

    HEALTH CARE PROVIDER CPParticipants receive an AmeHeart Association health caprovider CPR card valid for tyears. Jan. 25,Feb. 22,Mar. 159 a.m.-12:30 p.m.,or Feb. 4,MApr. 1, 6-9:30 p.m.,$70;includes textbook.

    Register for Classes Online or by Phone

    For your convenience, you may register and pay for classes 24/7 online at www.evergreenhealth.com/classes.

    You may also call the EvergreenHealth Nurse Navigator & Healthline at 425.899.3000, Mon.Fri.,7a.m.7p.m.

    Pre-registration is required for all classes. Checks, VISA and MasterCard are accepted. Refunds and rescheduling

    will only be given for cancellations two business days prior to the class. Let us know if you need special

    accommodations to participate.

    EvergreenHealth Updates

    Save the DateShaking? It Could Be Essential Tremor Seminar

    Approximately 10 million Americans are affected by

    essential tremor (ET), a progressive neurological disorder

    that can cause shaking in the body and lead to significant

    disability. Yet, because of stereotypes and a lack of

    awareness, many people with ET never seek medical care.

    Join EvergreenHealth neurologist Dr. Sindhu Srivatsal and

    Swedish Medical Center neurologist Dr. Ryder Gwinn for a

    free seminar where they will explain ET and its causes, andalso discuss diagnosis, research and treatment options.

    Saturday, January 25, 2014

    Check-in at 9:30 a.m., program 10 a.m.noon

    Bellevue Hilton, 300 Lake Washington Blvd. SE, Bellevue

    Registration required at www.essentialtremor.org/seminars. Denotes a classsupporting heart care

  • 7/27/2019 2014 Winter Monitor




    ADVANCED CARDIACLIFE SUPPORTFor health care providers only. Two-part class begins Feb. 13,Apr. 10,4-10 p.m.,$245; includes textbook.Recertification students only needto take second day of class.

    PEDIATRIC ADVANCEDLIFE SUPPORTFor health care providers only.Two-part class begins Mar. 13,4-10 p.m.,$245; includes textbook.Recertification students only needto take second day of class.

    Senior Health Classes

    In addition to the classes offered

    at EvergreenHealth MedicalCenter,we offer classes and health

    screenings at other convenient

    community locations. Visit www.evergreenhealth.com/horizons for

    class schedules and locations.

    AARP SMART DRIVER PROGRAMInterested in improving yourdriving skills and possibly receivingan insurance discount? Thisprogram,designed and conductedby AARP,provides eight hours ofclassroom instruction covering theeffects of aging and medication ondriving,basic driving rules,licenserenewal and more. Feb. 8, Mar.8,Apr. 12,9 a.m.-5 p.m.,$15 AARPmembers,$20 nonmembers.

    IS IT MY THYROID?Fatigue,weight problems,dryskin and hair,mood swings anddepression are all signs of thyroidproblems. Women are especiallyvulnerable. Learn about variousthyroid conditions,their impactsand treatment options.Feb. 20,12: 30-1:30 p.m.,free.

    FALL PREVENTION AND BALANCEFOR OLDER ADULTSAvoid pain and injury by learning

    what steps you can take toimprove balance and prevent fallsin your home and daily routines.Mar. 20,12:30-1:30 p.m., free.

    HOME TREATMENTSFOR COMMON SPRINGALLERGIES & COLDSCut down on being sick by treatingyourself with simple,naturalremedies that boost the immunesystem and speed healing. Apr. 17,12:30-1:30 p.m.,free.

    Neurological &Movement Disorders

    EvergreenHealth Neurological

    Care offers classes and support

    groups to aid patients living with a

    variety of neurological diseases and

    movement disorders.

    PARKINSONS TELEHEALTHView live,interactive educationaltalks designed to help patients andfamilies improve their knowledgeof Parkinsons disease. SecondMonday of every month,2-3:30p.m.,free. For more information,visit www.nwpf.org.


    neurologic conditions fall andwhat you can do to reduce yourrisk for falls is key to your safetyand independence. Join us to learnabout the causes of falls and whatyou can do to prevent falls andstay active and independent.Jan. 31,10 a.m.-12 p.m.,free.

    DANCE FOR PARKINSONSLearn to stretch and strengthenmuscles,focusing on balance andrhythm through many styles ofdance. Saturdays,11 a.m.-12:30 p.m.,free. To inquire about the winterseries start date,please call theEvergreenHealth Nurse Navigator& Healthline at 425.899.3000.

    COMMUNICATION GROUPImprove your communicationskills. For those with s troke,Parkinsons or other neurologicalchanges. Second Thursday of everymonth,11 a.m.-12 p.m.,$5.

    NEUROLOGICAL EXERCISE GROUPGentle stretch and strengthexercises done in a chair orstanding. For patients affected

    by neurological disorders such asParkinsons,stroke and multiplesclerosis. $20 for one time perweek for four weeks,or $30 fortwo times a week for four weeks.1-1:50 p.m.

    FROM-THE-GROUND-UPSTRENGTH AND FLEXIBILITYThis mat-oriented class includeselements of yoga,dumbbellexercise,ball exercises and exercisebands to strengthen core,legs,arms and whole body. EveryMonday and Friday,2-3 p.m.,$5 per session.

    LIVING WELL AFTER STROKEInformation and support for s trokesurvivors and their care partners.First Tuesday of the month,2-3 p.m.,free.

    EVERGREEN MENS GROUPSupport group for those affectedby neurological conditions such asmultiple sclerosis,Parkinsons andstroke. Second Tuesday of everymonth,3-4:30 p.m.,free.

    THERAPEUTIC YOGA FOR MSRestore,renew and regenerateyour energy. Therapeutic yoga forpeople living with MS developsmind-body awareness,stability,coordination and balance,andcalms your nervous system. Ourteaching teams adaptive yogatraining and experience create asafe,skilled and compassionateenvironment to explore health,wholeness and well-being. Classis accessible for all levels andcapacities. Six-week series beginFeb. 18,Apr. 1,9:30-11 a.m., $30.

    THERAPEUTIC YOGAFOR MS WORKSHOPThis workshop will refine yourproprioception and help youcultivate a healing relationshipwith your body. Class targets thosewho are new to yoga or who havelimited mobility. Mar. 1,10 a.m.-12:30 p.m.,$20.

    Childbirth Preparation

    For class dates and times or to

    register for classes,go to www.evergreenhealth.com/childbirth

    or call the EvergreenHealth

    Nurse Navigator & Healthline

    at 425.899.3000. Register early

    during your pregnancy,as classes

    fill quickly.

    MATERNITY CENTER TOURA free 20-minute tour for thoseresearching their birthing centeroptions. Registration required;also offered in Spanish.

    WARM WELCOMESThis class series taught byour labor nurses helps newlyexpectant parents understandtheir pregnancy and plan for theirbirth journey,with CelebratingYour Early Pregnancy (1sttrimester),Kickers (2nd trimester)and Getting Ready for Baby (3rdtrimester). A great introduction tothe Family Maternity Center,anda good way to connect with otherparents who have similar duedates. $25/couple per class.

    LABOR & BIRTH BASICSThis core series for first-timeparents covers labor and birth,pain management,cesarean birth,interventions,breastfeeding andpostpartum care. Includes a tourof the Family Maternity Center.


    LABOR & BIRTH BASICS TEENS AND MULTIPLESThis core series for teens andmultiples covers labor and birth,pain management,cesarean birth,interventions,infant feeding andpostpartum care. $120/couple.

    LABOR COPING SKILLS REVIEWIntensive session focusing onthe labor coping skills learned inchildbirth preparation classes.This class is designed to reviewand practice coping skills only. Forexperienced parents or coupleswanting additional practice.$35/couple.

    HYPNOBIRTHING THE MONGAN METHODUse guided imagery,visualizationand patterned breathing for a safeand satisfying birth. Five-weekseries,$135/couple,plus$25 materials fee due at class.

    SIBLINGS CLASSPrepare siblings for the arrival of anew baby. For children ages 2 to 6.Parents attend with children.$15/one child,$25/two or more.

    CONSCIOUS FATHERINGNew fathers learn to anticipatetheir babys five basic needsthrough hands-on instructionand practice. $40.

    FIT4BABY PROGRAMA total-body interval workoutadjusted to the various pregnancyphases of the attendees. Includescardio,strength training andflexibility exercises. Six-weeksession,$90.

    HEALTHY EATING FORPREGNANCY AND BEYONDImprove your diet with practicaltips on shopping,dining out,healthy snacking and more. $15.

    YOGA FOR PREGNANCYStrengthen childbearingmuscles,increase flexibilityduring pregnancy,and learndeep relaxation for lifelonghealth. Locations in Kirkland andRedmond. Sessions and price vary.

    PELVIC HEALTH CLASSLearn how to minimize pain duringpregnancy and birth,optimizehealing,and avoid future pelvicfloor issues. $20.

    FINANCIAL PLANNING FOREXPECTING PARENTSLearn about the importance ofbasic financial planning toolsincluding,but not limited to,savings,protection,properinsurance coverage,college savingsplans and long-term financialsustainability. Free.

    MEET THE MIDWIVESIf you are pregnant or planningto become pregnant,attend aninformation session to learnmore about midwifery care atEvergreenHealth. Free.

    Baby Care & Safety

    DAY ABOUT BABYLearn about diapering,bathing,soothing,infant carriers,intro tobreastfeeding and more.$75/couple.

    BREASTFEEDING BASICSAND BEYONDInformation about breastfeedingbenefits,anatomy of the breast,breastfeeding cues,special feedingneeds, partners involvementand more.$35/couple.

    PUMPING CLASSFocus is on pumping and safestorage of breast milk,thedifferent kinds of pumps available,and tips and techniques forpumping. $20/couple.

    CAR SEAT SAFETYThe statistics arestaggering:Four out offive car seats are notused properly,and motor vehiclecrashes continue to be one of themost common causes of injuryto children. Learn about choosingthe best car seat for your babyand family,and how to install itproperly in this hands-on class.If you have already purchased acar seat,bring it, but dont worryabout purchasing one beforeattending. Our Safe Kids Eastside

    instructors will provide you withinformation about features to lookfor when purchasing a car seat.$20/adult or $25/couple.

    CAR SEAT INSPECTION CLINICLet EvergreenHealth andSafe Kids Eastside helpyou keep your familysafe in vehicles. Haveyour car seat checked by a certifiedchild passenger safety technician.Donations suggested forthis service.

    NEW! INFANT SAFETY AND INJURYPREVENTION FOR PARENTSEverything new parentsneed to know aboutkeeping their baby safeat home and at play asthey grow is packed into this two-hour class! Pediatricians agreethat unintentional injuries are thegreatest risk to babies. Let us helpyou learn the basics of preventingaccidents,based on the latest best-practice recommendations. Topicsinclude basic child development,safe sleep,medication safety,fire/burn safety,home safety,baby-proofing and some car seat basics.$25/adult.

    NEW! JUST FOR GRANDPARENTS:BABY AND INFANT SAFETYEverything newgrandparents want tolearn about baby andinfant safety is packedinto this two-hour class! Whenit comes to child safety,a lot haschanged. Pediatricians agree

    that unintentional injuries arethe greatest risk to babies. Let ushelp you brush up on the basicsof baby care and teach you somenew tricks based on the latestbest-practice recommendations.You have a unique role as agrandparent. Let us help youstep into it. Topics include basicchild development,safe sleep,medication safety,fire/burn safety,home safety,baby-proofing, carseat basics and supporting thenew parents. $25/adult.

    BRINGING BABY HOMEWORKSHOPExpectant couples learn howto avoid marital meltdown andcope with the normal stressorsof becoming parents. Two-dayworkshop,$150/couple.

    HAPPIEST BABY ON THE BLOCKLearn how to soothe even thefussiest baby in minutes. $60/couple. Fee includes CD and DVD.

    HOP TO SIGNAROOBABYSIGN LANGUAGEUse American Sign Language toreduce frustration and aid earlycommunication with your hearingbaby. Four-week series,$128/bothparents or parent/grandparent,plus $19 supply fee.www.hoptosignaroo.com

    LISTENING MOTHERSThis eight-week program,formothers with babies who are up to6 months old,emphasizes one ofthe most important relationshipsyou will ever have,the parentingbond. Learn to tune into andrespond to your babys needs,develop your identity as a mother,reflect on your own parentingstyle,and learn by sharing withother new mothers. $150/mother.

    PARENT-BABY GROUPSWeekly support and educationfor new parents with their babies.Groups are facilitated by trainedparenting and lactation educators.Research-based parenting topicsinclude postpartum adjustment,calming and soothing tips,infantdevelopment and more. Group forbabies 0-3 months is free,$97 for3-6,6-9, 9-12 and 12-15 months.

    NEW! BACK-TO-WORKPARENT-BABY GROUPAn extension of our popularParent-Baby Groups designespecifically for moms and dawho have gone back to workGroup will meet twice a moparents with babies 3-9 monParenting topics include feesleep,relationships,balancinwork with family life,and m$97 for bimonthly session.

    TODDLER SERIESThis four-week evening pareseries,taught by Parent-BabGroup leaders,will cover toddevelopment from 18 monthto 3 years old. $80/one orboth parents.


    Support for new parentsexperiencing symptoms ofpostpartum distress. Meets first and third Thursdays of month,free. For more informcall 425.899.3602.

    STARTING SOLIDSLearn practical and researchbased information on the hefeeding of solid foods for ba4 to 12 months old. $25.

    BREASTFEEDING YOUROLDER BABYEducation and support for mcontinuing to breastfeed bethe first six months. $10.

    BABY & FAMILY BOUTIQUEClothing,nursing bras and sfor pregnancy,breastfeedingand your newborn. Visit wwevergreenhealth.com/bout

    For dates, times and

    detailed information

    on each class, visitwww.evergreenheal


    Register online, or ca

    the EvergreenHealth

    Healthline at



    7 a.m.7 p.m.

  • 7/27/2019 2014 Winter Monitor





    5K Run/Walk Raises Money,Awareness of Colon Cancer

    The third annual Get Your Rear in Gear5K run/walk

    at Marymoor Park in November raised more than

    $22,500 benefiting EvergreenHealths Cancer Services

    and the Colon Cancer Coalition.

    Attendees explored a giant 10-foot-high, 12-foot-

    long walk-through replica of the human colon, which

    allowed visitors to learn about stages of colon cancer

    and other intestinal diseases.

    We would like to extend a special thank-you to

    Brooks Sports and AndEvents for partnering with us

    on this event, as well as to all the runners, walkers

    and volunteers who made it a success!

    EvergreenHealth Foundation News

    Under The Big Top:

    2014Evergreen GalaSaturday, April 26

    King Countys Marymoor Park in Redmond

    The elegance and thrill of a vintage circus await you

    at this spectacular black-tie evening. Guests will

    enjoy fine dining, silent and live auctions, surprise

    entertainment and dancing in a beautiful, climate-

    controlled party tent.

    This years gala benefits EvergreenHealths Acute

    Rehabilitation Unit, with proceeds supporting a

    specialized home transition room to simulate the

    environment patients must adjust to when returning

    home following serious illness, injury or hospitalization.

    Limited space availablemake reservations early at

    www.EvergreenGala.org or by phone at 425.899.1900.

    For sponsorship opportunities, contact Christie Elliott

    at 425.899.1906 or [email protected].

    2013Seasons of HopeLuncheon

    The fifth annual Seasons

    of Hopeluncheon at the

    Lynnwood Convention Center

    in November raised $103,000

    to support EvergreenHealths

    Hospice and Palliative Care

    programs and services.

    Guests heard from keynote

    speaker Debra Jarvis, an

    ordained minister and authorof Its Not About the Hair:

    And Other Certainties of Life &

    Cancer. She has served as a hospice spiritual counselor

    and staff chaplain for Seattle Cancer Care Alliance

    and commentates for NPR on spirituality and finding

    meaning in lifes challenges.

    Special thanks to guest speaker Dan Fisher, who

    shared the personal experience of his mothers

    passing, which inspired him to become a volunteer

    for EvergreenHealths hospice program.

    2014EvergreenHealth FoundationBoard of Trustees Officers

    Fashion for a CauseSupportsBreast Health

    The second annual

    Fashion for a Causeevent

    in September raised more

    than $22,000 to support

    EvergreenHealths Breast

    Health Care.

    Neiman Marcus closed

    its Bellevue store for this

    exclusive event, which

    featured a runway showpreviewing the falls

    hottest trends. Guests

    enjoyed a private shopping experience including

    cocktails, fashion experts and live music.

    Proceeds provide mammograms for uninsured women

    in our community. We extend a special thank-you to

    Neiman Marcus and the Puget Sound Business Journal

    for their extraordinary partnership in support of

    womens health at EvergreenHealth.

    Majdi Daher

    Denali Advanced

    Integration, Board Chair

    Kinnon Williams

    Williams & Williams, PSC,Vice Chair

    Clara Hollin

    Lincoln Financial Advisors/

    Sagemark Consulting,Secretary

    Jeff Cashman

    Cashman Consulting &

    Investments, LLC, Treasurer

    Teddy Overleese

    Community Volunteer,

    Immediate Past Chair

    2014EvergreenHealth Foundation

    Board of TrusteesTim Baer

    Puget Sound Bank

    Jeff Bander

    Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC

    Chuck Brockway

    Fortune Bank

    Olga Cherney

    Coldwell Banker

    Danforth & Associates

    Lucy DeYoung

    Simpson Hawley Properties

    Don Dicks

    Community Volunteer

    Doug Edlund

    PAC Promotions

    Bob Ferguson, Ben FranklinCrafts & Frame Shop

    Mike Fulton, Advanced

    Renal Technologies

    Andy Hill, Washington

    State Senator 45thDistrict

    Donna Minahan

    Community Volunteer

    Randy Pepple

    Pepple Communications

    Michael Schaedig, Chateau

    Retirement Communities

    John F. Sherwood, Sr.

    Peterson Russell Kelly, PLLC

    Karen Snepp

    Community Volunteer

    Jeff Tomlin, MD

    CMO, EvergreenHealth

    Amy Walen

    Ford-Hyundai of Kirkland

    2014EvergreenHealth FoundationEx Officio Members

    Al DeYoung, Donn AlInvestments, Inc.

    R. Scott Burks, MD


    Medical Staff

    Auggie Kempf

    Cashman Consulting &

    Investments, LLC

    Bob Malte,CEOEvergreenHealth

    Kae Peterson

    Executive Director,


    Eric Taylor, MD


    2013 Campaign forEvergreenHealth

    Thank you to the staff, physicians and volunteers

    who contributed more than $126,000 to support

    the programs and services of EvergreenHealth.


    Bellevue Healthcare

    Wise Hospice Options


    Dignity Memorial

    Falck Northwest


    Aegis Living

    Chevron Corporation


    CarePartners Living

    Fedelta Care Solutions

    Homewatch CareGivers

    Synergy HomeCareThankyoutothefollowing








  • 7/27/2019 2014 Winter Monitor


    Primary Care

    Canyon Park

    1909 214th St. SE, Ste. 110425.488.4988


    14720 Main St. NE, Ste. 109425.788.4889


    18208 66th Ave. NE, Ste. 200425.485.6561


    12333 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 310


    Monroe14841 179th Ave. SE, Ste. 210



    8980 161st Ave. NE425.899.2273


    22850 NE 8th, Ste. 103425.898.0305


    16916 140th Ave. NE425.481.6363

    Signature Care, Woodinville

    17311 135th Ave. NE, Ste. A700


    Urgent Care


    8980 161st Ave. NE

    425.883.3333Hours: 9 a.m.-5 p.m.seven days a week


    16916 140th Ave. NE

    425.488.2273Hours: M-F 8 a.m.-8 p.m.S-S, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.

    Specialty Practices

    Anticoagulation Services

    12333 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 415, Kirkland


    Booth Gardner Parkinsons

    Care Center

    12039 NE 128th St ., Ste. 300, Kirkland425.899.3123

    Colon and Rectal Care

    12303 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 530, Kirkland425.899.4600

    Diabetes and Endocrinology Care

    13118 121st Way NE, Ste. 103, Kirkland425.899.6414

    Diabetes Education

    & Nutrition Services

    12303 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 325, Kirkland425.899.3008

    General Neurology Care

    12039 NE 128th St ., Ste. 300, Kirkland425.899.3135

    Heart Care

    12333 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 320, Kirkland425.899.0555

    Kidney Care

    12303 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 400, Kirkland


    Lipid Services

    12333 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 415, Kirkland

    425.899.3796Maternal-Fetal Medicine

    12333 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 240, Kirkland425.899.2200

    Midwifery Care

    12040 NE 128th St. , Ste. 225 Kirkland425.899.4012

    Multiple Sclerosis Center

    12039 NE 128th St ., Ste. 300, Kirkland


    Orthopedic & Sports Care

    Kirkland Redmond Bellevue


    Pulmonary Care

    12333 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 225, Kirkland425.899.6972

    Radiation Oncology

    12040 NE 128th St., Green 1290, Kirkland425.899.1860

    Rehabilitation Care

    12039 NE 128th St ., Ste. 200, Kirkland


    Senior Health Specialists

    11521 NE 128th St ., Ste. 100, Kirkland


    Sleep Services

    11521 NE 128th St ., Ste. 130, Kirkland425.899.4280

    Sport & Spine Care

    11800 NE 128th St ., Ste. 530, Kirkland425.899.1220

    Vascular Care

    12303 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 500A,Kirkland


    Washington Interventional

    Spine Associates

    11800 NE 128th St ., Ste. 200, Kirkland425.899.1210

    Womens Care

    12303 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 420, Kirkland


    Womens Care, Monroe

    14841 179th Ave SE, Ste. 310, Monroe


    Womens Gynecological Care

    12303 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 400, Kirkland425.899.4692

    Wound Care Services

    12303 NE 130th Lane, Ste. 400Kirkland


    Emergency Care

    EvergreenHealth Medical Center

    12040 NE 128th St., Kirkland


    Redmond Medical Center

    8980 161st Ave. NE, Redmond425.899.1111

    12040 NE 128th Street

    Kirkland, WA 98034






    AL DEYOUNGBothell/Duvall/Woodinville


    REBECCA HIRTKirkland/Kenmore

    R. AUGUST KEMPFRedmond/Sammamish


    At LargeEDITOR: EvergreenHealth Marketing& Public Relations Group &Firmani + Associates Inc.

    PHOTOGRAPHY: Keith Brofsky

    DESIGN: Arscentia

    You may contact theCommissioners by email [email protected]

    EvergreenHealth Monitoris publishas a community service byEvergreenHealth. Its contents are nintended to replace professional hecare. See your health care professioinformation relevant to yourmedical history.

    EvergreenHealth is an equal opportemployer and service provider.For career opportunities atEvergreenHealth, visit our website awww.evergreenhealth.com.

    Follow EvergreenHealth on:

    Multiple Locations for All Levels of CareWe make health care easy and convenient. Our primary care practices offer night and weekend

    hours, with Sunday walk-in care available at Canyon Park. We also provide more than two dozen

    specialty practices.

    EvergreenHealth Medical Group | The physicians and providers in these practices are all members

    of the EvergreenHealth Medical Group, a 175-physician multispecialty group practice that is part of

    EvergreenHealth. They are committed to providing you with the highest quality care and service that

    helps you to be your healthiest best throughout your entire life.

    For hours, directions and appointments, see our website at www.evergreenhealth.com

    or call our 24-hour Nurse Navigator & Healthline at 425.899.3000.