2014 travel supp

Presents In Association with



Transcript of 2014 travel supp

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In Association with

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"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain

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BBC History will once again be creating a dedicated travel supplement for 2014. Working in association with Lonely Planet, we have selected some of the world’s most unique cultural experiences to help inspire our readers to plan their trips of a lifetime and discover some of the worlds greatest secrets. Working alongside leading historians and Journalists we have selected a range of experiences to suit every type of traveller, to those looking for culture and relaxation, to those looking for adventure in the hope of uncovering ancient mysteries. The supplement will provide a great opportunity to reach a highly affluent and passionate audience, with cultural discovery the top of their travel plans for 2014.

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61% Enjoy City Breaks

34% Enjoy Train Holidays

44% Enjoy Cultural Breaks

5 Trips a year

£1,122 Average Spend

23% Enjoy Cruise Holidays

Source: BBC History Reader Survey


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Advertisers will be included in the print supplement itself which will be a free pull out in the February issue of the magazine.

You will also be included in the iPad edition where you can add audio & video content as well as additional image galleries to help inspire our readers to book their next holiday.

The supplement will also be available on historyextra.com with links to your own site and offers for 2014.

As part of the promotional campaign we shall be promoting the supplement in the weekly History Extra Podcast that goes out to a worldwide audience with over 60,000 downloads every episode.

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Below are some of the locations that have been selected for 2014, however may be subject to change. •Myanmar •D-Day Beaches, France •Renaissance Florence, Italy •St Petersburg, Russia •Kyoto, Japan •Gold Rush Towns of Victoria, Australia •Hampi, India •Kandy, Sri Lanka •Lalibela, Ethiopia •Kokoda Trail, Papua New Guinea

•St Helena •Berlin, Germany •Istanbul, Turkey •Krakow & Auschwitz •Jerusalem •Classical Greece •Byzantine Macedonia •Morocco •Cape Town, South Africa

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DPS Package - £3,500

Full Page Package - £2,000

Half Page Package - £1,100 Quarter Page Package - £600

31st January

16th December

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“Railtrail Tours is pleased with how our BBC History advertising has returned enquiries for our quality escorted holidays by train. These are steadily converting and building bookings for our tours of Great Britain - and of Europe.” Railtrail Tours Ltd Dave Felstead, Managing Director Julie Arnold, Business Development Manager

“Andante Travels has work alongside BBC History for a number of years and we received a good response from the travel supplement with a number of bookings for 2013.” Andante Travels Safia Bhutta, Head of Marketing

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Sam Jones Senior Brand Sales Executive

Telephone: 0117 314 8847 Email:

[email protected]