2014 October

Connecting with Others as a Newcomer Member Profile by Luella Mageean THE APPLE CONNECTING TASMANIAN FAMILIES 01 October 2014 How long have you lived in Tasmania? We moved to Tasmania nearly two years ago for my husband's job. We love it here. A bit about your family My family consists of myself, my husband Scott and our three children. Adelaide (4 years), Judah (3 years), and Daphne (1 year). So we are a busy little household. My husband Scott works for a local Church of Christ as well as a Chaplain at Woodbridge K-10 school. We also have a few small online businesses alongside to keep us even busier! How do you connect with other families? That can be a really tough one. Initially it took a bit of time to feel connected to other families. Getting beyond a 'Hi' at the playground or general chit chat online is quite difficult. Hobart Mums Network has had such an influence on my connectedness to the community. I met a few wonderful ladies through HMN Chat who so willingly opened their friendship circle up to myself and kids. Through HMN Chat I have met so many ladies who I now call close friends, and our children also have friends. I will be honest and say I think it is harder for men to find those connections as it is easier to catch up for 'playdates' and the friendships that grow from there. I have also met some other families through our local church, and my daughter's school. Taking that first step to attending a playgroup, social event or inviting someone from that park can be so nerve racking! But you never know - the other person might be feeling the exact same way as you! What have you got to lose by stepping out? What do you like about being a member of Child Health Association Tasmania? I love the broader reach that being a CHAT member has, beyond Hobart Mums Network. I love the rich history of Chat. The longevity and generations of Tasmanians that CHAT has influenced, and has the potential to influence in the future. The collaboration of HMN and CHAT is a very exciting one, and I believe the great potential to impact future generations of Tasmanian families is exciting! Submit your member profile to [email protected] Photo by RachelBaker.com.au 1



Transcript of 2014 October

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Connecting with Others as a Newcomer Member Profile by Luella Mageean


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How long have you lived in Tasmania? We moved to Tasmania nearly two years ago for my husband's job. We love it here. !A bit about your family My family consists of myself, my husband Scott and our three children. Adelaide (4 years), Judah (3 years), and Daphne (1 year). So we are a busy little household. My husband Scott works for a local Church of Christ as well as a Chaplain at Woodbridge K-10 school. We also have a few small online businesses alongside to keep us even busier! !How do you connect with other families? That can be a really tough one. Initially it took a bit of time to feel connected to other families. Getting beyond a 'Hi' at the

playground or general chit chat online is quite difficult. Hobart Mums Network has had such an influence on my connectedness to the community. I met a few wonderful ladies through HMN Chat who so willingly opened their friendship circle up to myself and kids. Through HMN Chat I have met so many ladies who I now call close friends, and our children also have friends. I will be honest and say I think it is harder for men to find those connections as it is easier to catch up for 'playdates' and the friendships that grow from there. I have also met some other families through our local church, and my daughter's school. Taking that first step to attending a playgroup, social event or inviting someone from that park can be so nerve racking! But you never know - the other person might be feeling the

exact same way as you! What have you got to lose by stepping out? !What do you like about being a member of Child Health Association Tasmania? I love the broader reach that being a CHAT member has, beyond Hobart Mums Network. I love the rich history of Chat. The longevity and generations of Tasmanians that CHAT has influenced, and has the potential to influence in the future. The collaboration of HMN and CHAT is a very exciting one, and I believe the great potential to impact future generations of Tasmanian families is exciting! !Submit your member profile to [email protected] !!!Photo by RachelBaker.com.au


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Annual General Meeting TH


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Award Recipients !Merit Awards Stelle Carmichael Rebecca Crawford Alice Graham Nadine Hawkins Louise Ims Amy Isham Christine Jolly Katrina Kruse Luella Mageean Fiona Mason Charlene Milner Jo Morrisson Sonja Preston Katy Pryor Kelly Rechtin Olivia Salmon Liz Selkirk Kate Sward !Service Awards Anita Clements Seona Findlay Susannah Koch

View or Download the 2013/2014 Annual Report !Did you know that you can read our annual report online? This beautifully designed publication is available to all and features the growth and changes within our organisation over the past year. We would love to see you at our next annual general meeting. Visit our website at www.chatas.com.au to access the publication.


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President’s Report By Katie Wightman



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The Child Health Association Tasmania (CHAT) Annual General Meeting (AGM) held in Hobart was a great success. The AGM formalities were smoothly progressed. !It is wonderful to report we have another full Board and a great mix of experience and skills. It will be an exciting and busy 12 month term for the Board. Our priorities are to: !

• Continue to make CHAT immediately recognisable to all in our state; • Increase membership; • Further advance the strategic plan; • Commence work on achieving the financial goals as outlined in the strategic plan.  Plan specifically a more strategic approach to fundraising aimed at attracting corporate sponsorship and new funding sources; • Build and maintain mutually beneficial community partnerships to continue to provide information and programs to families. That is develop and maintain a supportive network with other service providers in the Tasmanian community; • Consider options to offer an affiliation membership; • Expand our newsletter subscription to allied health professionals and education and corporate sectors; and • Develop a mail out strategy to allied health professionals, education and corporate sectors. !

Life members, special guests, CHAT members, staff and the Board were moved to tears hearing Sonja

Preston, Founder of the Parenting Café, speak about her diagnosis, treatment and life after breast cancer. Our second guest speaker Cassy O’Connor MP spoke about raising four children while being a working mother. Both women’s speeches left us smiling reflecting on their messages about keeping things in perspective and most of all maintain a sense of hope. !It is always good to hear stories about how others respond to the unexpected and words of wisdom that only comes from living productive, fulfilling and positive lives. !On that note thank you to the CHAT staff and volunteers for all the wonderful work you lead in our communities. It was wonderful to see 21 award recipients receive acknowledgement and thanks for their contribution to CHAT over the previous year at the AGM. !

The smallest of gestures inviting a new member into playgroup, actively listening to someone or offering help can make the difference. We may never know the full extent that CHAT supports families however we can continue to measure success by way of advocating for the most vulnerable Tasmanians – our children. !

President Katie Wightman

Vice President Rachel Sylvester

Treasurer Georgie Sertori

Secretary Kate Cashman

Board members Amanda Woollams Danny Gibson Elizabeth Daly Katy Pryor


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So, we survived the big trip and the question that I get asked the most at the moment seems to be “So how was it?…How did the kids go on the plane?” The last question is usually accompanied by a shudder, and a shake of the head. Yes, it seems that I unwittingly took on what is quite honestly, most people’s worst nightmare. I flew with two kids under 6, by myself, to the other side of the world. !It was not a decision I took lightly, mine are not the kind of kids to sit still and keep quiet but when your brother gets married, you want to be there. And as they weren’t likely to bring the wedding over here (I did ask) I decided to take the human whirlwinds to the wedding. !I was scared but I have always worked on the theory that you can’t let your fears control you, you control your fears…the question remained, could I control my children? !Part of my coping mechanism was blustering through with the attitude, seriously, what could go wrong? So that seems to be a good place to start, what did go wrong and how can you be prepared

(someone should gain something from this little list). !Hungry Kids Screaming irrational 3 year old yelling “ I hate you” gathering very disapproving looks from old people who have forgotten what it was like to have small kids. !Sounds like a no brainer and we all know that hungry kids are grumpy kids. The problem with airlines is that they don’t seem to serve food when your child is hungry. So my tip is, take snacks to feed hungry monsters, you will also know they will eat them because there’s no guarantee kids will actually eat the plane food when it actually arrives. !

As a side note, I think economy flight is the closest humans will ever get to being factory farmed, well let’s hope it is anyway. !I digress, another tip, feed kids before they get on the plane because there’s about a 1-2 hour wait between take off and feeding time. !Screaming Kids Kicking Seats I have no solution for this one but distractions are good and also try to figure out why they are screaming, easier said than done, in my case it seems to have been extreme tiredness. Also taking their shoes off was good. Sadly I couldn’t remove their feet. !Note to people that may have had my small children (or any small children) sitting behind them on a plane, yes I get it but I was trying my best. Take a sleeping pill and have a large drink because you can. I have to fly sober. !Spilled Drink and Kids Wetting Themselves Ok this is really two but my solution is the same - take a full change of

clothes and a plastic bag. Trust me, you’ll need it. !Wriggly kids and those ridiculous airline tables are really a bad combination but throw in drinks and it’s really a disaster waiting to happen. I was exhausted from being on hair trigger alert trying to stop tiny cups of juice and water slipping over. My advice, take a sippy cup, yep, one for everyone. !The other little accident was a result of the screaming, kicking one finally falling asleep – I gave a huge sigh of relief and then realised that he didn’t have a nappy on…inward groan and yes, you can guess the rest. For the record, the air stewardess had a great plan of how to deal with it, which shows it must happen often. !My solution: Nappy on all flight. Non negotiable. The end. !As a side note, there was also a vomiting incident – yes that change of clothes came in handy again. Seriously, pack one. You’ll thank me. !Kids Getting Locked in the Toilet So the screaming one is once again asleep, on me this time and his brother decides he needs to go to the toilet. I was not going to risk waking the screaming one and so off big brother goes by himself (quite happily I should add) !My mummy sense alerted me to the fact that he’d been gone a bit too long and then I heard the unmistakable sound of my child crying, despite the fact we were about 10 rows away. As a I frantically rang the little button I heard the cries getting louder and more anguished and I am just about to do the unthinkable and wake The Beast when I hear little feet running towards me and a gulping, sobbing, tear soaked little boy jumped into my arms. Many cuddles and chocolates later, he too fell asleep. I prayed for vodka. !My solution: Get the stewardess to take your kid to the toilet. It’s far less traumatic for everyone. !

The Highs and Lows of Flying with Kids By Jess Schmidt



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The pubic symphysis (symphysis pubic or pubis) is the midline cartilaginous joint uniting the left and right pubic bones (right between the legs at the front).  I’m very interested in this joint within the context of pregnancy, birthing and postnatally.   !Personally I’ve had my own experience of symphysis pubis pain during all three of my pregnancies and it really slows you down.  I’m writing this article to inform pregnant ladies of the risks and future implications.  I believe many women do not understand the importance of being very careful when it comes to pubic symphysis pain, nor the potential future issues should this joint split.  I found walking stairs were really painful, wearing a backpack made things much worse and there really wasn’t anything that improves your lot until the baby is born. !Here are a few things that might help: • Wear a belly belt or compression belt to support

your belly (seek advice from your medical team first)

• Live life in a mini skirt – knees together when you get out of bed or the car, avoid lunges and ladders, breastroke, side movements, brisk walking

and back packs (I used to pull around a small case on wheels for the last 4 months of each pregnancy – not very stylish but it made a difference)

• Don’t over do it and realise this could get nasty and become permanent.  Do not push through the pain!!

• Do your pelvic floor exercises! This could be the difference between something long term and something short term!

• Avoid stairs. !For more tips on this topic visit Jo’s website or click here if you’re online. !!!!!!!!By CHAT member, Jo Cordell-Cooper, who runs award winning Active Solutions and Health Network – finding the RIGHT balance for women at all ages and stages. www.jocc.com.au 0409 862 206 for more information.

Pubic Symphysis By Jo Cordell-Cooper

Kids almost opening the emergency exit I was distracted, only momentarily, and I turned around and there was the screaming one (not currently screaming) reaching out to open the emergency exit. His hand was on the lever. I have no idea if it is that easy, I am hoping not but in my mind we were seconds away from being sucked out of the plane. !My solution: Don’t fly with my son. Or don’t use a toilet anywhere near an emergency exit. !Kids running off in airports Now this is quite a broad topic but I will concentrate on one area where it’s bloody annoying; when you are trying to get through immigration. We lost our place in the line three times because I had to keep retrieving runaway children. !I ended up exhibiting some fine parenting skills, I yelled very loudly and threatened to give the ipad away to the next kid I saw. I must have sounded convincing because

they didn’t move from my feet. The other people in the line looked at me like I was the world’s worst mother. Did I care? I. Did. Not. !My solution: Hold back one little toy, well one for each child and to make your life easier make sure they the bloody same. Also make sure there are no little bits to lose and they will know exactly what to do with the toys and tell them to stay close and be quiet. Which is basically what I said, perhaps not in those exact words… !It wasn’t all bad. There were some moments of absolute brilliance when I couldn’t have been more proud. They consistently seem to charm all the airline staff and their wonder and enthusiasm for everything they saw reminded me that they truly were on the adventure of their little life times. I may have flown 100 times before but this was truly epic (to quote the 5 year old) I too found it epic but in more of the literary sense. !

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times….we had everything before us” but hey, isn’t parenting in general… Did I tell you about the time that the youngest one leaned over the row of seats and yelled “wake up old people” to a couple of elderly passengers enjoying a snooze ? At least he couldn’t kick their seats. !!!!!!!Jess Schmidt is a qualified personal trainer and owner of mamafirst fitness based in Hobart, Tasmania. She also is mum to two crazy, wonderful boys and is slowly mastering the fine art of Lego. When not sword fighting or playing hide and seek she writes and runs and escapes on a yoga mat. You can get in touch at www.mamafirstfitness.com or email [email protected]


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A first or new child in the relationship, death of someone very close, a sudden illness or a long term slow ongoing medical procedure, the inability to fall pregnant, career and study pressure, the involvement of another person protruding into the relationship, family interference, you could probably add to this list. In close to fifteen years of couple therapy I have seen couples

unable to cope with a number of situations. Some weary and feeling helpless choose to escape by leaving the relationship. Other put up a permanent emotional wall isolating each other from the ongoing pain. !I have seen other couples choosing to work things out together and turning the problems into challenges that they have decided to share together. If you want to turn a problem into a challenge you need to first of all

listen to and seek to understand each other’s emotions. If you can find the place where you are both feeling the hurt, then it is easier to support each other. What often happens is one is sad, or anxious and the other is angry and frustrated. If this is the case it often becomes difficult to be supportive. In most of the situations mentioned above, couples are both hurt. When two people share the pain there is an opening to support and care for each other. Mutual support is the foundation on which a couple can build a strategy to work out how to move together in the most difficult of situations. !See this and more marriage tips go to www.youtube.com search “marriage tips, talk to the Hans”. !Hans is a marriage counsellor, husband, father, step-father, and local minister. You can contact him via www.hobartmarriagecounselling.com.au. He also writes a regular Marriage Q&A for The Apple. You can ask him any question to be answered by emailing [email protected].

Couple Pressure By Hans Kelder



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We have the following opportunities for volunteering. We would love the help of our members to assist our staff in the following ways: !

NORTH BABY AND KIDS MARKET, 22 November • 9:00am-10:30am - 2 Volunteers, passing out

promotional material and blowing up balloons for children.

• 10:30-12:00pm - 2 Volunteers, passing out promotional material and blowing up balloons for children. !

NEW YEAR ON THE ROYAL, 31 December • Taking expressions of interest of volunteers who can

participate in a roster to help facilitate our Parenting Tent. !

FESTIVALE, 13-15 February • See above !Email Alison Wood at [email protected] or call 0428 221 886 !

NORTH WEST TEDDY BEAR PICNIC, 24 October • 10:00am-12:00pm - 2 Volunteers, passing out

promotional material and balloons with children. !Email Kelly Rechtin at [email protected] or call 0474 114 784. !!!!!!!

SOUTH THE HAVEN, after the school holidays • Monday-Friday, 9:30-11:30am - 5 Volunteers (1 each

day) - open up and welcome families to The Haven. • Monday-Friday, 10:30-12:30pm - 5 Volunteers (1 each

day) - welcome families to The Haven and pack up. • SCHOOL HOLIDAYS, 1 October and 8 October,

Collins Court, Hobart CBD • 11:00am-12:30pm - 2 Volunteers, passing out

promotional material and balloons and making apple slinkies with children. !

TEDDY BEAR PICNIC, 22 October • 10:00am-12:00pm - 2 Volunteers, passing out

promotional material and balloons and making apple slinkies with children. !

SUSTAINABLE LIVING FESTIVAL, 8 November • 10:00am-12:00pm - 2 Volunteers, passing out

promotional material and making apple slinkies with children.

• 12:00-2:00 - 2 Volunteers, passing out promotional material and making apple slinkies with children.

• 2:00-4:00 - 2 Volunteers, passing out promotional material and making apple slinkies with children. !

BABY AND KIDS MARKET, 16 November • see volunteer descriptions under North BKM event !THE TASTE FESTIVAL, 28 December - 3 January • Taking expressions of interest of volunteers who can

participate in a roster to help facilitate our Parenting Tent on Parliament Lawns. !

Email Christine Jolly at [email protected] or call 0400518154 if you are keen to lend a hand.

Volunteer Opportunities By Christine Jolly


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R.E.S. Designs A Business Connect InterviewBy Kate Sward, Business Connect Coordinator

Who is Ruth Slade? I am someone who always tries to see the bright side of life while being a mum of 2 kids (4 year old and 7 month old), 2 fur babies and a husband thrown in the mix. I love everything art, craft, design and DIY related. !Tell us about your business and what you do. R.E.S Designs is a boutique online store selling beautiful and unique hand painted wine glasses and beer glasses to name a few along with coffee mugs and decorative plates that can be personalised for all occasions. We are also just in the process of expanding our range into printed products and am so very excited about the opportunities this opens up for us in particular with personalised Christmas decorations and wedding bomboniere. !What were you doing prior to developing R.E.S Designs? I actually had another business which I had for around 10 years but after having my first child I made the decision to sell and embrace motherhood. Bub was so good though and such a brilliant sleeper it lead to another business venture. !Inspiration behind starting R.E.S Designs? Glass! I have always loved glass and took a leadlighting class, then a few years later after having our daughter I started dabbling in different crafts and took up glass painting which I had first done when I was younger. I fell in love with it and started making some gifts for family and friends and then started getting orders and it just developed from there. !What was your first step in setting up R.E.S Designs? Coming up with a business name I liked. !Your biggest achievement to date? Launching our own online store and being nominated in the AusMumpreneur Awards in 2012. !Best lesson you’ve learnt along the way? Plan, plan and plan some more. It doesn’t have to be a 50 page document but actually putting your ideas in writing makes it real and helps to get everything in order and in perspective. I revisited our business plan recently when deciding whether to expand our range or not and

used an awesome A3 template which I then just moulded to suit my situation. It was the most awesome and non daunting time I’ve ever written a business plan. !Which person or brand do you admire, why? I love Edible Blooms and the way they do what they do. !You're a business woman - how do you balance home/

work life? I don’t know that I do balance it but like anything it’s about give and take. For me having set work times are important some of which are also child free. I’m lucky in this regard that my mum lives close by and is only too happy to mind the kids for me and they’re only too happy to have some Nanny time. !What do you do to relax? I have actually started walking first thing in the morning and for those of you that know me you would know I’m so not a morning person but just to get that “me” time I do it although then again is it really “me” time if I’m working out designs in my head as I walk down the street. I have also just recently gotten hooked on digital scrapbooking and also like to read a good book from time to time. !Finish this line. If I could accomplish… The art of photographing glass without glare/reflections I would be VERY happy. !Any hot tips for aspiring Mumpreneurs? Write a business plan. As I said before it doesn’t have to be a 50 page document but it will help you think about everything you need to address so you can ascertain whether it will be viable or not and

more importantly whether it’s a good match for you. Talk to other mums in business and speak to organisations like Business and Employment and get their advice and feedback. I heard someone speak recently that said “if someone else isn’t doing it there could be a good reason for that” and that is just so true so really research and think about what you want to do as it is a huge time commitment and even more so when you are juggling children but on the other hand it can be oh so very rewarding. !!!!!Business Connect is open to all members of Child Health Association Tasmania who are mums and own their own business. To join email Christine Jolly at [email protected]



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The Parents' Jury (TPJ) is an online network of parents, grandparents and guardians, who are interested in improving the food and physical activity environments of Australian children. Nominations are now open for their Fame & Shame awards!

This is your chance to tell the food industry what you think about marketing tactics that target children. TPJ Fame & Shame Awards aim to raise awareness of the marketing techniques that the food industry uses to promote unhealthy foods and drinks to children, and to recognise the campaigns that promote healthy food and activity to children in a fun and appealing way. This year they have introduced a new category highlighting junk food sponsorship of children's sport as TPJ community raised it as a key concern. Awards will be given under the following four categories. Email them your nomination and tell TPJ why it really gets under your skin! !Pester Power - Shame Award for the marketing campaign that drives you wild for encouraging children to pester for unhealthy foods. !Foul Play - Shame Award for sponsorship of children's sport to market unhealthy products. !Digital Ninja - Shame Award for the most obvious use of digital media to target children. !Parents' Choice - Fame award for the marketing of healthy eating or physical activity to children in a fun and appealing way. !Contact TPJ at [email protected] or visit www.parentsjury.org.au !The Heart Foundation hosts a really useful family resource website and Facebook page called Mums United. You will find the usual array of delicious family recipes, lunchbox ideas and fun activity ideas. A great tool is their Family Activity Tracker where you colour in a footstep around the map of Australia each time you go for a walk, or do an activity, setting yourselves goals to aim for. Print off and pop it on your fridge. http://www.heartfoundation.org.au/healthy-eating/mums-united/tools/Pages/activity.aspx !The One Handed Cooks also has some wonderful resources on their Facebook page, website and in their quarterly magazine. They cover similar topics to Family Food Patch looking at healthy options for babies starting solids through to family meals. We cooked these spinach, ricotta and pine-nut pastries at the weekend and they were a hit with my fussy eating 5yr old and my veggie-avoiding partner! Perfect for a lunch box or a picnic on the go. www.onehandedcooks.com.au !

Spinach, Ricotta and Pine-nut Pastries (recipe made 12 pastries) !Ingredients 1 Tsp olive oil 1 onion, finely chopped ½ cup (60g) frozen spinach, thawed and drained Pinch of nutmeg ½ cup ricotta cheese ¼ cup grated parmesan cheese 1 tsp lemon juice 3 tbsp pine nuts, crushed 3 sheets puff pastry 1 egg, whisked !Method Preheat oven to 180c. Line two large baking trays with baking paper. Heat the oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat. Add the onion and cook, stirring, for 3 minutes or until the onion has softened. Remove from the heat. !Combine the onion and spinach in a bowl. Add the nutmeg, ricotta, parmesan, lemon and crushed pine nuts. Stir well. !Place the sheets of pastry on a flat surface, cut each into four squares. Brush edges with egg. Place 1 tablespoon of the spinach mixture in the middle of each square of pastry. Fold over diagonally to form a triangle. Press the edges down with a fork. Repeat with the remaining pastry and spinach mixture. !Brush the tops of each triangle with the remaining egg mixture. Bake for 25mins or until golden and crisp. ** These can be frozen before cooking. !Family Food Patch Updates To get some great links, event information, activity and recipe ideas that are related to healthy eating and physical activity for your family like us on Facebook. !Our next Family Food Patch training will be held in Ross this November. If you would like to register your interest in the program or would like to know more about what we do and how we can support FFP Educators within their communities check out our website www.familyfoodpatch.org.au

Family Food Patch By Emma Rowell and Emily Rataj



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Come and sit down parents, your fairy godmother wants to tell you a timely story… !Once upon a time a beautiful baby was born. The parents loved her dearly and took great care of her. They put boundaries around her, to keep her safe. They noticed her signs for when she was tired, and put her to bed, even though they wanted to hold her and play with her longer. !As she grew, the boundaries changed. They instilled rules about saying ‘ta’, limiting the TV time, putting in safety plugs and ensuring that the back fences were strong so that she could play safely in the backyard – all to raise a happy, well-adjusted child. !Then one day, a few years later, something different happened. When the parents said it was bedtime, she asked for another story. The parents happily read another one. The next night she wanted 2 extra stories, and the parents were pleased that she loved reading so much! The following night she wanted 2 long stories and then a drink of water, and then the toilet, and another cuddle. The 15 minute night routine was now 50 minutes! !But how did this happen, wailed the parents (who actually had enjoyed their night times together one their daughter was asleep). !And then they tuned on the TV, and there was SN (Supernanny). !Now, like her or not, the program stimulated discussion over our

parenting strategies. She seemingly takes unruly children and gets them back into line. !Are your children ‘unruly’? Do you think they need ‘fixing’? Do you want the SN at your place? !The reality is, in order to change children’s behaviour, the change must come from the parents. If you have strategies which aren’t working, then something else is required. You don’t need a SN – you have the power within you! !Change Comes from the Parents It is not only that the children may be out of control, but that the parents have forgotten the huge impact that their parenting has on their children. The SN talks with the parents about the importance of: !Setting Rules and Maintaining Rules This does not mean you are an old fashioned authoritarian parent who punishes harshly. !Modern parenting respects the child, but also the parent. The 4 year old at bedtime is not ‘out to get you’ (the parents), she’s exploring rules and boundaries, and wondering what happens if I push this boundary. Children ARE curious and want to see ‘what happens if….’ !As parents it’s easy to drift into loose boundaries – sometimes our tiredness makes us ignore it when our children are pushing the boundaries, and we give in to them

eg when they keep on whinging for a lolly in the supermarket, and we eventually give in, just so we can have some peace. !Your young child can choose for themselves – whether to wear the green top or the red one, to have milk or water to drink. However if your child is in charge of the rules surrounding bedtime, table manners or how long they can watch TV for etc, then perhaps it’s time to take the ‘Parenting Crown’ off your beautiful, but inexperienced son or daughter’s head, wear it, and rule your kingdom wisely. !Happy Parenting! !!!!!!Sonja is a Senior Parenting Consultant, with 14 years parenting experience, on top of a 20 year teaching background. She is also a Life Coach. Sonja can be found at www.theparentingcafe.com.au or via email:

A Story for Parents By Sonja Preston



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This month was a busy month at The Haven with more and more new families popping in to check it out. !Occasionally some mums in our online community, HMN Chat mention that “It would be nice if …” and then I have the joy of making that dream into a reality at The Haven. !Recently a mum wanted to learn how to crochet. She’d tried all the YouTube tutorials but admitted she needed some in-person tutoring. Several mums mentioned they were keen to catch up regularly to bring their currently yarn projects and work together, teach one another, and swap patterns. This is now a regular monthly event at The Haven and all are welcome to join in.

While we may be closed over school holidays, we are getting ready for the next chapter in The Haven’s story. From 13 October, we will be open Monday-Friday 9:30am-12:30pm thanks to the hard work of our volunteers. If you are keen to lend a hand to make this facility accessible to local families contact, Christine Jolly at 040051815 or [email protected]. !The Haven is a thriving hub of activity in Hobart’s CBD where local families come to connect. More than a parenting room, our members come to feed a baby, change a nappy, let toddler have a bit of a play, help themselves to a cuppa, make new friends, and participate in a number of events. !

This volunteer-run facility is YOUR haven in the city. !Who can use it? All families are welcome at The Haven: mums, dads, bubs and kids, grandparents, carers, aunties, and uncles. Entry is $2 per family. FREE for Child Health Association Tasmania members. Opening Hours: Monday - Friday,9:30am-12:30pm !Location: 121 Macquarie St, Hobart (down the alley off Macquarie St. behind St. Davids Cathedral office building)

The Haven By Christine Jolly

As a worker I love coming up with new ideas to keep everyone excited about coming to the group. This term we trialled the 'Secret Ingredient'. We had fun preparing healthy meals using a new ingredient each week at George Town CHAT 'n' Munch. The only criteria was that the ingredient had to be suitable for littlees (and someone wrote down 'chilli'!!).    !

We made a light Rhubarb & Apple Crumble, and members also tried my home-made Rhubarb Relish; Ham & Cheese Corn Bread Fingers made with polenta; Banana Pikelets with chia seeds; Fried Rice with mushrooms; Banana, tofu, and Soy Milk

Smoothies, and BBQ Tofu Rolls; and, Chilli Con Carne and home-made Sweet Chilli Dip.    !It was a great way of introducing new foods to 'big' and 'small' people…...and fussy eaters! It was also great for me as a worker to find out more about particular ingredients that I had not prepared or cooked with, like tofu.    !All recipes were quick 'n' easy, tasty, healthy, and affordable. Hard copies are available to post out to members. !At our last session for the term we celebrated with a "Chilli Party Time".  Parents were full of ideas for next term’s theme, Around the World in 8 Dishes. They are keen to continue introducing new ingredients into the particular dishes.     Each week we will draw out a country, and think about the ingredients and flavours to suit.

Growing Families - CHAT’n’Munch By Kathryn Ervin


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North West Region !Each week a newsletter is generated highlighting hot topics of discussion on the NW Mums Network from the previous week, and lists upcoming family friendly events and playgroups that are happening on the NW for the upcoming week. !NW Mums Network Facebook group has over 200 participants now, new connections are being formed and lively discussion is taking place. !We currently have two CHAT playgroups meeting each week; !• The Rosebery CHAT Playgroup

meets every Wednesday from 10:30-12:30 at the Rosebery Memorial Hall.

• The King Island CHAT Playgroup meets every Thursday from 10:30-12:30 at the King Island Racecourse in the ground floor building. !

If you are interested in starting a playgroup, a pram walking group, or a group of another type in your area of the North West, please contact me for support, help and guidance. !Coordinator: Kelly Rechtin [email protected] 0408 538 349 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Southern Region !Our membership in the South has steadily climbed to over 300 with new members applying every week. One of the perks of membership is a weekly newsletter generated to keep our southern members in the loop with what we are up to and how they can be involved. It is sent to our pram walkers, playgroup families, Family Food Patch educators, Business Connect members, and those who use The Haven. We are all part of a bigger picture. Want to find out what’s on in the South? Sign up for our newsletter here: http://tinyurl.com/ldrpuly !I meet with other family-oriented services in the southern region on a quarterly basis in Hobart’s Town Hall. We enlighten one another on what needs we are meeting in the community, brainstorm how we can collaborate, and network making connections between our various contacts to bring about a better Tasmania for families. Our monthly publication, The Apple, also gets circulated amongst this network helping to raise the profile of our organisation across the southern region of Tasmania. !I will also be visiting each of our groups quarterly to be the face of Child Health Association Tasmania and listen to the volunteers and members about what exciting things they are achieving. This month I visited the Eastern Shore Pram Walking Group led by Katy Pryor. This dedicated group meets weekly to wander the scenic trails of our region, enjoying each others’ company in the fresh air. We would love to see more pram walking groups start up encouraging fellowship and fitness. Why not find out how you can start a pram walking group? Contact me. !Coordinator: Christine Jolly [email protected] 0400 518 154 !!

Northern Region !Our regular groups in the North continue to run. New members are always welcome, for further information on meeting times and venues, please check out our website at www.chatas.com.au. !We had a good response to our advertisement for the vacant Northern Regional Coordinator position, and it should only be a matter of weeks until we have someone in the role. It will be wonderful to have a new member join the team, with a focus on the northern region. !Coordinator: Vacant Written by: Alison Wood [email protected] 0428 221 886 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tasmanian Regional Reports TH


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014 Honouring Our Life Members

Annette Bain Kathy Barry Mary Brain Denise Bizjak Julie Bott Mary Brain Karen Cashion Debra Chick Esme Clarke Gill Clarke Jenny Clements Barbara Cooper Elizabeth Cowan Marylynn Connelley Chris Dahlenberg Margaret Davis Dee Dawkins Brenda Dickenson Kathryn Direen Marianne Dolbey Maree Duggan Maria Eaton Kathryn Edwards Kathryn Ervin Jillian Freeman Martha Frankcombe

Ruth Freeman Maria Gill Fiona Gleeson Jan Griffiths Pat Harthen Anita Hine Lindy Holmard Suzette Holmes Eilin Hordvik Suzanne Horton Jenni Howlett Judy Hunt Pauline Hurd Mandy Jackson Elaine Johnston Anna Jones Marylynn Jones Rosemary Kellaway Mary Keller Tanya King Christine LeFevre Annette Langham Lyn Long Jillian Lynch Margaret Maine Celeste Marchant

Jessica Marston Susan McKinnon Jane McKnight Tanya McNeill Anita Meier Charlene Milner Christine Minchin Chris Mooy Louise Morgan Robyn Nandan Lynne Neep Carol Newbon Leanne Newson Sonia Ollongton Allison O’May Maree Peck Eleanor Phelan Jenny Ploughman Catherine Revell Pam Revell Audrey Richardson Fiona Ringrose Robyn Robertson Gail Saggers Judy Salter Raelene Salter

Leonie Scott Elizabeth Singleton Emily Shepherd Kaye Smith Linda Smith Tammy Smith Kristy Springer Loriee Snook Christine Stacey Janet Stephens Rhonda Stewart Anita Street Pat Swindells Shelley Thomson Lyn Williams Kerrie Walkem Ann Wedding Marion Wilson Jill Zeeman !!!!*Please contact us regarding any missing members or edits.

Business Classifieds


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An initiative of The City of Hobart, Farmgate Market

and Children’s Week Working group.

Acts for the Kid’s Fun Day Talent Show

Poverty and severe hardship affect more than a million Australians. Around the world more than a billion people are desperately poor. The main aims of Anti-Poverty Week are to:

strengthen public understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty and hardship around the world and within Australia;

encourage research, discussion and action to address these problems, including action by individuals, communities, organisations and governments.

Last year, at least 600 organisations around Australia participated in more than 400 activities during the Week, with a total participation of more than 10,000 people.

> Why not organise a display, stall or award? > Maybe a workshop, lecture or forum? > How about a fundraiser, fact sheet or petition?

For information and ideas, visit the website, or email [email protected] or call 1300 797 290


This is a week when we can all do something about poverty

10 things you can do in Anti-Poverty WeekANTI-POVERTY WEEK12-18 October 2014

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The following programs are part of Child Health Association Tasmania !

Business Connect Family Food Patch Growing Families

The Haven Hobart Mums Network

North West Mums Network Pram Walking Groups

Resource Libraries Retailers Discount Program !

To find out more about our programs and membership, please visit our website


A/State Executive Officer Alison Wood 0428 221 886

[email protected] !!Finance/Admin Officer

Matt Smith 0477 033 669

[email protected] !!Southern Regional Coordinator

Christine Jolly 0400 518 154

[email protected] !!North West Regional Coordinator

Kelly Rechtin 0474 114 784

[email protected]

Northern Regional Coordinator Vacant

Enquiries to Alison Wood !!Family Food Patch Program Manager

Emily Rataj 0409 405 789

[email protected] !!Growing Families Program Manager

Dianne Martin 0478 242 196

[email protected]