2014 08

Cople News August 2014


Cople village magazine

Transcript of 2014 08

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Cople News

August 2014

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Telephone: 01234 838240

Newspaper & magazine delivery to Cardington, Cople, Willington and Moggerhanger

Fresh bread and cakes from local bakery and decorated cakes for

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Gas and Electric key


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Editor’s Notes

As usual in August villagers take break from their normal routine and relax. There is no choir, baby and toddler, parish meetings, Tuesday Club, Mothers Union, Sunday School or Friends events. The notable exception is the Music Festival on the 1st and 2nd. This event has attracted a faithful following over the years and should be fun if we get a fine afternoon and evening.

At last we had good weather for the Church Fete. The choice of the 21st June proved to be inspired as it was the only decent Saturday in the month.

Andrew Sperring has volunteered to deliver the magazine to part of Rye Crescent. Welcome to the team.

I have delayed sending the magazine to the printers so that I can add a report of the Parish Council meeting on the 21st July. About 25 villagers attended the meeting mostly to support the application from the Girls School to establish new playing fields in Cople I spoke in support of the application and stated that many in the village thought it was good idea. The council had not recognised the amenity value of the project. The Chairman, David Hughes, was unhappy with my criticism of the council in last month’s magazine and defended himself by stating that the council had always been in favour of the project and the problem lay with the paperwork. The form he had to fill in it only allowed him to support or object to the plan. He said he was not permitted to simply write a letter supporting the plan but expressing reservations about the access. However, when the matter came to a vote the councillors noted that the entrance to the site had been tweaked a little and the building plan had fortuitously been altered to remove the balcony. This was enough for them to support the plan and the other items on the list of objections were quietly forgotten or swept aside. The decision was greeted by a spontaneous round of applause from on lookers. Our councillors had misjudged the level of support for this project within the village. Bedford Borough Council will consider the planning application very soon.

Ged Peeke

Front cover Scenes from the Church Fete On 21 June. By Graham Adams. Back Cover. The Tuesday Club Lavender Fields visit by Julie Scherer.

Cople News

Editor : Ged Peeke 39 Willington Road, Cople, Beds, MK44 3TH. Tel 01234 838379

Email: [email protected]

Deadline for copy and advertising 15th of every month

Advertising Rates Annual Charges. Full Page £96. Half Page £48

Delivered free to every home in Cople every month Circulation 360 copies

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All Saints Church Churchwardens

June Shanahan Mike Vacher 34 Grange Lane 91 Willington Road Cople Cople Tel: 01234 831705 Tel: 01234 831207 [email protected] [email protected]

Churchwardens’ Letter

At last we had a beautiful summer day for the church fete and what a difference it made. There were lots of smiling faces with all the stalls and activities held outside in the playing field . We would like to thank everyone who helped ,particularly those helping for the first time. There are too many to thank by name but we appreciate everyones participation from those setting up early to everyone clearing up at the end of the day. We made £2,228.87 after expenses. This money will go to the upkeep of the church.

The new small south door is now finished and installed by Mick Shanahan. It is an exact copy of the original and several people have told us that they hadn’t realised it had been replaced. One of its benefits, now that we can use it fully, is that we can provide an additional “exit” route when we have a full church to satisfy the Health and Safety requirements which is another layer of responsibility we must consider these days.

Another task we set ourselves a few months ago was to re design and re write the church guide /history booklet to take into account the recent changes that have been made and to take advantage of the photographic talent in the village. This revised guide ,when complete, will be available in the church leaflet rack to visitors and will be a real benefit on heritage days.

We and the other churchwardens in the benefice have had a meeting with the Rural Dean and the Rev Fiona Gibson to consider the order of service and to discuss some of the details of her early days with us. Fiona will be installed by the Bishop of Bedford at All Saints on the 10th September at 7.30pm. We look forward to this event which has been long awaited and will be a very special day in the life of our church.

On the 25th August the diocese of St Albans will be celebrating its centenary. There will be a full day of celebrations, attractions ,bouncy castle, crafts etc at the College Equestrian Centre at Keysoe. The fun day starts at 10am and continues until 5.00pm. There is coach transport leaving from Sandy should anyone require it. Please enquire if you need to book a seat. Why not come along and have a good day out ?

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Mothers Union

Members from Cople/Moggerhanger joined other branches at the Deanery meeting held in June, when the speaker was Heather Jones, a Befriender from Yarls Wood Immigration Centre.

Heather spoke about the life and conditions at Yarls Wood for the women who are detained there, some for as long as 2 years, others even longer. She also explained some of the reasons the women were there and how the Befrienders started. All branches in the Diocese were involved in a one-off Suitcase Project for Yarls Wood. Some of the women are given very short notice of a flight back to their own country and many have nothing in which to put their few belongings. Therefore a number of suitcases were donated to Yarls Wood and Heather told us how pleased the women were to receive these. We also donate toiletries as a regular project.

Although members knew about Yarls Wood, Heather was thanked for giving us a full insight into life for the many women who find themselves detained there.

Members met for the Wave of Prayer service at which we pray for our MU Links in Dioceses throughout the world. Each MU branch is allotted a date and time so that the prayer is continuous.

We do not meet in August so our next meeting will be held on Monday 8 September at 2pm at Glebe House. We welcome our Diocesan President Susan Roberts who will be our Speaker.

Liz Buck

Prayer Maker of earth and sea and sky, Creation’s sovereign Lord and King; Who hung the starry worlds on hiqh, And formed alike the sparrow's wing. Bless the dumb creatures in your care, And listen to their voiceless prayer. (Wings of the Morning)

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Violet Irene Hillyard

Irene Hillyard was 92 last October and sadly died on 17th June.

She was born in Water End into the Houghton family and along with her twin Elsie they were the youngest of nine children. She went to Cople School and during the war worked in the drawing office at Cardington Camp until she was suddenly sent to work in a factory in Luton for two years.

Irene married Bernard in Cople Church. Bernard sadly died in 1987 at the age of 70. They had two daughters Jill who married Stuart and had two boys Gavin and Daniel who along with their father play cricket for Cople Cricket Club and Janice married Kevin and they have two daughters Kathryn and Elizabeth.

She worked in Cople School for 28 years cooking the school dinners and only retired when they stopped cooking the meals on the school premises.

A founder member of the WI, a regular worshipper at the Church and served on the PCC. She loved cooking, sewing, knitting and lots of other crafts and was always helping other people, and willing to pass on her knowledge and experience in all sorts of crafts, especially baking cakes.

Irene will be much missed in the village and we offer our sympathy to Jill, Janice and their families at this sad time.

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Mobile Library for August

Wednesday 13th and 27th

10:00 to 10:20am All Saints Road 10:25 to 10:45am Water End 10:50 to 11:10am Outside Five Bells

“Cops & Robbers” - Holiday Club

At Howard Memorial Church, Cople Road, Cardington. MK44 3SH

11th to 15

th August. 6:30pm to 8:30pm each evening.

Activities for all School ages.

Further details - visit our website howardmemorialchurch.co.uk

Or telephone Brian 01234 216080

Brian Addington.

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Wild about Cople

We are lucky to live in Cople as the village is surrounded by lots of lovely countryside and we only have to step outside the front door to be in some wonderful scenery and all within easy walking distance (and there is even more within cycling distance). But whilst much of the land is farmed it is still varied and has a diverse range of wildlife – if you know where and when to look.

We are surrounded by a network of Rights of Way (mainly bridleways and footpaths) and these can be used to get into the countryside. Due to the open nature of the landscape around us, along the river valley, we have big views and big, dramatic skies which make for great long distance viewing. But, whilst out walking, it is also good to look more closely at what is around us, at our feet, in miniature and up-close. Just also remember to look where you are walking!

And what may we see while we are walking the fields and hedgerows at the moment?

The grassy field and ditch margins are surprisingly good for wild flowers and contain remnant populations of species indicative of good quality, undisturbed grasslands; these include plants such as:

Red, white and bladder campions - the white and bladder campions flower particularly well in the evening and attract moths as pollinators – the white flowers stand out well in the dusk.

Lady’s bedstraw, with its masses of frothy yellow flowers, this plant scrambles over other, stouter plants, for support and, when dried, smells strongly of dried hay – it contains a chemical called coumarin which is responsible for the sweet smell. In older times it used to stuffed into pillows and mattresses to make the bed smell more pleasant and to help ladies when giving birth!

Sainfoin – a pink-flowered member of the pea family, once widely grown as a fodder crop.

Common Restharrow – another pink-flowered pea, it get’s its name from the fact that the roots are very long and strong enough to stop a horse-drawn harrow in its tracks – then it had to be untangled. It has a strong, slightly unpleasant smell.

And also look out for orchids in the grasslands – particularly the bee orchid which can be found in a few areas. The flowers are pink with brown ‘bees’ and, on close inspection, really do look like small bees on the plant. They attract bees to help in the pollination of the plant although this hardly ever happens in the UK – it is fortunate that the plant produces huge amounts of dust-like seeds which blow widely on the wind and this accounts for the ability of this plant to pop up almost anywhere, including road verges and back garden lawns. And if they do, please mow around them!

The wet ditches around the village are now being lit up by the tall and creamy flowers of meadowsweet, a member of the Rose family and also known as ‘Maid (or ‘Queen’) of the Meadow’’. The plant was once used to

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flavour mead (from where it gets its name) and has an unusual scent; a mix of marzipan and honey. Interestingly, meadowsweet contains salicylic acid; this has medicinal properties and was later synthetically altered to produce the drug that we know as Aspirin - historically the plant was chewed to help relieve headaches and other aches and pains.

While walking across the fields try looking up occasionally and you may be lucky enough to see a couple of white birds associated with the area:

Barn owls breed nearby and this is a good time to see the birds hunting as they are now feeding young. Go out on nice still, warm evenings and look along the wide, grassy field margins, farm tracks and grassy meadows and verges as the sun is setting and these beautiful, ghostly birds may be seen quartering the ground and occasionally dropping into the grass to pounce on their prey of small mammals such as mice and voles.

The other white bird to be seen, especially along ditches, is the Persil-white Little Egret. This bird is a small heron and first appeared in the UK commonly in 1989 after expanding its range from northern France. It now breeds here in increasing numbers, particularly along the south coast and in East Anglia. Look out for the distinctive snowy plumes on its head and neck and its

black legs with striking yellow feet! Please remember, when walking across farmland - always keep to the rights of way, respect farmers’ crops, don’t leave litter, always pick up after your dog and keep your dog under close control. Thank you.

Steve Halton [email protected]

Police Update

There has been no crime in Cople since the 10th June when there was a burglary at a house in Woodlands Close. Please remain vigilant and report anything suspicious to Bedfordshire Police on 101.

Paul Jones PCSO

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[email protected]

Cople Village Hall and Playing


Available for Hire for

Private Functions, Children’s Parties,

Weddings, Conferences

and other bookings by arrangement

Hire Charge from £ 9 per hour

Please Contact

Bookings Officer: David Reardon

Telephone : 01234 838987

Cople Village Trust 200 Club

Prize winners for July 2014

1st Prize of £60 169 Pat Vacher 2nd Prize of £30 177 Steven Watts 3rd Prize of £10 151 Groundcare

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£15 p/h

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FOR THE GARDEN 6- 50L bags of organic compost £10.00

3- 70L bags of bark chippings £10.00

70L play bark £5.99 a bag

Mini digger and skip loader hire also available.

Heidi Robinson

9 Bedford Road Cople

MK44 3TP

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August Diary

Friday 1st

10:00am Yoga Class Village Hall

Evening Music Festival. Fun Food and Music

Sports and Social Club

Saturday 2nd

From 4 pm Cople Music Festival Playing Fields

Monday 4th

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

Tuesday 5th

2:30pm Over 60s Club Sports and Social

7:30pm Bell Ringing Cople Church

Wednesday 6th

7:30pm to 10:00 Carpet Bowls Village Hall

Thursday 7th (Green Bin)

Friday 8th

10:00am Yoga Class Village Hall

1:00pm Wedding Amy Walker and Tom Weedon

Cople Church

August Church Services 3rd 11:15am Sung Communion Cople

10th 09:00am 11:00am

No Service at Cople Holy Communion at Moggerhanger Songs of Praise at Danish Camp

17th 11:15am All age Communion Cople

24th 11:00am Benefice Service Cople

31st 09:00am 10:00am

No service at Cople All Age Communion at Moggerhanger All Age Communion at Willington

Monday 11th

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

Tuesday 12th

10:00am to 12:00 Coffee morning Village Hall

7:30pm Bell Ringing Cople Church

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Monday 18th

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

12:30pm Luncheon Club Cople Church

Tuesday 19th

10:00am to 12:00 Coffee morning Village Hall

2:30pm Over 60s Club Sports and Social

7:30pm Bell Ringing Cople Church

Wednesday 20th

7:30pm to 10:00pm Carpet Bowls Village Hall

Thursday 21st (Green Bin)

10:00am to 3:00pm Tennis Fun Day for Children. See page 7

Cople Cottage

Friday 22nd

10:00am Yoga Class Village Hall

Monday 25th Bank Holiday

10:00am to 5:00pm St Albans diocese centenary celebrations


11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

Tuesday 26th

10:00am to 12:00 Coffee morning Village Hall

7:30pm Bell Ringing Cople Church

Wednesday 27th

7:30pm to 10:00 Carpet Bowls Village Hall

Thursday 28th (Orange Bin)

Saturday 30th

10:30am to 12:30pm Heritage Day Cople Church

Wednesday 13th

7:30pm to 10:00 Carpet Bowls Village Hall

Thursday 14th (Orange Bin)

Friday 15th

10:00am Yoga Class Village Hall

Saturday 16th

4:00pm Wedding Deborah Harding and Sean Child

Cople Church

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COPLE VILLAGE TRUST Registered Charity No 1090113

Annual General Meeting held at the Village Hall on 18 June 2014 Chairman’s Report

Village Hall The Village Hall continues to be used most days of the week. David has taken over the role of Booking Officer with assistance from Catherine. Thank you to both.

The Hall floor is showing signs of its age with the glue drying up after 43 years which means that the tiles will loosen over a period of time. With a little bit of ingenuity I obtained excellent free support from a company in London who advised on what to do. Thanks to Chris Gregory for taking up the challenge. This is only a short term solution, eventually all the floor tiles will need to be taken up and stuck down again at some point in the future.

Playing Field The Playing Field is appreciated far and wide, whether be it cricket or football players or visitors to the village. The Trustees thank Chris for his commitment to the upkeep of the Playing Field. The Trust would like to thank the Parish Council who provides an annual contribution towards the upkeep of the field.

Finance Our income is derived by regular and ad hoc bookings for the Hall and from the playing field, together with fund raising activities. Monies are still owed for the mower, which we are gradually paying off. The utilities are a constant cause of concern with an increase of £683 this financial year. If you can, please promote and use the Village Hall it all helps towards the up keep of your village amenity. Thank you to Catherine for her time with the administration of the Charity funds, also managing the 200 Club. Thanks to Keith for the monthly 200 draw – you still haven’t pulled my numbers out!

Fundraising August 2013 - Annual Proms in the Park - This event generated funds for the Hall

November 2013 – Our annual craft fair took place, many thanks to Marie and her band of helpers.

200 Club – This fundraiser continues to provide much needed funds to the Charity. Thank you to those who have joined for the first time this year. If you would like to join there some vacant numbers!

My sincere thanks to all Trustees who give their time freely and to David our Caretaker/Cleaner - whose task is always to clean up after others and prepare for the next booking. Sandra Thacker Chairman

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Gardening in August

According to my dear old dad, 88 this Christmas and still in full possession of most of his marbles if not his hair, he has hardly seen a bee all year and although he is allergic to their sting, his worries are well founded. All insect numbers have been in steep decline for the last 30 or so years and this can only be bad news to the state of the world in general and humans in particular. Ask yourself, when was the last time you saw, or heard a bee, in your garden? Or what about a wasp? Ladybird? Dragonfly? I spend all of my working life and most of my free time surrounded by plants and the reduced numbers are very noticeable. I cannot remember the last time I saw a wasp and even living in an area where there are a disproportionate amount of bee keepers, their sight and sound as become almost as scarce as a decent performance from an England football team!

Why is this worrying? Firstly, any worry for my father threatens the very existence his last remaining half dozen hairs! Secondly, think of the natural world as a chain and everything that inhabits the earth as a link. Without one part of it, its negative impact on the others is profound. For example, fewer greenfly might sound like a good thing but what about ladybirds who feed on them? Like the song about an old lady who swallowed a shoe, any reduced number of any insect impacts on the subtle balance and chain of being.

So, as responsible gardeners, what can be done? All sorts, is the welcoming answer. Going organic is obviously beneficial but if for whatever reason you don’t want to do that, using less pesticides is an excellent place to start. I recently learnt of a much loved pet dog nearly dying after it consumed a small number of slug pellets that were supposed to be protecting a hosta. Happily an emergency trip to the vets saved this dog’s life but think of everything else in the garden it could have killed and the list is surprisingly vast. Slugs, then the birds that ate them. Then the cats that ate the birds, and so on.

The next thing that all gardeners can and should do, is prioritise the planting of all those plants that have not been ‘improved’ by breeding. Flowers that look like the first painting from a child are particularly beneficial for insects as they can access the plant. This cannot be done if it is a double flower. Also, those plants that have a strong perfume are often as loved by the insect world as they are us. Lavender and Verbena bonariensis are both excellent and are both easy to grow and maintain. If in any doubt, ask nursery/garden centre staff. And don’t even get me on the subject of plastic plants! Unfortunately these vile objects have entered this village and in the absence of a phone call to the Taste Police, can I suggest a quiet word with the occupants about their role in killing the planet!

The answer to last month’s just for fun question is, ‘fairy rings’ are a fungal lawn disease. This month’s question, what are ‘brandlings’?.

As usual, please contact me with any gardening tasks or queries you may have, [email protected] or tel: 01767 627 581 or 07796 328 855. Lawn Doctor

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Lawn Doctor Garden Services Clearance, Redesign, Maintenance

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'Stairway to Heaven'

by Toby Huitson

Some of you may have heard about a book I've just written. For those of you who don't know me, I'm a former village resident, my father, Rev. Huitson, was vicar of Cople from 1977-89. I am currently living in Canterbury, where I have been studying for my PhD in History. For a long time I have been fascinated by spiral stairs, galleries, and secret upper rooms at medieval cathedrals and abbeys, and especially the narrow walkways one often sees near the vaulting. None of the guidebooks ever seemed to have a satisfactory explanation as to what they were actually for. It was something I'd always wanted to research, and so I chose this as my main topic.

There were lots of challenges to overcome. Antiquarians and previous historians have been investigating these stairs and upper levels for centuries, but no-one had thought to bring all the evidence together and look at it carefully. Various cathedrals, abbeys and parish churches have architectural or documentary evidence for various different functions like treasuries, high-level singing, and dramatic use. Once one starts to bring examples together, patterns start to emerge. Sometimes several records have a similar date, or one example may stand out as being unusual in some way and so merit closer investigation.

I looked at various examples, especially across south-eastern England and the eastern counties which I know best, and there's lot of local and regional interest. I also made use of holidays to Germany and Italy to visit and photograph places of interest. Naturally, there's a picture of Cople church, showing the high-level doorway in the tower, the original intended purpose of which, I have to admit, is still a mystery. I think these high-level doorways may have been used in dramatic performances connected with Palm Sunday, so if anyone knows of any firm evidence I'd be interested to hear from them! There are also photos of the rood stair and dovecote at Willington, and an interesting first-floor fireplace at Bushmead Priory. At St Denys, Colmworth, there is a porch which was clearly intended to have an upper room, but like several others I've seen, it was never completed. That at Northill was finished, however, and we know it was built as a chantry chapel, something which I found out to my surprise, well into my research.

I decided that as a thesis, few people would read about my discoveries, and so I wanted to turn it into a widely-available book. There was a lot to

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Tuesday Club

25 ladies braved the inclement weather to visit Hitchin Lavender Fields. We were guided by Tim whose family have farmed in the area for more Than 100 years over five generations! Picture on the back cover.

lavender was introduced in 2000 to diversify from traditional farming. Lavender has a significant history in Hitchin in the sixteenth century, it was one of only two major lavender growing areas in the country.

We were encouraged to meander through some of the miles of lavender rows. That were spectacular and very fragrant even in the wet!

There are many lavender varieties the English variety Lavandula Angustifolia produces high quality oil. This oil is used in perfume cosmetics and also Aromatherapy and as antiseptic.

We ended our in evening in the farms beautiful 17th century barn originally used to store dried lavender. Tea and coffee and delicious cake were most welcome.

Thankyou to to our volunteer drivers who helped with transport to Hitchin.

Our next Tuesday Club meeting will be on September 9th. Eve Studio Pottery. Cople Village Hall 7 30pm. All Welcome

The Tuesday Club will be responsible for the "cake stall" at the Music Festival, Saturday August 2nd between 4 and 6 pm. We are looking for volunteers to run the stall (perhaps for part of the time) also calling all those "cake makers" out there. Please could you donate a cake (or cakes) to sell, on the day. Cakes can be dropped off at Joy's 18 Woodlands Close on Friday 1st or on Festival Day.01234838407

Eithne Dandy

do, including negotiating paper sizes, fonts, heading styles and layouts. I decided to re-write some sections and add others, created some diagrams and artwork, and re-sifted through my photos to select only the very best ones. A digital camera makes such a difference compared to film – you can review what you've taken instantly, it's free to use, and, best of all, you don't have to wait six months until you've finished the roll of film. However, all the experience I've built up since getting my first camera (aged 11, second-hand at the Willington Fete) has really paid off. I'm really pleased with how all the pictures have turned out, and nearly all are in colour.

The book is: Toby Huitson, Stairway to Heaven: The Functions of Medieval Upper Spaces (Oxbow Books, 2014). It is available direct from the publisher, on-line from Amazon.co.uk, and from all good bookshops, RRP £35. If you would like a personally signed copy from the author, for a discounted price of £30, please contact me via the Canterbury Cathedral Archives ([email protected]). I intend to be back for the Music Festival on 2 August, so that would be a good time to catch me. Thank you! Toby Huitson

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09.15-12.15 Monday to Friday £9.75 per session

Lunch Club daily 12.15-13.15 (£3.25)

Registered Charity No. 1035672 Member of the Pre-school Learning Alliance and registered with OFSTED

“We are totally committed to safeguarding children”

37, Ridge Road Kempston, Beds MK43 9BS

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Cople Baby & Toddler Group

Has opened its doors again

Every Thursday (Inclusive of school holidays)

10.00am-11.30am At the Cople Village Hall (off Grange Lane)

First session free, £2 per family thereafter Adults with one child under 7 months £1

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Sally’s Tax Corner

Well as summer ticks on there have been some great do’s locally to raise money for charity, and lots of generosity of people supporting local events. I thought this week I would chat about the tax consequences of giving to charity.

If you personally give money to charity and opt to do this through gift aid this is very tax efficient for the charity receiving the money as they can claim back the basic rate of tax from the government for the donations they receive.

If you do a tax return and you are a higher rate tax payer then you can add your charitable donations that you have made through gift aid on your tax return. They affect your tax as they extend the basic rate band at which you pay tax, so push some of your income out of the 40% bracket back into the 20% bracket. So if you have had a high income year and want to do something to reduce your tax then giving to charities under gift aid is a tax efficient thing to do. It is also one of the only things that you can carry back to the previous year on a personal tax return to reduce tax in the prior year.

Limited companies can make charitable donations and they can be tax deductible if the following conditions are met. For donations to qualify any benefits provided to your company or a “connected” person in connection with the donation must be below the following limits:

Benefit Limits for Donations Amount of Donation Maximum value of benefits £0 - £100 25% of the donation £101 - £1,000 £25 £1,001+ 5% of the donation up to max of £2,500

Any gifts to charity that come with any conditions about repayment will not be allowable, or any gifts that come with a benefit received above the amounts above will not be allowable

I hope you find this helpful this month, please do get in touch with any questions.

Sally Cobban FCCA “Tom, come quick! Kenny in accounting has come up with a way to put a price on happiness!”

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Cople Church Fete Grand Draw Results 1st Prize £100 Allison 1162 2nd Prize £50 Frosts voucher Fran Moore 0422 3rd Prize Pedicure or manicure by Kerry Pay Carl Billings 571 4th Prize Haircut By Leonards Clive Bishop 408 5th Prize Tea for two at The Barns Hotel Cara Reece 514 6th Prize £30 Meat voucher from Piggotts Matt Saunders 848 7th Prize Litre of Bacardi from Val Taee Mrs Phipps 901 8th Prize Brace of Pheasants from Mike Vacher John Keena 1029 9th Prize Bottle of wine from Willington Post Office Martin 0083 10th Prize Hand crafted bag from Pamela Marco Jennifer Tedder 279 11th Prize Flower tub Claire 313 12th Prize Litre of Baileys from Val Taee D and E. Reardon 552 13th Prize Hamper unclaimed 109 14th Prize Bottle of sherry from Julie and Eamonn L.Yates 277 15th Prize Box of cards Daphne 126 16th Prize Cherry brandy from Pam Stella and Dino 771 17th Prize Bottle of Irish cream from Pam Ed Werry 610

Thank you to everyone who donated such brilliant prizes and thank you all for supporting the Grand Draw

Grand Draw Unclaimed Prize

We have an unclaimed ticket for the hamper. Ticket number 109. The ticket was sold by Quentin Dawson at the pub. We have no telephone number and the name or nickname ends in Y but we are unable to decipher the rest of the name . If you have this ticket or know of someone who might have it please could you phone June 831705

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Village Hall Bookings: David Reardon 01234 838987

Over 60's Club Secretary : Hazel Shreeves Tel : 838817

Mothers Union Contact: Jill Ebbs Tel : 838659

Cople Lower School Headteacher : Helen Johnson Tel : 838827

Cople Village Trust Chair : Sandra Thacker Tel : 831344

Royal British Legion Chair: Max McMurdo Tel: 01767 680624 Welfare: David Hansen Tel : 01767 226020

Police PC Paul Jones Riseley Police Station Tel : 01234 - 842864

Carpet Bowls Secretary : Pauline Baynes Tel : 838102

Willingtots Pre-School Group Tel: 07972– 148085

Before & After School Club At Cople Lower School Tel: 07592 - 012249

Brownies (Willington) Amanda Briscoe, Tel: 07504 299994

Beavers, Cubs & Scouts Contact Emma Whiterod Tel: 07908 167356

Friends of Cople Church Chair: Vaughan Southgate Tel: 838714

Cople Sports & Social Club Chair: David Hughes Tel : 838669

Tuesday Club Joy Duthie Tel : 838407

Cricket Cople Argus Cricket Club Chris Gregory 01234 838396

Biggleswade Chronicle Village Correspondent: Jill Ebbs Tel: 838659

Cople Web Site Ian Whiting Tel : 838347 Email: [email protected] Web Site :www.cople.org.uk

Cople Baby and Toddler Kara Rees 07528 416804 or Heather Cornish 07816 396219

Just Ask Wendy Worgan 0800 039 1234

Cople Parish Council Clerk to the Council: Jeanne Pope 42 Wingfield Road, Bromham, Beds. MK43 8JY Tel: 01234 823 297 [email protected]

Yoga Classes Freda 01767 627611

Pilates Classes Julie Crawford www.forwardfitness.co.uk Mobile 0794 6067266

Village Contacts

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