2013 Winter Ministry Guide



2013 Winter Ministy Guide from The Church of The Apostles in Atlanta.

Transcript of 2013 Winter Ministry Guide


Back in 1985 when the Lord began to burden my heart for the

birthing of a new congregation in this area, three things from the

Word of God were clearly revealed to me in regard to worship:

1. Unhurried praise and adoration of our Lord Jesus Christ as our Savior,Lord, and the Head of this church. This includes a regular time for breaking

of bread at the Lord’s Table.

2. Prayer and intercession as an expression of our utter dependence onour heavenly Father through Jesus Christ in all things.

3. Bold proclamation that is relevant and instructive. Because we be-

lieve that the Bible is God’s self-revelation and therefore contains all

the answers to all of man’s problems and needs, we preach it with all

of its authority.Michael Youssef, Ph.D.Founding Rector The Church of The Apostles

Table of ConTenTs

Ministries and BiBle studies

6 Children’s Ministry

10 STS Ministry

14 Young Adults (20s and 30s)

College-Age | Transitons

15 Young Families

18 Women’s Ministry

24 Adult Bible Studies

27 Small Groups

28 Men’s Ministry

30 Congregational Care

34 Volunteer Ministry


3 A Letter from Dr. Youssef

8 Together Through The Seasons:

The Welcher Family

12 Creating Community

16 Christmas And Behavior Manipulation

20 By Women, For Women

32 Military Outreach

38 Leading The Way: On The Move

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The ChurCh of The aposTles

WhaT We believe God has done in hisTory

We believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of heaven

and earth. We believe in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our

Lord. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of

the Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified,

died, and was buried. He descended to the dead. On the third

day He rose again. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the

right hand of the Father. He will come again to judge the living

and the dead. We believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic*

Church, the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the

resurrection of the body, and the life everlasting.

*As used in this ancient creed, the word catholic means “universal.” It refers to our

belief in one worldwide church of believers, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief

Cornerstone. It does not refer to the Roman Catholic Church. (Ephesians 2:19-20)


Our Sunday schedule features three worship serv-

ices: 9:00 and 10:30 A.M., and 5:00 P.M. Dr. Youssef

speaks in person in both of the morning services.

Every service includes a time of worship through

singing, prayer, and teaching.

aposTles @ five

Each week Jonathan Youssef brings

a unique message to this evening

service. Come join us for a time of

worship, fellowship, and the Word

each Sunday at 5:00 P.M.

Wednesday niGhTs

On Wednesday evenings at 6:15 we offer programs for every-

one in your family. The Hour of Power is our midweek service

that includes a time of worship and an extended time of

prayer. Come early at 5:00 for a family dinner (no reservations

are needed) and then stay

for the Hour of Power and

for our great programs for

children and students!



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The ChurCh of The aposTles

My fellow apostles,

In a time of severe confusion such as ours, when a cacophony of voices are defining and redefining who Jesus

is and what Christianity is all about, it is of utmost importance for those of us who know the truth to stand

firm in that truth.

On my desk I have a sign that reads:

“You can deny the truth, but you can't change it.”

e unalterable truth is that Jesus and only Jesus can eternally save. We have mountains of evidence to support

this claim. Read chapter 4 of my book, “e Greatest Lie.”

You see the problem is not finding evidence to help us present this indisputable truth, namely, that without

believing Jesus and in Jesus, a person will be facing a dreadful eternity. e problem is for us to be selfless

enough to do everything we can to warn others not to go down that dreadful path.

January is our Guest Month at e Church of e Apostles. It is designed to help ALL of us, especially the

timid and apprehensive Christians, to bring their unsaved friends to hear with clarity the life-changing mes-

sage of Jesus. It is only when each of us truly comprehends what it means for our friends, neighbors, and

coworkers to be going to a Christ-less eternity that we become passionate about inviting them to come hear

the Gospel message.

It is my ardent prayer that every member of Apostles would be moved by God the Holy Spirit and by com-

passion for the lost to bring one person to at least one of the four Sundays in January.

To that end, I am in deep prayer.

Michael Youssef, Ph.D.

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Children’s minisTryAnd Jesus took the children in His arms, put His hands on them, and blessed them.- Mark 10:16

our vision for the children’s ministry at Apostles is to reach children for Christ and to equip them to

surpass us in the knowledge of God, in faith, in righteousness, in fruitfulness, and in commitment

to world evangelization. Our mission is to declare the whole counsel of God in all ministries to and

among children. We take ministry to children seriously and earnestly desire to see them become mighty men

and women of faith. It is our desire that they will put their trust in Christ at an early age.

Our team of children’s workers joins with parents in nurturing the faith of their children. We aim to accom-

plish this in a safe, God-centered, Christ-exalting environment, and trust that every time they come to this

place, they will be reminded that they are a part of a bigger kingdom and in the presence of the King of Kings.

We have special programs for children on Sunday mornings, on Wednesday evenings with “Running

Church,” and on Tuesdays and Thursdays during women's ministry activities. Special events throughout the

year are wonderful opportunities for families to work, serve, play, and worship together.

sunday 9:00 - 10:15 A.M.

infanT – aGe 2

3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk

Loving Nursery Care and Bible Stories

aGe 2 – 3

3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk

The children will hear stories of God’s faithful-

ness through the Old and New Testaments.

aGe 4

3rd Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk

The children will discover the wonder of God the Fa-

ther, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit by study-

ing His attributes in the Old and New Testaments.

speCial sTones

Room 309

Special Needs Children

KinderGarTen & 1sT Grade

4th Floor

The ABC’s of God: A Study for Children on the

Greatness and Worth of God

2nd Grade

5th Floor

Faithful to All His Promises

3rd Grade

5th Floor

In the Beginning . . . Jesus:

A Chronological Study of Redemptive History

4Th Grade

5th Floor | Visitor Check-in at Kiosk

To Be Like Jesus:

A Study for Children on Following Jesus

aposTleloT (2nd – 4Th Grade)

Children gather together at the end of Sunday morning classes for drama, where they visit the land of

"Apostlelot." Kingdom characters learn how to work through real life dilemmas. The drama presentation

focuses on the lives of faithful men and women throughout history and the godly character evident in

their lives. Church members also visit Apostlelot and share their testimonies of God’s faithfulness in

their lives.

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The ChurCh of The aposTles

For more information about Children’s Ministry, please visit apostles.org/children.

sunday 10:30 TO NOON

Wednesday niGhT

infanT – aGe 4

Preschool teachings include missions mo-

ments, puppets, drama, and lesson themes that

amplify what has been taught during the 9:00

a.m. hour.

Kid’s ConneCTion 1

Room 416

A worship service for kindergarten and 1st graders

that includes music, large group Bible teaching,

mission moments, and small group activities.

Kid’s ConneCTion 2

Room 423

A worship service for 2nd–4th graders that is designed to help prepare children to participate in “Big

Church” with their parents. The service includes music, an offering, Bible teaching, and small group


infanT – 4s

3rd Floor Check-in

runninG ChurCh

Kindergarten – 4th Grade

6:00 p.m. – 7:15 p.m. | 4th Floor Check-in

Both preschoolers and elementary children enjoy this midweek

time of Bible teaching and fun activities on the playground, in

the gym, and on “the green.” Come for family night supper, which

begins at 5:00 p.m.

february 3

VBS Registration for COTA members opens.

marCh 3

VBS Registration opens to the public.

June 10-14

VBS 2013

Many ages fill up quickly, so register as early as


marK your Calendar!

WinTer 2012 | 6

The ChurCh of The aposTles

Brian and I are from Mississippi,

so when our family moved to At-

lanta in late August 2008, we were

prayerful about what the Lord had

in store for us in Georgia. At the time

our girls were 4, 16 months, and 5

weeks. We visited COTA in October

2008 and never left.

We appreciated the Gospel-cen-

tered truth from the pulpit week

after week. Along with that, the focus on the next

generation in the children's ministry gripped our

hearts in a way we had never felt before.

In 2008, we were fully engaged in teaching Caro-

line, our oldest, the children's catechism, had our

family devotions every night before the girls went to

bed, prayed together as a family, and sang many

hymns as lullabies. While that time was precious, we

now had THREE littles to "train up in the way they

should go," and the pressing desire to teach and train

our girls in the truth of the Gospel became the focus

of our hearts in a way we had never known.

I was raised in a Christian home. We were always

at church every time the door opened growing up but

I had NEVER seen such preparation, prayer, and praise

be poured into a Vacation Bible School until I had the

opportunity to assist with Caro-

line's K5 class in the summer of

2009. It was powerful! Brian and I

went on to Shepherd, work in Kid’s

Connection together, and ulti-

mately teach Elizabeth and Made-

line Jane in the 4 year old Sunday

school class the last two years.

Brian and I can't imagine our 9am

Sunday mornings without our

bright eyed four year old friends eager to listen and

learn about Jesus, the Promise Maker and the Promise

Keeper. The story of Jesus is real to us and to our fam-

ily, and it is such a joy to share our love for the Lord

and the truth with others. We love walking through

life with our little friends. Many are awaiting the ar-

rival of a new baby brother or sister, and we hear

about the adventures their families take, along with

their park visits and play dates! We listen to their

voices share what they are thankful for and it is a


"Trust and obey" is one of our favorite hymns. We

sing it every Sunday with our four year olds. The Lord

is gracious to give us a gorgeous tree outside of our

classroom window. Brian and I talk to the children

about the changes in the seasons. Since our class is

Now to him who is able to do far more abundantly than all that we ask or think ac-

cording to the power at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ

Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever. Amen. Eph 3:20-21

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together throughout all four seasons, we are able to

teach these little ones that while the tree will go

through changes, our God NEVER changes. He always

stays the same. It is a beautiful visible reminder to

the children week after week as we have seen the

gorgeous green leaves turn to yellow, red, and gold to

amazing glory falling to the ground, then to bare

branches where ultimately new buds will form and

bloom again! We see the Lord connecting the dots in

their little hearts of not only the truth that HE never

changes but HE restores us....HE makes all things


Now our girls are 8.5, 5.5, and 4 and our deep appre-

ciation and love for the children's ministry at COTA is

greater than ever. We are reminded as parents to be

intentional about our time with our girls. We are

prayed for as we journey through different stages

with our girls and we have seen evidence in their

hearts that Jesus is alive and He was truly born, to die,

to save.

Brian and I are grateful from our hearts for the pre-

cious treasure that the body of Christ at COTA has

been to our family. Caroline, Elizabeth, and Madeline

Jane are loved here in this place and they know what

it means to have a hallelujah heart and sing with all

their might "King of Kings and Lord of Lords, glory al-

leluia.” He is the Prince of Peace, the Lord Most High,

He is trustworthy and He is good.

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the

Lord, plans for welfare and not for calamity to give

you a future and a hope" (Jeremiah 29:11). Brian and I

often reflect on the Lord placing us here in Atlanta

and our conversation always leads to COTA’s chil-

dren's ministry. We are thankful for the Lord's provi-

sion in placing our family at such a time as this at

COTA. As we pour into the lives of our girls, the life

giving truth of the Word of God, we know that they

will continuously be taught the truth of the Gospel

week after week. May our girls hide God's Word in

their heart so that their light will shine bright before

men that others may see their good works and give

glory to the Father in heaven.

Our prayer is that the Lord will continue to quicken

our hearts as we hunger and thirst for righteousness.

As we share God's Word from Creation to His glorious

return, may the Holy Spirit use us to plant a seed, to

encourage another to grow, and may Christ be glori-

fied through it all. "Let us run with endurance the race

that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and

perfecter of our faith" (Hebrews 12:1-2).

The story of Jesus is real to us and to our family, and it is sucha joy to share our love for the lord and the truth with others.We love walking through life with our little friends.

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The ChurCh of The aposTles

sunday morninGs 8:45 – 10:15 a.m.

STS Sunday morning activities start at 8:45 am. Every Sunday morning a pancake breakfast will be served

for all 5th-12th grade students. 5th & 6th grade students will be served breakfast in “The Den” and 7th-12th

grade students will be served in The Café area.

sTs minisTryBut you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you willbe my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the endsof the earth. - Acts 1:8

our passion is to equip students to live the Gospel in their homes, schools, and neighborhoods and

to share the love of Christ wherever they go. STS is an exciting place for students to grow in their

relationships with God and with each other, develop a lifestyle of passionate worship of the Lord,

and discover a life of ministry to others. We have a variety of weekly activities, from small groups to large-

group worship services, and from in-depth equipping classes to service projects.

imporTanT daTes

STS will be having a special Christmas event on

Sunday, December 30 instead of regular classes.

5Th – 6Th Grades

At 9:15, a brief time of teaching will begin for the

5th & 6th grade students before they go to their

classrooms for Bible Study and Discipleship


7Th – 12Th Grades

After the pancake breakfast, the 7th through

12th grade students will participate in worship

& large group teaching in “The Loft” before going

to their small groups for discussion.

sunday eveninGs 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.

There are discipleship groups available for guys and girls (7th – 12th grade) throughout the week.

Please contact the STS Office for more information.

imporTanT daTes

There will be no Sunday evening activities: December 23, 30, January 6, 13, or 20.

middle sChool Girls

FEllowship & BiBlE study

Girls meet in the STS Café for games and fellow-

ship. Contact Anna Witt for details: (404) 564-3149

or [email protected].

middle sChool Guys

FEllowship & BiBlE study

Guys meet in the STS Gym for basketball. Con-

tact Mark Johnston for details: (404) 591-1972 or

[email protected]

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The ChurCh of The aposTles

Wednesday eveninGs

speCial evenTs & Trips

imporTanT daTes

There will be NO STS Wednesday night activities December 26.

5Th – 6Th Grade

“rush hour”

6:00 pm – 7:15 p.m. in STS

Join Mark & Anna for recreation,

worship, teaching, and group dis-

cussion with adult leaders.

9Th – 12Th Grade bible sTudy

6:15 – 7:15 p.m. in The Den.

Join Brian & Kristin for Bible Study and prayer.

7Th – 8Th Grade felloWship

6:15 pm – 7:15 p.m. in Room 231

7Th-12Th Grade WinTer missions proJeCT

January 18 – 20

For this special trip, we partner with local Atlanta ministries for two days of service projects in our

city. More information and online registration will be available by the end of November.

12Th Grade apoloGeTiCs Class

We offer a special class designed for Graduating Seniors during the Winter/Spring Semester. Topics,

taught by Dr. Bruce Lowe, Dr. James Saxon, and Zack Carden, include: Faith & Science, Reliability & Au-

thority of the Bible, and The Practical Matters of College. For 2013, these classes will take place in room

607 on the following Sundays: February 3rd, February 10th, March 17th, March 24th.

5Th-12Th Grade faTher/son reTreaTs (“bass & blasT”)

Offered during both the private schools’ spring break (March 6-9, 2013) and

public schools’ spring break (April 10-13, 2013). Young men of STS and your

dads: come ready for outdoor fun including shooting, fishing, fellowship, and

much more. More information and online registration will be available by

the end of January.

7Th-12Th Grade Girl’s sprinG reTreaT

March 15 – 17. More information and online registration will be available by the end of January.

5Th-6Th Grade sprinG reTreaT

April 26 – 28. More information and online registration will be available by early February.

For more information on STS events and for online registration go to stsatlanta.org/events-trips.

For more information about STS, please visit apostles.org/sts.

WinTer 2012 | 10

The ChurCh of The aposTles

By Brian skaggsdirEctor oF sts

11 | WinTer 2012

We live in a culture that is driven by technology. At

times, people determine their significance by the

number of Facebook friends that their profile page

displays or the amount of text messages they receive throughout

the day. However, studies show that people feel lonelier now than

ever before. One purpose of STS is to seek to redeem community

by making ways to meaningfully connect with other Christians. In

other words, we long to see students connect with other Christians

and experience genuine relationships through the process.

Throughout the Bible, the Church is referred to as “the body.”

This imagery shows that the Church body is interconnected. Much

like a body relies on all its parts to function well, the people that

make up the Church body rely on one another in life.

In STS, students enjoy biblical community as they gather to

study the Word, pray, eat, laugh, sing, and live. This is far different

from the way a lot of people view church. Often, people view

church as an event that you attend on Sunday mornings. Although

Sunday mornings are important in STS, we believe that the

Church is not an event. Instead, the Church is peo-

ple who come together to worship on Sundays

and then live life together throughout the


Community is not about us. Instead,

community is about God. Community is

an opportunity to be surrendered to

Jesus, strengthen others, and serve the

body-all for the exaltation of Jesus.

WinTer 2012 | 12

younG professionals

sunday sChool

Russ Masterson | 9:00 A.M.

Room 610 | Ongoing

This class is designed to build community

among singles in their 20s and 30s, focusing

on topics that are applicable to what it

means to follow Jesus in personal, rela-

tional, and business life.

younG adulTs (20s & 30s)God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might be-come the righteousness of God. - 2 Corinthians 5:21

ColleGe-aGe/TransiTionsHis divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through ourknowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness. - 2 Peter 1:3

ColleGe aGe sunday sChool Class

9:15 A.M. | Room 607 | Ongoing

A Sunday morning Bible study geared toward those who are in the college age and stage.

sunday niGhT: evensonG

6:45 P.M. | STS Loft | Ongoing

Evensong is a time of praise, prayer, and of small group conversation that is centered on a short devotional

thought. It is a time where we seek spiritual renewal and reorient our focus on Christ before we head into

the coming week. We begin with 15 minutes of fellowship before beginning the meeting with praise at 7:00.

evenTs & aCTiviTies

Throughout the year we have various activities and events. Email Zack Carden at [email protected] to

receive the weekly newsletter.

CenTer for faiTh and CulTure

Sundays, 7:00 P.M. | The Commons

The Center for Faith and Culture (CFC) is the young adult

ministry (20s/30s) at The Church of The Apostles. We seek

to integrate the Gospel into the daily lives of young

adults in order that they might be transformed and be-

come influencers in culture. As single adults it's easy to

live isolated in a culture of productivity. CFC aims to pro-

vide community to give people balanced, whole lives.

For more information about the Young Adults Ministry, please visit www.faithandculture.cc.


For more information about the College Ministry, please visit apostles.org/college.


13 | WinTer 2012

The ChurCh of The aposTles

younG families

CommuniTy Class i

David Watson | Room 623 | Begins January 6

Our class is a group of young couples in their 20s and

30s dedicated to the Scripture and community. We

begin the morning with conversation over a continen-

tal breakfast, which begins at 8:45. Our Bible study is a

conversational exposition of the deep truths of Scrip-

ture. We believe that our ability to lead quality lives as

spouses, parents, neighbors, and co-workers flows di-

rectly from the integrity we have in our relationship

with Christ. We also believe that the Scripture is God’s

tool for preparing and equipping us for personal min-

istry and sharing the Gospel. Our time together each

Sunday is purposed to make God known through the

teaching of His Word for the sake of encouraging each

one in their walk with Christ and personal ministry.

younG families

CommuniTy Class ii

Anthony Burnett | Room 612 | Begins January 6

Our class is characterized by scriptural teach-

ing about God and seasons of the Christian

faith. Our group is made up of married adults

in their 30s and 40s and features a lecture and

discussion model as we study who God is

and what His call on our life entails. We be-

lieve we have been called to carry the Gospel

in word and deed to a world that needs to

hear it. We also believe that same Gospel calls

us to be changed by the Holy Spirit as we

serve and minister. When we gather, you will

find hearts for God and for one another that

offer community and purpose for the way

we live our lives and carry the Gospel.

younG familiesTo equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son ofGod, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fullness ofChrist. - Ephesians 4:12-13

our desire is to see young families connect to Christ, to the church, and to each other in meaningful

ways. The Young Families ministry provides opportunities for these connections to happen. On

Sunday morning we have a breakfast for the whole family at 8:45, followed by a time of teaching

and small groups. We also have small groups that meet in homes during the week. Finally, there are social

events that are planned throughout the year in order for young families to connect socially and to get involved

in reaching the community.

sunday morninGs


younG families: The Journey

Robin Burruss | Room 617 | Begins January 6

We are a young families class for married couples in their 30s and 40s with elementary children. Our

Bible studies are topical studies with rich, authentic dialogue. Discussions are driven by Scripture, with

emphasis placed on the truth of God’s Word experienced in the lives of those in the group. The class be-

gins with the young families community breakfast at 8:45 and gathers for Bible study at 9:20.


A monthly mentoring gathering for young couples

without children.


A monthly mentoring gathering for young


WinTer 2012 | 14

The ChurCh of The aposTles

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But I do have one soapbox with parenting, and

with Christmas: gifts are not given because you’ve

been good. That’s not a gift. That’s payment. It’s not

love. To say, “You won’t receive gifts if you are

naughty, so you better be good!” is a tragic tale that

feeds our performance-oriented nature and has no

lasting power to form liberated, kind people. It’s gaso-

line to the stomach. Santa is jolly, but he is not gra-

cious, at least not according to some of the songs

about him. I don’t mind going along with the whole

Santa tale — it’s fun as is Mickey Mouse. But the old

red man counting all your deeds, watching over you

all December, that I don’t care for.

Sure, we give a treat to a kid sleeping through the

night, or even a paycheck to an employee performing

at work. I understand the need and reality of such

economies, but I’m talking about loving relation-

ships. And more specific to this time of year I’m

talking about Christmas and the gifts under

the tree, which are not just material things but

also symbols of the giving nature of God to us.

I’ve been telling my little girls repeatedly,

“Some people believe you have to be good to re-

ceive a gift, but that’s not true. God, and our family as

well, give gifts whether you’ve been bad or good.”

I love you when you are good.

I love you when you are bad.

I love you when you are clean.

I love you when you are dirty.

I love you when you succeed.

I love you when you fail.

I love you when everyone adores you.

I love you when no one knows your name.

I could go on…

e love to manipulate to get what we want. I catch myself doing this with

my little girls. At times it is needed for their safety and well being, and at

other times it is for my selfish desires — usually peace and quiet is what I

want. Parents use an array of behavior-curving tactics, no matter what parenting philos-

ophy is practiced. We use stern voices, threats, promises, timeout, spanking, and the re-

moval and giving of privileges. As any parent does, I have my views on which practices

are better, but I will not dare to say and enter those testy waters.


Tuesday early morninG sTudy 6:45 -7:30 a.m.

aCTs: The spread of The Gospel

part 2


Luke wrote the book of Acts as a testament to the explosive spread of the Gospel and the rapid growth

of the church after Christ’s ascension. Beginning with the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost,

the new church was born and Christ empowered His followers with His divine authority to preach

the Gospel to all nations. As He does today, God showed His infinite power. Teaching from the book

“Acts: The Spread of the Gospel” by John MacArthur.

Leaders: Carolyn Caswell & Lori Harris

Room: 246 Fee: $20.00

Childcare is NOT Available.

Tuesday morninG sTudies 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

2 TimoThy: prEcEpt upon prEcEpt

January 29 – April 23 (13 Weeks)

“COME BEFORE WINTER” is the poignant call of the great apostle Paul to his beloved Timothy as he faces

his departure. Soon he will enter glory and Timothy must carry on without his dear mentor who has

been his father in the faith. We will be allowed a personal glimpse of Paul’s heart as he shares principles

of discipleship, his heart-felt charge to guard the Gospel, the warnings of the marks of apostasy, and

God’s proof that His Word is truly inspired. Please join us as we discover, Precept upon Precept, how

the message of this epistle is so relevant to us in the 21st Century.

Leader: Anne Hayes

Room: 201-203 Fee: $30.00

Childcare: $50 per family

Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 11 as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

Women’s minisTryEquipping women to reach hearts for Christ!

Women are encouraged to grow spiritually and to understand God’s mandate for biblical woman-

hood. Diligent prayer and sound biblical teaching are a foundational commitment. There are op-

portunities to learn and grow through several Bible studies offered weekdays or evenings.

Events are scheduled throughout the year for fellowship and outreach such as retreats/conferences, the Christ-

mas teas, and several ministry opportunities. Additionally, the women’s ministry supports women through the

Heart-to-Heart mentoring ministry, Widows Network, the Single Moms ministry, Single Hearts (single women

over 40), Quilting for Christ, Close Knit Flock, and several community service projects throughout the year.

God wants you to know His purpose for your life. He desires for you, as a woman, to serve and reach others

for Christ. Whether you are a long-time member, regular attendee, or visitor.

17 | WinTer 2012

The ChurCh of The aposTles

The amaZinG ColleCTion

part 2

January 29 – May 14 (16 Weeks)

The Amazing Collection is a video Bible study for women, taught sequentially, book by book. Each 45-

minute DVD gives an overview of one book of the Bible. The main characters and theme of each book

come alive with dynamic teachings, original music videos, and personal testimonies. Each set contains

a companion workbook to enhance the teaching and to encourage further study. Your spiritual walk

and biblical knowledge will be greatly enriched by investing in “The Amazing Collection” as we study

1 Timothy through Revelation.

Leader: Sandra Dixon

Room: 229

Fee: $20.00

Childcare: $50 per family

Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 11th as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.


part 2

February 5 – April 9 (10 Weeks)

The Study of Romans which began this fall goes into the winter studies as we learn from the Apostle

Paul about mankind's need and God's provision for our salvation.

Romans is incredibly applicable today: the Apostle's reasonings are so universal that we recognize

how God has met us and how we can talk to others about their need for Jesus too.

Romans' study can be readily picked up at any point: Although Paul crafts a logical argument for the

Gospel of Jesus Christ in Romans, the book lends itself to be deliciously studied chapter-by-chapter.

If you would like to join us for the first time this winter/spring as we sit at Paul's feet, we would

love to have you; and you will be blessed by the feast Jesus has laid before us.

Leader: Vicki Gillespie

Room: 237

Fee: $20.00

Childcare: $50 per family

Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 11th as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

WinTer 2012 | 18

The ChurCh of The aposTles

aman was once drawn to go to a church be-

cause he saw the sign out front that de-

clared, “Jesus Saves.” He was curious—what

did that mean? "What did Jesus save—stamps?” he

wondered. So he went in, and stayed for the whole

service…but when it was over, he still had no answer

to his question.

Does this break your heart as it does mine?

We sincerely hope that those who come through

our doors seeking answers about Jesus do not leave

without that life saving message. But we know that

very often actually “hearing” the Gospel can be a

process that takes seeing it lived out, hearing it ex-

plained, and being able to interact with what is taught

by asking questions and wrestling with the changes

the truth requires in our worldview and behavior.

What does COTA do about this?

Last year COTA was led by God to take a more

proactive course of action to reach out to seekers in

the One Member-One Guest program during January

2012. Some of the guests the members brought to

church returned to learn more in Christianity Ex-

plored taught by James Saxon. Christianity Explored

was designed to expose seekers to hear and experi-

ence the Gospel in a setting that includes teaching

(the Gospel facts), meals with church members (see-

ing it relationally lived out) and other seekers (being

able to wrestle with the truth), and small group inter-

action (being able to ask questions). The results for

the seekers were wonderful—for many, good ex-

changes happened; and for others, Jesus became their

Lord and Savior. COTA is committed to be a place of

shelter where Jesus saves.

That was then, this is now…

In January 2013 a new component of Christianity

Explored will be offered for women by the women's

ministry. For four Tuesdays, January 8, 15, 22 and 29,

from 9:30-11:30 a.m. the Gospel will be presented as

topics: The Uniqueness of Jesus, The Reliability of His

Word, The Good News of His Gospel, and The Trans-

formational Power of Authentic Faith in Him, to-

gether with testimonies and small group discussions.

You may be thinking, "This is okay for you, but I'm

not good at this evangelism stuff…"

Not to worry. We already have a leadership team: a

teacher, Vicki Gillespie, and small group leaders, Deb-

orah Silcox, Karen Ames, Charlotte McNally, Linda For-

rester, and Kathy Paparelli. So the "evangelism stuff"

includes eating brunch, listening to a teaching, and

talking with guests about how the faith points pre-

sented affect your life. If you could meet friends and

talk about Jesus in a café or a restaurant, could you

do that at church?

Please pray about joining us on Tuesdays. We need


JANUARY 8 - JANUARY 29 (4 WEEKS)Leader: Vicki Gillespie

Room 237Time: 9:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Childcare Available, for more information contactMs. Carola Wangeci at [email protected]

19 | WinTer 2012

Wednesday eveninG sTudy 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.


undErstanding your BlEssings

in christ

January 30 – March 27 (9 Weeks)

As God’s children, we have everything we could ever need for daily life. Yet we often miss these riches

because we don’t know what they are. This nine-week study of Ephesians will lead us to discover:

• The keys to becoming spiritually strong

• The spiritual armor that protects you in life’s battles

• The incredible spiritual blessings God has given you

• The ways you can make use of these riches

You’ll find yourself overflowing with praise for all that God has given you – provision that will make

your journey with God more exciting, practical, and fulfilling. A workbook by Elizabeth George will be

used as part of this study.

Leaders: Linda McEntire and Belinda Stone

Room: 237

Fee: $20.00

Childcare is NOT available.

Thursday morninG sTudies 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.

a sTudy of eZra & nehemiah

part 2

January 31 – April 11 (11 Weeks)

Don’t let the “Part 2” stop you from joining us! Pick up your workbook now or simply read Ezra 1–4

and Nehemiah 1–8 to be all caught up as we gather back January 31 to discuss Week 10. In these books

we see that God’s comfort and strength rebuild and restore; His truth encourages and sustains in trying

times; and His mighty arm overcomes any adversity presented in our lives. We’ll gaze at God’s protec-

tion of His people, and know that we have hope in Christ in the face of evil. We’ll learn through the re-

building of the physical temple of God how we build His temple today, which is made up of living

stones. Teaching from the book “A Study of Ezra and Nehemiah: Restoration Through Comfort and

Strength” by Charlotte Travis.

Leader: Charlotte Travis

Room: 201-203

Fee: $20.00

Childcare: $50 per family

Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 17th as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

WinTer 2012 | 20

The ChurCh of The aposTles

seeKinG him

EXpEriEncing thE Joy oF

pErsonal rEViVal

January 31 – April 11 (11 Weeks)

Have you ever prayed for national revival? Do you know that corporate revival always begins with

personal revival? In this interactive 11-week study guide, authors Nancy Leigh DeMoss and Tim Gris-

som provide a clear path through God’s Word that identifies the obstacles to genuine revival and re-

veals how to experience true intimacy with God and joy in Him, the very purpose of every life. Julie

Van Gorp will be the teacher for this study that will include small group discussion time. Teaching

from the book “Seeking Him: Experiencing the Joy of Personal Revival” by Nancy Leigh DeMoss and

Tim Grissom.

Leader: Julie Van Gorp

Room: 229

Fee: $20.00

Childcare: $50 per family

Children MUST be pre-registered for childcare by January 17th as space is limited. NO WALK-INS.

Thursday noon sTudy 12:00 – 1:00 p.m.

leT all of God’s Glory shine ThrouGh

January 31 – March 21 (8 Weeks)

The separation between faith and daily life troubles many Christians. It will overcome in the measure

that we are transparent so that all of God’s glory will shine through us. Meditating these eight weeks

on deep things of God will render our lives more faith-filled and our faith more lively. Topics will in-

clude: The Courage to Accept God’s Acceptance, Coping with Evil, Dwelling in Unapproachable Light,

The Paschal Mystery, Teach Us to Pray, The Gift of Gratefulness… among others. The main materials

will be excerpts from books by Peter G. Van Breemen which is now out of print.

Leader: Jeanine Dungan

Room: 237

Fee: $20.00

Childcare is NOT available.

21 | WinTer 2012

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sunday morninG 9:00 – 10:15a.m.

sinGle moms

lord, changE my attitudE

Starting on January 6

What does God think about attitudes? The Israelites’ attitudes kept them wandering in the desert for

forty years, instead of enjoying the blessings of the Promised Land. As a single mom with children at

home, do you feel as though you are wandering in a wilderness? Could your attitude have anything

to do with you not experiencing God's blessing of His promises? Come join us to explore those same

attitudes that keep us aimlessly wandering. Starting January 6th we will study God's Word through

the book "Lord, Change my Attitude" by James MacDonald.

Leader: Connie Miller

Room: 250

Nursury and Bible Study classes for children are available.

Cobb preGnanCy serviCesFor over 25 years, Cobb Pregnancy Services has reached out to women and men in crisis because of unplanned

pregnancies. As an evangelical Christian non-profit organization, our mission is to provide strong spiritual, emo-

tional, and practical support that encourages them to choose positive alternatives to abortion. Cobb Pregnancy

Services is a medical clinic that offers free pregnancy tests and ultrasounds. Women who are considering abor-

tion are drawn to the center because of the medical information they receive, but they also sit down with

trained counselors who share the Gospel, address destructive life choices, and encourage them to choose life.

Families face real financial challenges when their children are born. The clothing ministry of Cobb Preg-

nancy Services provides needy families with diapers, baby clothes, and supplies. The Church of The Apostles

(COTA) has been a valued partner of Cobb Pregnancy Services for many years. Along with financial support

and volunteerism, the women’s ministry of COTA has supported the needs of our clothing ministry at the

annual COTA Women’s Christmas Tea.

As you make plans to attend the COTA Christmas Tea this year, you have the opportunity to be blessed as

you bless others by donating baby items to the families that Cobb Pregnancy Services serve. It is a wonderful

way to say, “Thank you for choosing LIFE.”

Who We supporT

say yes! CenTerFor over a decade members of The Church of The Apostles have provided simple, nutritious meals for 25

children and staff of the Say Yes! Center, a Christ centered after school program near the intersection of North-

side Drive and North Avenue. Years ago Campus Crusade for Christ selected New Life Covenant Church to

host and organize this holistic and biblically based approach to child development. The staff addresses the

students' spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, and social needs as part of the church's full time presence

with families in this vibrant and racially diverse English Avenue community.

A typical afternoon schedule includes Bible time, homework and tutoring, physical fitness, and creative

play for the younger children. The afternoon concludes with the dinner provided by individual members

of COTA. Will you please consider tutoring and/or providing a meal any Monday through Thursday between

January 22 and May 9th? Your meal can be brought to Apostles, Margaret Ann Briggs' home (five minutes

from COTA), or to the Say Yes! Center (575 Travis Street). Please contact Margaret Ann at (404)351-4909 or

[email protected] to schedule a date and time. Always remember to include your phone number!

WinTer 2012 | 22

The ChurCh of The aposTles

firsT looK

John Horton

Room 201

This is a four-week class designed to orient newcomers to the life and ministry of The Church of The

Apostles. The class covers an overview of the history, mission, vision, ministries, and facilities of our

church. The First Look class is a requirement for church membership. Please call Melanie Poole at

404-564-6673 if you have any questions. Please choose from the following start dates: January 6, Feb-

ruary 3, April 7, May 5.

breaKThrouGh livinG

Roy Jones

Room 237

Please join us for a study of Paul’s letter to the Galatians. As we study together we will learn that

the Gospel means that while Christians are in themselves still sinning, in Christ in God’s sight

they are accepted and righteous. So we can say that we are more wicked than we ever dared be-

lieve, but more loved and accepted in Christ than we ever dared hope — at the very same time.

This creates a radical new dynamic for personal growth. We can use it to delight and imitate the

One who has saved us rather than to get His attention or procure His favor. We now run the race

“for the joy that is set before us” rather than “for the fear that comes behind us.”


Steve Peterson

Room 616

Builders is a community of believers committed to providing an atmosphere where God can build

faith and fruit in each of our lives. Because of this commitment we pray, study God’s Word, and share

honestly concerning the ways God is working in our lives. We are an open fellowship where anyone

can experience authentic community and make new friends. We will be studying The Gospel of Mark.

Please come and be challenged to go deeper in your walk with Christ.

adulT bible ClassesDo your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who doesnot need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. - 2 Timothy 2:15

The goal of our discipleship ministries is to bring people together under the Word of God so that they

can grow in their Christian faith and carry the Gospel to others. Our Sunday morning adult Bible classes

are structured to help people not only gain knowledge, but also to acquire understanding and grow in


All classes are led by gifted facilitators in small-to-medium-sized settings.

Classes sTarT January 6 aT 9:00 a.m.

(unless otherwise indicated)

23 | WinTer 2012

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1 CorinThians

Mike Sessoms

Room 248

Mike was a missionary to Western Africa for over 25 years and he brings a seasoned perspective to

the study of God’s Word. In 1 Corinthians, Paul outlines the overwhelming superiority of God's salva-

tion, how He places us in Christ and has made Christ to be for us all that we need. Paul contrasts God's

“how to's” versus man’s “how to's” to show the power of the Gospel to bring redemptive victory to all

the areas of the believer’s life. In addition, Paul illustrates patterns of how believers are to live: fol-

lowing clear commands of God, allowing for apostolic authority to speak principles of truth, and as

one matures, being led by the Spirit to make decisions solely for the glory of God.

When we consider how similar our society is to the one in Corinth, we see a letter that is as “alive”

and full of application for us today as it was when it was written.

JusT a Closer WalK WiTh Thee

J. C. Poole

Room 229 B-C

Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John will be our travel guides as we follow Jesus and pursue a closer walk

with Him “so as to walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him, bearing fruit in every

good work and increasing in the knowledge of God” (Colossians 1:10). Our guides document how God

described Jesus and how His disciples and contemporaries viewed Him. Along the way, we will witness

Jesus performing amazing miracles, teaching many parables, and meeting those who had face-to-face

encounters. The glory and majesty of Christ will be revealed along the journey. Come join us as we

walk where Jesus walked in the gospels.

KnoWinG and doinG God’s Will

Bobby Mitchell Sr.

Room 229 A

Does God call us today? If God is calling, are we listening? How do we recognize God’s voice and re-

spond in obedience? What do we do, and how do we do it? Can I really walk with the Lord in twenty-

first century America? Do I have to do it in all aspects of my life—work, marriage, family, friends, etc.?

Who can help me? What is a council of advisors? How did others do it? This study addresses these and

many other questions and is all about practical application in today’s world.

livinG aT peaCe

Bryan Alison

Room 246

This course has been revamped to use real-life scenarios to effectively apply the principles of bib-

lical peacemaking. It will equip you to use biblical principles in everyday life relationships with

those at home, church, and in your social life and workplace. Applying these principles will allow

you to bring glory to God and make a difference for Christ in those places where you have been

planted. You will not only grow in your relationship with Christ, but you will learn how to serve

others in difficult situations. Come join us and explore what God wants to do in and through your


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The ChurCh of The aposTles

The Gospel of John

Monte Johnson

Room 611

An in-depth, verse-by-verse study, with application for today!

parenTs of TeenaGers

Tom Wilkes

Room 615

We are comprised of parents of teenagers or former teens, some of them now in college and some

beginning their careers. Each year we focus on a different book of the Bible and use a study guide to

aid us. We use our time on Sunday mornings to pray for each other and discuss an assigned passage

of the Bible. Our goal is to deepen our relationship with Christ and walk as role models for our kids.

sTarTinG poinT

James Saxon and a Team

Room 239

Starting Point is a conversational small group environment where you can explore and grow in your

experience of the Christian faith in a safe and nurturing community. If you desire to learn more about

the basics of your spiritual foundation, come and join us on Sunday mornings.

WhaT The bible really says

Stan Carder

Room 243

This course is a summary of our Christian beliefs, and it is formatted to enable us to make a logical

defense of our faith. We will be examining God’s Word and learning how we are to apply these

truths to those with whom we interact, whether at work, in our neighborhoods, or in the commu-

nities where we are serving. Through teaching, interaction, and small group discussions, we will

solidify our trust in the foundational truths of God’s Word. This class is highly recommended for all

believers who desire to make an impact upon the culture in which we live.

WhaT The founders KneW:



David Nicholas / Dal Sumrell

Room 614

Few pursuits could be more important than reflecting on God’s role in the building of America and in

His role in securing the “Blessings of Liberty.” This class is a combination of Bible study, which looks

at God’s promises regarding government and its administration, and an examination of laws, resolu-

tions, and proclamations found in the U.S. National Archives that were crafted in light of God’s Word.

Join us as we reflect upon what God has done and look forward to what He will do!

25 | WinTer 2012

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The following adult bible classes are also offered: Young Professionals, Young Families: The Journey,

Young Families : Community Class I, and Young Families: Community Class I. Please see pages 13 and

14 for more information..

small GroupsThey were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and tofellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. - Acts 2:42

Come find a place where you can connect with God and others in deeper ways. Our Small Groups are a

great environment to develop authentic, caring relationships while discussing how God’s truth intersects

life. They help us in our journey of becoming more like Christ . . . together.

Small Groups usually meet in homes every week or every other week, featuring lively, interactive discussions

on God’s Word and how we live it out.

Small Group members share life with all of its joys and challenges. You’ll pray for one another and receive

encouragement. Together, your Small Group will help you live out your faith while impacting others.

mulTiple loCaTions

• Atlanta

• Buckhead

• Canton

• Chamblee

• Douglasville

• Dunwoody

• Henry County

• Mableton

• Marietta

• Midtown

• Powder Springs

• Sandy Springs

• Smyrna

• Stone Mountain

• Vinings

• East Cobb

• West Cobb

• Woodstock

* New locations to be added


• Mixed Groups

• Men

• Women

• Young Adult Singles

• Young Families

For more information about Small Groups, please visit apostles.org/smallgroups or contact Rhonda Saduddin at 404-564-3152 or [email protected].

loCaTions and Groups


Sunday, January 20 | 12:00 p.m.

Want to connect with God and others in deeper ways?

That’s why Apostles has Small Groups.

GroupConnect is an event designed to help you find the best

small group for you. You’ll have the chance to meet group lead-

ers, see what their group has to offer, and join a group with oth-

ers who live near you or maybe are in your stage of life.

At GroupConnect we’ll feed you lunch, we’ll watch your kids,

and by 1:30 p.m. you could be ready to plug into a new group.

Register for GroupConnect online at apostles.org/smallgroups by

Thursday, January10, or call Rhonda Saduddin at 404.564.3152.

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The ChurCh of The aposTles

men’s fraTerniTy aTlanTa

Men’s Fraternity is a program designed to equip men to live and to lead as God intended, training

men to press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

The church, the nation, and the world are suffering mightily from a lack of godly, masculine leader-

ship. As traditional masculine virtues are assaulted and undermined in our modern culture, too many

men either capitulate or seek satisfaction from counterfeits that are often selfish, juvenile, and de-

structive. We men are called to something higher, nobler, and truer. We know this, and we crave this,

but too often flounder because we lack training and the fellowship of like-minded brothers.

We invite all men of Apostles and our larger community to answer this call by joining us in the STS

room on Friday mornings at 6:15 a.m. beginning on January 25th. We meet for a light breakfast, fol-

lowed by a DVD presentation and small group discussion. We will endeavor to conclude no later than

7:40 a.m., but you are welcome leave earlier if you need to.

To find out more about Men’s Fraternity please visit apostles.org/men.

men’s minisTryIron sharpeneth iron; so a man sharpeneth the countenance of his friend. - Proverbs 27:17

The goal of our discipleship ministries is to bring people together under the Word of God so that they can grow

in their Christian faith and carry the Gospel to others.

Small groups are a place where you can join others and together grow, share, and reach out. You will grow

through the discussion and application of God’s Word. You will share life with all of its joys and challenges.

You will reach out to others using your spiritual gifts. Come and find your place to belong!

27 | WinTer 2012

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men’s small Groups

Weekday Mornings

Marriage, children, work, home, faith — the

challenges abound. In today’s world it’s tough

to be who God has called us to be. How do we

follow Him and lead others? How do we bal-

ance the demands at work with the responsi-

bilities at home? How do we love our wives

like Christ loved the church?

God did not intend for you to discover the an-

swer to these and all the other important life

questions by yourself. You were created to live

in community with other men who are

wrestling with the same issues, and who desire

to live godly lives that count for God, but have

not yet “put it all together.”

Come join other men who meet here at the

church on most weekday mornings to study

Scripture and to apply it to real life. Share your

life with other men who will help you see

Scripture more clearly and who will help you

sharpen your focus on Christ.

To find out more about men’s small groups,

contact Rhonda Saduddin at rsaduddin@apos-

tles.org or 404-564-3152.

The paTh

Men’s Mentoring

The Path is a lay ministry at The Church of The

Apostles that seeks to facilitate mentoring part-

nerships between men who desire to have ac-

countability for their lives. The Bible is our

primary source of guidance. We strive hard not

to create our own “program,” but instead to let

the Holy Spirit guide in this effort. As a reference

for our mentors, we use a book called The Heart

of Mentoring by David A. Stoddard. Dave has

worked closely with our core team helping us

fully grasp the Ten Powerful Principles of Effec-

tive Mentoring laid out in his book. The overrid-

ing theme is that mentoring is a process

facilitated by a relationship. Each partnership is

unique and tailored to the needs of the younger

partner. Mentors are willing to open their lives,

letting the partner see how he succeeded or

failed and above all learned from his experiences.

Mentors are good listeners. They don’t have an

agenda or want to change the mentoring partner.

They want to help their mentoring partner navi-

gate the narrow path of a Christian life.

To find out more, please contact Rhonda Sadud-

din [email protected] or 404-564-3152.

WinTer 2012 | 28

The ChurCh of The aposTles

Compass – finanCes God’s Way

February 10 - April 14 | 9:00 to 10:15 | Rooms 236

The cost is $55 for couples or $45 for singles.

A 10-week course whose mission is equipping people worldwide to faithfully apply God’s financial

principles so they may know Christ more intimately, be free to serve Him and help fund the Great Com-

mission. The focus is to teach people primarily through small group study formats, based on the ex-

ample of how Christ taught His disciples. A recommended Student Orientation class takes place

January 27 in Room 237.


Tuesdays, January 29-March | 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. | STS Den

The course book is $10 and is optional.

An 8-week course that brings hope for healing of heart wounds or sexual addictions that block intimacy

with God and our most significant relationship.


Tuesdays, January 15-April 9 | 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. | Room 614

The cost is $15.

A 13-week course which covers many different aspects of one’s life as it is impacted by either separation

or divorce.

finanCial peaCe universiTy

Tuesdays, January 15-March 19 | 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. | Room 237

Seven out of 10 Americans are living paycheck-to-paycheck - that statistic goes up to 8 out of 10 fam-

ilies in affluent neighborhoods. That is why we are offering Dave Ramsey’s Financial Peace Univer-

sity class. This is a practical and fun opportunity to learn about money. Each weekly session starts

with Dave Ramsey teaching on video and is followed by a small group discussion. If you are one of

the few who isn’t struggling, you will still benefit from this powerful material. You will learn how

to apply biblical principles in the management of all the resources God has given you. The cost is

$100.00 per couple or individual, which covers 10 weeks of teaching, resource materials, and a life-

time membership to FPU. For more information, call Stan Carder at 404-564-3146 or email him at

[email protected].

ConGreGaTional CareBut we have this treasure in earthen vessels that the surpassing greatness ofthe power may be of God and not from ourselves. - 2 Cor. 4:7

Congregational Care is continually seeking to provide opportunities that will enable every member to

live their lives more effectively. We are privileged to offer the following ministries for this spring. To

register, please go to the church’s website at www.apostles.org for more detailed information; or you

may contact the Congregational Care office at 404-564-3159, or email [email protected].

opporTuniTies for GroWTh

29 | WinTer 2012

The ChurCh of The aposTles


Tuesdays, January 15-April 9 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. | Room 613

The cost is $15

A 13-week course support group designed to assist those who are grieving the loss of a loved one,

whether recently or sometime in the past.


Tuesdays, October 2-April 23 | 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. | STS-Loft

Application required.

A 28-week spiritual journey that includes worship, teaching, testimony, and small group prayer in a

safe and confidential environment for those dealing with deep hurt and sinful, addictive habits. For

more information about LivingWaters please contact Brian Maxwell at [email protected].

livinG aT peaCe

Sundays, September 9 – May 19 | 9:00 to 10:15 a.m. | Room 246

Our class has been revamped to use real-life scenarios to effectively apply the principles of biblical

peacemaking. It will equip you to use biblical principles in everyday life relationships, those from the

home, church, social life, and workplace. Applying these principles will allow you to bring glory to

God and make a difference for Christ in the places where you have been planted. You will not only

grow in your relationship with Christ, you will learn how to serve others in difficult situations.


A biblically-based life and work assessment course designed to provoke thinking and foster strategic

renewal, personally and professionally. This class combines the application of scriptural principles,

processes, and tools with prayer in a one-on-one setting. The cost of the course is $70 to cover the pur-

chase of a workbook and required personality profiles. By appointment only.

survivinG divorCe reCovery seminar

Saturday, January 12 – 6th Floor | 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Shepherded by Greg and Julie Jones

The road to divorce recovery is a painful one. For most, it is a longer and slower journey than they

ever imagined, with emotional roller coasters along the way. The SURVIVING DIVORCE RECOVERY SEM-

INAR offers practical and honest teaching with a strong foundation in God's Word. It is a program de-

signed to help you recover from the experience of divorce and the life challenges that it presents.

Surviving Divorce provides a message of hope, healing and restoration; offers real answers to real

questions, and addresses common fears and concerns associated with divorce. **You will quickly find

out that you are not alone. Greg and Julie have counseled literally thousands of men, women, and chil-

dren through the life experience of divorce.

Cost: $35.00 (includes continental breakfast and lunch) Register online at apostles.org/survivingdivorce.

For further information please contact Jan Blakeslee at: [email protected].


WinTer 2012 | 30

The ChurCh of The aposTles

imagine yourself in a foreign country with limited

contact with your loved ones and in frequent dan-

ger. It’s tough to picture for most of us, and we’d

rather not imagine it. Yet for millions of military fam-

ilies across the country, there’s no imagination

needed. This is reality.

Nita Willard has faced this reality herself and begun

to minister to military members and their families.

She has begun extending the love of Jesus to our

country’s men and women in uniform.

Nita coordinates the Military Outreach Program at

The Church of The Apostles. Her decision arose from

her own experience—several years ago her son

joined the army. Suddenly she had become a military

mom. Her work began small with her volunteering to

help make sandwiches for troops.

“My son was going through all this army training

and I thought, ‘I think I can make a few sandwiches,’”

recounts Nita. But as she began to see the faces of mil-

itary members, she became more burdened for them.

“Being around all these young guys and girls has

just really grabbed my heart. Because I look at all of

them and I think, ‘They could be mine.’”

In light of that day, Nita started what has become

the Military Outreach Program. Today it continues to

grow and find creative ways of supporting military

personnel and their families. The ministry ap-

proaches range dramatically depending on the sched-

ules and gifting of volunteers. Some individuals make

quilts for Veteran’s Hospitals. Other volunteers teach

Bible studies at Fort Benning. Still others help serve

meals to troops.

In addition to local efforts, Nita also coordinates

with larger, national support organizations such as

the USO and Operation Homefront. These groups pro-

vide plentiful and immediate opportunities for serv-

ing. Operation Homefront, for example, connects

people with military families and allows them to

meet specific, practical needs such as home care or

financial assistance.

Every opportunity may not allow explicit sharing

of the Christian faith or “witnessing.” However, every

opportunity does allow God’s love to be expressed.

And gives followers of Jesus an opportunity to build

relationships with servicemen and servicewomen

during pivotal periods of their lives.

primeTimers lunCheon

Sunday, February 10 | 12:10 p.m. | The Commons

Guest Speaker: Dave Hubbard

Topic: “Fitness”

Dave Hubbard, America’s Fitness Coach, and Apostles member, will be speaking at our PrimeTimers

Luncheon. After leaving his career in the National Football League, Dave developed the simple, yet

very effective FIT 10 and FITNESS OVER FIFTY exercise programs. His humor, expertise in the health

field, and motivational speaking have allowed him to be a sought after speaker by many major cor-

porations and organizations. Locally he has addressed various groups such as The Ritz Carlton Cor-

poration, the Atlanta Falcons, The Buckhead Club, United Way, and many others.

Tickets are $10. For further information contact Gwen Wiley at [email protected] or you may

register online at www.apostles.org.

31 | WinTer 2012

The ChurCh of The aposTles

“The government can take care of a lot of stuff, but

they can’t put their arm around them and say, ‘Bless

you for what you’re doing’ or ‘Hang in there’—the

personal contact.”

An exceptional example of personal support con-

cerns a solider stationed in Iraq who received an emer-

gency phone call from home. His wife had left with

another man. As she left she had cleaned out the bank

account, taken or destroyed everything in the house,

and left their three children with the neighbors.

Not a phone call you ever want to receive;

imagine receiving it on a battlefield.

This young soldier’s commanding officer

contacted Operation Homefront to ask for

help. Through the service of volunteers, this

serviceman and his children were provided

a car, a clean home, clothes, and toys. The

love of volunteers helped rejuvenate and

rebuild his family.

Imagine how you can help our brave

military men and women in some of the

most crucial times of their lives. Imagine

yourself extending the love of Jesus to

their families. Imagine the countless

lives that God is transforming.

Through the ministry of servants

like Nita Willard, families don’t

have to imagine the love of God.

They’re experiencing it firsthand.

Please contact Nita Willard if

you’d like more information on

how to get involved in the Military

Outreach Program.

CareGivers supporT seminar

Saturday, April 13 | Room 237

8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

This is a one-day seminar that will help those involved with family medical/health situations or car-

ing for aging parents navigate through the personal, legal, financial, residential, and spiritual issues

confronted in ministering through education and encouragement in these difficult circumstances.

Cost is $25 per person or couple. (Includes: Continental Breakfast, Lunch and Resource Materials.) For

further information contact Gwen Wiley at [email protected] or you may register online at


The ChurCh of The aposTles

volunTeer minisTryConGreGaTional Care

For more information contact Gwen Wiley at [email protected].

firsT impressions minisTry

For more information contact Jan Blakeslee at [email protected].

parKinG GreeTers

These volunteers help bridge people from the park-

ing lot into the building in a warm and welcoming


fronT door GreeTers

These volunteers warmly greet all who enter the

church building and are prepared to answer any

directional questions.

The WelCome CenTer

This is the information “nerve center” of the church.

Greeters are knowledgeable and always prepared

to answer informational and directional questions.

GraCeTouCh meals

Shares the grace and love of our Lord by providing

a meal and a personal contact to those in our midst

in need of refreshment, care, and encouragement.

You may cook meals to be taken to families who

have a need, cook meals to bring to church to be

put in the freezer for emergency help, or deliver

meals to the families.

miliTary ouTreaCh

These volunteers provide opportunities for us to par-

ticipate in service projects with various organizations

and to assist and support military individuals and

their families as they faithfully serve our country.

prayer minisTry

This opportunity involves the expansion of God’s

kingdom through intercession for others. Inter-

cessors may come to the church during the week

and pray for the requests that have been received,

or requests may be received via email at home.


A service-oriented fellowship for those over 50

serving the body of Christ in a variety of ways, in-

cluding visiting the homebound. They also spon-

sor luncheons focused on vital issues for seniors.

If interested, please contact the Congregational

Care office.

sTephen minisTers

Lay persons in our congregation who are trained

to provide confidential care for those who are fac-

ing a difficult situation. For information about

Stephen Ministry, call our referral coordinators,

Sylvia Mosley at 770-987-1929 or Jim Kranzusch at



Serve once a month during the 9:00 or 10:30 serv-

ices. This includes passing out the bulletin, help-

ing people get seated, taking up the offering, etc.

sanCTuary GreeTers

An opportunity to warmly greet visitors as they

enter the various sections of the sanctuary prior

to the service, during the congregational greeting

in the service, and as they leave.

visiTor reCepTion GreeTers

Immediately following the 10:30 A.M. worship,

these greeters welcome visitors in the visitor re-

ception. They are trained to focus on the specific

needs and questions of the individual visitors

and assist in making them feel comfortable. The

visitor reception greeter also provides a visitor

the opportunity to meet church staff.

fareWell GreeTers

These volunteers greet and pray for those who are exiting the church with the goal of making sure their

visit to our church ends well.

33 | WinTer 2012

The ChurCh of The aposTles

Children’s minisTry

*Parents are asked to work once a month in their children’s classrooms.

For more information contact Kelly Skelly at [email protected].

sunday sChool TeaChers

These volunteers teach every Sunday from 9:00 –

10:15 a.m., September – May. They are off during the

summer. The summer teachers work June – Au-

gust every Sunday from 9:00 – 10:15 A.M.


These volunteers work with the infants through

four-year-olds on a monthly rotation with the

same group of children each month.

• Shepherds for infants through walkers help wel-

come the children to class and do activities and

songs that focus on God.

• Shepherds for toddlers through four-year-olds

teach Bible lessons along with activities and

crafts and take their class to worship in the chil-

dren’s chapels.

speCial sTones

Our ministry on Sunday mornings to children

with special needs is offered from 9:00 to noon.

Children are taught Bible lessons from the Show

Me Jesus curriculum in a loving environment of

their own. The class shepherd also leads the chil-

dren in planned activities and music. Volunteers

serve on a rotating schedule.


These volunteers work on a monthly or bimonthly

basis, helping shepherds and caregivers in each


musiC and drama

People are needed who can play a musical instru-

ment, sing, or enjoy drama or puppets. These tal-

ents and gifts will be used in the Wee Worship and

Kingdom Kids worship times and Elementary As-

sembly on Sunday morning. This is done on a ro-

tating schedule.

Wednesday niGhT

Infants through four-year-olds have teachers and

helpers that teach a lesson with crafts and songs

while their parents are in Hour of Power.

runninG ChurCh

First through fourth graders participate in Bible

lessons, Bible memory, and activities that focus

on God.

Tuesday and Thursday morninGs

There are children’s classes during the women’s

Bible studies. Teachers and helpers are needed

during this time.

Kids’ ConneCTion 1 and 2

Children’s church experiences which includes

praise, worship, giving, Bible teaching, and small

group activities for children in grades K – 4. Our

prayer is that children will learn what it means

to bow down and worship before their heavenly

Father and that they would “graduate” from the

children’s ministry ready to actively participate

in the weekly gathering of the Body.

General volunTeers

These volunteers can help outside of Sunday

mornings with administration, organization, and

preparation for classes or special events.

vaCaTion bible sChool

A one-week commitment, usually in June, with

availability for training and preparation as

needed for each area of service.

WinTer 2012 | 34

The ChurCh of The aposTles

sTs minisTry

For more information contact Jenny Sessoms at [email protected].

Women’s minisTry

For more information contact Carola Wangeci at [email protected].

sunday morninG

Set-up, cooking, clean-up, prayer, greetings, teaching,

and discussion group leaders.

sunday eveninG

Discipleship group leaders are needed for 7th –

12th grade students.

Wednesday eveninG

5th – 8th grade students

Recreation and group discussion leaders are


9th – 12th grade students

Small group Bible study leaders are needed.

oTher opporTuniTies

Mentoring and discipling students, helping with

retreats, missions trips, and service projects.

evenT hospiTaliTy Team

If you would like to meet other women in our church and have a welcome smile, please consider volun-

teering to be on an event hospitality team in women's ministry this year. We have a seminar in January,

a retreat in February, a Kay Arthur conference in August, a fall kick-off, and on-going Bible studies. To be

involved in an event is an excellent way to feel connected!

For more information please e-mail Carola Wangeci at [email protected].

QfC – QuilTinG for ChrisT

Julee James, Lay Leader

Quilting for Christ meets the second and fourth Thursday’s of each month. No experience is necessary,

as the experienced are blessed to teach others. Quilts are sewn for the Cobb County Pregnancy Center,

Atlanta Union Mission, Feed My Lambs, Bridge Ministry, and orphanages.

Please contact Julee James by e-mail at [email protected].

sinGle hearTs for ChrisT

Jan Blakeslee, Lay Leader

Single Hearts for Christ: A fellowship for single, divorced, and widowed women forty and beyond.

Single Hearts for Christ is a women’s fellowship group that brings single Christian women together to

enjoy, enrich, and support one another.

Come join us by contacting Jan Blakeslee at [email protected].

sinGle moms

Connie Miller, Lay Leader

The Single Moms Ministry offers value to you, the single mom. The focus is on your spiritual growth

and your heart. The group offers mentoring, financial counseling, Sunday Bible Study with childcare,

quarterly fellowship luncheons, etc.

Please contact Connie Miller at [email protected].

35 | WinTer 2012

The ChurCh of The aposTles

The Close KniT floCK

“Having been knit together in love…” Colossians 2:2

The Close Knit Flock is a dedicated group of Christian women who get together every second and

fourth Tuesday of each month to knit newborn caps for Cobb Pregnancy Services (CPS). The caps are

knitted with love and prayer that the Lord will use each one to encourage the mothers who come for

Christian counseling to Choose Life for their unborn child. Each woman involved in this ministry has

come to treasure the fellowship and encouragement that comes from using their God-given skills for

His glory.

Lori Parker of CPS tells us that these little

caps are the first things on earth that belong to

these precious babies. They affirm that they

exist and have a God-given right to life. Many

of these young women share that the first time

they felt love for their unborn child was when

they looked down at the tiny little caps

clutched in their hands. God uses simple tools

in powerful ways to speak life to women in cri-

sis and no one will ever know the impact they

have had until we get to heaven.

reCepTionisT desK

During the week, cover the receptionist desk at

lunchtime for one hour on a rotating basis.

Wednesday niGhT dinner

Help serve on the main serving line, the chil-

dren’s table, or desserts. This can be on a rotat-

ing schedule or whenever each volunteer is


speCial evenTs

Help with special events such as working at the

information or sign-up tables in the foyer, or

working at book and CD tables on Sunday morn-

ings when we have special guests.

adminisTraTive supporT

Provide general administrative help during the

week as needed.

WidoW’s neTWorK

The Widow’s Network has helped many find solace in times of grief, as well as brought a sense of con-

nection to other women. On six Sundays a year and at Christmas there are special luncheons held to

honor the widows. There are also other activities and service projects.

Please e-mail Marion Sharp at [email protected].

General volunTeers

For more information contact Melanie Poole at [email protected].


There are year-round opportunities for volunteers to do God’s work by getting personally involved with

ministries supported by Apostles. Anyone interested in finding out more about these ministries should

talk to the membership coordinator.

WinTer 2012 | 36

The ChurCh of The aposTles

leading The Way is always on the move creat-

ing new biblical teaching programs, adding

languages, launching programs in new regions,

and finding creative ways to fulfill the Great Commis-

sion. This year, we also physically moved our Leading

The Way headquarters facility.

With great joy, prayer, and years of planning and

renovation, Leading The Waymoved this fall into their

new headquarters, the Global Media Center. Please join

us in giving thanks to the Lord. The ministry also

thanks you, The Church of The Apostles, for your

prayers and partnership in this massive endeavor.

The Global Media Center provides much needed

space for the staff and the technical infrastructure

Leading The Way requires to fulfill the plans the Lord

has for this outreach. The ministry moved from a

maxed-out headquarters facility on Peachtree Road

into the new building on Northside Drive at the end

of August.

In the years Leading The Way was headquartered

on Peachtree Road, it grew from a small radio ministry

sharing biblical Truth with a few thousand people in

English and English-Arabic to an international, multi-

lingual, multi-channel media ministry reaching 190

countries in 21 of the most spoken languages through

37 | WinTer 2012

radio, television, the Internet, THE KINGDOM SAT, Lead-

ing The WayNavigators, Help The Persecuted, print re-

sources, and on-the-ground follow-up teams.

The Global Media Center more than triples usable

work space, providing room for growth and technol-

ogy upgrades, while providing currently sub-leased

space to provide income for the ministry.

This investment in the future of Leading The Way

will enable the ministry to continue using cutting

edge technology and creative methods to make the

Good News available to billions of people around the

globe, reaching into some of the most un-evangelized

regions of the world where missionaries and many

ministries cannot or will not go. After 24 years of

faithful and dynamic ministry, Leading The Way re-

mains firmly committed to passionately proclaiming

uncompromising Truth to a world in desperate need

of a Savior.

The Lord gave Michael Youssef the vision that The

Church of The Apostles would be a light for Christ

upon a hill to the nations—and He is fulfilling that vi-

sion through the passionate proclamation of His

Truth through Leading The Way. The Lord deserves all

of the honor, praise, and glory!

As of the printing of the newsletter, 83 percent of

the funds have been raised for this project. The Lord

is faithful and He will do it to ensure our sole focus

is on proclaiming the Gospel without compromise.

If you would like more information, or if you

desire to partner directly with Leading The Way,

please contact us at:


PO Box 20100 | Atlanta, GA 30325


Phone: 404-841-0100

Email: [email protected]

How to Contact UsPhone: 404.842.0200

Fax: 404.266.0656E-mail: [email protected]

Web: www.apostles.org

WorshipSunday: The Gathering of the Body

9:00 A.M. & 10:30 A.M.Sunday Evening: 5:00 P.M.

Wednesday Hour of Power: 6:15 P.M.

DiscipleshipSunday: 9:00 A.M.

Leading The Way with Dr. Michael Youssef

1570 Northside Drive NW #100, Atlanta, GA 30318Phone: 404.841.0100

Order: 1.800.337.5323Web: www.leadingtheway.org