2013 NDI Manual Revised - July 2013-2

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Shriners NDI Manual, sample documents, sample reports and more

Transcript of 2013 NDI Manual Revised - July 2013-2

National Diabetes Initiative Manual 2012


National Diabetes Initiative Manual 2013

Table of Contents

SummaryPage 2

NDI Committee CompositionPage 2

Why Diabetes?Page 2

How It Works

Desert Administrative Guidelines for Nobles and Daughters

Temple/Court Administrative Guidelines

Reporting Structure

Reporting Guidelines

Duties of Desert NDI Representative

Appointing Desert & Temple/Court Representatives

Duties of Desert NDI Representative

Duties of Temple/Court NDI RepresentativePage 4

Page 5

Page 6

Page 7Page 8

Prince Hall Shriners National Diabetes Initiative Walk/Run

Sample Day of Events

Sample Year Round Temple NDI Activities

Sample NDI Walk/Run Budget

Page 9

Page 11


How to Publicize to the Local Media: Sample Press Release

How to Give a Presentation

Sample NDI Speech

Sample NDI Temple Event Documents

NDI Website URL and ReportsPage 12

Page 14

Page 16

Page 17

Page 26

NDI: At a glance


In the latter part of 2008, newly installed Imperial Potentate Oliver Washington and the Imperial Divan of the Prince Hall Shriners (AEAONMS) initiated talks with the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to contemplate a collaborative effort for a philanthropic partnership. As a result, Imperial Potentate Oliver Washington and the Imperial Divan commenced planning towards developing a new program to sustain such collaboration.

In December of 2008, the new public health program dubbed, the National Diabetes Initiative (NDI) was enacted. The program institutes a major programmatic effort for the Prince Hall Shriners. The NDI is hailed as a flagship program of the Prince Hall Shriners, to streamline Shrine Temples philanthropic efforts to rally around a single public health issue that is truly vital to the life of the Nobility, worldwide.

Equally, in late 2011, the Imperial Divan of the Imperial Court Daughters of Isis, Inc. voted unanimously to adopt the National Diabetes Initiative as its National Program along with the AEAONMS. As an equal partner, the Daughters agreed to aid the Nobles in the fundraising goal.

Committee Composition

The NDI is administered under the direction of a Committee, as authorized by the Book of Laws of the AEAONMS, Inc. The Committee is headed by a Chairman and Committee members whose professional backgrounds ensure the mandate of the Committee is fulfilled with the utmost efficiency and timeliness. The Committee works under the direction of the AEAONMS Divan and the Imperial High Priest and Prophet serves as the Committees advisor. The NDI Committee will also have Daughters appointed to the Committee for the administration of its duties.

The Committee membership is constructed of the following professionals:

Public Health/Medical (Practicing/Policy);

Legal; Marketing; IT; and,Business.

NDI Committee Members include:

Otis Kirksey, PharmD, RPh, CDE - Chairmen - NDI Diabetes Educator/TrainingL. Ken Collins, II, PhD, MPP, MPH - Co-Chairman - Policy/Public Relations/MediaGary Claxton - Chief Deputy /Walk DirectorBill Dozier, BSEE, MSGT USMC(Ret) - Secretary, IT Advisor, Database Manager

Mike Brown, PhD, MPH, NREMT-P, MCHES- Public Health Advisor/ Physical HealthKenneth Walton, BSc Pharm, PharmD, RPh - NDI Diabetes Educator - NDI Diabetes Educator/Testing

Rosalie Powell- DOI Coordinator

Nikki Young, MBA, MSHS- Walk Team

Benny Tucker-Walk Team

Jasen Langley, DPM- Limb Education/Training

Cassandra Duff, LMHP - Lifestyle/Mental Health Awareness

Terri Holland-Hill, Fundraising

Greg Clark, Corporate Affairs/ PHSF

Robert Dotson- Imperial Diabetes Health Fair

Corey Hawkins- Legal Advisor

John Chapman- Administrator

Why Diabetes?!

Diabetes is a father who cant walk his daughter down the aisle because he has lost a leg to nerve damage from Diabetes. Diabetes is a teenage girl who cant go to sleepovers because shes afraid she will go into insulin shock in front of her friends.

Diabetes is a lawyer who is going blind...a teacher whos recovering from a stroke...a dentist whos developing kidney disease.

Diabetes is a serious disease with deadly and devastating consequences. Let us eat healthier, exercise more, and live Healthy lives - as African Americans are almost twice as likely to have Diabetes compared to the general population.

More than three million African Americans have Diabetes. Diabetes is a serious and deadly disease. There is no cure for Diabetes; however, Diabetes can be controlled. Most importantly, Diabetes can be prevented.

The mission of the National Diabetes Initiative (NDI) is to promote the diabetes prevention and search for a cure of Diabetes. Additionally, the NDI aims to improve the lives of the members of the AEAONMS family and the Communities in which we are members through diabetes education and empowerment. By supporting the NDI, the members of your Temple join the movement to stop Diabetes! Diabetes prevention is proven, possible and powerful!!!

How it Works

Each Temple in the Domain is a part of the collective whole in the overarching fundraising and programmatic goal of the National Diabetes Initiative. The collective fundraising and programmatic initiatives undertaken by each temple helps the AEAONMS to meets its agreement with the ADA.

The program is broken down to ensure that accurate and timely reporting takes place to administer the most efficient program as possible.

Below details the requirements and programmatic guidelines for the NDI Program:

Desert Administrative Guidelines for Nobles & Daughters -The Deputy of (for) the Desert is REQUIRED to appoint a Desert NDI Representative and inform the Deputy Imperial Potentate and the Chairman of the NDI Committee of the appointment by December 31st of each year;

The Desert NDI Representative is required to implement and oversee the Deserts NDI activities within the Desert and ensure Temples are in compliance with reporting responsibilities. (reporting dates listed below); The Desert NDI Representative will also serve as a liaison between the Imperial NDI Committee and temples within their respective Deserts.The Desert NDI Representative is the sole administrator of the Deserts NDI activities which include fundraising for the Desert, organizing the Desert NDI walk activities (if appropriate) and is responsible for the implementation of the same.

Temple (Court) Administrative Guidelines -

Each Illustrious Potentate (Commandress) is REQUIRED to appoint a Temple (Court) NDI Representative and inform the Deputy of (for) the Oasis and the Deputy of (for) the Desert of the appointment by December 31st of each year;

The Temple (Court) NDI representative shall implement, oversee and REPORT the Temples (Courts) NDI activities;

The Temple (Court) NDI Representative is the sole administrator of the Temples (Courts) NDI activities which include fundraising and organizing the annual NDI walk activities and responsible for the implementation of the same;

Each Temple (Court) NDI Representative is required to attend the training that is hosted during the Imperial Session each year, hosted by the NDI Committee;

The Temple (Court) Representative is responsible for contacting his/her local ADA Chapter to create a working relationship;

Each Temple and Court is responsible for raising $500 annually for the NDI Program which is due on July 15th. Each NDI Representative is required to host a joint NDI Walk/Run annually on or before the first Saturday in June immediately preceding National Jubilee Day; and,


Temples (Courts), Deputies of (for) the Oases and Deputies of (for) the Desert shall meet the following reporting requirement deadlines:

1. Temples and Courts shall report monthly by means of the NDI-World Wide Reporting System. The Monthly Report is due and must be submitted no later than the 5th of each month (for the previous months data).

2. The Quarterly Report and Annual Report will be generated by means of data extraction from the Monthly Report data submitted. ( See Report Form in Addendum )3. Quarterly and Annual reports will be emailed to all required recipients

4. A link to the NDI Report Form is posted on the Imperial Website and will be emailed to Temples, Courts and Desert NDI Directors.5. Here is the link to the current form, click to open or type into the address bar of your browser and press enter http://tinyurl.com/ndi-monthreport6. July 15th of each year Temples must submit a NDI donation $1,000($500 each from Temple and Court). The check should be made out to: AEAONMS, Inc. (memo: NDI Donation), 2239 Democrat Road, Memphis, TN 38132Appointing Desert & Temple/Court NDI Representatives

Identifying Candidates

Deputies of/for the Desert and Illustrious Potentates/Commandresses are tasked with appointing NDI Representatives. These individuals will be carrying the load towards the implementation of the NDI program for their respective Desert and Temple.

The appointee should be a reliable Noble/Daughter who has either some Public Health background or Temple program management background. We recommend these two backgrounds because of the familiarity with both Public Health initiatives as well as their ability to ensure that programs can get off the ground effectively and are efficiently run.

The appointees will be responsible for representing the AEAONMS in entirety for their particular location in their domain. We will supply informational materials for the appointees to support their work on the NDI.


Deputies of/for the Desert, once youve appointed a Desert Representative, you are required to inform the Secretary of the Imperial NDI Committee at ([email protected]) of your selection and immediately provide a copy of this publication to the appointee.

Additionally, Illustrious Potentates/Commandresses, once youve appointed your Temple/Court Representative, you are required to inform the Deputy of/for the Desert and the Desert NDI Representative of your selection and immediately provide a copy of this publication to the appointee.Duties of the Desert NDI Representative

Duties of the Desert NDI Representatives include but are not limited to:

The responsibility of keeping up to date with the NDI program activities of the Temples/Court within your Desert; Identification and projection of likely levels of participation in the NDI program from each Temple within the Desert; Assessing and directing NDI Temple/Court Representatives on Imperial requirements for the NDI program annually; and, Training and coordination of all Temple/Court NDI Representatives for his Desert.Duties of the Temple/Court NDI Representative

Duties of the Temple/Court NDI Representatives include but are not limited to: Organizing and hosting all Temple NDI activities (Prince Hall Shriners National Diabetes Walk/Run, Fundraisers, etc...);

Handling the fundraising efforts for the Temple/Court ensuring they are submitted to the AEAONMS (Ensure your Temple/Court raises $500 for the NDI); and, Attending training at Imperial, Desert and or Regional training seminars.Prince Hall Shriners National Diabetes Initiative Walk/Run

Each Temple/Court is required to participate in the Annual Walk/Run in their local Oasis. The Walk/Run will take place on the Saturday preceding Jubilee Day of each year. The rationale for this day is to have each Temple/Court participate in our National Program in concert with the entire organization.

The Annual Diabetes Walk/Run is a time to have a large fundraiser each year to encompass the NDI. It creates an avenue to host a public walk or run in your communities, either in a park or community center to highlight Diabetes and its impact on our communities.

The Temples have a support mechanism in the National Diabetes Initiative Committee by requesting their assistance in educational forums and/or public health symposiums proceeding, during or after the Diabetes Walk Rally.

Year-Round Temple Activities

The NDI Program is set up to be a constant community service project for the each Temple. It is an all-in-one program that is simple to conduct. The following events can serve as boilerplate activities for your local Temple.

SAMPLE YEAR-ROUND TEMPLE NDI ACTIVITIES Utilize the Imperial NDI Committee as much as possible

Ensure Churches and Houses of Worship get information on Diabetes

Plan a Diabetes Symposium and have ADA speakers

Co-sponsor events the local ADA are hosting having Temple constituencies present

Maintain local support from the City and/or County Departments of Health

Report, Highlight & Publish

Like every other Temple in the Domain, it really doesnt matter what youre working on if you cant highlight what youve done! The Pyramid Magazine is one of the best sounding boards for the Nobility to Strut Their Stuff.

Weve identified some best practices in getting the word out on what your Temple is doing during the year. Not only do we want you to report good things but also, what hasnt worked in the program. We cant properly re-evaluate the program without knowing what does and does not work.

The following are some recommendations towards getting your message out:

Ensure that you regularly report your activities for publication in the Pyramid Magazine;

Highlight what has worked, what didnt work and where you think the program could improve;

Utilize pre-drafted press releases to get local television and newspapers to cover the National Diabetes Walk/Run;

There is nothing better than boosting your public relations efforts than being in the local media;

This can create additional opportunities for NEW membership; and,

Archive events by videotaping and publishing on on YouTube or social media platforms such as FaceBook, MySpace, or aeaonms.ning.com.

REPORT, REPORT, REPORTBudgeting for Your Temple Activities

The NDI Program is set up to be an economically efficient undertaking for each Temple/Court. It is an imperative as the NDI Representative that you ask your Potentate/Commandress to add you to his/her annual budget. The budget required for the NDI program is rather modest and should not pull too hard on the purse strings of the Temple/Court.

The following can serve as a boilerplate budget for local Temple/Court NDI activities.

Projected Expenses Cost


Walk T-Shirts$1,500.00




Total Projected Expenses$5,000.00

Projected IncomeCost

Budgeted allowance$5,000.00

Walk Registration (150 @ $15)$2,250.00


Projected Income$9,750.00

Total Projected Profit$4,750.00

The budget amount for the NDI program can be defrayed by seeking out local sponsors.


How to Publicize in the Local Media


For Immediate Release




Prince Hall Shriners Hosting Diabetes Rally

African American Fraternity Fights to Educate Community on Impact of Diabetes on People of Color [INSERT YOUR CITY, STATE] Today the Prince Hall Shriners [INSERT TEMPLE NAME] announced they would be hosting their [INSERT YOUR EVENTS NAME]. The event will kick off its public health campaign to defeat Diabetes in the African American community.

The Shriners will hold a Walk/Run to get the community involved to educate them on diabetes and jump start a community exercise event. They will be collecting monetary donations to support the Prince Hall Shriners and their national partners the American Diabetes Association (ADA).

The Shriners (AEAONMS) entered into a strategic partnership with the American Diabetes Association. The partnership is one in which the Shriners agreed to act as a fundraiser (with hopes of reaching a $1 million dollar goal in 10 years) and act as a public advocate for the ADA on all issues regarding minorities and diabetes. In return, the ADA agreed to supply the Shriners with educational materials to educate their Temples, membership and communities of color on diabetes and how to live with the disease.

The collaboration between our two organizations is truly historic, said [INSERT NAME], [INSERT TEMPLE/COURT NAME] Diabetes Initiative Representative. We are afforded the chance to raise much need dollars for minority research on diabetes which is one of the main issues impacting the health of our communities.

The event will take place promptly at:





The Shriners will also be giving handouts on diabetes and serving diabetes appropriate snacks out to the general public. They will also be conducting a [INSERT HOW WALK WILL BE] Walk that will start at {INSERT LOCATION] and will end at [INSERT LOCATION].

The Prince Hall Shriners (Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles Mystic Shrine) is a non-profit 501(c) (8) tax exempt fraternal society whose main function is to be an aid to the African American Community and Communities of Color at-large. They are supported in their philanthropic efforts by the Prince Hall Shriners Foundation.

The Prince Hall Shriners Foundation, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt organization whose mission statement is: A helping hand to our Communities. PHSFs mission is to raise funds to financially support and assist Prince Hall Shriners national programs: National Diabetes Initiative, Shriners As Mentors and the Student Aid Program.


It is suggested that you begin planning your speaking engagement at least 3 months in advance so that you can be prepared with any necessary brochures, flyers, and/or audio-visuals. If you are presenting to a senior group, it is important to contact the church in September or October so that you can be included in their program schedule. From past experience, this program presentation has been well received and, if carefully prepared, can be a most enjoyable and enlightening experience. You should also ADA to attend since they may field some questions that the Seniors might not be aware of. BE PREPARED, and DONT TRY TO WING IT!!! Careful organization of your presentation will help guarantee that you have covered your main points clearly and concisely. A sample speech has been prepared which you might wish to utilize. If you prefer to write your own speech, the best way is to first review the material you are presenting and then create an outline.

Focus on three to five points on which you want to concentrate. Evaluate each point and be sure that it supports your message. Present only one point at a time in order to maintain attention and avoid confusion. Explain each point, clarify and support your explanation. AVOID TECHNICAL or UNFAMILIAR TERMS. Maintain eye contact. When you are ready to conclude be sure to review your main points. Keep the conclusion simple, short and, most importantly, end in a positive note! PRESENTATION: Your actual presentation need not be done under formal conditions. A stage and podium are often intimidating and can put distance between the speaker and the audience. However, a microphone is helpful when you are in a large room. Stepping around the podium and moving closer to your audience gives a feeling of friendliness and sincerity. If a smaller group is present, chairs may be arranged in a semi- circle and a more casual approach may be taken. If you are going to be part of a career night you will have to tailor your presentation to accommodate the cafeteria style arrangement. Dress may be either up or down but jeans and shorts are not appropriate. A sharp, attractive appearance lends credibility to your purpose. REHEARSAL: Practice is essential for a polished and successful presentation. The following tips may be helpful: Review the CD-ROM and other visual aids Allow time for modification. Practice enough so that you have time to evaluate and revise your presentation as needed. Dont memorize. Use your notes. Ad libbing is fine, but with notes you always have a place to go. Stress IDEAS not WORDS. Remember central ideas and their order. So that if you loose your place, you can always continue in a logical order. Be sincere. Let the practice session duplicate speaking situations as much as possible. Critique yourself. Use cassette or videotape. Practice in front of a friend or family member and ask for HONEST feedback. TIME YOURSELF! No more than ten or fifteen minutes of presentation (shorter if you will be presenting at a cafeteria style career night) in order to allow for questions afterwards. Leave your audience wanting just a bit more information rather than boring them with too much. Remember that it is normal to be nervous. Just take a deep breath and try to focus on the message and the audience instead of yourself. DELIVERY: Make it a show of confidence Take it slowly. Walk slowly and confidently to the podiumpause and establish eye contact. Speak from notes. Maintain eye contact. Throughout your presentation, take time to look up and focus on different areas. Be flexible. Pay attention to the listeners reaction and adapt your delivery if necessary. DONT RUSH! Relax. Novice speakers usually speak too quickly. Take a breath, sip some water. Make a good recovery. If you make a mistake, just relax, SMILE and continue on. Avoid a monotone. Be interested in your message and you will be interesting. End with confidence. Leave a positive image with your audience. Know your ending sentence well and look up at your audience as you finish. Be sure to ask for and encourage questions at the end of your presentation. Pass your literature around at the end of the presentation ONLY! VISUAL AIDS: Remember that YOU are your best visual aid! NO chart, graph, slide or object can replace a good delivery or well-written speech. Remember MURPHYS LAW when using visual aids. Be sure to check all equipment before your presentation. Only show visual aids when you are talking about them then explain. Direct your attention and energy toward the audience and not the visual aid. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Anticipate possible questions and prepare appropriate answers stressing the positive! Look each questioner in the eye as you listen to the question. REPEAT the question for all to hear and to make sure you understand the question. If the question is of a negative nature, defuse the negative language. Be sure to make eye contact, looking at several people in the room while answering the question. Take your time.

Youll do great! Be confident! Sample Speech

Note to speaker: You may wish to begin your presentation with a short survey of your participants. Ask them what they know about Diabetes, or do they know anyone who has Diabetes? This can serve as an icebreaker and might help to relax you as well. If you choose to do this, be sure that whatever question you ask, you will be prepared to answer! Introduction: LOOK AROUND YOU. EACH OF YOU HAS SOMETHING IN COMMON. YOU ARE THINKING ABOUT YOUR HEALTH AND WONDERING A VARIETY OF POSSIBLE PATHS, ALTERNATIVES AND HEALTH CARE CHOICES REGARDING FIGHTING AND/OR LIVING WITH DIABETES. DIABETES OFFERS AFRICAN-AMERICANS AN OFTEN INOPPORTUNE CHANCE TO RE-EVALUATE HOW WE LIVE OUR LIVES. SOME OF YOU MAY FEEL DIABETES IS A DEATH SENTENCE, NOT A DECISION, BUT MOST PEOPLE WITH DIABETES TODAY HAVE MADE THEIR DECISION TO MAKE THEIR CONDITION PART OF THEIR DAILY LIFE. DIABETES AFFECTS MORE THAN 26 MILLION PEOPLE IN THE UNITED STATES. . ALARMINGLY, ONE THIRD OF THE PEOPLE WITH DIABETES ARE NOT AWARE THAT THEY HAVE DIABETES. TYPE 2 DIABETES, WHICH ACCOUNTS FOR OVER 90% OF THE CASES OF DIABETES, AFFECTS PEOPLE OF COLOR DISPORTIONATELY. AFRICAN AMERIANS, HISPANICS AND NATIVE AMERICANS HAVE RATES OF DIABETES THAT ARE HIGHER THAN THEIR WHITE COUNTERPARTS. Symptoms of Diabetes The classic signs and symptoms of diabetes include excessive urination, excessive thirst, and excessive hunger. Depending of the type of diabetes, weight loss may also occur. Diagnosis There are several ways to diagnose diabetes, however the most common method is the Fasting Blood Glucose Test. This test is performed by your doctor. Chronic Complications Uncontrolled, diabetes is associated with chronic complications which can lead to blindness, kidney failure, amputations, erectile dysfunction, heart attack and stroke. Treatment There is no cure for diabetes. However, through health eating, exercise and effective use of medication, diabetes can be controlled. In fact, when diabetes is effectively controlled, the risk for development of the chronic complications is significantly reduced. Prevention The good news is that Type 2 diabetes can be prevented. Effective prevention is centered on lifestyle interventions which include healthy eating and physical exercise.MANAGING DIABEES CAN BE AN OVERWEHLMING. DIABETES SELF-MANAGMENT EDUCATION AND ACCESS TO A SOUND SUPPORT NETWORK IS CRITICAL. HEALTHCARE PROVIDERS, FAMILY, AND FRIENDS CAN ALL CONTRIBUTE IN REDUCING THE BURDERN OF THE DISEASE. OVERALL, THE PATIENT WITH DIABETES MUST BE ENGAGED AND FULLY INVOLVED IN THE MANAGEMENT OF THE DISEASE. Sample Temple NDI Event Documents


Diabetes prevention is proven, possible, and powerful!BackgroundDiabetes is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States. While this disease transcends all racial and ethnic boundaries, it has a higher prevalence among minority populations, especially African Americans. Recent reports by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicate diabetes affects 24 million people in the United States. Additionally, another 57 million have pre-diabetes. Ethnic minorities continue to be disproportionately impacted by the disease.

National Call to Action

In 2008, Imperial Potentate Oliver Washington and the Imperial Divan of the Prince Hall Shriners (AEAONMS) initiated talks with the American Diabetes Association (ADA) to contemplate a collaborative effort for a philanthropic partnership. The establishment of the National Diabetes Initiative, a public health program aimed at increasing the publics knowledge and awareness of diabetes and its complications, was the direct result of this collaborative.

Local Response

In August 2009, Ahmed Temple #37 launched an aggressive response to the national call to action. The inaugural Stepping for Diabetes was held in September 2009. This event which featured a fun walk followed by free health screenings was a unique collaboration between Ahmed Temple and Florida A&M University (FAMU) College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences.

In addition to the annual Stepping for Diabetes event, Ahmed Temple is involved in ongoing initiatives aimed at reducing the burden of diabetes. Some of these events include distribution of diabetes health education information at FAMU football games, providing prescription vouchers to uninsured patients at Neighborhood Health Services to offset the cost of medication and glucose strips, and visiting local churches to share information on ways to prevent diabetes.

Stepping for Diabetes 2010

Stepping for Diabetes is scheduled for Saturday, June 5, 2010. The event will feature a 5 mile fun walk beginning promptly at 8 AM at the FAMU New Pharmacy building located at 1415 South Martin Luther King Blvd. Free health screenings and seminars will be offered beginning at 10AM in the New Pharmacy Building.

To be successful, this event depends upon donations from area businesses and organizations such as yours. We would like to invite your company to be part of this exciting event by serving as an event sponsor. A detailed description of the available sponsorship levels along with a sponsorship application are provided on separate inserts included in this package. Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law. Ahmed Temple is a 501(c) (3) organization. If you have additional questions pertaining to the Diabetes Walk, please contact:

Dr. Otis W. Kirksey, Event Coordinator

(850) 284-6873

Platinum Sponsor: $2,500 gift

Recognition at the Diabetes Walk during opening ceremonies

Recognition as Platinum Sponsor in all promotional material*

Promotional table provided at Walk

Sponsor-provided signage displayed at Walk

Logo on back of diabetes Walk t-shirtGold Sponsor: $1,000 gift

Recognition at the Diabetes Walk during opening ceremonies

Recognition as Gold Sponsor in all promotional material*

Sponsor-provided signage displayed at Walk

Logo on back of Diabetes Walk t-shirtSilver Sponsor: $500 gift

Recognition at the Diabetes Walk during opening ceremonies

Recognition as Silver Sponsor in all promotional material*

Logo on back of Diabetes Walk t-shirt

Bronze Sponsor: $250 giftRecognition as Bronze Sponsor in all promotional material*Logo on back of Diabetes Walk t-shirt

Your donation is tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.

(Insert Temple#) is a non-profit 501(c) (3) organization.

Yes, I/we would like to be a sponsor for Stepping for Diabetes 2010 at the following level: $2,500 Platinum Sponsor

$1,000 Gold Sponsor

$500 Silver Sponsor

$250 Bronze Sponsor

Please make check payable to Ahmed Temple #37 I/we cannot be a sponsor but would like to participate in the Stepping for Diabetes 2010. Please see my area(s) of interest indicated below and respond accordingly. Thank you!

____ Donate a product/service (water, food, signage, printing, etc.)

____ I/we would like to form a walking team, please send a registration package

Description of product/services to be donated ____________________________________Please complete the sponsorship commitment form below and mail to: (INSERT ADDRESS) (Attention: INSERT CONTACT)------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Company Name _______________________________________________

Contact name _________________________________________________

Address: _____ _______________________________________________

Street City ST Zip _______________________________________________________

Home phone:__________________ Work phone: ____________________Email address _________________________________________________

Amount Enclosed _____________Please make your check payable to (INSERT TEMPLE NUMBER)


June 5, 2010

1. I wish to participate in the Ahmed Temples Stepping for Diabetes 2010 (Event). I understand that my execution of this Waiver and Release is a prerequisite for participation in the Event. I further understand that there are risks and dangers inherent in participating in the Event.

2. I understand that in order to be allowed to participate in the Event, I agree to assume all risks and to release and hold harmless Ahmed Temple #37, the Prince Hall Shriners Foundation, and their officers, agents, employees, assigns, successors in interest, contractors, vendors (and their agents), agencies, sponsors, officials and volunteers, including walk leaders, participating communities and clubs and all governmental and public entities including, but not limited to, the State, County and local municipalities where the events take place (collectively the Released Parties).

3. I intend by this Waiver and Release to release, in advance, and to waive my rights and discharge all of the persons and entities mentioned above, from any and all claims for damages for death, personal injury or property damage which I may have, or which may hereafter accrue to me as a result of my participation in the Event, even though this liability may arise from negligence or carelessness on the part of the persons or entities being released, from dangerous or defective property or equipment owned, maintained or controlled by them or because of their possible liability without fault. I understand and agree that this Waiver and Release is binding on my heirs, assigns, and legal representatives.

4. I understand that I am solely responsible for my health and safety, and I acknowledge that I am physically capable of participating in and completing this Event.

5. I agree to allow Ahmed Temple #37, and their contractors, agencies and sponsors, the use of my name and likeness in connection with Diabetes Walk 2010: Stepping For Diabetes, for any purpose related to advertising or promotion of the event worldwide in perpetuity in all forms of media now and forever known.

6. Should any portion of this Waiver and Release be judicially determined invalid, voidable or unenforceable, for any reason,

7. I have carefully read this Waiver and Release and fully understand its contents. If I am under 18 years of age at the time of registration, my parent or legal guardian has completely reviewed this Waiver and Release, understands and consents to its terms, and authorizes my participation by his/her signature below. I am aware that this is a RELEASE OF LIABILITY and a contract between me and the persons and entities mentioned above and I sign of my own free will.

Signature: _______________________________________ Date: _________________

Signature of parent or guardian if participant is under 18 years of age (Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by their parent or guardian).

Parent Signature: _____________________________ Date: ________________________

(Please turn page over for Registration Form)

Individual Team

Registration Fee: $20 per person

Name ___________________________________________________________

Address _________________________________________________________

City _____________________ State ____________ Zip _________________

Phone _________________________ Alt Phone ________________________

Email ___________________________________________________________

For team registrations please print the names of each participating member.

*Each team member must submit a separate signed waiver form

Total Amount Submitted: _________________

NDI WEBSITEAll NDI Reports, as well as this manual are available as links from the Imperial web site, www.aeaonms.org as well as from the NDI website, http://aeaonms-ndi.blogspot.comNDI REPORTSThe NDI Committee has created several report forms that make it quick and easy for Temples and Courts to report NDI related activities on both a Monthly and an Annual Basis. The Monthly Report has not been implemented as of this date, however the planned monthly report is available for viewing and your practice on the NDI website. A sample of the report is shown in the SAMPLE REPORTS section.The Annual Report is an active report, available on both the Imperial website and the NDI website, that should be completed by All Temples and Courts no later than July 15th of each year. A sample of the report is shown in the SAMPLE REPORTS section. Click HERE to link directly to the report which must be submitted on-lineThe Desert Data Report is an active report, also available on both the Imperial website and the NDI website. This report is to be completed for EACH Desert by the Deputy of the Desert and updated whenever there is a change in the information. A sample of the report is shown in the SAMPLE REPORTS section. Click HERE to link directly to the report which must be submitted on-lineSAMPLE NDI REPORT FORMS DESERT DATA SUBMISSION

Deputy Of The Deserts

NDI Directors Contact Information

Contact Information

Section for Comments and Suggestions (Optional)

Click the Submit button to submit the report. You may

print the report however our system cant accept hard copies

of the report, it MUST be submitted on-line


Initial inputs are all simple and easy,

For Activity Categories it is very important

simply select from pull down lists

to enter something in EACH field. Enter a ZERO for EACH FIELD if there was no activity for that category

These fields are required, to ensure that we can correct input

when needed by contacting the proper person

Click the Submit button to submit the report. You may

print the report however our system cant accept hard copies

of the report, it MUST be submitted on-line


Initial inputs are all simple and easy,

For Activity Categories it is very important

simply select from pull down lists

to enter something in EACH field. Enter a ZERO for EACH FIELD if there was no activity for that category

These fields are required, to ensure that we can correct input

when needed by contacting the proper person

Click the Submit button to submit the report. You may

print the report however our system cant accept hard copies

of the report, it MUST be submitted on-line

Revised July 22, 2013


NDI Walk/Run

8:00 - Walk Staging/Registration

9:00 - Temple, Public Health and ADA Speakers (5 mins each)

9:30 - Two (2) mile walk around park, school, track or community center

10:30 - Attendee refreshment staging at end of walk

11:00 - Public Rally: Music, Refreshments highlighting Diabetes


Tallahassee, Florida

Stepping for Diabetes

Diabetes Walk 2010

Participants of the Diabetes Walk 2009 were treated to a variety of healthy snacks as well as free health screenings, provided by Florida A&M University College of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical

Stepping for Diabetes 2010

Sponsorship Levels

Stepping for Diabetes 2010

Sponsorship Application


Tallahassee, Florida

Stepping for Diabetes

Diabetes Walk 2010

Ahmed Temple #37

Stepping For Diabetes 2010

Release of Liability

Ahmed Temple #37

Stepping for Diabetes 2010

Participant Registration Form and Waiver

National Diabetes Initiative 2239 Democrat Road Memphis, TN 38132 T 202.596.1914 F 202.833.8945 [email protected] of report1Name of report1