2013 12 parish magazine (dec13&jan14) v2 0 (webcopy)

Parish Magazine December 2013 & January 2014 Castleford Team Parish 50p


Parish Magazine Dec 2013 & Jan 2014

Transcript of 2013 12 parish magazine (dec13&jan14) v2 0 (webcopy)

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Parish Magazine December 2013 & January 2014

Castleford Team Parish


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Editor, Magazine & Pew Sheets (including Diary Dates): Andrew Goyns, 01924 898593

[email protected]

Parish Office: (Enquiries for Baptisms) Saturdays at 10.00-10.30am at All Saint’s Church, Castleford.

CLERGY Rector:

Fr. Michael Wood, 01977 518127 The Rectory, 15 Barnes Road, Castleford WF10 5AA [email protected]

Team Vicar:

Fr. Mark Watkins, 01977 511659 The Vicarage, St Michaels Close, Castleford WF10 4EY [email protected]

Asst. Curate:

Fr. Kevin Greaves, 01977 512404 The Vicarage, Churchfield Lane, Glasshoughton WF10 4BP [email protected]

Polish Priest: Fr. Greg Ruszczynski, 07842 883648

Parish Reader: Phillip Godfrey 01924 267698

Lay Pastoral Minister: Mrs Lynda Maw 01977 518078

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December 2013 & January 2014 THE RECTOR’S LETTER

Dear Friends,

It does feel as though we have just been through it and got over it and now it is here again.

Although Christmas comes but once a year it takes such a lot of getting ready for and an awful lot of getting over so much so that the bit in the middle is all but ignored.

We start with Advent, the season of coming, the time of getting ready. We are getting ready for Christmas but we are also getting ready to greet Jesus when he comes again.

We then have Christmas when we celebrate the birth of the baby who is the saviour of the world.

Last of all we have the showing, the revealing of the light and the call to worship.

Such a lot, little wonder it seems to take all year.

With all of the rushing round and as the two ends meet in the middle we as Christians above all else mustn’t lose the middle. If the church loses Jesus from Christmas then we really have lost. This year each church is being given £100 from the bishop to use for a project of their choosing. We are using some of the money given to us for advertising our Christmas services by having cards distributed around the new estate in Whitwood and in Glasshoughton – 2000 properties in all. I think this is an interesting project. It may be that it brings more people into our services, (I really hope so) but just as importantly it will also show that our churches are open and active.

(continued on page 4)

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December 2013 & January 2014

(continued from page 3)

We are told each year that a dog isn’t just for Christmas but actually Christmas isn’t just for Christmas it is for everyday for the year. As we sing ‘Come to us, abide with us’ so that should become our pray-er for Christmas and for every day and if Jesus makes himself known to us then we also should feel the need to make him known to those around us. So get ready, celebrate at home but also celebrate in church as well and then shout about it, telling others just how good it is to have the Christ-child in your life.

Have a prayerful Advent, a happy Christmas and a peaceful New Year.

With my love and prayers

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December 2013 & January 2014  

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December 2013 & January 2014

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December 2013 & January 2014 THREE VERY SIGNIFICANT THANK YOUS

It is with sadness that the Saturday Coffee Mornings at Hightown have come to an end. Over the years they have provided valuable fellowship and support as well as making much needed contributions to church funds and local charities. Thank you for all the hard work which has gone into them, for the time taken to ensure that the cakes and scones were ready and for being willing to be there.

Another massive thank you is to Colin, after many years he has decided that it is time to stand down as PCC Treasurer. Colin has been a very faithful and diligent treasurer during a time of great change. It is much easier to be treasurer in a parish where there is money than in one where there isn't. No matter what the problem or opportunity Colin has risen to it. He has certainly made the work of the clergy easier and for that I am very grateful for all that he has done.

And finally a word of thanks to Arnold Randall who has for many years administered the Gift Day on behalf of the Team and has been instrumental in bringing about our largest fund raising event of the year with many thousands of pounds raised over the years. He also has decided that it is time to bring his involvement in Gift Day to an end. We are very grateful for all that he has done. It does not mean that Gift Day will come to an end; simply that it will be under new management and will probably take a slightly different form in the future.

Three very significant thank yous. All churches depend upon good-will just as much as they depend upon finance. We are thankful to those who help to raise money, those who administer it and to those who support us over the year with their gestures of good-will.

Fr M.

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December 2013 & January 2014 CROSSWORD


1 Provisional meeting place of God and the Jews (Exodus 25:9) (10) 7 David’s third son, killed when his head got caught in a tree during a battle with his father (2 Samuel 18:14–15) (7) 8 They ruled much of the west coast of South America in the 15th and early 16th centuries (5) 10 Small deer of European and Asian extraction (4) 11 Seized control of (Numbers 21:25) (8) 13 Terror (Luke 24:5) (6) 15 First World War hero-ine shot by the Germans in Brussels, Nurse Edith — (6) 17 Stormy (8) 18 A bitter variety of this, together with lamb and unleavened bread, was the Passover menu for anyone ‘unclean’ (Numbers 9:11) (4) 21 Arson (anag.) (5) 22 How John Newton described God’s grace in his well-known hymn (7) 23 Habitation (Isaiah 27:10) (10)


1 ‘ — and see that the Lord is good’ (Psalm 34:8) (5) 2 ‘The wicked man flees though no one pursues, but the righteous are as — as a li-on’ (Proverbs 28:1) (4) 3 One of the exiles, a descendant of Parosh, who married a foreign woman (Ezra 10:25) (6) 4 He escaped from Nob when Saul killed the rest of his family and joined David (1 Samuel 22:19–20) (8) 5 City and lake in Central Switzerland (7) 6 ‘Offer your bodies as living — , holy and pleasing to God’ (Romans 12:1) (10) 9 Pouches carried by horses (Genesis 49:14) (10) 12 One who accepts government by God (8) 14 Aromatic substance commonly used in Jewish ritual (Exodus 30:1) (7) 16 He asked Jesus, ‘What is truth?’ (John 18:38) (6) 19 Are (Romans 13:1) (5) 20 ‘You are to give him the name Jesus, because he will — his people from their sins’ (Matthew 1:21) (4)

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December 2013 & January 2014 PUZZLES

WORDSEARCH This month the Christmas Story will be read and reread by hundreds of millions of people around the world: how the shepherds were in the fields of Bethlehem when the angels appeared with the astonishing news that the Messiah had been born! How many words from the Christmas Story can you find? Baby, Trees, Jesus, Nativity, Shepherds, Angels, Donkey, Sheep, Inn, Manger, Mary, Virgin, Joseph, Star, Hallelujah, Heavenly host, Turkey, Holly, Presents, Mistletoe, Stuffing, Puddings & Carols.


Solutions on page 25

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December 2013 & January 2014 The Rev Dr Gary Bowness continues his tongue-in-cheek letters from ‘Uncle Eustace’…


The Rectory St James the Least of All My dear Nephew Darren Carol singing is not what it used to be. My fond memories of a group of choristers, muffled in scarves and overcoats, carrying lanterns and walking from door to door in the snow, as they sang ‘While shep-herds watched …’ had to be suddenly revised when I saw your own music group, in T-shirts inscribed with ‘Jesus loves You’, singing ‘Little donkey’, in your shopping centre. I suspect any money you raised would just about have paid for the electricity used to power your banks of electronic equipment. Singing in the main square of the Centre next to the fountain may have looked good, but it seemed to mean that the choirmen were obliged to make constant trips to the lavatory. Here at St. James the Least of All, carol singing is regarded as a staff perk for the choir; the year when the Boys’ Brigade tried to break their monopoly was suppressed with a ruthlessness that would have impressed Genghis Kahn. Our annual carol-singing route involves months of meticulous plan-ning. We find that a transparent collection box is vital, so that do-nors can see what earlier patrons have given. This means that those who are bound to put in notes must be visited first – ‘pour encourager les autres’. It also needs a detachable base, so that if coppers are given, they can be removed from sight before the next call. Those homes that contain several children are visited just after bed-time, so that parents will give generously simply to get the choir to go somewhere else. Veiled threats to stay and sing more carols

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December 2013 & January 2014 (Continued from page 10)

(unless they give generously) are usually very effective. Getting whoever looks the most innocent and photogenic to ring the bell and ask for money is a far more subtle way of ensuring a donation than planting any number of mafia lookalikes (such as our church treasurer) on the doorstep. The choir always finishes its evening at the local pub – but again, the timing has to be carefully managed. Too early and there will only be the landlord, his wife and their Labrador to listen; too late and people will be so full of Christmas cheer that any carols will be hi-jacked and become the equivalent of back-of-the bus rugby songs. I am never entirely sure what charity our choristers collect for, but the fact that all the men return to the pub once the boys are taken home does rather give one pause for thought.

Your loving uncle,


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December 2013 & January 2014 SUNDAY READINGS FOR DECEMBER

1st December - The First Sunday of Advent (P) Isaiah: 2: 1-5; Psalm : 122: Romans: 13: 11-14 Matthew: 24: 36-44; 8th December - The Second Sunday of Advent (P) Isaiah: 11: 1-10; Psalm: 72: 1-7, 18-19; Romans: 15; 4-13; Matthew: 3: 1-12;

15th December - The Third Sunday of Advent (P) Isaiah: 35: 1-10; Canticle: The Magnificat; James: 5: 7-10; Matthew: 11: 2-11;

22nd December - The Fourth Sunday of Advent (P) Isaiah: 7: 10-16; Psalm: 80: 1-8, 18-20; Romans: 1: 1-7; Matthew: 1: 18-end;

29th December - The First Sunday of Christmas (W) Isaiah: 63: 7-9; Psalm: 148; Hebrews: 2: 10-end; Matthew: 2: 13-end. 

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December 2013 & January 2014 READINGS FOR CHRISTMAS

24th December - CHRISTMAS EVE First Mass of Christmas (W)

Isaiah: 9: 2-7 Psalm: 96; Titus: 2: 11-14 Luke: 2: 1-20;

25th December - CHRISTMAS DAY (W)

Isaiah: 62: 6-end; Psalm: 97; Titus: 3; 4-7; Luke: 2: 1-20;

26th December - ST STEPHEN, Deacon, First Martyr (R) 2 Chronicles: 24: 20-22; Psalm: 119: 161-168; Acts: 7: 51-end; Matthew: 10: 17-22;

28th December - THE HOLY INNOCENTS (W) Jeremiah: 63: 7-9; Psalm: 124; 1 Corinthians: 1: 26-29; Matthew: 2: 13-18.  

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December 2013 & January 2014






For those who use a computer, are you aware that the parish has a website? You can now view the weekly Pew Sheets online and the Diary Dates and Calendar are up to date. You should notice a few other changes over the next few months as pages are updated.

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December 2013 & January 2014 READINGS FOR JANUARY

1st January - The Naming of Jesus (W) Numbers: 6: 22-end; Psalm : 8; Galatians: 4: 4-7 Luke: 2: 15-21; 5th January - The Second Sunday of Christmas (W) Jeremiah: 31: 7-14; Psalm: 147: 13-end; Ephesians: 1: 3-14; John: 1: 10-18;

6th January - THE EPIPHANY (W) Isaiah: 60: 1-6; Psalm: 72; Ephesians: 3: 1-12; Matthew: 2: 1-12;

12th January - THE BAPTISM OF CHRIST (W) The First Sunday of Epiphany Isaiah: 42: 1-9; Psalm: 29; Acts: 10: 34-43; Matthew: 3: 13-end;

19th January - The Second Sunday of Epiphany (W) Isaiah: 49: 1-7; Psalm: 40: 1-12; 1 Corinthians: 1; 1-9; John: 1: 29-42

26th January - The Conversion of Paul (W) Jeremiah: 1: 4-10; Psalm: 67; Acts 9: 9; 1-22; Matthew: 19: 27-end. 

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December 2013 & January 2014

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December 2013 & January 2014

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OPPORTUNITY FOR CHARITIES The UK's only Fairtrade charity Advent calendar with a free copy of the Christmas story in the box is set to raise £25,000 for the Chil-dren's Society. The Real Advent Calendar has a window for each day of December, behind which is a Belgian chocolate star and a line from the Christ-mas story. The Advent calendar is the latest in a line of products from the Meaningful Chocolate Company, following the success of the Real Easter Egg, launched in 2011. More than £100,000 has now been raised for charitable projects. Tesco is the only supermarket stocking the calendar this year. The Archbishop of York, Dr John Sentamu said: “The Real Advent Calen-dar offers a unique way to share the Christmas story while support-ing The Children’s Society and Fairtrade. I believe it will be widely welcomed by all.” He is urging people to buy a Real Advent calendar this year.

HAPPY SAINTS IN THE STADIUM The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Most Revd Justin Welby, gave his support to Saints in the Stadium, the recent National Day of Prayer and Worship. It took place at the iconic Langtree Rugby ground in St Helens and saw thousands of Christians meet for an afternoon of worship, repentance and prayer for the nation. The Archbishop said it was “exciting” to have so many Christians from such a wide spectrum of church traditions gathering “simply to rejoice in God’s presence”.

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December 2013 & January 2014 JOHN BUNYAN GOES TO RUSSIA....

Family Life Network’s Russian partners have begun production on ‘Land of the Golden Sun’, their most recent televised addition to Rus-sian-language Christian media. Based on John Bunyan's classic Chris-tian allegory, The Pilgrim's Progress, and using puppets, the pro-gramme encourages children and their families to abandon their bur-dens on their journey towards an eternal home. Details at: www.fln.ca/Russia

THE BIBLE COMES TO CHANNEL 5 THIS DECEMBER This month (December) sees the launch of THE BIBLE, a mini-series to be broadcast on Channel 5. It will be followed by a Blu-ray and DVD release by Fox. From Genesis to Revelation, THE BIBLE series features some of the most famous stories, such as Noah's Ark, the Exodus and Daniel in the Lion's Den, to the crucifixion and resurrec-tion of Jesus. Visit www.thebibleuk.org/resources

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December 2013 & January 2014

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December 2013 & January 2014 HIGH DAYS AND HOLY DAYS FOR DECEMBER

3 Francis Xavier, Missionary, Apostle to the Indies, 1552

4 John of Damascus, Monk, Teacher of the Faith, c.749

Nicholas Ferrar, Deacon,

Founder of the Little Gidding Community, 1637

6 Nicholas, Bishop of Myra, c.326

7 Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, Teacher of the Faith, 397

13 Lucy, Martyr at Syracuse, 304

Samuel Johnson, Moralist, 1784

14 John of the Cross, Poet, Teacher of the Faith, 1591

17 O Sapientia

Eglantine Jebb, Social Reformer, Founder of Save the Children, 1928

24 Christmas Eve


26 Stephen, Deacon, First Martyr

27 John, Apostle and Evangelist

28 The Holy Innocents

31 John Wycliffe, Theologian, Reformer, 1384

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December 2013 & January 2014 DIARY DATES DECEMBER/JANUARY


Sunday 1st 6.30pm Advent Carols at Hightown followed by sherry

Thursday 12th 7.00pm PCC Meeting at St Michaels

Tuesday 17th 9.30am & 11.00am Park Junior School Christmas Services at St Pauls, Glasshoughton

Thursday 19th 7.00pm Learning Together - Beginnings continues at St Michaels Vicarage

Monday 23rd 10.00am Parent & Toddler Group Nativity & Part y at St Pauls, Glasshoughton (see page 19 for details)

Monday 30th 11am-1pm Holiday Activity Session at St Pauls, Glasshoughton - Children up to age 10. JANUARY

Wednesday 1st THE NAMING OF JESUS 10.00am Mass at St Pauls, Glasshoughton No Mass at Hightown this evening

Monday 6th THE EPIPHANY 7.30pm Sung Mass at Castleford


Monday 20th 7.00pm PCC Meeting at St Pauls

Wednesday 22nd Churches Together AGM at The Salvation Army 7.00pm for 7.30pm

Saturday 25th FEAST OF ST PAUL 12noon Said Mass at St Pauls, Glasshoughton followed by a bowl of soup

Sunday 26th 10.00am Parish Mass at St Pauls, Glasshoughton Celebrant & Preacher is Bishop Tony. The service will be followed by a bring & share lunch

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December 2013 & January 2014 PUZZLE SOLUTIONS


ACROSS: 1, Cock. 3, Shackles. 8, Play. 9, Paradise. 11, Faithfully. 14, Enmesh. 15, Unseen. 17, Armageddon. 20, Benjamin. 21, Beri. 22, Capitals. 23, USPG.

DOWN: 1, Cup of tea. 2, Charisma. 4, Heap up. 5, Challenged. 6, Lois. 7, Slew. 10, The Servant. 12, Lewdness. 13, Unending. 16, Daniel. 18, BBFC. 19, Snap.

Thy word is a lantern unto my feet and a light unto my paths

Psalm 119 v105

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December 2013 & January 2014

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December 2013 & January 2014



2 Basil the Great and Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishops, Teachers of the Faith, 379 and 389 Seraphim, Monk of Sarov, Spritual Guide, 1833 Vedanayagam Samuel Azariah, Bishop in South India, Evangelist, 1945


10 William Laud, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1645

11 Mary Slessor, Missionary in West Africa, 1915


13 Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, Teacher, 367. Kentigern (Mungo), Missionary Bishop in Strathclyde and Cumbria, 603; George Fox, Founder of the Society of Friends (Quakers), 169

17 Antony of Egypt, Hermit, Abbot, 356; Charles Gore, Bishop, Founder of the Community of the Resurrection, 1932

18 Beginning of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity; Amy Carmichael, Founder of Dohnavur Fellowship, spiritual writer, 1951

21 Agnes, Child-Martyr at Rome, 304

22 Vincent of Saragosa, Deacon, first Martyr of Spain, 304

24 Francis de Sales, Bishop of Geneva, Teacher of the Faith, 1622

25 The Conversion of Paul

28 Thomas Aquinas, Priest, Philosopher, Teacher of the Faith, 1274

30 Charles, King and Martyr, 1649

31 John Bosco, Priest, Founder of the Salesian Teaching Order, 1888

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December 2013 & January 2014  

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December 2013 & January 2014 A SAINT FOR DECEMBER - NICHOLAS

The true story of Father Christmas, or Santa Claus, began with a man named Nicholas who was born in the third centre in the Greek village of Patara, on what is today the southern coast of Turkey. His family were both devout and wealthy, and when his parents died in an epidemic, Nicholas decided to use his inheritance to help people. He gave to the needy, the sick, the suffering. He dedicated his whole life to God’s service, and was made Bishop of Myra while still a young man. As a bishop, he joined other bishops and priests in prison under the emperor Diocletian’s fierce persecution of Christians across the Roman Empire. Finally released, Nicholas was not bitter, but all the more determined to shed abroad the news of God’s love. He did so by giving. One story of his generosity explains why we hang Christmas stockings over our mantelpieces today. There was a poor family with three daughters who needed dowries if they were to marry, and not be sold into slavery. Nicholas heard of their plight, and tossed three bags of gold into their home through an open window – thus saving the girls from a life of misery. The bags of gold landed in stockings or shoes left before the fire to dry. Hence the custom of children hanging out stockings – in the hope of attracting presents of their own from St Nicholas - on Christmas Eve. That is why three gold balls, sometimes represented as oranges, are one of the symbols of St Nicholas. The example of St Nicholas has never been forgotten - in bygone years boys in Germany and Poland would dress up as bishops on 6th December, and beg alms for the poor. In the Netherlands and Belgium ‘St Nicholas’ would arrive on a steamship from Spain to ride a white horse on his gift-giving rounds. To this day, 6th December is still the main day for gift-giving and merry-making in much of Europe. Many feel that simple gift-giving in early Advent helps preserve a Christmas Day focus on the Christ Child.

Courtesy of Parish Pump

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December 2013 & January 2014


David Field, Castleford: 01977 707120

Mavis Whitehead, St Paul’s 01977 550529

Pauline Morris, St Michaels 01977 668790

Ian Fletcher, Hightown 01977 550139


Hilary Wilkes, Castleford: 01977 733554

Colin Maw, St Paul’s:

01977 518078

Emma J Lisle, St Michael’s

Vacant, Hightown

Our Churches in Castleford Team Parish

All Saints, Church Street, Castleford

All Saints, Lumley Street, Castleford (Hightown)

St Michael & All Angels, St Michaels Close, Castleford

St Paul the Apostle, Pontefract Road,


PARISH OFFICERS PCC Secretary: Mrs Mavis Whitehead 01977 550529 PCC Treasurer: Mr Colin Maw 01977 518078

Stewardship & Gift Aid Secretary:

Mr Arnold Randall 01977 278611

Family & Children’s Worker

Mrs Karen Richardson 01977 552524

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SERVICES All Saints’ Castleford

SUNDAY Mass (Said) 8.00am Sung Mass (except last in month) 9.30am Tuesday Mass (Said) 7.00pm Saturday Mass of the Blessed Virgin Mary 9.30am

All Saints’ Hightown SUNDAY (except last in month) Sung Mass 10.45am Wednesday Mass (Said) 7.00pm

Saint Michael and All Angels SUNDAY (except last in month) Sung Mass 10.45am Thursday Mass (Said) 10.00am

Saint Paul’s, Glasshoughton SUNDAY (except last in month) Sung Mass 9.30am Wednesday Mass (Said) 10.00am


Combined Parish Mass at 10.00am - ( see diary section for venue )


See diary section and weekly pew sheets For all the latest News & Information from around the Parish go to:
