2012 Survival Guide Com

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    NASA is predicting intense sets of SolarTsunamis starting in 2012, threatening

    communication satellites and power grid


    TIME SENSITIVE: An Open Letter To Everyone Who Is Completely Sure They Know What Is Coming In


    WARNING: Youre Not Even CLOSE To

    Ready For December 21, 2012!

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    You May Think This Is Some Spiritual Awakening,

    But, Youre Dead Wrong

    Ill Prove It To You!From: Maxwell Swart

    Wednesday, 1:21 P.M.

    Dear Fellow Patriot,

    he average American doesnt even realize he is helpless.

    He wakes-up, and turns on NBC. Time to soak up a few half truths, and a few more flat-out lies.

    In his car, hes listening to National Public Radio. Brainwashing and

    classical music. Perfect for someone who doesnt care about what

    is ACTUALLY going on in the world.

    Top it off with plenty of nonsense from liberals telling him how

    change is making his life better. And the economy is fixed.


    All the while, the onlygovernment organization that has ever done

    anything remotely useful the National Aeronautics & Space

    Administration (NASA) is sounding the alarm but no one is


    Here are the facts:

    Recently NASA discovered new, disturbing, time sensitive


    NASA Scientist, Dr. Mausumi Dikpati, discovered conveyor belts control the Suns magnetic field. And

    more importantly, how they work.

    When the belts are turning fast magnetic hurricanes streak through the conveyor belt.

    Later those magnetic hurricanes appear as sunspots - which can cause the equivalent of an...

    Elctromagnetic Tsunami.

    Heres how it works:

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    This Transformer Was Destroyed From The

    Inside Out By a "Small" Solar Storm.

    Normally, our magnetosphere is strong enough to protect us. But, this is similar to standing behind a 3 ft

    retaining wall in the 2004 Tsunami - standing behind a little wall watching a cliff of water 5 times your height

    race towards you!

    Needless to say, that little wall wont stop much.

    But thats not even the worst part.

    Imagine how destructive a hurricane would be if it shot tsunamis toward the shore. Think about gettingpounded by waves 5 times your height.

    Now you have an idea of how the 2012 solar storms are going to be. Essentially well be living through an

    electromagnetic hurricane that keeps pounding us with tsunamis over... and over.... and over again.


    This Isnt The First Time The US Has Been

    Hit With A Solar Tsunami!It was 11:18AM on the clear blue day of Thursday, September 1st,

    1859. London bustled a few kilometres away, and astronomer

    Richard Christopher Carrington was hard at work drawing


    Almost before he even noticed, a large set of spots appeared.

    Hed never seen anything like it. They were astonishing...

    They were massive.

    Mere hours later, spidery telegraph wires stretching across the

    civilized world went berserk. They were utterly fried.

    The next morning...

    Jamaicans, Cubans and Hawaiians saw the Northern Lights for the first time!

    Granted, I dont know everything about Northern Lights, but there are some things you just shouldnt see

    unless youre there (US soil as a liberal for one - but thats another issue) - and the Northern Lights are

    one of them.

    It takes a boat load of magnetic energy to see the Northern Lights in Maine, let alone in Jamaica!

    In another case, on the otherwise normal Thursday of March 13, 1997 an entire hydroelectric facility

    was decimated. By a relatively smallsolar storm.

    A solar storm that looks like a light drizzle when you compare it to the level of solar hurricane

    were expecting.

    And thats nothing compared to more recent disasters.

    In fact...

    Youd Be Plain STUPID To Ignore

    All Of The Natural Disasters

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    Since 1995 The Frequency & Severity Of Storms Has

    Drastically Increased.

    That Have Hit In The Past Few Years!

    WARNING: These numbers may be extremely disturbing.

    In 2004 for there was the tsunami. At least 227,898

    dead. Followed by the destruction of New Orleans by

    Hurricane Katrina in 2005.

    2006 brought terrible mudslides in the Philippines. In 2008there were blizzards in China and Afghanistan, not to

    mention Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar (146,000 dead).

    Most recently, the 2010 Haitian Earthquake, followed by

    the massive Chilean Earthquake had terrible


    Over 231,000 fatalities and counting between them.

    As i f that wasnt enough, unfortunately, a byproduct of plate

    movements and earthquakes is volcanic activity.

    As recent as March 20, 2010 the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajkull (pronounced AY-uh-fyat-luh-YOE-kuutl-

    uh) erupted, completely shutting down much of Europes air space.

    Every other time Eyjafjallajkull has erupted, her big sister, Katla, hasnt been far behind.

    If Katla erupts wed be dealing with far more than some closed air space.

    But thats not the scariest part.

    Ever hear of Yellowstone National Park? Smack-dab in the middle of our country is one of the largest

    caldera volcanoes in the world.

    What would happen if Yellowstones super-volcano erupted?

    Global winter, loss of crops, and large scale death due to starvation. Not to mention the fact that its

    53 mile wide mouth would spew enough magma and ash to decimate the nation we hold so dear from

    coast to coast.

    Im not telling you all of this to scare you. But honestly

    Are you ready for something like this?

    On top of that, do you realize...

    December 21, 2012 is going to be catastrophic.

    2010 Has Been The Deadliest Year In

    Recent History (256,000+ Lives Lost),

    And It Isnt Slowing Down!

    We pray that the lives lost would raised up and our land wont see that kind of destruction, but look at the

    disturbing number of natural disasters to hit the US this year:

    Jan. 2010 - The 6.5 magnitude Eureka Earthquake hit

    California (the Haitian Earthquake was only 7.0)!

    Feb. 2010 - Our Nations Capital & the entire northeast

    were rocked by the Second North American Blizzard,

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    With The Change In Magnetic Activity

    Expected, Meterologists Expect Increased

    Severe Storms.

    You can ignore the problem, but when your home is

    destroyed, it will be very real.

    which stopped traffic, knocked out power and even took


    Apr. 2010 - The freak tornado outbreak that stretched

    across the Midwest and spawned 60+ confirmed

    tornadoes in 48 hours!

    May 2010 - Tennessee is bombarded with double its

    record rainfall (from 170mm to 345 mm) damaging and

    destroying property, even as far as Nashville!

    Jun. 2010 - Arkansas is hit by at least 150mm of rain in a mere hours, raising the little

    Mississippi 23 feet - responsible for more deaths.Jul. 2010 - California wildfires destroy 16,460 acres of property (thats enough land for

    32,920 homes)!

    And the year isnt over yet!

    Nearly every month weve been hit with a major natural disaster.

    Not to mention

    Disasters have hit the entire country!

    In fact, as sad as it is to say, if you havent had a major crisis this year, probability dictates that

    something extremely dangerous could be coming your way.

    Admittedly, as Americans we are much better off to deal with these disasters than any other country.

    As hard working men and women, we help each other through these terrifying disasters. We share our

    food, our homes and our prayers.

    And when it comes down to it, our infrastructure is the best in the world.

    That said, between under-the-table cuts to line politicians pockets, and plain-old liberalism, I trust the

    government to come through about as far as I can throw em.

    In all honesty, things still work. You turn the handle, youve got hot and cold running water. You turn a knob

    and your food starts cooking.


    What Will Happen Tomorrow When

    Your Lights Wont Turn On?

    Let me start by saying, I dont want to scare you. But,

    as an American I feel honor-bound to be upfront with

    you about the situation.

    In a few short months you and your family may have to

    survive the energy of one hundred million

    (100,000,0000) hydrogen bombs.

    To put that number in perspective just 2,500 H-

    bombs could destroy the world!

    But, thats worst case scenario.

    Lets think about what will probablyhappen:

    You walk in and turn on the stove. Nothing happens. Power outages across the US and the world

    sapped your cooking power. You cant open your fridge without worrying the food will go bad.

    Water stations shut down (no power, no water) and youre not sure where youre going to get drinking water


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    Liberals & Bureaucrats Have Been Squabbling Over

    Issues For Years. Do They Even Know How To Solve A

    REAL Problem?

    The one saving grace is the few patriots who prepared and have opened their homes and resources to

    their neighbors help you all they can, but...

    They just dont have enough for your family to survive let alone be comfortable.

    Now, I hate to bring this up, but chew on this for a minute:

    If you arent going to work because of the emergency, do you think government workers (I know, oxymoron)

    are going to show up? You know the answer to that one...

    But, if they arent working on the problem, who is going to fix it?!?

    You know the answer. No one.

    Even if the government doesnt collapse right off the bat, when your manpower is dead or missing in

    action, how long do you think itll be around?

    Now, since the beginning of 2010, over 256,000 lives have been claimed by disasters that arent even on

    the same scale as were talking here. Sure, some of them were in communist nations that really dont care

    about their people.


    World Governments Are Working

    Around The Clock To Figure Out

    How To Face The 2012 Crisis!

    See, when I read the prophecies and predictions, I was

    curious. But, when I stopped to take a look at what themajor powers of the world are doing I was just plain


    To me, actions speak louder than words, especially with

    the government.

    Take a look at some of the things world governments have

    been doing to prepare for 2012:

    United States uses Vigilant Shield to stockpile

    resources, and train for a massive catastrophe

    bigger than FEMA can handle.

    Norwegian politicians construct a doomsday vault or seed vault on the remote island of Svalbard inpreparation for all plant life on the planet being wiped out.

    Russias enormous Yamantau Mountain project, believed to be large enough to house 60,000 people.

    And these are just the substantiated claims. A place like Yucca Mountain in Nevada that the government

    works on secretly, and then downplays its importance seems suspicious to me.

    Heres another crucial piece to the 2012 puzzle:

    How much have you heard about 2012 from the media?

    Zilch. Zip. Nada. The only thing youll ever here are the media men laughing about what could (and will)

    happen in 2012.


    Ask yourself, who controls the media, and is it in their best interest to start a widespread panic? Not at all.

    Remember back in 1999, when the Y2K bug was in full swing? TV, newspapers, and radio played it up as

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    The Liberals Are Tearing The GovernmentApart. How Is It Supposed To Protect Us?

    much as they could. Anything to get more people on board.

    But now, theyre dead quiet. Because the government doesnt want anyone to know, let alone think

    about December 21, 2012.

    What does the government want to keep you from knowing?

    However, there is one thing that is so obvious that the government lets it go, even ifits the biggest tip-off

    2012 is coming.

    In the past few years the climate has been going nuts. Global warming, global cooling, earthquakes,

    volcanoes, tornadoes, hurricanes. Just look at the papers. The worst natural disasters in years.

    Understand this

    Even If The US Government Wants

    To Help, Theres Nothing They

    Can Do To Survive 2012!

    Sure, this is old news, but lets look at the sad state the liberals have

    put our country in today.

    Back in 2004 there was a little storm that hit Louisiana. This pretty

    little gal only tackled a small part of our nation.

    Sadly, 1,836 confirmed deaths were recorded.

    Almost as sad was the way our cutting-edge government handledit. Months afterwards people still didnt have homes - or any type of

    help for that matter!

    Now, Im not one to dwell on mistakes of the past, but the harsh truth is, Katrina only knocked out power for

    one major city and halfof the state.

    How do you expect them to handle a serious emergency affecting the entire country?!?!

    The bottom line is...

    If You Stick Your Head In The Sand,Your Butt Is Going To Get Fried!

    By now, you can see how serious, and likely these threats are.

    The bad news? Theyre not going away.

    When I started putting the pieces together, I realized I had two options.

    1. Rely on the government to prepare food, shelter, transportation, protection and water.

    2. Prepare for whatever the world has to throw at me, and be ready to come out on top.

    Sure, itd be easier to keep on living like nothing is coming. I could just be an average, liberal socialist,

    and pretend life was going to be great, and my government was going to take perfect care of me.

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    General George Washington Took AStand For Our Freedoms And Liberties.

    Who Will Stand Ready For Freedom In

    This Generation?

    But you and I both know where that goes.

    Ive made the decision to survive.

    Since then, Ive been scouring the internet, looking for the best way to not just survive, but thrive.

    Countless hours reading news articles, analyzing data.

    Slowly, but surely piecing together exactly what the government is trying to hide

    And how to survive it.

    Thereve been some downright dead-ends. Encounters with liars, frauds and crazies. But, now the puzzle

    is all put together. Even if its not a pretty sight.

    Long story short...

    Time Is Running Out - Who Is

    Going To Save Our Great Nation,

    When You Know The

    Government Cant?

    Right now, almost more than any time in her great history America is in

    dire need. The US people needs people with some backbone, and

    commonsense, just like the founding fathers.

    Now, when I say this Im not saying it to be cocky. In fact, if it wasnt

    for your familys sake, I wouldnt say it at all...

    But, just like the founding fathers we need Americans who:

    Have the foresight to see where we are going, and desire to build our Great Nation up as the

    founding fathers intended it, even with the cock-and-bull liberals run and hide!

    Truly believe in the American dream - not in terms of dollar figures on a screen, but honest

    trade and good old-fashioned prosperity.

    Need strong willed, conservative leaders who dont back down just because something is

    tough, and can rebuild the country into what it should be!

    Now, I want brothers-in-arms who will..

    Protect Your Family, Life & FreedomThrough Any Disaster!

    Thats a tall order. And it makes me proud to know that I live in a nation where men will rise to the


    And, I want to do my part to restore our country and do my duty.

    Because I truly believe in the potential of our great nation!

    So Ive put all my research, plans and dreams into a set of electronic files.

    I call it the 2012 Survival Guide.

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    What is Included in the

    2012 Survival Guide?

    2012 - The Survival Guide

    Once you understand whats coming, youve got to

    know how to live through it.

    Mankind, your family, and your world need you

    to survive to keep our civilization alive.

    Setup specifically around the unusually intense

    disasters 2012 has in store, this covers drastic

    survival techniques that a standard guide discounts

    since itll never happen.

    101 items youve got to have before 2012 or

    you may never get your hands on them. (Seems like common sense, but

    youre sure to forget at least 10!)

    Urban survival on steroids if you or your family are caught anywhere with

    over 1,000,000 enemies youre going to need this information to survive!

    Household items you need to produce safe drinking water, over and

    over again! (And its not by boiling)

    Practically automatic ways to generate electricity at the flip of a switch!

    Its so brain-dead simple you may start using it now

    How to protect yourself and your family from far more than

    weapons! This can be the difference between a long, happy life, and a slow,painful death.

    Exactly where you WONT want to be, and how to find the perfect place to

    ride out the coming storms (Not Colorado or Montana!)

    Personal way to survive both extreme temperatures, unless you like the

    thought of freezing to death, or baking in your own skin!

    Bonus Guides!

    Act today to protect yourself and your family and I will also include

    these "must have" bonuses. But you need to act today! I can't

    guarantee these bonuses will be available tomorrow.

    Financial Disaster

    #1 BONUS

    Like it or not, our society uses money to operate.

    When it becomes worth less than the paper its

    rinted on there are oin to be bi chan es.

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    Here are a few of the things you can learn to prepare


    Ride out any financial bubble (depression,

    hyperinflation, aggressive recession), while

    maintaining (or even improving) your lifestyle!

    What the new currency will be if/when the

    dollar collapses! (Its not going to be Gold)

    Why saving is the worst possible thing you can do if you want to come

    out on top post-2012!

    How to diversify your assets into usable currency and Im not talking

    about stocks, CDs, or Silver investing!

    2012 Myths Debunked#2 BONUS

    The real story on what science has found, and the

    surprising places where it overlaps with prophecies

    and conspiracy theories.

    All the authentic, accurate theories have been

    analyzed, ripped apart and packed in here. Perfect

    resource for signs of the times and other events on

    the way to December 21, 2012. (Youll be shocked at

    how many have already occurred!)

    BOTTOM LINE: This 2012 chronicle reveals the

    insider story, that all the powers want to keep you away from, and

    The major 2012 prophecies and hypothesis debunked, along with

    legitimate research!

    Our nations fate! The down and dirty truth about the USAs potential for


    Lies, myths, and hoaxes torn apart! A hard look at why some self-

    proclaimed experts are trying to mislead you (I couldnt believe whose sidethey were on!)

    Why our calendar is WORSE than wrong! Cave men scratching on walls

    did a better job

    Have the 500 years of darkness already begun? More importantly what

    follows it! (Sensitive information)

    Consciousness shifts, extra terrestrials and shamans separate whats

    fact and fiction, even if it sounds too crazy to be true!

    Survival Bug Out Bag (BOB)

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    #3 BONUS

    The grand finale is slated for December 21, 2012.

    However, there will serious events (catastrophes is a

    better word) that occur from now until December 21,


    Keep your life running like normal as long as you can,

    but know that youre ready to survive at the first sign

    of serious trouble by keeping your Mobile Emergency

    Gear ready

    Get your Bug Out Bag ready for anything the world can throw at

    you! If you do nothing else, please do this!

    How a an Altoids tin can save your

    life! (You read right, this is the truth)

    Pack tools for surviving in the big

    city, or the wild while keeping it

    easy to carry and lightweight (under


    A few critical items to help you

    survive extreme heat and cold!

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    We have put together the most comprehensive study on what will happen in 2012 and how you can best

    prepare your family now. There are specific things you will want to take action on NOW, so you can survive

    any crises or disaster that may take place.

    It doesn't matter if it is 2012, or some other Natural or Manmade Disaster... you need to prepare now for

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    whatever life may throw at you.

    The 2012-Survival-Guide is packed full of action items and check lists to help you prepare and survive.

    Here are a few other topics that we discuss in the survival guide:

    How to know who is right, and who is wrong

    about 2012 (trust me, you dont want to be wrong)

    Exactly what to put in your 2012 Bug-Out-Bag so youre ready for any disaster wherever

    youre at!

    What the new currency is going to be, and how to thrive after December 21, 2012 even if

    youre broke now!

    100 items youll never get if you wait until a disaster. One of these can make the difference between

    life and death!

    The worst place you could be on December 21, 2012, and the one place that youre virtually

    guaranteed to survive happily!

    Understand what the Maya, Illuminati, New World Order, Norse Vikings, Hopi Prophecies,

    Nastradamus and the Order of Druids all really say about 2012, and how to use it to survive.

    Why the year is 2012, and not 2112 (this dangerous rumor could spell disaster for you).

    Why every nations government has been working around the clock to make sure their Red Button

    works, and how you can be better prepared than them. (Not hard, but tricky).

    How hard science is backing up shamans, and making it easy to see the real truth.

    The media red-flags the government sends up when they panic, and how to use that to stay

    one step ahead of Big Brother. A crucial skill to have if you want to save your life as we get closer

    to 2012.

    How the solar maximum of 2012 will really affect our civilization. (Its not what you think!)

    Cold, hard evidence for a complete magnetic polar shift and the kind of freak storms it will


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    The time to prepare is now, procrastinating is not an option. Many of the steps you need to take require

    time and planning. Waiting even one more month could mean the difference between being prepared or

    finding yourself helpless and dependent upon others for your survival.

    Don't rely on the government to take care of you. You are the only one that can properly protect the ones

    you love. Take action and get the 2012-Survival-Guide now.


    Maxwell Swart

    P.S. This isn't just about "2012"... learn how to survive any disaster. From natural disasters such

    as flooding or earthquakes to civil unrest or terrorist attacks.

    P.P.S. I have spent days and months pouring over scientific analyses, forums, financial statements,

    news articles and interviewing the leading experts so you don't have to. This easy to read survival guide willsave you countless hours of research and frustration. Get the facts and get them quick. Click on the "Add

    to Cart" button above and get started today.

    P.P.P.S. If you are serious about protecting your family, then take action now. You always have our 60

    Day 100% Money Back Guarantee (no questions asked) if you change your mind later.

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