2012 Student Award Maastricht University

Maastricht University Green Office


Green Office

Transcript of 2012 Student Award Maastricht University

  • 1. Maastricht University Green Office

2. Maastricht University Green Office 3. Started as a student initiative in spring 2010. Officially integrated intoMaastricht University (UM) in September 2010. Coordinates & initiates sustainability projects at Maastricht University, by empowering students and staff.Maastricht University Green Office Driven by student employees, the universitys environmental advisor and many student volunteers.Major successes: Sustainability baseline assessment & subsequentdevelopment of UMs first comprehensive sustainability policy, Green ITProject (e.g. PC Power Management) & two sustainability conferences 4. Maastricht University struggled toStudents faced obstacles of entry to create a dynamic sustainabilityadvance change towards sustainable process, due to lack of money,development within Maastricht knowledge, people and a structure toUniversitycoordinate efforts acrossdepartmental boundaries Maastricht University Green Office Sustainabilitywas notsustainable 5. Top-down: University provides budget, facilities & executive backing for student-driven GreenOfficeMaastricht University Green OfficeBottom-up: Studentsbecome integrated &drive the universityssustainability efforts 6. 7 student employees & dozens of student volunteers Universitys environmental advisorMaastricht& Universityoffice facilities Office75,000 Budget centrally located Green Official mandate as main entity to advance sustainability at Maastricht University High profile supervisory board providing advice & support 7. Green Office team runs the office & implements projects Maastricht University Green OfficeOffice facilitiesBudget to pay provide meetingsalaries & projects & working space 8. Andr PostemaVice President Maastricht Jacqueline Cramer Harm HospersUniversityFormer Dutch Minister ofDean FHS & Universitythe EnvironmentCollege MaastrichtSupervisory board provides MaastrichtUniversitysupportadvice & Green Office Edward de Vries Former Mill Director atAnnemarie van ZeijlSappi LimburgSustainability Researcher at ICISJos Kleinjans - Professor Michiel Ritzenof Environmental HealthResearcher at Ribuilt and Science at UMadvisor ofHogeschool Zuyd 9. Collaborations create leverageMaastrichtUniversity Green & synergies OfficeInternational Center for Integrated Assessment and Sustainable Development 10. Making Maastricht University more sustainableEDUCATIONRESEARCHOPERATIONSCOMMUNITYAdvancePromoteDecrease EmpowerMaastricht University Green OfficeEducation for Sustainable Research onSustainable ecological, economic, andstudents & staffDevelopmentDevelopmentsocialfootprintORGANIZATION Administrative foundation of Green Office 11. External Faculties VolunteerspartnersGreen Office Maastricht University Green OfficeEmpowers students by providing accessinto the university Creates synergies by connecting stakeholders FacilityStudent Managementcommunity 12. - Conducts feasibilityChallenges for large-scale studies, researches and implementsprojects: best practices - Leverage not fully transpired - Coordinates & consolidates variousthroughout the institutionMaastricht University Green Office only disparate efforts throughout UM- Students engaged for - Participatory governance modelone or two years creates dynamic process and - Students need to gain legitimation for institutional change knowledge & experience - Provides informal learning - Limited budget & decision opportunities for students making power 13. InputsOutputsOutcomes Student team & volunteers Feasibility Organizational change Support by professionalstudies, businessand learning for staff (e.g. environmentalcases, implementationsustainable advisor) plansdevelopment Supervisory board Monitoring & support for Minimization of Official mandate asexecuting entities environmental and socialMaastricht University Green Office principal actor to advance Reporting &transparency footprint Economic advantages sustainability at UM Budget & facilities Furthering Education & through cost savingsResearch for Sustainable Active studentDevelopmentparticipation & Cohesion & ownership ownershipthrough participatorygovernance structures 14. End 2010 Establishing theSeptemberoperational base of theGreen Office is office, brainstormiofficially launched at ng &opening of theJune conceptualizationAcademic YearMaastricht University Green OfficePresentation to ceremony of first projects, contactinuniversity council & gdecision by Executivestakeholders, raisinBoard to implement g awareness about Spring the Green Office the Green Office at the university A student initiative forms to develop the Green Office concept & lobby for its implementation 15. Maastricht University Green OfficeClimate Action Report Sustainability Policy Ctrl-Alt-Delete First baseline analysis Joint GO project toEmissionsof sustainabledevelop Sustainability Business case for moredevelopment atPolicy 2012-14 in aenergy efficient ICTMaastricht University,stakeholder inclusivestructure.published in a 44 pageapproach, covering Implementation of PClong report inoperations,Power Management inNovember 2011 organization, educationSeptember 2012, withand research, as well as expected annualcommunity. electricity savings of 44 000 Euro. 16. Maastricht University Green OfficeEducationCommunityResearch Integrated research questions Organized one student Listed all courses, researchabout universitys sustainability sustainability centers, professorships andefforts into five Bachelor andconference, sustainability think research institutes related toMaster coursestank, networking events, joint sustainable development at Developed extra-curricularboard meetings of studentMaastricht Universitycourse offerings on sustainable sustainability groups, swap- Organized one researchdevelopment shop, sustainability working conference on sustainable Guided and supported variousdays, film series, support ofdevelopmentthesis projects in the field of various student projects (e.g.sustainabilitygreen city map, studentsustainability guide), etc. 17. In February 2012, Maastricht University receivesthe Sustainabul Award as Dutch university withthe most transparent sustainability effortsJeanine Gregersen - Director of Marketing andCommunications - upon receiving the award in the name ofUM: We owe this award to the driving force of ourstudents at the Green Office and we as managementMaastricht University Green Officeembrace this honour wholeheartedly.Andre Postema Vice President of Maastricht University: Lookingback to 2011, it strikes me that the Maastricht University GreenOffice has achieved so much. Naturally, it faced numerouschallenges, but to put it in a nutshell: The experiment works. 18. Implement ashowcase forsustainable buildingsat University College Maastricht Monitor theCompile aimplementation ofSustainability Progress the Sustainability Report Policy 2012-2014Maastricht University Green Office journalObtain a PhD position for Maastricht Publicize asustainability University Green based on a researchOfficeconferenceImplement PC-PowerDevelop the Management for all Sustainability Vision PCs and increase2030 & a Roadmap to Server Virtualization achieve this vision 19. In November 2011, a group of founders of the Green Office establishedthe informal working group, called ANZ.Aim: Establish, support & connect student-driven Green Offices at otherMaastricht University universities Office EuropeanGreenCurrent state of operations: Business plan development, market analysis, connection to stakeholders. Start of operations in August 2012 20. Green OfficeStaff &facultyMaastricht University Green OfficeStudentsSustainabilityat MaastrichtUniversity