2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide



Turn to the 2011 Fall OAUG Buyer’s Guide to find ideas for improving the performance of your Oracle environment, featuring information and resources for adapting to ever-changing business and technology conditions.

Transcript of 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide

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Table of Contents

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Atlanta, GA 30305

p: +1 404.240.0897 | f: +1 404.240.0998

e-mail: [email protected] | oaug.org

The 2012 OAUG Buyer’s Guide is a publication of

the Oracle Applications Users Group (OAUG).

ARTICLES4 Oracle EBS Data Loading Using appLOAD® at LifeWay Christian Resources by Austin Davis, Vice President of Marketing, Chain-Sys

6 How to Eat an Elephant, One Byte at a Time by Helene Abrams, CEO, eprentise

7 Top 10 Ways to Make the Most of Your OAUG Membership

8 Frustrated by Losing Client ADI with Migration to Oracle E-Business Suite R12 or Excel 2007? by Chris Meyer, Managing Director Americas, Excel4apps

10 EMC Saves $1 Million with Informatica Application Retirement Solutions by Julie Lockner, Vice President ILM Product Marketing, Informatica Corporation

12 Tulane University Partners with IT Convergence for a Record-Speed Upgrade

13 OAUG Ambassadors Enliven Robust and Diverse Users Community


16 Product Families

17 Services

18 Solution Areas

20 Company Listings

The OAUG Buyer’s Guide

is online, searchable and updated regularly

with productannouncements

and news.Visit oaug.org.

Page 4: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide

Oracle EBS Data Loading Using appLOAD™ at LifeWay Christian Resourcesby Austin Davis, Vice President of Marketing, Chain-Sys

LifeWay Christian Resources is a religious nonprofit organization and is an entity of the Southern Baptist Convention.

LifeWay produces Bibles, church literature, books, music, audio and video recordings, church supplies and Internet

services. The ministry operates 154 LifeWay Christian Stores across the country. LifeWay’s home office is in Nashville,

Tennessee, where about 1250 employees work.

LifeWay has successfully implemented Oracle EBS Financials, Projects, APC, Inventory, Purchasing, Order

Management and Advanced Pricing modules for its global operations. LifeWay is on Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS)

version, and their production database size is 1200 GB.

Data loading activities performed by LifeWay:• Itemcreationandupdate.

• Itemcategories,itemcatalogsanditemcrossreferencecreationandupdate.

• PLM:AdvancedProductsCatalogcreation.

• Billsofmaterialcreationandupdate.

• NewCustomercreationandupdate.

• ARInvoice,CreditMemosandDebitmemocreation.

• ARCashReceiptapplicationwithorwithouttheinvoicenumbers.

• ProjectBudgetcreation.

• Projectswithtasksandkeymembercreationandupdate.

• PriceListcreationandupdate.

• Salesorderprocessing.

The Struggle with DataLoaderManual mass data loading/

maintenance within Oracle EBS can

be tedious and very time consuming.

LifeWay utilized DataLoader for

performing data loading as an

alternative to manual methods. The


still could not provide a fool-proof and

robust solution. Amy Goolsby recalls

that for about 1500 items loading, it

required constant monitoring and

took two weeks with eight computers

in the conference room. This time

does not include the data loader

spread sheet preparation time.

LifeWay chooses appLOAD™ LifeWay evaluated and selected appLOAD™ productivity tool from Chain-Sys Corporation for its data loading


project timelines and cuts costs. It is extremely useful during implementation or reimplementation and for routine

production data maintenance. It is very easy to use, does not need programming and supports all open interfaces



UATCutover andGo-Live

Timeline with Traditional Development


Timeline with appLOAD TM

UATCutover andGo-Live

SITAnalysis,Con�g.and UnitTesting


Page 5: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide


andAPIs.appLOAD™isareliableandscalablebackendweb-basedapplicationthat isnotfront-enddrivenand

not EXCEL-macros driven. Any business user can confidently use this tool and convert the data without technical


Productivity gains using appLOAD™ WithinaweekofinstallingappLOAD,thebusinessusersstartedusingthe

tool very effectively for their data loads. Amy Goolsby remarks, “What I

like about appLOAD is how fast it is. appLOAD executes the data loading

processes in the background with no baby sitting needed. I can do the same

task in four hours that used to take two weeks.”

David Jamieson of LifeWay says, “The projected return on investment

provided through use of the appLOAD application easily justified the cost

of the product. We have identified uses that impact all business areas

within Oracle E-Business Suite. Chain-Sys has been extremely responsive

in identifying the most efficient uses of the tools and responding to our

questions as we have begun to use the tool.”

appLOAD™ Benefits:• Timeandcostsavings.

• Highlystable,reliableandscalable.

• Fastinprocessingthedataloads.

• Allprocessesareexecutedontheapplicationserverasa


• NoneedtowatchDesktop/Laptopscreenswhenprocessingtakesplace.

• Intuitiveandhighlyuserfriendly.

The Right ToolTheappLOAD™ tools area right choice for the ITenvironmentsof todayand the technologychanges that are


reliability of the platform and is amenable to traditional deployments within the enterprise as well as to the Software



About Chain-Sys

Chain-Sys is an Oracle Platinum Partner and has been highly

successful in EBS implementations using OBAs and appLOAD™

tools. The appLOAD™ Productivity tools (appLOAD™,

appEXTRACT™, appINTERFACE™, appMIGRATE™) accelerate

technical implementation and data conversion, ease production

data maintenance, migrate data to R12, interface EBS with external applications and provide huge cost savings.

appBI™ is an out of the box BI solution for EBS with pre-built data warehouse and dashboards. appAUGMENTER™

allows personalization of OAF pages without any programming. Customers include Lifeway, American-Axle,

Teknion, Comcast, Boart-Longyear, BILT, Canon, Patel Logistics and Ingersoll-Rand. Contact www.chain-sys.com

or [email protected].

appLOADdata migrationmass data loading data maintenancedata interfacingOAF personalizations business intelligence


Oracle E-Business Suite


CHAIN SYS•www.chain-sys.com


Page 6: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide

How to Eat an Elephant, One Byte at a Timeby Helene Abrams, CEO, eprentise

The elephant in the room that nobody wants to talk about is the Oracle® E-Business Suite (EBS) that supports

business-critical operations but threatens the organization’s ability to respond to change. Access to real-time

corporate information is critical to performance, but more important is a company’s ability to analyze and make

sense of giant quantities of data and to get disparate parts of the business to work together.

Enterprise resource planning systems like EBS are cumbersome, overgrown and poorly suited to handle recent

business changes and certainly not the challenges of big data proliferating from many diverse sources. It’s a giant,

elephant-sized task that begs for an evolved relationship between data and ERP. Reducing this complexity by

remodeling is one way EBS organizations are preparing to fight the big data war.

The importance that businesses and analysts are placing on the relatively new concept of big data shows that the need

for organizations to remodel their EBS systems has never been clearer. In many organizations, support of outdated

configurations and existing implementations of EBS are consuming upwards of 65 percent of the IT budget. Smart

organizations need to become leaner and more agile — a potentially difficult goal with an EBS environment that is

inflexible, expensive to maintain and consumes the resources needed to implement new strategies, undertake new

initiatives or reorganize the business.

Remodeling in the context of ERP systems is restructuring the existing EBS data without reimplementing. Remodeling

EBS uses software to change the original setups such ledgers (and sets of books), legal entities, operating units,

inventory organizations, calendars and charts of accounts, among others. Companies are eating the elephant one

byte at a time by successfully using remodeling tools to reduce maintenance costs (freeing up resources for new

initiatives), to add business value (by enabling the implementation of new strategies) and to streamline operations.

Remodeling EBS aligns enterprise applications with current business processes and reduces the complexity of the

underlying data, enabling EBS to better understand the purpose of information before it ever reaches the database.

Science fiction? No. Remodeling does, however, promote — and provide — an adjustment of perception.

A global business today needs to shift its operational focus from being able to quickly respond to change to being able to

quickly enable change; from deriving meaning from data once it’s in EBS (with third-party business intelligence tools

or analytics packages) to remodeling EBS so that its underlying structure provides the meaning. Remodeling is the

enabler that reduces complexity and makes EBS data complete, consistent and correct — everywhere in the enterprise.

It sounds like a drastic change in time management and corporate performance — too good to be true, maybe even

magic — but remember that before ERP systems were around, we managed business operations by paper. Moving

to ERP systems was not an evolution of the corporation — it was a revolution, a giant leap forward for business.

Remodeling is a transformative revolution of similar scope that provides a method for eating the EBS elephant

one byte at a time, allowing you to reduce the complexity of EBS at its core so that your business can interact with

information in an entirely new way and compete successfully in an increasingly data-driven economy.

About eprentise

eprentise provides software that allows Oracle E-Business Suite users to consolidate

multiple production instances, to change existing configurations like charts of

accounts and calendars, and to merge, split, or move sets of books, operating units,

legal entities, business groups, and inventory organizations. eprentise gives EBS

organizations the agility needed to support changing business requirements, avoid a reimplementation, and lower

the total cost of ownership of ERP while also enabling real-time access to complete, consistent, and correct data

across the enterprise. Visit www.eprentise.com for more information.

Page 7: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide


Top 10 Ways to Make the Most of Your OAUG Membership

1. Share the Wealth: Your OAUG membership allows an unlimited number of your employees to set up

member logins, so make sure everyone on your team creates a membership profile and is taking advantage of

all the valuable education, networking and advocacy opportunities the OAUG has to offer.

2. Equip your entire team with knowledge and skills. Tap into a wealth of knowledge and experience via user-

driven conferences, our searchable database of white papers and presentations from those conferences,

live and recorded eLearning webinar presentations, print and electronic editions of OAUG Insight magazine,

and more.

3. Attend a local Geo meeting in your area. Come together to network with other users and experts to discuss

and share ideas covering many diverse topics. A list of Geo groups and upcoming meetings can be found on

the OAUG website.

4. Share knowledge.Submitawhitepaperandspeakatoneofourconferences.Jointheconversationson

Twitter (@OAUG1) and via the OAUG LinkedIn Group to discuss and share what is going in on in the world of

Oracle Applications. Or, share your expertise as a panelist at a Geo or SIG meeting. Whatever your interest, we

have an outlet!

5. Volunteer. There are lots of great ways to get involved in the

OAUG through different committees, task forces

and councils. We rely on volunteers to contribute their talents!

6. Log In. The OAUG website is filled with great tools – tips and

techniques, insight from other users, shortcuts to success,

how-to guides, conference white papers, informative publications, and much more – all of which

are unlimited and free to anyone with a Member login. Take advantage of this 24/7 access to information.

7. Showcase your company’s products and build your brand. Associate Members can list their company in the

print and electronic editions of the annual OAUG Buyer’s Guide – the industry’s comprehensive index of

proven business tools, revolutionary approaches, emerging ideas and expert-delivered services. Many other

sponsorship opportunities are also available throughout the year! Whatever you choose, it not only offers a

great opportunity for exposure, but a way for company reps to network with industry professionals.

8. Put yourself in front of Oracle Leadership.HaveagreatideaaboutanOracleApplicationenhancement,

product development or usability? Let us know! With the support and strength of the unified OAUG

community, your voice will be heard by Oracle through OAUG’s Customer Support Council.

Contact [email protected].

9. Get recognized.Ifyouwouldlikeanopportunitytorecognizeyourorganizationoraclient,here’sanidea:

submit a nomination for one of the OAUG’s yearly awards – Member of the Year and Innovator of the Year. An

award is always a great form of acknowledgement for a job well done!

10. Search for talent.Needtofillaposition?PostajobontheOAUGJobBoardtofindgreattalentthatwillfillyour

existing needs! It’s also simple for job seekers to post resumes.

Questions? Contact OAUG Membership at 404.240.0897, extension 2, or [email protected].

Page 8: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide

Frustrated by Losing Client ADI with Migration toOracle E-Business Suite R12 or Excel 2007?by Chris Meyer, Managing Director Americas, Excel4apps

As organizations consider upgrading to Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Release 12 or MS Excel 2007, they face a

dilemma in how to avoid interruptions in reporting from the General Ledger (GL) without Oracle’s Client Application


was replaced inR12by twobrowser-basedapplications:WebADIandReportManager forpublishingFSGs into

Excel.Asfinancialprofessionalsexplore thesenewapplications, theydiscovergapswith the familiarClientADI

functionality, leading them to consider reporting alternatives.

Time Consuming ProcessesClientADIallowsuserstoproduceFSGreports,whiletheR12ReportManagerstorespoint-in-timereports.Itwas

not designed as an ad hoc enquiry tool and does not allow users to easily define or modify reports. Users can submit

ad-hoc FSG or standard reports, but they must re-create each template in a special editor before its first use. Report

templates are built with MS Word and are not as flexible as the previous Excel editor. This and other new requirements



Reports must be saved in a repository, where chronological instead of alphabetical storage makes access to recent

reports difficult and counterintuitive. Clearing out reports is also time consuming and requires running a batch job

to delete old reports.

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Drill Down LimitationsClientADIallowsdrilldowntotransactionsforamountsinanFSGreportpublishedtoExcel.Thedrilldownfeature

displays journal entries associated with the amount queried and supports further drilling to related sub-ledger transaction


increase in time required to examine data. Sorting and searching data are also time consuming and limited in scope.

Instant Access to GL Data Via Oracle-Excel LinkOrganizationsthathaveanticipatedorencounteredreportingissuesfromlosingClientADIwithR12orExcel2007

migrations have turned to GL Wand from Excel4apps. Because it delivers real-time GL data via a direct link between


Exploiting their Excel skills, financial users easily create and modify standard and ad-hoc reports with GL Wand’s

familiar Excel interface. These reports are similar to those from Oracle methods, yet the process is faster and more

intuitive. Finance users can quickly drill into sub-ledger transaction details with GL Wand, which utilizes Oracle’s

security settings to maintain appropriate data accessibility. Users report that submitting ad-hoc reports that took 15


more time for valuable analysis and less time for frustration.

About Excel4apps

Excel4apps is a provider of Excel-based reporting, inquiry and budget

uploading solutions for Oracle, with more than 9,000 users worldwide. Visit

www.excel4apps.com/oracle for a free trial of GL Wand.

Be sure to ask your software vendors with integration to Oracle applicationsif they have Oracle Validated Integration.

With Oracle Validated Integration, Oracle applications customers can be confident that a partner’s integration has been tested and validated by Oracle as functionally and technically

sound, that the partner solution is integrated with Oracle applications in a reliable, standards-based way, and that the integration operates and performs as documented.

For the most current list of Oracle Validated Integrations, please visithttp://www.oracle.com/us/partnerships/solutions/index.html.

Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

Page 10: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide

EMC Saves $1 Million with Informatica Application Retirement Solutionsby Julie Lockner, Vice President ILM Product Marketing, Informatica Corporation

“Using Informatica, EMC has been able to rapidly retire multiple candidate modules over a three-day period,

including Accounts Receivable, Inventory and General Ledger,” says Ramesh Razdan. “It is remarkably easy to retire

legacy or custom applications, manage our data growth and application portfolio safely and efficiently, and ensure

the business has complete access to the data with Informatica Data Archive.”

When a business has acquired more than 40 software and services companies over the course of four years, there

are bound to be growing pains — especially when it comes to managing data. The time had come to consider

consolidating infrastructure by retiring the legacy applications and data associated with its acquisitions. It was

against this backdrop that EMC standardized on Informatica for its application retirement solution. Using the high


term application retirement strategy and anticipates saving up to hundreds of terabytes of storage and more than

$1 million resulting in a complete payback in less than a year.

Acquired More Than 40 Companies in Four YearsEMC has helped thousands of customers to introduce flexible, scalable and secure information infrastructures and, in

turn, release the power of their information. To strengthen EMC’s core business and extend its market to new areas, the

company has, over the past several years, acquired more than 40 software and services companies. This has presented

some formidable challenges when it comes to managing the exponential growth in the company’s data.

The acquisition of large organizations, like Legato Software, has contributed to this growth. As part of an over-

arching strategy to reduce costs, free up resources and improve overall efficiency, the company’s IT organization

turned to Informatica and its data archive platform to retire and decommission the redundant legacy Legato

infrastructure and Oracle Applications instances. The goal was to retire approximately 21 Oracle E-Business Suite

and custom applications.

Safely and Easily Archive Oracle DataEMC’sreadinesstouseInformaticaDataArchivewasbasedonthefact thecompany’sITteamcouldsafelyand

easily archive its data — including master, reference and transactional data — and then have its business users

continue to access it at any point in the future. EMC kicked off the project by retiring its largest Oracle E-Business

Suite 11.5.8 modules, including Accounts Receivable, General Ledger and Inventory.

EMC leveraged Informatica’s data model discovery capability and pre-built accelerators for Oracle E-Business Suite

to accelerate the project timeline. The combination of mined and pre-built application metadata allowed Informatica


of three days.

The data was archived to the EMC Centera, a content addressable storage (CAS) archival storage system. Once

archived, data was discoverable using Informatica’s data discovery portal, which allows retired data to be viewed

from an application-independent interface while providing the original Oracle E-Business Suite application user


was achieved.

Page 11: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide


“We are very impressed by the flexibility and rich functionality of the Informatica solution,”saysDavidAtkins,fromthe

Oracle Global Solutions Group, EMC. “Retired application data is stored in a highly compressed immutable file archive

format, which significantly reduces the size of the data. Despite this, data can still be easily accessed through the data

discovery portal for searching and browsing and using any third party reporting or Business Intelligence tools.”

“Over the next few years, we expect to save

up to hundreds of terabytes of storage, one

million dollars, and improve IT efficiency

by removing redundant applications

accumulated through acquisition and

decommissioning legacy systems that are

no longer vital to the business. As a result,

Informatica allows us to free up valuable

IT personnel to focus on higher value

activities,” Ramesh Razdan explains. “It will

also result in a complete payback on the

Informatica investment within six months.”

The retirement enabled EMC to safely decommission

legacy applications while guaranteeing transactional and

referential integrity with easy access to archived data. Software

maintenance costs were eliminated and previously allocated

servers and storage was repurposed to more business-

critical IT projects. Finally, the solution significantly boosted

staff efficiency and reduced time and resources devoted to

application maintenance tasks.

Learn MoreLearn more about the Informatica Platform. Please visit

www.informatica.com or call 888-635-0899 (or 650-385-


InformaticaCorporation, http://www.linkedin.com/company/


About Informatica

Informatica Corporation (NASDAQ: INFA) is the world’s

number one independent provider of data integration

software. Organizations around the world rely on Informatica

for maximizing return on data to drive their top business

imperatives. Worldwide, nearly 5,000 enterprises depend on

Informatica to fully leverage their information assets residing

on-premise, in the Cloud and across social networks.

Figure 1: Informatica Data Archive is the heartbeat of EMC’s application retirement strategy

Page 12: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide

Tulane University Partners with IT Convergence for a Record-Speed Upgrade

Founded in 1834, Tulane is one of the most highly regarded and selective independent research universities in the

United States and offers undergraduate, graduate and professional degrees in liberal arts, science and engineering,

architecture, business, law, social work, medicine and public health, and tropical medicine.

Tulane University had a big goal — to upgrade its Oracle Financials

solutions to Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS) Release 12.1.3 in only

five months. Normally, this kind of proposal would be quite an


Convergence (ITC) completed the project in three months — ahead of

schedule and under budget.

Tulane had previously partnered with IT Convergence in 2005 during the hurricane Katrina crisis for temporary

hosting and managed services, so they knew of ITC’s expertise in Oracle. In 2011, ITC offered Tulane an integral


worked closely with Tulane University’s CTO and vice president of finance to make this project a success.

As part of the project, the ITC’s Nearshore Development team reviewed several hundred RICE components to

make sure they were successfully upgraded to Oracle R12 and had full functionality. This was made possible by the

development team’s ability to match U.S. working hours and to be readily available when needed.

Given the success of the Financials upgrade, Tulane called again upon ITC to deliver a fresh implementation of



About IT Convergence

IT Convergence is the premier, global provider of Oracle enterprise

solutions. Our mission is to improve business processes through better

use of technology, which we do through our consulting, development &

testing, education, enterprise cloud and managed services. Based in North

America, we have an international business presence in India, China,

Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, allowing us to improve our clients’ business performance, wherever they are in the

globe. Since 1998, IT Convergence has successfully partnered with 600 companies in over 50 countries.


Page 13: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide


OAUG Ambassadors Enliven Robust and Diverse Users Community

When the OAUG Ambassador Program launched on February 1, 2012, the OAUG’s leadership hoped it would help

organizations realize a higher return on their OAUG membership investment. The program was developed to ensure

that each individual in a member organization is aware of and accessing the free resources available through the

OAUG website and the discounted education available at OAUG events.

As this issue of OAUG Buyer’s Guide was going to print, the OAUG was

pleasantly surprised that more than 430 individuals had volunteered to

act as their organization’s Ambassadors and more than 100 attended the

first-ever Ambassador Informational Meeting and Webinar on April 23

during COLLABORATE 12. Another 65 had distributed the quarterly Benefits

Reminder Email to their colleagues within days of receiving it to ensure

they were familiar with the latest-and-greatest free resources available

through their organization’s OAUG membership.


during COLLABORATE 12. “The OAUG Ambassador Program has an incredible opportunity to change the way

individual organizations see the benefits of an OAUG membership as well as enhance the networking and mind

sharing that happens inside a company that has a strong ambassador. An ambassador can now play the role of

user group champion behind the corporate firewall and bring to light training and education sessions, as well as the


OAUG Ambassadors are helping spread the word that an unlimited number of their organization’s employees have access

to OAUG resources once membership is set up, rather than each individual paying for benefits. Ambassadors also review


ensure that their colleagues know how to access all of the free, online education using their member logins.

“OAUG Ambassadors have exceeded expectations from the beginning of this program, increasing the average number



and result in a more robust and diverse community of Oracle Applications users and solution providers to enhance


As a thank you for their participation, OAUG Ambassadors who attended COLLABORATE 12 received an Ambassador


Evening Reception and exclusive OAUG Ambassador temporary tattoos to show off their VIP status.

OAUG Ambassadors who fulfill their obligations throughout the year will also be entered into a drawing to win a full

conference pass to the OAUG event of their choice. In the meantime, the OAUG continues to provide Ambassadors

VIP treatment at all OAUG events and highlights on the OAUG website and in publications the work they do on

behalf of their organizations.

To view the name and contact information for your organization’s Ambassador, log in to “My


to log in and check the top left of your profile administration for your organization’s designated

OAUG Ambassador. Please contact [email protected] or +1 404.240.0897, extension 2, if

you have any questions. Thank you to our current OAUG Ambassadors for volunteering!

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E-Business Suite AT&T




Chain-Sys Corporation

CM Mitchell Consulting

Core Services Corporation

CSS International, Inc.




Image Integration Systems

Informatica Corporation


IT Convergence


KBACE Technologies, Inc.

Kewill, Inc.




OneNeck IT Services

Project Partners


Red River Solutions, LLC

Rhapsody Technologies, Inc.

Rimini Street



Solution Beacon


Vertex, Inc.

Zebra Technologies Corporation

Fusion Middleware CM Mitchell Consulting


KBACE Technologies, Inc.

Hyperion interRel Consulting


Vertex, Inc.

Oracle Retail Kewill, Inc.

Vertex, Inc.

Zebra Technologies Corporation

PeopleSoft Enterprise AT&T


Informatica Corporation

Rimini Street

Primavera Project Partners




Rimini Street

The Buyer’s Guide

Product Category listings

provide a snapshot of

the Oracle products each

company supports.

For a complete list of

products and additional

information about each

company, please visit

the Company Listings

section beginning

on page 20.

Page 17: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide



Consulting Centroid

CM Mitchell Consulting

Core Services Corporation

IT Convergence


KBACE Technologies, Inc.


Project Partners

Red River Solutions, LLC

Hardware Zebra Technologies Corporation

Hosting Services Core Services Corporation

IT Convergence

OneNeck IT Services

Implementation Centroid

CSS International, Inc.

IT Convergence



Solution Beacon

Managed Services AT&T



Core Services Corporation

OneNeck IT Services



Other Rimini Street

Software CCH,aWoltersKluwerbusiness



Image Integration Systems




Systems Integration Chain-Sys Corporation

CM Mitchell Consulting

CSS International, Inc.

interRel Consulting


Red River Solutions, LLC

Rhapsody Technologies, Inc.


Training SmartDogServices,LLC

The Buyer’s Guide

Services listings provide

a snapshot of each

company’s service


For a complete list of

services and additional

information about each

company, please visit

the Company Listings

section beginning

on page 20.

Page 18: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide


Application Information Lifecycle Management Hewlett-PackardCompany

Informatica Corporation

Business Analytics BizTech



Customer Relationship Management D&B(Dun&BradstreetCorporation)

Enterprise Performance Management CSS International, Inc.

interRel Consulting

Financials Management CCH,aWoltersKluwerbusiness


Image Integration Systems


interRel Consulting



Governance, Risk & Compliance eprentise

Informatica Corporation


Master Data Management Chain-Sys Corporation



Rhapsody Technologies

On Demand D&B(Dun&BradstreetCorporation)

Other Excel4apps

Project Portfolio Management Project Partners

Supply Chain Management Kewill, Inc.


Solution Beacon

The Buyer’s Guide

Solution Area listings

provide a snapshot of

each company’s areas

of expertise.

For a complete list of

solutions and additional

information about each

company, please visit

the Company Listings

section beginning

on page 20.

Page 19: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide


With BizTech, You Can.

BizTech has worked with midsized companies just l ike yours for over 15 years. In fact, 96% of our customers are small and midsize businesses.

From complex Oracle application and technology implementations and upgrades, BI dashboards, hosting requirements, or complete infrastructure management; BizTech provides deep industry expertise to overcome your business challenges. And we make it a�ordable.

BizTech.com | 1.877.BizTech| 1150 First Ave Suite 320 King of Prussia, PA 19406

Page 20: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide

Company Listings

AT&TSales Contact: Sales2500 Riva Road

Annapolis, MD 21401



AT&T’sHosting&Application Services combines the power ofAT&T’s global network, hosting capabilities, and

proven application services expertise. As a Platinum Level Partner in the Oracle PartnerNetwork, AT&T delivers

implementation and support services for the complete Oracle application lifecycle.

BizTechSales Contact: Margot McDonnell 1150 First Ave

King of Prussia, PA 19460

[email protected]

Phone: 610.592.0600

Toll Free Phone: 1.877.BizTech

Website: www.biztech.com

BizTech is the leading Oracle consulting and IT Services firm in the Mid-Atlantic region. For over a decade we’ve

focused on Oracle applications, technology, EPM, hosting and consulting services for small, midsize and Fortune

500 companies. Improve your business performance with BizTech.

CCH, a Wolters Kluwer businessSales Contact: David Kelly2700 Lake Cook Road

Riverwoods, IL 60015

[email protected]

Toll Free Phone: 877-570-2785

www. CCHGroup.com/Oracle


withCCH’sOracleValidatedsalesandusetaxsolutions,whichoffersophisticatedcalculation logic, taxrateand

taxability content, and jurisdiction boundary information.

Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

Page 21: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide


Company Listings

CentroidSales Contact: Jim Brull 900 Wilshire Drive, Suite 273

Troy, Michigan 48084

[email protected]

Phone: 248-465-9533

Toll Free Phone: 1-877-868-1753



Technology to Applications. Centroid delivers fully-integrated Oracle E-Business Suite and PeopleSoft solutions.

From strategic planning to application deployment and support, we are committed to helping clients realize

measureable business value and achieve sustainable ROI. FutureProofed Technology. FutureProofed Business.

That’s Centroid.

Chain-Sys Corporation Sales Contact: Austin Davis325 S. Clinton Street, Ste. 205

Grand Ledge, MI 48837

[email protected]

Main Phone: 517-627-1173 Option 1

Toll Free Phone: 855-app-LOAD Option 1



based hub-n-spokes model and not driven by frontend excel-macros. EBS Implementations, Upgrades and



CM Mitchell Consulting Sales Contact: Jennifer Pippen1805 Shea Center Drive

Suite 240

Highlands Ranch, CO 80129

P: 303-526-2796

F: 303-484-6324



to store supporting documentation externally, and still access it using the Oracle EBS attachment functionality for

ANY business process/table.


functionality. Captured documents can then be accessed from within or outside of Oracle EBS. CMMC is a professional

services company specializing in content and business management, including custom OCR capture solutions.

Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

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Company Listings

Core Services CorporationSales Contact: Joshua Rothman130 Belmont Drive

Somerset, NJ 08873

Phone: 732-384-7000

Toll Free Phone: 877-267-3797


Enterprise Cloud Solutions, DELIVERED! Our Secure, Dedicated, Enterprise Cloud provides immediate access to

enterprise software at starting speed and near-100% uptime, state-of-the-art technology with affordable startup/monthly



• ManagedServices-EBS,Hyperion,OBIEE,PeopleSoft.

• ImplementationandUpgradeConsultingServicesforOracleApplications,includingEBSR12Upgrades.

• RemoteManagedServices.

• Fusion/Infrastructure/PlatformasaService.

• Backup/DisasterRecoveryasaService.

CSS International, Inc.Sales Contact: James Landry,Vice President Sales115 River Landing Drive

Charleston, SC 29492

[email protected]



CSS International is an award-winning Oracle Platinum Partner specializing in system integration, business process

improvement and implementation and managed services for the Oracle community. CSS serves mid and large-

sized organizations and has been solely focused on Oracle solutions since our inception in 1997. CSS obtained

Oracle Specializations across 7 areas and is certified in the Oracle Business Accelerator program. We are a 3-time

Oracle Partner of the Year and 2-time runner up in the last 6 years. Online at www.cssus.com.

D&B (Dun & Bradstreet Corporation)Sales Contact: Sales103 JFK Parkway

Short Hills, NJ 07078

Phone: 973.921.5500

Toll Free Phone: (866) 307-3822


D&B is theworld’s leadingsourceofcommercial informationand insightonbusinesses.D&B’sglobaldatabase,


solutions provide workflow integration to enhance your records and drive business growth.

Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

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Company Listings

eprentiseSales Contact: Ingrid Houghton7648 San Remo Place

Orlando, FL 32835

[email protected]

Phone: (407) 290-6952

Toll Free Phone: 1 (888) 943-5363


eprentise provides software that allows Oracle E-Business Suite users to consolidate multiple production instances,

to change existing configurations like charts of accounts and calendars, and to merge, split, or move sets of books,

operating units, legal entities, business groups, and inventory organizations. eprentise gives EBS organizations the

agility needed to support changing business requirements, avoid a reimplementation, and lower the total cost of

ownership of ERP while also enabling real-time access to complete, consistent, and correct data across the enterprise.

Excel4appsSales Contact: Scott Stollwerk 8514 Six Forks Road

Suite 102

Raleigh, NC 27615

[email protected]

Phone: 919-238-4040


Excel4apps is a best-in-class provider of Excel-based reporting and budget-loading software for Oracle and SAP.


products easily and securely deliver real-time ERP data using Microsoft Excel® to save reporting time and effort.

Excel4apps serves over 9,500 Oracle and SAP users worldwide, with offices in Australia, the United States, United

Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, and South Africa. To schedule a demonstration and try a free trial, visit

www.excel4apps.com today.

Hewlett-Packard CompanySales Contact: Donna Newkirk3000 Hanover Street

Palo Alto, CA 94304

[email protected]

Phone: +1 214.616.1902




Modernize inflexible applications and business processes. Transform rigid silos into the data center of the future.

Achieve agility without compromise — private, managed and public clouds or onsite data center. More customers


learn more.

Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

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Company Listings

Image Integration SystemsSales Contact: Dave Litzenberg885 Commerce Drive, Suite B

Perrysburg, OH 43551

[email protected]

Phone: 419-872-1930, ext. 222


Founded in 1993, Image Integration Systems (IIS) is an industry leader and authority on accounts payable automation.


automation for Oracle E-Business Suite R12.

Informatica CorporationSales Contact: Sales100 Cardinal Way

Redwood City, CA 94063

Phone: 650-385-5000

Toll Free Phone: 888-635-0899


Informatica is the world’s number one independent provider of data integration software. Based on the open and

trusted Informatica platform, Informatica solutions are purpose-built for Oracle applications and provide a cost-

effective way to manage your applications data growth and create a trusted and authoritative view of your Oracle

data - so you can lower costs, improve application performance and ensure data privacy. Oracle customers around

the world rely on Informatica for maximizing return on data.

InsightSoftware.comKatherine Wells, Vice President,Global Marketing5613 DTC Parkway, Suite 570

Greenwood Village, CO 80111

[email protected]

Phone: 303-872-6959

Toll Free Phone: 855-467-4448



cost and no consulting required. Learn how business units and executives can have up-to-the-minute information

at their fingertips to make fully informed decisions.

Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

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Company Listings

interRel ConsultingSales Contact: Danielle White1000 Ballpark Way, Suite 304

Arlington, TX 76011

[email protected]

Phone: 972-735-8716


Reigning winners of the Oracle EPM/BI Partner of the Year, interRel Consulting develops Oracle EPM and


phone support, and infrastructure consulting to clients ranging from the Global 500 to mid-size companies.



IT ConvergenceSales Contact: Brian Koh805 Veterans Blvd, Suite 216

Redwood City, CA 94063

[email protected]

Phone: 415.675.7935

Toll Free Phone: 1-800-675-0032


IT Convergence is the premier, global provider of Oracle E-Business solutions. Our mission is to improve business

processes through better use of technology, which we do through our consulting, development & testing,

education, enterprise cloud and managed services. Based in North America, we have an international business

presence in India, China, Mexico, Brazil, and Argentina, allowing us to improve our clients’ business performance,

wherever they are in the globe. Since 1998, IT Convergence has successfully partnered with 600 companies in over

50 countries.

KAYGEN – Master Data ManagementSales Contact: Kraig Sauter8105 Irvine Center Drive

Suite 890

Irvine, CA 92618

[email protected]

Phone: (949)203-5100 ext. 103

Toll Free Phone: 1-877-KAYGEN1





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Company Listings

KBACE Technologies, Inc.Sales Contact: Sales6 Trafalgar Square

Nashua, NH 03063

[email protected]

Phone: 603.821.7000

Toll Free Phone: 800.593.5824


KBACE Technologies, Inc. is a global consulting and technology services company dedicated to helping customers

maximize their investment in Oracle Software by delivering unmatched services, solutions, and products.

Kewill, Inc.Sales Contact: Jamie NattiOne Executive Drive

Chelmsford, MA 01824

[email protected]

Phone: 585 943 2030


Kewill is a leading provider of multi-modal, global shipping, real-time trade compliance screening and export


and an exclusive OTM integration managed by Oracle.

More4AppsSales Contact: Sarah Conzemius11400 W. Olympic Blvd Suite 200

Los Angeles, CA 90064

[email protected]

Phone: 310-430-0245


More4apps offers a range of MS Excel-based products that helps users validate and upload data into Oracle E-Business



Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

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Company Listings

NoetixSales Contact: Sales5010 148th Ave NE, Suite 100

Redmond, WA 98052

[email protected]

Phone: 425-372-2699

Toll Free Phone: 866-4NOETIX


Noetix provides instant operational reporting and packaged analytics for Oracle Applications. Our patented

metadata-driven software and lean architecture deliver the lowest cost BI solution to acquire, implement, and

maintain. Noetix’s proven technology is being used by 1,500 industry-leading customers worldwide to quickly and

cost-effectively gain business intelligence insight into their organization.

O2WorksSales Contact: Mark Clark703 McKinney Avenue

Suite 304

Dallas, TX 75202

[email protected]



O2Works is an Oracle Gold Partner and OAUG Star Partner dedicated to all lifecycle phases of the Oracle


EBS experience of nearly 15 years. We have implemented, integrated, and improved Oracle EBS for over 200

organizations worldwide, including implementations, upgrades, health checks and assessments, new module

rollouts, location or country rollouts, and process optimization. Please visit our website for more information.

OneNeck IT ServicesSales Contact: Sales5301 N. Pima Road

Suite 100

Scottsdale, AZ 85250

[email protected]

1-855-OneNeck (663-6325)





application, database, OS, server, data center management, and 24/7 customer support.

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Company Listings

Project PartnersSales Contact: Michael Zwain520 Purissima Street

Half Moon Bay, CA 94019

[email protected]



The experts in Oracle solutions for project-driven organizations, Project Partners LLC is a single point solution

provider for all requirements across Oracle® E-Business Suite™, Oracle Primavera™ and Oracle Fusion™

applications. Our global team includes many of the experts who designed and delivered the Oracle E-Business

Suite Projects Applications. Our integrated products extend Oracle Projects, Oracle Primavera and Microsoft® Excel

solutions, and our management consulting services are provided by Project Management Institute®-certified

Project Management Professionals and Certified Public Accountants.

ReadSoftSales Contact: Sales3838 N. Causeway Blvd

Lakeway III, Suite 2400

Metairie, LA 70002

[email protected]

Phone: 504.841.0100

Toll Free Phone: 888-ReadSof(t)


Over 7,500 companies around the globe trust ReadSoft to automate their financial document processes. ReadSoft’s

Oracle–certified accounts payable solution optimizes procure-to-pay while maximizing companies’ investments

in Oracle E-Business Suite and has made ReadSoft the global technology leader in document process automation.

Red River Solutions, LLCSales Contact: Tammy O’Connorand Michael Stewart14800 Quorum Drive

Suite 325

Dallas, Texas 75254

[email protected]

Phone: 972.715.6100


RedRiverSolutions,anITprofessionalservicefirmspecializinginthreeprimaryserviceofferings: Industryand

Business Process Improvements, Technology Consulting and Executive Technology Advisory Services which


Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

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Company Listings

Rhapsody Technologies, Inc.Sales Contact: Mani Kumar Manda1700 Park Street, Suite 205

Naperville, IL 60563

[email protected]

Phone: 630-487-5801 Ext 11

Toll Free Phone: 888-RHAP-TEK (888-742-7835)


Rhapsody Technologies, an Oracle partner, provides services in assessing, designing and implementing


• MasterDataManagement(MDM)SolutionsforCustomer,Supplier,Product,Location,andCOAdomains

• DataQualityandDataGovernanceInitiatives

Rimini StreetSales Contact: Kelli Gowin7251 W Lake Mead Blvd. Suite 300

Las Vegas, NV 89128

[email protected]

702-839-9671 • 888-870-9692


Rimini Street is the leading third-party provider of enterprise software support services that enables Oracle and

SAP licensees to save 50 percent on annual support fees and up to 90 percent in total cost of maintenance. Clients



sector organizations have selected Rimini Street as their trusted, independent support provider.

ROLTASales Contact: SalesThe Rolta Center

5865 North Point Parkway

Alpharetta, GA 30022

[email protected]

Phone: 678-942-5000

Toll Free Phone: 800-755-8872


ROLTA is a global market leader and provider of solutions that deliver insight and impact based upon innovative

information technology solutions, services and software. For more than 25 years, ROLTA has helped organizations

around the world achieve growth, efficiency and operational excellence. ROLTA is an Oracle Platinum Partner,

and has been recognized with eight Titan awards. Services provided include Oracle applications consulting,

IT infrastructure and support, as well as profitability and cost management guidance. Learn more at


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Company Listings

SmartDog Services, LLCSales Contact: Jon Brower,Senior Sales Director7004 Bee Cave Road 3-100

Austin, Texas 78746

[email protected]

Phone: (512) 279-2528

Toll Free Phone: (800) 328-1251


SmartDogServices isknownas theOracleCustomer’sBestFrienddue toourability toprovideongoingOracle

support, on-demand answers from our Oracle veterans and experts to trouble-shoot issues, and proactively monitor

our customer’s Oracle investment for potential improvements and repairs. Our laser focus allows us to leverage


users get full value from their Oracle investment by planning economical, efficient and sound solutions.

Solution BeaconSales Contact: Dawn BachmannP.O. Box 2429

Big Bear City, CA 92314

[email protected]

Phone: 925-335-9885

Toll Free Phone: 888-603-9243


Solution Beacon combines operational experience with superior functional and technical EBS expertise. Recognized

as R12 experts, we provide intelligent recommendations for complex issues. As a midsized firm with Big 4 expertise

we are proud of our reputation for customer satisfaction.

UnitaskSales Contact: Joe McGee1750 S. Telegraph, #107

Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

[email protected]

Phone: 248-430-0255

Toll Free Phone: 866-UNITASK


Unitask products automate many of the mundane and time-consuming tasks associated with running and

maintaining Oracle EBS like printer configurations, code changes and non-production data security.

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Company Listings

Zebra Technologies CorporationSales Contact: Dean Jackson333 Corporate Woods Parkway

Vernon Hills, IL 60061

[email protected]

Toll Free: +1 866 230 9494

Phone: +1 847 634 6700



as well as real-time location solutions give a virtual voice to assets, people and transactions that provide greater

visibility into mission-critical information.

Vertex, Inc.Sales Contact: Dave Homiak1041 Old Cassatt Road

Berwyn, PA 19312

[email protected]

Phone: 610.640.4200

Toll Free Phone: 800.355.3500


Vertex provides a comprehensive suite of software and services backed by more than 30 years experience. Our

innovative solutions help companies worldwide streamline tax management in every major line of business tax

including income tax, transaction tax, and payroll tax.

Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

Validated Integration

Oracle Applications

Page 32: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide

Article Titleby line




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Page 33: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide


These focused, two-day events provide an educational forum for networkingwith your peers, industry leaders, and Oracle executives. You will gain theinsight and information you need to fully optimize your product investments.


OAUG Connection Point® —Enterprise Performance Management/Business IntelligenceOrlando, FL | November 5-6The Peabody Orlando

OAUG Connection Point® —Oracle E-Business Suite R12.1+/Fusion CoexistenceSan Diego, CA | November 15-16Hilton San Diego Bayfront

Coming soon in the Connection Point® series:

Please visitconnectionpoint.oaug.org

for dates, locationsand agendas.

For more information,contact James [email protected].


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Page 35: 2012 OAUG Buyer's Guide



Article Titleby line




Gitas quiatur? Gent, et et faccus dolupta essecerupis que prem rerum quiae dolore, te sam rem facesequod maiorro

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maximus aperchil illita nimolute ped exerro es qui aut ea con nobis molorero beribus atati sed eum que consece-

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Ga. Et estrum aut quam nimolor renis dolupti rem ut event.

Icae nonsequ aspiend iatium, omnihicia nos auda platatur ma diciis dolecte nducia volo beatiaspici beritios accupta

ectiis simus inctiorro vendebi testibust, occum num res sus et aperum doluptatus maximag nietur alicaborit odigenet

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3525 Piedmont Road

Building Five, Suite 300

Atlanta, GA 30305

p: +1 404.240.0897

f: +1 404.240.0998

e-mail: [email protected]



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