2012 Business 100 Feature

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Transcript of 2012 Business 100 Feature

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BUSINESSThe Business 100 celebrates the phenomenal success ofthe Irish in corporate America. The executives profiledin the following pages represent some of the most influ-ential and innovative corporations in the world, insectors ranging from technology to film, from socialmedia to insurance, from advertising to automobiles.From those who were born in Ireland to those who feelstrongly connected to an ancestor who immigrated gen-erations ago, all of the honorees hold their Irish heritagein the highest regard. Their achievements are a testament to the incredible scope, power andaccomplishments of the Irish diaspora.Irish America is proud to recognize this remarkable group ofmen and women. Congratulations to all of the honorees.

Beir Bua!



“My Irish heritage gave me intelligence, intuition and humor. A love of a great story and a deep laugh. Gratitude forwhat I’ve been given, and a desire to give back.”

– Maggie Sullivan Wilderotter, Frontier Communications

“The Irish are some of the best story-tellers in the world.Being of Irish heritageand in the entertain-ment business, I feel asense of responsibilityto tell stories that willenlighten and endurethe test of time.”

– Tucker Tooley,Relativity Media

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“Being Irish is farmore thangenetics orgenealogy. It is aspirit, an atti-tude and afoundation.”

– Kieran Gallahue, CareFusion

“As a first-generation Irish American I have had theprivilege of being shaped by the particular quali-ties of two distinct cultures – the passion, creativityand mirth of the Irish along with the unbridled sense of optimism and opportunity that America affords.”

– Maureen Mitchell, GE Asset Management

“The Irish have tremendous pride,which is passed downfrom generation to generation, regardlessof where they live.Growing up in an IrishCatholic family with fivesiblings and 31 cousinstaught me values I will use and cherishthroughout my life. I am proud of my Irishheritage, and when mychildren are asked oftheir nationality, theyalways have thesame answer, ‘Irish.’”

– John Duffey, Six Flags Entertainment Corp.

Most Popular Counties of Origin:Cork • Kerry • Mayo Tipperary • Donegal • Sligo

Ancestral Links:

Most MentionedColleges andUniversities:Harvard • University CollegeDublin • Notre Dame • DePaulUniversity • New York University

“I sometimes need topinch myself and smilewhen I think how farwe have come andhow much we haveachieved, with somany chancers.”

– Trevor Madigan, Facebook 20%










19%Irish Born

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PAUL ADAMSFacebookPaul Adams is the global head of Brand Design atFacebook. Prior to joining Facebook, Paul ledsocial research at Google, where he played amajor role in building Google+. Previously, heworked as a user experience consultant at Flow,leading research and design projects for clientsincluding the BBC, The Guardian, Vodafone andUK Government. Before Flow, he worked as anindustrial designer at Dyson, and also workeddesigning car interiors at Faurecia.Paul’s work has been featured in The Wall StreetJournal, Fast Company, AdWeek and other leadingpublications. In 2011, Fortune magazine describedPaul as “one of Silicon Valley’s most wanted,”and his presentation on the next evolution ofsocial networks, “The Real Life Social Network,”is one of the most viewed and downloaded pre-sentations ever published on the web.

Paul holds a Master of Science degree in inter-active media and a Bachelor of Design in indus-trial design from the University of Limerick. Hewas born in Sligo and grew up in Swords, Co.Dublin.

JOHN F. BARRETTWestern & Southern John F. Barrett is chairman, president and CEOof Western & Southern Financial Group, aCincinnati-based diversified family of financialservices companies, which, under his leadershiphas grown from a $5 billion Midwestern lifeinsurance company to a national financial servic-es enterprise with assets in excess of $55 billion.

John is a director and former chairman of theAmerican Council of Life Insurers, president of theAssociation of Ohio Life Insurance Companies,and a past chairman of the Ohio BusinessRoundtable. He is a trustee of the FinancialServices Roundtable and the Business Roundtablein Washington, DC. He is also on the board ofCintas Corporation and Convergys Corporation.He is a member of the Cincinnati Business com-mittee and co-chairman of the Greater CincinnatiScholarship Association.

A fourth-generation Irish American with roots incounties Kilkenny and Mayo, John holds a bache-lor’s in business administration from the Universityof Cincinnati. He and wife, Eileen, have threegrown children.

CHARLENE BEGLEYGeneral ElectricCharlene Begley is president and CEO of GEHome & Business Solutions and a senior vice presi-dent and CIO for GE.

Charlene joined GE in 1988 and progressedthrough leadership roles including vice president,GE Corporate Audit Staff and president and CEOfor several GE businesses including GE FANUCAutomation, Transportation, Plastics, andEnterprise Solutions. At 32, she became the compa-ny’s youngest ever corporate officer, and she also setthe record as the first woman to lead one of GE’smajor business units and the first female senior vicepresident. Her accomplishments have been recog-nized on lists in Fortune, Forbes and the Wall StreetJournal.

Charlene is a member of GE’s CorporateExecutive Council and the boards of MorphoDetection, Inc. and the National Association ofManufacturers.

A fifth-generation Irish American, Charlenegraduated from the University of Vermont.

CLAUDIA CAHILLOMD, The Content CollectiveClaudia Claudia leads OMD’s entertainment prac-tice, The Content Collective, a re-imagined mediaand content entertainment group with offices in LA,Chicago and New York, that services OMD clientslike Pepsico, JC Penney, Lowe’s, Hershey’s, Beier-sdorf and GE by leveraging brand media invest-ments to generate custom media and content pro-grams in theatrical, television and digital mediums.

Current work includes Pepsi’s X Factor partner-ship, 2013 Superbowl and Grammy programs, cus-tom programs for Pepsi’s Live for Now campaignwith MTVN and ABC, Lowe’s programs withNBC’s Smash and ABC’s Suburgatory, Hilton partner-ships with the Grammy’s Hawaii Five O, and theTribeca Film Festival.

A second-generation Irish American with roots inCo. Cork, Claudia grew up in New Orleans andreceived a BA from Tulane University. Reflecting onher Irish heritage, Claudia says “I will never forgetchoosing to interpret an Irish jig in front of myentire grammar school in first grade and learningthe meaning of stage fright.” Claudia is based in LosAngeles and has a son, Nofio Pecoraro III.

STEVE CAHILLANEThe Coca-Cola CompanySteve Cahillane is the president and CEO of Coca-Cola Refreshments, an operating unit that repre-sents nearly 90% of the North American businessof The Coca-Cola Company.

Steve began his career as a sales representativefor E&J Gallo Winery. In 1995, he founded StateStreet Brewing Company in Chicago, which heowned until 1997, when he sold the business andjoined Coors Distribution Company as VP andgeneral manager. He joined InBev in 1999, servingas VP of U.S. Sales until 2001, when he was pro-moted to CEO of Labatt USA. From 2003 to 2005,he served as CEO of Interbrew UK and Ireland.He then became COO for InBev, and in 2007, wasappointed president of the Europe Group forCoca-Cola Enterprises. In 2008, he was namedpresident of CCE’s North American Business Unit.

One of four children of a New York firefighterwith roots in Co. Kerry and a mother who wasborn and raised in Donegal, Steve holds a BA inpolitical science from Northwestern University andan MBA from Harvard. He and his wife, Tracy,reside in Atlanta with their four children.

JOAN CARROLL PwCJoan Carroll is a director in the Personal FinanceServices Group of PricewaterhouseCoopersLLP.

For over 20 years, she has provided compre-hensive tax and financial planning services tohigh net worth individuals, managers andinvestors of hedge funds and private equityfunds, senior corporate executives, and owners ofclosely held businesses.

Joan holds a BBA in accounting from AdelphiUniversity, and currently serves on the board ofdirectors of Concern Worldwide US.

Joan grew up in Wantagh, New York and nowresides in nearby Long Beach. Her grandfather,Patrick McHugh, was born in County Leitrim,while the Carroll name hails from Westport,County Mayo. Joan is very proud to be of Irishdescent, and is “grateful for the strong faith thatwas passed down to me.”


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©2012 The Coca-Cola Company. “Coca-Cola,” “open happiness” and the Contour Bottle are registered trademarks of The Coca-Cola Company.


No artificial flavors, no added preservatives. Since 1886.

Congratulations from The Coca-Cola Company to

Denis O’Brien on being named amongst the 100best and brightest

Irish Americans in business.

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WILLIAM M. CASEYErnst & YoungWilliam M. Casey is the chief operating officer forErnst & Young’s Americas Transaction AdvisoryServices business. Bill joined the firm in 1983 andhas been a partner for over 15 years.

Fluent in both Spanish and Portuguese, heworked on transactions in Latin America for morethan a decade and spent four years as a partner inErnst & Young’s Sao Paulo office. Throughout hiscareer, Bill has worked with strategic and privateequity buyers in payment and transaction process-ing, electronic funds transfer and outsourcing. Hiswork has extended to the beverage, automotive,and telecommunications industries.

A Chicago native, Bill graduated from theUniversity of Illinois with a BS in accountancy,and went on to earn an MBA from DePaulUniversity. His mother is a native of Crossmolinaand his father is from Castlebar, both in CountyMayo. He and wife, Amy, have two daughters,Sarah and Hannah. He says, “the Chicago Irishcommunity has given me an appreciation of theintelligence, creativity and passion of the Irishpeople and their tremendous achievements.”

KIERAN CLAFFEYPwCKieran Claffey is a partner at Pricewaterhouse-Coopers, LLP. After joining PwC in 1985, hespent over ten years in the Assurance practicebefore transferring to the national office to focuson litigation and regulatory related issues. He rep-resents PwC on the Technical StandardsCommittee of the American Institute of CPAs.

Kieran was a founding member and director ofthe Ireland Chamber of Commerce in the U.S.and a director of the European-AmericanChamber of Commerce. He is the national treas-urer, executive committee member and board member of the Ireland-U.S. Council forCommerce & Industry. He is chairman of thefinance committee, member of the executivecommittee and on the board of trustees of TheGateway Schools, and is a director of LegalInformation for Families Today.

Born in Dublin, he is a graduate of UCD anda fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountantsin Ireland. Kieran, who has won several allIreland dancing medals, lives in Manhattan withhis wife, Michelle, and sons Ryan, CJ and Steven.

THOMAS W. CODDPwCThomas W. Codd is PwC’s North Texas managingpartner. He joined PwC in 1982 and has spent hisentire career serving manufacturing and distribu-tion companies, ranging from private companiesto multinational corporations.

Tom is a director of the American Ireland Fund,a member of the North American Advisory Boardof the UCD Michael Smurfit Graduate BusinessSchool and a member of the New York City FriendlySons of St. Patrick. He earned a BSc in manage-ment from Purdue University. He also serves onmany civic boards in Dallas, including The CatholicFoundation, World Affairs Council of Dallas-Ft.Worth, Dallas Theater Center, University of Dallasand Circle 10 Council/Boy Scouts of America.

Tom, who is a second-generation Irish American– his paternal grandparents were born in countiesCarlow and Sligo – says, “I attribute my fundamen-tal values of work ethic, loyalty, fortitude, charity,humor, and humility in large part to my ancestry.”He and his wife, Shelly, live in Dallas, Texas withtheir four children: Tommy, Kevin, Mike andKaitlin.

MEGAN COLLIGANParamount PicturesMegan Colligan is president of DomesticMarketing and Distribution for ParamountPictures, a position she has held since 2011. Shepreviously served as co-president of DomesticMarketing.

Megan has led the marketing and distribution formany of Paramount’s recent hits, includingMadagascar 3, the 3-D re-release of Titanic, and theAcademy Award-nominated films Puss in Boots, TheAdventures of Tin-Tin, and Hugo.

Before joining Paramount, Megan was VP at FoxSearchlight. She began her career as a publicist atMiramax Films, served as publicity director for BrillMedia Holdings and Media Central, and thenjoined Fenton Communications.

Megan attended Harvard University, where shereceived a BA in American history and AfricanAmerican studies. She and her husband, MarkRoybal, have three sons, Lukas, Simon and Jesse. Athird-generation Irish American, Megan was bornin Mineola, NY., to James and Margaret, whoseroots go back to Counties Cork and Sligo, respec-tively. Megan “loves being Irish and is very proud ofher Irish heritage.”

FRANK COMERFORDNBC Owned Television StationsFrancis X. Comerford is the chief revenue officer &president of commercial operations for NBCOwned Television Stations. Frank joined NBC in1994. Before being promoted to his current role in2008, he was president and general manager ofNBC’s flagship station, WNBC. His career in thetelevision industry spans over 30 years.

Frank is very active in the community, serving onmany charitable boards including the NYC St.Patrick’s Day Parade, Catholic Charities of theArchdiocese of New York, the Association for aBetter New York and The Television Bureau ofAdvertising. He has been honored by several organ-izations, including: the Child Abuse PreventionProgram, the Diocese of Brooklyn, and Friends ofAHRC Nassau Autism Program. He was ChiefBrehon of Brooklyn’s Great Irish Fair in 2003 andhas been named a “Favorite Son of Brooklyn.”Brooklyn Borough President Marty Markowitzdeclared Nov. 26, 2002 Frank Comerford Day.

Frank, his wife, Maura, and their son Francis Jr.,live in Manhattan and Long Island. He has roots inCo. Kilkenny and he served as Grand Marshal ofthe 2012 NYC St. Patrick’s Day Parade.

CHIP CONLEYJoie de Vivre HotelsAt the age of 26, Chip Conley, founder of Joie deVivre Hotels began the transformation of abedraggled 1950s hotel into the renownedPhoenix Hotel in San Francisco. From this firstcreation sprang Joie de Vivre Hotels, which hasaccrued nearly 40 award-winning hotels inAmerica and is now America’s second largestboutique hotelier.

Also an author, Chip shares his theories to suc-cess in life and business in bestsellers EmotionalEquations: Simple Truths for Creating Happiness +Success, and Peak: How Great Companies Get TheirMojo from Maslow.

The San Francisco Business Times called Chip“the most innovative CEO among business lead-ers across all industries.” He has received topawards in the hospitality industry, including the2012 Pioneer Award.

Chip, who received his BA and MBA fromStanford University, is a fifth-generation Irish-American with ancestral links to Co. Cork on hisfather’s side. He has two sons, Damien and Eli,and credits his “persistence and courage” withcoming from his “humble, faithful Irish roots.”

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AT&T salutes Cathy Coughlin and John Donovan. Their vision and leadership have made them two of Irish America magazine’s 2012 Business 100 honorees.

Thanks for showing us the power of possible.

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DEIRDRE CONNELLYGlaxoSmithKlineDeirdre Connelly is president, North AmericaPharmaceuticals for GlaxoSmithKline. She is amember of the global Corporate Executive Teamand co-chairs, along with the chairman, Researchand Development, the Portfolio ManagementBoard. Prior to joining GSK, Deirdre served aspresident of U.S. operations at Eli Lilly andCompany.

Deirdre has been consistently recognized byFortune as one of the 50 most powerful women inbusiness. In 2008, she was appointed to thePresident’s Commission on White HouseFellowships. In 2010, she was named Woman ofthe Year by the Healthcare Businesswomen’sAssociation.

Deirdre was born in San Juan to an Irish fatherand a Puerto Rican mother. She earned a bache-lor’s degree in economics and marketing fromLycoming College in Pennsylvania in 1983. In2000, she graduated from Harvard University’sAdvanced Management Program.

JOHN J. CONNOLLY, Ed.D. Castle Connolly Medical Ltd.Dr. John Connolly, president and CEO of CastleConnolly Medical Ltd., is the nation’s leading experton identifying top physicians. He was president ofNew York Medical College for over ten years. Johnis a member of President’s Council of the UnitedHospital Fund and serves on the boards of Bakerand Taylor, Air Methods Corporation, DearbornRisk Management, and on the advisory board ofthe Hudson Group. He was founder and chairmanof the American Lyme Disease Foundation, andwas chairman of the Culinary Institute of America.

John received a BS from Worcester State, an MAfrom the University of Connecticut, and an Ed.D. incollege and university administration fromColumbia University Teacher’s College. He and hiswife, Ingrid, have two children, Sean and Cheryl.

His Irish roots come from Clare on his father’sside and Killarney on his mother’s. A member ofthe Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, John says, “Whenyou learn of the suffering the Irish went through inIreland and when they first came to the UnitedStates, and now [think of] what they have achieved,you cannot help but to be proud of being of Irishdescent, and proud to be an American!”

CATHERINE COUGHLINAT&TAs senior executive vice president and globalmarketing officer, Cathy Coughlin overseesAT&T brand strategy, advertising, corporatecommunications, events and sponsorships world-wide.

Cathy began her communications career in1979 when she joined Southwestern BellTelephone Company in her hometown of St.Louis. During her 33-year career, she has heldofficer roles in sales, marketing, operations andadvertising for AT&T. Prior to her current role,Cathy was president and chief executive officer ofAT&T Midwest. Throughout her career, Cathyhas been committed to serving the community.She serves on the board of directors of severalorganizations, including the Girl Scouts of theUSA and Northwestern University. She alsoserves on the board of trustees of the AmericanFilm Institute.

Cathy holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in eco-nomics from Northwestern University and aMaster of Science degree in finance from St.Louis University.

DENNIS CROWLEYFoursquareDennis Crowley is the co-founder of Foursquare,a service that mixes social, locative and gamingelements to encourage people to explore thecities in which they live. Previously, Dennisfounded dodgeball.com, one of the first mobilesocial services in the US, which was acquired byGoogle in 2005. In 2005 Dennis was named oneof the “Top 35 Innovators Under 35” by MIT’sTechnology Review magazine. In 2009 he won the“Fast Money” bonus round on the TV gameshow Family Feud.

His work has featured in The New York Times,The Wall Street Journal, Wired, Time, Newsweek,MTV, Slashdot and NBC. Dennis is currently an adjunct professor at NYU’s InteractiveTelecommunications Program (ITP).

A fourth-generation Irish American, Dennisholds a master’s degree from NYU’s InteractiveTelecommunications Program and a bachelor’sdegree from the Newhouse School at SyracuseUniversity. His great-great-grandparents emi-grated from Sneem, County Kerry.

PATRICIA A. CUNNINGHAMUnitedAs national account manager for United, theworld’s largest airline as of October 2012, PatriciaCunningham oversees leisure accounts throughoutthe U.S. and is responsible for local marketing activ-ities for Europe including Belfast, Dublin andShannon. She started her airline career at VarigBrazilian Airline and served as director of AirlineSales for Virgin Atlantic Airways, before going toContinental Airlines in 1997. In 2011 she was hiredby United during the merger process ofContinental and United Airlines.

Patricia, who is past president of the Airline SalesManager Association in New York City, was thefirst female president of SKAL in New Jersey.

She is a second-generation Irish-American withroots in Roscommon on her father’s side. Of herIrish heritage she says, “My Irish heritage has beena source of immense pride, and has provided mewith strong work ethics and a commitment to hardwork in both my professional career and personallife.” She resides in Neptune, New Jersey.

MARTY DALYCBS Television NetworkMarty Daly is the senior vice president & director ofNews & Late Night Sales for the CBS TV Network.He started at CBS as a traffic clerk in 1974 andworked his way up to his present position in theSales Department. He now manages all the market-ing and sales for CBS This Morning, The Evening Newswith Scott Pelley, The Late Show with David Letterman andThe Late, Late Show with Craig Ferguson.

Marty, whose parents hail from Co. Kerry, wentto All Hallows High School in the Bronx, NY andgraduated from Iona College. He says, “My parentstaught us the value of hard work and the impor-tance of education. The example they set by puttingtheir children’s education in front of any personalcomforts for them is the reason we were able toachieve the American dream!”

Last year, Marty was inducted into the AllHallows HS Hall of Fame, where he now serves aschairman of their board of directors. He and hiswife, Kathleen, whose parents were born in Co.Cork, have 3 grown children: Laura, Ryan andColin Daly.

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SHANNON DEEGANGoogle Inc.As director of People Operations at Google,Shannon Deegan leads several key global teams,including M&A and Pre-University EducationOutreach. During his five years at Google, he hasserved as the lead business partner to Google’sGlobal Business organization, as the head of thecentral staffing organization, and the global Talentand Outreach Programs, including Diversity.

Shannon joined Google after several years inmedia and publishing. He worked as a managementconsultant at McKinsey & Company in New YorkCity, and in public service in Canada. He was also aprofessional hockey player with the Los AngelesKings organization.

Shannon has a Bachelor of Arts degree from theUniversity of Vermont, where he received the uni-versity’s “Most Outstanding Student” award. Healso holds an MPhil degree in international studiesfrom Trinity College, Dublin, and an MBA fromthe Yale School of Management. A native ofVerdun, Quebec, Shannon lives in San Jose,California with his wife, Patti, and their three chil-dren, twins Conal and Orla, and Bridget.

A. JAMES DEHAYESDeHayes Consulting GroupA. James DeHayes is an authority on strategydevelopment and implementation in marketing,distribution, and M&A support for the financialservices industry.

Prior to founding DeHayes Consulting Group,James served as CMO for a major diversifiedfinancial services company. He is an alumnus ofthe Harvard Business School, a graduate ofLeadership in Professional Services, a charteredlife underwriter and chartered financial consult-ant from the American College, and holds anMBA from Pepperdine University.

James is active in numerous organizations,including a professional member of the WorldFuture Society, an associate member of the NewYork Society of Security Analysts, various leader-ship roles with the Harvard Business SchoolAlumni Association of Northern California, anda member of the North American AdvisoryBoard for the UCD Michael Smurfit GraduateBusiness School in Dublin. A second-generationIrish American whose mother’s family has rootsin Belfast, James is married with six children.

DANIEL J. DOHERTYKPMG, LLPWith 27 years of experience serving clients in thelife sciences, consumer products, retail and manu-facturing industries, Daniel Doherty, a partner atKPMG, is the firm’s national market developmentleader for Advisory. Dan serves as KPMG’s seniorclient service partner for Abbott Laboratories,Chrysler Group, Fortune Brands, Schawk,Walgreens and WW Grainger.

A graduate of De Paul University and a CPA,Dan serves on the advisory board of the DePaulUniversity School of Accountancy. He is a trusteeof the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, and is on theboard of the Big Shoulders Fund and the CivicConsulting Alliance.

Dan’s father, Owen Doherty, emigrated fromBallyliffin, Co. Donegal, and his mother, MaryBurke, came from Tourmakeady, Co. Mayo. Hesays, “My Irish heritage and, specifically, my par-ents’ successes and life journey are a constantsource of pride and inspiration.” He and his wife,Laurie, have two sons, Thomas and Brian.

MICHAEL J. DOLANExxon MobilMichael J. Dolan has worked in the oil and petro-chemical business for over 36 years. He began hiscareer in research and development, and proceed-ed through a variety of research, engineering, man-ufacturing and business management positions.Michael has worked in all parts of Exxon Mobil’sbusiness both domestically and abroad.

Today he is senior vice president and a mem-ber of the management committee of ExxonMobil Corporation in Irving, TX.

Michael is a director of the U.S.-Saudi ArabianBusiness Council, the U.S.-China Business Council,and a former director of the American PetroleumInstitute. He is also trustee of his alma mater,Worcester Polytechnic Institute, where he receiveda BS in chemical engineering. Michael holds anMBA from Drexel University in Philadelphia.

He is a third-generation Irish American withroots in Ballincollig, Co Cork. He says, “Mygreat-grandfather came to America, served in thearmy and bought a small farm. His descendantshave been living the American dream as a result.”Michael and his wife, Debora, have four childrenand one grandchild.

JOHN DONAHOEeBay Inc.John Donahoe became president and CEO ofeBay Inc. in 2008. In this role, he leads a globalecommerce and payments leader with revenues of$11.7 billion in 2011 and hundreds of millions ofusers around the world. John has driven a strongfocus on innovation and customers across eBayInc.’s core businesses, which include eBay, PayPal,GSI Commerce and X.commerce, the company’splatform division. John joined eBay in March 2005as president of eBay Marketplaces, responsible forall elements of eBay’s global ecommerce business-es. In this role, he focused on expanding eBay’s corebusiness. John also oversaw a number of strategicacquisitions, including Shopping.com andStubHub. Prior to eBay, John spent more than 20years at Bain & Company, a worldwide consultingfirm based in Boston.

He received a BA in economics from DartmouthCollege and an MBA from the Stanford GraduateSchool of Business. Additionally, John serves on theBoard of Directors for eBay Inc. and Intel Corp. Afifth-generation Irish American, John has roots inTipperary. He and his wife, Eileen Chamberlain,have four children.

LISA DONOHUEStarcom USAAs CEO of Starcom USA, Lisa Donohue empow-ers her company to exceed challenges on behalf ofsome of the country’s mightiest marketers, includ-ing Allstate, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Bank ofAmerica, Burger King, Kellogg, Microsoft, P&G,Samsung and more, connecting them with peoplethrough human understanding, real-time businessintelligence and creative ideas. Since becomingCEO in 2009, Lisa has spurred creative transforma-tion, establishing Starcom as MEDIA’s 2011Creative Media Agency of the Year. She is a mem-ber of Starcom MediaVest Group’s globalExecutive Management Group.

Lisa received the honor of ChicagoAdvertising Federation’s Advertising Woman ofthe Year in 2011, as well as Adweek’s 2011Executive Media All-Star. In 2006 Advertising Agerecognized her as a Woman to Watch. She alsohas two Cannes Media Lion victories (2001) forwork on Nintendo. Lisa is a third-generation IrishAmerican on her father’s side and fourth-genera-tion on her mother’s. Both families are fromCork.

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JOHN DONOVANAT&TJohn Donovan is senior executive vice president ofAT&T Technology and Network Operations,responsible for AT&T’s technology and globalnetwork, including the company’s best-in-classmobile broadband network. He first joined AT&Tas chief technology officer in 2007, having begunhis career at Deloitte Consulting, where headvanced to partner. He moved on to becomechairman and CEO of inCode Telecom GroupInc., and also worked at VeriSign Inc., where hewas executive vice president of product, sales,marketing and operations.

John graduated from the University of NotreDame with a BSEE degree and earned an MBAin finance from the University of Minnesota. Heis the author of two books, The Value of Enterpriseand Value of Creating Growth. He and his wife, Judy,have three children – Shaina, Rory and Julia.

A third-generation Irish American with roots inin Ireland on both of his parents’ sides, John saysof his Irish heritage, “St. Patrick’s Day was one ofthe most important celebrations in my home. Mydad was so proud of his heritage.”

MICHAEL J. DOWLINGNorth Shore-LIJ Health SystemsMichael J. Dowling is president and CEO of theNorth Shore-LIJ Health System, which deliversworld-class clinical care throughout the New Yorkmetropolitan area, pioneering research at TheFeinstein Institute for Medical Research and avisionary approach to medical education, highlight-ed by the Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School ofMedicine. North Shore-LIJ is the largest integratedhealthcare system in New York State with total rev-enue of more than $6.7 billion, and is the nation’sthird-largest, non-profit secular health system.

Prior to joining North Shore-LIJ, he served inNew York State government for 12 years, includingtwo years as commissioner of social services. Hewas a long-time chief advisor to former New YorkGovernor Mario Cuomo on health and humanservices issues. Earlier, he was a professor of socialpolicy and an assistant dean of the FordhamUniversity Graduate School of Social Services. Hestarted his career as a caseworker in the New YorkCity schools, having earned his master’s degreefrom Fordham and undergraduate degree fromUniversity College in Cork.

JOHN M. DUFFEYSix Flags Entertainment Corp.John Duffey is the chief financial officer of SixFlags Entertainment Corporation, responsible forthe finance and information technology functionsin the company, the largest regional theme parkoperator in the world. Prior to joining Six Flags,John served as executive vice president and chiefintegration officer of Siemens HealthcareDiagnostics, and was responsible for leading theintegration of Siemens Medical SolutionsDiagnostics and Dade Behring. Prior to DadeBehring’s acquisition by Siemens AG, John servedas the EVP and CFO of Dade Behring.

John holds a BA in accounting from MichiganState University. A father of three, he said of histhird-generation Derry and Donegal roots, “TheIrish have tremendous pride which is passed downfrom generation to generation, regardless of wherethey live. Family is extremely important and growingup in an Irish Catholic family with five siblings and31 cousins taught me values I will use and cherishthroughout my life. I am proud of my Irish heritageand when my children are asked of their nationality,they always have the same answer, ‘Irish.’”

JOHN DUFFY3CinteractiveJohn Duffy is CEO and founder of 3Cinteractive,an enterprise software company specializing inmobile business solutions.

With 25 years of experience in communicationsand payment processing, John has established sev-eral successful companies. 3Cinteractive, which hefounded in 2005, ranked 12th on Forbes’ 2011 list ofAmerica’s Most Promising Companies. In 2012, hereceived the Ernst & Young Entrepreneur of TheYear Award in Florida, and the Sun Sentinel’sExcalibur Award. He serves on the boards of theDan Marino Foundation and the FAU Foundation.

A second-generation Irish American, withfamily from Carrigart, Co. Donegal on hisfather’s side, John graduated from OhioUniversity with a degree in business administra-tion. He made his first trip to Ireland as a teenag-er, and says that it made him understand “what itmean[s] to be Irish. Ingrained in the culture andetched on the faces of the people, I saw the char-acteristics I admired most in my father – loyaltyand hard work” He and his wife, Michelle, havetwo daughters, Emily and Annie.

MIKE DUFFYCardinal HealthMike Duffy is executive vice president of GlobalManufacturing and Supply Chain for CardinalHealth. Prior to Cardinal Health, Duffy served asvice president, Global Value Chain at TheGillette Co. Mike is president of the CorporateAdvisory Council at the University of MichiganRoss School of Business Master of Supply Chain Management Program and a formerboard member of the Council of Supply ChainManagement Professionals (CSCMP).

Mike earned both his bachelor’s degree (oper-ations research) and master’s degree (transporta-tion) from the Massachusetts Institute ofTechnology (MIT). He is a fourth-generationIrish American with roots in Dublin on both sidesof the family, and ancestors from Kilkenny on his mother’s side. He remarks, “my family is from Boston, where the Irish community is stillvery active. I am proud to be a descendant ofthe Irish community that both built the city infrastructure and shaped its local culture. It isthat work ethic and sense of purpose that I carrywith me every day.”

TERRENCE A. DUFFYCME Group Inc.Terrence A. Duffy has been executive chairmanof CME Group since 2007. Previously, he waschairman of the board of CME and CMEHoldings since 2002 and executive chairmansince 2006.

He is vice chairman of the CME GroupFoundation, serves on the board of directors ofWorld Business Chicago, the board of trustees ofSaint Xavier University, and the regional adviso-ry board of The American Ireland Fund. He isalso co-chair of the Mayo Clinic GreaterChicago Leadership Council.

In 2002, Duffy was appointed by PresidentBush to serve on a National Saver Summit onRetirement Savings and was confirmed by theU.S. Senate in 2003 to the Federal RetirementThrift Investment Board.

A third-generation Irish American, Terrenceattended the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater.In 2007, he received a Doctor of Humane Lettersfrom DePaul University.

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Welcome to Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum/Músaem An Ghorta Mhóir, in

Hamden, CT. This is the only museum of its kind in North America, the continent of

refuge to so many famine victims and home to generations of their descendants.

A special supplement to Irish America Magazine produced by Turlough McConnell




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From 1845 to 1852, more than 1 million

Irish men, women and children either

starved to death or died from compli-

cations caused by famine. More than 2

million fled Ireland to avoid death, disease and

destitution. If it takes seven generations to assim-

ilate such a national disaster, the time has come to

address the silence and tell the story of Ireland’s

Great Hunger. That’s a mission that Quinnipiac

University has now assumed.

Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum/Músaem An

Ghorta Mhóir in Hamden, Connecticut, brings the

world’s largest collection of paintings, sculptures

and other visual arts relating to the catastrophe

to the general public.


The story behind the Ireland’s Great Hunger collec-

tion begins in 1997 when Quinnipiac President John

L. Lahey served as grand marshal of the New York

City St. Patrick’s Day Parade. He made Ireland’s

Great Hunger the theme of that year’s parade in

order to commemorate the 150th anniversary of

Black ‘47, the worst year of the Irish famine.

The late Murray Lender, a Quinnipiac alumnus

and vice chairman of the Board of Trustees, was

deeply moved, grasping at once the compelling

nature of the story and the importance of edu-

cating people about the true causes and conse-

quences of the catastrophe.

Murray Lender’s generous financial support,

and that of his brother Marvin, led to the creation

of the Lender Family Special Collection Room,

original home to a small but compelling art col-

lection and where an important trove of educa-

tional and research materials is housed.

Over the years, the collection grew to where

it deserved its own museum space. Ireland’s

Great Hunger Museum on Whitney Avenue in

Hamden is designed by the Connecticut team of

Wyeth Architects. Exhibition design by Group C,

with selection and arrangement of the works by

Inaugural Exhibition Curator, Niamh O’Sullivan,

Professor Emeritus of Visual Culture, National

College of Art and Design, Dublin, Ireland, cap-

tures the visitor’s full attention.

The museum aims to strengthen and

advance Quinnipiac University’s commitment to

education about Ireland’s Great Hunger and be a

showcase for world-class Irish visual arts, as well

as a center of artistic and academic excellence

illustrating the richness of Irish culture and ideas.

The museum was formally dedicated by Leo

Varadkar, TD, Ireland's Minister for Transport,

Tourism and Sport, on September 28, 2012.

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Top: Dr. John L. Lahey, President, Quinnipiac

University, addresses the IGHM Dedication. Robert

Ballagh’s stained glass window, An Gorta Mór,

appears in the background.

Middle: Leo Varadkar, TD, Ireland’s Minister for

Transport, Tourism and Sport, presents Tourism

Ireland’s Trip for Two to lucky winner, Quinnipiac

student Michelle Ayrapetyan of Richboro, PA, at the

IGHM concert headlined by Dropkick Murphys.

Bottom: Artists John Behan and Brian Maguire with

Catherine Marshall, senior curator and head of the collec-

tion at the Irish Museum of Modern Art and moderator of

the panel, Depicting the Great Hunger Through Art.

Irish President, Michael D. Higgins, said at the

2012 National Famine Commemoration in

Boston, “It is when we acknowledge the facts of

what has been omitted, and speculate on why,

that we are best prepared to use our own

Famine experience in such a way as would gen-

erate an appropriately ethical response to the

obscenity of recurring famines in our own time in

different parts of our shared vulnerable planet.

“Given our Famine experience, hunger has a

deep resonance with the Irish people,” the presi-

dent, academic and poet, concluded. “Our expe-

rience of famine has echoed through the

generations and has shaped the values and prin-

ciples that are embedded in our people.”

Quinnipiac University has a tradition of

charting visionary courses even as it pre-

dictably and consistently appears on lists of

the country’s top schools.


More than 100 original works of art by noted con-

temporary Irish and American artists in a variety of

visual media are featured, as well as a number of

important 19th- and 20th-century paintings.

Begun in 1997, this dynamic collection continues to

grow. Artists represented in the inaugural exhibi-

tion include John Behan, Micheal Farrell, Glenna

Goodacre, Rowan Gillespie, Brian Maguire, Eamon

O'Doherty, Alanna O'Kelly and Geraldine O'Reilly.


The Lender Family Special Collection Room at

Quinnipiac’s Arnold Bernhard Library includes

more than 700 books on the Famine period,

including historical novels and academic works,

available for research.


Museum programs will highlight the richness of

Irish culture and encourage its fullest apprecia-

tion by the general public, scholars, researchers,

artists and students.

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Top: Historian Christine Kinealy, author of

The Great Calamity, with New York Consul

General of Ireland, Noel Kilkenny and Hanora

O’Dea Kilkenny, at the Ireland’s Great Hunger

Museum Dedication.

Middle: Cynthia Gibbons of Palm Beach, FL,

with Betsy White, George White, Founder

and Chairman, Eugene O'Neill Center, CT, and

Mike Gibbons, President-Emeritus, Ireland-

U.S. Council.

Bottom: Artist Rowan Gillespie, whose work

features in the IGHM collection, with Inaugural

Exhibition Curator, Niamh O’Sullivan.

Ireland’s Great Hunger Museum at Quinnipiac

University opened to the public on October 11,

2012. It houses exceptional images and sup-

porting documentation that address the history,

culture and memory of the worst catastrophe

of the nineteenth century.

The museum is a unique repository, and

my challenge, as its first Director, is to help

audiences find ways to remember a past that

shaped our world on both sides of the Atlantic.

The task – to introduce people of all ages

and ethnic backgrounds to the shocking events

of the Famine in Ireland in the nineteenth cen-

tury – extends to sensitizing people to ongoing

famine around the world today. This will be

augmented by special exhibitions, conferences,

scholarly panels, and publications.

An immediate ancillary goal is to

assess the vast printed material collection

in order to make it as widely accessible for

scholars as possible.

The museum promotes exemplary historic,

cultural and educational practices. The growth

of audiences and the experiences of viewers are

integral to the museum’s future development.

Grace Brady

Executive Director

November 6, 2012

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Top: Mick Moloney (on banjo) with distin-

guished musical guests, The Green Fields

of America.

Far Left: Darrah Carr appearing with the

Niall O’Leary Irish Dance Troupe, the

Pilatzke Brothers and Cara Butler.

Above: Eileen Burns of Palm Beach, FL,

with Irish artist Robert Ballagh and Brian P.

Burns, whose gift of the 19th century paint-

ing, Lest We Forget, hangs in IGHM.

Near Left: Visiting Irish artist Alanna

O’Kelly’s work appears in the collection.

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“Famine was not the stuff of art.

Those who witnessed the Great

Hunger, or survived it, or even

just heard of it, would have con-

sidered it improper to represent

it, or elevate it to the condition of

art. Artists painted for an elite

market, and it was unlikely that

the merchant classes, landlords

(absentee or otherwise) or the

governing strata would purchase

pictures of rotting potatoes,

emaciated bodies or diseased

corpses to hang in their dining

or withdrawing rooms.”

Niamh O’Sullivan

Curator, Inaugural Exhibition

Professor Emeritus of Visual Culture

National College of Art and Design,

Dublin, Ireland



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1. Rowan Gillespie

b. 1953

The Victim

modeled 1996, cast 1998


9.5 x 7.5 x 7.5 in

The first piece acquired by the museum, The

Victim is a quintessential work of representation.

Gift of the Lender Family.

2.Kieran Tuohy

b. 1953

Thank you to the Choctaw


Bog oak

54 x 8 x 8 in

Tuohy works with hard black oak from the forests

that once covered Ireland. Using wood, he tells sto-

ries of Ireland’s Famine, from which he believes the

country has never fully recovered. The Choctaw

tribe took the sufferings of the Irish on themselves.

In 1847, the Choctaw tribe raised for Irish Famine

relief $170-a huge amount, considering their own

needs. The Palaeoecology Centre, Queens

University Belfast, dated this piece of oak as from

1705 BC to 1389 BC.

3.Lilian Lucy Davidson ARHA


Burying the Child

Oil on canvas

24 x 30 in

Burying the Child is unusual for Irish painting of

the time, echoing the European tradition in those

apocalyptic years of World War I. These are the

poorest of the poor, suffering an annihilating grief

albeit that Ireland may be in the post-Famine


4.Micheal Farrell


Black ’47


Hillier’s medium and

acrylic on canvas

118 x 177 in

Charles Trevelyan, the assistant secretary to the

British Treasury, was officially responsible for Irish

Famine relief. A man of chilling rectitude, his solu-

tion to the problem was noninterference and self-

reliance. He saw the Famine as a “mechanism for

reducing surplus population,” and in 1846

declared that the Famine was “the direct stroke of

an all-wise Providence in a manner as unexpected

and as unthought-of as it is likely to be effectual.”

Gift of the Lender Family.

5.Daniel MacDonald


Irish Peasant Children


Oil on canvas

33 x 29 in

Completed at the height of the Famine, the idyllic

landscape may be classically serene, but the

gathering storm hints at the social and political

reprisals to come.



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“The Great Hunger [also] resulted

in a cultural loss, which was less

tangible, but still devastating. In

the words of one survivor Maire Ni

Grianna from the Rosses, County

Donegal (translated from the Irish

language): ‘Recreation and

leisure ceased. Poetry, music and

dancing died. These things were

lost and completely forgotten.

When life improved in other ways,

these pursuits never returned as

they had been. The famine killed


Christine KinealyProfessor of History,

Drew University

Author, This Great Calamity:

The Irish Famine 1845–52

6.Paul Henry RHA


Cottages, West of Ireland


Oil on canvas

22 x 26 in

A cosmopolitan, Henry moved to Achill Island

where he conceived a style that identified the

West as the repository of the spiritual values

of the nation.

7.Irish School 19th Century

Lest We Forget

Oil on canvas

30 x 40 in

The setting is a sparsely furnished

traditional Irish cottage, with the hearth at the cen-

ter of the home – a rural world, still hovering in the

shadow of the Famine, but on the verge of change.

From the Brian P. Burns Collection of Irish Art. Gift

of Mr. and Mrs. Brian P. Burns, September 28, 2012.

3011 Whitney Avenue

Hamden, CT 06518



90 min from NYC

2 hrs from Boston


Museum Hours

Wednesday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Thursday: 10 a.m. – 7 p.m.

Friday & Saturday: 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Sunday: 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.

Monday & Tuesday: Closed

Last admission 30 minutes

prior to closing

Adults and school groups of

10 or more require advance



Closed major holidays

Early closing at 3:00 p.m.

on the day before

Thanksgiving, Christmas

Eve and New Year’s Eve



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JACK B. DUNN IVFTI Consulting, Inc.Jack Dunn has been chief executive officer of FTIConsulting, Inc. since 1995, and has served as adirector of the firm since 1992. In May 2004, heassumed the position of president, a position healso held from October 1995 to December 1998.Over this time, he has helped guide FTIConsulting from a small forensic consulting firminto one of the largest global business advisoryfirms. Jack joined FTI Consulting as CFO follow-ing a 10-year career at the regional investmentbanking firm Legg Mason Wood Walker Inc.Prior to his investment banking career, he prac-ticed corporate and securities law.

Jack received his Bachelor of Arts degree fromPrinceton University and his JD from theUniversity of Maryland School of Law (Order ofthe Coif). He is a member of the board of direc-tors for Pepco Holdings, Inc., a member of theboard of trustees for Johns Hopkins Medicine anda limited partner of the Baltimore Orioles. A fifth-generation Irish-American, Jack, who lives inMaryland with his wife and sons, has visitedIreland numerous times.

ALAN T. ENNIS Revlon, Inc.Alan T. Ennis has served as Revlon’s presidentand CEO since May 2009 and has been a direc-tor on the company’s board since March 2009.He was named a “Top 40 financial executiveunder 40” by Treasury & Risk magazine in 2008.Prior to joining Revlon, Alan held several seniorpositions with Ingersoll-Rand Company. Hebegan his career in 1991 with Arthur Andersen inDublin.

A chartered accountant and member of theInstitute of Chartered accountants in Ireland,Alan is on the board of directors of the Ireland -U.S. Council. Alan holds a Bachelor of Commercedegree from University College Dublin, Ireland,and a Master of Business Administration degreefrom NYU Stern.

Born in Dublin to Michael Ennis of Tipperaryand Maggie Ennis of Cork, Alan believes that“being Irish is about perseverance, resilience, andgratitude.” He currently resides in New Jerseywith his wife, Michelle, and their three youngchildren.

MARY CALLAHAN ERDOESJ.P. Morgan AssetManagementMary Callahan Erdoes is CEO of J.P. Morgan’sAsset Management Division, a global leader ininvestment management and private bankingwith over $2.0 trillion in assets under supervision.In addition to being a member of JPMorganChase & Co.’s Operating and ExecutiveCommittees, she leads the firm’s strategic part-nership with Highbridge Capital Managementand Gavea Investments. She joined J.P. Morganin 1996 from Meredith, Martin & Kaye.

A graduate of Georgetown University (BS) andHarvard Business School (MBA), Mary is a boardmember of the U.S. Fund for UNICEF andserves on the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’sInvestor Advisory Committee on FinancialMarkets. She ranks among Forbes and Fortune mag-azines most recent “World’s 100 Most PowerfulWomen” and “50 Most Powerful Women inBusiness” lists, respectively. An Illinois native,whose great-grandparents emigrated from Corkon her father’s side and Tipperary on her moth-er’s, Mary lives in New York City with her hus-band and three daughters

JAMES FARLEY Ford Motor CompanyJames Farley is Ford Motor Company’s groupvice president, Global Marketing, Sales andService and is the company’s most senior market-ing leader. Before being appointed to his currentposition in August 2010, Jim was group vice pres-ident, global marketing and Canada, Mexico andSouth America. Before joining Ford, he wasgroup vice president and general manager ofLexus.

James joined Toyota in 1990 and had a distin-guished career there, a highlight being his respon-sibility for the successful launch and rollout ofToyota’s new Scion brand. James was later pro-moted to vice president of Scion and was respon-sible for all Scion activities.

A cousin of the late comedian Chris Farley,James Farley earned a bachelor’s degree in eco-nomics and computer science from GeorgetownUniversity and has an MBA from UCLA.

His grandfather was a longtime Ford workerwho eventually ran a Lincoln-Mercury dealershipnear Detroit. James and his wife, Lia, have threechildren.

BRENDAN P. FARRELL, JR.XSPBrendan P. Farrell, Jr. is CEO of XSP, the globalleader in automated end-to-end Corporate Actionssolutions for the financial industry. With almost 30years of experience in financial services he was pre-viously VP of Sales and Marketing at FinancialInformation, Inc. and held various positions at Bankof New York.

Brendan created IMMRAM, an informal net-work for the Irish Diaspora. Most recently, IMM-RAM and XSP helped raise over $25,000 for SelfHelp Africa. Brendan is a director to the board ofthe American Friends of Athlone Institute ofTechnology, Inc. Foundation and serves on the St.Patrick’s Day Foundation NYC board. In 2012, hewas named Person of the Year by FTF News, andCEO of the Year by Goodacre Systems in the City.

Born in the U.S. to Brendan, Sr. from Ballinalee,Co. Longford and Rita from Knockbrack,Knockagoshel, Co. Kerry, Brendan was raised inLongford Town, where his family ran O’Farrell’sBar and Grocery. He lives in Denville, NJ with hiswife of 21 years, Christine, and their children,Dylan and Brianna.

JOHN MICHAEL FARRELLKPMG, LLPJohn Michael Farrell is a consulting partner inKPMG’s New York office, with over 25 years ofmanagement and risk consulting experience.

John has received his master’s of sciencedegree in accounting and a master’s of businessadministration in finance from Long IslandUniversity. He is also a certified public account-ant in New York State and belongs to the NewYork State Society of Certified PublicAccountants.

John is a fourth-generation Irish Americanwith roots in County Monaghan on his father’sside. His grandmother was one of eleven chil-dren born at the turn of the century in NewYork. John’s great-grandparents came toAmerica from Ireland in the 1880s.


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IRIAL FINANThe Coca-Cola CompanyIrial Finan is executive vice president, The Coca-Cola Company and president of BottlingInvestments and Supply Chain. He is responsiblefor managing a multi-billion-dollar internal bot-tling business, Bottling Investments Group (BIG),which has operations in 5 continents. Irial has 29years experience in the Coca-Cola system. From2001 to 2003, he served as Chief ExecutiveOfficer of Coca-Cola HBC.

Irial joined the Coca-Cola Company in 2004as president, Bottling Investments and SupplyChain, and was named executive vice president ofthe company in 2004. Irial serves on the boards ofdirectors of Coca-Cola FEMSA, Coca-Cola HBC,and the Supervisory Board of CCE AG. He also serves as a non-executive director for Co-oper-ation Ireland and NUI Galway Foundation. Heholds a BC from National University of Ireland inGalway and is an Associate (later Fellow) of theInstitute of Chartered Management Accountants.

Irial and his wife, Deirdre, have two daugh-ters, Ciara and Roisin.

ANNE M. FINUCANEBank of AmericaAnne M. Finucane is global strategy and marketingofficer at Bank of America and is also a member ofthe company’s executive management team. Sheoversees public policy, government affairs, consumerpolicy, corporate social responsibility, communica-tions, marketing, and directs the largest communitydevelopment and investment goal ever establishedby a U.S. financial institution ($1.5 trillion over 10years). In addition, she oversees a 10-year, $2 billionphilanthropic goal through the Bank of AmericaCharitable Foundation, one of the largest corporatephilanthropic organizations in the world. Listed onAmerican Banker’s 2012 list of the 25 Most PowerfulWomen in Banking and among Advertising Age’s 100Most Influential Women in Advertising,

Anne is a member of the Council on ForeignRelations and serves on numerous boards includ-ing the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library,Partners Healthcare, and the American IrelandFund. She has roots in Co. Cork on both sides ofher family, most notably through her grandfather,Michael Finucane, who came to the United Statesas a young boy.

DAVE FITZGERALDFitzgerald & Co.In 1983, Dave Fitzgerald founded advertisingagency Fitzgerald+CO, where he remains presidentand CEO. His company was named Best Agency inthe Southeast by Adweek and, for five straight years,was named one of the best Atlanta companies towork for by the Atlanta Business Chronicle.

A second-generation Irish American, Dave ranthe Order of the Green Jacket of Ireland, whichhelped raise funds for Irish athletes in the 1996Olympics. He is a member of the board of St.Joseph’s Hospital, the Catholic Foundation of NorthGeorgia and Road Safe America. He has twice beenGrand Marshal of the Atlanta St. Patrick’s DayParade. He is chairman of the 2011 and 2012Atlanta St Patrick’s Day Parades and was a partici-pant in the 2011 Global Irish Economic Forum..

Dave received his BS and MBA from theUniversity of Dayton, where he was honored withthe Alumni Lifetime Achievement Award in 2000.Having visited Ireland over forty times, he becamean Irish citizen in 2004 and traces his family to thewestern counties of Kerry and Sligo. Dave calls hisIrish heritage “a source of great pride.”

JOHN FITZPATRICKFitzpatrick Hotel GroupJohn Fitzpatrick is president and CEO of theFitzpatrick Hotel Group, North America. He beganhis impressive career almost 30 years ago with ahotel management course in Ireland, followed bythe prestigious hotel management course offered atUNLV in Las Vegas. He then returned to Ireland towork at the family hotels in Dublin and Bunratty,before moving back to the U.S. in 1991.

John currently serves as chairman of the HotelAssociation of NYC, and as secretary/treasurer forthe American Hotel & Lodging Association. He ison the boards of both The American Ireland Fundand the Ireland-U.S. Council.

Active in a number of philanthropic activitiesthat aid children and advance the peace process inNorthern Ireland, John was conferred with an hon-orary OBE in 2008. Queen’s University Belfastawarded him an honorary Doctorate of Science inEconomics in 2011. He received the Ellis IslandMedal of Honor in 2002.

In 1993 John founded the Eithne and PaddyFitzpatrick Memorial Foundation in memory of hisparents. The foundation has generated more than$1.3 million for charities.

MIKE FLYNNEpic RecordsAn accomplished musician, writer, and producer,Michael Francis Flynn is Epic Records’ executivevice president of A&R, and staff producer. Mikebegan his career in 1998, when he was signed asan artist to Epic. Later he became a staff produc-er while serving as A&R for the label. Mike hasworked with artists such as John Mellencamp,The Fray, Sara Bareilles, Cher Loyd, Howie Day,and American Idol winner Kris Allen. His produc-tion work on The Fray’s albums How to Save a Lifeand The FRAY helped the band sell over five mil-lion albums and 15 million singles worldwide. Heis a Grammy-nominated producer, and has beenrecognized in Billboard’s 40 Under 40 list.

Mike is a graduate of Indiana University’sJacobs School of Music, where he received a BAin audio engineering. A second-generation Irish-American, Mike traces his maternal roots to Co.Cork. He says, “My Irish heritage means a lot tome because I feel like the Irish always foughtthrough adversity and came out on top.”

WILLIAM J. FLYNNMutual of AmericaDuring his 34 years with Mutual of America, BillFlynn established himself as a great leader whosebusiness skills were reflected in Mutual ofAmerica’s performance and recognized through-out the life insurance industry. Today he isMutual’s chairman emeritus.

Bill’s commitment to social justice continues tobe felt in the success of the Irish peace process andthe work of the National Committee on AmericanForeign Policy (NCAFP). As the first Irish-American chairman of the NCAFP, it was Flynnwho invited all of Northern Ireland’s politicalleaders, including Gerry Adams, to the U.S., amove that propelled Northern Ireland into thepeace process.

A graduate of Fordham University, Bill is afirst-generation Irish American with roots inCounties Mayo and Down. In 1996, he wasGrand Marshal of New York City’s St. Patrick’sDay Parade. Bill was inducted into the IrishAmerica Hall of Fame in 2011.

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WILLIAM C. FORD, JR.Ford Motor Co.As executive chairman of Ford Motor Company,William Clay Ford, Jr., is leading the company thatput the world on wheels into the 21st century. Billjoined Ford in 1979 as a product planning analyst.He held a variety of domestic and internationalassignments in manufacturing, sales, marketing,product development and finance, before becomingvice president, Commercial Truck Vehicle Centerin 1994. He served as CEO from October 2001 toSeptember 2006. A member of the board since1988, he became chairman in 1999, and is alsochairman of the board’s Environmental and PublicPolicy Committee. Bill is vice chairman of theDetroit Lions football team, chairman of the boardof the Detroit Economic Club, and a member ofthe boards of The Henry Ford Foundation, theHenry Ford Health System, and eBay, Inc.

Bill holds a BA degree from Princeton and anMS degree in management as an Alfred P. Sloanfellow from MIT. He is the great-grandson offounder and innovator Henry Ford, who was theson of an Irish immigrant from Cork. In 2011, Billwas inducted into the Irish America Hall of Fame.

KIERAN GALLAHUECareFusion Kieran Gallahue, chairman and chief executiveofficer of CareFusion, has nearly 20 years of strate-gic, operational and corporate management expe-rience in the healthcare industry. Previously, heserved as president, CEO and a director ofResMed.

Since 2007, Kieran has served on the board ofVolcano Corp., a developer of products for inter-ventional cardiology. He also serves on the execu-tive committee of the board of the AdvancedMedical Technology Association and has been amember of the Young Presidents Organizationsince 2002. Prior to joining ResMed, Kieran heldvarious general management and functional rolesat Nanogen, Instrumentation Laboratory, TheProcter & Gamble Company and GE. He holds aBS in economics from Rutgers University and anMBA from Harvard Business School.

The grandson of four Irish emigrants, he has roots in Cork, Ballybunion, Newry, andBallylanders. For Kieran, “being Irish is about farmore than genetics or genealogy. It is a spirit, anattitude and a foundation.”

ED GILLIGANAmerican ExpressEd Gilligan is vice chairman of American ExpressCompany, a position he has held since June 2007.Ed is responsible for the company’s global con-sumer, small business, merchant services, and net-work services businesses.

While studying for his BS in economics andmanagement at New York University in 1980, Edjoined American Express where he worked as atemp. He became full time with the company in1982. In June 1995, Ed took the position of presi-dent for Commercial Card and Business Travel forthe United States. He was named one of the twogroup presidents at American Express in 2002 andran the international consumer card business aswell as the global portfolio of payment and travelservices.

Ed is a member of the board of directors ofLincoln Center for the Performing Arts in NY anda member on the boards of Zipcar Inc., ConcurTechnologies, and The Fancy.com. Ed is a first-gen-eration Irish-American with family from Castlerea,Co. Roscommon on his father side. He lives in NewYork with his wife, Lisa, and their four children.

JOHN HAYESAmerican ExpressFor the past 18 years, John Hayes has led globalmarketing at American Express, helping shapeboth the company and its brand. In addition tooverseeing marketing strategies and productdevelopment, John leads the company’s globaladvertising, digital marketing strategy, marketresearch, corporate sponsorships, brand manage-ment and publishing organizations. He has beenthe force behind the business strategies that haveresulted in iconic campaigns such as “My life. Mycard.” and leading edge marketing programs suchas Members Project.

Additionally, under John’s leadership AmericanExpress has created over 200 new product launch-es, including the coveted Centurion black card,AmEx Blue and more recently ZYNC fromAmerican Express. Prior to joining AmericanExpress, John was the president of Lowe andPartners, and held senior positions at Geer DuBois,Ammirati & Puris and Saatchi & SaatchiCompton. John is currently a member of the Savethe Children – Newborn and Child Survival cam-paign council.

JAMES R. HEEKIN IIIGrey GroupJames R. Heekin III became chairman and CEO ofGrey Group in January 2007, after leading Grey, thecompany’s global advertising arm, since 2005.Under his leadership, Grey has enjoyed the mostsuccessful years in its history, adding over $1 billionin new business and producing such award-winningcampaigns as the ETrade baby and EllenDeGeneres for CoverGirl. Ad Age named Grey to itsprestigious A-List of the world’s best agencies andFast Company named Grey to its “50 Most InnovativeCompanies in the World.” Earlier in his career, Jimserved as chairman and CEO of EuroRSCGWorldwide, McCann-Erickson WorldGroup andMcCann-Erickson Worldwide.

A graduate of Williams College, Jim served pre-viously on the board of directors for JWT, theInterpublic Group of Companies, The AmericanAssociation of Advertising Agencies and the AdCouncil.

A fourth-generation Irish American whosefather’s family came from Co. Donegal, Jim saysthat he has been “proud to witness and be a smallpart of the rise of the Irish in America and thetransformation of Ireland.”

PJ HOUGH MicrosoftPJ Hough is a corporate vice president forProgram Management at Microsoft. His respon-sibilities involve product planning, design,research and program management.

Having joined Microsoft in 1994, PJ hasworked his way through the company. Afterworking seven years in programmability and pro-gram management, he joined the Office productplanning team, based in Ireland. Then, in 2004,he returned to Redmond, Washington as groupprogram manager for the SharePoint Servicesteam.

PJ was born in Manchester, England, and hismother and father both hail from Co. Tipperary.He earned a bachelor’s and master’s degree incomputer applications from Dublin CityUniversity.

PJ lives in North Bend, Washington, with hiswife, Mar Lydon and his daughter, Aoife.

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SHELLEY HURLEYAccentureShelley Hurley is executive director of AccentureRisk Management. A past president of ERITrading, Inc., Shelley has had an extensive careerin trading and risk management. She was a seatholder on the New York Mercantile Exchangeand is a past recipient of Accenture’s Developerof the Year award.

A native of Kansas, Shelley graduated fromFriends University and earned her MBA from theTunderbird International School of Business inArizona.

Shelley is a fifth-generation Irish Americanwith ancestral links to County Cork on herfather’s side of the family. Of her Irish heritage,she says, “Knowing that there is a 6th generation– in my nephew, Dr. Patrick Ryan Hurley (PaddyRyan), who received his master’s in history fromUCD – makes me proud to be part of a long lineof Irish Americans.” She and Travis Barrettreside in Austin, Texas.

STEPHEN JOYCE Choice Hotels Stephen P. Joyce is president, CEO, and memberof the board of directors of Choice HotelsInternational, Inc., one of the world’s largest hotelfranchises, a position he has held since 2008. UnderStephen’s leadership, Choice has seen significantgains in market share position, expansion into newmarkets and the advancement of new brands. Thecompany has also seen further enhancements inmarketing strategies, brand awareness andeCommerce initiatives, including the launch of theindustry’s first global iPhone application.

An active member of the lodging industry,Stephen is the incoming chairman of theInternational Franchise Association, effective 2014,and is currently vice chairman of the board ofServiceSource Foundation. He also serves as amember of the board of directors for the AutismLearning Center and The Real Estate Roundtable.Stephen, whose family hail from Galway, holds abachelor’s degree in commerce from the Universityof Virginia and has done graduate work at CornellUniversity, Wharton Business School, and theAspen Institute.

BRIAN KELLEYGreen Mountain Coffee RoastersBrian Kelley is CEO of Green Mountain CoffeeRoasters. He assumed leadership of GreenMountain on December 3.

Brian’s career has spanned 29 years, with experi-ence at Procter & Gamble, GE, the Ford MotorCompany (where he was the president of LincolnMercury), 5 years as the president and CEO ofSIRVA (a $4 billion global relocation companywhich Brian took public in 2003), and 5 years withCoca-Cola. He joined Coca-Cola in 2007 as presi-dent of its $6 billion non-carbonated beveragesbusiness in North America, and was selected in2010 to lead the integration of the company’sacquisition of Coca-Cola Enterprises and the for-mation of Coca-Cola Refreshments. After the inte-gration, Brian was named chief product supply offi-cer for Coca-Cola Refreshments.

Brian was the third of seven children born to anIrish Catholic family in Cincinnati, OH. His great-grandfather Eugene emigrated from Co. Cork inthe mid-1880s. A graduate of Holy Cross Collegein Worcester, MA with a degree in economics,Brian lives in Atlanta with his wife, Michelle, andtheir two daughters, Erin and Gwen.

WILLIAM H. KELLEY Jelly Belly Candy Co.A fourth-generation candy maker, Bill Kelley is vicechairman of Jelly Belly Candy Co. He joined thefamily business, Goelitz Confectionery, in 1965, aftergraduating from Xavier University and serving as an army officer in the U.S. and Korea. In 1974, like his grandfather and father before him, Billbecame president of the company, which in 2001merged with Herman Goelitz Candy Co., run byBill’s cousin, Herman Rowland, to form Jelly Belly.

Bill has been honored by the National Confection-ers Association (of which he is a past chairman),Candy Industry Magazine, Retail ConfectionersInternational, and was inducted into the Candy Hall of Fame in Hershey, PA. He serves on theboards of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce, theNorth Chicago Chamber of Commerce, and volun-teers with the American Cancer Society. He and hiswife, Joanie, live in Winnetka, IL and have two chil-dren, Meghan and Brian, and four grandchildren.Bill’s great-great-grandfather, Patrick Kelly, emigrat-ed from Ireland around 1835. Four of Patrick’s chil-dren, including Bill’s great-grandfather WilliamKelley, fought in the Civil War.

DECLAN KELLY Teneo HoldingsDeclan Kelly is CEO of Teneo. Previously, heserved as the U.S. Economic Envoy to NorthernIreland, appointed by Secretary of State HillaryClinton in September 2009. Prior to his govern-ment service, he was executive vice president andchief integration officer of FTI Consulting, one ofthe world’s leading international consulting compa-nies. Before joining FTI, he was chairman andCEO of Financial Dynamics (FD) in the U.S. andchairman of FD in Ireland. He joined FD when hesold his company, Gallagher and Kelly PublicRelations, to FD in 2000.

Declan, who is from Nenagh, Co. Tipperary,previously worked as a journalist for over a decade.A graduate of NUI Galway, he also holds an hon-orary doctorate from Queen’s University Belfast inrecognition of his service to business and the econ-omy of Northern Ireland. He created and contin-ues to underwrite and oversee the Northern IrelandMentorship Program in partnership with theAmerican Ireland Fund, on whose executive boardhe serves. In 2012, he was awarded the Ellis IslandMedal of Honor.

SHAUN T. KELLY KPMG, LLPShaun Kelly is vice chair – operations for KPMGLLP, responsible for the execution of the firm’sfinancial plan. In October 2010 he was appointedchief operating officer, Americas. In this position, heworks with the leaders of the KPMG Internationalmember firms to align their respective strategies,structure and plans. A native of Belfast, Shaunjoined KPMG International’s Irish member firm inDublin in 1980 and transferred to the U.S. SanFrancisco office in 1984. He was admitted to theU.S. partnership in 1999.

He earned a bachelor of commerce, first classhonors from University College, Dublin and is a fel-low of the Institute of Chartered Accountants inIreland and a certified public accountant. He istreasurer and a member of the board of Enactus, amember of the UCD Smurfit School NorthAmerican Board and a member of the board of theIrish Arts Center in New York. Shaun also co-chairsKPMG’s Disabilities Network, and is a member ofKPMG’s Diversity Advisory Board. Shaun lives inConnecticut with his wife, Mary, who is fromDonegal, and their four children.

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KATHLEEN KENNEDYLucasfilmSeven-time Academy Award nominatedKathleen Kennedy, co-chair of Lucasfilm, is oneof the most successful and respected producersand executives in the film industry today. Hercredits include three of the highest grossing filmsin motion picture history: E.T. The Extra Terrestrial,Jurassic Park and The Sixth Sense. Her productioncredits include over 70 films, such as the IndianaJones series, Schindler’s List, the Bourne Identity series,War Horse and, most recently, Lincoln.

Kathleen is the recipient of the ProducersGuild of America’s prestigious David O. SelznickAward and is on the board of governors for theAcademy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.She joined Lucasfilm in June 2012.

Kathleen attended San Diego University,where she studied telecommunications and film.A fourth-generation Irish American, Kathleentraces her Irish ancestry through her father,Donald Kennedy. She and her husband, FrankMarshall, have two daughters, Lillian andMegan.

KEVIN KENNEDY AvayaKevin Kennedy is the president and chief execu-tive officer of Avaya, a global provider ofbusiness collaboration and communications solutions. Prior to joining Avaya in 2009, Kevinwas president and CEO of JDS UniphaseCorporation, a position he held since 2003. Beforejoining JDSU, he served as COO of OpenwaveSystems, Inc.

In January 2011, Kevin was appointed to thePresident’s National Security TelecommunicationsAdvisory Committee by President Obama. He alsocurrently serves on the boards of directors ofJDSU and KLA-Tencor Corporation.

Kevin holds a BS in engineering from LehighUniversity in Pennsylvania, and MS and PhDdegrees in engineering from Rutgers University,where he was an adjunct professor from 1982-1984.

In 2006, Kevin was honored as the School ofEngineering at Rutgers Alumnus of the Year, andawarded an Alumni Medal of Excellence. He is aco-author of Going the Distance: Why Some CompaniesDominate and Others Fail (2003). Avaya’s Irish sub-sidiary, Avaya Ireland, Ltd., is based in Galway.

SCOTT KEOGH Audi of AmericaScott Keogh is president of Audi of America, withresponsibility for all U.S. activities of the brand.Keogh stepped into the top management positionon June 20, 2012. He will lead Audi as it moves tobecome the leading premium brand before 2020and exceed 200,000 in sales from record sales of117,561 cars and SUVs in 2011. In his previousrole, as chief marketing officer, Keogh had responsi-bility for building the Audi brand in the U.S. marketand overseeing product planning and launches.

Prior to joining Audi, Scott worked at Mercedes-Benz USA for more than a decade. Most recently,he was general manager, marketing communica-tions. Previous positions at Mercedes-Benz includedgeneral manager, Smart USA where Scott wasresponsible for sales, marketing, product planningand retail development for the new automotivebrand. Scott has a BA from Hobart and WilliamSmith Colleges in upstate New York. He is a second-generation Irish American with roots in countiesSligo, Antrim and Carlow. Scott remarks that hisIrish heritage “acts as a powerful and beautifulanchor in an often transient world.”

DONALD R. KEOUGH Allen & Company, Inc.Don Keough has been chairman of the board ofAllen & Company, Inc., a New York investment-banking firm, since 1993. In 1993, Don retired aspresident, COO and a director of The Coca-Cola Company after 43 years of working withCoca-Cola. From 1986 to 1993, he was chairmanof the board of Coca-Cola Enterprises, Inc., theworld’s largest bottling system. He also served aschairman of Columbia Pictures, before it wassold to Sony Inc.

Don serves on the boards of InterActive Corp,Global Yankee Holdings, Berkshire HathawayInc. and The Coca-Cola Company. Don has alsoserved as a member on the boards of McDonald’sCorporation, The Washington Post Company, H.J. Heinz Company and The Home Depot.

He is chairman emeritus of the board oftrustees and a life trustee of the University ofNotre Dame. He is a trustee of several other edu-cational, charitable and civic organizations.

Don resides in Atlanta, Georgia, with his wife,Marilyn. They have six children and 18 grand-children.

ELLEN KULLMAN DuPontEllen Kullman is chair of the board and chiefexecutive officer of DuPont. As CEO, she haschampioned market-driven science to drive inno-vation across the company’s businesses.

A native of Wilmington, Delaware, Ellenbegan her career at DuPont in 1988 as a market-ing manager. She is a member of the U.S.-IndiaCEO Forum, the Business Council, and the exec-utive committee of SCI-America. She is co-chairof the National Academy of EngineeringCommittee on Changing the Conversation:From Research to Action. Ellen is on the boardof directors of United Technologies Corp. She isalso on the board of trustees of Tufts Universityand serves on the board of overseers at TuftsUniversity School of Engineering.

Prior to joining DuPont, Ellen worked forGeneral Electric. She holds a BS degree inmechanical engineering from Tufts and a mas-ter’s degree in management from Northwestern.Ellen is a third-generation Irish American whosemother’s family came from Nenagh, Tipperary.

NANCY KIRKPATRICKSummit EntertainmentNancy Kirkpatrick serves as president ofWorldwide Marketing for Summit Entertainment, aLionsgate company. She is responsible for the mar-keting campaigns for releases in all media, includingthe film The Hurt Locker which took home sixAcademy Awards including Best Motion Picture,and the highly successful Twilight films.

Prior to joining Summit, Nancy was EVP ofWorldwide Publicity for Paramount’s MotionPicture Group. While at Paramount she was inte-grally involved in the marketing, corporate messag-ing and positioning as well as overseeing the world-wide publicity campaigns. Nancy began her careerat Warner Bros. as an administrative assistant, ulti-mately rising to the post of SVP, Domestic Publicitywhere her campaigns were recognized with severalawards. Nancy grew up in Virginia and is a gradu-ate of Old Dominion University with a bachelor’sdegree in English.

Nancy, whose great-grandmother was born inCork, is a mother of three and says, “Having a big,noisy, loving Irish family is the foundation of my hap-piest memories. It is where I find my greatest joy.”

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LEEANN LEAHYThe VIA AgencyLeeann Leahy is a seasoned brand strategist andconsumer insights expert. On November 26, shebecame president of The VIA Agency, a leadingindependent marketing agency, headquartered inPortland, Maine. Prior to this, she was president ofTranslation, LLC.

Before joining Translation, Leeann was chiefstrategy officer of Lowe, NY, where she was alsoglobal chief strategy officer for all of Johnson &Johnson. Her work has been recognized withnumerous industry awards including global anddomestic Effies, an International Obie, and CannesLions.

A native of New York, Leeann graduated fromCollege of the Holy Cross with a BA in political sci-ence.

She is a second-generation Irish American withroots in Williamstown, Co. Galway on her father’sside of the family, and in Co. Cork on her mother’s.Her husband, Thomas Leahy, Jr,. is a member ofthe Friendly Sons of St. Patrick. They have threechildren, Mac, Winnie and Duncan.

MICHAEL MADDENTeneo CapitalMichael Madden is the chairman of TeneoCapital. In addition to his role with Teneo, he is also the managing partner and founder ofRonoc, an investment and advisory business primarily focused on financial services in emerg-ing economies, and the founding CEO ofRenaissance Credit Group, where he establishedone of the largest Consumer Finance banks inRussia from scratch. In 2005 he also launched thefirst retailer financial services joint venture inRussia with IKEA (IKANO), and was appointedas chairman of the IKANO financial servicesbusiness in Russia.

Prior to building Renaissance Credit, Michael,who was born in Ireland, had an extensive careerwith American Express. He joined the company inIreland in 1988 and having spent four years inRussia establishing the American Express Cardbusiness across the former Soviet Union, he movedto the UK in 1996, first as director for a portfolioof Franchise Markets and then as VP for theAmerican Express Franchise business in EMEA, as well as managing the American ExpressInternational Dollar Card business in Europe.

TREVOR MADIGANFacebook Trevor Madigan joined the Facebook team in NewYork in early 2011 as global business manager. Heleads international sales & business development forFacebook’s key partners, advertisers and some ofthe world’s leading brands. Trevor joined Facebookafter seven years at Nokia, where he held severalglobal sales leadership positions in its consumerservices business unit, most recently as head ofNorth American Sales for Location & Advertising.Trevor has also recently joined the North AmericanAdvisory Board of UCD Michael Smurfit,Graduate Business School and the Advisory boardof Skillpages.com. Prior to Nokia, Trevor held sen-ior marketing roles at Mulberry Ltd and MitsubishiTelecom Europe. He holds a bachelor’s degree ineconomics and politics from University CollegeDublin and a DBS in business strategy from theLondon School of Economics.

Trevor is a native of Dublin and now resides inManhattan with his wife, Breanne. Of being Irish,Trevor says “I sometimes need to pinch myself andsmile when I think how far we have come and howmuch we have achieved, with so many chancers.”

JOANNE MAGUIRELockheed MartinJoanne Maguire is executive vice president ofLockheed Martin Space Systems Company businessarea and an officer of Lockheed MartinCorporation. She sits on the board of UnitedLaunch Alliance, a Lockheed Martin joint venture;is a member of the advisory council for the DenverSchool of Science and Technology; chairs the advi-sory council for the Rocky Mountain USO; and is amember of the UCLA Engineering AdvisoryCouncil. Joanne assumed her current position in2006. She previously served as vice president anddeputy of SSC. Prior to joining Lockheed Martin in2003, she worked at TRW’s Space & Electronicssector, now Northrop Grumman Space Technology.

Joanne earned a BA from Michigan StateUniversity and an MA from UCLA. She is a gradu-ate of the executive program in management atUCLA’s Anderson School of Management andcompleted the Harvard Program for SeniorExecutives in National and International Security.Joanne is a first-generation Irish American whosefather, Michael F. Maguire, was born inBallyshannon, County Donegal.

PHIL MCAVEETY Starwood Hotels and ResortsPhil McAveety is executive vice president andchief brand officer of Starwood Hotels & ResortsWorldwide, Inc., a leading hotel and leisure com-pany. He is responsible for worldwide marketingand brand performance. Phil previously served asglobal brand director for Camper Internationalin Spain, where he developed the company’sstrategic growth plan. Prior to joining CamperInternational, Phil spent nine years with NikeInc. in several positions, including vice presidentof marketing for Nike Europe, Middle East andAsia. Before joining Nike, he worked with LeoBurnett International in a variety of roles. He haslived and worked in the U.K., Portugal, HongKong, the U.S., the Netherlands and Spain.

Phil earned an AMP from Harvard BusinessSchool and a BA in economic history from Exeter University. He is a first-generation IrishAmerican, by way of London, who fondlyremembers his first visit to the U.S. It was for the1994 World Cup. His father, Jim, hails fromSwalinbar, in County Cavan, and his mother,Bridie, from Kilmichael, County Cork.


T. PEARSE LYONS AlltechDr. T. Pearse Lyons is the founder and president ofAlltech, a global animal health company thatemploys more than 2,800 people and conducts busi-ness in 128 countries. Founded in 1980, the compa-ny has grown to annual sales of $700 million.

Pearse received his bachelor’s degree fromUniversity College Dublin and obtained his master’s and doctoral degrees at the University of Birmingham, England. He worked as a bio-chemist for Irish Distillers before founding Alltech.Since then, he has authored more than 20 booksand numerous research papers in scientific journals.

Alltech’s commitment to equestrian sport beganwith the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2010in Lexington, Kentucky, attended by more than halfa million spectators and seen by 500 million televi-sion viewers. Pearse’s leadership led to his receivingthe Commonwealth of Kentucky’s first-ever LegacyAward in 2011. In 2012, he was named BusinessPerson of the Year by Business & Finance and receivedthe Ireland-U.S. Council’s Award for OutstandingAchievement. Dublin-born Pearse and his wife,Deirdre, have two children, Aoife and Mark. HisIrish heritage fills him “with a sense of belonging.”

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ANNE M. MCCARTHYWestmeath CommunicationsAnne M. McCarthy, president and founder ofWestmeath Communications, has a passion for busi-ness and a mandate for crisp, clear communications.She has spent more than 25 years in corporate com-munications, serving as both a strategist and anexecutor for Fortune 500 companies in the U.S.,Europe and Asia. In 2010 she founded Westmeath,a Denver, Colorado-based consulting firm thatoffers such services as reputation management, cor-porate social responsibility, issues management,messaging/positioning and change management.Westmeath was named after the Irish county whereAnne’s maternal grandmother was born.

Anne serves as a trustee on several nonprofitboards, including Alliance for Choice in Education,Domus Pacis, and the Denver Museum of Natureand Science. She is actively involved with theAmerican Ireland Fund and the Aspen IdeasFestival. A trustee of the Woodrow WilsonInternational Center for Scholars, Anne earned aBA in journalism from Michigan State Universityand has completed executive education programs atThe Wharton School of The University ofPennsylvania and at INSEAD at Fontainebleau.

CHRISTINE M. MCCARTHYThe Walt Disney CompanyChristine M. McCarthy is treasurer and executivevice president of Corporate Finance and RealEstate of The Walt Disney Company. Prior to join-ing Disney, Christine was the executive vice presi-dent and chief financial officer of Imperial Bancorpfrom 1997 to 1999 and an EVP at First Interstateuntil it was acquired by Wells Fargo in 1996.

Christine is currently on the board and financecommittee of FM Global. She serves on the Boardof Trustees for the Westridge School in Pasadenaand is a mentor for the National Math and ScienceInitiative’s STEM program. Treasury & Risknamed her one of the 100 Most Influential Peoplein Finance in 2003 and 2011. Christine was a boardmember of the Los Angeles PhilharmonicAssociation from 1998 to 2001.

A third-generation Irish American, Christinewas born in Winthrop, MA. She completed herbachelor’s degree in biology at Smith College,later earning an MBA from The AndersonSchool at UCLA. She and her husband, MichaelMcCormick, live in California with their twochildren.

MATTHEW G. MCCROSSONO’Connor Davies, LLPMatthew G. McCrosson is a partner of O’ConnorDavies, LLP Accounting and Consultants, and hasmore than 20 years of experience in public account-ing. Prior to joining O’Connor Davies, Matt held asenior position at a Big Four accounting firm. Earlierhe served as the COO or CFO for several not-for-profit organizations. He currently serves as a directorof CMS Bank.

Matt is president of the Westchester FriendlySons of Saint Patrick, director of the St. Patrick’sDay Parade Assoc., chairman of the board of theWestchester Community Foundation, and is amember of the boards of the Business Council ofWestchester and of Westchester CommunityCollege Foundation. A graduate of ManhattanCollege, where he earned his BA and MBAdegrees, Matt has roots in counties Tyrone andFermanagh on his father’s side, and in countiesTipperary and Limerick on his mother’s. He andhis wife, Joy, have four children. Matt describes hisIrish heritage as “ever-present in my strong sense offamily, my faith, and a love of a people and a coun-try that has gifted me with an inner strength andand sense of humor in good times and bad.”

BILL MCDERMOTTSAP, AGBill McDermott was appointed co-CEO of SAPalongside Jim Hagemann Snabe in February2010. In this capacity, and as a member of theSAP Executive Board, Bill oversees strategic busi-ness activities for all customer operations, sales,marketing, communications, corporate develop-ment, and ecosystem activities. He previouslyoversaw SAP’s operations in the Americas andAsia Pacific Japan regions.

Bill earned his MBA from the J.L. KelloggGraduate School of Management at NorthwesternUniversity, and a BS from Dowling College. Hehas completed the Executive DevelopmentProgram at the Wharton School. In 2010, BillMcDermott was named among the “Top 25 MostInfluential Executives of 2010” in informationtechnology by CRN (Computer Reseller News) maga-zine. As an active community leader and advocatefor corporate social responsibility, he has beenwidely recognized for his civic leadership, mostrecently as the 2012 NPower Gala Honoree. Bill isa third-generation Irish American with roots in Co.Roscommon on his father’s side.

ANDREW J. MCKENNAMcDonald’s CorporationSchwarz Supply SourceAndrew McKenna is chairman of Schwarz SupplySource, a leading provider of supply chain solu-tions. He is also chairman of McDonald’sCorporation and serves as a director of RyanSpecialty Group, McDonalds Corporation, and theChicago Bears Football Club Team and SkylineCorporation. Over the years, Andy has served onmany civic boards. He is a director of the Ann &Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago,the Big Shoulders Fund of the Archdiocese ofChicago, the Ireland Economic Advisory Boardand the Lyric Opera of Chicago.

A graduate of the University of Notre Damewith a BS in business administration, he was awarded the university’s Laetare Medal in 2000.He served as the chairman of the board of trusteesfrom 1992-2000 and continues on the board today. He is also a graduate of the DePaulUniversity Law School where he received a Doctorof Jurisprudence. A second-generation IrishAmerican, with roots in Mayo and Monaghan, heand his wife, Joan, have seven grown children, 24grandchildren, and two great-grandchildren.

JAMES MCCANN1-800-FlowersJim McCann is a successful entrepreneur, publicspeaker and author whose passion is to help peopledeliver smiles. Jim’s belief in the universal need forsocial connections and interaction led to his found-ing of 1-800-FLOWERS.COM, which he hasbuilt into a leading florist and gift shop, andCelebrations.com, a leading website for expertparty planning content and advice.

Jim’s willingness to embrace new technologiesthat help people connect and express themselves,such as the Internet, mobile commerce and socialnetworking, often long before others, has enabledhim to stay at the forefront of consumer andsocial trends. As a result, he has become anaward-winning public speaker, a published authorand a frequent guest on radio and television pro-grams nationwide. In addition to serving as chair-man of the board of directors for 1-800-FLOW-ERS.COM, Jim is a member of the board ofdirectors of Willis Group Holdings Limited and avariety of private and not-for-profit boards. He isa third-generation Irish American with roots inArmagh and Limerick.

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MAUREEN MITCHELL GE Asset ManagementMaureen Mitchell joined GE Asset Management(GEAM) in 2009 as president, Institutional Salesand Marketing, and in 2011 was promoted topresident, Global Sales and Marketing. With over25 years’ experience in the investment manage-ment industry, including 20 in sales, Maureen hasbuilt a distinguished career. She spent 10 yearswith Bear Stearns Asset Management as a seniormanaging director, and held executive leadershippositions with Highland Capital Management,Scudder Kemper and U.S. Trust.

A graduate of City College of New York with agraduate degree from Fordham University,Maureen is a member of the GEAM board ofdirectors and the board of GE Asset ManagementFunds II plc., and has held board positions withother nonprofit organizations.

A first-generation Irish American with roots inSligo, where her father worked as a lobstermanbefore immigrating to the U.S. with her Galway-born mother, Maureen has two daughters, gradu-ates of Stanford, Wesleyan and Harvard MedicalSchool, both of whom have traveled throughoutIreland with their mother.

GEORGE MOORERavensdale Capital, LLCGeorge Moore is managing partner of RavensdaleCapital, LLC, a fund that invests primarily in earlystage IT companies with a focus on consumer dataanalytics and decision sciences. A pioneer in con-sumer information analytics and delivery technolo-gies for business applications, until 2012 he waschairman and CEO of TARGUSinfo, a companyhe founded in 1993 and sold to Neustar in 2011.

He is chairman of Erne Heritage Holdings and amember of the board of the New Ireland Fund. In2007, he was recognized for his contribution to theNorthern Ireland economy and his internationalwork on behalf of all of Ireland with an HonoraryCBE. He is a member of the Economic AdvisoryBoard to the Prime Minister of Ireland, NorthernIreland Trade & Investment Council, The FlaxTrust, and a trustee of the Northern IrelandMemorial Fund. George holds both Commerce andMBS degrees from the University College Dublin,an MBA and DBA from George WashingtonUniversity, and an Honorary Doctorate in Sciencesfrom the University of Ulster. He lives inWashington, DC with his wife, Angela, originallyfrom Northern Ireland. They have three children.

DANIELLE MORANRalph LaurenDanielle Moran is the manager of operations atRalph Lauren, Denim and Supply. Responsiblefor operational management of the merchandis-ing and design teams, Danielle is also the point per-son for the senior vice presidents of Merchandisingand Creative Design. She joined the company in2005, as an administrative assistant to the SeniorDirector in Knits & Sweaters. She then became the executive assistant to both the SVP ofMerchandising at Polo Jeans and the SVP ofCreative Design, a position she maintains today inaddition to her managerial responsibilities.

A graduate of Hofstra University, Danielle is a talented performer and recipient of the Circlein the Square Musical Theatre Award. A second-generation Irish American, Danielle traces herpaternal roots to Moate, County Westmeath, toKilgarvin, County Kerry and New Market onFergus, County Clare. She says, “Every yearwhen I march in the NYC St. Patrick’s DayParade with my parents, I truly feel the joy ofhow well we Irish have thrived in America. I owea tremendous part of my success to my Irish her-itage.”

THOMAS MORANMutual of AmericaThomas J. Moran has been president and CEO ofMutual of America since 1994, and was appointedchairman of the board in 2005. During more thanthree decades of service, over which he also servedas COO, Tom has participated in Mutual’s growthfrom a small retirement association to a mutual lifeinsurance company with over $13 billion in assets.

Chairman of Concern Worldwide U.S., Tomserves on the boards of directors of the GreaterNew York Council of the Boy Scouts of America,the Educational Broadcasting System, the NationalCommittee on American Foreign Policy, and theNYC Irish Hunger Memorial. He received mem-bership to the Alexis de Tocqueville Society of theUnited Way and Excalibur membership. Awardsinclude the NYC Police Foundation Commissioner’sAward and the Ellis Island Medal of Honor. Withroots in Fermanagh and Tipperary, he serves on theIrish Prime Minister’s Economic Advisory Boardand the boards of the Irish Chamber of Commerceand the Ireland-U.S. Council. He earned a BS inmath from Manhattan College. Tom and his wife,Joan, live in New York City.

DENISE MORRISONCampbell Soup Company Denise Morrison became president and CEO ofCampbell Soup Company on August 1, 2011. Shejoined Campbell in 2003. Previously, she served asexecutive vice president and general manager ofKraft Foods’ Snacks and Confections divisions.

Denise, who was named to the Wall Street Journal’s“Top 50 Women to Watch” list in 2007, serves onseveral boards including the Grocery ManufacturersAssociation. She is the chair of its Health & WellnessCommittee and is a founding member of theHealthy Weight Commitment Foundation, an ini-tiative designed to combat obesity in the market-place, workplace, and in schools. She also serves onthe board of Students In Free Enterprise.

A third-generation Irish American, with roots inMayo and Cork, Denise earned her BS in econom-ics and psychology from Boston College, graduatingmagna cum laude. She was inducted into the Orderof the Cross and Crown Honor Society for academ-ic and extracurricular achievement. Of her Irishheritage Denise says, “I see the world through Irisheyes and they are smiling.” She and her husband,Tom, have two children, Michelle and Kelly.

BRIAN T. MOYNIHANBank of America Brian T. Moynihan is the chief executive officer anda member of the board of directors of Bank ofAmerica, one of the world’s largest financial institu-tions. Bank of America serves people, companiesand institutional investors with a full range of bank-ing, investing, asset management and other financialand risk management products and services. Brianjoined Bank of America in 2004 following the com-pany’s merger with FleetBoston Financial andbecame CEO on January 1, 2010. He is a graduateof Brown University and the University of NotreDame Law School. In 2010, he was elected a trusteeof the Corporation of Brown University.

In May 2012, Brian received the AmericanIreland Fund’s Leslie C. Quick Junior LeadershipAward. In accepting the award, he talked about hisheritage as a fourth-generation Irish Americanwhose ancestors emigrated from Ireland to upstateNew York in the 1850s. “The fighting spirit that ledour relatives to come to America with little or noth-ing…that spirit is deeply ingrained in all IrishAmericans. Hard work, tenacity and drive to do theright thing is something that serves us in good stead.”

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1R3Relativity Media | 27th Business 100 | Tucker Tooley CongratsBleed Size: 8.25" x 5.5625"Prepared by Eclipse Advertising: November 15, 2012 6:42 PM

congratulates this year’s

Irish America Magazine’s

Business 100 honorees

including our own

Tucker Tooley

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ALAN MULALLYFord Motor CompanyAlan Mulally is president and CEO of Ford MotorCo. and a member of the board of directors. Beforejoining Ford in 2006, Alan was executive vice presi-dent of The Boeing Company, and president andCEO of Boeing Commercial Airplanes.

Throughout his career, Alan has been recognizedfor his industry leadership, including being namedone of The World’s Most Influential People by Time,one of The 30 Most Respected CEOs by Barrons,Person of the Year by Aviation Week and a BestLeader by Business Week. Alan serves on PresidentObama’s Export Council. He is a member of theU.S. National Academy of Engineering and a fellowof England’s Royal Academy of Engineering.

A Kansas native, Alan holds BS and MS degreesin aeronautical and astronautical engineering fromthe University of Kansas, and earned a master’s inmanagement from MIT as a 1982 Alfred P. Sloanfellow.

With a surname derived from the Gaelic ÓMaolalaidh, Alan traces his roots to the westerncounties of Ireland, and to Galway in particular.

JOHN J. MULLENThe Apple Leisure GroupJohn J. Mullen, chairman and owner of TheApple Leisure Group, began his travel career withUnited Airlines and later Lufthansa. In 1969, heopened a small travel agency in Drexel Hill, PA,specializing in Group Tours. Today, AppleVacations is one of the largest vacation compa-nies and tour operators in North America, serv-ing nearly one million passengers annually, andwith 6,000 employees. In 2001, the Apple LeisureGroup became fully integrated with the start-upof its new hotel division, AMResorts, all-inclusiveresort management company in Mexico and theCaribbean. The company’s brands of exclusiveresort properties include Zoetry Wellness & SpaResorts, Secrets Resorts & Spas, Dreams Resorts& Spas, Now Resorts & Spas and SunscapeResorts & Spas.

John is a first-generation Irish American whoseparents both hail from County Mayo. He hasbeen married to Joan Alice Atkinson for 49 years.Their four grown children work in the businesstoday.

KATHLEEN MURPHYFidelity InvestmentsKathleen Murphy is president of PersonalInvesting, a unit of Fidelity Investments – thelargest mutual fund company in the U.S., thelargest retail brokerage company and the numberone provider of workplace retirement savingsplans. She assumed her current position inJanuary 2009. Fidelity Investments serves over13.5 million accounts and Kathy is responsiblefor over one trillion dollars in assets.

Prior to joining Fidelity, Kathy was CEO ofING U.S. Wealth Management. Before assumingthat position, she was group president, INGWorksite and Institutional Financial Services.Kathy began her career with 15 years at AetnaShe received her BA summa cum laude fromFairfield University and earned her JD with high-est honors from the University of Connecticut.Fortune magazine named her one of the “Top 50Most Powerful Women” in American business.

Kathy’s father’s family is from Cork and hermother’s is from Kerry. A third-generation IrishAmerican, she is married with one son.

EILEEN NAUGHTONGoogleAs vice president of global sales for Google, EileenNaughton is responsible for sales strategy and rela-tionship management for Google’s largest agencyand advertising clients around the world. She mostrecently led Google’s high-growth display businessin the Americas, and is responsible for sales, devel-opment, media strategy and operations acrossYouTube and the Google Display Network. Prior tojoining Google, Eileen had a distinguished career atTime Warner Inc., where she was president of theTime Group. AdAge magazine featured her as a“Woman to Watch,” in a 2007 issue, and in 2009,she was featured in How Remarkable Women Lead, abook by McKinsey & Co., Joanna Barsh and SusieCranston, focusing on successful female leaders.The American Diabetes Association has namedEileen a “Woman of Valor” for her work to raiseawareness of the obesity epidemic.

Eileen holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in international studies from the University ofPennsylvania, and an MBA from its WhartonSchool. Her father was from Roscommon and her mother grew up in Drumcliff, in the mountainsnear Sligo.

EMMETT O’CONNELLGreat Western Mining Corp.Emmett O’Connell is chairman of the GreatWestern Mining Corporation, a mineral explo-ration company based in Nevada with headquartersin Dublin. A promoter of technology and explo-ration companies for over thirty years, Emmett hasacted as founder and director of other companiesincluding Eglington Exploration plc., Bryson Oiland Gas plc., Texas Continental Securities plc., andSeminole Land & Cattle Company.

Emmett’s career has taken him to many countrieson five continents. He has been involved with high-ly successful public companies quoted on theLondon, Dublin and Vancouver stock exchanges. InApril 2008, the London PLUS market awardedGreat Western Mining Corp. plc. the best resourcestock award for the continued investing and expan-sion of the company’s North American mineralresources. The company is now listed on the AIMmarket in London and the ESM market in Dublin.

Emmett was inducted as a Knight of St. Gregoryin the Vatican in 1986. When not in some distantpart of the world, he lives on a farm in Wexford withhis wife of 50 years. He has three children and sevengrandchildren.


PATRICK O’CONNORStarcom USAPatrick O’Connor is the chief financial officer atStarcom USA. Based in Chicago, he is a memberof the Starcom managing board, and directs a100-person professional finance and media oper-ations group. Pat became CFO at Starcom in2003, expanding his role to include financialstart-up and oversight of additional businessunits, including both traditional media anddiverse media disciplines. He is responsible for allreal estate activities of Starcom MediaVest Groupbusiness units in Chicago, including space plan-ning and expansion. He became a certified publicaccountant in May 1989, and is a member of theAmerican Institute of CPAs and the Illinois CPASociety. Outside the office, he is an active sup-porter of the Bellarmine Jesuit Retreat House.

Pat is a fourth-generation Irish American, withroots in Cork on his father’s side, andRoscommon on his mother’s. He received a bach-elor of science degree in accounting from theUniversity of Saint Francis before going on toearn his MBA at Loyola University in 1996. Heand his wife, Anne, have five children.

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SHAWN P. O’GRADYGeneral MillsShawn P. O’Grady is president, Sales andChannel Development and senior vice presidentof General Mills. He leads the function responsi-ble for all U.S. retail sales and brands on the go.Shawn joined General Mills in 1990. His appoint-ment as president, U.S. Retail Sales in 2007 waspreceded by his innovation in the ConsumersFoods Sales division in the Midwest, and his addi-tion of the Club and Discount, Drug and Dollarregions in 2006. He became senior vice presidentin 2010, and assumed his current role in June,2012.

Shawn graduated from the University of NotreDame with honors and a BS in chemical engineer-ing, and earned his MBA from Harvard BusinessSchool. A third-generation Irish American withroots in Westport on his father, George’s side andDonegal on his mother, Maggie’s, he says, “I wastaught early on that there were two types of people– the Irish, and those who wish they were. BeingIrish has always been a blessing to me.” Shawn andhis wife, Becky, live in Minneapolis with their twochildren, Jack and Mary.

CHRISTOPHER D. O’LEARYGeneral MillsChristopher D. O’Leary is executive vice presidentand COO International at General Mills. Chrisspent 17 years at PepsiCo, Inc. before joiningGeneral Mills in 1997 as vice president, CorporateGrowth. In 1999, he was elected a General Millssenior vice president and named president of theBetty Crocker Division. He then held the position ofpresident of the Meals Division from 2001 to 2006,and was assigned to his current role in June 2006.

Chris is a director of TDS Telecom Inc., and co-chairman of the World Economic ForumConsumer Steering Board Committee.

Chris, who received his BA in marketing fromPace University and his MBA from New YorkUniversity, is a second-generation Irish American onhis father’s side, with family from Co. Leitrim. Hedescribes his Irish heritage as very important andsays it keeps the memory of his father close. “Whileborn in N.Y., my father lived in Ireland from ages 3to 12. He was very proud to be Irish, and holdingonto my Irish heritage keeps me close to him as heis no longer of this world.” Chris and his wife, Julie,have four children, Kevin, John Patrick, Lexi andJoe, and reside in Edina, Minnesota.

TERENCE L. O’DAYThe Hershey CompanyTerence L. O’Day is senior vice president, globaloperations for The Hershey Company. He leads thecompany’s global supply chain, which includes thesourcing, engineering, manufacturing, logistics,quality, regulatory compliance, facilities and flightoperations functions. Before joining Hershey in2008, Terry served as EVP and COO forMannatech Inc. A graduate of the U.S. Air ForceAcademy in Colorado Springs with a bachelor ofscience, Terry was also a pilot for the U.S. Air Forceand Air National Guard, and reached the rank ofmajor. He received a master’s degree in businessadministration from Western Michigan University.

Terry and his wife, Susan, have two children,Corinne Shannon and Kyle Patrick. He is a sec-ond-generation Irish American with ancestry fromCounty Clare on his father Russell’s side andCounty Galway on his mother Marguerite’s side. Ofhis Irish heritage, Terry said, “I can still remembertalks with my grandmother on how tough life wason the West Coast of Ireland and why so many ofher family left. I learned from that experience thevalue of family, hard work, humility, and to alwayskeep a sense of humor.”

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EILEEN O’NEILLDiscovery CommunicationsEileen O’Neill is group president for Discovery,TLC and Discovery Fit & Health networks. She waspreviously president and general manager of TLC.Prior to assuming responsibility for TLC in 2008,she was president of Planet Green and general man-ager of Discovery Health.

Under Eileen’s leadership, in 2011 Discoverymarked its best year ever with male viewers ages 24-54, with hit series Moonshiners and Gold Rush. Thenetwork also aired acclaimed specials such as TheRising: Rebuilding Ground Zero, executive produced byStephen Spielberg. In 2012, Discovery celebratedthe 25th anniversary of its Shark Week programming.With TLC, Eileen has overseen the launches ofseries including Breaking Amish, Honey Boo Boo, All-American Muslim and Sister Wives. She has been recog-nized in Hollywood Reporter’s 2012 “Reality PowerList” and Vanity Fair, among other publications.

A homegrown talent, Eileen started at Discoveryas an unpaid intern while earning a graduate degreein popular culture from Bowling Green StateUniversity. She is a third-generation Irish Americanwith relatives from Kerry, Cork and Galway.

BRENDAN O’REGANZenith TechnologiesBrendan O’Regan is CEO of Zenith Technologies,a privately owned company he established in 1998.The company now employs over 375 people acrossthe world, and has offices in Dublin, the UK, India,China, Singapore and the US, with global head-quarters in Cork. Zenith offers services in systemsintegration, site services, MES and professional sec-ondments for the global process automation andmanufacturing execution system markets.

Brendan, a native of Co. Cork, who was a final-ist in the 2008 Ernst & Young entrepreneur of theyear awards, has a diploma in instrument physicsfrom Cork Institute of Technology. He is a mentorin the Endeavor Program, which is geared towardnurturing up-and-coming entrepreneurs. He andhis wife, Dorothy, have a daughter, Dara. Brendanchose a John O’Donohue quote to describe what itmeans to be Irish: “Your soul knows the geographyof your destiny. Your soul alone has the map of yourfuture, therefore you can trust this indirect, obliqueside of yourself. If you do, it will take you where youneed to go, but more important it will teach you akindness of rhythm in your journey.”

DONAL O’SULLIVANNavillus ContractingA native of Ballinskelligs, Co. Kerry, DonalO’Sullivan immigrated to the U.S. in 1984 in searchof work in construction. Today, he is the presidentand co-owner of Navillus Contracting, which hefounded with his sister Helen and his brothers Kevinand Leonard. Navillus, one of the largest union con-tractors in NYC, has been contributing to the cityskyline for the last 25 years. It has been Donal’shonor to have Navillus involved with building the9/11 Memorial at the World Trade Center, and toaid in rebuilding Rockaway after Hurricane Sandy.

Donal is a supporter of the Irish Arts Center andthe GAA. He is a member of the Kerryman’sPatriotic & Benevolent Association, the KerryFootball Club of NY, and serves on the board ofHaven US, an extension of Haven Partnership, anIrish nonprofit dedicated to creating opportunityand building homes in Haiti. The US Friends ofMaynooth College recognized him as Honoree ofthe Year 2012. Donal and his wife, Kathleen, havesix children, Jack, Donal, Katie, Caroline, Michaeland Kelly. He frequently returns to Ireland to visithis mother, Teresa, and connect with his roots.

KATHLEEN QUIRKFreeport-McMoRan, Inc.Kathleen L. Quirk has served as chief financialofficer and treasurer of Freeport-McMoRanCopper & Gold (FCX) since December, 2003.FCX is the world’s largest publicly owned copperproducer. She joined Freeport-McMoRan in 1989and has held positions of increasing responsibilityin tax, investor relations, treasury, corporatefinance and business development. FollowingFreeport-McMoRan’s acquisition of PhelpsDodge Corporation in 2007, she was named exec-utive vice president. In each of the past threeyears, she was named the Best CFO in Metals andMining by Institutional Investor magazine.

Kathleen holds a BS in accounting fromLouisiana State University and is a member of theboard of directors of the Valley of the Sun UnitedWay. With roots in Co. Galway, Kathleen says of herIrish heritage, “As a native of New Orleans, and athird-generation Irish American, I am a beneficiaryof the wonderful Irish culture and tradition that themany Irish immigrants brought to the city in the1800s. The immigrants were industrious and funloving, and made a lasting contribution to the city’sunique culture.”

EDWARD T. REILLY American Management Assoc.Since 2001, Edward T. Reilly has been the 17thpresident and CEO of the American ManagementAssociation. AMA is the world’s leading not-for-profit membership-based management develop-ment, research and publishing organization. Ed pre-viously served as president and CEO of Big FlowerHoldings, Inc., a leading provider of integratedmarketing and advertising services. Prior to that, Edspent 30 years with the broadcasting and book pub-lishing groups of the McGraw-Hill Companies.

Ed holds a BA in business administration from St. Francis College and attended the StanfordExecutive Program. He serves as the following:member of the North American Advisory Board ofthe UCD Michael Smurfit School of Business;immediate past chairman of the USO WorldHeadquarters board of governors; co-chairman ofthe USO Operation Enduring Care Campaign; fel-low of the International Academy of Management;member of the U.S. Advisory Board of IESEBusiness School, Barcelona. A fourth-generationIrish American, he resides in Westport, CT, withhis wife, Susan. Ed has roots in Cavan on hisfather’s side and Limerick on his mother’s.

WILBUR L. ROSS WL Ross & Co. LLC / InvescoWilbur L. Ross, Jr. is CEO and chairman of WLRoss & Co. LLC, and member of the Office of theChairman and Investment Committee of Invesco.An industry leader in bankruptcy, restructuring andprivatization services, he is one of the leading finan-cial advisors and investors to have been involved insome of the largest bankruptcies and out-of-courtrestructurings. He has assisted in restructuring morethan $200 billion of corporate liabilities.

Wilbur was executive managing director ofRothschild Inc. for 24 years before acquiring thatfirm’s private equity partnerships in 2000. He holdsan MBA with distinction from Harvard Universityand an AB from Yale University, which recognizedhim with the Yale Leadership award in 2009.

WL Ross & Co. is a large investor in Bank ofIreland. A fourth-generation Irish Americanthrough his mother, Agnes O’Neill, Wilbur washonored by the American Ireland Fund in 2011. Ofhis link to Ireland, Wilbur says, “Resiliency is amajor irish trait that is very important to me as aninvestor in distressed companies.” He has twodaughters, Amanda and Jessica, and is married toHilary Geary Ross.


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BRIAN RUANEBNY MellonBrian Ruane is a member of the ExecutiveCommittee for Pershing, a BNY Mellon company,and a member of BNY Mellon’s OperatingCommittee. He is responsible for Broker-DealerServices, U.S. Tri-Party Services, DerivativesClearing and co-leads Pershing Prime Services.

Prior to his current role, Brian was CEO of BNYMellon’s Alternative Investment and Broker-DealerServices. He was previously head of Global ClientManagement in North America. He served on theFederal Reserve Bank of New York’s WorkingCommittee on The Future of The U.S.Government Securities Markets.

Brian is a member of the board of directors ofBNY Mellon Clearing International Limited, andBNY Mellon’s Sovereign Wealth Advisory Group.He is also a member of the advisory board of TheUCD Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Businessand The Frank G. Zarb School of Business, fromwhich he received an MBA in international finance.Born in the U.S. and raised in Ireland, Brian is alsoa graduate of the Chartered Association ofCertified Accountants in the UK and Ireland.

BRIAN W. STACKCIE Tours InternationalBrian W. Stack is managing director of CIE ToursInternational, one of the largest producers oftourists to Ireland, Scotland, and many other areasof Europe. 2012 marks the 80th anniversary ofCIE, and is also the company’s most successful yearto date.

Prior to joining CIE, Brian worked with AerLingus, The Irish Tourist Board, and Ocean ReefClub in Florida. Brian has served as chairman ofthe United States Tour Operators Association,was president of the Society of Incentive TravelExecutives, is vice chairman of the IrishAmerican Cultural Institute and is currently vicepresident of the Ireland-U.S. Council forCommerce and Industry. His awards also include“Man of the Year” from the Incentive TravelIndustry and “International Executive of theYear” by the World Congress on Marketing andIncentive Travel, in addition to being honored inthe Top 100 Irish Americans by Irish America.

A resident of Rye, New York, Brian is married toAnne-Marie and has two grown children. He is aDublin native.

TED M. SULLIVANHibernia ManagementConsultingTed M. Sullivan serves as a principal withHibernia Management Consulting (HMC). Withmore than 18 years experience focusing on strate-gy and operational consulting, he is responsible forservicing Fortune 500 multinational clients withinthe entertainment and media industry. Prior to co-founding HMC, he was a managing director with-in KPMG’s Entertainment and Media Practice.

Ted traces his mother’s ancestors to Co.Tyrone, and his father’s to Co. Cork. He is afounding member of the Metro Atlanta PoliceEmerald Society and has served as the Georgiapresident of the Ancient Order of Hibernians.He has served twice as parade chairman of theAtlanta St. Patrick’s Day Parade and was theparade’s honorary Grand Marshal in 2005. Tedvisits Ireland every year to reconnect with friendsin Navan, Cork, and the North of Ireland, wherehe has participated in various political forums.

He holds a BS in finance from Troy StateUniversity. Ted and his wife, Sara, reside inAtlanta with their daughter, Mary Lois.

ANNE SWEENEYDisney Media NetworksAs co-chairman of Media Networks, The WaltDisney Co., and president of the Disney-ABCTelevision Group, Anne Sweeney has risen throughthe ranks of television and was named one of the 50Most Powerful Women in Business by Fortune andone of The World’s 100 Most Powerful Women byForbes. Anne is a recipient of the Cable TelevisionPublic Affairs Association’s President’s Award, theGolden Mike Award for Outstanding Contributionsto Broadcasting by the Broadcasters Foundation ofAmerica, and the Matrix Award for television fromNew York Women in Communications, Inc.

Anne was elected director of the InternationalCouncil of the National Academy of Television Artsand Sciences in 2001. In 2007, she was inductedinto the Cable Hall of Fame. She has received theCommittee of 200’s Luminary Award, and inOctober of 2011 became the first female executivein history to receive MIPCOM’s Personality of theYear honor.

Anne, who earned a BA from the College of NewRochelle and an EdM from Harvard, traces herroots to Meath, Kerry and Mayo.

TUCKER TOOLEY Relativity MediaTucker Tooley serves as president, Relativity Media,overseeing the company’s day-to-day operations, itsbusiness divisions, personnel, and theatrical motionpicture film slate. Joining Relativity in 2007 as pres-ident, Worldwide Production, Tucker was integralin transitioning the company’s Single Picture Filmsdivision into a full-fledged studio. His credits as exec-utive producer include the 3-d adventure Immortals,the paranoia-thriller Limitless, the Oscar-nominatedThe Fighter and the box office hit Dear John.

Previously, Tucker served as CEO of TooleyProductions. In 1999, he established Newman/Tooley Films, with then-producing partner VincentNewman. A UC Santa Barbara graduate, Tuckerbegan his career as a creative executive at InterlightPictures. “The Irish are some of the best story tellersin the world,” he says. “Being of Irish heritage andin the entertainment business, I feel a sense ofresponsibility to tell stories that will enlighten andendure the test of time.” Tucker is a fifth-generationIrish American with roots in CarrignamuckKnockamara, County Wicklow. He and his wife,Tessa, welcomed their first child in November.

MAGGIE SULLIVAN WILDEROTTER Frontier CommunicationsMaggie Wilderotter has been chairman and CEOof Frontier Communications, a Fortune 500 com-pany, since 2006, having joined it in 2004 as presi-dent, CEO and a member of the board. Beforethis, she was SVP of Worldwide Public Sector atMicrosoft. Maggie chairs the President’s NationalSecurity Telecommunications Advisory Committeeand serves on the boards of Xerox and Procter &Gamble, as well as a number of non-profits focusedon mentoring and supporting women entrepre-neurs. She has been included in Fortune’s “50 MostPowerful Women in Business” for the past fouryears and in 2011 the Financial Times named herone of “The Top 50 Women in World Business.”

A third-generation Irish American with roots inMayo and Cork, Maggie was born in Neptune, NJ,to Dennis Sullivan and Connie Shields. She says,“My Irish heritage has given me great gifts: faith,intuition, humor and a strong work ethic, the love ofa good story and a deep laugh, and above all, grati-tude.” Maggie earned a BA in economics from theCollege of the Holy Cross. She and her husband,Jay, have two sons, Christopher and Daniel.










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Congratulations to this year’s

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