20110719 TSM4VE VMwareUsergroup

© 2011 IBM Corporation 1 Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments Sebastian Trost | Tivoli Storage Management Solutions | 19. Juli 2011 Tivoli Software

Transcript of 20110719 TSM4VE VMwareUsergroup

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© 2011 IBM Corporation 1

Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments

Sebastian Trost | Tivoli Storage Management Solutions | 19. Juli 2011

Tivoli Software

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© 2011 IBM Corporation 2


1 Einführung

2 Traditionelles Backup von virtuellen Maschinen

3 TSM for Virtual Environments

4 Restoreverfahren

5 Zusammenfassung & Ausblick

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© 2011 IBM Corporation 3

Common Virtual Environment Terms

§  Host ESX Hypervisor environment which creates and supports production virtual machines

§  VMware Backup Client Independent server which performs “proxy” backups for production machines

§  Backup Server Independent server which stores and manages production data backup copies

§  Guest Production virtual machine (VM)

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© 2011 IBM Corporation 4

Prognosen von Analytikern zeigen…

Mehr als 90% aller Anwender die virtuelle Maschinen nutzen, tun dies um insbesondere x86-Speicherplatz zu reduzieren und Energiekosten zu sparen.

Die Dichte von virtuellen Maschinen auf physikalischen Servern nimmt weiter zu. Heute 1:15, vor einigen Jahren 1:4

2012 wird der meiste x86 Workload von virtuellen Maschinen verursacht.

Annähernd 80% aller virtueller Maschinen werden derzeit noch durch traditionelle „in-guest“ oder „host“ Backups gesichert.

Quellen: Gartner, IDC, ESG 4

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Changing the game, for better and for worse …

“Virtualized servers have been a boon to the systems side of the house,

but a bane for storage managers.”

Hot Technologies for 2011,

STORAGE Magazine, Dec 2010 (link)


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1 Einführung

2 Traditionelles Backup von virtuellen Maschinen

3 TSM for Virtual Environments

4 Restoreverfahren

5 Zusammenfassung & Ausblick

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© 2011 IBM Corporation


Virtuelle Maschinen

Traditionelles Backup virtueller Maschinen (‚in-guest‘)





TSM Client

TSM Client

TSM Client

Backup Server TSM

TSM Client

TSM Client

TSM Client

TSM Client

TSM Client

TSM Client

TSM Client

CPU Memory Network

Tiered Storage

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Traditionelles Backup virtueller Maschinen (‚in-guest‘)

§  Ein TSM B/A Client pro virtueller Gastmaschine installiert §  Nachteil: Viele B/A Client Installationen, Management & Wartung §  Nachteil: Verbrauch wertvoller Ressourcen (Memory, I/O Ressourcen) bei

parallelen Backups, Filesystem-Scan etc.


Tiered Storage

VMware ESX / ESXi Server


Virtuelle Maschinen

Backup Server Virtual Disk


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© 2011 IBM Corporation 9


1 Einführung

2 Traditionelles Backup von virtuellen Maschinen

3 TSM for Virtual Environments

4 Restoreverfahren

5 Zusammenfassung & Ausblick

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments


Virtuelle Maschine

vStorage API for DP


vStorage Server

VMware Snapshot





TSM ServerTSM Server

vStorage Server


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© 2011 IBM Corporation

Tivoli Storage Manager for Virtual Environments Der neuste Ansatz: VMware vStorage API for Data Protection


VMware ESX / ESXi Server


Virtuelle Maschine

Backup Server

Virtual Disk Volumes

§  Auf den VM Storage wird direkt zugegriffen (via VADP)

§  VMware Snapshort wird ohne Umwege zum Backup Server geschickt (Daten werden nicht am vStorage Server/Proxy Server gepuffert)

§  Changed Block Tracking: Erlaubt inkrementelle Backups ohne das Gastsystem vollständig scannen zu müssen

§  Der vStorage Server kann auch eine virtuelle Maschine sein - keine zusätzliche Hardware!

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TSM for Virtual Environments – Doing a Backup

1.  TSM Backup/Archive Client uses VMware vStorage API à API contacts VMware (vCenter or ESX)

2.  Invokes VMware-Tools on Guest (VSS consistent Snapshot)

3.  ESX creates Snapshot No staging disk on vStorage server

7.  TSM Backup/Archive Client (on vStorage Server) reads VMDK directly through SAN (if available)

8.  TSM Backup/Archive Client sends backup data to TSM server

9.  Snapshots will be removed automatically

10. Optional use of Storage Agent (TSM for SAN)

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Auto Discovery of new VMware Guests

§  Feature of TSM Backup/Archive Client V6.2.0 –  Ability to query vCenter for a list of Guests –  ESX / ESXi – 3.5 and 4.x –  vCenter - vSphere 4 and VI 3.5

§  ALL-VM: Selects all virtual machine guests found on vCenter or ESX

§  ALL-WINDOWS: Selects all Windows guests

§  VMHOST=esx1.ibm.com,esx2.ibm.com: Selects all guests on an ESX host

§  VMFOLDER=foldername1,foldername2: Selects all guests within a folder

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1 Einführung

2 Traditionelles Backup von virtuellen Maschinen

3 TSM for Virtual Environments

4 Restoreverfahren

5 Zusammenfassung & Ausblick

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

TSM for Virtual Environments Restoreverfahren

Single File Recovery

Near-Instant Volume Recovery

Full Virtual Machine Recovery


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Restore GUI

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New Features included in TSM for VE

§  Mount –  Quickly mounts a snapshot, as a virtual disk, from the backup server to the

Guest –  Mounts snapshots without actually restoring the files to Guest –  Interfaced through GUI and CLI

§  Instant Restore –  Restores volume/data directly to Guest (non-OS disk only) –  Enables access to snapshot data during the restore process,

as soon as the restore begins –  Interfaced through GUI only

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Data Protection for VMware: File Recovery

VMware ESX / ESXi Server


Virtual Machines

TSM Server

1. User launches TSM for VE Agent a. Enters TSM node name for authentication with TSM server b. Select VM, recovery point and disk c. Select partition mount / partition

2. Volume is presented to local system (if off-host mount, make volume available to VM guest)

3. User copies files (files restored from TSM storage pool)

Agent Deployment Linux and Windows install packages 1. In-guest for VM user

initiated restore 2. Off-host centralized file

restore (windows package typically on same machine as B/A client)

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Data Protection for VMware: Instant Restore

VMware ESX / ESXi Server


Virtual Machines TSM Server

1. User launches TSM for VE Agent a. Authenticates with TSM server b. Selects VM, recovery point and non-OS volume

2. Volume restore background process initiated 3. Data restored on-demand based on access (while background restore in process)

1. Agent deployed in VM guest

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1. Activate Instant Restore 2. Background Process restores blocks gradually 3. Write IOs are performed as usual 4. Read IOs from un-recovered areas create restore on demand 5. All other reads are performed as usual

TSM Server

Guest Machine

New Production Disk

New Guest Machine

Typical Production Disk

Instant Restore Instant Restore allows users to start using applications on the same disk to which the volume is being restored, while the restore operation is still in process. (Note: The process can’t be activated against system volumes)

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TSM for Virtual Environments: Platform Support

§  Backup Client Platforms –  Windows Server 2003 (32 bit and 64 bit) –  Windows Server 2003 R2 (32 bit and 64 bit) –  Windows Server 2008 (32 bit and 64 bit) –  Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 bit only) –  Note: Backup Proxy server can be physical or virtual

§  VMware Host Platforms –  ESX / ESXi – 3.5 and 4.0 and 4.1 –  vCenter - vSphere 4 and VI 3.5

§  Backup Server (TSM Server) –  TSM V5.5, V6.1, V6.2 –  All existing TSM commands and schedules will continue to work as before

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1 Einführung

2 Traditionelles Backup von virtuellen Maschinen

3 TSM for Virtual Environments

4 Restoreverfahren

5 Zusammenfassung & Ausblick

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© 2011 IBM Corporation

TSM for Virtual Environments v6.2 At-A-Glance

§  TSM for VE nutzt VMware’s vStorage APIs for Data Protection (VADP)

§  Schnelle block-level inkrementelle Image Backups basierend auf VMware’s Change Block Tracking (CBT)

§  Flexible Wiederherstellungsmöglichkeiten: File, Volume oder Image

§  Backup Workload wird zum “vStorage Backup Server” verlagert à keine Ressourcenengpässe am ESX Host/VMware Gäste

§  Near-Instant Restore von Windows und Linux Disk Volumes à Daten sind sofort verfügbar, obwohl im Hintergrund noch der Wiederherstellungvorgang läuft

§  Vereinfachtes Agenten-Management – Ein Agent unterstützt mehrere VMs!

§  Auto-Discovery neuer VMs

§  TSM for VE wird ab TSM Server v5.5 unterstützt

§  Es wird keine zusätzliche Hardware benötigt.


Effiziente state-of-the-art Datensicherung von virtuellen Gastsystemen

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IBM Unified Recovery Management

24 24

• FastBack for Workstations

• TSM Server

• Remote Office(s) • Data Center • DR Operations


Storage pool

Information Archive

• FastBack • Server(s)

• FastBack • Clients

• TSM • Clients

• Mobile Offices

• FlashCopy • Manager

Tivoli Storage Manager UI (Tivoli Integrated Portal)

Install / Upgrade Service Reporting Service Monitoring

•  Set Policies •  Service Configuration •  Backup/Restore

• TSM • Clients


Public Private Hybrid

Service Availability and Performance Management

Service Delivery and Process Automation

Backup Cloud,

Managed Services

TSM for Virtual Environments

Virtual Machines

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IBM-Allee 1 D-71139 Ehningen Phone: +49-151-15162800 Mail: [email protected]

Vielen Dank für Ihre Aufmerksamkeit!

Sebastian Trost


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