2011.03.30 - SLIDE 1IS 240 – Spring 2011 Prof. Ray Larson University of California, Berkeley...

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 1 IS 240 – Spring 2011 Prof. Ray Larson University of California, Berkeley School of Information Principles of Information Retrieval Lecture 24: NLP for IR
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Transcript of 2011.03.30 - SLIDE 1IS 240 – Spring 2011 Prof. Ray Larson University of California, Berkeley...

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 1IS 240 – Spring 2011

Prof. Ray Larson University of California, Berkeley

School of Information

Principles of Information Retrieval

Lecture 24: NLP for IR

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 2IS 240 – Spring 2011

Final Term Paper

• Should be about 8-12 pages on:– some area of IR research (or practice) that

you are interested in and want to study further– Experimental tests of systems or IR

algorithms– Build an IR system, test it, and describe the

system and its performance

• Due May 9th (First day of Final exam Week - or any time before)

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 3IS 240 – Spring 2011


• Review - Filtering and TDT

• Natural Language Processing and IR– Based on Papers in Reader and on

• David Lewis & Karen Sparck Jones “Natural Language Processing for Information Retrieval” Communications of the ACM, 39(1) Jan. 1996

• Information from Junichi Tsuji, University of Tokyo

• Watson and Jeopardy

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 4IS 240 – Spring 2011

Major differences between IR and Filtering

• IR concerned with single uses of the system• IR recognizes inherent faults of queries

– Filtering assumes profiles can be better than IR queries

• IR concerned with collection and organization of texts– Filtering is concerned with distribution of texts

• IR is concerned with selection from a static database.– Filtering concerned with dynamic data stream

• IR is concerned with single interaction sessions– Filtering concerned with long-term changes

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 5IS 240 – Spring 2011

Contextual Differences

• In filtering the timeliness of the text is often of greatest significance

• Filtering often has a less well-defined user community

• Filtering often has privacy implications (how complete are user profiles?, what to they contain?)

• Filtering profiles can (should?) adapt to user feedback– Conceptually similar to Relevance feedback

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 6IS 240 – Spring 2011

Methods for Filtering

• Adapted from IR – E.g. use a retrieval ranking algorithm against

incoming documents.

• Collaborative filtering– Individual and comparative profiles

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 7IS 240 – Spring 2011

TDT Task Overview*

• 5 R&D Challenges:– Story Segmentation– Topic Tracking– Topic Detection– First-Story Detection– Link Detection

• TDT3 Corpus Characteristics:†– Two Types of Sources:

• Text • Speech

– Two Languages:• English 30,000

stories• Mandarin 10,000


– 11 Different Sources:• _8 English__ 3


** see http://www.itl.nist.gov/iaui/894.01/tdt3/tdt3.htm for details† see http://morph.ldc.upenn.edu/Projects/TDT3/ for details

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 8IS 240 – Spring 2011


A topictopic is …a seminal eventevent or activity, along with all

directly related events and activities.

A storystory is …a topically cohesive segment of news that

includes two or more DECLARATIVE independent clauses about a single event.

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 9IS 240 – Spring 2011

Example Topic

Title: Mountain Hikers Lost– WHAT: 35 or 40 young Mountain Hikers were

lost in an avalanche in France around the 20th of January.

– WHERE: Orres, France – WHEN: January 1998– RULES OF INTERPRETATION: 5. Accidents

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 10IS 240 – Spring 2011

(for Radio and TV only)

Transcription:text (words)


The Segmentation Task:

To segment the source stream into its constituent stories, for all audio sources.

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 11IS 240 – Spring 2011

The Topic Tracking Task:

To detect stories that discuss the target topic,in multiple source streams.

• Find all the stories that discuss a given target topic– Training: Given Nt sample stories that

discuss a given target topic,– Test: Find all subsequent stories that

discuss the target topic.


training data

test dataNew This Year: not guaranteed to be off-topic

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 12IS 240 – Spring 2011

The Topic Detection Task:

To detect topics in terms of the (clusters of) storiesthat discuss them.

– Unsupervised topic training A meta-definition of topic is required independent of topic specifics.

– New topics must be detected as the incoming stories are processed.

– Input stories are then associated with one of the topics.

a topic!

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 13IS 240 – Spring 2011

• There is no supervised topic training (like Topic Detection)


First Stories

Not First Stories

= Topic 1= Topic 2

The First-Story Detection Task:

To detect the first story that discusses a topic, for all topics.

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 14IS 240 – Spring 2011

The Link Detection Task

To detect whether a pair of stories discuss the same topic.

• The topic discussed is a free variable.• Topic definition and annotation is

unnecessary.• The link detection task represents a basic

functionality, needed to support all applications (including the TDT applications of topic detection and tracking).

• The link detection task is related to the topic tracking task, with Nt = 1.

same topic?

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 15IS 240 – Spring 2011


• Review - Filtering and TDT

• Natural Language Processing and IR– Based on Papers in Reader and on

• David Lewis & Karen Sparck Jones “Natural Language Processing for Information Retrieval” Communications of the ACM, 39(1) Jan. 1996

• Text summarization: Lecture from Ed Hovy (USC)

• Watson and Jeopardy

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 16IS 240 – Spring 2011

Natural Language Processing and IR

• The main approach in applying NLP to IR has been to attempt to address

– Phrase usage vs individual terms

– Search expansion using related terms/concepts

– Attempts to automatically exploit or assign controlled vocabularies

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 17IS 240 – Spring 2011

NLP and IR

• Much early research showed that (at least in the restricted test databases tested)– Indexing documents by individual terms

corresponding to words and word stems produces retrieval results at least as good as when indexes use controlled vocabularies (whether applied manually or automatically)

– Constructing phrases or “pre-coordinated” terms provides only marginal and inconsistent improvements

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 18IS 240 – Spring 2011

NLP and IR

• Not clear why intuitively plausible improvements to document representation have had little effect on retrieval results when compared to statistical methods– E.g. Use of syntactic role relations between

terms has shown no improvement in performance over “bag of words” approaches

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 19IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 20IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

John runs.

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 21IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

John runs.

John run+s. P-N V 3-pre N plu

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 22IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

John runs.

John run+s. P-N V 3-pre N plu








Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 23IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

John runs.

John run+s. P-N V 3-pre N plu







runPred: RUN Agent:John

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 24IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

John runs.

John run+s. P-N V 3-pre N plu







runPred: RUN Agent:John

John is a student.He runs.

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 25IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

Domain AnalysisAppelt:1999


Part of Speech Tagging

Term recognition(Ananiadou)



Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 26IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

Difficulties of NLP

(1) Robustness: Incomplete Knowledge

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 27IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

Difficulties of NLP

(1) Robustness: Incomplete Knowledge Incomplete Lexicons

Open class words TermsTerm recognitionNamed Entities Company names Locations Numerical expressions

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 28IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

Difficulties of NLP

(1) Robustness: Incomplete Knowledge

Incomplete Grammar Syntactic Coverage Domain Specific Constructions Ungrammatical Constructions

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 29IS 240 – Spring 2011

Syntactic Analysis

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

Difficulties of NLP

(1) Robustness: Incomplete Knowledge

Incomplete Domain Knowledge Interpretation Rules

PredefinedAspects of


Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 30IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

Difficulties of NLP

(1) Robustness: Incomplete Knowledge

(2) Ambiguities:Combinatorial


Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 31IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

Difficulties of NLP

(1) Robustness: Incomplete Knowledge

(2) Ambiguities:Combinatorial


Most words in Englishare ambiguous in terms of their parts of speech. runs: v/3pre, n/plu clubs: v/3pre, n/plu and two meanings

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 32IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

Difficulties of NLP

(1) Robustness: Incomplete Knowledge

(2) Ambiguities:Combinatorial


Structural Ambiguities

Predicate-argument Ambiguities

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 33IS 240 – Spring 2011

Structural Ambiguities

(1)Attachment Ambiguities John bought a car with large seats. John bought a car with $3000.

(2) Scope Ambiguities

young women and men in the room

(3)Analytical Ambiguities Visiting relatives can be boring.

The manager of Yaxing Benz, a Sino-German joint ventureThe manager of Yaxing Benz, Mr. John Smith

John bought a car with Mary.$3000 can buy a nice car.

Semantic Ambiguities(1)

Semantic Ambiguities(2)

Every man loves a woman.

Co-reference Ambiguities

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 34IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

Difficulties of NLP

(1) Robustness: Incomplete Knowledge

(2) Ambiguities:Combinatorial


Structural Ambiguities

Predicate-argument Ambiguities


Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 35IS 240 – Spring 2011


Ambiguities vs Robustness

More comprehensive knowledge: More Robust

big dictionariescomprehensive grammar

More comprehensive knowledge: More ambiguities

Adaptability: Tuning, LearningSlides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 36IS 240 – Spring 2011

Framework of IE

IE as compromise NLP

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 37IS 240 – Spring 2011

Syntactic Analysis

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

Difficulties of NLP

(1) Robustness: Incomplete Knowledge

Incomplete Domain Knowledge Interpretation Rules

PredefinedAspects of


Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 38IS 240 – Spring 2011

Syntactic Analysis

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation

Difficulties of NLP

(1) Robustness: Incomplete Knowledge

Incomplete Domain Knowledge Interpretation Rules

PredefinedAspects of


Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 39IS 240 – Spring 2011

Techniques in IE

(1) Domain Specific Partial Knowledge: Knowledge relevant to information to be extracted

(2) Ambiguities: Ignoring irrelevant ambiguities Simpler NLP techniques

(4) Adaptation Techniques: Machine Learning, Trainable systems

(3) Robustness: Coping with Incomplete dictionaries (open class words) Ignoring irrelevant parts of sentences

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 40IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Anaysis

Context processingInterpretation

Open class words: Named entity recognition (ex) Locations Persons Companies Organizations Position names

Domain specific rules: <Word><Word>, Inc. Mr. <Cpt-L>. <Word>Machine Learning: HMM, Decision TreesRules + Machine Learning

Part of Speech TaggerFSA rulesStatistic taggers

95 %



Local ContextStatistical Bias

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 41IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Anaysis

Context processingInterpretation


1.Complex Words: Recognition of multi-words and proper names

2.Basic Phrases:Simple noun groups, verb groups and particles

3.Complex phrases:Complex noun groups and verb groups

4.Domain Events:Patterns for events of interest to the application

Basic templates are to be built.

5. Merging Structures:Templates from different parts of the texts are merged if they provide information about the same entity or event.

Based on finite states automata (FSA)

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 42IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Anaysis

Context processingInterpretation


1.Complex Words: Recognition of multi-words and proper names

2.Basic Phrases:Simple noun groups, verb groups and particles

3.Complex phrases:Complex noun groups and verb groups

4.Domain Events:Patterns for events of interest to the application

Basic templates are to be built.

5. Merging Structures:Templates from different parts of the texts are merged if they provide information about the same entity or event.

Based on finite states automata (FSA)

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 43IS 240 – Spring 2011

General Framework of NLP

Morphological andLexical Processing

Syntactic Analysis

Semantic Analysis

Context processingInterpretation


1.Complex Words: Recognition of multi-words and proper names

2.Basic Phrases:Simple noun groups, verb groups and particles

3.Complex phrases:Complex noun groups and verb groups

4.Domain Events:Patterns for events of interest to the application

Basic templates are to be built.

5. Merging Structures:Templates from different parts of the texts are merged if they provide information about the same entity or event.

Based on finite states automata (FSA)

Slides from Prof. J. Tsujii, Univ of Tokyo and Univ of Manchester

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 44IS 240 – Spring 2011

Using NLP

• Strzalkowski (in Reader)

Text NLP represDbasesearch


2011.03.30 - SLIDE 45IS 240 – Spring 2011

Using NLP

INPUT SENTENCEThe former Soviet President has been a local hero ever sincea Russian tank invaded Wisconsin.

TAGGED SENTENCEThe/dt former/jj Soviet/jj President/nn has/vbz been/vbn a/dt local/jj hero/nn ever/rb since/in a/dt Russian/jj tank/nn invaded/vbd Wisconsin/np ./per

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 46IS 240 – Spring 2011

Using NLP

TAGGED & STEMMED SENTENCEthe/dt former/jj soviet/jj president/nn have/vbz be/vbn a/dt local/jj hero/nn ever/rb since/in a/dt russian/jj tank/nn invade/vbd wisconsin/np ./per

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 47IS 240 – Spring 2011

Using NLP



[[perf [have]][[verb[BE]]

[subject [np[n PRESIDENT][t_pos THE]


[adv EVER]

[sub_ord[SINCE [[verb[INVADE]]

[subject [np [n TANK][t_pos A]

[adj [RUSSIAN]]]]

[object [np [name [WISCONSIN]]]]]]]]]

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 48IS 240 – Spring 2011

Using NLP


President 2.623519 soviet 5.416102

President+soviet 11.556747 president+former 14.594883

Hero 7.896426 hero+local 14.314775

Invade 8.435012 tank 6.848128

Tank+invade 17.402237 tank+russian 16.030809

Russian 7.383342 wisconsin 7.785689

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 49IS 240 – Spring 2011

Same Sentence, different sys

INPUT SENTENCEThe former Soviet President has been a local hero ever sincea Russian tank invaded Wisconsin.

TAGGED SENTENCE (using uptagger from Tsujii)The/DT former/JJ Soviet/NNP President/NNP has/VBZ been/VBN a/DT local/JJ hero/NN ever/RB since/IN a/DT Russian/JJ tank/NN invaded/VBD Wisconsin/NNP ./.

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 50IS 240 – Spring 2011

Same Sentence, different sys

CHUNKED Sentence (chunkparser – Tsujii)(TOP (S (NP (DT The) (JJ former) (NNP Soviet) (NNP President) ) (VP (VBZ has) (VP (VBN been) (NP (DT a) (JJ local) (NN hero) ) (ADVP (RB ever) ) (SBAR (IN since) (S (NP (DT a) (JJ Russian) (NN tank) ) (VP (VBD invaded) (NP (NNP Wisconsin) ) ) ) ) ) ) (. .) ) )

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 51IS 240 – Spring 2011

Same Sentence, different sys

Enju ParserROOT ROOT ROOT ROOT -1 ROOT been be VBN VB 5been be VBN VB 5 ARG1 President president NNP NNP 3been be VBN VB 5 ARG2 hero hero NN NN 8a a DT DT 6 ARG1 hero hero NN NN 8a a DT DT 11 ARG1 tank tank NN NN 13local local JJ JJ 7 ARG1 hero hero NN NN 8The the DT DT 0 ARG1 President president NNP NNP 3former former JJ JJ 1 ARG1 President president NNP NNP 3Russian russian JJ JJ 12 ARG1 tank tank NN NN 13Soviet soviet NNP NNP 2 MOD President president NNP NNP 3invaded invade VBD VB 14 ARG1 tank tank NN NN 13invaded invade VBD VB 14 ARG2 Wisconsin wisconsin NNP NNP 15has have VBZ VB 4 ARG1 President president NNP NNP 3has have VBZ VB 4 ARG2 been be VBN VB 5since since IN IN 10 MOD been be VBN VB 5since since IN IN 10 ARG1 invaded invade VBD VB 14ever ever RB RB 9 ARG1 since since IN IN 10

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 52IS 240 – Spring 2011


• Indexing– Use of NLP methods to identify phrases

• Test weighting schemes for phrases

– Use of more sophisticated morphological analysis

• Searching– Use of two-stage retrieval

• Statistical retrieval• Followed by more sophisticated NLP filtering

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 53IS 240 – Spring 2011


• Lewis and Sparck Jones suggest research in three areas– Examination of the words, phrases and sentences

that make up a document description and express the combinatory, syntagmatic relations between single terms

– The classificatory structure over document collection as a whole, indicating the paradigmatic relations between terms and permitting controlled vocabulary indexing and searching

– Using NLP-based methods for searching and matching

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 54IS 240 – Spring 2011

NLP & IR Issues

• Is natural language indexing using more NLP knowledge needed?

• Or, should controlled vocabularies be used

• Can NLP in its current state provide the improvements needed

• How to test

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 55IS 240 – Spring 2011


• New “Question Answering” track at TREC has been exploring these areas– Usually statistical methods are used to

retrieve candidate documents– NLP techniques are used to extract the likely

answers from the text of the documents

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 56IS 240 – Spring 2011

Mark’s idle speculation

• What people think is going on always


NLPFrom Mark Sanderson, University of Sheffield

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 57IS 240 – Spring 2011

Mark’s idle speculation

• What’s usually actually going on

KeywordsNLPFrom Mark Sanderson, University of Sheffield

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 58IS 240 – Spring 2011

What we really need is…

• The reason NLP fails to help is because the machine lacks the human flexibility of interpretation and knowledge of context and content

• So what about AI?– There are many debates on whether human-

like AI is or is not possible

• “the question of whether machines can think is no more interesting than the question of whether submarines can swim”

– Edsger Dijkstra

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 59IS 240 – Spring 2011


• Review - Filtering and TDT

• Natural Language Processing and IR– Based on Papers in Reader and on

• David Lewis & Karen Sparck Jones “Natural Language Processing for Information Retrieval” Communications of the ACM, 39(1) Jan. 1996

• Information from Junichi Tsuji, University of Tokyo

• Watson and Jeopardy

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 60IS 240 – Spring 2011

Building Watson and the Jeopardy Challenge

Slides based on the article by David Ferrucci, et al.

“Building Watson: An Overview of the DeepQA Project”

In AI Magazine - Fall 2010

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 61IS 240 – Spring 2011

The Challenge

• “the open domain QA is attractive as it is one of the most challenging in the realm of computer science and artificial intelligence, requiring a synthesis of information retrieval, natural language processing, knowledge representation and reasoning, machine learning and computer-human interfaces.”

– “Building Watson: An overview of the DeepQA Project”,

AI Magazine, Fall 2010

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 62IS 240 – Spring 2011


• Parsing• Question Classification• Question Decomposition• Automatic Source Acquisition and

Evaluation• Entity and Relation detection• Logical form generation• Knowledge representation• Reasoning

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 63IS 240 – Spring 2011


• “To create general-purpose, reusable natural language processing (NLP) and knowledge representation and reasoning (KRR) technology that can exploit as-is natural language resources and as-is structured knowledge rather than to curate task-specific knowledge as resources”

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 64IS 240 – Spring 2011

Excluded Jeopardy categories• Audiovisual questions (where part of the

clue is a picture, recording, or video)

• Special Instruction Questions (where the category or clues require a special verbal explanation from the host)

• All others, including “puzzle” clues are considered fair game

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 65IS 240 – Spring 2011


• Tried adapting and combining systems used for TREC QA task, but never worked adequately for the Jeopardy tests

• Started a collaborative effort with academic QA researchers call “Open Advancement of Question Answering” OAQA

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 66IS 240 – Spring 2011


• The DeepQA system finally developed (and continuing to be developed) is described as:– A massively parallel probabilistic evidence-

based architecture– Uses over 100 different techniques for

analyzing natural language, identifying sources, finding and generating hypothesis, finding and scoring evidence, and merging and ranking hypotheses

– What is important is how these are combined

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 67IS 240 – Spring 2011


• Massive parallelism: Exploits massive parallelism in the consideration of multiple interpretations and hypotheses

• Many Experts: Facilitates the integration, application and contextual evaluation of a wide range of loosely coupled probabilistic question and content analytics

• Pervasive confidence estimation: No component commits to an answer; all components produce features and associated confidences, scoring different question and content interpretations.

– An underlying confidence-processing substrate learns how to stack and combine the scores.

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 68IS 240 – Spring 2011


• Integrate shallow and deep knowledge: Balance the use of strict semantics and shallow semantics, leveraging many loosely formed ontologies

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 69IS 240 – Spring 2011


DeepQA High-Level Architecture from “Building Watson” AI Magazine Fall 2010

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 70IS 240 – Spring 2011

Question Analysis

• Attempts to discover what kind of question is being asked (usually meaning the desired type of result - or LAT Lexical Answer Type)– I.e. “Who is…” needs a person, “Where is…”

needs a location.

• DeepQA uses a number of experts and combines the results using the confidence framework

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 71IS 240 – Spring 2011

Hypothesis Generation

• Takes the results of Question Analysis and produces candidate answers by searching the system’s sources and extracting answer-sized snippets from the search results.

• Each candidate answer plugged back into the question is considered a hypothesis

• A “lightweight scoring” is performed to trim down the hypothesis set– What is the likelihood of the candidate answer being

an instance of the LAT from the first stage?

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 72IS 240 – Spring 2011

Hypothesis and Evidence Scoring

• Candidate answers that pass the lightweight scoring then undergo a rigorous evaluation process that involves gathering additional supporting evidence for each candidate answer, or hypothesis, and applying a wide variety of deep scoring analytics to evaluation the supporting evidence

• This involves more retrieval and scoring (one method used involves IDF scores of common words between the hypothesis and the source passage)

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 73IS 240 – Spring 2011

Final Merging and Ranking

• Based on the deep scoring, the hypotheses and their supporting sources are ranked and merged to select the single best-supported hypothesis

• Equivalent candidate answers are merged• After merging the system must rank the

hypotheses and estimate confidence based on their merged scores. (A machine-learning approach using a set of know training answers is used to build the ranking model)

2011.03.30 - SLIDE 74IS 240 – Spring 2011

Running DeepQA

• A single question on a single processor implementation of DeepQA typically could take up to 2 hours to complete

• The Watson system used a massively parallel version of the UIMA framework and Hadoop (both open source from Apache now :) that was running 2500 processors in parallel

• They won the public Jeopardy Challenge (easily it seemed)