20110213 DW Defining a ‘Singular’ Standard

20110213 DW Defining a ‘Singular’ Standard 13/02/2011 12:22 Cannot depend n self - madness in this age of 2011 Everyone must be dealing with and evaluating self and putting your dependence on him for the evaluation of your self, identity emotions, principles,…. Inward is perceptional sight. Nuanced = flavour shades, perception, sensing, connecting, becoming more aware, enhanced, knowledge from the inside Your concepts change bc you are becoming more renewed it is not difficult. You were made for this interaction. Designed to interact with God. Our timetable is to get ourselves ready. That sense of nowness and immediacy is a facility of mature faith. It is a function of eternity. Unending enthusiam and keeping passion alive in spite of crisis. Global Congress Leadership Meeting

Transcript of 20110213 DW Defining a ‘Singular’ Standard

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20110213 DW Defining a ‘Singular’ Standard13/02/2011 12:22

Cannot depend n self - madness in this age of 2011

Everyone must be dealing with and evaluating self and putting your

dependence on him for the evaluation of your self, identity emotions,


Inward is perceptional sight.

Nuanced = flavour shades, perception, sensing, connecting, becoming

more aware, enhanced, knowledge from the inside

Your concepts change bc you are becoming more renewed

it is not difficult. You were made for this interaction. Designed to interact

with God.

Our timetable is to get ourselves ready.

That sense of nowness and immediacy is a facility of mature faith. It is a

function of eternity.

Unending enthusiam and keeping passion alive in spite of crisis.

Global Congress Leadership Meeting

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ACT – 6 ppl

EA - 6 ppl

SDC – 9 ppl

Josiah and Vern from Oceania

1 important issue

Determine what makes CWBN represent a singular standard in the earth.

Define a singular standard

The 7 dimensions that make us unique in the earth.

20 public and up to 40 private years.

What gives us the boldness to offer on behalf of the entire body of Christ.

Gen 6:5-8

v8 - But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD.


This is the man that God created in His own image and to be like Him. Gen


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God made man with hope

The corruption of man in the earth points an accusing finger right back at

the purity and authenticity of the original creative act – thus the very

validity of God himself is put in question

Man’s corruption brings into question even the validity of nature to exist.

v7 – even the animals were going to be destroyed though they did not sin.

A creator repents of his own creative act

A perfect God points back to a mistake emanating from His very core

If this thought carried on, then chaos would occur, everything that is true

will collapse and darkness would become truth

God can no longer claim to be God

In the midst of the darkness and doubt a validating factor is found that

justifies the wisdom, the accuracy, the truth and the perfection of the

original creative act – NOAH.

V9 Noah was a righteous man, blameless among the people of his time,

and he walked faithfully with God

What does walking with God mean?

- to remain consistent with divine aims and objectives – in other

words, not to depart from the prophetic aim and intent.

- to align oneself with divine principles and not with the principles

that design and govern the earth

- to become a forceful point of human agreement in the earth within

time, with the unseen divine architecture that proceeds from eternity

- is to become a guardian of the Divine Heart; an upholder of the

Divine Integrity; a proof of the Divine Wisdom; evidence of the

correctness of the Creative Power of God.


So we can make this statement:

The completeness of God in His earthly purpose requires human

validation, human partnership, human agreement, perfected human

standards and powerful human choice to align with the position of God

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Mat 24:37

As it was....... so it will be........

To the Finish




Noah is the

seed EC Principle


EC Beginning

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Validation and Proof of God in a Day of Impending Judgement


Gathering Seed Structures for Lifestyle that is yet Future


Capacity to discern, design and architecture for God’s



Deep prophetic awareness of the approaching change of seasons

and times

Noah and Kingdom Formulation

F = the conditions that occur when there is a binding together of divine

impetus from Heaven with human receptivity and willing cooperation in

the earth in order o forcefully propel the purposes of God forward thru

time towards the End.

Divine Impetus + Human Receptivity = Purposes Propelled to the Finish!!!

So Noah was unique. He was upholding a rare standard in his day when all

things were falling apart. He stood for God and maintained the original

standard and intent of God. He represents a SINGULAR STANDARD.

C-WBM – the reality of a singular standard

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Job 1:8

The following are identified char that emerged out of corporate discussion

at the recently concluded GCL Gathering in UK

These char define the “Singular Standard” of C-WBN in the earth before

God today.

Identified Characteristics: Platforms of Our Singular Standard

1. Mature Apostolic Team Oversight

2. Unified Structures With Rapid Distribution Capacity

3. Developed Executive Operations Under Apostolic Command

4. Consistent And Comprehensive Definition And Communication Of The

Ultimate Objective – “Eyes On The Finish”

5. Development Of Deliberate Spiritual Consciousness And Awareness In

A Season On Final Transaction – “Eyes Wide Open”

6. Conscious Construction Of A Standard That Allows God To Legitimately

Judge The Darkness

7. Attainment And Establishment Of A Clear Trajectory Through Time That

Will Inevitably Lead To Eternity

1. Mature Apostolic Team Oversight

Provides peace, stability, security and maturity that flows

from the top and causes the downward cascade of apostolic

grace. Psa 133

Designs biblically accurate spiritual culture for the congress

and established righteousness that gives us authority

Disseminate rich doctrine developed over time and produces

authoritative and authentic sp positions ad operations in the


Produces unique corporate anointing out of blending the

distinct and individual graces of all the members Ex 30:25

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Upholds the standard of the authority of the Word of God as

the ultimate shaper of corporate destiny and releases “Biblical

Grade” prophetic revelation from God

Provides ….

2. Unified Structures With Rapid Distribution Capacity

Key factor for powerful dissemination capability in the pursuit in the C-

WBN is of flattening and integration Here God delivered powerful

images. Image of ink falling on blotting paper.

Acts 13:49

3. Developed Executive Operations Under Apostolic Command

Highly developed mentoring of an executive core to enhance sp skills.

Powerful decoding of the design and architecture principles inside the

word of God and building capacity for diligence and stewardship under full


4. Consistent And Comprehensive Definition And Communication

Of The Ultimate Objective – “Eyes On The Finish”

Life controlled ONLY by command from God and that des not require

earthly validation

Seeing the finish removes lethargy, passivity and recklessness. It makes

us thoughtful, measured, deliberate and thorough.

Causes development of correct spiritual discipline which allows God

to feel safe to deliver Himself to us.

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5. Development Of Deliberate Spiritual Consciousness And

Awareness In A Season On Final Transaction – “Eyes Wide


Converting Gethsemane experience

We cannot spiritually sleep and we must not sleep. The dynamic of the

approach to the finish is to go deeper ‘into the garden’ and express the

essence of our life as Christ did when he sweated blood. We have to go

deeper as he goes deeper.

Matt 26:36-45

Luke 22:44

6. Conscious Construction Of A Standard That Allows God To

Legitimately Judge The Darkness

The question asked: Do we truly believe! that here is a direct

connection between our activity for God and the increasing chaos and

wreckage in the earth

Both John the Baptist and Jesus proclaimed that the K had come. Hey

knew that they had brought something into the earth / initiating

something that could not be reversed.

7. Attainment And Establishment Of A Clear Trajectory Through

Time That Will Inevitably Lead To Eternity

The attainment in the C-WBN of a Sustainable Trajectory is connected to

the capacity to Hear and Obey – now a “native and owned” resource.

The long ,…………


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Gen 6:5-8

But Noah

Didn’t God have foreknowledge? Didn’t He know?

Did man’s failure surprise God?

The major issue of confusion is the position from which we hear ad receive

the word and thus question what is taking place.

We cannot understand God if we continue to stand in a human rational

logical earthly position. We have t see and hear God from the place from

which God speaks!

Time forces u in a linear sequential world.

1 Cor 2:12-14 NLT12 And we have received God’s Spirit (not the world’s spirit), so we can

know the wonderful things God has freely given us.

 13 When we tell you these things, we do not use words that come from

human wisdom. Instead, we speak words given to us by the Spirit, using

the Spirit’s words to explain spiritual truths.[f] 14 But people who aren’t

spiritual[g] can’t receive these truths from God’s Spirit. It all sounds foolish

to them and they can’t understand it, for only those who are spiritual

can understand what the Spirit means.


Everything that God says about himself is true even if your

rational mind if to our rational mind statements seem to be

mutually exclusive

o An Omnipresent God regrets making man

God presents himself on many different levels or layers in the

scripture within specific situations so as to bring application and

truth to these specific issues he is illuminating for us

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o Eg An Omniscient God asks Adam where he is Gen 3:9

o An Omnipresent God says “I will go down to Sodom to see

if the report of Sodom is true” Gen 18:21

o God looks for a man and does not find one Eze 22:30 – it is

to show man’s failure and to break our hearts and

reconstruct in our hearts that let it never be the case with


o The Lord searches every heart 1Chron 28:9 As if he does

not instantly and always know what is in the heart of man

o God walks in the midst of the camp Deut 23:13 as though

he is not everywhere at the same time


Having a truly sp mind allows us to comprehend God without

conflict or confusion on many diff levels and layers ad to

understand how he applies Himself to different human situations

so that we can ‘see “ Him.

God is everlasting, all knowing all powerful and Omnipresent

God comes down to see

God looks and does not find



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Why would an almighty God allow Humans to become so evil?

Gen 2:9, 16-17

You are free to eat of any…. But you must not EAT

It is up to you to exercise free human choice.

The Divine Structure for Man

He gives us freedom and we must bring back restraint.

The job of humanity is restraint.

The options for Life or Death were BOTH placed right b4 the first man.

These 2 choices still remain always in our environment.

God gave a clear command what his preference and desire was

Man was free to select the direction of his destiny by the quality of his free


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Even b4 humans were created, free will existed.

Isa 14:12-13

Lucifer sought elevation (I will ascend), status (I will sit) and identity (I

will make myself like God).

These are the same things that God offers to us….

Eph 2:5-65 that even though we were dead because of our sins, he gave us life

when he raised Christ from the dead. (It is only by God’s grace that you

have been saved!) 6 For he raised us from the dead along with Christ

and seated us with him in the heavenly realms because we are united

with Christ Jesus

NKJV 5 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together

with Christ (by grace you have been saved), 6 and raised us up

together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ



Rev 3:21

Lucifer corrupted the ultimate plan of God thru the choice to exercise his


Jesus brought us thru the choice to deny his self-will

The wicked man will exploit it. The righteous man will guard and

uphold it

The r man carries in his choices

The Jesus Way!

Heb 10:5-7

(Psa 40)

5 Therefore, when Christ came into the world, he said:

“Sacrifice and offering you did not desire,

but a body you prepared for me;

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6 with burnt offerings and sin offerings

you were not pleased.

7 Then I said, ‘Here I am—it is written about me in the scroll—

I have come to do your will, my God.’”

This is my Destiny. This is my Definition. This is my Prophetic Purpose. It is

Foreordained – I Come To Do Your Will!

Jn 4:34

“My food,” said Jesus, “is to do the will of him who sent me and to

finish his work.

Jn 6:38 NIV

For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will

of him who sent me.

Jn 5:30

By myself I can do nothing; I judge only as I hear, and my judgment is just,

for I seek not to please myself but him who sent me.

Matt 12:50

I know that his command leads to eternal life. So whatever I say is just

what the Father has told me to say.”

In the midst of the darkness and doubt of the time a champion who does

God’s will is found – Noah!

What does walking with God mean (see 13th)

So we can make this statement: (13th)

Because God has permitted man Free Will, the completeness of God in His

earthly purpose requires human validation, human partnership, human

agreement, perfected human standards and powerful human choice to

align with the position of God

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Matt 24:37

Noah (Pattern for C-WBN) was unique. He was upholding

So Noah was unique. He was upholding a rare standard in his day when all

things were falling apart. He stood for God and maintained the original

standard and intent of God. He represents a SINGULAR STANDARD.

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