2011 Takeichi JCB Mechanosensitive Eplin

JCB: Article The Rockeeller University Press $30.00  J. Cell Biol.  www.jcb.org/cgi/doi/10.1083/jcb.201104124 Cite by DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201104124 JCB 1 of 14 Correspondence to Masatoshi Takeichi: [email protected] Abbreviations used in this paper: AJ, adherens junction; EPLIN, epithelial pro- tein lost in neoplasm; lAJ, linear AJ; pAJ, punctate AJ; ROCK, Rho kinase; ZA, zonula adherens. Introduction Many classes o epithelial cells adhere to each other via zonula adherens (ZA), an epithelial orm o the adherens junction (AJ). The ZA consists o E-cadherin–catenin complexes and asso- ciated actin laments, called circumerential actin cables, and is located at a region near the apical end o lateral cell–cell contacts, showing a closed ring conguration (Farquhar and Palade, 1963; Boller et al., 1985; Cavey and Lecuit, 2009; Meng and Takeichi, 2009). E-catenin, which binds to E-cadherin via -catenin, mediates the interactions between the E-cadherin– -catenin complex and actin laments (Kovacs and Yap, 2008; Nelson, 2008; Meng and Takeichi, 2009; Sawyer et al., 2009; Kwiatkowski et al., 2010). Although the E-cadherin– -catenin–E-catenin complex cannot directly bind to actin laments (Drees et al., 2005; Y amada et al., 2005), other actin- binding proteins attached to E-catenin appear to assist in their linkage. These proteins include EPLIN (epithelial protein lost in neoplasm; Abe and Takeichi, 2008) and vinculin (Geiger et al., 1980; Watabe-Uchida et al., 1998; le Duc et al., 2010; Y onemura et al., 2010) , which bind the VH3 domain and a por- tion between the VH1 and VH2 domains o E-catenin, respec- tively. EPLIN has the ability to stabilize actin laments (Maul et al., 2003), and in turn maintains the circumerential actin ca- bles (Abe and Takeichi, 2008). Vinculin anchors actin laments to the integrin-mediated ocal contacts (Ziegler et al., 2006; Parsons et al., 2010) and is localized along the AJs, although its role in AJ ormation is not well understood. The presence o such mediators between the cadherin and F-actin systems suggests that their interactions are regulatable. Cells may use this potentially dynamic linkage o the two systems to transmit mechanical orces generated by the cytoskeleton to cell junc- tions and vice versa, so as to regulate cell shape and other prop- erties o the cells. During development or pathogenetic processes, epithelial sheets undergo dynamic cell rearrangement, such as epithelial– mesenchymal transition, convergent extension, migration, and olding (Thiery, 2002; Montell, 2008; Acloque et al., 2009; Harris et al., 2009; Kalluri and Weinberg, 2009). For these processes, the regulation o AJs is thought to be important (Perez-Moreno et al., 2003; Lecuit, 2005). One AJ-related morphogenetic process is embryonic epithelial closure or wound healing, in which epithelial sheets use to one another via AJs (Jacinto et al., 2000; Vasioukhin and Fuchs, 2001; Gornkiel and Arias, 2007; Solon et al., 2009; Laplante and Nilson, 2011). During wound closure, “purse string–like” actomyosin cables are organized along the margins o the leading edges o the cells, and these cables gradually contract to close the open space T he zonula adherens (ZA), a type o adherens junc- tion (AJ), plays a major role in epithelial cell–cell adhesions. It remains unknown how the ZA is re- modeled during epithelial reorganization. Here we ound that the ZA was converted to another type o AJ with punctate morphology (pAJ) at the margins o epithelial colonies. The F-actin–stabilizing protein EPLIN (epithelial protein lost in neoplasm), which unctions to maintain the ZA via its association with E-catenin, was lost in the pAJs. Consistently, a usion o E-catenin and EPLIN contributed to the ormation o ZA but not pAJs. We show that junctional tension was important or retaining EPLIN at AJs, and another orce derived rom actin fbers later- ally attached to the pAJs inhibited EPLIN–AJ association.  Vinculin was required or general AJ ormation, and it cooperated with EPLIN to maintain the ZA. These fnd- ings suggest that epithelial cells remodel their junctional architecture by responding to mechanical orces, and the E-catenin–bound EPLIN acts as a mechanosensitive reg- ulator or this process. Mechanosensitive EPLIN-dependent remodeling o adherens junctions regulates epithelial reshaping Katsutoshi Taguchi, Takashi Ishiuchi, and Masatoshi Takeichi RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Minatojima-Minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0047, Japan © 2011 Taguchi et al. This article is distributed under the terms o an Attri bution– Noncommercial–Share Alike–No Mirror Sites license or the rst six months ater the pub- lication date (see http://www.rupress.org/terms). Ater six months it is available under a Creative Commons License (Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license, as described at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/).      T      H      E      J      O      U      R      N      A      L      O      F      C      E      L      L      B      I      O      L      O      G      Y   o n A  u  g  u  s  t  2 2  , 2  0 1 1  j   c  b . r  u  p r  e  s  s .  o r  g D  o w n l   o  a  d  e  d f  r  o  Published August 15, 2011

Transcript of 2011 Takeichi JCB Mechanosensitive Eplin

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JCB: Article

The Rockeeller University Press $30.00 J. Cell Biol.

 www.jcb.org/cgi/doi/10.1083/jcb.201104124 Cite by DOI: 10.1083/jcb.201104124 JCB 1 of 1

Correspondence to Masatoshi Takeichi: [email protected]

Abbreviations used in this paper: AJ, adherens junction; EPLIN, epithelial pro-tein lost in neoplasm; lAJ, linear AJ; pAJ, punctate AJ; ROCK, Rho kinase; ZA,zonula adherens.


Many classes o epithelial cells adhere to each other via zonula

adherens (ZA), an epithelial orm o the adherens junction (AJ).

The ZA consists o E-cadherin–catenin complexes and asso-

ciated actin laments, called circumerential actin cables, and

is located at a region near the apical end o lateral cell–cell

contacts, showing a closed ring conguration (Farquhar and

Palade, 1963; Boller et al., 1985; Cavey and Lecuit, 2009; Meng

and Takeichi, 2009). E-catenin, which binds to E-cadherin via

-catenin, mediates the interactions between the E-cadherin–

-catenin complex and actin laments (Kovacs and Yap, 2008;

Nelson, 2008; Meng and Takeichi, 2009; Sawyer et al.,

2009; Kwiatkowski et al., 2010). Although the E-cadherin–

-catenin–E-catenin complex cannot directly bind to actin

laments (Drees et al., 2005; Yamada et al., 2005), other actin-

binding proteins attached to E-catenin appear to assist in

their linkage. These proteins include EPLIN (epithelial protein

lost in neoplasm; Abe and Takeichi, 2008) and vinculin (Geiger

et al., 1980; Watabe-Uchida et al., 1998; le Duc et al., 2010;Yonemura et al., 2010), which bind the VH3 domain and a por-

tion between the VH1 and VH2 domains o E-catenin, respec-

tively. EPLIN has the ability to stabilize actin laments (Maul

et al., 2003), and in turn maintains the circumerential actin ca-

bles (Abe and Takeichi, 2008). Vinculin anchors actin laments

to the integrin-mediated ocal contacts (Ziegler et al., 2006;

Parsons et al., 2010) and is localized along the AJs, although

its role in AJ ormation is not well understood. The presence

o such mediators between the cadherin and F-actin systems

suggests that their interactions are regulatable. Cells may use

this potentially dynamic linkage o the two systems to transmit

mechanical orces generated by the cytoskeleton to cell junc-

tions and vice versa, so as to regulate cell shape and other prop-

erties o the cells.

During development or pathogenetic processes, epithelial

sheets undergo dynamic cell rearrangement, such as epithelial–

mesenchymal transition, convergent extension, migration, and

olding (Thiery, 2002; Montell, 2008; Acloque et al., 2009;

Harris et al., 2009; Kalluri and Weinberg, 2009). For these

processes, the regulation o AJs is thought to be important

(Perez-Moreno et al., 2003; Lecuit, 2005). One AJ-related

morphogenetic process is embryonic epithelial closure or wound

healing, in which epithelial sheets use to one another via AJs(Jacinto et al., 2000; Vasioukhin and Fuchs, 2001; Gornkiel

and Arias, 2007; Solon et al., 2009; Laplante and Nilson, 2011).

During wound closure, “purse string–like” actomyosin cables

are organized along the margins o the leading edges o the

cells, and these cables gradually contract to close the open space

The zonula adherens (ZA), a type o adherens junc-tion (AJ), plays a major role in epithelial cell–celladhesions. It remains unknown how the ZA is re-

modeled during epithelial reorganization. Here we oundthat the ZA was converted to another type o AJ withpunctate morphology (pAJ) at the margins o epithelialcolonies. The F-actin–stabilizing protein EPLIN (epithelialprotein lost in neoplasm), which unctions to maintainthe ZA via its association with E-catenin, was lost inthe pAJs. Consistently, a usion o E-catenin and EPLIN

contributed to the ormation o ZA but not pAJs. We showthat junctional tension was important or retaining EPLINat AJs, and another orce derived rom actin fbers later-ally attached to the pAJs inhibited EPLIN–AJ association. Vinculin was required or general AJ ormation, and it cooperated with EPLIN to maintain the ZA. These fnd-ings suggest that epithelial cells remodel their junctionalarchitecture by responding to mechanical orces, and theE-catenin–bound EPLIN acts as a mechanosensitive reg-ulator or this process.

Mechanosensitive EPLIN-dependent remodeling oadherens junctions regulates epithelial reshaping

Katsutoshi Taguchi, Takashi Ishiuchi, and Masatoshi TakeichiRIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Minatojima-Minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe 650-0047, Japan

© 2011 Taguchi et al. This article is distributed under the terms o an Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike–No Mirror Sites license or the rst six months ater the pub-lication date (see http://www.rupress.org/terms). Ater six months it is available under aCreative Commons License (Attribution–Noncommercial–Share Alike 3.0 Unported license,as described at http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/3.0/).

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decorated the peripheral actin bers (Fig. 1 C, bottom). As ound

or E-cadherin or E-catenin, myosin IIB oten exhibited a

closed ring conguration in the peripheral cells, which suggests

that not only the authentic ZAs but also the peripheral ZA-like

rings comprise actomyosin laments and associated E-cadherin–

catenin complexes.

The pAJ-associated actin (or actomyosin) bers were

reminiscent o the purse string–like actin cables ormed by cells

undergoing wound closure (Yonemura et al., 1995; Adams

et al., 1996; Vasioukhin et al., 2000). To conrm this, we pur-

posely scratched DLD1 cell layers. We ound that the cells

whose neighbors were removed remodeled their linear junc-

tions to orm the punctate type with concomitant reorganization

o actin bers (Fig. S1 B). We thereore assumed that the linear-

to-nonlinear conversion o AJs taking place at the margins o 

stationary DLD1 colonies is identical to the process that occurs

in acute wound closure. We also noticed that, when two cell

colonies touched one another, a raction o the peripheral actin

bers turned to these new contacts, exhibiting an actin–AJ con-

guration similar to that in pAJs (Fig. 1 D). This suggests that

the pAJs are equivalent to newly ormed cell–cell contacts.Similar morphological conversion o AJs at colony margins

was seen in a wide variety o polarized epithelial cells, such

as MDCK, EpH4, and Caco2 cells, which suggests that this

process generally occurs in epithelial cells. We thus decided to

study the mechanisms o this junctional remodeling and its role

in epithelial closing behavior.

E-cadherin and E-catenin dynamics at

colony peripheries

To compare the pAJs and lAJs rom a dynamic viewpoint, we

transected DLD1 cells with E-cadherin–monomeric Kusabira

orange (mKOR), and its E-catenin–decient variant R2/7 cells

(Watabe-Uchida et al., 1998) with E-catenin–EGFP; we thencollected live images o the fuorescent signals rom these trans-

ectants. Both probes gave essentially identical results, which

supports the idea that these two molecules behave together as

a complex. E-cadherin signals orming pAJs were extremely

dynamic, quickly changing their shape (Video 1); these signals

were oten pulled in a direction parallel to the cellular edges.

We also captured an image in which an open ZA ring is tran-

siently closed with moving E-cadherin clusters (Video 1, let).

Curiously, in the cells orming a stable E-cadherin ring, E-cadherin

puncta orming pAJs constantly fowed into the ring structures

(Video 1, right). However, the lAJs in these colonies were rela-

tively stable.

We also perormed similar imaging during epithelial wound

healing. We scratched confuent DLD1 cell layers, and observed

the cells that had been exposed to an open space. Time-lapse

imaging o E-catenin–EGFP showed that cells moved toward

the open space with leading edges, and as soon as they touched

those moving rom the opposite side, E-catenin promptly accu-

mulated at their contact points in a pAJ-like ashion (Video 2).

When these cells had a closed E-catenin–EGFP ring, its ront

rim was disrupted beore touching another cell. These observa-

tions conrmed that the pAJ-type junctions take part in nascent

cell–cell contacts.

(Franke et al., 2005; Miyake et al., 2006; Tamada et al., 2007).

These actomyosin cables are linked to the AJs, which suggests

that the cell–cell adhesion and cytoskeletal unctions coordinate

to achieve the proper reorganization o epithelial sheets.

In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms

o the interplays between E-catenin and associated actin-

binding proteins, which are involved in epithelial junctional re-

modeling. The ZA has a closed ring structure. However, at the

margin o epithelial colonies, the ZAs are autonomously con-

verted to another orm o AJ, punctate AJs. This junctional re-

modeling seems to be important or epithelial sheets to undergo

their usion with other sheets. We ound that EPLIN unctions

as a mechanosensor or this process. We also ound that vinculin

is indispensable or general AJ ormation, and it cooperates

with EPLIN in maintaining the ZAs. These ndings provide

evidence showing that the interactions between E-catenin

and actin-binding proteins play critical roles in epithelial junc-

tional remodeling.


Two forms of AJs in epithelial colonies

Double immunostaining or E-cadherin and F-actin showed that

colonies o DLD1 epithelial cells, a polarized epithelial cell line

derived rom human colon carcinoma, exhibit two orms o AJ.

In the inner portions o the colonies, cells organized the typical,

closed ZAs, where E-cadherin and F-actin are linearly aligned.

At the margins o the colonies, in contrast, the junctions were

opened toward cellular ree edges (Fig. 1, A and B). Although

these open junctions were structurally equivalent to the ZA at

the interior portions, they lost the linearity near the ree edges,

where E-cadherin signals became discontinuous. In some o these

peripheral cells, E-cadherin maintained a closed ring struc-

ture, even though these cells have no contact partners at theside o their leading edges (Fig. S1 A). From a morphological

point o view, this ring is likely a remnant o the ZA. Cells with

the closed and open E-cadherin signals were detectable within a

single colony (Fig. S1 A), which suggests that these structures

are convertible. Throughout this paper, we call the peripheral

AJs punctate AJs (pAJs), and the inner AJs orming ZAs are

called linear AJs (lAJs). E-cadherin and E-catenin always co-

localized at both types o AJ (Fig. S1 A).

To investigate the cytoskeletal backgrounds or these

 junctional structures, we looked at F-actin distributions. The pe-

ripheral cells organized actin bundles running in parallel with

the cellular edge. These actin bundles terminated at the pAJs at

right angles, where individual E-cadherin puncta were morpho-

logically pulled toward the associated actin laments (Fig. 1,

A and B), as seen in mesenchymal or broblastic AJs (Miyake

et al., 2006). This type o actin association pattern is shown in

contrast with the parallel alignment o F-actin and E-cadherin

at the lAJs. We also examined the distributions o myosin II

isoorms IIA and IIB, which have recently been shown to work 

dierently in AJ ormation (Ivanov et al., 2007; Smutny et al.,

2010). Myosin IIA was localized along the ZAs, as well as along

the peripheral actin bers targeting the pAJs (Fig. 1 C, top).

Myosin IIB also densely delineated the ZAs, but it only locally

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3 oMechanosensitive adherens junction remodeling • Taguchi et al.

orms o AJs. Major E-cadherin–associated proteins and

-, -, and p120-catenins were localized in both orms o 

the junction in proportion to E-cadherin. Likewise, vin-

culin, ZO-1, and aadin, which are known to interact with

E-catenin directly or indirectly, were detected both along

the lAJs and at the pAJs (Fig. 2 A, let; and Fig. S2, A and B).

Intriguingly, another E-catenin–interacting protein, EPLIN,

was detected only at the lAJs, not at the pAJs, although

EPLIN decorated peripheral actin bers in immediate proxim-

ity to E-cadherin puncta orming the pAJs (Fig. 2 A, right).

We also noticed that some o the epithelial lines, including

MCF10A cells, exhibit pAJ-type junctions throughout their

colonies, and these junctions were devoid o EPLIN signals

(Fig. S2 C). Thus, EPLIN seems to be localized to only lAJs

across cell lines.

Live imaging o actin-EGFP introduced into DLD1 cells

showed that the peripheral actin bers were highly dynamic, as

observed or pAJ-orming E-cadherin, whereas ZA-associated

F-actin was much more stable (Video 3). Arrays o actin clus-

ters, which are assumed to correspond to those associated with

pAJs, were pulled in directions parallel to the cellular edges,

which suggests that strong tension is operating on them. Some

o these actin clusters moved inward, which suggests that the

observed E-cadherin fow might have been driven by these

actins via their linkages.

EPLIN localizes only at lAJs and is

responsible for their formation

To study the mechanisms o the junctional conversion, we

investigated the molecular dierences between these two

Figure 1. Two types o AJ in a DLD1 colony. (A) Projected conocal images o a colony o DLD1 cells double-immunostained or E-cadherin and F-actin.Arrowheads and arrows point to linear and punctate portions o the AJ outlining a peripheral cell, respectively. Asterisk, a putative ZA remnant. (B) Thesame image as in A, but ocused on apical and basal planes o the colony, highlighting ZAs in inner cells and pAJs in peripheral cells, respectively.At the ZAs, linear E-cadherin and F-actin signals closely colocalize with each other, whereas E-cadherin signals at pAJs are associated with the terminalso peripheral actin bers. (C) Projected conocal images o myosin IIA or IIB, immunostained together or E-cadherin. Both isoorms delineate ZAs. In ad-dition, myosin IIA decorates peripheral F-actins, and IIB organizes a closed ring even in peripheral cells. (D) The small arrow points to a pAJ o a colony,and the large arrow indicates a contact point between this colony and another colony. Note that these two junctions were morphologically similar to oneanother. Bars, 10 µm.

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 junctions. Because the pAJs are unique in their association with

peripheral actin bers, we attempted to mechanically ablate these

bers. We prepared DLD1 cells transected with EPLIN-EGFP and

E-cadherin–mKOR, in which the exogenous EPLIN-EGFP widely

decorated actin bers. Then, we laser-irradiated a peripheral cell,

ocusing on a tiny point on the pAJ-targeting actin bers (Fig. 3 A).

The treated actin bers immediately retracted toward the cell–cell

boundary, where they anchored (Fig. 3 B and Video 5). Simulta-

neously, the cell connected with the laser-treated cell via the pAJ

also contracted, likely because o the loss o a tension balance

between the two cells. At the cell–cell boundary between these

laser-treated and untreated cells, EPLIN signals were quickly up-

regulated in a orm o lAJ at the original pAJ sites, which suggests

that removal o the peripheral actin ber–derived orce is su-

cient to restore lAJs at these sites. This up-regulation o EPLIN

accompanied a simultaneous increase o E-cadherin at the same

cell boundaries (Fig. S4 [A and B] and Video 6), which indicates

that EPLIN and E-cadherin behave together during these changes.

We previously reported that EPLIN depletion caused

disorganization o the ZA (Abe and Takeichi, 2008). We con-

rmed this in the present study by immunostaining EPLIN-

depleted cells or myosin IIA. The resultant junctions were sim-

ilar to pAJs (Fig. 2 B); that is, both junctions were associated

with myosin IIA bers at right angles. Time-lapse recording o 

E-cadherin–EGFP showed that the junctions o EPLIN-depleted

cells were highly dynamic, constantly changing their shapes

(Video 4), just as seen in pAJs in control cells. These observa-

tions suggest that the pAJs were generated via a mechanism that

also removes EPLIN rom AJs.

EPLIN localization at AJs

is mechanosensitive

We then asked how EPLIN was lost rom pAJs. We ound that,

even when EPLIN was overexpressed, this protein was never re-

cruited to the pAJs (Fig. S3 A), which indicates that there must be

an active mechanism to suppress its association with the peripheral

Figure 2. EPLIN is specifcally important or ZA ormation. (A) Double-immunostaining or E-cadherin and vinculin (let) or EPLIN (right). Images are ocusedon ZAs in inner cells and pAJs in peripheral cells. Vinculin colocalizes with E-cadherin in both lAJs and pAJs, whereas EPLIN is not detectable in pAJs.Arrows point to typical E-cadherin signals, associated with vinculin or not associated with EPLIN. (B) The eects o EPLIN depletion on junctional organiza-tion. Cells located in the inner portion o the colony were double-immunostained or F-actin and myosin IIA. Note that the junction morphology in EPLIN-depleted (siEPLIN) cells is similar to that observed in the peripheral cells o control colonies (see Fig. 1 C). Bars, 10 µm.

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oMechanosensitive adherens junction remodeling • Taguchi et al.

such as tension support the proper accumulation o EPLIN and

E-cadherin at lAJs. In these experiments, we also noticed that

EPLIN signals fuctuate in nontreated junctions contiguous to

the laser-treated junction via a vertex (Fig. 3 D, arrowheads

in the center panel; and Video 7), where we suppose that the

tension acting on the ormer was altered because o the laser

ablation o the latter.

To conrm the role o tension, we used a stretching

machine to test whether external orces can also aect the

EPLIN and E-cadherin association with lAJs (Iwaki et al.,

2009). We cultured DLD1 colonies consisting o several cells

on an elastic chamber, and stretched them unidirectionally

to 150% o their original length. In the treated colonies,

the cell–cell boundaries lengthened or shortened to varying

degrees, depending on their directions. Live images o transected

EPLIN-EGFP and E-cadherin–mKOR showed that their signals

were sharpened or intensied at the majority o the junctions

(Fig. 3 E; see the gure legend or quantication). These observa-

tions suggest that the accumulation o EPLIN and E-cadherin

Importantly, the above laser ablation also induced the

straightening o the entire junction continuous to the aected

pAJs (Fig. 3 C). Furthermore, up-regulation o EPLIN occurred

not only at the original pAJ sites but also throughout these

straightened junctions (Fig. 3 B). These observations suggested

that some mechanical changes were induced in these junctions

as a result o the cytoplasmic actin ablation, and these changes

might have promoted the recruitment o EPLIN and E-cadherin

to them. To test this idea urther, we asked what would happen at

the junctions where their internal tension is removed. We lightly

irradiated part o the ZA, ocusing on a middle point between

the vertexes, avoiding their complete disruption. In the severed

 junctions, EPLIN signals became irregular, and some diused

away 3–4 min ater laser treatment (Fig. 3 D and Video 7),

although the linear EPLIN signals began to recover around

5 min in the example specimen shown here. We also monitored

E-cadherin–mKOR ater similar laser cutting o ZAs, and ound

that E-cadherin signals gradually aded during the 5-min obser-

vations (Fig. S4 C). These results suggest that mechanical orces

Figure 3. Mechanosensitive nature o EPLIN andE-cadherin localization. (A) Schematic drawing o the pointsor laser irradiation. Peripheral actin bundles (a) or a parto the ZA (b) were cut with a laser. (B) Time-lapse imageso EPLIN-EGFP ater the laser irradiation at “a” (asterisk).Arrows indicate the original position o pAJ, which wasinerred by the reduced EPLIN signals. EPLIN immediatelyaccumulated at this position, with a concomitant up-regulation o EPLIN along the entire contiguous junctions(arrowhead). See also Video 5. A typical example o multi-

ple experiments is shown. (C) Choosing two time pointsin B, cell–cell boundaries are traced with dotted lines.Relative fuorescence intensity across the cell boundarieswas also measured at the sites marked as “x” and “y.”(D) Time-lapse images o EPLIN-EGFP ater laser irradia-tion at “b.” Arrows in the rst panel point to the originallinear EPLIN signals: these signals were temporarily dis-ordered or aded out, but reappeared at 5:00, as indicatedby arrowheads in the last panel. Arrowheads in middlepanels point to a transient up-regulation o EPLIN fuores-cence signals, in which fuorescence increased 30% at2:51. See also Video 7. (E) DLD1 cells double-transectedwith E-cadherin–mKOR and EPLIN-EGFP were stretchedto 150% o their original length. A typical colony isshown. Line proles o fuorescence o E-cadherin–mKORor EPLIN-EGFP signals across the junction, indicated byarrows, are shown at the right. Other junctions exhibiting

similar changes are indicated with arrowheads. Quanti-cation o fuorescence showed that the peak intensity oE-cadherin–mKOR and EPLIN-EGFP signals increased 18%(18 ± 08, n = 15, P < 0.05) and 17% (17 ± 07, n = 15,P < 0.05), respectively, in the junctions o stretched cells.Data represent mean ± SEM. Three independent experi-ments were perormed. beore, beore stretch; ater, aterstretch. Time points are given in minutes and seconds.Bars, 10 µm.

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AJs (Fig. S3 C), although vinculin still localized at these

Y-27632–treated junctions (Fig. S3 D). Similar results were ob-

tained when myosin IIA or IIB was knocked down (Fig. S5 A):

as previously described (Ivanov et al., 2004; Smutny et al.,

2010), myosin IIA depletion caused disorganization o 

E-cadherin and F-actin distributions, and EPLIN no longer

colocalized with E-cadherin in these cells (Fig. S5 B). In

myosin IIB–depleted cells, their junctional morphology be-

came similar to that o pAJs, and EPLIN disappeared rom

these junctions.

in lAJs is aected by pull orces, which is consistent with the

results observed in laser ablation experiments.

Rho kinases (ROCKs) play a major role in the contrac-

tion o actomyosin laments localized in ZAs (Hildebrand,

2005; Nishimura and Takeichi, 2008), and this contractility

is likely a major cause o junctional tension. We ound that

ROCK1 is localized along the lAJs but not at pAJs (Fig. S3 B).

When DLD1 cells were treated with a ROCK inhibitor,

Y-27632, the junctional morphology was converted to the

pAJ type, and EPLIN was completely abolished rom these

Figure 4. Exogenous expression o an E-catenin–EPLIN u-sion in R2/7 cells. (A) E-catenin constructs tagged with EGFP.E(1–906) corresponds to the ull-length E-catenin. The ull-length EPLIN was used to E(1–508). (B) Junctional organiza-tion in R2/7 cells transected with E(1–906), E(1–508), orE(1–508)EPLIN. Contrasted with the balanced organizationo lAJs and pAJs in E(1–906)-transected colonies, E(1–508)transectants show pAJs even in the interior. The inset showsan enlarged view o the boxed region. E(1–508)EPLIN or-ganize only lAJ-like junctions. Dotted signals probably rep-

resent overexpressed molecules deposited in the cytoplasm.(C and D) Junctional organization in R2/7 cells transectedwith E(1–508) or E(1–508)EPLIN. Cells were double-stained or EGFP and E-cadherin (C) or F-actin (D). E(1–508)organizes lAJs and pAJs at the central and peripheral regions,respectively, whereas E(1–508)EPLIN organizes only lAJs.Arrowheads indicate pAJs. Bars, 10 µm.

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oMechanosensitive adherens junction remodeling • Taguchi et al.

and E(1–508)EPLIN were coexpressed in R2/7 cells, they

transiently organized a typical combination o pAJs and lAJs

(Video 9): in these double transectants, E(1–508)EPLIN

showed only ZA-like distributions, whereas E(1–508) was

localized to both pAJs and lAJs. These observations suggest

that E(1–508)EPLIN contributes to the ormation o lAJ-type

 junctions, whereas E(1–508) participates in both orms o AJ,

and the presence o both constructs promotes the organizationo AJs resembling those in normal cells.

Next, we examined the eects o the expression o  E(1–

508) and E(1–508)EPLIN in DLD1 cells on their junctional

organization, designating them as E(1–508)-DLD1 and E(1–

508)EPLIN-DLD1 cells, respectively. E-cadherin–mKOR was

also cotransected in these cells. When E-cadherin was immuno-

precipitated rom these transectants, we detected both endogenous

and mutant E-catenins in the precipitates (Fig. 5 A), which sug-

gests that E-cadherin binds either orm o  E-catenin in the

cells. Expression o  E(1–508) did not show any particular

eects on the junctional organization in these cells. E(1–508)

EPLIN-DLD1 cells organized epithelial colonies, and the u-

sion protein was localized along their ZA (or lAJs), colocalizingwith E-cadherin. However, in these colonies, most o the pe-

ripheral cells did not orm lateral contacts, assuming a fower

petal–like arrangement (Fig. 5 B). In time-lapse movies o these

cells, we could detect E-cadherin signals orming pAJ-type

  junctions between peripheral cells. Notably, these E-cadherin

signals did not colocalize with E(1–508)EPLIN, although this

usion protein was detectable adjacent to the E-cadherin signals

in a diuse ashion. These E(1–508)EPLIN-ree E-cadherin–

mediated pAJs were a transient structure, as they subsequently

moved into the ZA ring ormation (Fig. 5, C and D; and

Video 10), as observed in wild-type cells (Video 1). In contrast

to the control cells, however, once the pAJs were absorbed into

the rings, the cell peripheries were never replenished with newpAJs, which explains why pAJs were not observable in xed

samples. The usion proteins that were detectable in proxim-

ity to the initial pAJs might have competed with the natural

E-cadherin–E-catenin complex, resulting in the inhibition o 

urther pAJ ormation. In addition, we noticed that even the

lAJs were unstable in E(1–508)EPLIN-DLD1 cells; these

 junctions were oten disrupted (Video 10).

Vinculin and EPLIN in AJ formation

The above results indicate that EPLIN is involved in the orma-

tion o lAJs but not pAJs, which suggests that other molecules

cooperate withE-catenin to organize the AJs. BecauseE(1–508)

is active in general AJ ormation, molecules that bind this

E-catenin construct are candidates. We and others previously

ound that E-catenin mutants, equivalent to E(1–508), can bind

vinculin in in vitro pull-down assays (Watabe-Uchida et al.,

1998; Yonemura et al., 2010), and a usion between these

E-catenin mutants and vinculin could organize AJs (Watabe-

Uchida et al., 1998), which suggests that vinculin works to-

gether with E-catenin. However, the role o vinculin in AJ

ormation has not been thoroughly investigated through loss-

o-unction approaches. We thereore reexamined the unction

o vinculin in the ormation o cell–cell contacts.

These observations suggest that the ROCK-mediated con-

traction o AJ-associated actomyosin is required or the local-

ization o EPLIN to AJs. Because EPLIN is recruited to AJs

via its association with E-catenin (Abe and Takeichi, 2008),

we examined whether the E-catenin–EPLIN interaction is

maintained or not in Y-27632–treated cells by immunoprecipi-

tation experiments. We rst noticed that the detergent solubility

o EPLIN was increased ater Y-27632 treatments (Fig. S3 E,

let), which suggests that the binding o EPLIN to actin bers is

ROCK dependent at least in part. Then, we ound that a similar

amount o EPLIN coprecipitated with E-catenin in the control

and Y-27632–treated cells, which indicates that their interaction

was not aected by ROCK inhibition. These results indicated

that the pAJs exclude the entire E-catenin–EPLIN complex

rom themselves.

Altogether, these ndings suggest that the lAJs maintain

the E-catenin–EPLIN complex (presumably the E-cadherin–

E-catenin–EPLIN complex) in a tension-sensitive way, and

this process is blocked by peripheral actin bers attached to the

AJs rom the lateral sides. At the pAJs, only the EPLIN-ree

E-cadherin–E-catenin complexes are allowed to unction.

E-catenin–EPLIN fusion proteins

exclusively contribute to lAJ formation

To urther study the specic roles o the E-catenin–EPLIN

complex, we constructed a usion protein between E-catenin

and EPLIN using the E(1–508) ragment o  E-catenin, in

which the EPLIN-binding VH3 domain and adjacent portions

were removed (Fig. 4 A). To characterize this usion protein

(E(1–508)EPLIN), we prepared R2/7 cells transected with

this construct (E(1–508)EPLIN-R2/7 cells), and also those

transected with E(1–508) as a control (E(1–508)-R2/7 cells).

R2/7 transectants with the ull-length E-catenin (E(1–906)-

R2/7 cells) were also used or comparison. We conrmed thatboth E(1–508) and E(1–508)EPLIN coprecipitate with

E-cadherin upon immunoprecipitation (Fig. 5 A).

As described previously (Watabe-Uchida et al., 1998),

E(1–508) can organize AJ-like junctions. However, E(1–508)-

R2/7 cells were dierent rom the E(1–906)-R2/7 cells or

DLD1 cells, in that they orm nonlinear junctions even in the

interior o the colony (Fig. 4 B, let and middle). This suggests

that the deleted portions are required or a balanced lAJ-pAJ

organization. However, E(1–508)EPLIN-R2/7 cells exhib-

ited only linear-type junctions, and curiously E(1–508)EPLIN

signals were not detectable at peripheral regions (Fig. 4 B,

right). For more precise analysis o these junctional struc-

tures, we examined a single cell–cell border ormed between

a pair o cells. E(1–508) or associated E-cadherin exhibited

both the linear and nonlinear congurations within the border

(Fig. 4, C and D), conrming that E(1–508) can organize into

both orms o AJ. In the case o E(1–508)EPLIN-R2/7 cells,

this construct sharply delineated the cell–cell borders to-

gether with E-cadherin or F-actin (Fig. 4, C and D), but it never

showed any punctate-type distribution (Fig. 4, C and D).

In addition, the E(1–508)EPLIN-mediated contacts appeared

unstable, as these junctions slid by each other, and even broke

up during cultures (Video 8). Intriguingly, when E(1–508)

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  junctions, E-cadherin signals became ragmented, and each

ragment showed lopodia-like or dotted shapes, in contrast with

the more condensed puncta representing the EPLIN-depleted

  junctions (Fig. 7 A). These vinculin-ree E-cadherin signals

colocalized only with aint amorphous actin signals, whereas

EPLIN-depleted junctions were linked with tensile actin bers

(Fig. 7 B). These observations suggest that vinculin plays a

role in linking the E-cadherin–catenin complex to the tensile

actin bers. Consistent with this idea, vinculin was still local-

ized at the punctate junctions in EPLIN-depleted cells (Fig. 7 A).

When vinculin and EPLIN were both depleted, ilopodia-

like E-cadherin signals appeared to have increased, but their

phenotypes were essentially identical to those observed in

vinculin-depleted cells. We noted that EPLIN was not detectable

on the vinculin-ree E-cadherin signals, even in vinculin-

depleted cultures (Fig. 7 C). This explains why the eects o 

vinculin depletion and vinculin/EPLIN double depletion were

not so dierent. The loss o EPLIN rom vinculin-depleted

cells might be a phenomenon equivalent to its unstable asso-

ciation with AJs that lost tension, which was observed in laser

We rst looked at the eects o vinculin depletion on the

 junctions o E(1–508)-R2/7 and E(1–508)EPLIN-R2/7 cells.

In both transectants, vinculin colocalized with these mutant

molecules at cell junctions, whereas this did not occur at the

contact sites between parent R2/7 cells (Fig. 6 A). This supports

the idea that the vinculin-binding site is preserved in both con-

structs. In vinculin-specic siRNA-treated cells, vinculin levels

were considerably down-regulated in an siRNA probe-specic

way (Fig. 6, B and C). In these cells, vinculin remained at ocal

contacts, but became undetectable at many portions o the cell

 junctions. We ound that vinculin-depleted E(1–508)-R2/7

cells were vigorously dispersed in a vinculin level–dependent

ashion, which indicates that vinculin is essential or AJ-dependent

cell–cell contacts in these cells. In the case o E(1–508)EPLIN-

R2/7 cells, vinculin depletion did not particularly disrupt the

 junctions (Fig. 6 D), which suggests that EPLIN dominates over

vinculin in maintaining the transient E(1–508)EPLIN-mediated

cell–cell contacts.

Next, we examined the eects o vinculin depletion in DLD1

cells, comparing this with EPLIN depletion. In vinculin-null

Figure 5. Expression o E-catenin-EPLIN usion prohibits pAJ ormation. (A) Immunoprecipitation assays to detect coprecipitation o E-cadherin andE(1–508) or E(1–508)EPLIN. Lysates were collected rom DLD1cells transected with these constructs. E-cadherin immunoprecipitates contain not onlyendogenous E-catenin but also these articial proteins. Molecular masses are given in kilodaltons. Ecad, E-cadherin; E, endogenous E-catenin. The arrows

indicate the E(1–508)EPLIN band. (B) A representative colony o E(1–508)EPLIN-transected DLD1 cells. This colony does not have pAJs, as marked withasterisks. Arrowheads point to an lAJ. (C and D) Time-lapse images o E-cadherin–mKOR and E(1–508)EPLIN-EGFP doubly transected into DLD1 cells.A starting image is shown in C (boxed region). E-cadherin colocalizes with the usion protein on ZA rings, but not at pAJs. pAJs were initially detected, butthen gradually lost, because o their fow into the ZA ring. Time points are given in hours, minutes, and seconds. See also Video 10. Bars, 10 µm.

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oMechanosensitive adherens junction remodeling • Taguchi et al.

more dynamic orm. Our analysis o this junctional conversion

demonstrated that this process is regulated through the interac-

tions o E-catenin with EPLIN and vinculin.

Mechanosensitive processes for the

maintenance and remodeling of AJs

Previous studies suggested that the cadherin adhesion system

or AJ components have mechanosensitive properties (Schwartz

and DeSimone, 2008; Fernandez-Gonzalez et al., 2009; Ladoux

et al., 2010; le Duc et al., 2010). Our observations indicate that

at least two kinds o orces are involved in the maintenance

and remodeling o epithelial AJs. One is the orce derived rom

peripheral actin bers targeting the pAJs. Laser ablation o the

peripheral actin bers was sucient to convert pAJs to lAJs,

which suggests that the lAJs may be a deault orm o AJ that

ablation experiments. Thus, EPLIN cannot maintain the stable

ZAs in the absence o vinculin, although it can transiently or-

ganize lAJ-like contacts in the absence o vinculin, as shown

in Fig. 6 D.


Epithelial cells are linked together via the ZAs to orm stable

tissues. In embryonic or pathogenetic processes, however, epi-

thelial sheets undergo dynamic remodeling including the clo-

sure o open spaces. We showed that the ZAs are converted

to another orm o AJ, pAJ, at the peripheries o cell colonies.

The pAJs were involved in nascent cell–cell contacts, which

suggests that the lAJ-to-pAJ conversion must be a process or

epithelial cells to reorganize their junctional architecture into a

Figure 6. The eects o vinculin depletion on R2/7 transectants. (A) Vinculin localization in nontransected R2/7, E(1–508)-R2/7, and E(1–508)EPLIN-R2/7 cells. In both transectants, but not in the parent cells, vinculin accumulated along cell–cell contact sites, marked with EGFP signals (arrows). (B) Thevinculin level was signicantly reduced by treatment with two vinculin-specic siRNA (siVinculin) probes, o which siVinculin No. 7 produced a strongereect. Molecular mass is indicated in kilodaltons next to the gel blot. (C) Dispersion o E(1–508)-R2/7 cells was induced by vinculin depletion. (D) Thejunctions o E(1–508)EPLIN-R2/7 cells are resistant to vinculin depletion. Bars, 10 µm.

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is altered when pulled by actin bers, allowing its binding to

vinculin (Yonemura et al., 2010). From a morphological point

o view, one would expect E-catenin to take a stretched orm

at pAJs, where vinculin is abundant and actin bers are termi-

nating in a pulling ashion. We could speculate that EPLIN is

unable to bind such stretched E-catenin molecules, and that

the E-catenin–EPLIN complex cannot interact with the pulling

actin bers; thereore, this complex is excluded rom the pAJs

(Fig. 8). Actually, in our previous experiments, we detected

E-catenin–EPLIN binding in vitro, where tensile orces are

not expected to work on these molecular complexes (Abe and

Takeichi, 2008). However, vinculin is present not only at pAJs

but also at lAJs, where EPLIN localizes, which suggests that

E-catenin may also be stretched at the lAJs. This seems to

contradict the model in which that EPLIN may bind only the

nonstretched orm o E-catenin. However, i the ZA contains

gets reorganized by these actin bers. The other orce is the

tension o lAJs, produced by ROCK-dependent contraction

o themselves or by external orces. Inhibition o ROCKs or

myosin II depletion abolished the lAJs, and external tension up-

regulated the accumulation o EPLIN and E-cadherin on AJs.

We also showed that the solubility o EPLIN increased when

cells were treated with a ROCK inhibitor, which suggests that

EPLIN preers the contracting actomyosin, when it binds to

actin bers. These suggest that EPLIN maintains the lAJs sens-

ing their tension, and that this system is impaired by the periph-

eral actin bers (Fig. 8). Similar tension-dependent recruitment

o AJ components was also reported or myosin II (Fernandez-

Gonzalez et al., 2009).

How do the peripheral actin bers block the association

o the E-catenin–EPLIN complex with AJs? It is noted that

E-catenin itsel is a mechanosensitive protein; its conormation

Figure 7. The eects o vinculin depletion on DLD1 cells. (A) Vinculin and EPLIN depletion causes ragmentation o E-cadherin signals. Vinculin remains tocolocalize with E-cadherin in EPLIN-depleted cells, as indicated by arrows. (B) In vinculin-depleted and vinculin/EPLIN double-depleted cells, the ragmentedE-cadherin signals no longer associate with tense actin bers. (C) Ater vinculin depletion, E-cadherin no longer colocalizes with EPLIN. Bars, 10 µm.

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11 Mechanosensitive adherens junction remodeling • Taguchi et al.

by competing with the endogenous E-catenin. Although it is

unclear how much the articial usion proteins mimic the natu-

ral E-catenin–EPLIN complex, some o the properties ex-

pressed by the usion may refect those o the natural complex.

For example, the natural ZA may also be static, and not dy-

namic enough to engage in new contact ormation; this could be

a reason why cells need to convert the ZAs to pAJs at colony

peripheries, so as to interact with other cells.

EPLIN and vinculin cooperate in

AJ formation

The results obtained with the E-catenin–EPLIN usion pro-

teins imply that, although the E-catenin–EPLIN linkage is

important or stabilizing the circumerential actin cables, its

adhesion-sustaining ability may not be strong. We thereore

thought that there must other proteins to support E-catenin

unctions, and we reexamined the role o vinculin. E-catenin

mutants lacking the C-terminal EPLIN-binding region, such

as E(1–508), are able to organize AJs through the binding to

vinculin (Watabe-Uchida et al., 1998; Yonemura et al., 2010).

We showed that vinculin knockdown in E(1–508)-R2/7 cells

severely disrupted their junctions, which indicates that vinculin

is essential or the adhesion-supporting ability o this construct.

Normal DLD1 cells also responded to vinculin depletion, al-

though these cells were not dissociated. In vinculin-depleted

DLD1 cells, E-cadherin signals were no longer associated

with pulling actin bers, which suggested that vinculin plays

a role in the E-cadherin–F-actin linkage, as observed in the

integrin-mediated ocal contacts (Geiger et al., 2009; Parsons

et al., 2010). The reason why the junctions o DLD1 cells were

more resistant to vinculin depletion than those o E(1–508)-R2/7

both the stretched and nonstretched orms o E-catenin, the

problem could be reconciled. The presence or absence o the

nonstretched orm o E-catenin in the ZAs should be deter-

mined by uture experiments.

How the actin bers causing pAJ ormation are generated

in peripheral cells remains unknown. It is well established that

actin laments are polymerized at the cellular edges, and they

show retrograde movement (Welch et al., 1997; Small and Resch,2005). One such actin lament may play a role in the phenom-

ena observed in the present studies. It has been shown that acto-

myosin cables line the leading edges o migrating cells not only

during wound closure (Franke et al., 2005; Miyake et al., 2006;

Tamada et al., 2007) but also at epithelial closures in normal de-

velopment (Jacinto et al., 2000; Franke et al., 2005; Laplante and

Nilson, 2011). One o the roles or these actomyosin cables could

be to reorganize AJs during normal morphogenetic processes.

Characteristics of EPLIN-bearing AJs

EPLIN is known to bundle and stabilize actin bers. This

ability o EPLIN is likely a key process in maintaining ZAs.

However, it inhibits Arp2/3-dependent branching o actin la-

ments (Maul et al., 2003), which suggests that EPLIN-bundled

actin bers are a rather static structure. This probably explains

why the EPLIN-associated AJs look more static than EPLIN-

ree AJs.

We ound that the E-catenin–EPLIN usion can orm

only lAJ-like contacts, which is consistent with the observation

that native EPLIN participates in lAJ, but not pAJ, ormation.

The E-catenin–EPLIN usion-mediated junctions appeared

unstable. Moreover, this articial protein even disrupted the

preormed junctions when introduced in DLD1 cells, probably

Figure 8. Summary and model. E-cadherin (red) and AJ-associated F-actin (green) distributions, observed in the present study, are schematically sum-marized at the let. At the right, a working model to explain the present observations is shown. The shapes o molecules are arbitrarily drawn. It is notdetermined whether EPLIN and vinculin bind to the same or dierent E-catenin molecules. Black arrows indicate tension.

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Plasmid constructionpCA-IRES-neomycin-mKOR and pCA-IRES-hygromycin-EGFP were used asthe backbone plasmids or stable expression in eukaryotic cells, in which aneomycin- or hygromycin-resistant gene was driven by the IRES element. Forconstruction o the ull-length and mutant E-catenins, 1–906 and 1–508ragments were amplied rom mouse E-catenin cDNA (Kametani andTakeichi, 2007) by PCR, respectively. These DNA ragments were insertedinto the EcoRV site o the backbone plasmids. Construction o EPLIN-EGFPexpression vectors was described previously (Abe and Takeichi, 2008). Inbrie, the ull-length cDNA o mouse EPLIN, obtained rom the Institute o

Physical and Chemical Research FANTOM cDNA database, was ampli-ed by PCR, and inserted into the NotI site o the backbone plasmid. Forconstruction o E(1–508)EPLIN, mouse EPLIN cDNA (Abe and Takeichi,2008) was amplied by PCR and inserted into the NotI site o pCA-IRES-hygromycin-E(1–508)-EGFP, an enzyme site located in the 3 side o theEcoRV site. Beore this ligation, the NotI site was blunted with Blunting high(TOYOBO). These constructs were sequenced or conormation. MouseE-cadherin was also cloned into the backbone vectors (constructed byY. Kametani in our laboratory, RIKEN Center or Developmental Biology,Minatojima-Minamimachi, Chuo-ku, Kobe, Japan).

Cell culture and transectionDLD1 and R2/7 (Watabe-Uchida et al., 1998) cells were cultured in a1:1 mixture o DME and Ham’s F12 medium (Iwaki) supplemented with10% FCS, and maintained in 5% CO2 at 37°C. Cells were transectedusing Lipoectamine 2000 (Invitrogen) according to the manuacturer’sinstructions. For isolating stable transectants, cells were selected by an

exposure to 200 µg/ml o HygroGold (InvivoGen) and/or 400 µg/ml oG418. Mixtures o heterogeneous antibiotic-resistant clones were used orthe analysis o transectants to avoid clonal variations in the phenotypes.Y-27632 treatment was perormed with the culture medium containing20 µM o the reagent or 3 h in 5% CO2 at 37°C. MCF10A cells werecultured with the MEGM Bullet kit (Takara Bio Inc.) containing 100 ng/mlcholera toxin (Sigma-Aldrich).

RNAiHuman EPLIN depletion was perormed by using Stealth siRNAs (Invitrogen)whose sequence has been described previously (Abe and Takeichi, 2008).Transection o EPLIN-specic siRNAs was perormed with RNAiMAX(Invitrogen) according to the manuacturer’s instructions: cells were treatedwith siRNA–RNAiMAX complexes or 4–5 h. Human vinculin depletion wasperormed using Mission siRNAs (Sigma-Aldrich). Sequences or the knock -down o vinculin were 5-CAAGAUGAUUGACGAGAGATT-3 or 5-GAU-UUACACUGCGCUGGGUTT-3, designated as Nos. 3 and 7, respectively

(Fig. 6 B). For the eective depletion o vinculin, the standard protocolwas modied: cells were rst treated with siRNA–RNAiMAX complexesor 3–5 h, and urther cultured with resh medium or 12–15 h. These cellswere then trypsinized and replated on collagen-coated dishes (Iwaki) orcoverslips (Iwaki) in the medium containing siRNA–RNAiMAX complexes.Ater 3–5 h, this medium was changed with resh medium. Ater incubatingor another 12–15 h, cells were subjected to analyses. When EPLIN andvinculin were co-depleted, the mixture o these siRNAs was used. Univer-sal negative controls or each siRNA were obtained rom Invitrogen andSigma-Aldrich. For knockdown o myosin IIA and IIB, we used MissionsiRNAs (Sigma-Aldrich) with the same protocol as used or vinculin deple-tion. Sequences or the knockdown o myosin IIA were 5-GACAGAA-UAGCUGAGUUCATT-3 and 5-GAGAUUGUGGAAAUGUACATT-3,designated as Nos. 1 and 2, respectively (Fig. S5 A). For depletion omyosin IIB, sequences were 5-GUCUGAUUUGCUUCUUGAATT-3 and5-GCAGAAUUGACAUGCUUGATT-3, designated as Nos. 2 and 3, re-spectively (Fig. S5 A). These siRNAs could deplete the expression o each

isoorm specically.

ImmunoprecipitationCells were washed with TMCN buer (20 mM Tris-HCl, pH 7.4, 1 mMMgCl2, 1 mM CaCl2, and 0.15 M NaCl) containing 1 mM PMSF. Thesecells were harvested and dissolved in TMCN buer containing 1% Non-idet P-40 and 1 mM PMSF on ice. This crude mixture was centriuged at200,000 g (or E-cadherin) or 17,400 g (or E-catenin) or 30 min byHimac CS150NX (Hitachi) with an angle rotor (S110AT) at 4°C, andthe supernatant was recovered. This supernatant was precleared withprotein G–conjugated Sepharose beads (GE Healthcare) or 1 h. Aterremoval o the Sepharose beads, the supernatant (lysate) was collectedas the original raction or immunoprecipitation. To obtain E-cadherincomplexes rom the lysate, immunoprecipitation was perormed by usingECCD2 or anti–E-catenin antibody. As a control, rat or rabbit normal

cells can be explained by the previous observation that the

C-terminal domain o E-catenin, which is deleted in E(1–508),

has some ability to support E-catenin–mediated cell adhesion,

as assayed in broblastic cells (Imamura et al., 1999). Thus,

E-catenin seems to have multiple pathways or supporting

cell–cell adhesion.

We previously proposed that EPLIN works as a linker

between E-catenin and F-actin. The present observations sug-

gest that the E-catenin–vinculin and E-catenin–EPLIN com-

plexes have distinct roles. It seems that the ormer is important

or general AJ ormation, and the latter is specied or ZA

ormation. To organize the complete set o AJs, they probably

complement each other. It should be noted that E(1–508) can

organize both lAJs and pAJs, despite the absence o an EPLIN-

binding site, which suggested that EPLIN need not be bound to

E-catenin or maintaining lAJs; that is, EPLIN could maintain

ZA-associated actin laments independently o the cadherin–

catenin complex. However, the positioning o lAJs and pAJs in

E(1–508) transectants is not well organized. This indicates

that EPLIN assists the ordered ZA organization most eciently

through its binding to E-catenin. For example, EPLIN sensestensed actomyosin bers and recruits more cadherins to specic

  junctional sites via their linkages, strengthening the cell–cell

adhesion there.

We have not determined whether vinculin and EPLIN bind

together to a single E-catenin or bind separately to dierent

E-catenin molecules when unctioning at the ZAs. Notably, in

E(1–508)EPLIN-R2/7 cells, vinculin was concentrated at cell–

cell junctions, probably through its binding to E(1–508)EPLIN.

This vinculin does not appear to be unctional, however, as vin-

culin depletion did not aect these junctions. Thus, EPLIN and

vinculin might compete with one another, even when they are

linked to an E-catenin molecule. In addition, we showed that

E(1–508) and E(1–508)-EPLIN cotransected into R2/7 cellsorganized a set o pAJ- and lAJ-like junctions, which suggests

that EPLIN and vinculin can work through separate E-catenin

molecules. In conclusion, our ndings suggest that EPLIN and

vinculin cooperate in the proper organization o two orms o 

epithelial AJs, and that the mechanosensitive removal o the

E-catenin–EPLIN complex rom AJs is involved in their

morphological conversion, which is likely important or the

reshaping o epithelial architecture at colony peripheries.

Materials and methods

 Antibodies and reagents

For E-cadherin detection, rat monoclonal anti–E-cadherin (ECCD2;Shirayoshi et al., 1986) and mouse monoclonal anti–E-cadherin (HECD-1;Shimoyama et al., 1989) antibodies were used. Immunoglobulin ractionscontaining ECCD2 were puried rom rat ascites fuids by 50% sodiumammonium sulate ractionation and DEAE column chromatography. Anti-bodies against ROCK1 have been described previously (Nishimura andTakeichi, 2008). The ollowing antibodies were purchased: rabbit poly-clonal anti–E-catenin, mouse monoclonal anti-vinculin, rabbit polyclonalanti-myosin IIA and IIB, and rabbit polyclonal anti–l-aadin antibodies(Sigma-Aldrich); rabbit polyclonal anti-myosin IIB antibody (Covance); rab-bit polyclonal anti-EGFP antibody (MBL); mouse monoclonal anti-EPLIN anti-body (BD); rabbit polyclonal anti–ZO-1 antibody (Invitrogen); and mousemonoclonal anti-glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH;Millipore). F-actin was detected by Alexa Fluor 488– or Alexa Fluor 594–conjugated phalloidin (Invitrogen).

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13 Mechanosensitive adherens junction remodeling • Taguchi et al.

were processed, and projected with FV10-ASW Ver. 2.0 Viewer andImageJ. All videos were edited in the MOV ormat.

 Application o mechanical stretchUniaxial mechanical stretch was applied to cell colonies by using a Strexsystem (ST-40; Strex; Iwaki et al., 2009), which was customized on Delta-Vision microscope (Applied Precision). DLD1 cells were cultured on elasticchambers with L-15 medium (Invitrogen) supplemented with 10% FCS, andstretched to attain 150% o the original length, spending 24–30 s, andurther maintained at the stretching state during image acquisition. Ater

stretch o the elastic chamber, extension o the cells was conrmed bymicroscopic observation o E-cadherin–mKOR or EPLIN-EGFP signals.Images (acquired as 30 z sections, 1.0 µm apart, 512 × 512 pixels, andbinning 2 × 2) were obtained through a LUCPlanFLN 60×/0.70 NA objec-tive lens, and processed and analyzed with plot-prole by ImageJ. Scatter-gram was prepared with Excel (Microsot). Signal intensity was quantiedby ImageJ and analyzed by KaleidaGraph 4.0J.

Online supplemental materialFig. S1 shows the distribution o AJ proteins in natural or scratched DLD1colonies. Fig. S2 shows the distribution o various junctional proteins inDLD1 or MCF10A cells. Fig. S3 shows the distribution o exogenous EPLIN,and the ROCK dependence o EPLIN–AJ association. Fig. S4 shows theeects o laser ablation o peripheral actin bers or ZA on E-cadherin dis-tribution. Fig. S5 shows the eects o myosin II depletion on EPLIN localiza-tion in AJs. Video 1 shows time- lapse movies o E-cadherin–mKOR in DLD1colonies. Video 2 shows a time-lapse movie o E-catenin–EGFP during

wound closure. Video 3 shows a time-lapse movie o actin-EGFP in DLD1cells. Video 4 shows time-lapse movies o E-cadherin–mKOR in a confuentculture o control or EPLIN-depleted DLD1 cells. Video 5 shows a time-lapsemovie o EPLIN-EGFP ater ablation o peripheral actin bers. Video 6shows a time-lapse movie o EPLIN-EGFP and E-cadherin–mKOR ater laserablation o peripheral actin bers. Video 7 shows a time-lapse movie oEPLIN-EGFP ater ablation o a part o the ZA. Video 8 shows a time-lapsemovie o E(1–508)EPLIN-EGFP introduced into R2/7 cells. Video 9 showsa time-lapse movie o E(1–508)-mKOR and E(1–508)EPLIN-EGFPdoubly introduced into R2/7 cells. Video 10 shows a time-lapse movie oE(1–508)EPLIN-EGFP and E-cadherin–mKOR doubly introduced into DLD1cells. Online supplemental material is available at http://www.jcb.org/ cgi/content/ull/jcb.201104124/DC1.

We thank Takefumi Kondo and Shigeo Hayashi for the laser ablation system;Shigenobu Yonemura, Shibata Tatsuo, and members of our laboratory forcritical comments; and Toshihiko Ogura and Keiji Naruse for advice on cell-

stretching methods.This work was supported by a grant from Grants-in-Aid for Specially

Promoted Research of the Ministry of Education, Science, Sports, and Cultureof Japan (to M. Takeichi)

Submitted: 25 April 2011 Accepted: 18 July 2011


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IgG (Beckman Coulter) was used. The complexes were precipitated withprotein G–conjugated Sepharose beads, and eluted by SDS sample bu-er (62.5 mM Tris-HCl, pH 6.8, 2% SDS, 0.003% Pyronin Y, and 10%glycerol) at 56°C or 15 min. Precipitates were separated by SDS-PAGEand analyzed by Western blotting. For detection o E-cadherin on theblots, HECD-1 antibody was used.

SDS-PAGE and Western blottingSamples were denatured by heating with SDS sample buer containing1% 2-mercaptoethanol at 95°C or 3 min. Proteins were separated by

SuperSep polyacrylamide gel (Wako Chemicals USA), and transerred topolyvinylidene difuoride membranes (Bio-Rad Laboratories). Membraneswere blocked with 5% skim milk in TBS or 1 h at room temperature.Horseradish-conjugated secondary antibodies were purchased rom GEHealthcare. Protein bands were detected by Western lightning plus ECL(PerkinElmer).

Immunostaining and conocal laser-scanning microscopy Cells were xed with 1% PFA in cultured medium or 10 min at roomtemperature. The xed cells were permeabilized with 0.1% Triton X-100 inTBS, pH 7.4, or 10 min, and blocked with 5% skim milk in TBS or 10 min.Next, cells were incubated with primary antibodies in the blocking solu-tion or 1–2 h. These cells were then washed with TBS and urther treatedwith secondary antibodies. For double-staining, Alexa Fluor 488– orAlexa Fluor 594–conjugated antibodies (Invitrogen) were used as secondaryantibodies. To detect ECCD2, CF Dye488A– or CF Dye594–conjugatedantibodies (Biotium) were used. In the case o triple staining, ECCD2 was

detected by Cy5-conjugated antibody (Millipore). These cells were washedwith TBS and then with milliQ water (Millipore), and nally mounted withFluorSave (EMD). Images were acquired as a z stack (20–25 z sections,0.3–0.5 µm apart, 1,024 × 1,024 pixels) through a Plan-Apochromat63×/1.40 NA oil dierential intererence contrast microscopy objectivelens (Carl Zeiss) with an inverted laser-scanning conocal microscope(LSM510; Carl Zeiss).

Live-cell imagingLive-cell imaging was perormed by using a Deltavision microscope(Applied Precision), unless otherwise specied. Beore the operation,cells were cultured on collagen-coated glass-based dishes (Iwaki) withL-15 medium (Invitrogen) supplemented with 10% FCS or 1 h at 37°C.The dish was placed on the stage o an inverted microscope (IX70 orIX71; Olympus) equipped with a cooled charged-coupled device camera(Series 300 CH350 or CoolSNAP HQ2; Photometrics). The temperatureo the microscope room was maintained at 37°C by a thermal controller

(Sanyo). Time-lapse images (acquired as 6–10 z sections, 0.8–1.0 µmapart, 512 × 512 pixels, and binning 2 × 2) were obtained through Plan-Apochromat 60×/1.40 NA oil or Plan-Apochromat N60×/1.40 NA oilobjective lenses.

 Wound healingCells were cultured at confuent densities on collagen-coated coverslips(Iwaki) or glass-based dishes (Iwaki). Wound edges were generated byscraping cells with a plastic tip. Ater scraping, cells were cultured oranother 3 h, xed, and subjected to analyses. For live-cell imaging, cellswere cultured with L-15 medium supplemented with 10% FCS or 30 min,scraped to generate wounds, and urther cultured or 1 h. Time-lapseimages were then collected or 4 h.

Laser ablationLaser ablation was perormed by using FluoView FV1000 laser-scanningconocal microscopy (Olympus) equipped with a laser ablation system

(provided by T. Kondo and S. Hayashi, RIKEN Center or Developmen-tal Biology, Kobe, Japan; UV-ASU-P2; Olympus). Under the monitor withconocal images, cells were irradiated with a laser beam (wavelength =349 nm) at a specic spot. Time-lapse images (acquired as 4–8 z sections,0.6–1.0 µm apart, and 512 × 512 pixels) were obtained with a UPLSAPO60×/1.35 NA oil objective lens.

Image processingFor immunostaining, the digital images obtained by the LSM510 were pro-cessed using Photoshop 7.0 (Adobe). Projection o z-stack images wereprocessed with LSM Image Browser (Carl Zeiss). For time-lapse imaging,digital images obtained by DeltaVision microscopy were processed andprojected by using SotWoRx (Applied Precision) and ImageJ. Sequentialimages were prepared rom ti-tagged les (8-bit grayscale or 24-bit RGB)using Photoshop 7.0. Digital images obtained by FV1000 microscopy

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JCBSupplemental material

Taguchi et al., http://www.jcb.org/cgi/content/full/jcb.201104124/DC1

Figure S1. Peripheral junction organization. (A) Closed (arrowhead) or open (arrow) ZAs seen in peripheral cells o a DLD1 colony. Cells were double-im-munostained or E-catenin and E-cadherin. Dotted lines delineate the colony edges. (B) An edge o a DLD1 colony, created by cell scraping. Cells weredouble-immunostained or E-cadherin and F-actin at 3 h ater the scraping. Broken lines indicate the initial position o cell removal. Note that the junctionalorganization in these cells is similar to that observed in natural DLD1 colonies. Images were ocused on the apical and basal planes o the colony.

Bars, 10 µm.

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Figure S2. Localization o various junctional proteins. (A and B) Double-immunostaining or E-cadherin and l-aadin or ZO-1in DLD1 cells. Both proteinscolocalize with E-cadherin in any orms o junction. (C) Double-immunostaining or E-cadherin and EPLIN in an inner portion o a MCF10A cell colony. Inthese cells, the entire junctions are identied as pAJs, in which EPLIN does not colocalize with E-cadherin. Bars, 10 µm.

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Mechanosensitive adherens junction remodeling • Taguchi et al. S3

Figure S3. Analyses o EPLIN-AJ associations. (A) Exogenous EPLIN-EGFP is excluded rom pAJs in DLD1 cells transected with EPLIN-EGFP. EGFP signalsare detected together with E-cadherin along lAJs, as indicated with arrowheads, but not at pAJs (arrows). (B) A DLD1 colony was double-immunostainedor E-cadherin and ROCK1. Conocal images were collected at the apical and basal planes. ROCK1 is localized along the lAJs, but not at pAJs (arrows).(C) Cells were treated with 20 µM o Y-27632 or 3 h, and double-immunostained or E-cadherin and EPLIN or F -actin. Junctional morphology became likethe pAJs, and EPLIN disappeared rom the junctions. (D) Vinculin localizes at cell junctions ater Y-27632 treatment (examples are indicated with arrows).(E) Immunoprecipitation analysis o the interaction between E-catenin and EPLIN beore and ater Y-27632 treatments. (E, let) The detergent solubility oEPLIN. Cells were cultured in the presence or absence o 20 µM Y-27632 or 3 h, and their lysates, prepared with 1% NP-40, were centriuged to obtainthe supernatant (Sup) and pellet (Ppt) ractions. Densitometric analysis o the electrophoretic bands showed that the soluble raction o EPLIN increased two-old ater Y-27632 treatment. WCL, whole cell lysate. (right) E-catenin was immunoprecipitated rom the 1% NP-40 lysates. EPLIN was then detected romthe blots o the immunoprecipitates. A similar amount o EPLIN was coprecipitated with E-catenin rom the lysates o control and Y-27632-treated cells.

Bars, 10 µm.

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Figure S4. Eects o laser ablation o peripheral actin bers or ZA. (A) Cells double-transected with E-cadherin–mKOR and EPLIN-EGFP were treated asdescribed in Fig. 3 C. Time-lapse images are shown. See also Video 6. Ater laser ablation o peripheral actin bers at the point shown by the asterisk,both EPLIN and E-cadherin became up-regulated at the cell-cell boundary (arrow). The cell–cell boundary at the opposite side o the cell is out o ocus.(B) Choosing two time points in A, relative fuorescence intensity across the cell-cell boundaries marked with white lines was measured. EPL, EPLIN. (C) TheZA was cut at the position indicated by the asterisk in a cell colony expressing E-cadherin–mKOR. Scale bars, 10 µm.

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Mechanosensitive adherens junction remodeling • Taguchi et al. S5

Figure S5. Eects o myosin IIA or IIB depletion on EPLIN localization. (A) Western blot conrmation o isoorm-specic knockdown o myosin IIA or IIB.Molecular mass is indicated in kilodaltons next to the gel blot. (B and C) Cells treated with control siRNA, IIA-specic No. 2 siRNA (B), or IIB-specic No. 3siRNA (C). These cells were costained or E-cadherin, EPLIN, and myosin II (A or B), or F-actin and myosin II (A or B). In both o IIA- and IIB-depleted cells,E-cadherin signals became punctate, and no longer colocalized with EPLIN. In the IIA-depleted cells, F-actin was irregularly arranged around the cell junc-tions, whereas, in the IIB-depleted cells, F-actin associated with E-cadherin signals in a pattern similar to that seen in EPLIN-depleted cells. Bars, 10 µm.

Video 1. Time-lapse movie o E-cadherin–mKOR in DLD1 colonies. Two representative DLD1 colonies expressing E-cadherin–mKOR. In the let colony, pAJs are dynamic and pulled in parallel to the cellular edge, as indicated by the arrow, whereaslAJs are relatively stable. The arrowheads in the same colony indicate a temporary closure o ZA remnant. In the right colony,whose peripheral cells exhibit closed E-cadherin rings, pAJs fow into the ring structures, indicated by two arrowheads. Imageswere analyzed by time-lapse fuorescence microscopy using a DeltaVision microscope (Applied Precision). Frames were takenevery 2 min or 2 h, and those rom 37:58 to 1:59:59 (let) or 37:55 to 1:59:55 (right) are shown. Frame rate, 7.0 rames/s.Bar, 30 µm.

Video 2. Time-lapse movie o E-catenin-EGFP during wound closure. A DLDl culture expressing E-catenin–EGFP wasscratched to make an opening, and the process o wound closure was recorded. A peripheral cell initially has a closedE-catenin ring (arrow), but this ring is soon disrupted. When this cell touches another cell coming rom the opposite side,E-catenin–EGFP signals with a pAJ-like distribution immediately accumulate at their contact sites (arrowhead). Images wereanalyzed by time-lapse fuorescence microscopy using a DeltaVision microscope (Applied Precision). Frames were taken every1.5 min or 4 h, and those rom 0:00:00 to 3:59:56 are shown. Frame rate, 7.0 rames/s. Bar, 32 µm.

Published August 15, 2011

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Video 3. Time-lapse movie o actin-EGFP in DLD1 cells. Cells were injected with actin-EGFP and recorded at a margin otheir colony. Arrays o actin clusters (indicated by arrows), which are assumed to represent pAJs, move dynamically, and arestretched in parallel to the cellular edges. Some o these actin clusters move inward (e.g., see those indicated by the secondarrow rom the right). ZA-associated actin laments are relatively more stable. Images were analyzed by time-lapse fuorescencemicroscopy using a DeltaVision microscope (Applied Precision). Frames were taken every 1.5 min or 3 h, and those rom0:00:00 to 2:14:54 are shown. Frame rate, 7.0 rames/s. Bar, 30 µm.

Video 4. Time-lapse movies o E-cadherin–mKOR in a confuent culture o control or EPLIN-depleted DLD1 cells. Cells trans-ected with E-cadherin–mKOR in a confuent culture were subjected to time-lapse imaging. Cells were treated with control (let)or EPLIN-specic siRNA (right). Images were analyzed by time-lapse fuorescence microscopy using a DeltaVision microscope(Applied Precision). Frames were taken every minute or 1 h, and those rom 0:00 to 59:56 (let) or 0:00 to 59:55 (right) areshown. Frame rate, 7.0 rames/s. Bar, 30 µm.

Video 5. Time-lapse movie o EPLIN-EGFP ater ablation o peripheral actin bers. The same movie as used in Fig. 3 B.Peripheral actin bers were laser-ablated in a cell expressing EPLIN-EGFP. Frames were taken every 10.4 s with a FluoViewFV1000 microscope (Olympus). 30 rames were obtained, and those rom 0:00 to 5:11 are shown. Frame rate, 3.0 rames/s.Bar, 10 µm.

Video 6. Time-lapse movie o EPLIN-EGFP and E-cadherin–mKOR ater laser ablation o peripheral actin bers. DLD1 cellscoexpressing EPLIN-EGFP and E-cadherin–mKOR were subjected to the same experiments as shown in Video 5. Both EPLIN andE-cadherin became concentrated at peripheral junctions ater peripheral F-actin ablation. Frames were taken every 7.2 s witha FluoView FV1000 microscope (Olympus). 200 rames were obtained, and those rom 1:12 to 3:52 are shown. Frame rate,

3.0 rames/s. Bar, 10 µm.

Video 7. Time-lapse movie o EPLIN-EGFP ater ablation o a part o the ZA. The same movie as used in Fig. 3 D. ZA was laser-ablated in cells expressing EPLIN-GFP. The linear EPLIN signals are disorganized ater laser treatment, although they reappearaterward. At junctions adjacent to the ablated junctions, EPLIN signals become transiently intensied. Frames were taken every10.3 s with a FluoView FV1000 microscope (Olympus). 30 rames were obtained, and those rom 0:00 to 5:10 are shown.Frame rate, 3.0 rames/s. Bar, 10 µm.

Video 8. Time-lapse movie o E(1–508)EPLIN-EGFP introduced into R2/7 cells. The usion proteins are concentrated at cell–cell contact sites. However, these contacts appear unstable. Images were analyzed by time-lapse fuorescence microscopy usinga DeltaVision microscope (Applied Precision). Frames were taken every 1 min or 3 h, and those rom 0:00:00 to 2:59:58 areshown. Frame rate, 7.0 rames/s. Bar, 30 µm.

Published August 15, 2011

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Video 9. Time-lapse movie o E(1–508)-mKOR and E(1–508)EPLIN-EGFP doubly introduced into R2/7 cells. E(1–508)-mKOR (red) localizes at all portions o cell–cell contacts, whereas E(1–508)EPLIN-EGFP (green) mostly delineates the ZA-likering structures. pAJ-like structures labeled with E(1–508)-mKOR fow into the ring. Images were analyzed by time-lapse fuores-cence microscopy using a DeltaVision microscope (Applied Precision). Frames were taken every 2 min or 3 h, and those rom1:39:28 to 2:59:04 are shown. Frame rate, 7.0 rames/s.

Video 10. Time-lapse movie o E(1–508)EPLIN-EGFP and E-cadherin–mKOR doubly introduced into DLD1 cells. The same im-ages as used or Fig. 5 C. E(1–508)EPLIN-EGFP is localized along the ZA-like rings, and also diusely in the cytoplasm at themarginal regions o the cells. E-cadherin–mKOR signals are initially detected at both pAJs and ZAs. However, the E-cadherin–mKOR signals orming pAJs are gradually absorbed into the E(1–508)EPLIN-EGFP–positive rings, as indicated by the arrow.Also, portions o the ZAs are disrupted at later time points. Images were analyzed by time-lapse fuorescence microscopy usinga DeltaVision microscope (Applied Precision). Frames were taken every 2 min or 3 h, and those rom 0:17:56 to 2:19:56 areshown. Frame rate, 7.0 rames/s. Bar, 30 µm.

Published August 15, 2011