2011 Oct Newsletter

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Transcript of 2011 Oct Newsletter

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Oct Newsletter


    N O R M A N S N E W S

    For and by our residents of the Norman Downes Neighborhood SeptemberOctober 2011


    NDHA board highlights. 2

    Qualifications.. 3

    Lake Norman clean-up... 3

    Yard of the month.... 4-5

    Commitment sheet ..... 6

    Adult survey 7

    Childrens survey... 8

    Inside this issue:

    Parker Smith and friend, RobGiannini, rode nearly 2,800 miles in

    the Tour Divide Bike Race and raisedover $4000 for the

    Childrens Miracle Network!

    Mary Elizabeth

    King learned to

    swim in our pool

    when she was 3

    years old. Her

    summer league

    coach thoughtshe was so good

    by age 7, that she

    was encouraged

    to swim all year

    round. That

    coach, Margaret

    Inspired by a movie, Georgia

    graduate, Parker Smith decided

    to invite his friend, Rob Giannini,

    to ride in the Tour Divide Race

    during his break before starting

    medical school. This was a 2,745-

    mile bicycle run from Banff, Can-ada, to a border station near An-

    telope Wells, New Mexico. This

    course criss-crosses the Continen-

    tal Divide and totals about

    120,000 feet of climbs and de-

    scents. They finished in 17 days

    and 22 hours raising over $4000

    for the Childrens Miracle Net-


    They had to carry their bikes

    over snow-covered mountainpasses. They faced over 100 de-

    grees of desert heat and at one

    point, actually faced down a

    mountain lion! They rode from

    sunup to sundown, averaging

    about 120-150 miles a day, living

    off high-carbohydrate junk food.

    Starting in Canada on June 10,

    Parker and Rob finished fourth

    out of 86. And they have fulfilled

    a dream of their own while help-

    ing other children fulfill theirs!

    If you would like to make a do-

    nation to the Childrens Miracle

    Network, please go to the web-

    site at divideforchildren.com.

    Parker Smith is the 23 year old

    son of Jim and Peggy

    Smith who reside on

    Brookshire Way.

    And just think....It all began inNorman Downes pool!

    Way to goMary Elizabeth!

    Gilbert, died of cancer in 2009. She was an

    inspiration to Mary Elizabeth. We are certain

    Margaret would be very proud ofMary Eliza-

    beth qualifying for the upcoming Olympic

    trial next summer!Even after climbing to the highest level of

    competition at Swim Atlanta in Lawrenceville,

    Mary Elizabeth never tires of her vigorous

    practices that are 20-25 hours a week. She

    attends St. Pius X where she will be graduat-

    ing in May. She is already being recruited by

    various coaches in the country including LSU,

    Auburn, NC State, Nebraska, FSU, GA South-

    ern, University Of Louisville and others.

    She has received many awards over the

    years, but qualifying for senior nationals thispast August, at Stanford University in Palo

    Alto, CA, was a huge accomplishment! At

    this event she competed against all the top

    swimmers in the nation, qualifying to go to

    the Olympic trials in Omaha, NE next June.

    Mary Elizabeth is the daughter of Ray and

    Michelle King of Kenwood Court. Best of

    luck, Mary Elizabeth! We will all be cheering

    for you!

    NDHA BoardHighlights!

    The ballot verification is nowcomplete. Our newly revisedcovenants are currently beingfiled. See whats next in the

    Presidents Corner (page 2)

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    SunSept 11Living HonorariumDuluth Festival CenterSat Oct 15Neighorhood Yard Sale 8AM - 4 PM

    Fri Oct 14Mon, Oct 17Dumpster Available at the poolSat Oct 29Childrens Fall FestivalTennis Courts 6-8 PM

    Mon Oct 31Neighborhood Trick or Treating


    Living Honorarium

    Unveiling & 9/11

    Remembrance Ceremony

    Sunday, Sept 11, 20115:30 PM

    Duluth Festival Center & Amphitheater3142 Hill Street, Duluth

    The City of Duluth, HS, Primrose, AmericanLegion and Front Line Donors

    Request your presence in a special tributeHonoring our living Public Servant Heroes

    US MilitaryPoliceFire and EMS

    We hope you can attend this moving ceremony!


    N e w s F r o m t h e B o a r d

    The Presidents Corner

    Some of the toughest issues now are the enforcement of ourCovenants, and establishment of more complete CommunityStandards.

    Beginning with the November General Meeting, our Stan-dards will be one of the headline topics.

    The surveys that have circulated have produced many posi-tive responses and provided many great suggestions for on-going projects and improvements. And while were excited

    to get down to business on those, here I want to address anequally important subject.

    The comments about unsightly yards and other appear-

    ance complaints in the surveys indicate that weve got

    to do more than write letters to the owners that have

    not kept up their end of the agreement.

    This agreement is, of course, our covenants. Living in acovenants community requires that you pay attention to the

    rules, take them seriously and follow them. Some who livein Norman Downes dont regard our covenants as an agree-

    mentreally, a contract. Ill refer to our covenants for therest of this article as an agreement.

    We are now talking about defining specific CommunityStandards. More than just keeping the grass cut, junk out ofthe yards, and not parking trailers and trucks on the streetor off of the driveway.

    Is raising the level of our standards only making the situa-tion worse? I dont think this is adding fuel to the fire, when

    you consider that the additional standards should includenot only the specific requirements adopted by all of us(the members) with our votes but hopefully includemethods to enforce them.

    If we collectively agree to a specific requirement (a

    standard), then all of us are required to comply, not just

    some of us.

    Heres an example. Say we vote to edge our street curbs and

    clean up the drain gutters in front of our residences. Ifyou are a renter you would still be required to edge (cont.)

    (The Presidents Corner cont.)

    the curb and clean up the gutter, or make arrangementswith the property owner to have the curb edged.Certainly, a nicely edged curb folks walk or (and eventhe driveway), makes a neat and clean look when drivedown the street. Those curbs or driveways that are notedged seem less well-kept and the rest of the propertyseems to reflect that look.

    The curb edging and gutter cleanup in this examplewould not be an unreasonable standard. As we pro-gress, I believe we will adopt common-sense standards nothing out of the ordinary, such as specific housecolors, although we couldagree that certain colors arenot permitted (lime green?). Hopefully our standards

    will appeal to good taste, conform to timely and propermaintenance, and be ones thatadd to, rather than de-tract from our community property values.

    So what should we do when people dont (or wont) in

    this example, edge their curbs? This is a critical part ofthe equation. When we adopt our standards, we need toestablish what a grace period would be and what courseof action we should take when it is exceeded. Should wehave fines, letters, or liens? We have to decide. (cont. p. 5)


  • 8/3/2019 2011 Oct Newsletter



    Qualifications for NDHA Candidates

    Must be a resident of Norman Downes in good


    Able to attend a monthly board meeting, currently

    the 2nd

    Monday evening of the month from 7pm


    Willing to take responsibility for one of the follow-

    ing committees,


    pool operations

    general maintenance

    landscape maintenance

    tennis operations


    Have a keen interest in keeping Norman

    Downes a quality community in which to

    live. Have a desire to see and promote the

    positive aspects of living in Norman Downes.

    Keep the neighborhood informed.

    Help to enforce the neighborhood by laws and

    covenants by notifying residents of violations.

    Support the activities of the neighborhood.

    Lake Normangets a much needed clean up

    by students fromPeachtree Ridge High School !













    BUFORD,GA 30519

    [email protected]















    Many thanks to students(front row-right to left) TaylorHunter, Nick Hinger, Brittney Youngblood, Sebastian

    Adrianzen and Michelle Connor from Peachtree RidgeHigh School.

    Others who helped were Cher & Rick Austin, and Cheryl& Barry Smith and Amber Youngblood & dog, Pookie.

    The drinks and lunch donations provided by CorwynnSylvester and Bobby & Teresa Rivers were appreciatedby all. Together, we made our lake beautiful again.

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  • 8/3/2019 2011 Oct Newsletter


    Fall and Winter Decorating Contest!

    Get in the spirit of fun by decorating your yards for the those

    who come who come trick or treating

    and for the Winter holiday season.

    There will be recognition via an award plaque for the best

    holiday yards of the month!


    Thanks to our judgesSue VanLanen, Cheryl Smith and Cher Austin.

    Yard of the MonthJuly Winners

    12819 Baronet CourtPeter and Gail Van Arsdale23183 Brookshire WayRobert and Patricia Harris

    32654 Kenwood CourtWC and Margaret Baggett42732 Kenwood DriveJeff and Kelly Aldridge53292 Leeds WaySamuel and Lisa Carr

    August Winners

    63312 Lancing CourtChris and Nan Wilcox73231 Bunten RoadEvi Yike82594 Kenwood DriveArthur and Robin MacWilliams92752 Norwood WayThomas and Honorine Padula


    (The Presidents Corner cont. from page 2)

    A queue that we can take is from other neighborhoods withcommunity standards. We could adopt some of their ideasthat fit Norman Downes, including the procedures, policies,and penalties. Im sure the consensus is that we dont want

    or need a management company.

    The penalties aspect sounds kind of invasive and even

    threatening. But you know as well as I, if there are no con-sequences, there will be those who take advantage. If Idont cut my grass, or leave trash in the yard, or do some-

    thing else unsightly for a month, not only have I let down myneighbors and Norman Downes, but I should pay the conse-

    quences! Maybe I have to put $50 in the kitty, and do thesame for every month that I dont take care of the problem,

    or whatever penalty we decide is appropriate! Of coursethere are hardships and other exceptions, but goodneighbors could help out in those cases.

    This is why we are forming our Standards Committee. These

    rules and regulations need research, careful thought, andconsideration and respect for fixed-income residents and ofcourse, our votes to adopt them. These standards wouldnot be simply dictated by the Board. Further, our Stan-dards Committee should not be a one-shot deal, rather anon-going effort by conscientious members of our associa-tion.

    The next time you have a complaint, think about how thecontext of that complaint could be incorporated into a pos-sible standard. Then consider being part of the process,and becoming a member of the Standards Committee.

    It is in all of our best interests to pursue this with more

    than a passing glance. Keeping our homes and yards good

    looking and well maintained improves our appearance andappeal. And its infectious once we get started and make

    the effort, our neighbors will want to follow along. And

    short of tar-and-feathers, we should be able to apply pres-

    sure to those that dont or wont bother to comply and may

    have ignored the fact that by living in Norman

    Downes, a Covenants Community, we have an

    agreement! The next NDHA board

    meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 12th at 7 PM.

    Ladies Night at the pool.

    We did have fun! Thirteen people came out and we got achance to talk and spend some time together while shopping.The vendors sold $1100 in clothes and jewelry - they had abeautiful spread of merchandise under the pavilion.

    Thanks to all of the ladies who came out for theNorman Downes Ladies' Night At The Pavilion! Itwas fun socializing and catching up with everyonewhile shopping the gorgeous fashion and jewelrydisplays. By Janet Vastakis

    Got Books? The Barnes Sunday SchoolClass of Duluth First United Methodist Church

    will be conducting the annual Book Sale at the

    Duluth Festival this year. We are looking for

    new or gently used books of all types. Peri-

    odicals, educational, childrens books, nov-

    els, magazines, hobby, travel, how-to/self-

    help , religious, joke books,,,, you name it,

    we have an audience for it.

    Contact Sonny Baggett fordrop off or pick up!

    (770) 623-1023

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    Name: __________________________________________ Phone:__________________________________________

    Email Address:________________________________________________________________________________________

    I am interested in being a NDHA Board Member. (Please find the list of candidate qualifications on page 4.)

    I am interested in being a member of one of the following committees:

    Tennis Operations General Maintenance

    Pool Operations Communications Lake Conservation Development Landscape

    I am interested in helping with the following childrens activities:

    Easter Egg Hunt July 4 parade/family swim and picnic I will be an organizerfor...

    Childrens Fall Festival 10/29/11 Back to School Pizza Party ________________________

    I am interested in helping with the following adult activities:

    Spring Garage Sale Fall Garage Sale10/15/11 I will be an organizerfor...

    Adult socials Winter holiday party ________________________

    Thanks for your support!


    A white truck

    plate #BQZ

    4113 has been

    seen in Sugar-

    loaf Country

    Club stopping

    children as they get off the bus

    (both middle school & elemen-

    tary) and offering them candy.

    The man is a white male, 20 or

    30 years old, blonde crew cut.

    The police have been notified

    and are keeping a watch out for


    We need to be extra vigilant

    with our children and possi-

    ble have a reminder conver-

    sation about the dangers of

    talking to strangers.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -(Please help by filling in and returning the tear-off sheet below. Just drop in one of the suggestion boxes.)- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    Were crying out for your help!

    Its a sad fact that..

    mostof the activities and improvements for Norman

    Downes are organized and worked on by less than a dozen


    a lotcould be done to improve our community without

    raising our dues.

    What we lack is you helping to make it happen.

  • 8/3/2019 2011 Oct Newsletter


    201120112011---2012 Norman Downes Adult Survey2012 Norman Downes Adult Survey2012 Norman Downes Adult Survey Let Us Hear FromLet Us Hear FromLet Us Hear From YouYouYou!!!

    1. What social activities would you be interested in if they were offered in our community?(Check all that you would like to be involved in.)

    Garden club Lake conservation group Bridge club Gourmet club Craft or sewing group Poker club

    Mixed social tennis Running club Walking club

    Adult quarterly party night

    Adult quarterly Outings

    Other suggestions? ________________________________________________________

    2. We have recently resurfaced the tennis court and refurbished the swimming pool and

    renovated the street signs. Which of the following proposed improvements are you in favor of?

    __ yes or no Fencing to secure the borders of our property by the lake and tennis courts.

    __ yes or no Permanent restrooms near the tennis court.

    __ yes or no Lake Norman community access including a walking trail, picnic pavilion, and

    community boat/fishing dock

    __ yes or no Build a newplayground with bike racks and a basketball hoop shot area added.(Note that the previous playground equipment was demolished as it had become unsafe.)

    __ yes or no Update and make our entrance signs larger.

    __ yes or no Establish a community vegetable and flower garden.

    3. List any additional ideas you may have for community improvement.

    4. What do you like best about living in Norman Downes?

    5. What is something you would like to change?

    Thank you for your response! Please deposit this survey in one of the suggestion boxes by as possible.


    Do not fill out if you have already sent in a your survey!

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    2011-2012 Norman Downes Kids SurveyParents please help if your child is too young.Children may color also!

    How many years old are you? ____

    Are you a girl or a boy? (Circle one.)

    Which events are you planning on attending? (Circle one below.)

    Easter Egg hunt? swimming pool? July 4 parade/picnic? childrens fall festival?

    What activities would you like to have? (Circle one below.)

    gardening? fishing? picnicking? playing tennis? boating?

    What kind of play equipment do you like? (Circle one below.)

    basketball? swings? slide? climbing bars?

    What do you like best about living in Norman Downes? (Write or make a picture.)

    Do you have any comments/suggestions?

    Please put your survey in one of the suggestion boxes. Thank you!