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    1423Hydrological Sciences Journal Journal des Sciences Hydrologiques, 56(8) 2011

    Special issue:Ecosystem Services of Wetlands

    Relationships between hydrological regime and ecosystem services

    supply in a Caribbean coastal wetland: a social-ecological approachSandra P. Vilardy1 , Jos A. Gonzlez2 , Berta Martn-Lpez2 and Carlos Montes2

    1Tropical Research Institute INTROPIC, Carrera 32 No. 2208, Universidad del Magdalena, Santa Marta, Colombia

    [email protected]

    2Social-Ecological Systems Laboratory, Department of Ecology, C. Darwin 2, Edificio Biologa, Universidad Autnoma de Madrid,

    E-28049 Madrid, Spain

    Received 29 July 2010; accepted 8 August 2011; open for discussion until 1 June 2012

    EditorZ.W. Kundzewicz; Guest editorM.C. Acreman

    Citation Vilardy, S.P., Gonzlez, J.A., Martn-Lopez, B. and Montes, C., 2011. Relationships between hydrological regime and

    ecosystem services supply in a Caribbean coastal wetland: a social-ecological approach. Hydrological Sciences Journal, 56 (8),14231435.

    AbstractThe Cinaga Grande of Santa Marta is Colombias largest coastal wetland and one of the most importantin the Caribbean. In this paper we evaluate the complex linkages existing among the social-ecological history,provision of ecosystem services and human well-being as perceived by local stakeholders. The most criticalanthropogenic impacts occurred during the last 50 years in the period following the construction of the Cinaga-Barranquilla highway. The changes to the social-ecological system have severely altered hydrological dynamics,reduced mangrove forest coverage and affected the composition of fisheries, with direct and indirect effects onthe ecosystem services provision and on the well-being of the local people. Despite the ambitious restorationprogrammes put in practice during the last two decades, the social-ecological impacts of large infrastructure devel-opments are visible today. The paper offers insights that can improve environmental decision making and promoteadaptive governance in coastal wetlands.

    Key words artisanal fisheries; ecosystem services; human well-being; hydrological regime; mangroves; social-ecologicalhistory

    Relations entre rgime hydrologique et fourniture de services cosystmiques dans une zonehumide ctire des Carabes: une approche socio-cologiqueRsumLa grande Cinaga de Santa Marta en Colombie est la plus grande zone humide ctire et lune desplus importantes dans les Carabes. Dans cet article nous valuons les liens complexes existant entre lhistoiresocio-cologique, la fourniture de services cosystmiques et le bien-tre humain tels que perus par les acteurslocaux. Les impacts anthropiques les plus critiques sont survenus au cours des 50 dernires annes, au coursde la priode suivant la construction de lautoroute Cinaga-Barranquilla. Les changements du systme socio-cologique ont srieusement altr la dynamique hydrologique, rduit la couverture forestire de la mangrove etaffect la composition des stocks de poissons, avec des effets directs et indirects sur la fourniture des servicescosystmiques et sur le bien-tre de la population locale. Malgr les programmes de restauration ambitieux misen pratique au cours des deux dernires dcennies, les impacts socio-cologiques du dveloppement des grandesinfrastructures sont visibles aujourdhui. Larticle propose des ides qui peuvent amliorer la prise de dcision enmatire denvironnement et promouvoir une gouvernance adaptative dans les zones humides ctires.

    Mots clefs pisciculture artisanale; services cosystmiques; bien-tre humain; rgime hydrologique; mangroves; histoire



    The world is facing a natural resource crisis (Acheson2006) precipitated by natural, climatic and anthro-

    pogenic stressors. These stressors are predicted toincrease in frequency and intensity (Hughes et al.

    2007). A consequence of these pressures is a loss ofecosystem services, the benefits that humans derivefrom natural ecosystems (Hassan et al. 2005, MEA2005). Ecosystem services may be characterized asthe aspects of ecosystems that are utilized (activelyor passively) to maintain human well-being (Fisher

    ISSN 0262-6667 print/ISSN 2150-3435 online

    2011 IAHS Press


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    1424 Sandra P. Vilardy et al.

    et al. 2009) and may be classified as provisioning, reg-ulating and cultural services (MEA 2005, Heinet al.2006).

    Losses of ecosystem services are often mediatedby the human motivation to manage only the fewservices that are the most profitable. The use of man-

    agement policies of this type usually results in a lossof other social, cultural, or ecological benefits (Hickset al.2009).

    Changes in an ecosystems state could promotechanges in the flow of ecosystem services suppliedand thereby affect human well-being at different spa-tial scales (MEA 2005, Martn-Lpez et al. 2009).In particular, the degradation of ecosystems poses adirect threat to rural local communities because thesecommunities depend heavily on those ecosystem ser-vices provided at a local scale (Daz et al. 2006,Dasgupta 2010). For this reason, consultation withthe local community is becoming a prerequisite forunderstanding how people use, perceive, and valueecosystem services (Pickaveret al.2004).

    Coastal ecosystems are important providersof ecosystem services essential for human well-

    being, such as storm buffering, fish production, andenhanced water quality. They are particularly sensi-tive to environmental degradation processes and tothe effects of current global change (Agardy et al.2005, UNEP 2006). Some coastal ecosystems haveexperienced an alarmingly fast rate of change because

    of unplanned human pressure on the resources theyprovide. For instance, at least 35% of the area of man-grove forests has been lost in the past two decades(Valiela et al. 2001, Alongi 2002). These changeshave affected the delivery of ecosystem services(Kochet al. 2009).

    In this context, social-ecological systems theoryprovides a useful perspective for analysing the use ofecosystem services (Anderssonet al.2007). However,such theory has frequently lacked integration withsocial-ecological history. To understand the naturaldynamics underlying the provision of ecosystem ser-

    vices and the ways that people use and manage theseservices, it is essential to explore the history of therelationships between ecosystems and social systems.In fact, the interconnectedness of history and ecol-ogy has received increasing attention (for example seeMeine 1999, Bowman 2001, Crumley 2007), becauseit: (a) aids understanding of key factors and processesthat generated current environmental problems; (b)fosters better informed management and policy deci-sion making; and (c) places natural sciences in a widerinterdisciplinary context (Szab 2010).

    The main objective of this paper is to analysehow the historical changes in hydrological dynam-ics have affected ecosystem services provision andhuman well-being in the Cinaga Grande of SantaMarta (CGSM), the largest and most importantcoastal wetlands system in Colombia. In doing so,

    we specifically: (a) review the environmental historyof the CGSM to identify different alternative statesof the social-ecological system; (b) explore histor-ical changes in several key factors that determinethe integrity of the CGSM; (c) identify the mostcritical ecosystem services for maintaining humanwell-being provided by the CGSM; and (d) anal-yse how the changes in key factors that determinesocial-ecological dynamics have affected the use ofecosystem services by different stakeholders. Finally,we develop some insights into the importance ofsocial-ecological history and the ecosystem servicesframework for coastal wetlands management, and wediscuss possible strategies to promote adaptive gover-nance and improve environmental decision making.


    The CGSM eco-region is located on the Caribbeancoast of Colombia and is part of the peri-Caribbeanarid belt, a bio-geographical region characterized by aconstant hydrological shortage resulting mainly from

    the drying effects and the influence of the tradewinds of the Northern Hemisphere. The regions inter-annual climate dynamics are also strongly affected bythe El Nio Southern Oscillation (Blancoet al.2006).

    Comprising approximately 4900 km2, the eco-region consists of a complex mosaic of ecologicalunits within a matrix of coastal and marine wet-lands. These ecological units include the largest(554 km2) and most diverse mangrove forest inCaribbean Colombia, dry forests, different types ofxerophytic vegetation, pasturelands, traditional sub-sistence crops, and industrial plantations of bananas

    and oil palms (Polania et al. 2001; MAVDT andCORPAMAG 2002, Vilardy et al. 2011). The eco-region includes 1300 km2 of wetlands and water

    bodies. These aquatic habitats include 730 km2

    of swamps, lagoons, channels, alluvial plains andstreams, and 570 km2 of marine waters (Bernal andBetancur 1996) (Fig. 1). The coastal lagoons andmangrove forests have supported the development ofhighly diverse communities of molluscs, crustaceans,fish, birds, reptiles and mammals. Additionally, theeco-region is the most important area along the

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    Relationships between hydrological regime and ecosystem services supply 1425

    Fig. 1 Map of the study area, showing the different ecological units present in the eco-region.

    Caribbean coast of Colombia for resident and migra-tory waterbirds (Botero and Rusch 1994). Somecritically endangered species, such as the manatee(Trichechus manatus) and the American crocodile(Crocodylus acutus), have also been recorded here(PROCINAGA 1995). The ecological value of theCGSM was recognized through the protection of twoareas in the eco-region: the Isla Salamanca NaturalPark, established in 1964, and the CGSM Fauna andFlora Sanctuary, established in 1977. In addition, theCGSM was granted international recognition as a

    RAMSAR site in 1998 and as a Biosphere Reservein 2000.The study area includes 11 municipalities. Its

    total human population in 2005 was 341 428, ofwhom 55.4% had unsatisfied basic needs (an indi-cator that measures household access to a series of

    basic services, such as sanitation, housing conditions,and educational level), high rates of illiteracy (27.3%of the total population), and restrictions on accessto drinkable water (68.5% of the total population)(Vilardy et al.2011).

    During the 20th century, the area became veryimportant to the local and national economy as asource of fish and seafood and for commercial cul-tivation and associated agroindustrial development(MAVDT and CORPAMAG 2002). Over the pastfew decades, national and regional policies have pro-moted the development of a productive infrastructureto support large banana and oil-palm plantations andcoal-mining ports (Vilardyet al.2011).


    To study the social-ecological history of the CGSM,we first conducted a systematic literature review(Vilardy and Cuadrado 2011). A set of 810 publica-tions spanning the period 19352009 was analysed.The review included published references (43.9% oftotal publications) and grey literature (56.1% of total

    publications). Based on this review, we identified andcharacterized the historical changes occurring dur-ing the last 60 years in the key factors affectingsocial-ecological dynamics in the CGSM eco-region.

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    1426 Sandra P. Vilardy et al.

    We identified these key factors as the hydrologicalregime, the degree of coverage by mangrove forestand fisheries dynamics.

    We also conducted a two-day workshop inJanuary 2008 to test the main results of the pre-vious systematic review, to identify the ecosystem

    services provided by the CGSM eco-region and toexplore the relationships between these ecosystemservices and the key factors identified. Based onde Groot et al. (2006), we derived a classificationof ecosystem services. We designed this classifica-tion to reflect the social-ecological complexity of theCGSM eco-region. The workshop brought together60 participants from academia, government, and non-governmental organizations. These participants repre-sented a broad range of disciplines and had extensiveexperience in the study area. For more details aboutthis workshop, see http://www.repensandolacienaga.com.

    Finally, we carried-out 131 semi-structured inter-views in six municipalities in the study area andin the cities of Santa Marta and Bogot to iden-tify the stakeholders perceptions of the use of theecosystem services provided by the CGSM and of thetrends associated with these services. The populationsampled was initially selected at random. We thenapplied the snowball sampling technique. We askedour key informants to name other people who should

    be contacted by the researchers. The interviewees

    came from diverse backgrounds. They included localusers (mostly from the agricultural and fishing sec-tors), community leaders, and resource managers. Theinterview compiled information regarding three majortopics: (1) the nature and source of the ecosystem ser-vices provided by the CGSM; (2) the changes in theway each of these services has been offered duringthe interviewees use; and (3) the importance of eachof these services for the interviewees well-being.We used contingency tables (with 2 tests of statis-tical significance) to analyse the associations betweenthe historical trends in each of the ecosystem services

    identified and the importance of these services for thewell-being of the respondents.


    The social-ecological history of the CGSM

    We identified seven major periods in the historyof the CGSM. Each period was characterized bydifferent predominant land use types and differentmanagement policies, influenced by social, cultural

    and environmental determinants. Figure 2 shows allof these historical periods. In this paper we will

    present a detailed treatment of the three most recentperiods, a time span of ca. 50 years, during whichthe rates of change have accelerated and the inten-sity of the transformations occurring has been more

    severe. These processes have determined the currentsocial-ecological dynamics of the CGSM.

    We identified an environmental crisis period(ca 19561980) marked by various major interven-tions that produced critical changes in the hydrologi-cal flows and thereby severely affected the functioningof the system (Botero and Mancera-Pineda 1996).The most important of these interventions was theconstruction of the Cinaga-Barranquilla highway,which began in 1956. The highway blocked impor-tant communication channels between the sea and theCinaga Grande lagoon. Mangrove forest degrada-tion followed in the western part of the system, asdid massive occurrences of oyster mortality. Changesin the composition of the mangroves and a reduc-tion in the fish harvest also occurred (PROCINAGA1995). Other interventions that affected the systemduring this period included: (a) the building of a newroad parallel to the right margin of the MagdalenaRiverwhich is the largest river in Colombia with1538 km in length (Kauffman and Hevert 1973), anaverage annual water discharge of 7232 m3 s-1 and anannual sediment load of 144106 t year-1 (Restrepo

    and Kjerfve, 2000, Restrepo et al. 2006)and theconstruction of dams and other infrastructure to pre-vent flooding, reducing the amount of freshwaterflowing into the system; (b) the construction of newdams and channels to promote commercial mangrovewood extraction; and (c) the expansion of monocul-tures in the eastern part of the system. This expansionwas accompanied by an increase in the amounts ofwater extracted from the rivers descending from theSierra Nevada mountain range, reducing freshwaterflows and increasing the loading of agrochemicalsinto the lagoon complex.

    The subsequent environmental managementperiod (ca 19811998) was marked by a coordi-nated institutional response to the social-ecologicalcrisis facing the CGSM. This period began with the

    presentation of the first environmental managementplan for the area in 1981. The plan included a widerange of actions for ecological restoration and forstrengthening social and economic conditions, partic-ularly those of fishermen (Simons 1981). Beginningin 1992, the megaproject PROCINAGA generated aremarkable change in the CGSM. The project restored

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    Relationships between hydrological regime and ecosystem services supply 1427

    Pre-hispanicperiod (ca.4001500):Extractive activities (mostly fishing, and salt extraction). Akey location for economic exchange and communications.

    Conquest and colonial period (ca. 15011812):Subsistence agricultural activities were the dominant landuse. Number of villages increased. The area retained astrategic value for communications.

    Republican period (ca.18131888):Major land use change for commercial cultivation andextensive livestock raising. Large areas deforested. Rivernavigation became very important.

    Banana boom period (ca.18891955):Banana plantations became the dominant land use. Rivercanalization began and sedimentation rates increased.Monocultures and extensive livestock raising expanded.

    Environmental crisis period (ca. 19561980):Construction of large infrastructures resulted in a loss ofconnections between water bodies. Internal water flowsinterrupted, affecting water quantity and quality. Mangrovecoverage reduced due to cutting and hydrological alteration.

    Eutrophication of the system. Biodiversity loss and reductionof fishing resources.

    Environmental management period (ca. 19811998):Restoration activities re-established connections betweenwater bodies. Changes in plant composition and fishcommunities.

    Post-restoration period (ca.1999 to date):Lack of maintenance of hydraulic infrastructure. Watersalinity increased. Mangrove defoliation. Large-scale fishmortality. Erosion of the coastline.










    Fig. 2 Social-ecological history of the Cinaga Grande of Santa Marta, showing the major historical periods and the mainanthropogenic interventions that caused changes in the system dynamics.

    hydrological flows by re-establishing connections oflagoons with the sea and the Magdalena River andit created new opportunities for inter-institutionaldialogue and formal cooperation. Nevertheless, thesocial and economic crisis persisted and was furtheraggravated by the presence of armed guerrilla groupsin the area.

    The final post-restoration period (ca 1999 todate) was essentially a transition phase. Initially,the extreme La Nia event of 19992000 producedlarge inputs of freshwater to the system and a dras-

    tic change in fish composition (Blanco et al. 2006).Moreover, after the termination of the PROCINAGAproject in 2001, the lack of maintenance of thehydraulic infrastructure resulted in a sharp increaseof salinity, renewed mangrove mortality, and a reduc-tion of fishing resources. The persistent social crisiswas marked by increased violence, the appearance of

    paramilitary groups in the area, and the massacresof fishermen and peasants. A lack of institutionalresponse also characterized this transitional period,which continues today.

    Historical trends in the key factors affectingsocial-ecological dynamics

    In this section, we describe in detail the effects onthe region of major historical changes in three keyfactors: the hydrological regime of the CGSM, thecoverage of mangrove forests, and the composition oflocal fisheries.

    Hydrological regime The hydrological regimewas first impacted by anthropogenic alterations dur-

    ing the banana boom period (ca1889). During thisperiod, national development policies promoted theexpansion of banana plantations in the eastern part ofthe CGSM, and water districts were created to regu-late irrigation (Meisel 2004). Water for irrigation wastaken from the rivers descending from the foothillsof the Sierra Nevada mountain range. The use ofthese rivers for irrigation generated a 60% decreasein the amount of freshwater entering into the sys-tem (Espinosa et al. 1995). During the 1930s, the

    promotion of cultivation and cattle ranching at the

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    1428 Sandra P. Vilardy et al.

    national level produced dramatic deforestation ratesin mountain areas and an increase in sedimentationrates. The effects of these changes on the lower partsof the Magdalena River basin were the sedimenta-tion of streams and a reduction in the volume ofwater entering the CGSM lagoon complex (Botero

    and Mancera-Pineda 1996, Restrepo et al. 2006).These events marked the beginning of a series ofdirect and indirect impacts on the hydrological regime(Rivera-Monroy et al. 2006).

    The major anthropogenic alteration in hydrologi-cal dynamics began in 1956, when the environmentalcrisis period started. The construction of a highway

    parallel to the coastline interrupted all but one of thenatural connections between the sea and the lagooncomplex (Espinosaet al. 1995, Botero and Mancera-Pineda 1996, Cardona and Botero 1998). The hydro-logical regime was also affected by a decrease inthe amount of freshwater entering the system due tostream sedimentation, the obstruction of water flows,and an increase in contaminants (see Appendix A formore details). Finally, the construction of channelsduring the period 19601976 to allow the extractionof mangrove wood modified the hydrological flow

    pattern in the mangrove forests (Hernndez et al.1980).

    The severe environmental degradation that fol-lowed these changes motivated the national gov-ernment and several international organizations to

    develop plans to restore the original dynamicsof the system (Botero and Salzwedel 1999). The

    initial restoration project included the reopeningof four connections with the sea and then thePROCIENAGA project included the rehabilitation ofsix streams (Cao Clarin Nuevo, Cao El Torno,Cao Almendros, Cao Alimentador, Cao Renegadoand Cao Aguas Negras) and other three connections

    with the sea (Fig. 1). These measures allowed morefreshwater from the Magdalena River to enter thelagoon complex. An additional flow of 150 m3 s-1 wasachieved by these measures. However, this changeadded large quantities of sediment (910 000 t perday) to the system (Table 1), had immediate impactson salinity (Table 1) (Elster 2000, Rivera-Monroyet al. 2006), and promoted the introduction of cat-tail (Typha dominguesis) (Reyes et al. 2004), whichhas an impact on the mangrove forest because itseverely limits the dispersion of propagules (VillamilEcheverri 2003). These alterations soon blocked therehabilitated streams and rendered the restorationinoperative by 2000, in the post-restoration period(Table 1) (Blanco et al. 2006, Rivera-Monroy et al.2006). This situation and the lack of maintenance ofthe hydraulic infrastructure returned the hydrologicalregime to its previous state, as reflected in the salin-ity values of the Pajarales and the Cinaga Grandelagoon complex (Table 1) (INVEMAR 2001, 2003,2004, 2005).

    Mangrove coverage Besides the water bodies,

    the most representative element in the eco-regionis the mangrove forest. The loss of approximately

    Table 1Changes in the sediment discharge of the Magdalena River, the depth of the CGSM lagoon, and the water salinityduring recent historical periods. (SD: standard deviation, given in parentheses).

    Period Period Sediment loada

    (103 t d-1) (SD)Depth ofCGSM (m)

    Salinity (SD)

    Coastal lagoon Mangrove Interstitial water


    19721980 334.22(67.80)

    2.3b 20b


    19811992 435.42(147.19)

    1.7c 17.33(5.30)d



    19931995 440.00

    (80.47)19961998 443.33



    Post-restoration 19992001 9.67(8.14)d



    20002004 1.5e 18.25(0.96)d



    aSediment load of the Magdalena River at the downstream Calamar station (data source: Restrepo and Kjerfve 2000, Restrepo et al.2005).

    bData source: Wiedemann (1973).cData source: Bernal and Betancur (1996).dData source: Invemar (2004).eData source: Rivera-Monroyet al. (2006).

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    Relationships between hydrological regime and ecosystem services supply 1429


    extractions of

    mangrove forests

    Construction of dams

    and road parallel to the

    Magdalena River

    Restoration of the





    1956 19580













    1960 1962 19641966 1968 1970 1972 1974 19761978 19801982 1984 1986 1987 19891991 1993 19951997 19992001 2003 2005

    Construction of the

    Cienaga Barranquilla


    Fig. 3 Evolution of the coverage of mangrove forest during the last 50 years in the CGSM.

    30 000 ha of mangrove in 40 years has been themost visible manifestation of the environmental cri-sis experienced in the CGSM (Fig. 3). The large-scaledemise of mangrove trees in the environmental cri-sis period has been attributed to two major events: (a)

    the interruption of hydrological connections with thesea after the construction of the Cinaga-Barranquillahighway between 1956 and 1964; and (b) the interrup-tion of hydrological flows from the Magdalena Riveras a consequence of the development projects dur-ing the 1960s and 1970s on the right margin of theMagdalena alluvial floodplain (PROCINAGA 1995,Botero and Mancera-Pineda 1996, Garayet al.2004).It is also necessary to recognize that the commercialextraction of mangrove wood occurred in the area fornearly 20 years and aggravated the mangrove forestcrisis (Hernndezet al.1980).

    A scarcity of water and the loss of forest coverexposed several water bodies to sunlight and wind.These exposed areas became evaporitic salt flats(Bernal and Betancur 1996). Increased saline stress(Table 1) caused a sharp decrease in the ability ofmangroves to produce and disperse propagules. Therates of tree mortality increased from 179 ha year-1

    between 1956 and 1968 to 984 ha year-1 between1968 and 1987. These rates reached 1930 ha year-1

    in 19941995 (INVEMAR 2005, Rivera-Monroyet al. 2006). Beginning in 1996, restoration activities

    allowed the mangrove forest to recover slowly until2001, when 27 800 new ha of mangrove wererecorded (INVEMAR 2005). However, new symp-toms of mangrove degradation, such as defoliationand dead trees, subsequently began to appear, partic-

    ularly around Cao Clarn, with mangrove coveragedecreasing at a rate of 505 ha year-1 until 2005(INVEMAR 2005). These new losses were probablyrelated to a reduction in the amount of water enter-ing the system, a consequence of the lack of hydraulicinfrastructure maintenance. The ecological history ofthe mangrove forest in the CGSM is presented in moredetail in Appendix A.

    Local fisheries Historically, the CGSM hasbeen very important for fishing and has produced

    large catches of molluscs, crustacean and fish.Between 1970 and 1975, the harvest from theCGSM represented 70% of the total hydrobiologicalresources of the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Thisharvest met the local demand and supplied marketsin the neighbouring coastal cities and inland areas(PROCINAGA 1995). Additionally, in 1994, theartisanal fishery at CGSM was one of the most impor-tant in Colombia, with 3500 fishermen, 1300 canoesand a catch of 5334 t. The fishery contributed tomore than 60% of the countrys landings from the

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    1430 Sandra P. Vilardy et al.

    Caribbean coast in the same year (Santos-Martnezand Viloria 1998).

    However, from the late 1980s to the mid-1990s,the fish biomass and the fish diversity were reduced

    by 70% and 35%, respectively. In fact, during the1990s the fish assemblage in the CGSM was dom-

    inated by only a few species (Eugerres plumieri,Diapterus rhombeus, Micropogonias furnieri, Mugilincilis,Cathorops spixii,Elops saurus,and Anchoviaclupeoides) (Rueda and Defeo 2003a). Moreover,these species were overexploited (INVEMAR 1995).This severe change resulted from the degradation ofthe mangrove forests. Mangroves are an importantrefuge and nursery habitat for fish and shellfish faunaand they may serve as sinks of inorganic nitrogenand phosphorus, thereby preventing eutrophication ofthe water bodies in the CGSM (Mancera and Vidal1994, Botero and Mancera-Pineda 1996, Botero andSalzwedel 1999). The source of most of the organicnutrients that threatened the water quality of theCGSM was the fertiliser input from the monoculturesthat expanded in the watersheds of the area duringthe environmental crisis period (see above). Duringthe period 19951997, the eutrophic conditions andlow oxygen concentrations caused several fish kills(Botero and Salzwedel 1999).

    Furthermore, the severe environmental degrada-tion of the system further aggravated the impover-ishment of the local human population. The local

    fishermen responded by exerting more pressure onthe fisheries. They modified their fishing nets andprogressively reduced the mesh size. The intensiveuse of mesh sizes smaller than 2.5 in. (6.35 cm)greatly affected the four target species, E. plumieri,

    M. incilis, C. mapale, and Ariopsis sp. (Table 2).

    Table 2Size at capture of the most important fish speciesin the CGSM, showing the percentage of the catch belowthe mean maturity size (MMS) (based on Narvaez et al.2008).

    Species MMS


    Years Catch size Catch below

    MMS (%)Min(cm)


    Mugil incilis 25.7 19941996 5.5 39.0 7020002004 9.0 49.0 83


    20.0 19941996 9.0 45.5 4720002004 14.4 42.5 30


    23.0 19941996 9.5 31.0 9020002004 7.0 29.5 88

    Ariopsissp. 41.0 19941996 16.0 50.0 9820002004 13.5 46.0 99

    The resulting increase in fishing mortality impactedthe nursery function of the coastal wetlands (Santos-Martnez and Viloria 1998, Rueda and Defeo 2003b,

    Narvaezet al. 2008).The reestablishment of freshwater flows after the

    reconnection of the Magdalena River to the lagoon

    complex in 1996 resulted in important changes inthe salinity regime and in the sedimentation rates(Table 1). These changes influenced the structure andthe composition of the shellfish and fish communities(Fig. 4). One of the most serious effects that occurredwas a reduction of 95% in the populations of oyster(Crassotrea rhizophorae) during 19951996, one ofthe most valuable commercially exploited resourcesof the CGSM. As a consequence of this drastic reduc-tion, oyster catches decreased by 57% from 1995 to1996. The associated decrease in the income of thefishermen was 18% (INVEMAR 2001, 2003, 2004,2005) (Fig. 4).

    Finally, the composition of the fish assem-blage changed during the post-restoration period. Thecatches of estuarine fish increased to 64% of thetotal catch in 2005 and the catches of molluscs andcrustaceans increased to 22% of the total catches.Compared to the harvest level in 1994, current cap-tures have decreased 41% in volume and the aver-age income of the fisherman has decreased by 35%(Fig. 4). This situation has increased the poverty ratesin the local villages that are relatively dependent on

    fishing. Appendix A summarizes the main events thatmark the recent history of the fisheries in the CGSM.

    The ecosystem services provided by the CGSMeco-region

    The experts attending the workshop and the indi-viduals interviewed identified 28 ecosystem services(Table 3). Of this total, 50% were classified as provi-sioning, 18% regulating, and 32% cultural services.The results of semi-structured interviews showedthat 46% of these ecosystem services had decreased.Provisioning services, with a decrease of 59%, rep-resented the most critical of these categories. Of allthe ecosystem services identified, 46% of the pro-visioning services, 50% of the regulating services,and 55% of the cultural services were consideredessential for maintaining the respondents well-being.Figure 5 identifies the most critical ecosystem ser-vices by showing the historical trends and the impor-tance of these ecosystem services for local well-being

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    Relationships between hydrological regime and ecosystem services supply 1431









































    Estuarine fish Freshwater fish Inderterminate fish

    Molluscs Crustaceans Total captures (t)

    Fig. 4 Relationship between the annual catches and the annual income of fishermen (data source: INVEMAR 2005).

    as perceived by the respondents. From this perspec-tive, seven provisioning services (including fishing,shellfishing, agriculture, water and medicinal plants),the mangroves nursery function for fish, and twocultural services had the highest levels of deterio-ration and of importance for the well-being of thelocal people. The services thus identified were there-fore the most critical ecosystem services to address.We also found a weak association between those pro-visioning and cultural services considered as essen-tial for maintaining local well-being and those that

    had tended to deteriorate (provisioning: 2



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    1432 Sandra P. Vilardy et al.

    Table 3 List of the ecosystem services identified and the effects of the historical changes in hydrological dynamics,mangrove coverage and fishing on ecosystem services delivery ( = indirect effect).

    Ecosystemservice type

    Ecosystem service Specific ecosystem service Relationship with changes in




    Provisioning Food Aquaculture - -

    Agriculture -Cattle - -Hunting -Fishing Shellfishing

    Drinkable water - -

    Forest resources Fuel -Wood and timber -

    Vegetation-related Medicinal plants -Ornamental use -

    Animal-related Pets - -

    Medicinal use

    Ornamental use -

    Cultural Educational Environmental education Scientific values Local ecological knowledge (LEK)

    Recreational Aesthetic value -Nature tourism -Relaxation -

    Local identity Spiritual values -

    Cultural heritage - - Sense of place

    Regulating Climate regulation -Air quality - -

    Soil formation and fertility -Hydrological regulation -

    Nursery Habitat conservation -

    When local users are dependent on a resource(e.g. fish are necessary for local fishers to earn theirlivelihoods), the appropriators have an immediatestake in the fate of the resource base. This situationamounts to an incentive for users to protect naturalresources from overharvesting (Gibson et al. 2000).

    If a necessary resource becomes or is perceived tobecome scarce, the incentive for collective action ishigh, as long as the resource is not degraded beyondthe point of feasible improvement (Heltberg 2001).In our case study, local users are strongly dependenton provisioning services for their livelihood, so col-lective action could be a key management strategy.However, the current situation in the CGSM suggeststhat local users do not have the ability to under-take collective action because of the historical failureof government policies (Botero and Salzwedel 1999)

    fostered by the Colombian armed conflict (Vilardyand Renn-Rodrguez 2011).

    In this context, reinforcing social capital throughrebuilding local institutions seems critical for improv-ing environmental governance in the CGSM. Giventhe complexity of the social-ecological dynamics

    in this area, working partnerships should be builtbetween management agencies and ecosystem ser-vices users. These partnerships should promote

    participation and responsible sharing by multiplestakeholders from the initial stages of the planning

    process to the final stage of decision making.Achievement of this goal entails the sharing of

    management power and responsibility through mul-tiple institutional linkages involving both horizontaland vertical cross-scale interactions. These interac-tions would therefore involve government agencies,

  • 8/10/2019 2011 COL ESP -CS COL, Hyd Social.pdf


    Relationships between hydrological regime and ecosystem services supply 1433

    Env. EducationScientific values


    Spiritual values

    Cultural heritage

    Sense of place

    Aesthetic values

    Nature tourism









    TimberMedicinal plants

    Ornamental use of



    Ornamental use of


    Soil formation

    Clima reg.

    Air quality

    Habitat cons.


    Hydrological reg.



    Decrease IncreaseNot



    Provisioning services

    Regulating services

    Cultural services

    Fig. 5 Scatterplot of the historical trends in ecosystem services delivery (x-axis) and their importance for maintaining humanwell-being (y-axis), according to respondents. The x- andy-axes represent the ranking of ecosystem services according tothese variables.

    Table 4 Relationships between ecosystem services deliv-ered by the CGSM and human basic needs. The clas-sification of basic and social needs follows Max-Neef(1992).

    Basic needs Ecosystem services

    Individual needs:Subsistence Fishing

    Drinkable waterProtection Coastal protection against storms

    Hydrological regulationAffection Sense of place

    Spiritual values

    Social needs:

    Participation andknowledge Environmental educationLocal ecological knowledgeScientific research

    Recreation Aesthetic valuesNature tourismRelaxation

    Social identity Cultural heritageSense of placeTraditional uses of wild fauna and vegetationScientific research

    Freedom of choice Spiritual valuesEnvironmental education

    NGOs, local communities and user groups. To estab-lish an appropriate foundation for these processes,the development of new institutional frameworks foradaptive governance will be needed.

    Finally, this study demonstrates the scientificnecessity for recognising the complex links betweenecological and social systems. Such recognitionshould be based upon more holistic and interdisci-

    plinary frameworks to incorporate information aboutthese links into the environmental decision-making



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