©2011 Cengage Learning Prepared by: Andrew Owusu Ph.D Chapter 5: Personal Nutrition.

©2011 Cengage Learning Prepared by: Andrew Owusu Ph.D Chapter 5: Personal Nutrition

Transcript of ©2011 Cengage Learning Prepared by: Andrew Owusu Ph.D Chapter 5: Personal Nutrition.

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©2011 Cengage Learning

Prepared by: Andrew Owusu Ph.D

Chapter 5: Personal Nutrition

Page 2: ©2011 Cengage Learning Prepared by: Andrew Owusu Ph.D Chapter 5: Personal Nutrition.

Chapter 5 Objectives

• List the basic nutrients necessary for a healthy body and describe their functions.

• Describe the key themes of the USDA MyPyramid Food Guidance System.

• List five specific nutrition guidelines of the MyPyramid System.

Page 3: ©2011 Cengage Learning Prepared by: Andrew Owusu Ph.D Chapter 5: Personal Nutrition.

Chapter 5 Objectives

• Explain how to interpret the nutritional information provided on food labels.

• List the food safety hazards and describe prevention measures.

• List your nutrition pitfalls and define a strategy to avoid them.

Page 4: ©2011 Cengage Learning Prepared by: Andrew Owusu Ph.D Chapter 5: Personal Nutrition.

Important Nutrition Terminology

• Nutrition• Essential Nutrients• Macronutrients• Micronutrients

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Important Nutrition Terminology

Term Definition

Nutrition The science devoted to the study of dietary needs for food and the effects of food on organisms.

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Important Nutrition Terminology

Term Definition

Essential Nutrients Nutrients that the body cannot manufacture for itself and must obtain from food.

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Important Nutrition Terminology

Term Definition

Macronutrients Nutrients required by the human body in the greatest amounts, including water, carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

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Important Nutrition Terminology

Term Definition

Micronutrients Vitamins and minerals needed by the body in very small amounts.

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Fig. 5-1, p. 128

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Fig. 5-2, p. 129

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Organs That Aid Digestion

Digestive Tract Organs That Contain the Food

Salivary Glands Produce a starch-digesting enzyme Produce a trace of fat-digesting enzyme (important to infants)

Liver Manufactures bile, a detergentlike substance that facilitates digestion of fatsGallbladder Stores bile until neededBile Duct Conducts bile to small intestinePancreatic Duct Conducts pancreatic juice into small intestine

Pancreas Manufactures enzymes to digest all energy-yielding nutrients Releases bicarbonate to neutralize stomach acid that enters small intestine

Stomach Adds acid, enzymes, and fluid Churns, mixes, and grinds food to a liquid mass

Small Intestine Secretes enzymes that digest carbohydrate, fat, and protein Cells lining intestine absorb nutrients into blood and lymph fluids

Large Intestine (Colon) Reabsorbs water and minerals Passes waste (fiber, bacteria, any unabsorbed nutrients) and some water to rectum

Rectum Stores waste prior to eliminationAnus Holds rectum closed Opens to allow elimination

Esophagus Passes food to stomach

Mouth Chews and mixes food with saliva

Stepped Art

Fig. 5-2, p. 129

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Macronutrient Recommendations

• Water• Minimum of 64 ounces of water/day

• Proteins• 10-35% of total daily calories

• Carbohydrates • 45-65% of total daily calories

• Fats• Adults: 20-35% of total daily calories• Children: 25-40% of total calories

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How Many Calories Do I Need?

Calories• The measure of the amount of energy that

can be derived from food.

Basal Metabolic Rate• The number of calories needed to sustain

your body at rest.

Factors Affecting Calorie Needs• Gender, age, body-frame, weight,

percentage body fat, basal metabolic rate and activity level.

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Estimations of Daily Calorie Needs

Individual Characteristics Calories Per Day

Most women, some older adults, children ages two to six


Average adult 2,000

Most men, active women, teenage girls, older children


Active men, teenage boys 2,800

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Functions of Water• Carries nutrients.• Maintains temperature.• Lubricates joints.• Helps with digestion.• Rids the body of wastes

through urine.• Contributes to the

production of sweat.

Water in the Body• Blood: 85% water• Muscles: 70% water• Brain: 75% water

Daily Water Losses• ~64-80 ounces of water

a day through perspiration, urination, bowel movements, and normal exhalation.

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Description • Critical for growth, maintenance and repair, proteins form the basic framework for our muscles, bones, blood, hair, and fingernails.

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Characteristics • 4 calories per gram• Made from a combination of

20 amino acids, 9 of which are essential.

• Complete proteins: animal proteins – meat, fish, poultry, and dairy products.

• Incomplete proteins: grains, dry beans, and nuts.

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Dietary Recommendations

• 0.8 gram per kilogram of body weight for adults.

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CarbohydratesDescription • Organic compounds that

provide our brains and bodies with glucose, their basic fuel.

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CarbohydratesCharacteristics • 4 calories per gram

• Simple (sugars) vs. complex (starches and fiber)

• Major food sources of carbohydrates are plants – including grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans – and milk.

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CarbohydratesDietary Recommendations

• At least 130 grams/day to support brain function.

• Limit added sugars to no more than 25% of total daily calories.

• At least 3 servings of whole grain/day.

• Men: 38 grams of fiber/day; 50+ years: 30 grams.

• Women: 25 grams of fiber/day; 50+ years: 21 grams.

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Table 5-1, p. 133

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FatsDescription • Carry and aid in the absorption of

the fat-soluble vitamins: A, D, E, and K.• Protect organs from injury.• Regulate body temperature.• Play an important role in growth and development.

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FatsCharacteristics • 9 calories per gram.

• Unsaturated fats: Monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats (omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids) which are liquid at room temperature and come from vegetable and fish oils.• Saturated fats: Animal fats that tend to be solid at room temperature.• Trans fats: created by a process called hydrogenation. Found in some margarine products, baked goods and fried foods. Linked to heart disease.

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FatsDietary Recommendations

• Choose soybean, canola, corn, olive, safflower, and sunflower oils.

• Look for reduced-fat, low-fat, fat-free, and trans fat-free versions of baked goods, snacks, and other processed foods.

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VitaminsDescription • Help put proteins, fats, and

carbohydrates to use. • Essential to regulating growth, maintaining tissue, and releasing energy from food.

• Involved in the manufacture of blood cells, hormones, and other compounds.

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VitaminsCharacteristics • Fat-soluble: Vitamins A, D, E

and K• Stored in the body.

• Water-soluble: B vitamins (8 total) and vitamin C

• Used up by the body or washed out in urine and sweat.

• Must be replaced daily.

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VitaminsDietary Recommendations

• Dietary Reference Intakes

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AntioxidantsDescription • Substances that prevent the

harmful effects caused by oxidation within the body.

• Antioxidants share a common enemy: renegade oxygen cells called free radicals released by normal metabolism, as well as by pollution, smoking, radiation, and stress.

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AntioxidantsCharacteristics • Vitamins C, E, and beta-

carotene (a form of vitamin A).

• Phytochemicals such as carotenoids and flavonoids.

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AntioxidantsDietary Recommendations

• Consume a diet high in antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables each and everyday.

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p. 136

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MineralsDescription • Help build bones and

teeth.• Aid in muscle function.• Help our nervous system transmit messages.

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MineralsCharacteristics • Make up 4% of our body

weight.• 16 minerals• Major: Sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and sulfur.

• Trace: Iron, zinc, selenium, molybdenum, iodine, copper, manganese, fluoride and chromium.

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MineralsDietary Recommendations

• Dietary Reference Intakes

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CalciumDescription • Builds strong bone tissue

throughout life.• Plays a vital role in blood clotting, and muscle and nerve functioning.

• May help control high blood pressure, prevent colon cancer in adults, and promote weight loss.

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CalciumCharacteristics • Adequate calcium intake

during childhood, adolescence, and young adulthood is crucial to prevent osteoporosis.

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CalciumDietary Recommendations

• 13-19 years: 1300 mg/day• 19-51 years: 1000 mg/day• 51 yrs+: 1200 mg/day

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• Bone-weakening disease• Strikes 1 in 4 women over age 60.• Peak Bone Mass

• 25-35 years• The higher an individuals peak bone mass, the longer

it takes for age- and menopause-related bone losses to increase the risk of fracture.

• Age 40• Bone loss equivalent to a rate of 0.3-0.5 percent per

year begins in both men and women.• Menopause

• The rate of bone loss can increase at a rate of 3-5%.• Prevention

• Adequate calcium intake and exercise.

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SodiumDescription • Helps maintain proper fluid

balance.• Regulates blood pressure.• Transmits muscle impulses.

• Relaxes muscles.

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SodiumCharacteristics • Excess sodium is not a

problem for most healthy individuals.

• 30% of the population is salt-sensitive and therefore too much sodium can contribute to high blood pressure.

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SodiumDietary Recommendations

• National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute: <2,400 mg/day (1 teaspoon of table salt)

• For Individual With High Blood Pressure: <1,500 mg/day

Page 43: ©2011 Cengage Learning Prepared by: Andrew Owusu Ph.D Chapter 5: Personal Nutrition.

PhytochemicalsDescription • Chemicals such as

indoles, coumarins, and capsaicin, which exist naturally in plants and have disease fighting properties.

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PhytochemicalsBenefits • Flavonoids: may decrease

atherosclerotic plaque and DNA damage related to cancer development.

• Associated with reduced risk of heart disease, certain cancers, age-related macular degeneration, adult-onset diabetes, stroke and other diseases.

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Are You at Risk for a Nutritional Deficiency?

Group Nutrients of Concern

Teenage Girls • Iron• Calcium

Women of child-bearing age

• Iron• Folic Acid

Persons over age 50 • Vitamin B12

The elderly, persons with dark skin and individuals without adequate exposure to the sun

• Vitamin D

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Are You Getting Enough of These Nutrients?

For Adults Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin E





For Children Vitamin E





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The MyPyramid Food Guidance System

Fig. 5-4, p. 143

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The MyPyramid Food Guidance System

Fig. 5-4, p. 143

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Key Themes of MyPyamid

1. Variety

2. Proportionality

3. Moderation

4. Activity

5. Personalization

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Using the MyPyramid Food System to Eat Smarter

Consume a Variety of Foods• Consume a diet high in fruits and

vegetables, whole grains, and nonfat or low-fat milk products.

• The greater the variety of colors and of foods you choose, the more likely you are to obtain the nutrients you need.

• Benefits:• Reduced risk of chronic disease, and

encourages a diet low in saturated fat, cholesterol, added sugars, trans fat, and sodium.

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Using the MyPyramid Food System to Eat Smarter

Manage Your Weight• Make it a point to expend as much

energy as you take in.• Limit portion sizes, substitute

nutrient-rich foods for nutrient-poor foods, and limit added sugars, solid fats, and alcoholic beverages.

• Benefits:• Reduced risk of those chronic diseases

related to obesity.

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Using the MyPyramid Food System to Eat Smarter

Get Physical Everyday• Health Benefits:

• 30 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per day.• Weight Gain Prevention:

• 60 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per day.• Weight Loss Maintenance:

• 60-90 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per day.• Children and Teenagers:

• 60 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per day.• Benefits:

• Helps maintain a healthy weight and reduces the risk for several chronic diseases.

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Using the MyPyramid Food System to Eat Smarter

Increase Foods from Certain Food Groups• Consume 5-13 servings or 2 ½ to 6 ½ cups of fruits and

vegetables each day.• Benefits: May reduce the risk of stroke, certain cancers, and

type 2 diabetes, and encourages a healthy weight. • Consume 3 or more servings of whole grains each day.

• Benefits: Reduces the risk of diabetes, coronary heart disease, and aid in maintenance of a healthy weight.

• Consume at least 3 servings of milk, yogurt, or cheese a day.• Benefits: Reduced risk for high blood pressure, obesity, and


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Using the MyPyramid Food System to Eat Smarter

Choose Carbohydrates Wisely• Get your carbohydrates by eating

more fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and nonfat or low-fat milk and dairy products.• Benefits: May reduce the risk of a variety

of chronic diseases including obesity, type 2 diabetes and heart disease while promoting digestive health.

• Reduce your intake of added sugars.• Benefits: Maintenance of a healthy

weight and reduced risk of dental caries.

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Using the MyPyramid Food System to Eat Smarter

Be Finicky About Fats• Reduce your intake of saturated fat

(<10% of total calories), trans fat (as low as possible), and cholesterol (<300 mg per day).• Benefits: Can lower harmful LDL cholesterol

and your risk of heart disease.

• Aim for two servings of fish high in omega-3 fatty acids each week.• Benefits: Can boost heart health and reduce

your risk of dying of heart disease.

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Using the MyPyramid Food System to Eat Smarter

Limit Salt• Consume <2,300 mg of sodium per

day, and increase potassium intake to at least 4,700 mg.• Benefits: May lower your blood

pressure and reduce your risk for stroke, heart disease, and kidney disease.

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Using the MyPyramid Food System to Eat Smarter

If You Drink Alcoholic Beverages, Do So In Moderation

• For most middle-aged and older adults, one to two drinks a day.• Benefits: May lower the risk of dying, primarily

because moderate alcohol consumption protects against heart disease

• Disadvantages: Compared with nondrinkers, women who consume one alcoholic beverage per day appear to have a slightly higher risk of breast cancer.

• For younger people, alcohol provides little, if any, health benefits and increases the risk of traumatic injury and death.

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Using the MyPyramid Food System to Eat Smarter

Keep Food Safe• Thoroughly wash hands.• Separate raw, cooked, and ready-to-

eat foods while shopping, preparing and storing.

• Cook foods to safe temperatures.• Chill (refrigerate) perishable foods


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Dietary Diversity

African-American Diet

Chinese Diet

French Diet

Indian Diet

Japanese Diet

Mediterranean Diet

Mexican Diet

Southeast Asian Diet

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Fig. 5-6, p. 153

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Vegetarian Food Pyramid

Fig. 5-7, p. 155

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Quick and Easy Estimates of Portion Sizes

1 medium fruitis about the

sizeof a baseball.

1 c cookedvegetables is

about thesize of your


1/2 c ice creamis about the

size of aracquet ball.

3 oz. ofmeat is

about thesize of adeck ofcards.

1 1/2 oz. cheese

is about thesize of sixstacked


1/4 c driedfruit isabout

the sizeof a

golf ball.

2 tbs.peanut

butter isabout thesize of a


4 smallcookies

are aboutthe size of

4 pokerchips.

Fig. 5-8, p. 156

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Understanding Nutrition Labels

• Food labels can be misleading.

• Two examples of labels claiming “lean” ground beef. • Only the 7% fat beef is

actually lean. “20% fat” ground beef is far from lean, actually providing 21 grams of fat and 70% of total calories from fat per serving.

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Fight BAC!Four Key Culprits in Foodborne Illness

Improper cooling

Improper hand washing

Inadequate cooking

Failure to avoid cross-contamination

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Food Safety

Avoiding E. Coli

Food Poisoning


Food Allergies

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What Causes Food Poisoning?


Campylobacter Jejuni

Staphylococcus Aureus

Clostridium Botulinum


E.coli (VTEC)

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Making Healthy Food Choices

• Eat breakfast.• Don’t eat too much of one thing.• Eat more grains, fruits, and vegetables.• Don’t ban any food.• Make every calorie count.