2011-2012 Students for Life of America Annual Report

2011-2012 ANNUAL REPORT STUDENTS FOR LIFE OF AMERICA Envisioning a Nation Without Abortion


Read about the life-saving work of Students for Life of America, the nation's largest pro-life student organization, and why this generation will be the ones to abolish abortion.

Transcript of 2011-2012 Students for Life of America Annual Report

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Envisioning a Nation Without Abortion

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OUR MISSIONThe mission of Students for Life of America (SFLA) is to end abortion in America by educating students about the issues of abortion, euthanasia, and infanticide; identifying pro-life student leaders; equipping student pro-lifers with the trainings, skills, and resources to be effective and successful; promoting student activity to other local, college and national organizations.

More specifically, SFLA will:

• Identify pro-life students through our Pro-Life Field Program and social media efforts.

• Educate students through campus groups and social media outreaches like abolishabortion.com about all threats to the dignity of human life including abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, and embryonic stem cell research.

• Equip student pro-lifers with the skills necessary to be successful by providing free training and resources like our Pregnant on Campus Initiative.

• Empower pro-life student leaders through our Missionary for Life Internship and Wilberforce Leadership Fellowship.

• Promote student pro-life activity to other local, student, and national groups through national coalition efforts.

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OUR HISTORY Students for Life of America (SFLA) began in the late 1970s as C.A.M.P.U.S. and was later renamed American Collegians for Life (ACL) in 1988. From 1988 to 2006, ACL was a student-run volunteer organization that hosted an annual conference, developed a resource website, and produced a quarterly publication.

Seeing the need for a more perma-nent organization in 2006, American Collegians for Life changed its name to Students for Life of America (SFLA), opened its first national headquarters in Arlington, VA, hired a professional staff, and launched its historic Pro-Life Field Program.

Since 2006, Students for Life has helped start over 500 new student pro-life campus groups, trained thousands upon thousands of young pro-lifers at its national and regional conferences and one-on-one campus trainings, and saved the lives of countless preborn children.

The Annual Students for Life National Conference is now the largest pro-life conference in the country with 2012 attendance selling out at 2,000.

In addition to starting and training student pro-life groups, SFLA has become a major player in the national pro-life movement through leading and participating in national coalitions such as De-fund Planned Parenthood and Stop the Abortion Mandate.


Mr. Leonard Leo, Chairman

Mr. David Bereit

Mrs. Debbie Cheatham

Dr. Kirk Elliott

Ms. Danielle Huntley

Mr. Greg Mueller

Mr. Sean O’Hare

Mrs. Vicky Tiahrt

Mr. Josh Mercer

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January 22, 2012 marked the beginning of the 40th year of legal abortion in America. We are living in a nation that has tolerated abortion for any con-ceivable reason, in all nine months of pregnancy, for the past 40 years. That’s longer than my entire life and the lives of the students our team at Stu-dents for Life of America (SFLA) work with every-day. We have lived our whole lives in a nation that has allowed the murder of over 54 million pre-born children, making us truly the survivors of abortion.

Yet, there is reason for hope, and our team at SFLA sees it everyday when we meet a student who has decided to become a campus pro-life leader and take a stand educating their peers and helping those on their campus who need it the most. We see it every January, when our National Conference sells out with 2,000 young people, who travel to Washington, D.C., in the middle of winter, to learn what more they can do for Life. And we see this hope every time a student leader e-mails us to let us know their flyering campaign on campus has just saved a baby and mother from abortion.

However, we still face many obstacles on cam-puses and with this generation; the largest is our society’s general reluctance to making abortion ille-gal. We’ve all seen the polls, which are proving that Americans are rejecting abortion but, yet, they fear making it illegal. They fear the unknown: back-alley abortions, unwanted children being abandoned, and families struggling to survive and starving.

I believe our movement is similar to the slavery-abolitionist movement. It’s not going to be a quick fight, but a long battle which will be victorious. We can change our culture, but it’s going to be difficult and require many things to happen first.

However, the first step in achieving any goal is to envision the goal. You need to see it in your mind, know what it’s going to look like, and determine the steps you need to take to make it a reality.

Sadly, I’ve spoken with far too many pro-lifers and Christians who are against abortion but don’t think abortion will ever end. They are right to a certain extent — there will always be abortions — but they don’t always have to be legal. But how can you work in a movement when you don’t believe that what you are working for will ever happen?

We can see from the victories the pro-life move-ment has had in the past 4 years, despite the politi-cal obstacles in our nation’s capitol, that the aboli-tion of abortion in our lifetime can actually happen.

So how do you envision a world without abortion? Think about a society in which all life is treated as a precious gift. Where women and families in crisis can turn to community and government supported pregnancy help centers and their church family for support. Where our political leaders respect life and political parties try to prove who is more pro-life. Where adoption is tagged as a positive and brave option, and birth mothers are celebrated. Where Hollywood and the music industry promote life. Where no woman ever feels forced to choose abor-tion for the sake of her education, career, or family.

Envision means to make our plans for post-Roe America now: to support and establish the struc-tures we need, both on campuses and in our com-munities, to make sure no woman or family gets left behind. Envision a nation in which every woman facing an unplanned, crisis pregnancy knows there is a place she can turn to for help.

It is this hope and knowledge that inspired our team to to make our 2011-2012 school year theme, “Envision a nation without abortion.” I hope after you read through this report from last school year, you will find yourself not just hoping for the end of abortion but envisioning its end, starting with this generation.

Thank you for all that you have allowed us to accomplish last year. Our movement is expanding like never before, women and children are being spared from abortion, and the tide is turning on our nation’s campuses.

For Life,

Kristan Hawkins President


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FIELD PROGRAMStudents for Life’s one-of-a-kind Field Program has played a pivotal role in the growth and success of the organization over the last six years, taking us from 181 student groups when we started full time in 2006 to the over 700 we have today.

Our Field Program is comprised of a national team whose job it is to manage and support all of our student groups across the country. We build personal relation-ships with student leaders and organizations by hiring full-time Regional Coordina-tors who are trained to work in specific regions throughout the college year with the focused mission of assisting pro-life students in starting new independent campus groups; building relationships with local pro-life organizations; and providing sup-port and assistance to campus groups in order to help them educate their peers about abortion and provide resources to pregnant women and parenting students on campus.

By having dedicated team members in specific regions, we are able to provide personalized support to our student leaders and groups, which in turn leads to the creation of long lasting, sustainable campus pro-life organizations.

At vthe end of the 2011-2012 school year, SFLA had 4 full-time Regional Coordina-tors covering 11 states, with 2 more Regional Coordinators slated to join the team during the 2012-2013 school year.

By June 2013, Students for Life Regional Coordinators will cover 18 states, putting us at 36% towards our goal of having Regional Coordinators cover the entire United States by 2016.

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In memorIam – Jon, Kortney, Sophy

On October 8, 2011, Students for Life suffered a heartbreaking loss. While return-ing from a Students for Life Conference in Georgia, the car carrying our Field Director, Kortney Blythe Gordon, and Pregnant on Campus Coordinator, Jon Scharfenberger, was involved in a massive head on collision. Kortney and her 21-week preborn daughter, Sophy, were killed instantly. Jon Scharfenberger was taken to a local hospital with severe injuries and fought valiantly for ten days before finally succumbing to his injuries on October 18th.

Our logo at SFLA is a candle lighting another candle, because that is our mission to inspire, train, and equip this new generation of pro-life leaders. The best way to sum up Kortney and Jon’s lives is to say that they lived their lives as such a candle, lighting candles, thousands of them, everywhere they went; Inspiring students to join in our cause, helping women facing real crisis, and saving countless lives.

Kortney and Jon are extraordinary individuals who were determined to make their passion for the preborn and their mothers their life’s mission.

We are all better people for having had Kortney, Sophy, and Jon in our lives, even if it was for all too brief a time.

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Students for Life believes strongly in making sure the numbers we report are accurate, which is why we subject every one of the campus groups we work with to an audit at the end of each school year.

Our auditing program is called the “Preborn Rights Restoration Project,” and it offers rewards to our highest performing student groups each year.

Preborn Rights Restoration Project – 5 Year Progress

Audit Level Audit Name9/30/08 Status

5/30/09 Status

5/30/10 Status

6/9/11 Status

6/30/12 Status

1 (Least Active)

Pro-Life in Name Only

256 75 84 44 83

2 Supporter 207 217 195 302 181

3 Advocate 45 86 103 107 158

4 Activist 16 66 68 64 97

5 (Most Active)

Abolitionist 4 47 82 111 187

In 2011-2012, SFLA:

Started 116 groups

Visited 256 campuses

Trained 2,366 students

Tracked 2,547 events

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oppoSItIon to the pro-LIfe meSSage on campuSeS As a Students for Life group grows and excites more and more students to be passionate abolitionists for Life on their campus, the more opposition they receive from abortion proponents on campus. This year, we saw some of our fiercest opposition yet, but each time, our students handled the situ-ation with immense grace and courage under fire.

Here are some examples of just how alive and well the culture of death is on cam-puses around the country:


Early in the morning of April 20th, Students for Life received a call from our group at Western Kentucky University saying that the cross display that they had put up on campus to represent the 3,700 babies that die from abortion each day had been vandalized by a an art student who decid-ed to put condoms on each of the crosses as a project for class.

Our students called the campus police, who came out to the site of the vandalism, but once they arrived, they told our students that it was the other student’s 1st Amendment right to put condoms on the crosses and that there was nothing they could do because “condoms aren’t vandalism.”

All involved refused to apologize and so our friends at Alliance Defending Freedom sent a legal letter requesting an apology from the art student and university police as well as any information regarding the incident that they might have – such as who purchased the condoms.

To date, WKU has refused to respond to this matter.

This story made national headlines with SFLA President, Kristan Hawkins, appearing on FoxNews.

When speaking about the incident, Hilltoppers for Life president, John Sohl had this to say “…our group was given some powerful insight into how effective we can truly be if we have enough pas-sion, drive, and determination to stand up for the truth!”


On Monday morning, April 9, 2012, Northern Right to Life (NRTL) set up a display that consisted of baby clothes hanging on a line, with a red “X” taped onto every fourth outfit to symbolize that every fourth baby is killed by abortion. The display was accompanied by a sign, which explained the sym-bolism with citations.

The display was torn down both that Monday and Tuesday night. Because of the vandalism, group members decided to take shifts camping outside each night to watch the display. On Friday morn-ing around 1 am, four young men showed up and proceeded to cut down the clothesline and throw the baby clothes - which were to be donated to needy children in the area – into the trash. Thank-fully, two dedicated pro-lifers were there to respond. While one called the police, the other took a picture of the vandals. When the perpetrators realized that they had been spotted, they started run-ning. Thankfully, it didn’t take long for the campus police to respond, and the fleeing vandals were caught. The vandals have since been charged with Criminal Mischief.


On October 4, 2011, Sara Buttitta, president of University of Buffalo (UB) Students for Life, informed SFLA’s Northeast Regional Coordinator, Phil Eddy, that their Cemetery of the Innocents display, made up of hundreds of white wooden crosses, had been torn down by four unknown UB students.

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A blurry campus surveillance video showed four individuals ripping the crosses out of the ground and shoving them into trash bags. The campus police were able to recover the bags and return them to the group, and UB Students for Life re-assembled the display that afternoon.

Later that day, Sara alerted Phil that two more students – a male and female – had been arrested after they were allegedly seen kicking crosses over and ripping them out of the ground!

Sadly, this didn’t stop the vandalism. The day after the first two incidents and arrests, a group of eight individuals were caught attempting to destroy the crosses again!

Students from UB Students for Life who were keeping a watchful eye on the display after the initial attacks witnessed a small group of women forming at the display. Two began to rip up the crosses, and someone described as “older, at least 40 years old, and possibly a faculty member” reportedly yelled “Hey ladies, let’s start a riot.” This incited six more people to begin tearing up the crosses, which continued until campus police arrived.

Despite these obstacles, the UB Students for Life group continued to stand strong for Life and even ended up receiving the 2011 Students for Life of America Group of the Year Award at the SFLA National Conference.


In April 2012, Dartmouth University’s pro-life group’s, Vita Clamantis, Cemetery of Innocents display faced some serious opposition not only from pedestrian protestors but also a car, which allegedly drove through the display and then continued down the street.

This vandalism didn’t daunt the group as they simply re-set up their display of 546 American flags, which represented the 54.6 million Americans who had been killed by abortion since Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton were handed down in 1973 and hosted a moderated discussion about the dis-play and the abortion.

BaBy SaveS

For the first time our students began sharing with us stories of the lives that had been saved as a result of the work of their groups. Below are some of the wonderful stories we received.

FACEBOOK, JULIA & ASHER – Last summer Julia, one of our Missionaries for Life and Founder of Students for Life at the University of Arkansas, posted a simple fact about fetal development on her Facebook profile. A friend of Julia’s saw it and reached out to her saying he thought she was pro-life and wondered if Julia could help him convenience another friend not to have an abortion. She did and in January, Asher Zane (pictured left) was welcomed into the world.

FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY – A week after the group was started with the help of SFLA’s Pregnant on Campus Coordinator, Jon Scharfenberg-er, 5 members went to pray at Miami’s largest abortion clinic, “A Woman’s Choice.”

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They spent an hour or so silently praying and noticed a young woman, around 18 years old, enter the abortion clinic. She came out twice within the hour but went back in both times. Then, another hour later, she came out of the facility, noticeably upset, and went over to the students who were praying. She informed them that she had been scheduled for an abortion but did not go through with it after seeing them praying. She noted that seeing young people her age praying made her rethink her situation.

INDIANA PURDUE UNIVERSITY – Gaby, the group president, reported that during the group’s weekly sidewalk counseling a young woman went into the Planned Parenthood and then came back out. She told Gaby that she was 14 weeks pregnant and couldn’t go through with the abortion because, through the group’s witness in front of the Planned Parenthood, she knew that her baby had a heartbeat.

MOORPARK COLLEGE – The Students for Life group was using SFLA posters and fliers from our “Events in a Box” campaign to educate and engage their campus. Although the posters were vandalized almost immediately, the students were able to use this as an opportunity to engage with their peers. The result – a young mother who was contemplating abortion choose life after a pro-life student shared information on fetal development and took her to the pregnancy care center nearby for additional information and counseling.

UNIVERSITY OF WASHINGTON (as told by member, Helen Nguyen) – A young woman named Maria came up to me at a campus event and told me she was pregnant and contemplating an abortion. I asked why she was thinking of doing this. She told me her boyfriend is African American and that her parents didn’t want a black grandchild. Her parents were also afraid that she wouldn’t finish school and that this baby would ruin her life. She was afraid that if she kept the baby she would be cut off from her family, the financial support they were providing her during school, and that she would not be able to care for herself and a baby.

At the end of the event, I reassured her that if she decided to keep the baby, there would be a family of people ready to help her. I gave her my contact info and told her to contact me anytime. A week later, Maria asked me to meet for coffee, little did I know, Maria wanted to tell me in person that she had decided to keep her baby. That regardless of what her parents wanted her to do, she was going ahead with the pregnancy. For the rest of the meet up, we talked about all the resources we’d be able to connect her with. How she was not alone and that if she needed anything we were there for her.

REBECCA & DYLAN – In front of the abortion facility, Rebecca, vice president of Providence Col-lege’s Students for Life group, had a lengthy conversation with a young mother contemplating abor-tion. The young mother seemed like she was going to choose life but still went inside the abortion facility.

Rebecca returned to campus feeling rejected but continued to pray for the young mother. Later that day, the young mother called Rebecca to inform her that she was keeping her child! The turning point; viewing a graphic photo of an aborted child that Rebecca gently showed her! Unfortunately, the young mother was stuck at Planned Parenthood as she had no ride. So, Rebecca and her friend Dylan quickly jumped in their car, picked her up, and drove her home. Rebecca and Dylan continue to be in touch with this young mom and are eager to do whatever they need to do to show her that they are there to support her.

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National List of Students for Life Groups

1-4 groups

5-10 groups

11-25 groups

26+ groups

(as of august 30th, 2012)

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National List of Students for Life Groups

1-4 groups

5-10 groups

11-25 groups

26+ groups

(as of august 30th, 2012)

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mISSIonarIeS and WILBerforce feLLoWS

2012 MISSIONARIES FOR LIFE Our highly-competitive summer internship program, known as Missionaries for Life, selects the best and brightest pro-life college leaders from around the country and brings them to Washington, D.C. for a 9-week program involving three rotations – one in our national office, one on Capitol Hill with a pro-life member of Congress, and another in the office of another national pro-life organization. The internship is unpaid, but host homes are provided.The goal of this one-of-a-kind program is to give aspiring pro-life leaders the opportunity to experi-ence what it’s like to work in the pro-life movement full-time, find their niche in this human rights cause, and obtain the skills and contacts they need for future success.Our wonderful 2012 Missionaries were a diverse and passionate group and were a pleasure to have in Washington for the summer. We can’t wait to see what they each accomplish on their campuses this school year!


• Leslie Bosslet, Truman State University• Chris Buerke, Truman State University• Lindsey Frechou, Spring Hill College• Shara Guengerich, Providence Christian College• Anne Morse, University of California at Berkley• Cathy Phillips, Rockhurst University • Ruben Verastigui, Northwest Vista Community


2012-2013 WILBERFORCE FELLOWS Founded in 2010, our Wilberforce Leadership Fellowship selects highly motivated student pro-life leaders who are planning a career in the pro-life movement, matches them with a pro-life mentor, and trains them in leadership principles they will need to become an effective leader in the pro-life movement. The intensive program requires participation in the 3-day summer training program, participation in bi-weekly conference calls, and regular mentor discussions.Our third class of Fellows are a smart and energetic group who we look forward to doing great things in the pro-life movement.

OUR 2012-2013 WILBERFORCE FELLOWS: MENTOR:Michael Acquilano, Ave Maria Law Steve Aden, Alliance Defending Freedom

John Sohl, Western Kentucky University Ryan Bomberger, the Radiance Foundation

Anne Morse, University of California-Berkeley Steven Mosher, the Population Research InstituteGrace Daigler, Franciscan University of Steubenville Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life of AmericaReagan Nielsen, University of Missouri; Jill Stanek, jillstanek.comChristian Andzel, University of Buffalo Tom McCluskey, Family Research CouncilAshley Price, Mercer University Peggy Hartshorn, Heartbeat InternationalErin Komornik, DePauw University Stephanie Gray, Canadian Center for Bio-Ethical

ReformMegan Shane, Seton Hall University; Kristan Hawkins, Students for Life of AmericaErin Stoyell-Mulholland, University of Notre Dame Jeanne Monahan, Family Research CouncilAmy Gembara, Fordham University Shawn Carney, 40 Days for Life

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natIonaL conference On January 22, 2012, Students for Life held the largest pro-life conference in the nation for the 3rd year in a row. 2,000 students from across the country were in attendance at this sold-out event for a day of workshops, networking, and presentations on how to envision a world without abortion. There are no words to really accurately describe the energy and enthusiasm of these passionate, young pro-lifers. The evaluation forms, thank you cards and e-mails we have received since have proven that those who attended left even more excited than when they arrived thanks in part to our amazing line up of speakers which included – David Bereit of 40 Days for Life, Stephanie Gray from the Canadian Center for Bio Ethical Reform, Former Governor Mike Huckabee, Lila Rose of Live Action, U.S. Con-gressman Chris Smith, and Chai Ling from All Girls Allowed.

The conference was also an opportunity for us to honor some of our outstanding student groups. The 2011 National Conference Award winners were:

IMPACT FOR LIFE AWARD - NATIONAL PRO-LIFE YOUTH CONGRESS, OHIOThe PLYC is designed for students from 7th-12th grades who are ready to stand up in their community for the preborn. Every year, they organize four conferences and provide education and guidance to develop community and school pro-life groups that fight for the rights of the preborn.

NEW GROUP OF THE YEAR AWARD - UNIVERSITY OF BUFFALO STUDENTS FOR LIFE, BUFFALO, NYUB SFL has formed a solid coalition with community and campus groups and are active on their campus hosting education displays and presentations. In the midst of all of their successes, they have faced constant discrimination from their administration, faculty, student government and fellow students. During the Fall 2011 semester, they gained national media attention when their cam-pus Cemetery of the Innocents display was vandalized multiple times. However, they bounced back to stand courageously for their rights and for the rights of those who cannot speak for themselves.


At the 2012 National Conference, Students for Life was thrilled to present our annual Defender of Life Award to Chai Ling, “gen-dercide” awareness activist and founder of pro-life and Christian organization, All Girls Allowed, which seeks to expose China’s unjust One Child policy. A key student leader herself in the 1989 Tiananmen Square movement, Chai Ling has been named the Glamour Woman of the Year and nominated twice for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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everyday hero aWardS During our 2012 National Conference, our team decided the best way to make sure that our friends and colleagues, Kortney, Jon and Sophy, are a part of all SFLA’s National Conferences in the future was to name 3 Everyday Hero awards after them.

SFLA will present the Kortney, Sophy and Jon Everyday Heroes awards at each National Conference to honor the memories of our friends. These awards will be given out to thank and publicly recognize 3 selfless defenders of the preborn who don’t normally get much attention for their tireless work and to inspire this genera-tion of pro-life leaders to follow in these defenders’ footsteps.

Our 2012 Winners:

• JOHN-PAUL DEDDENS, founder of Students for Life of Illinois and recipient of the Jonathan Daniel Scharfenberger Everyday Hero Award.

• DON BLYTHE, founder of At the Well Ministries, Inc. and recipient of the Sophy Joy Gordon Everyday Hero Award.

• KATHLEEN WILSON, co-founder of Mary’s Shelter and recipient of the Kortney Blythe Gordon Everyday Hero Award.

regIonaL conferenceS

Every year, SFLA hosts several Regional Conferences across the nation bringing together local pro-life organizations and campus pro-life leaders. These conferences are intensive one-day seminars where group leaders are challenged to confront internal and external issues facing their group as well as make plans and timetables for future leadership tran-sitions and events. During the 2011-2012 school year, SFLA hosted 7 Regional Confer-ences in Knoxville, TN; New York, NY; Macon, GA; St. Louis, MO; Ann Arbor, MI; and Seattle, WA.

TEEN GROUP OF THE YEAR AWARD - ANGELS FOR LIFE, HOLY ANGELS ACADEMY, BUFFALO, NYDuring the 2011 school year, Angels for Life participated in numerous events at their school and in their community, including a diaper drive and car wash fundraiser to sup-port their local pregnancy help center. They participated in the National Day of Silent Solidarity and the National Night of Prayer and frequently prayed for an end to abortion outside of their local abortion facility. They screened movies with pro-life themes and partnered with other clubs to boost attendance, reaching students who otherwise would not have heard the pro-life message. During National Adoption Month, this club hosted a fundraiser at a Wendy’s restaurant, which donated 10% of all sales one evening to the Baker Victory Services Adoption Agency.

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PREGNANT ON CAMPUS INITIATIVEBecause of our daily work on America’s college campuses, SFLA has the unique opportunity of being able to see exactly what our student pro-lifers face and their greatest needs. One area in the campus pro-life movement where we have found the greatest neglect is in provid-ing resources and support for pregnant and parenting students on campus. Too often, pregnant and parenting students feel forced into choosing between their education or their child. Even at Christian schools, we know that many college administrations are not welcoming to pregnant and parenting students, yet the majority of abortions are performed on college-aged women.

In May 2012, Students for Life of America released a new study entitled “Abortion Facilities Target College Students which told us something we had suspected for quite some time, that Planned Parenthood purposely targets colleges and universities.

The study took a look at zip codes. We studied zip codes that had a Planned Parenthood or a similar type of facility and zip codes that contained a college or university and here’s what we found: 79% of Planned Parenthood facilities are located within 5 miles of a college or university. Of that 79%, 46% of Planned Parenthood facilities are located within the same zip code of a college or university.

Those are some pretty concrete numbers but again, not surprising. We have long since known it is Planned Parenthood’s business model to increase the number of abortions they perform since that’s where they make their money.

And they see college women as prime targets to increase their bottom line because, as the statistics have shown, women between the ages of 18-24 account for 43% of all abortions done each year.


In order to transform our nation, we know that the pro-life movement must work towards making abortion unthinkable and unnecessary, by providing resources and support to those most vulnera-ble to the abortion industry. This led Students for Life to develop the Pregnant on Campus Initiative, which was launched in September of 2011.

The mission of the Pregnant on Campus Initiative is two-fold:• To provide a vision and plan to campus pro-life groups across America for how to create sustain-

able student pro-life organizations by establishing service projects to help women and families on campus and in the community; and

• To reduce abortion rates on college campuses by creating service projects that provide essential resources for students facing unplanned, crisis pregnancies

In our first year, we had 40 groups participate in the Pregnant on Campus Initiative and some of the things these groups were able to accomplish in that short time were:• Establish Pregnant and Parenting Assistance Funds, which are need-based scholarships to preg-

nant and parenting students for books, etc• Throw baby showers to help pregnant students get some of the items they need to welcome a baby• Install diaper decks and lactation rooms on campus, which make it easier for parenting students

to take care of their child around campus • Advertise local Pregnancy Help Center resources so that young women know who to call if they

find themselves facing a crisis pregnancy• Conduct diaper drives to help lift some of the financial burden off of new parenting students• Fundraise money for Mobile Pregnancy Resource Centers

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EVENTS Throughout the year, Students for Life of America hosts several events across the nation to better acquaint our supporters with our mission, programs, and successes. The SFLA team appreciates each opportunity we receive to meet with dedicated supporters. We thor-oughly enjoy introducing them to local student leaders and sharing stories about how their support is changing our nation. If you want to tell others about SFLA’s life-saving mission, we are happy to organize an event in your community as well!

Summer SocIaL On a beautiful rooftop deck overlooking the White House, Students for Life held its 4th Annual Sum-mer Social on July 14th, 2011. We were pleased to present our William Wilberforce Leadership Award to Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli for his tireless efforts to protect the preborn. Upon receiving the award Cuccinelli remarked “We often forget the most recognized words from our Declaration of Independence, ‘We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator – their creator, with certain unalienable rights, [of] life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ And that ‘Governments are instituted amongst Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed’. We don’t have any other rights if we don’t have that first one.” On July 17, 2012, SFLA held its 5th Annual Summer Social at the same beautiful rooftop location. The 2012 Social was our largest one yet with over 80 supporters in attendance. This year, SFLA awarded U.S. Congressman Trent Franks our William Wilberforce Award and were excited to have pollster and media pundit, Kellyanne Conway, as our Keynote Speaker to kick-off SFLA’s Fall 2012 I Vote Pro-Life First Campus Campaign.

2011 neW yorK cIty Summer receptIon The same day that Students for Life President, Kristan Hawkins, participated in several events sur-rounding the UN’s Year of the Child, SFLA held its first ever NYC Summer Reception. Joined by friends Austin Ruse (President of C-FAM) and Kellyanne Conway in Manhattan, we were excited to meet with local supporters face to face and introduce them further to our mission and to our new full-time NY/NJ Regional Coordinator, Phil Eddy.

WeSt coaSt gaLa Thanks to the tireless work of SFLA Board Member, Debbie Cheatham, and Gala Planning Chair, Angie Kebric, Students for Life held its first West Coast Gala at the historic Biltmore Hotel in Scottsdale, Arizona on November 12, 2011. Over 125 people were on hand to hear Kristan Hawkins speak about the mis-sion of Students for Life and see the Center for Arizona Policy President, Cathi Herrod, receive the William Wilberforce Leadership Award for her incredible commitment to protecting the preborn in Arizona.

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2012 natIonaL conference vIp receptIon

Students for Life was honored to welcome Former Arkansas Governor and Republican Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee to our January 2012 National Conference VIP Reception. Governor Hucka-bee spent time with Students for Life supporters before introducing a very special viewing of his film, The Gift of Life at the conference’s evening session. The Citizens United film was dedicated to the memory of Kortney, Sophy and Jon.

cpac pro-LIfe aLL Star BrIefIng During the February 2012 Conservative Political Action Committee Conference (CPAC) in Washington, D.C., SFLA hosted a star-studded Pro-Life All Stars Briefing which featured incredible pro-life testi-mony from Former Governor Mike Huckabee, Former Senator Rick Santorum, Gary Bauer, Maggie Gal-lagher, the executive-producer of Bella, Jason Jones and others. However, the most inspiring moment of the briefing was Andrew Breitbart, media commentator and founder of Breitbart.com, who spoke publicly about being adopted and pro-life for the first time!This event was so popular that we had to move it out from the room we had originally reserved and into a hallway due to the massive number of attendees – the overwhelming majority of which were students!

2012 SprIng SoIreeStudents for Life’s Annual Washing-ton D.C. Spring Soiree took place on March 29th, 2012 in a ballroom overlooking the Potomac River and D.C. skyline. SFLA was pleased to be joined by Senator Rand Paul, who gave the keynote address. At the Soiree, we also presented the 2nd Annual Hans and Sophie Scholl Award to William & Mary Students for Life president, Cath-erine Palmer.

2012 HANS AND SOPHIE SOPHIE SCHOLL AWARD WINNER: CATHERINE PALMERUnder her leadership as Students for Life president at William & Mary, Catherine helped her club participate in SFLA’s Pregnant on Campus Initiative, fundraise to bring diaper decks to their campus and helped to make their school more welcoming to pregnant and parenting students. Her group has also worked to combat the efforts of Planned Parent-hood’s VOX group on campus by attending meetings and witnessing to the Truth. They have held a variety of events, including a screening of the documentary Blood Money, pro-life flyering campaigns, regular visits to local nursing home and counseling outside of abortion facilities, free babysitting nights on campus, and Christmas Card campaign for local mothers.. Catherine is a 2011-2012 SFLA William Wilberforce Leadership Fellow and this summer will begin working full-time for the pro-life, abstinence group Genera-tion Life in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

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MedSFLA Since 1973, one area that has been largely untouched by the pro-life movement has been medical schools. From day one, a pro-life student’s beliefs will be directly challenged in medical school, and, yet, their beliefs on abortion and value of human life will be put into practice every single day of their medical career. Without any real support for pro-life medical students, our movement risks losing future pro-life physicians as once pro-life students acquiesce to the values set forth by their pro-abortion professors for fear that their career will suffer. This led us to launch Med Students for Life of America (MedSFLA) in the fall of 2010.

The vision and purpose of MedSFLA is to be a national net-work of future medical professionals committed to developing sustainable patient health care, by advocating person-centered

medicine. MedSFLA believes in rediscovering the patient and doctor relationship with care for every patient regardless of race, developmental stage, socioeconomic status, and special needs.

Our priority is to change the culture of medicine, one physician at a time, by making sure pro-life medical students graduate medical school and are placed in high-quality residency programs.

Since its launch, MedSFLA has been gaining significant momentum. During the 2011-2012 school year, we started 16 new groups, and, as of June 2012, there are 34 active MedSFLA groups nationwide.

In addition to founding pro-life medical school groups, MedSFLA held its 2nd National Spring Speak-ing Tour during March and April of 2012. During this time, MedSFLA traveled with former abortionist turned pro-life OBGYN, John Bruchalski, and visited 23 medical school campuses in just 15 days.

Spring 2012 MedSFLA National Spring Speaking Tour Stops:• Kansas City University of Medicine and

Biosciences• University of Southern California• University of Arizona-Phoenix• AT Still University• University of Arizona-Tucson• University of Texas-Houston (co-hosted with

Baylor University)• University of Texas Medical Center at Galveston• George Washington University• University of Virginia• Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine• University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey

• Roanoke College (co-hosted by MedSFL at Jefferson College of Health Sciences)

• University of Pittsburgh• Boston University• Wayne State University• University of Minnesota• Louisiana State University• Tulane University• University of Nebraska• University of Texas-Southwestern• Texas A&M University• Indiana University

This June, MedSFLA launched the first-ever externship for pro-life medical students, welcoming 3 medical and 3 pre-med students to our national headquarters. The MedSFLA Externs par-ticipated in a weeklong Distinguished Lecture Series before heading off to their externship sites across the nation.

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During the Distinguished Lecture Series, MedSFLA Externs heard from leading specialists and bio-ethics experts such as:

Edmund D. Pellegrino, M.D., M.A.C.P. Past Chairman, President’s Council on Bioethics John Carroll Professor Emeritus of Medicine and Medical Ethics, Georgetown University

Colleen M. Gallagher, Ph.D., MA, LSW, FACHE International Ethics Expert, UNESCO Chair in Bioethics and Human Rights Executive Director: Section of Integrated Ethics, MD Anderson Cancer Center

Henk A.M.J. ten Have, M.D., Ph.D. Director and Professor, Center for Healthcare Ethics: Duquesne University Director, UNESCO Division of Ethics of Science and Technology

Obadias Ndaba President, World Youth Alliance Rwanda, Universite Libre de Kigali

Francis X. Shen, J.D., Ph.D. Past Associate Director, MacArthur Foundation Law and Neuroscience Project BA, University of Chicago; JD, PhD, Harvard University

Martha Shuping, M.D. United Nations Panelist, NGO Consultant M.D., Wake Forest University: Bowman Gray School of Medicine

Daniel Daly, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, St. Anselm College Ph.D., Boston College

Paul C. Vitz, Ph.D. Professor and Senior Scholar, Institute of Psy-chological Science Ph.D., Stanford University

Our 2012 Externs


Cara BuskmillerTexas A&M

School of MedicineNoreen Johnson,


Kevin FirlUniv of MN

Medical SchoolJohn Bruchalski, M.D. N/A

Pedro UrdayTulane School of Medicine

Frank Wharam, M.D.

A Woman’s Concern, Boston MA

Madeleine PratLSU School of Medicine

Mary Lou Asher, M.D.A Woman’s Concern,

Boston MA

Eric Stockwell Tulane UniversityMarie Mahoney,


Woman’s New Life Center Metairie, LA

Jennifer Hong Bowdoin CollegeRalph Capone,


Women’s Choice Center Monroeville, PA

Carolyn Dufresne Ave Maria CollegeMarie Mahoney,


Woman’s New Life Center, Metairie, LA

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SPECIAL PROJECTS With multiple national events and the looming 2012 election bringing the abortion issue back into the national spotlight, 2011-2012 became a busy year for Students for Life activism.

Turn the Tide 2012

Just days before our 2012 National Conference and the March for Life, SFLA unveiled our latest video, a thank you to the pro-life movement for all the lives that have been saved since 1973. The video was the launch for our www.turnthetide2012.com website where we encouraged people to download our free Battle Plan and Map to learn where their state ranks in terms of abortion laws and to find out how they could use their talents to help abolish abortion in their communities.

Where’s the Freedom?

In February, using the authority given to it under the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare), the Department of Health and Human Services issued a mandate forcing all employers, regardless of their religious or personal beliefs, to provide abortion-causing drugs free of charge in employee healthcare plans. In response to the unconstitutional HHS Mandate, SFLA launched its Where’s the Freedom? Campaign to educate our students about the Mandate and offer them ways to get involved in this very important debate. On Tuesday, March 13th, we held our Where’s the Free-dom? webcast where over 1,000 tuned in to hear pro-life leaders, Senator Rand Paul, Congressman Jeff Fortenberry, Tom McClusky, Helen Alavare and David Bereit, discuss what the mandate meant and what our students could do to make their voice heard. The webcast led to SFLA’s first ever Pro-Life Lobby Day on Capitol Hill on March 27th. Approximately 30 students from the tri-state area joined the SFLA team on Capitol Hill for lobby training and then walked the halls of Congress to educate Members about U.S. Congressman Jeff Fortenberry’s Respect for Rights of Conscience Act, which would protect those who are morally opposed from implementing the HHS Mandate. The day ended with an impromptu rally at the Supreme Court where the hearing on the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare) was taking place. We made national news headlines with our Where’s the Freedom? signs and purple shirts.

In addition to our Where’s the Freedom? Campaign, Students for Life President, Kristan Hawkins, was a featured speaker at both Washington, D.C. Stand Up for Religious Freedom Rallies in March and June. Her comment during the 1st Rally in front of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services building, “This is tyranny…”, became the battle cry of the rally and was picked up by several major news outlets including Fox News and NPR.

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How to Find a Job in the Pro-Life Movement Webcast

One of the questions our passion-ate pro-life students ask SFLA on a regular basis is how to channel their campus activism into a career in the movement. In order to help

answer some of these questions, SFLA hosted a webcast this May that featured current pro-life leaders and former campus Students for Life leaders who turned their passion for abolishing abortion into a career. The webcast covered topics such as networking, building experience, fundraising, and how to write a good resume. The webcast was recorded and is now part of the resources we offer our student groups.

I Vote Pro-Life First Because we knew that the November 2012 elections would be a

pivotal moment in the pro-life movement’s his-tory, Students for Life unveiled our I Vote Pro-Life First Initiative at our National Conference in January 2012. At ivoteprolifefirst.com, we asked Americans of all ages to sign a pledge, which states that a candidate’s stance on abortion would be the most important issue when deter-mining whether or not to vote for that candidate.

As part of our I Vote Pro-Life First Initiative, we held our first ever I Vote Pro-Life First Get-Out-The-Vote (GOTV) training weekend in June 2012 in Wisconsin. 17 of our most dedicated students traveled to Racine, Wisconsin where they part-nered with CitizenLink, Focus on the Family’s 501(c)(4) arm, to hand out educational pro-family candidate information cards before the June Recall Election. And it worked! Our intrepid GOTV Squad knocked on 10,000 doors in just four days! In the fall of 2012, SFLA rolled out our I Vote Pro-Life First Pledge and GOTV education train-ings on college campuses and communities nationwide.

Rally at the Supreme Court On the historic day when the Supreme Court handed down its ruling about the constitutional-ity of the individual mandate in the Affordable Health Care Act (Obamacare), Students for Life was the only national pro-life organization out in full force, organizing an early morning prayer vigil, rally, and then press conference after the decision was announced. While the result was not the one we had hoped for, SFLA received a lot of media attention and achieved our goal of showing the nation that this generation of young people is pro-life and will abolish abortion.


As you read through this report, you have seen case after case of our students making an impact on their campuses, in their communities, and even on Capitol Hill. One of the biggest issues we have as an organization is that our name is Students for Life and that when people hear the word “students” they automatically think young, apathetic, and unorganized.They couldn’t be more wrong. Students, when given the right tools, are often energetic and passionate about getting the job done and getting it done right. They can mobilize at a moment’s notice and aren’t afraid to work long hours and get paid in pizza.And as you can tell from this report, unorganized is certainly not a word that can describe Students for Life of America. We have the vision, goals, and strategies needed to abolish abortion in our lifetime.It’s time we start taking the word “students” more seriously because they are changing the world, one campus at a time.

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NEW MEDIA New media continues to have an enormous impact on every organization’s ability to make the maximum impact in a very short amount of time.

Students for Life continues to be ahead of the curve by using all channels of new media to alert our students and supporters of breaking pro-life news, important events in their area, and key action items they can do to take a stand for Life.

We’ve even see lives saved as a result of our passionate students posting pro-life messages and facts on their personal Facebook and Twitter accounts. Read about Julia and Asher’s story on page 12.

Our Facebook Cause, Abolish Abortion, with over 630,000 members is the largest pro-life Facebook Cause in the world.

As you can see from the numbers below, SFLA witnessed a steady increase in sup-port for our new media sites during the 2011-2012 school year, which was signifi-cant since we didn’t spend any money advertising the sites to gain followers.


FAN PAGE 1,258 3,735 7,549

SFLA TWITTER 1,028 2,674 3,878


YOUTUBE 179 332 512


TUMBLR 0 0 152


This spring, a photo was leaked from a forced, late-term abortion in China. As soon as the photo appeared online, SFLA posted the photo as a means of highlighting China’s egregious One Child policy, and we also encouraged those who viewed the photo to contact the Chinese Embassy to express their outrage. The image immediately went viral, and the backlash was so great that it prompted a Chinese official to apologize.

That’s the power of social media, when people from all over the world can instantly be tuned in to something, even if it is occurring a continent away, and react to it with such vigor that there is no way the injustice can be ignored.

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In 2011-2012, Students for Life appeared in the following media outlets:

EWTN FoxNews

National Review Online Washington Times

Worldnetdaily CNN


CBN Google News

WTOP Washington Post

USA Today

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KrIStan haWKInS

PRESIDENTKristan was hired in 2006 to become Students for Life of America’s (SFLA) first Executive Director. Since launching SFLA’s full-time operation, Kristan has helped more than

triple the number of campus pro-life groups in the United States, from 181 to almost 700 in 49 states, and grow the SFLA National Conference from 450 in 2007 to 2,000 in 2012, making the event the largest pro-life conference in the nation.As President, Kristan directs the mission and strategy of Students for Life of America. In addition, Kristan serves as the organization’s official spokeswoman and has appeared on Fox News, CNN, EWTN, Fam-ily Talk with Dr. James Dobson and the Christian Broadcasting Network; she is a frequent blogger for LifeNews.com and has also been quoted in numer-ous national and regional newspapers such as the Washington Times, Washington Post, FoxNews.com. A dynamic speaker, Kristan travels the country talk-ing to students and adults alike on a wide range of topics including Planned Parenthood, Real Feminism, Real Social Justice, Pro-Life Activism and Leadership.Since high school, Kristan has been an advocate for the unborn and pro-life speaker/trainer. Her pro-life mission began when she was asked to volunteer at a Pregnancy Resource Center during her sopho-more year of high school. After spending 3 months counseling women not to abort their children, Kristan started the first pro-life group at her high school and eventually was asked to be the West Virginia Teens for Life President. It was during high school, where Kristan organized her first political protest and events aimed at educating students about abortion.Kristan graduated Summa Cum Laude from Bethany College in West Virginia. Before coming to SFLA, Kristan worked for the 2004 Bush/Cheney re-elec-tion campaign, the Republican National Committee, and served as a political appointee in the George W. Bush administration at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Center for Faith-Based and Community Initiatives.Since working at SFLA, Kristan has been awarded the Susan B. Anthony Young Leader Award, the Dr.

William Hogan Education Award for pro-life leader-ship, the 2009 Weyrich Youth Leadership Award, and a 2010 Life Prize Award. Kristan’s work and passion for the unborn has been featured in numerous publications, most recently in National Review Online, the Washington Times and Citizen Magazine.Kristan resides in Manassas, Virginia with her hus-band, Jonathan, and 2 sons, Gunner and Bear.


In 2010, Tina returned to full-time pro-life work at Students for Life after spending 8 years raising her family. As Executive Vice President, Tina is responsible for managing the daily operations of SFLA. Previously Tina

worked with Rock For Life as Project Manager. While there she put together pro-life literature, wrote for the monthly newsletter, spoke at high schools and colleges, and organized events. She left Rock For Life in 2001 to focus on her growing family. For the past 6 years she has also worked as staff on her local Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat team, helping post abortive women and men through the grieving process. Tina graduated from Portland Community College with an Associate of Arts degree. She lives in the Fredericks-burg, VA area with her husband of 14 years and their four children: Justus, Mason, Asher and Esther.

Brendan o’morchoe

NATIONAL DIRECTOR OF FIELD OPERATIONS Brendan is a 2011 graduate of Fordham University where he earned a B.A. in philosophy with a minor in political science. For two years, Brendan served as the President of the Respect for Life club at Fordham and oversaw significant increases in member-

ship and on-campus presence. He has coordinated with student pro-life groups across the northeast, helping them grow and fostering a network of pro-life students in the region. He has also worked with pro-life organizations throughout the New York City area trying to establish a Culture of Life in the region.


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January 22, 2012 marked the 39th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade and Doe v. Bolton Supreme Court deci-sions, which legalized abortion in all nine-months of

pregnancy, for any reason. That day began the 40th full year of legal abortion in America.

Just because abortion has been legal for 40 years, does not mean we are unable to turn back the clock and step into the Light. Abolishing legal abortion in America is possible within our lifetimes.

We all know that the pro-life movement is winning like never before, and the entire team at SFLA truly believes that we are closer than we know to achieving victory. But we also know that 2012 will be a deciding year for the pro-life movement.

And we know that our role at Students for Life is integral to this goal, and we must participate in all parts of our movement.

4 Key areaS StudentS for LIfe muSt engage and expand for the 2012-2013 SchooL year and Beyond:

1. CAMPUS ORGANIZING – We need to make sure that not only do we continue our aggressive Field Program of starting, training, and equipping more student pro-life groups, reaching over 780 active groups by the end of 2013, but we also continue to educate and mobilize those students we work with and their peers about abor-tion, other life issues, and the importance of the 2012 elections by creating unique events and marketing plans for campuses.

Major Goals for the 2012-2013 School Year

a. Start 108 new pro-life campus groups by June 2013

b. Increase the number of teen/homeschooling groups by 40%

c. Visit 275 college campuses by June 2013

d. Keep active SFL groups in 49 states, plus the District of Columbia

e. Programs We Must Continue: (All programs are offered free of charge, except the SFLA National Conference)


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mo va


md dc









ak fl
























already has regional coordinator

any other color group needs regional coordinator

i. Monthly “Events in a Box” offered to all active SFL groups ii. Educational Material and distribution to new and existing SFLA-affiliated groups, printed and onlineiii. Regional Trainings for groups in key demographic areasiv. National SFLA Conferencev. Pregnant on Campus Initiative vi. Missionary for Life Summer Internship Programvii. Wilberforce Leadership Fellowship viii. Skype and/or in-person training consultations with active groups and leadersix. Preborn Rights Restoration Project (funding successful, active SFL groups)

f. Programs We Must Start i. Create new or revise leadership, apologetics, fundraising, and new media training seminars and materials ii. Launch Justice Week Campaigniii. Develop new campus image display regarding Personhood of the Preborniv. Develop new Campus “Planned Parenthood Kills” displayv. 40 Years of Abortion: Roe v. Wade Discussion Forum Law School Tourvi. Launch SFLA Summer Leadership Retreatvii. Create a Homeschool and Teen “Farm Team” Outreach Guidebook & Website

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2. MEDICAL SCHOOLS – Due to the aggressive actions of the Obama Administra-tion, our outreach to Medical students is, unfortunately, needed like never before. Students for Life of America is the only organization engaging in this area. We must continue moving forward to organize MedSFL groups in medical schools, bring high-quality medical professionals as speakers to these schools, establish an externship and mentoring program for pro-life medical students, and defend the conscience rights of these students so that others will follow in their footsteps.

Major Goals for the 2012-2013 School Year

a. Start 20 new MedSFL campus groups by June 2013

b. Work with every active MedSFL group to make sure each hosts at least 1 event per semester

c. Bring physician speakers, free of charge, to 30 medical schools during our Fall and Spring Speaking Tours

d. Programs We Must Continuei. Spring National MedSFL Speakers Tourii. Continue to expand the Med.Studentsforlife.org online website resources such as our speakers list, links to academic journal articles, etciii. Skype and/or in-person consultations with all active MedSFL groupsiv. National MedSFL Conference/Webcast

e. Programs We Must Starti. Create MedSFL Online Mentorship Program ii. Launch scholarship program for active MedSFL groups and committeesiii. Launch 4 Regional Conferences during the school yeariv. Host 2 National Webcastsv. Conduct Fall National MedSFL Speakers Tour

3. NEW MEDIA – Because of the increasing role new media sites like Facebook and Twitter are playing in the lives of our target audience, SFLA must continue to expand our outreach to these networks, not only educat-ing young people on these sites but quickly calling them to action when needed.

Major Goals for the 2012-2013 School Year

a. Continue updating and growing the reach of the SFLA website, Facebook, Twitter, and other new media accounts, which will both educate and acti-vate pro-life young people and adults.

b. Continue updating, promoting, and recruiting bloggers for the ground-breaking AbolishAbortion.com website as a unified action and education site for pro-lifers of all ages, promoting the revolutionary Status 365 Application.

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c. Programs We Must Starti. Launch an aggressive Facebook advertising campaign to identify and educate pro-lifers on Facebook to join the Abolish Abortion Fan Page and Cause, the largest pro-life Facebook Cause in the world.ii. Work with public relations specialists to craft messages on social media sites that will compel readers to take action and improve impression rates of posts.


In early 2012 Students for Life launched our I Vote Pro-Life First Initiative, which consisted of a pledge where we asked Americans to promise that the life issue would be the most important issue they looked at when deciding who to vote for, in any election.

SFLA knew that if in order for our I Vote Pro-Life First program to be successful we had to first understand the current attitudes of young people. So in June 2012, SFLA commissioned a national poll, which surveyed 805 18-24 year olds about the upcoming 2012 election, unconstitutional HHS Mandate, and abortion, and the results were pretty incredible.

One of the most sobering things we learned was that a third of those polled had no idea how radical President Obama’s abortion record is. As the nation’s largest pro-life youth organiza-tion, we are in a unique position to get this message out to a large number of young people thanks to our extensive pro-life student group network, which is made up of over 700 campus groups in 49 states.

Our all-encompassing I Vote Pro-Life First GOTV Education and Training program plan consisted of the following action items:

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We hope you have enjoyed reading about the impact Students for Life’s work has had on hun-dreds of thousands of young people, hundreds of campuses across America, and the lives that have been saved.

We hope that you are excited and invigorated by the plans we have laid out to grow and expand our mission during the 2012-2013 school year and beyond.

As a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization, we rely solely on the generous donations of individuals. We are so very grateful for the support our gener-ous friends have shown us over the years, our life saving mission would not be possible without them.

Please consider starting or renewing your investment in the future of the pro-life movement today by visiting HTTP://DONATE.STUDENTSFORLIFE.ORG or by contacting Kristan Hawkins at [email protected], 571-379-7261.

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