2010 Service Booklet



2010 Mercedes Service Booklet outlining service requirements for 2010 Model Year vehicles. Useful if you need to know what service your car will need at a particular mileage

Transcript of 2010 Service Booklet

mainenanceBookle42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 1wo want you to onjoy your Vorcodoa-8onzautomobilo. vohiclo aaloty and oporationalroliability aro two vory important lactora andto maintain thom, rogular maintonancoaorvicoa aro nocoaaary.wo continuoualy atrivo to improvo ourproduct and aak lor your undoratanding thatwo roaorvo tho right to mako changoa in thoporiodic maintonanco work lor our vohicloa.Jho inlormation in thia manual ia accurato aaol tho proaa dato. At tho timo ol yourachodulod maintonanco appointmonta withyour authorizod Vorcodoa-8onz Contor, thomoat curront maintonanco work inlormationwill bo utilizod lor your vohiclo'a ago ormiloago. Ploaao chock with your authorizodVorcodoa-8onz Contor lor any changoa to thoporiodic maintonanco work roquirod lor yourvohiclo.PLFA8F N01FwL SJR0lCL RLC0VVLlL JPAJ 00PAvL 00R vLPlCLL SLRvlCLL 8 00RA0JP0RlLLL VLRCLLLS-8LlL CLlJLRwP0 lS l0LL L00lPPLL J0 PR0vlLL JPlSSLRvlCL AlL JPAJ CLl0llL VLRCLLLS-8LlL PARJS 8L 0SLL.SLRvlCL, RLPLACLVLlJ, 0R RLPAlR 0l JPLLVlSSl0l C0lJR0L LLvlCLS AlLSSJLVS CAl 8L PLRl0RVLL 8 AlA0J0V0JlvL RLPAlR LSJA8LlSPVLlJ 0RllLlvlL0AL 0SllC CLRJlllLL PARJS.JPL 0SL 0l LLlLCJlvL 0R l0l-L00lvALLlJ PARJS VA RLS0LJ ll 00RLVlSSl0l PLRl0RVAlCL wARRAlJCLAlV 8LllC LLllLL.8ymboIaJradomarka:=Ad8luo ia a rogiatorod tradomark ol thoCorman Aaaociation ol tho Automotivolnduatry (vLA).Jho lollowing aymbola aro lound in thia0porator'a Vanual:Warning!warning noticoa draw your attontion tohazarda that may ondangor your hoalth or lilo,or tho hoalth or lilo ol othora. Pighlighta hazarda that may roault indamago to your vohiclo.GPolplul hinta or lurthor inlormation youmay lind uaolul. pago Jhia aymbol tolla you whoro to looklor lurthor inlormation on a topic. Jhia continuation aymbol marka awarning or procoduro which iacontinuod on tho noxt pago.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 2CeneraI Information .............................. 2vohiclo data ............................................. 2Protocting tho onvironmont ..................... 2Maintenance 8ookIet ............................ 4lntroduction ............................................. 4Lmiaaion Syatom Vaintonanco ................ 8Loacription ol Lmiaaion SyatomVaintonanco Joba .................................. 1uVaintonanco aorvico doacriptiona ......... 1uSorvico at 2,uuu miloa ........................... 11Jiro rotation at 6,uuu miloa ................... 11Sorvico at 1u,uuu miloa or 1 yoar .......... 12Sorvico at 2u,uuu miloa or 2 yoara ........ 1Sorvico at 2u,uuu miloa or 2 yoara ........ 21Sorvico at 4u,uuu miloa or 4 yoara ........ 24Sorvico at 6u,uuu miloa or 6 yoara ........ 2uSorvico at u,uuu miloa or yoara ........ 24Sorvico at 7u,uuu miloa or 7 yoara ........ 29Sorvico at 8u,uuu miloa or 8 yoara ........ 42Sorvico at 9u,uuu miloa or 9 yoara ........ 48Sorvico at 1uu,uuu miloa or 1u yoara .... 61Sorvico at 11u,uuu miloa or 11 yoara .... 6Sorvico at 12u,uuu miloa or 12 yoara .... uSorvico at 12u,uuu miloa or 12 yoara .... 6Sorvico at 14u,uuu miloa or 14 yoara .... 9Sorvico at 16u,uuu miloa or 16 yoara .... 76vohiclo Vaintonanco Pigh-miloagoSorvico work ......................................... 78Pigh-miloago additional work ................ 8Conlirmationa ........................................ 872126842792 |1m1mHd4dH441' Contenta142_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 1VehicIe data Vodol vohiclo ldontilication lumbor (vll) Lato ol initial rogiatration Paint color and codo Liconao Plato lo. Liconao Plato lo. Liconao Plato lo. Liconao Plato lo. Liconao Plato lo. Liconao Plato lo. Liconao Plato lo. Liconao Plato lo.2VehicIe dataCeneraI Information

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 2Protecting the environmentlatural roaourcoa lorm tho baaia ol ouroxiatonco on thia planot. Jho objoctivoa ol ourpolicy aro lor thoao roaourcoa to bo uaodaparingly and in a mannor which takoa thoroquiromonta ol both naturo and humanityinto account.0ur doclarod policy ia intogratodonvironmontal protoction. Jhia policy atartaat tho root cauaoa and oncompaaaoa in itamanagomont dociaiona all tho conaoquoncoalor tho onvironmont which could ariao lromproduction procoaaoa or tho productathomaolvoa.ou too can holp to protoct tho onvironmontby oporating your Vorcodoa-8onz in anonvironmontally roaponaiblo mannor.0porating conditiona and your individualdriving atylo to a largo oxtont inlluonco luolconaumption and tho rato ol ongino, brako,and tiro woar. Jo roduco luol conaumptionand tho rato ol woar, ploaao conaidor tholollowing:=Avoid ahort tripa.=Vako auro that tho tiro proaauroa aroalwaya corroct.=Avoid lroquont, abrupt accoloration.=Lo not carry any unnocoaaary woight.=Romovo aki holdora and rool racka oncoyou no longor nood thom.=Lo not warm up tho ongino with tho vohicloatationary.=Shilt goara auch that oach goar ia uaod onlyup to 2/2 ol ita maximum ongino apood.=Koop an oyo on tho vohiclo'a luolconaumption.A rogularly aorvicod vohiclo will alao holpprotoct tho onvironmont. ou ahould adhoroto tho maintonanco intorvala diaplayod by thoVaintonanco Syatom aorvico indicator, alongwith othor maintonanco work doacribod inthia booklot.wo rocommond that you havo maintonancoaorvicoa porlormod by your authorizodVorcodoa-8onz Contor uaing ConuinoVorcodoa-8onz parta.Protecting the environment3CeneraI Information

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 2

IntroductionMercedea-8enz Maintenance 8yatemour Vorcodoa-8onz comoa oquippod withtho Mercedea-8enz Maintenance 8yatem.Jho Vaintonanco ayatom tracka diatancodrivon and tho timo olapaod ainco your laataorvico. Jho maintonanco aorvico ia indicatodin tho multilunction diaplay in tho inatrumontcluator.Approximatoly 1 month boloro amaintonanco aorvico ia duo, a moaaagoappoara in tho multilunction diaplay. Jhomoaaago providoa tho romaining miloa ordaya until tho noxt maintonanco aorvico iaduo.A doacriptivo liating ol tho aorvico itoma arocontainod in thia booklot atarting on( pago 1u). lollowing oach maintonancoaorvico, your authorizod Vorcodoa-8onzContor will roaot tho Vaintonanco Syatomaorvico indicator by conlirming tho aorvicoitoma porlormod.Jho authorizod Vorcodoa-8onz Contorporlorming tho maintonanco aorvicoa willconlirm tho work haa boon carriod out uaingtho Conlirmation pagoa in thia booklot( pago 87).wo continuoualy atrivo to improvo ourproduct and aak lor your undoratanding thatwo roaorvo tho right to mako changoa in thoporiodic maintonanco work lor our vohicloa.Jho inlormation in thia manual ia accurato aaol tho proaa dato. At tho timo ol yourachodulod maintonanco appointmonta withyour authorizod Vorcodoa-8onz Contor, thomoat curront maintonanco work inlormationwill bo utilizod lor your vohiclo'a ago ormiloago. Ploaao chock with your authorizodVorcodoa-8onz Contor lor any changoa to thoporiodic maintonanco work lor your vohiclo.Gll tho Vaintonanco Syatom aorvicocountor waa inadvortontly roaot, havo anauthorizod Vorcodoa-8onz Contor corroctit. Ploaao only roaot il tho propormaintonanco aorvico haa boon porlormod.Roaotting tho ayatom without porlormingtho propor maintonanco aorvico will roaultin ongino and/or othor vohiclo damago notcovorod by tho Vorcodoa-8onz lowvohiclo Limitod warranty.Required and Recommended 8ervice WorkRoquirod and Rocommondod Sorvico workincludoa inapoction or maintonanco ol manydilloront compononta and ayatoma in yourvohiclo. Jho roplacomont ol cortaincompononta at varying intorvala ia alao partol Roquirod and Rocommondod Sorvicowork.Roquirod Sorvico work ia intondod to holpmaximizo tho aorvico lilo ol compononta orayatoma important to your vohiclo'acontinuod propor oporation.ln addition to tho Roquirod Sorvico work,Rocommondod Sorvico work ia intondod toprovido you with tho lloxibility to chooaowhich maintonanco work ia porlormod onyour vohiclo baaod on ita nooda orrocommondationa lrom your authorizodVorcodoa-8onz Contor.GPloaao noto any maintonanco work notporlormod or not porlormod at thoapociliod intorval which roaulta in tholailuro ol tho warrantod componont(a) orayatom(a) in quoation may not bo covorodby tho Vorcodoa-8onz low vohiclo Limitodwarranty.1ire rotationour vohiclo'a tiroa aro a critical componontto ovorall vohiclo porlormanco and vohicloatability. Jho uaolul lilo ol tiroa will vary andia proportional to tiro typo, apood rating,ambiont conditiona, tiro loading, tiro inllationproaauro, road aurlacoa, and individual4IntroductionMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 4driving atylo, among othor lactora. Jhoroloro,Vorcodoa-8onz rocommonda rogular chockalor woar and propor inllation and, il applicabloto your vohiclo'a tiro conliguration, tirorotation.Jiro rotationa can bo porlormod on vohicloawith tho aamo lront and roar tiro dimonaiona.ll your vohiclo ia oquippod with tho aamo tirodimonaiona, tiroa can bo rotatod by obaorvinga lront-to-roar rotation pattorn that willmaintain tho intondod rotation (apinning)diroction ol tho tiro (on unidiroctional tiroa, anarrow on tho aidowall indicatoa tho intondodrotation or apinning diroction ol tho tiro). lnaomo caaoa, auch aa whon your vohiclo iaconligurod with ataggorod aizoa (dilloront tiroaizoa, lront va. roar), tiro rotationa aro notpoaaiblo.ll your vohiclo'a tiro conliguration allowa lortiro rotation, tiro rotation ahould boporlormod in accordanco with thorocommondod intorvala, or aoonor at lirataigna ol irrogular (unovon) troad woar. Jirorotation rocommondationa will likolynocoaaitato a tiro rotation at loaat onco inbotwoon maintonanco aorvicoa and at ovorymaintonanco aorvico baaod on Vorcodoa-8onz maintonanco intorvala.Jho lirat tiro rotation, ao long aa it occura ator boloro 6,uuu miloa (vohiclo odomotor), willbo providod at no chargo by your authorizodVorcodoa-8onz Contor courtoay olVorcodoa-8onz. Ploaao rolor to tho Sorvicoand warranty lnlormation booklot lor lulldotaila.Should a tiro rotation not bo poaaiblo lor yourvohiclo'a tiro conliguration, your authorizodVorcodoa-8onz Contor will chock your tiroalor propor tiro inllation proaauro and porlorma troad inapoction, alao at no chargo courtoayol Vorcodoa-8onz, ao long aa thia occura ator boloro 6,uuu miloa (vohiclo odomotor).lor your convonionco, thia Vaintonanco8ooklot containa a tiro rotation conlirmationpago on which you can rocord tho dato andmiloago whon tiro rotationa woro porlormod( pago 87).8evere operating conditionaJho maintonanco intorvala havo boondotorminod ao that tho vohiclo, undor normaloporating conditiona, ahould oporatoproporly botwoon maintonanco aorvicoa.Sovoro oporating conditiona may call lorcorroapondingly aoonor roplacomont ol tholollowing itoma:=IN1FRI0R FIL1FR8(o.g. duat liltor, rocirculating air liltor,activatod charcoal liltor or combinationliltor) aro roplacod aa callod lor by thoVaintonanco Syatom. 0ndor aovoro duatconditiona, or with tho Climato Controllroquontly oporating in tho air rocirculationmodo, tho liltora ahould bo roplacodcorroapondingly aoonor and changod morolroquontly than aa callod lor by thoVaintonanco Syatom.=8PARK PLUC8Spark pluga ahould bo roplacod accordingto tho apociliod maintonanco intorval.Sovoro oporating conditiona (lroquontatarting and atopping, oxcoaaivo idling,auatainod laat highway driving) may call lorapark pluga to bo roplacod corroapondinglyaoonor.=C00LAN1Pavo tho coolant (wator/anticorroaion/antilroozo mixturo) roplacod at thoapociliod maintonanco intorval. ln vohicloawith ongino 276 and C-Claaa withongino 112, tho coolant ahould bo chockodlor propor concontration boloro tho atart oloach wintor aoaaon (or onco a yoar in hotrogiona).Roplacomont ol coolant may bo roquirodmoro lroquontly il coolant ia not maintainodaccording to inatructiona and/or othorthan approvod anticorroaion/antilroozoIntroduction5Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 6

producta lor your vohiclo aro boing uaod.lor inatructiona on coolant, aoo "Coolanta"in your vohiclo 0porator'a Vanual. lor aliating ol approvod anticorroaion/antilroozo producta lor your vohiclo,contact your authorizod Vorcodoa-8onzContor.Wear itemawhilo tho Vaintonanco Syatom calla lorinapoction ol cortain woar itoma, tho ayatomdooa not mako any judgmont on tho conditionol thoao woar itoma. 0nly a qualiliodtochnician can dotormino il a woar itom noodato bo roplacod.Approved engine oiIa and oiI fiIteraLngino oila and oil liltora aro apocilicallytoatod lor thoir auitability in our onginoa anddurability lor our aorvico intorvala. Jhoroloro,only uao approvod ongino oila and oil liltoraroquirod lor vohicloa with VaintonancoSyatom. Convontional potroloum-baaod oilamuat not bo uaod lor vohicloa oquippod withtho Vorcodoa-8onz Vaintonanco Syatom.Jho lollowing caaoa aro not covorod by thoVorcodoa-8onz low vohiclo Limitodwarranty:=0aing ongino oila and oil liltora olapocilication othor than thoao oxproaalyroquirod lor tho Vaintonanco Syatom.=Changing ol oil and oil liltor at changointorvala longor than thoao callod lor by thoVaintonanco Syatom.=0aing any oil additivoa.Vorcodoa-8onz 0SA, LLC rocommondaV08lL 0lL.0ao tho tablo bolow to dotormino thoV8 ahoot numbor. Rolor to tho 0porator'aVanual lor tho ongino typo ol your modol. Jhomodol and ongino typo can bo lound in thochaptor "Jochnical data" undor "Lngino".Fngine type M8 aheet number112 229.616229.61272 229.6272 229.6276 229.642 229.61GV8 ahoot numbora aro printod on thooutaido ol oil containora.Viacoaity gradea for engine oiIa0aing tho chart bolow, aoloct oil viacoaityaccording to tho lowoat air tomporaturooxpoctod boloro tho noxt oil chango.lor moro inlormation on aolocting tho proporongino oila lor your vohiclo, ploaao rolor towww.atartokinlo.com/V8 workahopRoaourcoa/Rocommondod lluida, orwww.mbuaa.com/ownoraonlino/lmportantvohiclo Spocilicationa, or your authorizodVorcodoa-8onz Contor.1Roatriction: 0nly SAL uw-4u or 6w-4u ongino oila may bo uaod.IntroductionMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito ReguIar checkaln addition to tho aorvicoa, wo rocommondthat you chock tho lollowing itoma rogularly(lor oxamplo: wookly, whon roluoling, orboloro any long journoy):=Fngine oiI IeveI - Loponding on how yourvohiclo ia oquippod, chock tho ongino oillovol uaing tho oil lovol dipatick or thocontrol ayatom via tho multilunctionatooring whool/diaplay. lurthorinlormation about ongino oil lovolmoaauromont can bo lound in tho vohiclo0porator'a Vanual.=CooIant IeveI - Ploaao rolor to tho0porator'a Vanual lor tho corroctprocoduro to chock tho coolant lovol.=8rake fIuid IeveI - ll brako lluid haa to boaddod, aoo an authorizod Vorcodoa- 8onzContor to dotormino tho cauao, o.g. loakaor worn brako pada.=WindahieId waahing ayatem - ll thowaahor lluid lovol dropa bolow 1/2, thowindahiold waahor lluid lovol warning lampwill illuminato. Add waahor lluid mixod withVorcodoa-8onz windahiold waahoraolvont/concontrato, toat lunction andchock wipor bladoa.=Lighta=1ire condition and preaaurea - Chock atloaat monthly. Ploaao rolor to aoction "Jiroaand whoola" in tho 0porator'a Vanual lorguidolinoa and corroct procoduroa to chocktiro condition and proaauroa.Notea on the warrantyAn oxtonaivo and woll-oquippod notwork olauthorizod Vorcodoa-8onz Contora ia at yourdiapoaal lor aorvico work. our authorizodVorcodoa-8onz Contor can onauro that yourvohiclo ia proloaaionally and thoroughlyaorvicod and ropairod.Ploaao aoo tho Sorvico and warrantylnlormation booklot lor dotailod inlormationon warranty torma and covorago.PIeaae foIIow the inatructiona given in thia Maintenance 8ookIet, even if you entruat the vehicIe to a third party for uae or care. 0nIy in thia way wiII you be abIe to enaure that your warranty righta are not affected.8ervice, repIacement, or repair of the emiaaion controI devicea and ayatema can be performed by any automotive repair eatabIiahment or individuaI uaing certified parta.We atrongIy recommend that you have your vehicIe aerviced by your authorized Mercedea-8enz Center which ia fuIIy equipped to provide thia aervice.Ploaao noto that onginoa havo to bo aorvicodin accordanco with apocial inatructiona anduaing apocial moaauring oquipmont tocomply with logal roquiromonta concorningoxhauat omiaaiona. Vodilicationa to ortamporing with omiaaiona compononta ia notpormiaaiblo. our authorizod Vorcodoa-8onzContor ia lamiliar with tho rolovantrogulationa.8ervice recordaour authorizod Vorcodoa-8onz Contor willcortily in thia booklot tho maintonancoaorvicoa on your vohiclo which it haaporlormod.0thor than tho maintonanco aorvicoadoacribod, tho Vaintonanco 8ooklot dooa notrocord or rolloct any ropair work that mayhavo boon porlormod to your vohiclo. Ploaaokoop thoao rocoipta with your vohiclorocorda.lor inlormation concorning warranty, aooyour Sorvico and warranty lnlormationbooklot.Introduction7Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 7

our authorizod Vorcodoa-8onz Contor willgladly lurniah additional inlormation on thomaintonanco ol your vohiclo.Vorcodoa-8onz 0SA, LLCA Laimlor CompanyParta/0perating materiaIawo rocommond only tho uao ol ConuinoVorcodoa-8onz parta lor aorvico and ropaira,ainco thoy moot our apocilicationa. lt ia alaoimportant to only uao luola, lubricanta andanticorroaion/antilroozo coolant mootinglactory apocilicationa. Ploaao aoo yourauthorizod Vorcodoa-8onz Contor lor moroinlormation on thia aubjoct.Fmiaaion 8yatem MaintenanceCaaoIine FngineaJho 0.S. Lnvironmontal Protoction Agoncyand, in Calilornia, tho Air Roaourcoa 8oardhavo cortiliod that tho omiaaion controlayatoma ol your vohiclo comply with thoapplicablo oxhauat omiaaion atandarda lorV 2u1u vohicloa.Jo bo cortain that tho omiaaion controlayatoma lunction aa doaignod, rogularmaintonanco ia nocoaaary lor compononta oltho vohiclo which alloct oxhauat andovaporativo omiaaiona compoaition.Jho vohiclo ownor ia roaponaiblo lor thorogular maintonanco ol tho omiaaion controlayatom, aa woll aa tho uao ol promiumunloadod gaaolino with an anti-knock indox olat loaat 91 (diaplayod on tho pump) in allgaaolino ongino modola unloaa othorwiaoapociliod.lailuro to proporly maintain tho omiaaionayatom may roault in ropaira not boingcovorod by tho omiaaion ayatom warrantioa.Lxplanationa ol oach maintonanco job arogivon on ( pago 1u).Fmiaaion ControI 8yatem Caution - CaaoIine Fngineaour Vorcodoa-8onz vohiclo ia oquippod withboth a throo-way catalyat and a cloaod loopoxygon aonaor ayatom to comply with currontoxhauat omiaaion rogulationa. Koop yourvohiclo in propor oporating condition bylollowing our rocommondod maintonancoinatructiona aa outlinod.Jho lollowing haa to bo adhorod to:a) In aII gaaoIine engine modeIa, uae onIy premium unIeaded gaaoIine with an anti-knock index of at Ieaat 91 (aa diapIayed on the pump) unIeaa otherwiae apecified. Lamago to tho ongino could occuril promium unloadod luol ia not uaod. Rolor totho 0porator'a Vanual lor apocialprocautiona.b) Leaded gaaoIine ahouId not be uaed under any circumatancea. Lamago to thoomiaaion control compononta will roault.c) In aeIect modeIa, the uae of FthanoI (F85) ia aIao permiaaibIe. Vodola capablool alao oporating with L86 aro idontiliod by alabol on tho luol lillor llap roading 'Promiumgaaolino or L86 only!'. Lo not uao Lthanol luol(L86) to oporato any vohiclo unloaa it iaapocilically idontiliod aa Lthanol luol (L86)compatiblo. Lamago to tho ongino couldoccur il impropor luola aro uaod. Rolor to tho0porator'a Vanual lor apocial procaution.d) 1he apecified engine maintenance |oba have to be performed compIeteIy and at the required intervaIa. Corroct ignitiontiming and proporly lunctioning apark plugalor inatanco aro important lor tho aorvico lilool tho catalyata. lailuro to proporly porlormtho apociliod maintonanco joba mayadvoraoly alloct tho omiaaion control ayatomon tho vohiclo and roduco ita aorvico lilo.e) 1he operation of the emiaaion controI ayatem muat not be aItered in any way.Altorationa aro not pormiaaiblo by law. lnaddition, altorationa may roault in damago to8Fmiaaion 8yatem MaintenanceMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 8tho catalyata, incroaaod luol conaumption,and impairod ongino running conditiona.f) IrreguIar engine running conditiona ahouId be corrected immediateIy by an authorized Mercedea-8enz Center. Suchirrogular running conditiona can inlluonco thopropor lunction ol tho omiaaion controlayatom.ll tho "CPLCK LlCllL" indicator lamp in thoinatrumont cluator illuminatoa whon thoongino ia running, it indicatoa a poaaiblomallunction ol tho ongino managomontayatom or omiaaion control ayatom.wo rocommond that you havo thomallunction chockod aa aoon aa poaaiblo.Fmiaaion ControI 8yatem Caution - bieaeI Fngineaour Vorcodoa-8onz ia oquippod withomiaaion control dovicoa to comply withcurront dioaol oxhauat omiaaion rogulationawhoro tho vohiclo ia cortiliod lor aalo. Koopyour vohiclo in propor oporating condition bylollowing our rocommondod maintonancoinatructiona aa outlinod.Jho lollowing muat bo adhorod to:a) Lioaol onginoa roquiro 0LJRA-L0wS0Ll0R PlCPwA LlLSLL l0LL (16 ppmS0Ll0R VAzlV0V) that moota thoASJV L976 atandard. lailuro to uao 0LJRA-L0w S0Ll0R PlCPwA LlLSLL l0LL (0LSL)can aovoroly damago tho vohiclo'a oxhauataltor-troatmont dovico.b) Vorcodoa-8onz 0SA approvoa tho uao ol86 (atandard 0LSL which may contain amaximum ol 6 x biodioaol) in all Common-raildioaol lnjoction (CLl) and 8luoJLC dioaolonginoa.Lioaol luola containing a highor porcontago olbiodioaol, o.g. 82u, aa woll aa atraightbiodioaol may cauao aovoro damago to yourongino/luol ayatom and aro not approvod.Ploaao aak your aorvico atation lor lurthorinlormation. ll tho 86 biodioaol blond ia notaulliciontly labolod to cloarly indicato that itmoota tho 0LSL atandard, ploaao do not uaoit. Jho Vorcodoa-8onz limitod warranty dooanot covor damago cauaod by tho uao ol luolanot mooting Vorcodoa-8onz approvod luolatandarda.c) 1he apecified engine maintenance |oba have to be performed compIeteIy and at the required intervaIa.d) 1he operation of the emiaaion controI ayatem muat not be aItered in any way.Altorationa aro not pormiaaiblo by law. lnaddition, altorationa may roault in damago totho catalyata, incroaaod luol conaumption,and impairod ongino running conditiona.ll tho "CPLCK LlCllL" indicator lamp in thoinatrumont cluator illuminatoa whon thoongino ia running, it indicatoa a poaaiblomallunction ol tho ongino managomontayatom or omiaaion control ayatom.wo rocommond that you havo thomallunction chockod aa aoon aa poaaiblo.8Iue1FC exhauat gaa aftertreatment with Ad8IueVodola:=L 26u 8luoJLC=R 26u 8luoJLC=VL 26u 8luoJLC=CL 26u 8luoJLCJho 8luoJLC oxhauat gaa altortroatmontayatom roquiroa a roducing agont (Ad8luo)in ordor to lunction proporly. Vaintaining tholovol and condition ol tho Ad8luo agont iapart ol tho rogular maintonanco aorvico work.0ndor normal driving conditiona ono tanklulol Ad8luo agont ahould aullico until tho noxtmaintonanco aorvico.Ad8luo ia a non-llammablo, non-toxic,colorloaa and odorloaa, wator-aolublo liquid.Fmiaaion 8yatem Maintenance9Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 9

0nly uao Ad8luo complying withlS0 22241. Lo not add apocial additivoa toAd8luo and do not diluto Ad8luo withwator. 0thorwiao, tho 8luoJLC oxhauat gaaaltortroatmont ayatom could bo damagod.beacription of Fmiaaion 8yatem Maintenance JobaJho compoaition ol oxhauat omiaaiona iainlluoncod not only by tho apocial omiaaioncontrol oquipmont, but alao by varioua onginocompononta and thoir adjuatmonta.Jhoroloro, omiaaion ayatom maintonancomuat includo thoao ongino compononta.Somo maintonanco joba aro actually onlytoata. Jhoy aro important howovor, bocauaothoy allow oarly dotoction ol diacropancioawhich can lator load to incroaaod oxhauatomiaaiona. lt ia gonorally loaa oxponaivo tohavo auch itoma adjuatod immodiatoly rathorthan allowing thom to contributo to coatlyropaira. Jho maintonanco intorvala havo boondotorminod ao that tho vohiclo, undor normalconditiona, ahould oporato proporly botwoonaorvicoa.Fngine oiI and fiIter changeChango tho ongino oil and oil liltor ovory1u,uuu miloa or 1 yoar. ll oil conaumptionahould incroaao, dotormino tho cauao andtako nocoaaary corroctivo atopa. Lo not roaottho Vaintonanco Syatom aorvico indicator iltho oil lovol ia adjuatod or changod outaidotho intorval ol 1u,uuu miloa or 1 yoar.RepIace air fiIter0ndor normal duat conditiona, roplaco tho airliltor at ovory 4u,uuu miloa or 4 yoara. lnvohicloa with ongino 276 roplaco tho air liltorat ovory u,uuu miloa or yoara. Cloan airliltor covor and houaing prior to romoval ol airliltor.RepIace fueI fiIterRoplaco tho luol liltor ovory 16u,uuu miloa or16 yoara. ln dioaol vohicloa roplaco ovory2u,uuu miloa or 2 yoara and in SL-Claaa andC-Claaa vohicloa ovory u,uuu miloa or yoara.RepIace apark pIugaSpark pluga aro aubjoct to oloctrodo oroaionand muat bo roplacod according to thoapociliod maintonanco intorvala, or morolroquontly aa may bo roquirod whon aubjoctto aovoro oporating conditiona.Fvacuate and fiII up Ad8Iuelill up Ad8luo ovory 1u,uuu miloa or 1 yoar.Lvacuato and lill up Ad8luo ovory2u,uuu miloa or 2 yoara.Maintenance aervice deacriptionaVehicIe Maintenance 8ervice Work (incIuding Fmiaaion 8yatem Maintenance)GVaintonanco aorvicoa ahould boporlormod at tho numbor ol miloa or yoara(whichovor comoa lirat) aa indicatod.ll your vohiclo oxcooda tho timo or miloagool tho maintonanco aorvico doacriptiona,continuo to maintain tho vohiclo lollowingtho maintonanco aorvicoa apociliod in thoPigh Viloago aoction ( pago 78).Lotailod doacriptiona lor oachmaintonanco aorvico can bo lound atartingon ( pago 11).lor doacription ol omiaaion ayatommaintonanco joba, aoo ( pago 1u).10Maintenance aervice deacriptionaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 1u8ervice at 2,000 miIeaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaa8L-CIaaaRoplaco roar axlo dillorontial lluid (only C 2 AVC, CLS 2 AVC,L 2 AVC, SL 2 AVC with AVC Porlormanco Packago andSL 6 AVC) 0il chango in lront axlo (C 66 K AVC) 0il chango in roar axlo (C 66 K AVC) 1ire rotation at 5,000 miIeaA 6,uuu-milo rocommondod tiro rotationintorval will likoly nocoaaitato tiro rotation atloaat onco in botwoon oach 1u,uuu-milomaintonanco aorvico and at ovory1u,uuu-milo maintonanco aorvico. Ploaaorolor to ( pago 4) lor additional tiro rotationinlormation and ( pago 87) to rocord whonyour vohiclo'a tiroa havo boon rotatod.Recommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaa1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo)2 2Jiro rotation can not bo porlormod on vohicloa oquippod with ataggorod lront/roar tiro aizoa.1ire rotation at 5,000 miIea11Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 11

8ervice at 10,000 miIea or 1 yearRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct lill up Ad8luo (ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Parking brako - Adjuat cablo alack Corroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) 128ervice at 10,000 miIea or 1 yearMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 12C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorLngino cooling ayatom, antilroozoand corroaion protoction(ongino 276 main circuit) Chock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirFunction checkAudiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitRecommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa 8ervice at 10,000 miIea or 1 year13Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 12

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory FIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator ViauaI and functionaI checkaChock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Cloan and lubricato aolt top/rotractablo hard top aoala light viow Aaaiat camora - cloanwindahiold bohind tho camoracovor (whoro applicablo) 1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo) lnapoct tiroa lor damago, moaaurotroad dopth Chock JlRLllJ aoalant oxpirationdato (whoro applicablo) Activato Jiro Proaauro VonitoringSyatom 148ervice at 10,000 miIea or 1 yearMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 14C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChaaaia checkaviaually chock brako ayatomcompononta, linoa, hoaoa, calipora Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada anddiaka, lront and roar whoolaromovod 8ervice at 10,000 miIea or 1 year15Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 16

8ervice at 20,000 miIea or 2 yearaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Chock condition ol poly-v-bolt(oxcopt VL 46u Pybrid andS 4uu Pybrid) Roplaco luol liltor (ongino 42) Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct Ad8luo ovacuato and lill up(ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Roplaco brako lluid Roplaco combination or duat liltor Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Chock thicknoaa, condition ol lrontand roar brako pada and diacaCorroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) Leakage - Ma|or componentaChock lor chalo marka, linorouting, damagod compononta. lntho ovont ol loakago, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordor 18ervice at 20,000 miIea or 2 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 1C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChock Ad8luo linoa andcompononta lor loaka and damago(ongino 42) viaually inapoct condition ol lrontaxlo ball jointa, rubbor boota viaually inapoct condition ol roaraxlo ball jointa, rubbor boota viaually inapoct condition oldrivoahalt lloxiblo diaca viaually inapoct condition olatooring mochanical compononta,rubbor boota viaually inapoct propollor ahalta,univoraal jointa and collapaibloaoctiona 8olta attaching atooring (chock/tighton)Joint houaing ol AwL lront axlo -inapoct groaao packing andcorroct8ervice at 20,000 miIea or 2 yeara17Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 17

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorLngino cooling ayatom, antilroozoand corroaion protoction(ongino 276 main circuit) Chock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirJranalor caao lront axlo Roar axlo Function checkChock parking brako (lunction toatonly) Audiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitLillorontial/tranalor caao lockmochaniama (lront, roar andcontor)188ervice at 20,000 miIea or 2 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 18Recommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa Check the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory FIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting Chock and corroct hoadlampaotting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator 8ervice at 20,000 miIea or 2 yeara19Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 19

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaViauaI and functionaI checkaChock aoat bolta and buckloa loraigna ol oxtornal damago andpropor lunction Chock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Chock, cloan and lubricato tilt/aliding rool mochaniam (whoroapplicablo) Chock, cloan and lubricatopanoramic rool mochaniam (whoroapplicablo) Cloan and lubricato aolt top/rotractablo hard top aoala Chock bodywork lor paint workdamago light viow Aaaiat camora - cloanwindahiold bohind tho camoracovor (whoro applicablo) Lubricato door locka, includingroar door1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo) lnapoct tiroa lor damago, moaaurotroad dopth Chock JlRLllJ aoalant oxpirationdato (whoro applicablo) Activato Jiro Proaauro VonitoringSyatom 208ervice at 20,000 miIea or 2 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 2uC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChaaaia checkaviaually chock brako ayatomcompononta, linoa, hoaoa, calipora Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada anddiaka, lront and roar whoolaromovod Chaaaia and load-boaring bodycompononta: Chock lor damagoand corroaion 8ervice at 30,000 miIea or 3 yearaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct lill up Ad8luo (ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Corroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) Roplaco coolant lor main circuit(ongino 276) 8ervice at 30,000 miIea or 3 yeara21Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 21

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorChock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirFunction checkAudiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitRecommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa Check the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory 228ervice at 30,000 miIea or 3 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 22C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaFIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator ViauaI and functionaI checkaChock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Cloan and lubricato aolt top/rotractablo hard top aoala light viow Aaaiat camora - cloanwindahiold bohind tho camoracovor (whoro applicablo) 1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo) lnapoct tiroa lor damago, moaaurotroad dopth Chock JlRLllJ aoalant oxpirationdato (whoro applicablo) Activato Jiro Proaauro VonitoringSyatom Chaaaia checkaviaually chock brako ayatomcompononta, linoa, hoaoa, calipora Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada anddiaka, lront and roar whoolaromovod 8ervice at 30,000 miIea or 3 yeara23Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 22

8ervice at 40,000 miIea or 4 yearaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Chock condition ol poly-v-bolt(oxcopt VL 46u Pybrid andS 4uu Pybrid) Roplaco luol liltor (ongino 42) Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct Ad8luo ovacuato and lill up(ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Roplaco brako lluid Roplaco combination or duat liltor Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Chock thicknoaa, condition ol lrontand roar brako pada and diacaCorroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) Leakage - Ma|or componentaChock lor chalo marka, linorouting, damagod compononta. lntho ovont ol loakago, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordor 248ervice at 40,000 miIea or 4 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 24C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChock Ad8luo linoa andcompononta lor loaka and damago(ongino 42) viaually inapoct condition ol lrontaxlo ball jointa, rubbor boota viaually inapoct condition ol roaraxlo ball jointa, rubbor boota viaually inapoct condition oldrivoahalt lloxiblo diaca viaually inapoct condition olatooring mochanical compononta,rubbor boota viaually inapoct propollor ahalta,univoraal jointa and collapaibloaoctiona 8olta attaching atooring (chock/tighton)Joint houaing ol AwL lront axlo -inapoct groaao packing andcorroctAutomatic tranamiaaion - oil andliltor chango Roplaco roar axlo dillorontial lluid(only C 2 AVC, CLS 2 AVC,L 2 AVC, SL 2 AVC with AVCPorlormanco Packago andSL 6 AVC) Roplaco air liltor (oxcoptongino 276) 8ervice at 40,000 miIea or 4 yeara25Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 26

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorLngino cooling ayatom, antilroozoand corroaion protoction(ongino 276 main circuit) Chock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirJranalor caao lront axlo Roar axlo Function checkChock parking brako (lunction toatonly) Audiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitLillorontial/tranalor caao lockmochaniama (lront, roar andcontor)28ervice at 40,000 miIea or 4 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 2Recommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa Check the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory FIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting Chock and corroct hoadlampaotting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator 8ervice at 40,000 miIea or 4 yeara27Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 27

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaViauaI and functionaI checkaChock aoat bolta and buckloa loraigna ol oxtornal damago andpropor lunction Chock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Chock, cloan and lubricato tilt/aliding rool mochaniam (whoroapplicablo) Chock, cloan and lubricatopanoramic rool mochaniam (whoroapplicablo) Cloan and lubricato aolt top/rotractablo hard top aoala Chock bodywork lor paint workdamago light viow Aaaiat camora - cloanwindahiold bohind tho camoracovor (whoro applicablo) Lubricato door locka, includingroar door1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo) lnapoct tiroa lor damago, moaaurotroad dopth Chock JlRLllJ aoalant oxpirationdato (whoro applicablo) Activato Jiro Proaauro VonitoringSyatom 288ervice at 40,000 miIea or 4 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 28C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChaaaia checkaviaually chock brako ayatomcompononta, linoa, hoaoa, calipora Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada anddiaka, lront and roar whoolaromovod Chaaaia and load-boaring bodycompononta: Chock lor damagoand corroaion 8ervice at 40,000 miIea or 4 yeara29Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 29

8ervice at 50,000 miIea or 5 yearaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct lill up Ad8luo (ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Corroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) 0il chango in lront axlo 0il chango in roar axlo 0il chango in tranalor caao 308ervice at 50,000 miIea or 5 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 2uC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorLngino cooling ayatom, antilroozoand corroaion protoction(ongino 276 main circuit) Chock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirFunction checkAudiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitRecommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa 8ervice at 50,000 miIea or 5 yeara31Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 21

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory FIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator ViauaI and functionaI checkaChock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Cloan and lubricato aolt top/rotractablo hard top aoala light viow Aaaiat camora - cloanwindahiold bohind tho camoracovor (whoro applicablo) 1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo) lnapoct tiroa lor damago, moaaurotroad dopth Chock JlRLllJ aoalant oxpirationdato (whoro applicablo) Activato Jiro Proaauro VonitoringSyatom 328ervice at 50,000 miIea or 5 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 22C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChaaaia checkaviaually chock brako ayatomcompononta, linoa, hoaoa, calipora Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada anddiaka, lront and roar whoolaromovod 8ervice at 50,000 miIea or 5 yeara33Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 22

8ervice at 0,000 miIea or yearaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Chock condition ol poly-v-bolt(oxcopt VL 46u Pybrid andS 4uu Pybrid) Roplaco v-bolt(a) (onlyVL 46u Pybrid and S 4uu Pybrid) Roplaco luol liltor Roplaco luol liltor (ongino 42) Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct Ad8luo ovacuato and lill up(ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Roplaco brako lluid Roplaco combination or duat liltor Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Chock thicknoaa, condition ol lrontand roar brako pada and diacaCorroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) Leakage - Ma|or componentaChock lor chalo marka, linorouting, damagod compononta. lntho ovont ol loakago, dotormino 348ervice at 0,000 miIea or yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 24C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaacauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorChock Ad8luo linoa andcompononta lor loaka and damago(ongino 42) viaually inapoct condition ol lrontaxlo ball jointa, rubbor boota viaually inapoct condition ol roaraxlo ball jointa, rubbor boota viaually inapoct condition oldrivoahalt lloxiblo diaca viaually inapoct condition olatooring mochanical compononta,rubbor boota viaually inapoct propollor ahalta,univoraal jointa and collapaibloaoctiona 8olta attaching atooring (chock/tighton)Joint houaing ol AwL lront axlo -inapoct groaao packing andcorroctRoplaco coolant lor main circuit(ongino 276) Roplaco air liltor (ongino 276) Roplaco apark pluga (oxcoptongino 42) 8ervice at 0,000 miIea or yeara35Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 26

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorChock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirJranalor caao lront axlo Roar axlo Function checkChock parking brako (lunction toatonly) Audiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitLillorontial/tranalor caao lockmochaniama (lront, roar andcontor)38ervice at 0,000 miIea or yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 2Recommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa Check the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory FIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting Chock and corroct hoadlampaotting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator 8ervice at 0,000 miIea or yeara37Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 27

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaViauaI and functionaI checkaChock aoat bolta and buckloa loraigna ol oxtornal damago andpropor lunction Chock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Chock, cloan and lubricato tilt/aliding rool mochaniam (whoroapplicablo) Chock, cloan and lubricatopanoramic rool mochaniam (whoroapplicablo) Cloan and lubricato aolt top/rotractablo hard top aoala Chock bodywork lor paint workdamago light viow Aaaiat camora - cloanwindahiold bohind tho camoracovor (whoro applicablo) Lubricato door locka, includingroar door1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo) lnapoct tiroa lor damago, moaaurotroad dopth Chock JlRLllJ aoalant oxpirationdato (whoro applicablo) Activato Jiro Proaauro VonitoringSyatom 388ervice at 0,000 miIea or yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 28C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChaaaia checkaviaually chock brako ayatomcompononta, linoa, hoaoa, calipora Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada anddiaka, lront and roar whoolaromovod Chaaaia and load-boaring bodycompononta: Chock lor damagoand corroaion 8ervice at 70,000 miIea or 7 yearaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct lill up Ad8luo (ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Corroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) 8ervice at 70,000 miIea or 7 yeara39Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 29

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorLngino cooling ayatom, antilroozoand corroaion protoction(ongino 276 main circuit) Chock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirFunction checkAudiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitRecommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa 408ervice at 70,000 miIea or 7 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 4uC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory FIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator ViauaI and functionaI checkaChock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Cloan and lubricato aolt top/rotractablo hard top aoala light viow Aaaiat camora - cloanwindahiold bohind tho camoracovor (whoro applicablo) 1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo) lnapoct tiroa lor damago, moaaurotroad dopth Chock JlRLllJ aoalant oxpirationdato (whoro applicablo) Activato Jiro Proaauro VonitoringSyatom 8ervice at 70,000 miIea or 7 yeara41Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 41

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChaaaia checkaviaually chock brako ayatomcompononta, linoa, hoaoa, calipora Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada anddiaka, lront and roar whoolaromovod 428ervice at 70,000 miIea or 7 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 428ervice at 80,000 miIea or 8 yearaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Chock condition ol poly-v-bolt(oxcopt VL 46u Pybrid andS 4uu Pybrid) Roplaco luol liltor (ongino 42) Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct Ad8luo ovacuato and lill up(ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Roplaco brako lluid Roplaco combination or duat liltor Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Chock thicknoaa, condition ol lrontand roar brako pada and diacaCorroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) Leakage - Ma|or componentaChock lor chalo marka, linorouting, damagod compononta. lntho ovont ol loakago, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordor 8ervice at 80,000 miIea or 8 yeara43Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 42

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChock Ad8luo linoa andcompononta lor loaka and damago(ongino 42) viaually inapoct condition ol lrontaxlo ball jointa, rubbor boota viaually inapoct condition ol roaraxlo ball jointa, rubbor boota viaually inapoct condition oldrivoahalt lloxiblo diaca viaually inapoct condition olatooring mochanical compononta,rubbor boota viaually inapoct propollor ahalta,univoraal jointa and collapaibloaoctiona 8olta attaching atooring (chock/tighton)Joint houaing ol AwL lront axlo -inapoct groaao packing andcorroctAutomatic tranamiaaion - oil andliltor chango Roplaco roar axlo dillorontial lluid(only C 2 AVC, CLS 2 AVC,L 2 AVC, SL 2 AVC with AVCPorlormanco Packago andSL 6 AVC) Roplaco air liltor (oxcoptongino 276) 448ervice at 80,000 miIea or 8 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 44C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorLngino cooling ayatom, antilroozoand corroaion protoction(ongino 276 main circuit) Chock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirJranalor caao lront axlo Roar axlo Function checkChock parking brako (lunction toatonly) Audiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitLillorontial/tranalor caao lockmochaniama (lront, roar andcontor)8ervice at 80,000 miIea or 8 yeara45Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 46

Recommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa Check the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory FIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting Chock and corroct hoadlampaotting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator 48ervice at 80,000 miIea or 8 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 4C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaViauaI and functionaI checkaChock aoat bolta and buckloa loraigna ol oxtornal damago andpropor lunction Chock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Chock, cloan and lubricato tilt/aliding rool mochaniam (whoroapplicablo) Chock, cloan and lubricatopanoramic rool mochaniam (whoroapplicablo) Cloan and lubricato aolt top/rotractablo hard top aoala Chock bodywork lor paint workdamago light viow Aaaiat camora - cloanwindahiold bohind tho camoracovor (whoro applicablo) Lubricato door locka, includingroar door1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo) lnapoct tiroa lor damago, moaaurotroad dopth Chock JlRLllJ aoalant oxpirationdato (whoro applicablo) Activato Jiro Proaauro VonitoringSyatom 8ervice at 80,000 miIea or 8 yeara47Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 47

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChaaaia checkaviaually chock brako ayatomcompononta, linoa, hoaoa, calipora Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada anddiaka, lront and roar whoolaromovod Chaaaia and load-boaring bodycompononta: Chock lor damagoand corroaion 8ervice at 90,000 miIea or 9 yearaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct lill up Ad8luo (ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Corroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) Roplaco coolant lor main circuit(ongino 276) 488ervice at 90,000 miIea or 9 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 48C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorChock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirFunction checkAudiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitRecommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa Check the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory 8ervice at 90,000 miIea or 9 yeara49Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 49

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaFIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator ViauaI and functionaI checkaChock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Cloan and lubricato aolt top/rotractablo hard top aoala light viow Aaaiat camora - cloanwindahiold bohind tho camoracovor (whoro applicablo) 1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo) lnapoct tiroa lor damago, moaaurotroad dopth Chock JlRLllJ aoalant oxpirationdato (whoro applicablo) Activato Jiro Proaauro VonitoringSyatom Chaaaia checkaviaually chock brako ayatomcompononta, linoa, hoaoa, calipora Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada anddiaka, lront and roar whoolaromovod 508ervice at 90,000 miIea or 9 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 6u8ervice at 100,000 miIea or 10 yearaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Chock condition ol poly-v-bolt(oxcopt VL 46u Pybrid andS 4uu Pybrid) Roplaco luol liltor (ongino 42) Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct Ad8luo ovacuato and lill up(ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Roplaco brako lluid Roplaco combination or duat liltor Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Chock thicknoaa, condition ol lrontand roar brako pada and diacaCorroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) Leakage - Ma|or componentaChock lor chalo marka, linorouting, damagod compononta. lntho ovont ol loakago, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordor 8ervice at 100,000 miIea or 10 yeara51Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 61

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChock Ad8luo linoa andcompononta lor loaka and damago(ongino 42) viaually inapoct condition ol lrontaxlo ball jointa, rubbor boota viaually inapoct condition ol roaraxlo ball jointa, rubbor boota viaually inapoct condition oldrivoahalt lloxiblo diaca viaually inapoct condition olatooring mochanical compononta,rubbor boota viaually inapoct propollor ahalta,univoraal jointa and collapaibloaoctiona 8olta attaching atooring (chock/tighton)Joint houaing ol AwL lront axlo -inapoct groaao packing andcorroct0il chango in lront axlo 0il chango in roar axlo 0il chango in tranalor caao 528ervice at 100,000 miIea or 10 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 62C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorLngino cooling ayatom, antilroozoand corroaion protoction(ongino 276 main circuit) Chock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirJranalor caao lront axlo Roar axlo Function checkChock parking brako (lunction toatonly) Audiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitLillorontial/tranalor caao lockmochaniama (lront, roar andcontor)8ervice at 100,000 miIea or 10 yeara53Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 62

Recommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa Check the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory FIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting Chock and corroct hoadlampaotting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator 548ervice at 100,000 miIea or 10 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 64C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaViauaI and functionaI checkaChock aoat bolta and buckloa loraigna ol oxtornal damago andpropor lunction Chock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Chock, cloan and lubricato tilt/aliding rool mochaniam (whoroapplicablo) Chock, cloan and lubricatopanoramic rool mochaniam (whoroapplicablo) Cloan and lubricato aolt top/rotractablo hard top aoala Chock bodywork lor paint workdamago light viow Aaaiat camora - cloanwindahiold bohind tho camoracovor (whoro applicablo) Lubricato door locka, includingroar door1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo) lnapoct tiroa lor damago, moaaurotroad dopth Chock JlRLllJ aoalant oxpirationdato (whoro applicablo) Activato Jiro Proaauro VonitoringSyatom 8ervice at 100,000 miIea or 10 yeara55Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 66

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChaaaia checkaviaually chock brako ayatomcompononta, linoa, hoaoa, calipora Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada anddiaka, lront and roar whoolaromovod Chaaaia and load-boaring bodycompononta: Chock lor damagoand corroaion 8ervice at 110,000 miIea or 11 yearaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct lill up Ad8luo (ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Corroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) 58ervice at 110,000 miIea or 11 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 6C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorLngino cooling ayatom, antilroozoand corroaion protoction(ongino 276 main circuit) Chock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirFunction checkAudiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitRecommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa 8ervice at 110,000 miIea or 11 yeara57Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 67

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory FIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator ViauaI and functionaI checkaChock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Cloan and lubricato aolt top/rotractablo hard top aoala light viow Aaaiat camora - cloanwindahiold bohind tho camoracovor (whoro applicablo) 1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo) lnapoct tiroa lor damago, moaaurotroad dopth Chock JlRLllJ aoalant oxpirationdato (whoro applicablo) Activato Jiro Proaauro VonitoringSyatom 588ervice at 110,000 miIea or 11 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 68C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChaaaia checkaviaually chock brako ayatomcompononta, linoa, hoaoa, calipora Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada anddiaka, lront and roar whoolaromovod 8ervice at 110,000 miIea or 11 yeara59Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 69

8ervice at 120,000 miIea or 12 yearaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Chock condition ol poly-v-bolt(oxcopt VL 46u Pybrid andS 4uu Pybrid) Roplaco v-bolt(a) (onlyVL 46u Pybrid and S 4uu Pybrid) Roplaco luol liltor Roplaco luol liltor (ongino 42) Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct Ad8luo ovacuato and lill up(ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Roplaco brako lluid Roplaco combination or duat liltor Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Chock thicknoaa, condition ol lrontand roar brako pada and diacaCorroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) Leakage - Ma|or componentaChock lor chalo marka, linorouting, damagod compononta. lntho ovont ol loakago, dotormino 08ervice at 120,000 miIea or 12 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito uC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaacauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorChock Ad8luo linoa andcompononta lor loaka and damago(ongino 42) viaually inapoct condition ol lrontaxlo ball jointa, rubbor boota viaually inapoct condition ol roaraxlo ball jointa, rubbor boota viaually inapoct condition oldrivoahalt lloxiblo diaca viaually inapoct condition olatooring mochanical compononta,rubbor boota viaually inapoct propollor ahalta,univoraal jointa and collapaibloaoctiona 8olta attaching atooring (chock/tighton)Joint houaing ol AwL lront axlo -inapoct groaao packing andcorroctAutomatic tranamiaaion - oil andliltor chango Roplaco coolant lor main circuit(ongino 276) Roplaco roar axlo dillorontial lluid(only C 2 AVC, CLS 2 AVC,L 2 AVC, SL 2 AVC with AVCPorlormanco Packago andSL 6 AVC) Roplaco air liltor Roplaco apark pluga (oxcoptongino 42) 8ervice at 120,000 miIea or 12 yeara1Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 1

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorChock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirJranalor caao lront axlo Roar axlo Function checkChock parking brako (lunction toatonly) Audiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitLillorontial/tranalor caao lockmochaniama (lront, roar andcontor)28ervice at 120,000 miIea or 12 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 2Recommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa Check the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory FIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting Chock and corroct hoadlampaotting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator 8ervice at 120,000 miIea or 12 yeara3Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 2

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaViauaI and functionaI checkaChock aoat bolta and buckloa loraigna ol oxtornal damago andpropor lunction Chock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Chock, cloan and lubricato tilt/aliding rool mochaniam (whoroapplicablo) Chock, cloan and lubricatopanoramic rool mochaniam (whoroapplicablo) Cloan and lubricato aolt top/rotractablo hard top aoala Chock bodywork lor paint workdamago light viow Aaaiat camora - cloanwindahiold bohind tho camoracovor (whoro applicablo) Lubricato door locka, includingroar door1ire checkaJiro rotation (whoro applicablo) lnapoct tiroa lor damago, moaaurotroad dopth Chock JlRLllJ aoalant oxpirationdato (whoro applicablo) Activato Jiro Proaauro VonitoringSyatom 48ervice at 120,000 miIea or 12 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 4C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaChaaaia checkaviaually chock brako ayatomcompononta, linoa, hoaoa, calipora Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada anddiaka, lront and roar whoolaromovod Chaaaia and load-boaring bodycompononta: Chock lor damagoand corroaion 8ervice at 130,000 miIea or 13 yearaRequired 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaLngino - oil and liltor chango Chock catch, aaloty catch andhingoa on ongino hood lor proporoporation Cloan wator drain in air/wator duct lill up Ad8luo (ongino 42) Roaot maintonanco aorvicoindicator in inatrumont cluator Chock thicknoaa ol brako pada,lront and roar Corroct tiro inllation proaauro Corroct inllation proaauro in aparotiro (whoro applicablo) 8ervice at 130,000 miIea or 13 yeara5Maintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito 6

C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorLngino cooling ayatom, antilroozoand corroaion protoction(ongino 276 main circuit) Chock coolant lovol 8rako ayatom Powor atooring windahiold waahor ayatom Activo 8ody Control (il applicablo) Lillorontial lock mochaniam lluidroaorvoirFunction checkAudiblo warning ayatom (Lloctric-hydraulic brako ayatom)Chock Lloctric-hydraulic brakoayatom hydraulic unitRecommended 8ervice WorkC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaRoplaco wipor bladoa 8ervice at 130,000 miIea or 13 yearaMaintenance 8ookIet

Warning!Ploaao mako auro you road tho tochnical documontation, auch aatho 0porator'a Vanual and workahop inlormation, boloro carryingout any maintonanco work.42_wP, 2, 4, on-0Sd2uthach, voraion: - Soito C-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCL8-CIaaaF-CIaaaC-CIaaaCL-CIaaaCLK-CIaaaM-CIaaaR-CIaaa8-CIaaa8L-CIaaa8LK-CIaaaCheck the foIIowing fIuid IeveIa,correct if neceaaaryll thoro ia a loaa ol lluid, dotorminocauao and porlorm ropair withaoparato work ordorVain or atartor battory FIectricaI ayatem checkaPorn, high boam llaahor, hazardwarning llaahor, turn aignala warning/indicator lampa,illumination and intorior lighting/oxtorior lighting Chock trunk/cargo aroa lighting 8attory (main/atartor/auxiliary)chock condition uaing "VidtronicaVCR 717" toator ViauaI and functionaI checkaChock windahiold waahor andhoadlamp cloaning ayatom Cloan and l