2010 Gospel Entertainment Edition



In this Issue: Gospel Entertainment, featuring Smokey Norful, and other gospel artists with great articles.

Transcript of 2010 Gospel Entertainment Edition

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Linda C. Tardy, PresidentChief Editor/Author/PublisherVision House PublishersVisions Christian Magazinewww.visionschristianmagazine.comadvertise@visionschristianmagazine.com

A Servitude Attitude

Have you considered my servant Job? Many of you know the story of Job (Book of Job) The story of Job shows an example of “Faith,” regardless of circumstances. The words, “My Servant Job,” depicts an “Attitude of Service,” toward God. For example, in America and abroad there have been many crisis situations, some people have lost there jobs, homes and family members; that can be very devasting. Some people have committed suicide as a result of losing their jobs. You might ask, “How did Job deal with this type of lost? In fact, during Jobs time period there were no doctors, and Job had become ill with skin sores, pain, day and night.The key here is “Attitude.” Throughout all of Job’s suffering and struggles, he refused to turn his back on God. Did he complain? Yes, he even made accusations, and appeals. But Job continued to face God, yet he never cursed God, as satan thought he would. You see, satan used the mouth of Jobs wife, and told Job to curse God, but he didn’t. Job continued in faith, trusted in the Lord, and most of all remained a “Servant of the Lord.” God had chosen Job to be a leader, head of household, and owner of much cattle. The Bible says, (Luke 12:48)“To much is given, much is required.” God knew that Job would continue to serve him regardless. Job had a “Servitude Attitude,” toward God. Trouble and suffering are not always punishment for sin, for God’s people it serves as a trial, in test or discipline that will ultimately result in spiritual growth and spiritual gain. God restored everything Job had lost. Job ultimately passed the test, maintained an attitude of faith, and continued in spite of his circumstance to serve the Lord.Job knew something that others did not know, and that was God’s hidden purpose. God wants you too to know His hidden plan and purpose for your life; that’s why he tells us in (Romans 8:28-30) And we know that all things work together to them who love God and are called according to His purpose.” For those he foreknew he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the first-born among many brethren. Moreover whom he did predestinate, them he also called: and who he called, them he also justified: and who he justified, them he also glorified.”Similarly, the story of Joseph (Genesis 47-50) shows faith, trusting in the Lord and a servant’s attitude toward God as well. Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers, made a slave to the Pharaoh of Egypt. One of the Pharaoh’s official’s, Potiphar, an Egyptian and official to Pharaoh, had a wife who falsely accused Joseph of raping her. Joseph was thrown into prison. Joseph was told to serve the Pharaoh’s god while in prison, but Joseph refused to serve any other gods, and remained a true servant to the God of Abraham. Joseph trusted God no matter what the circumstance. He remained faithful, and God made Joseph leader/governor over all the land of Egypt. The Bible says, “His master (GOD) replied, you have been faithful over a few things; I will

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put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness! (NIV study Bible) God is searching high and low for someone whom he can showcase. Will it be you? Have you trusted God through your circumstance, trials and sufferings? Do you still believe that God will make provision for the plan and vision that he entrusted you with?

If God has called you to be a leader, it is imperative that you understand what the prerequisite is before becoming a leader. You must learn to serve the Lord in all that you do, in your marriage, family, business, schools, and simply communicating with friends and strangers on the street. The key is knowing that you are “Performing for an audience of ONE,” and understanding that how you respond to your struggles and trials determines the release of your blessing. Maintaining a “Servitude Attitude,” and meditating on the word of God, day and night is the key to a successful and prosperous life.

Trust in the Lord with all of your heart, lean not on your own understanding, but in all of your waysAcknowledge Him and He will make your path straight (Proverbs 3:5-6)

What is your

purpose and assignment

in this earth realm?

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Models for JesusBy Angela Breidenbach

What does modeling bring to mind? For some, it’s a negative ideal that includes pretty pouts and under clad bodies intent on luring you into sin. But is that all there is? Surface charms? Could there be more under the surface?

Several years ago I took my son to Seattle to explore his dream of acting. We were homeschooling and attended an acting convention complete with seminars and agent appointments. He was signed to a contract and actually had a few calls for auditions. A year later, that same agent called me and asked if I’d ever done work as a spokesmodel. “Who me? Uh uh,” I shook my head to her request. She didn’t have anyone to complete a project in my area, would I be interested in earning a little money? We went over the details, and at thirty-nine, I signed on to become a spokesmodel. Over the next few years, I worked promoting new products from Dove, Suave, Huggies, Vaseline, Sunsilk and Olay. I learned about the companies and products I represented and shared that information in my work. The money I earned helped our family finances and educated consumers on legitimate products. I’ve worked in modeling, as do thousands, to provide information to others while providing an income for my household.

Modeling has many different job distinctions. My specialty is in a niche called spokesperson or spokesmodeling. It’s in my DNA to meet new people, engage in conversation and speak in public. As a spokesmodel, I have the added benefit of expressing my God given talents. He knit me together in my mother’s womb into a person who loves adventure, people and someone who thrives on sharing what she knows to help others. I’m an outgoing gal. You can’t be shy in this niche because starting the conversation often falls on the spokesmodel. As my husband says, “She can’t stand in a line and not make a new friend.” Like I said, it’s programmed in my DNA.

Creativity is a gift from God. Artists, inventors and entrepreneurs use those gifts but so do we in decorating our homes, planning activities, writing business plans, and even cooking meals. There isn’t anything we do in our life that isn’t somehow creative. God has given us the desire and imagination to create. New ideas are everywhere. Marketing is the vehicle that allows those ideas to get out and get known. Models are a part of that industry as the canvas for those creative ideas whether they are showing clothes, coffee or shampoo. The point is to draw attention to the product and to take the back seat. Does it surprise you that a model is trained to take second fiddle? There are a lot of misconceptions in every profession.

Do you buy something unseen? Rarely, maybe, most often we all want to know what it is before spending hard earned money. We need to see the item’s quality, understand the concept, or simply comprehend the dimensions. Models act as examples to tell the story and make it possible to share great dreams and creativity. There’s a lot of local work for models with hometown organizations needing to communicate their messages like hospitals, live promo events, and discount store posters. There are models for in-house training with

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companies that need safety and training posters, videos and legal compliance. Take a look around your own office. It’s easier to understand directions when you have a visual explanation. I’ve done television spots for a local volunteer program to build community involvement and a bank that added more member benefits. Now my experience as a spokesmodel is turning in another direction. I’m competing on stage as Mrs. Montana International for the title of Mrs. International.As a life coach, author and speaker, I’m writing a series called Gems of Wisdom and developing material to teach interpersonal skills. My calling is to help people discover the unusual treasures hardship produces. I help people dig out unrefined attitudes that overrule our day-to-day emotions then cut and polish those relational dynamics into faceted, clear gems of immense value. Many people express helplessness, guilt, frustration, and a desire to change but may not know how. These are a few of the “pirates” attacking our relationships, attempting to steal our treasure.

How do I get the message out that I want to help people claim their own treasure? I began searching for that vehicle and found the perfect opportunity in the Mrs. International Pageant. As a state representative, I am asked to support the American Heart Association, a charity of my own choosing and a platform issue I believe in. I’ll work hard during this year of service to draw attention to both the American Heart Association and the Jadyn Fred Foundation missions as well as promote the gems of interpersonal skills. I hope to inspire healthier lifestyles, strengthen family relationships, and bring awareness to the Jadyn Fred Foundation and orphans in Kenya.

I’m able to use past experience to lay a foundation for future goals. Crucial in this adventure are the many skills involved. Walking across a stage and smiling sounds pretty simple, doesn’t it? But it takes confidence and a comfortable stage presence earned from many years of performance art in singing, leading worship, and modeling. Many people hold giving a speech as one of their most fear-filled activities. Instead of fear, public speaking exhilarates me.

We are all blessed with certain God ordained talents and abilities. Modeling gives me the ability to reach out with a bigger voice and to embrace the purpose God laid on my life—empowering and educating interpersonal and relationship skills. He’s used a unique pathway for me just like he has for you. One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 6: 16. This is what the LORD says: “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls. But you said, ‘We will not walk in it.’

I read those words and I am drawn to the last six. The words that refuse the good way, the path, the rest for my soul. Those six words make me shiver. I don’t want to be that person. I’m driven to follow the path God has set and that path, for me, includes modeling. I live in a very public lifestyle. Society watches how I behave, the choices I make and the standards I live out in my daily example. I’ve been called to showcase other people’s dreams until now, as my own training field. Looking back, I see everything has been put in place to prepare me for God’s purpose to unfurl step by step as I walk in the good way. I can’t see the entire road. I have to stop and ask through prayer. He grants me enough of a view to encourage my foot to move forward, not so much that I cringe at the mountain of work ahead. The Lord laid down this path and I will walk in it.

The world we live in puts the spotlight on all Christians, not just those in the highly visible field of professional modeling. We’re all modeling something in our choices. The question isn’t, “Should Christians be models?” Instead ask, “What am I modeling? What does my modeling display about my beliefs?” Ultimately, we need to ask, “Am I modeling for Jesus?” Yes, I am a model—and you are too. Will you walk the path?

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An Enduring Legacy

by Beth Herndon

In today’s musical world of one-hit-wonders and trends that fly out the window with yesterday’s news, it is rare for a musical group to have decades-long staying power. Yet, gospel music group, The Clark Sisters, have managed to accomplish just that. After 35 years in the music business, The Sisters are still going strong, winning multiple Grammy awards in 2008. With their recently released album, “Live-One Last Time,” which topped Billboard charts for over 43 weeks, the success of The Sisters shows no indication of slowing down or fading away. In fact, the Clark family embodies a legacy whose roots go deep from generations past, extending today through generations future.

This is currently evidenced by Kierra Sheard, daughter of one of the Sisters, Karen Clark Sheard, who is making her own waves in the music industry. Through her music, Kierra is taking a bold stance among today’s youth through her voice and the platform God has given her. One might chalk Kierra’s success up to family connection, but there is much more than meets the eye to the Clark family legacy.

Dr. Mattie Moss Clark is the mother of The Clark Sisters. Born in Selma, Alabama, Dr. Clark is credited with being the first person to teach the technique of three part harmony (soprano, alto, and tenor) to a choir. She was president of the National Music Department of the Church of God in Christ for more than 25 years. She organized the 300 voice Southwest Michigan State Choir of the Church of God in Christ, directed the Charles H. Mason Memorial Choir for many years, and founded the Clark Conservatory of Music in Detroit. She recorded more than 35 albums in her lifetime and was the first musician to attain a gold album. And though Mrs. Clark passed away in 1994, the legacy of her gifts continues to take flight through the music and ministries of all her girls. The foundation laid by God in the roots of Dr. Clark has literally created a ripple effect; a ripple effect that has traveled through generations, all the while releasing powerful anthems impacting thousands of people the world over. “Blessed are those…. who have set their hearts on pilgrimage. As they pass through…. they make it a place of springs; the autumn rains also cover it with pools.” Psalm 84:5-6

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When Dr. Mattie began to exercise her musical gifts with her five daughters, it is easy to imagine she would never know the enormity of the blessing God would impart. The Clark Sisters is comprised of Elbertina “Twinkie” Clark-Terrell, Dorinda Clark-Cole, Jacky Clark-Chisolm, and Karen Clark-Sheard. The ladies were raised in Detroit, Michigan by Dr. Clark and their pastor father. The fifth Clark sister, Denise Clark Bradford, sang with the group until she eventually became the mother of seven children, founded outreach ministries in Detroit, and ministered the love of Christ to many in her community. The Sisters grew up under the leadership of their pastor father, Elbert Clark.Not only were the sisters endowed with rich roots from their mother, the ministerial gifts of their father have also left a legacy. The Sisters not only sing, they also minister to many through their gifts of teaching and pastoring. Of their parents, Denise has said, “We came out of the womb thrusted into the ministry of singing. I remember when momma would wake us up at like 2 A.M. because she had a musical revelation, and needed to teach the song she just wrote! Testing it out on ‘my girls’ as she stated, first before teaching it to the choir. My father was my greatest influence…. a supportive protector. He was such an understanding father.”

The Clark Sisters have been on the gospel music scene since their first album in 1973, Jesus Has A Lot To Give. In 2008, 35 years later, The Clark Sisters won their first Grammy Award. The largest-selling female Gospel group in history, The Sisters have been inducted into the Gospel Music Hall of Fame. They recently received high honors at the 2007 Stellar Awards when they were presented with the coveted award for Most Notable Achievement.

As their musical career has spanned decades, the ladies have also pursued solo projects, reaching additional success with their individual projects. It seems that whatever the ladies put their hands to has been met with the faithfulness of God through the years. Not only do the ladies have a powerful collective ministry in their music together, they each have boldly pursued the call given them on an individual level and have pursued many projects outside of music. Lending their talents to speaking, community organizations, and furthering causes such as the American Diabetes Association, the Sisters have not stopped with just music in ministering to the world around them.

Jacky Clark Chisholm, the oldest of the sisters, released a solo album entitled, “Expectancy.” “Expectancy” allows listeners to hear Jacky in a new light as she continues to build upon the legacy set forth by her mother. Her vision for the album is simply meant to ‘minister to the heart and soul, to restore the people of God who’ve been hurt working in the church’” (http://www.theclarksisters.com/jacky.html). Jacky’s children, Angel and Aaron Chisholm, were featured within an assembly of vocalists for the album as well.

Karen Clark Sheard is known for her wide vocal range and powerful vocal riffs and runs. In her personal life, Karen sees the world with fresh eyes and speaks of tomorrow as someone who is just getting started. ‘I looked at the world and I feel like there is a whole side of it that hasn’t even been reached,’ she says. ‘There are so many millions of people who’ve never heard the Gospel message. As long as there’s even one soul that hasn’t heard that message, my work here has not yet been accomplished. And it is work, but it’s a calling, and it’s a blessing, and it’s a job that is never finished’” (http://www.theclarksisters.com/karen.html).

Dorinda Clark Cole has walked a rich and challenging personal life journey. At one point in her life, she walked through a valley self-described as a “devastating time.” Dorinda experienced this challenging period that has shaped her testimony and inspired her biggest hit, ‘I’m Still Here.’ ‘It was a time when I was about to end it. I mean I was suicidial. I never ever would have thought I would experience that because I was ‘so saved’! We say it all the time that God can pull you out of it and He can do anything, but when you actually get there, it’s like I really know He can do it” (http://www.theclarksisters.com/dorinda.html). Dorinda credits the grace and faithfulness of God as carrying her from the valley to a place of healing and peace.

Having written, arranged, and composed much of The Clark Sisters music, the final Sister, Elbernita “Twinkie”

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Clark, is a powerful force behind the Sisters. She travels widely and has been very influential in the careers of many of music’s big names today. ‘I see myself as a vehicle, a vessel being used by God, having purpose, and yielding to God,’ says Twinkie. She has understood the ministerial calling on her life from a very young age and feels herself to be a legend because her mother was a legend. ‘And I wanted to be just like her” (http://www.theclarksisters.com/twinkie.html). The Sisters have credited Twinkie with seamlessly blending their vocal attributes with the Word of God to create music that truly brings honor and glory to God.

The fruit of the lives of each of the Clark Sisters, coupled with the legacy that continues through their own children, has proven what the late Dr. Clark once said: “One should never try to sing, preach, teach, or reach without prayer and that Christ must always be the center of attraction and the center of one’s life” (http://www.theclarksisters.com/mmc.html). This root of truth has firmly planted The Clark Sisters as an immutable and powerful legend within the gospel music industry. As The Clark Sisters have held fast to keeping Christ at the center of everything, a legacy continues to be carried forth within their family like a flaming torch. A torch that is effecting both older and younger generations for Christ and shows no sign of soon being quenched. And perhaps what the Clark family most shows us is that the choices we make today have an impact reaching beyond us and into our world in ways we may never imagine.

“Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commands” Deuteronomy 17:9.


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Kierra Sheard Taking a Bold StandGrammy nominee, Stellar and Dove Awards winner, Kierra Sheard is holding true to her heritage of leaving a legacy for the next generation. Kierra has a rich legacy of music, artistry, strong faith and determination from the men and women in her family. Kierra has truly inherited the vocal giftings of her powerhouse vocalist mother, Karen Clark Sheard and her deeply influential grandmother, Dr. Mattie Moss Clark. Kierra is well aware of the legacy that has been passed to her. Kierra stated, “I realize my family has paved the way for me and I do not want to take advantage of that. I am excited

and honored that God has trusted me to carry this legacy on.” Kierra knows that she has been blessed. While Kierra is following the path of her mother and grandmother in gospel music, Kierra is forging her own way in Christ with a new sound and her own song.

Kierra’s newest album, ‘Bold Right Life’ has this unique sound which she says is “full of love and power and energy and fun.” Sheard was able to delicately weave the tapestry of her gospel upbringing with an added sound of ‘hip’, as she refers to it, on this new album. The song “Praise Him Now” is mostly representative of her gospel roots of which she is very appreciative. Sheard stated that she was “born and raised” in the church and her dad is a pastor. Although Kierra was raised in church, she stated that it was not until she was fifteen years of age that she asked Jesus to be her savior.

According to Kierra, she was raised in a godly home with parents that loved and sheltered her. However, with all of her parents’ efforts Kierra did not grow up unscathed. When Kierra hit her teen years it was a difficult time for her and she “went through some things” like a lot of teens. Then at fifteen years of age she saw what God can do and God constantly revealed Himself. Kierra stated, “God is so big, you can’t put limits on God.” She was wooed by Christ over time to a complete surrender to Him. Since that time, it has been total surrender for Kierra as she stated, “I’ll never let Him go”.

Sheard continues to express her love relationship with Christ through the song “My Boyfriend” found on her latest album ‘Bold Right Life’. She encourages young ladies through her song that Jesus is the relationship that matters above all else. Kierra says, “Jesus is my boyfriend because he knows me inside out”. She also expressed that sometimes as females “we deal with things using our heart (emotions) and end up getting ourselves in relationships that are not good for us. Through this we open the door to allow our souls to be bruised”. Kierra experienced this first hand and thus the song “My Boyfriend”. She stated that God is the lover of her soul and she is no longer pleasing man but God. Kierra expressed that she will wait and be patient on the man that God has for her. It appears that Kierra Sheard is following the advice of Maya Angelou “A woman’s heart should be so hidden in Christ that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.”

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Sheard has had the opportunity to share with those going through the dating drama that giving ourselves to God first is a good thing. Kierra encourages young people to get to know God first and give yourself to Him. Once you give yourself to God then you can learn to love yourself so in return you can love another. She says, “Just because you are single, doesn’t mean you’re alone – it’s the time to get to know God better.” In her early twenties, Kierra has gained wisdom that takes most people years to figure out.

Kierra credits this maturity in part by gleaning from the wisdom of those that are influential in her life. However, she humbly admits she is not perfect and is not ashamed to say so. Kierra recognizes that she is still growing and maturing. Sheard is quick to describe the differences of being “KiKi” “quick with the mouth, music blastin’, fighter who just wanted to live life” to “Kierra” “a lady”. Kierra explained that she wants to be a lady that prays and portrays Jesus. She has had a personal encounter with Christ, who no longer wants her will, but His. She wants her ministry to focus on meeting the needs of others. She stated that she is still finding out what God wants her to be. She went from cheerleading and sports to music and now ministry. Sheard has such a strong desire to fulfill God’s purpose and God never ceases to amaze her in how He uses her differently each time. Sheard stated, “I’m here to serve the Lord and I’m not letting go of that”.

Kierra believes she has also grown spiritually and in maturity during the production of ‘Bold Right Life’, which is evident in Kierra praying over the record and asking God to allow listeners to hear His glory. It appears that the teachings of Kierra’s grandmother, Dr. Mattie Clark, have passed on to her. Dr. Clark taught that “one should never try to sing, preach, teach, or reach without prayer and that Christ must always be the center of attraction and the center of one’s life.” Sheard also carries on this legacy by taking a courageous stand among her own generation; encouraging young people to be bold, stand strong and not back down when it comes to representing Christ in their lives.

This whole concept for naming the record ‘Bold Right Life’ was actually inspired by Sheard encouraging young people to live boldly through her non-profit organization in Detroit, where she is from. The organization is actually named Bold Right Life, which she hopes “to be a movement”. She desires for young people to boldly live right in their daily lives. With deep passion, Kierra explained that God had given this vision of Bold Right Life to her because so many young people are blind to the spiritual warfare that they are in. She wants young people to understand that they can no longer use the hardships of their life as a crutch. Kierra stated that she has had friends shot, killed and that are lost. She started Bold Right Life so she can reach out to those and let them know they do not have to be defeated by the enemy. She also wants raise awareness for adults to accept the youth where they are. Kierra backs her bold, courageous stance by referring to Colossians 3:1-6 “We are dead to things of this world….boldly living right, getting ready for life.”

Woman of God, Kierra Sheard (no longer KiKi), has successfully metamorphosed from being the little girl on stage under the protection of her mother to a colorful creation that has spread her wings to new heights and destinations. She is just the role model mothers and grandmothers are looking for their daughters. She is a bold, strong believer in Christ not just in her talk, but in her music, her charity and her walk in daily life. Sheard is not afraid to stand up for what she believes in while singing about it and her boldness in Christ is contagious. Kierra’s music is not one that has to be censored but it is appropriate for all family members. She hopes this music, this new album “sets a fire in people to live and breathe life to the fullest; enjoying every moment”. Kierra is a young woman on a mission to share her love of Christ while encouraging others to do the same by living a ‘Bold Right Life’.

Kierra Sheard’s album Bold Right Life can be found anywhere CDs are sold and online. Also, go to www.MYSpace.com/KierraKiKiSheard for updated information, YouTube clips or tour dates of Kierra Sheard. To find out more about Bold Right Life, go to www.BoldRightLife.com

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A Nor-full Life

By Pamela Guerrieri

If my sins had their way I never would have made it.

With a debt I just couldn’t afford to pay He came and saved me.

When the enemy said that I couldn’t, God said, “Go ahead because you’re covered by

My awesome Awesome powerful blood.”

Such soulful lyrics couldn’t hit closer to home in today’s times. When Victory Cathedral Worship Center pastor and award-winning music artist Smokie Norful released the hit song “Justified” on his latest album Smokie Norful: Live, it’s no wonder the album climbed the charts to take the number one spot as Billboard Top Gospel Album. So tell me, what’s so inspiring about the album that it would steal the number five spot on the Billboard R&B Chart and continue to gain fans on Urban Gospel radio? Along with Smokie’s smooth, riveting vocals and masterful accompaniment, the message offers just what society needs. In a time of uncertainty, there’s one thing Smokie’s certain of: Christ’s love.

The words ring truer than ever in modern days: “With a debt I just couldn’t afford to pay…” All across America people are struggling with unemployment, foreclosures, and financial insecurity—all debts that shackle us to this earthly life. But the lyrics don’t end there. “He came and saved me.” Smokie’s onto something here, and it rings with freedom. That message is one of salvation and justification by faith alone. Not one among us can handle the debt of sin, but Jesus Christ’s death on the cross can. As Smokie aptly puts it, when the enemy says no, God says yes. Can I hear an “Amen”?

Pastor Smokie Norful uses the word of God coupled with heart-stirring melody to teach a message of hope and restoration—which is exactly what justification is. As a Sunday school teacher once told me, Christ’s blood allows God to see us “just-as-if” we never sinned. Surely Smokie’s lyrics show just how “awesome awesome” God’s powerful blood is!

This former high school history teacher spent years grappling with God’s calling for his life, and the conclusion of his journey led him into the arms of grace and ministry. His humble roots in Pine Bluff, Arkansas, as the son of a pastor would equip this young man to one day embark on his own God-designed ministry as he birthed a church congregation and cultivated his musical talents. Yet all of the hustle and bustle of being a pastor and

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performer opened up doors for God’s work in ways Smokie never could have imagined. God used Smokie’s mustard seed-sized idea to reap a harvest of saved souls, justified from the debt of sin that weighs humanity down.

The song “Justified” isn’t just a compilation of random lyrics that Smokie threw together. No, this is a biblical promise of hope in a hurting world. A message that says, the only thing that truly matters is your relationship with Christ. The house, the car, the bank account—none of that holds any eternal value. What matters is where you stand with God. It’s when you have that relationship with God that you can let Him carry the burden of debt; let Christ’s blood on the cross free you from the worry and anxieties of this life.

When looking at Smokie’s life now, it’s hard to imagine that’s he’s ever gone through any lows or had any doubts. After all, a brief look at Smokie Norful’s list of accomplishments leave most mouths gaping in astonishment. With several years in gospel music, he’s become a heavyweight of the genre, including being a GRAMMY®, Dove, and Stellar winner, a bona fide Billboard chart-topper, a two-time gold-selling artist, and a crossover star responsible for the unforgettable, multi-format smash, “I Need You Now.” However, Smokie vividly recalls the days before the hype—when he resisted God’s calling and struggled with an inward confliction over the extensive travel, long days, and grinding work involved in music ministry—all while being a husband and father. Of course, God ended up working it all out by inspiring Smokie with a renewed vision. This was when God stirred a deep desire for service as a pastor.

Out of Smokie’s obedience, from there God nurtured a plan to pave the way for countless music-lovers to hear the message of salvation and justification from their beloved and passionate preacher. Just as music will forever hold a special place in Smokie’s heart, God has opened the doors to bless the world with Smokie’s musical gifts. Ministry, however, isn’t just for the Smokie Norfuls of the world. This promise is granted to all who seek God’s will and God’s work. Just as Smokie surrendered his dreams to God, when we surrender our lives to our Maker, He will be faithful to carry His plan through to fruition.

Smokie Norful Live, the latest chapter in a vertiginous rise to the very zenith of gospel, is the project he was destined to make. It brings together both of his personas—artistic and pastoral—for an in-concert experience that’s also the closest representation of who he is as a singer and minister.

“If you catch me on Sunday morning, I sound just like this,” Norful says. “I don’t have a Sunday-morning me and then a concert-night me. It’s all the same person. I dress the same. I sing the same. I preach the same—the Word that you get in between songs is the same you get at church.”

With that clear-cut sense of purpose, Norful went on to make Smokie Norful Live, his fourth EMI Gospel outing and first-ever live recording. The disc and accompanying concert DVD serve as a fitting capstone to everything that’s transpired in the most recent season of Norful’s life, a musical reminder of the faithfulness of a God who sees us through every trial, every tear, and every suffering.

Recorded before a crowd of more than 2,000 at the Cannon Center for the Performing Arts in Memphis, Tenn., Smokie Norful Live is in many ways a family affair, as many of the onstage musicians and sidemen are fellow worshippers with Norful at Victory Cathedral Worship Center, the church he founded. One of them is project co-producer Jason Tyson, the singer’s longtime music director on the road, as well as a minister of music at Victory, business partner, and a trusted brother and friend.

Certainly Smokie leads a full life as a pastor, recording artist, husband, and father, but there’s one role that

guides the rest; this role is the foundation of who he is. That role is a saved, secure, and faith-filled Christian. It is this identity in Christ that resonates so powerfully in his arresting first single, “Justified,” a track that serves

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as a primer for the type of person he is: a man free by the blood of Christ.

Norful offers no magic recipe for the energy, synergy, and prodigy evinced on the sights and sounds of Smokie Norful Live, other than the fact that he’s simply doing what the Lord has meant for him to do all along.

“I’m really just a church kid,” he says. “I have other components to add to the flavoring, but the bottom line is, I’m just a church kid who loves gospel music, loves God, and loves the Word of God.”

It’s a delicate balance, one Norful knows how to strike and maintain. It’s a new season in his life, a full plate that includes being the priest of his own home, pastoring a two-site congregation in Chicago, Illinois, and his evolving career as a recording artist and record label president.

“I have a good team around me, beginning with my wife,” Norful continues. “She brings stability. She brings balance. She makes sure that the home is secure, that my children are covered, that I’m covered. If I run out the door and I run back in realizing that I forgot something, she’s already standing at the door with it. That’s symbolic of the whole dynamic between us.”

While one can listen to any number of Smokie’s inspiration-packed lyrics and adrenaline-pumping melodies, the beautiful simplicity of the message is the cornerstone of why he sings. Justification by faith in Christ pours into the words of his songs. It seeps into the hearts of listeners and compels fresh understanding of what it means

to live by justification. Justification saves lives and offers hope in hopeless conditions. When we can’t see the light at the end of the dismal tunnel, remember that God is present, He is holding out His hand for you to take, and He’ll lead you through whatever obstacle you face. Smokie Norful is living proof that God can and will plant a seed in your life—no matter what you face today, whether it be unemployment or a pile of unpaid bills—and He is faithful to carry out His plan for His children. All the way to the cross.

No matter what we believe in or who we are—we

are a witness for something. People see your

lifestyle and know what you


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Sparkle: Heather HeadleyBy Angela Breidenbach

Sparkle draws the eye and causes a double take at the flash. It’s necessary sometimes, that flash, to catch our attention. Heather Headley is beautiful and talented and certainly has shimmer factor. She’s won the Tony for her work in Aida on

Broadway. But all that is the sparkle. Let’s find out what’s under the sparkle.

Heather’s many awards, and Grammy nominations, pale before her audience of one. “I grew up in the church, actually above the church, and this album not only grants me a way to sing music I’ve always wanted to, but it also gives me a chance to give God some overdue praise for everything He has done, and continues to do for me. I really don’t deserve all that He has given me. I can’t help but be grateful; so, we’ll take the voice He gave and thank Him with it… This is my gift to God. My relationship with Him is paramount.”

She understands where her blessings come from and now, she’s turning her praise back on God with the new album, Audience of One. An interesting fact is that she does not like the recording process. She wants to sing her songs over and over in the studio to fix little things. She admits to an issue with perfectionism in a youtube.com video. But on stage, the crowd’s response energizes her performance ability.

Professional polish flows naturally from Heather. The confidence she shows during performance translates into charisma that connects immediately into the heart of the spectators. Suddenly they are no longer mere watchers, they’re involved. Involved in the music, the lyrics and the heartstrings of God through the wonderful vocal talents of Heather Headley. If you haven’t had the opportunity to hear her amazing range, you are missing a treat! The lower notes have a timbre so sweet, you’ll want to close your eyes to savor the rich quality. God sparkles through her.

Though Heather’s work blesses others with her music, she isn’t one to steal the spotlight. She recorded with Smokie Norful and Jesus Is Love is on this newest album. (Smokie Norful will be on the front cover of this edition also if you’d like to learn more about him.) In addition, Heather performed at President Obama’s inauguration, sang for President Bush, with Andrea Bocelli and as a star on Broadway. Yet her humble attitude prevails as the clarity in the sparkle.

Graduating from college with a degree in musical theater and communications set Heather on the path God prepared when he knit her together in her mother’s womb. Yet music and theater is not all there is for this performer. She graciously gave herself to educating women about premature birth with the March of Dimes. Heather’s sparkle sheds light on the thirty percent rise in premature births in the United States. An awareness the March of Dimes felt was necessary for women, especially black women with a one in six premature birth rate, to lessen infant deaths in the first month of life.

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External beauty, yes, but internal beauty comes from cultivating a love for the Lord and His greatest commands to love the Lord your God with all your heart . . . and to love others as yourself. As Heather grows in her career, she continues to make solid choices that display that love and honor of God’s commands. Though extremely talented in variable styles of music from classical, Broadway shows to R & B, this newest album reveals her Christian roots and deep desire to sing the Gospel. Past albums have uncovered dance hits. Now her voice will cause people to dance before the Lord.

A gem sparkles in the light with flash here and there reflecting the sun off the surface. Hold the gem at just the right angle and the spark becomes a flare. Heather Headley is holding her heart at just the right angle to reflect the Lord’s will in her life. The shimmer isn’t dying down moving from Broadway to recording Gospel music. She has her face turned to the God of all creativity absorbing His rays. It’s evident in her song and the gift of her free time to charity. The sparkle isn’t one little gem picking up one ray of light. It’s the raised treasure chest lid overflowing with the glitter of jewels. The further the lid is lifted, the more apparent is the depth of Heather’s love and talent.

It’s one thing to admire an amazing celebrity. But wholly another when that person inspires you to become the best person you can be through the intense work ethics that drive her to provide her very best every day. More talents are revealed as she explores new avenues. None of her awards, famous singing partners or even the albums she’s recorded would have been possible without Heather’s willingness to take a risk and say yes to the chances she had to take. The special quality of willing obedience often feels like stepping on an invisible bridge across a deep canyon. Some people never take that chance. Heather’s ability to sparkle in public has come from her desire to achieve the dream that started from singing into a hairbrush in an empty church building.

VCM: Heather, what is your true passion? By that I mean when you have time to volunteer, where do you spend it?

Heather: People tell kids because this is where you live and who you are. . . this is how you will be. I sit on a school board because I have a heart for children. Specifically, I want to empower and educate inner

city children to change their mindsets and change the results. I want to tell kids to live their purpose whether it is to be the president, a doctor, lawyer or a great mom, be the best you can be.VCM: You have taken a different direction by cutting your new album, An Audience of One.

Heather: I recently read the book, Roaring Lambs. I love that book, the thought of it, because even though I get to be on Broadway and sing R & B, I do not compromise my witness in any way. No matter what we believe in or who we are—we are a witness for something. People see your lifestyle and know what you believe. We need Christian people who are in all public positions like writing movies, scripts or anything because they can be a witness.

VCM: If you could tell the world anything right now, what would your message be?

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Heather: You need time to be alone. I took myself on a four-day vacation to learn how to be alone with me. If I can’t hang out with Heather, who can? The whole deal was learning to like Heather. In a different country, I didn’t speak the language so I had no one to rely so I could learn to be outside of my comfort zone. I learned I think I like me.

VCM: Share a favorite quote from Roaring Lambs.

Heather: I’m paraphrasing the quote from St. Francis of Assisi. Be a witness at all times and if necessary, speak.

The lesson for all of us is to dream big, dream our God-given purpose. But Heather modeled the right behavior for achieving the dream. Heather acted out her dream for hours on end. She acted the part until the part became second nature to her. This is the reason light catches the multi-faceted abilities Heather displays in her personal and professional life. She polished them to a high shine and lives them. The lesson we glean is to follow that example and practice living our dream.

I challenge you, dear reader, open up to the dreams God knit inside of you in your mother’s womb. What did you want to be when you grew up? If you aren’t doing that job right now, why not? If you are, is it possible to rediscover the earlier passion?

I believe God has placed Heather Headley in the spotlight in order to release some sparkle that reveals God’s light and inspire others through her music, acting, charity work and belief in marriage. These are on the outside, things we can see, we can emulate even in our own talents and abilities. We can bring a passion to our work, grow our families and teach them to act out their dreams. People like Heather Headley give us an excellent role model for ourselves, and our children. We, too, can begin to shimmer.

God has sparkle waiting for us each to step up as Heather Headley does and bless those around us. We may not be on a Broadway or an inaugural stage, but we are always in the spotlight as Christians. We are being watched daily. We have the opportunity to clean our gem, the one that has built up dirt over the years, and sparkle so that the walls are covered and it looks as if the stars surround us.


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Best radio personality of the year....

CoCo Brother Live

104.1 FMCoCo Brother Live and The Spirit are more than just Nationally Syndicated shows; they are a lifestyle. It’s a ministry focusing on Jesus Christ, which bridges the gap between generations, sinners and saints. The show features original skits, and exclusive in depth spiritual interviews with gospel hip hop and R&B superstars. CoCo Brother Live is four hour daily Live via Satellite and the Spirit is 2 hours weekily available via ftp download. Within the first few months of the weekend program, CoCo was able to interview and host some of the moat influential atists and leaders such as: TD Jakes, Kirk Franklin, Yolanda Adams and Smokie Norful, just to name a few.

CoCo Brother’s life is a testimony of waht God will do inwilling vessels. Never despise small beginnings. After being denied in Market 12, he went to Market 147; eventually rising to Markekt 7 and to the top. He operates in excellence and he just won’t quit. He is an example of someone who sometimes against all odds constantly raises the bar and sees the tone in everything he does. From honelessness to hosting and leading the official and defining movement for change in hip hop and now gospel, only time will tell what is in sgtore for Cory “CoCo Brother” Condrey. Indeed, after hearing his powerful testiony on the raido weekly, on CNN, and on CNN International, it’s very clear that CoCo will be one of those anointed leaders insuring that a new day has arrived and a generation is about to be changed. Furthermore, with the blessing of eing on the raido on

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Our testimony can be one of the most powerful tools we have. The word itself can be defined as ‘something that serves as evidence’ or ‘a public declaration regarding an experience.’ Over the last few years JOANN ROSARIO has been silent – not because she hasn’t a testimony but rather she was literally & physically silenced.

Noticing trouble with her voice in late 2002, Rosario was diagnosed in January 2003 with nodules on her vocal chords and had lost function of both her speaking and sing-ing voice. For someone who has been singing all her life this was now more than a challenge – it was a test to the strength of her faith in the God she serves. And though she continues to be on the road to recovery, this body of work, “Now More Than Ever … Worship” sincerely serves as evidence of the greatness of God and is a public declaration of her trial and importantly her triumph. Today, truly with a joyful noise Rosario sings His praises on an album that is all about worship and her complete adoration toward God.

Coco Brother Condrey marries JoaAnn Rosario, Gospel Recording Artist on NewYears Eve in a ceremony in Chicago.

Let this album be a testimony of God’s healing power today … He took me through this time as a walk of faith. I learned that my worship is not just in song. I had to rest on God and wait for Him to call on me to do

His will” explained Rosario.

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Before the arrival of Kirk Franklin in 1993, contemporary gospel music leaned toward inspirational quiet storm – ‘positive’ messages alluding to Jesus and a righteous walk of faith set to lightly groovin’ tracks that appealed primarily to adults. Upon the arrival of Kirk Franklin, the music and the culture of contem-porary Christianity got an energy boost that could give Red Bull a run for its money! Injecting a vigor-ous and youthful excitement to faith-walking, Kirk Franklin made it cool to be Christian, placing Godly messages in the same heavy rotation as other urban pop music. Over the last 14 years with hits such as “Stomp;” “Whatcha Lookin’ For;” “Looking for You;” “Revolution;” and “Lean on Me,” Kirk ascended to the upper echelons of gospel and pop. Beyond the music, he’s a highly exalted example of a man who achieved success without selling his soul (literally or figuratively) or his integrity. His mes-sages now inhabit books, an upcoming movie, and he even hosts his own BET talent search program, “Sunday Best.”

Grammy-winning, multi-platinum, crossover gospel king Kirk Franklin is a man accustomed to firsts. For example, he was the first gospel artist to sell over a million copies of his first album, Kirk Franklin & The Family. However, it was the first of a dif-ferent kind that led him to title his 11th and latest CD The Fight of My Life. It marked the first time that Kirk ever had so much trouble bringing his divinely inspired songs to life…for Kirk was facing an artistic drought the likes of which had never plagued him before.






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Before the arrival of Kirk Franklin in 1993, contemporary gospel music leaned toward inspirational quiet storm – ‘positive’ messages alluding to Jesus and a righteous walk of faith set to lightly groovin’ tracks that appealed primarily to adults. Upon the arrival of Kirk Franklin, the music and the culture of contemporary Christianity got an energy boost that could give Red Bull a run for its money! Injecting a vigorous and youthful excitement to faith-walking, Kirk Franklin made it cool to be Christian, placing Godly messages in the same heavy rotation as other urban pop music. Over the last 14 years with hits such as “Stomp;” “Whatcha Lookin’ For;” “Looking for You;” “Revolution;” and “Lean on Me,” Kirk ascended to the upper echelons of gospel and pop. Beyond the music, he’s a highly exalted example of a man who achieved success without selling his soul (literally or figu-ratively) or his integrity. His messages now inhabit books, an upcoming movie, and he even hosts his own BET talent search program, “Sunday Best.”

Grammy-winning, multi-platinum, crossover gospel king Kirk Franklin is a man accustomed to firsts. For ex-ample, he was the first gospel artist to sell over a million copies of his first album, Kirk Franklin & The Family. However, it was the first of a different kind that led him to title his 11th and latest CD The Fight of My Life. It marked the first time that Kirk ever had so much trouble bringing his divinely inspired songs to life…for Kirk was facing an artistic drought the likes of which had never plagued him before.

The album was originally supposed to be the soundtrack for the motion picture “Church Boy,” a story loosely based on Frank-lin’s life story struggles and triumphs - of the Forth Worth, TX-born gospel star who, against all odds, made a way out of no way. But when shooting for the film was abruptly postponed, the rug was pulled out from under Franklin, affecting not only his life but that of his family and his ministry. “I titled this album The Fight of My Life because that’s precisely what I was in,” he says, still shaken by the circumstance. “I had scheduled two months to devote to that movie. Now that schedule had a giant hole in it leaving me without a Plan B - no vision, no direction - which immediately meant financial challenges for me and my people.”

This uncharacteristic stress also upset the natural order of Frank-

lin’s creative process. “When I do albums, I usually feel ‘pregnant’ with ideas. God would give me pieces of a concept - the theme of an album - then songs would be born from that.” This time I felt empty. God was very silent at the genesis of this record... I had singers and musi-cians flying in ready to work and I wasn’t, which was very costly…and it happened twice! The second time they came, I only had two songs completed: ‘How it Used to Be’ (a song about coming back to Jesus after having been absent awhile) and ‘Hide Me’ (a song of restored faith on which he states, ‘Your delay is not a denial / Your plan is perfect when I’m not’). I was discouraged and depressed. I began to question whether I should do another album, whether I had another one in me...whether I should call McDonald’s to see if they were hiring?!”

Thankfully, brother Franklin’s righteously terrifying ‘Mac Tonight-mares’ finally came to a halt in what felt like his most desperate hour. The empathetic artist who was always ready with that perfect musical word to uplift others was now the one in need of inspiration. “One day walking the streets of my neighborhood,” Kirk contin-

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ues, “I cried out to The Lord, ‘Help!’ And some way out of my darkness, God started giving me the idea for the song ‘Help Me Believe.’ And from there, the songs slowly started flowing down the tunnel to me again.”

Those songs which now make up The Fight of My Life (the second album from Kirk Franklin’s own Fo Yo Soul Entertainment company – a joint venture with the Zomba label group) are some of the most dynamic and stylis-tically varied of his storied career, moving from spirited choral passages and jazz-kissed pieces to his signature hip hop praise grooves and even one head-banging rocker! As with all of his past milestones, the thread that holds together The Fight of My Life (written, produced and arranged by Kirk Franklin) is its powerful spiritual messages.

The first single is a burst of affirmative energy titled “Declaration (This is It),” a thrilling gospel-soul take-off on the1979 hit “This is It” by pop-rock superstar Kenny Loggins (who co-wrote the original with Michael Mc-Donald). “As a kid, I really enjoyed that song,” Kirk shares. “When I started recording it, one of the owners of the studio stopped by, heard what I was doing and told me, ‘You know Kenny Loggins wrote that song for his daddy when he was diagnosed with cancer.’ I was floored! I could see why it connected so strong to me. It was born from something powerful. What I’m saying in my version is because we are God’s children and have His Son living inside of us, there’s a lot of junk ‘in the world’ to which we allow ourselves to fall victim. But by the power of Christ we don’t have to. The song empowers people in their faith.”

Another album highlight, “Little Boy,” finds Kirk calling in reinforcement from the great Rance Allen and Isaac Carree to kick a three-prong message to young men, young women and their parents that is graced with a simmering beat, tasty acoustic guitar and muted trumpet, plus a couple of witty topical lyrical ‘zingers.’ “I’m just challenging everybody to do better,” Kirk states. “Christians become a ‘subculture’ when we are no lon-ger informed on current issues. It’s imperative that God’s people be effective and knowledgeable. If we’re in a bubble, we come across as antiquated.” Regarding those lyrical bombs he drops, Kirk volleys, “I say what I feel and let it fall where it may. `Cuz when something falls that is God-ordained, it falls right!”

Several songs are targeted toward young people. The first, “I Like Me,” is a percussive pastiche. featuring Christian rapper Da’ T.R.U.T.H. “When you’re trying to preach to kids, you’ve got to speak their language,” Kirk says. “Kids like beats…so I had to drop some like they was hot!” The second song is simply titled “Je-sus.” Kirk tailor-made it for the BET crowd and hopes they’ll call radio stations to request it. Similarly, “Still in Love” is a weekend roller skatin’, top-down cruiser’s dream. “I’m always striving to make us look cool in the culture,” Kirk shrugs.

Perhaps most impressive is “A Whole Nation,” a song about young men growing up without fathers which introduces galvanizing 11 year-old newcomer Donovan Owens. “He just rolled up on me backstage at an Easter concert in Milwaukee,” Kirk confesses, “singing one of my songs! People come up to me all the time, but not like Donovan. This kid could sing! I had to have him on my album. Sometimes God gives me snapshots of a song and this snapshot was of Donovan being the voice of a little Kirk. But I had to test him first, so I called and asked him about his relationship with his father. I needed him to sing this song from a place of honesty. When I saw that he could do that, I said, ‘Here we go!’”

“I Am God” features Kirk’s frequent collaborator, Christian rocker TobyMac. “TobyMac is the one in that Con-temporary Christian Music world that I have the closest relationship with,” Kirk states. “He’s halfway black and I’m halfway white, so we’ve got that special thing goin’ on…been friends for about 12 years now. This is my first rock song that I feel I got the closest to right because I used real rock players. I taught the song to Toby-Mac’s band.”

With all the contemporary amenities covered, Kirk still delivers some of his most awe-inspired songs of comfort and reassurance ever with “Still (In Control)” (featuring Melvin & Doug Williams, a.k.a. The Williams Broth-

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ers); “It Would Take All Day;” “Chains” (featuring singers Melonie Daniels, Sheri Jones-Moffett and gospel marvel Nikki Ross); “Hide Me” and “He Will Supply.” Most profound is the album closer “The Last Jesus” which - after all of the spiritual fortification and nurturing of the songs before it - turns the table and challenges the listener to strive to reflect God’s will and Jesus’ mission. Over a soothing acoustic music bed (including poi-gnant whistling on the outro), the phenomenal chorus reads, “If I say I love Jesus / But you can’t see my Jesus / My words are empty / If they can’t see Jesus in me / No more excuses / I give myself away / Because I may be the only Jesus they see today…”

Reflecting on this exceptional collection, Kirk muses, “These are things that I feel every day. People need honest transparent leadership – leaders who are not afraid to admit, ‘I’m jacked up’ or ‘I made a mistake, only follow me as I follow Christ.’ So it’s important to me that the culture sees that there is a large community of God’s people in entertainment, political and sports arenas striving for a level of Godly excellence that makes The Father happy.”

The Lord has blessed Kirk Franklin to be not only a commercial success – the biggest selling gospel artist in Soundscan history with over12 million albums sold and over 20 #1 singles at Gospel radio, plus 5 Grammy Awards; an American Music Award; 34 Stellar Awards (gospel); 12 Dove Awards (CCM); 4 NAACP Awards; 2 BET Music Awards, and a Soul Train Award on his mantle – he is a hero and example to anyone who thinks their life is beyond redemption. To hear his testimony is to hear that of a man who’s risen from the bleakest streets to the highest heights. Deeper still, he understands that the literal fight of his life is a battle done daily.

“For me success is very personal,” Kirk concludes. “This January (2008), I will have been married 12 years. I have kids that know me and love me. I’m not only married I’m happily married (check the verse in “I Like Me” where he speaks on that)! I’m a Black man in my 30s still hungry for The Lord and still hungry for God to knock down the stuff I see in me that still ain’t right. That’s the thinking I choose to keep in close contact with in terms of how I define ‘success.’ I’ve been working on me - and there’s a lot more work to be done.”

Spoken by a man as accomplished as Kirk Franklin, that statement challenged us all. And his latest masterwork, The Fight of My Life, will be the stirring soundtrack for winning the fights of our lives.

Juanita Bynum’s new project, “Pour My Love On You”, is an extraordinary testimony of the past 15 months of her real life experiences. “Pour My Love On You” was recorded live and also in the studio over the past year in various locations all across the country as she continued to minister to thou-sands in venues and churches everywhere. There is a tremendous buzz of excitement among radio announcers and the Juanita Bynum supporter, as internet pre-promotion of the single has already begun.

Once again, Juanita Bynum taps the remarkable production abilities of Stellar Award Nominee producer Myron Williams, producer of

the nearly platinum album, RIAA certified gold “A Piece of My Pas-sion”. “Pour My Love On You”, is a thrilling, more intense combi-nation of the same passionate lyrics and music from her previous album, with an added twist of foot stompin old school church! In

fact, “Pour My Love On You” has been dubbed as the honorary follow up album to A Piece of My Passion as it demonstrates an even deeper passion, sincerity, strength and love for God by Juanita Bynum. “Pour My Love

On You” will bring fans closer to the sound and worship that inspired Juanita Bynum to move on when she per-haps should have given up! (www.juanitabynum.com)

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DA’ T.R.U.T.H.

Exclusive Interview with Emanuel Lee Lambert, Jr. (Da’T.R.U.T.H)Interview by Chicago Long

Elder elect at Ephiphany Fellowship, Christian hiphop artist, Missionary and Teacher. He is known as “Da’T.R.U.T.H.” His birth name is “Emanuel Lee Lambert, Jr.” What a timely birth! Designed for a generation thirsty for answers, and hungry for love. Da’T.R.U.T.H encourages a culture of young people to not only give their lives to Christ, but he teaches, empowers and edify’s them to live the life as well. As a graduate of Philadelphia Biblical University, he takes what he has learned and creatively weaves it into lyrics of wisdom that awakens the soul, and ministers to the minds of people from all walks of life, particularly impacting the Hip Hop generation with godly values. Da’T.R.U.T.H’s new CD, “The Big Picture,” will address many issues such as, politics, traditional religion, poverty, depression, purpose, love, vision, wisdom, good health, education, relationships and many social ills in our society. Da’T.R.U.T.H ‘s desires are God’s desires, to restore God’s Kingdom through his music and teaching.

On July 16, 2009 at 7:15pm Central time (VCM) Visions Christian Magazine conducted an exclusive interview with Emanuel Lee Lambert:

VCM: When did you realize God was calling you? Truth: At age 16VCM: How old were you when you noticed your musical abilities? Truth: Same age, which is when I started rapping for the Lord.VCM: Who is your favorite Artist and why?

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Truth: Ambassador, who is one of my mentors on the Cross Movement Label.VCM: Which would you prefer first and now The Pulpit or The Stage. Truth: The Stage is preferred right now...The pulpit is much more structured and less loose and comfortable, although I minister Sunday morning services, conferences and retreats.VCM: How do you view Gospel Rap? As Praise, Worship, or Poetry. Truth: I view it as all and delivers it in all. I bring a Praise & Worship team with me on tour and travel. I minister through spoken Word. Also to get Gods Word across I use every venue within my means.VCM: What advice would you give a frustrated artist who is called publicly to the music industry, possessing the same gift as yourself? Truth: Perseverance is the key, after doing a self evaluation on the things or reasons that brings us frustrations, its in the midst of hardships or climbing the hills of frustration that proves us to be faithful.VCM: How do you deal with fame & exposure? Truth: It’s tuff being well known. It feeds your ego and you begin to feed off of things & people. Your pride can rise up easily, your possessions and accomplishments can create an appetite for more, making it hard to find contentment. Therefore, we must evaluate self again in these matters to assess our heart and to have a proper view of self and our own down falls. Then staying connected to a local church which would be something much bigger than self, bringing accountability and soberness of mind that helps you deal with fame and exposure when being well known.VCM: How do you deal with negative family members that didn’t or don’t offer encouragement and support through out striving for success? Truth: I can’t relate to this, because all of my family & friends far and near have always given super support to me through out my walk in ministry.VCM: How do you prepare your self before a show?

Truth: Through consecration and getting totally focused on whats at hand....Putting on my game face like a basketball player.VCM: What would you say to a teenager who wanted to give up on life? Truth: A true purpose for life is in Christ...Life is full of disappointments that we find through seeking after our on desires with out God. But if we seek Christ and pursue him first; the bible says that He who comes after him shall not be disappointed and will be saved from not only the wrath to come but life’s disappointments. Cry out for God for he is not afar off and can be found. We all need to go back to the one who created us to fix us when we’re broken. VCM: What would you say is the difference between a career and a vision/your purpose?

Truth: This is surely a challenge, not letting the outside world from Christ qualify us or putting too much of the concept, “The American Dream,” in our focus but simply having a Kingdom Agenda, Matthew 6:33 “Seeking ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you.” Then finding balance between our life’s work and our natural abilities for this world, so we can fulfill our

purpose. We must look for ways to be Kingdom driven, yet not excluding college and other schooling, knowing God has given us a place to glorify him through those natural and spiritual abilities whether on the job or in ministry.

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Nicole C. Mullen DREAM TO BELIEVE IN, VOL. 2

Great songs not only reflect the life of the person who wrote them, but also serve as a mirror in which others see their own reflection. Nicole C. Mullen is an artist who creates those kinds of moments, and it’s those kind of songs that populate her new collection “A Dream to Believe In, Vol. 2.”

“It’s a celebration of reconciliation between spouses, between a mother and a son, between families, between the generations,” Mullen says. “The songs on the album deal with all these different issues. They are pages from my journals of life and hopefully people can look at them and say, ‘Not only am I reading Nicole’s journal, but I’m reading mine as well.’”

Mullen’s ability to relate her experiences and celebrate her relationship with God in a way that has universal appeal has been a hallmark of her distinguished career. A Cincinnati native who got her start singing in church, Mullen has won multiple Gospel Music Association Dove Awards including Female Vocalist of the Year and Songwriter of the Year honors as well as Song of the Year awards for her hit “Redeemer” and the Jaci Velasquez hit “On My Knees,” which she co-wrote with her husband David and Michael Ochs. Her acclaimed album “Talk About It” was recently certified gold by the RIAA, signifying sales over 500,000 copies.

In addition to the accolades she’s won for her musical gifts, Mullen is also well-known for her tender heart. She established The Baby Girls Club, which mentors and encourages young women. She also supports the International Needs Network, an organization that works to free the Trokosi slaves in Ghana.

It’s that heart for people that forms the music on “A Dream to Believe In, Volume 2.” “A lot of ideas

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come from conversations that I’ve had after concerts,” Mullen says of the inspiration for her songs. “That’s always been my favorite part of the night, singing on stage and then being able to talk to those who are actually listening and get feedback from them. I live a similar life to them. I have a different job, but there are things that are common. I have heartache. I have pain. I have laughter, the same emotions. These songs are my way of saying that in the midst of the routines of life, this is where I see God walk in. These are my experiences in life. These are my victories and hopefully they can help you.”

The songs on the album are lyrically rich with insights and images. Musically, it’s a diverse collection that showcases the breadth of Mullen’s talent with songs ranging from buoyant pop to soulful ballads and funky up tempo rockers. “Like a Lady” boasts a cool vibe and an important message. “That one was actually written for my boys and the young men of this world,” she says. “We girls can be complicated and sometimes it can be frustrating, but the greatest thing you can do is treat her like a lady.” “Brainwash” is an infectious song that is garnering enthusiastic response from fans who love the innovative production and the message about cleansing our minds of the things this world can do to pollute them. “It says be not conformed to the ways of this world,” says Mullen. “We don’t need to be brain washed, we need a brain wash.”

“Start Over Again” is a tender ballad that showcases Mullen’s breathtakingly beautiful voice. “That’s for every marriage. Do we get frustrated? Yes,” she candidly admits of married life. “But when you’re at those moments instead of saying, ‘You know, this isn’t worth it,’ just start over. We all have to work at something in life. Why not work on the things that really count? Marriages count!”

There’s also a jubilant worship song, “Forever You Reign,” that Mullen plans to use during her appearances on this year’s Women of Faith conferences. “That’s one that I wrote several years ago,” Mullen says. “It’s praise and worship, straight vertical. It’s the declaration of who He is and how He is to be adored and worshiped. No one can do the things that He does and this is just the acknowledgement of that. That song came really easy for me. It was one of those that I think is simple and because I’m simple, it’s a natural extension of me.”

On the other end of the musical spectrum, the project concludes with “Work With Me (Dance).” “That was my workout song,” Mullen says. “People have asked me for many years to do a workout album and so this is just my tip of the hat to that kind of a thing. We actually do that one at Women of Faith and have the women huffing and puffing and cracking up. We have a lot of fun with that song.”

Whether she’s leading worship, designing fashion for her clothing line or encouraging people to get up and joyfully dance, Nicole C. Mullen’s intelligence, creativity and passion fuel everything that she does as a singer, songwriter, wife, mother, entrepreneur, mentor and human rights advocate. She’s living her dream and encouraging others to do the same.

“This is music that celebrates the travels of life--where we’ve been, where we are and where we’re going,” she says of her new collection. “I think ‘A Dream To Believe In, Vol. 2’ says let me tell where I am and where I want to go. It’s definitely an album of celebration. It’s one you can dance to and in the midst of your dancing, hopefully you’ll hear the message of truth.”

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We hear a lot about servant leadership today – even in the corporate world. Search the internet and you will find thousands of results for servant leader. There are books, seminars, and blog sites dedicated to the subject. It seems as if almost everyone is joining the cause.

We have all known leaders on both sides – those who serve and those who want to be served. We may have even encountered leaders within the church who put their own desires above the needs of others. So what is a servant leader?

The concept of servant leadership is not a new one. While it certainly seems to be the modern trend, servant leadership dates back thousands of years. For a biblical view, let us look at some leaders in the Bible.

Joseph had every reason to despise his brothers who sold him into slavery. He chose to forgive them. When a famine arose in the land, Joseph brought them into Egypt, and continued to provide for them even after the death of their father.

Moses was the prince of Egypt and likely would have been Pharaoh of the mightiest kingdom on earth. Instead, he chose his own people over wealth and power. God used him to deliver a nation.

David was known as a man after God’s own heart. He was a mighty and victorious warrior, yet his deep love for God is evident in the many Psalms he wrote. He was not without sin, but he was humble and repentant.

What do these three men have in common? They were obedient to God, considering obedience of greater im-portance than worldly gain.

Joseph spent years in prison for an act he did not commit before being placed in a prominent position in Pha-raoh’s court. Moses was eighty years of age when he led the people of Israel out of bondage. David was a youth when Samuel went to Bethlehem to anoint him as the future king of Israel, yet it was years before he ascended the throne.

All three humbled themselves before God. Even though they were in positions of leadership, they recognized God’s authority over them and continually sought to do his will.

Contrast these men with Saul, who let his own selfish desires inhibit his ability to lead. He disobeyed God by not waiting upon Samuel, instead offering up burnt offerings himself. His jealousy of David consumed him. He was troubled by an evil spirit and suffered with bouts of depression.

We cannot become servant leaders without looking at the greatest one of all, the Lord Jesus Christ. We would do well to remember His words to the disciples: Calling them to Himself, Jesus said to them, “You know that those who are recognized as rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them; and their great men exercise authority over them. But it is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant; and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all. For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:42-45 NASB)

Simply, a servant leader puts aside their ambitions to serve others. Whatever our position of leadership we should examine our motives. Are we doing this to bring glory to ourselves or for God’s greater glory? Do we consider the needs of those under our authority? Are we proud and arrogant or humble? Remember the words of Paul found in Colossians 3:23-24: Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. (NASB)

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DEON SANDERS TESTIMONIAL“I Remember winning the Super Bowl that year, and that night after the game I was the first one out of the locker room, the first one to the press conference, and the first one to go home. And I remember my wife, Carolyn, saying to me, “Baby, you just won the Super Bowl! Don’t you have a party downstairs or something to go to?” And I just said, “Nah,” and rolled over and went to sleep. That was the same week I bought myself a brand new $275,000 Lamborghini, and I haven’t even driven a mile before I realized, “No, that’s not it. That’s not what I’m looking for. It’s got to be something else, I’m so hungry.”That’s when the Lord was really calling me. There was nobody going through it with me. It was just me, one-on-one with God. I tried running from it and running from it, and even when I was playing baseball the following year in Cincinnati, the Lord kept calling me, pulling me, drawing me along.

I tried everything. Parties, women, buying expensive jewelry and gadgets, and nothing helped. There was no peace. I mean I was playing great. I got all this media attention and everything the world has to offer, but no peace, no joy, just emptiness inside.The Bible describes it in the first chapter of Ecclesiastes as chasing after the wind, and that’s exactly what it was like. I tried to by myself something to make me happy and I was even emptier than before, because I could see that nothing could possibly satisfy the hunger that was deep down inside of me.

I tried throwing myself into my career, into sports, trying to see how far I could go, and when I achieved every goal I could think of, I was right back where I started. Empty, empty, empty and nothing I did could touch that deep loneliness inside of me. I was just running, I couldn’t stop.

My life was falling apart. I was pretty much at the bottom during all this. My baseball game started to fall off and before long some of the guys on the team could see something was wrong. But I don’t think anybody ever guessed that my life was in shambles.I was struggling with just about everything in my life. My attorney (Eugene) could see what I was going through and he tried to help as much as he could, but I was so disappointed and disturbed about the way things were falling apart that I wouldn’t listen to his advice most of the time. He talked about his faith, how Jesus gave his life purpose, and things like that, but I wasn’t ready to receive any of that.

(Later) I started asking Eugene what it meant to be a believer in Jesus Christ and he was telling me about being saved, and about this time I got a call from a guy I used to play with on the 49ers, Marc Logan. He was playing for the Washington Redskins and he was planning on being in Cincinnati that night and would like to meet with me. So after the game, Marc can to the ballpark and we met.We drove down to an IHOP and we must have sat there for three or four hours. I really respected Mark as a person and as a Christian.After we ate dinner, we sat there in the same seats for hours, and he was telling me about how the Lord was working in his life. At one point he asked me, “Deion, are you saved?” And I said, “No, man, I can’t say that I am. But my attorney has been asking me the same question.” Of course, Eugene knew I wasn’t saved, but I had been reading up on it, and after talking with Marc I went home and went to bed, and this stuff was really on my mind.

I was lying there in bed about four o’clock in the morning when I was awakened by these awesome lights in my room. I say it was like a 747 had landed beside my bed, and there was this incredible rush of wind that felt like a helicopter had come in with it.I remember opening my eyes just the slightest bit and saying, “God, if that’s You, take me! Take me, Lord,” and I was trembling all over. Before long it was silent and the lights disappeared, and later that night I got up and opened my Bible to a passage that said, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead,

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you will be saved. For

with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation” (Romans 10:9-10). The words hit me like a ton of bricks. I knew they were meant for me and at that precise moment I was delivered.

I put my trust in Jesus and I asked Him into my life. And as soon as I realized what I had done I was so excited I had to tell somebody, so I got on the phone and called my attorney and said,”Eugene, I did it! I got saved!”After that, little things started to change. I was just feeding myself, day by day, constantly growing in the faith. Then there would be a storm there, and I would stumble, but I knew I had to keep on going.

The first time I ever gave my testimony, I felt better that I’d ever felt in my life. Telling about the trials and tribulations of the professional athlete it was like the Lord spoke to me and said, “Don’t be ashamed of Me.” He told me to have courage to go on and

speak what He had done in my life, and it was just a complete and total transformation that began to work inside of me.”

Special RelationshipTestimonial

By Jeanetta Nyanfore

On Sunday, January 23, 1994, after leaving church I was taking my family home. My aunt and I were talking about Jesus. I was focused on driving; when I heard what sounded like a brick hit a window. I did not realize that it was my car window. I pulled over and stopped the car; my aunt reached over and turned off the ignition. My family members were crying. “Don’t cry, I am a child of the King,” I shouted. Then everyone was calm. I stepped outside of the car. An older fellow told me to get back into the car. I placed my hand on the left side of my neck, when I reached down, my hand was covered in blood, and that is when I realized I had been shot.

Immediately I focused my attention on the Lord. “He is my healer,” I thought. The ambulance and policemen came on the scene. I was taken to the hospital Trauma Center. The bullet had gone through the side of my neck. The doctor said, “A half of an inch, and you would have been dead, or paralyzed for life.” But God! The doctors called it “luck,” but I said, “No, I am Victorious, covered by the blood of Jesus, God’s protecting angels, and it was all the hand of God.” The news reporters came to the hospital to interview me. The story was published in the Washington Post. Many people found it hard to believe that I had survived this shooting incident. The hospital kept me one day for observation. The doctors wiped the blood clean, and sent me home in normal condition, no bullet present. Look at God! I am blessed, and highly favored of the Lord.According to the Washington Post statistics, 14 people were killed on that same day, some were dead on arrival. “But I am still here.” This incident has heightened my gratitude for life itself. Now I am at peace with things that use to be a stumbling block. I believe that I can take on any task, with the help of the Lord. Praise the Lord!For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways (Psalm 91:11) NIV.

Jeanetta Nyanfore is a born again Christian. She is a Choir member at Jericho City of Praise, in Landover, Maryland. She has been a member for 10 years. She presently resides in the Washington, DC area.

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Justified in

Christ © 2009 Judy Azar LeBlanc

We hear the term “justification” talked about from the pulpit, and we hear about it from other Christians. But, what exactly does this term mean?

If you are like me, you like to keep things simple.

Without minimizing the significance and the profoundness of this word by putting it in layman’s terms, I find the answer to be quite simple.

Let’s say that we committed every crime that is known to man, were arrested and imprisoned while awaiting the trial. Then, after the trial we were found guilty of all crimes and sentenced to death. However, someone in the courtroom “willingly” steps forward and says: “Judge, I will pay the penalty on his behalf. The Judge accepts the offer, slams the gavel down, decrees that we are acquitted, and are now free to go home. Wouldn’t that just shock you? Bear in mind that we committed every crime known to man, and because of double jeopardy, we can never be charged for any of these crimes again. Furthermore, because we were acquitted, these crimes will never appear on our record. That is what it means to “be justified in Christ”. Notice that the term is past tense which means that Christ already paid the penalty so that you could never be charged, thrown into prison, or sentenced to death again.

Let’s take a look at the original Greek definitions of the words just, justified and justification. · The Greek translation for the word “just” is dikaios, (present tense) whichmeans “innocent of any charge”.

· The Greek translation for the word “justified” (past tense) is dikaioo, which means “freed from guilt or any charges.

· And finally, the Greek translation for the word” justification” are twofold; the one in Romans 5:16 is dikaioma, which means “a judicial decree by God”, and the other two in Romans 4:25 and 5:18 are dikaiosis, which means “acquittal”, and both are done by God through the death of Christ. Like me, you may wonder why “justification” is only mentioned three times in the entire Bible.

The answer is because the “judicial decree” of having been acquitted by the act of Christ having paid the penalty for us, has already been done. Many Christians still operate under the idea that when God accepted Christ’s offering on our behalf, it wasn’t good enough and we still need to pay for the crimes that we were acquitted for. If this were true, then the

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free gift that Christ gave us that day in court would be sending the message that he died for nothing, the Judge’s decree was a farce, and double jeopardy applies. However, Paul tells us that this is not true; the results of this act are explained in Romans 5:1 which basically says that “having been” justified by “FAITH” we now have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Notice that this is by “faith” alone. Therefore, Faith is the means by which one arrives at the acceptance of justification which was already done by Christ at the time of His death. Thus, whether one believes or not does not believe, does not change the immutable reality of the deed by God through the death of Christ.

So what good is all of this information? Information is only made powerful “if” it brings about revelation, and having the revelation that by Christ’s willingness to step forward and intercede for us, we have been acquitted and set free. Paul explains this position in 2 Cor 5:17 by saying: “Therefore if any man is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. The old things are not daily habits or failures, but rather “a position.” Justification therefore is when the criminal (sinner) has right standing in God’s (Judge) sight when he is in Christ. By faith he is justified by Christ’s death without any human effort or cause. WWW.ISAAC.PITRE.COM

Isaac Pitre is founder and pastor of Christ Na-tions . Christ Nations is a non-denominational, multi-cultural ministry in Texarkana, Texas. Pas-tor Pitre founded Christ NationsChurch in Au-gust 1997. Pastor Pitre founded Christ Nations with a vision to raise up a nation of people who would Reveal the Kingdom of God, Manifest the Life of God, Model the Glory of God, and Fulfill their God-given Purpose. Pastor Pitre boldly proclaims a message that motivates and inspires believers to step into their own personal great-ness. Pastor Pitre is known for his revelatory insights and Biblical interpretations that unlock

In addition to serving as pastor of Christ Nations , Pastor Pitre also travels throughout the country as a con-ference speaker and has been seen many times on the Trinity Broadcasting Network and other national min-istry programs. In partnership with Mike Barber Ministries, Isaac Pitre reaches behind prison walls to minis-ter to inmates all over the nation. He has brought the power of God’s transforming Word to heal, deliver, and change the lives of many men and women that are incarcerated.

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“Wonderful SaviorHe Thought about Me”


“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Much more then, having now been justified by His blood, we shall be saved from wrath through Him” (Romans 5:8-9

Amplified Version)


What wonderful memories I cherish of the old church in Towson. A short steeple affixed soft gray exterior, long old fashioned mahogany pews and a choir loft that hid a secret, a baptism pool. The two hundred year old structure sat in the midst of maple and tall oak trees. During the spring, a beautiful array of wild flowers bloomed and nectar from honeysuckles scented the air. This was the place I encountered and fell in love with Jesus. Here I experienced the power and anointing of the Holy Spirit. In the dew of my walk with Christ, my journey took root.

As a child, I learned how to sing spirituals, anthems and worship songs. Encouraged and guided by the old saints especially my grandmothers who were and are still “sold out” for Christ, I thrived. The hymn books were filled with songs of hope, marching soldiers, trust Him, His might and yes, blood. On Communion Sunday which was the crest of all services, hymns such as “The Blood of Jesus, There’s Power in the Blood, At the Cross, Redeemed, My Faith Looks up to Thee and Are you Washed in the Blood” were set and penned for the eager congregation. The Communion sacrament trays were polished to perfection. The altar and pulpit furnishings adorned with crisp white linen. Every effort was taken to ensure the Communion experience was pleasing to God, memorable and a time of personal reflection.

My journey with its sky rocketing triumphs and valley low sorrows is one for the books. At fifty, I can look back and chuckle at the obvious “u turns” and “my way boulevards” that God did not map out. Yes, there were yield signs, warnings and even “pot holes” but somehow we keep going until we hit a dead end. Life sanctioned without the total guidance of the Father can prove disastrous. But no matter how great or small the mishap; God loves us. How do I erase the mistakes I so generously and carelessly created? Can I stand in the presence of my heavenly Father and seek His forgiveness? Yes, you most certainly can!

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The Apostle Paul in the elegance of his letter to the saints in Rome shared in verse 8 that God loves us! The verse illuminates the following message for the believer that God loves us; He longs for us and He has a plan for us. God exampled that love in His son who willingly took ownership of our “guilty charge” for sins He never committed. Jesus sacrifice on the cross re-opened the gateway back into the presence and relationship with God our Father.

Thank you Jesus, He is great and greatly to be praised!

Our natural bodies were uniquely and specifically designed by God and without “blood” nothing would operate effectively. Our blood consists of cytoplasm, nucleus and granules, 55% plasma and 45% blood cells. The plasma consists of 90% water, 8% proteins, 1% organic acids and 1% salt. The blood cells consist of 1% leukocytes and platelets and 44% erythrocytes. The erythrocytes (red blood cells) are formed in the bone marrow and the principal carriers of oxygen in the body. The leukocytes (white blood cells or granular leukocytes) also arise from the bone marrow with a powerful enzyme that kills bacteria at the infection sites. Non-granular leukocytes (lymphocytes and monocytes) are capable of ingesting bacteria voraciously. Additionally, they reject all foreign matter an essential part of the bodies defense system. The platelets which are small bits of cytoplasm from giant cells in the bone marrow are found in the circulatory system and are responsible for the clotting mechanism seen at the site of injured blood vessels – BLOOD has power!

This enriched life force, our blood shares the same principals and effectiveness as the blood of Jesus. His blood can totally dislodge and annihilate any infectious sin! His blood can systematically seize and prohibit any sin blockage! His blood can clot any entry that the enemy attempts to assess! His blood is a cleaning agent for the body, mind and spirit. There is no substance on earth that can “wipe away’ the sin of humanity like the blood of Jesus! When the enemy tries to step up and sneak in, BLOOD blocks the way – Glory! We are justified – proven aright by His blood to be just; legally legitimate; worthy of salvation, received as righteous and under new sufficient ownership! We are free from our past – free from our hurt – free from our disappointment – free from our mishaps because the blood of Jesus has washed all previous “life stains” away – He reigns!

His Blood paid for our sins – Matthew 26:28His Blood paid the price for us – I Corinthians 6:20, 7:23

His Blood redeems and washes us from all sin – Ephesians 1:7 – I John 1:7 – Revelation 1:5His Blood cleans us from dead works – Hebrews 9:14

His Blood gives us an everlasting covenant – Hebrews 13:20His Blood sanctifies us – Hebrews 10:29

His Blood causes us to overcome the evil of this world – Revelation 12:11

My wonderful savior, He thought about me and designed a plan that would fortify every believer. Stand up - stand up for Jesus you soldiers of the cross. Lift high His royal banner it must not suffer lost!

There’s wonder working power in the blood!

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The Necessary Ingredient

is Faith























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Max Lucado loves words – written, spoken – it does not matter. He loves to craft sentences that are memorable, inspiring and hopefully life-changing. In almost 25 years of writing, more than 65 million books filled with his words have been sold.

Max is the only author to have won three Christian Book of the Year* awards—in 1999 for Just Like Jesus, in 1997 for In the Grip of Grace, and in 1995 for When God Whispers Your Name. In 2005, Reader’s Digest magazine dubbed him “America’s Best Preacher” and in 2004, Christianity Today magazine called him “America’s Pastor.” The product line for 3:16—The Numbers of Hope sold more than four million units worldwide, including one million units of the cornerstone trade book of the same title (released in September 2007), making it the fastest selling Lucado product in his career.

His works have appeared on every major national bestseller list including Publishers Weekly, USA Today, The New York Times, Evangelical Christian Publishers Association, and Christian Booksellers Association. He has been featured in countless media outlets and national broadcasts.

Max’s writings have been published in a wide array of formats including adult books, gift books, children’s titles, Bibles, commentaries, calendars and devotionals. He is also the author/creator of “Max Lucado’s Hermie & Friends” brand family, one of the most popular animated DVD series in the marketplace, with more than 5 million units sold to date. His words have also inspired a branded line of greeting cards and gift books for Hallmark/Dayspring that has sold more than 15 million copies since its 2001 debut.

Max Lucado is the Minister of Writing and Preaching at the Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, where he has served since 1988. He has been married to Denalyn Lucado since 1981, and they have three grown daughters—Jenna, Andrea and Sara—and one son-in-law, Brett.


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Order today www.maxlucado.com

ABOUT FEARLESSEach sunrise seems to bring fresh reasons for fear.

They’re talking layoffs at work, slowdowns in the economy, flare-ups in the Middle East, turnovers at headquarters, downturns in the housing market, upswings in global warm-ing. The plague of our day, terrorism, begins with the word terror. Fear, it seems, has taken up a hundred-year lease on the building next door and set up shop. Oversized and rude, fear herds us into a prison and slams the doors. Wouldn’t it be great to walk out?

Imagine your life, wholly untouched by angst. What if faith, not fear, was your default reaction to threats? If you could hover a fear magnet over your heart and extract every last shaving of dread, insecurity, and doubt, what would remain? Envision a day, just one day, when you could trust more and fear less.

Can you imagine your life without fear?

Max Lucado, Minister of Writing and Preaching for the Oak Hills Church in San Antonio, Texas, is the husband of Dena-lyn and father of Jenna, Andrea, and Sara. On a good week he reads a good book, has a few dinners with his wife, and breaks 90 on the golf course. He usually settles for the first two. Visit his website at MaxLucado.com. He has sold more than 65 million books to date.

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