2010 1st Quarter POC Newsletter

Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010 www.PoconoOutdoorClub.org Annual dues for the year 2010 are due no later than February 1, 2010 Please use the membership application on the last page of the Newsletter and mark it renewal. Note: New members who joined in October, November or December of 2009 are considered Paid for 2010. (Included in this Newsletter is an application to join the Keystone Trails Association. Notice that for each new member from POC $5 of the initial dues will be given to the POC.) The Pocono Outdoor Club publicist will be emailing weekly activity updates directly to your inbox! If you do not receive the weekly updates and would like to be added to the weekly emailing list, please send an email requesting to be added to [email protected] For those of you without internet access be sure to save the POC calendar and mark your own personal calendars so you don’t miss an event! DON’T FORGET HUNTING SEASON IS UPON US! WEAR YOUR BLAZE ORANGE FALL ANNUAL MEETING The FALL ANNUAL MEETING was Sunday, November 22 nd at 2 PM at the Monroe County Environmental Education Center on Running Valley Road in Bartonsville. The Food was GREAT! The Meeting was interesting especially with the election of new officers. The Program was a lot of fun – Bob Huebner showed slides of local Waterfalls and everyone had a list to try to identify them. The Winner was Robin Trainer. All of us present had a good time -- hope you can make it next meeting! PLEASE PLAN TO ATTEND THE QUARTERLY MEETING ON FEBRUARY 28 TH AT 2:00 PM AT THE MONROE COUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION CENTER ON RUNNING VALLEY ROAD. 1


2011 Winter Quarterly Newsletter of the Pocono Outdoor Club. The POC sponsors hikes, trail care, and other outdoor activities throughout Monroe, Carbon, and Southern Pike County in Pennsylvania and Northwestern New Jersey.

Transcript of 2010 1st Quarter POC Newsletter

Page 1: 2010 1st Quarter POC Newsletter

Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010

www.PoconoOutdoorClub.orgAnnual dues for the year 2010 are due no later than

February 1, 2010Please use the membership application on the last page of the

Newsletter and mark it renewal.Note: New members who joined in October, November or December of

2009 are considered Paid for 2010.(Included in this Newsletter is an application to join the Keystone Trails Association. Notice that for each new member from POC $5 of the initial dues will be given to the POC.)

The Pocono Outdoor Club publicist will be emailing weekly activity updates directly to your inbox! If you do not receive the weekly updates

and would like to be added to the weekly emailing list, please send an email requesting to be added to [email protected]

For those of you without internet access be sure to save the POC calendar and mark your own personal

calendars so you don’t miss an event!


FALL ANNUAL MEETINGThe FALL ANNUAL MEETING was Sunday, November 22nd at 2 PM at the Monroe County Environmental Education Center on Running Valley Road in Bartonsville. The Food was GREAT! The Meeting was interesting especially with the election of new officers. The Program was a lot of fun – Bob Huebner showed slides of local Waterfalls and everyone had a list to try to identify them. The Winner was Robin Trainer. All of us present had a good time -- hope you can make it next meeting!




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Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010

Outgoing Presidents Last Message Congratulations to our newly elected officers; Frank Allen (President) and Solvejg Wills (Treasurer). It has been a pleasure and privilege to have been your President for the past three years. My job was made very easy due to all who volunteered their time so freely, such as John Motz, Roy Kleinle, Flo Gatto, Rosemary Huebner, Tom and Rosemary Miller, Dave and Linda Domico, Jean Singlemann and all of our event leaders. Tom Miller, who has been our Activity Coordinator and Past Vice President, has retired after many years of service. Bob Huebner has graciously accepted this position. Bob can be contacted on 570-588-3201 or e-mail [email protected] . Linda Domico our Quarterly News Letter Publisher for the past three years has also stepped down. Fran and John Whipple have graciously accepted this monumental task and can be contacted on 570-646-7960 or e-mail [email protected], Dave Domico has agreed to continue hosting and monitoring our vital web site. Unfortunately up until now no one has stepped forward to act as Host/Hostess (coordinator) for our Quarterly Pot Luck Dinners, replacing Jean Singlemann and Rosemary Miller, who have fulfilled this position for the past three years. On behalf of the entire club and especially myself, I cannot express our gratitude enough to all those who have given so freely of their time to make this a great club. I wish the new officers the best of luck and ask everyone to support them as you did me in the coming years. Your Outgoing President

George Singlemann

Message from the Incoming President I’ve participated in outdoor activities with the club for a number of years. I’ve learned a lot about the Poconos and made many friendships and met many more interesting, thoughtful people. Those I hiked with generously shared their knowledge of the trails of the Poconos and wildlife and nature. I appreciate those who freely share their knowledge. I take this as a sign of generosity and good faith. I consider serving as president of the POC as opportunity to return some of my time and expertise to the club and those who come to hikes and activities and events we sponsor. The POC is not only a club for its members and the public to socialize and have fun and exercise in the outdoors but in a larger sense it’s an outdoors community service organization. We hike numerous trails, and we take care of them. This entails not only joining in organized work groups using equipment and power tools but by picking up litter and monitoring the condition of hundreds of trails in our region. I’m sure every member of the POC considers forests and streams throughout eastern Pennsylvania and western New Jersey, if not throughout the country, as something to be proud of, something that help make our society a healthy, vital place to live in. In one way our trails are owned by local, state and federal government agencies, but in another we own them because we love them and take pride in maintaining them and in helping the public appreciate their importance. We in northeastern Pennsylvania have been blessed with one of the best places in the country for all kinds of outdoor activities. Few places can match the diversity of our natural landscape. I appreciate the opportunity to serve as President of the POC and I wish to thank the club for placing their trust in me. I look forward to working with a wonderful group of people.

Frank Allen


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Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010

2009 TRAIL CARETrouble on the Trail

By John MotzPOC Trailcare Committee Chair

2009 was a record year for the POC trail crew- and not in a good way. Several events were rained out and we logged the fewest volunteer hours ever with under 300. We also had the fewest number of volunteers report for the season, and the trend has been downward. Still, we were able to get some much needed signage installed at Big Pocono, and reopened a majority of the Big Bear Swamp Loop on Thunder Swamp Trail. We did more work to the Hawk Falls creek side trail and cleared vistas on both South and Indian Trails at Big Pocono. Work is also under way to hold a series of training sessions in 2010 so would be maintainers can be prepared and safe while doing much needed trail work. While trail work isn’t for everyone, and those folks usually weed themselves out on their first outing, it is rewarding to give back to trails some of what the trails give to us. Not all trail work is hard labor in the woods. There is the advocacy side of trail maintenance as well. In addition to learning about the physical aspects of the trail maintenance, volunteer maintainers and trail advocates learn the inner workings of state government, conservation issues and trail management challenges faced by those who oversee our trails. Working with state foresters and park managers is enlightening to say the least, troubling at times, and offers a window into the world of the DCNR (Department of Conservation and Natural Resources). It also gives us a leg up when there is trouble on the trail. Having a good working relationship with the powers that be gives us a voice, and the knowledge to make educated comments and suggestions regarding trail issues that may arise. So in addition to the annual begging for volunteers this 2010 season, expect some requests for letter writers and meeting attendees. People who enjoy area trails are needed to get out and advocate for the trails. The County is embarking on a journey to connect trails on the many open space properties to one another and to link with existing trails on state lands. Trail enthusiasts are encouraged to be a part of the planning process and networkers will be needed to make many of these connections a reality. If you’ve enjoyed hiking the rocks or navigating the sweet single track in the Poconos, consider giving back, even just a little, to something that gave so much. And mark on your calendars the Trailcare dates, if you are so inclined, to get out there and paint some blazes or clear some brush. It’s fairly rewarding work. For more information about the POC Trailcare Program contact committee chair John Motz at 570-236-1462 or [email protected].

2010 TRAIL CARETrail Care Dates to Remember for Spring 2010

24-Apr Trail Care Big Pocono SP8-May Thunder Swamp Trail Care

14 May -16 May

KTA Trail Care Weekend at Promised Land and Thunder Swamp

22-May Trail Care Big Pocono SP5-Jun National Trail Day

12-Jun Hickory Run Trail Care


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Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010


For every actiivity, please wear appropriate clothing and footwear, bring a lunch or snack, and water to drink. The Meeting time for activities is 10:00 AM unless otherwise noted in the write up for the hike.

Hiking on uneven terrain can be hard on the ankles, so be sure to wear hiking boots, which are stiffer and taller than sneakers and have better traction. Going downhill can be hard on the knees, so if yours are sensitive, invest in a walking stick or hiking poles to take the pressure off.

• Anyone interested in hiking on Thursdays should E-mail [email protected] for the schedule.

• Ski Camelback - Every Wednesday Night at 6pm at the Sunbowl Lot. Call John Motz if you plan on attending: 570-236-1462.


Fri, Jan 1st

New Year’s Day Hike to Mt. Minsi on the AT - An annual POC tradition. Meet at 1 PM at the Lake Lenape parking lot up from the Deerhead Inn for this annual hangover recovery hike. Strenuous hike on rocky steep terrain (1200 feet in 3 miles). Contact: John Motz 570-236-1462.

Sat, Jan 2nd

McDade Trail to Smithfield Beach and back (about 5 miles), DWGNRA - Meet in the Hialeah Parking area. Take river road about 2 miles north of Shawnee village to the parking area. Contact Kate Andrew 570-236-6831


or Sat, Jan 9th

Slateford Farm – Hike (or cross country ski/snowshoe) the trails of the Slateford Farm in the DWGNRA; it all depends upon Mother Nature. This will be a moderate to easy hike covering between 4 to 5 miles. As always, wear proper footwear for hiking. Meet in the parking lot on National Park Service Drive off of Rt. 611 south of the Water Gap. Contact Roy Kleinle at 570-421-8982.


or Sat, Jan 16th

State Gamelands #127 – Hike (or cross country ski/snowshoe) the Hay Trail to Warnertown Falls and back. A level 6 mile moderate to easy hike or ski on the Pocono Plateau. Remember the Plateau tends to be 10 degrees cooler than the Burgs. Meet in the first, large, wide parking area on the left on Rt. 423, 2.4 miles from Route 940 -- beware the one lane bridge with STOPs in both directions. Contact John and Fran Whipple at 570-646-7960, Cell Phones: John: 570-350-2977, Fran: 570-350-2967


or Sat, Jan 23rd

Promised Land State Park -.Cross Country Skiing/Snowshoe (if no snow, plan is to hike) This could be 6 miles or less. Trails are flat & open. Decision on trail choice will be made at the meeting area depending on conditions. Meet at Promised Land park office. Contact George Singleman 570-421-2968

or Sat, Jan 30th

Big Pocono SP, WB-E trail - Snowshoe an easy 2-3 miler on the old rail bed, less if more (snow) more if less (snow). Hike if no snow, be prepared for wet or frozen conditions. Meet at Riday’s Gate at 9am. Contact John Motz 570-236-1462.


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Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010

February, 2010

Sat, Feb 6th

Monroe County Environmental Center & SGL #156 - Hike the environmental center trails, then continue to the SGL for additional (if desired) 4- 6 miles. MEEC is on Running Valley Road in Bartonsville. Contact Bob Wacker 570-629-5293

or Sat, Feb 13th

Austin T. Blakeslee Natural Area – Hike (or snowshoe) the new Natural Area off Rte 115 south of Blakeslee along Tobyhanna Creek and the Falls. This will be a 5 mile moderate to easy hike. Remember that the Plateau tends to be 10 degrees cooler than the Burgs. Meet at 10 AM. From Rte 940 at Blakeslee Corners, south on 115, turn into ATB parking area on the right just before guardrail on Tobyhanna Creek (There is another parking area with an ATB sign north of this one - The one you want is just before the bridge over the creek). From I80, north on 115, turn into parking area on left just after the creek. Contact John and Fran Whipple at 570-646-7960, Cell Phones: John - 570-350-2977, Fran - 570-350-2967

Sun, Feb 14th

Jacobsburg State Park - 4 mile easy hike with some minor elevation changes. Take Route 33 to Belfast exit, left at exit, continue to the end, take L, crossing over a small bridge. Parking on L just after bridge. George Singleman 570 421 2968

Sat, Feb 20th

McDade Trail - Smithfield Beach parking area, DWGNRA - Easy 6 mile hike along Delaware river to Tern Farm and return. Directions: Follow river Rd past Shawnee village to Smithfield Beach. Rosemary Huebner 570 588 3201


or Sat, Feb 21st

Bruce Lake Natural Area – Hike, ski, or snowshoe 6 miles to Egypt Meadows Lake and Bruce Lake and back. Dress for winter and bring water and food. Meet at 10 AM at the Bruce Lake trail head parking lot on Rt. 309 just north of the village of Promise Land. Contact Roy Kleinle at 570-421-8982.

Sat, Feb 27th

Toms Creek, DWGNRA - Approximately 6 miles along the creek to Whitaker & Stuckey pond areas. Take Rt 209 north of Bushkill to 5 mile marker. Turn on to Egypt Mills Rd (or Little Egypt sign) to parking area. Bob Huebner 570-588-3201

Sun, Feb 28th

Lake Lenape along AT to first look out area - Approximately 3 miles. Turn off Rt 611 at the Deer Head Inn. Sue Pendergast 570-242-0519

2:00 PM onSun, Feb 28th

POC Quarterly Meeting at the Monroe County Environmental Education Center on Running Valley Road, Program to be announced

Volunteer/s needed to serve as Host/Hostess for the Pot Luck Suppers at our Quarterly Meetings.

Contact Frank Allen (See last page for Contact info).


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Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010

March, 2010

Sat, Mar 6th

Early spring Hike on the Indian Trail at Big Pocono State Park - easy 3-4 miles to the Indian Trail overlook. May incorporate some South Trail as well. Rocky terrain, bring camera. Meet at the Park entrance or if gate is open, Lot 2 at the Cattell house. Contact John Motz 570-236-1462.

Sat, Mar 13th

Mt Nebo Park - 3 mile easy hike among hemlock forest. Meet in parking lot on Mt Nebo road in Marshalls Creek area. Nebo road maybe accessed off Rt 209 near the flea market. Contact Rosemary Huebner 570-588-3201

Sun, Mar 14th

Raymondskill Falls, Hackers Falls and the Cliff Trail vicinity - Hike will be 6+ miles with a large climb at the beginning of the hike. Meet at the upper parking lot (where the bathroom is) on Raymondskill Road, turn at mile marker 18 off Rt 209. Be prepared to do a lot of walking, some of it up hill. Contact Frank Allen at 570-420-9040.

Sat, Mar 20th

Fox Gap to Water Gap on the AT – Great views and even a man-made cave on this 7 mile moderate paced hike on the first day of spring. Be sure to wear proper hiking boots since this is on the AT and there are rocky sections. We will start high and finish low. Meet at 9 AM in the Lake Lenape parking lot in Delaware Water Gap. We will shuttle to Fox Gap. Contact Roy Kleinle at 570-421-8982.

Sun, Mar 21st

Tobyhanna Lake at Tobyhanna State Park (about 5 miles) - Meet in Parking area 1 (boat launch area) at 12 noon. Contact Kate Andrew 570-236-6831.

Sat, Mar 27th

The Hogback - An eight mile moderate hike up onto the Hogback Mountain, visit a scenic pond and heron rookery. Then onto the Delaware river going south on Freemans Rd to River Rd and pick up the McDade trail to complete the loop. One major elevation change. Contact George Singleman 570-421-2968

Sun, Mar 28th

Bradys Lake - 5 mile easy, flat hike. Meet at the Brady’s Lake Parking Lot off Route 940 in Pocono Lake.Contact Sue Pendergast 570-242-0519

Something else to do outside on a Sunday Afternoon in the Poconos:

Local naturalist and Open Space advocate, Don Miller, conducts hikes for the Pocono Heritage Land Trust that are open to the public These hikes are on newly acquired properties that are being preserved for public use. There is usually one

hike each month on a Sunday afternoon. At press time for this newsletter, Don did not have the schedule firmly set for this winter. To find out where he will be hiking, checkout the Land Trust’s website: www.phlt.org and click on Events. The hikes are at an easy pace and very informative.


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Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010

Guidelines for Pocono Outdoor Club - Event Leaders

Thank you for becoming an Event Leader. Your ultimate goal is to provide a group of individuals with a safe and enjoyable outing. You are essentially an ambassador of the Pocono Outdoor Club. Therefore we ask that you be helpful, friendly, courteous and above all be mindful that there will always be known and unknown risks associated with the activities you have chosen. Please consider everyone’s safety. The following is information and list of guidelines to assist you in leading a safe and pleasant activity.


consider a co-leader

check out your hike before you take a group of people

know the length of your hike and consider the distance vs daylight...assume approximately 2 miles per hour, add 1 hour for every 1000ft of elevation and

½ hour for decrease in 1000 ft elevation.

consider the terrain - flat, steep, difficult, moderate, easy, rough, terrain exposure, stream crossings, weather (lighting, snow etc.), alternate routes in case of emergency

define when and where to meet

who to contact - your phone number

write a brief description of the activity including: water, lunch, difficulty, distance, equipment and clothing needed

leader must secure date with POC Activity Coordinator no later than one week after the Quarterly meeting

leader must have activity details to the Newsletter Editor no later than one week after the Quarterly meeting


give thought to the consequences of your actions

take precautions to avoid adverse conditions if in doubt err on the side of safety

keep a contact list in case cancellation is required due to weather, health, family emergency etc

have participants sign the club release form

set a positive tone for the group, encourage everyone to make introductions and be watchful of one another

outline the activity plan, make sure everyone is familiar with the pace, destination, timetable etc, try not to change your original outline/plan

review the goals and expectations of your activity making sure that everyone understands that on a POC activity it is always a higher priority to maintain the safety of the group

assign a sweep 7

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Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010

Review the rules/expectations such as:

1. Rules for walkers

a. staying together

b. stopping at trail junctions or any potentially confusing points

c. if nature calls (separation required) notify the leader

d. notify the leader if you are experiencing exhaustion, blisters, heavy breathing etc

e. do not arbitrarily leave your group - you must notify the leader

f. if you feel the group has strayed from the designated trail be sure to convey your concerns

g. stay put if separated or lost

2. Rules for leaders

a. watch for adverse actions of the group

heavy breathing, signs of foot problems, flushing, paling of the face

b. take several breaks and urge everyone to drink water, even in the cold weather

c. slowest person sets the pace-stay put if lost

d. bring a cellphone, pen and paper-be flexible

e. know when to bail

f. account for all members of the group periodically as well as at the end

g. check for participants capability & equipment (foot wear, clothes)

These are adults so obviously you cannot force the issue but make it clear that you will not be responsible for problems which may occur. However, if you feel the conditions are severe enough you may refuse to allow them to join the group.

a. have a map of the area and compass or GPS

b. have a first aid kit consisting of:

Triangle bandages (2)AspirinGauze padsBenadrylAdhesive tapeBand aidsMole skinKnifeWhistle

c. report all accidents/ health issues as soon as possible to club president and activities coordinator.

d. In case of an accident, you are in control: however where possible, allow the injured party to make the decisions concerning his/her care


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Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010

Pocono Outdoor ClubOuting Sign-In/Liability Release Form


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Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010

NOTE: The spring meeting of the KTA is April 23 -25 in Wellsboro, PA.


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Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010

2010 POCONO OUTDOOR CLUB MEMBERSHIP APPLICATIONSend check, made payable to “Pocono Outdoor Club” to POC Memberships at 47 Stones Throw, East Stroudsburg, PA 18301. Memberships are per calendar year. The POC Newsletter is published quarterly/4 times a year. Applicants must be at least 18 yrs old.

Name(s) $10. Basic Membership $15. Family Membership

Address:Higher Levels of Trail Support $18. Contributing Member

Phone: $25. Trail Maintainer $50. Trail Builder

Email: $150. Life Member

Additional Contributions are welcome and benefit local trails. $ ___________

___ I would like to lead an outing. ___ I would be interested in doing volunteer trail care.

New Member Renewal Please send me email updates/newsletter

___ This is a Gift Membership From _____________________________________

____________________________ My signature verifies I am 18 yrs of age and agree to the Rules of the Pocono Outdoor Club. I understand that I am responsible for me and my minors.

POCONO OUTDOOR CLUB INFOwww.PoconoOutdoorClub.org

This Newsletter publishes quarterly. It is received by Club members, other trail clubs, friends, and agency partners . New Members are encouraged to participate and volunteer for Club events.

To contact POC Committees:

Activities — Bob Huebner [email protected] Newsletter - [email protected]

Trail care – John Motz [email protected] 570-236-1462

Club Publicity- [email protected]

Membership –Treasurer Solvejg Wills at 570-424-1818 or [email protected]

POC Info – 570-420-9040 or [email protected]

Club Officers

President-Frank Allen (570-420-9040) Vice President- Roy Kleinle (570-421-8982)[email protected] [email protected]

Secretary- Florence Gatto (570-646-0673) Treasurer- Solvejg Wills (570-424-1818) [email protected] [email protected]


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Volume 22 No. 1 Winter 2010

T-SHIRTS & PATCHES Make Excellent Gifts For Everyone

The Club's first edition T-shirts are now available in Navy Blue (M and L sizes only). The Navy Blue Tee’s are 50/50-poly/cotton blend and look sharp with white graphics. The original All Cotton

Green Tee’s are still available in all sizes- Adult S/M/L/XL. All Tee’s sport the original POC Tagline-“Take A Hike!” Requests for children’s sizes should be submitted- if we get enough we will

order some. Specify size and color when ordering. Tee’s are $12 for non-memebers/$10 for members. Patches are still $3.00 each.

Pocono Outdoor ClubPO Box 246East Stroudsburg, PA 18301