2009.05.15 Magic 89.9 (Manila, PH) Cool Shades)

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Transcript of 2009.05.15 Magic 89.9 (Manila, PH) Cool Shades)

  • 8/9/2019 2009.05.15 Magic 89.9 (Manila, PH) Cool Shades)


    Magic 89.9 -- Manila, PH -- 5/15/09

    DJs: Max Speed, Big Daddy Jake, Mo Twister, Grace Lee, and MoJo JoJo

    Max: Ok, uh, welcome back to the program, folks.

    Jake: Yeah!

    Max: The moment you all have been waiting for is here. Has arrived. So let's go

    check out Mo Twister, Grace, and Mojo.

    Jake: Yo guys!

    Grace: Heyyyy!

    Jake: Hey!

    Max: Graaaace!

    Grace: Hi...

    Mo: Hi

    Grace: ...how are you guys?

    Max: We're good! Thank you!

    David: Good morning.

    Mojo: Let's change places. You and me. Just kidding.

    [Grace laughs]

    Max: Actually, I wanna be there, so I can meet the two Davids.

    [Mojo laughs]

    Grace: You guys sound as excited as we are.

    [David laughs]

    Max: Oh yeah. Oh-- you know what? I actually woke up at four o' clock just to make

    it here by....

    Grace: Really?

    Max: ...by, by, by ten.

    [Grace laughs]

    Jake: He lives in Hong Kong, that's why.

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    Max: And I live in...Japan, you see.

    Jake: Ah, there you go. [laughs] No, I'm just kidding.

    Max: So how is-- how are things there? Describe to us what's happening out there?

    Mo [sounding like he's far away]: Well...are uh...in an aquarium. And uh....

    [Grace laughs]

    Mo: People are looking at us...move around. It's awesome.

    Max: Right

    Mo [back to normal voice]: No, you know what's great is, we're here at our secret


    Max: Yeah

    Mo: ...and dude, on my left...is David Cook, man.

    Grace: And he's to my right.

    [DJ's react excitedly]

    Max: Wow

    Grace: And he is to my right.

    Mojo: And I'm right in front.

    [everyone laughs]

    Mojo: It's like a David Cook sandwich goin' on.

    Mo: Let's talk to him. Let's talk to him.

    David: If you take a picture, I'm sitting in the middle.

    Grace: Yes you are

    Mo: Yes, yes.

    David: Alright

    [Grace laughs]

    Mo: He's a sandwich of uh, of us, here. David Cook, good morning man. Thanks for

    being part of this whole thing. I mean, you guys have been so proactive in, in

    getting on radio, getting on television. We're seeing you guys everywhere. Thanks

    for being so open about, uh...

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    David: Aw, man it's--

    Mo: ...being at places.

    David: Dude, it's our pleasure. I think we...we definitely want uh...the show to be

    uh...ya' know, a huge success. And so the more people that come out...uh, if that

    means we have to...ya' know, or get to spend our days hangin' out with the people

    in The Philippines, then bring it on. We'll do it.

    Mo: No, but I mean, the show was successful...a week ago. Or two weeks ago


    [Grace and Mojo laugh]

    Mo: I mean, the ticket sales are, are-- everyone's happy with, with how it's, it's

    turning out. And the fact that you guys are just goin', that-- ya' know, the whole

    day you're promoting, and the whole day you're making yourself available. It's

    really, really cool, man. And-- and ya' know, let me, let me vouch for them. They'renice dudes. These are reallynice dudes. Both of them.

    Grace: I know, and--

    Mo: Both Cook and Archuleta. They're the best.

    Grace: And you know what? When people found out...

    David: Oh wow

    Grace: ...that I was going to be interviewing the two Davids, they were like: "Are

    they nice? Are you sure?" And I'm like: "Yeah. They're, like, the nicest people."And they're like: "OK. Wouldn't they get mad if I asked them to take pictures with

    me?" And they were like: "Nope."

    Mo: No

    Mojo: You didn't even ask them yet.

    Grace: I know, right?

    Mojo: If you wanted to get a photo, you could email. But oh, "You're so plastic."

    [everyone laughs]

    Mojo: She's like, she's like: "Photo, photo!" And the-- and you didn't ask yet.

    Grace: Oh no, I didn't. I was asking for a boss.

    Mojo: OK

    Grace: And he...

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    [DJs laugh]

    Mo: Alright. Well, we're here to, uh, David, we're here to take questions from

    listeners. Uh, the-- you know, there is a lotta people taking our photos and what


    David: Yeah

    Mo: But...we'll, we'll ask the uh...listeners to go ahead and send in their messages,

    and then we'll give 'em a call. And, I guess-- will we take the first one now?

    Max: Yeah, we have one--

    Mo: OK. So we're live--

    Max: We have one right now. Her name is Paula. Big fan of David Cook. Paula,

    you're on air.

    Paula: Yes. Hellooo?

    David: Hi Paula

    Paula [excitedly]: Hiiii. Oh, you can call me Pau instead.

    Grace: She's gonna pass out.

    Paula: That's my nickname. [laughs]

    David: Wait, what's your nickname? I'm sorry?

    Paula: You can call me Pau.

    David: Pau?

    Paula: Yeah. That's my nickname.

    David: What's up Pau?

    Paula: What's up? [laughs] I got it-- OK. So...I'm g--am I going to ask my question


    Mo: Yep

    Paula: OK. OK, so...being a singer/songwriter, what are your inspirations for your

    compositions? And have you written one recently? If yes, what is it about, and if

    there is any--

    Mo: One question at a time, my girl.

    [everyone laughs]

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    Paula: Ok, OK.

    Mo: Hold your...

    Paula: I'm sorry!

    Mo: ...horses.

    Paula: I'm so nervous...

    Mo: It's like it's a paragraph.

    Paula: ...you know? I'm talking to David Cook.

    Mojo: One question, first.

    Paula: Oh my God.

    David: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. No, uh...I-- you know, Ithink um...everything inspires me. I don't know. I kinda... [pauses] I, I said uh, in

    another interview, I think...one of the coolest things about where I'm at in my life

    right now is that...um, I worked so hard to get to this point, that I kinda had blinders

    on. I had-- I was very focused on this. And though-- so to be here now, um...I've

    been able to kinda open...open my eyes to what's left and right of me, as opposed

    to what's just in front of me. And it's allowed me to really...be more observant. And

    to be uh, inspired by more things. And so, um...I haven't actually written...a song

    in, in a, in a minute. I've noodled around with a lot of ideas, but I haven't written

    anything in a minute. But uh...but yeah. I'd say probably everything inspires me.

    Paula: Oh. So what about the last time you, like, wrote a song?

    David: Last time I wrote a song...uh... [long pause] the last song I wrote was actually

    "Permanent." And uh...I would say I was pretty inspired when I wrote that. So...

    Paula: Oh...

    David: Yeah

    Paula: ...um...cuz we-- would then you mind if you tell us what it's about?

    David: Uh, "Permanent" is actually about my older brother Adam.

    Paula: Ohhhh

    David: Yeah

    Paula: Sorry about him.

    David: Oh. Thank you.

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    Paula: OK. Soooo [excitedly] I guess that's it.

    [David laughs]

    Paula [excitedly]: Oh my God! [laughs]

    Mo: Alright. Thanks Pau.

    Mojo: Thank you Pau.

    David: Thanks Pau. Yeah.

    Paula: David Cook! Oh my God. Yeah, OK. So thank you!

    David: Thank you very much, Pau.

    Mo: Alright

    Paula: Same here. And hope you [sounds fades out as she continues talking]

    [everyone laughs]

    Mo: Alright

    David: Oh noooo

    [everyone talks over each other]

    Mo: That was me fading her. Fading away.

    Mojo: Yeah yeah yeah. At the end.

    Mo: It's more dramatic that way.

    David: Mm-hmm

    Grace: Yeah.

    Mo [laughing]: Let's, uh--

    Grace: Lingering around.

    Mo: Alright, so while we're working on the next caller, um... [pauses] is that-- Max,

    are ya' there?

    Max: Yes, we're here, Mo!

    Mo: Yeah. We got, we got another one lined-up for uh, David Cook, here?

    Max: Ok, uh...we need to calllll....uh...

    Mo: Oh ok. Oh-- you guys will call. OK. While we're call-- we'll chit-chat with David.

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    [a couple people talk over each other]

    Mo: And just let us know when you're ready.

    David: We'll just hang out.

    Mo: Alright buddy. So David...

    David: Yes.

    [Mo sighs]

    Grace: What can you say about...

    [Mo laughs]

    Grace: ...Mo's cap today?

    David: What can I say about what? I'm sorry?

    Grace: Mo's cap today.

    David: Um...

    Grace: It's especially for you I heard.

    David: Ok, well here's...here's the situation. We--

    Mo: Yeah. You tell the story, David.

    David: We hung out yesterday.

    Mo: Yeah

    David: And uh, I'm a big Kansas City Royals fan.

    Mo: Baseball

    David: And so...

    Mo: Yeah

    David: Um...a-- as a fan of the Royals, there are two teams that uh, I cannot...

    Grace: Mm-hmm

    David: ...support or route for.

    Mo: That's right.

    [Grace laughs]

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    David: And that is uh...the New York Yankees...

    Mo: OK

    David: ...and the St. Louis Cardinals.

    Mo: Yeah

    David: So yesterday...uh, ya' know, I come visit you at the station.

    Mo: That's right.

    David: And you're wearing a Yankees cap.

    Mo: That's right.

    David: Which broke my heart.

    Mo: Of course. [laughs] I saw that, yeah.

    David: Um...and now today...uh, I wake up...

    [Mo laughs]

    David: ...a little behind schedule. And I'm rushin' around.

    Mo [while laughing]: That's right.

    David: I'm a little stressed.

    [Mo continues laughing]

    David: And I walk down here...and you're wearin' a Cardinals hat.

    Mo [laughing]: That's right. I did this on purpose.

    [Grace laughs]

    David: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And uh...I just have to say: It, it hurts.

    Mo: I-- ya' know, listen. Cu-- this is, this is a testament to how horrible a person I

    am. And how great you are.

    [Grace laughs]

    Mo: You know?

    David: Right, right, right

    Grace: He's been saying it awhile, too.

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    Mo: Cuz like, I, I, I woke up this morning, and I'm, like, looking at all my, my baseball

    caps, and I'm like: do do do-- Oh! I'm seeing David Cook in about ten minutes.

    [David laughs]

    Mo: How 'bout I take the one that he can't stand? And I walk in here, and you

    know...if you weren't a cool guy...

    [David laughs]

    Mo: ...I would definitely not do it. But I knew what--

    Grace: Never

    David: Right, right

    Mo: Fro-- from hangin' out with you yesterday, I know you're a cool dude. So I

    walked in there, I saw him, I was like: David! What's up, brotha? [laughs]

    David: Yeah

    Mo: And he's like: Noooooo [laughs]

    [Grace laughs]

    David: I'm...I'm resisting the urge to throw a punch, I have to say.

    Mo [still laughing]: That's right, exactly.

    Grace: You know what--

    Mojo: You know, but--

    Grace: You guys, you guys were together yesterday. But for me, for us, Jo, this is

    the first time to meet you.

    David: Yeah, yeah

    Grace: And the thing is, when you had that reaction about Mo, we were like: What

    did he do again?

    [David laughs]

    Mojo: Yeah, what did he do?

    Grace: That guy's responsible for all of us.

    Mojo: You know...that's...really his personality. He loves getting, you know, making

    people-- gets me mad every morning.

    David: Right, right

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    Mojo: That's his favorite, uh, baseball team. The reason I don't know much about

    sports. But you know how much he loves that team? It'll make you really mad. Ask

    him to take off his pants right now.

    Mo: No. I ,I showed him some tattoos yesterday. [laughs]

    Mojo: Oh you showed him already?

    Grace: Ohhhh

    David: I was gonna say, there's--

    Mojo: You should--

    David: That's--

    Mojo: What did you show him?

    David: The way that you--

    Mojo: Which bird?

    David: You worded that, there-- there's a lotta that story missing, it sounds like.

    [Grace and Mo laugh]

    Mojo: No, because-- for those who don't know, uh, the Cardinals are Mo's favorite

    baseball team. And he's got a...

    Mo: That's right.

    Mojo: ...he's got a nice tattoo here on his leg. So...

    Mo: Yeah. No.

    Mojo: Oh, you've seen it already? My gosh, you guys are close.

    Mo: Yeah

    David: Eh, you know...

    Mojo: Taking off clothes together...

    Grace: I knooooow

    Mojo: ...and you guys just met the other day?

    Grace: Already?

    [David laughs]

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    Mo: We're kinda...

    David: We're g--

    Mo: ...hangin' out, man.

    David: Good friends, good friends.

    Mojo: Yeah

    Mo: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.

    Grace: Can't believe that.

    Mo: Speakin' of tattoos, you have tattoos?

    David: I've got five, actually.

    Mo: Five?

    David: Yeah

    Mo: Yeah

    David: I've got a...I've got my brothers' initials on my left arm.

    Mo and Mojo: OK

    David: AC

    Mo: Uh-huh

    David: I've got, uh...

    Grace: How 'bout this one?

    David: Oh, this is my newest one.

    Grace: It's--

    David: I've got--

    Mo: This is a bicep, huh?

    David: I've got--

    Grace: Oooh, it's a blue eagle!

    David: It's--

    Grace: Like Ateneo

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    David: Yeah, yeah. And then--

    Grace: I loooove [laughs]

    David: It says, it says "Rock, Flag, Eagle" on it. Uh...kind of an inside joke between

    me and my guitar player. He also has the same tattoo.

    Mojo: OK

    Mo: Let me ask you a question. Is there something-- is there a reason for you to get

    tattoos in the most painful places you can possibly think of? I mean, you're a--

    Grace: Oh is this the most painful?

    Mo: ...the biceps are so diff-- so painful.

    David: Well, I gotta, I gotta-- [David starts having mic problems] Uh-oh. Uh-oh

    Mo: Uh-oh. Alright, there we go. [testing the mic] Hello? Hello? Uh-- [laughs]

    Male: We're gonna switch...

    Mo: Yeah. OK.

    [David gets a new mic]

    David: Alright, um...

    Mo: OK

    David: I've uh...I, I, I never really intended to get 'em all in these painful places. Itjust kinda worked-out that way. But...honestly, the-- of the five that I have, the, the

    two on the inside of my arms...hurt the least.

    Mo: Really?

    David: I have one-- I have one--

    Mojo: Which one hurt the most?

    David: I have one on-- I have one on my sternum.

    Grace: Wooow

    Mo: Oh...my...

    Mojo: What's on your sternum?

    Mo: ...God.

    David: I have a--

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    Mojo: Why don't you actually take off your shirt...

    David: Yeah, yeah, yeah

    Mojo: ...cuz no one would see it, anyway.

    David: Well he took off his pants, so...

    Mo: Yeah yeah yeah. I was nuts.

    [Grace laughs]

    David: Um...nah, I've got a...um, a brain tumor awareness ribbon. Uh...

    Mojo: Mm-hmm

    David: ...on my, on my sternum.

    Grace: Ohhhh

    David: For my brother. And so...

    Grace: OK

    David: Um...I, I would not recommend getting tattoos on the sternum.

    Mojo: So how 'bout, how 'bout on your wrist? I can see under your watch you've got

    one too.

    David: Uh yeah. I've got a, I've got an...

    Grace: Eye

    David: ...an eye...on my wrist. Uh, this was actually the first tattoo I got after Idol.

    Uh, just kind of a reminder to keep my eyes open and appreciate everything, and...

    Mo: Nicely done.

    David: Um...

    Mojo: That was a--

    David: This, this also hurt.

    Max: Uh, excuse me--

    David [laughing]: Yeah

    Mo: Yeah?

    Max: Sorry...

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    David: Oh!

    Max: ...to cut in. Uh, [laughs] I think we have our next caller on the line.

    [David laughs]

    Mo: Alright, alright. Sorry. [makes a funny noise]

    David: I hope she doesn't ask questions about tattoos.

    Mo [laughing]: That's right.

    Max: Ok? We have, we have a Julie on the line. Julie.

    Julie: Hello?

    David: Hi

    Julie [excitedly and on the verge of tears]: Oh my God, oh my God it's David Cook!

    [everyone laughs]

    Julie [crying]: Oh my God

    David: How are you?

    Julie: Oh...I'm actually crying right now.

    David: Oh, don't do that.

    Julie: Oh...

    David: Don't do that.

    Julie: Oh my God. I'll do it for you, OK.

    David: OK. [laughs]

    Julie: OK.

    David: Alright.

    My question is: I dug up some of your...pre-Idol stuff.

    David: Uh-huh

    Julie: And...I'm actually liking Axium right now.

    David: Oh, yeah. Thank you.

    Julie: And...I would like to ask you how your music-- how can you explain how your

    music has evolved from Axium days until now?

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    David: Oh, yeah yeah yeah. Um...well I think the first thing, uh, ya' know, as I've

    gotten older, I've certainly been, um...influenced and inspired by different things.

    And...uh...Axium kinda started, uh, it was me and the drummer just kinda playin' for

    fun, and...uh, our whole vibe was...ya' know, I mean...it was all about, like, teenage

    angst and stuff like that. And...woe is me and let's cry about it. And...um...ya'

    know, as I, as I got older, uh, the songwriting kind of evolved into...um...more justthe things goin' on around me. Uh...or things that I would read. And, and uh...and

    really from there, it just...it, it, it's kind of more evolved musically. I'm still inspired

    by a lot of the same things. But I think...as I've gotten more of a musical intellect in

    the last...you know, five, six, seven years, whatever. Um...I think that's really

    where, where I've kinda hit my stride. So...that's a good question, though. There's

    a lotta-- I, I think there's a lotta answers to that question. We could be here all day.

    [Mo laughs]

    Julie: Yeah. And, I would just like you to know that I'm...I'm a fan because of your

    music, and your songwriting.

    David: Aw, thank you.

    Julie: And...I relate to most of them. And being a thirteen-year-old, I [laughs] guess

    that's, for me, a big thing.

    David: Oh, that's really cool. Thank you.

    Julie [starting to cry again]: Oh my God...

    David: Uh-huh

    David: ...I'm talking to you.

    [David laughs]

    Grace: It's OK, darling.

    Julie: Oh my God

    Grace: Calm down. Breathe in...

    David: No. If you--

    Grace: ...breathe out.

    David: If you only knew how big a dork I was...

    [everyone laughs]

    Julie: Oh my God

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    Grace: He's the nicest. I know you don't get to see him in person, but...are you

    watching the concert?

    Julie: Yeah I am.

    Grace: Of course you are.

    David: Alriiight. That's what I like to hear.

    Julie [still crying]: Oh my God

    Grace: Awwww

    Mo: Alright Julie. You know--

    Julie: OK

    Mo: As much as we don't wanna...cut this one short, man...

    [Grace laughs]

    David: Oh yeah yeah

    Mo: This must be great for you.

    Julie: Oh yeah. It's OK, it's OK

    David: Big hug over the phone. Don't cry.

    Julie: OK

    David: We'll see you, we'll see you tomorrow.

    Julie: OK

    David: Alright. Bye

    Mo: Alright, thank you.

    Julie: Bye. Love you!

    Mo: That was a good call.

    Mojo: Someone hand her a tissue. I love it.

    [Grace laughs]

    Mojo: That was so sweet.

    Grace: Love you, doll. I love you.

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    Mo: David Cook here on the, on the show. Live on air at Magic 89.9 on this Friday.

    If you want to ask him a question, you can go ahead and text it in. Magic-space-899-

    space. Your-- your question, and send it to 2968. Leave your landline phone

    number, we'll give you a ring. And you'll be on-air with uh, Mr. Cook, here.

    Uh...David...what-- when you uh...when you finally-- you said it took you ten years to


    David: Yep

    Mo: ...uh, to, I guess, you know...an album or...may-- did you have an album prior to

    this year's?

    David: I'd, I'd actually uh...this uh...th-- this, this record we just put out is the...

    [pauses] sixth or seventh record I've ever worked on.

    Mo: Uh-huh

    David: And um...ya' know, so I, I, I did a lotta the, the do it yourself kinda stuff for,for, you know, the better part of a decade. And...and um...you know, this is, this is

    what I was always kinda workin' for. So to be here now...just vindicates that decade

    of work that I put in before, you know, I s-- was standin' in line to audition.

    Grace: Ohhh

    Mo: Do you have any, uh, favorite songs from the first six that you just had to add

    to this one, because you knew this one was gonna get the most attention?

    David: Um...you know, I've, I've always been really...really keen on lookin' forward

    and not lookin' back. And so while I, I definitely feel like there's a lotta material thatwe could pull from...

    Mo: Yeah

    David: ...I wanted this record to be new. And...

    Mo: OK

    David: ...and uh, so the only song on it that actually...pre-dates Idol, uh, is a song

    called "A Daily AntheM" that I wrote back in...like, the winter of '06.

    Mo: Yeah

    David: Um...and it just uh...for me, I, I remember I wrote that in, um...you know, a

    buddy of mine's house, and...uh...never really thought much of it. And then I was

    working on a, a second record -- a second solo record on my own -- and...we kinda

    messed around with that song and then...it just stuck around. And then I remember

    the, the A & R guy told me-- uh, my A & R guy Ashley told me, he goes: "We'd like

    to work on that for this record." And I was like: "Whaaaaa?" You know?

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    [Grace and Mo laugh]

    David: "OK. Cool."

    Mo: Right

    David: So...it's, it's uh, it's been a long-- that song's had a...had a long journey. Toget to where it's at.

    [Everyone pauses]

    Grace: Wow

    David: I can hear it in the background.

    Grace: Listen to the song as a background.

    Mo: Yeah, that's what I was like--

    Grace: I know.

    David: Good job whosever programmin' the song.

    Max: Thank you--

    Grace: Great DJs!

    Max: Thank you so much. Thank you so much.

    [David and Grace laugh]

    Max: Ok, we have another...person on the phone right now.

    Grace: Alright

    Max: Her name is "Bambi." Good morning Bambi.

    Bambi: Hi, good morning.

    David: Good morning, Bambi.

    Bambi: I'm calling from the office. Uh...

    David: Uh-oh

    [Grace laughs]

    Bambi: Oh it's Ok, it's OK. They all know that I joined the contest.

    [David laughs]

    Bambi: Um, my question is: Among all the songs you have sung...

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    David: Mm-hmm

    Bambi: ...which one is the closest to your heart and why?

    David: Ooooh. Um...which song is the closest to my heart. Uh... [pauses] I'm gonna

    have to go with...um...probably "A Daily AntheM," to be honest with you. I-- and I

    think just, you know, for the reasons I mentioned before. I think the story behind


    Bambi: Mm-hmm

    David: ...um, that song's...almost four years old now. And um...and ya' know, with

    the context of it, bein' about my brother, I think uh...I think that song-- yeah. It's,

    it's one of those-- it's the closest I've ever come to writing a song that has kinda

    that U2 idea, where it's very epic, very singalongy, and...

    Bambi: OK

    David: ...um, lotta fun to play.

    Bambi: OK. Have you tried any of our food here?

    David: Um...I have uh...I have tried a little bit. And uh...

    Bambi: What--

    David: I s--

    Bambi: What food?

    David: I don't even remember what it's called.

    Mo: But you didn't try--

    Mojo: What about--

    Grace: He probably isn't that gullible, I'm sure.

    David: Balut?

    Mo: You know-- yesterday, yesterday I was hangin' out with uh, Cook here. And we

    were talking about Balut. You know, because...

    David: Yeah, yeah

    Mo: ...you know, people...

    Grace: Right

    Mo: ...would always try to...

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    Grace: Mm-hmm

    Mo: ...force that upon our visitors.

    [David laughs]

    Grace: Mm-hmm

    Mo: You know. And he said...

    Grace: For some reason

    Mo: ...he said you're will-- you're down with this. You're, you're--

    David: I'll give it a shot.

    Mo: You'll give it a shot.

    David: I'll try anything twice.

    Mo: Wait, hold on. We're gonna-- we have some time. Somebody has to--

    Grace: Balut NOW

    Mo: ...run and get one right now. We gotta--

    Mojo: Somebody go up, go upstairs...

    Grace: Balut NOW

    Mojo: ...and get Balut.

    [Grace laughs]

    Mo: Somebody has to go get a Balut right now...

    Mojo: Right now. Somebody.

    Mo: ...and let's try to get this, cuz--

    Grace: Are you serious?

    Mojo: I think it's too early for a Balut.

    Grace: Cuz I eat here.

    David: Why not?

    [someone laughs]

    David: Why not?

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    Mojo: Are you-- it's like "Fear Factor."

    Grace: That's true.

    Mojo: It's--

    David: Yeah

    Mojo: You know-- gosh.

    Grace: You're so-- you're so cool. I love it.

    Mo: Thanks for the question, uh...

    David: Yeah, thank you.

    Mo: ...so while we work, while we work on the next one--

    Bambi: More power to you. Uh, I'm just...so sad that I'm not a-- I'm, I'm, I won't beable to see the concert.

    David: Oh noooo

    Grace: Whyyyy?

    Bambi: I have work. I have work. Uh, but it's OK. I--

    Grace: Awww

    David: Well we'll-- we'll--

    Bambi: I hope you can come back?

    David: We'll turn the amps up really loud so maybe you can hear from work.

    [someone laughs]

    Mojo: Yeah-ah.

    [everyone else laughs]

    Mojo: That's alright.

    Mo: That's a good one.

    Bambi: So, good luck tomorrow. And...uh, within your career.

    David: Thank you...

    Bambi: OK

    David: ...very, very much.

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    Mo: OK

    David: Bye

    Bambi: OK. Bye. Thank you.

    David: Have fun at work.

    Max: Alright, I have a question. Since uh, we are w--w-- we are talkin' about "A Daily


    David: Yeah

    Max: ...uh, people are asking, Mr. David Cook, if there is a possibility that this would

    be a next single.

    David: Ah. Uh, that is a fantastic question. And as soon as I know what the next

    single is...

    [someone laughs]

    David: ...I will be...you guys will be the first in line to know. I--I ha--

    Jake: Alright!

    David: You know right now...

    Mo: Alright! Great, great.

    David: We've definitely, uh...

    Male: Woo!

    David: ...we've definitely wanted to give, uh, ya' know, "Come Back to Me" and "Bar-

    ba-sol" their due diligence, and let 'em kinda...you know, do whatever they're gonna

    do. So we're uh, we're kinda ridin' that wave right now. But I, I do know, uh, we're

    talkin' about another single. And...who knows what it may or may not be.

    Mo: OK

    Mojo: Alright

    Max: So, we have another caller, Mo.

    Mo: Wow

    Max: Uh, her names Angelica. Wants to ask...

    Mo: Right away. Alright.

    Max: ....uh --Yep -- David a question. Go Angelica.

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    Angelica: Yeah. Hiiii.

    David: Hi Angelica.

    Angelica: Good morning.

    David: Good morning.

    Angelica: Whoa, I'm actually shaking, here. Um...OK.

    [someone laughs]

    Angelica: My question is: Um, there are so many artists out there that have-- uh,

    there are so many songs right now...

    David: Mm-hmm

    Angelica: ...that are really, really good. And um...if you had a chance to sing one of

    those songs, what would it be?

    David: Oh wow. So it was for somebody else--

    Grace: That's a difficult one.

    Mojo: Like your own cover version.

    David: Somebody else's song.

    Grace: Mm-hmm

    David: Um...you know, I remember when we were uh, we were puttin' the tourtogether back in February, and...and uh, the guys and I were...the, the band and I,

    we were tryin' to come up with cool covers to do. And we almost, almostdid Katy

    Perry's "Hot N Cold." Almost.

    Mojo: Oh wha-- I would--

    Mo: Woooow

    Grace: Really?

    David: Yeah.

    Mojo: I would so love that.

    David: Almost did a rock version of it. So...

    Mo: No. Yes.

    David: ...maybe that one.

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    Angelica: Well would you consider working with her...some time?

    David: Absolutely. Yeah, yeah. I uh...I got a chance to meet Katy-- we did a, a radio

    show...um...in Ohio back in December. And, uh, she was really cool. Absolute

    sweetheart. So I would love to work with her.

    Angelica: Oh. OK. Oh, well...um...I really really big fan. And, um, unfortunately

    won-- I won't be able to watch the concert. So...

    David: Mm-hmm

    Angelica: ...just, just good luck, and have a great show.

    David: Aw, thank you very much. That just gives me more incentive to come back,

    so maybe you can come to the next one.

    Angelica: Ok.

    [Grace laughs]

    Angelica: Thank you.

    David: Alright.

    Mo: You take Care

    Angelica: Bye

    Mo: Thank you

    David: Bye

    Mo: Uh, David...how does it...I don't know if this is a stupid question, but how does it

    feel, man? Like, every-- all the calls we're taking right now, the first thing they say

    is: "I'm shaking right now."

    David: Mm-hmm

    Mo: "I'm crying right now."

    Grace: "I'm crying."

    David: Yeah

    Grace: I know.

    Mo: I-- I, I, " I'm forgetting how to breathe. What's my address?" You know? P--

    David: Yeah

    Mo: People...start forgetting even the [laughs] basic things...

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    [David laughs]

    Mo: ...that they do, uh, you know, for their life, when they meet you, see you, talk to


    David: Mm-hmm

    Mo: That must be...just an outstanding feeling.

    David: It's uh...it's humbling. And very unnerving. I don't know, cuz I-- I think...you

    know, obviously, I mean...I don't get caught-up in...me. So...I--

    Mo: You get caught up--

    David: It-- it's--

    Mo: You do get-- do you, do you get caught-up in anyone else, though, when you

    see that-- you-- this feeling that you hear right now through the phones?

    David: I always lose my breath around Archie. No, I'm kidding. Uh...

    [everyone laughs]

    David: Uh...

    Mojo: That makes two of us.

    [David laughs]

    David: No, I um...I...I have just, I, I don't know. The idea of celebrity has always

    seemed so...strange to me. And, and...and really, in my entire life, there's onlybeen two...uh, people that I-- that I've really, like, kinda geeked-out on, and...I was

    uh, I was eleven years old, and there was this athlete, uh -- this high school athlete,

    of all people -- from uh...from Kokomo, Indiana...named Tiffany Longworth. And

    I...spent a half an hour tryin' to muster up the courage to go get her autograph. So

    there's her. Uh...

    Mo: What does she do, if you don't mind? Athlete...

    David: Oh, she played-- she played basketball. I don't know what she does now.

    Mo: Oh, OK

    David: But...uh, and then um...the guitar player from "Our Lady Peace." When I was

    on the show, I went to go to a guitar shop, and I ran in to him.

    Mo: Mm-hmm

    David: And...I made a complete fool outta myself.

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    [everyone laugsh]

    David: I was like [in a "geeky" voice similar to one used to imitate the mentally

    challenged]: Oh my God! Oh my God!

    [everyone laughs]

    David: Ya' know? And...and I was the one, like, "I can't breathe."

    [Mo laughs]

    David: "You're makin' me cry." And um...so I, I don't know. I mean, I j-- I hope, I

    hope that that, uh...I hope that those reactions don't ever cause somebody to not

    come up and talk to me. Cuz...

    Grace: Mm-hmm

    David: ...that's one of the things I really love about this job, is that I get a chance to

    meet so many people, and talk to 'em, and...and uh...you know, that's kinda what

    it's all about.

    Mo: Oh grea-- I agree-- I'm, I'm happy you said that.

    Grace: Mm-hmm

    Mo: Cuz yesterday when you were at the radio station, and my mom-- you know,

    I've been in this business, uh, fourteen years. My mom has never visited me...

    David: Yeah

    Mo: ...at the booth. Never. Never went to the radio station to see me-- her son in


    [David laughs]

    Mo: ...or anything like that. Heard that you guys were going there, she's like: "I

    gotta go" for the first time. I'm like: "OK, wow." She gets there, she meets you, she

    starts crying. And I'm like: "Oh my Goooood."

    Grace: She did??

    David: Noooo

    Mo: Here I am being--

    Grace: No waaaaay!

    Mo: I'm tryin' to-- I'm tryin' to be--

    Grace: She's so cute.

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    Mo: ...bad-ass, right? I'm tryin' to be, like [in tough guy voice]: "Yeah man.

    Welcome to the booth, man." And my mother's like [makes girly "crying" voice].

    [Grace laughs]

    Mojo: Oh my God

    Mo: Oh...

    David: Tryin' to be bad-ass wearing a Yankees cap.

    Grace: Your mom is the cutest.

    David: I'm not gonna let it go.

    Mo: I-- I-- "I don't know who that lady is." Ya' know?

    [Grace laughs]

    Mo: I was like that. It, it was great. But...but-- I'm glad you're, you're so, uh,


    David: Yeah...

    Mo: ...to people...

    David: ...I mean...

    Mo: ...who are coming up to you.

    David: ...uh...I mean, literally, like, I'm here because of the fans. So...

    Mo: Yeah

    Mojo: You wh-- you know what? You are so, you're so accommodating. You're so

    sweet. Uh, yesterday at the station, I know you were almost mobbed by all the

    listeners that came to see you.

    Grace: I know, I heard it was...

    Mojo: But wh--

    Grace: ...terrible.

    Mojo: What do you do to get away-- or what do you do to keep you grounded?

    David: Um...I call my, my parents...to keep me grounded. I, I uh...ya' know i-- no--

    nothin' will ground ya' quicker than, ya' know, callin' uh, callin' your mom and goin'

    [in excited voice] "Mom! I'm in The Philippines! And apparently I'm, like, a big deal


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    [everyone laughs]

    David [pretending to be his mom responding to him]: "Uh, that's great. But...uh...I

    was watching your dog, and he...

    [someone laughs]

    David: ...peed on the carpet."

    [everyone laughs]

    David: And it's like: "Oh yeah."

    Mojo: That's what, that's what moms are. Like, you know...

    Grace: I know.

    Mojo: ...our moms call in...

    Grace: Only your mom...

    Mojo: ...our show sometimes. They give us advice.

    David: Yeah

    Mojo: Has your mom ever scolded you or given you any advice to keep, uh, to keep

    grounded, or keep your--

    Grace: With all this fame.

    Mojo: -- level-headed?

    David: My mom constantly-- my-- I-- it's actually really funny. My mom, uh, when I

    got my first tattoo, I remember my mom just bein' like [in exasperated tone]: "Oh


    [someone laughs]

    David [still in exasperated voice]: "What are you doin'?" [back to normal voice]

    And then uh...she called me, like, a month ago. And she was like: "You're not gonna

    believe what I just did." And she went and got a tattoo!

    Mojo: Oh my!

    Grace: Nooo!

    Mo: No way!

    David: Yeah

    Grace: Your mom did?

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    David: She got a-- she got a--

    Mojo: You're influencing your mom, huh?

    David: I know! She got a rose on her ankle. And I was like...

    Grace: What?!

    David: ..."Whoa, mom!" Like...

    Mojo: Rock Star!

    David: ...where-- "where's the biker rally?" You know what I mean?

    [Grace laughs]

    David: And so...uh...so I, I don't know. I mean, my mom...my mom's kinda really

    enjoyed the ride. And, and kinda...tried to experience as much of this...as she can

    with me. And I, and I love havin' her around. Uh, my dad the same way. Um...butat the same time, I, I think just...kinda like me, they just don't get caught-up in it.

    They see the absurdity in it. And so they-- they more kind of...make fun of me

    about it. Like, my mom will be like: "Uh...I saw your hair today. Uh...did we wake

    up late?" Ya' know?

    [Grace laughs]

    David: It's like: Yeah

    Mojo: Oh, you're mom's little boy.

    Mo: Does it-- does it help because you guys are not, maybe, from the huge

    American cities like the New Yorks and the L.A.s, and your parents...um...you know,

    they're, they're-- they still keep it simple?

    David: Yeah, I think um...really just the...I don't know. There's somethin-- there's

    somethin' to-- about comin' from Middle America...that uh...you don't really find on

    the coasts.

    Mo: Yeah

    David: So uh, uh, I think uh...you know I, I've lived in L.A. now for a year...and it's

    too fast for me.

    [Mo laughs]

    David: Ya' know? It's just...I, I need that...I need things to slow down a little bit like

    back home.

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    Mo: Yeah. [commenting on the static that has appeared in the audio feed]: Alright, I

    hope uh...we're having a little speck in the drive.

    Grace: Yeah

    Mo: Um, I think it's just uh-- in here, though. So if you, uh, bear with us, uh, David,

    while we wait for another caller.

    David: It's all good.

    Mo: Let's-- OK.

    Max: We actually have a caller right now.

    Mo: Great. Let's uh, let's play on and throw 'em in.

    Max: Alright. Her name is...

    Someone else in the studio: Madelle

    Max: ...Madelle. Madelle, you're on air.

    Madelle: Hi

    David: Hi Madelle.

    Madelle [in excited voice]: Oh my God! Um, so...hi David.

    David: Hi

    Madelle: Um...I wanted to ask: You saw the completeness of your fans yesterday.Did you have any idea how large your fanbase is here? What went through your

    mind when you saw that?

    David: Um...wow. A lot of things went through my mind when I saw that. I, I am...I,

    I, I have been consistently...amazed at, at uh...ya' know, the response that, that

    we've gotten out here. And I know that, that it's just as much a testament to the

    show as it is to, ya' know, Archie and me. And, and uh...to see um...to see, like, a

    year later, the loyalty. Ya' know? I, I've, I've-- uh, it's funny. Like, Archie and I, uh,

    were walking to a, a press conference last night. And there were fans outside the

    press conference. And some of them...would only talk to me, and some of them

    would only talk to Archie. They're just like...

    [someone laughs]

    David: ..."Oh my God, Archie!" And I'm like: I'm right next to him.

    [someone laughs]

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    David: You know? And...uh, but that kinda stuff's cool. And, and I love...I love the

    fan loyalty. And, and um...uh, I-- I'm, I'm consistently learning how large...uh...large

    the support level is out here, which is really cool.

    Madelle: Alright. Um, I wanted to ask: Do you have a special setlist for Manila?

    David: A special setlist. Um...well I will say this: um...back home, uh, "Always Be My

    Baby" is...not...not a big deal. At all. So...

    Mo: Oh, here? Oh...

    Grace: Here...

    Mo: ...we love that song.

    David: Well that-- this, uh...we actually...uh, are working it up. For here.

    Mo: Sweet

    David: Um...so we, uh, we're gonna, we're gonna try to...fumble our way through

    that on stage tomorrow night. And then, uh...past that, I think um...ya' know I, I

    think the whole set--uh, the whole set-- every set we do is different. We haven't

    played the same set twice yet. So, this set will be definitely specific to The

    Philippines. And, and um...ya' know, we're just gonna come out with our guitars

    turned up way too loud, and try to have some fun.

    Madelle: Alright. David, the Cookistas prepared gifts for you. Did you receive


    David: Uh...I've received-- yeah. Somebody actually told me today about a guitar...?

    Madelle: Yeah. We have a guitar.

    David: That is unreal. Thank you guys...

    Madelle: And--

    David: ...so, so much.

    Madelle: ...a customized sneakers for you.

    David: A customized what?

    Madelle: Sneakers

    David: Sneakers?

    Madelle: Yeah

    David: Oh wow.

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    [Madelle laughs]

    David: I-- how did you find shoes my size? I wear a thirteen.

    Madelle: Um...

    David: That's a bi-- those are big boots.

    Madelle: We're good. [laughs]

    David: We're good. [laughs] Alright. Well I agree. Thank you very, very much.

    Mo: Uh...

    Madelle: We're the fans too. We have shirts.

    David: I love it. I love it. You guys are amazing.

    Mo: By the way, uh, I'm an eight. Mojo you're a...?

    Mojo: I'm a nine and a half.

    Mo: Nine and a half. Grace Lee?

    Grace: I'm six.

    Mo: OK yeah

    David: Oh wow.

    Mo: You can throw, you can throw some our way, too. If you don't mind.

    David: Yeah, yeah [laughs]

    [Mojo laughs]

    Grace: I'm just half your size.

    David: That's...pretty crazy.

    Grace: Cuz I wear five and a half usually.

    David: Yeah, yeah

    Grace: But six.

    Mo: Yeah, that's--

    David: I got...massive...

    Grace: Oh my goodness.

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    David: ...massive skis.

    Mo: Yeah

    Grace: Oh goooosh

    Mo: Alright

    Grace: Jo...

    Mo: Hey, thanks for the question.

    Mojo: I'm not gonna--

    Grace: Usually he'll make a comment...

    Mojo: I'm not gonna make a comment about--

    Grace: But today he's behaving.

    Mojo: I'm pri-- I'm pri-- I'm behaving...

    Mo: Yeah. Yeah.

    Mojo: ...for the interview. But I was gonna comment about your shoes. But uh...

    [pauses] yeah.

    Grace: I love them!

    David: Oh yeah.

    Grace: Where'd you get them?

    David: Uh...these are actually-- I got these at a place called Boot City in Terre

    Haute, Indiana.

    Mojo: Wow

    David: They are...python boots. Yeah.

    Grace: Real python?

    David: Real python

    Grace: Whooooooa

    David: At least that's what they told me.

    [everyone laughs]

    David: That's what I paid for.

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    Mo: That's right.

    David: So...

    Mo: Alright. Let me ask you, uh, this question, uh, David Cook: You know, we're,

    we're working, uh, closer to about exactly a year...

    David: Uh-huh

    Mo: ...since the uh, American Idol finale.

    David: Yeah

    Mo: Which I was there, by the way. I was--

    David: Yeah, yeah

    Mo: Yeah, I was covering it, by the way.

    David: Mm-hmm

    Mo: It was a great experience. And it was very tense. You did come out victorious,

    but...that night...did you and Archuleta talk about just: Hey listen. One of us is

    gonna win, one of us is not gonna-- I mean, are you-- is there a preparation involved

    on whether it's gonna tote your way or not?

    David: Um...well I mean, I spent an entire season hearin' how Archie was the

    frontrunner. So...I expected to take second. And um...I knew if-- uh, you know,

    goin' in-- goin' in to Tuesday, I was like: If I'm gonna win this, like, it's gonna be a

    really close vote.

    Mo: Yeah

    David: And then I remember we, we got through Tuesday, and obviously the judges

    said what they said. We show up Wednesday morning to start doin' rehearsal for all

    the stuff, and...and uh, Nigel Lithgoe, who, who was a producer at the time, comes

    up and he goes...he goes [with fake British accent]: "Davids."

    [Mo laughs]

    David [still with fake accent]: "Um...there were...ninety-seven-point-five million

    votes. The winner won by twelve million votes." [back to normal voice] And I waslike: OK, it's Archie.

    Mo: Yeah

    David: I mean, that's a huge discrepancy. And...and um... [pauses] and then we go

    through the night, and I'm-- I'm-- I've resigned myself to second. I was like: This is

    cool. You know?

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    Mo: Yeah

    David: We both win.

    Mo: Yeah

    David: I mean...we made the finals of American Idol.

    Mo: Yeah

    David: Out of a hundred and three thousand people. So...

    Mo: Right

    David: Needless to say, everybody wins. And uh...and then they said my name.

    And...conscious blackout. Like, it's been-- it's been really funny when people ask

    me, like: "What was your, what was your feeling right after they called your name?"

    I don't know. Uh...

    [Mo laughs]

    David: ...I don't remember my mom and my brother bein' on stage. I don't...

    Mo: Yeah

    David: ...remember huggin' Archie.

    [Grace laughs]

    David: It was just like: Wait a minute. What?

    [Mo laughs]

    David: And--

    Grace: What happened?

    David: Yeah. And I-- and then uh...and then I get home. And uh...and I'm like: "God,

    I gotta watch this on TiVo." And of course, TiVo had the issue where they cut off

    right at the end.

    Mo: Right at the end. Right, right.

    David: "And the winner is...David...."

    [Mo laughs]

    David: End.

    Mojo: Oh no

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    David: Right before they said the last name.

    Grace: What??

    David: So all the, all the TiVos back home...cut it off right before they said the last

    name. Which... [pauses] the cruel side of me thinks it's hilarious.

    [Mo and Grace laugh]

    David: So funny. But um...but, but definitely an odd experience. And...uh, you

    know, Archie and I still laugh about it.

    Grace: Yeah

    David: I, I think just in the sense, I mean, we're both doin' really well right now.


    Mo: Yes, and-- yeah-- which is kinda rare. I mean, I know sometimes, uh...an Idol

    winner, maybe somebody who came in second place like Clay...

    Grace: Mm-hmm

    Mo: ...before, goes on to do well. But rarely do we see both...

    Grace and David: Yeah

    Mo: ...do so well.

    Grace: This is the first time ever...

    Mo: Yeah

    David: Well--

    Grace: ...in all the American history.

    David: And I mean uh-- and I-- I don't know. I, I don't, I don't know what set of

    circumstances led to me doin' well, but...you know, as far as Archie, I mean...it, it,

    it's hard to deny him. He's got an amazing voice. And not even just for his age.

    Just, he's got a great voice. And more importantly, he's a good person. And...

    Mo: Yeah

    David: ...and uh... [pauses] when you have those two things in tow, I mean, it, it's

    hard to, it's hard to go wrong.

    Mo: Uh, right, right. And I-- same uh, same for you, though.

    David: Aw, thank you.

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    Mo: Obviously, because you guys are both, uh, really cool people.

    Grace: You know one thing,American Idol, it's been big in the States for the longest

    time. And worldwide.

    David: Yeah

    Grace: Why did you not join it...before?

    [David laughs]

    Grace: What-- what took you so long? Because you know what? If I had...the talent

    that you guys have, I would've joined in the first season.

    David: Well, I mean...I, I, I think for me, it was just, I never...I never consciously

    thought about it bein' my path. Like, I was doin'...I was doin' my own thing, like,

    puttin' out records and...and playin' in bands and stuff, and...and it just... [pauses] it

    just never really occurred to me like: Hey, I should do this. And then uh...

    Mojo: What gave you the gumption, then? What finally inspired you to go...

    Grace: Mm-hmm

    Mojo: ...and audition?

    David: Um...well my little brother...was uh, was, was auditioning. And, and uh, I

    went along as moral support. And...

    Grace: Really?

    David: My mom and my-- yeah. My mom and my brother were like: you should

    audition. And I was like: No, no. This is Andrew's thing. I don't, I don't wanna... you

    know...I, I-- God forbid somethin' would happen where, like, I would make it and he

    didn't. And uh...and then this producer was walkin'...down the line...with a camera,

    and...and askin' everybody: why are you-- "why do you wanna be the next American

    Idol?" And uh...and he goes to my brother and he's like: "Why do you wanna be the

    next American Idol?" And my brother's like: "You know, I wanna be the next

    American Idol cuz I think, I think I'm a good singer, and I think I have that little extra

    to bring to the table." And then he turns to me, and I'm like: "I'm not auditioning!"

    And he goes: "Well you are now. So why do you wanna be the next American [trails

    off]?" And I was like: "Uh... [pauses] I don't know. I'm just doin' this so I can try toget to meet Mandy Moore. I guess."

    [everyone laughs]

    David: "I don't-- I don't know." And uh...and then it just...and, and then the camera

    went away, and...my mom goes: "I think you should probably audition." And I was

    like: "OK." So I picked my song, like, two minutes before I au-- signed-up, and..

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    Mo: Uh-huh

    David: And um...you know, but I definitely think...I, I definitely think that everything

    just happened at the right time. I don't think I coulda tried-out earlier in the, in the

    show's history and done well. Ya' know, but you look at guys like Bo Bice...

    Mo: Right

    David: ...or Chris Daughtry, and...they definitely paved the way for somebody like

    me to go...

    Mo: Yeah

    David: ...on the show...

    Mo: Yeah

    David: ...and do well. So...uh, hats-off to them, and...uh, ya' know...I, I couldn'ta

    done it without them. Specifically.

    Mo: Alright. Let's uh, check if we have a next question, Max.

    Max: We do, we do.

    Mo: Alright

    Max: Her name's Aliana. Aliana, you're on air.

    Aliana: Hello?

    David: Hi Aliana.

    Aliana: Oh hi.

    [David laughs]

    David: Oh hey.

    [everyone laughs]

    Mojo: Relaxed!

    Aliana: Oh...

    David: I like it.

    Aliana: OK.

    [no one says anything]

    Jake: Aliana, it's OK.

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    Aliana: Oh...OK.

    Jake: You, you can speak.

    Aliana: Um, my question is: is it more difficult to sing in front of the judges or in

    front of your fans, like, after the competition already?

    David: Oh, easily in front of the judges. Yeah.

    Aliana: OK

    David: I, I-- you know, um...what I love about performing live is the immediate

    reaction. Like...you sing your song, and you...you immediately know if...

    [people are laughing in the background]

    [David laughs]

    David: Something's going on-- no, you, you uh--

    Aliana: Oh, OK. It's just my sister. She's a big fan.

    David: Oh, hi sister.

    Aliana: Oh [laughs]

    Grace: This is someone shrieking in the background.

    David: Uh, I think uh...you know, with the crowd, you immediately know whether

    you did well or not. Like...you know, you can immediately tell. With the judges, it

    was like: you sing your song, and then you gotta wait twenty-four hours to see if,you know, you did well enough to stick around. And...and plus, I mean, let's be

    honest: Simon's...kinda tough.

    [Aliana laughs]

    David: So uh...

    Grace: But do you like him? Personally?

    David: You know, he was one of my favorite judges. And I think just in the sense

    that uh...he motivated me more than any other judge every week. So...

    Grace: That's what I would say, too.

    David: Uh, but needle-- needless to say, uh, if I...if I were to ever get married, I don't

    know that Simon...would be...

    [Aliana laughs]

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    David: ...my best man. So...

    [everyone laughs]

    Mo: Is he, is he brutal off, off of the competition?

    David: You know what? You know-- that's one of the coolest things about the show.And I've been asked that a lot, like, are the judges the same off-camera? And they


    Mo: They are?

    Mojo [laughing]: Oh really?

    David: Like, Randy still says "dawg" ten times a sentence.

    [someone laughs]

    David: Paula...will-- is...the sweetest space cadet I've ever met in my life.

    Mojo: Space cadet.

    [everyone laughs]

    David: And...uh...and s-- I, I remember actually um...uh...I remember Simon, ya'

    know, after Top 8, um...ya' know, we-- I, I made it through, and...and uh...we went

    to this party afterwards a-- as part of Idol Gives Back, and...and uh...I walk in, and

    I'm...feelin'-- I'm kinda on my high horse, ya' know?

    Mo: Yeah

    David: I'm feelin' good, like "I made another cut. This is awesome." And I, and I go:

    "Simon, you know, I, I guess you're stuck with me another week." And he goes

    [with fake British accent]: "David, I... [pauses] you really need to step it up."

    [everyone laughs]

    David: I was like: "Dude, we're at a party! C'mon!"

    Mo [laughing]: That's right, right, right.

    David: "Just relax." I...I, I mean he's just...you know, but just that kind of stuff. Like,

    Simon is definitely...he lit the fire under me every week. Cuz it was like: if I could--

    if I could get Simon to say somethin' good, then I did somethin' right.

    Mo: He's like that coach...

    Grace: Mm-hmm

    Mo: ...in sports, that pushes and...

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    Grace: Yeah

    Mo: ...pushes and...

    Aliana: OK

    Mo: ...insults and stuff. And then all of a sudden...

    David: Yeah, yeah. He is-- he is that coach...

    Mo: ...you'll be like--

    David: ...that, like, you, you get done with practice, and you're like: "God, he's such

    a jerk."

    Mo: Right

    David: And then--

    Grace: Yeah, but you need him there, though...

    David: Absolutely. Yeah.

    Grace: ...to push everyone.

    Mojo: He's that kind of person.

    David: Yeah.

    Grace: Yeah

    David: Without him, you're not...you're not...

    Grace: Mm-hmm

    David: ...you know, fit for the fourth quarter. So...

    Grace: I don't think the show would be what it is without Simon.

    David: Oh absolutely not.

    Grace: I mean, with the performances and all.

    David: I...I uh... [pauses] I certainly hope that, that everybody sticks around. I thinkuh, they've got a great formula there, and...

    Grace: Yeah

    David: ...ya' know.

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    Mojo: Well, um...if you watch American Idol, you know, it looks like everyone has a

    fun time, everyone's all friendly. Do you still keep in contact, other th-- well, then

    uh, Archie...

    [David laughs]

    Mojo: Do you keep in contact with anyone from American Idol? Any of the judges...

    David: Yeahhhh

    Mojo: ...or any of the other contestants, like...

    David: I uh...

    Mojo: ...on facebook or twitter or something?

    David: Um-- well I don't facebook or twitter. Um...

    [Grace laughs]

    David: ...but I do keep in touch. I, I talk to, I talk to Michael Johns every now and

    again, and...talk to Carly.

    Mo: Mm-hmm

    David: Uh, Chikezie, Brooke...uh, Ramiele, Jason...uh...that's just our season. And

    then uh...I keep in, I keep in touch with Carrie a little bit. Carrie's been great...as far

    as-- Carrie Underwood. She's been great.

    Grace: She's doing so well.

    David: She's-- uh--

    Grace: She just won a major award...

    David: I know. I uh--

    Grace: ...for country music, right?

    David: Uh, yeah.

    Mo: Uh-huh

    David: And I just...

    Grace: Yeah

    David: ...my hat's off to her. She's, she's...the consummate professional. And, and,

    and better yet, she's been amazing as far as, like, uh, helping me navigate all this.

    Cuz this is new...

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    Mo: Mm-hmm

    David: ...for me. And uh...ya' know, Chris...um...Bo Bice. It-- it-- ya' know, I gotta

    say this: overall, what's amazing about-- well the-- probably the coolest thing about

    Idol is it's, it, it's really-- it really is a fraternity. Like, I, I met uh...I met Diana

    DiGarmo actually. And when we, we helped open the, the American IdolExperience, it was the first time I'd met her. And we talked for, like, ten minutes.

    Mo: Mm-hmm

    David: Ya' know? And it's just... [pauses] what do we have to talk about

    except...this, this experience that only, like, a very small amount of people...

    Mo: Right

    David: ...have experienced. And it, and it's--

    Mo: It's this common denominator. Right.

    Mojo: Right

    David: It's an-- Yeah. It's an immediate, like, an immediate bond. Very cool.

    Mo: Cool, cool. Alright.

    Aliana: OK

    Mo: Thank you for the question.

    Aliana: Ok, wait. Um, I ha--

    [David laughs]

    Aliana: My, my sister's a big fan, so if she, if she, if she could, like, say hi for


    David: For awhile?

    [everyone laughs]

    Aliana: Say hi

    Mo: Cuz hi-- hi takes awhile

    David: We got, we got fifteen minutes. Sure, yeah.

    Aliana: OK

    David: Nah. Yeah, I'd love to.

    Aliana's sister: Hi. Hi.

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    David: Hi

    Aliana's sister [very excitedly]: Hi David Cook!

    David: Hi

    Aliana's sister [going crazy]: Oh my God! This is so -- [starts hyperventilating]unbelievable!

    [everyone laughs]

    Jake: Hyperventilating.

    Aliana's sister [still excited]: Oh I really am out of words. I can't believe this is


    David: Oh, man

    Aliana's sister: I'm just thinking I'm dreaming.

    Jake: Ambulance!

    [David laughs]

    Aliana's sister: Hello? Hello?

    Jake: I'm telling you, calm down!

    [everyone laughsand talks over each other]

    David: Hi

    [Aliana's sister continues to hyperventilateand doesn't say anything. Everyone

    laughs again.]

    Mo: Alright. Thank you.

    Grace: You'll have an asthma attack!

    [Alianna sister starts laughing gleefully]

    Aliana's sister: OK

    David: Mania

    Mo: Ok.

    Aliana's sister: OK

    Mo: Bye-bye

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    David: I love it.

    Aliana's sister: OK

    Mo: God, imagine if she touched ya'.

    [everyone laughs]

    Davd: I know.

    Mo: Like if she was here, right? [laughs]

    David: Oh, man.

    Mojo: It's just the phone.

    Mo: Alright, thank--

    David: That's crazy.

    Max: We got one more call, her name's Bella [note: pronounced "Bay-uh"]. Wanted

    to ask David something.

    David: OK

    Jake: Bella!

    Bella: What's the--

    Jake: Speak up!

    Bella: OK. What's the story behind your song "Avalanche"?

    David: The story behind Avalanche. Um...uh...well I c-- I, I...I can tell you this:

    Um...uh, it was right at teh beginning of the tour. Um...and...I uh...I had gotten sick.

    So I-- I was havin', I was dealin' with, like, allergies. And um...the gentleman I wrote

    that song with is a guy named Kevin Griffin. He was in a band called-- or he's in a

    band called "Better Than Ezra." And uh, he came out to Phoenix where we were

    gettin' ready to start the tour. And...and um...we wrote that song in his hotel room.

    Um...and what the song kinda-- the premise of the song is...is obviously, I think,

    about...um...ya' know, kinda givin' yourself up to...all the, all the good, bad, and,

    and indifferent when it, when it comes to love. Just kinda letting...that Avalanchekinda take you over. And, and um... [pauses] I remember...with, with Kevin, that

    song happened really, reallyfast. Um...and then we didn't touch it for awhile. And

    then, like, three months later, we kinda touched it again, and realized, like: this is a,

    actually a really cool song. And...tweaked it a little bit. Went into the studio and,

    and...and uh, we had the s-- we had the record version done in, in about a week.

    Um....but uh, it was great workin' with Kevin. And uh...I would definitely love to

    work with him again. So...

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    Mo: Alright. Thank you Bella.


    Mo: Guys?

    David: Are you there? Hello?

    Mojo: Yeah, yeah. Yeah, we're here.

    Mo: Oh. OK.

    Mojo: Did she put the phone down, or somethin'?

    David: Oh, OK

    Mo: Alright, well thank-- you know what? Uh, I think that was the last question.

    Grace: Yes

    Mojo: Yep. Definitely.

    Mo: Uh, I was given, a, a little uh, note here.

    [the DJs laugh]

    Mo: So, thank you very much to all the people who uh, sent in their...text messages.

    And if we didn't get...

    David: Yeah

    Mo: ...to, chance to get to everybody...

    Grace: Mm-hmm

    Mo: ...you know? Um...you know, there's only so much we could do, David. [laughs]

    David: Yeah. Well, you know...

    Mo: But thank you so much.

    David: ...I'll be around.

    Mo: Glad to have you here.

    David: I'll be around. We-- I mean, we do have, you know, this... [whispers] this tiny

    little, like, show...

    [DJs laugh]

    David: ...tomorrow. So...

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    Mo [laughing]: That's right.

    David: I'll be around. Yeah.

    Mo: Alright.

    [David laughs]

    Mo: Um...so thank you guys. Uh, everyone listening. Uh, David Cook. We'll see you

    at the concert tomorrow night at MOA, buddy. Uh, again...

    David: Absolutely

    Mo: ...you know, a million thanks for just bein' an all-around cool dude.

    David: Aw dude, thank you very much.

    Grace: Thank you so much.

    Mojo: Yeah, thank you!

    David: I'm gonna send you a hat out, by the way. And it's gonna be a--

    [everyone laughs]

    Mo: A KC hat, yeah.

    David: I'm gonna send you a Royals hat.

    Mo: Since I need it. Alright.

    David: Yeah

    Mo: Yeah, oh hey...we gotta play Fantasy Baseball together someday. [laughs]

    David: I love it. I love it. I love it.

    [Grace laughs]

    Mo: Alright. Uh, David Cook, here. We have, uh, David Archuleta also comin' up...

    Grace: Mm-hmm

    Mo: ...in just a little bit. We'll see everybody at the concert tomorrow night at MOA.Joseph, anything you want to add before we...say that...any...?

    Mojo: I just wanna say: Show me the tattoo after this.

    [everyone laughs]

    David: OK

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    Mojo: I really want to see that tattoo.

    David: Deal. Deal.

    Mo: Grace Lee?

    Grace: Oh, that's it. Thank you to all the fans of um, David Cook. And uh, you knowwhat? I know a lot of, uh, questions are still out there, but we'll get to them

    eventually. And...

    David: Absolutely

    Grace: ...tomorrow it's a...good day for you.

    David: Yeah

    Grace: And good luck.

    David: Thank you very much.

    Grace: And thank you so much for being so great to everyone.

    David: Ah, no worries.

    [Grace laughs]

    David: And then uh, whatever questions we missed this time around, we'll, we'll try

    to catch the next time I come out.

    Mo: Absolutely. You know what?

    David: Cool

    Mo: That's-- the uh, the doors of our country are always open for you, buddy.

    Grace: Always

    Mo: Glad to have you here.

    David: Thank you.

    Mo: Alright. Thank you. David Cook right there.

    [people cheer and applaud]