2009 Lenca Update

Ellis Baptist Ellis Baptist Association Association Lenca Update Lenca Update January 9, 2009


The Lenca Indians of Honduras--a 2009 report by Ellis Baptist Association

Transcript of 2009 Lenca Update

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Ellis Baptist Ellis Baptist AssociationAssociation

Lenca UpdateLenca Update

January 9, 2009

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Who are the Lenca of Who are the Lenca of Honduras?Honduras?

125,000 Indians living in the mountains of Honduras

125,000 Indians living in the mountains of Honduras

An unreached people group which means less than 2% evangelized

An unreached people group which means less than 2% evangelized

Most are subsistent level farmers Most are subsistent level farmers

Have catholic/animistic beliefs Have catholic/animistic beliefs

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Our GoalOur Goal

• Start 340 house churches among Start 340 house churches among 125,000 Lenca living in 1,196 villages 125,000 Lenca living in 1,196 villages and small villagesand small villages

• Build into the DNA that each house Build into the DNA that each house church is responsible to start other church is responsible to start other house churcheshouse churches

• Our desire is “to teach the Lenca how Our desire is “to teach the Lenca how to fish rather than give them fish”to fish rather than give them fish”

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Lenca ReportLenca Report

Began September 2005Began September 2005

Year Year House ChurchesHouse Churches Bible StudiesBible StudiesTotalTotal

2006 42006 4 00 4 4

20072007 1313 66 19 19

20082008 1717 12 12 29 29

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Lenca ReportLenca Report

YearYear Baptisms Membership Baptisms Membership Avg Avg AttnAttn


20072007 2626 111111 246 246

20082008 2727 162162 347 347

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Prayer StrategyPrayer Strategy

• Monthly Update to over 1,250 Monthly Update to over 1,250 people through our newsletter people through our newsletter The The ChallengeChallenge

• Lenca Update emails monthly to Lenca Update emails monthly to over 300 people or whenever a over 300 people or whenever a special need is identifiedspecial need is identified

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Gospel SaturationGospel Saturation

• Radio StationRadio Station– Own 38 acres at La Puerta de BelenOwn 38 acres at La Puerta de Belen– 6,000 Watt transmitter purchased6,000 Watt transmitter purchased– 1000 AM1000 AM– Most powerful radio station in the Most powerful radio station in the

southwest of Hondurassouthwest of Honduras– Studio constructedStudio constructed– Antenna, ground plane, and equipment Antenna, ground plane, and equipment

installation nextinstallation next– Anticipated first broadcast spring 2009Anticipated first broadcast spring 2009

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Radio Studio

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On Air Studio

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Antenna Location

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Evangelism/Church Evangelism/Church PlantingPlanting

• Armando teaches pastors/leaders Armando teaches pastors/leaders individually as well as in groups to individually as well as in groups to witnesswitness

• We have some second generation We have some second generation churches started out of one of our churches started out of one of our churcheschurches

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New Believer

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Worship at Cruz Alta

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Worship at San Manuel

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Worship Sunday Evening at La Acacias

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Discipleship/Leadership Discipleship/Leadership TrainingTraining

• Monthly pastors and leaders meet to Monthly pastors and leaders meet to receive instructionreceive instruction

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Meeting Human NeedMeeting Human Need

• Disaster ReliefDisaster Relief• Cooperative ProjectsCooperative Projects

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Food Distribution at San Manuel

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Blankets for Corquin

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The Hog Project

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The Sewing Project at Cruz Alta

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 …. 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.' Matt 25:40