2007 Annual Report - Bad Request

Annual Report 2007 1 The Student Conservation Association Annual Report 2007

Transcript of 2007 Annual Report - Bad Request

Annual Report 2007 1

The Student Conservation Association Annual Report 2007

2 Student Conservation Association

Annual Report 2007 3

A lever for moving the world.

The power to save the planet.For 50 years, the volunteers of the Student Conservation Association have preserved national parks, restored ailing lands, and left a wondrous collective legacy on the American landscape.

Their mission – indeed, the youth conservation movement – started with

the brilliantly simple idea of Elizabeth Cushman Titus Putnam, then a recent

college graduate herself. Liz’s 1955 senior thesis introduced the concept of a

“Student Conservation Corps” and over the past half-century, SCA has become

a living, breathing how-to manual for engaging young people in the practice of


Today, amid climate change, urbanization, and “nature-deficit disorder,” SCA is

writing important new chapters in conservation. The contemporary challenges

facing our planet demand that we broaden our environmental efforts, even as we

continue to serve our treasured parks and forests. Thus SCA is unleashing bold

new strategies that will mark our next 50 years by…

• Bringing sustainable, green practices to communities in need…

• Connecting young people of every background to the land around them, and…

• Instilling a modern ethic of stewardship that will guide a new generation.

SCA doesn’t just take a stand – we take action. From mountain trails to Main

Streets, and from seashores to city schools, SCA is redefining conservation all

across our nation.

4 Student Conservation Association

It is inspiring to realize, more than five decades later, that

what started as two teams of students in Grand Teton

and Olympic National Parks has evolved today into the

nation’s most powerful conservation service force.

SCA’s golden anniversary in 2007 offered many opportunities to celebrate and reaffirm our organizational values. One of my most memorable moments occurred when SCA’s board of directors adjourned our summer meeting in Seattle to grab picks and Pulaskis and aid the restoration effort at storm-ravaged Mount Rainier.

We worked alongside dozens of dedicated SCA volunteers and, together, re-routed a badly damaged trail. It was a tremendously powerful experience. All of us were lifted by the passion of the young people with whom we served, and awed by their ability to affect change and stewardship when they were so desperately needed.

Clearly, after half a century, SCA’s mission still resonates and I would suggest it is now more important than ever. Yet in so many ways, we are just getting started.

In this report, you will see an SCA that is expanding its impact on both our environment and our people. We are a progressive organization that continues to blaze new trails through innovation, collaboration and a deep commitment to conservation service. Simply stated, SCA is all about Our Land, Our Youth, and Our Future.

SCA’s past and future success is entirely due to the great people who facilitate and execute the organization’s mission. I am grateful to my dedicated colleagues on the SCA Board of Directors and to sunsetting board members Stephen Bartram, Paula Cleary, Robert G. Stanton, and Ellen Spencer Susman. I commend SCA President Dale Penny and his outstanding staff. I also salute all our highly supportive resource management partners.

I thank you, our generous sponsors and donors, and pledge that SCA will always conduct itself in ways that are worthy of your enduring faith and trust. And finally, I thank our selfless volunteers. With your support, SCA will continue to make a difference in the places and on the conservation issues that matter most.

Fred Prescott Chairman

A letter from the chairman

SCA Mission Statement: To build the next generation

of conservation leaders and

inspire lifelong stewardship of

our environment and communities

by engaging young people in

hands-on service to the land.

Annual Report 2007 5

With SCA’s 50th Anniversary year now completed,

we are able to assess fully the accomplishments of our

first half century:

• 50,000+ high school and college-aged young people have served to preserve our environment

• 26 million hours (that’s more than 3 million work days) of hands-on conservation service restoring and preserving millions of acres of wildlands

• Tens of thousands of SCA alumni are now environmental professionals with thousands more serving as volunteer conservation leaders in their home communities

Are we proud of these accomplishments? Of course. Yet…

As we launch SCA’s next 50 years, our planet is at a critical moment. Climate change wreaks its impact around the globe. Public lands are more threatened than ever. Larger, more diverse populations are often living in unhealthy urban environments. Too many children are growing up without meaningful interactions with the natural world. And successors must be prepared to follow in the footsteps of the environmental community’s established leadership. So, how should SCA respond to these complex contemporary issues?

Well, we’ve recently asked ourselves that same question and developed a bold vision that builds on our decades of national leadership in youth conservation service. Over the next five years SCA will inspire hundreds of thousands of young Americans to answer the call to preserve our planet fueled by three overarching strategies:

• Preserve Parks, Forests and Wildlands – by doubling the number of young people serving in SCA programs on public lands across our country

• Conserve America’s Urban Green Spaces – by launching or expanding programs in at least 25 US cities, ensuring conservation is relevant to today’s increasingly diverse young population

• Prepare the Next Generation of Conservation Leaders – by engaging young people in activities that develop leadership skills, promote an ethic of stewardship, and provide opportunities for hands-on service

SCA will remain true to its founding values and commitment to conserve national parks and other public lands. Increasingly, however, you will see SCA volunteers preserving city parks, creating community green spaces, and leading local citizens in restoration efforts. Other SCA members will be working with neighborhood organizations to help residents reduce energy consumption and waste production. And larger numbers of SCA alumni will be taking their places as professional leaders in land management agencies and nonprofit environmental groups.

This Annual Report goes beyond the highlights of 2007. It underscores the vital leadership roles – both traditional and new – that SCA members will play in the future in our parks, schools and communities.

I thank you and the many thousands of other supporters who have contributed this past year to enable our young people to serve. Without you, SCA would simply not be sustained. Thanks also to our many resource management partners. I also want to recognize the SCA Board of Directors, under Chairman Fred Prescott’s leadership, for their guidance, as well as the management and staff who make it all happen. And, especially as we culminate our 50th Anniversary, we thank our founder, Elizabeth Cushman Titus Putnam, for her vision, passion and ongoing commitment to leave this planet a better place.

Most importantly, thanks to the 3,218 young adults and teens who served from one to twelve months last year in so many positions of leadership and service throughout the nation. You are the reason we all actively support SCA and share a common belief in the next generation of conservation leaders.

Dale M. Penny President

A letter from the president

6 Student Conservation Association

Conserving communities, advancing diversityThe SCA journey that began on remote hiking trails in Washington and Wyoming in 1957 is now blazing a new

trail through cities, neighborhoods and classrooms from coast to coast.

“SCA enables young people to do something bold,” says Milwaukee County Parks Director Sue Black. In a

2007 op-ed piece, Black wrote “many of these teens have never set foot in a park or ever experienced the wonders

of nature. Yet by working for [SCA] they not only get career guidance but an education in bugs, dirt and sweat.”

With the aid of many civic-minded partners, SCA substantially expanded its community conservation

programs last year to address at-risk environments in more than a dozen major cities. “Group to Make City

Greener and Cleaner” hailed The Baltimore Examiner as SCA volunteers revived local parks with the support

of Johnson Controls. The NFL’s Jacksonville Jaguars sponsored SCA teens in Florida’s largest city, and

Mayor Dannel Malloy and General Electric led a broad coalition backing SCA’s Stamford, CT debut.

“We did make a change here!” exclaimed 16-year old volunteer Frank Wright. And new SCA initiatives are

planned in Boston and Detroit in 2008.


Bringing conservation homeIn collaboration with Forest Preserves of Cook County, SCA sent a team of Chicago students to rid a dazzlingly rich prairie of invasive cottonwood. Discovering such a vastly different landscape just a few miles from their urban neighborhoods opened the interns’ eyes as well as their minds. “It’s all connected,” said Michelle Arellano, “from the ocean to the prairies. This land is part of our history and it’s important to preserve it.”

In West Virginia, SCA members taught local homeowners, businesses and governments to cut energy and water usage and reduce waste – one courthouse alone slashed its annual electric bill by nearly $30,000. Other volunteers provided environmental education to thousands of impressionable youngsters from Massachusetts elementary schools to Idaho’s Nez Perce reservations. And in 2008, through a grant from NBC Universal, SCA will plant additional seeds of stewardship by launching high school conservation clubs across the U.S.

SCA volunteers are succeeding in getting city and suburban residents to see themselves as a part of our environment, not apart from it. They’re bringing conservation home.

View videos of SCA’s community volunteers in English, and en Español at thesca.org/annual_report

Michelle Arellano, SCA Intern

8 Student Conservation Association


Preserving nature’s majestyEven as SCA extended its reach into communities across our nation, we placed a record number of

SCA volunteers on America’s public lands. These young men and women included biology majors,

aspiring foresters, and future rangers – more than 3,200 in all, who aided over 500 sensitive ecological

and cultural sites in all 50 states.

Nowhere posed greater urgency than Mount Rainier. The national park had been struck by disastrous

floods and landslides; the damage was nearly incalculable. SCA met with park officials, devised a

recovery plan, and set about restoring the myriad washed-out habitats, trails, and campgrounds.

SCA students not only worked countless hours but also trained, managed, and supervised 1,000

additional local volunteers. According to The Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the dedication and capacity of

these young leaders helped save Mount Rainier more than $1.5 million in repair costs, and SCA teams

will be back on the mountain for much of 2008.

Moving mountains High in Utah’s Uinta range, a team of SCA volunteers worked against the clock to remove antiquated earthen dams. The structures’ weakened state posed safety hazards and their presence impeded natural water flows. Further complicating matters, wilderness regulations prohibited the use of most mechanized equipment. Professional excavators scoffed that the volunteers wouldn’t make a dent in the dams but SCA crews painstakingly dismantled the aging dams by hand, while the skeptics shook their heads.

In over a dozen other states, SCA members hiked scores of miles, bushwacked through overbrush, and crawled around massive blowdowns to map potential wildland fire fuels. Using sophisticated handheld GPS units, they uploaded critical field data used

by firefighters to monitor conditions, predict flare-ups, and determine response strategies.

Elsewhere, SCA interns converged on Mississippi’s Gulf Coast to restore lands devastated by Hurricane Katrina. Others rid Shenandoah’s skyline vistas and California’s redwood forests of noxious invasive plants. And Hannah Wahlstrom, a 17-year old from Massachusetts, spent hour after back-breaking hour with her crew setting rock cairns in Voyageurs National Park. They could have painted bright blazes, said Hannah, but “these cairns really make you feel a part of nature. This is our gift.”

SCA is fostering this generous, green spirit in young people across our nation. Because as they give back to the land, they give all of us a brighter, healthier future.

Laura Bogar, SCA volunteer

See volunteer photos at thesca.org/annual_report

10 Student Conservation Association

Forging connections with natureEnduring connections are born of specific encounters: the crewmates who unite to reposition a

stubborn boulder, the intern who is mentored by a supportive ranger, the wide-eyed teen who

encounters an elk in the wild. These connections occur synergistically, spontaneously, organically

– but one must be deliberately positioned to create these connections before they can take place.

SCA is the catalyst for just such an experience.

We are combating “nature-deficit disorder” among youth through innovative outdoor programs.

We are building alliances with like-minded organizations, corporations and other partners. We are

empowering SCA alumni to share their knowledge in their communities and on their campuses.

Together, we are shaping a sweeping culture of conservation.


A call to conservationInspired by SCA Founder Liz Putnam’s seminal senior thesis, SCA and Mazda last year sponsored the “Conservation in Action” Contest, challenging today’s young people to offer the next big idea in conservation. The response was overwhelming. More than 300 creative entries poured in to SCA – videos, PowerPoints, and essays – proposing wind power solutions, conservation camps, environmental justice campaigns and more. In early 2008, SCA will award grand prizes to the top entries and seek to implement the most promising of these remarkable models.

In parks and neighborhoods across the country last year, SCA alumni flexed their collective muscle like never before in both service and celebration. They cleared four tons of debris from the Oregon Trail outside Boise, collected seeds in support of Glacier National Park’s native plant nursery, rebuilt part of the Bunsen Peak Trail in Yellowstone, and much more. In all, thousands of individuals restored damaged lands and relived past experiences, but, most important, our alumni renewed their commitment to conservation.

SCA is also attracting many new members by offering a series of innovative alternative spring breaks. With the backing of a network of sponsors including American Eagle Outfitters and the US Geological Survey, student participants will protect habitats, learn about climate change, and explore resource management policies in productive, week-long “green breaks” from Acadia to San Francisco Bay.

And in April 2008, SCA will convene EarthVision: Actions for a Healthy Planet in Washington, DC. This first-of-its-kind summit, presented in cooperation with the National Park Service, will connect America’s best and brightest young people with the world’s leading environmental authorities, elected officials, distinguished scientists, corporate leaders and others to craft bold new strategies for engaging more youth in conservation.

Through these and other landmark initiatives, SCA is strengthening the bond between our people and our planet.

See “Conservation in Action” winners and EarthVision highlights at thesca.org/annual_report

Mackenzie Price, SCA member

12 Student Conservation Association

Seeding service and stewardshipEvery time an SCA volunteer completes a project – recording migration patterns, restoring a watershed,

preserving a prehistoric pueblo – immediate, tangible benefits result.

Yet SCA’s impact extends well beyond the actual on-the-ground work. The conservation ethic instilled

over the past five decades in more than 50,000 SCA members, their ongoing practice of responsible and

sustainable green lifestyles, and the example they share with others pay daily dividends in every corner of

our country. This is how SCA achieves its mission of building new generations of conservation leaders.

Ryan Hamilton, SCA Intern


A new ethic of conservationIn Houston last year, it would have been easy for the dozen local high school students to simply stay home. But these SCA volunteers turned out in the pouring rain to participate in the largest tree planting in city history – more than 20,000 flora. By the end of the day the students were drenched to the core and coated with mud. Yet Diana Lopez could see only splendor. “Our environment is very beautiful,” she said, “and in order to keep this beauty we have to conserve it.”

This is often how it begins. Through SCA, young women and men discover their place in nature’s network and their perspectives change drastically. “Happiness is magnified out here. Everything is magnified out here,” stated Sarah Logan Beasley, a Tallahassee high school junior who served last summer in the Great Smoky Mountains. Sarah was recognized as SCA’s 50,000th volunteer at a special ceremony, and she and her crewmates were featured on the NBC Nightly News. “I’ll be back next year!” she vowed.

See the NBC Nightly News report and Mauricio Escobar’s extraordinary tale at thesca.org/annual_report

Already an SCA veteran, Mauricio Escobar was profiled in the US Department of the Interior’s 2007 report “The Future of America’s National Parks.” Years ago, Maurcio’s family fled unrest in his native El Salvador for the mean streets of South Central Los Angeles. As the DOI document relates, there he joined SCA, where Mauricio said the toughest part was not the long hours of labor or “the full body poison oak outbreak,” but “the pristine silence of nature…and the pitch-black nights.”

The contrast was stark but alluring and for years, Mauricio alternated between college and hitches with SCA until recently, after SCA “gave me a new way to interpret the world and my place in it,” Mauricio became a ranger at Klondike Gold Rush National Park in Alaska.

Through SCA, members like Mauricio move the world, and masterfully so, in a promising direction.

The lever, like our future, is in their hands.

SCA’s Land Management Partners

14 Student Conservation Association

I&M Sonoran Desert Network

Imperial National Wildlife Refuge

Kaibab National Forest

KOFA National Wildlife Refuge

Lake Mead National Recreation Area

Montezuma Castle & Tuzigoot National Monuments

Navajo National Monument

Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument

Petrified Forest National Park

Saguaro National Park

San Carlos Apache Tribe

Sonoran Desert National Monument

Sunset Crater National Monument

Tonto National Forest

Tonto National Monument

Tucson Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Walnut Canyon National Monument

White Mountain Apache Reservation

Wildland Fire Lessons Learned Center

Willow Beach National Fish Hatchery

Yuma Field Office

ArkansasArkansas 4-H Center

Buffalo National River

Chugach State Park

Fort Smith National Historic Site

Hot Springs National Park

Ouachita National Forest

Pea Ridge National Military Park

CaliforniaAlturas Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest

Andrew Molera State Park

Angel Island State Park

Angeles National Forest

Arastradero Preserve

Arcata Field Office

Argus Range Wilderness Area

Bakersfield Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Barstow Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Beale Air Force Base

Big Maria Mountains Wilderness Area

Big Morongo Area of Critical Environmental Concern

Bigelow Cholla Garden Wilderness Area

Bighorn Mountain Wilderness Area

Black Mountain Wilderness Area

Bodie State Historic Park

Bristol Mountains Wilderness Area

Cabrillo National Monument

Cache Creek

California Department of Parks & Recreation

California Desert District

California Exotic Plant Management Team

California Off-Highway Motor Vehicle Recreation Commission

California State Parks

California WildCorps

Camp Ramah

Carrizo Gorge Wilderness Area

Carrizo Plain National Monument

Catalina Island Conservancy

Cedarville Office – Bureau of Land Management

Channel Island Field Station

Channel Islands National Park

Chemehuevi Mountains Wilderness Area

Chuckwalla Mountains Wilderness Area

Cibola National Wildlife Refuge

City of Barstow

Clear Creek Management Area – Bureau of Land Management

Cleghorn Lakes Wilderness Area

Cleveland National Forest

Clipper Mountains Wilderness Area

Coachella Valley Preserve

Coyote Mountains Wilderness Area

AlabamaAlabama 4-H Center and Environmental Field School

Bankhead National Forest

Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge

Cumberland Piedmont Network

Fort Morgan State Historic Site

Horseshoe Bend National Military Park

Little River Canyon National Preserve

Natchez Trace Parkway

Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail

Tuskegee Institute National Historic Site

AlaskaAlaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge

Alaska State Office – Bureau of Land Management

Alaska Wildlife Alliance

Arctic National Wildlife Refuge

Bering Land Bridge National Preserve

Denali Education Center

Denali National Park & Preserve

Elmendorf Air Force Base

Fairbanks District Office – Bureau of Land Management

Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve

Glacier Bay National Park & Preserve

Glenallen District – Bureau of Land Management

Hatcher Pass Management Area

Inventory and Monitoring Alaska Region Network

Izembek National Wildlife Refuge

Katmai National Park & Preserve

Kenai Fish and Wildlife Field Office

Kenai Fishery Resource Office

Kenai Fjords National Park

Kenai National Wildlife Refuge

King Salmon Fishery Resource Office

Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Kodiak National Wildlife Refuge

Lake Clark National Park and Preserve

Matanuska-Susitna Borough Parks and Recreation Department

Murie Science and Learning Center

Northern Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Northern Southeast Regional Aquaculture Association

Tongass National Forest

Upper Susitna Soil and Water Conservation District

Western Arctic National Parklands

White Mountain Bureau of Land Management

White Mountain National Recreation Area

Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve

Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve

ArizonaApache-Sitgreaves National Forest

Arizona Game & Fish Department

Arizona State University – Polytechnic Campus

Arizona Strip – Bureau of Land Management

Bill Williams River National Wildlife Refuge

Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge

Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge

Canyon de Chelly National Monument

Casa Grande National Monument

Chiricahua National Monument

Cibola National Wildlife Refuge

Coronado National Memorial

Flagstaff Area National Monument

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area

Grand Canyon National Park

Havasu National Wildlife Refuge

Hubbell Trading Post National Historic Site

SCA is proud to work with leading public and private land management agencies and other organizations.

We value their partnership and encourage you to look for SCA volunteers at these and other sites.

SCA’s Land Management Partners

SCA’s Land Management Partners

Annual Report 2007 15

Dead Mountains Wilderness Area

Death Valley National Park

Devils Postpile National Monument

Don Edwards San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge

East Bay Regional Park District

El Centro Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Fish Creek Mountains Wilderness Area

Forever Young Treehouses

Fort Ord Public Lands – Bureau of Land Management

Friends of Sausal Creek

Funeral Mountains Wilderness Area

Giant Sequoia National Monument

Golden Gate National Recreation Area

Golden Valley Wilderness Area

Grass Valley Wilderness Area

Historical American Building Survey

Hollister District – Bureau of Land Management

Hollow Hills Wilderness Area

I&M Klamath Network

Ibex Wilderness Area

Imperial National Wildlife Refuge

Indian Pass Wilderness Area

Institute for Wildlife Studies

Inyo Mountains Wilderness Area

Inyo National Forest

Jacumba Wilderness Area

Jawbone-Butterbredt Area of Critical Environmental Concern

Jedediah Smith State Park

Joshua Tree National Park

Juniper Flats Area of Critical Environmental Concern

Kelso Dunes Wilderness Area

Kernville Valley

Kiavah Wilderness Area

King Range Conservation Area

Kings River Experimental Watershed

Kingston Range Wilderness Area

Klamath National Forest

Lacks Creek Conservation Area

Lassen National Forest

Lassen Volcanic National Park

Lava Beds National Monument

Little Chuckwalla Mountains Wilderness Area

Little Picacho Wilderness Area

Manzanar National Historic Site

McArthur-Burney Falls State Park

Meccacopia Special Recreation Management Area

Mendocino National Forest

Mesa Verde National Park

Mesquite Wilderness Area

Mojave National Preserve

Mount Diablo State Park

National Civilian Community Corps

National Forest Recreation Association

Naval Air Station North Island

Naval Air Weapons Station, China Lake

Needles Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Newberry Mountains Wilderness Area

Nopah Range Wilderness Area

North Mesquite Mountains Wilderness Area

Old Woman Mountains Wilderness Area

Pacific Crest Trail Project

Pacific Crest Trails Association

Pacific Southwest Research Station

Pahrump Valley Wilderness Area

Palen/McCoy Wilderness Area

Palm Springs Field Office

Palo Verde Mountains Wilderness Area

Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park

Pinnacles National Monument

Piper Mountains Wilderness Area

Piute Mountains Wilderness Area

Plumas National Forest

Point Reyes National Seashore

Rancho Arroyo Seco

Redwood National and State Parks

Resting Springs Range Wilderness Area

Rice Valley Wilderness Area

Ridgecrest Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Riverside Mountains Wilderness Area

Riverside Office – Bureau of Land Management

Rodman Mountains Wilderness Area

Rosie the Riveter WWII Home Front National Historical Park

Sacatar Trail Wilderness Area

Saddle Peak Hills Wilderness Area

San Bernardino National Forest

San Diego FWS Complex

San Francisco Bay Model – Army Corps of Engineers

The SCA Founder’s Medal

SCA introduced the Elizabeth C. Titus

Putnam Founder’s Medal for exemplary

efforts in conservation as part of its

golden anniversary. Recipients included

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA);

National Park Service Pacific West

Regional Director Jon Jarvis;

Bernie Weingardt, regional forester,

USFS Pacific Southwest Region;

Mike Pool, director of the Bureau of Land

Management’s California State Office;

and Connie G. Myers, founding director

of the Arthur Carhart National Wilderness

Training Center.

SCA’s Land Management Partners

16 Student Conservation Association

San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park

San Gorgonio Wilderness Area

San Jacinto National Monument

San Pablo Bay National Wildlife Refuge

Santa Catalina Island

Santa Margarita Ecological Preserve

Sawtooth Mountains Wilderness Area

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

Sequoia Forest Keeper

Sequoia National Forest

Sequoia Natural History Association

Shasta-Trinity National Forest

Sheephole Valley Wilderness Area

Sierra National Forest

Six Rivers National Forest

Slide Ranch Environmental Center

Sonny Bono Salton Sea National Wildlife Refuge

South Nopah Range Wilderness Area

Stanislaus National Forest

Stepladder Mountains Wilderness Area

Stone Lakes National Wildlife Refuge

Sugarloaf Ridge State Park

Summer Search Napa-Sonoma

Summer Search Silicon Valley

Susanville Railroad Depot

Sylvania Mountains Wilderness Area

Tahoe National Forest

Trilobite Wilderness Area

Trinity Alps Wilderness

Trust for Public Land

Tule River Ranger District

Turtle Mountains Wilderness Area

USDA Research Branch

Vandenberg Air Force Base

Vasquez Rocks County Park

Warner Mountain Ranger District

West Mesa Area of Critical Environmental Concern

Western Ecological Research Center

Westminster Woods Camp & Conference Center

Whiskeytown National Recreation Area

Wildlands Conservancy

Wildlife Center for Disease & Toxin Investigation

Yosemite National Park

Yuha Desert – Bureau of Land Management

ColoradoArapaho & Roosevelt National Forest

Bent’s Old Fort National Historic Site

Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park

Browns Park National Wildlife Refuge

Buckley Air Force Base

Colorado Division of Parks & Outdoor Recreation

Colorado National Monument

Colorado State Office - Bureau of Land Management

Curecanti National Recreation Area

Denver Contracting Office – National Park Service

Dinosaur National Monument

Dolores Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument

Fort Collins Science Center

Grand Mesa, Uncompahgre & Gunnison National Forest

Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

Great Sand Dunes – US Geological Survey

Hovenweep National Monument

Intermountain Region – National Park Service

Mesa Verde National Park

Montrose District – Bureau of Land Management

National Association of Interpretation

Natural Resource Program Center – National Park Service

Rocky Mountain National Park

San Juan – Rio Grande National Forest

San Juan National Forest

Sand Creek Massacre National Historic Site

Southern Ute Agency

Stratton Sagebrush Ecology Site

The Nature Conservancy – Colorado Chapter

United States Geological Survey – Great Sand Dunes

White River National Forest

ConnecticutCity of Stamford

Elm City Parks Conservancy

Solar Youth, Incorporated

Soundwaters Center

Weir Farm National Historic Site

States Salute SCA

In recognition of SCA’s golden anniversary,

the State of California presented SCA with

an elaborate framed certificate rendered

with towering Redwoods, while Gov.

Arnold Schwarzenegger (above) lauded

SCA for its “instrumental role in nurturing

our future conservation leaders.” Illinois

Governor Rod Blagojevich proclaimed

December 15th “Student Conservation

Association Day” in recognition of SCA’s

“50 years of commitment to education and

environmental conservation,” and Gov.

Elliot Spitzer of New York said “I applaud

SCA for taking an active role in ensuring

that our State remains green for future

generations to come.” Virtually all of the

50 states formally acknowledged SCA in

one form or another last year, and

New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch personally

commended SCA and Founder Elizabeth

Cushman Titus Putnam during an August visit

to SCA headquarters in Charlestown, NH.

SCA’s Land Management Partners

Annual Report 2007 17

DelawareDelaware Office of Historic Preservation

Partnership for the Delaware Estuary Fund

District of ColumbiaAnacostia Park

C&O Canal National Historical Park

Center for Cultural Resources – National Park Service

DC Children and Youth Investment Trust

DC Department of Health, Environmental Health Administration, Watershed Protection Division

DC Public Charter Schools

DC Public Schools

Diversity and Special Projects – National Park Service

Earth Conservation Corps

Fund for American Studies

George Washington Memorial Parkway

Green Team Project

Heritage Documentation Programs

Heritage Preservation Services – National Park Service

Historical American Building Survey

Historical Preservation Office – National Park Service

Kenilworth Park and Aquatic Gardens

Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site

National Capital Parks-East

National Capital Region

National Park Foundation

National Park Service

National Parks and Conservation Association

National Tourism Office

Native American Cultural Heritage Preservation Program

Native American Graves Protection/Repatriation Act

NOAA – Chesapeake Bay Program

NPS-Office of Legislative and Congressional Affairs

Rivers, Trails & Conservation Assistance Program-National Park Service

Rock Creek Park

The Nature Conservancy – Maryland/District of Columbia Chapter

Trust for Public Land

Office of US Representative Christopher Shays

Office of US Representative Henry Brown

Office of US Representative Jim Costa

Office of US Representative Ron Kind

Office of US Representative Sherwood Boehlert

Office of US Representative Steve Rothman

Urban Tree House

Youth Programs Division – National Park Service

FloridaAgricultural Research Service

Agricultural Research Service – Invasive Plant Research Laboratory

Apalachicola Bluffs and Ravines Preserve

Archbold Biological Station

Avon Park Air Force Range

Big Cypress National Preserve

Biscayne National Park

Business Management Group – National Park Service

Calusa Nature Center & Planetarium

Canaveral National Seashore

Dry Tortugas National Park

Eco-Discovery Center

Eglin Air Force Base

Everglades National Park

Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission

Florida National Scenic Trail

Florida Panther National Wildlife Refuge

Florida Trail Association, Inc.

Florida/Caribbean Partnership EPMT

Fort Pickens State Park

Gulf Islands National Seashore

I&M South Florida/Caribbean Network

Jonathan Dickinson State Park

National Key Deer Refuge

Naval Air Station Pensacola

Naval Air Station Whiting Field

Ocala National Forest

Ordway-Swisher Biological Station

Panama City Ecological Services Field Office

Preservation Jacksonville

Riverwoods Field Laboratory

South Florida Caribbean Network

The Nature Conservancy – Disney Wilderness Preserve

The Nature Conservancy – Eastern Traveling Team

The Nature Conservancy – Florida Chapter

The Nature Conservancy – Lake Wales Ridge

The Nature Conservancy – Tiger Creek Preserve

GeorgiaAndersonville National Historic Site

Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area

Cumberland Island National Seashore

Fort Frederica National Monument

Fort Pulaski National Monument

Hickory Hill

Honda Environmental Center

Inventory and Monitoring Southeast Coast Network

Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park

Martin Luther King Jr. National Historic Site

Moody Forest Natural Area

Ocmulgee National Monument

Southeast Regional Office – National Park Service

Spirit Creek Educational Forest

The Nature Conservancy – Georgia Chapter

University of Georgia Marine Extension Service

Warm Springs Fish Technology Center

Warm Springs Regional Fish Hatchery

GuamWar in the Pacific National Historical Park

HawaiiHakalau Forest National Wildlife Refuge

Haleakala National Park

Hawaii Volcanoes National Park

Kaloko-Honoko Hau National Historic Park

Kauai Forest Bird Recovery Project

Kilauea Field Station

IdahoBoise National Forest

Clearwater National Forest

Coeur D’Alene Tribe

Coeur D’Alene District – Bureau of Land Management

Craters of the Moon National Monument

Dworshak Reservoir

Frank Church River of No Return Wilderness

Harriman State Park

Lucky Peak Dam and Lake – Army Corps of Engineers

National Interagency Fire Center

Nez Perce Indian Reservation

Nez Perce National Forest

Nez Perce National Historic Park

Payette National Forest

Pocatello Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Salmon and Challis National Forests

Salmon River Ranger District

Sawtooth National Forest

Spatial Dynamics

Twin Falls District – Bureau of Land Management

Yellowstone National Park

IllinoisCity of Chicago Department of Environmental Protection

Crab Orchard National Wildlife Refuge

Forever Young Treehouses – Barrington Parks Project

Friends of the Forest Preserves

Lake Shelbyville – Army Corps of Engineers

Lincoln Home National Historic Site

IndianaBig Oaks National Wildlife Refuge

Gary Sanitary District

Great Lakes Science Center

Hardy Lake State Recreation Area

Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore

Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial

IowaCoralville Lake – Army Corps of Engineers

Desoto National Wildlife Refuge

Herbert Hoover National Historic Site

Neal Smith National Wildlife Refuge

Port Louisa National Wildlife Refuge

KansasFort Scott National Historic Site

Horton Agency

Marais des Cygnes National Wildlife Refuge

KentuckyAbraham Lincoln Birthplace National Historic Site

SCA’s Land Management Partners

18 Student Conservation Association

Buckhorn Lake – Army Corps of Engineers

Cumberland Gap National Historical Park

Daniel Boone National Forest

Mammoth Cave National Park

Louisville – Army Corps of Engineers

LouisianaJean Lafitte National Historical Park

Mississippi Sandhill Crane National Wildlife Refuge

National Center for Preservation Technology and Training

New Orleans Jazz National Historical Park

Southeast Louisiana Refuges

MaineAcadia National Park

Appalachian Trail

Baxter State Park

Ferry Beach Ecology School

Maine Appalachian Trail Club

Maine Land Trust

National Park Service – Northeast Regional Office

Saint Croix International Historic Site

Tanglewood 4-H Camp and Learning Center

MarylandAntietam National Battlefield

Assateague Island National Seashore

Association of Partners for Public Lands

C&O Canal National Historical Park

Catoctin Mountain National Park

Clara Barton National Historic Site

Environmental Concern, Inc.

Fort McHenry National Monument and Historic Shrine

Fort Washington Park

Greenbelt Park

Hard Bargain Farm

Monocacy National Battlefield

National Capital Parks East – Fort Washington

Naval Air Station Patuxent River

Naval Support Activity South Potomac

Patuxent Research Refuge

Rock Creek Park

The Nature Conservancy – Maryland/District of Columbia Chapter

MassachusettsACE Westville Lake

AJ Skinner State Park

AMC Berkshire Chapter

AMC Camp Noble View

Ames Nowell State Park

Appalachian Trail

Bartholomew’s Cobble – Trustees of Reservations

Berkshire Natural Resources Council

Blue Hills Reservation

Boston Harbor Islands National Recreation Area

Boston National Historical Park

Breakheart Reservation

Cape Cod National Seashore

Chester-Blandford State Forest, Boulder Park

Clarksburg State Park

Connecticut River Coodinator’s Office

Corellus State Forest

Demarest Lloyd State Park

Dubuque Memorial State Forest

East Brimfield Lake – Army Corps of Engineers

Eastern Massachusetts National Wildlife Refuge

FG Hills State Forest

Frederick Law Olmsted National Historic Site

Harold Parker State Forest

Leominster State Forest

Longfellow National Historic Park

Lowell National Historical Park

Lynn Woods Reservation

Manice Education Center

Massachusetts Audubon Society

Massachusetts Parks AmeriCorps

Middlesex Fells Reservation

Minute Man National Historic Park

Mohawk State Forest

Moore State Park

Mount Everett State Reservation

Mount Grace Conservation Land Trust

Mount Greylock State Reservation

Mount Tom State Reservation

Mount Wachusett State Reservation

Mount Washington State Forest

Myles Standish State Forest

Nantucket Conservation Commission

Nantucket State Forest

New England Forestry Foundation

North Attleboro National Fish Hatchery

Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation

Otter River State Forest

Quabbin Reservoir

Red Gate Farm

Roundhouse Center for Cultural Evolution

Salem Maritime National Historic Site

Savoy Mountain State Forest

Stony Brook Reservation

The Hitchcock Center for the Environment

The Nature Conservancy – Berkshire Taconic Landscape Program

The Nature Conservancy – Martha’s Vineyard

The Nature Conservancy – Massachusetts Field Office

The Nature Conservancy – Massachusetts Islands Program

Wachusett Mountain State Reservation

Wendell State Forest

West Hill Dam and Charles River Natural Valley Storage Area

Westfield River Wild and Scenic Advisory Commission

Willard Brook State Forest

MichiganHiawatha National Forest

Isle Royale National Park

Keweenaw National Historical Park

North Country Scenic Trail Association

Ottawa National Forest

Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore

Shiawasse National Wildlife Refuge

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

The Nature Conservancy – Eastern Traveling Team

MinnesotaGrand Portage National Monument

North Country Trail Association

Prairie Wetlands Learning Center

Voyageurs National Park

Windom Wetland Management District

MississippiConservation Recovery - Mississippi

Crow’s Neck Environmental Education & Conference Center

Gulf Islands National Seashore

Mississippi Sand Hill Crane National Wildlife Refuge

Natchez Trace Parkway

Yazoo National Wildlife Refuge

MissouriGeorge Washington Carver National Monument

Great River National Wildlife Refuge

I&M Heartland Network

Jefferson National Expansion Memorial

Mark Twain National Forest

Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge

Mastodon State Historic Site

Onondaga Cave State Park

Ozark National Scenic Riverways

Two Rivers National Wildlife Refuge

Wilson’s Creek National Battlefield

MontanaBig Hole National Battlefield

Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area

Bitterroot National Forest

Charles M. Russell National Wildlife Refuge

Confederated Salish Kootenai Tribe

Flathead National Forest

Glacier National Park

Grant-Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site

Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument

Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Yellowstone National Park

NebraskaAgate Fossil Beds National Monument

Homestead National Monument of America

Lewis and Clark National Historic Trail

National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom

Niobrara Scenic River

Scotts Bluff National Monument

Winnebago Agency

NevadaBlacks Creek – Bureau of Land Management

Carson City District – Bureau of Land Management

Great Basin National Park

Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest

Lake Mead National Recreation Area

SCA’s Land Management Partners

Annual Report 2007 19

Mojave Desert Network

Stillwater National Wildlife Refuge

University of Nevada, Reno – Biological Resources Research Center

Western Ecological Research Center

New HampshireAhern State Park

Allenstown Elementary School

Audubon Society of New Hampshire

Bear Brook State Park

Beaver Brook Falls Wayside

Beech Street Elementary School

Central New England Fisheries Resource Office

City of Manchester

Coleman State Park

Deer Mountain Campground

Dixville Notch State Park

Echo Lake State Park

Ellacoya State Park

Franconia Notch State Park

Geneva Point Center

Greenfield State Park

Hallsville Elementary School

Hampton Beach State Park

Hillside Middle School

Hopkinton – Everett Lakes

Jewett Elementary School

Lafayette Campground

Lake Francis State Park

Lake Massabesic – New Hampshire Audubon

Lake Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge

Maple Mania Event – New Hampshire Audubon

Margaret & H.A. Rey Center

Mount Sunapee State Park Campground

Nashua National Fish Hatchery

New Hampshire Department of Transportation

The New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation

New Hampshire Farm Museum

Natural Resources Conservation Service - NH

Odiorne State Park

Pawtuckaway State Park

Pikes Peak Fire Prevention

Pillsbury State Park

Pisgah State Park

Randolph Mountain Club

Rhododendron State Park

Robert Frost Farm

Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site

Salvation Army Kids Café

Salvation Army of Manchester

Salvation Army Tutoring Center

Silk Farm – New Hampshire Audubon

Society for the Protection of New Hampshire Forests

Squam Lakes Association

The Fells/John Hay National Wildlife Refuge

Town of Allenstown

Umbagog State Park

University of New Hampshire Cooperative Extension 4-H

Wadleigh State Park

Wallis Sands State Beach

Webster Elementary School

Wentworth-Coolidge Mansion

White Mountain National Forest

Wilson Elementary School

Winslow State Park

Wonalancet Out Door Club

New JerseyAppalachian National Scenic Trail

Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

Gateway National Recreation Area

Hunterdon County Department of Parks and Recreation

Morristown National Historical Park

New Jersey State Parks

Princeton University Ecological Research Project

Teetertown Ravine Nature Preserve

New MexicoAbiquiu Lake Corps of Engineers

Bandelier National Monument

Bitter Lake National Wildlife Refuge

Bosque del Apache National Wildlife Refuge

Capulin Volcano National Monument

Carlsbad Caverns National Park

Carlsbad Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Chaco Culture National Historical Park

Dexter Fish Technology Center

Dexter National Fish Hatchery

El Malpais National Monument

El Morro National Monument

Gila Cliff Dwellings National Park

Lincoln National Forest

SCA Founder Receives Rachel Carson Award

Chatham University President Esther L.

Barazzone, Ph.D., (left) presents SCA

Founding President Elizabeth Cushman

Titus Putnam with the Rachel Carson

Leadership Award during an October 2007

ceremony in Pittsburgh. “The voices of both

Rachel Carson and Elizabeth Putnam would

eventually grow to a clarion call reminding

the global community of our place in the

web of life,” said Dr. Barazzone. Ms. Carson

graduated from Pennsylvania College for

Women, now Chatham University, in 1929;

2007 marked the 100th anniversary of

Ms. Carson’s birth as well as SCA’s

50th anniversary.

SCA’s Land Management Partners

20 Student Conservation Association

Mescalero Apache Agency – Bureau of Indian Affairs

Pecos National Historical Park

Rails to Trails Association

Rocky Mountain Research Station

Route 66 Corridor Preservation Program

San Andes National Wildlife Refuge

Santa Fe National Forest

Sevilleta National Wildlife Refuge

Taos Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

White Sands National Monument

Zuni Reservation – Bureau of Indian Affairs

New YorkAdirondack Park

Appalachian Trail Project

Bard College Field Station, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Bear Mountain State Park

Bird Conservation Area Program

Blue Mountain Wild Forest

Blue Ridge Wilderness Area

Caroga Lake Campground

Central New York Conservancy

Central Office, NYS Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation

Clay Pit Ponds State Park Preserve

Crailo State Historic Site, NYS Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation

Debar Mountain Wild Forest

Division of Public Affairs and Education, Albany

Eight Lake Campground

Emma Treadwell Thacher Nature Center, NYS Office of Parks Recreation and Historic Preservation

Environmental Management Bureau

Finger Lakes National Forest

Fire Island National Seashore

Five Rivers Environmental Education Center, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Gateway National Recreation Area – Jamaica Bay

Gateway National Recreation Area – New York City

Gateway National Recreation Area – Staten Island and Headquarters

Golden Beach Campground

Grafton Lakes State Park

Greene County Soil and Water Conservation District

Hale Creek Field Station, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Hoffman Notch Wilderness Area

Hudson River Estuary Program

Hudsonia, Limited

Institute of Ecosystem Studies

James Baird State Park

Jessup River Wild Forest

Lake George Land Conservancy

Lake George Wild Forest

Lewey Lake Campground

Lila-Whitney Wilderness Area

Limekiln Lake Campground

Long Island Field Office

Mason Lake Campground

Minnewaska State Park Preserve

Moffit Beach Campground

Mohonk Mountain House

Moose River Plains Recreation Area

Moreau Lake State Park

New York City Department of Environmental Protection – Stream Management Program

New York District – Army Corps of Engineers

New York State Department of Environmental Conservation

New York State Department of Health

New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, Historic Preservation – Environmental Management Bureau

New York/New Jersey Trail Conference - Appalachian Trail, Bear Mountain State Park

New York/New Jersey Trail Conference - Appalachian Trail, Dutchess/Putnam

New York/New Jersey Trail Conference

Nick’s Lake Campground

Norrie Point Environmental Center, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Northampton Beach Campground

Northeast Regional Office – National Park Service

NYC Department of Environmental Protection

Palisades Park

Peebles Island State Forest

Pigeon Lake Wilderness Area

Pixley Falls State Park

Point Comfort Campground

Poplar Point Campground

Region 2 Office NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Flying High with American Eagle

SCA is grateful for the continued support

of American Eagle Outfitters, presenting

sponsor of SCA’s 50th anniversary and

sponsor of SCA’s 2008 Alternative Spring

Breaks at Grand Canyon and Padre Island,

our on-campus recruiting campaign, and

valuable cause-marketing promotions in its

950 stores nationwide. “American Eagle

Outfitters is proud and excited to help build

awareness and raise funds for SCA through

our year-round philanthropy program AE

Better World,” says Marcie Eberhart, director

of the American Eagle Outfitters Foundation.

“We look forward to working together

throughout 2008.”

SCA’s Land Management Partners

Annual Report 2007 21

Region 3 Office NYS Department of Environmental Conservation


Rockland Lake State Park

Rockwood State Forest

Roosevelt-Vanderbilt National Historic Site

Santa Clara Fee Lands

Saranac Lakes Wild Forest

Saratoga Spa State Park

Scenic Hudson

Scenic Hudson Land Trust, Incorporated

Schodack Island State Park

Sergeant Ponds Wild Forest

Seventh Lake Campground

Sharpe Reservation

Sharpe Reservation/Fresh Air Fund

Siamese Ponds Wilderness Area

Staatsburgh State Historic Site

Statue of Liberty National Monument

Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture

Stony Kill Farm Environmental Education Center, NYS Department of Environmental Conservation

Taconic Outdoor Education Center

Taconic Region Office

Thacher State Park

The Nature Conservancy-Albany Pine Bush Preserve Commission

The Nature Conservancy – Long Island Chapter

The Nature Conservancy – Wilton Wildlfe Preserve & Park

Tioga Point Campground

Titusville State Forest

Vanderwhacker Mountain Wild Forest

West Canada Lakes Wilderness Area

Women’s Rights National Historic Park

YMCA Camp Chingachgook

North CarolinaAppalachian Highlands Region

Blue Ridge Parkway

Camp Lejeune Marine Corps Base

Cape Hatteras National Seashore

Cape Lookout National Seashore

Eastern Cherokee Reservation

Eastern Cherokee Agency

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

I&M Appalachian Highlands Network

Land Trust for the Little Tennessee Southeast Coast Monitoring Network

Moores Creek National Battlefield

Pisgah National Forest

State of North Carolina

The Nature Conservancy – Eastern Traveling Team

North DakotaAudubon National Wildlife Refuge

Fort Berthold Agency

Fort Union Trading Post National Historic Site

Knife River Indian Villages National Historic Site

Theodore Roosevelt National Park

Turtle Mountain Outdoor Learning Center

Turtle Mountain Tribe

OhioCuyahoga Valley National Park

Dayton Aviation Heritage National Historical Park

Forever Young Treehouses – Laurel Hills Project

Hopewell Culture National Historical Park

Ohio Historical Society

Wayne National Forest

OklahomaChickasaw Agency

Chickasaw National Recreation Area

Choctaw Nation – Bureau of Indian Affairs

Concho and Horton Agencies – Bureau of Indian Affairs

Eastern Oklahoma Agency – Bureau of Indian Affairs

Oklahoma City Office – Bureau of Indian Affairs

Oklahoma Fisheries Resources Office

Salt Plains National Wildlife Refuge

Tinker Air Force Base

Tishomingo National Fish Hatchery

Washita Battlefield National Historic Site

Wichita Mountains National Wildlife Refuge

OregonBonneville Lock and Dam

Columbia River Gorge

Crater Lake National Park

Deschutes National Forest

Eugene District – Bureau of Land Management

Forest & Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center

Fort Clatsop National Monument

Klamath Network – National Park Service

Lakeview Resource Area

Lewis and Clark National Historical Park

Libby Dam

McDermitt Creek

Mount Hood National Forest

National Historic Oregon Trail Interpretive Center

Northwest Regional Office

Oregon Caves National Monument

Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife – Salem District

Portland Regional Office – Bureau of Indian Affairs

Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest

Siuslaw Forest, Cape Perpetua and Oregon Dunes

Siuslaw National Forest

Tualatin River Wildlife Refuge

Umpqua National Forest

Vale District – Bureau of Land Management

Wallowa-Whitman National Forest

Warm Springs

Willamette National Forest

PennsylvaniaAllegheny County Parks – North and South Parks

Allegheny National Forest

City Charter High School

City of Pittsburgh

Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area

Eisenhower National Historic Site

Flight 93 National Memorial

Fort Necessity National Battlefield

Friendship Hill National Historic Site

Gettysburg National Military Park

Grey Towers National Historic Landmark

Hawk Mountain Sanctuary

Healcrest Farm

Hopewell Furnace National Historic Site

Independence National Historical Park

Johnstown Flood National Memorial

Mount Washington Community Development Corporation

National Center for the American Revolution

Northeast Regional Office – National Park Service

Office of Surface Mining

Pittsburgh City Parks

Pittsburgh Parks Conservancy

Pittsburgh Urban Programs

Pocono Environmental Education Center

Powdermill Nature Reserve

Progress Fund

Raystown Lake – Army Corps of Engineers

Silver Lake Nature Center

Southwestern Pennsylvania Watershed Association

Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River

Urban Ecology Collaborative

Valley Forge National Historical Park

Western Pennsylvania Conservancy


Puerto RicoSan Juan National Historic Park

Rhode IslandRhode Island National Wildlife Refuge Complex

South CarolinaClemson University Coop Unit

Congaree National Park

Cowpens National Battlefield

Cumberland Piedmont Network – National Park Service

Fort Sumter National Monument

Kings Mountain National Military Park

Middleton Place

Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail

Sumter National Forest – Andrew Pickens Ranger District

Sumter National Forest – Enoree Ranger District

Sumter National Forest – Long Cane Ranger District

Waccamaw National Wildlife Refuge

South DakotaBadlands National Park

Crow Creek Agency

Great Plains Region

Huron Wetlands Management District

Jewel Cave National Monument

Lower Brule Agency

Mount Rushmore National Memorial

Wind Cave National Park

Yankton Agency

SCA’s Land Management Partners

22 Student Conservation Association

TennesseeAndrew Johnson National Historic Site

Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area

Cumberland Gap National Historic Site

Fort Donelson National Battlefield

Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Invasive Plant Control

Natchez Trace Parkway

Overmountain Victory National Historic Trail

River Ridge Environmental Education Program

Shiloh National Military Park

Stones River National Battlefield

TexasAmistad National Recreation Area

Aransas National Wildlife Refuge

Attwater Prairie Chicken National Wildlife Refuge

Audubon Texas at Cedar Ridge Preserve

Battleship Texas

Big Bend National Park

Big Thicket National Preserve

Brazoria National Wildlife Refuge

Buffalo Bayou Partnership

Cedar Ridge Audubon

Conservation Recovery-Padre Islands National Seashore

Council for Environmental Education

Dallas Independent School District

Dallas Museum of Natural History

Guadalupe Mountains National Park

Heard Museum

Heard Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary

Herman Park Conservancy

Houston Arboretum and Nature Center

Houston Conservation Collaborative

Houston Independent School District

Houston Parks Board

Houston Wilderness

Houston Wilderness Initiative

Houston Zoo

Katy Prairie Conservancy

Lake Meredith National Recreation Area

Lyndon B. Johnson National Historic Site

Memorial Park, Houston

Memorial Park Conservancy

Mercer Arboretum and Botanic Gardens

Mid-Brazos Project Office

Outdoor School at Camp Champions

Padre Island National Seashore

Palo Alto Battlefield National Historic Site

Preservation Dallas

San Antonio Missions National Historic Park

San Jacinto Battleground and Battleship Texas State Historic Sites

Sea Turtle Group Project

Sheldon Lake State Park & Environmental Learning Center

Texas Audubon Society

Texas Coastal Watershed Program

Texas Parks & Wildlife Department

Texas Parks & Wildlife - Galveston Island State Park

Texas Parks & Wildlife - Sheldon Lake State Park

Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Region 4 Headquarters

Trees for Houston

UtahArches National Park

Ashley National Forest

Bee Biology and Systematics Lab

Bryce Canyon National Park

Canyonlands National Park

Canyonlands Research Station

Cedar Breaks National Monument

Cleveland Lloyd Dinosaur Quarry

Dinosaur National Monument

Dixie National Forest

Golden Spike National Historic Site

Grand Canyon – Parashant National Monument

Grand Staircase – Escalante National Monument

Hovenweep National Monument

Manti-La Sal National Forest

Moab Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Monticello Field Office – Bureau of Land Management

Natural Bridges National Monument

Ouray National Wildlife Refuge

Southeast Utah Group

Uinta National Forest

Wasatch-Cache National Forest

Zion National Park

VermontBishop Booth Conference Center

Button Bay State Park

Green Mountain National Forest

Isle La Motte Preservation Land Trust

Jamaica State Park

Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park

Merck Forest & Farmland Center

Mt. Ascutney and Wilgus State Parks

Pittsford National Fish Hatchery

University of Vermont

Upper Connecticut River Basin – Army Corps of Engineers

Vermont Department of Fish & Wildlife

White River National Fish Hatchery

VirginiaAegis Combat Systems Center

Appalachian National Scenic Trail

Appalachian Trail

Arlingtonians for a Clean Environment

Assateague Island National Seashore

Blue Ridge Parkway

Booker T. Washington National Monument

Colonial National Historical Park

Cumberland Gap National Historic Site

Fort A.P. Hill

Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park

George Washington and Jefferson National Forests

George Washington Birthplace National Monument

George Washington Memorial Parkway

Glenwood-Pedlar Ranger District – US Forest Service

Kiptopeke State Park

Manassas National Battlefield Park

Marine Corps Base Quantico

Mid-Atlantic Inventory and Monitoring Network – National Park Service

Mount Rogers National Recreation Area


Petersburg National Battlefield

Prince William Forest Park

Richmond National Battlefield Park

Shenandoah National Park

Staunton River State Park

Staunton State Park

Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation

Virginia State Parks

Volunteer Fairfax

Virgin IslandsBuck Island Reef National Monument

Virgin Islands National Park

WashingtonAlpine Lakes Wilderness

Chief Joseph Dam – Army Corps of Engineers

Chief Joseph Dam Project Office

Clarkston Natural Resource Office

Columbia Cascades Support Office

Colville National Forest

Cowlitz Valley Ranger District

Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area

Mendocino National Forest

Menomie Tribal Enterprises - Bureau of Indian Affairs

Mount Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest

Mount Rainier National Park

North Cascades Institute

North Cascades National Park Complex

North Coast/Cascades Exotic Plant Manage Network

Okanogan National Forest

Olympic National Forest

Olympic National Park

Olympic National Park, Yakima Reservation

Pacific West Coast Regional Office – National Park Service

Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge

Vashon Maury Island Land Trust

Washington State Department of Natural Resources

Washington State Parks & Recreation Commission

Wenatchee National Forest – Cle Elum District

Wenatchee National Forest – Naches Ranger District

Yakama Indian Reservation

Yakama Tribe - Bureau of Indian Affairs

West VirginiaAppalachian Trail Conference

Canaan Valley National Wildlife Refuge

Harpers Ferry National Historical Park

SCA’s Land Management Partners

Annual Report 2007 23

Hatfield-McCoy Trail System

Monongahela National Forest

National Conservation Training Center

New River Gorge National River

North Bend State Park

Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail

Preservation Alliance of West Virginia

West Virginia Sustainable Communities Corp

WisconsinApostle Islands National Lakeshore

Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest

Great Lakes Agency – Bureau of Indian Affairs

Great Lakes Exotic Plant Management Team – National Park Service

Menominee Tribal Enterprises – Bureau of Indian Affairs

Menominee Tribe

Milwaukee County Parks

Saint Croix National Scenic Riverway

Schlitz Audubon Center

The Nature Conservancy – Wisconsin Field Office

Urban Connections

Urban Ecology Center

WyomingBighorn Canyon National Recreation Area

Bighorn National Forest

Bridger-Teton National Forest

Devils Tower National Monument

F. E. Warren Air Force Base

Fort Laramie National Historic Site

Fossil Butte National Monument

Grand Teton National Park

Historic Trails Council

Medicine Bow Conservation District

National Elk Refuge

Natrona County Fire Mitigation Commission

Prior Mountain Wild Horse Range

Wind River Agency – Bureau of Indian Affairs

Yellowstone National Park

International ProgramsCoastal Livelihoods Trust, New Brunswick

Conservation Council of New Brunswick

Conservation of Communities and Rivers, Gatineau, Quebec

Ducks Unlimited Canada – Newfoundland

Nature Trust of New Brunswick

Quebec/Labrador Foundation – Blanc de Sablon and Harrington Harbor, Quebec, Canada

Quebec/Labrador Foundation – Canadian Headquarters, Montréal

St. Croix River International Waterway Commission – New Brunswick

Mount Rainier Recovery

SCA partnered with numerous state and local

organizations in 2007 to direct a volunteer-

driven restoration effort at storm-stricken

Mount Rainier National Park. SCA led nearly

1,000 volunteers whose service was valued at

over $1.5 million. “SCA built not just physical

bridges in the wilderness, but bridges

between the community and their national

park,” lauded Superintendent Dave Uberuaga.

SCA’s Generous Donors

24 Student Conservation Association

Individuals & CommunityThe following individuals, family foundations, and community organizations provided gifts totaling $250 or more to SCA.

The John R. Twiss, Jr. Chairman’s Circle $10,000+Anonymous (7)

Barkley Fund

Catherine D. Brown

Sheana and Lewis Butler

Muriel L. Cameron

David and Claudia Chittenden

Paula Cleary and Paul Farrell

Joan and Charles Cousar

Jerry and Diane Cunningham

Clydia J. Cuykendall

Charles Dickey and Sheila Wyckoff-Dickey

The Betsy and Jesse Fink Foundation

Dean and Jenny Fischer

Cindy and David Fitch

Jacqueline A. Franco

Joyce Friedman

Garden Club of Allegheny County

Fraser and Jim Gilbane

Kathleen D. Gill

Jane and Peter Goedecke

Lisa and Leon Gorman

Louis and Denise Guida

Benjamin and Ruth Hammett

Wilfred and Sylvia Hill

Peter and Beverly Jost

John M. Kauffmann

Grace M. Kirchner

Allison Levy

D. Roger and Florence Liddell

G. Gilbert Lindemann

Estate of Marjory A. McKinley

Bob and Marjorie Meadows

Patricia Merritt

Barbara Meyer

Richard and Mary Munroe

Joan and John Murphy

Judith Nadai

Robert Stephens and Julie Packard Nonendowed Donor Advised Fund at the Community Foundation of Santa Cruz County

Wendy J. Paulson

Anne Powell Riley

Fred and Liz Prescott

Philip Preston

Bruce and Elizabeth Putnam

Patrick and Rosalinda Raher

David Raymond

Richard J. Resch

Linda and William Richter

John Roberts

John Mosby Russell

Ellen Schiffman

Alfred and Elfrieda Sommer

Max and Helga Stamp

Ellen and Stephen Susman - Susman Family Foundation

Martha and Lee Talbot

Jean W. Tease

Trina Turk and Jonathan Skow

The Vosmik Family, Inc.

Estate of Elizabeth A. Wood

The President’s Council $5,000+Anonymous (5)

Robert and Ferial Aldag

Louise A. Armstrong

Eloise C. Barnett

Stephen and Ann Bartram

T. William and Beatrice Booth

Charlotte J. K. Brewer

Irene and Robert Brown

Harvey and Naomi Cohen

Thomas Collier and Siobhan Hanna

Jo Ann Condry

Dancing Tides Foundation

The Garden Club of Houston

Georgetown Garden Club

Joshua R. Goldberg and the Goldberg Family Foundation

Beverly Goodman

Martin and Debby Hale

Edmund and Cis Hayes

CleoBell Heiple-Tice and Sidney Tice

Richard Hogan and Carron Sherry

Horace D. Jackson

Estate of Josephine A. Keyes

George and Caroline Kinkle

Helen L. Knopp

Carol M. Lane

Gail M. Michael

Gene and Janice Reineke

Surry P. Roberts

William and Judith Scheide

Tatsuo Shirane

Reginald and Lynn Shiverick

Ronald and Michelle Tenny

Emily A. Tomchin

TOSA Foundation

Neil and Sylvia Van Sloun

Kathleen Walsh

Joshua and Farley Whetzel

L. Wynne Wister

Carolyn Woodbury

Sarah Zimmerman

The Elizabeth C. Titus Putnam Founder’s Club $1,000+Anonymous (9)

Bruce and Susan Ackerman

Elizabeth and John Ackermann

Deanne Adams and Anthony Sisto

Adirondack Community Trust - Evergreen Fund

Mary and Peter Alexander

Robert and Constance Anderson

Joseph and Jacqueline Anscher

James and Kathleen Arner

Gale Arnold

David Atkins

Mrs. Elisha Atkins

Julian M. Babad

Guilford and Gwen Babcock

Patricia Bacon

Valerie Bailey and Michael Gallagher

Robert and Barbara Barger

William and Lori Barns

Thomas and Currie Barron

LaVonne and Paul Batalden

Beacon Hill Garden Club

Stephen Beckwith

Will Berliner

Alice and Edwin J. Bernet

The Linda Cabot Black Fund of the Boston Foundation

Peter and Sofia Blanchard

Robert Bland

Anthony and Josie Bliss

Morton and Susan Bobowick

Mark and Madeline Bodin

Paul and Mary Boghossian Memorial Fund

Jennifer and Paul Boghossian

Jeffrey Borer

Ada-Marie Bowers

The Braxton Fund Inc.

Mrs. Walter F. Brissenden

James Brophy

Elliot and Vicki Brown

Willard W. Brown, Jr.

Catherine Caneau

Mrs. George Carleton, Jr.

Harlow and Barbara Carpenter

Elizabeth Cauley

J. Philip and Nancy Cayford

Renate Chapman

Anne Childs and Charles Collins

Jean Aubuchon Cinader

Clara G. Cist

Clark Family Foundation

Heinke K. Clark

Christine M. Coffin

William and Janet Coleman

Sylvia and John Constable

George M. Covington

Bill Crane

Edmund and Leslie Cronin

Kenneth H. Crooks

Arie and Ida Crown Memorial

Susan Crown

Fanny Culleton

Curtis Cushman

Jon Cushman

Roderick and Verena Cushman

Anthony Dal Nogare

Barbara Putnam Daly

Kaaron Davis

Virginia and Don Dean

Donald and Leora DeFord

Roy and Annina Demmon

SCA’s Generous DonorsGifts to the Student Conservation Association provide support for SCA field programs and help to instill a strong

conservation ethic in each succeeding generation of volunteers. These gifts help to protect valued national parks,

forests and urban green spaces, as well as cultural sites. Most importantly, they reflect the deep and enduring

commitment of friends whose spirit continually inspires our work.

SCA is grateful for the support of more than 20,000 individuals, alumni, foundations, corporations, garden clubs,

and others. We appreciate their generosity, trust and commitment.

SCA’s Generous Donors

Annual Report 2007 25

K.C. DenDooven

Jeffrey Dennis

Gerald L. Dickinson

David and Lori Dodwell

William and Karen Dow

Lawrence and Valerie Doyle

Mary C. Drazy

Isabella Drew

Dublin Riding and Walking Club

Dayton and Dianne Duncan

Shirley Durst

Sylvia A. Earle

David and Pat Eggert

Judith S. Solomon Engelberg

Robert and Rita Engelman

Nancy and Thomas Farrell

David Fawcett

Estate of Harriet Jeffrey Ferguson

Kevin Fink

Andrew Fisher

James Fleming

Whit Fletcher

Jean Flood

Peter and Janice Ford

Kate Foster-Springer and Douglas Foster

Eve D. Fout

Henry J. Fox Fund

Florence B. Fowlkes

Charles and Linda Frick

G.A.G. Charitable Corporation

Garden Club of Barrington

Garden Club of Mount Desert

David Gill

John P. Glaser

Edward and Carol Glassmeyer

Mr. and Mrs. Ralph I. Goodwin

Nancy W. Grady

Holly Gray

Sallie and Dick Griffith

Shirley Hagens

Daniel and Alice Hall

Michael and Alice Hallaran

Hamill Family Foundation

Lois Hansen

Mrs. Vernon P. Harms

Graham and Joanne Harrison

George and Marina Hatch

Margaretta and Jerry Hausman

Peter Hayes and Pam Speers Hayes

Renate and Henry Heymann

Josephine Hicks

Harvey and Christina Hill

Roger S. Hillas

Robert and Lisa Holley

Patricia and Noel Holmgren

Dr. Carol L. Horner

Judy and Larry Howard

Gretchen and Lyman Hull

Harold and Elizabeth Janeway

Suzanne Johannet and William Siegel

Johnson Family Foundation

Nathan and Elizabeth Johnson

Philip Johnson

Johnson-Fortin Charitable Trust

Henry Jordan

Jupiter Island Garden Club

Carole Kaminsky

Myron Kaplan and Annette Hollander

The Charles and Roberta Katz Family Foundation

Marjorie R. Kaufman

Emily Kelly

Nancy and John Kollock

Ellen B. Kritzman

Walter Lake

Elise and F. David Lapham

Melissa Larsen

Late Bloomers Garden Circle

Marta Lawrence and David Robotham

Rose LeBlanc and Andrew Terragni

Larry and Donna Lesh

Yvette Leung

John and Jane Lewis

Dorothy Lichtenstein

The Lidstad Family

Jane Lombard

Michael and Renee Lowden

John and Caroline Macomber

Neil MacPhail

Kent and Sherry Mangold

Beatrice Manice

Pamela Manice

Adrienne and John Mars

Carol Master and Sherry Mayrent through the Corners Fund

The Matera Family

Brian and Anne Mazar

David and Kathleen McCarron

John and Bette McCarron

Jeffrey and Kathy McCarron

Robert and Lori McCarron

Virginia D. McCulloh and Nancy Kohlreiter

Lila McKey

Paul F. McQuade

Friedrike Merck

Maurice Meslans and Margaret Holyfield

Charles and Mary Louise Montgomery

Jan Montgomery

Wayne and Hope Moore

Bette and Albert Moorman

Mountain Club of Maryland

Douglas Muder and Deborah Bodeau

50 Years, 50,000 Volunteers

Sarah Logan Beasley, 17, of Tallahassee,

FL, was recognized last year as the 50,000th

volunteer in SCA’s history. “Everything is

magnified out here. Happiness is magnified

out here,” she said of her SCA experience at

Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

This photo of Sarah Logan was featured in

The Chronicle of Philanthropy. “Seeking to

inspire a new generation of conservation

leaders,” the publication reported, “[SCA] has

ushered tens of thousands of young people

through its conservation programs and

internships nationwide.”

SCA’s Generous Donors

26 Student Conservation Association

L. T. Murray III

Kathryn and Ralph Mutti

Paul and Antje Newhagen

New York Community Trust

North Country Garden Club of Long Island

Tom Obrig

William and Joann Olson

Edward and Eunice Ordman

John K. Orndorff, Jr.

Robert and Martha Page

Franklin and Margaret Parker

Jeffrey N. Pennell

Dale and Marian Penny

Pentara Foundation, Inc.

Sandra Perkins and Jeffrey Ochsner

Jay Peters

Ira and Carole Pittelman

Pole Creek Ranch Fund at The Denver Foundation

Sidney Posel

Edwin and Dorothy Pyle

Patrick and Rosalinda Raher

Signa Read

Kimberly and Jeffrey Reene

Rebecca and Charles Richardson

Robert and Kathryn Riddell

Alice Ridenour

Arthur Rock and Toni Rembe

Mr. and Mrs. Laurance Rockefeller, Jr.

Jane Rogers and Michael Fisher

Leicester Rogers

Tom and Catherine Rohloff

Richard Rowley and Marianne Murray

Elinor and Murray Rust

San Fernando Valley Audubon Society

Robert and June Safran

Barbara T. Sandford

Fannette and William Sawyer

Rick and Jane Sayles

Arent and Jean Schuyler

Curtis Scribner

Richard Seaman and Liza Draper

Nancy Shaidnagle and Gene Luckey

Clydene Shepherd

Caroline N. Sidnam

Sisterhood of the Holy Nativity

Charles W. Smith

Martha and Phillip Smith

Prentiss Smith

Joshua N. Solomon

Sydney and Charles Spofford

Mrs. Ernest M. Stanton

Bill Staudenmaier

Joshua Stearns and Erica Carlson

The Stettenheim Foundation

Cornelia and William T.C. Stevens

Stephen Strachan

Glenn and Alison Sullivan

Margaret Taliaferro

Paul and Judith Tarabek

Margaret Taylor

Ann W. Thayer

Anna Marie and John Thron

Katherine Troutner and Ernie Johnson

Timothy and Janet Turner

Elsie P. Van Buren

Susan R. Van Der Stricht

Hall and Deborah Van Vlack

Elizabeth S. Van Vleck

Anna May Vaughan

Helene P. Victor

Grace Lyu Volckhausen

Elizabeth F. Wadsworth

Sukey Wagner

Jane and O.V. Wallgren

Enid Warner

Sylvia Weaver and Kenneth Damon

The Weeders

Abby N. Wells

Walter and Luella Wells

Frederick H. and Constance West

Matthew and Debra Whitcomb

Mark Whittlesey

Nancy and Wallace Winter

Nancy M. Wirth

Woman’s National Farm & Garden Association

Sara Wragge

Christopher Wren

Melba Wright

Yako and Judith Yafet

Marilyn E. Zaklan

Robert B. Zuckert

Earth and Eagle Society $500+Anonymous (9)

Hugh Adams

Mrs. C. Kirby Alexander

Susan K. Allen

Alan and Judith Appelbaum

Alan and Helen Appleford

Tracy and Aubrey Arnn

Chris Atkins and Lauren Letellier

George and Christine Bachrach

Stephanie and Peter Baker

John and Erika Baines

Virginia Ballard

Sharon Z. Barry

Barbara and Clarence Beaver

Andrew Beavers

Ben and Jeanette Beavers

Gerald and Linda Becker

Michael J. Bell

Melanie Beller

Making a Difference

Some nine million people saw SCA Founding

President Elizabeth Cushman Titus Putnam

and an SCA trail crew profiled in a special

segment on the NBC Nightly News in

August, 2007. “When you work in this kind

of environment, when you’re a part of it,” Liz

stated, “it does get into your soul.” Of SCA,

NBC reported that “many volunteers go on

to careers in conservation” and one student

declared “I definitely want to be a ranger in

the Park Service.” Watch the video at

thesca.org/nbc and view other SCA stories

from around the nation in the newsroom on

our website.

SCA’s Generous Donors

Annual Report 2007 27

Andrew Bellet

David and Laura Bellet

Regina and William Belt

Gregory and Beatrice Benesh

Lawrence and Rebecca Benesh

Meredith Benesh

Valerie Benesh

Frank Bequaert

Derrick Beracy

Jack and Joann Bertges

William and Katherine Beyer

Caleb Birchard

Jacob Birchard

Alpine Chandler Bird and Donald Bird-Riptide Fund at the Boston Foundation

William Bittler

Rosemary A. Blackstone

Sharon and Daniel Bloomgarden

Blue Streak Fund

Boeing Employees Community Fund

Gregory Bonynge

Emily Bramhall

Elisabeth and Richard Brandt

Ed and Joan Brenton

William Brenton

Paul Brettschneider and Mabel Tang

Priscilla Brewster

Robert Brink

Edward and Joan Bromage

Carolyn and Martin Brown

Greta P. Brown

Jenalyn Brown

Katherine and William Brown

Mary C. Bunge

Nathaniel and Nate Burnard

Cenie Cafarelli

Jack and Jill Campbell Fund of the San Diego Foundation

Roald and Lois Cann

Douglas and Caroline Carlile

John and Patricia Case

Hugh Cassidy

Thomas and Carolyn Cassilly

Emily and Theodore Castner

Lowell and Patsy Chamberlain

Jane Chandler

Marta Chase

Paul and Julie Chelminski

Steven Chulik

David Ciernia

Martin Ciernia

Robert and Suzannah Ciernia

Ms. Carnzu A. Clark Fund of the El Adobe Corporation

Mrs. Hugh K. Clark

Sherren Clark

Mona and David Clayton

William Clayton

Mary Clemesha

Cleveland Natural Science Club

Amanda Close

Margot and E. H. Close

Douglas and Kathryn Cochrane

Patricia and Gary Coe

Richard and Ruth Colwell

Conner Family Fund of the San Diego Foundation

Douglas Conrad

Nana Corfield

Susan P. Crofut

Elizabeth M. Culhane

Bena Currin

Emma L. Dana

Franklin Dana

Lewis and Betty Dana

Paul and Shirlee Daube

Gordon F. Davies

Nancy De L’Arbre

Margaret DePopolo

Mary Desmond and H. William McKee

Louise Doyle

Diana and Weaver Dunnan

James and Sandra Earl

Melinda and Dale Egeberg

Alayne Evans

Evergreen Garden Club

Exeter Area Garden Club

Garold and Joyce Faber

Robert Faiman and Lynne Pentler

Harlow Farmer and Nina Lian

Zachary Farmer

Peninah Feldman

Richard and Annette Feldman

Sarah M. Ferguson

Fritz and Lynn Fischer

Patrick and Charlotte Fischer

Jane Fisher

George Floyd

Elizabeth Ford

The Founders Circle of Sarasota

Four Counties Garden Club

Cornelia D. Fraley

Ivor Freeman

Kitty and Peter Friedman

Elizabeth R. Frost

James and Alice Frost

Garden Club of Cleveland

Garden Club of Somerset Hills

Ardian Gill and Anna Hannon

Jonah and Sallie Gitlitz

Jeffrey Giuffrida and Francine Hochberg

Rebecca Gould and William Buckley

Robert and Annie Graham

Green Fingers Garden Club, Connecticut

William and Phyllis Greenberg

Lumina Greenway

Kenneth Griffin

Lucile and Quentin Griffiths

Nina B. Griswold

Harriet R. Grose

Virginia Guthrie

Natalie Hamill

Jane Hamrick

Rod and Patricia Handeland

Albert A. Hanes and Robert E. Hanes

John and Elizabeth Hanes

Margaret P. Hanrahan

Sig T. Hansen, Jr.

Michael and Christine Hanson

Stanley E. Harris, Jr.

Kathryn Harrison

Margaret Harwood

Pembroke Harwood

Pamela Hay and William Stein

Amanda Hayhoe

Christine Heckemeyer

Kevin and Linda Henker

Miranda and Bruce Henning

Mariko Hewer

Ulrich Hewer and Cheryl Kariya

William W. Hildreth

Arthur and Lois Hill

Joyce V. Hiller

Aaron Hoard and Jaime Greene

Janice Hoffman

Mark Hofmann

Kevin Hollebeek

Thomas Hollebeek

Richard and Jane Hoover

Nancy and Tsukasa Horie

Susan and Peter Hornbostel

William Hudson

Virginia and Richard Hughes

Philip Hult and Gail Snowdon

Mark Ignaut

Marjean A. Ingalls

Masayoshi Itoh

Mary Ittner and Robert Rutemoeller

Irene Janis

Ronald and Susan Janis

Hannelore and Konrad Jarausch

John Joll

Lee Jones

James Kamitses

Anastacia Kampe

Edward Kandl

Nancy Kappler-Foster and Kenneth Foster

Leah R. Karpen

Matthew Kasprzak

Joan Kedziora

Dennis and Joanne Keith

Kevin Keith

Kevin and Pamela Kelly

Molly and Carl Kettler

Michael and Mary Killien

Robert and Rachel Kinicki

Elizabeth Kiriazis

Ralph and Marjorie Koldinger

Thomas Korzeniowski

Jeffrey and Pamela Kovalic

Helen P. Ladd

Garet Lahvis

Lake Forest Garden Club

Roger and Sue Lang

John Larsen

Maria and Ian Leary-Richards

Gregory Lee and Muh-Ching Yee

Sean Lee

Elizabeth P. Lent

Nancy and David Levi

David Lewis

Richard and Virginia Lewis

Hillary Lipe

Rachel Lipsky

Jeanne Lockett

James and Christine Longo

Kathryn and John Lynn

Walter and Ruth MacGinitie

Douglas and Carla Mackey

James Maddy and Barbara Chapman

Stanley and Ann Magagnosc

Makawao Union Church

Andrew Mathes

Henry and Dorothy Mattis

Edward and Edwyna McAninch

Richard and Helen McCammon

Patrick and Grace McGlynn

Edward McGuire and Cissy Wong

Mike and Deanna McMillian

Christa McReynolds

Melissa and John Meier

Barbara Meislin

Elizabeth Merck

Vincent N. Merrill

Craig Minor

Hugh Mitchell

Christy Moerbe

Stan and Sandra Moerbe

Barron A. Moody

Robert and Helen Moody

Thomas G. Mooney

Richard and Barbara Moore

Marion Moreton

William and Mary Morrill

Anna Morrow

Carson Morrow

Donald and Ann Morrow

Scott Mosher

SCA’s Generous Donors

28 Student Conservation Association

Kenneth and Katharine Mountcastle

Virginia L. Mouw

Kingsley H. Murphy Family Foundation

Charles and Vicki Nelson

James and Judith Nelson

Lyle Nelson

Elsie Nielsen

Noanett Garden Club

Jacqueline and Kenneth Oldham

Lawrence Oshin and Ruth Finn

Denise Otis

Mina and Thomas Otis

Edgar and Phyllis Peara

Joe W. Peterson

Daniel and Polly Pierce

John Piersol

Paul and Susan Pintus

Piscataqua Garden Club

Pauline and Ernst Plesset

Vivian Polak

Elizabeth and Archibald Price

Theresa Pullets

Timothy and Janice Radder

Gloria Raffo

Redmond Cycling Club

Melinda Reed

Elizabeth Reynolds

Grant and Joanne Reynolds

William and Ines Rhoads

Joshua Rice

Katharine Richardson

Beverly and Barbara Ridgely

Kurt and Elizabeth Rieke

Susan Rikalo

Esther Rivinus

Theodore B. Robbins

Patricia Robinson

Rochester Garden Club

Dan and Betty Rogalla

Rogers Family Trust for the Lakes Region of the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation

Virginia and Kenneth Rogers

Herman H. Rose

Zev and Stacy Rosenwaks

Mary C. Rower

Rusticus Garden Club

Rye Garden Club

Kenneth and Rachel Samoil

J. Victor Samuels

The San Diego Foundation

Edgar Sands

Margaret Saunders

Charles and Barret Sawyer

Elizabeth S. Scher

Konrad P. Schmidt

Sherwood and Mildred Schwartz

Lucretia L. Scott

Edwin and Anne Seipp

Robert Sherman

Sally and Dave Skimin

David and Joan Sloan

Genny Smith

Kathleen Soester

Michele and William Sooy

Helen and Stacy St. John

Dorothy Stancliff

Robert and Janet Stanton

Peter Stein and Lisa Cashdan

Ralph and Katharine Stell

Carolyn Stephens

Richard and Margaret Stephens

Douglas and Joan Stewart

Ian Stewart

Eleanor Storer

Robert L. Sutherland

Brad and Katherine Sutherlin

Kasey Sutherlin

Robin Sutton

Suzanne and James Swanson

Carolyn Sweers

Cyrus and Barbara Sweet

Catherine Symchych

Stuart and Jill Tane

Jean Taxis

Richard and Mary Taylor

Miriam Thomas

Kerry and Richard Thorne

Todd Tietjen

Werner Tietjen

Lydia and Henry Toll

Alvin and Janine Tollestrup

Marsha and Donald Towns

Gail Trotter

Marjorie L. Tuttle

United Church of Christ

Robert and Lisa Unsworth

Karen Untz

Kenneth Vanderhave

Janet Vasilius

Guy Wadsworth

Isabelle Wald

Christopher Warren

George Warrington

Robert and Helena Warrington

James and Jean Watt

Richard and Betsy Webb

David Webber

Charlotte Wei

Janice Weinman

Elizabeth B. Weinstock

Dale Wendel

Glenn D. White, Jr.

Steven and Elaine White

Mary and James Wiley

Cheryl Wilfong and William McKim

Hannah B. Wilson

Deborah Winant

Stephen H. Winchell

Sandra Winn

Joyce P. Winston

Anthony and Bertie Woeltz

Russell Woeltz

Robert C. Wolf

Susan Womeldorf

Kenneth and Dororthy Woodcock

Woodside-Atherton Garden Club

Sponsors’ Circle $250+Anonymous (13)

Joan Abess

Raymond Adkins

Alfred and Dorothee Aeppli

Annie and John Ager

Peter Alexander

Anthony Albrecht

Aileen Allen

Michael and Maureen Allen

Ronald and Joyce Allin

Allyn’s Creek Garden Club

Judith and Roy Alper

David Anderson and Priscilla Paton

Jeanne Anderson and Russell Hanbey

Ruth and John Anderson

Scott Andreae

William and Barbara Angevine

Peter and Sally Anson

Antietam Women’s Ensemble

Nancy Arbuckle and Cedric Crocker

Ashland Garden Club

Marian Ashman

James and Mary Ann Atkinson

Robert Atwood

Anne August

H. Ben Auslander

David and Jennifer Austin

Backcountry Horsemen of California

Daniel Bain

Jesse and Pam Baker

Evelyn Balik

Virginia Ballantine

Donald Ballou

Bar Harbor Garden Club

David and Mary Jo Baras

Forrest Barger

Dutch and Hilary Barhydt

Bruce and Barbara Barrett

Ruth and Emerson Barrett

James Baur

Nancy Bavec

Kaye Beall

Roxanne Beardsley

Donald Beattie

Ronald and Jeanne Beatty

Colleen Becker and James Schwan

Shirley and Grant Beckfield

Bedford Garden Club

Mary Bellinzier

Jean M. Bennett

Frederick and Ann Benson

Marjorie Benson

Donald and Janet Berg

Daniel Berkman

Mary Ann Berliner

Rose S. Bethe

Thomas Bird

Jay Birk

William and Mary Black

William and Lois Black

Judith Blankenburg and William Wells

Gail Bliss

Douglas Blondin

Elspeth Bobbs

James Bolin and Catherine Stempien

John and Catherine Booty

John and Catherine Boring

James and Sydney Bortner

Lois Bowker

A. Stephen Boyan, Jr.

Donald and Charlotte Boyer

Lucy Boyle

Eric and Elizabeth Bradford

Ronald and Dorothy Brandt

Rena Bransten

David Bristor

Albert and Elinor Britton

Edward and Sheila Broderick

Robert and Shelagh Brodersen

Bonnie Brooks

Deirdre Brown

Dorothy A. Brown

John Brown and Lu Huang

Michael and Margaret Brown

Samuel Brown

Donald Bruce

E. Homer Brugge

Edison and Sally Buchanan

Edith and Van Dyk Buchanan

Rogene Buchholz and Sandra Rosenthal

Shirley Budden

Roger and Jane Buffett

Wilbur and Cecilia Bullock

Janet Burdick

Paul Burdick

Janet Burhans

Cynthia Burkhart and Jay Williams

Ken and Julie Burns

Winthrop and Barbara Burr

Marjorie V. Butcher

SCA’s Generous Donors

Annual Report 2007 29

Barbara Calabro

Brenda and Stephen Caldwell

David Calfee

Eric and Mary Calhoun

California Alpine Club Foundation

Darrin Call

Dana Cannon

Marvin Carlberg

Richard and Jana Carp

John and Joan Carpenter

Nancy Carrell

Charles and Bean Carroll

James and Barbara Cassidy

Scott Chamberlin

Jude Chauvette

Edward and Shirley Cheramy

Robert and Susan Cherek

Nancy Cherry

Chicago Park Garden Club

Jack Chin and Hedy Chang

Alan Church

Michael Church and Susan Mendelsohn

Betty Churchill

Donna Clapp and Deborah Jayne

Lanora Clark and Eldon Don

Timothy Clark and Hannah Sistare

Robert and Beth Clements

Peggy Clews and David Beutler

Robert and Mary Cline

George Clissold

Virginia Close

Harriet and Robert Cogger

Virginia Coggeshall

Frances Cohen-Knoerdel

Francis Coleman

Pamela Coleman

Edward and R. Marie Collins

William Cone and Sheila Quinn

Melisande Congdon-Doyle

Larry and Gay Cornelius

Ann M. Corrigan

William and Virginia Cowles

Jeremiah Cox

Robert Cox and Ann Hartenstein

Nan and Robert Crain

Stuart and Ellen Croll

Amanda and Paul Crookshank

Irene Crosby

Marcia and Joseph Crosby

John and Karen Crotty

Ann and Dougal Crowe

Michael Crowson

Gordon and Carol Cruikshank

James and Kate Cuno

Paul and Mildred Curley

William Dafcik

Fern Dalby

Suanne and Mark Davendonis

Tamara and Jeffrey Davidson

Lois and Marilyn Davie

James D. Davis

Jeremiah Davis

Deanna Dawson

Ron and Saundra De Crescent

Betsy de Leiris

Vici DeHaan

Robert Denninger and Juanita Bustamante-Denninger

Harry DePan

Elisabeth Dewing

Rolf and Nora Diamant

Amy T. Dickinson

Diggers Garden Club

Theresa Dill

Frances Dillingham

Daniel Dinell

Gary Donoghue

Jerald and Dee Doochin

Scott and Debra Dooley

Alice Doolittle and Timothy Pearce

Elizabeth and Benjamin Dorsey

Paul and Mary Douglass

Amy Dowley

Wena and David Dows

David and Rhonda Draper

Ricki Draper

Hermine Dreyfuss

Rachel Driver

Gladys Dronberger

Helen and Raymond DuBois

Jane Dudley

Ellen Dugger

The Cerf-Dunbar Fund of The Community Foundation for the National Capital Region

Colin and Patricia Dunkeld

J. Laurence Dunn, Jr.

Guy and Barbara Dunphey

Roy and Laura Dunphey

Rosa and Joseph Durando

Philip and Sylvia Duryee

David Earl

Thomas D. Easley

Peter and Marcie Eberhart

Richard and Jean Eckert

Ruth Eckert

Robert W. Eckland

Dawn Edmiston-Strasser and Christopher Strasser

Cinthia Eichhorn

Jessica and Robert Einhorn

Carolyn Eisenbart

Jeanne W. Eisenstadt

Mark Eisner

Patricia Elias

Jonathan Ellis

GCA Partnership Still Blossoming

The Garden Club of America awarded its

prestigious Margaret Douglas Medal to

SCA for “notable service to the cause of

environmental education” at a May 2007

ceremony in Boston, MA. GCA’s support for

SCA dates back to SCA’s beginnings, and

over the years GCA and its members have

donated more than $700,000 to support

SCA members in the field. SCA Founding

President Elizabeth Cushman Titus Putnam

previously earned the Margaret Douglas

Medal in 1966.

SCA’s Generous Donors

30 Student Conservation Association

Eric and Elizabeth Emery

Chisato Emmos and Ellen Yamamoto

Paul Enenbach

John and Helen Engemann

Robert and Flora Erickson

Russell and Patricia Erickson

Brian and Mary Anne Ericson

Kris Estes and Stephen Binder

Charlotta Evans

Jeffrey Ewing and Susan Bolles

Horacio and Joan Fabrega

Daniel Facilla

Fairfield Garden Club

John Falconer

Richards Farnham

Richard and Debra Farra

Gault and Phyllis Farrell

Peter and Miriam Farrell

Richard Feinbloom

Lisa Felix

Alexander and Catherine Felton

Bernice Fenn

Nancy H. Ferguson

Linda Ferrill

Hal and Carolynn Ferris

Sylvia and Ronald Ferry

Robert Fleischer

Charles Fleischmann

Richard Flinn

Gizella Flippin

Neal Flomenbaum

Bradley Fluegel and Holly Leicht

Craig Folse

Barbara Foote

Michael Ford and Elizabeth Davidow

Joseph Forsyth

William and Janice Forsyth

Michael and Yvonne Fort

Susan Fort and Frank Dammann

Peter Foster

Teri Foust

Frances Fowler

Susan Fraker

Randall and Helene Frakes

Barbara Francisco

Laura Francoeur and Peter Carbonaro

Arthur Freidinger

French Broad River Garden Club Foundation, Inc.

Ed Friedman

Jeffrey Frye

Arthur Gabinet and Christina Paxson

Nicholas Gabinet

Mark Gallogly and Elizabeth Strickler

Robert T. Gannett

Kenneth and Patricia Gantz

Garden Club of Morristown

The Gardeners

Mary and Wesley Gardner

Caroline Garmon

Arnold Garrison

Jane F. Garry

Hugh and Mary Garton

Stephen Gawne

Burkhard Gebauer

Christine George

John and Janet Gerhart

Lewis and Barbara Geyer

Dennis and Mary Ghan

Janet and Lyle Gildermaster

Jon Gimpel

M.A. Glover

Carlyn Goettsch

Peter and Margaret Goldman

Thomas Goldsmith

Elianna Goldstein

Sara Goodman

Mary and John Goodrich

Peter Goodrich

Carol Gordon

Carma Gorman

Robert and Lois Gosse

Lorraine Grace

Michael and Pamela Graf

Bruce Graham and Valerie Kay

James Graham and Melissa Perkal

Bruce and Elizabeth Grant

Elizabeth Grant

Barbara and William Green

Greenwich Garden Club

George and Catherine Greer

Charles Gregg

Charles and Marilyn Gregg

Betty and S. Gregory

Matthew Greuel

Gordon and Shirley Griffith

Fritz Gudgeon

Christopher J. Gurr

Emily Haak-Frendscho

Thomas and Mary Haak-Frendscho

Margot and Paul Haertel

Stephen and Jean Halper

Charles and Ethel Hamann

Alfred and Elizabeth Hampson

Michael Hampton-Fitzgerald

J. Hiner Hamrick

Samuel Hanger

John and Barbara Hanify

Michael and Janice Hanlon

Mark Hanschka

Jeffrey and Kathleen Hansen

Nancy Glenn Hansen

Gary Hanson

Michael Hanson

Alan and Laurie Hardy

Brian Harrington and Natalie Houghton

Conservation in Action

More than 50 years after Elizabeth

Cushman’s senior thesis launched

SCA, SCA and Mazda asked the young

people of America for “the next big idea

in conservation” – and did we get ideas!

Hundreds of creative and thoughtful essays,

videos, PowerPoints and more poured in

from all over the country, addressing issues

ranging from climate change to recycling

and alternative fuels. “The SCA-Mazda

Conservation in Action Contest will spur

new thinking, new dialogue, and most

importantly new practices to help protect

our environment,” says Jay Amestoy, vice

president of public and government affairs

for Mazda North American Operations and

a contest judge. Top prize in the contest:

a brand new MAZDA3 and $10,000,

with additional prizes totaling more than

$20,000. Mazda, a long time sponsor of

SCA, has supported the placement of SCA

interns in each of the 50 states for the past

12 years.

SCA’s Generous Donors

Annual Report 2007 31

Christopher and Sarah Harris

Augustin Hart

Frances Harte

Michael and Ellen Hartenberg

Bartlett Harvey

Eleanor and Eldon Harvey

Henry Hatch

Hugh Havlik

Kathryn Hayes

Julie Hayward

John Headley

Curtis and Ilse Hecht

Richard Hecht and Sharon Panitch

LeRoy and Elizabeth Hegge

Stephanie Heim

Thomas and Norma Heine

Arnold and Vivian Heiser

Eric J. Hendrickson

William and A. M. Henry

David and Elizabeth Herb

Floyd and Evelyn Herman

Marjorie Hermans

Joseph and Jeannette Herron

Paul Herther

Nancy and Paul Heymann

Lucia and James Heyworth

John and Hermi Hiatt

Richard and Suzanne Hildner

Norman Hill

Winfred and Libby Hill

Richard and Susan Hinshon

Christine and Howard Hirano

Guliet Hirsch

John Hirschi

Timothy and Sydney Hoard

Daniel Hodgkiss

Laura and Ronald Hoenig

Lynn and Tina Holland

Natalie Holland

Steve and Marcia Holtan

Thomas Holtan

Henry Hooper

Roselyn and Frank Hopkins

Mark Horsman

Douglas Horst and Maureen Phillips

Hortulus Garden Club

Kenneth and Debra Hover

Charlotte Howard-Holland

Mr. and Mrs. John F. Howe, Jr.

Barbara Howell

Thomas and Ginny Hudspeth

Terrance Huettl and Tracey Whitesell

Betty Lou Hughes and Kaye Beale

D. R. and Mollie Hughes

John and Nancy Hughes

J. Leonard and Patricia Hultgren

David and Jane Huntington

Katherine and Lee Hurd

Lorraine and Charlene Hurt

Patricia and William Hurt

Rebecca Husband

Harry and Helen Hutchens

Eileen Hutcheson

Richard and Virginia Imershein

Jayson Ingram

Thomas and Nancy Inui

Philip and Nancy Israel

Nancy Issel-Mayes and Guy Mayes

Bruce and Gretchen Jacobsen

Gayle and Morris Janowitz

David and Donna Jennings

Katherine Johnson

Mary Johnson

Patricia Johnson

Sue Johnson

John and Carol Johnston

John W. Johnstone, Jr. and Claire L. Johnstone

Paula A. Jonas

Alan and Emily Jones

Marian and Charles Jones

Nancy and Frank Jones

William and Karen Joslin

Judy Judd

John and Nancy Jungerman

Robert Kachman

Susan T. Kaemmerlen

Lawrence Kahan

Darlene and Roger Kammerer

Linda Kantor

Kristine Karnos

Iver and Cydney Kasenetz

Carolyn Keith

Elizabeth Kellogg and Peter Stevens

Barbara and David Kelly

Jim and Sharon Kelly

George Kephart

Elizabeth Kessel and Edward Levine

LapChing Keung

Yikong Keung and Amy Cheng

William and Cheryl Keydel

Dennis Killian

Don and Priscilla Kimball

Effie Brewer Kimball

Russell and Sandra King

Margaret and Henry Kinosian

Rein and Carla Kirss

Kathie Klarreich

Mari Klebe

Sandra Klepacki

Vernon and Diane Kliewer

Robert Kline and Elaine Mills

Michael and Patricia Klowden

Jerry and Janae Knight

Ruth Knipe

Ann B. Knox

Joseph and Veronica Koenigsberger

Reuben Koolyk and Frances Flug

Bailey J. Korell

Christine and Noel Korten

Alan and Pamela Kosansky

David Kotz and Pamela Jenkins

Michael Kovner and Jean Doyen

Kathryn and Robert Kowalski

Ruth S. Kram

Steve and Sandy Kratville

Robin Krivanek

Hans and Renee Krusa

Nevin Kuhl

Robert Kuller

William A. Kumpf

Malcolm and Doris Kurth

Martin J. Kux

Barbara Kyse

Paul Labounty

Milton Lackey

Ruth Lacy

Laird Norton Family Fund

Lake Minnetonka Garden Club

Camille and James Lamoureux

Frank and Carol Lanaghen

Jean and L. W. Lane

Louis and Barbara Lanwermeyer

Lisa LaPointe

Christine Larsen

Pamela and Harold Lassers

Charles Latham

Marvin Laurence

William Layton

Belina Lazzar

Kevin and Maureen Leak

Joan and James Leary

Adele and Mortimer Lebowitz

Jonathan and Shelah Lehrer-Graiwer

Suzann and William Leininger

Eleanor Lemann and David Cleveland

Sally Lemonick

Daniel and Deanna Lentz

John Levin and Louisa Swift

Ross Levinsky

Walter and Mimi Levison

Levy-Huey Fund

John and Sue Lillie

Frank Lin

Elizabeth and Henry Lind

Janice Lindberg

Phyllis Lindley

Marie Linehan

Elizabeth Litteau

Little Compton Garden Club

The Little Garden Club of Birmingham

Jennifer Loggie

Steve and Karen London

Daniella Lorincz

Susan Loring

Robert Loudon

Thomas and Deborah Lund

Ferris Lyle

G. F. Ma

Gordon and Lynn MacDermott

Kathleen and James MacDonald

Judith and William Mack

Doris and Robert MacLachlan

John and Kristin Macomber

Donna Maher

Robert and Roberta Mahler

Anthony Malia

Kevin Malia

Donna Mambretti

Julian and Lucille Mandell

Lois Mansfield

Richard Marks

Rebecca Marsh

David Martin

Elizabeth Martin

Martha Martin

William and Candace Marx

John and Martha McAlister

Linnea and John McAllister

Tony McCarson

H. Berton McCauley

Cameron McClearn and Robin Cruz

Charles K. McClure III

Joel and Jean McCormack

Eloise and James McCormick

Dino E. P. and Cornelia McCurdy

Wallace and Nancy McCurdy

Thomas and Ramona McDonald

John and Nora McGowan

Ruth E. McGrath

Henry and Edith McHenry

Kenneth and Margaret McIntosh

Erinn and John McIntyre

Doug McLean

Marie McMillen

Kathryn McNeil

Gail McQueen

Patricia McShea

Ruth Mead

David and Dorothy Meeker

Peng-Siu and Elaine Mei

John and Carol Mellen

Beth Mendelsohn

M. Michael Menzel and Kathryn Iverson

Elizabeth Merriam

Mary Lou Merrill

Deborah Meyer

Cynthia Millard

Janice and Charles Miller

Ruth Miller

SCA’s Generous Donors

32 Student Conservation Association

Eleanor B. Monaghan

Hugh and Stephanie Montgomery

Stephen and Sandra Moore

Hannah B. Morehouse

Katharine Morgan

Peter Morgan

Therese Moss

Laura J. Mosso

Helen M. Mount

W. Howie Muir

Fitzhugh Mullan

John and Joy Mullen

Russell and Gloria Mumm

Gary Munsterman and Marlene Finley

Katrina Munsterman

Larry and Marilynn Murphy

Margaret Murray

Nancy Muskin

Barbara E. Naden

Rita Nagusky

David and Karen Naliboff

Harold and Mary Nash

Craig and Cynthia Nelson

JoAnne Nelson

Michael and Paula Nelson

Richard and Gloria Newhouse

David Newlon

Alice and Dan Nicolson

Anton Nielsen and Wendy Keitel

Peter Niemiec and Ann Majchrzak

Robert and Anita Norman

Town of North Hampton, New Hampshire

North Suffolk Garden Club

Wilhelm and Patricia Northrop

Stuart and Anne Nottingham

Nancy Nowak

Brian and Susan O’Connell

Daniel O’Connor

Michael and Judith Odell

Kathleen O’Donnell

Jarret and Sharon Oeltjen

Phoebe Olhava

James Olin and Kimberly Aikawa-Olin

John and Sylvia Oliver

Maria and Jose Olmos

William and Jane Olsen

Charles and Katherine O’Neil

Robert O’Neil

Edward and Jane Orlowski

Robert C. Osborne

William and Lindalee Oswald

Norma and David Ott

Anna Otte

Virginia Pankow

Brian Parker

Jonathan and Vivian Parker

Keith and Gail Parker

Terry and Barnes Parker

Roderic and Eve Parnell

Peter Parsonson

Catherine Pasquino

Stephen Pater

Lynn and Martha Pease

Susan Peck

Dean Pedersen

Alfred H. Peet

Gaetane B. Pell

Linda and Reed Pendleton

Perennial Garden Club

Katherine and James Perkins

Priscilla Perkins

George Perlov

Francine Peterson

Arthur and Ada Phillips

Anne Pinkney

Carol and James Pinson

Andrea Pittman

Plainfield Garden Club

Joyce Platterspiel

Graylin and Pamela Presbury

Dietrich and Beate Presting

Terese and William Preston

Mary M. Priest

Terry and Karen Proffitt

George and Nancy Putnam

Jeffrey Rapp

Richard and Elisa Rasmussen

Raymond-Matsui Family Fund

Ronald Rayner

Charles and Ruth Reace

Cyrus Read

Robert and Wendy Reasenberg

Nathaniel and Alita Reed

Thomas and Teita Reveley

John and Barbara Reynolds

Lee Reynolds

Robert and Paula Rhea

Harry Rice

Robert Rice

Roxanne and Albert Richards

Charles Richardson and Helen Wielkiewicz

Ency Richardson

H. Kyle Richardson

Robert and Ruth Riegel

Sarah Robbiano

Brook and Anna Roberts

Joe Roberts

Susan Roberts

Wendy W. Roberts

Dana and Martha Robes

Jeffrey Robinson and Carol Stockton

V. Douglas and Marlene Robinson

Elizabeth Roemer

Robert and Ann Ronus

Catherine Rose

Mary Rose

Richard Rose

Steven and Lois Rufer

Kia Ruffy

Robert and Katharine Ruhl

Rumson Garden Club

Eleanor and Salvatore Ruocco

Eric Rush and Nereida Delgado

Robert and Neta Sacks

John Sapovits

John and Heather Satrom

Arthur and Anna Saxton

PB Schechter and Naomi Reshotko

Robert and Joan Scheel

Janet and Robert Scheevel

Andrea Scheidt

Thomas Schellenberg

Deborah and Proctor Schenk

Don and Toni Scherzer

Tracy and August Schilling

Laura Schlichtmann

Claude and Melicent Schmidt

Chester Schmitt

G. W. Schnur

Marian Schravesande

Irvin and Marilyn Schorsch

Nick and Shelley Schorsch

Peter and Bonnie Schorsch

Stanley Schroeder

Alison Schumacher

Charles and Sara Jane Scott

Jonathan and Grace Scott

The Pamela Scott Fund of The Philadelphia Foundation

Shirley Seagren

Amy and Nicholas Seeterlin

J. Laverne Sensiba

Maya Seraphin

Frank Settle and Cecile West-Settle

Thomas Shallow

J. Stephen Shaw and Wendy Hayward

Eric and Barbara Sheffels

Joseph and Francoise Shein

John and Elizabeth Shields

Linda Shields

Raymond Shoemaker

Wilma and Martin Sickels

David and Sandra Siegmund

Bette Silver

Gilbert and Nancy Simpkins

Linda and Robert Singer

Wendy and Doug Sinton

Daphne Smith

Edgar and Lusette Smith

Gary Smith

Kendric and Marion Smith

M. Brewster and Deborah Smith

Randy Smith and Sharon Metcalf

Roy and Muge Smith

Roy and Verna Smith

Constance and Parker Snapp

Brian Soenen

South Side Garden Club of Long Island

Southampton Garden Club

Harold and Carol Sox

Alexander and Maria Spence

David and Annette Spence

Annabel and Lorin Spencer

Claus and Helge Speth

James G. Speth

Anne and Walter St. Goar

The Stamford Garden Club

James and Brigitte Steele

Marisa and Robert Steele

Ned and Judith Steele

Stuart and Elizabeth Stephens

Stephen and Kimberly Stewart

Margaret Stiassni-Sieracki and Christian Sieracki

James Stiglich

Sarah Stocco

Sybil Stoller

Jeremy Stoltzfus

Jeffrey and Jane Stopford

Warren Stortroen

Blake and Dell Strayhorn

Edward and Stephanie Streeter

Barbara Streit

Jill Strosser

Elizabeth and Harry Strouse

Roger Stube and Anita Lam

Cristina Stummer

Jim Sturdevant and Therese Lawless

Dorothy Sumner

Cathie and Charles Sundry

Carl and Tove Sunshine

James Swartz and Shannon Presley

Sarah Swinerton

Bing Tai and Catherine Allen

Douglas and Karen Tait

Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Tarwater

Donald and Ellen Taylor

Gail and Brian Taylor

Kevin and Lynn Teehee

Matthew Terribile

Aija and Philip Thacher

Paul Thibodeau

Jo Ellen Thomas

Carol and Marlin Thompson

Harold Thompson

Antonette Thomson

Carl and Victoria Thune

Barbara Tice

Robert Timmons

Georgiann and Brad Toole

SCA’s Generous Donors

Annual Report 2007 33

Jon and Marcy Tourville

Town and Country Garden Club

Elizabeth Traugott

June Traweek

Stephen Trimble

Mary Tuttle and David Lemonick

Marian Urban

John Van Alstyne

Judith Van Riper

P. J. Vanasten

Bob and Sue Vegors

Eberhard Veit

Margaret and Loren Vimmerstedt

Jan and Jon Vinegar

Alderic and Alice Violette

Merle J. Vogel, Jr.

Dale and Christine Volz

Jeffrey J. Von Haden

The Lulu May Lloyd Von Hagen Foundation

Catherine Von Schon

Sherman Waldron

Vernetta and Ernest Wallander

William and Beverly Walsh

Warner Woman’s Club

Nancy Warner

Robert and Marian Warwick

James Wassom

Susan Watson and Jerry Anderson

Daniel and Linda Watt

Brent and Suzanne Weaver

John and Catherine Weaver

Michael Weber

Donald and Carolyn Weglein

Robert and Marilyn Weinstock-Collins

Don and Anna Weiser

John Wells

Peggy West

Nancy P. Weston

Frederick and Annie Weyerhaeuser

Wilma and Bryce Wheeler

Sarah Whelchel

Diane Whiffen

Charlotte and Thomas White

Jeffrey White

Katherine White

Wendy Whittemore

Robert and Sara Wicklein

Carolyn Widman

Richard and Louise Wilde

Dulcenia Wilder

Charles Wilkinson

George and Cynthia Willauer

Suzanne and Fred Williams

Annett and Ronald Williamson

Daniel Willis

Patrick and Elsie Wilmerding

Jeffrey Wilson

Lawrence Wilson

Penelope Wilson

Richard and Mae Wilson

Roger and Janet Winslow

Mary Wintle

Thomas and Martha Wiswell

Stephanie and Scott Witte

Michael Wolk

Woman’s National Farm & Garden Association, Pennsylvania Division

Dick and Anne Wood

George and Gail Wood

Josephine Wood

William and Emilie Wood

Elizabeth Woolley

Worcester Garden Club

Patricia World

Diane Wright

J.A. Wunderlich

Christy and Louis Yaussi

Alison Yee

Iris Yen and Rene Geniblazo

Tolford Young

Marianne Zadek

Christine Zapf-Longo

Gisela Zelenka-Drysdale and Douglas Drysdale

Patricia and Jerome Ziegler

John and Anne Zinsser

Partners in ConservationThe following donors participate in SCA’s recurring gift program.

Anonymous (6)

Joan Abess

Molly Adams

Wayne and Sonia Aller

Selma Altschul

Angelique and Jeff Anderson

Clifford Anderson

Dolly Anderson

Ellen Anderson

William and Barbara Anderson

Scott Andreae

Joseph Anshien

Edythe Anthony

Robert and Joanne Antibus

Christina Arndt

Burton and Barbara Avery

Mark Ayvazian and Lynne Grady

Barbara and Marlow Baar

Clyde Bailey and Patricia Keightley

Virginia Ballantine

John and Pat Ballard

Forrest Barger

Gregory Bartha

Sean R. Barton

Gary and Autumn Bea

Ronald and Jeanne Beatty

Neal Becker

Shirley and Grant Beckfield

Linda and Richard Beidleman

Elizabeth and Edwin Belles

John Bellestri

Kirstie Bellman

Vhey Benet

Ethel L. Bennett

Marjorie Benson

Patricia and Robert Benton

Pull in a High Return and Save Taxes with an SCA Gift Annuity

Pull in a high return for life from a gift of cash, stock or mutual funds (minimum $5,000). You can begin to receive your annuity payments immediately. Or you can “push them off” until a later date, increasing your future annuity rate.

You will get an income tax deduction for a portion of the value of your gift. And part of your annuity may be completely tax-free!

Your gift will empower young people to pull together, working to protect the environment for years to come.

Age 65 - 6.0% Age 80 - 8.0%Age 70 - 6.5% Age 85 - 9.5%Age 75 - 7.1% Age 90 - 11.3%

Example: Give $10,000 at age 75 and get $710/year (7.1%) for the rest of your life.

*Two-Life rates also available

Sample Immediate Single-Life* Rates

Age Now 5 Yr. Deferral 10 Yr. Deferral 55 7.3% 9.9% 60 7.7% 10.7% 65 8.3% 11.7%

Sample Deferred Rates

For further information, please contact Hugh Montgomery toll-free at 1-888-722-9675, ext. 151 or e-mail [email protected].

SCA’s Generous Donors

34 Student Conservation Association

Donald and Janet Berg

Mary Ann Berliner

Katherine Besold

Rachel L. Billowitz

Thomas Bird

Margaret and Stanley Birnbaum

Leonard and A. E. Bischel

Elizabeth Bishop

William Bittler

Tuppence Blackwell

Katelyn S. Blaghford

Ronnie Bogart

Catherine Borden

Albert Borlan

Patsy Borman

Daniel Bortko

John and Maralyn Bould

Sheila J. Bouwman

Robin R. Bown

Dennis Boyle

Philip and Helene Brandt

Ronald and Dorothy Brandt

Warren and Esther Brandt

Toni Brem

Ronald and Debra Brenner

Lolamae Brickhaus

John and Anne Brock

Donald L. Brockway

Enoch E. Brooken

Michele and Tony Brower

Deirdre Brown

Kristin Brown

Rogene Buchholz and Sandra Rosenthal

Eliot and Marianne Buckingham

Elisha Buckner

Roger and Jane Buffett

John and Kathleen Buppert

Janet Burdick

E. Nancy and Robert Burns

Robert and Linda Burns

Jennifer Burr

Sharon Burr

Betty Burrows

Richard and Letitia Burwell

Randal K. Bynder

Helen and Julius Cahn

Barbara Calabro

Joyce Calhoun

Duncan Cameron

Edward A. Campbell

Edwin and Virginia Campbell

Sylvia Campbell

William Cannon

Michael Caprio

Nancy T. Carbonara

Catherine and Richard Carpenter

Linda Carr

Margaret Carson

Robert Carson

William and Linda Casnovsky

John and Hisako Cassidy

James and Carol Chapman

Jude Chauvette

Herbert and Betty Cheeseman

John Cheeseman

Mark Chertok

Carin Chow and Thomas Boasberg

Suzan and C.M. Clausen

Dorothy and Robert Clevenger

Mary Cocks

Derek and Barbara Cocovinis

Frances and William Coffield

Virginia Coggeshall

Anita K. Cohen

Robert and Loraine Coker

Elsa Cole

Kenneth Copenhaver

Garen Corbett

Stephen Corbin

Joy Cordery

Allan and Michael Corless

Caroline Correia

Donald Cosmano

Laura Cottrell

Audrey and Lewis Coty

Doris Coughtry

Joseph Craig

Dwight and Eleanor Crow

David P. Currier

Margaret J. Cutts

Donald and Phyllis Cyphers

Richard Davenport

Margaret Davidson

William and Patricia Davis

Vici DeHaan

Dianne DeLisle

Jane and Clifford DeMayo

Roberta Demers

John and Catherine Demunter

Howard Denegar

Max and Ada Dicken

Janet Dickson

Warren and Doris Dietrich

Henry and Nancy Dizney

Martin C. Dodge

Richard D. Doepker

Annetta Dolowitz and Barbara Wech

Royal and Sachiko Domingo

Scott and Debra Dooley

Nettie and Dino Dopulos

Sydney Dotson

David and Carol Dowley

Gladys Dronberger

Conservation Campaign

SCA reached more targeted audiences,

more often in 2007 through its partnership

with Hill & Knowlton, a leading international

communications consultancy and official

sponsor of SCA’s 50th anniversary. Feature

articles in La Opinion, Al Borde, and other

Spanish-language publications helped SCA

strengthen its ties to the Hispanic and Latino

communities, and Hill & Knowlton also

extended SCA’s outreach in the nation’s top

metropolitan areas. In addition, MaryLee

Sachs, Chairman of Hill & Knowlton USA,

was an active member of SCA’s

50th Anniversary Honorary Committee,

while Chief Operating Officer Gene Reineke

continues to offer insightful counsel as a

member of SCA’s board of directors. SCA is

grateful for their enthusiastic support

and service.

SCA’s Generous Donors

Annual Report 2007 35

Darci and Jason Duelge

Helen and Warren Dunnavent

Irene Dunny

Tim M. Eckert

Robert W. Eckland

Norman Edgerton

E. Dennis Ehrenberger

Monika and David Eisenbud

William Elfrink

Joseph and Jayne Eliopoulos

Russell and Patricia Erickson

Brian and Mary Anne Ericson

Anne Evans

Janet V. Eyre

Linda Fadem

Nadine Fahlbusch

Thomas and Martha Fandel

Jeffrey Farbaniec

Robert Farrell

James Favor

Mimi and Miriam Fearn

Betty and Joel Feinberg

Lisa Felix

Elizabeth Fernandez

Linda Ferrill

Gregory Filter

June Fleming

Gizella Flippin

Craig Folse

Sam Fowlkes

Pamela Fox-Klauser and William Klauser

Jacqueline A. Franco

Cheryl Frank

William and Catherine Franks

Fred and Pamela Freed

Jennifer Freed and John Merto

David and Ellen Freeman

Hermon Frith

Jeane M. Fulmer

Fred and Pam Gaggioli

Sally Gall

Bill Gardner

Jeff Garmon

Daniel Garvey

Burkhard Gebauer

Marilyn George

Raymond Gettins

Donald Gibson

Bernard and Linda Glanister

Timothy Glover

Kathleen and Peter Golden

Thomas and Billye Gray

Lumina Greenway

Edward Hakala

Carlyn Halde

Olaf and Michelle Haldorsen

Alex and Leslie Hall

Marshall and Elizabeth Hamilton

Charles and Lois Hammer

Michael Hampton-Fitzgerald

Dorothy T. Hanesworth

David Haney

Michael and Janice Hanlon

Gail Hanna

Anne Hardy

Billie Hardy

Lois and Thomas Harmon

Christopher and Sarah Harris

Ruthanne Harstad

Laura Hart and Richard Grady

Katharine Hartig

Carrie A. Hatcher-Kay

Dale and Sarah Hauser

Kathryn Hayes

John Headley

Mary Healy

Diane K. Heath

William and Lisanne Hegman

CleoBell Heiple-Tice and Sidney Tice

Jennifer Helwig

Eric J. Hendrickson

Bertram Hensel

Donald Herman

Leonard and Linda Hess

Steven R. Hibshman

Jean Hildenbrand

Arthur and Lois Hill

Joyce V. Hiller

Glenn and Ellen Himebaugh

Joanne Hinchliff

Christine and Howard Hirano

Douglas W. Hoffman

Christopher and Lauren Holbrook

Wayne and Robin Holland

Sharyon and Greg Holness

Heather and Rick Hornby

Lawrence and Marion Hughes

April Hull

Laurie Humphrey and Jeanne Adler

Virginia Huschke

Sybil and Richard Husted

Mark Ignaut

Mary and Earl Ingersoll

Mark Jackson

Barbara Jacoby

Richard Jarvis and Julie Lamy

Jennifer Jasicki

Michael and Judith Jenkins

Shelley John

Adam N. Johnson

Greg Johnson and Sandra LaBelle

Harold Johnson

Janine Johnson

Mary Johnson

Sue Johnson

Vicki Johnson and Dennis Altman

Barrett and Colleen Jones

Christopher and Deborah Jones

Malcolm Jones

Natasa Jonoska and Mile Krajcevski

Gary S. Justice

Isabelle and Albert Kabrielian

Elaine and Ivan Kamil

Sumiko Kamiya

Thomas and Terri Kampe

Joseph Kane

Max R. Kaplan

Ivan and Joan Kaufman

Marion Kaurup and Carol Mele

Willard Keane and Sherrod Perkins-Keane

William and Mary Keenan

Kathleen Kelly

Robert and Judith Kelly

George Kephart

Jean A. Kerr

Rita Kester and W. Daniel Horton

Daren and Beverly Killam

Deborah and Anthony Kioussis

Shirley Klug

Caroline Klund

Sandra Koenig

Mary Kopp

Bailey J. Korell

Henry and Martha Koukol

Timothy Krone

Maxine Krull

Martin J. Kux

Elisabeth Kwak-Hefferan

Richard Laabs

Milton Lackey

Sheila Lally

Roy Lambert

Ralph T. Lampman

Frank and Carol Lanaghen

James and Louise Landreth

Paul and Buni Lane

Priscilla Lane

Elizabeth Lansing

Robert and Helen Large

Linda and Michael Larish

Melissa Larsen

R.L and Frances Latterell

Barbara Lavell

Dana Lavoie

Michael Layman

Olive Leonard

Phyllis Leslie

Gregory W. Leston

Lynn and Michel Lettre

Elinor Levin

William D. Liddle

Christopher Light

Hillary Lipe

Jan K. Lochner

Jennifer Loggie

Richard L. Lombard

Jennifer K. Long

Richard Loutzenheiser and Lorraine Edwards

Nancy S. Lovejoy

Diana Lowe-Hester and Andrea Lowe

Thomas and Deborah Lund

Sheila Lundt

Jane Lusk

Beatrice and Aubrey MacDermott

Maisie MacKinnon

Heidi Maclean

Cathleen Mahoney

Alta Mainer

James Maluta and Deborah Vincent

Margaret L. Manella

Robert Manning

Charlotte M. Manns

E. Christopher Maple

Jayne and James March

Emily and Andrew Margrett

Susan E. Markley

Pedro Marques

Karen and Bob Martin

Peter Martin

Rose Martin

William Martin

Frederic and Leona Masback

Gail Massoll and Roger Mangrum

Andrew Mathes

Lynda Matusek

John Mawson

Susan C. Maxwell

Stephen Mayer and Diane Kaplan

Mary McCartney

Mary H. McCoy

Howard McDonald

Lucy McElroy and S.T. Czarnecki

Lawrence McGaughey and Deborah Huntington

Robert and Gladys McGuire

Henry and Edith McHenry

John and Sarajane McInnes

Beverly McIntosh

Laurel and George McLaughlin

Shirley McLean

Mike and Deanna McMillian

Ruth McMurry

Catherine and Harold Mehler

Brenda Melton

Melvin and Helen Mencher

Catherine Michaud

Howard Mielke

Carol Milano

Frances Miller

Helen S. Miller

SCA’s Generous Donors

36 Student Conservation Association

Janice and Charles Miller

Leland and Alice Miller

Mariah Miller

Leslie Mitchell-Watson and Alan Watson

Edward Mockford

Eleanor B. Monaghan

Frederick and Susan Morris

Eva Moseley

Joan and Caroline Moses

Laura J. Mosso

Dorothy Moyer

Michael and Cathy Muha

Margaret Murray

Daniel Najera and Nina Munoz-Najera

David and Karen Naliboff

James B. Nees

Mary Nefedov

Robert and Antoineta Neff

James Neighbors

Sue Nelson

A. C. and Jane Neumann

Lavonne Newman and P Jezyk

Nina L. Nichols

James Nuttall

Anne Oakes

Margaret and Bruce Obendorf

John and Lani Ochs

Vahe and Arsine Oshagan

Margaret and Richard Ott

William and Laura Paine

Constance Palmer

Virginia Palmer

Lydia Pan

Camille Park and Robert Wilson

Kenneth Parr

John and Joan Parsons

James and Kelly Pasley

Brint and Joyce Passmore

Penn R. Patton

Ocean Pellett

Fionna and Richard Perkins

Marilyn Perona

Sharon and Bruce Petersen

Jane and Bruce Peterson

Joy Peterson

Arthur and Ada Phillips

Diane and David Phillips

Irene Piccone

Margaret Pierce

Kathleen and Warren Pinches

Andrea Pittman

Barbara Post

Donna and Bruce Powell

John Prather

Terese and William Preston

Mr. and Mrs. Loyal D. Pringle

Terry and Karen Proffitt

Catherine and Jonathan Purchis

Richard Quimby

Ronald and Claire Radice

Sanam Radjy

James and Deborah Rauseo

Sherry Reed Aguerro and Alex Aguerro

Janneke and Robert Resnick

Robert and Mary Resnik

Robert and Paula Rhea

Thomas Ribe and Monique Schoustra

Cecily Ricard

Catherine W. Richardson

H. Kyle Richardson

Lillian and Ralph Riddell

Joyce Robbins

Theodore B. Robbins

Janet Rollin

Mark and Rossana Roman

Kerry and Janice Rosado

Jerrold and Mary Ross

Jamie Rottura

Suzanne Rudat

George and Susan Rudnicki

Carl R. Ruetz

Joseph and Barbara Rumburg

Eric Rush and Nereida Delgado

Jacqueline Russell and Jane Miller

Ronda Russell

Stuart Russell

Charles Sagebrecht

Gary Sanborn

Stella and Walter Sargent

Barbara E. Sather

Nancy Sather

John and Heather Satrom

Aubra and John Sawyer

Carroll and Susan Schell

Claude and Melicent Schmidt

Konrad P. Schmidt

Traci and John Schmitt

George and Karen Schnakenberg

Jonathan and Deborah Schoer

John Schroeder

Stanley Schroeder

Joan and Kenneth Schumaker

Perry and Lisa Scott

James and Carol Seabrook

Shirley Seagren

James Seitz

Daniel Sell and Barbara Kelly

Helen Sellin and Ivan Gill

J. Laverne Sensiba

John and Frances Shaffer

Janan Sharp

Ada Shaum

Nancy L. Shaw

Susan Sheridan

Patricia Sherman

Raymond Shoemaker

Harriet Shoup

Barnett Shpritz

Helen S. Simmons

Steven Simmons

Heidi and Douglas Skiba

Craig and Mary Skold

Robert Slater

Dorothy Sloan

Gary Smith

Paul Smith and Romaine Jesky-Smith

Alfred and Elfrieda Sommer

Lewis Sovocool

Bruce Spring

Louis and Sharon Stamas

Karin Stanley

Marylin H. Stanley

Paul Stearns

Ned and Judith Steele

Judith Stege

Cathleen H. Stewart

James and Susan Stewart

James Stewart

Terry and Susan Stout

Philip W. Stoyke

L.D. Strader, Jr.

Barbara Streit

Carole and William Strong

Elizabeth and Harry Strouse

David and Nancy Swanson

Reuben and Viola Swanson

Joe W. Swierkosz

Michael J. Syzek

Beverly J. Tabor

Gail and Brian Taylor

R. F. Teichgraeber

Glenn Teschendorf

Frankie Tester

Merilyn and Ralph Thomas

Carol and Marlin Thompson

Diane Thompson

Stephen Thompson

Hilary Thomson and Thomas Fredenburg

Alice Timothy

Jack and Betsy Train

Mary and Christopher Trancho

Elizabeth Traugott

Mary Anna Trimble

George Truckenmiller

Michael and Monica Turelli

Laraine Turk

William and Paulette Turnbull

Edward R. Uehling

Hubert Van Hecke

Ruth Vander Sys

Jan and Jon Vinegar

Lawrence Volpe and Maria Nickell

Ruth Von Ahlefeldt

Ralph A. Voyta

Martin Vukovich

Kathleen R. Wade

Florence and Jackson Wagner

Isabelle Wald

Chrystal L. Walsh

Mildredan Ward

Nancy Ward

David Warholak

Elizabeth Warner

J. Read Warner

Francis Warren

Sarah D. Warren

Nora and Lewis Watters

Jane C. Weaver

Alice Weigel

Claude Welch

Richard Wentz

Rolf Wertenauer

Beverly West

Diane Whiffen

Arden White

Glenn D White, Jr.

Dorothy L. Whitmore

Marian and Alan Wicker

David Wilcox

Dulcenia Wilder

Daniel and Julie Williams

Garth Wilson

Jeffrey Wilson

Richard and Mae Wilson

Scott Winemiller

Raymond Witt

Dallas Wivholm

Robert L. Wixom

James and Arlene Wood

Jonathan Woodman

Marcia Woolman

Patricia World

Laura Yardumian

William and Gale Yeager

Martha and Robert Young

Priscilla Zaworski

Scott J. Zehner

Robert and Marjorie Zimmerman

Robert Zolman

SCA’s Generous Donors

Annual Report 2007 37

Foundations & CorporationsThe following organizations provided contributions totaling $250 or more to SCA.

* Indicates a multi-year contribution

$100,000+American Eagle Outfitters Foundation

Claude Worthington Benedum Foundation *

ExxonMobil Foundation

Houston Endowment Inc. *

Johnson Controls, Inc.

Mazda North American Operations *

The Meadows Foundation *

Richard King Mellon Foundation *

National Park Foundation

National Park Service

Resources Legacy Fund Foundation*

Unilever United States Foundation

$50,000+S. D. Bechtel, Jr. Foundation *

The Boeing Company Charitable Trust

Islands Fund

Johnson & Johnson

Mazda Foundation

NBC Universal Foundation

National Fish and Wildlife Foundation

National Urban and Community Forestry Advisory Council

Washington’s National Park Fund in support of the Mount Rainier Recovery Initiative

$25,000+Alcoa Foundation

L.L. Bean

The Birmingham Foundation

The Brown Foundation, Inc. of Houston

Bullitt Foundation

The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation

Darden Restaurants Foundation

Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation

The Educational Foundation of America

Edwards Mother Earth Foundation

Forest Capital Partners LLC


The Grable Foundation *

The Home Depot Foundation

National Forest Foundation

PNC Community Development Banking


The Royal Bank of Scotland Group Plc.

Royal Caribbean International / Celebrity Cruises

Skagit Environmental Endowment Commission

City of Stamford, Connecticut

Vidda Foundation - Michael Brewer Fund


Adobe Foundation Fund at Community Foundation Silicon Valley

Anacostia Waterfront Corporation

Annenberg Foundation

Arizona Community Foundation

The Bancroft Foundation

Barkley Fund

The Batchelor Foundation

The Herb Block Foundation

Citizens Bank

Clark-Winchcole Foundation


DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation

Edwin W. and Catherine M. Davis Foundation

Gaylord and Dorothy Donnelley Foundation

Earth Conservation Corps

Earth Share America

The Eccola Foundation

Fannie Mae Foundation Fund of the Community Foundation for the National Capital Region

Claire Giannini Fund

The Lillian Goldman Charitable Trust

M. A. Healy Family Foundation

Hill & Knowlton *

Jacksonville Jaguars Foundation

The Juniper Foundation

Laurel Foundation

Jacob and Charlotte Lehrman Foundation

The Lightfoot Foundation

Marathon Oil Company

Marisla Foundation

Marpat Foundation, Inc. *

Mars Foundation

The Thomas Marshall Foundation

The Martin-Fabert Foundation

The Morningstar Foundation

Motiva Enterprises LLC

The Curtis and Edith Munson Foundation

Northwestern Mutual Foundation

Ovid D. Robinson Charitable Trust of PNC Advisors Charitable Trust Committee

Prince Charitable Trusts

Public Service of New Hampshire


River Branch Foundation

The Russell Family Foundation

Robert M. Schiffman Foundation

The Scrooby Foundation

Seattle Foundation

Active Alumni

New York, Dallas, Great Falls. Yellowstone,

Glacier, Mojave. SCA held 50th anniversary

alumni events at more than 40 different

locations across the U.S. last year. More

than 2,000 participants ranging from the

SCA pioneers of 1957 to current volunteers

served grateful parks, swapped cherished

memories, and created new ones. SCA was

also pleased to host over a thousand special

guests at “green tie” anniversary receptions

in Pittsburgh, San Francisco, Seattle

and elsewhere.

SCA’s Generous Donors

38 Student Conservation Association

Elmina Sewall Foundation

The Spring Creek Foundation

Tapeats Fund

West Monroe Partners LLP

The Wortham Foundation

Wm. Wrigley Jr. Company Foundation


Under $10,000Anonymous (4)

Adelson Family Foundation

Alaska Wildland Adventure, Inc.

The Alcyon Foundation

Appreciation of Earth and Animal Foundation, Inc.

Ronelle J. Armstrong Consulting


Baird Foundation, Inc.

The Baker Charitable Foundation

Barnert Temple/Religious School Tzedakah Fund

Bluestone Foundation

Anna and Harry Borun Foundation

The Edgar and Elizabeth Bottler Charitable Trust

Calvert Foundation

Capital One

Casella Waste Systems, Inc.

Chenoweth Family Foundation

Chevron Corporation

Clark-Mortenson Agency, Inc.

The Cleveland Foundation

Directions For Rural Action Fund

Dominion Foundation

Eastern Analytical, Inc.

Elizabeth Ordway Dunn Foundation

Elm City Parks Conservancy

Emory University

Everett Philanthropic Fund

Ferriday Fund Charitable Trust

Fifth Third Bank Foundation

Fischer-Bauer-Knirps Foundation

The Fonda Family Foundation, Inc.

Fred C. Church Insurance

Freedom Forum

Fuji Photo Film U.S.A., Inc.

General Re Corporation

Gilbane Building Company

Bob & Eileen Gilman Family Foundation

Global Impact

GordonDerr LLP

“Green” Hotels Association

Groundwater Sciences Corp.

Hardy Hill Fund of the Upper Valley Community Foundation

Hazon - DC Jewish Environmental Bike Ride

Heller Foundation of San Diego

The Jacob and Terese Hershey Foundation

Corina Higginson Trust

David and Barbara B. Hirschhorn Foundation

Honda R & D Americas, Inc.


Independent Charities of America

Izaak Walton League of America

The Mary Hillman Jennings Foundation

Jewish Communal Fund

Just So Charitable Foundation


K. Backus & Associates

The Katzenberger Foundation

The Kelsey Trust

Lime - Healthy Living with a Twist

LLH/LHM Foundation

Louisville Community Foundation

The Lubrizol Foundation

Manpower Foundation, Inc.

George and Miriam Martin Foundation

Merlin Foundation

Monadnock United Way

Edward S. Moore Family Foundation

National Grid

Network for Good

New York Mercantile Exchange Charitable Foundation

NewAlliance Foundation

Optometric Center of New York

PPG Industries Foundation

Panhandle Energy

Pearson Family Charitable Foundation

Penn’s Woods Trout Unlimited

The Peterson Charitable Lead Trust

The Philadelphia Foundation

The Powell Foundation

The Prudential Foundation

The Puffin Fund of the Maine Community Foundation

Purdue Pharma L.P.

Ranger Doug’s Philathropic Society

REI Public Affairs

Robinson & Cole LLP

Rose Foundation for Communities and the Environment

RZB Finance LLC

The Samuels Foundation

San Francisco Foundation

Sandak Hennessey & Greco LLP

Santa Monica Bay Audubon Society

Save-the-Redwoods League

Schultz Foundation, Inc.

Sempra Commodities

Serve DC

Dylan Todd Simonds Foundation

Simons Family Foundation

Snee-Reinhardt Charitable Foundation

The John Ben Snow Memorial Trust

Spectra Energy

Alexander C. & Tillie S. Speyer Foundation

Stamford Hospital

Sustainable Pittsburgh

Tides Foundation

Tele Atlas

The Timberland Company

Vera J. Tucker Charitable Foundation


United Way of Kitsap County

United Way of Southeastern New England

Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program

The Vermont Community Foundation

W&M Properties

The Washington Post

WCA Waste Corporation

Webster Bank

Weill Cornell Department of Radiology

West Virginia American Water

The Xerox Foundation

Youth Foundation, Inc.

Youth Service America

Legacy and Life Income DonorsSCA is grateful to the following individuals who have established a life-income gift and/or included SCA in their estate plans. Their gifts are critical investments in emerging generations of conservation stewards.

Anonymous (16)

Alan and Helen Appleford

Virginia R. Bacher

Kenneth and Delma Baldridge

Dutch and Hilary Barhydt

Maeluise Barkin

Edmund Bartlett

Patricia Bartlett

Estate of Rebecca L. Barton

Barbara and Harry Beasley

Thomas Beatini and Dina Scacchetti

Michael J. Bell

Floyd and Estelle Benner

Jean M. Bennett

Alice and Edwin J. Bernet

William and Katherine Beyer

Robert Bland

Sarah L. Bohrer

Shannon Brady

Marianne S. Brecher

Catherine D. Brown

Marjori Brusasco

Marsh and Peggy Bull

Joyce Calhoun

Christopher W. Canino

Margaret D. Carter

Anne Childs and Charles Collins

Claudia C. Chittenden

Heinke K. Clark

Jo Ann Condry

Elva Bess Cook

Ann and Dougal Crowe

Barbara Putnam Daly

Fred T. Darvill, Jr.

Gordon F. Davies

Margaret A. Del Mar

Charles D. Dickey, III

Frances A. Dimond

Frank J. Dixon

Robert W. Eckland

Muriel B. Emery

Elizabeth and F. Garth Fletcher

Robert C. Foster

Jacqueline A. Franco

Beatrice and Thomas Frantz

James and Alice Frost

Marie L. Gaillard

Jane F. Garry

Alice M. Gates

Walter C. and Lorna Gates

Mary B. Gayley and William V. Gnichtel

Kathleen D. Gill

Ann M. Gillard

Emma Leigh Goodwin

Christina Graybill

Lyn and Ralph Haber

Nancy Glenn Hansen

Robert Hanson and Lyda Dicus

Ellen and Ellis Harris

L. Joyce Heinzelman

Grace H. Henderson

Estate of Milda Hester

Wilfred and Sylvia Hill

Joyce V. Hiller

Patricia and Noel Holmgren

Anna K. Holstrom

Helen M. Hoover

Becky and Matt Hope

Elizabeth C. Hurd

Marjean A. Ingalls

Horace D. Jackson

Mildred L. Jaynes

Marilyn Johnson

John M. Kauffmann

Joanne Glass Keith

G. Richard Keller and Marcia O. Keller

SCA’s Generous Donors

Annual Report 2007 39

Kathleen A. Kelley

Mrs. R. B. Kemp

Estate of Josephine A. Keyes

Bruce D. Killips

Grace M. Kirchner

Helen L. Knopp

Jane A. McLamarrah

Ethel Konigin

Henry Koukol

Ruth S. Kram

Janice W. Krenmayr

Gerald J. Kresge

Estate of Ruth Shellhorn Kueser

Estate of Anthony R. Kyrk

Nick J. Labedz

Carol Ann Lawson

Kirk Lawton

James and Mary Leatherberry

Dorotha B. Ledman

Kimberly A. Leizinger

Estate of Lucille Lemmon

Elizabeth P. Lent

Larry and Donna Lesh

Allison Levy

Estate of Robert C. Likins

G. Gilbert Lindemann

Phyllis Lindley

James N. MacLeod

June V. McCann

John W. McClain

Estate of Marjory A. McKinley

Marilee McLean

Mary M. McPherson

Bob and Marjorie Meadows

Gayla Medley

Vincent and Natalie Merrill

Gail M. Michael

Peter C. Miles

Margaret and Joseph Miller

Jane E. Minesinger

David S. Misun

Robert and Helen Moody

Helen M. Mount

Virginia L. Mouw

Judith B. Nadai

Anita Norman

Carmen B. Pappas

Emma and Walter Pavelchek

Jeffrey N. Pennell

Sandra Perkins and Jeffrey Ochsner

Daniel B. Perry

Alexandra Pligavko

Anne Powell Riley

Philip Preston

Agnes R. Priddy

Elizabeth C. Titus Putnam

Francis H. Rasmus, Jr.

Jonathan and Alice Richardson

Linda and William Richter

Mary C. Riley

Jean B. Rogers

John Mosby Russell

Joan S. Samara

Jay and Meg Satz

Joanna B. Savery

Dwaine Schuldt

Edith Schwartz

Lucretia L. Scott

Bernice S. Seiden

Sally and Dave Skimin

McGregor and Jacqueline Smith

Vera F. Smith

Dorothy M. Somers

Alfred and Elfrieda Sommer

Jed L. Staley

Helga I. Stamp

Les H. Stanfield

Louis W. Staudenmaier, III

Robert and Joan Stearns

Myrne M. and Wilbur J. Steininger

Merlyn W. Storm

Martha Hayne Talbot

Jean W. Tease

Eugene and Ann Tennyson

Inga E. Thompson

Phyllis J. Thompson

Ann A. Titus Charitable Remainder Unitrust

Diane L. Trembly

Stephen Trimble

Henrietta G. Truitt

Marjorie L. Tuttle

Edward R. Uehling

Anna May Vaughan

Helene P. Victor

Elizabeth F. Wadsworth

Janice Weinman

Glenn D. White, Jr.

Cheryl Wilfong and William McKim

Betty B. Willey

Richard M. Wizansky and Todd W. Mandell

Michael C. Wolf

Estate of Elizabeth A. Wood

Virginia B. Wood

Elizabeth Woolley

Betty and Roger Wrigley

Catherine C. Yarnelle

Named FundsSCA maintains a number of endowed funds to support volunteers and priority programs. We appreciate special funds established in memory of volunteers, staff and other friends of the Association.

The Blaustein Foundation, Inc.

Marvin Bodin Memorial Fund

Ann Fraser and George Brewer Memorial

Brenda M. Cercone Memorial Fund

Scott Croll Memorial Fund

The Elizabeth and E. Sanderson Cushman Memorial Fund

Robinson Cushman Memorial Fund

Jack Dolstad Fund

Betsy and Jesse Fink Fund for SCA Advancement

Henry S. Francis Wilderness Workskills Fund

Peter Marshall French Scholarship Fund

Leon and Lisa Gorman Endowment for Diversity in the Outdoors

Frederick John Kubeck Memorial Fund

Betsy Matsch Memorial Fund

Pamela Matthews Fund

Sarah Jane McCarron Fund

Karen Norton Memorial Fund

Grace Hendricks Phillips Scholarship Fund

Walter E. Rice Endowment Fund

Al Ryan Memorial Fund

Brian E. Scanland Memorial Fund

Gen Shirane Fund

David D. Wadsworth Memorial Fund

A. Scott Warthin, Jr. Memorial Fund

Gifts in KindSCA appreciates in-kind gifts to help defray costs for items or services that would otherwise need to be purchased. Please contact Hugh Montgomery in SCA’s New Hampshire headquarters for more information about gifts of new goods or services.

Administration for Children and Families

American Apparel

American Eagle Outfitters

American Honda Motor Company

American Park Network

Bingham Lumber

Blue Seal

Capitol Hill Bikes



DC Children and Youth Investment Trust Corporation

Dick’s Sporting Goods

East End Food Co-op

Eat’n Park Restaurants

Georgetown Bagelry

Giant Eagle, Pittsburgh PA

Gilbane Building Company

Hannaford Supermarket

The Home Depot, Manchester NH

Honest Tea

Java Green

Land Trust Alliance

City of Manchester Parks, Recreation & Cemetery Department

Manchester Monarchs

Massabesic Audubon Center

Monadnock Paper Mills, Inc.

Mohonk Mountain House

Christian Moran

Morgan Family Fish Fry

New Hampshire Audubon

New Hampshire State Parks

Olive Garden

Panera Bread

Patagonia, Washington DC

Queen City Paint and Flooring

Carol Radin

Ranger Doug Enterprises

Sepel, Inc.

Shaw’s Supermarkets

Sherwin Williams


Stonyfield Farm

Trader Joe’s, Foggy Bottom

Whole Foods

SCA’s Generous Donors

40 Student Conservation Association

For the 20th consecutive year, SCA achieved an operating surplus. Total Support and Revenue in 2007 increased over 16% from the previous year to $27.7 million. SCA was successful in expanding our agency relationships and developing new partnerships. We continually review and revise our program models to meet the changing demands of our partners. We are operating in an environment of tighter budgets while the demand for conservation service continues to expand. The combination of carefully managed costs and our ability to attract superior volunteers allows SCA to meet this demand.

SCA is focused on expense control and administrative cost management. Eighty-four percent of 2007 expenses were directly committed to program activities. We focus our investment on the young people who will serve as “the next generation of conservation leaders.” As a result, for another year, SCA received among the highest rankings from the standard-bearing American Institute of Philanthropy for financial performance and fundraising efficiency, and Charity Navigator’s highest four-star rating.

Over $7 million in donations, grants, and bequests came from very generous individual supporters, foundations, and corporations. This level of support ensures that SCA can continue to expand the educational and conservation activities available to our interns. In addition, we expanded our inner city programs thereby offering opportunities to a more diverse group of young people while supporting the conservation and educational needs of our cities.

Copies of the complete audited financial statements of the Student Conservation Association, Inc. are available upon request.

Respectfully submitted,

Richard J. Seaman Chief Financial Officer

Financial ReportTwo thousand seven was another successful year for the Student Conservation Association,

from both a mission and financial perspective.

SCA Operating Revenue 1996-2007(in millions)

Gifts from Individuals 13.0%Foundation and Corporate Grants 15.0%Program Income 72.0%

2007 Support & Revenue

Fund Raising 7.1%General & Administrative 9.3%Program Expenses 83.6%

2007 Expenses

SCA’s Generous Donors

Annual Report 2007 41


(in thousands of dollars)

*SCA’s Board of Directors has designated all unrestricted bequest and capital campaign gifts to the endowment fund. Presented net of investment

gains/losses at September 30.




Program Income

Gifts and Grants

Individual Giving

Other Income

Total Unrestricted Operating Support and Revenue

Gifts Designated for Endowment*

Temporarily Restricted Grants

Restricted Gifts

Total Support and Revenue






















Board Designated Funds*

Donor Restricted Funds

Total Endowment Value








Total Assets

Total Liabilities

Net Assets








Unrestricted Funds: From Operations

Board Designated*

Total Unrestricted Funds

Temporarily Restricted Funds

Restricted Funds

Total Increase/(Decrease)














Program Expenses: Field Expenses

Program Support and Development

Participant Recruitment

Total Program Expenses

General and Administrative

Fundraising Expenses: For Operations

For Endowment

Total Fundraising Expenses

Total Operating Expenses



















SCA’s Generous Donors

42 Student Conservation Association

SCA has been granted an A- rating by the American Institute of Philanthropy.

SCA has recieved Charity Navigator’s highest four-star rating for four consecutive years.

SCA is a nonprofit, charitable organization as qualified under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. SCA is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer committed to workforce diversity.

SCA OFFICERSFred PrescottChairman of the Board

Jane O. GoedeckeVice Chair

Reginald Shiverick*Treasurer

Peter H. JostSecretary & General Counsel

Dale M. PennyPresident & Chief Executive Officer

Valerie J. BaileyExecutive Vice President & Assistant Secretary

Mark BodinChief Operating Officer & Executive Vice President

Richard J. SeamanChief Financial Officer & Assistant Treasurer

Scott C. Weaver*Senior Vice President

SCA BOARD OF DIRECTORSRobert AldagPrescott Valley, AZ

Patricia BaconSausalito, CA

Melanie BellerKellogg Company, Washington, DC

William C. ColemanCLF Ventures Boston, MA

Thomas C. Collier, Jr.Steptoe & Johnson LLP Washington, DC

Joan CousarJacksonville, FL

Clydia J. CuykendallCushman Law Offices Olympia, WA

Charles D. Dickey IIIWyco Inc. Seattle, WA

Dayton R. DuncanFlorentine Films Walpole, NH

Patricia Elias*Blacksburg, VA

Dean FischerWest Monroe Partners Chicago, IL

David D. FitchGables Residential Houston, TX

Fraser Brewer Gilbane*Rumford, RI

Jane O. GoedeckeGoedecke & Co., LLC Boston, MA

Charles R. GreggGregg Law Houston, TX

Peter HayesHyla Woods Portland, OR

Miranda HenningENVIRON International Corp. Portland, ME

Alan R. JonesAR Jones & Associates Novato, CA

James D. MaddyAssociation of Zoos and Aquariums Silver Spring, MD

Patricia MerrittUBS Financial Services, Inc. New York, NY

Joan B. MurphyPhoenix, AZ

Fred PrescottLL Bean Freeport, ME

Gene ReinekeHill & Knowlton, Inc. Chicago, IL

Richard, J. ReschKI Green Bay, WI

Jane RogersMill Valley, CA

Reginald C. Shiverick*Dakota Software Corporation Cleveland, OH

Joshua C. Stearns*Free Press Northampton, MA

Christina P. Wong*San Francisco, CA

GENERAL COUNSELPeter Hafner JostDickstein Shapiro LLP Washington, DC

SCA HONORARY DIRECTORSElizabeth C. Titus PutnamFounding President Shaftsbury, VT

John R. Twiss, Jr.Chairman Emeritus The Plains, VA

The Hon. Russell E. DickensonBellevue, WA

Martha Hayne TalbotMcLean, VA

NATIONAL COUNCILEdmund Bartlett*Chevy Chase, MD

Jack Chin*Blueprint Research & Design, Inc. San Francisco, CA

Charles H. CollinsThe Forestland Group, LLC Cambridge, MA

Kathryn S. FullerFord Foundation Washington, DC

Scott D. IzzoRichard K. Mellon Foundation Pittsburgh, PA

Judith B. NadaiSan Francisco, CA

Patrick F. NoonanThe Conservation Fund Arlington, VA

John C. OliverPittsburgh, PA

C.W. Eliot PaineKirkland Hills, OH

Wendy J. PaulsonWashington, DC

Bruce M. PutnamShaftsbury, VT

Allison Whipple Rockefeller*New York, NY

Theodore Roosevelt IVLehman Brothers New York, NY

James Gustave SpethYale School of Forestry & Environmental Science New Haven, CT

Rand WentworthLand Trust Alliance Washington, DC

50TH ANNIVERSARY HONORARY COMMITTEEBruce BabbittWorld Wildlife Fund Washington, DC

Ken BurnsFlorentine Films Walpole, NH

Mayor Richard DaleyCity of Chicago

U.S. Representative Norm DicksState of Washington

Michael DombeckUniversity of Wisconsin Stevens Point, WI

Jonathan DornBackpacker Magazine Emmaus, PA

Dr. Sylvia EarleNational Geographic Oakland, CA

U.S. Senator Dianne FeinsteinState of California

Michael FinleyTurner Foundation Atlanta, GA

Daniel FogelUniversity of Vermont Burlington, VT

Kathryn Fuller Ford Foundation Washington, DC

U.S. Senator Judd GreggState of New Hampshire

Governor Chris GregoireState of Washington

Charles HarveyJohnson Controls Milwaukee, WI

Catherine HillVassar College Poughkeepsie, NY

U.S. Representative Jay InsleeState of Washington* denotes SCA alumnus/alumna

SCA is proud to be a member of Earth Share, a federation of nonprofit conservation and environmental organizations. Through the Combined Federal Campaign, and state and corporate workplace giving campaigns, Earth Share provides opportunities for individuals to contribute funds to support SCA’s programs and activities.

Our thanks to the many donors who contribute to SCA through workplace giving. For more information please contact Pam Pecor at 603.543.1700 ext. 152 or via e-mail at [email protected].

SCA’s Generous Donors

Annual Report 2007 43

Scott IzzoRichard King Mellon Foundation Pittsburgh, PA

Brian Kurzel*, Co-ChairColorado State Parks Denver, CO

U.S. Senator Patrick LeahyState of Vermont

Neil MurphySUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry Albany, NY

Mayor Greg NickelsCity of Seattle

James O’DonnellAmerican Eagle Outfitters Warrendale, PA

James O’SullivanMazda North American Operations Irvine, CA

Elizabeth Cushman Titus PutnamSCA Founding President Shaftsbury, VT

U.S. Representative Dave ReichertState of Washington

Governor Edward G. RendellState of Pennsylvania

Allison Whipple Rockefeller*, Co-Chair New York, NY

Theodore Roosevelt IV, Co-ChairLehman Brothers New York, NY

MaryLee SachsHill & Knowlton USA New York, NY

James Gustave SpethYale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies New Haven, CT

Robert G. StantonFairfax Station, VA

Martha Hayne TalbotRachel Carson Council McLean, VA

Stephanie R. Timmermeyer WV Dept. of Environmental Protection Charleston, WV

John R. Twiss, Jr. The Plains, VA

Mayor William WhiteHouston, TX

LEADERSHIP GROUPValerie J. BaileyExecutive Vice President for Strategic Planning & Development

Mark BodinExecutive Vice President & Chief Operating Officer

Walter J. BurlackRegional Director, Three Rivers Office

Robert B. CoatesSenior Vice President for Program

Reginald HagoodSr. Vice President for Strategic Initiatives

Kevin HamiltonVice President for Public Relations & Communications

Kimberly L. HenningVice President for Human Resources

Robert D. HolleyVice President for Advancement

Dale M. PennyPresident & CEO

Jay A. Satz*Vice President for Western Initiatives

Richard J. SeamanChief Financial Officer

Jay T. WatsonWestern Regional Director

Scott C. Weaver*Sr. Vice President for Partnership Development & Government Relations

Printed on recycled paper.

SCA is a proud partner of AmeriCorps and the Corporation for National and Community Service Network.

SCA is pleased to partner with the American Park Network, a leading publisher of visitor guide magazines for national parks.

SCA’s Generous Donors

44 Student Conservation Association

National OfficeStudent Conservation Association P.O. Box 550 689 River Road Charlestown, NH 03603

P 603.543.1700 F 603.543.1828

Do Something Grandfor our Youth and our Land

Leave a Legacy for SCAYour legacy gift will help SCA engage and inspire thousands of young people serving as citizen stewards of America’s treasured lands. You can remember SCA in your will or living trust. Or you can name SCA a beneficiary of an IRA, 401(k) or life insurance policy. You can also establish a tax-saving life income arrangement with SCA.

For information on smart estate planning strategies under the new tax laws and the proper legal designation for SCA, please contact Hugh Montgomery toll-free at 1.888.722.9675, ext. 151 or [email protected].

Regional OfficesSCA Boise 1491 Tyrell Lane Boise, ID 83706

P 208.424.6734 F 208.424.6944

SCA California/Southwest 655 13th Street, Suite 100 Oakland, CA 94612

P 510.832.1966 F 510.832.4726

SCA MidAtlantic/Southeast 1800 North Kent Street, Suite 102 Arlington, VA 22209

P 703.524.2441 F 703.524.2451

SCA Houston 5555 Morningside Drive Houston, TX 77005

P 713.520.1835 F 713.520.1562

SCA Northwest 1265 South Main Street, Suite 210 Seattle, WA 98144

P 206.324.4649 F 206.324.4998

SCA Three Rivers 239 4th Ave, Suite 1007 Pittsburgh, PA 15222

P 412.325.1851 F 412.325.1856