2007-2014/ 7 years of EU energy & climate policy:"Age of reason or of divorce?"

2007-2014 / 7 years of EU energy and climate policy: Age of reason or of divorce?Jean-Michel Glachant Director Florence School of Regulation European University Institute, Florence, Italy

Transcript of 2007-2014/ 7 years of EU energy & climate policy:"Age of reason or of divorce?"

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2007-2014 / 7 years of EU energy and climate policy:

“Age of reason or of divorce?”

Jean-Michel Glachant Director Florence School of Regulation

European University Institute, Florence, Italy

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7 years of EU energy & climate policy leading to? Divorce or reason?

1. 2004-2009: EU got an energy policy (based on internal market…  with  a  climate  change  pillar)                          ~1 Internal market / ~2 EU grid / ~3 EU RES

2. 2009-2014:  Unfortunately  derailing…          ~1 Internal market / ~2 EU grid / ~3 EU RES

3. 2014-2020: and so what? Do  we  move  (“reason”)  or  divorce? ~1 EU Commission / ~2 EU power industry / ~3 EU power grids


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(1) 2004-2009 EU got an energy policy What was it about?

Previsibility (foreseeability)  very  low:  “EU  energy  policy”  was  not  foreseen  in  2004;  &  already  “packaged”  in  2009 • Game Changer 1 (2005 Hampton Court Council Tony Blair: long life EU

internal Security of Supply)

• Game Changer 2 (2007 -Lisbon treaty- Berlin Council Angela Merkel: long life EU energy sustainability 20-20-20 in 2020)

• Game Changer 3 (2006 & 2009 Russia - Ukraine: long life Emergency

plans + security regulation 2010 & infrastructure package 2011-13)


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EU energy policy What’s  about?  (1.1)  Internal  Market • First and foremost (Internal Market) ¤ Not because it is logical or astute to support an EU energy policy – but because  EU  Commission  strong  &  legitimate  there:  Internal  Market  “raison  d’etre”  (Single  Act  +  Treaty) ¤ We got: “Free  Entry  in  Generation”  - “B2B  Consumer  eligibility”  – “Free  movement  of  goods  at  borders” ¤ Second Package added: full retail eligibility; transparent & market friendly cross-border operation; regulators supporting market building; but cannot get open wholesale pricing & sequence of markets (Day-Ahead to real time) ¤ Third Package unable  to  add  full  EU  harmonization  of  “market  design  &  operation  rules”      >>  but  did  set  up  a  process  to  produce  it  with  new  Bodies:  *ENTSO-E  to  “EU”  the  TSOs;  **ACER  to  “EU”  the  NRAs


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EU energy policy What’s  about?  (1.2)  EU  Grid • Second to Internal Market (EU Grids) ¤ because no  power  market  at  all  can  work  if  Grids  aren’t  market  friendly ¤ We got: – “Third  Party  Access  to  Grids”  - “Including  all  borders” ¤ Second Package did add: Regulated access to grids; regulators duties for markets and grids; transparent & market friendly cross-border grid operation, congestion mechanisms, grid capacity allocation ¤ Third Package unable  to  add  full  EU  harmonization  of  “market  design  &  grid  operation  rules”    >>  but  did  set  up  a  process  to  produce  it  with  new  Bodies:  *ENTSO-E  for  EU  TSOs  grid  codes  &EU  grid  planning;  **ACER  for  “EU”  NRAs ¤ Third Package didn’t  try  to  EU  harmonization of grid tariffs making; of grid country investment & data methodology; did miss all Distribution grids issue


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EU energy policy What’s  about?  (1.3)  EU  RES • Only third and external to Internal Market and EU grids (EU RES) ¤ because RES are *subsidy pushed (not market pulled –energy market or carbon price) and **country regulated (no EU wide system of RES push rules -except definition of countries quotas) ¤ We got a split: – RES  split  between  “green  part”  (out  of  market  price  &  trade  order,  in  “own  special  circuit”)  &”energy  flow”  (into  Market  &  system) -RES energy flows circulate through grids to directly enter the demand (while being variable and not dispatchable) >> very strong interactions between RES, power system and grids operation - NonRES can  serve  only  “residual  demand”;  only  what  variable RES cannot feed at each moment > very strong market interactions between RES & nonRES (capacity  “adequacy”  given  by  amount  of  RES) ¤ Small RES > small interactions; Massive RES>> massive interactions


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(2) 2009-2014: Unfortunately it’s  derailing…   What’s  happening?

EU RES policy • inserted in Internal Market not conceived for massive RES; • injected in EU grids not conceived for massive RES; • A massive public push to be financed in worse ever EU economic crisis; • An industrial strategy destabilized by non-EU big “game  changers”


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Derailing What? (2.1) insertion into Internal Market • RES already inserted in Internal Market and strongly interact with

¤ Volume effect only  “residual  demand”  comes  to  nonRES generators; eviction effect (2012 Germany - 30TWh due to RES and - 45TWh for economic slowdown;  2014  Q1:  record  of  24TWh  RES  =  11  GW  “full  time”;  while  nominal  capacity PV reaches 36 GW) ¤ Price effect: High cost nonRES generators  are  not  called  (“evicted”);  only  lower cost nonRES Gen. are needed; equilibrium price of energy market falls (2008: 66 Eur/MWh; 2012: 33 Eur; 2014 Q1: 27 Eur) ¤ Of course RES German pricing interacts with neighboring countries: (Thanks to internal EU market coupling) Low energy market prices expand to all  “core”  EU  wholesale  market


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CERA 115 GW of Gas plants at risk of closure, albeit to different extent over 2012-2014 data Revenues over 2012-2014 enough to cover: Full Fixed Costs 15 GW Debt Repayment and Fixed O&M 69 GW Fixed O&M Only 26 GW Less than Fixed O&M 19 GW Source: IHS CERA 2013. Notes: °Revenues include energy as well as ancillary services. °Data do not consider plants which are combustion turbines, internal combustion engines, must-run plants, or plants smaller than 40MW. °Full fixed cost set at 110,000 Euro per MW per year. °Debt to equity ratio of investment assumed to be 70:30. °Fixed O&M set at 20,000 Euro per MW per year.

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Derailing What? (2.2) RES insertion into EU Grids • RES already injected into EU grids and strongly interact with system flows

¤ Generation changes its location RES generate where resource is; wind is not  “gas-like”  located  >>  new  graphs  of  flows  into  the  grids  and  of  congestion  (grid capacity availability) ¤ Generation changes its grid level: Wind more on regional grids that national ones; PV on local distribution grids >> new capacity investment; measurement & flow control; grid performance & revenue regulation issues ¤ Generation changes its pattern: both Wind & PV outpout varies according to renewable resource variations; flows changing more with shorter predictability; more balancing needs ¤ All these also modify flow influences among EU countries


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Significant investments needed for power network:

IEA: > 40% of existing network to be refurbished by 2035 TYNDP 2012: €104 billion over next 10 years for new projects (80% for RES integration) UK: new off-shore grid same order of magnitude that existing on-shore one

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Derailing What? (2.3) RES to be financed • High RES regime has several piles of expenses to be financed

¤ Support schemes end up with significant amount (Germany power price at 33 Eur MWh & support at 64 Eur; Yearly total > 20 bn); while tariff deficits already  big  (Spain  x10’  bn)  or  significant  (France  x1’bn).  UK  calls  for  LT  nuclear  at 110 EUR MWh. “Energy  base”  financing  of  RES  is  anti-redistributive (taps lower income). Even Germany protects 2 100 companies &lowers bills for 5 EUR bn in 2014. ¤ Grid reinforcements: many  countries  apply  “shallow  costs”  to  RES;  Germany  adds  “grid  obligation”  to  connect  RES ¤ System balancing: RES intermittency calls for demanding system balancing actions ¤ All these costs adding up with limited budgeting & control


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Derailing What? (2.3) RES to be financed • All RES regimes nevertheless end up with an (implicit) CO2 price [EUI data: Claudio Marcantonini]

¤ Germany Year 2010 Wind 60 Eur / CO2 Ton (1 MWh Wind actually displaced 0.7 CO2 ton) Solar 600 Eur/ CO2 ton ¤ Italy Year 2010 Wind 180 Eur / CO2 Ton (1 MWh Wind displaced 0.4 CO2 ton) Solar 900 Eur/ CO2 ton ¤ Spain Year 2012 Wind 85 Eur / CO2 Ton Solar 350 Eur/ CO2 ton


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Derailing What?  (2.4.1)  significant  external  “game  changers” • RES  “Green  Revolution  Boom  for  EU”  being  questioned

¤ EU RES size and cumulated experience advantage is diminishing. EU RES installed based still near to world 50% but Asia by far first RES investor today and years to come ¤ World  “top  ten  manufacturers”  for  wind  and  PV  going upside down ¤ Chinese other noticeable power equipment manufacturing entries: °already seen with hydro turbines; °and nuclear (AP 1000 with Westinghouse; EPR with EDF); °appearing with grid equipment (Grid State China in Portugal etc.)


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Derailing What?  (2.4.2)  significant  external  “game  changers” • RES  “Only  significant  Greener”  being  questioned  in  the  US  by  gas  

substituting  to  coal  on  a  market  base…  while  EU  very  low  CO2  price  +  high  gas  price  do  not  make  it  against  coal…

¤ Gas “cleaning”  the energy mix? by replacing coal (x 2 times more polluting with > 0.8 ton CO2 MWh). In USA  GHG  emissions  at  their  lowest  since…  1994. ¤ In EU however coal ousts gas: German coal near to record 50% elec generation in year 2013; GHG emissions Up; and total emissions (> 750 Mt) 2 times France and > 3 times Spain ¤ Why so much coal? German wholesale price 36Eur in 2013 Total cost Coal gen. 55Eur (Only coal + CO2 = 28Eur) Total cost Gas gen. 70Eur (Only gas +CO2 = 51Eur) ¤ For gas to come back against coal: x2 price of coal or /2 price of gas; or x8 2013 price of C02 – not  for  very  soon…


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(3) 2014-2020 And so what? To reason or to divorce? 2014 year of questioning and redefinition by excellence. It started in November 2013 and might end (or not) between entry of new Commission (end of 2014) and World Paris Summit (end of 2015) • Commission Novelties (from November 2013 to April 2014)

• EU Power Industry Novelties (2014) • EU Power TSOs Vision ( TYNDP 2014)


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(3.1) To reason or to divorce? Commission novelties June 2012: make your choice - November 2013: some guide lines – January 2014: Berlin 20-20-20  “game  over”.  Competitiveness  &  costs  back  to  top

• June 2012 - Options for RES policy post 2020 / S2: Only Carbon Price is risky and unfavorable to technology innovation / S3: National RES targets risk EU fragmentation and high unit costs but favors decentralization & distributed Gen. /S4 EU RES target and harmonized frame favor costs reduction, cross-border investments, large scale innovation but with grid & system costs

• November 2013 - Guide lines for RES support till 2020 / Only small units & less mature RES (as off-shore & bio-mass) keep FiT / big unit more deployed RES only FiP & Tgy neutral auction (ex: On-Shore >> PV 1MW)

• January 2014 - Framework post 2020 / favors MS GHG targets + EU RES target  &  “appropriate  EU  governance  for  MS  action  plans”


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(3.2) Reason or divorce? Eurelectric’s differences At least 3 noticeable differences (Eurelectric Manifesto February 2014) • Single target being GHG emission (– 40%); carbon market as most cost-

effective instrument for decarbonisation • Concentrate all state aid on RD&D and increase spending on technology

demonstration • Build long term generation investment adequacy on market based

“Capacity  remuneration  mechanism”    coordinated  at  Regional  Level  


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(3.3) Reason or divorce? ENTSO-E’s  differences At least 2 visible differences (ENTSO-E TYNDP2014 & Florence Forum May) • 1/ Vis-à-vis Eurelectric: NO  to  that  type  of  “Capacity  Mechanism”  <TSOs  do  not  have  to  collect money to finance generators (in distress or not)> Only sound mechanism  is  for  “flexibility  services”  delivery  measured  to  TSOs   • 2/ Vis-à-vis Commission: OK OK Commission  has  “Top  Down”  vision(s)  being “Green Revolution”  (still  ambitious  Commission  RES  target?)  or   “The Money –still- rules”  (a  bit  more  relax  Eurelectric?) But  TSOs  also  have  “Bottom  Up”  vision(s)  being   “Slow Progress”  (Members States do not follow Commission at all) or “Green Transition”  (Member  States  do  it  only  at  country  level)    


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To conclude: more reason than divorce? 1/  Existing  EU  energy  policy  (since  2009)  not  born  as  a  “Grand  Programme”  but several EU policy opportunities crossing internal energy market building 2/ The Berlin 20-20-20 targets push into internal market resulted mainly in a “Dash  for  RES” 3/ RES pushed from outside internal market but strongly interact with. EU “reference”  market  design  has  been  conceived  to  help  a  CCGT  fleet  spreading  same  generation  costs  all  over  EU.  It  ends  up  with  10’s  CCGT  GW  being  financially stressed. And EU power system security at risk. 4/ RES schemes are mainly MS schemes fragmenting the EU investment and operation  landscape  while  overpassing  average  “EU  willingness  to  pay”  . 5/  Commission  tries  to  escape  any  new  “post  2020  RES  burden  sharing”  leading to veto or riot - while getting an EU open space for RES future 6/  Eurelectric  to  escape  “technology  picking”  for  new  fringe  by  MS  or  Commission while getting strong ETS & capacity mechanism pricing support 7/ ENTSO-E tries to avoid building White elephants while delivering more EU system security


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Thank you for your attention Email contact: [email protected] Follow me on Twitter: @JMGlachant Read the Journal I am chief-editor of: EEEP “Economics of Energy and Environmental Policy”

My web site: http://www.florence-school.eu