2006 Vol.44 Issues 6 Update on Ultrasound


Transcript of 2006 Vol.44 Issues 6 Update on Ultrasound

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Radiol Clin N Am 44 (2006) 763–775


Ultrasonographic Evaluationof Renal InfectionsSrinivas Vourganti, MDa, Piyush K. Agarwal, MDa,Donald R. Bodner, MDa,*, Vikram S. Dogra, MDb

- Ultrasound principles- Ultrasound technique- Renal infections

Acute pyelonephritisUltrasonographic features of acute

pyelonephritisAcute focal and multifocal pyelonephritis

(acute lobar nephronia)Ultrasonographic features of acute focal

and multifocal pyelonephritisRenal abscessUltrasonographic features of renal abscessEmphysematous pyelonephritisUltrasonographic findings of

emphysematous pyelonephritisPyonephrosisUltrasonographic features of


Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritisUltrasonographic features of

xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritisRenal malakoplakiaUltrasonographic features of

malakoplakiaHydatid disease of the kidney (renal

echinococcosis)Ultrasonographic features of renal

echinococcosisRenal tuberculosisUltrasonographic features of renal

tuberculosisHIV-associated nephropathyUltrasonographic features of

HIV-associated nephropathy- Summary- References

Medical ultrasonography dates back to the 1930swhen it was adapted from technology used to test thestrength of metal hulls of ships and applied to detectbrain tumors [1]. Now with ultrasound being per-formed outside of the radiology suite and in emer-gency departments, patient clinics, hospital rooms,and doctors’ offices, it compromises approximately25% of all imaging studies performed worldwide[2]. Ultrasonography is noninvasive, rapid, readilyavailable, portable, and offers no exposure tocontrast or radiation. Furthermore, it is easily

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interpretable by physicians of several different disci-plines and can result in quick diagnosis and treat-ment of potentially life-threatening conditions.Some of these conditions include severe kidneyinfections. This article focuses on reviewing ultra-sound characteristics of various renal infections.

Ultrasound principles

Electric waveforms are applied to piezoelectric ele-ments in the transducer causing them to vibrate

This article was originally published in Ultrasound Clinics 1:1, January 2006.a Department of Urology, Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine and University Hospitals ofCleveland, 11100 Euclid Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44022, USAb Department of Imaging Sciences, University of Rochester School of Medicine, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box648, Rochester, NY 14642, USA* Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (D.R. Bodner).

ts reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rcl.2006.10.001

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and emit sound waves. The frequency range of thesound waves emitted is above the audible humanrange of 20 to 20,000 Hz (cycles per second). Thesound waves generated range in frequency from1 to 15 MHz (1,000,000 cycles per second) andare directed by the transducer into the body wherethey are either reflected, absorbed, or refractedbased on the density of the different tissues thewaves pass through. Sound passes through soft tis-sue at an average velocity of 1540 m/s. As the soundpasses through tissues of differing densities, a por-tion of the sound waves is reflected back to thetransducer and converted into electrical signalsthat are then amplified to produce an image. Thestrength of the returning sound waves or echoes isproportional to the difference in density betweenthe two tissues forming the interface through whichthe sound waves are traveling [3]. If the soundwaves encounter a homogenous fluid medium,such as the fluid in a renal cyst, they are transmittedthrough without interruption. As a result, no echoesare reflected back to the transducer, which producesan anechoic image [4]. Sound waves that arestrongly reflected generate strong echoes and are vi-sualized as bright white lines, creating a hyperechoicimage.

In imaging the kidney, the highest frequency thatproduces adequate tissue penetration with a goodresolution is selected. Tissue penetration is inverselyrelated to the frequency of the transducer. There-fore, as the frequency increases, the depth of tissuepenetration decreases. Conversely, image resolutionis directly related to the frequency of the transducer.Therefore, as the frequency increases, the spatial res-olution of the image increases [5]. To balance thesetwo competing factors, a 3.5- or 5-MHz transduceris used to image the kidneys.

Ultrasound technique

Patients are imaged in the supine position anda coupling medium (eg, gel) is applied to the trans-ducer to reduce the interference that may be intro-duced by air between the transducer and the skin.Generally a 3.5-MHz transducer is used, but a5-MHz transducer can provide high-quality imagesin children or thin, adult patients. A breath-holdmay be elicited by instructing the patient to holdtheir breath at maximal inspiration. This actionwill displace the kidneys inferiorly by approxi-mately 2.5 cm and may provide a better view. Theright kidney can be found by placing the transduceralong the right lateral subcostal margin in the ante-rior axillary line during an inspiratory breath-hold.If the kidney cannot be imaged because of overlyingbowel gas, then the probe can be moved laterally tothe midaxillary line or the posterior axillary line.

Imaging the left kidney is often more challengingas it is located more superiorly, lacks an acousticwindow such as the liver, and is covered by overly-ing gas from the stomach and small bowel. The leftkidney can be localized by positioning the patientin the right lateral decubitus position and by plac-ing the probe in the left posterior axillary line orin the left costovertebral angle [6]. The renal exam-ination should include long-axis and transverseviews of the upper poles, midportions, and lowerpoles. The cortex and renal pelvic regions shouldthen be assessed. A maximum measurement of re-nal length should be recorded for both kidneys. De-cubitus, prone, or upright positioning may providebetter images of the kidney. When possible, renalechogenicity should be compared with the adjacentliver and spleen. The kidneys and perirenal regionsshould be assessed for abnormalities. Doppler maybe used to differentiate vascular from nonvascularstructures [7].

The normal kidney appears elliptical in longitu-dinal view [Fig. 1]. The right kidney varies in lengthfrom 8 to 14 cm, whereas the left kidney measures7 to 12.5 cm. The kidneys are generally within 2 cmof each other in length and are 4 to 5 cm in width[8]. The renal cortex is homogenous and hypoe-choic to the liver or spleen. The renal sinus containsthe peripelvic fat; lymphatic and renal vessels; andthe collecting system, and appears as a dense, cen-tral echogenic complex. The medulla can some-times be differentiated from the cortex by thepresence of small and round hypoechoic structuresadjacent to the renal sinus [9].

Renal infections

Acute pyelonephritis

A patient who has acute pyelonephritis will classi-cally appear with localized complaints of flankpain and costovertebral angle tenderness accompa-nied by generalized symptoms of fever, chills, nau-sea, and vomiting. In addition, these findings maybe accompanied by further lower urinary tractsymptoms, including dysuria, increased urinary fre-quency, and voiding urgency [10]. Laboratory ab-normalities indicative of the underlying infectioncan be expected, including neutrophilic leukocyto-sis on the complete blood count and elevated eryth-rocyte sedimentation rate and serum C-reactiveprotein levels. If the infection is severe, it may inter-fere with renal function and cause an elevation ofserum creatinine [11].

Evaluation of the urine will usually demonstratefrank pyuria with urinalysis demonstrating thepresence of leukocyte esterase and nitrites andmicroscopic findings of numerous leukocytes andbacteria [12]. However, sterile urine can be seen

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Fig. 1. Normal kidney. Longitudinal (A) and transverse (B) gray-scale sonogram of the right kidney demonstratesa hypoechoic renal cortex (asterisk) as compared with the liver, and a central hyperechoic renal sinus. L, liver;S, renal sinus.

despite acute pyelonephritis, especially in the set-ting of obstruction of the infected kidney [11].Urine cultures, which should be collected beforestarting antibiotic therapy, will almost exclusivelydemonstrate ascending infection from gram-nega-tive bacteria. Eighty percent of infections are causedby Escherichia coli. The remainder of cases is mostlycaused by other gram-negative organisms, includ-ing Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacter, Pseudomonas,Serratia, and Citrobacter. With the exception ofEnterococcus faecalis and Staphylococcus epidermidis,gram-positive bacteria are rarely the cause of acutepyelonephritis [10].

In addition to bacterial nephritis, fungal infec-tions of the kidney are also possible. Infectionswith fungi are more commonly present in the settingof diabetes, immunosuppression, urinary obstruc-tion, or indwelling urinary catheters [12]. Most com-monly, Candida sp such as Candida albicans andCandida tropicalis are the causative organisms. In ad-dition to the Candida, other fungi such as Torulopsisglabrata, Aspergillus sp, Cryptococcus neoformans,Zygomycetes (ie, Rhizopus, Rhizomucor, Mucor, andAbsidia sp), and Histoplasma capsulatum may causerenal infections with less frequency. Clinically, theseinfections present similarly to bacterial infections.Diagnosis can be accomplished by evaluation ofthe urine where fungus can be found microscopi-cally or through fungal cultures. These infectionscan cause the formation of fungal balls, otherwisecalled bezoars, in the renal pelvis and collectingsystem, which can contribute to obstruction [13].

Ultrasonographic features of acutepyelonephritis

Imaging is generally not necessary for the diagnosisand treatment of acute pyelonephritis. In uncompli-cated cases, ultrasound imaging will usually find

a normal-appearing kidney [6]. However, in 20%of cases, generalized renal edema attributed to in-flammation and congestion is present, which canbe detected by ultrasound evaluation. This edemais formally defined as an overall kidney length in ex-cess of 15 cm or, alternatively, an affected kidney thatis at least 1.5 cm longer than the unaffected side [11].Dilatation of the collecting system in the absence ofappreciable obstructive cause may also be detectedby ultrasound. A proposed mechanism of this dilata-tion is that bacterial endotoxins may inhibit normalureteric peristaltic motion, resulting in hydroureterand hydronephrosis [10]. Parallel lucent streaks inthe renal pelvis and ureter, which are most likelycaused by mucosal edema, may also be detected onultrasound. This finding is the equivalent of a stri-ated nephrogram appearance on CT. Additionally,the renal parenchyma may be hypoechoic or attenu-ated. In cases of fungal infection, collections of airmay be seen in the bladder or collecting system asthe fungus may be gas-forming. In addition, ultraso-nography may demonstrate evidence of fungal de-bris in the collecting system, such as a bezoar andconsequent obstruction [Fig. 2] [13].

In relation to other modalities of renal imaging(Tc-99m dimercaptosuccinic acid [DMSA] scintigra-phy, spiral CT, and MR), ultrasound has been foundto be less sensitive and specific in the diagnosis ofacute pyelonephritis [14]. In the pediatric popula-tion, where a missed diagnosis can mean irrevers-ible damage, Tc-99m DMSA scintigraphy is stillconsidered the gold standard of imaging [15]. Im-provements in ultrasound techniques by way ofpower Doppler ultrasonography have resulted inbetter imaging than B-mode ultrasonographyalone, but do not improve on the accuracy ofTc-99m DMSA scintigraphy [16]. Some authors sug-gest that although power Doppler cannot replace

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Tc-99m DMSA scintigraphy because of its lack ofsensitivity, a positive power Doppler ultrasoundfinding can obviate the need for further imaging[17]. In addition, when combined with concomi-tant laboratory findings such as an elevated serumC-reactive protein level, sensitivity and specificitycan be improved, and results correlate with thoseof DMSA findings [18]. However, suggestions thatultrasound can serve as a replacement to othermore sensitive modalities in the detection of acutepyelonephritis remain controversial.

Acute focal and multifocal pyelonephritis(acute lobar nephronia)

Acute focal and multifocal pyelonephritis occurwhen infection is confined to a single lobe or occursin multiple lobes, respectively, of the kidney. Morecommon in patients who have diabetes and thosewho are immunosuppressed, these infections willpresent with clinical features similar to acute pyelo-nephritis. However, the patient will generally expe-rience more severe symptoms than patients whohave uncomplicated pyelonephritis. In addition,

Fig. 2. Fungal ball. Longitudinal gray-scale sonogramof the right kidney in an immunocompromised pa-tient demonstrates an echogenic mass (arrow) withina dilated calyx confirmed to be a fungus ball. L, liver.

focal pyelonephritis commonly progresses to sepsis[10]. Treatment is similar to other complicatedcases of acute pyelonephritis, with 7 days of paren-teral antibiotics followed by a 7-day course of oralantibiotics [11].

Ultrasonographic features of acute focaland multifocal pyelonephritis

In imaging acute focal pyelonephritis, it is impor-tant to differentiate it from the more severe caseof a renal abscess that requires more aggressivemanagement. On ultrasound, the classic descrip-tion of acute focal pyelonephritis is of a sonolucentmass that is poorly marginated with occasionallow-amplitude echoes that disrupt the corticome-dullary junction [Fig. 3] [6]. The absence of a dis-tinct wall is a defining feature that differentiatesfocal nephritis from the more serious renal abscess[19]. Farmer and colleagues suggest that an ultraso-nographic appearance of increased echogenicity,rather than sonolucent masses, may also be com-monly seen in focal nephritis [20]. The ultrasoundevaluation should be complemented with a CTevaluation, which is more sensitive in detectingfocal pyelonephritis [21]. CT findings demonstratea lobar distribution of inflammation that appearsas a wedge-shaped area of decreased contrast en-hancement on delayed images. In more severe dis-ease, a hypodense mass lesion can be seen [19].The radiologic appearance of multifocal disease isidentical to focal disease except that it is seen inmore than one lobe.

Renal abscess

Before the advent of antibiotics, most abscesses inthe kidney were caused by hematogenous spread(usually of Staphylococcus sp) from distant sites.These renal carbuncles would be associated witha history (often remote) of a gram-positive infec-tion elsewhere in the body, such as a carbuncleof the skin [10]. With antibiotic therapy now com-mon, renal carbuncles are now rare, and instances

Fig. 3. Pyelonephritis. Transverse gray-scale (A) and color flow Doppler (B) sonography of the right kidney dem-onstrate two wedge-shaped areas of decreased echogenicity (arrows) in the renal cortex with absence of colorflow, consistent with multifocal pyelonephritis.

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of renal abscess are now primarily caused by as-cending infection with enteric, aerobic, gram-nega-tive bacilli, including Escherichia coli, Klebsiella sp,and Proteus sp [19]. Patients are at an increasedrisk for these abscesses if they have a complicatedurinary tract infection (with stasis or obstruction),are diabetic, or are pregnant [10]. Patients willpresent with fever, chills, and pain in their backand abdomen. In addition, many will have symp-toms characteristic of a urinary tract infection, suchas dysuria, frequency, urgency, and suprapubicpain. Constitutional symptoms of malaise andweight loss may also be seen [10]. Laboratory stud-ies will demonstrate a leukocytosis. In nearly allrenal carbuncles, and up to 30% of gram-negativeabscesses, the abscess does not involve the collect-ing system and urine cultures will be negative [19].In general, any positive urine culture will matchthe blood culture in the setting of an ascendinggram-negative abscess. In the event of a gram-positive renal carbuncle, the urine culture andblood cultures may isolate different organismsfrom one another [10].

The management of renal abscesses is generallydictated by their size. Small abscesses (smallerthan 3 cm) are treated conservatively with observa-tion and parenteral antibiotics. Similar-sized lesionsin patients who are immunocompromised may betreated more aggressively with some form of abscessdrainage. Lesions between 3 and 5 cm are oftentreated with percutaneous drainage. Any abscesslarger than 5 cm usually requires surgical drainage.

Ultrasonographic features of renal abscess

Ultrasound is particularly useful in the diagnosis ofrenal abscess [19]. It usually shows an enlargedkidney with distortion of the normal renal contour[Fig. 4]. Acutely, the abscess will appear to haveindistinct margins with edema in the surroundingrenal parenchyma. However, after convalescence,it will appear as a fluid-filled mass with a distinctwall. This clear margin helps to distinguish thisentity from the less severe focal nephritis. Onceidentified by ultrasound, CT scanning with contrastenhancement can better characterize these lesions.The abscess will be seen as a round or oval

Fig. 4. Renal abscess. Longitudinal (A) and transverse (B) gray-scale ultrasound of the right kidney reveal pres-ence of a well-defined hypoechoic lesion (A) near the superior pole, with posterior through transmission(arrow). Corresponding power Doppler image (C) demonstrates an increased peripheral vascularity. L, Liver.

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parenchymal mass with decreased levels of attenua-tion. A ring circumscribing the lesion will form withcontrast enhancement (‘‘ring sign’’) because of theincreased vascularity of the abscess wall [10]. Inmany instances, it will be difficult to definitivelydistinguish a renal abscess from a renal tumor. Inthese cases, radiologic-guided drainage withanalysis of fluid can be helpful in establishing thediagnosis.

Emphysematous pyelonephritis

Emphysematous pyelonephritis is a complicationof acute pyelonephritis in which gas-forming organ-isms infect renal parenchyma. It is usually causedby E coli (70% of cases), but Klebsiella pneumoniaeand Proteus mirabilis can cause emphysematous py-elonephritis with less frequency [22]. A necrotizinginfection occurs in the renal parenchyma and peri-renal tissues in which tissue is used as a substratewith carbon dioxide gas released as a byproduct.Clinically, this infection usually occurs in patientswho have diabetes in the setting of urinary tractobstruction. Women are affected more than men.There have been no reported cases in children.Nearly all patients will present with the followingtriad of symptoms: fever, vomiting, and flankpain. Pneumaturia can be seen when the collectingsystem is involved. However, focal physical findingsare commonly absent [11].

Once discovered, prompt treatment is imperative.Management should begin with supportive care,management of diabetes, and relief of any underly-ing obstruction. If infection is discovered in onekidney, the contralateral kidney should also bethoroughly investigated, as bilateral involvementis seen in up to 10% of cases. The classic manage-ment for emphysematous pyelonephritis is admin-istration of broad-spectrum antibiotics along withemergent nephrectomy [10]. Despite this aggressivetherapy, mortality is seen in 30% to 40% of cases.

Ultrasonographic findings of emphysematouspyelonephritis

Emphysematous pyelonephritis is diagnosed bydemonstrating gas in the renal parenchyma withor without extension into the perirenal tissue [10].Ultrasound examination will characteristicallyshow an enlarged kidney containing high-ampli-tude echoes within the renal parenchyma, oftenwith low-level posterior dirty acoustic shadowingknown as reverberation artifacts [Fig. 5]. However,the depth of parenchymal involvement may beunderestimated during the ultrasound examina-tion. Consequently, multiple renal stones mayalso manifest as echogenic foci without ‘‘clean’’

posterior shadowing [23,24]. The isolated presenceof gas within the collecting system can be seen aftermany interventional procedures and should not beconfused with emphysematous pyelonephritis. Inthese cases, an evaluation using CT is always war-ranted and is considered the ideal study to visualizethe extent and amount of gas. In addition, CT canidentify any local destruction to perirenal tissues.Radiologic studies play an important role inevaluation of the effectiveness of therapy inemphysematous pyelonephritis. As carbon dioxideis rapidly absorbed, any persistence of gas after10 days of appropriate treatment is indicative offailed therapy [10].


Pyonephrosis is a suppurative infection in the set-ting of hydronephrosis, which occurs as the resultof obstruction. The renal pelvis and calyces becomedistended with pus [6]. Patients present with fevers,chills, and flank pain. Because of the obstruction,bacteriuria can be absent. It is imperative that thisobstruction is relieved through a nephrostomy orureteral stent. If untreated, pyonephrosis can causedestruction of renal parenchyma and irreversibleloss of renal function [10].

Ultrasonographic features of pyonephrosis

Ultrasound findings are useful in early and accuratediagnosis of pyonephrosis. On examination, persis-tent echoes are seen in a dilated collecting system[Fig. 6]. This echogenicity is caused by debris inthe collecting system, and is therefore seen in de-pendent areas of the collecting system. Shifts inthis debris can sometimes be appreciated if the pa-tient is asked to change positions during the ultra-sound examination. In addition, air can be seenin these infections. In this event, strong echoes

Fig. 5. Emphysematous pyelonephritis. Longitudinalgray-scale sonogram of the left kidney (small arrows)demonstrates air within the renal parenchyma withreverberation artifact (large arrows).

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Fig. 6. Pyohydronephrosis. Longitudinal (A) and transverse (B) gray-scale sonogram of the right kidney demon-strate an enlarged hydronephrotic kidney with a fluid-fluid level (arrows) in the dilated calyces secondary to pusappearing as echogenic debris. L, liver.

with acoustic shadowing can be seen behind the af-fected area of the collecting system [11].

Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis

Xanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis (XGP) isa rare inflammatory condition that is seen in the set-ting of long-term and recurrent obstruction fromnephrolithiasis accompanied by infection. It resultsin the irreversible destruction of renal parenchyma.This damage begins in the renal pelvis and calycesand eventually extends into the renal parenchymaand can occur in either a diffuse or segmental pat-tern [11]. Though the cause of XGP is unknown, itis thought that the inflammatory process that occursin response to tissue damage by bacterial infection(usually Proteus mirabilis or E coli) results in the de-position of lipid-laden histiocytes at the site of infec-tion. These macrophages, or xanthoma cells, alongwith other inflammatory cells result in the forma-tion of fibrous tissue. This granulomatous processeventually replaces the adjacent normal renal paren-chyma and adjacent renal tissue [10].

Clinically, XGP is seen more commonly inwomen than men. Incidence peaks during the fifthto sixth decade of life. Patients who have diabetesare predisposed to the formation of XGP. Symp-toms include those that suggest underlying chronicinfection in the setting of obstruction, such as fever,flank pain, persistent bacteriuria, or history of re-current infected nephrolithiasis. XGP results inthe irregular enlargement of the kidney and is oftenmisdiagnosed as a tumor. Even by pathologic exam-ination, XGP can closely resemble malignancy,such as renal cell carcinoma. Definitive diagnosisis often made only after surgical removal, which al-lows thorough pathologic examination. Treatmentof XGP involves surgical removal of the entire

inflammatory process. Limited disease may beamenable to partial nephrectomy; however, morewidespread XGP requires total nephrectomy andremoval of the involved adjacent tissue [11].Though classic management suggests that conserva-tive intervention through simple incision anddrainage commonly results in further complica-tions, some investigators suggest this course incases of limited focal disease [25].

Ultrasonographic features ofxanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis

Definitive preoperative diagnosis is extremely diffi-cult to establish in XGP. By ultrasound evaluation,multiple hypoechoic round masses can be seenin the affected kidney. These masses can demon-strate internal echoes and can be abscesses (withincreased sound through-transmission) or solidgranulomatous processes (with decreased soundthrough-transmission) [11]. Global enlargementwith relative preservation of the renal contour canbe seen with diffuse disease. However, in focal orsegmental XGP a mass-like lesion may be appre-ciated. In addition, evidence of obstruction andrenal calculus is commonly seen (85%) [26]. Ingeneral, CT evaluation is considered more informa-tive than ultrasound in describing XGP. A largereniform mass within the renal pelvis tightly sur-rounding a central calcification is seen on CT imag-ing [10]. Dilated calyces and abscesses that replacenormal renal parenchyma will appear as water-density masses. Calcifications and low attenuationareas attributed to lipid-rich xanthogranulomatoustissue may be seen within the masses [27]. If con-trast is used, a blush is seen in the walls of thesemasses because of their vascularity. This enhance-ment, which is limited to the mass wall only, will

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help distinguish XGP from renal tumors andother inflammatory processes that do enhancethroughout [11].

Renal malakoplakia

Renal malakoplakia is a rare inflammatory disorderassociated with a chronic coliform gram-negativeurinary tract infection (usually E coli) resulting inthe deposition of soft, yellow-brown plaqueswithin the bladder and upper urinary tract. Thecause is thought to be abnormal macrophage func-tion that causes incomplete intracellular bacteriallysis. This lysis results in the deposition of histio-cytes, called von Hansemann cells, that are filledwith these bacteria and bacterial fragments. Thebacteria form a nidus for calcium phosphate crys-tals, which form small basophilic bodies calledMichaelis-Gutmann bodies [10].

Clinically, malakoplakia of the urinary tract usu-ally occurs in women. Most patients are older than50 years. There is often an underlying conditioncompromising the immune system, such as dia-betes, immunosuppression, or the presence ofa chronic debilitating disease. Symptoms of a urinarytract infection may be present, such as fever, irritativevoiding symptoms, and flank pain. In addition,a palpable mass may be appreciated [11]. If the dis-ease involves the bladder, symptoms of bladder irri-tability and hematuria may be seen.

Ultrasonographic features of malakoplakia

Imaging findings of malakoplakia are nonspecificand can often mimic other pathology, such as renaltumors [28]. The most common ultrasonographicfeature of renal malakoplakia is diffuse enlarge-ment of the affected kidney [29]. Increased echoge-nicity of the renal parenchyma can be seen becauseof a confluence of the plaques [10]. In addition, hy-poechoic lesions and distortion of parenchymalechoes may be appreciated [29].

Hydatid disease of the kidney (renalechinococcosis)

Echinococcosis is a parasitic infection that is mostcommonly seen in South Africa, the Mediterranean,Eastern Europe, Australia, and New Zealand. It iscaused by the tapeworm Echinococcus granulosis. Al-though the adult form is zoonotic, mostly foundin the intestines of dogs, humans may serve as anintermediate host of this parasite while it is inthe larval stage [11]. Infection more commonlymanifests in the liver and lungs, with only 4% ofechinococcosis involving the kidney, because thelarvae, which originally invade the body throughthe gastrointestinal tract, must first escape

sequestration in the liver and subsequently thelungs. Only after these two defenses are surpassedare the larvae able to gain widespread access to thesystemic circulation, and correspondingly, the kid-neys [30].

The offending lesion will most commonly formas a solitary mass in the renal cortex. It is dividedinto three distinct zones. The outermost adventitiallayer consists of host fibroblasts that may becomecalcified. A middle laminated layer consists of hya-line that surrounds a third inner germinal layer. Thegerminal layer is composed of nucleated epitheliumand is where the echinococcal larvae reproduce. Thelarvae attach to the surrounding germinal layer andform brood capsules. These brood capsules grow insize and will remain connected to the germinallayer by a pedicle for nutrition. The core of thishydatid cyst contains detached brood capsules(daughter cysts), free larvae, and fluid, a combina-tion known as hydatid sand [10].

Clinically, most patients who have renal echino-coccosis are asymptomatic, especially in the begin-ning stages of the disease process because the cyststarts small and grows at a rate of only 1 cm annu-ally. Because of their focal nature, small hydatidcysts will rarely affect renal function. As the lesionprogresses, a mass effect will contribute to symp-toms of dull flank pain, hematuria, and a palpablemass on examination [10]. If the cyst ruptures,a strong antigenic immune response ensues withpossible urticaria and even anaphylaxis [30]. Ifa cyst ruptures into the collecting system, the pa-tient will develop symptoms of hydatiduria, includ-ing renal colic and passage of urinary debrisresembling grape skins [11].

Treatment of echinococcal disease in the kidneyis primarily surgical. Medical therapy with antipar-asitic agents, such as mebendazole, has been shownto be largely unsuccessful. In removing a cyst, greatcare must be taken to avoid its rupture. Any releaseof cyst contents can contribute to anaphylaxis. Inaddition, the release of the larvae can result in thedissemination of the disease. In the event of rup-ture, or if resection of the entire cyst is not possible,careful aspiration of the cyst is indicated. After thecontents of the cyst are removed, an infusion ofan antiparasitic agent (eg, 30% sodium chloride,0.5% silver nitrate, 2% formalin, or 1% iodine) isreinfused into the cyst [11].

Ultrasonographic features of renalechinococcosis

Ultrasonographic findings of echinococcosis dem-onstrate different findings based on the age, extent,and complications of the hydatid cyst [30]. Theselesions can be classified by the Gharbi ultrasono-graphic classification [Table 1] [30]. The Gharbi

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Table 1: Gharbi ultrasonographic classification of hyatid cysts

Type Pathology Frequency Ultrasonographic findings

I Discrete univesicular mass 22% Liquid-filled cyst with parietal echo backingII Univesicular mass with

detached membranes4% Liquid-filled cyst with ultrasonographic water

lily signIII Multivesicular mass 54% Partitioned cyst with a spoke wheel

appearanceIV Heterogenous mass 12% Heterogeneous echo structure with mixed

solid and liquid componentsV Heterogenous mass with

calcifications8% Dense reflections with a posterior shade cone

caused by calcifications

classification assists in the characterization of renalmasses that are caused by hydatid disease. HigherGharbi type corresponds with further disease pro-gression. Consequently, Gharbi type I cysts aremost commonly seen in children. Accordingly,Gharbi types III through V are consistent withmore advanced disease and are seen almost exclu-sively in adults. Most common are the Gharbitype III cysts, which are multivesicular masses thatcan be detected on ultrasound as a partitioned

cyst with a spoke wheel appearance [Fig. 7A, B][31]. Changes in patient position can cause any hy-datid sand that is present to be disturbed and willresult in the shifting of bright echoes within themass. This finding has been described as the snow-storm sign [11,32]. Less commonly seen are the uni-vesicular Gharbi type I and type II cysts, whichdemonstrate less disease progression and are seenmore commonly in young adults and children.Type I cysts are well-limited liquid cysts that can

Fig. 7. Renal hydatid cyst. Gray-scale ultrasound (A) and contrast-enhanced CT scan (B) of the right kidney reveala well-defined cystic lesion (large arrow) with multiple internal septae (small arrows) suggestive of a hydatid cystwith multiple daughter cysts. (Courtesy of SA Merchant, India.) (C) Gray-scale sonography of the right kidney ona different patient demonstrates the floating membranes (arrowheads) of the hydatid cyst following rupture ofthe cyst, referred to as the water lily sign. (Courtesy of Ercan Kocakoc, Turkey.)

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be differentiated from simple nonhydatid cysts bythe presence of a parietal echo. Gharbi type II cystsdemonstrate a detached and floating membranethat is pathognomonic for hydatid disease. Thisdetachment of the membranes inside the cyst hasbeen referred to as the ultrasound water lily signbecause of its resemblance to the radiographic wa-ter lily sign seen in pulmonary cysts [Fig. 7C][33,34]. In contrast, the Gharbi type IV and V cystsdemonstrate more advanced disease and are corre-spondingly seen in older patients. Gharbi type IVhydatid cysts will demonstrate heterogeneity ofecho structure with a combination of liquid andsolid cyst contents. Gharbi type V hydatid cystsare calcified and will show dense reflections witha posterior shade cone. The varying echogenic as-pects of these type IV and V lesions make diagnosisby ultrasound more difficult [30]. In these cases,CT studies can aid in characterization. On CT,the presence of smaller round daughter cystswithin the mother cysts can help differentiatehydatid lesions from other similar appearing

pathology, such as simple cysts, abscesses, and ne-crotic neoplasm [10].

Renal tuberculosis

Tuberculosis is an infection caused by Mycobacte-rium tuberculosis. Typically acquired by inhalation,exposure initially results in a primary infectionwith a silent bacillemia. This infection will resultin systemic dissemination of mycobacteria. Latentfoci may result in kidney lesions many years follow-ing primary infection, though only 5% of patientswho have active tuberculosis will have cavitarylesions in the urinary tract [11].

Clinically, this infection presents in younger pa-tients, with 75% of those affected being youngerthan 50 years. Renal tuberculosis should be con-sidered in any patient who has a diagnosed historyof tuberculosis. Often patients will present asymp-tomatically, even in cases of advanced disease. Ifdisease involves the bladder, symptoms of urinaryfrequency may result. One quarter of patients will

Fig. 8. Renal tuberculosis. (A) Longitudinal gray-scale ultrasound of the right kidney demonstrates hypoechoicareas (arrows) in the renal cortex suggestive of lobar caseation in this known case of tuberculosis. Longitudinalgray-scale sonography (B, C) of the kidney in another patient who has renal tuberculosis demonstrates hypoe-choic areas of caseous necrosis (large arrows) with dense peripheral calcification (small arrows) with posterioracoustic shadowing. (Panels B, C, Courtesy of SA Merchant, Mumbai, India.)

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Fig. 9. HIV nephropathy. Longitudinal (A) and transverse (B) gray-scale sonograms of the right kidney in youngman who has no known history of medical disease reveals an enlarged, markedly echogenic kidney (bilateral;left not shown) with loss of corticomedullary differentiation and obliteration of sinus fat suggestive of HIV-nephropathy. Subsequently confirmed by histopathology. L, liver.

present with findings of a unilateral poorly func-tioning kidney. Other suspicious findings includechronic cystitis or epididymitis that is recalcitrantto treatment; firm seminal vesicles on digital rectalexamination; or a chronic fistula tract that formsat surgical sites. Diagnosis of urinary tract tubercu-losis can be established through a urine culturethat demonstrates growth of M tuberculosis.

Ultrasonographic features of renaltuberculosis

Early findings of urinary tract tuberculosis are bestcharacterized by intravenous urography. Initially,cavities appear as small irregularities of the minorcalyces. These irregular changes are classically de-scribed as ‘‘feathery’’ and ‘‘moth-eaten.’’ As diseaseprogresses, it extends from the calyces into the un-derlying renal parenchyma. Calcifications may beappreciated in these areas of caseating necrosis. Inaddition, tuberculosis involvement of the uretercan result in ureteral strictures, which cause aurographic appearance of a rigid, irregular, ‘‘pipe-stem’’ ureter [11]. Ultrasound findings in the diag-nosis of renal tuberculosis have traditionally beendescribed as limited. However, recent reports de-scribe the role of high-resolution ultrasonographyin characterizing late and chronic changes in renaltuberculosis [35]. Granulomatous mass lesions inthe renal parenchyma can be seen as masses ofmixed echogenicity, with or without necrotic areasof caseation and calcifications [Fig. 8]. Mucosalthickening and stenosis of the calyces is detectableby ultrasonography. In addition, findings of muco-sal thickening of the renal pelvis and ureter, ureteralstricture, and hydronephrosis are seen. Finally,bladder changes such as mucosal thickening andreduced capacity are commonly detectable.

HIV-associated nephropathy

Renal disease is a common complication in patientswho have HIV. This complication can result primar-ily from direct kidney infection with HIV or second-arily from adverse effects of the medications used totreat HIV. HIV-associated nephropathy (HIVAN) ac-counts for approximately 10% of new end stage re-nal disease cases in the United States. Patients whohave HIVAN are not typically hypertensive.

Ultrasonographic features of HIV-associatednephropathy

Sonography is a critical component in the evalua-tion of HIVAN. The major sonographic findings in-clude increased cortical echogenicity, decreasedcorticomedullary definition, and decreased renal si-nus fat [Fig. 9]. Renal size may be enlarged [36,37].The increased cortical echogenicity is attributable toprominent interstitial expansion by cellular infil-trate and markedly dilated tubules containing volu-minous casts. Histologically, HIVAN demonstratestubular epithelial cell damage, glomerulosclerosis,and tubulointerstitial scarring [38]. Most patientswho have HIVAN have proteinuria secondary to tu-bular epithelial cell damage. In the presence ofmarked increased cortical echogenicity in a youngpatient who has known history of medical renaldisease, HIVAN must be considered.


The growing ubiquity, well-established safety, andcost-effectiveness of ultrasound imaging have ce-mented its role in the diagnosis of renal infectiousdiseases. It is imperative that all practitioners of re-nal medicine understand the ultrasonographicmanifestations of these diseases, as early diagnosisand treatment are the cornerstones of avoidance

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of long-term morbidity and mortality. If thestrengths and limitations of ultrasonography areunderstood properly, a practitioner will be able toachieve the quickest and safest diagnosis with theminimal amount of further invasive imaging. Theadvent of new ultrasonographic techniques may al-low it to serve a more central role in the diagnosisand characterization of renal infections.


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Radiol Clin N Am 44 (2006) 777–786


Sonography of Benign RenalCystic DiseaseTherese M. Weber, MD

- Simple cortical cysts- Complex renal cysts- Renal sinus cysts- Medullary cystic disease- Multiple renal cysts- Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney

disease- Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney

disease- Von Hippel-Lindau disease

- Tuberous sclerosis- Acquired cystic kidney disease associated

with dialysis- Multiloculated cystic renal masses- Multicystic dysplastic kidney- Multilocular cystic nephroma- Summary- Acknowledgments- References

When evaluating renal masses, differentiatingcysts from solid lesions is the primary role of ultra-sound (US). US is also helpful and frequently supe-rior to CT, in demonstrating the complex internalarchitecture of cystic lesions in terms of internalfluid content, septations, tiny nodules, and wall ab-normalities, including associated soft tissue masses.Renal cysts are common in the population olderthan 50 years, occurring in at least 50% of people[1]. Scanning technique is important to the successof demonstrating renal masses with US. The kid-neys should be evaluated in multiple patient posi-tions, including supine, lateral decubitus, andoccasionally oblique or prone positions. The massshould be scanned with an appropriate focalzone. Simple renal cysts will frequently be betterdemonstrated with tissue harmonic imaging, whichcan eliminate low-level internal echoes by reducingbackground noise [2]. The Bosniak ClassificationSystem of renal cysts, shown in Box 1, has becomean important tool used by radiologists and urolo-gists to communicate the significance of renal cyst

0033-8389/06/$ – see front matter ª 2006 Elsevier Inc. All righradiologic.theclinics.com

imaging characteristics [3,4]. The primary goal ofthe radiologist in evaluating cystic renal masses isthe differentiation of nonsurgical from surgicallesions [5].

Simple cortical cysts

The sonographic criteria used to diagnose a simplecyst include the following characteristics: internallyanechoic, posterior acoustic enhancement, anda sharply defined, imperceptible, smooth far wall.Simple cysts are usually round or ovoid in shape.If all these sonographic criteria are met, further eval-uation or follow-up is not required. Maintainingrigid criteria is necessary to ensure the highest pos-sible accuracy with US [6]. The simple renal cyst isa Bosniak category I cyst [Fig. 1] [3].

Complex renal cysts

Complex cysts do not meet the strict US criteria ofa simple renal cyst. Five to ten percent of all renal

This article was originally published in Ultrasound Clinics 1:1, January 2006.Department of Radiology, Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Medical Center Boulevard, Winston-Salem, NC 27157-1088, USAE-mail address: [email protected]

ts reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rcl.2006.10.013

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cysts are not simple cysts, and 5% to 10% of renalcysts with complex features prove to be tumors [7].These complex renal cysts may contain complexfluid, septations, calcification, perceptible definedwall, or mural nodularity. Bosniak category II cystsare minimally complicated cysts that may containseptations or thin calcification, and include in-fected cysts and high-density cysts seen on non-contrast CT examination. High-density cysts aredefined as having a density greater than 20 Houns-field units (HU) on noncontrast CT. US may con-firm the cystic nature in 50% of these lesions,especially if larger in size (1.5–3.0 cm). Equivocalcases can be placed in category IIF, created for min-imally complicated cysts that require follow-up.

Box 1: Bosniak classification of renal cysticdisease

Category I

Simple benign cyst by imaging criteria

Category II

Cystic lesions characterized by:

� One or two thin (%1 mm thick) septations orthin, fine calcification in the wall or septa� Hyperdence, homogeneous benign cysts� Diameter of 3 cm or less� One quarter of its wall extending outside the

kidney so the wall can be assessed� No contrast enhancement

Category IIF

Cystic lesions that are minimally complicatedthat need follow-up. Some suspicious featuresin these lesions need follow-up to detect anychange in character.

Category III

True indeterminate cystic masses that needsurgical evaluation, although many prove tobe benign, characterized by:

� Uniform wall thickening or nodularity� Thick or irregular peripheral calcification� Multilocular nature with multiple enhancing

septa� Hyperdense lesions that do not meet cate-

gory II criteria

Category IV

Lesions with findings that are clearly malig-nant, including:

� Nonuniform or enhancing thick wall� Enhancing or large nodules in the wall� Clearly solid components in the cystic lesions� Irregular margins

Size criterion of 3 cm differentiates between IIand IIF lesions. These cysts need at least 6-monthfollow-up and are most likely benign but some-what suspicious [8]. Many of these cysts, depend-ing on the degree of abnormality, will requirefurther imaging with MR or CT.

Internal echoes within a renal cyst may be causedby a complicating hemorrhage or infection. In-fected cysts on US usually have a thickened walland may exhibit a debris-fluid or gas-fluid level. As-piration and drainage may be required for diagno-sis and treatment. Hemorrhagic cysts can usuallybe followed with serial US examination if there isno evidence of malignancy at MR or CT evaluation.Septations within a cyst may occur following hem-orrhage, infection, or percutaneous aspiration[Fig. 2]. Two adjacent cysts may share a commonwall and mimic a large septated cyst. There maybe a small amount of renal parenchyma betweentwo adjacent cysts, suggesting a thick septation. Ifsepta are ‘‘paper’’ thin (%1 mm), smooth, and at-tached to the cyst wall without focal thickening ornodularity, a benign cyst can be diagnosed [3,8].Fewer than five septations should be present in a be-nign cyst. If the cystic lesion shows septal irregular-ity, septal thickness greater than 1 mm, thickcalcifications, or solid elements at the wall attach-ment, the lesion must be presumed malignantand requires further evaluation with MR or CT.

Calcifications in renal cysts may be fine and lin-ear, or amorphous and thick. The presence ofa small amount of calcium or thin, fine areas ofcalcification in the wall or a septation, without anassociated soft tissue nodule, likely representsa complicated cyst rather than malignancy. Thick,irregular, amorphous calcification had beenthought to be more concerning for malignancy;however, a recent report demonstrates that calcifica-tion in a cystic renal mass is not as important in thediagnosis as the presence of enhancing soft-tissueelements [9]. Renal cysts with milk-of-calcium willshow layering, echogenic, dependent material thatmay be mobile. These cysts are always benign. Atreal-time US, bright echogenic foci with ringdownmay be seen on septa and in the cyst walls; however,calcification may not be of sufficient density to beidentified on CT examination.

Bosniak category III lesions are moderately com-plicated cysts that have more numerous or thick-ened septae; a thickened wall; thicker, irregularcalcification; or multiloculated features. Benignand malignant tumors may be classified as Bosniakcategory III lesions. Because most category III le-sions will be malignant [10], all category III lesionsrequire surgical resection or biopsy. Benign lesionsin this category include the multilocular cysticnephroma; complex septated and multiloculated

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Fig. 1. Simple cyst in the lower renal pole in longitudinal (A) and transverse (B) planes demonstrating character-istic sonographic findings.

cysts; densely calcified cysts; a complex abscess; aninfected cyst; vascular malformation; xanthogranu-lomatous pyelonephritis (XGP); or echinococcosis.Malignant lesions in this category include cysticWilms’ tumor in a child and cystic adenocarcinomain an adult. Bosniak category IV lesions are cystic ornecrotic carcinomas that may have solid elements,irregular margins, and enhancement demonstratedon CT, MRI, or US with contrast imaging. These le-sions are unequivocally malignant and requiretreatment. Renal cystic lesions with perceptible, de-fined, thickened wall; thick septae; mural nodular-ity; intracystic soft tissue mass; or abnormalcalcifications on US are concerning for malignancy.

Renal sinus cysts

Renal sinus cysts (RSCs) are common and havebeen described as peripelvic cysts, parapelvic lym-phatic cysts, parapelvic lymphangiectasia, and para-pelvic cysts [11]. RSCs are likely lymphatic in originor develop from embryologic rests. These cysts donot communicate with the collecting system [12].Most RSCs are asymptomatic, but they may become

infected or bleed, and may cause hematuria, hyper-tension, or hydronephrosis [13]. There are two dis-tinct patterns of cyst formation in the renal sinusthat include multiple, small, confluent cysts versusa single, larger cyst that probably arises from the ad-jacent parenchyma [11]. On US, these are simplecysts located in the medullary or renal sinus areaof the kidney. Multiple renal sinus cysts mimic hy-dronephrosis on US and noncontrasted CT. If com-munication with the collecting system cannot bedemonstrated with US to confirm hydronephrosis,additional studies such as intravenous pyelogram,contrasted CT, or MR examination may be needed.

Medullary cystic disease

Medullary cystic disease is a group of similar dis-eases that occur as a result of progressive renal tubu-lar atrophy with secondary glomerular sclerosis andmedullary cystic formation [14,15]. Medullary cys-tic disease is an important cause of end-stage renaldisease (ESRD) in children, accounting for 10% to25% of the cases of ESRD. Two distinct presenta-tions occur. The childhood form, which is most

Fig. 2. (A) Mildly complicated renal cyst with thin septation (white arrow). (B) Artifact (white arrowheads) fromthe septation is frequently seen at real-time sonography.

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common, is inherited as an autosomal recessivedisorder. There is an association with extrarenal,ophthalmologic abnormalities. The adult form,inherited as an autosomal dominant pattern, tendsto present in early adulthood and is not associatedwith extrarenal abnormalities. US findings includekidneys that are small to normal in size, are hyper-echoic, and have small (0.1 to 1.0 cm) cysts in themedulla and at the corticomedullary junction[16,17]. Acquired cystic kidney disease may resem-ble medullary cystic disease; however, cyst locationin the cortex and a history of dialysis supports thediagnosis of acquired cystic kidney disease.

Multiple renal cysts

With increased use of CT, US, and MR, patients whoare harboring multiple simple cysts or lesions toosmall to characterize are being seen with increasingfrequency. Multiple renal cysts can be seen in poly-cystic kidney disease, Von Hippel-Lindau disease(VHL), tuberous sclerosis (TS), acquired cystic kid-ney disease associated with dialysis (ACKDD), andmulitcystic dysplastic kidney.

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidneydisease

Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease(ADPKD) is the third most common systemic he-reditary condition and accounts for 10% to 15%of all patients on dialysis [18]. Because the diseaseis characterized by variable expression and occurswith spontaneous mutation, up to 50% of patientswill have no family history of the disease [19]. Re-nal failure develops in 50% of patients and is usu-ally present by 60 years of age. Early signs of thedisease include hypertension and flank or backpain with variable progression to ESRD. Nephroli-thiasis occurs in 20% to 36% of patients becauseof metabolic (lower glomerular filtration rate andurine volume) and anatomic (associated with largerand more numerous renal cysts) factors [20]. Extra-renal manifestations of ADPKD include hepatic,pancreatic, ovarian, splenic, arachnoid, and othercysts, and intracranial berry aneurysms with associ-ated intracranial hemorrhage, abdominal aortic an-eurysm, cardiac valve abnormalities, and hernias.The vascular abnormalities and cyst developmentare related to a basement membrane defect [18].Eighty percent of people who have ADPKD andESRD will have colonic diverticulosis. At least twodifferent genes involving chromosomes 4 and 16have been found to be associated with ADPKD [21].

US, because of high sensitivity and low cost, hasbecome the primary method of diagnosing ADPKDand following the cysts. US screening for ADPKD

typically begins between ages 10 and 15 years, buthas the problem of false negatives in about 14%of patients younger than 30 years. Bear and col-leagues [22] developed criteria that are widelyused to diagnose ADPKD. In adults who have a fam-ily history of ADPKD, the presence of at least threecysts in both kidneys, with at least one cyst in eachkidney, is a positive finding [23]. The cysts tend toinvolve all portions of the kidney and are of vari-able size. US typically reveals kidneys that are bilat-erally enlarged with compression of the centralsinus echo complex [Fig. 3]. When the kidneysare markedly enlarged with multiple complex cysts,detection of solid lesions may be difficult, and cor-relation with MR may be necessary to evaluate forrenal cell carcinoma (RCC). When a solid mass isseen it can be confirmed with confidence sono-graphically [Fig. 4]. Nephrolithiasis may be difficultto demonstrate sonographically because of distor-tion of the collecting system by numerous largecysts. There is no increased risk for RCC in patientswho have ADPKD, except for increased risk relatedto dialysis and the generally increased risk for RCCin men.

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidneydisease

Autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease(ARPKD) is characterized by varying degrees of re-nal failure and portal hypertension as a result of di-latation of renal collecting tubules, dilatation ofbiliary radicals, and periportal fibrosis that influ-ences its presentation. The involved gene is locatedon chromosome 6 [24]. In its severest form, renaldisease predominates and ARPKD manifests itselfimmediately after birth with the early complicationof severe pulmonary failure. The diagnosis may bemade at fetal or neonatal US. Characteristically,the kidneys are enlarged bilaterally, and oligohy-dramnios, Potter’s facies, and pulmonary complica-tions may be encountered. Children who presentlater will have some element of renal impairmentwith the complications of congenital hepatic fibro-sis, including portal hypertension, splenomegaly,and bleeding varices [25]. With US, the kidneysmaintain a reniform shape, but may be normal tobilaterally enlarged and echogenic [Fig. 5].

Von Hippel-Lindau disease

VHL disease is an uncommon condition character-ized by multiple lesions, including hemangioblas-tomas in the central nervous system (CNS) andretina; RCC; pheochromocytomas; pancreatic neu-roendocrine tumors; epididymal cystadenomas;endolymphatic sac tumors; carcinoid tumors; and

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Fig. 3. Bilaterally enlarged kidneys (A, B) with multiple cysts of various sizes in adult polycystic kidney disease.The kidneys measure 15.6 cm in length bilaterally.

multiple cysts of the kidney, pancreas, and epididy-mis. The condition is inherited in an autosomaldominant pattern [26]. The VHL tumor suppressorgene is located on chromosome 3 [27]. Inactivationof the VHL suppressor gene gives rise to premalig-nant renal cysts. Additional genetic alterations areprobably required for conversion of these cysts toRCC. Renal involvement in VHL includes multiple,bilateral renal cysts and solid tumors. RCC, one ofthe major complications of VHL disease, occurs inup to 75% of patients by the age of 60 and occurs25 years earlier than sporadic RCC [28]. In additionto the development of RCC at a younger age, thesetumors tend to be bilateral and multicentric. Cysts,as the most common renal manifestation of the dis-ease, are seen in 75% of patients. Although multi-ple, these cysts are generally fewer than in patientswho have ADPKD. In ADPKD, pancreatic cysts al-most never occur in the absence of liver cysts,whereas in VHL they are common. On US the cyststend to be cortical in location and range in sizefrom 0.5 to 3.0 cm. RCC in VHL disease mayshow solid renal masses without cystic components

or predominantly cystic lesions with enhancingsolid components that contain the RCC. US maybe used for screening these patients, especiallythose younger than 18 years; however, CT and MRare more sensitive in detecting small enhancingsolid masses [18].

Tuberous sclerosis

TS is a neurophakomatosis involving the skin andCNS that most commonly occurs sporadically in60% of patients. This condition is also inheritedas an autosomal dominant pattern and is character-ized by hamartomatous growths in the CNS, eyes,skin, heart, liver, kidney, and adrenal glands. Themajor presenting symptom is seizures. CNS mani-festations occur in up to 90% of patients. The classicclinical triad is mental retardation, seizures, and ad-enoma sebaceum. At least two genetic loci havebeen associated with TS, involving chromosome9 and 16 [18]. The leading causes of death in TSare renal failure, cardiac tumors, increased intracra-nial pressure, and bleeding [29]. Renal

Fig. 4. (A) Adult polycystic kidney disease with (B) solid renal masses (white arrows) in the right kidney confirmedas papillary renal cell carcinoma following nephrectomy.

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Fig. 5. Newborn who has bilaterally enlarged, echogenic kidneys consistent with ARPKD. The right kidney(A) measures 10 cm in length and the left kidney (B) measures 9.8 cm in length.

manifestations occur in about half of patients whohave TS and include cysts, angiomyolipomas(AML), tumors, and perirenal lymphangiomas.There is an increased incidence of clear cell carcino-mas in patients who have TS, especially women.RCC occurs bilaterally in 43% of affected TS pa-tients, and tumors occur at a younger age than spo-radic RCC [18,30,31]. The risk for malignancy islower in TS than in VHL disease [18]. On US, renalcysts are seen in the cortex and medulla [Fig. 6]. Therenal cysts in TS appear at an earlier age than thecysts seen in APKD. Renal cysts are not the primarydiagnostic feature of TS, however. Multiple renalAML are a primary diagnostic feature of TS, occurin about 15% of patients who have TS, and aremore common in women. The rate of hemorrhagein TS-related AML is higher than in sporadic AML[32]. If TS is a consideration, the diagnosis can usu-ally be confirmed on CNS imaging with subependy-mal hamartomas or giant cell astrocytomas.

Acquired cystic kidney disease associatedwith dialysis

Acquired cystic kidney disease consists of renal cystsfound in individuals who have chronic renal failurewho may have a history of dialysis, but do not havea history of hereditary cystic renal disease. Dunnilland colleagues [33] first described this process in1977. The most important factor in developingACKDD is the duration of ESRD or maintenance di-alysis [34]. ACKDD is seen in 8% to 13% of patientswho have ESRD, 10% to 20% of patients who havea 1- to 3-year history of dialysis, 40% to 60% of pa-tients who have history of 3 to 5 years of dialysis,and greater than 90% of patients who have a historyof 5 to 10 years of dialysis. Cysts occur with equalfrequency in patients receiving peritoneal or hemo-dialysis. The cysts are of tubular origin (arising fromthe proximal tubules), thought to be caused bynondialyzable mitogenic or cytogenic substances;

tubular obstruction from fibrosis or oxalate crystals;and ischemia. There is a histologic continuum fromcysts with single-layered epithelia to multilayered(atypical) cysts to renal adenoma and RCC. RCCoccurs in a younger population in ACKDD patientscompared with sporadic RCC, with a mean age atdiagnosis of about 49 years as compared with 62years for patients who do not have ESRD [35].RCC in patients undergoing dialysis is seven timesmore common in men than women, in contrastto the 2/1 ratio in patients who do not have ESRD[36]. Criteria used to define ACKDD include thepresence of three to five cysts in each kidney in a pa-tient who has chronic renal failure, which are notrelated to inherited renal cystic disease. On US,multiple bilateral renal cysts involving the cortexand medulla are seen in the setting of medical renaldisease [Fig. 7]. The cysts are usually small, manymeasuring 0.5 cm or less. Confirmation of the sim-ple cystic nature may be difficult because of thesmall size [37]. The cysts may increase in size andnumber with time, and the overall size of the kid-neys may increase. This appearance may resembleADPKD. Complications associated with ACKDDinclude cyst infection or hemorrhage, renal calculi,erythocytosis, and solid neoplasms.

Multiloculated cystic renal masses

A multiloculated appearance can be seen in neoplas-tic disease such as renal cell carcinoma, multilocularcystic nephroma, Wilms’ tumor, and solid tumorswith central necrosis, which are Bosniak categoryIII lesions. Multiloculated renal masses can be seenin renal cystic disease such as localized renal cysticdisease, septated cyst, and segmental multicysticdysplastic kidney. Inflammatory disease such asechinococcosis, segmental XGP, and abscess canappear as a multiloculated cystic renal mass. Anorganizing hematoma and vascular malformationcan also appear as a multiloculated cystic renal mass.

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Fig. 6. Ten-year-old who has bilateral enlarged kidneys with multiple simple renal cysts on US (A, B) and CT (C).The right kidney measures 11 cm in length and the left kidney measures 11.5 cm in length. MR of the braindemonstrated multiple subependymal nodules protruding into the lateral ventricle on axial (D) and coronal(E) T2-weighted images.

Multicystic dysplastic kidney

The pathogenesis of multicystic dysplastic kidney(MCDK) is complete ureteral obstruction early infetal life before the eighth to tenth week, or

incomplete ureteral obstruction occurring later infetal life between the 10th and 36th week. Contra-lateral renal anomalies, most commonly ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction, occur in 33%of patients. Imaging characteristics vary depending

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Fig. 7. Longitudinal US images of the right (A) and left (B) kidneys and noncontrast CT (C) demonstrate markedincreased cortical echogenicity and loss of cortical-medullary distinction in this patient who has ESRD and mul-tiple bilateral simple renal cysts consistent with acquired renal cystic disease.

on age of the patient at diagnosis. Fetal US mayshow large cysts with no intercommunication be-tween cysts, absence of identifiable cortical paren-chyma, or central sinus structures [Fig. 8]. TheMCDK may calcify or may not be identifiable ina few patients who have been followed [38].

Multilocular cystic nephroma

Multilocular cystic nephroma (MLCM) is a benign,nonhereditary cystic neoplasm with a bimodal pre-sentation that has greater incidence in males youn-ger than 2 years and in women during the fifth to

Fig. 8. Longitudinal (A) and transverse (B) images of the kidney show multiple large renal cysts with absence ofcentral sinus structures and no identifiable cortical parenchyma consistent with multicystic dysplastic kidney.

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Fig. 9. Longitudinal US (A) and CT (B) images demonstrating a predominantly cystic mass with multiple internalseptations, proven at surgery to be a multilocular cystic nephroma. Note the better representation of the lesion’sinternal architecture at US.

eighth decades. MLCN consists of multiple epithe-lially lined cysts that do not communicate. MLCNis usually a benign neoplasm; however, metastaseshave been reported [5,39]. US will show a masscontaining multiple cysts or internal septations[Fig. 9]. It is not possible to conclusively distinguishMLCN from multiloculated RCC radiolographi-cally, and these are usually surgical lesions.


US plays an important role in evaluation of the kid-ney in cases of medical renal disease because oflower cost, ready availability, lack of radiation,and lack of need for iodinated contrast material.The primary role of US in evaluating benign cysticrenal disease is the distinction of a simple cystfrom a solid mass, and in defining the characteris-tics of a complex cyst.


The author would like to acknowledge Raymond B.Dyer, MD, for his editorial assistance.


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Radiol Clin N Am 44 (2006) 787–803


Sonography in Benign andMalignant Renal MassesRaj Mohan Paspulati, MDa,*, Shweta Bhatt, MDb

- Normal sonographic anatomy of thekidney

- Sonographic technique- Pseudolesions of kidney

Dromedary humpPersistent fetal lobulationProminent column of Bertin (hypertrophy)Junctional parenchymal defectHypoechoic renal sinusInflammatory mass lesions

- Benign renal tumorsAngiomyolipomaRenal adenomaOncocytomaLeiomyomaHemangiomaJuxtaglomerular tumor (reninoma)

Hemangiopericytoma- Renal cell carcinoma

Hereditary renal cell carcinomaClinical presentation of renal cell

carcinomaImaging strategies of renal cell carcinomaSonographic findings of renal cell

carcinomas- Malignant uroepithelial tumors of the

renal collecting systemTransitional carcinoma of renal pelvisSquamous cell carcinoma and

adenocarcinoma- Renal metastases- Renal lymphoma- Summary- References

Ultrasonography is often the initial modality forimaging of the kidneys, although contrast-en-hanced CT is the established imaging modality forthe diagnosis of renal tumors. Despite technicallimitations, a large percentage of renal tumors canbe characterized by ultrasonography. Cystic andsolid renal parenchymal mass lesions can be welldifferentiated by ultrasonography. Technical ad-vances in the gray-scale and color-flow Doppler(CFD) ultrasound have improved the sensitivity indetection of small renal tumors. Gray-scale andCFD ultrasonography can demonstrate the vascular

0033-8389/06/$ – see front matter ª 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rightradiologic.theclinics.com

invasion in selected groups of patients who haverenal cell carcinoma (RCC). Contrast-enhancedDoppler ultrasonography appears promising asa cost-effective, noninvasive imaging technique inthe characterization and follow-up of indetermi-nate renal mass lesions. As nephron-sparing surgeryis being increasingly used in the management ofsmall RCC, intraoperative ultrasound (US) has be-come a useful tool in guiding the surgeon. This ar-ticle reviews the gray-scale and CFD features ofbenign and malignant renal masses encounteredin radiology practice.

This article was originally published in Ultrasound Clinics 1:1, January 2006.a Department of Radiology, University Hospitals of Cleveland, Case Western Reserve University, 11100 EuclidAvenue, Cleveland, OH 44106, USAb Department of Radiology, University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Box 648, Roches-ter, NY 14642, USA* Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (R.M. Paspulati).

s reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rcl.2006.10.002

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Normal sonographic anatomy of the kidney

The kidneys are bean-shaped retroperitoneal organswith their medial aspects parallel to the lateralmargin of the adjacent psoas muscles. The normalorientation of the kidneys is such that the upperpole is medial and anterior to the lower pole. Theright kidney is 1 to 2 cm inferior in position ascompared with the left kidney because of the loca-tion of the liver superior to the right kidney. Therenal size varies with the age, sex, and body habi-tus. The measurement of renal volume is a moreeffective way of assessing the renal size, thoughmeasurement of renal length is more practical inregular practice [1]. The normal adult kidney mea-sures 10 to 12 cm in length, 4 to 5 cm in width,and 2.5 to 3 cm in thickness. A discrepancy ofmore than 2 cm between the lengths of two kidneysis considered significant and needs further evalua-tion. The liver and hepatic flexure of the colonare situated anterior to the right kidney. The spleenlies anterosuperior to the left kidney and the rest ofthe left kidney is related anteriorly with the colon.

On ultrasonography of a normal kidney, there isgood differentiation of the renal capsule, cortex,medulla, and central sinus complex [Fig. 1]. The re-nal capsule is visible as an echogenic line because ofthe interface between the echogenic perinephric fatand renal cortex. The renal parenchyma is com-posed of outer cortex and inner medulla (pyra-mids). The renal cortex is echogenic as comparedwith the medulla, but is iso- to hypoechoic as com-pared with the normal hepatic or splenic paren-chyma. The extension of renal cortex toward therenal sinus between the renal pyramids forms thecolumns of Bertin. The central sinus is composedof fat, fibrous tissue, renal vessels, and lymphaticvessels. It has highest echogenicity because of theadipose tissue, and its size increases with the ageof the person.

Sonographic technique

Sonographic evaluation of the right kidney is ide-ally performed from an anterior oblique approach

Fig. 1. Normal kidney. Longitudinal (A) and transverse (B) gray-scale US of the normal right kidney (calipers showthe maximum longitudinal dimension of the kidney). (C) The schematic representation of the sagittal section ofthe kidney. L, liver.

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using liver as an acoustic window, whereas the leftkidney is scanned through a posterior oblique ap-proach. The lower pole of the right kidney maybe imaged using a more posterior approach. Theupper pole of the left kidney is often best seenthrough an intercostal approach using spleen as awindow. In addition to supine position, decubitus,prone, or upright positions may provide betterimages of the kidneys [2]. An appropriate trans-ducer frequency ranging from 2.5 to 5 MHz shouldbe used, depending on the body habitus. Time gaincompensation and adjustment of other scanningparameters will allow a uniform acoustic patternthroughout the image [3]. Renal echogenicityshould be compared with the echogenicity ofthe liver and spleen [2]. The renal parenchyma ofa normal adult kidney is hypoechoic to the liverand spleen. The sonographic examination of thekidneys should include long axis and transverseviews of the upper poles, midportions, and thelower poles, with assessment of the cortex andcentral sinus. Maximum measurement of renallength should be recorded for both kidneys [2].Kidneys and the perirenal regions should be as-sessed for abnormalities. CFD and Power Doppler(PD) are used to differentiate vascular from non-vascular structures.

Pseudolesions of kidney

There are various developmental variants of the kid-ney that need to be identified on sonography toavoid misdiagnosis as renal neoplasm or other re-nal pathology [Table 1].

Dromedary hump

Dromedary hump is a common renal variation usu-ally seen as a focal bulge on the lateral border of theleft kidney [Fig. 2]. It is a result of adaptation of the

renal surface to the adjacent spleen. It can be easilydifferentiated from a renal mass because of its sim-ilar echotexture to that of adjacent renal paren-chyma on gray-scale ultrasound. CFD and PD willdemonstrate similar perfusion to that of adjacentrenal parenchyma.

Persistent fetal lobulation

Persistent fetal lobulation is another common renalvariant that can be mistaken for renal scarring, a con-sequence of chronic infective process of the kidneys.Persistent fetal lobulation can be differentiatedfrom scarred kidneys by the location of the renalsurface indentations, which do not overlie the med-ullary pyramids as in true renal scarring [4], butoverlie the space between the pyramids [Fig. 3].The underlying medulla and the cortex are normal.

Prominent column of Bertin (hypertrophy)

Prominent column of Bertin is a prominent corticaltissue that is present between the pyramids and pro-jects into the renal sinus [Fig. 4]. If not identified asa normal variant, it may be mistaken for an intrare-nal tumor. Sonography can accurately identify it bydepicting its continuity with the renal cortex anda similar echo pattern as the renal parenchyma.CFD and PD imaging can further assist by depictinga similar vascular pattern as that of normal renal tis-sue [5,6]. Prominent columns of Bertin are usuallyseen in the middle third of the kidney and are morecommon on the left side [5].

Junctional parenchymal defect

Junctional parenchymal defect (JPD) is another var-iant commonly mistaken for a cortical scar or a hy-perechogenic renal tumor. JPD is a linear ortriangular hyperechoic structure in the anterosupe-rior or posteroinferior surface of the kidney [Fig. 5].

Table 1: Renal pseudotumors

Pseudotumor Diagnostic imaging features

Congenital normal variantsDromedary hump Focal bulge in the lateral contour of left kidney with echotexture

similar to renal parenchymaPersistent fetal lobulation Renal surface indentations overlying the space between the pyramidsProminent column of Bertin Continuity with the normal cortex; echotexture and vascular

perfusion similar to the normal cortexJunctional parenchymal

defectCharacteristic location in the anterosuperior and posteroinferiorsurface of the kidney and demonstration of continuity with thecentral sinus

Hypoechoic renal sinus fat No distinct margin and normal vessels traversing the sinusInflammatory lesions Diagnosis is based on the proper clinical context

Focal bacterial nephritisRenal abscess

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These are caused by normal extensions of the renalsinus at the junction of the embryonic renunculi.These are differentiated from pathologic lesions bytheir characteristic location and demonstrate conti-nuity with the central sinus by an echogenic linecalled interrenicular septum [7–9].

Hypoechoic renal sinus

The echogenicity of the renal sinus may vary fromechogenic to anechoic. Hypoechoic renal sinusmay mimic a mass lesion [10]. Absence of a well-defined margin and demonstration of normalvessels traversing the renal sinus by CFD will aidin differentiating a hypoechoic renal sinus froma mass lesion [10].

Inflammatory mass lesions

Acute focal bacterial nephritis and renal abscessmay present as renal mass lesions indistinguishablefrom a renal tumor by ultrasonography and contrast-enhanced CT. The clinical presentation will aid in

Fig. 2. Dromedary hump. Longitudinal gray-scalesonogram of the left kidney demonstrates the drom-edary hump (arrow). SP, spleen.

differentiating these inflammatory pseudotumorsfrom RCC [11–13].

Benign renal tumors


Angiomyolipoma (AML) is a hamartoma and hasvariable amounts of mature adipose tissue, smoothmuscle, and thick-walled blood vessels. Eighty per-cent of the AMLs are sporadic in occurrence and20% of them are associated with tuberous sclerosis(TS). Presence of subependymal nodules and giantcell astrocytoma are sine qua non of TS, but notAML. On the contrary, 80% of the patients whohave TS develop AMLs [14,15]. Patients whohave TS develop AMLs at a much younger age,and these tend to be multiple, bilateral, and largerthan in sporadic cases. AMLs in patients who haveTS are more likely to grow and become symptom-atic [15,16]. The presence of estrogen and proges-terone receptors in angiolipomas has beenreported, and such AMLs are more common inwomen and in TS. These AMLs tend to grow dur-ing pregnancy and present with hemorrhage[17,18]. Small AMLs are asymptomatic and are in-cidental findings on imaging. AMLs smaller than4 cm are symptomatic and are at increased riskfor spontaneous hemorrhage [16,19]. Massiveretroperitoneal hemorrhage from AML, alsoknown as Wunderlich’s syndrome, has been foundin 10% of patients.

The characteristic sonographic appearance ofAML is a well-defined hyperechoic mass [Fig. 6].This increased echogenicity is attributed to the fatcontent, multiple interfaces, heterogeneous cellulararchitecture, and multiple vessels within the tumor[20,21]. However, there is significant overlap be-tween the imaging features of AML and RCC. Small

Fig. 3. Persistent fetal lobulations. Longitudinal (A) gray-scale sonogram of the right kidney demonstratespersistent fetal lobulation (arrow). L, liver. Schematic (B) appearance of persistent fetal lobulations (note fetallobulations may be single or multiple).

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Fig. 4. Prominent column of Bertin. (A) Longitudinal gray-scale US of the left kidney demonstrates a prominentcolumn of Bertin (arrows) mimicking an isoechoic renal mass. MRI was performed to confirm ultrasound findings.T1 flash fat-sat (B) and gadolinium-enhanced (C) MRI images of the kidneys reveal a prominent column of Bertin(arrows) seen in continuity with the renal cortex. (D) Schematic drawing of a prominent column of Bertin.

RCCs can be hyperechoic and indistinguishablefrom an AML on sonography. Acoustic shadowing,hypoechoic rim, and intratumoral cystic changesare some of the sonographic features found to behelpful in differentiating an AML from RCC. Hypo-echoic rim and intratumoral cystic changes are seenonly in RCC, whereas acoustic shadowing is

observed with AML [Fig. 7] [22–24]. PD of AMLmay reveal focal intratumoral flow and a penetratingflow pattern [25]. The demonstration of intratu-moral fat on CT confirms the diagnosis of anAML. The CT appearance of an AML also dependson the relative proportion of smooth muscle andvascular components of the tumor. Rarely, RCCs

Fig. 5. Junctional parenchymal defect. (A) Longitudinal gray-scale US of the right kidney demonstrates a notch inthe lateral border (arrow). L, liver. (B) Contrast-enhanced CT of the kidneys in another patient demonstrates thejunctional parencymal defect (arrow).

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Fig. 6. Angiomyolipoma. (A) Longitudinal gray-scale US of the right kidney demonstrates an echogenic mass(arrow) with posterior acoustic shadowing (arrowheads). (B) Corresponding CT (excretory phase) confirms thislesion to be an angiomyolipoma, seen as a fat attenuation lesion (arrow) with a household unit of -8.

can demonstrate fat attenuation caused by entrap-ment of the perinal or renal sinus fat, lipid necrosis,or osseous metaplasia [26]. The characteristic intra-tumoral fat cannot be detected in 4.5% of AMLs,and will have high attenuation on an unenhancedCT scan. This finding has been attributed to mini-mal fat content or immature fat [25,27]. TheseAMLs with low fat content demonstrate homoge-neous and prolonged enhancement on a contrast-enhanced scan, which distinguishes them from anRCC [25,28]. These AMLs with minimal fat are iso-echoic with renal parenchyma on sonography [25].The demonstration of micro- or macroaneurysms atangiography is reported to be characteristic of anAML [29].

The risk for spontaneous rupture and hemor-rhage of an AML is related to the tumor size and thesize of microaneurysms. AMLs larger than 4 cm andthose with microaneurysms larger than 5 mm arereported to be at increased risk for spontaneousrupture [16,30,31]. Management options of AMLs

Fig. 7. RCC. Longitudinal gray-scale sonogram of theleft kidney demonstrates a hyperechoic mass (M) aris-ing from the lower pole with areas of intra tumoralcystic changes (asterisk).

include observation, embolization, and partial ortotal nephrectomy. Prophylactic transcatheterembolization of AMLs larger than 4 cm is reportedto prevent tumor growth and spontaneous rupture[19,31,32]. Kothary and colleagues [33] have de-scribed a high recurrence rate of AMLs after embo-lization in patients who have TS, and recommendlong-term surveillance of these patients followingembolization.

Renal adenoma

Renal cell adenoma is considered to be a benigncounterpart of RCC, though the true nature and po-tential of this tumor is a subject of much debate.The size criterion used by many pathologists in dis-tinguishing an adenoma from RCC is based on theinitial observation by Bell, that renal cortical glan-dular tumors of smaller than 3 cm rarely metasta-size [34,35]. There are no histopathologic,histochemical, immunologic, or imaging character-istics that distinguish a benign adenoma from anRCC [36]. Most pathologists consider these smallrenal cortical tumors to be premalignant or poten-tially malignant and believe that tumor size is nota valid differentiating criterion [37]. The wide-spread use of US and CT has resulted in the inciden-tal detection of these tumors.


Renal oncocytoma is a benign tumor of renal tu-bular origin (renal tubular epithelium is also calledoncocyte). It has the male predominance and ageincidence similar to RCC. They are asymptomaticand are discovered as incidental findings on im-aging [38]. They are well-defined tumors of variablesize and can be as large as 20 cm [35]. The preoper-ative differentiation of oncocytomas from RCC isinvaluable, but is often difficult because of overlap

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of imaging features. The characteristic central stel-late scar on cross-sectional imaging and spoke-wheel pattern of enhancement on an angiogramare infrequently seen in oncocytomas and can alsobe seen in RCC [39–41]. Oncocytomas can be hypo-echoic, isoechoic, or hyperechoic to the renal paren-chyma on sonography. MRI is reported to besuperior to CT and US in identifying the imagingfeatures of a small tumor [42]. The radiologic fea-tures, which are helpful in distinguishing an onco-cytoma from RCC, include well-defined margins,homogeneous enhancement without hemorrhage,calcification or necrosis, presence of a central stel-late scar, and spoke-wheel pattern of arterial en-hancement. There are few reports of bilateral andmulticentric oncocytomas [43,44]. Renal oncocyto-ma and RCC can coexist in the same or contralateralkidney [45,46]. Dechet and colleagues [47] have re-ported coexistent RCC in 10% of a total 138 cases ofoncocytomas. Imaging-guided biopsy of renal tu-mors is indicated whenever there is radiologic suspi-cion of an oncocytoma [48–50].


Renal leiomyoma is a rare benign tumor of smoothmuscle origin. These tumors are either peripheral,arising from the renal capsule, or central in parapel-vic location. They are more common in women be-tween the second and fifth decades of life. Mostrenal leiomyomas are asymptomatic, with inciden-tal detection on routine diagnostic imaging. Theseare well-defined tumors and are indistinguishablefrom RCC by imaging. Renal leiomyomas have vari-able appearance on imaging: from that of an en-tirely solid, to a mixed solid/cystic, to an entirelycystic lesion. Renal leiomyomas appear as well-defined hypoechoic solid mass lesions on ultraso-nography. The peripheral lesions may extend intothe retroperitoneum and can resemble primary ret-roperitoneal sarcomas. The central lesions will havea mass effect over the collecting system and renalvasculature. They are most often avascular or hypo-vascular on angiogram [51–53].


Hemangiomas are uncommon benign tumors ofthe kidney that can present with macroscopic he-maturia. They are commonly located in the renalpyramids and renal pelvis, and are classified intocapillary and cavernous hemangiomas. The vascu-lar spaces are small in capillary hemangioma andlarge in cavernous hemangiomas. They are predom-inantly smaller than 1 cm, but occasionally presentas large mass lesions [54]. Gray-scale US featuresa nonspecific solid mass, and CT demonstratesa well-defined low-density mass without significantenhancement [55,56]. Larger lesions may cause

displacement of the renal vessels and collectingsystem. Angiography may demonstrate a hypovascu-lar or hypervascular mass [57,58].

Juxtaglomerular tumor (reninoma)

Juxtaglomerular tumors are benign, renin-produc-ing tumors of the kidney that arise from the afferentarterioles of the glomerulus. These tumors were firstdescribed by Robertson and colleagues in 1967[59]. They are twice as common in women as inmen. In a young patient who has hypertension,the presence of a renal mass, elevated serum reninlevels, and hypokalemia should raise a suspicionof reninoma. The tumor is either hypo- or hypere-choic on sonography and appears as a well-definedhypodense solid mass on a contrast-enhanced CT.Angiography demonstrates a hypovascular masswith normal renal arteries. Renal vein samplingdemonstrates elevated renin levels in reninomas,but renin is also elevated in renal artery stenosis.Surgical resection of the tumor results in reversalof hypertension and hypokalemia [60–62].


Hemangiopericytomas are rare renal tumors witha malignant potential that arise from the pericytes.Tumor-induced hypoglycemia is characteristic ofhemangiopericytoma and has been attributed tothe production of insulin-like growth factors bythe tumor. There are no distinguishing radiologicfeatures of hemangiopericytoma from RCC or othermesenchymal tumors of the kidney [63–65].

Renal cell carcinoma

RCC is the most common primary malignancy ofthe kidney. It accounts for 2% of all malignancies.There has been a steady increase of 38% in the in-cidence of RCC between 1974 and 1990 [66]. Thesurvival rates have also improved from 52% be-tween 1974 and 1976 to 58% between 1983 and1996 [66]. This trend has been attributed to the im-proved imaging technique and early diagnosis.Smith and colleagues [67] have reported that only5.3% of the tumors between 1974 and 1977 were3 cm or smaller as compared with 25.4% during1982 to 1985. Of these small tumors in the latergroup, 96.7% were incidentally discovered by ultra-sonography and CT. Most RCCs that are amenablefor surgical cure by either partial nephrectomy ornephron-sparing surgery are incidentally detectedby the increased use of cross-sectional imaging. Ul-trasonography, being the primary imaging modalityof the kidneys, is useful for screening and detectionof small RCCs [68,69].

The RCCs are classified histologically into fourmain types [Table 2]. These include clear cell

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Table 2: Classification of renal cell carcinoma

Subtype Incidence Grade Imaging features

Clear (conventional)cell carcinoma

70%–80% Low-grade tumor Poor enhancement

Papillary type 10%–15%Type 1 Low-grade tumor Poor enhancementType 2 Aggressive tumor Intense enhancement

Chromophobe type 4%–5% –Collecting duct type <1% Aggressive tumor with poor prognosis –Medullary carcinoma <1% Aggressive tumor with poor prognosis

and common in sickle cell trait–

carcinoma, papillary carcinoma, chromophobe car-cinoma, and collecting duct carcinoma. The clearcell carcinomas are the most common type, ac-counting for 70% of the RCCs. The papillary typeis the second most common type, accounting for10% to 15% of the RCCs. The papillary type is sub-classsified into type 1 and type 2 tumors. The type 2papillary tumors are more aggressive than type 1.Clear cell and papillary tumors arise from the prox-imal tubular epithelium. The chromophobe carci-nomas account for 5% of the RCCs and arisefrom cells of distal tubule. The collecting duct carci-nomas are the least common type, arise fromcollecting duct epithelium, and are the mostaggressive of all RCCs. The medullary carcinomais a subtype of collecting duct carcinoma that ismore common in patients who have sickle cell trait.Imaging cannot differentiate the different histologictypes of RCC. The incidence of RCC is increased inacquired cystic disease of the kidney (ACDK). Clearcell carcinoma is the most common type of RCC as-sociated with ACDK. The incidence of papillary

type of RCC in ACDK is also higher than in the gen-eral population [70,71].

Hereditary renal cell carcinoma

RCCs are predominantly sporadic in occurrenceand only 4% of them are familial in nature. The dif-ferent types of hereditary RCCs are displayed inTable 3. The hereditary RCCs are characterized byautosomal dominant inheritance, presentation ata young age (third to fifth decades), and multifocaland bilateral tumors [72].

Clinical presentation of renal cell carcinoma

The classic clinical triad of hematuria, abdominalpain, and abdominal mass is seen in less than10% of patients. About 20% to 40% present withparaneoplastic syndrome, which includes anemia,fever, hypertension, hypercalcemia, and hepaticdysfunction [73–75]. RCC can be associated withStauffer syndrome, which is characterized by non-metastatic intrahepatic cholestasis. This syndromeis a tumor-induced inflammatory response and is

Table 3: Hereditary renal cell carcinoma

Syndrome InheritancePredominant renaltumor

Other renallesions


Von Hippel-Lindau AD Clear cell carcinoma Cysts HemangioblastomasRetinal angiomasPancreatic cystsNeuroendocrinetumors of pancreasPhaeochromocytoma

Hereditary papillary RCC AD Papillary type 1 None NoneHereditary leiomyomaRCC

AD Papillary type 2 None Cutaneous anduterine leiomyomas

Birt-Hogg-Dube AD Chromophobecarcinoma

Other typesof RCC

FibrofolliculomasLung cystsPneumothorax

Familial renaloncocytoma

– Oncocytoma None –

Medullary carcinoma – Medullary carcinoma None Sickle cell trait

Abbreviation: AD, autosomal dominant.

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reversible after resection of the tumor [76–78].About 2% of the male patients present with left-sided varicocele because of renal vein involvement[79].

Imaging strategies of renal cell carcinoma

The goal of imaging is detection, diagnosis, andstaging of RCC. Ultrasonography, CT, and MRIhave variable sensitivity in detecting and stagingRCC. Ultrasonography is less sensitive in detectingsmall renal lesions, especially those that do not de-form the contour of the kidney. The sensitivity ofCT and ultrasonography for detection of lesions3 cm and less is 94% and 79%, respectively [80].CT and MRI have nearly 100% accuracy in thediagnosis of RCC [81]. Ultrasonography is alsoless accurate than CT and MRI in staging of RCC.The accuracy of CT and MRI in staging of RCCranges from 67% to 96%. Catalano and colleagues[82] have reported 96% sensitivity, 93% specificity,and 95% accuracy of multidetector CT (MDCT) inevaluating Robson stage I RCC. Robson and tumor,nodes, and metastases (TNM) staging of RCC areoutlined in Table 4.

Despite these limitations, ultrasonography is stillthe initial imaging modality for screening and char-acterization of renal mass lesions. Ultrasonographyis also useful in characterizing indeterminate renalmass lesions detected by CT, such as atypical cystic

Table 4: Staging of renal cell carcinoma

Robsonstage Tumor description


I Tumor confined withinrenal capsuleTumor <2.5 cm T1Tumor >2.5 cm T2

II Tumor extension toperinephric fat or adrenalgland


III-A Renal vein involvement orinfradiaphragmatic IVCinvolvement


Supradiaphragmatic IVCinvolvement


III-B Regional lymph nodemetastases


III-C Venous involvement andlymph node metastases

IV-A Invasion of adjacent organsbeyond the Gerota’s fascia


IV-B Distant metastases

Abbreviations: IVC, inferior vena cava; TNM, tumor,nodes, metastases.

lesions, hypovascular solid mass lesions, and AMLswith minimal fat component [83].

Sonographic findings of renal cell carcinomas

The sonographic spectrum of RCCs varies from hy-poechoic to hyperechoic solid mass lesions [Fig. 8].RCCs 3 cm and smaller are predominantly hypere-choic and must be differentiated from AMLs[84,85]. The hyperechoic appearance is reportedto be caused by papillary, tubular, or microcystic ar-chitecture; minute calcification; intratumoral hem-orrhage; cystic degeneration; or fibrosis [24]. Thepresence of an anechoic rim caused by a pseudocap-sule and intratumoral cystic changes can aid in dif-ferentiation of hyperechoic RCC from AML [24,86].Several investigators have reported acoustic shad-owing as a useful sign of AML [22,23]. Small isoe-choic RCCs and those located at the poles can bemissed by ultrasonography [26]. The isoechoicRCCs must be differentiated from pseudotumors,which include prominent column of Bertin, drom-edary hump, persistent fetal lobulation, and com-pensatory hypertrophy. Careful attention to themorphology on gray-scale US will differentiatepseudotumors from a mass lesion. Power Dopplerand contrast-enhanced sonography are useful indifferentiating pseudotumors from true renal masslesions by demonstrating similar vascularity of thepseudotumors to that of adjacent normal renal cor-tex [87,88]. Power Doppler and contrast-enhancedsonography will demonstrate the vascularity of a re-nal mass, but cannot differentiate an RCC from anAML [87,88].

Approximately 15% of the RCCs are cystic in na-ture and may result from extensive necrosis of a tu-mor, or represent a primary cystic renal carcinoma[89]. Histologically, the cystic RCCs are predomi-nantly of clear cell type. RCCs with extensive necro-sis are more aggressive as compared with theprimary multilocular cystic RCCs [90,91]. Multiloc-ular cystic RCC (MCRCC) is an uncommon subtypeof RCC and constitutes about 3% of all RCCs.MCRCCs have a benign clinical course and maybenefit from nephron-sparing surgery [92]. Cross-sectional imaging with US and CT of MCRCC willdemonstrate well-defined, multilocular cystic masswith thin septations. Dystrophic calcification andmural nodules are less common and MCRCCshould be included in the differential diagnosis ofall multilocular cystic renal mass lesions in adults[93]. Small MCRCCs of less than 3 cm are hypere-choic on US and can mimic solid mass lesions,but show minimal enhancement on contrast-enhanced CT or MRI [94]. Contrast-enhancedDoppler US is reported to improve the diagnosticaccuracy of malignant cystic renal mass by

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Fig. 8. RCC. Longitudinal gray-scale (A) and CFD (B) sonography of the right kidney demonstrates an iso- tohypoechoic mass arising from the lower pole, which shows presence of vascularity consistent with a RCC.

demonstrating the vascularity of the intracystic sep-tations and mural nodules [95].

CT and MRI are the standard imaging methodsfor staging of RCC. However, US is useful in detect-ing the venous invasion and for demonstrating thecranial extent of the inferior vena cava (IVC) throm-bus. Overall accuracy, sensitivity, and specificity ofCFD for detecting the tumor involvement of renalvein and IVC is 93%, 81%, and 98%, respectively[96]. McGahan and colleagues [97] have reporteda 100% sensitivity in the detection of renal vein in-volvement as compared with 89% sensitivity forIVC involvement by CFD sonography. Hence, USmay be used as a complementary imaging modalitywhen CT findings are equivocal in the assessment ofvenous extension of the tumor. The tumor throm-bus is seen as an echogenic intraluminal mass caus-ing distension of the vein. CFD will demonstrateflow around a bland thrombus and vascularitywithin a tumor thrombus. Use of US contrast agentsis reported to improve the accuracy not only indemonstrating the extent of the thrombus butalso in differentiating a tumor from a blandthrombus.

The prognosis of RCC will depend on the stage,histologic type, and grade of the tumor. The5-year survival rates of TNM stages I, II, III, and IVare reported to be 91%, 74%, 67%, and 32%,

respectively [98]. The presence of a sarcomatoidcomponent is reported to have poor outcome [99].

Malignant uroepithelial tumors of the renalcollecting system

Malignant uroepithelial tumors of the renal pelvisconstitute about 5% of all the urinary tract neo-plasms [100]. 90% of them are transitional cell car-cinomas (TCC), 5% to 10% are squamous cellcarcinomas, and less than 1% are adenocarcinomas[101,102].

Transitional carcinoma of renal pelvis

TCCs of the renal pelvis have similar epidemiologicfeatures to those of bladder and ureter. The risk fac-tors include exposure to chemicals in petroleum,rubber, and dye industries; analgesic abuse; andchronic inflammations. TCC is one of the severalextracolonic manifestations of hereditary nonpoly-posis colorectal cancer (HNPCC)/Lynch syndrome[103]. The mean age of presentation of TCC is 68years with a higher rate of incidence in men thanwomen. Painless hematuria is the characteristicclinical presentation of TCC [104]. Three morpho-logic forms of TCC are described, including focalintraluminal mass, mural thickening with narrow-ing of lumen, and an infiltrating mass in the renal

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sinus [105–107]. The excretory urogram has beenthe primary imaging modality for the diagnosis ofTCC and is being replaced by CT or MR urogram[108,109]. These imaging modalities have the ad-vantage of evaluating the entire urinary tract, whichis crucial in the assessment of TCC.

Sonography demonstrates a poorly definedhypo- or hyperechoic mass in the renal sinus withor without pelvicaliectasis. The mass lesions are ini-tially intraluminal and later invade the renal sinusfat and renal parenchyma. Infiltrating tumors ofthe renal parenchyma tend to preserve the reniformshape of the kidney [106,110].

Squamous cell carcinomaand adenocarcinoma

Squamous cell carcinoma is the second most com-mon malignant uroepithelial tumor of the renalcollecting system [Fig. 9]. Chronic irritation of theuroepithelium is the etiologic factor, which leadsto squamous or columnar metaplasia of the transi-tional epithelium. Renal calculi with longstandinghydronephrosis and inflammation are important

predisposing factors for squamous cell carcinomaand adenocarcinoma of the renal pelvis[101,102,111]. The clinical presentation rangesfrom painless hematuria to nonspecific flank paincaused by hydronephrosis [101]. Squamous cell car-cinomas are more aggressive than TCC and the tu-mor manifests as an infiltrating mass involvingthe collecting system, renal sinus fat, and renal pa-renchyma [112]. It is often difficult to differentiatesquamous cell carcinoma of the renal pelvis fromxanthogranulomatous pyelonephritis by imaging[113,114].

Renal metastases

The frequency of renal metastases is reported tovary from 7% to 13% based on autopsy findings[115,116]. More frequent use of cross-sectional im-aging has resulted in an increase in the detectionof renal metastases [117,118]. In patients whohave a known history of malignancy, renal metasta-ses are three times more common than primary re-nal tumors and are usually asymptomatic [115,116].The tumors that most commonly metastasize to

Fig. 9. Squamous cell carcinoma. Longitudinal gray-scale (A) and CFD (B) US of the left kidney demonstrates anenlarged kidney with areas of chunky calcification (arrows) with posterior acoustic shadowing (arrowheads).There is increased vascularity in the mass with large areas of necrosis (asterisk). Corresponding contrast-enhanced coronal CT (C) confirms the presence of calcification (arrows) and necrosis (asterisk). This tumorwas pathologically confirmed to be a squamous cell carcinoma.

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Fig. 10. Hyperechoic renal metastasis. Patient is a known case of esophageal carcinoma. Longitudinal gray-scaleUS of the right (A) and the left (B) kidney demonstrate multiple hyperechoic mass lesions (arrows). Tranverse CFDimage (C) of the right kidney reveals increased vascularity.

the kidney are carcinoma of the lung, breast, andgastrointestinal tract, and melanoma [Fig. 10][115,119]. The most common manifestation is bi-lateral, multiple renal mass lesions, though theycan present with unilateral and solitary lesions. Re-nal metastases can be well-defined focal mass le-sions or infiltrating in nature [117,120].

The most common sonographic appearance ishypoechoic, cortical mass lesions withoutthrough-transmission [Fig. 11] [121,122]. CT hashigher sensitivity and accuracy than US in the

detection of renal metastases [121–123]. In patientswho have a known extrarenal primary malignancy,tissue sampling is necessary to differentiate metasta-ses from a synchronous primary RCC [124].

Renal lymphoma

Renal lymphoma is commonly secondary to hema-togeneous dissemination or contiguous extensionfrom a retroperitoneal nodal disease. Primary lym-phoma is rare as there is no lymphoid tissue in

Fig. 11. Hypoechoic renal metastasis. Longitudinal gray-scale ultrasound of the right (A) and left (B) kidneysdemonstrate multiple hypoechoic masses (arrows) in the renal parenchyma consistent with metastasis. L, liver.

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Fig. 12. Lymphoma. Longitudinal gray-scale US of the right (A) and the left (B) kidneys demonstrates bilaterallyenlarged kidneys (R, 15.6 cm; L, 14.8 cm). In addition, right kidney also demonstrates a focal mass (arrow) inpatient who has known non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

the kidney [125,126]. Though the reported inci-dence of renal involvement on autopsy rangesfrom 30% to 60%, the actual detection by imagingis only 3% to 8% [127]. The kidney is most com-monly involved by the non-Hodgkin’s B-cell typeof lymphoma [128–130]. There is a wide spectrumof renal involvement of lymphoma. Unilateral orbilateral multiple renal mass lesions are the mostcommon type of renal lymphoma. Bilateral renalinvolvement is reported to occur in 50% to 72%of lymphomas [Fig. 12]. Other manifestations in-clude solitary renal mass, diffuse infiltration of therenal parenchyma, contiguous invasion from retro-peritoneal disease, and isolated perinephric mass[127]. In the diffuse infiltrative form, there is prolif-eration of lymphoma within the interstitium of therenal parenchyma, resulting in enlarged kidneyswith preservation of the reniform shape [120].The renal mass lesions are homogenously hypoe-choic on ultrasonography and are hypodense ona contrast-enhanced CT [120,131,132]. Spontane-ous hemorrhage, cystic changes, and calcificationare uncommon and are usually secondary to priortreatment [127].


CT is the gold standard for the detection and char-acterization of renal mass lesions and in staging ofRCC. Despite its limitations, ultrasonography is of-ten the first imaging modality of the kidneys andplays an important role in the diagnosis of renal tu-mors. Technical advances in the gray-scale ultraso-nography have improved the detection of smallRCCs. CFD and contrast-enhanced Doppler ultra-sonography are useful in characterization of renaltumors and in the identification of pseudotumors.

As nephron-sparing surgery is now an establishedtechnique in the management of small RCC, intra-operative US has a key role in guiding the surgeon.


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Radiol Clin N Am 44 (2006) 805–835


Doppler Artifacts and PitfallsDeborah J. Rubens, MD*, Shweta Bhatt, MD,Shannon Nedelka, MD, Jeanne Cullinan, MD

- Understanding the technical challenge ofDoppler ultrasound or setting up yourequipment to get the best images andspectral tracings

- Choosing the correct transducer frequencyDoppler angleSample volumeWall filtersDoppler GainVelocity scale

- Doppler artifactsAliasing

Blooming artifactDirectional ambiguityPartial volume artifactPseudoflowFlash artifactMirror-image artifactEdge artifactTwinkling artifact

- Day-to day Doppler: too much flow versustoo little flow

- Summary- References

Thirty years ago, use of Doppler ultrasound (US)was limited to the vascular laboratory and wasmainly used to interrogate the carotid arteries. To-day, Doppler US has pervaded all of diagnostic USimaging, is the mainstay of venous diagnosis, andis used extensively throughout abdominal, pelvic,and obstetric imaging. In addition to continuouswave Doppler, pulsed wave (duplex) Doppler, colorDoppler, and power Doppler are now available.Motion is imaged in high-velocity settings (ie, theaorta, carotid, and renal arteries) and in low flowstates (portal vein thrombosis, calf veins, and soforth). Superficial structures (neck and arm vessels,testicular and ovarian vessels) and deep structures(hepatic and renal arteries) are imaged. To accom-plish this range of diversity takes more than oneknob on a machine. The image obtained, the partic-ular organ being viewed, and the capabilities of themachine itself are governed by the intrinsic proper-ties of US and Doppler. The physical properties ofUS give rise to several artifacts-some occur in gray-

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scale and Doppler imaging and others are specificto Doppler, especially color or power Doppler.Knowing an artifact’s typical location and appear-ance helps avoid misinterpretation and can actuallybe useful diagnostically [1]. Understanding how togenerate a Doppler signal enables the examiner tobetter avoid day-to-day scanning pitfalls, which pri-marily fall into two clinical categories: too littleflow or too much flow. This article addresses themachine parameters first, then the artifacts, andconcludes with the operational issues (or pitfalls)as they apply to day-to-day scanning.

Understanding the technical challengeof Doppler ultrasound or setting up yourequipment to get the best images andspectral tracings

The Doppler effect measures a change in the re-flected sound frequency generated by motion ofthe source or the detector. The challenge lies in

This article was originally published in Ultrasound Clinics 1:1, January 2006.Department of Imaging Sciences, University of Rochester Medical Center, 601 Elmwood Avenue, Rochester,NY 14642-8648, USA* Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (D.J. Rubens).

ts reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rcl.2006.10.014

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the detection of the signal and the accurate displayof its direction and speed. Although the Doppler ef-fect is commonly used to measure flowing blood,any tissue or fluid motion may generate a Dopplersignal. That signal is a shift or difference in fre-quency between the transmitted and the receivedUS pulse. The greatest difference or strongest signalis achieved when the motion is parallel to the USbeam and no signal is generated when the motionis perpendicular to it.

Choosing the correct transducer frequency

Of all the technical parameters that can be con-trolled, the choice of transducer frequency is para-mount because the intensity of the scatteredsound varies in proportion to the fourth power ofthe Doppler frequency [2]. Higher frequencies are,

therefore, much more sensitive to flow but some-times cannot penetrate deep enough without atten-uation; thus, for superficial structures such as thetestes, 7 to 10 MHz may be ideal, whereas fordeep abdominal structures, such as the hepatic ar-teries or the portal vein, 3 MHz or lower may beneeded. Often the choice of Doppler transducer fre-quency is empiric with a trial of different frequen-cies until the best compromise betweenpenetration and signal strength is achieved [Fig. 1].

Doppler angle

Unlike in gray-scale US imaging whereby the bestimage is obtained perpendicular to the US beam,in Doppler US, the strongest signals (and best spec-tra) result when the motion is parallel to the beam.A Doppler angle of 90� does not display flow be-cause no component of the frequency shift is

Fig. 1. Pseudotesticular torsion. Four-day-old infant presents with left hydrocele and testicular torsion is sus-pected. (A, B) Initial axial images of the symptomatic left (A) and asymptomatic right (B) sides at identicalgain and scale settings show symmetric spectral Doppler patterns equal above and below the baseline but donot have typical vascular spectral Doppler waveform. This is noise. Note scanning frequency is 8.5 MHz and spec-tral Doppler frequency is 5 MHz. (C, D) Axial images from repeat examination with appropriate high frequencytransducer shows normal symmetric arterial waveforms bilaterally. Note transducer frequency of 14 MHz andspectral Doppler frequency of 7 MHz.

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Fig. 2. Pseudothrombosis of main portal vein (MPV). (A) Color Doppler ultrasound (CDUS) of the MPV detects noflow in confluence of MPV (arrows) suggesting thrombosis of MPV. Note reversed flow in splenic vein (arrow-head) indicating portal hypertension and potentially slow-flow state in MPV. Wall filter set on medium, whichmay exclude low velocity flow and MPV segment which lacks flow is parallel to transducer surface, and thereforeat 90� to Doppler beam. (B) Portal venous phase of subsequent contrast enhanced CT on the same day revealscompletely patent MPV (arrow). (C) Repeat CDUS examination with different machine following day shows ret-rograde flow in MPV (arrows) and no apparent thrombus. Doppler angle has been improved (no longer 90�) andwall filter is corrected to low setting (20 Hz).

directed back toward the transducer [Fig. 2]. AnyDoppler angle other than zero requires anglecorrection to adjust for the component of the signalnot directed parallel to the beam. The larger theDoppler angle, the greater the correction is thatneeds to be done and the greater chance for error;therefore, the Doppler beam angle must always bekept as low as possible. Ideally, it should be lessthan 60� and always less than 70� because the errorsassociated with the angle correction increase up to20% to 30% with higher Doppler angles [Fig. 3] [3].

Sample volume

The sample volume is the three-dimensional spacefrom which the Doppler frequency shifts are mea-sured. In color or power Doppler it is the colorbox, and in pulsed wave Doppler it is the cursorone places within the vessel. Although on the im-age the sample looks like a flat box, it has a thirddimension in and out of the plane of the image,which may be much larger than anticipated (even1 cm or more in thickness, depending on frequencyand depth). Signals may be sampled and displayedfrom unwanted areas of a vessel (ie, too close to thevessel wall, giving more turbulence, and slower

velocities) or even from unwanted vessels (adjacentarteries or veins). In a large vessel, blood flow is notuniform across the vessel; it is generally slower nearthe wall (as a result of friction and turbulence) andfaster in the center. Therefore, with spectral Dopp-ler, too wide a sample (which encompasses the en-tire vessel lumen) includes the normal turbulenceand slower velocities along the vessel margins,which result in spectral broadening (that may beincorrectly interpreted as poststenotic turbulence)[3]. If the spectral sample is too small and is notplaced in the area of greatest flow, the resultingmeasured velocity is too low. If the sample volumeis too small and the vessel is mobile, a discontinu-ous Doppler signal may result with loss of the dia-stolic signal in each cycle. The ideal sample volumesize for routine survey of a vessel is about two thirdsof the vessel width positioned in the center of thevessel [3] excluding as much of the unwanted clut-ter from near the vessel walls as possible [2].

Wall filters

The Doppler frequency shift can be detected frommoving blood vessel walls and from the blood it-self. These wall echoes are large amplitude causing

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Fig. 3. Angle-corrected velocity. (A) Correct angle, as depicted by line through Doppler cursor, is parallel to cen-ter of lumen and yields peak systolic velocity of 65 cm/s. (B) Angle is too low, at 38�, which results in calculatedvelocity of only 41 cm/s. (C) Angle is only slightly off at 72� but velocity is now calculated to be 105 cm/s. Smallchanges in angle greater than 60� result in much larger errors than small changes below 60�.

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a loud ‘‘wall thump’’ on the audio Doppler output[4]. Fortunately, these signals are also low fre-quency. By using a threshold that cuts off theselow frequency noises, a cleaner high-velocityblood-flow signal is displayed; however, if the wallfilter threshold is set too high, true blood flowalso is discarded from the display. Low velocity ve-nous flow and the filter for venous Doppler shouldbe kept at the lowest practical level, usually 50 to100 Hz or less [Fig. 2] [2].

Doppler Gain

This setting controls the amplitude of the color dis-play in color or power Doppler mode and the spec-tral display in pulse Doppler mode. For spectralDoppler, the tracing should be continuous andeasy to visualize, without any low-level noiseband above and below the baseline. Excess spectralgain in pulse wave Doppler produces noise thatmay be mistaken for flow [Fig. 1]. In arterial

spectra, excess gain fills in the tracing as low velocityechoes and mimics turbulent flow [5]. For color im-aging, the gain should be turned up until scatteredisolated color pixels can be seen overlying the gray-scale background. Then the gain should be turnedback until they disappear.

If the color gain settings are too low, flow may bepresent but not visualized. If the settings are toohigh, color or power signals may overwrite gray-scale clot. A machine setting related to gain forcolor and power Doppler is the color-write priority.The color-write priority determines whether a givenpixel is written as a gray-scale value or as color[3]. If the gray-scale signal is above some threshold(eg, medium gray), the pixel remains gray, and ifthe signal is below the threshold (ie, the pixel isdark gray or black), the pixel is written as color. Ifthe gray-scale gain is too high or the color-writepriority too low, some color pixels may not bedisplayed.

Fig. 4. Portal vein pseudoclot. (A) Longitudinal CDUS image in cirrhotic patient with portal hypertension. Veloc-ity scale is set at 20 cm/s. Good flow in hepatic artery anteriorly (arrow) but none in adjacent portal vein (arrow-heads). (B) Scale is appropriately lowered to 7 cm/s and slower flow in portal vein (arrowheads) can now bedemonstrated.

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Fig. 5. Spectral aliasing. (A) Longitudinal spectral Doppler evaluation of common carotid artery (CCA) demon-strates spectral aliasing as higher Doppler shift frequencies ‘‘wrap around’’ scale and peaks (arrows) are writtencoming from opposite side of baseline. Note that peaks can actually cross baseline and overwrite existing spec-tral display. (B) Dropping baseline (arrow) eliminates aliasing. (C) Increasing scale (from 31 to 62 cm/s) eliminatesaliasing.

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Velocity scale

The velocity scale controls the range of frequenciesdisplayed and is critical in color and spectral Dopp-ler imaging. If the scale is too high (similar to a too-wide window in CT), the dynamic range is too largeand low velocity signals are missed simulating anarea of thrombosis [Fig. 4], particularly in lowflow vessels, such as the portal vein. If the velocityscale is too low, the dynamic range is too small todisplay the high-velocity signals accurately and ali-asing results (see later discussion).

Doppler artifacts

Doppler artifacts can be grouped into three broadcategories [1]: (1) artifacts caused by technical lim-itations, including aliasing, improper Doppler an-gle with no flow, indeterminate Doppler angle,blooming, and partial volume artifact; (2) artifactscaused by patient anatomy, including mirror image

artifact, flash artifact, and ‘‘pseudoflow’’; and (3)artifacts caused by machine factors, including edgeartifact and twinkle artifact.


Aliasing is an inaccurate display of color or spectralDoppler velocity and occurs when the velocityrange exceeds the scale available to display it. Themaximum velocity scale is limited by the numberof US pulses per second that can be transmittedand received by the transducer (ie, the pulse repeti-tion frequency [PRF]). Accurate depiction of fre-quency shifts requires a scale that is twice as largeas the maximum shift (known as the Nyquist limit)[4]. If the scale is too small, large shifts exceed theavailable range and are displayed as multiples ofsmall shifts. Practically, the display ‘‘wraps around’’the scale and overwrites the existing data. For spec-tral Doppler flow toward the transducer, the veloc-ity peak is cut off at the top of the scale and the

Fig. 6. Color Doppler aliasing. (A) Longitudinal CDUS image of CCA directed away from transducer should be redwith maximum central velocity displayed as bright yellow. Instead, color scale ‘‘wraps around’’ and colors are dis-played sequentially from red and yellow adjacent to wall to light blue and then dark blue in central lumen. Ve-locity scale range is 12cm/s. (B) At proper scale range of 23 cm/s color display no longer aliases and flow directionis depicted appropriately.

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missing portion is written from the lowest portionof the scale back toward the top [Fig. 5]. The solu-tions to spectral aliasing are first to drop the base-line or increase the velocity scale (ie, the PRF) toincrease the available velocity range [Fig. 5]. If thescale is still inadequate, decrease the Doppler fre-quency shift by using a lower insonating frequencyor by increasing the Doppler angle [4].

For color Doppler assume a scale ranging fromred (slow) to yellow (faster) toward the transducerand dark blue (slow) to light blue (faster) away. Ali-asing within a vessel is displayed as adjacent colorsfrom red to yellow to light blue to dark blue[Fig. 6]. Increasing the velocity scale [Fig. 6] or de-creasing the frequency can also be diminished bycolor Doppler aliasing. In areas of the vessel wherethe flow actually reverses direction, the color palettealso goes from red to dark blue but without the yel-low and light blue components in between. Insteadthere is the black line of no flow dividing the areasin which the flow has changed direction [Fig. 7].Power Doppler has no aliasing because it has no di-rectional or velocity component.

Aliasing is disadvantageous in that high veloci-ties may not be accurately measured; however, inday-to-day scanning, color Doppler aliasing canbe useful because it quickly localizes the highestvelocity region within a vessel for spectral sam-pling for carotid and other vascular studies[Fig. 8] [6]. Aliasing rapidly identifies the abnor-mal area in assessment of transjugular intrahepaticportal-systemic shunt TIPS [Fig. 9] and displaysthe direction of high-velocity jets for angle-cor-rected velocity determination. In addition, colorDoppler aliasing readily identifies abnormalhigh-velocity vessels, which are often invisibleon gray-scale. In particular, arteriovenous fistulae,a common sequelae to renal or hepatic biopsy[Fig. 10] [7] are often undetectable on gray-scale.

Blooming artifact

In common terms this is known as ‘‘color bleed’’ be-cause the color spreads out from within the vesseland ‘‘bleeds’’ beyond the wall into adjacent areas.Color bleed can occur because the color US imageis actually two images superimposed, the colorand the gray-scale; thus, depending on how the pa-rameters are set, the color portion of the image canextend beyond the true gray-scale vessel margin.This extension usually occurs deep to the vesselsand, most commonly, is caused by abnormallyhigh gain settings [Fig. 11] [8]. The unwanted result,however, is that the information within the vessel(ie, partial thrombus) can be ‘‘written over’’ and ob-scured. Color blooming artifact can also be seenwith US contrast agents and occurs soon after thebolus injection, at the time the increase in signalstrength is the highest [9]. B-flow, an alternativeUS-based blood flow detection method, does notuse Doppler and is acquired as part of the gray-scaleimage; thus, the ‘‘flow’’ cannot overwrite the gray-scale anatomy. This type of imaging may be usefulwhen color imaging is problematic [10].

Directional ambiguity

Directional ambiguity or indeterminate flow direc-tion refers to a spectral Doppler tracing in whichthe waveform is displayed with nearly equal ampli-tude above and below the baseline in a mirrorimage pattern. This pattern results when theinterrogating beam intercepts the vessel at a 90� an-gle [5] and is most common in small vessels, espe-cially those that may be traveling in and out of theimaging plane [Fig. 12]. In a study by Ratanakornand colleagues [11], this artifact adversely effectedmeasured transcranial Doppler blood-flowvelocities.

Fig. 7. Color Doppler aliasing andflow reversal. Longitudinal CDUSimage of left CCA bifurcationdemonstrates focal aliasing cen-trally (arrow). True flow reversal(arrowheads) in ICA bulb is recog-nized by thin black line that sepa-rates blue reversed flow near wallfrom adjacent red forward flow incentral lumen. (From Zynda-WeissA, Carson NL. Carotid arterial andvertebral Doppler ultrasound. In:Dogra V, Rubens DJ, editors.Ultrasound secrets. New York:Elsevier; 2004; with permission.)

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Fig. 8. Color Doppler aliasing. (A) Longitudinal CDUS image of left common carotid artery bifurcation demon-strates focal aliasing within ICA (arrowheads) indicating high-velocity jet caused by stenosis. (B) Spectral Dopplerobtained at this region also demonstrates aliasing, even with maximized scale settings. Despite this, if peak (ar-row) is added to portion written above baseline, velocity can be calculated at 275 1 219 5 494 cm/s, whichindicates a severe stenosis. (From Zynda-Weiss A, Carson NL. Carotid arterial and vertebral Doppler ultrasound.In: Dogra V, Rubens DJ, editors. Ultrasound secrets. New York: Elsevier; 2004; with permission.)

Directional ambiguity should not be confusedwith true bidirectional flow. In the latter case, bloodactually flows in two directions, such as in the neckof a pseudo-aneurysm [Fig. 13]. The clue here isthat the flow is first in one direction, then in the op-posite, all within a single cardiac cycle. Another typeof bidirectional flow occurs in the setting of high re-sistance organ flow (eg, torsion, venous thrombo-sis, or other causes of parenchymal edema) and isrepresented as diastolic flow reversal [Fig. 14][12]. The difference between true bidirectionalflow and an indeterminate direction spectral tracing

is that bidirectional flow is never simultaneouslysymmetric above and below the baseline. The flowdirection varies within the cardiac cycle. True bidi-rectional flow is not an artifact. In the visceralarteries it is always abnormal and must be recog-nized to make the correct diagnosis.

Partial volume artifact

Partial volume artifact results from a slice thicknessthat is not infinitely thin. Echoes and Doppler sig-nals can be acquired from objects that may be partly

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Fig. 9. Color Doppler aliasing in transjugular intrahepatic portal-systemic shunt (TIPS). (A) Longitudinal CDUS im-age of TIPS (arrows) demonstrates aliasing (arrowheads) in hepatic end of shunt suggesting focally elevatedvelocity. (B) Corresponding Doppler spectrum confirms shunt stenosis with angle- corrected flow velocitymeasuring 256.7 cm/s (normal velocity is <200 cm/s). (From Zynda-Weiss A, Carson NL. Carotid arterial and ver-tebral Doppler ultrasound. In: Dogra V, Rubens DJ, editors. Ultrasound secrets. New York: Elsevier; 2004; withpermission.)

within the slice and partly outside of it, similar toslicing partly through a cherry in a piece of fruitcake. If viewed from one side, the slice seems tohave a cherry. If viewed from the other side, nocherry seems visible. Because the signals in the USslice are summed together, the echoes producedare attributed to structures in the assumed ‘‘thin’’scan plane [13]; thus, echoes can appear within an-echoic structures and Doppler signals are acquiredin an area in which no vessels are perceived ongray-scale [3]. For example, on a longitudinalgray-scale image, echoes from gas in the duodenummay appear within the gallbladder and mimicstones or polyps; however, if you rotate the trans-ducer and image from the transverse plane, thegas is clearly adjacent to the gallbladder and notwithin it. On color flow imaging, an example ofpartial volume artifact is visualization of a portionof the iliac artery within the ovary giving the im-pression of abnormal cyst wall flow. Spectral analy-sis of this vessel shows the high resistance waveformtypical of an iliac artery [Fig. 15] and imaging fromthe 90� plane clearly shows the vessel separate fromthe ovary. Partial volume artifact may be producedby grating lobes or side lobes, which generate infor-mation outside the expected path of the mainbeam. These off-axis lobes are located peripheralto the main beam axis [Fig. 16] [14]. Side lobes oc-cur close to the primary beam whereas grating lobescan be far removed from the central beam [15].These off-axis lobes can interrogate vessels that areseparate from the primary sample volume. Thelobes may appear on the spectral tracing as a flowing

vessel where none is expected or display bidirec-tional flow as a result of interrogating the vesselfrom multiple angles [Fig. 12]. These transducer re-lated artifacts are seen mainly with the high fre-quency, tightly curved, convex, linear arrays usedin endocavitary probes, and depend on the crystalelement size and the spacing of the array elements[5].


Pseudoflow is defined as presence of flow of a fluidother than blood [7]. Pseudoflow can mimic realblood flow with color or power Doppler US, butno true vessel containing the fluid exists [Fig. 17].The color or power Doppler signal appears as longas the fluid motion continues. These artifacts maybe misinterpreted as flow unless Doppler spectralanalysis is used. The spectral Doppler tracing doesnot exhibit a normal arterial or venous waveform[1]. Spontaneous examples of pseudoflow includeascites [Fig. 18], amniotic fluid, and urine (bladderjets). Bladder jets identify the ureteral orifice andare useful to exclude complete obstruction or to de-note asymmetric ureteral emptying in the case ofpartial obstruction [Fig. 19] [16]. Bladder jets arenot completely reliable, however, because 30% ofobstructed patients may display normal jets [17].Conversely, normal patients in the 2nd and 3rd tri-mester of pregnancy may have asymmetric or absentjets partly caused by uterine pressure. These jets canmostly be restored by scanning in the decubitus po-sition, however, because the asymmetry may bephysiologic and not necessarily abnormal, using

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Fig. 10. Aliasing identifies an arteriovenous fistula (AVF). (A) Longitudinal CDUS image detects area of focal ali-asing (arrows) indicating high-velocity flow in renal hilum, and suggests arteriovenous fistula. (B) Doppler spec-trum demonstrates low resistance arterial waveform directed above baseline and high-velocity arterializedvenous waveform below baseline, diagnostic of AVF.

diminished jets to diagnose obstruction in preg-nancy still remains problematic [18].

Flash artifact

Flash artifact is a sudden burst of random color thatfills the frame, obscuring the gray-scale image. Thisartifact may be caused by object motion or trans-ducer motion [Figs. 20 and 21] [7]. Flash artifactmay occur anywhere but is most commonly seenin the left lobe of the liver (as a result of cardiac pul-sation) and in hypoechoic areas, such as cysts orfluid collections [Fig. 22] [5]. Flash artifact can beused to denote the fluid nature of solid-appearingmaterial [Fig. 23] [1]. Power Doppler is more sus-ceptible to flash artifact than color flow Doppler be-cause of the longer time required to build the image(in general, more frames are averaged to create theimage than with standard color Doppler) [19].

Although generally disruptive, motion artifactscan be extremely useful diagnostically. The so-called

‘‘perivascular artifact’’ or ‘‘color bruit’’ is a tissue mo-tion artifact whereby the motion is generatedwithin an organ, rather than involving an entire or-gan or image. This artifact appears as a randomcolor mosaic in the soft tissues (as opposed to a sin-gle homogeneous color), occurs adjacent to vesselswith turbulent flow, and is believed to be caused byactual vascular tissue vibration [20]. This artifact isthe imaging equivalent to an auditory bruit or pal-pable thrill; varies with the cardiac cycle; is mostprominent in systole; is absent or less prominentin diastole; is seen particularly in association withanastomotic sites, stenotic arteries, or arteriovenousfistulae [Fig. 24]; and can be extremely useful to de-tect their presence.

Mirror-image artifact

The mirror image artifact displays objects on bothsides of a strong reflector, though they are locatedonly on one side of it [21,22]. The reflector (eg,

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Fig. 11. Blooming artifact (A) Longitudinal CDUS image of right common femoral vein (CFV) shows bloomingartifact deep to vessel, displaying color (arrow) beyond vessel wall (arrowheads). Color is uniform and no clotdisplayed. Initial examination was interpreted as normal. Scale is low at 0.11 and gain high at 50. (B) Axial CTjust above bifurcation shows intraluminal partial thrombus (arrow) in right CFV. CT was obtained same day as‘‘(A)’’. (C) Following CT, directed CFV CDUS was performed. Increasing scale to 0.17 and decreasing gain to 38shows thrombus (arrow), which was initially missed. (D) Corresponding gray-scale image to C shows thrombus(cursors), which is larger than in CDUS image, indicating some color pixels are still overwriting gray-scale, par-ticularly in darker portions of clot. (E) Axial CDUS displays thrombus centrally within CFV, identical to CT.

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Fig. 12. Longitudinal CDUS imagethrough infant testis shows arte-rial spectral Doppler waveformwith equal amplitude above andbelow baseline, yielding an inde-terminate flow direction. This oc-curs most often in small vessels.

the diaphragm, pleural surface, or aortic wall) di-rects some of the echoes to a second reflector beforeit returns them to the transducer, resulting in a mul-tipath reflection [Fig. 25] [14]. The machine‘‘straightens out’’ the multipath echoes assumingthat the echoes come from the initial transducerbeam and from a distance corresponding to the ac-tual time of flight, resulting in a display of the ech-oes deeper in the image than they should be. Theresulting artifact shows up as the virtual object,deep to the original image but identical to it-thusthe term ‘‘mirror.’’

Fig. 13. True bidirectional flow in a pseudoaneurysm.Doppler spectrum at neck of pseudoaneurysm dem-onstrates true bidirectional flow with sequentialflow first into and then out of aneurysm in each car-diac cycle.

Mirror images may be produced with gray-scale,color, power, and spectral Doppler. With Doppler,mirror image artifact commonly occurs adjacentto the highly reflective lung in the supraclavicularregion [23]. Reflection off the pleura causes an ap-parent duplication of the subclavian artery orvein. The sound is bounced back from the surfaceof the lung to the moving blood cells and the result-ing Doppler shift is reflected back to the surface ofthe lung and then to the transducer. The extratime taken causes the appearance of a second vesseldeep to the real subclavian vessel, referred to as themirror image artifact. The phantom vessel is alwaysprojected deeper in the image [Fig. 26] [5]. A ca-rotid ghost is the term for a mirror image of thecommon carotid artery. The carotid ghost is alwayslocated deep to the common carotid artery regard-less of location and positioning of the transducer[23].

Edge artifact

Edge artifact refers to the Doppler signal generatedat the margin of a strong, smooth, specular reflec-tor, displayed on imaging as persistent color alongthe rim of calcified structures, such as gallstones[Fig. 27] or cortical bone, and may mimic vascular-ity unless the spectral tracing is obtained [24]. Edgeartifact may be generated by any echogenic surface,including manmade structures (eg, catheters andfoley balloons [Fig. 28]). The diagnostic feature isthe Doppler spectrum, a straight-line pattern, equalabove and below the baseline, and representingnoise, not flow. Edge artifact is seen more

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Fig. 14. Diastolic flow reversal (A) Spectral tracing in left hepatic artery 2 days after liver transplantation showsdiastolic flow reversal (arrows) indicating high resistance to arterial flow. Resistive index (RI) is 1.0 (B) 1 day laternormal continuous forward diastolic flow has been re-established and RI is normal at 0.7.

commonly with power Doppler US than with colorDoppler US because of a larger dynamic range [25].These artifacts are more frequent at low PRF or ve-locity scale as a result of the increased sensitivityof the system but may also be caused by a lowwall filter setting [26].

Twinkling artifact

In 1996, ‘‘twinkling artifact’’ was described by Rah-mouni and colleagues [25] as color Doppler signalsthat imitate motion or flow behind a stationarystrongly reflecting interface. The twinkling artifactcan be seen behind any granular (irregular orrough) reflecting surface but is commonly causedby renal calculi, bladder calcification, and

cholesterol crystals in the gallbladder [Fig. 29].The twinkling Doppler is a mosaic of rapidly chang-ing colors located deep to an echogenic reflector.With power Doppler, the signal location is thesame, but the color is uniform [Fig. 30].

Twinkling artifact is believed to be caused bya narrow band of intrinsic machine noise calledphase (or clock) jitter [27]. On a flat surface, systemnoise generates a narrow band of Doppler shift asa result of tiny clock errors. This tiny shift is usuallyexcluded by the wall filter and, therefore, is not dis-played as color. Rough surfaces increase the delaysin measuring signal and amplify the errors, increas-ing the spectral bandwidth of this noise above thelevel of the wall filter. The spectrum is typical of

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Fig. 15. Partial volume artifact in ovary. (A) Longitudinal CDUS image of left adnexa demonstrates vessel (arrow)along margin of ovarian cystic mass (M), creating concern that mass is vascular. (B) Doppler spectrum of this ves-sel reveals high resistance arterial waveform. (C) Axial image shows vessel (arrows) is actually adjacent to ovaryand separate from it, not within cyst wall. (D) Doppler spectral waveform is identical to that in B, and is typical ofinternal iliac artery.

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Fig. 15. (continued).

noise, with multiple closely applied spikes that arewritten equally above and below the baseline[Fig. 30].

Detection of the twinkling signal depends onthe color-write priority and, in some instances,on gray-scale gain. As color-write priority de-creases, more gray-scale is displayed, and theamount of twinkling artifact decreases behindthe stone [27]. At high color-write priorities, thegray-scale has less effect. These settings vary frommachine to machine and the relationships

Fig. 16. Sidelobes. Diagram displays origins of sidelobes and grating lobes and their relationship tomain beam. Echoes returning from either of these ad-ditional lobe sources is displayed as though they orig-inated from main beam.

between the settings also vary with manufacturer.To consistently obtain a twinkling artifact, a highcolor-write priority should be selected and gray-scale gain kept to a minimum.

Why produce an artifact? Unlike many artifactsthat are problematic, the twinkling artifact can beextremely useful. Similar to gray-scale shadowing,twinkling artifact also may be useful to identifystones. Small stones that may not generate a strongecho or cast an acoustic shadow still can producea twinkling artifact, leading to their identification[Fig. 31] [1]. Similar to an acoustic shadow, twin-kling does not occur 100% of the time. In a studyof 32 patients by Lee and colleagues [28], only86% of urinary calculi demonstrated a twinkling ar-tifact; furthermore, the chemical composition ofstones is related to the production of the artifact.Chelfouh and colleagues [29] reported that calciumoxalate dihydrate and calcium phosphate calculi al-ways produced a twinkling artifact, whereas stonescomposed of calcium oxalate monohydrate and ur-ate lacked a twinkling artifact. Besides renal calculi,a twinkling artifact may be seen behind materialwith an irregularly reflective, granular surface,such as iron filings, emery paper, ground chalk,wire mesh, an aneurysm coil during transcranialDoppler sonography [30], gall bladder adenomyo-matosis [31], or, recently, encrusted stents [32]. Al-though the twinkling artifact cannot be generated100% of the time, it can be extremely useful inthe detection of renal calculi and some foreign bod-ies. The key to the twinkling artifact is that the colorproduced behind the calcification and the concomi-tant Doppler spectral tracing shows noise, not flow;thus, a calcified carotid plaque with twinkling can

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Fig. 17. Pseudoflow caused by fluid in ligamentum teres. (A) Transverse CDUS color flow image of liver demon-strates simulated vessel (arrows) coursing along falciform ligament. (B) Longitudinal CDUS image of same sim-ulated vessel. (C) Axial image at another time point shows flow in posteriorly located splenic vein (arrowhead)but no flow around falciform. (D) Spectral Doppler tracing displays noise and no true flow. (From Campbell SC,Cullinan JA, Rubens DJ. Slow flow or no flow? Color and power Doppler US pitfalls in the abdomen and pelvis.Radiographics 2004;24:497-506; with permission.)

be differentiated from a potentially ulcerated pla-que with flow in the ulcer cavities [Fig. 32].

Day-to day Doppler: too much flow versustoo little flow

The artifacts described in the section ‘‘Doppler Arti-facts’’ primarily relate to the generation of Dopplersignals by nonvascular structures or fluids. The keyto their recognition is (1) knowing that they can oc-cur, (2) knowing the common locations and causesfor their generation, and (3) identification of thenonvascular Doppler spectrum they generate,which clinches the diagnosis. In day-to-day clinicalpractice, the more common problems are too much

flow, which may obscure thrombi, or too little flow,giving the false diagnosis of thrombosis.

Too much flow usually can be recognized by see-ing color bleed [Fig. 11], or seeing aliasing in a vesselthat normally does not have it [Fig. 33]. This prob-lem can be corrected by increasing the scale or de-creasing the gain. Another common imagingproblem occurs when uninterrupted flow is imagedfrom a segment of a vessel and flow is assumed thesame throughout the rest of the lumen. This prob-lem usually occurrs in longitudinal vascular imagingwhereby a partial thrombus or atheromatous plaquemay not be imaged if it is not centered in the imagingplane [Fig. 34]. The fail-safe if inappropriate settingsare not recognized is always to image in two planes;

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Fig. 18. Bladder jet. (A) Patient who presents with right renal colic. Transverse CDUS image through bladdershows normal jet (arrow) from asymptomatic side. Note right ureteral calculus (arrowhead). (B) TransverseCDUS image shows smaller right ureteral jet (arrow) indicating partial, but not complete, obstruction secondaryto ureteral calculus (arrowhead). (From Campbell SC, Cullinan JA, Rubens DJ. Slow flow or no flow? Color andpower Doppler US pitfalls in the abdomen and pelvis. Radiographics 2004;24:497-506; with permission.)

thus, even if the color-write priority is too high or theimaging plane is not centered and the thrombus isoverwritten in the long axis of the vessel, the clotcan be recognized in the short axis plane [Fig. 34].

The more common problem is too little flow,which mimics thrombosis. First, Doppler angleshould be as small as possible. Obtaining signalsfor flow at 90� to the probe is always difficult[Fig. 2]. The scale should be set appropriately forthe vessel you being interrogated. Too high a scaleeliminates slow flow within the vessels [Fig. 35].The frequency should be appropriate: low frequency

for deep structures [Fig. 36] and high frequency forsuperficial ones [Fig. 1]. The frequency to demon-strate color flow Doppler is generally lower thanthe frequency needed for gray-scale imaging, so theDoppler frequency may need to be decreased if itdoes not default to the correct frequency. Frequencyfilters and other algorithms designed to decreasecolor tissue noise can eliminate display of slow flow-ing blood if they are set too high [Fig. 2]. In general,reducing the size of the color box reduces the samplesize and increases the frame rate, leading to betteroverall sensitivity and resolution of the color image.

Fig. 19. Pseudoflow in ascites. (A) Longitudinal CDUS image in mid-abdomen in cirrhotic patient with ascites.Two linear flowing streams exist. More caudal stream (with Doppler cursor) has spectral Doppler waveform,which has random flow above and below baseline unrelated to any visceral vascular pattern. Motion in ascitesoccurs. (B) Cranial stream is continuous, unidirectional, and monophasic (arrows), typical of portal vein, repre-senting patent umbilical collateral vessel. (From Campbell SC, Cullinan JA, Rubens DJ. Slow flow or no flow?Color and power Doppler US pitfalls in the abdomen and pelvis. Radiographics 2004;24:497-506; withpermission.)

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Fig. 20. Flash artifact: patient motion. (A) Longitudinal CDUS through the left lobe of liver with flash artifact(arrows) produced by respiratory motion. (B) Longitudinal CDUS with no motion shows normal vascular flowwith no artifact.

Fig. 21. Flash artifact: transducer motion. (A) Longitudinal CDUS of the left testis with flash artifact (arrows)caused by transducer motion. (B) Without motion, normal testicular vessels are easily identified.

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Fig. 22. Flash artifact in amnioticfluid caused by motion of fetalhead. CDUS image (left) of loweruterine segment showing fetalhead (H) and cervix (C). Flash ofcolor (arrow) appears across inter-nal os caused by application offundal pressure while scanning,and simulates vasa previa. On cor-responding CDUS image with nofundal pressure applied (right),no color is detected. (From Camp-bell SC, Cullinan JA, Rubens DJ.Slow flow or no flow? Color andpower Doppler US pitfalls in theabdomen and pelvis. Radio-graphics 2004;24:497-506; withpermission.)

Fig. 23. Flash artifact to identify fluid for aspiration. (A) Transverse CDUS image in left thigh of immunocompro-mised patient presenting with left leg pain, originally evaluated for venous thrombosis with negative examina-tion. Imaging in area of tenderness showed hypoechoic mass (arrows) with some internal echoes. (B) Withcompression applied to mass, anterior portion fills with color (arrows) indicating liquid, not solid mass. The ap-parent ‘‘mass’’ was aspirated and was an abscess.

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Fig. 24. Color Doppler bruit sam-pling in region of color Dopplerbruit (mosaic of colors) shows typ-ical spectrum of arteriovenous fis-tula with high-velocity arterialflow (1 m/s) and even higher ve-nous flow (below baseline).

Fig. 25. Multipath reflection diagram of US wave path required to produce mirror image artifact. Pulse begins attransducer, is deflected by ‘‘mirror’’ (usually diaphragm or pleura) and hits target. Reflected echo returns to mir-ror and then to transducer, requiring much longer transit time than if pulse had interacted with object directly;thus, ‘‘mirror’’ image is displayed deeper in field of view.

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Fig. 26. Mirror-image artifact. (A) Anterior true vessel and (B) posterior mirror image of subclavian artery showidentical spectra. Mirror in case is pleura (arrows). (C) Similar situation is noted with subclavian vein anteriorlyand (D) its mirror image posteriorly with pleura (arrows) between them. Mirror-image vein should not be mis-taken for collateral vessel.

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Fig. 26. (continued).

Fig. 27. Edge artifact from gallstone. Power Doppler image demonstrates color signal along rim of gallstone sim-ulating a gallbladder mass. Spectral tracing is typical of noise, with nonvascular pattern displayed equally aboveand below baseline. (From Campbell SC, Cullinan JA, Rubens DJ. Slow flow or no flow? Color and power DopplerUS pitfalls in the abdomen and pelvis. Radiographics 2004;24:497-506; with permission.)

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Fig. 28. Edge artifact from foley catheter. (A) Transverse CDUS image through bladder shows spherical mass cen-trally with marked Doppler signal around its margins (arrows). (B) Spectral Doppler confirms high amplitudecontinuous noise, equal and symmetric above and below baseline.

Fig. 29. Twinkling artifact longitudinal CDUS in patient with cholesterol crystals in gallbladder. Crystals generatetwinkling artifact (arrowheads) posteriorly.

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Fig. 30. Twinkling artifact. (A) Longitudinal image of bladder shows typical ureterovesical junction stone (arrow)with posterior shadow. (B) Transverse CDUS image of bladder shows right ureteral calculus (arrow) and twin-kling artifact generated posteriorly (arrowheads). (C) Power Doppler also generates signal (arrowheads) poste-rior to stone. (D) Corresponding Doppler spectrum through twinkling color shows equal amplitude noise aboveand below baseline. Same spectral tracing is generated whether color or power Doppler images ‘‘twinkle.’’ (FromCampbell SC, Cullinan JA, Rubens DJ. Slow flow or no flow? Color and power Doppler US pitfalls in the abdomenand pelvis. Radiographics 2004;24:497-506; with permission.)

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Fig. 31. Small renal stones with twinkling artifact. (A) Longitudinal US image through kidney shows minimal hydro-nephrosis (arrow) but no stones. (B) CDUS image in same position shows marked twinkling artifacts (arrows) at up-per and lower poles, identifying stones, which do not cast an acoustic shadow.

Fig. 32. Twinkling artifact in carotid. (A) Twinkling artifact (arrowheads) occurs behind calcifications (arrows) inatherosclerotic plaque, not to be mistaken for ulceration and disturbed flow. (B) Calcifications (arrows) are bet-ter visualized on gray-scale image. (From Campbell SC, Cullinan JA, Rubens DJ. Slow flow or no flow? Color andpower Doppler US pitfalls in the abdomen and pelvis. Radiographics 2004;24:497-506; with permission.)

Fig. 33. Portal vein clot obscured. (A) Initial transverse CDUS image through portal vein shows color filling lu-men; however, aliasing is occurring (arrow) and scale is too low at 23. (B) Repeat imaging with scale increasedto 38 with other factors remaining constant permits detection of clot (arrow), which is isoechoic to liver.

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Fig. 34. Off axis imaging. (A) Longitudinal CDUS through common femoral vein (CFV) is normal. (B) With slightrepositioning of transducer, large partial thrombus is identified posteriorly (arrows). (C) Transverse imagingshows partial thrombus centered in vein. Imaging in sagittal plane angled either side of thrombus creates falsenegative diagnosis.

Fig. 35. Partial thrombus in left portal vein? (A) Initial transverse CDUS image shows only partial filling of leftportal vein, simulating a thrombus (arrowheads) on right wall. Mean velocity scale is 17cm/s, too high forslow-flowing portal vein. (B) Repeat transverse image with scale at 10 cm/s shows normal filling of vein andno thrombus.

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Fig. 36. No flow in central TIPS. (A) Initial longitudinal spectral Doppler sampling through TIPS shows normalinflow at portal vein end. (B) Hepatic vein portion also has normal flow. (C) In mid TIPS between hepatic andportal venous segments, there is no demonstrable flow. Spectral frequency is 3 MHz (arrow). (D) Normal flowin mid TIPS is documented using frequency of 2 MHz (arrow).

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Fig. 36. (continued).

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Lastly, the color-write priority may be set automati-cally or manually. With a high color-write prioritythe sensitivity for color flow can be prioritized socolor shows up where no vessel was visible ongray-scale imaging, and if the color-write priority isset too low, flow may be missed. Some practicalguidelines to optimize a color Doppler examinationare listed in Box 1.


With increasing technologic advances in US, its ap-plications have continued to grow for the detectionof pathology and physiology. To avoid misinterpre-tation of results, however, the Doppler US practi-tioner must understand the factors that producea Doppler signal, whether vascular, motion, or arti-fact. Color or power Doppler artifacts can be verifiedby their atypical spectral waveform. Some artifacts,such as aliasing (for rapid detection of stenoses or ar-teriovenous fistulae) and the twinkle artifact (foridentification of renal calculi and verification ofother stones or crystals), are extremely useful diag-nostically. Careful attention to the technical param-eters of frequency, gain, filter and scale is required tocorrectly identify vascular patency or thrombosis,especially in slow-flowing vessels.


[1] Campbell SC, Cullinan JA, Rubens DJ. Slow flowor no flow? Color and power Doppler US pitfallsin the abdomen and pelvis. Radiographics 2004;24:497–506.

[2] Merritt CRB. Physics of ultrasound. 3rd edition.Philadelphia: Mosby; 2004.

Box 1: Guidelines for an optimal color flowDoppler examination

� Adjust the gain and filter settings to obtainan optimal color signal and minimal colornoise.� Adjust the velocity scale (PRF) and baseline

according to the flow conditions. A low scaleis used for low flows and velocities; however,it may produce aliasing. A high scale reducesaliasing but is less sensitive for slow flows.� Obtain an optimal Doppler angle by adjust-

ing the beam steering and probe position.The angle should be 60� or less if velocitymeasurements are to be made.� The color flow box should be kept as small as

possible to allow better frame rate for betterresolution and sensitivity.� Adjust the pulsed Doppler sample volume

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[32] Trillaud H, Pariente JL, Rabie A, et al. Detection ofencrusted indwelling ureteral stents using a twin-kling artifact revealed on color Doppler sonogra-phy. AJR Am J Roentgenol 2001;176:1446–8.

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Radiol Clin N Am 44 (2006) 837–861


First-Trimester ScreeningDavid A. Nyberg, MDa,*, Jon Hyett, MDb,Jo-Ann Johnson, MD, FRCSCc, Vivienne Souter, MDd

- First-trimester aneuploidy screening- Screening strategies

First-trimester combined screenFirst-trimester combined screen plus other

ultrasound markersFirst-trimester screening followed by

second-trimester biochemistryFirst-trimester screening followed by

second-trimester ultrasonography

- Other advantages of first-trimesterscreening

Other chromosome abnormalitiesBirth defects in euploid fetuses who have

increased nuchal translucencyTwins and multiple gestationsStructural defects detected during the first

trimester- Summary- References

All patients have a 2% to 3% risk of birth defects,regardless of their prior history, family history, ma-ternal age, or lifestyle [1]. Chromosome abnormal-ities account for approximately 10% of birthdefects, but are important because of their highmortality and morbidity. Trisomy 21 (Down syn-drome) is the most common serious chromosomeabnormality at birth, occurring in approximately1 of 500 pregnancies in the United States. The actualrisk varies with maternal and gestational age andwhether there is a history of previous pregnanciesaffected by chromosomal abnormality, although,as with other birth defects, all patients are at riskfor fetal Down syndrome.

A detailed fetal anatomic survey performed at 18to 22 weeks remains the primary means for detect-ing the majority of serious ‘‘structural’’ birth defects;however, first-trimester screening at 11 to 14 weekshas developed into the initial screening test formany patients. A wealth of information can be

0033-8389/06/$ – see front matter ª 2006 Elsevier Inc. All righradiologic.theclinics.com

obtained at this time, including detection of manystructural defects, as well as screening for fetal aneu-ploidy, including Down syndrome. The major ad-vantage of first-trimester screening is the earliergestational age of detection so that diagnostic test-ing (chorionic villous sampling [CVS] or geneticamniocentesis) can be made available for patientsconsidered at highest risk for chromosome abnor-malities. First-trimester screening can also helpidentify patients at increased risk for a variety ofother abnormalities, including cardiac defects,that may be seen later. In this way, first-trimesterscreening can help triage patients for subsequenttesting.

Older screening methods relied on clinical riskfactors, particularly maternal age, to determinewhich patients might benefit from a diagnostic in-vasive test for fetal aneuploidy; however, maternalage alone is a poor screening method for determin-ing who is at risk for chromosome abnormalities.

This article was originally published in Ultrasound Clinics 1:2, April 2006.a Fetal and Women’s Center of Arizona, 9440 E. Ironwood Square Drive, Scottsdale, AZ 85258, USAb Maternity Services, Royal Brisbane Women’s Hospital, Butterfield Street, Herston GLD 4006, Australiac Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Calgary, AB, Canadad Good Samaritan Medical Center, 1111 East McDowell Road, Phoeniz, AZ 85006, USA* Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (D.A. Nyberg).

ts reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rcl.2006.10.017

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Nyberg et al838

First-trimester screening has proved to be very effec-tive in screening for fetal aneuploidy. The accuracyof both first-trimester and second-trimester ultra-sound can be improved by also considering variousbiochemical markers. As a result, there are currentlyfour main components to screening for fetal aneu-ploidy and other birth defects: (1) first-trimesterultrasound, (2) first-trimester biochemistry, (3)second-trimester ultrasound, and (4) second-tri-mester biochemistry. These four components of con-temporary screening can be used in isolation or canbe combined with one another for greater accuracy.

This article focuses on first-trimester ultrasoundscreening, but also describes related screening pro-tocols that can be used.

First-trimester aneuploidy screening

It is now well-known that increased fluid or thick-ening beneath the skin at the back of the neck is as-sociated with a higher risk for fetal aneuploidy andother birth defects. This sonographic observationmirrors the clinical description of Down syndromemade more than 100 years ago by Dr. LangdonDown, who reported that the skin of affected indi-viduals is ‘‘too large for their bodies’’ [2].

During the 1980s, many ultrasound studies de-scribed the typical appearance of cystic hygromasin the second trimester, and their association withaneuploidy, particularly Turner’s syndrome [2–12].At the same time, it was observed that cystic hy-gromas seen during the first trimester may have dif-ferent appearances (nonseptated), and differentassociations (trisomies) than those seen duringthe second trimester. It was also observed that ‘‘cys-tic hygromas’’ seen during the first trimester can re-solve to nuchal thickening alone, or even normalnuchal thickness, and still be associated with aneu-ploidy [13,14]. In a related observation, Benacerrafand colleagues [15,16] noted that second-trimesternuchal thickening was associated with an increasedrisk of Down syndrome.

In 1992, Nicolaides and colleagues [17] pro-posed the term ‘‘nuchal translucency (NT)’’ for thesonographic appearance of fluid under the skin atthe back of the fetal neck observed in all fetuses dur-ing the first trimester [Fig. 1]. They further reportedan association between the thickness of the translu-cency and the risk of fetal aneuploidy, especially tri-somies. This concept of measuring NT in all fetusesformed the basis for first-trimester screening by ul-trasound. By 1995, the first large study of NT waspublished [18]. Subsequent studies have confirmedthat NT thickness can be reliably measured at 11 to14 weeks gestation and, combined with maternalage, can produce an effective means of screeningfor trisomy 21 [19].

The mechanism for increased NT may vary withthe underlying condition. The most likely causes in-clude heart strain or failure [20,21] and abnormali-ties of lymphatic drainage [22]. Evidence for heartstrain includes the finding of increased levels ofatrial and brain natriuretic peptide mRNA in fetalhearts among trisomic fetuses [23]. Also, someDoppler ultrasound studies of the ductus venosusat 11 to 14 weeks in fetuses who have increasedNT have reported absent or reversed flow duringatrial contraction in the majority of chromosomallyabnormal fetuses and in chromosomally normal fe-tuses who have cardiac defects [24,25].

Abnormal lymphatic drainage may occur becauseof developmental delay in the connection with thevenous system, or a primary abnormal dilatation orproliferation of the lymphatic channels. Fetuseswho have Turner’s syndrome are known to have hy-poplasia of lymphatic vessels [26,27]. Lymphaticdrainage could also be impaired by lack of fetalmovements in various neuromuscular disorders,such as fetal akinesia deformation sequence [28].

An alternative explanation for increased NT is ab-normal composition of the extracellular matrix.Many of the component proteins of the extracellu-lar matrix are encoded on chromosomes 21, 18,or 13. Immunohistochemical studies of the skinof chromosomally abnormal fetuses have demon-strated specific alterations of the extracellular matrixthat may be attributed to gene dosage effects[29,30]. Altered composition of the extracellularmatrix may also be the underlying mechanism forincreased fetal NT in certain genetic syndromesthat are associated with alterations in collagen me-tabolism (such as achondrogenesis Type II), abnor-malities of fibroblast growth factor receptors (suchas achondroplasia and thanatophoric dysplasia),or disturbed metabolism of peroxisome biogenesisfactor (such as Zellweger syndrome).

Fig. 1. Normal nuchal translucency measurement(arrows) at 12 weeks, 5 days.

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All studies indicate that proper training is re-quired to obtain reproducible, accurate data fromNT measurements [31–33]. The Fetal MedicineFoundation (www.fetalmedicine.org) has outlinedguidelines that have become the standard for mea-surement of NT throughout the world. These arelisted in Box 1. They also offer a certificate of com-petency for those sonographers who successfullyshow they can adhere to them. Virtually identicalguidelines have now been proposed by the Societyfor Maternal Fetal Medicine in the United States,and they also offer a certificate of competency.

Use of the guidelines proposed by the Fetal Med-icine Foundation have resulted in a high consistencyin results [Table 1]. Monni and coworkers [34] re-ported that after modifying their technique of mea-suring NT, by following the guidelines establishedby The Fetal Medicine Foundation, their detectionrate of trisomy 21 improved from 30% to 84%.

The ability to measure NT and obtain reproduc-ible results improves with training; good resultsare achieved after 80 and 100 scans for the transab-dominal and the transvaginal routes, respectively[35]. The intraobserver and interobserver differ-ences in measurements are less than 0.5 mm in95% of cases [36]. NT is usually measured usinga transabdominal approach; transvaginal scanningmay be necessary in 5% to 10% of pregnancieswhen transabdominal scans are technically limited.

The normal range for NT measurements is gesta-tional age dependent. Pandya and colleagues [36]reported that the median NT increases from 1.3mm at a crown-rump length (CRL) of 38 mm to1.9 mm at a CRL of 84 mm. The 95th percentile in-creases from 2.2 mm at a crown rump length of 38mm to 2.8 mm at a CRL of 84 mm. Sonographersshould recognize that technical factors influenceNT measurements. For example, extension of theneck increases NT thickness, whereas flexion re-duces the measurement.

Box 1: Criteria for what constitutesan adequate NT measurement include

1. Crown-rump length between 45 mm and84 mm

2. Sagittal view that shows the nuchal mea-surement and face with the fetus in neutralposition

3. Magnification so that only the upper twothirds of the fetus is included on the image

4. Distinguishing nuchal membrane from theamnion

5. Measuring maximal subcutaneous translu-cency overlying the neck

6. Identifying causes of falsely increased nu-chal translucency measurements, includingfetal extension, and nuchal cord

The criteria for a positive NT scan have evolvedsince its first description. Initially a categorical cut-off measurement (usually 2.5 or 3 mm) was usedby most centers; however, as noted above, NT in-creases with gestational age, and the degree of riskwas found to vary with NT measurements. There-fore, it is more appropriate to express NT measure-ments relative to gestational age or CRL as a deltavalue or multiple of the median. Use of multipleof median data and derived likelihood ratios canthen estimate the patient-specific risk. This also per-mits integration of risk based on NT with biochem-ical data to generate a combined risk. It should benoted that the median NT measurement forDown syndrome is about two multiples of the me-dian. This is equivalent to about 2.5 mm at 12weeks.

The effectiveness of NT screening for detection offetal Down syndrome has now been confirmed bya number of studies [see Table 1]. In the largestmulticenter study published [19], 96,127 singletonpregnancies were examined, including 326 affectedby trisomy 21 and 325 who had other chromo-somal abnormalities. The median gestation at thetime of screening was 12 weeks (range 10–14weeks), and the median maternal age was 31 years(range 14–45 years). The fetal NT was above the95th percentile for crown-rump length in 72% ofthe trisomy 21 pregnancies [Figs. 2, 3]. The esti-mated risk for trisomy 21 based on maternal ageand fetal NT was above 1 in 300 in 8.3% of normalpregnancies and 82% of those affected by trisomy21. For a screen positive rate of 5%, the sensitivitywas 77% (95% CI: 72%–82%). The cumulativedata from a number of other studies demonstratea sensitivity of 77% for a false positive rate of 3%[see Table 1] [37–46].

The effectiveness of screening for fetal aneu-ploidy is further increased when nuchal translu-cency thickness is combined with biochemicalmarkers [Table 2]. The two most effective maternalserum markers currently used in the first trimesterare pregnancy-associated plasma protein A (PAPP-A) and free B-human chorionic gonadotrophin(B-hCG). Maternal serum free b-human chorionicgonadotropin (b-hCG) normally decreases withgestation after 10 weeks and maternal serumPAPP-A levels normally increase. Levels of thesetwo proteins tend to be increased and decreased, re-spectively, in pregnancies affected by trisomy 21.There does not appear to any correlation betweenthe rise in free b-hCG and fall in PAPP-A seen in tri-somy 21 pregnancies, so these markers may be com-bined for screening purposes [47]. Similarly, thesebiochemical markers are independent of fetal NTthickness, allowing combination of biochemicaland ultrasound tests [48,49].

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Table 1: Studies examining the implementation of fetal nuchal translucency measurement at 10–14weeks of gestation in screening for trisomy 21

Author N Screening cutoff FPR DR

Pandya et al, 1995 [37] 1763 NT >2.5 mm 3.6% 3 of 4 (75%)Szabo et al, 1995 [38] 3380 NT >3.0 mm 1.6% 28 of 31 (90%)Taiplae et al, 1997 [39] 6939 NT >3.0 mm 0.8% 4 of 6 (67%)Hafner et al, 1998 [40] 4233 NT >2.5 mm 1.7% 3 of 7 (43%)Pajkrt et al, 1998 [41] 1473 NT >3.0 mm 2.2% 6 of 9 (67%)Economides et al, 1998 [42] 2281 NT >99th centile 0.4% 6 of 8 (75%)Zoppi et al, 2000 [43] 5210 Risk >1 in 100 4.2% 33 of 47 (70%)Thilaganathan et al, 1999 [44] 11,398 Risk >1 in 200 4.7% 16 of 21 (76%)Schwarzler et al, 1999 [45] 4523 Risk >1 in 270 4.7% 10 of 12 (83%)Theodoropoulos et al, 1998 [46] 3550 Risk >1 in 300 4.9% 10 of 11 (91%)Total 44,750 3.0% 119 of 156 (76%)

Abbreviations: DR, detection rate; FPR, false-positive rate; N, number.

Some authorities believe it is important to distin-guish cystic hygromas from increased NT [50],whereas others do not. Malone and coworkers [50]reported 132 cases of cystic hygroma with follow-up among 38,167 screened patients (1 in 289).Chromosomal abnormalities were diagnosed in 67(51%), including 25 who had Down syndrome, 19who had Turner’s syndrome, 13 who had trisomy18, and 10 who had other types of chromosome ab-normalities. Major structural fetal malformations,primarily cardiac and skeletal abnormalities, werediagnosed in 22 of the remaining 65 cases (34%).Of the remaining cases, 20 resulted in spontaneousfetal death (n 5 5) or elective pregnancy termination(15). One of 23 normal survivors (4%) was diag-nosed with cerebral palsy and developmental delayat birth. Overall, survival with normal pediatric out-come was confirmed in 17% of cases (22 of 132).Compared with increased nuchal translucency (>3

Fig. 2. Mildly increased nuchal translucency measure-ment associated with trisomy 21 (calibers). The nuchalmeasurement was 2.3 mm, which is about twice nor-mal for gestational age. Biochemical values also indi-cated an increased risk for trisomy 21.

mm), cystic hygromas carried a fivefold, 12 fold,and sixfold increased risk of aneuploidy, cardiacmalformation, and perinatal death, respectively.On the other hand, cystic hygromas were associatedwith larger NT measurements than those that had in-creased NT but did not have cystic hygromas, so it re-mains uncertain whether cystic hygromas are anindependent risk factor. Like patients who have in-creased NT, the vast majority of pregnancies thathave normal evaluation at the completion of the sec-ond trimester resulted in a healthy infant and a nor-mal pediatric outcome.

Lateral neck cysts, also termed ‘‘jugular lymphaticsacs,’’ have been found by Bekker and coworkers [51]to be associated with larger NT measurements andthus a higher risk for fetal aneuploidy [Fig. 4].They found that among 26 fetuses with increasedNT (> 95th percentile), 22 had clearly visible jugularlymphatic sacs and 16 of 26 (62%) had aneuploidy.

Fig. 3. Increased nuchal translucency and trisomy 21.The nuchal translucency measurement (NT) exceeded3 mm.

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Table 2: Studies examining the implementationof a combined first-trimester test using maternalage, fetal nuchal translucency thickness, free b-hCG and PAPP-A to screen for trisomy 21

Author N FPR DR

Orlandi et al,1997 [53]

744 5.0% 6 of 7 (86%)

Biagotti et al,1998 [54]

232 5.0% 24 of 32 (75%)

Benattar et al,1999 [55]

1656 5.0% 5 of 5 (100%)

De Biasio et al,1999 [56]

1467 3.3% 11 of 13 (85%)

De Graff et al,1999 [57]

300 5.0% 31 of 37 (84%)

Spencer et al,1999 [47]

1156 5.0% 187 of 210 (89%)

Krantz et al,2000 [58]

5718 5.0% 30 of 33 (90%)

Total 11,273 4.8% 294 of 337 (87%)

In comparison, two fetuses in the control group alsoshowed jugular lymphatic sacs and their NT mea-surements were upper normal (2.8 mm and 2.9mm). Although one might conclude that lateralneck cysts are associated with a high risk of fetalaneuploidy, Sharony and colleagues [52] foundthat the outcome of lateral neck cysts is associatedwith both the presence of other abnormalities andthe NT measurement, but not with the presence ofcysts themselves. On the other hand, these authorsfound a relatively high incidence of lateral neckcysts (2.4%) in the general population, suggestingthat some of these cysts were very small and wouldhave escaped general detection.

Screening strategies

First-trimester combined screen

The first-trimester combined screen uses maternalage, NT measurement, and biochemical markers

Fig. 4. Distended jugular lymphatic ‘‘sacs.’’ (A) Increased nuchal translucency measurement of 2.5 mm is noted.(B) Transvaginal scans show small bilateral fluid collections consistent with jugular lymphatic sacs. These are as-sociated with increased nuchal translucency measurements.

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(free b-hCG and PAPP-A) to estimate the risk for fe-tal Down syndrome and trisomy 18. This is themost popular and effective screening strategy dur-ing the first trimester. A number of studies suggesta detection rate in the range of 85% to 90% fora screen positive rate of 5% [see Table 1] [52–59].

Two large US studies have also been reportedshowing the effectiveness of first-trimester screen-ing. The First-trimester Maternal Serum Biochemis-try and Fetal Nuchal Translucency Screening (BUN)study found a 79% detection rate, for a 5% false-positive rate [60].

The First- and Second-Trimester Evaluation ofRisk (FASTER) Research Consortium trial [61] isthe largest US-based study, and the only studythat has compared first-trimester screening with sec-ond-trimester screening. The FASTER data [61]clearly confirm the pioneering work of Nicolaidesand colleagues [17,19], with similar results. Theoverall detection rate was 85%, for a false-positiverate of 5%; however, the results clearly varied withgestational age, with detection rate of 87% at 11weeks compared with 82% at 13 weeks.

First-trimester combined screen plus otherultrasound markers

Although increased NT remains the primary ultra-sound marker of fetal aneuploidy and other birthdefects during the first trimester, several other ultra-sound findings have been found to be helpful atthis time. These include hypoplastic or absent nasalbone, and abnormal Doppler waveforms of the tri-cuspid valve and ductus venosus.

Hypoplastic/absent nasal boneA small nasal bone was first noted to a common fea-ture of patients who had trisomy 21 by Dr. LangdonDown [2]. Anthromorphic studies in patients whohave trisomy 21 have shown a small nasal bone inapproximately half of affected cases. A number ofultrasound studies have now also shown an associ-ation between sonographically absent nasal boneand trisomy 21 as well as other chromosome abnor-malities [62–69]. In the combined data of 15,822fetuses, the fetal profile was successfully examinedin 97.4%, and the nasal bone was absent in 1.4%of normal fetuses and in 69% of fetuses who hadtrisomy 21.

A minority of studies have concluded that an ab-sent nasal bone is not a useful feature to detect fetalDown syndrome, and that reproducibility is poorduring the first trimester [70,71]. This probably re-flects the technical difficulty in obtaining accuratenasal bone measurements at this time. Imaging ofthe nasal bones requires a near-perfect midsagittalimage and optimal angle of insonation with thefetal profile, whereas NT measurements can be

obtained with minor variations off-center and dif-ferences in direction of imaging. Demonstratingthe absence of a very small structure is even moredifficult than detecting its presence, because it canbe difficult to know for certain whether the nasalbones are absent or whether the images are simplysuboptimal. Malone and coworkers [71] found thatfactors associated with an increased failure rate ofnasal bone included early gestational age whenthe nasal bone is normally small, larger maternalbody habitus, inadequate nuchal translucency so-nography, and use of a transvaginal sonographicapproach.

Increased impedance of flow of the ductusvenosusAbnormal Doppler flow patterns of the ductus ve-nosus have been associated with an increased riskof fetal Down syndrome [Fig. 5] [24,25]. Matiasand colleagues [24] performed ductus venosusDoppler measurements on 486 singleton fetuses,including 68 who had chromosomal abnormalities,at 10 to 14 weeks’ gestation. In 90.5% of the chro-mosomally abnormal fetuses there was reversed orabsent flow during atrial contraction, whereasabnormal ductus flow was only present in 3.1% ofthe chromosomally normal fetuses. The height ofthe A-wave was found to be the only significantindependent factor in multivariate regressionanalysis. Other researchers have also found thatductus venosus Doppler studies can substantiallyimprove Down syndrome screening efficiency [72].

Fig. 5. Abnormal ductus venosus Doppler and trisomy21 (same fetus as Fig. 4). Duplex Doppler of the duc-tus venosus shows retrograde flow during atrialcontractions.

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Tricuspid regurgitation has also been associatedwith an increased risk of fetal Down syndrome. Inthe largest study reported, Faiola and coworkers[73] reported that the tricuspid valve was success-fully examined in 718 (96.8%) cases. Tricuspid re-gurgitation was found in 39 (8.5%) of the 458chromosomally normal fetuses, in 82 (65.1%) ofthe 126 who had trisomy 21, in 44 (53%) of the83 who had trisomy 18 or 13, and in 11 (21.6%)of the 51 who had other chromosomal defects. Inchromosomally normal fetuses, tricuspid regurgita-tion was associated with increased NT measure-ments, suggesting that Doppler studies may beparticularly useful in this group of patients.

Fetuses who have abnormal flow patterns of theductus venosus and tricuspid valve also appear tohave a higher risk of cardiac defects. Among 142chromosomally normal fetuses who had increasedNT, 11 fetuses had reversed or absent flow on ductusvenosus Doppler during atrial contraction, and 7 ofthese had major cardiac defects at subsequent echo-cardiography [25]. Similarly, Faiola and colleagues[73] found that in the chromosomally normal fe-tuses, tricuspid regurgitation was found in nearlyhalf (46.9%) of fetuses who had cardiac defectsand in 5.6% of those who did not have cardiac de-fects (likelihood ratio of 8.4).

Nicolaides and coworkers [74] suggest that sec-ondary findings of absent nasal bone or abnormalDoppler studies could be particularly useful in pa-tients found to be in the intermediate risk groupby the first-trimester screen. Using these secondarysigns in patients with an intermediate risk group(risk of 1 in 100 to 1 in 1000) for fetal Down syn-drome, the researchers reported detection rates of92% for absent nasal bone, 94% for increased im-pedance of the ductus venosus, and 91.7% for tri-cuspid regurgitation, with each method showingan overall false-positive rate of less than 3% [74].

First-trimester screening followed bysecond-trimester biochemistry

Second-trimester biochemical screening can detect70% to 80% of affected fetuses who had Down syn-drome (at a false positive rate of 7%–8%). The effec-tiveness appears to be clearly higher for the ‘‘quad’’screen (HCG, alpha-fetoprotein, estriol, and in-hibit-A), than the older ‘‘triple’’ screen that did notinclude inhibin-A [50]; however, the effectivenessof second-trimester biochemical screening is morelimited in a population that has already beenscreened, and in the authors’ experience, most pa-tients who have undergone first-trimester screeningwill choose not to undergo second-trimester bio-chemical screening.

For those patients who would like additional re-assurance by way of a second-trimester biochemical

screen, it should be done in a way that accounts forthe first-trimester screening results rather than treat-ing them as independent tests. One method is theso-called ‘‘integrated screen,’’ which combines theelements of the first-trimester combined screenwith the elements of the second-trimester ‘‘quad’’screen, providing a single, low false-positive resultin the second trimester [75]. This is the most accu-rate screening method currently available, with de-tection rate of 92% in the FASTER study [76];however, a major disadvantage of integrated screen-ing is that patients do not receive results until aftercompletion of the second-trimester biochemistry.Thus screen-positive women do not have the optionof CVS for early definitive diagnosis [77]. In addi-tion, it is considered unethical to suppress ultra-sound information obtained in the first trimester.

‘‘Stepwise sequential’’ screening is an alternativeapproach that has been proposed; it interprets sec-ond-trimester results based on first-trimester risk as-sessment. A clear advantage of stepwise sequentialscreening is that it provides some women an earlierdiagnosis while maintaining an extremely high de-tection rate. This method has gained rapid accep-tance and it is expected to be widely adapted intoclinical practice in the near future [78]. When pa-tients in the FASTER trial underwent first-trimestercombined screening at 11 weeks and the false-positive rate of each component was set at 2.5%,stepwise sequential screening provided a 95% de-tection of Down syndrome, for a 4.9% false-posi-tive rate. This compares to a 4.0% false-positiverate for fully integrated screening.

Incorporation of second-trimester biochemicalas part of a stepwise sequential screen would bemost effective for patients considered in an inter-mediate risk group (risk between 1 in 100 and1 in 1000) [79]. The intermediate group includes15% of affected fetuses who had Down syndromeand approximately 15% of normal fetuses. In com-parison, high risk patients (risk > 1 in 100) shouldprobably consider diagnostic invasive testing with-out additional screening; this group includes 80%of affected fetuses who have Down syndrome butonly 5% of normal fetuses. Also, low-risk patients(risk < 1 in 1000) probably do not require addi-tional screening in most cases; this group of pa-tients includes less than 5% of affected fetuseswho have Down syndrome, but 80% of normalfetuses.

First-trimester screening followed bysecond-trimester ultrasonography

A second-trimester fetal survey remains the primarymethod of detecting the majority of birth defectsthat can be detected prenatally [80]. Because ofthe wide range of anomalies that can be detected

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at this time, this examination is unlikely to be re-placed by any other screening test in the future. Inaddition to detection of structural defects, the pres-ence or absence of various sonographic markers canfurther modify the risk for fetal aneuploidy, includ-ing Down syndrome. The estimated risk can be de-rived by multiplying the background risk (based onmaternal age, gestational age, history of previouslyaffected pregnancies, and, where appropriate, theresults of previous screening by NT or biochemistryin the current pregnancy) by the likelihood ratio ofthe specific defect [81]. The most common second-trimester ultrasound markers that are systematicallyevaluated include nuchal thickening, echogenic in-tracardiac foci, absent or hypoplastic nasal bone,hyperechoic bowel, renal pyelectasis, and shortenedfemur and humerus lengths relative to the biparie-tal diameter. Nyberg and coworkers [82] and othershave calculated likelihood ratios for many of thesemarkers and have refined this for single markers[83].

In the vast majority of cases, second-trimester ul-trasound markers such as echogenic intracardiacfoci will be found in normal fetuses, especiallywhen the marker is isolated. In this situation, a priornormal first-trimester screening result can be veryreassuring. Because a normal first-trimester screen-ing results permits significant reduction of risk forfetal Down syndrome, and because isolated find-ings such as echogenic intracardiac foci onlyslightly increase the risk, most patients will remainat very low risk and do not require further testing.Ultrasound findings, however, can also improvethe detection rate of fetuses who have Down syn-drome in patients who have borderline normal re-sults from first-trimester screening, or fetuses whoshow multiple markers or major defects. At thesame time, a normal second-trimester ultrasoundcan reduce the risk of fetal Down syndrome

approximately threefold, and this can normalizepatients who have borderline positive results formfirst-trimester screening (risk 1 in 100 to 1 in 300).

Results of the FASTER trial show that use of a sec-ond-trimester genetic sonogram can both improvethe detection rate and lower the false positive ratein patients who have undergone first-trimesterscreening [84].

Other advantages of first-trimesterscreening

Other chromosome abnormalities

Nuchal translucency is also increased with otherchromosome abnormalities, including trisomies13 and 18, Turner’s syndrome, triploidy, and unbal-anced translocations [Fig. 6] [85]; however, first-trimester biochemical markers may differ fromthose typically associated with trisomy 21. In triso-mies 18 and 13, maternal serum free b-hCG andPAPP-A are decreased [86,87]. In cases of sex chro-mosomal anomalies, maternal serum free b-hCG isnormal and PAPP-A is low [88]. Triploidy of pater-nal origin, which is associated with a partial molarplacenta, has greatly increased levels of free b-hCG,whereas PAPP-A is mildly decreased [89]. In con-trast, digynic triploidy, characterized by severeasymmetrical fetal growth restriction, is associatedwith markedly decreased maternal serum free b-hCG and PAPP-A. Screening by a combination offetal NT, free b-hCG, and PAPP-A can identify about90% of these anomalies for a screen positive rateof 1%.

Birth defects in euploid fetuses who haveincreased nuchal translucency

Extensive studies have now established that, inchromosomally normal fetuses, increased NT is

Fig. 6. Increased nuchal translu-cency and trisomy 18. Large nu-chal translucency measurementwas noted and cytogenetic test-ing revealed trisomy 18.

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Table 3: Abnormalities and genetic syndromesreported in association with increased nuchaltranslucency and normal karyotype

Central nervoussytem defect Anencephaly

CraniosynostosisDandy-WalkermalformationDiastematomyeliaEncephaloceleHoloprosencephalyHydrolethalus syndromeJoubert syndromeMicrocephalyMacrocephalySpina bifidaIniencephalyTrigoncephaly CVentriculomegaly

Facial defect Agnathia/micrognathiaFacial cleftTreacher-Collinssyndrome

Nuchal defect Cystic hygromaNeck lipoma

Cardiac defect Di George syndromePulmonarydefect

Cystic adenomatoidmalformationDiaphragmatic herniaFryn syndrome

Abdominalwall defect

Cloacal exstrophyOmphaloceleGastroschisis


Crohn’s diseaseDuodenal atresiaEsophageal atresiaSmall bowel obstruction


Ambiguous genitaliaCongenital nephroticsyndromeHydronephrosisHypospadiusInfantile polycystickidney diseaseMeckel-Gruber syndromeMegacystisMulticystic dysplastickidney diseaseRenal agenesis

Skeletal defect AchondrogenesisAchondroplasiaAsphyxiating thoracicdystrophyBlomstrandosteochondrodysplasiaCampomelic dwarfismJarcho-Levin syndromeKyphoscoliosisLimb reduction defect

Table 3: (continued)

Central nervoussytem defect Anencephaly

Noonan-Sweeney syndromeOsteogenesis imperfectaRoberts syndromeRobinow syndromeShort rib polydactylySirenomeliaTalipes equinovarusSplit hand/footmalformationThanatophoric dwarfismVACTER association

Fetal anemia Blackfan-Diamond anemiaDyserthropoietic anemiaFanconi anemiaParovirus 19 infectionAlpha thalassemia


Fetal akinesia deformationsequenceMyotonic dystrophySpina muscular atrophy


Beckwith-WiedemannsyndromeGM1 gangliosidosisLong-chain 3-hydroyacyl-coenzyme A dehydrogenasedeficiencyMucopolysaccharisosisType VIISmith-Lemli-Opitz syndromeVitamin D-resistant ricketsZellweger syndrome

Other Body stalk anomaly(limb body wall complex)Brachmann-de LangesyndromeCHARGE associationDeficiency of the immunesystemCongenital lymphedemaEEC syndromeNeonatal myoclonicencephalopathyNoonan syndromePerlman syndromeStickler syndromeUnspecified syndromeSevere developmental delay

Abbreviation: EEC syndrome, ectrodactyly-ectodermaldysplasia-cleft palate syndrome.Adapted from Souka AP, Krampl E, Bakalis S, et al. Out-come of pregnancy in chromosomally normal fetuseswith increased nuchal translucency in the first-trimester.Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2001;18(1):13, 14.

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Table 4: Nuchal translucency measurements and adverse outcomes

Nuchal translucency measurement Aneuploidy Death Major anomaly Alive and well

<95th percentile .2% 1.3% 1.6% 97%95th–99th 3.7% 1.3% 2.5% 93%3.5–4.4 mm 21.1% 2.7% 10% 70%4.5–5.4 mm 33.3% 3.4% 18.5% 50%5.5–6.4% 50.5% 10.1% 24.2% 30%6.5 mm 64.5% 19% 46.2% 15%

Data from Refs. [19,42,90,103].

associated with a wide range of fetal defects and ge-netic syndromes [Table 3].

The prevalence of birth defects and adverse out-come also increases with increasing NT measure-ments [Table 4]. Souka and colleagues [90]reported that the overall risk of adverse outcome,including miscarriage and intrauterine death, was32% for those who had NT of 3.5 to 4.4 mm,49% for NT of 4.5 to 5.4 mm, 67% for NT 5.5 to6.4 mm, and 89% for those who had NT of 6.5mm or more. Among 1080 surviving fetuses whohad NT of 3.5 mm or more, 5.6% had abnormali-ties requiring medical or surgical treatment or lead-ing to mental handicap. The chance of no defectamong live births was 86% for those who had NTof 3.5 to 4.4 mm, 77% for those who had NT of4.5 to 5.4 mm, 67% for those who had NT of 5.5to 6.4, and 31% for those who had NT of 6.5 mmor more.

An association between increased NT and cardiacdefects was first noted by Hyett and coworkers [20]in both chromosomally abnormal and normal

fetuses. This has subsequently been confirmed bya number of studies [91–100]. A retrospective studyof 29,154 chromosomally normal singleton preg-nancies identified major defects of the heart andgreat arteries in 50 cases, and 56% of these hadNT measurement translucency above the 95th per-centile [101]. In chromosomally normal fetuses,the prevalence of major cardiac defects increases ex-ponentially from 1.6 per 1000 for NT less than 95thpercentile, 1% for NT between 2.5 and 34 mm, 3%for NT 3.5% to 4.4%, 7% for NT 4.5% to 5.4%,20% for NT 5.5 to 6.4 mm, 30% for NT 6.5 mmor more.

The clinical implication of these observations isthat patients found to have increased NT should un-dergo formal fetal echocardiography. Certainly, theoverall prevalence of major cardiac defects in sucha group of fetuses (about 2%) is similar to thatfound in pregnancies affected by maternal diabetesmellitus or who have a history of a previously af-fected offspring, which are well-accepted indica-tions for fetal echocardiography. Improvements in

Fig. 7. Discrepant nuchal translucency measurements in monochorionic twins. (A) This fetus shows nuchal trans-lucency measurement (NT) of 2 mm at 12 weeks. The co-twin showed nuchal translucency measurement of 1.1mm. (B) Velemenous cord insertion is also apparent. This monochorionic twin pregnancy showed signs of severetwin-twin transfusion syndrome by 18 weeks.

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Fig. 8. Normal face at 13 weeks. (A) Sagittal view shows normal facial profile including nasal bone. (B) 3D multi-planar ultrasound with surface rendering shows normal facial features.

the resolution of ultrasound machines have nowmade it possible to undertake detailed cardiac scan-ning as early as 14 weeks [87,102].

It should be emphasized to the parents that in-creased NT per se does not constitute a fetal abnor-mality, and that, once chromosomal defects havebeen excluded, nearly 90% of liveborns who havefetal translucency below 4.5 mm have healthy livebirths. If the fetus survives until midgestation, and

if a targeted ultrasound at 20 to 22 weeks fails to re-veal any abnormality, the risk of adverse outcome isnot statistically increased [103]. The rate of develop-ment delay is also not statistically increased amongfetuses who have increased NT [104].

Twins and multiple gestations

First-trimester screening can be effectively used fortwin pregnancies [105]. Detection rates for Down

Fig. 9. Normal brain at 12 weeks. (A) Transabdominal scans show that the normal choroid plexus dominates thecerebral hemispheres. (B) Transvaginal scan on the same patient better shows normal anatomy.

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syndrome are in the range of 75% to 85%, witha 5% false-positive rate [106]. Therefore, effectivescreening and diagnosis of major chromosomal ab-normalities can be achieved in the first-trimester, al-lowing the possibility of earlier and therefore saferselective feticide for those parents that choose thisoption.

Discrepant NT measurements also appear to bea nonspecific early marker of twin-twin transfusionsyndrome among monochorionc twins [Fig. 7]. Ina study of 132 monochorionic twin pregnancies, in-cluding 16 that developed severe twin-to-twintransfusion syndrome at 15–22 weeks of gestation,increased NT (above the 95th percentile of the nor-mal range) at the 11 to 14 week scan was associatedwith a fourfold increase in risk for the subsequentdevelopment of severe twin-to-twin transfusionsyndrome [107]. It is possible that increased NTthickness in the recipient fetus may be a manifesta-tion of heart failure caused by hypervolemic

congestion. With advancing gestation and the de-velopment of diuresis that would tend to correctthe hypervolemia and reduce heart strain, boththe congestive heart failure and NT resolve.

Severe complications unique to monochorionicpregnancies, such as reversed arterial perfusionsyndrome or acardiac twin, and conjoined twins,can be diagnosed during the first trimester. Twinreversed arterial perfusion (TRAP) has been re-ported at 10 to 12 weeks using both TVS and colorDoppler [108,109]. Conjoined twins have alsobeen frequently diagnosed during the first trimes-ter, and have been detected as early as 8 to 9 weeks[110–118].

Structural defects detected during the firsttrimester

Use of a systematic survey can demonstrate normalanatomic development in the first trimester, similarto the fetal survey performed during the second

Fig. 10. Normal anatomy. (A) Transvaginal scan at 13 weeks shows normal four-chamber view of the heart. (B)Transabdominal scan at 13 weeks shows normal fluid-filled stomach. (C) Transabdominal scan of the pelvis at 12weeks shows a normal urinary bladder between the two umbilical arteries, seen with color flow Doppler. A nor-mal urinary bladder is less frequently seen than the stomach.

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Fig. 11. Normal genitalia. (A) Male genitalia at 13 weeks. (B) Female genitalia at 12 weeks.

trimester. Normal structures that can be visualizedinclude the brain, choroid plexi, posterior fossa,face, heart, thorax, abdomen, stomach, urinarybladder, and all four extremities, including bothfeet and hands [Figs. 8–10]. In addition, the indi-vidual digits of each hand can usually be countedby 12 weeks. Fetal gender can be reliably deter-mined by 13 weeks, and by 12 weeks in most cases[Fig. 11] [119]. When deviation from normal anat-omy is recognized, a number of birth defects canbe detected during the first trimester. Detectionvaries significantly between centers, with increasingdetection by a thorough systematic survey andgreater use of transvaginal ultrasound and three-di-mensional (3D) multiplanar ultrasound.

Ossification of the fetal cranium begins and ac-celerates after 9 weeks [120,121],so that anenceph-aly can be diagnosed as early as 9 to 10 weeks [122].Ancephaly can also be easily overlooked during thefirst trimester, however, because it initially is seen asacrania with absent calvarium but relatively normalamount of brain. Careful scrutiny will show an ab-normal shape and appearance of the brain caused

Fig. 12. Anencephaly/acrania at 12 weeks. The normalcalvarium is not visualized and the shape of the brainis slightly abnormal. Anencephaly/acrania can be eas-ily missed at this gestational age.

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Fig. 14. (A, B) Omphalocele associated with trisomy 18 at 10.5 weeks. Chorionic villus sampling showed trisomy 18.

by the lack of the supporting calvarium [Fig. 12].The sagging appearance of the brain may show‘‘Mickey Mouse’’ ears.

Posterior cephaloceles have been diagnosed asearly as 12 weeks [123], and alobar holoprosence-phaly has been diagnosed as early as 10 weeks[124,125], but other brain abnormalities cannot re-liably detected until later.

Spina bifida can occasionally be detected beforethe 12th postmenstrual week by noting irregularitiesof the bony spine or a bulging within the posteriorcontour of the fetal back [126]. There are also well-established additional sonographic findings thatcan enhance the detection of spina bifida, namely‘‘the lemon sign’’ or ‘‘the banana sign’’ [127,128],and these may be evident as early as 12 weeks, al-though they can be initially subtle [129–131]. Withhigh quality imaging, which may include tansvagi-nal scans, a normal posterior cerebellum and cis-terna magna should be apparent, and this findingexcludes all but the mildest forms of spina bifida.

Cleft lip and palate have been diagnosed in uteroas early as the 13 to 14 weeks [132]. Bilateral cleftlip and palate may appear initially only as a anechogenic median mass, which actually is the pre-maxillary protrusion, made up of soft tissue, and

at times of osseous and dental structures [Fig. 13][133]. Because bilateral cleft lip and palate is asso-ciated with a high rate of aneuploidy and otherbirth defects, close follow-up, genetic counseling,and amniocentesis should be offered.

Ocular abnormalities such as hyper- and hypote-lorism, anophthalmia and microphthalmia, havebeen diagnosed from 12 to 16 weeks [134–136].Congenital cataracts has been diagnosed as earlyas 12 to 14 weeks [137,138].

By 12 to 14 weeks, a four-chamber view of theheart can be consistently imaged [95,97,139,140].The great arteries can also be imaged by 11 to 12weeks in many cases. As with normal anatomy laterin the second trimester, the right and left ventriclesshould be of approximately the same size, the heartshould not occupy more than one third of the tho-racic cavity, and the heart apex should be orientedobliquely to the left anterior thorax. Achiron and col-leagues [98] reported eight cases of heart defectsamong approximately 1000 fetuses scanned by trans-vaginal ultrasound between 10 and 12 weeks. Onlyone fetus had an abnormal karyotype (45XO), butall fetuses showed other anomalies. Based on thisexperience, detection of isolated heart abnormalitiesis likely to remain difficult before 14 weeks.

Fig. 13. Bilateral cleft lip associated with trisomy 13 at 13 weeks. (A) Sagittal view shows abnormal soft tissueprotruding just below the nose (arrow). (B) Transverse view confirms this finding. Bilateral cleft lip and palatewas diagnosed (arrow). (C) Umbilical cord cyst (arrow, C) was also noted. (D) Follow-up 3D rendered image at 17weeks confirms bilateral cleft lip and palate with premaxially protrusion. Other findings identified on thefollow-up ultrasound, but not seen on the first-trimester scan, included echogenic intracardiac focus in theleft ventricle, mildly hypoplastic left ventricle and atrium, micro-opthalmia, echogenic kidneys, and polydactyly.


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Fig. 15. Normal hands. (A) 2D ultrasound at 12 weeks, 3 days shows normal hand with four fingers and onethumb. (B) Another fetus at 13 weeks shows normal hand and extremities with 3D surface rendering.

Abdominal and truncal defects may be diagnosedduring the first trimester, and these include ompha-locele, gastroschisis [141,142], ectopia cordis[143,144], and body-stalk anomaly [145,146].Omphaloceles may be categorized as those contain-ing both bowel and liver (extracorporeal liver) andthose containing only bowel (intracorporeal liver).Intracorporeal omphalocele can only be reliably di-agnosed after 12 postmenstrual weeks, because ofthe difficulty in distinguishing it from physiologicmidgut herniation [147,148]. Such omphaloceles

have a high rate of fetal aneuploidy [149,150]. Ex-tracorporeal omphalocele can be diagnosed as earlyas 9 to 10 weeks [151–153], and these may also beassociated with fetal aneuploidy and other birth de-fects, including cardiac defects [Fig. 14].

The kidneys assume their final position withinthe renal fossa by 11 weeks [154]. Using transvagi-nal ultrasound, the kidneys can be consistently im-aged by 12 to 13 weeks [155–157]. Cystic kidneyscan sometimes be diagnosed during the first trimes-ter. Multicystic dysplastic kidney disease has been

Fig. 16. Normal limbs. (A) 3D surface rendering image shows poor visualization of extremities. (B) Transvaginalscans better shows normal extremities.

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diagnosed as early as 12 to 15 weeks [157]. Infantilepolycystic kidney disease has also been diagnosedby 13 to 16 weeks by demonstration of enlarged,echogenic kidney. [158,159], although oligohy-dramnios may not develop until after 16 weeks.

The urinary bladder becomes apparent at 10 to12 weeks, but like the kidney, it does not becomeconsistently imaged until the 13th week [159], atwhich time cyclical filling and emptying of the fetalbladder should be apparent. Obstructive uropathyat the level of the urethra results in an enlarged uri-nary bladder (megacystis), which has been diag-nosed as early as the 11th week [160,161]. It hasbeen suggested that the diagnosis of megacystiscan be reliably diagnosed when the urinary bladder

measures more than 15 mm during the first trimes-ter [162]. Affected fetuses seen during the first tri-mester have a high rate of associated anomaliesand aneuploidy [163].

The limbs begin to develop toward the end of thesixth week with development of the upper limbs be-fore the lower limbs [164], and they can be imagedby the eighth week [165]. By 12 weeks the hands,fingers, feet, and toes can be consistently imaged[Fig. 15]. Use of transvaginal sonography and 3Dultrasound with surface rending can aid in visuali-zation of the extremities [Fig. 16]. By the 12thweek, the long bones, phalanges, ilium, and scapulabegin to ossify; the metacarpals and metatarsals os-sify by 12 to 16 weeks [166]. Active fetal movements

Fig. 17. Normal extremity movements at 13 weeks. Three images obtained within a few seconds of one another(A, B, C) show normal extremities with active normal movement.

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can be observed after 10 weeks [167]. Normal fetalactivity is particularly apparent using real-time 3D(‘‘4D’’) ultrasound with surface rendering [Fig. 17].

A variety of skeletal abnormalities can be detectedduring the first trimester, including amputation de-fects and certain lethal skeletal dysplasias [Fig. 18];however, their detection clearly varies with gesta-tional age. In one of the largest reported series ofprenatally diagnosed skeletal abnormalities in thefirst and early second trimesters, Bronshtein and co-workers [168] were able to detect 96% of the anom-alies between 14 to 16 weeks, 3% between 12 to 14weeks, and 1% at 10 to 12 weeks. Osteogenesis im-perfecta (OI) is one of the lethal skeletal dysplasias

that has been diagnosed as early as 13 to 15 weeks[169–172]. Sirenomelia has been diagnosed as earlyas 11 to 14 weeks using transvaginal ultrasound[173–176]. It is expected that akensia can be de-tected during the first trimester. Polydactyly canalso be detected during the first trimester, and thiscan be aided by use of 3D multiplanar ultrasound.


Screening for fetal chromosome abnormalities, par-ticularly for trisomy 21, has made dramatic ad-vances in the last 15 years. These advances have

Fig. 18. Clubfeet at 12 weeks. (A) Transabdominal scan at 12 weeks, 4 days shows clubbed foot (arrow, F). (B) 3Dsurface rendered image confirms severe bilateral clubfeet (arrow). This was also confirmed on follow-up scans at18 weeks.

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both complicated screening and provided coupleswith more effective screening options. More effec-tive screening has demonstrated that patients whotraditionally were considered ‘‘high risk’’-particu-larly patients aged 35 or older-can be at lower riskfor aneuploidy and other birth defects than a 20-year-old woman who does not undergo screening.This has resulted in a clear trend in the reductionof amniocentesis for these patients, and at thesame time has made screening available for youngerpatients who share the 2% to 3% risk of birth de-fects that all pregnancies carry. More effectivescreening translates into lower procedural-relatedlosses of normal fetuses, and better use of resources.

The trend toward earlier detection of structuraldefects during the first trimester will undoubtedlycontinue as ultrasound resolution and 3D multipla-nar ultrasound continue to improve. Conversely,a normal systematic survey at this time can be reas-suring and can help to exclude a variety of major de-fects. Based on the presence or absence of findings,patients can then be triaged into early follow-upand possible amniocentesis at 14 to 16 weeks, ora later detailed anatomic survey at 18 to 20 weeks.


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Radiol Clin N Am 44 (2006) 863–877


Imaging of Pelvic Pain in the FirstTrimester of PregnancyAimee D. Eyvazzadeh, MDa, Deborah Levine, MDb,*

- Normal pregnancy- Subchorionic hemorrhage- Spontaneous abortion- Molar pregnancy- Corpus luteum- Hemoperitoneum- Ectopic pregnancy- Sonographic diagnosis of ectopic

pregnancyEndometrial findingsAdnexal findingsUse of color Doppler in diagnosis of ectopic


Interstitial pregnancyCervical ectopic pregnancyScar pregnancyOvarian and abdominal ectopic

pregnancy- Ovarian hyperstimulation- Ovarian torsion- Fibroids- Urinary tract- Gastrointestinal causes of pelvic pain- Summary- References

The noninvasive nature, safety, and reliability ofultrasonography make it the diagnostic method ofchoice for pregnant patients who have pelvic pain.Sonography provides information that allows fordiagnosis of both pregnancy-related pain, such asa ruptured ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, or threat-ened abortion; and may be useful in the diagnosisof pain unrelated to pregnancy, such as that seenin appendicitis and nephrolithiasis.

Normal pregnancy

Because of hormonal changes, rapid growth of theuterus, and increased blood flow, ‘‘crampy’’ pelvic

0033-8389/06/$ – see front matter ª 2006 Elsevier Inc. All righradiologic.theclinics.com

pain is common in early pregnancy. For the prima-para, this pain can be quite worrisome. It is com-mon for pregnant patients to present with pain inthe first trimester and have normal findings on so-nography. The first sonographic demonstration ofearly pregnancy is the intradecidual sign [Fig. 1][1–3]. This is visualized as a discrete hypoechoicfluid collection with an echogenic rim that is eccen-trically located in the endometrial cavity, and devi-ates the endometrial stripe. This is seen at 4.5 to 5weeks of gestation [3]. Because small endometrialfluid collections can simulate the intradecidualsign, care should be taken to ensure that the collec-tion has a well-defined echogenic rim, is just

This article was originally published in Ultrasound Clinics 1:2, April 2006.a Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 330 Brookline Avenue,Boston, MA 02215, USAb Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215,USA* Corresponding author.E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Levine).

ts reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rcl.2006.10.015

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beneath the central endometrial echo, and has anunchanging appearance [1]. It is prudent to obtainfollow-up in patients at high risk for ectopic preg-nancy or patients who have symptoms in order toensure that an intrauterine pregnancy is present.

Slightly later the decidua capsularis and deciduavera are seen as two distinct hyperechoic layers sur-rounding the early gestational sac; this is known asthe double decidual sac sign [4]. The yolk sac is thenext structure to be visualized. It appears as a smallhyperechoic ring within the gestational sac, and ispresent at 5.5 weeks [Fig. 2]. Finally, the embryocan be seen adjacent to the yolk sac. Cardiac activitycan usually be observed whenever an embryonicpole is seen, but should be visualized by the timethe embryonic pole is 5 mm [5,6].

Fig. 1. Normal early pregnancy. Sagittal view of theuterus at 4 1/2 weeks gestational age shows an intra-decidual sign with a small sac (arrow) eccentrically lo-cated in the endometrium.

Fig. 2. Normal early pregnancy. Sagittal view of theuterus at 5 1/2 weeks gestational age shows a yolksac (arrow) within the intrauterine gestational sac.

Subchorionic hemorrhage

Subchorionic hemorrhage is seen on ultrasound in4% to 22% of patients who have symptoms of painand bleeding in early pregnancy [7]. It is caused bya partial detachment of the trophoblast from theuterine wall. On ultrasound the placental marginis displaced by anechoic or heterogeneous hypoe-choic material [8]. Small echogenic structures canbe found in such areas, likely due to blood clots. Be-cause the hematoma can dissect in the potentialspace between the chorion and endometrial cavity,it may be visualized separate from the placenta.Because it typically conforms to the shape of theuterus, it usually has a falciform shape [Fig. 3].A small collection likely has no clinical significance,whereas moderate or large subchorionic hemato-mas have a poorer prognosis [9]. Seventy percentof subchorionic hematomas resolve spontaneouslyby the end of the second trimester [10]. As in allearly pregnancy assessments, demonstration of car-diac activity is crucial in determining prognosis.

Spontaneous abortion

First-trimester spontaneous abortion occurs in 10%to 12% of clinically recognized pregnancies [11].Pain may be constant or intermittent and crampyover the uterus or lower back. Most women withspontaneous abortion experience vaginal bleeding.Up to 25% of all pregnant women bleed some timeduring pregnancy, with about half of them eventu-ally undergoing miscarriage. The term ‘‘threatenedabortion’’ is used to define bleeding in the first 20weeks of pregnancy with a closed internal os. Ultra-sound in the case of a threatened abortion is used todetect an intrauterine pregnancy and to determineif a live embryo or fetus is present. The landmarksfor normal pregnancy help to distinguish betweena normal early intrauterine pregnancy and a miscar-riage. To ensure high specificity in our diagnosis ofspontaneous abortion, the authors use generousthresholds: visualization of a yolk sac by the timethe gestational sac has a mean sac diameter of 13mm, visualization of an embryo by the time themean sac diameter is 18 mm, and visualization ofcardiac activity by the time the embryonic pole is5 mm [12]. Between 6.5 to 10 weeks of gestation,the length of the amniotic cavity is similar to thatof the embryo. At times a failed early pregnancywill present as an ‘‘empty amnion sign’’ [13] [Fig. 4].

In addition to the absolute criteria mentionedabove, sonographic findings in spontaneous abor-tion include a thin decidual reaction (less than2 mm), weak decidual amplitude, irregular contourof the sac, absent double decidual sac sign, and lowposition of the sac.

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Fig. 3. Subchorionic hematoma at 10 weeks gestational age. (A) Transabdominal sagittal image shows an intra-uterine gestational sac (gs) with a subchorionic hematoma (H). (B) Transvaginal view with m-mode shows fetalpole with normal cardiac activity.

Molar pregnancy

Molar pregnancy can be associated with pelvic painbecause of either the rapid change in size of theuterus, the size of the associated theca lutein cysts,

Fig. 4. Incomplete miscarriage at 8 weeks by men-strual dates. A prior sonogram had shown a live em-bryo. Transvaginal image of the uterus shows anintrauterine gestational sac with mean sac diameterof 22 mm. An amnion (arrow) is present that mea-sures 10 mm. A residual 1 mm embryonic pole is pres-ent (arrowhead). No yolk sac was visualized. Evenwithout the history of a prior sonogram demonstrat-ing a live pregnancy, a miscarriage can be diagnosedbecause the amnion is much larger than the residualembryonic pole.

or torsion of the ovaries caused by the theca luteincysts [Fig. 5]. The classic sonographic appearance ofa complete mole has multiple cystic spaces repre-senting hydropic villi; however, the size of the villiis directly proportional to gestational age [14],and early molar pregnancies frequently do nothave the typical sonographic appearance [15].Other appearances that can be seen in the first tri-mester include an intrauterine anechoic fluidcollection similar to a gestational sac, a fluid collec-tion with a complex echogenic mass similar to anedematous placenta, a heterogeneously thickenedendometrium, and echogenic fluid-fluid levelswithin the endometrium [15].

Corpus luteum

The corpus luteum is the most common adnexalmass in pregnancy, and is a common cause of pelvicpain. The pain is lateralized to the side of the cyst.Pain can be due to the size of the cyst, bleedingwithin the cyst, torsion, or rupture. The cyst is typ-ically less than 6 cm in diameter, but may be larger.There is typically posterior through transmissionbecause of the cystic composition. The internalechotexture varies, depending on the stage of hem-orrhage and the amount of fluid within the cyst.This is best appreciated with transvaginal scanning.The diagnosis of a hemorrhagic cyst can be madewith the presence of fibrin strands, a retractingclot, septations, and wall irregularity [16,17]. The

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wall of the cyst may appear thick or thin, rangingfrom 2 to 22 mm [Fig. 6]. The corpus luteum isa very vascular structure, and typically a ring ofcolor flow can be demonstrated [Fig. 7] [18]. It isimportant to recognize that this flow is a normalfinding, so as not to mistake a corpus luteum foran ectopic pregnancy.

If a hemorrhagic corpus luteum cyst is the causeof the patient’s pain, it should be tender to directpressure using the transvaginal probe. If it is pain-free, another source for the patient’s pelvic painshould be sought.


Echogenic fluid suggests hemoperitoneum. Whenechogenic fluid is visualized in a patient who has

Fig. 5. Molar pregnancy at 10 weeks gestational agein patient with pelvic pain. Sagittal transvaginal im-age shows the endometrial cavity (arrows) to be dis-tended with echogenic material with multiple smallcysts compatible with a molar pregnancy. Humanchorionic gonadotropin level was 42,000.

Fig. 6. Transverse transvaginal image of a hemorrhagiccyst. Note the strands of internal density that havea ‘‘cobweb’’ appearance.

positive b-hCG results, this has a positive predictivevalue (86%–93%) in the diagnosis of ectopic preg-nancy [19], and may be the only endovaginal sono-graphic finding [20]; however, a rupturedhemorrhagic corpus luteum cyst can also result inhemoperitoneum [Fig. 8]. If the patient is clinicallyunstable, differentiating between a ruptured ectopicand a ruptured hemorrhagic corpus luteum is un-important, because in either case a laparotomy isindicated. In unstable patients who have demon-stration of hemoperitoneum, the sonographic ex-amination may not demonstrate an ectopicpregnancy. In the clinically stable patient it ismore important to carefully examine the adnexato determine if an ectopic pregnancy is present.When free fluid is documented in the pelvis, it ishelpful to obtain images of the kidneys to assesswhether a large amount of hemoperitoneum ispresent [Fig. 9].

Ectopic pregnancy

Symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy are pelvic andabdominal pain and amenorrhea. Vaginal spottingor bleeding may be present. In a 5-year review of98 cases who underwent surgery for ectopic, Aboud[21] showed that the most common presentingsymptoms were pain (in 97%), followed by vaginalbleeding (in 79%), with the most frequent physicalfindings being abdominal tenderness (in 91%) andadnexal tenderness (in 54%). The combination ofultrasound and hCG level is the best way to diag-nose an ectopic pregnancy. More than 1 in every100 pregnancies in the United States is ectopic[22]. The incidence has increased fourfold from1970 to 1992 [22]. Some causes include a higher in-cidence of salpingitis and an increased use of assis-ted reproductive techniques [23].

Patients typically present at about 5 to 6 weeksgestational age. Because menstrual dates are ofteninaccurate, however, an early gestational age bydates should not influence the diligence taken to di-agnose an ectopic pregnancy.

The possibility of an ectopic pregnancy is low ifa gestational sac is clearly documented within theuterine cavity. The incidence of heterotopic preg-nancy (the occurrence of intrauterine and extrauter-ine pregnancy) ranges from 1/2,100 to 1/30,000[24,25]. Of importance, the incidence is as high as2.9% in the assisted fertilization population[26,27]. Therefore, although visualization of an in-trauterine gestation is crucial, careful attention tothe adnexa is always important.

Ectopic pregnancy should be suspected in pa-tients who present with a positive pregnancy testwith absence of an intrauterine pregnancy on ultra-sound. In general, an intrauterine gestational sac

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Fig. 7. Ring of flow on hemorrhagic cyst. (A) Sagittal transvaginal color Doppler image of 2 cm thick-walled hem-orrhagic cyst in a pregnant patient. Note the central fibrin stand mimicking a yolk sac (arrow). Note the ring-of-fire appearance to the cyst. (B) Transverse, transvaginal image of the same patient in (A), showing that the mass(arrows) is located within the ovary (arrowheads). Additional images (not shown) demonstrated an intrauterinegestational sac with yolk sac. (From Swire MN, Castro-Aragon I, Levine D. Various sonographic appearances ofthe hemorrhagic corpus luteum cyst. Ultrasound Q 2004;20:49; with permission.)

is expected to be visualized when b-hCG is 1000mIU/ml (Second International Standard,) or 2000mIU/ml international reference preparation (IRP)[28,29]. It should be emphasized that the majorityof studies of b-hCG in early pregnancy evaluatednormal early pregnancy, and described an intrauter-ine gestational sac as any collection of fluid in theendometrial cavity. Small fluid collections of2 mm without a decidual reaction were considered

Fig. 8. Ruptured hemorrhagic cyst in patient 4 weekspregnant with pelvic pain. Sagittal view of the uterusshows hemorrhage (arrows) around the uterus (U).No intrauterine gestational sac was seen. Because ofcontinued pain and bleeding, the patient underwentlaparotomy. A ruptured hemorrhagic cyst was found.Follow-up sonogram demonstrated a live intrauter-ine pregnancy.

sufficient to describe an early gestational sac. Itshould be noted that this type of fluid collectioncan be caused by a decidual cyst or even a pseudo-sac, and therefore may not represent a normal intra-uterine pregnancy; however, these values arehelpful in triaging patients. When b-hCG is belowthe discriminatory zone (2000 mIU/mL, IRP) andno intrauterine gestation is present, the diagnosiscould be an early intrauterine pregnancy, a miscar-riage, or an ectopic pregnancy, and therefore closefollow-up is indicated [30]. When the b-hCG valueis above the discriminatory zone, one can expect to

Fig. 9. Hemoperitoneum in patient with ectopic preg-nancy. Oblique sagittal view of right upper quadrantin patient with pelvic pain in the first trimester showsfluid (arrows) around the liver and kidneys, consistentwith a large amount of hemoperitoneum.

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see an intrauterine gestational sac; however, evenwithout visualization of a sac there could still bea very early normal intrauterine pregnancy. Techni-cal quality of the examination, presence of fibroids,intrauterine contraceptive devices, large hemor-rhage, and multiple gestation may contribute tononvisualization of an early sac [30–32]; however,none of these factors may be present, and follow-upmay still reveal a normal early pregnancy [30].Because of this, and because stable patients can bewatched rather than treated [33–35], it is reason-able to follow stable patients who have a nonvisual-ized gestational sac with serial b-hCG andultrasound rather than immediately treating withmethotrexate or laparotomy.

A normal pregnancy shows a doubling time ofthe b-hCG value of 2 days (range 1.2–2.2 days)[36]. This doubling time is increased in ectopicpregnancy. If the b-hCG values rise abnormally(<60% increase over 48 hours and not steadily de-clining), the patient is presumed to have an ectopicpregnancy.

The most common location for ectopic preg-nancy is in the fallopian tubes, occurring in up to97% of the cases. Of these, 75% to 80% are locatedin the ampullary region, 10% in the isthmic por-tion, 5% in the fimbrial portion, and 2% to 4% inthe interstitial portion. Uncommon locations in-clude the ovary, abdomen, cervix, and uterine scars[37,38]. Because most ectopic pregnancies are lo-cated within the tubes, it is important to scan aboveand below the ovaries and between the uterus andovaries.

Sonographic diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy

Endometrial findings

Small fluid collections without an echogenic rimcan be present. These decidual cysts are typically lo-cated at the junction of the endometrium with themyometrium, and were originally reported as beinghighly specific for ectopic pregnancy [39], but arenow known to be neither specific nor sensitive[40,41]. When fluid is seen centrally in the endome-trial cavity, this is termed a ‘‘pseudosac’’ [Fig. 10].This fluid collection represents blood in the endo-metrial cavity, which can be present in both intra-uterine and ectopic pregnancies. The pseudosachas only one layer corresponding to the endome-trial decidual reaction, compared with the doubledecidual sac sign seen in early intrauterine preg-nancy [4].

Adnexal findings

The most specific finding for ectopic pregnancy isthe presence of a live extrauterine pregnancy[Fig. 11]; however, this pathognomonic sign is

present only in only 8% to 26% of ectopic pregnan-cies on transvaginal sonogram [42]. The next mostspecific sign is an extrauterine gestational sac con-taining a yolk sac, with or without an embryo [seeFig. 10] [19]; however, care should be taken notto confuse a hemorrhagic cyst with debris mimick-ing a yolk sac or embryo [see Fig. 7].

An extra-ovarian tubal ring is 40% to 68% sensi-tive for ectopic pregnancy [see Fig. 10] [43,44].Slightly less specific but most common is a complexadnexal mass separate from the ovary [19,20,31,43–55]. These should be distinguished from a hem-orrhagic corpus luteum cyst arising from the ovary.The transvaginal transducer can be used ‘‘real-time’’to determine if the echogenic ring moves with or isindependent of, the ovary. Another sonographicfinding that can help distinguish the corpus luteumfrom the adnexal ring of an ectopic pregnancy is therelative echogenicity of the wall of the corpus lu-teum compared with that of a tubal ectopic andof the endometrium. The wall of a corpus luteumis less echogenic when compared with the wall ofthe tubal ring associated with an ectopic pregnancy,and is less echogenic compared with the endome-trium [56,57]. If the diagnosis of an adherent ec-topic pregnancy or an exophytic ovarian cystcannot be confirmed and the patient is stable, a fol-low-up examination is reasonable, because an intra-uterine pregnancy may be seen on follow-up, anda hemorrhagic cyst is expected to undergoevolution.

The least specific finding of ectopic pregnancy isthe presence of any adnexal mass other than a sim-ple cyst. Even a complex cyst in the ovary is morelikely to be the corpus luteum than an ectopicpregnancy.

Use of color Doppler in diagnosis of ectopicpregnancy

Using color Doppler flow, uterine or extrauterinesites of vascular color can be identified in a charac-teristic placental shape, the so-called ‘‘ring-of-fire’’pattern, and a high-velocity, low-impedance flowpattern may also be identified that is compatiblewith placental perfusion [58]. A ring of fire hasbeen described as characterizing the appearance offlow around an ectopic pregnancy; however, thecorpus luteum is also very vascular and can havea similar appearance [see Fig. 7] [59,60]. ColorDoppler is most helpful when an extra ovarianmass has not yet been found, because use of Dopp-ler may allow for detection of an ectopic sur-rounded by loops of bowel. Luteal flow can behelpful in identifying an ectopic, because about90% of ectopic pregnancies occur on the sameside as luteal flow [61].

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Fig. 10. Pseudosac in patient with ectopic pregnancy at 5 weeks gestational age. Transvaginal sagittal (A) andtransverse (B) images show fluid (arrows) centrally located within the endometrial cavity. Oblique image inthe left adnexa (C) shows a ringlike mass (arrowheads) with a faint yolk sac and some free fluid (f). The masswas separate from the left ovary (not shown). A left-sided ectopic pregnancy was confirmed at laparotomy.

Interstitial pregnancy

Interstitial pregnancies represent 2% to 4% of ec-topic pregnancies [62]. These pregnancies are asso-ciated with a higher morbidity and mortality thanother tubal pregnancies [63]. Although some termthese ‘‘cornual pregnancies,’’ this term is best usedif pregnancy occurs in a bicornuate uterus. Thehigh morbidity from these pregnancies is causedby the fact that the interstitial portion of the tube di-lates more freely and painlessly than the rest of thetube, leading to later clinical presentation than thetypical ectopic pregnancy, and the potential formassive hemorrhage. Rupture occurs later in inter-stitial ectopics, usually between 8 and 16 weeks. Be-cause the implantation site may be located betweenthe ovarian and uterine arteries, rupture in this areamay prove fatal [64].

The diagnosis is suggested when what appears tobe an intrauterine pregnancy is visualized high inthe fundus and is not surrounded in all planes by5 mm of myometrium [Fig. 12] [44,65]. Thesecan be treated with laparotomy, systemic metho-trexate [66], or transvaginal, sonographicallyguided injection of potassium chloride [67].

Cervical ectopic pregnancy

Cervical ectopic pregnancy occurs in fewer than 1%of all ectopics [68,69]. The sonographic diagnosis ismade when a gestational sac with peritrophoblasticflow or a live embryo is identified within the cervix.When a gestational sac with a yolk sac or embryo isseen within the cervix without a heartbeat, the dif-ferential diagnosis includes spontaneous abortionand cervical ectopic. Follow-up scanning allowsfor differentiation; in cases of ectopic pregnancythe sac does not change in position, whereas inspontaneous abortion, the sac shape and positionwill change. Patients who have cervical ectopicstend to bleed profusely because the cervix doesnot have contractile tissue. Therefore treatment bydilatation and curettage is more risky than treat-ment of an intrauterine pregnancy. Because of theserisks, in the past cervical ectopics were often treatedwith hysterectomy. Newer conservative therapies in-clude sonographically guided local potassium chlo-ride injection [67,70,71], systemic or localmethotrexate [71–74], or preoperative uterine ar-tery embolization before dilatation and evacuation[71,75].

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Fig. 11. Live ectopic pregnancy. (A) Transverse transabdominal image shows a left- sided gestational sac (arrow)adjacent to the uterus (UT), clearly separate from the left ovary (LT O). (B) Transverse transvaginal image showsthe ectopic pregnancy adjacent to the left ovary. (C) M-Mode demonstrates cardiac activity.

Scar pregnancy

Scars in the uterus can be sites for implantation ofpregnancy. Cesarean section scar pregnancy is beingincreasingly reported [76]. There is complete em-bedding of the gestational sac in the myometrium.The myometrium between the bladder and the sacbecomes thinner or disappears because of disten-sion of the sac. Only the thin, serosal layer is appar-ent. Criteria used for diagnosis are an empty uterus,empty cervical canal, and development of the sac inthe anterior part of the lower uterine segment[Fig. 13] [77]. Current non- and minimally invasivetreatments include sonographically guided

methotrexate or potassium chloride injection[67,78], or intramuscular methotrexate [79]. Defin-itive treatment of a cesarean scar pregnancy is bylaparotomy and hysterotomy, with repair of theaccompanying uterine scar dehiscence [80].Other procedures that scar the uterus put thepatient at increased risk for scar pregnancy. For ex-ample, a pregnancy can implant in a myomectomyscar [60].

Ovarian and abdominal ectopic pregnancy

Ovarian pregnancies usually appear as an ovariancyst with a wide, echogenic outside ring. A yolk

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Fig. 12. Ruptured isthmic pregnancy at 11 weeks gestational age. (A) Sagittal transabdominal image shows a ges-tational sac (arrowheads) located high in the uterus, with the superior portion of the sac (thin arrows) bulgingbeyond the confines of the uterus. (B,C) Sagittal transvaginal images show blood (B) surrounding the uterus (ar-rows). The gestational sac (arrowheads) is again noted to be high in the uterus, without myometrium aroundthe superior portion of the sac. At surgery a ruptured isthmic pregnancy was found.

sac or embryo is less commonly seen, with the ap-pearance of the contents lagging in comparisonwith the gestational age. Abdominal pain before 7weeks gestational age is typically present [81].

Abdominal pregnancies are rare. The pregnancytypically develops in the ligaments of the ovary,usually the broad ligament. It can then obtainblood supply from the omentum and abdominalorgans. Sonographically, the pregnancy is seen sep-arate from the uterus, adnexa, and ovaries. Treat-ment is by laparotomy or laparoscopy [82].Abdominal pregnancy can result in a life-threaten-ing emergency. However, if diagnosed late in gesta-tion, a viable pregnancy can result.

Ovarian hyperstimulation

Ovarian hyperstimulation is diagnosed by the pres-ence of abdominal pain, enlargement of the ovarygreater than 5 cm, and ascites or hydrothorax

[83]. In addition, one of the following criteria hasto be met: hematocrit 45% or more, white bloodcells greater than 15,000/ml, oliguria, elevated liverenzymes, dyspnea, anasarca, or acute renal failure[83]. These patients may benefit by sonographicallyguided drainage of hyperstimulated ovaries to re-lieve the abdominal pain and distension they expe-rience. One problem in the diagnosis of ovarianhyperstimulation is that if the patient is pregnant,ectopic pregnancy is still a possibility. If the painis severe, torsion may also be present [Fig. 14].

Ovarian torsion

Ovarian torsion is the most frequent and most seri-ous complication of benign ovarian cysts duringpregnancy. Torsion is most common in the first tri-mester, and may result in cyst rupture into the peri-toneal cavity. Symptoms include abdominal painand tenderness that are usually sudden in onset,

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Fig. 13. Twin gestation in cesarean section scar. (A) Transabdominal view of a retroflexed uterus shows two ges-tational sacs (A,B) in the region of a prior cesarean section scar. (B) Transvaginal image shows embryos within thegestational sacs. These are in the anterior myometrium, separate from the endometrial cavity. The patient wasgiven systemic methotrexate and the embryos were injected with potassium chloride.

and localized to the torsed ovary. Ultrasound fre-quently demonstrates an adnexal mass, and mayshow altered blood flow on Doppler studies. Dopp-ler of ovarian torsion can be difficult because theovaries have a dual blood supply, from the ovarian

artery laterally and from the ovarian branch of theuterine artery medially. Presence of venous flow ispredictive of ovarian viability [84]. In difficult cases,the authors have found MRI to be helpful in con-firming the diagnosis of torsion [Fig. 15] [85].

Fig. 14. Hyperstimulated torsed ovary in patient 7 weeks pregnant with severe pain. (A) Transverse sonogramdemonstrates an enlarged left ovary measuring 11 cm with multiple cysts consistent with the patient’s historyof hyperstimulation. (B) Color Doppler shows flow in the ovary. Pulsed Doppler (not shown) demonstratedboth arterial and venous flow. (C) Image at surgery shows torsion of the hyperstimulated ovary.

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Uterine fibroids are commonly found during preg-nancy. One in 500 pregnant women is admitted fora complication related to a fibroid [86]. Inconsis-tency of uterine size and gestational dates in a preg-nant patient who has acute abdominal pain may bethe first sign of leiomyoma. Fibroids during preg-nancy occasionally undergo red degeneration thatis caused by hemorrhagic infarction. The symptomsand signs are focal pain, with tenderness on palpa-tion and sometimes low-grade fever. Moderate leu-kocytosis is common. The greatest increase involume of myomas occurs before the 10th weekof gestation. Fibroids either remain unchanged orincrease in size in the first trimester as a responseto increased estrogen [87]. The sonographic diag-nosis of a degenerating fibroid is made when thepatient experiences pain when the probe is placedover the fibroid. At times a lucent center will be vi-sualized [Fig. 16].

Urinary tract

The urinary system undergoes many changes duringpregnancy. The enlarging uterus puts pressure onthe ureters, which can partially obstruct the normaldownward flow of urine. Pregnancy also increases

Fig. 15. Ovarian torsion in patient with twins after invitro fertilization with severe intermittent right lowerquadrant pain (11 weeks pregnant). Sonogram (notshown) had demonstrated enlarged ovaries withflow. Due to severe pain, an MR was performed. Axialfat saturated, T2-weighted, single-shot, fast-spin echoimage shows large ovaries, right (arrows) greaterthan left (arrowheads), with multiple follicles, consis-tent with history of hyperstimulation. The stroma ofthe right ovary is brighter than the left, consistentwith edema caused by torsion. At surgery the ovarywas edematous with 360� of torsion. (From LevineD, Pedrosa I. MR imaging of the maternal abdomenand pelvis in pregnancy. In: Levine D, editor. Atlasof fetal MRI. Boca Raton (FL): Taylor & Francis Group;2005. p. 216; ª 2005. Reproduced by permission ofRoutledge/Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.)

the risk of reflux of urine by causing the ureters todilate and reducing the muscle contractions thatpropel urine downwards into the bladder. Thesechanges make urinary tract infections very com-mon. Many women who have bacteriuria will de-velop pyelonephritis during pregnancy. Bothcystitis and pyelonephritis can be a cause of pelvicpain.

Although hydronephrosis of pregnancy can causeflank pain, is not a typical cause of pelvic pain. Theappearance of dilated tracts can be confusing inpregnancy, however, because hydronephrosis canbe caused by physiologic dilation of pregnancy,nephrolithiasis, or structural abnormalities.

Nephrolithiasis is an uncommon but importantcondition in pregnant women. The most commonpresenting complaint is flank pain.; however,when the stone is at the ureterovescicle junction,the patient may present with pelvic pain [Fig. 17].The incidence of nephrolithiasis in pregnancy isabout 1 per 2000 pregnancies [88]. If the ureter isdilated and a stone is not visualized, it can be help-ful to assess for urinary jets in the bladder; however,these jets can be absent in cases without stones, andpresent with nonobstructing stones [89,90].

Gastrointestinal causes of pelvic pain

Acute appendicitis is the most common nonobstet-rical surgical condition of the abdomen complicat-ing pregnancy. Although the incidence ofappendicitis occurring in pregnant women is con-sidered to be the same as in nonpregnant women,the signs and symptoms and the laboratory findingsusually associated with appendicitis in the nonpreg-nant condition are frequently unreliable duringpregnancy [91]. On ultrasound, the abnormal

Fig. 16. Degenerating fibroid in patient 10 weekspregnant. Transabdominal view of the uterus showsa gestational sac (GS) and an anterior fibroid (arrow-head) with a small lucency centrally (thin arrow). Thepatient was focally tender over the fibroid.

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Fig. 17. Obstructing stone at 13 weeks gestational age. (A) Sagittal view of the right kidney (arrowheads) dem-onstrates hydronephrosis. (B) Sagittal view of the uteropelvic junction demonstrates dilation of the proximalright ureter (U, long arrows). (C) Transverse view of the bladder with color shows a left ureteral jet but no rightjet was demonstrated. (D) View of the right ureterovescicle junction demonstrates a small stone (small arrow)without a shadow.

appendix is visualized as a noncompressible tubu-lar structure measuring 6 mm or greater in theregion of the patient’s pain [Fig. 18]. An appendico-lith or periappendiceal fluid may be visualized. Ifultrasound diagnosis is inadequate, MRI can behelpful in assessing the etiology of right-sidedpain in pregnancy [92,93].

Crohn’s disease can also be a cause of pelvic painin pregnancy. Most pregnant women who havea history of inflammatory bowel disease have un-eventful pregnancies, and exacerbations of diseasecan be controlled with medical therapy. Althoughit is rare for the new onset of inflammatory boweldisease to be diagnosed during pregnancy [94],when a relapse of Crohn’s disease occurs duringpregnancy, it typically will occur during the first tri-mester [95]. Imaging can start with ultrasound, butfrequently another modality is needed, such as MRIor CT.

Fig. 18. Appendicitis in pregnancy. Oblique view inthe right lower quadrant demonstrates the dilatedappendix (arrows).

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Pelvic pain during the first trimester of pregnancycan pose a challenge to the clinician. Ultrasoundis a very important imaging modality in evaluatingthese patients.


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Radiol Clin N Am 44 (2006) 879–899


Practical Approach to the AdnexalMassMaitray D. Patel, MD

- Normal anatomy- Overview of ultrasound analytic approach

to the adnexal mass- Unilocular smooth-walled anechoic cyst- Physiologic causes of findings that may

raise concern- When physiologic process is unlikely, has

a characteristic pattern beenestablished?

Non-neoplastic cystEndometrioma

HydrosalpinxPeritoneal inclusion cystCystic teratomaBenign and malignant cystic neoplasms

(cystadenomas andcystadenocarcinomas)

Other potentially characteristic adnexalmasses

Further imaging or surgical exploration- Summary- References

Evaluation of an adnexal mass, either presentingon physical examination, suspected based on clini-cal history, or identified on routine pelvic sonogra-phy, is a common task for the sonologist. While theclinical context is very important, for the vast ma-jority of sonographically identified adnexal masses,the subsequent management of the patient will behighly dependent on the sonologist’s interpretationof the imaging findings. The sonologist who merelymeasures the size of a mass and who subsequentlyoffers a differential diagnosis that includes nearlyevery adnexal abnormality, including malignancy,has failed in his or her opportunity to contributemeaningfully to the care of the patient. Using a prac-tical approach [Fig. 1] and with knowledge of thesonographic patterns of adnexal pathology, the so-nologist is better equipped to make reasoned con-clusions and useful recommendations for patientmanagement.

0033-8389/06/$ – see front matter ª 2006 Elsevier Inc. All righradiologic.theclinics.com

Normal anatomy

An understanding of the expected sonographic ap-pearance of the ovary is important so that onedoes not confuse normal structures with pathology.The ovary is highly dynamic, with constant forma-tion and regression of ‘‘physiologic cysts’’ evenbefore menarche. During the menstrual cycle,hormonally mediated ovulation begins with the re-cruitment of about five to eight preantral follicles,which are visible as small cysts during the early pro-liferative phase measuring about 2 to 4 mm in di-ameter [1]. A dominant follicle emerges by days8 to 10 of the cycle, generally measuring about10 mm in diameter, exceeding the diameter of theother follicles. Occasionally two dominant follicleswill develop, but not in the same ovary [2]. Bothdominant and nondominant follicles increase insize until ovulation; the dominant follicle is

This article was originally published in Ultrasound Clinics 1:2, April 2006.Department of Radiology, Mayo Clinic, 13400 E. Shea Blvd., Scottsdale, AZ 85259, USAE-mail address: [email protected]

ts reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rcl.2006.10.016

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Fig. 1. Suggested approach to thesonographically identified ad-nexal mass.

expected to become 2 to 2.5 cm in average diameter.In contrast, nondominant follicles typically do notexceed 1.1 cm in size [Fig. 2] [3].

With ovulation, the dominant follicle ruptures,typically losing much if not all of its internal fluidand collapsing into a sonographically ‘‘solid’’ ap-pearing structure (if visible at all). This becomesthe corpus luteum; the margins of the corpus lu-teum are hypervascular, leading to a ‘‘ring of fire’’appearance on color Doppler sonography, andthey may be thick and somewhat irregular, reflect-ing the loss of wall tension following rupture[Fig. 3] [4]. The corpus luteum is typically smallerthan the mature follicle from which it arose, mea-suring about 1.5 cm. Hemorrhage into the corpusluteum can lead to re-expansion, resulting in a hem-orrhagic ovarian cyst [Fig. 4]; the size of the cystvaries, but it is not unusual for it to be up to 4 cmin diameter.

Recognizing this normal physiologic process isparamount to avoiding the temptation to viewevery ovarian cyst as a mass requiring treatmentor follow-up imaging. Some experts have advo-cated that sonologists avoid using the term‘‘cyst’’ to describe anything in the ovary whichis likely to be secondary to normal physiologicevents [5]. Certainly, use of the terms ‘‘follicle,’’‘‘dominant follicle,’’ and ‘‘corpus luteum’’ in sono-graphic reports serves to describe these structureswithout inadvertently misleading others to be-lieve that they are findings that are potentiallypathologic. With even just a little experience,and with some attention to the phase of themenstrual cycle at which time the premenopausalpatient is being imaged, sonologists should haveno difficulty in ignoring these expected normalovarian findings when they appear typical, asthey will in the vast majority of cases.

Fig. 2. Dominant follicle. Sono-gram of an ovary in a premeno-pausal woman showsa unilocular smooth-walled an-echoic cyst measuring 2.5 cm inmaximum diameter, with multi-ple other follicles in the ovarianparenchyma. This is the expectedappearance of a dominant folliclein a premenopausal woman.

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Fig. 3. Corpus Luteum. (A) Sonogram of an ovary (demarcated by electonic calipers) in a premenopausal womanshows the corpus luteum (arrow) as a predominantly solid-appearing structure within the ovarian parenchyma,with a thick wall and internal echoes. (B) The rim of the corpus luteum shows hypervascularity as compared withthe rest of the ovary, resulting in an appearance on color Doppler sonography that has been called a ‘‘ring-of-fire.’’

Nevertheless, some of these physiologic structureswill develop into larger masses or exhibit atypicalfeatures requiring an analytic approach by the so-nologist for further evaluation.

Overview of ultrasound analytic approachto the adnexal mass

The sonographer who uses a practical approach toimaging recognizes that there are specific categoriesor groupings of pathologic processes that can resultin an adnexal mass. The approach seeks to deter-mine if a sonographically identified mass exhibitsan imaging pattern that is reasonably characteristic

of a particular category. Some categories are broad,encompassing several different pathologic entities,whereas others are more specific, referring to asingle pathologic entity; as a result, the categoriesoverlap for some entities. The categories withpotentially characteristic imaging features are asfollows, listed in a morphologic spectrum fromunilocular and entirely cystic to variable/multilocular/partially cystic to entirely solid: (1)non-neoplastic cyst; (2) hemorrhagic ovarian cyst;(3) endometrioma; (4) hydrosalpinx; (5) perito-neal inclusion cyst; (6) benign cystic neoplasm;(7) cystic teratoma; (8) cystic malignancy; (9) ec-topic pregnancy; (10) abscess/inflammatory mass;

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Fig. 4. Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst.Sonogram of an ovary in a pre-menopausal woman shows a cyst(demarcated by electronic cali-pers) measuring over 6 cm indiameter, containing multipleinternal fibrin strands. These char-acteristic fibrin strands should notbe misinterpreted as septations.

(11) torsed ovary; (12) exophytic or broad ligamentmyoma; (13) ovarian fibroma; and (14) solid mass.

At the most basic level, the sonologist’s approachto the sonographically identified adnexal mass canbe understood as a two-phase process. First, the so-nologist determines if the mass exhibits a character-istic pattern indicating the likely cause or category.If so, the mass is managed as appropriate for thattype of pathology in the clinical context of the pa-tient. If not, the sonologist considers if a subsequentdiagnostic test (including repeat follow-up ultra-sound) can be used to safely allow potential charac-terization of the mass into a particular pathologiccategory and thereby avoid surgery or improvesurgical planning. If so, the subsequent test orfollow-up should be recommended. If not, diag-nostic surgical evaluation will be indicated. In es-sence, the imager confronting an adnexal massasks two questions: do I know what this is withreasonable certainty? If not, is there a test or strategythat has a reasonable chance of enabling me toknow what this is and that would make a differencein the care of the patient?

Note the emphasis on pattern recognition in thisapproach; it all boils down to whether one can bereasonably certain of the pathology. Research indi-cates that subjective evaluation of ovarian massesusing pattern recognition achieves high sensitivityand specificity for discriminating malignant pathol-ogy from benign pathology [6,7]. Furthermore, in-vestigations have quantified a high likelihoodratio for specific sets of observations that enable so-nologists to confidently discriminate particularcauses of adnexal pathology [8–11]. When specificsonographic observations and considerations areplaced in the framework of the basic practical ap-proach (do I know what this is? if not, is therea test or strategy that will enable me to know

what this is and make a difference to the care ofthe patient?), the sonologist is able to render effec-tive recommendations for the management of theidentified adnexal mass.

Fig. 1 details a specific algorithm that expands onthis basic practical approach by detailing a step-by-step analysis that facilitates understanding whata mass is likely to be and what should be donenext. The critical questions to be answered are: (1)is the mass a unilocular anechoic smooth-walledcyst?; if so, how likely is it to be a non-neoplasticcyst that will not require treatment?; (2) if themass is not a cyst that is unilocular, anechoic, and s-mooth-walled, is it possible that normal physio-logic changes might account for the aberrantobservations?; if so, how likely is the mass to bea non-neoplastic cyst that will not require treat-ment?; (3) if normal physiologic changes do notlikely explain the aberrant observations, can oneidentify other observations that enable classifica-tion into a particular category?; (4) if sonographicobservations are insufficient to allow characteriza-tion as a particular pathologic category, are thereother diagnostic tests that could be used that mightreasonably assist in placing the mass in a single cat-egory?; if so, would that be clinically meaningful?

The remainder of this article focuses on detailingthe sonographic observations and considerationsrelevant to the questions posed by the algorithm,with primary attention to those masses with cysticfeatures. The adnexal mass related to ectopicpregnancy or inflammation/abscess almost alwaysarises in a specific clinical setting that has uniqueanalytic considerations separate from the focus ofthis discussion, and these entities will not be furtherdiscussed. Likewise, there is no discussion regardingthe sonographic patterns of ovarian torsion andvarious categories of adnexal solid masses. The

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Practical Approach to the Adnexal Mass 883

recommended imaging algorithm for an adnexalmass can and should be applied to these entities,but discussion of the analysis of these masses is be-yond the scope of this article.

Unilocular smooth-walled anechoic cyst

The first step in analysis of the sonographicallyidentified adnexal mass is to decide if it meets thecriteria for a unilocular anechoic smooth-walledcyst. These cysts are common in premenopausalwomen, since essentially every nonhemorrhagicdominant follicle could be thus described. Withthe increasing use of ultrasound, it has been firmlyestablished over the last few decades that these cystsare also common in postmenopausal women. Theincidence of such cysts in postmenopausal womenhas been reported to be up to 20% [12–14]. Thesecysts are round or oval in shape, have no internalstructure or echogenicity, and have a clearly demon-strable wall without defined surface projections ornodularity [Fig. 5]. A cyst with slight crenulationof the wall resulting in mild irregularity would stillbe considered smooth-walled if no clearly definedsurface projections are evident.

There are practically two pathologic possibilitieswhen a unilocular anechoic smooth-walled adnexalcyst is identified: either the mass is a non-neoplasticcyst or it is a benign cystic neoplasm. The term‘‘non-neoplastic cyst’’ is a very useful imaging desig-nation but not highly specific. A number of specificpathologic entities can fall into this category, in-cluding physiologic cysts (cysts that develop in thecourse of ovulation, namely the follicular cyst andcorpus luteum cyst), theca lutein cysts, serous inclu-sion cysts, endometriomas, peritoneal inclusioncysts, and paraovarian/paratubal cysts. Some ofthese pathologic entities may demonstrate other

sonographic features that enable more specific cate-gorization; for example, sonographic identificationof a separate ovary will allow more specific catego-rization of a unilocular smooth-walled anechoiccyst as a paraovarian cyst. Furthermore, not everyindividual pathologic entity in this list will alwaysappear as a unilocular anechoic smooth-walledcyst; for example, the vast majority of endometrio-mas will contain low-level echoes [8].

It is important to have confidence in the fact thatthe risk of malignancy is extremely low whena mass is assuredly characterized as a unilocularsmooth-walled cyst. The data supporting this con-clusion are extensive. Based on the natural historyof more than 3000 unilocular ovarian cysts identi-fied in postmenopausal women measuring 10 cmor less in diameter, Modesitt and colleagues [13]calculate a risk of malignancy of less than 0.1%with 95% confidence interval. The rare unilocularsmooth-walled cyst that does eventually prove tobe malignant (usually borderline) has papillaryprojections or septations identified on follow-up[13]. These rare malignancies may be misclassifiedas unilocular smooth-walled cysts on initial evalua-tion by failure to identify the wall nodularity [15].Size is also an important consideration; the rareborderline tumor or malignancy that appears tobe a unilocular anechoic smooth-walled cyst isnearly always over 5 cm in diameter [15].

Distinguishing between a non-neoplastic cystand a benign neoplasm is clinically relevant. Non-neoplastic cysts are often self-limiting and resolvewithout intervention. The main risk of an asymp-tomatic non-neoplastic ovarian cyst that does notresolve spontaneously is that it can theoretically in-duce torsion of the ovary, though the risk of thisevent must be very low, given the commonality ofnon-neoplastic cysts and the infrequency of torsion.

Fig. 5. Unilocular smooth-walledanechoic cyst. Sonogram of theright ovary in this postmeno-pausal patient shows a cyst meet-ing criteria for designation asa unilocular smooth-walled an-echoic cyst. In this case, the cystmeasures just over 3.5 cm in max-imum diameter. Minimal irregu-larity at the 5 o’clock position ofthe cyst is not sufficient to raiseconcern.

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Thus, if one can be reasonably confident that anadnexal mass is due to a non-neoplastic cyst, thereare several management options. One could chooseto ignore the mass as long as the patient remainedasymptomatic, assuming that it will disappearover time. Alternatively, one could elect to percuta-neously aspirate and treat the cyst [Fig. 6] [16]; thiscourse of action is less frequently chosen, usuallyonly for those non-neoplastic cysts that are of cer-tain size and that have not resolved over time. Indi-cations for this maneuver might include localizedpatient discomfort related to the volume of themass and its effect on adjacent organs, such as theurinary bladder. Of course, surgical management re-mains an option if the patient is symptomatic or de-sires removal.

On the other hand, a unilocular smooth-walledcyst that has a reasonable chance of being a benignneoplasm is almost always surgically removed.First, there is a concern about the rare malignancyappearing to be a unilocular smooth-walled cyst.Even if one could be further assured of the benig-nity of a mass by evaluation of CA-125 levels orother considerations [17], benign neglect ofa mass which has features suggesting a benign neo-plasm rather than a non-neoplastic cyst is nota long-term option as it can be expected to leadonly to a situation that will have to be addressedlater, either emergently if the mass induces ovariantorsion or electively as the mass enlarges and causessymptoms. Percutaneous drainage of a cystic masslikely to be a benign neoplasm rather than a non-neoplastic cyst could also be considered, but thisapproach remains controversial [16].

There are four factors to consider when trying todistinguish between a non-neoplastic cyst and a be-nign neoplasm as the cause of a unilocular

anechoic smooth-walled mass: location, growthrate, menopausal status, and size. Location is themost obvious consideration, as identification ofa clearly separate ovary nearly eliminates the possi-bility of a benign neoplasm [Fig. 7]. There are ex-ceptions to every rule, and in this regard, there arereports of paraovarian cystadenomas [18,19]; nev-ertheless, for practical purposes one can reasonablydesignate a mass as very likely being a non-neoplas-tic cyst when a clearly separate ipsilateral ovary isidentified.

Consideration of the growth rate of the cyst canalso be fruitful in distinguishing between a non-neoplastic cyst and a benign neoplasm. Cysts thatcan be documented to have appeared suddenly, al-ways in premenopausal women, are clearly non-neoplastic physiologic cysts. Thus, a patient whohad a sonogram within the preceding few monthsdemonstrating normal ovaries without mass, whothen returns for evaluation of rapid onset of unilat-eral adnexal pain wherein a 4 cm ovarian cyst isidentified, clearly has a non-neoplastic cyst as thecause of the mass. Neoplasms do not exhibit thistype of ‘‘hypergrowth.’’ Similarly, cysts that areshown to have long-term stability are undoubtedlynon-neoplastic (however, a pathologist may desig-nate such a cyst as a cystadenoma if it eventuallygets surgically removed, because the pathologic dis-tinction between a cystadenoma and some types ofnon-neoplastic ovarian cysts can be imprecise).Finally, any cyst that demonstrates reduction insize is clearly not neoplastic.

Size and hormonal status are important consider-ations when a unilocular smooth-walled cyst is en-countered, not only to suggest whether the cyst isnon-neoplastic or a benign neoplasm but alsodetermine the intensity of additional testing to

Fig. 6. Percutaneous aspiration ofa unilocular smooth-walled an-echoic cyst. Sonogram of a persis-tent left adnexal cyst ina perimenopausal woman docu-ments the percutaneous insertionof a needle. The cyst was com-pletely aspirated. In this case,the cyst had been demonstratedto be 50% larger on a prior sono-gram 18 months ago. It was sta-ble since the previous sonogram6 months ago.

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Fig. 7. Paraovarian cyst. Sonogramof the left adnexa in an asymp-tomatic postmenopausal womanshows a unilocular smooth-walledanechoic cyst (demarcated withelectronic calipers). An adjacentnormal appearing ovary is alsoidentified (arrow). Other images(not shown) confirmed the im-pression that the cyst was abuttingbut not arising from the ovary.Follow-up sonograms were notrequested as long as the patientremained asymptomatic.

recommend. Keeping in mind that normal physio-logic events are expected to result in the develop-ment of a dominant follicle and a corpus luteumin every normal ovulatory cycle in a premenopausalwoman, unilocular smooth-walled cysts belowa certain size in premenopausal women can be as-sumed to be non-neoplastic in the absence of con-trary clinical features. There is no magic numberbelow which benign neoplasm becomes theoreti-cally impossible; likewise, there is no magicnumber above which non-neoplastic cyst is theoret-ically excluded. A practical approach that I use is toconsider a unilocular smooth-walled anechoic cystin a premenopausal or perimenopausal womanmeasuring 4 cm or less in average diameter as verylikely non-neoplastic in cause (I use the 4-cmthreshold as a reasonable approach; some woulduse 3 cm, even if the woman is premenopausal).Conversely, a similar cyst in the same patient mea-suring 8 cm or larger is very likely a benign neo-plasm. For postmenopausal women, I reduce thethreshold by 3 cm; thus, a unilocular smooth-walled cyst measuring less than 1 cm in diameteris very likely non-neoplastic, and a similar cyst mea-suring over 5 cm is very likely a benign neoplasm.Those cysts that fall between these ranges are con-sidered to be either a non-neoplastic cyst or benignneoplasm (distinction not yet possible). Theprobabilities favor non-neoplastic cyst at the lowerend of the size range and benign neoplasm at thehigher end of the size range, but additional testing(sonographic follow-up) would be appropriate.

Many sonographically identified unilocularsmooth-walled cysts can be ignored; many do notrequire sonographic follow-up or surgical interven-tion. In fact, imagers who routinely recommend

sonographic follow-up for a cyst that already ex-hibits features or behavior that indicates that itcan be reasonably expected to be non-neoplasticforce sonographic overuse. When a mass is verylikely to be a non-neoplastic cyst, the imaging re-port might be worded as follows: ‘‘In the absenceof persistent symptoms or other clinical consider-ations, sonographic follow-up should not be neces-sary.’’ For example, this would be appropriate for theunilocular smooth-walled cyst measuring less than4 cm in maximum size in a premenopausal woman,less than 1 cm in size in the post-menopausalwoman, any cyst showing long-term stability, andany paraovarian unilocular smooth-walled cyst.(Some would opt to follow these cysts, likelynon-neoplastic, at least once to demonstrate resolu-tion or stability. If you choose this option, it isrecommended that a reasonable interval is chosen.This might be 6 months for an asymptomaticwoman.) This approach recognizes that sono-graphic follow-up may still be indicated if clinicalcircumstances necessitate.

As noted previously, some unilocular smooth-walled cysts cannot be categorized as being verylikely to be non-neoplastic or very likely to be a be-nign neoplasm based on the sonographic evalua-tion thus far. The sonologist does not know withreasonable certainty what the mass is. The practicalapproach is then to ask if there a test or strategy thathas a reasonable chance of enabling the sonologistto distinguish between these two possibilities andmake a difference in the care of the patient. Insuch cases, sonographic follow-up will allow assess-ment of the stability or growth of the mass that mayfacilitate making the distinction. Obviously, if themass resolves or is demonstrably smaller on

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follow-up, it is a non-neoplastic cyst which won’tneed treatment; conversely, if the mass grows, thesuspicion that it is a benign neoplasm increases(though non-neoplastic cysts can also increase insize), likely to require intervention [Fig. 8].

If a unilocular smooth-walled cyst does notchange in size on follow-up, it is more likely to bea non-neoplastic cyst, assuming that there hasbeen enough of an interval between the two studiesto enable detection of growth. Thus, it is importantthat follow-up studies be performed with enough ofan interval to assist the sonologist in making thisdetermination. It is common for sonologists en-countering a unilocular smooth-walled cyst to rec-ommend follow-up in 6 to 8 weeks or after oneor two menstrual cycles. No doubt, the vast major-ity of non-neoplastic cysts in premenopausalwomen can be expected to change (get smaller orresolve) in that time-frame; in fact, most will re-solve during the course of a single menstrual cycle(3 to 5 weeks).

Nevertheless, one should avoid the temptation torequest sonographic follow-up at too short an inter-val for the follow-up to be meaningful. Universalapplication of the ‘‘6-to-8 weeks’’ rule for follow-upis inappropriate, especially in postmenopausalor perimenopausal women but also for many pre-menopausal women. Though non-neoplastic cystsin perimenopausal or postmenopausal woman arenot uncommon and often self-limiting, thereshould be no expectation for these cysts to resolveor meaningfully change in 6 to 8 weeks. Further-more, the asymptomatic premenopausal womanwith a unilocular smooth-walled cyst is not well-served by the follow-up study performed in 6 to 8weeks that again shows the cyst unchanged insize, as the time interval is too small to make anyconclusions; it could still be a non-neoplastic cystor a benign neoplasm. Granted, most cysts in pre-menopausal women will indeed resolve in thisshort interval, but documenting such resolutionso quickly is usually not necessary, and the occa-sional non-neoplastic cyst will take more time toresolve.

In my practice, when I am trying to distinguishbetween a non-neoplastic cyst and a benignneoplasm as the cause of a typical unilocularsmooth-walled anechoic ovarian cyst, I will requestsonographic follow-up in 6 months. If there is someatypical feature that I suspect is artifactual or causedby a physiologic process (see ensuing discussion),or if there are even vague clinical symptoms possi-bly attributed to the mass, I will cut the follow-upinterval in half (3 months). In the uncommon situ-ation in which I am even more concerned about theatypical features of the mass but do not feel othertesting or intervention is yet justified, or if there

are clinical symptoms clearly attributed to themass which persist, I will further cut the follow-upinterval in half (1.5 months, or 6 weeks).

When following a unilocular smooth-walled cystto try to distinguish between a non-neoplastic cystand a benign neoplasm, actual calculation of thevolume of the cyst and the apparent doublingtime can be helpful [see Fig. 8]. Small differencesin the measured transverse, craniocaudal, and ante-roposterior diameter of a cyst can occur betweenstudies due to technical variability, so reliance ononly one plane of measurement when serially imag-ing a mass can be misleading. Furthermore, smallmasses can demonstrate significant increase in vol-ume with seemingly minimal diameter changes. Forexample, a cystic mass that is 2.0 cm in average di-ameter has doubled in size when the diameter in-creases to 2.5 cm. The formula for calculation ofthe volume of an ellipsoid mass (length � width �height� 0.52) is applied. To calculate the estimateddoubling time, the time interval between the twomeasurements is divided by the percent increasein size of the mass. Thus, a cyst that grows from3.5-cm average diameter to 4.0-cm average diame-ter in 6 months has an estimated doubling timeof 1 year. This would be consistent with a benignneoplasm, and subsequent management would beappropriately directed with this assumption.

A unilocular cyst that demonstrates an increase insize is not always a benign neoplasm rather thana non-neoplastic cyst. Confidence in the assessmentof interval growth depends on the magnitude of thechange in measurement and the interval of observa-tion. Re-evaluation of the size of a mass in a shortinterval allows technical variability to potentiallymislead the observer. For example, a 2.0-cm averagediameter mass that is subsequently reevaluated in6 weeks and that appears to measure 2.1 cm in ave-rage diameter has potentially demonstrated a 15%increase in volume, resulting in a calculated dou-bling time of 40 weeks (6 weeks/0.15 5 40 weeks);obviously, this doubling time calculation is impre-cise and unreliable because the magnitude of themeasurement change (1 mm) is within the rangeof technical variability and the interval of observa-tion is small. Even when the observer is more con-fident regarding the existence of true intervalgrowth, an enlarging unilocular smooth-walledcyst could still be a non-neoplastic cyst ratherthan a benign neoplasm. Though there is no scien-tific literature to indicate the range of growth ofbenign ovarian cystic neoplasms, if the calculateddoubling time of a unilocular smooth-walled cystis very lengthy (exceeding 3 years), the mass couldwell be non-neoplastic. Nevertheless, unless the cal-culated doubling time is very lengthy, it is reason-able to conclude that the enlarging unilocular

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Fig. 8. Benign cystadenoma. (A) Sagittal and (B) coronal sonograms of the right ovary in a postmenopausalwoman demonstrate a unilocular smooth-walled cyst measuring 3.3 � 2.2 � 1.8 cm. With these measurements,the volume of the cyst is calculated at 6.8 cubic cm. Subsequent follow-up sagittal (C) and coronal (D) sonogramsperformed 6 months later demonstrate the cyst to measure 3.7� 2.2� 2.1 cm. This yields a volume calculation of8.9 cubic cm. The doubling time is calculated to be 19 months. A benign neoplasm was suspected; the mass wassurgically removed and proved to be a serous cystadenoma.

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smooth-walled cyst is a benign neoplasm and nota non-neoplastic cyst and manage the mass withthis expectation. Once the cyst has demonstratedgrowth, the institution of other testing (includingserologic CA-125 assessment or MRI) will not beclinically meaningful as the results will not allowone to conclude that the cyst is an atypical non-neoplastic cyst. Furthermore, it makes no clinicaldifference whether the enlarging cyst is a benignneoplasm or a non-neoplastic cyst; in either case,intervention is usually warranted.

Physiologic causes of findings that may raiseconcern

What if a mass violates one or more of the criteriafor designation as a unilocular smooth-walled an-echoic cyst? For example, suppose the mass con-tains a possible or definite septation, has wallirregularity or nodularity, or has diffuse or focalareas of echogenicity? For such lesions, the nextstep in the practical approach is to determine ifthe aberrant observation(s) could potentially becaused by a physiologic process. There are threephysiologic processes to consider: (1) occurrenceof two or more individual cysts next to each other,thus mimicking a multilocular mass with interven-ing septations; (2) cyst involution resulting in wallirregularity; and (3) intracystic hemorrhage result-ing in internal echoes, internal strands and retrac-tile clot. Of these three processes, hemorrhage isthe most common in premenopausal women.

Hemorrhagic ovarian cysts frequently demon-strate features that can be confused with ovarianneoplasms [9]. Retracting thrombus adhering tothe cyst wall may be mistaken for a mural nodule[Fig. 9]. Hemorrhagic cysts contain fine networksof linear echoes, which may be mistaken for ‘‘septa-tions’’ [see Fig. 4]. True septations, when seen, arehighly characteristic of ovarian neoplasms. Thus,this appearance may confuse the examiner into be-lieving that the sonographically observed mass isa neoplasm. These fine linear echoes are not septa-tions but rather a manifestation of clot architecture,likely originating from strands or bands of fibrin. Itis probably because of these potentially confusingappearances that some older studies on hemor-rhagic cysts most often conclude that they havea ‘‘nonspecific appearance,’’considering the diagno-sis ‘‘difficult’’ and describing these masses as ‘‘thegreat imitator’’ [20].

It is unfortunate that hemorrhagic cysts are fre-quently said to be indistinguishable from ovarianneoplasms. In fact, hemorrhagic cysts almost al-ways represent non-neoplastic cysts that will resolvespontaneously [21,22]. All of the 24 cases followedby Okai and colleagues [22] resolved within

8 weeks. Thirty percent of the masses resolvedwithin 2 weeks. Among 38 surgically excised hem-orrhagic cysts, none were neoplasms [21]. Im-portantly, no ovarian malignancies have beenerroneously reported to represent hemorrhagicovarian cysts in series evaluating the diagnosticperformance of sonography for this pathologicentity. Therefore, if the examiner can correctly con-clude that an ovarian mass is a hemorrhagic cyst,then one may be confident that the lesion willalmost certainly resolve spontaneously. Should thelesion not resolve, there is virtually no chance thatit represents a misdiagnosed ovarian carcinoma.

In contrast to the ‘‘nonspecific appearance’’ oftenpreviously described in the literature, our study in-dicates that hemorrhagic ovarian cysts have a veryspecific appearance in the vast majority (90%) ofcases [9]. The key gray-scale ultrasound features toobserve are the presence of fibrin strands or retract-ing clot, with absence of suspected septations andwall irregularity secondary helpful findings [seeFig. 4; Fig. 9]. When a unilocular smooth-walledcyst containing fibrin strands is identified, the ob-served mass is 200 times more likely to be a hemor-rhagic ovarian cyst than any other possibility. Evenif the sonologist can only be confident that fibrinstrands are present but is uncertain as to whetherthere are coexisting true septations or wall irregular-ity, the presence of fibrin strands makes the mass 40times more likely to be a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst[Fig. 10]. Finally, if one can identify a mural-basedstructure with features characteristic of a retractingclot, the mass is at least 67 times more likely tobe a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst than any other entity.Understanding that the likelihood ratio is this highwith these observations should help the less experi-enced sonologist feel more confident in the diagno-sis and allow for observation instead of surgicalintervention in appropriate cases. It is critical, there-fore, for the sonologist to master the typical appear-ance of fibrin strands and retracting clot.

Jain and colleagues [23] described the appear-ance of fibrin strands in hemorrhagic cysts as ‘‘fishnetting.’’ Although a mass may contain many septa-tions, the number is usually fewer than 20. Incontrast, fibrin strands are often innumerable.Septations are usually thicker and more reflectivethan fibrin strands. Importantly, septations visuallytrack for a reasonable and appropriate distance asthey are viewed using real-time sonography. Indeed,even on still images, this feature is usually obvious.Unlike septations, fibrin strands are discontinuousand seem to flit from plane to plane either onreal-time examination or on captured still images.

Similarly, retracting thrombus has a detectablyand reliably different appearance than mural nod-ules. Mural nodules have convex margins, whereas

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Fig. 9. Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst. (A) Sonogram of the right ovary in a premenopausal woman shows clumpedmaterial along the wall of an otherwise smooth-walled unilocular cyst at the 5 o’clock position. This retractingclot (arrow) has a slightly lower echogenicity than the adjacent wall. (B) Color Doppler sonogram of the cystshows no detectable blood flow within the clot.

retracting thrombus has concave margins. Neoplas-tic tissue does not grow with a concave margin. Fur-thermore, echoes returning from thrombus tend todiffer in amplitude compared with the cyst wall andare usually less echogenic. Mural nodules tend tohave the same echogenicity as the cyst wall or, inthe case of the Rochitansky nodule of cystic tera-tomas, markedly greater echogenicity than the cystwall.

Color Doppler analysis is important to applywhen one is considering the possibility of hemor-rhage as a cause for apparent intracyst septationsor cyst wall irregularity or nodularity. Retractingclot causing apparent septations or wall nodulesshould not exhibit blood flow [see Figs. 9 and 10].Similarly, identification of vascularity within a mass

with diffuse low-level echoes identifies the mass assolid, not possibly cystic with internal hemorrhage.If one is entertaining the notion of hemorrhage asa cause for an aberrant finding, the demonstrationof blood flow in that structure eliminates thatpossibility.

Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for theother physiologic processes that might possibly ac-count for observations of apparent septations orwall irregularity. When two cysts lie next to eachother, the resulting interface of cyst wall and any in-tervening ovarian parenchyma can be interpreted asa septation [Fig. 11]. Blood flow may be demon-strated within this ‘‘septation’’ as a function of thenormal ovarian parenchyma ‘‘trapped’’ betweenthe two cysts. Likewise, when physiologic cysts

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Fig. 10. Hemorrhagic ovarian cyst.Sonogram of the right ovary ina premenopausal woman, withcolor Doppler, shows a mass withinternal echoes and linear echo-genic bands which simulate septa-tions. Fibrin strands are identifiedin one quadrant of the mass (from6 to 9 o’clock). Color Dopplerevaluation confirms the absenceof demonstrable blood flowwithin the mass. The mass re-solved on follow-up sonogramperformed 6 weeks later.

involute, the wall irregularity of the cyst, corre-sponding to normal ovarian parenchyma alongthe surface of the flaccid cyst, can contain vessels.

Once the sonologist has determined that a physi-ologic process (adjacent cyst, cyst involution, or in-tracyst hemorrhage) could possibly account for theobservations that make the mass not be classified asa unilocular anechoic smooth-walled cyst, he or shemakes a general assessment of how likely it is thatthe mass will prove to be non-neoplastic in thesame manner as described previously for the uni-locular smooth-walled anechoic cyst. Again, factorsto consider will include growth rate, location, pa-tient hormonal status, and cyst size. Because ofthe compelling likelihood that one is dealing witha non-neoplastic hemorrhagic cyst with some ob-servations (fibrin strands and retracting clot), it isreasonable to ignore those hemorrhagic cysts thatcontain these characteristic features when they arebelow the 4 cm size threshold articulated previously(assuming that the patient becomes asymptom-atic); in such cases, sonographic reports shouldemphasize that sonographic follow-up may not benecessary. In other cases, sonographic follow-upallows assessment of cyst resolution, stability, orgrowth, to help distinguish between a non-neoplas-tic cyst and other possible causes of the mass. In thissituation, the time interval chosen for follow-up isoften justifiably shorter than the 6-month periodchosen for the asymptomatic unilocular smooth-walled anechoic cyst. As articulated previously, Iusually choose to cut the follow-up interval inhalf (3 months instead of 6 months) when thereis a finding potentially caused by a physiologic pro-cess or even by another half (i.e., 1.5 months, or6 weeks) when I think a particularly ominous sono-graphic finding might possibly be caused by hemor-rhage or cyst involution.

One final comment regarding hemorrhage andcyst involution as a cause of wall irregularity; thesephysiologic processes occur almost exclusively inpremenopausal women. It would be extremely un-usual for intracyst hemorrhage to result in retractileclot in a woman who has undergone menopause,and these women would not be expected to havean involuting corpus luteum cyst. Of course, the co-existence of two unilocular cysts next to each other,simulating a single multilocular cyst, can occur inwomen of any age.

When physiologic process is unlikely, hasa characteristic pattern been established?

The mass that is not a unilocular anechoic smooth-walled cyst, due to features that are not possiblyphysiologic in origin, is then analyzed to determineif features characteristic of a particular category havebeen observed. The categories for a cystic mass toconsider would include non-neoplastic cyst, endo-metrioma, hydrosalpinx, peritoneal inclusion cyst,benign cystic neoplasm, cystic teratoma, and cysticmalignancy. For each of these categories, specificobservations can enable the sonologist to reason-ably conclude that the mass in question is causedby that entity.

Non-neoplastic cyst

Most non-neoplastic cysts will have already beenidentified as such by the preceding analysis of uni-locularity, wall regularity, and likely physiologicmimics of suspicious pathology. Nevertheless,some cysts will not meet these preceding criteriabut can still be confidently assumed to be non-neoplastic by demonstrating lack of interval growth[Fig. 12]. Thus, the cyst which appears to have wallirregularity not due to hemorrhage (because the

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Fig. 11. Two adjacent unilocular cysts. (A) Sonogram of the right ovary in a premenopausal woman shows anapparent septation between two cystic compartments. Although this could be a bilocular cyst with an internalseptation, the sonologist needs to consider that it could reasonably also be two adjacent unilocular cysts (as itwas in this case). (B) Color Doppler sonogram demonstrates blood flow in the possible septation between thetwo cystic compartments. Normal ovarian parenchyma trapped between two unilocular cysts (as in this case)can demonstrate blood flow.

irregularity has not resolved) could still be classifiedas likely due to a non-neoplastic cyst by demon-strating no growth with serial sonography overa sufficiently long observation interval (at least 2years). Having established this stability, the masscan then be managed in a manner appropriatefor a non-neoplastic cyst. This would include con-tinued periodic sonographic re-evaluation, percu-taneous aspiration with or without sclerotherapyor methotrexate injection, or surgical removal.


The presence of diffuse low-level internal echoes isan important feature that helps to consider thepossibility of endometrioma as the cause of an

adnexal mass; our prior study demonstrated that95% of endometriomas exhibit diffuse low-levelinternal echoes, with technical factors likely ac-counting for those few endometriomas in whichlow-level echoes were not demonstrated [Fig. 13][8]. While the absence of this finding does not ex-clude endometrioma, it significantly decreases thelikelihood of that diagnosis (negative likelihoodratio 5 0.1). Nevertheless, the presence of diffuselow-level echoes in a mass is clearly not enoughfor the sonologist to conclude that the mass is anendometrioma, as some hemorrhagic ovariancysts, benign neoplasms (including cystic tera-toma), and malignancies can also exhibit thisfeature [Fig. 14].

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Fig. 12. Non-neoplastic cyst with wall irregularity. (A) Sonogram of the left ovary in a postmenopausal womanshows a small 1-cm cyst with wall irregularity (arrow). Color Doppler images (not shown) did not demonstrateblood flow in the area of focal wall irregularity. (B) The cyst was periodically followed with ultrasound.Follow-up sonogram 2 years later demonstrates no change in the size or appearance of the cyst or focal areaof irregularity (arrow). The mass is likely a non-neoplastic cyst and is justifiably further managed conservatively.

As discussed previously, hemorrhagic cysts are al-most exclusively non-neoplastic and most resolvespontaneously; they are surgically removed onlywhen patients have compelling acute symptoms.The practical approach to the adnexal mass articu-lated thus far allows the sonographer to considerthe possibility that a physiologic process (intracysthemorrhage in a premenopausal woman) is thecause for the diffuse internal echoes in an otherwiseunilocular smooth-walled mass. This justifiablyleads to follow-up sonography as a diagnostic strat-egy to use to distinguish between acute hemor-rhagic cyst and endometrioma [see Fig. 14]. If thediffuse low-level echoes persist unchanged on the

follow-up examination, acute hemorrhagic cystcan be reasonably excluded from consideration.

Another particularly helpful observation to en-able distinction between the acute hemorrhagiccyst and the endometrioma is the presence of oneor more hyperechoic foci in the wall of a unilocularsmooth-walled cyst with diffuse low-level echoes[see Fig. 13]. In our study, hyperechoic wall fociwere seen in only 1 of 69 non-neoplastic cysts(a mass that did not resolve with periodic sono-graphic follow-up and considered a ‘‘simple’’ cystat pathology) but were found in 14 of 40 (35%) en-dometriomas [8]. Based on these data, a smooth-walled mass with low-level internal echoes and

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coexisting hyperechoic wall foci is 32 times morelikely to be an endometrioma than another adnexalmass; for masses that exhibit this pattern, sono-graphic follow-up is a low-yield course of action.

The pathologic basis of these hyperechoic wallfoci has not been established. Given the similarityin appearance to hyperechoic wall foci seen in thegallbladder wall in patients with hyperplastic chol-ecystoses, due to the presence of cholesterol withinpolyps or Rokitansky-Aschoff sinuses, it has beenpostulated that these foci may contain cholesterol,perhaps from the breakdown of cell membranessubsequently phagocytized by giant cells. Thismay explain why they are seen in endometriomas,which contain chronic collections of cells thathave had time to break down, and are not seen in

Fig. 13. Endometrioma. Sonogram of the left ovaryshows a mass with diffuse low-level internal echoesand multiple hyperechoic wall foci (best seen at8 to 9 o’clock).

spontaneously resolving lesions such as acute hem-orrhagic cysts.

The presence of hyperechoic wall foci in a cysticmass allows the observer to discount the possibilitythat the mass will resolve with expectant manage-ment. It does not necessarily mean that the massis an endometrioma, however; if the theory thatthese hyperechoic wall foci represent cholesteroldeposition in the wall of a ‘‘chronic’’ mass is true,one could also expect to see these hyperechoicfoci in neoplasms. Indeed, neoplasms can exhibitthis feature [8].

Thus, to have confidence that a mass with diffuselow-level echoes is an endometrioma, there is con-siderable benefit from further assessment of wallnodularity, a feature that is associated with neopla-sia [24]. In our prior study, excluding masses withwall nodularity from the diagnosis of endometrio-ma helped to distinguish the endometriomasfrom neoplasms, especially malignancies [8]. How-ever, as 20% of endometriomas can demonstratewall nodularity, one can expect to be unable to rea-sonably distinguish between neoplasm and endo-metrioma for some masses with diffuse low-levelechoes [Fig. 15]. Of the 11 masses in our studythat demonstrated low-level internal echoes withwall nodularity but no features of cystic teratoma,6 were endometriomas and 5 were neoplasms.This subgroup of patients may benefit from addi-tional imaging with color Doppler sonography orMRI to try to distinguish between neoplastic andnon-neoplastic causes of wall nodularity.


Sonographic findings associated with hydrosalpinxhave been described by multiple investigators. Tess-ler and colleagues [25] found a tubular structurewith folded configuration (incomplete septation)

Fig. 14. Two hemorrhagic ovariancysts. Sonogram of the right ovaryin a premenopausal womanshows two masses with diffuselow level-internal echoes. Bothcysts show mild wall irregularity(arrows). Both hemorrhagic cystsresolved on follow-up sonogra-phy performed 3 months later.

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as the most consistent feature in their 12 cases ofhydrosalpinx [Fig. 16]. Short linear projectionswere also seen in approximately half of their pa-tients. Timor-Tritsch and colleagues [26] expandedthe analysis of the sonographic features of hydrosal-pinx by analyzing the mass shape, wall structure,wall thickness, and extent of ovarian involvement.This analysis suggested that many hydrosalpingeswere ovoid or pear-shaped fluid collections con-taining incomplete septa, short linear projections(‘‘cogwheel’’ sign), or small hyperechoic muralnodules (‘‘beads-on-a-string’’).

Fig. 15. Endometrioma with wall nodule. Sonogramof the left ovary shows a cystic compartment with dif-fuse low-level internal echoes and wall nodule (thickarrow). It is uncertain based on this image whetherthe entire mass is bilocular with an internal septation(thin arrows) or whether there are two adjacentcysts with intervening ovarian parenchyma. A smallamount of normal ovarian parenchyma containingthree follicles is present at the 12 o’clock position.At pathologic evaluation after laparoscopic surgicalremoval, no wall vegetations were identified; the ap-parent wall nodule was likely related to clot fibrosis.

Recent data have refined these observations [11].The most accurate sonographic diagnosis of hydro-salpinx as the cause of a cystic adnexal mass isachieved by first determining whether or not themass appears tubular and then focusing on whethera waist sign or small round projections can beidentified [see Fig. 16; Fig. 17]. The small roundprojections correspond to the ‘‘beads-on-a-string’’described by Timor-Tritsch and colleagues [26],pathologically caused by fibrosis of endosalpingealfolds. The waist sign refers to diametrically opposedindentations along the wall of the mass.

As we recently reported [11], in our experiencethe combination of tubular shape and waist signhad no false positives for diagnosis of hydrosalpinx,leading to a calculated likelihood ratio exceeding18.9; the exact likelihood ratio falls somewherebetween this value and infinity (more precise deter-mination of the true likelihood ratio of this combi-nation of findings for the diagnosis of hydrosalpinxwould have required a larger study population lead-ing to at least one false-positive case). The combina-tion of tubular shape with small round muralprojections also performed very well, with likeli-hood ratio of 22.1; there was one false positivecase using this combination, in which a paratubalcyst exhibited both features.

Two of the previously described sonographicfindings associated with hydrosalpinx had no addi-tional value in predicting that a mass was a hydro-salpinx when combined with the observation oftubular shape. Although the presence of an incom-plete septation and short linear projections werefindings predictive of hydrosalpinx, each was lesspredictive than tubular shape or the waist sign;moreover, in contrast to the waist sign and smallround projections, neither incomplete septationnor small linear projection improved diagnosticperformance when combined with tubular shape.In other words, the likelihood ratio of tubular

Fig. 16. Hydrosalpinx. Sonogramof the left adnexa shows a cysticmass with folded tubular configu-ration. The folded configurationleads to an apparent ‘‘incompleteseptation’’ (arrow). There isa waist sign (asterisks), which re-fers to the presence of diametri-cally opposed indentations alongthe wall of the mass. A short lin-ear projection is present at oneof the sites of indentation.

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Fig. 17. Hydrosalpinx. Sonogramof the right adnexa shows a tubu-lar cystic mass with small roundprojections along the wall (ar-rows), which have been describedas ‘‘beads-on-a-string.’’

shape when combined with incomplete septationor short linear projection for the diagnosis of hy-drosalpinx decreased as compared with the likeli-hood ratio of tubular shape alone. This is becauseapparent incomplete septations are also identifiedin some cystic neoplasms.

When trying to distinguish a hydrosalpinx froma cystic ovarian neoplasm, the sonographic identifi-cation of a normal-appearing ovary ipsilateral toa cystic adnexal mass has an extremely positive ef-fect on the ability of the sonologist to accuratelypredict that the mass is a hydrosalpinx and not acystadenoma or cystadenofibroma. Although para-ovarian cystadenomas can occur, they are exceed-ingly rare. Thus, careful attention to identificationof a normal ovary ipsilateral to the mass suspectedof being a hydrosalpinx can clinch the diagnosis.

Peritoneal inclusion cyst

Peritoneal inclusion cysts, also known as peritonealpseudocysts, occur as a result of trapped fluid be-tween the ovary and adhesions in the peritoneal

cavity. They begin in premenopausal patients whohave had prior surgery, trauma, peritoneal infec-tion, or endometriosis. The sonographic appear-ance of these peritoneal inclusion cysts can bepathognomonic [27]; in such cases, the marginsof the cystic collection follow the contours of thepelvis, with some areas of acute angulation, andthe often deformed ovary can be seen suspendedamong the adhesions centrally or peripherally[Fig. 18].

Cystic teratoma

A number of sonographic findings have been asso-ciated with cystic teratoma [10]. The feature thatmost commonly defines an ovarian mass as a cysticteratoma is the observation of focal or diffuse high-amplitude echoes that attenuate the acoustic beam(shadowing echodensity) [Fig. 19]. There are threetypes of tissues that can produce this finding: calci-fied structures like bone and teeth, clumps of hair ina cystic cavity, and fat in a Rokitansky protuberance.It does not matter which of the three situations

Fig. 18. Peritoneal inclusion cyst.Sonogram of the left adnexashows a deformed ovary (arrow)with large exophytic cystic collec-tion on one side, as well as smallercollection of fluid with thin septa-tions on the other side.

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results in the sonographic identification of focal ordiffuse high-amplitude echoes that attenuate theacoustic beam. Each of these tissues predicts thatan ovarian mass is a cystic teratoma. Almost 90%of cystic teratomas demonstrate a shadowing echo-density; in only 16% of cases, there will be none ofthe other sonographic features associated with cys-tic teratomas [10].

There are two other important sonographic find-ings associated with dermoids [10]. The presence ofdiffuse or regional high-amplitude echoes withinthe mass, one of these other findings, is due to se-bum; nearly 60% of cystic teratomas will exhibitthis finding [see Fig. 19]. The other important

Fig. 19. Cystic teratoma. Sagittal endovaginal sono-gram of an adnexal mass demonstrates shadowingechodensity (thick arrow), regional area of bright in-ternal echoes (arrowhead), and hyperechoic lines anddots (long arrow). This combination of sonographicfeatures is virtually pathognomonic for a cysticteratoma.

feature is the presence of hyperechoic lines anddots within the mass, the so-called ‘‘dermoidmesh’’ [28]. This sonographic appearance is causedby hair and is also found in about 60% of cystic ter-atomas [see Fig. 19].

Each of these three sonographic findings (shad-owing echodensity, regional or diffuse bright ech-oes, hyperechoic lines and dots) can occasionallybe identified or mimicked as isolated findings inother types of adnexal masses [10]. Fibrotic wallnodules seen in some endometriomas can produceacoustic shadowing. Hemorrhage can cause re-gional or diffuse mildly echogenic areas in a cysticmass. Fibrin strands in a hemorrhagic cyst canmimic the dermoid mesh. Amongst the three find-ings, the presence of a shadowing echodensity isthe most accurate single feature enabling diagnosisof the mass as a cystic teratoma, with a likelihoodratio for dermoid exceeding 40 when only this fea-ture is identified.

However, these findings become pathognomonicfor identifying a cystic teratoma when they are seenin combination [10]. In our study [10] comparingcystic teratomas to nondermoid adnexal masses,55 (76%) of the 72 dermoids exhibited two ormore of these sonographic features, whereas noneof the 178 nondermoids exhibited this feature set,resulting in a likelihood ratio exceeding 135.Thus, when sonologists identify any one of these so-nographic findings, they can become highly confi-dent regarding the diagnosis of cystic teratoma bycarefully scrutinizing the mass for the presence ofeither of the other associated features [Fig. 20].

Benign and malignant cystic neoplasms(cystadenomas and cystadenocarcinomas)

The preceding discussion has analyzed some fea-tures of an adnexal mass that might enable the

Fig. 20. Cystic teratoma. Sagittaltransabdominal sonogram of anadnexal mass shows a large re-gional area of high-amplitudeechoes. Additional scrutiny re-veals a shadowing echodensity(arrows mark borders of theacoustic shadow). The presenceof two features of cystic tera-tomas virtually assures that themass is a dermoid.

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Practical Approach to the Adnexal Mass 897

sonologist to characterize the mass as a benign neo-plasm, namely the unilocular smooth-walled cystthat is enlarging on follow-up examination. Forthese masses, the demonstration of interval growthis the key feature that enables the sonologist to con-fidently assert that the mass is not a typical non-neoplastic cyst, which would be expected to exhibitstability or resolution over time [see Fig. 8]. Asnoted previously, theoretically there may be anatypical non-neoplastic cyst that shows growthover time, at a rate that is indistinguishable froma benign neoplasm; nevertheless, trying to distin-guish between a growing non-neoplastic cyst anda growing benign ovarian cystic neoplasm is usuallynot clinically relevant. Both masses merit surgicalremoval, and it is reasonable and practical to as-sume that the mass is a benign cystic neoplasm.

Fig. 21. Cystadenocarcinoma. Sonogram of the rightadnexa reveals a cystic mass with large wall vegeta-tions. Color Doppler evaluation showed obvious bloodflow within the nodules (not shown). Surgical treat-ment and staging was performed by a gynecologiconcologist without additional imaging work-up.

In this situation, further testing with serologic eval-uation or MRI is unlikely to provide compellingadditional data to distinguish between the rareenlarging non-neoplastic cyst and the benignneoplasm.

The presence of septations or mural or septalnodules in a cystic mass is compelling evidencethat the mass is an ovarian neoplasm (benign ormalignant) [Figs. 21 and 22] [29]. Benignancy is fa-vored over malignancy when septations are smoothand relatively thin, and when the mural or septalnodularity is minor. Thick septations, irregularsolid areas, poorly defined margins, and coexistingascites or matted bowel loops are features highlyspecific but not very sensitive for malignancy [30].As described previously, after considering and ex-cluding the possibility that the aberrant findingscould be reasonably caused by a physiologic pro-cess, the sonologist confronted with a mass exhibit-ing septations or mural nodularity can confidentlyindicate that the mass is a neoplasm. He or shemay not be sure if the mass is benign or malignantin such cases; benignancy or malignancy may be fa-vored based on the specific features of the case, butthe sonologist may be confident of this assessmentin only the most straightforward cases.

In keeping with the basic approach, the questionto consider after identifying a neoplasm is whetherany additional testing should be performed, recom-mended, or offered. The answer depends onwhether it makes any difference. Serologic evalua-tion of CA-125 levels may help to implicate malig-nancy over benignancy. MRI may help to betterdemonstrate malignant-appearing features. Theseadditional tests might be useful if the results wouldlead to a different surgical approach (or differentsurgeon) when the patient goes to surgery. Doppleranalysis of the resistive index of flow in the wall of

Fig. 22. Cystadenocarcinoma.Transabdominal sonogram of theright adnexa shows a large cysticand solid mass (demarcated withelectronic calipers), with multipleseptations, some harboring largeseptal nodules. The sonologistcan confidently diagnose malig-nancy based on these features.

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the mass has not been shown to have any reproduc-ible accuracy in distinguishing benign from malig-nant cystic ovarian neoplasms [31] and cannot berecommended as a high-utility maneuver.

Other potentially characteristic adnexalmasses

Other categories of adnexal pathology that have notyet been discussed are beyond the scope of this ar-ticle. In some cases, there are characteristic features(both clinical and imaging) that enable confidentclassification of an adnexal masses into one of thesecategories, which include ectopic pregnancy, ab-scess/inflammatory mass, torsed ovary, exophyticleiomyoma, ovarian fibroma, and other solid mass.

Further imaging or surgical exploration

Using the algorithm as a practical approach to theadnexal mass, the sonologist should be able to con-fidently classify many, if not most, adnexal massesinto one of the categories of suspected pathology:(1) non-neoplastic cyst; (2) hemorrhagic ovariancyst; (3) endometrioma; (4) hydrosalpinx; (5) peri-toneal inclusion cyst; (6) benign cystic neoplasm;(7) cystic teratoma; (8) cystic malignancy; (9) ec-topic pregnancy; (10) abscess/inflammatory mass;(11) torsed ovary; (12) exophytic or broad ligamentmyoma; (13) ovarian fibroma; (14) solid mass.When the sonographic findings do not allow confi-dence in establishing one category, further testingwith MRI can lead to additional observations thatenable categorization. The endometrioma with ap-parently avascular wall nodularity, the atypical hy-drosalpinx without sonographically identifiedadjacent ovary, and the peritoneal inclusion cystin which the suspended ovary is not visible aresome examples of masses that might benefit fromfurther evaluation with MRI, since one mightchoose to not surgically evaluate the patient if onecould be reasonably assured that the mass was anendometrioma, hydrosalpinx, or peritioneal pseu-docyst. Similarly, establishing the diagnosis of exo-phytic leiomyoma or ovarian fibroma using MRI inthose cases without characteristic sonographic ob-servations would be useful to avoid surgical evalua-tion. Ultimately, if imaging is unable to characterizea mass into one of these categories using the sug-gested algorithm, diagnostic surgical explorationwill be necessary.


Gynecologic sonography has matured into a highlyeffective and accurate tool enabling confident diag-nosis of a variety of adnexal masses. Using a practi-cal evidence-based approach, sonologists are wellequipped to differentiate expected findings in the

normal ovary from pathologic entities and can of-ten generate specific conclusions regarding thecause of an adnexal mass. Mastery of the diagnosticstrategies to use when an adnexal mass is identifiedand the sonographic patterns of various types of ad-nexal pathology contributes greatly to the properand cost-effective care of a woman with an adnexalmass.


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Radiol Clin N Am 44 (2006) 901–910


Abnormal Uterine Bleeding:The Role of UltrasoundSteven R. Goldstein, MD

- Evolution of endometrial assessment- Transvaginal ultrasound- Other considerations for

sonohysterographyTiming of the procedureDifficulty threading the catheter

Anesthesia/analgesiaRisk of infection

- Concern about spreading adenocarcinomainto the peritoneal cavity

- Inadequate distension of the cavity- Summary- References

Abnormal uterine bleeding accounts for up to20% of gynecologic visits [1]. Any pregnancy eventmust first be excluded, and the use of inexpensive,rapid, monoclonal antibody urine human chorionicgonadotropin tests, readily available over-the-counter, makes this a relatively simple maneuver.When a pregnancy event has been excluded, themost likely cause of bleeding is dysfunctional anovu-latory bleeding—what patients are often told isa ‘‘hormone imbalance.’’ As women get older, how-ever, organic pathology such as polyp, submucousmyomas, hyperplasias, and even frank carcinoma be-come more likely. According to the SEER database[2], the incidence of endometrial carcinoma inwomen aged 30 to 34 years is 2.3/100,000, increasesto 6.1/100,000 between ages 35 and 40 years, andrises dramatically to 36.2/100,000 in women aged40 to 49 years. In postmenopausal women on nohormone replacement therapy, any bleeding is con-sidered ‘‘cancer until proven otherwise,’’ althoughthe incidence of malignancy in such patients rangesfrom 2% to 10% depending on risk factors [3].

The role of the clinician in a patient who presentswith bleeding is twofold: first, to exclude endome-trial carcinoma in women older than 40 years [4],

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and second, to identify the source of bleeding soit can be stopped or managed.

Most patients who have abnormal bleeding willhave dysfunctional uterine bleeding in associationwith episodes of anovulation (premenopausal) orendometrial atrophy (postmenopausal) that canbest be managed hormonally or expectantly withreassurance. The main goal is to distinguish suchpatients from those who have organic pathologicconditions in a safe, painless, convenient manner.

Evolution of endometrial assessment

Initially, curettage was the ‘‘gold standard.’’ First de-scribed in 1843 [5], its performance in the hospitalbecame the most common operation performed onwomen in the world. As early as the 1950s, a reviewof 6907 curettage procedures [6] found the tech-nique missed endometrial lesions in 10% of cases.Of these, 80% were polyps.

In the 1970s, vacuum-suction curettage devicesallowed sampling without anesthesia in an officesetting. The most popular was the Vabra aspirator(Berkeley Medevices, Berkeley, California). This de-vice was found to be 86% accurate in diagnosingcancer [7]. Subsequently, less expensive, smaller,

This article was originally published in Ultrasound Clinics 1:2, April 2006.New York University School of Medicine, 530 First Avenue, Suite 10N, New York, NY 10016, USAE-mail address: [email protected]

ts reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rcl.2006.10.018

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less painful plastic catheters with their own internalpistons to generate suction became popular. One ofthese, the Pipelle device (Unimar, Wilton, Connect-icut), was found to have similar efficacy but betterpatient acceptance compared with the Vabra aspira-tor [8].

Rodriguez and colleagues [9] did a pathologicstudy of 25 hysterectomy specimens. The percent-age of endometrial surface sampled by the Pipelledevice was 4% versus 41% for the Vabra aspirator.

In one widely publicized study [10], the Pipellehad a 97.5% sensitivity to detect endometrial can-cer in 40 patients undergoing hysterectomy. Theshortcoming of that study was that the diagnosisof malignancy was known before the performanceof the specimen collection.

In another important study, Guido and col-leagues [11] also studied the Pipelle biopsy in pa-tients who had known carcinoma undergoinghysterectomy. Among 65 patients, a Pipelle biopsyprovided tissue adequate for analysis in 63 (97%),but malignancy was detected in only 54 patients(83%). Of the 11 with false-negative results, 5(8%) had disease confined to endometrial polypsand 3 (5%) had tumor localized to less than 5%of the surface area of the cavity. The surface areaof the endometrial involvement in that study was5% or less of the cavity in 3 of 65 (5%); 5% to25% of the cavity in 12 of 65 (18%), of which thePipelle missed four cases; 26% to 50% of the cavityin 20 of 65 (31%), of which the Pipelle missed four;and greater than 50% of the cavity in 30 of 65 pa-tients (46%), of which the Pipelle missed none.These results provide great insight about the wayendometrial carcinoma can be distributed overthe endometrial surface or confined to a polyp. Be-cause tumors localized in a polyp or a small area ofendometrium may go undetected, the investigatorsin that study concluded that the ‘‘Pipelle is excellentfor detecting global processes in the endometrium.’’

From these data, it seems that undirected sam-pling, whether through curettage or various typesof suction aspiration, is often fraught with error, es-pecially in cases in which the abnormality is notglobal but focal (polyps, focal hyperplasia, or carci-noma involving small areas of the uterine cavity).

Transvaginal ultrasound

Introduced in the mid-1980s, the vaginal probeuses higher frequency transducers in close proxim-ity to the structure being studied. It yields a degreeof image magnification that has been dubbed sono-microscopy [12]. In the early 1990s, it was used inwomen who had postmenopausal bleeding to seeif it could predict which patients lacked significanttissue and could avoid dilation and curettage or

endometrial biopsy and its discomfort, expense,and risk [13,14]. Consistently, the finding ofa thin, distinct endometrial echo 4 to 5 mm orless has been shown to effectively exclude signifi-cant tissue in women who have bleeding. It is un-fortunate that the corollary is not nearly ashelpful. The positive predictive value of an endome-trial echo greater than 5 mm is not so useful, al-though in the author’s experience, many clinicianshave inappropriately used a thick echo on ultra-sound as an indicator of pathology. Such inappro-priate application of transvaginal ultrasound isespecially worrisome in patients who have nobleeding and in whom the finding is incidental.

Endometrial thickness should be measured ona sagittal (long-axis) image of the uterus, and themeasurement should be performed on the thickestportion of the endometrium, excluding the hypoe-choic inner myometrium. It is a ‘‘double-thickness’’measurement from basalis to basalis [15].

If fluid is present, then it is usually associatedwith cervical stenosis and atrophy [16]. The layersare measured separately and should be symmetric.It should be remembered that the endometrial cav-ity is a three-dimensional structure, and attemptsmust be made to image the entire cavity. Recogniz-ing the potentially pivotal role of transvaginal ultra-sound in diagnostic evaluation, a statement shouldbe included in the report regarding the technical ad-equacy of the scan. A well-defined endometrialecho should be seen taking off from the endocervi-cal canal [Fig. 1]. It should be distinct. Often, fi-broids, previous surgery, marked obesity, or anaxial uterus may make visualization suboptimal. Ifso, it is acceptable and appropriate to conclude ‘‘en-dometrial echo not well visualized’’ [Fig. 2]. Inthese cases, ultrasound cannot be relied on to ex-clude disease. The next step for such patients whohave bleeding should be hysteroscopy or saline in-fusion sonohysterography depending on the skillset and preference of the physician and patient.

Although the use of fluid enhancement was de-scribed with abdominal ultrasound for uterineand tubal observations [17], it never gained wide-spread use. The introduction of the vaginal probechanged that practice considerably [18,19]. Theuse of fluid instillation into the uterus coupledwith such high-resolution transvaginal probes al-lows tremendous diagnostic enhancement with aninexpensive, simple, well-tolerated office procedure(see the article by R.B. Goldstein elsewhere in thisissue).

In a prospective pilot study, saline infusion sono-hysterography was performed in 21 women whohad abnormal perimenopausal uterine bleeding[20]. Of the 21 patients, 8 had obvious polypoid le-sions [Fig. 3] and were triaged for operative

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Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 903

Fig. 1. Long-axis transvaginal ul-trasound image of a postmeno-pausal patient who had a historyof uterine bleeding. A thin, lin-ear, distinct endometrial echohere has a negative predictivevalue of 99%. Notice that it isclearly seen taking off from theendocervical canal.

hysteroscopic removal. The pathology reportconfirmed benign polyps in all 8 patients. Three pa-tients had submucous myomas. Two had wire-loopresectoscopic excision [Fig. 4]. The third, who hada submucous myoma that extended to the serosaledge of the uterus, received expectant management.Nine patients had no obvious anatomic lesion, andthe endometrial thickness of the anterior or poste-rior wall was a maximum of 3.2 mm. The studieswere purposely performed on days 4 to 6 of thebleeding cycle when early proliferative changewould be expected if no anatomic abnormality ex-isted. Biopsy in all 9 of these patients revealed early

Fig. 2. Long-axis view of a patient who underwentprevious uterine surgery in whom a meaningful dis-tinct endometrial echo is technically inadequate.The clinician should never be afraid to state ‘‘endo-metrial echo not well visualized.’’

proliferative endometrium. Thus, these patientshad dysfunctional (ie, anovulatory) uterine bleed-ing and were successfully treated with progesta-tional agents. One patient had an endometrialthickness along the anterior wall of 7.6 mm,although the posterior wall was thin (2.3 mm).Curettage with hysteroscopy revealed simplehyperplasia without atypia; this patient was alsotreated with progestational agents. Thus, it was con-cluded that endometrial fluid instillation (sonohys-terogram) to enhance vaginal ultrasonography inperimenopausal women can reliably distinguishbetween patients who have minimal tissue (3 mmor less single-layer measurements) whose bleedingis anovulatory and best treated hormonally frompatients who have significant tissue (3 mm ormore single-layer thickness) in need of formal cu-rettage and hysteroscopy. Furthermore, polyps canbe distinguished from submucous myomas. Thisdistinction allows appropriate triage for operativehysteroscopy in terms of skill required and lengthof time and equipment needed. Furthermore, thisprocedure eliminates the need for diagnostichysteroscopy in patients whose bleeding isdysfunctional.

As determined in this pilot study, the addition ofsaline infusion sonohysterography can reliably dis-tinguish perimenopausal patients who have dys-functional abnormal bleeding (no anatomicabnormality) from those who have globally thick-ened endometria or focal abnormalities.

A clinical algorithm was proposed and studied ina large prospective trial of perimenopausal womenwho had abnormal bleeding using unenhancedtransvaginal ultrasonography followed by saline in-fusion sonohysterography for selected patients and

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Fig. 3. Saline infusion sonohys-terogram of a patient who hadabnormal uterine bleeding. Inthis coronal view of the uterus,a polyp measuring 8.2 � 12.3mm (calipers) is seen emanatingfrom the posterior wall.

then no endometrial sampling, undirected endo-metrial sampling, or visually directed endometrialsampling depending on whether the ultrasono-graphically based triage revealed no anatomic ab-normality, globally thickened endometrium, orfocal abnormalities, respectively [Fig. 5] [21]. Inthat study, 280 patients (65%) displayed a thin, dis-tinct, symmetric endometrial echo of 5 mm or lesson days 4 to 6, and dysfunctional uterine bleedingwas diagnosed. One hundred fifty-three (35%)had saline infusion sonohysterography. Of theseprocedures, 44 (29%) were performed because ofthe inability to adequately characterize and mea-sure the endometrium [Fig. 6] and 109 (71%)were done for an endometrial measurement of5 mm or greater. Sixty-one of those patients thenhad anterior and posterior endometrial thicknessthat was symmetric and less than 3 mm, compatiblewith dysfunctional uterine bleeding. Fifty-eight pa-tients (13%) had focal polypoid masses [Fig. 7] thatwere removed hysteroscopically and confirmedpathologically. Twenty-two patients (5%) had sub-mucous myomas, although 148 (34%) had clinicaland ultrasonographic evidence of fibroids. Ten pa-tients had symmetric single-layer measurements ofendometrium at saline infusion sonohysterographygreater than 3 mm (range, 3–9 mm). Of these, his-tologic type was proliferative endometrium in 5and hyperplastic endometrium in 5. Saline infusionsonohysterography was technically inadequate in 2patients who then underwent hysteroscopy with cu-rettage. Undirected office biopsy alone without im-aging potentially would have missed the diagnosisof focal lesions such as polyps, submucous myo-mas, and focal hyperplasia in up to 80 patients(18%).

Based on these results, it seems apparent thatany ‘‘blind’’ endometrial sampling should be pre-ceded by saline infusion sonohysterography ifthe endometrial thickness is greater than 5 mm.A process must be shown to be symmetrically‘‘pan uterine’’ or global to justify a blind proce-dure. When changes are focal (eg, polyps, somehyperplasias, some carcinomas), they can beappreciated as such with fluid-instillation sono-hysterography, and then directed biopsies mustbe performed.

In the pilot study [20], although 9 of 21 patientshad obvious sonographic and clinical evidence offibroids, only 3 had a submucous component. Sixof 21 had intramural-subserosal myomas coexistingwith dysfunctional uterine bleeding. In the largeprospective study [21], 148 of 433 women had my-omas but only 22 had a submucous component.

Usually, polyps are clearly discernable, as are sub-mucous myomas. Sometimes, however, a broad-basedpolyp is difficult to distinguish from a submucosalmyoma. This distinction may be important for preop-erative triage, in that a truly pedunculated submucousmyoma behaves more like a polyp in terms of skill andequipment required for its removal in the operatingroom, whereas a broad-based polyp may behavemore like a myoma and require resectoscopiccapability.

A reliable assessment with ultrasonographyrequires that the endometrial echo be homoge-neous, that it is surrounded by an intact hypoe-choic junctional zone, and that the operatorconstantly remembers that the endometrial cavityis a three-dimensional structure. This fact may ac-count for why Dijkhuzien and colleagues [22] hadfour cases that supposedly measured less than 10

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Abnormal Uterine Bleeding 905

Fig. 4. (A) Long-axis view of a patient who had abnormal uterine bleeding. There is a central thickened uterineecho that is also heterogeneous. (B) Saline infusion sonohysterogram reveals an endoluminal mass (15.6 � 18.7mm) outlined by calipers that represents an intraluminal myoma. Note the acoustic shadowing emanating fromthe myoma. Furthermore, note that the endometrial cavity itself is lined with thin endometrium compatiblewith the early proliferative phase in this perimenopausal patient. Finally, the distance from the back of the my-oma to serosa is 12.5 mm (calipers).

mm (some as little as 2 mm) yet displayed polypsat hysteroscopy. Such cases underscore the impor-tance of the three-dimensional character of the en-dometrial cavity and the occasional propensity ofthe ultrasonographic operator to obtain a limitednumber of two-dimensional views and assumethat these represent the entire endometrial cavity.Any one ‘‘frozen’’ ultrasonographic image is noth-ing more than a two-dimensional ‘‘snapshot,’’ andfailure to meticulously recreate three-dimensionalanatomy results in error.

New three-dimensional ultrasound equipmentcan eliminate errors that may occur when the oper-ator does not pay meticulous attention to mentallyrecreating three-dimensional anatomy.

Furthermore, the use of color flow or powerDoppler imaging to identify the central feeder ves-sel pathognomonic of an endometrial polyp is analternative to sonohysterography in the diagnosisof polyps [Figs. 8 and 9]. This methodology hada positive predictive value of 81.3% in the studyby Timmerman and colleagues [23].

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Fig. 5. Clinical algorithm for ultrasound-based triage of any patients who have abnormal uterine bleeding.

Other considerations for sonohysterography

Timing of the procedure

The uterus is an organ that has had multiple proce-dures in many women including D&C’s, child birth,myomectomy, Caesarean sections, abortion, etc. Asthe endometrium proliferates it is not alwaysa smooth homogeneous layer. Sonohysterographyis best performed as soon as possible after thebleeding cycle has ended when the endometriumis as thin as it is going to be all month long. Other-wise focal irregularities in the contour of the endo-metrium may be mistaken for small polyps or focalareas of endometrial hyperplasia [Fig. 9]. This wassupported in a prospective blinded study by Wol-man and colleagues [24] in which there wasa 27% false positive rate in sonohysterography per-formed from day 16 to 28, while there were nonewhen the procedure was performed prior to day 10.

Sometimes the patient has such irregular bleed-ing that she can not tell what is an actual menses.It may be helpful in such cases to use an empiriccourse of a progestogen such as medroxyprogester-one acetate 10mg daily for 10 days as a ‘‘medical cu-rettage’’ and then time the ultrasound evaluation tothe withdrawal bleed.

Difficulty threading the catheter

Occasionally, there will be difficulty in threadingthe catheter into its desired position. Using theother hand to change the position of the speculumwill often modify the angle of the cervix with the

fundus sufficiently to allow successful completion.Use of a tenaculum is a last resort. A cervical stabi-lizer will be less painful, less traumatic and does notcause bleeding from the cervix.


Anesthesia or analgesia is not required. In morethan 1000 cases, I have seen three cases of a vasova-gal response reminiscent of those occasionally seenwith a plastic intrauterine device insertion in a nul-liparous patient. The sonohysterography catheter is1.8 mm in diameter and is remarkably painless inits insertion. The procedure is extremely well toler-ated with no pain in the overwhelming majority ofpatients and minimal cramping in a very few.

Risk of infection

Sonohysterography should be handled similarly totraditional HSG. Thus, the decision about whetherto obtain gonorrhoea or Chlamydia cultures aswell as whether to use antibiotics will depend verymuch on the patient population with which thephysician normally deals. In my experience, I havenot routinely obtained cultures for sexually trans-mitted diseases nor have prophylactic antibioticsbeen used. In more than 1000 cases, I have not ex-perienced any infectious morbidity. Of 1,153 proce-dures performed [25] the incidence of infectiouscomplications that require surgical resolution was0.7% which is similar to diagnostic hysteroscopy[26] but less than hysterosalpingography [27].

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Fig. 6. (A) Transvaginal scan in long-axis view of a perimenopausal patient who had abnormal uterine bleeding.The endometrial echo is not sufficiently seen along its entirety to make an accurate diagnosis. (B) Saline infusionsonohysterography reveals a lack of any endoluminal mass. The anterior and posterior endometrium measure1.5 and 2.0 mm, respectively (calipers).

Concern about spreading adenocarcinomainto the peritoneal cavity

Concern about spreading adenocarcinoma isa question of the benefit outweighing any theoreticrisk [24–27]. It is no longer standard practice to tiethe fallopian tubes with silk before a total abdomi-nal hysterectomy and bilateral salpingo-oophorec-tomy for endometrial carcinoma. Furthermore,hysteroscopy with saline or other distending mediawould have the same theoretic concern. Survivalrates of patients who had endometrial carcinomaand underwent standard HSG were not different

between patients who demonstrated intraperito-neal spill of the contrast medium and patientswho did not [28]. Alcazar and colleagues [29] per-formed sonohysterography on 14 consecutive pa-tients who had stage I adenocarcinoma of theendometrium. It was done at the time of laparot-omy just when the abdomen was opened but beforethe start of the surgical procedure. All 14 readilyspilled saline from the fallopian tubes. The fluidwas analyzed, as were the cell washings. Only 1 pa-tient (7%) had malignant cells in the spilled fluid,causing the investigators to conclude that the riskof malignant cell dissemination exists but is small.

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Fig. 7. Saline infusion sonohys-terogram of a perimenopausalpatient who had abnormal uter-ine bleeding. A polypoid lesionis seen extending near the ante-rior fundal region. This lesionmeasures 10.2 � 6.7 (calipers). Atthe time of dilation and curet-tage and hysteroscopy, a polypwas identified that was con-firmed by pathology.

Inadequate distension of the cavity

In some patients, a patulous cervix results ina great deal of fluid running out transcervically.Other patients have fluid going out through fallo-pian tubes, even with slow injection and minimalpressure. As in hysteroscopy, some cavities aremore difficult to distend than others. The clinicianshould check the position of the catheter, lookingfor its acoustic shadow most of the way to theuterine fundus. Unlike hysteroscopy (which re-quires distension for visualization), however, thisprocedure requires very little fluid to outline thecavity. Even a small ribbon of fluid acts as a suffi-cient interface to distinguish anterior and poste-rior endometrial surfaces and to outlineendometrial pathology.


Abnormal uterine bleeding, whether it occurs inperi- or postmenopausal patients, is an importantclinical concern and accounts for much medical in-tervention. When bleeding occurs in women olderthan 40 years (and in any postmenopausalwoman), endometrial ‘‘assessment’’ is mandatory.In the past and even currently, many cliniciansprefer to begin such assessment with blind endo-metrial sampling. This article presents an ultra-sound-based approach to such patients. Whenpresent, a thin, distinct endometrial echo excludessignificant pathology, assuming it is performed at anappropriate time if the patient is cycling. If a thin,distinct endometrial echo is not visualized (inade-quate visualization or presence of thickened echo),

Fig. 8. Long-axis view of theuterus in a patient who had ab-normal uterine bleeding. Colorflow Doppler imaging clearlyidentifies a central feeder vessel.Presence of such a feeder vesselcan be used to make the diagno-sis of polyp even in the absenceof saline infusion.

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Fig. 9. Transvaginal pelvic scan ofa patient 19 days since her last ep-isode of bleeding. The endome-trial surface is irregular. Theirregular surface is not unusual,especially in patients who havehad previous dilation and curet-tage procedures, myomectomies,childbirth, and so forth. The irreg-ular surface to the endometrium,here identified as ‘‘moguls,’’ canbe misleading. Performing theprocedure this long after the lastbleeding episode can be fraughtwith error and should be avoided.

then saline infusion sonohysterography can help totriage patients to (1) no anatomic pathology, (2)globally thickened anatomic pathology that may beevaluated with blind endometrial sampling, or (3) fo-cal abnormalities that must be evaluated under directvision. Such an ultrasound-based approach not onlyhelps to exclude endometrial carcinoma but alsoidentifies the source of any bleeding for better clinicalmanagement.


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[12] Goldstein SR. Endovaginal ultrasound. 2nd edi-tion. New York: Wiley Liss; 1991.

[13] Goldstein SR, Nachtigall M, Snyder JR, et al. En-dometrial assessment by vaginal ultrasonogra-phy before endometrial sampling in patientswith postmenopausal bleeding. Am J Obstet Gy-necol 1990;163:119–23.

[14] Granberg S, Wikland M, Karlsson B, et al. Endo-metrial thickness as measured by endovaginal ul-trasound ultrasonography for identifyingendometrial abnormality. Am J Obstet Gynecol1991;164:47–52.

[15] Goldstein RB, Bree RL, Benson CB, et al. Evaluationof thewomanwith postmenopausalbleeding: Soci-ety of Radiologists in Ultrasound–Sponsored Con-sensus Conference statement. J Ultrasound Med2001;20:1025–36.

[16] Goldstein SR. Postmenopausal endometrial fluidcollections revisited: look at the doughnut ratherthan the hole. Obstet Gynecol 1994;83:738–40.

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[18] Parsons AK, Lense JJ. Sonohysterography for en-dometrial abnormalities: preliminary results.J Clin Ultrasound 1993;21:87–95.

[19] Syrop C, Sahakian V. Transvaginal sonographic de-tection of endometrial polyps with fluid contrastaugmentation. Obstet Gynecol 1992;79:1041–3.

[20] Goldstein SR. Use of ultrasonohysterography fortriage of perimenopausal patients with unex-plained uterine bleeding. Am J Obstet Gynecol1994;170:565–70.

[21] Goldstein SR, Zelzter I, Horan CK, et al. Ultraso-nography-based triage for perimenopausal pa-tients with abnormal uterine bleeding. Am JObstet Gynecol 1997;177:102–8.

[22] Dijkhuzien FPHLJ, Brolmann HAM, Potters AE,et al. The accuracy of transvaginal ultrasonogra-phy in the diagnosis of endometrial abnormali-ties. Obstet Gynecol 1996;87:345–9.

[23] Timmerman D, Verguts J, Konstantinovic ML, et al.The pedicle artery sign based on sonography withcolor Doppler imaging can replace second-stagetests in women with abnormal vaginal bleeding.Ultrasound Obstet Gynecol 2003;22:166–71.

[24] Wolman I, Groutz A, Gordon D, et al. Timingof sonohysterography in menstruating women.Gynecol Obstet Invest 1999;48:254–8.

[25] Dessole S, Farina M, Rubattu G, et al. Side effectsand complications of sonhystyerosalpingogra-phy. Fertil Steril 2003;80:620–4.

[26] Cooper JM, Brady RM. Intraoperative and earlypostoperative complications of operative hys-teroscopy. Obstet Gynecol Clin North Am2000;27:347–66.

[27] Tuveng JM, Vold I, Jerve F, et al. Hysterosalpin-gography: value in estimating tubal function,and risk of infectious complications. Acta EurFertl 1985;16:125–8.

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Radiol Clin N Am 44 (2006) 911–923


Sonographic Evaluation of the Childwith Lower Abdominal or Pelvic PainPeter J. Strouse, MD

- General approach- Gastrointestinal disorders- Appendicitis- Mesenteric adenitis- Intussusception- Duplication cyst- Inflammatory bowel disease- Henoch-Schonlein purpura- Meckel diverticulum- Small bowel obstruction- Omental infarction- Urinary tract disorders

Renal stoneUrinary tract infectionInfected urachus

- Gynecologic disordersHematometrocolpos/hematocolposCyst/ruptured cystOvarian neoplasmsEctopic pregnancyTubo-ovarian abscessOvarian torsion

- Summary- References

At many centers, CT has become the primary im-aging modality for children who have abdominalpain. CT, however, delivers a substantial radiationdose, which is of particular concern in the pediatricpatient. In contrast, sonography does not exposethe patient to ionizing radiation. Properly per-formed, sonography is capable of providing usefuldiagnostic information in the child who has lowerabdominal or pelvic pain. In many children andwith many disorders, sonography proves to be theonly imaging modality that may be required. Inthis article, the usefulness of sonography in evaluat-ing disorders producing lower abdominal or pelvicpain in a child is reviewed.

General approach

Work-up of the child who has lower abdominal orpelvic pain begins with a careful history and

0033-8389/06/$ – see front matter ª 2006 Elsevier Inc. All righradiologic.theclinics.com

physical examination. Pertinent laboratory exami-nation may be helpful. The decision of whether toimage and which modality to use is guided by infor-mation obtained from the history, physical exami-nation, and basic laboratory examination.

Abdominal pain is a common complaint in chil-dren. It is one of the most common reasons foran unscheduled visit to the pediatrician’s office ora visit to an emergency department. The over-whelming majority of children presenting with ab-dominal pain do not have an organic conditionrequiring medical or surgical intervention [1,2].Findings that suggest there is an organic etiologyto the patient’s complaints of pain are pain that isnot periumbilical or pain that migrates from a peri-umbilical location, fever, leukocytosis, abnormalurinalysis, blood in stool, or a palpable mass.When one of these findings is present, further eval-uation with imaging is likely required.

This article was originally published in Ultrasound Clinics 1:3, July 2006.Section of Pediatric Radiology, C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital, Room F3503, Department of Radiology, Univer-sity of Michigan Health System, 1500 East Medical Center Drive, Ann Arbor, MI 48103-0252, USAE-mail address: [email protected]

ts reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rcl.2006.10.019

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Imaging protocols naturally vary from institutionto institution and even between different physicianusers and imaging providers within the same insti-tution. If pathology of the female pelvis is sus-pected, ultrasound is firmly indicated as an initialimaging step. With suspected gastrointestinal pa-thology, radiography, sonography, or CT may beused, depending on the suspected disorder, theage of the child, and institutional preferences.This is also true for suspected urinary tract pathol-ogy. When there is uncertainty of the origin ofa child’s pain, preliminary examination with sonog-raphy is a good first step, because it does not exposethe child to ionizing radiation and it guides theproper use of other imaging studies.

Gastrointestinal disorders

Regardless of the disorder being imaged, evaluationof the gastrointestinal tract with sonography re-quires meticulous technique. Air is the enemy ofthe ultrasound beam. Graded compression of theabdomen is required to obliterate and displace gasfrom bowel in the field of view. Although tenselydistended gas filled bowel or guarding by the patientmay occasionally obscure visualization, careful,gradual compression usually achieves visualizationof deeper structures. Visualization of bowel is im-proved by use of a linear array transducer. Compres-sion also serves to bring the pathologic bowel in thefocal zone (‘‘sweet spot’’) of the transducer.

Well-trained sonographic technologists may beskilled in performing ultrasound of the gastrointes-tinal tract; however, the value of witnessing scan-ning of the patient or, better yet, scanning thepatient oneself, cannot be overstated. The realtimecapability of sonography allows for a directed scan(‘‘show me where it hurts’’). The reaction of the pa-tient to palpation with the transducer also yields in-formation. The suspicion of underlying pathologymay be heightened or lessened by observing or per-forming this limited physical examination.


Appendicitis is overwhelmingly the most commonsurgical cause for abdominal pain in childhood.Nonetheless, only a small percentage of childrenpresenting with abdominal pain prove to have ap-pendicitis [1–3]. Clinical findings suggestive of ap-pendicitis include periumbilical pain migrating tothe right lower quadrant, fever, and leukocytosis.Until the late 1980s the diagnosis of appendicitiswas purely clinical. Unfortunately, clinical evalua-tion of appendicitis is imprecise. Historically, an ac-cepted 15% to 20% negative appendectomy ratewas balanced against a desire to limit complicationscaused by perforation of undiagnosed appendicitis.

Graded compression ultrasound for the evalua-tion of appendicitis was introduced by Puylaertin1986 [4]. As previously described, a linear arraytransducer is used. Compression is applied gradu-ally so as to be better tolerated by the patient. Theexamination is best started by asking the patient,‘‘Where does it hurt?’’ (Do not tell the patient to‘‘point to where it hurts.’’) The patient who has un-complicated appendicitis often points to a specificlocation. The indicated area of the abdomen is thestarting point for scanning. It is striking how oftenthe abnormal appendix is found immediately be-neath the site where the patient indicates thepain. If the appendix is not immediately identified,a systematic search of the right lower quadrant andpelvis is performed. Careful sweeps in the longitu-dinal and transverse planes are performed. Less ex-perienced sonographers frequently make themistake of not providing adequate compression.With adequate compression, the posterior abdomi-nal wall, the psoas muscle, and the iliac vasculatureare seen (Fig. 1). Illustrations in Puylaert’s originalarticle nicely demonstrate the degree of compres-sion required [4].

Some investigators have indicated a high rate ofidentifying the normal appendix [5,6]. To excludeappendicitis, the bulbous tip of the appendixmust be seen. Identification of the normal appendixis the best evidence that the patient does not haveappendicitis. Identification of the normal appendix,however, is extremely difficult and time consuming.

Fig. 1. A 15-year-old girl who had a normal rightlower quadrant ultrasound. Adequate compressionis indicated by visualization of the posterior abdomi-nal wall, including the psoas muscle (P). Note theshort distance (between the pairs of arrows) betweenthe rectus abdominus muscle (R) in the anterior ab-dominal wall and psoas muscle posteriorly.

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In most practices and for most patients the normalappendix is never seen. Lack of identification of anabnormal appendix is good evidence against the di-agnosis of the appendicitis; however, some uncer-tainty inevitably persists as to whether an inflamedappendix may have been missed. This uncertaintymay be heightened or tempered by witnessing thepatient’s reaction to being scanned. If the patientis completely comfortable with deep palpation bythe transducer, he or she is unlikely to have appen-dicitis. If the patient is very uncomfortable to mini-mal compression with the transducer, thelikelihood of underlying pathology is higher.

The normal appendix is 6 mm or less in diameterand compressible (Fig. 2). The abnormal appendixis 7 mm or greater in diameter and noncompress-ible (Fig. 3) [4,5]. The appendix is tubular andblind ending. An appendicolith may or may notbe present (Fig. 4). If the appendix is truly abnor-mal, it should be re-demonstrable—one shouldbe able to verify the abnormality by removing thetransducer, replacing it, and re-finding the abnor-mality. Color Doppler may show increased flow in-dicating inflammation [7]. In the setting ofperforation, the appendix may no longer be visible[8–10]. A mass or abscess may be found [5,8]. Suchfindings are nonspecific; however, as appendicitis isthe most likely diagnosis in this setting, perforatedappendicitis should be suspected [9].

In experienced hands, ultrasound performs wellin the diagnosis of appendicitis [4,11,12]. AlthoughCT is probably more sensitive and more specific, itis only slightly better than ultrasound. Disadvan-tages of ultrasound include dependence on the op-erator and lack of a global view of the abdomen andpelvis [13]. Both of these disadvantages are sur-mounted by CT. In most head-to-head

comparisons, CT exceeds sonography in sensitivityand specificity [13–16]. At most institutions in theUnited States, CT has thus supplanted ultrasoundas the chief diagnostic modality in the diagnosisof appendicitis. This is somewhat unfortunate giventhe radiation exposure associated with CT and theincreasing reliance on imaging for diagnosis, lead-ing to more children with lesser symptoms or suspi-cion for disease being imaged.

What is the proper role of ultrasound in sus-pected appendicitis? Before answering this ques-tion, it is important to acknowledge that there aretwo questions asked of us by our surgical col-leagues: ‘‘Does this child have appendicitis?’’ And,‘‘Is it perforated?’’ At many institutions, surgicalmanagement of perforated and nonperforated ap-pendicitis differs. In an ideal setting ultrasoundserves as a screening examination for appendicitis[12,15,17,18]. Most children who have appendici-tis would be diagnosed using sonography, thusavoiding a CT. In cases in which there was a highclinical suspicion or equivocal sonographic find-ings, CT would be performed. In cases in which per-forated appendicitis is strongly suspected, imagingcould commence directly with CT. This modelhas worked well at some pediatric institutions[17,19,20]; however, when one imaging study ex-ceeds another in accuracy (as viewed by our clinicalcolleagues) it becomes difficult to supplant in clin-ical work. It is incumbent on radiologists to main-tain the skills of appendiceal sonography toprovide a radiation-free imaging alternative to CT.

Mesenteric adenitis

The diagnosis of mesenteric adenitis is one of exclu-sion. This is not a diagnosis that is accepted by all.

Fig. 2. An 11-year-old girl who had a normal appendix (arrows) seen on (A) longitudinal and (B) transverse views.This appendix is 4 mm in diameter. Small arrow, tip of the appendix.

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Fig. 3. A 5-year-old boy who had nonperforated appendicitis. An enlarged appendix (arrows) measuring 12 mmin diameter is seen on (A) longitudinal and (B) transverse views. Small arrow, tip of the appendix.

Children may be assigned the diagnosis of mesen-teric adenitis when enlarged lymph nodes are seenin the right lower quadrant in the absence of otherpathology (Fig. 5). Mildly prominent right lowerquadrant mesenteric lymph nodes are a normalfinding in children, and criteria for what constitutesabnormal enlargement are not well defined [21,22].Enlarged lymph nodes may also be seen with vari-ous pathologies, including appendicitis, inflamma-tory bowel disease, yersinia ileitis, and Henoch-Schonlein purpura [23]. The diagnosis of mesen-teric adenitis is not used at the author’s institution.


At many institutions, including the author’s, ultra-sound has become the chief diagnostic method of

Fig. 4. A 5-year-old girl who had perforated appendi-citis. An appendicolith (large arrow) is seen witha posterior acoustic shadow (small arrows). A layerof soft tissue around the appendicolith is appendicealwall. The appendix was not seen otherwise.

confirming the presence of intussusception[24,25]. Improvement of ultrasound equipmenthas allowed for this development. Concomitantly,an unacceptably high and increasing negative ratefor enemas performed for suspected intussuscep-tion has prompted the development of new imag-ing algorithms to avoid numerous unnecessaryenema examinations in young children [24,25].

Ultrasound performs well in identifying ileocolicintussusceptions [24–28]. False negatives are rare.Intussusceptions are seen as large masses, usuallyapproximately 4 cm in diameter or greater. The lon-gitudinal dimension of the mass varies dependingon the length of the intussusception. Most intussus-ceptions are encountered in the right midabdomenor subhepatic space; however, the mass can befound anywhere within the abdomen or pelvis.The sonographic search therefore begins in the rightmidabdomen, but must include the whole abdo-men if no intussusception is encountered on theright. In the author’s experience, a negative

Fig. 5. A 3-year-old boy who had mildly enlargedright lower quadrant lymph nodes (asterisks).

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ultrasound is highly predictive of the absence ofan intussusception. Rarely, if clinical suspicion per-sists, an enema still may be performed.

On ultrasound, an ileocolic intussusception isseen as a large mass with a layered appearance ora thick hypoechoic outer wall caused by edematousbowel wall (Fig. 6) [24–29]. The center of the lesionis hyperechoic owing to mesenteric fat within theintussusception. Lymph nodes are often presentwithin the hyperechoic center (Fig. 7) [29,30].These are seen as small oval hypoechoic structures,usually less than 1 cm. There are no sonographicfindings that preclude subsequent enema for treat-ment; however, some findings have been identifiedthat may indicate a lesser likelihood of successfulreduction and a higher likelihood of complicatingperforation. These findings include lack of bloodflow within the intussusception on Doppler evalua-tion and trapped fluid within layers on the intussus-ception [29,31,32].

Other disorders may be mistaken for an ileocolicintussusception. Small bowel intussusceptions ap-pear similar but are smaller in diameter and oftentransient (Fig. 8) [33]. Disorders that cause bowelwall thickening may appear similar, including in-flammatory bowel disease, lymphoma, and intra-mural hemorrhage.

Ultrasound may also demonstrate findings sug-gestive of a lead point of an intussusception [34].Only 5% of pediatric patients have a lead point.Lead points that may be demonstrated by sonogra-phy include a duplication cyst or bowel wall thick-ening caused by inflammation or intramural

Fig. 6. A 4-month-old boy who had intussusception(arrows). A thick hypoechoic ‘‘donut’’ is seen withechogenic mesenteric fat centrally within the mass.L, liver.

hemorrhage as may be seen with Henoch-Schon-lein purpura.

Ultrasound has been used at some institutions tomonitor reduction of intussusception with saline,water, and even air enemas [35,36]. This furtherspares the patient radiation exposure. A disadvan-tage of the technique is a limited field of view dur-ing the reduction. This technique has had verylimited use in the United States.

Duplication cyst

Classic duplication cysts have a characteristic ap-pearance on ultrasound of the double layered wall(Fig. 9) [37,38]. The inner layer is hyperechoic mu-cosa and the outer layer is hypoechoic muscle. Un-fortunately with inflammation, the layers may be

Fig. 7. A 3-year-old boy who had intussusception(arrows). Multiple lymph nodes (asterisks) are seenwithin mesenteric fat within the intussusception.

Fig. 8. A 3-year-old boy who had distal small bowelintussusception caused by Henoch-Schonlein pur-pura. The intussusception (large arrows) is less than2 cm in diameter, much smaller than the typical ileo-colic intussusception. Small arrows, mesenteric fatwithin the intussusception.

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obscured, lessening the specificity [39]. Nonethe-less, demonstration of a cystic mass adjacent tobowel should prompt consideration of a duplica-tion cyst.

Duplication cysts are congenital malformationsof bowel that can occur anywhere in the gastrointes-tinal tract [38,40]. The most common locations areat the esophagus followed by terminal ileum [40].Classically, children present early in childhood asthe cyst distends with fluid. If gastric mucosa is

Fig. 9. An infant girl presenting with small bowelobstruction secondary to volvulus around an entericduplication cyst. This cyst (C) measures 3.5 cm in diame-ter. Portions of the cyst wall show the characteristicdouble-layered appearance with echogenic mucosainternally (arrows) and hypoechoic muscle externally.

present within the cyst, it may secrete enzymes,leading to inflammation and presentation withpain.

Differential considerations for a fluid-filled cysticmass in the lower abdomen include omental ormesenteric cysts and ovarian neoplasm. Omentaland mesenteric cysts are usually asymptomaticunto themselves, unless there is an associated ob-struction or torsion of bowel.

Inflammatory bowel disease

Inflammatory bowel disease produces bowel wallthickening [41]. If a segment of small bowel or co-lon with a thick wall is identified by sonography,the diagnosis should be suspected. Differentiationof abnormal small bowel from abnormal colonmay be difficult, but may be inferred by anatomiclocation. Correlation with clinical presentation ishelpful. The inflamed small bowel of Crohn diseaseis typically on the order of 3 cm in diameter, sub-stantially larger than the typical inflamed appendix.In transverse, the appearance is similar to an intus-susception; however, in longitudinal views the ab-normal bowel is more elongate and does not havethe overlapped or invaginated appearance of an in-tussusception (Fig. 10). Hyperemia is evident onDoppler interrogation. Occasionally hypertrophiedadipose tissue is seen adjacent to the inflamed loopof bowel. This tissue appears homogeneouslyhyperechoic.

At some centers, mostly in Europe, sonographyhas been used to longitudinally monitor Crohn dis-ease activity [41,42].

Other infectious or inflammatory bowel diseasesmay appear similar to Crohn disease, including

Fig. 10. A 9-year-old girl who had acute abdominal pain as the presenting manifestation of Crohn disease. (A)Transverse and (B) longitudinal images show an abnormal segment of small bowel (B) with prominent echogenicmucosa centrally and a markedly thickened wall. Note prominent adjacent fat (F).

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ulcerative colitis, pseudomembranous colitis, yersi-nia ileitis, and infectious entero-colitides. In a neu-tropenic patient, marked thickening of the cecaland proximal ascending colon wall may indicate ty-phlitis (neutropenic colitis). Correlation with clini-cal history and physical examination may helpdifferentiate inflammatory disorders causing bowelwall thickening.

Henoch-Schonlein purpura

Henoch-Schonlein purpura (HSP) is an idiopathicvasculitis. Although the disorder may involve sev-eral organ systems, the chief sources of morbidityare involvement of the gastrointestinal and genito-urinary tract [43]. These children develop a charac-teristic purpuric rash; however, involvement of thegastrointestinal tract may precede development ofthe rash.

In children who have HSP, the bowel wall isthickened by inflammation and intramural hemor-rhage (Fig. 11) [43–45]. Bowel wall abnormality isoften discontinuous. Increased flow is seen onDoppler interrogation. Free intraperitoneal fluidand mild mesenteric lymph node enlargement arecommon findings. The mural abnormality of HSPmay act as a lead point for an intussusception (seeFig. 8) [43,44]. If the patient has not yet been diag-nosed with HSP, the finding of bowel wall thicken-ing, with or without an intussusception, shouldprompt consideration of the diagnosis.

Meckel diverticulum

Meckel diverticulum is a remnant of the omphalo-mesenteric duct [46]. Meckel diverticulum can pres-ent in various ways. In addition to the classicpresentation with painless gastrointestinal hemor-rhage, Meckel diverticulum can present with in-flammation (Meckel diverticulitis), as a lead pointfor an intussusception, or as the focal point ofa small bowel volvulus (usually in associationwith an omphalomesenteric band) [26,46].

Meckel diverticulum is rarely diagnosed prospec-tively; however, sonography may identify the in-flamed diverticulum, an intussusception, ora small bowel obstruction caused by a Meckel diver-ticulum [26,46]. Identification of the appendix asseparate from the area of inflammation, locationto the left of midline, and larger size than is typicalfor an inflamed appendix all suggest Meckel diver-ticulitis as opposed to appendicitis [46,47].

Small bowel obstruction

Children who have small bowel obstruction are of-ten evaluated with means other than ultrasound,

because the history and physical examination find-ings lead the clinician to suspect the presence of anobstruction. Many of the previously discussed enti-ties may cause a small bowel obstruction. The pres-ence of fluid-filled dilated loops on sonographymay suggest an obstruction, particularly if a caliberchange is demonstrated and collapsed loops areseen further distal. Sonography may be helpful indemonstrating the cause of an obstruction(Fig. 12) [48].

Omental infarction

Omental infarction is usually caused by torsion ofan omental appendage. The cause for torsion andinfarction is unknown. In some patients the onsetof symptoms has been linked to a large meal. Pa-tients present with sudden onset pain. Patients areusually but not invariably afebrile and without ele-vation of the white blood cell count. The clinicalpresentation may mimic appendicitis.

Although the diagnosis is more readily made byCT, sonography can also make the diagnosis, partic-ularly when the operator is familiar with the entityand searches for the findings. On ultrasound, theinfarcted omentum is seen as a lenticular or ovoidmass immediately behind the anterior abdominalwall, usually in the right lower quadrant [49,50].The mass is homogeneous and hyperechoic andcorresponds with the patient’s point of maximaltenderness.

Omental infarction is a self-limited condition.Surgery is not required. Making the diagnosis mayspare the patient an unnecessary surgery.

Urinary tract disorders

Renal stone

Renal colic is in the differential diagnosis for lowerabdominal pain in children. Pain is usually referredto the flank, but may present in the lower abdomenor pelvis. Renal calculi are much less common inchildren than in adults; however, they are not infre-quently encountered [51]. Use of CT for the diagno-sis of renal calculi has become commonplace evenin children; however, the radiation dose associatedwith CT must be considered [52]. At initial presen-tation with a calculus, the diagnosis may not ini-tially be entertained and ultrasound may beperformed. In a child who has a history of calculi,performance of repeated renal stone protocol CTstudies is to be discouraged, particularly if the clin-ical presentation is consistent with a recurrent cal-culus. Ultrasound can be useful in these childrento evaluate for collecting system dilatation, whichtogether with the clinical presentation offers confir-matory evidence of the presence of an obstructing

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Fig. 11. A 6-year-old girl presenting with abdominal pain caused by Henoch-Schonlein purpura. (A) An involvedbowel loop (arrow) with a thick wall is seen adjacent to a normal bowel loop (B). (B) Additional thick-walledbowel loops seen in longitudinal view. F, free fluid. (C) Mildly enlarged lymph nodes (arrows).

calculus [53]. Occasionally sonography may dem-onstrate an impacted distal ureteral calculus(Fig. 13).

Urinary tract infection

Children who have cystitis caused by lower urinarytract infection or other causes may present with pel-vic pain. Sonography may show thickening of theurinary bladder wall. Unfortunately, thickening ofthe bladder wall is difficult to interpret. The wallof an underdistended bladder may appear verythick. Thickening disproportionate to the degreeof distension, irregularity, and asymmetry of thick-ening are features that suggest pathologic bladderwall thickening as opposed to spurious thickeningfrom underdistention.

Upper urinary tract infections usually presentflank pain higher in the abdomen, as do other dis-orders of the kidney.

Infected urachus

Infected urachus is a rare cause of lower abdominalpain. The urachus is an embryonic connection fromthe anterior aspect of the dome of the bladder to theumbilicus [54]. The urachus may persist in its en-tirety (patent urachus) or either end (urachal sinus,urachal diverticulum). If the midportion persistswith both ends obliterated, the patient may developa urachal cyst. These cysts are often asymptomaticuntil they become superinfected. On sonography,a complex, cystic mass is identified at the midline

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Fig. 12. A 3-year-old boy who had small bowel obstruction caused by focal volvulus related to a mesenteric cyst.(A) Dilated small bowel loops (B) containing fecal material, consistent with a small bowel obstruction. F, freefluid. (B) The mesenteric cyst (M) is seen as a septated, fluid-filled mass. Note that it partially encases a normalcaliber bowel loop (arrow).

between umbilicus and bladder [54], and there maybe surrounding inflammation.

Gynecologic disorders


Hematometrocolpos presenting in adolescent girlsis usually secondary to vaginal obstruction by animperforate hymen. The patient presents at pubertywith primary amenorrhea and cyclic lower abdom-inal or pelvic pain. Ultrasound shows a fluid-filledmass posterior to the bladder representing the di-lated vagina. The uterus may (hematometrocolpos)

Fig. 13. A 6-year-old girl who had impacted distal ure-teral calculus (large arrow). A posterior acousticshadow (small arrows) is seen. Bl, bladder.

or may not (hematocolpos) be dilated also. The di-lated uterus can be differentiated from the vaginaby the cervical margin and thicker wall. Occasion-ally the fallopian tubes may be dilated.

Hematometros and hematometrocolpos mayalso occur because of congenital uterine and vaginalanomalies presenting at the time of puberty, causedby obstruction and distension in response to theonset of menses [55]. Not infrequently in such pa-tients, a duplication is present with obstruction ofone side.

Cyst/ruptured cyst

A ruptured functional cyst or corpus luteum cyst isa common cause of pelvic pain in teenage girls [56].Usually the causal cyst is no longer evident becauseit has decompressed itself through rupture. Some-times a hyperechoic or complex cystic mass of theovary persists. A variable amount of free fluid ispresent within the pelvis. Debris from hemorrhagemay be present within the fluid.

Ovarian or paraovarian cysts may cause pain inthemselves. Ovarian cysts in adolescent girls areusually functional cysts, forming in response tothe cycling hormones of the menstrual cycle. Giventhe low incidence of malignant ovarian tumors, it isusually sufficient to obtain a follow-up sonogramafter at least one full menstrual cycle to confirm res-olution of the finding.

Ovarian neoplasms

Ovarian neoplasms in children are usually benign[57,58]. Most tumors present as a painless mass;

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however, some tumors present with pelvic pain,particularly if the tumor is acting as a nidus for tor-sion. As discussed previously, functional cysts arethe most common cause of an ovarian mass[56,57]. Persistence of the cyst on follow-up exam-ination, continued symptoms, or identification ofany solid component within the mass are all fea-tures that may suggest neoplasm.

Ectopic pregnancy

In the sexually active teenage girl, ectopic pregnancyis an important consideration in the differential di-agnosis of pelvic pain [59]. Ectopic pregnancy canbe life threatening because of hemorrhage. If a pa-tient who has pelvic pain has been sexually active,a pregnancy test is warranted. If the pregnancy testis positive and no intrauterine pregnancy is found,ectopic pregnancy must be strongly considered un-til proven otherwise. The differential diagnosis fora positive pregnancy test without demonstrationof an intrauterine gestation is early intrauterinepregnancy, spontaneous abortion, or ectopic preg-nancy. Serial serum b-HCG levels and serial sonog-raphy may help to differentiate these possibilities.

Sonography may demonstrate a living ectopicpregnancy outside of the uterus. A gestational sacmay be seen in the adnexa (Fig. 14). Findings ofadnexal mass and free fluid are nonspecific, butin the setting of a positive pregnancy test and lackof a demonstrable intrauterine pregnancy, thesefindings are suggestive of an ectopic pregnancy[60,61]. Endovaginal scanning is preferred whenevaluating for early pregnancy and possible ectopicpregnancy [62].

Tubo-ovarian abscess

Unfortunately pelvic inflammatory disease andtubo-ovarian abscess are also not infrequent diag-noses in the sexually active teenager [63,64]. Ina sexually active teenage girl, gynecologic infectionshould be in the differential diagnosis for lower ab-dominal or pelvic pain. A good history and physicalexamination, including a pelvic examination, maysuggest the correct diagnosis. The clinical presenta-tion and physical examination findings overlapwith appendicitis, particularly when the pathologyis on the right. Sonography is the study of choicein these patients. It demonstrates abnormalities re-lated to the gynecologic tract, and graded compres-sion examination of the right lower quadrant canbe performed during the same examination to as-sess for appendicitis.

In the absence of tubal obstruction, sonographicfindings with pelvic inflammatory disease may benormal. Pelvic inflammation may blur margins ofthe uterus. Free fluid may be present but is nonspe-cific. Fluid-filled adnexal tubular structures or com-plex cystic masses in the presence of clinicalfindings suggesting infection should raise concernfor tubo-ovarian abscess (Fig. 15) [64].

Ovarian torsion

Ovarian torsion may occur in a child of any age, butis most common in the neonate and in the adoles-cent. Increased incidence of ovarian torsion in neo-nates may relate to enlargement of the ovariesrelated to stimulation from maternal hormones.The incidence increases again at adolescence in re-sponse to hormonal changes. Although underlyingmasses may act as a nidus for torsion and do

Fig. 14. A teenage girl who had an ectopic pregnancy. The patient was 9 weeks from her last period, had a b-HCGlevel of 3370 mIU/mL, and presented with acute left pelvic pain. (A) Transabdominal images show an empty uter-ine cavity and free fluid (F). Cursors delimit the uterus. Bl, bladder. Absence of intrauterine pregnancy was con-firmed by endovaginal scanning. (B) Endovaginal image of the left adnexa. An ectopic tubal ring (arrows) isidentified adjacent to the left ovary (cursors). A corpus luteum is seen within the ovary (CL). F, free fluid. (Imagescourtesy of Alexis V. Nees, MD, Ann Arbor, Michigan).

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Fig. 15. A teenage girl who had bilateral tubo-ovarian abscesses. Complex, cystic, and solid adnexal masses(arrows) are seen on the (A) right and (B) left. (Images courtesy of Alexis V. Nees, MD, Ann Arbor, Michigan).

increase the risk for torsion, most torsed ovaries inchildren do not bear an underlying lesion. It is be-lieved that abnormal fixation of the ovary may pre-dispose these ovaries to torsion.

Patients who have ovarian torsion present withsudden onset pelvic or lower abdominal pain. Thereis often a history of similar episodes of pain beforepresentation. The patient may have a slight feverand borderline elevation of the white blood cellcount, often confounding the clinical diagnosis.On physical examination, a tender mass may be felt.

If there is an underlying mass, it is well shown bysonography. A torsed ovary with a cyst may mimica gastrointestinal duplication in appearance, occa-sionally showing a double-layered wall [65]. Intorsed ovaries without an underlying mass, theovary itself appears as a mass because of swelling.The sonographic appearance of the torsed ovaryvaries from completely solid to cystic, with mosthaving a predominantly solid or mixed solid andcystic appearance [66,67]. The only gray scale find-ing considered specific for ovarian torsion is a solidmass with small cysts (follicles) at its periphery(Fig. 16). The torsed ovary usually sits in the

Fig. 16. A 2-year-old girl who had a torsed ovary (largearrows). A solid mass is seen posterior to the bladder(Bl). Note some peripheral follicles (small arrows).

cul de sac behind the uterus or unusually anterior.Normal ovary is not seen at the expected adnexal lo-cation. The value of Doppler interrogation of thetorsed ovary is somewhat limited [67]. In the pre-pubertal ovary, flow may be difficult to demonstratein a normal ovary, making it difficult to determine ifflow is absent. The ovary has dual blood supplyfrom the ovarian and uterine arteries. Flow thusmay be present even in the presence of torsion.Nonetheless, if flow is not demonstrable withinan enlarged ovary and flow is demonstrable withinthe contralateral normal ovary, torsion should besuspected.

The CT findings of torsion are less specific; how-ever, CT may also demonstrate peripheral follicleswithin a torsed ovary. Sonography may be helpfulin confirming the diagnosis when CT findings areequivocal.


Sonography is an excellent modality for the evalua-tion of the child who has lower abdominal or pel-vicpain. Whether or not a specific diagnosis (ie,appendicitis) is suspected, versatility and lack ofionizing radiation make sonography an excellentfirst line of imaging.


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Radiol Clin N Am 44 (2006) 925–935


Intraoperative LaparoscopicUltrasoundSuvranu Ganguli, MDa,b,*, Jonathan B. Kruskal, MD, PhDa,b,Darren D. Brennan, MDa,b, Robert A. Kane, MD, FACRa,b

- Laparoscopic probe design- Transducer sterilization- Intraoperative scanning techniques- Operating room ergonomics- Clinical applications of laparoscopic

ultrasoundLaparoscopic ultrasound of the liver

Laparoscopic ultrasound of thegallbladder and bile ducts

Laparoscopic ultrasound of the pancreasOther applications

- Biopsy and percutaneous ablationguidance

- Summary- References

As minimally invasive surgery and laparoscopicalternatives to open surgical procedures continueto increase, the demand for and use of intraoper-ative laparoscopic ultrasound (LUS) techniquesalso are increasing steadily. The benefit of scan-ning directly on the surface of intra-abdominalorgans, structures, and pathology and the im-proved spatial and contrast resolution seen inopen intraoperative ultrasound (IOUS) [1] canbe transferred to laparoscopic procedures. LUSshows beneficial applications in evaluating nor-mal structures and pathology within the liver,pancreas, biliary tract, and gallbladder [2–4].There also are reports of LUS improving localiza-tion and laparoscopic staging of intra-abdominaltumors [5–8]. The need for specially designedequipment, especially special transducers forLUS, traditionally has been the greatest obstacleto its widespread use. With the increasing

0033-8389/06/$ – see front matter ª 2006 Elsevier Inc. All righradiologic.theclinics.com

demand and use of laparoscopy and LUS, how-ever, there continues to be improving technologyand exciting new possibilities.

Laparoscopic probe design

The overriding stipulation for laparoscopic probesis that the diameter of the imaging crystal and shaftmust to be small enough to be inserted througha standard laparoscopic port 10 to 11 mm in diam-eter. Transducer technology has progressed sub-stantially from the first reports of LUS, whereinvestigators used A-mode transducers to visualizeintra-abdominal organs and assist in the diagnosisof intra-abdominal pathology [9,10]. The limitedamount of information obtained with the primitiveA-mode technology resulted in limited applicabilityof this technique. The subsequent development ofreal-time B-mode ultrasound and improved

This article was originally published in Ultrasound Clinics 1:3, July 2006.a Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 330 Brookline Avenue, Boston, MA 02215,USAb Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA* Corresponding author. Department of Radiology, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, 330 BrooklineAvenue, Boston, MA 02215.E-mail address: [email protected] (S. Ganguli).

ts reserved. doi:10.1016/j.rcl.2006.10.020

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Ganguli et al926

miniaturization technology made the laparoscopicapproach more feasible. Early probes also used arotating radial probe [11], but the subsequent devel-opment of linear array and curved array, high-frequency probes has resulted in superior imageresolution.

The miniaturization of the crystal size previouslyhas led to probes with extremely small field ofviews. The small field of view of laparoscopicprobes compared with standard ultrasound probesremains an obstacle, but the development and im-provement of linear array and curved array probeshave improved this constraint significantly. Opti-mal image crystal lengths for intra-abdominal lapa-roscopic probes range from 1.5 to 4 cm. Longercrystal lengths help provide larger images that canshorten scanning time of larger organs, such asthe liver. The curved array probes also providea more familiar sector-style image, allowing for eas-ier orientation and greater visualization of deepanatomy in any one field.

In the authors’ experience, probe frequencies cen-tered at 5 MHz permit adequate depth of penetra-tion to image the entire liver. Probes now aredesigned with multifrequency options or broad-band technology, which allows a range of frequen-cies. This allows more flexibility in penetration tosuit the specific intraoperative imaging needs. High-er frequencies of 7 to 10 MHz are more suitable forimaging the gallbladder, common bile duct (CBD),

and pancreas. These improvements in probe tech-nology, coupled with the expansion in computerpower, have enabled the design and developmentof laparoscopic probes that now have the sameimage quality, resolution, Doppler, and color flowimaging capacities as standard ultrasound probes.

In addition to the miniaturization required oflaparoscopic probes, a radically different probe de-sign is needed to optimize use in a laparoscopic set-ting. Laparoscopic probes must be mounted at theend of a long shaft, measuring 20 to 30 cm inlength, to facilitate imaging organs, structure, andpathology some distance away from the entry siteon the abdominal wall (Fig. 1). Early probes weremounted on the end of rigid shafts designed to bepassed through standard laparoscopic ports. Recentprobes are designed to be more flexible and maneu-verable at the transducer tip. At minimum, flexionand extension of the imaging crystal now are avail-able and newer systems provide rightward and left-ward steering. The flexible imaging portion of theprobe allows for good tissue contact necessary foracoustic coupling to be maintained in a gas-filledperitoneal cavity. Maintaining surface contact withcurved or irregularly shaped organs and masteringa maneuverable laparoscopic probe require practiceand experience. Without optimal probe flexibility,adequate imaging may require filling the abdomi-nal cavity with sterile water or saline and imagingthrough the fluid.

Fig. 1. Special probes (A) are required for LUS. Probes are mounted at the end of a long shaft (B) to facilitateimaging organs, structure, and pathology some distance away from the entry site on the abdominal wall. Flex-ion and extension of the probe is performed by turning dials (C) on the proximal shaft outside the patient.

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Intraoperative Laparoscopic Ultrasound 927

Transducer sterilization

Sterile sheaths similar to those used on standard ul-trasound probes for IOUS can be used during LUS.Because of the nature of laparoscopic procedures,however, with repetitive insertion and removal ofprobes through ports and using inserted tools,such as the laparoscopic instruments, for manipula-tion of intra-abdominal organs and structures,sheaths continually run a high risk of tearing duringuse. For these reasons, sterilization capability is amore optimal requirement for laparoscopic probescompared with standard ultrasound probes.

Specially designed strong sterile sheaths are usedfor LUS and should have a snug fit to the trans-ducer, if used, to avoid being torn during insertion.These sheaths are long, typically approximately1.5 m, so that the entire length of the cord can becovered. Sterile saline or gel must be used betweenthe tip and the sheath to avoid artifact from trappedair. If sterile sheaths are used, it is still advisable tosoak the probe for some time in a sterilizing solu-tion, as the potential for tearing of the sheath andcontamination of the surgical field remains.

Newer-generation laparoscopic probes are de-signed to be compatible with modern sterilizationmethods. Ideally, the entire ultrasound probe ex-cept the electronic connector is sterilized. Low-tem-perature hydrogen peroxide gas plasma sterilizationtechniques (Sterrad, Advanced Sterilization Prod-ucts, Irvine, California) can complete an entire ster-ilization cycle in 1 to 2 hours. These sterilizationtechniques are safe to use with heat-sensitive equip-ment and can help avoid use of sterile sheaths.

Intraoperative scanning techniques

Selection of port placement is highly dependent onthe target organ or area requiring LUS evaluation(Fig. 2). Often surgeons need to create port sitesfor the laparoscope and the laparoscopic instru-ments before using LUS. Optimal placement ofa port transducer site, however, usually is severalcentimeters away from the area to allow room tomaneuver the probe freely. Frequently, the LUSprobe and the laparoscope (usually in a periumbili-cal port) must be reversed or multiple ports must becreated to reach all areas necessary with the LUSprobe. If the laparoscopic procedure has the poten-tial of being converted to an open procedure, it isoptimal to include port sites within the line of a sub-sequent incision.

Ensuring that the ports are airtight before insert-ing the LUS probe is important to maintain theiatrogenic pneumoperitoneum of laparoscopy(Fig. 3). If a standard 10-mm LUS probe is inserted,make sure that the 10- to 11-mm adjustable port is

set to the appropriate 10-mm size to prevent leakageof gas. After port insertion, it is important again toassess for leakage of gas around the port and ad-dress problems as they arise. The sterile transducermust be inserted carefully though the port with di-rect laparoscopic visualization to ensure safe deliv-ery to the region of interest (Fig. 4). As there is notactile sensation available to the LUS operator, di-rect laparoscopic visualization of the probe is im-perative at all times during scanning to avoidsolid organ or vessel injury. It is necessary alwaysto be cognizant of the location of the transducertip on the laparoscopic camera images—lookingat the ultrasound image alone may cause inadver-tent injury (Fig. 5).

Even though the peritoneal cavity is distendedwith gas, natural organ surface moisture usually issufficient to permit adequate acoustic couplingand optimal image quality. If necessary, sterile sa-line can be introduced onto the organ surface to

Fig. 3. The sterile transducer should create an airtightseal as it passes through the port. Note the circularvalve (arrow), which ensures that the port is airtight.

Fig. 2. Localizing the site for port insertion requiresavoiding important subcutaneous vessels (arrows).Common insertion sites (shown as rings) are in theleft and right subcostal, right lower quadrant andumbilical regions.

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enhance acoustic coupling. As discussed previously,if an overlying sheath is used, sterile saline or gelmust be used between the tip and the sheath toavoid artifact from trapped air.

The optimal choice of imaging frequency is de-pendent on the target organ or organ system. Thegallbladder, extrahepatic CBD, and pancreas can beimaged successfully at a 7-MHz frequency. The liver,however, is imaged optimally at a 5-MHz frequency,which penetrates to a depth of 10 to 12 cm ratherthan a depth of approximately 6 cm at 7 MHz. Usingthe lower, 5-MHz frequency does not impair theability of visualize small lesions but does facilitatecomplete scanning of the liver from the anterior sur-face of the liver [2]. This way, using the undersurfaceof the liver for scanning can be avoided. The under-surface of the liver is much more irregular and lessaccessible, causing imaging from this side to bemore challenging technically.

Compared with IOUS, LUS takes substantiallymore time to image the same structures becauseof the small crystal size and field of view. The curved

Fig. 4. The sterile transducer must be inserted care-fully through the port, keeping an eye on the moni-tor to ensure safe delivery into a region of interest.If a sheath is used, very gentle insertion is essentialto avoid tearing.

array sector scanners give an impression of a largefield of view, but this is true only at depths of severalcentimeters. The near field is limited by the trans-ducer length, which may be as short as 1.5 to2 cm. Therefore, complete evaluation of the liver re-quires overlapping these 2-cm near-field imagesacross the entire length and breath of liver, whichcan be a time-consuming process [2].

Moreover, scanning becomes more difficult as theprobe must be manipulated along a pivot pointwhere the proximal shaft is fixed at the insertionport. The probe can be moved vertically in a cepha-locaudal direction, but when it is moved laterally ormedially, the shaft begins to pivot and the plane ofview changes from a sagittal plane to an evermoreoblique plane. With extreme pivoting, the planeof view may be closer to transverse than sagittal.This constantly changing plane of view can be dis-orienting, particularly to inexperienced observers.Constant reference to the orientation of the probeon the laparoscopic image can be helpful in at-tempting to overlap the imaging fields and obtaincomplete evaluation of the liver [2].

Before actually scanning, it is imperative to dis-cuss with the clinicians and establish the informa-tion required by LUS. As patients are undergeneral anesthesia and because of the high costs in-volved in an operating room setting, it is best tolimit the amount of time used for LUS scanningto obtain the information required. It also is ex-tremely beneficial to review any preoperative imag-ing, including previous ultrasound, CT, or MRimaging, before entering the operating room. Hav-ing these images directly available for consultationwhile in the operating room can help reduce overallstudy time and help focus the examination.

Operating room ergonomics

Optimal positioning of the monitors in relation tothe probes can minimize difficulties and enhance

Fig. 5. Once inserted into the peritoneal cavity (A), the ultrasound probe (in the near field) must be watchedcontinuously via the laparoscopic camera probe (arrow). Direct laparoscopic visualization of the ultrasoundprobe on the monitor (B) is essential at all times to avoid solid organ or vessel injury.

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the experience for LUS operators significantly. Themonitors should be placed in a location that isnatural for operators to manipulate the transducerwhile simultaneously viewing the monitors. Plac-ing monitors in positions that force operators tocontort their bodies uncomfortably while manip-ulating the transducer should be avoided. Thedisplay monitors should be large enough andplaced close enough to operators so that subtleabnormalities during scanning can be visualizedeasily.

Moreover, because operators view two screenssimultaneously, a split screen (picture-in-picture)presentation using an electronic beam-splitting de-vice is the optimal operating room scenario. Thesesplit-screen setups usually can adjust which real-time feed, the laparoscopic or ultrasound images,is displayed as the larger image and can be ex-changed as needed. Displaying the laparoscopicand ultrasound images on the same monitor facili-tates scanning and interpretation and at the sametime reduces the risk of solid organ or vascularinjury by the transducer.

Clinical applications of laparoscopicultrasound

Laparoscopic ultrasound of the liver

As discussed previously, the liver is imaged best ata center frequency of 5 MHz, allowing for depthof penetration of 10 to 12 cm. Unlike standardIOUS, LUS takes considerably more time to scanthe entire liver, as the near field is limited strictlyby the length of the crystal. Complete scanningtakes approximately 15 minutes with LUS versus 5minutes with IOUS. Each survey of the liver shouldbe done in an organized and systematic fashion,with the intention of overlapping each sequentialimaging field completely so that the entire liver pa-renchyma is assessed (Fig. 6).

In a typical survey of the liver, a right subcostalport placement is used with direct and continuousvisualization with the laparoscope from the stan-dard periumbilical port. The LUS probe is passedas far cephalad as possible while the operator scansacross the dome of the right lobe of the liver from

Fig. 6. For laparoscopic evaluation of the liver, different segments of the liver are accessed from different ports(A). Imaging is performed (B) with overlapping transverse scans (dotted lines). When imaging the hepatic dome(C), the probe must be positioned to the right of the fat-containing falciform ligament and flexed over thedome. In this way, structures, such as an accessory superior right hepatic vein (D) in segment VII (arrow), canbe imaged.

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Fig. 7. LUS can be an effec-tive tool for intraoperativeoncologic staging. Duringa laparoscopic bowel resec-tion for colon cancer (A),LUS identified an unex-pected solitary hypoechoiclesion (arrow) in segmentVII of the liver. LUS-guidedbiopsy confirmed meta-static tumor. LUS in a differ-ent patient who hadmucinous colorectal metas-tases (B) demonstrated anill-defined calcified massarising in segment III ofthe liver (arrows). LUS atthe time (C) also identifieda calcified biopsy-provedmetastatic subcapsular le-sion (arrow) in segment V.

left to right. The falciform ligament and ligamen-tum teres are barriers when imaging the left liverlobe via a right subcostal port and limit the medialextent of the sweep. Systematic scanning of the rightand medial left lobes then are performed by with-drawing the probe approximately 2 cm in betweenoverlapping sweeps across the liver.

Imaging of the left lateral segment requires eitherincision of the falciform ligament or switchingports between the laparoscopic and LUS probes orforming a separate LUS probe insertion via a leftsubcostal port. Usually the periumbilical port is suf-ficient to access segments 1 to 3. Once the probe isin position at the dome of the left lateral segment,systematic scanning is performed again from leftto right, with the falciform ligament again creatingthe barrier for the medial extent of the sweep.

The most common hepatic application of LUS istumor staging. Laparoscopy often is used for preop-erative staging of primary hepatic and metastatic tu-mors to optimally select candidates for resection(Fig. 7). Laparoscopy has proved superior to con-ventional preoperative imaging in staging of hepa-tocellular carcinoma, with more recent reportsthat laparoscopy with LUS provides superior infor-mation for the diagnosis and pretreatment stagingof primary and metastatic hepatic tumors [6,12,13].

Obviously, deep liver tumor nodules cannot bedetected with the laparoscope itself. LUS can revealadditional hepatic masses, metastatic lymphade-nopathy, and vascular invasion not visualized onstandard preoperative staging. Additional lesionsdisclosed on LUS generally are small, frequentlyless than 1 cm in diameter and, therefore, belowthe limit of resolution of most preoperative

imaging modalities. Such findings can influencesurgical decision-making and some studies havegone as far as to recommend routine use of LUSof the liver during all laparoscopic oncologic sur-geries [13,14].

Other uses for LUS in the liver include accuratelocalization of tumors to specific lobes or segmentsand assessment of contiguous vascular and biliarystructures. Invasions of bile ducts and the portaland hepatic venous system are well demonstrated.Accessory vascular supply and venous drainage toand from the liver can influence the type and extentof resection to be performed greatly. LUS may be re-quired to characterize vascular anastomoses afterliver transplantation, to confirm patency of intrahe-patic vessels, and to guide cautery on the liver cap-sule when these surface markers are used to guidedeeper incisions. Replaced or accessory right andleft hepatic arteries and accessory hepatic veinscan be well demonstrated. LUS also can character-ize lesions that are inconclusive on other imagingmodalities, potentially influencing patient treat-ment. The ability to further characterize lesions us-ing LUS may be most beneficial in determiningbenign abnormalities, such as focal fatty infiltra-tion, focal areas of fatty sparing in a diffusely fattyliver, hemangiomas, or cysts from metastaticlesions.

Laparoscopic ultrasound of the gallbladderand bile ducts

The gallbladder and extrahepatic bile ducts usuallycan be imaged satisfactorily from a right subcostalport or from the periumbilical port. Also, from theleft subcostal port, a so-called ‘‘Mickey Mouse’’

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Fig. 8. In this patient undergoing planned resection of extrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (A), LUS documentedextent of involvement of the CBD (angled arrows). Tumor surrounds a previously placed biliary stent (small ver-tical arrow). Tumor extension (B) beyond the common hepatic duct (CHD) up into the left hepatic duct (LHD)(arrow) also was identified. In a different patient who had cholangiocarcinoma (C), LUS was used to localizethe mass (M) and, using color flow, to confirm invasion of the superior mesenteric vein (SMV).

appearance of the ducts and adjacent hepatic arteryis noted. The gallbladder is imaged best through theliver using a 5- or 7-MHz transducer. The extrahe-patic bile ducts often are imaged best at 7 MHzthough a compressed duodenum or gastric antrum,because near-field reverberation artifact limits sensi-tivity when the transducer is placed directly on theducts. The distal-most portion of the CBD is visual-ized by imaging the head of the pancreas. Color flowimages are helpful for distinguishing the CBD fromthe portal vein and should be used routinely. Al-though the cystic duct usually is not well visualizedon preoperative imaging, it can be identified rou-tinely on LUS, including where it joins the CBD.This visualization can be helpful in identifying aber-rant anatomy, such as a low insertion of the cysticduct into the CBD, which otherwise is unnoticed.

As laparoscopic cholecystectomy has become thestandard of care in gallbladder disease, the use ofLUS during these procedures is an increasing possi-bility. LUS can be a viable alternative to laparo-scopic cholangiography. Common duct stonesand strictures are visualized easily on LUS and itis recommended as the primary screening proce-dure for bile duct calculi because of its safety, speed,and cost-effectiveness [15]. Consequently, the

routine use of laparoscopic cholangiography isnot advised, because the yield of positive studieshas proved low [16]. In the authors’ experience,however, although LUS is available and efficacious,patients who have suspicious clinical, laboratory, orimaging findings for CBD abnormalities usually arereferred for preoperative endoscopic retrogradecholangiopancreatography instead. As technologyand experience with LUS advances, this could bean area for increased use in the future.

Further applications of LUS include oncologicstaging of gallbladder and bile duct tumors, suchas gallbladder carcinoma and cholangiocarcinoma(Fig. 8). The extent of invasion into the adjacentliver bed is difficult for surgeons to detect by inspec-tion and palpation and can be portrayed well byIOUS [17]. Apart from identifying subtle liver me-tastasis (described previously), LUS can help definelocal extent of tumor and the involvement or spar-ing of ductal systems. LUS can help distinguish bil-iary sludge from intraluminal tumor with the use oftargeted Doppler and color flow imaging. More-over, benign strictures and malignant obstructionsof the biliary tract can be defined further to helpplan the type of biliary bypass procedure to beperformed.

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Fig. 10. Contrast-enhanced axial CT image (A) demonstrates a pancreatic head mass (arrow) encircling the CBD.At surgery, LUS (B) was used to localize the mass (M) and to document direct extension into the CBD (arrow). Ina different patient (C), imaging through the compressed gastric antrum (A), an adenocarcinoma of the ampulla(large arrow) was identified in the head of the pancreas. Note the adjacent duodenum (D) and dilated CBD witha biliary stent (small arrow). LUS also showed (D) extension of the tumor (arrow), surrounding and extendinginto the CBD.

Fig. 9. For imaging the bile ducts and pancreatic head, probes (A) can be inserted in through right upper quad-rant, right lower quadrant, or umbilical ports. The pancreatic body (B) can be imaged via a right subcostal port,typically imaged through the compressed stomach. When imaging the head (C) of the pancreas (P), the secondpart of the duodenum (D) is seen lateral to the head.

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Laparoscopic ultrasound of the pancreas

The pancreas, from the head and uncinate processto the tail, can be imaged successfully at a 7-MHzfrequency. The LUS approach to the pancreas isbest through a right upper or left upper quadrantport, allowing the probe to be oriented along thelong axis of the pancreas in a relatively transverseplane (Fig. 9). This allows for better orientationthan attempting to image in the sagittal obliqueplane across the short axis of the pancreas. The peri-umbilical port also can be useful in imaging thehead/neck and uncinate process using a sagittal ap-proach. Scanning can be performed directly on thepancreatic surface or through the overlying omen-tum. Occasionally, the lateral segment of the livercan provide an acoustic window to the pancreaticbody and tail.

The main application for LUS in regard to pan-creatic surgery is in conjunction with laparoscopicstaging of pancreatic and periampullary tumors(Fig. 10). Although preoperative ultrasound, CT,and MR imaging can demonstrate vascular invasionor hepatic metastatic disease successfully, a signifi-cant number of patients who have advanced diseaseremain incompletely staged before surgery. Studiesshow the improved staging of pancreatic and

perimpullary tumors by laparoscopy with LUS ver-sus standard preoperative imaging methods [7,18].

LUS of the pancreas also is described as a sensitiveand successful method in localizing islet cell tu-mors (Fig. 11) [19,20]. This method may be impor-tant particularly for small lesions localized to thebody or tail of the pancreas, because laparoscopicpartial pancreatic resections can be performed. Lap-aroscopy with LUS is reported to contribute signif-icantly to the differential diagnosis of pancreaticcystic neoplasms [21,22], helping delineate serousmicrocystic adenomas, mucinous cystadenomas,or cystadenocarcinomas and intraductal papillarymucinous neoplasms of the pancreas (Fig. 12).LUS imaging also can help identify the extent ofpseudocysts and pancreatic ductal abnormalitiesin patients who have pancreatitis. TransgastricLUS imaging can be used to facilitate laparoscopiccystgastrostomy.

Other applications

As more and more surgical procedures move to lap-aroscopic approaches, the possible applications forLUS continue to increase. There are reports of im-proved localization of intra-abdominal tumors us-ing LUS during planned laparoscopic resections.

Fig. 11. After identification of a small enhancing mass in the head of the pancreas lateral to the superior mes-enteric vein (arrow) on a contrast-enhanced CT scan (A), LUS (B) was performed to confirm and characterize themass (small arrow) and depict proximity of the mass to the adjacent superior mesenteric vein (large arrow).Based on the LUS findings, laparoscopy was converted to an open procedure and resection revealed an isletcell tumor. In another patient, a 3-mm enhancing lesion (C) was identified on a contrast-enhanced CT scan (ar-row). LUS (D) was used to localize the lesion (arrow) to show absence of portal vein (PV) invasion and to guidesurgical resection, which showed a nonfunctioning insulinoma.

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Fig. 12. After identification of a cystic mass (A) in the body of the pancreas on this coronal T2-weighted magneticresonance cholangiopancreatography image (arrow), LUS (B) was used to localize the mass (arrow) and guidethe resection. Note the dilated pancreatic ducts (PD) proximal and distal to the mass. Pathology confirmedthat this was an intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm.

For example, LUS shows improved localization ofadrenal tumors by defining the relationship toadja-cent structures and providing confirmation thatlarger tumors are amenable to laparoscopic resec-tion [23]. Reports of LUS use in gynecologic surgeryalso are increasing, with studies describing im-proved laparoscopic ovarian tumor localizationand staging [24] and management of ovarian cystsand adnexal masses [25]. LUS also is used to evalu-ate ureteral location and function during laparo-scopic gynecologic surgery to help lower theincidence of intraoperative ureteral complications[26]. The full and complete use of LUS remains tobe seen.

Biopsy and percutaneous ablation guidance

Superficial and larger deep tumors within organscan be biopsied readily under direct laparoscopicvisualization or with LUS assistance (Fig. 13). Tra-ditional LUS-guided biopsies require placing thetransducer over the site to be biopsied followed

by percutaneous insertion of a long needle throughthe abdominal wall down to the level of the trans-ducer. This technique can make small, deep lesionsdifficult to biopsy because of the considerable dis-tances between the needle insertion in the anteriorabdominal wall and the location of the LUS probe.When lesions are located in deep positions, it maybe necessary to vent some gas from the peritonealcavity once the transducer is placed on the biopsysite to minimize the distance. Newer-generationlaparoscopic probes, however, are designed withpuncture and biopsy guides, making small, deep le-sions easier to biopsy under LUS guidance.

LUS also has the potential to guide minimally in-vasive tumor ablations, although experience thusfar is limited. Minimally invasive oncology thera-pies technology, such as radiofrequency ablation,microwave ablation, and cryosurgery, continue tobe developed and used. With the improved tumorlocalization provided by LUS, evolution to LUS-guided minimally invasive therapies is a logicalnext step.

Fig. 13. (A,B) A percutaneous needle(arrow) is inserted into a hypoechoicpancreatic mass (M) adjacent to thetransducer for LUS-guided pancreas bi-opsy. Although adenocarcinoma wassuspected from preoperative imagingstudies, pathology revealed lympho-cytic sclerosing pancreatitis.

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As more open surgical procedures move to laparo-scopic approaches, the demand for LUS continuesto increase. New improvements in technology andequipment already have advanced LUS from its ex-perimental beginnings to the point of routine clin-ical applications. Applications in the liver, pancreas,gallbladder, and biliary tree are described, with fur-ther applications in gynecologic surgery also re-ported. The applications in LUS-guided biopsiesand minimally invasive therapies remain to be per-fected. An operator learning curve remains, how-ever, and mastery of LUS requires familiarity withthe special equipment and scanning techniques.But as technology and the widespread use continueto advance, the full range and importance of LUSapplications no doubt will increase.


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