2005-01-08 MANE-VU Status Report on CATT and FASTNET

MANE-VU Status Report on CATT and FASTNET R. Poirot, VT DEC, 9/30/04 CATT: Combined Aerosol Trajectory Tools FASTNET: Fast Aerosol Sensing Tools for Natural Event Tracking Both are Inter-RPO Projects, Conducted by CAPITA (R. Husar),



Transcript of 2005-01-08 MANE-VU Status Report on CATT and FASTNET

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MANE-VU Status Report on CATT and FASTNET R. Poirot, VT DEC, 9/30/04

CATT: Combined Aerosol Trajectory Tools

FASTNET: Fast Aerosol Sensing Tools for Natural Event Tracking

Both are Inter-RPO Projects, Conducted by CAPITA (R. Husar),

Managed for MANE-VU by:

MARAMA (Serpil Kayin, CATT) & NESCAUM (Gary Kleiman, FASTNET)


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Status: CATT & FASTNET have been Eaten by DataFed.Net

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are 2 of many


which Share Many Common


which are Archived & Accessible & can be Viewed, Compared,

Exported, Analyzed & Interpreted, using a

variety of Web-Based


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Data Catalog(s) Provide Access to Many: Fast (rapidly available), Current (near-real-time, recently archived & continuing) and Slow (historical data Like IMPROVE Aerosol & ATAD trajectories)

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Data Catalogs: Aerosol, Fire, Maps, Meteorology, Emissions, Images, Events

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Data Viewer:

Open & View Any File in Catalog(s).

Many Files Include Time

Series, Linked to Map –

Point & Click.

Zoom Map or Time series, Change Size,

Symbols, Variables,

Add Layers, Export Data – Copy Paste.

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Data Files Accessed & Archived Specifically for FASTNET. Note Varying Start dates (1988-2004), with Most Continuing.

VIEWS_CHEM (IMPROVE Aerosol) and ATAD Trajectories (NPS) are currently used in CATT Applications

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Change Species or SiteF



& D




Change Sites by

Point & Click


Acadia SO4 > 15


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1. Start with Kitty to Explore Any Combinations of IMPROVE & ATAD Traj. Data (any/all sites & years).

2. Export CSV file of Selected Data & Copy/Paste into CSV Table Editor and Save for Subsequent Analysis.

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1. Change Traj Sort.

2. Plot in Kitty

2. Export file as CSV data.

3. Copy/Paste into File Editor,Save.

4. Open YourFile in TrajAggGrid…

Save(d) as: ALLpost99OCge10.csv

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Select All Sites and Dates after 1/1/99 if :

Organic Carbon >= 10 ug/m3.

Fires in the West & Southeast (but not much in MANE-VU)

Save CSV file & open in Trajectory


Weight Traj. by OC Concentration (or not), Normalize (or

not) & Plot.

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Na >= 1.5 ug/m3

Sea Salt Comes from the Sea, as She Should.


Battelle PMF/Unmix modeling indicated a Sea Salt source

at 6 MANE-VU sites, Increasing over time. Why?

Is West Coast Sea Salt Increasing?

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Fine Soil >7.5, post-1999, All Sites & All Months

Fine Soil > 7.5, All Years, All Sites, July-Only

Western & Asian Dust (Primarily Spring)

Eastern Sahara Dust (Primarily Summer)

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If SO4 > 15 for entire IMPROVE

network and entire period of

record (25 sites).

Top 10% of “Secondary Sulfate

Source” from Battelle PMF at ACAD, BRIG, GRSM, LYBR, MACA, SHEN & WASH

(7 sites)

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All US sites, dv >=30

All US sites, SO4 >=15

Areas upwind of all sites for Highest dv = Highest SO4

Areas upwind of High SO4 = areas of high SO2 emissions

1999 EGU SO2 Emissions from EPA Clean Air Markets, layered with NPS ATAD trajectories for high IMPROVE SO4 via DataFed Viewer...

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CATT Percent Difference Tool Calculates Incremental Probabilities for any IMPROVE Site and Species and any Percentile Concentration

Arsenic at Acadia

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Incremental Probabilities for Top 10% SO4 & NO3 at SHEN & WASH

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SO4 > 15 ug/m3

1. From Kitty, http://webapps.datafed.net/dvoy_services/datafed.aspx?view=Kitty

2. select All Locations & YourSpecies >= X (using “Q” button)

3. Export CSV Data (“D” button) & Copy/Paste into CSV File Editor & Submitter: http://webapps.datafed.net/dvoy_services/editfile.aspx

4. Save as: YourFileName.csv

5. To Plot in Trajectory Aggregator & Gridder, substitute YourFileName.csv for ALLDVge30.csv


Kitty “How To”, for Review

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CATT Future:

• Add Additional Ensemble Trajectory Metrics

• “Automatically” update as new Traj & Aerosol data are available (Kristi Gebhart has just updated ATADs for most recent IMPROVE)

• Add Additional Aerosol (STN) & Trajectory Data (Kristi is Willing to Crank ATADs for Entire STN Network – triple site density)

• Continued Support from MANE-VU, other RPOs(?) & other DataFed.Net Partners (NSF, NASA, EPA, etc.).

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The infrastructure that provides the structured

data and tools



The discussion forum and miscellaneous

data catalog

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Analyst Consoles:

Near-Real-Time Data

Example: NE Sulfate Episode: 8/27/04 17:00UTC

Sulfate in the Northeast

Sahara Dust in the Gulf

Fires in the Southeast

Time Series Console: Southeast

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Aerosol Event Catalog: Distributed Web pages

• Aerosol events appear any time and place and analyzed by many organizations.

• The event info. is encoded, cataloged and accessed through Event Catalog

• Each ‘event’ is given attributes: location and time of occurrence and aerosol type (dust, smoke, haze, other)

• This allows graphic browsing of event-related information on maps and calendars and linking the info source, e.g. TNRCC.

• Ideas on the Event Catalog (content, structure, interface, maintenance, etc) are welcome.


Links to Distributed Analyst/Data Web page

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Quebec Fires, July 6, 2002

SeaWiFS, METAR & TOMS Index Superimposed

SeaWiFS satellite and

METAR surface haze shown in the Voyager distributed data


Satellite data are fetched from NASA GSFC; surface data

from NWS/CAPITA servers

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PM-2.5 vs. ASOS Bext during 7/02 Quebec Smoke Event. Note Ratio of scales = 6:1 implying 6 m2/g for Organics (which = 1.8 OC for this smoke)

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From: Allen et al. 2004 (Draft – Do Not Cite)

Preliminary RAINS Hourly Sulfate data from 5 MANE-VU sites Note August 2nd Event (MD-only) vs. August 11th Event (All sites)

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8/2/04 13:00 Gridded ASOS Bext & AIRNOW PM-2.5

(Southern MANE-VU-only)

8/11/04 13:00 Gridded ASOS Bext & AIRNOW PM-2.5

(Entire MANE-VU Region)

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2 Sets of ASOS Visibility Data (Expressed as VR, Bext & “Dry Bext”)SURF_MET ASOS (& meteorology) is Global, based on archived data, since 7/02 STI_ASOS is subset of 250 US-only sites, based on raw (uncensored) data, since 1/04

Both are Hourly and available in Near-Real-Time

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Use Data Viewer to

Layer Various Aerosol-Related Data, including:

Surface Winds, (SURF-MET)

ASOS Bext, (STI)

PM-2.5 Mass, (AIRNOW)

Forecast SO4 (Westphal)

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RAINS Continuous Mass, SO4, OC data from Mohawk Mtn. CT vs. Bext from Bradley CT Airport - using MOMO species & Bradly RH to “Reconstruct” Bext.

Prelim Data. Do Not Cite.

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Real-time Surface Meteorology provided a rich met context.Link to the Animation of the period Feb 19-21

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Mystery Peak over the Great Lake & NE Regions

The 30-day smoothing average shows the seasonality by region

The Feb/Mar PM25 peak is evident for the Northeast, Great Lakes and Great Plains

This secondary peak is absent in the South and West

Jul-Aug sulfate peak

Feb-Mar mystery peak

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Feb 19 2004: • Isolated high PM25 occurs over the Midwest, Northeast and Texas• Aerosol patches are evident in AIRNOWPM25, ASOS & Fbext maps• The absence of TOMS signal indicates the lack of smoke or dust at high elevation

• The high surface wind speed over Texas, hints on possible dust storm activity

• The NAAPS model shows high sulfate over the Great Lakes, but no biomass smoke

• Possible event causes: nitrate in the Upper Midwest and Northeast, sulfate around the Great Lakes and dust over Texas

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Aug 18• This episode has an intensive region in the Northeast and another in the Southeastern US• The AIRNOW, ASOS and Visibility all show similar location of elevated aerosol • Highest MODIS AOT and GASP AOT values occur over the Northeast• The surface winds indicate stagnation over the southeastern EUS

• NAAPS model predicts high sulfate in the Northeast and biomass smoke over the Southeast

• Possible causes: sulfate episode in the Northeast, smoke and sulfate in the Southeast(?)

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• Link various “image data” (photos, satellite, etc.) to “Events”,

• Add New Data (& Datasets, like RAINS) & Continue Archival,

• Link New Fast to Old Slow (IMPROVE Aerosol & Traj.) Data,

• Compare Aerosol/haze indicators to Emissions & Model Data,

• Automated “Event Detection” & Analysis Methods!

• Continued Support from MANE-VU, other RPOs(?) & other DataFed.Net Partners (NSF, NASA, EPA, etc.).

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Some Bookmarks for: DataFed.Net: http://datafed.net/

Data Catalogs: http://webapps.datafed.net/dvoy_services/datafed_catalog.aspx

Data Viewer: http://webapps.datafed.net/dvoy_services/datafed.aspx

Data Consoles: http://www.datafed.net/consoles/realtime_consoles.asp?datetime=now-48&image_width=260&image_height=110

Kitty (Aerosol/Trajectory Browser): http://webapps.datafed.net/dvoy_services/datafed.aspx?view=Kitty

CSV File Editor & Submitter: http://webapps.datafed.net/dvoy_services/editfile.aspx

Trajectory Aggregator & Gridder (substitute: YourFileName.csv for ALLDVge30.csv)http://webapps.datafed.net/dvoy_services/datafed.aspx?view=TrajAggGrid&csv_url=ALLDVge30.csv&value_column=value&scale_max=0.005

CATT Percent Difference (Incremental Probability Calculator): http://webapps.datafed.net/dvoy_services/datafed.aspx?view=CATT_PERC_DIFF

CATT & FASTNET Discussion Pages: http://webapps.datafed.net/dvoy_services/dvoy_book.aspx?path=HOME/Projects/CATThttp://webapps.datafed.net/dvoy_services/dvoy_book.aspx?path=HOME/Projects/FASTNET

PM Event Detection from Time Series http://capita.wustl.edu/capita/capitareports/0409EventAnalysis/0409EventByTimeSeries.ppt

Eastern US Regional Haze Events: Automated Detection and Documentation for 2004http://capita.wustl.edu/capita/capitareports/0409EventAnalysis/0409EventDetection04.ppt