2003. the survey of trypanocidal constituents in some mexican plants.

167 21. The Survey of Trypanocidal Constituents in Some Mexican Plants Fumiko Abe", Tatsuo Yamauchi", Híkaru Okabe", Hiroshige Akahane^', Jun Maki^', Hiroo Higo**. Abigail Aguilar^', Manuel Jiménez-Estrada^' and Ricardo Reyes-Chilpa^' " Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Fukuoka University ^' School of Medicine, Fukuoka University ^' School of Medicine, Kitasato University " Gradúate School of Medical Sciences. Kyushu University ^' Herbarium, Mexican Institute of Social Security ^' Institute of Chemistry, National University of México Abstract Chagas' disease (American trypanosomiasis) is one of the most serious protozoal diseases in Latín America. The etiological agent for Chagas' disease is Trypanosoma cruzi. which is found in a blood-sucking triatomine bug. Seeking new chemotherapeutíc agents effective against Chagas' disease, we screened various crude extracts of Mexican medicinal plants for trypanocidal activity. There were 43 kinds of methanohc and other organic extracts from 39 plants which were examined by the preliminary screening test to see immobilization of epimastigotes of T. cruzi in vitro. Eighteen of them showed activity at the concentration of 2 mg/ml after incubation for 2 h, while 13 showed activity at the concentration of 1 mg/ml after incubation for 48 h. - . . Among them, the MeOH extracts of the roots of Aristolochia taiiscana and the seeds of Persea americana were subjected to bioassay-guided fractionation in order to identify principal compounds for this activity. From the active fractions of A. taiiscana, four neolignans, eupomatenoid -7 (1), licarin A (2), eupomatenoid-1 (5) and licarin B (6) , and two Iignans, austrobailignan-7 (3) and fragransin El (4) were isolated. Compounds 1-4 immobihzed all the epimastigotes at the mínimum concentration of 25- 75ng /ml after incubation for 48 h, while compounds 5 and 6 were inactive. From the seeds of P. americana fíve heptadecyl alcohol derivatives (7-11) were obtained, and four of them were active at the mínimum concentration of 60-90 |Ag/mI. Cx)rresponding ( 1 )

Transcript of 2003. the survey of trypanocidal constituents in some mexican plants.

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21. The Survey of Trypanocidal Constituents in Some Mexican Plants

Fumiko Abe", Tatsuo Yamauchi", Híkaru Okabe", Hiroshige Akahane^', Jun Maki^', Hiroo Higo**.

Abigail Aguilar^', Manuel Jiménez-Estrada ' and Ricardo Reyes-Chilpa^'

" Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Fukuoka University ' School of Medicine, Fukuoka University

^' School of Medicine, Kitasato University " Gradúate School of Medical Sciences. Kyushu University ' Herbarium, Mexican Institute of Social Security ' Institute of Chemistry, National University of México

Abstract Chagas' disease (American trypanosomiasis) is one of the most serious protozoal

diseases in Latín America. The etiological agent for Chagas' disease is Trypanosoma cruzi. which is found in a blood-sucking triatomine bug. Seeking new chemotherapeutíc agents effective against Chagas' disease, we screened various crude extracts of Mexican medicinal plants for trypanocidal activity.

There were 43 kinds of methanohc and other organic extracts from 39 plants which were examined by the preliminary screening test to see immobilization of epimastigotes of T. cruzi in vitro. Eighteen of them showed activity at the concentration of 2 mg/ml after incubation for 2 h, while 13 showed activity at the concentration of 1 mg/ml after incubation for 48 h. - . .

Among them, the MeOH extracts of the roots of Aristolochia taiiscana and the seeds of Persea americana were subjected to bioassay-guided fractionation in order to identify principal compounds for this activity. From the active fractions of A. taiiscana, four neolignans, eupomatenoid-7 (1), licarin A (2), eupomatenoid-1 (5) and licarin B (6), and two Iignans, austrobailignan-7 ( 3 ) and fragransin El (4) were isolated. Compounds 1 - 4 immobihzed all the epimastigotes at the mínimum concentration of 25-75ng/ml after incubation for 48 h, while compounds 5 and 6 were inactive. From the seeds of P. americana fíve heptadecyl alcohol derivatives (7 -11) were obtained, and four of them were active at the mínimum concentration of 60-90 |Ag/mI. Cx)rresponding

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— 168 — concentration of gossypol, berberine chloride and harmine was 280ng/ml, 300 and >500jig/ml, respectively.

Key words trypanocidal activity; Trypanosoma cruzi'. Aristolochia taiiscana] Persea Americana: Chagas' disease

INTRODUCTION Protozoan Trypanosoma cruzi is the etiological agent of Chagas' disease (American'

trypanosomiasis), which affects 16-18 miliion people in Latin America and is responsible for the death of more than 45,000 patients per year. " It is transmitted to humans by triatomine bugs or through blood transfusión. During its life cycle, T. cruzi differentiates into three stages, namely epimastigote ¡n the insect gut, trypomastigole, an ínfectious form in the blood stream, and amastigote, an intracellular form.

Medication for Chagas' disease is usually effective when given during the acute stage of infection. Once the disease has progressed to later stages, no medication has been proven to be effective. Moreover, synthetic drugs, such as nifurtimox and benznidazole, have severe side effects. There rises an urgent need to develop new drugs. In order to seek new chemotherapeutic agents from natural resources, we started a survey of trypanocidal constituents in Mexican plants following previous work on Piquería trinervia.*' As a preliminary screening test, we examined crude extracts of Mexican medicinal plants for trypanocidal activity against epimastigotes of T. cruzi in vitro as previously reported in the case of plants in Guatemala. Among them. the MeOH extract of roots of Aristolochia taiiscana (Aristolochiaceae) and seeds of Persea americana (Lauraceae) have shown trypanocidal activity. A. taiiscana and some other species of Aristolochia are iocally called "Guaco" and used as remedies for diarrhea, snake bites. dermatological affections and so on. Chemical investigation of A. taiiscana has been previously accomplished by G. Enriquez et al. and four neolignans have been isolated. ' ' P. americana is grown in the tropical áreas of the world for the harvest of its edible fruit, avocado. Cytotoxic and other bioactive constituents of it have been studied by many groups. ' In this paper we describe the resuits of preliminary screening tests for trypanocidal activity in some Mexican plants, and identification of the active constituents in the roots of A. taiiscana and the seeds of P. americana.

MATERIALS AND METHODS Plant Materials and Preparation of Thelr Extracts Plant materials including

Aristolochia taiiscana were mainly purchased at Sonora medicinal plants market in México City and collected in the fields. Identification of the plants was done by A. Aguilar, one of the co-authors and M. E. López-VÜlafranco of National University of México, Iztacala. The voucher specimens were deposited in the Herbariums I2TA and IMSSM of National University of México, Iztacala and Mexican Institute for Social Seciuity. The plants examined are listed in Table 1. Dried and powdered materials were extracted with MeOH, MeOH-CH2CÍ2 or acetone at room temperature overnight. In the case of fresh materials, chopped materials were soaked in MeOH and fíltered.

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The Survey of Trypanocidal Constituents in Some Mexican Plants (Fumiko Abe, et al.) —169 — The residue was extracted again with MeOH. The solvent was concentrated in vacuo to give each extract.

Cultivation of T. cruzi The strain of T. cruzi used in this study was H6 (Ínternational code: MHOM/GT/95/SMI-06), which was originally collected from a patient of Chagas' disease ín Guatemala by Dr. T. Yanagi of Nagasaki University, Dr. C. Monroy and Dr. V. Matta of San Carlos University in Guatemala, and Dr. H. Higo, one of the co-authors. The epimastigotes of T. cruzi have been cultured in liver infusion-tryptose (LIT) médium as described by S. G. Baum. " Hemin was replaced by hemoglobin.

Reagents Tryptose and liver infusión broth were obtained from Difco, fetal bovine serum from GIBCO and hemoglobin from Japan Biotest Institute. Gossypol and harmine were purchased from Sigma Chemical C)ompany, and berberine chloride (n-hydrate) from Tokyo Chemical Industries Co. Ltd.

Trypanocidal Assay Preliminary Screening: Each extract was dissolved Ín dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) first and then diluted with LIT médium to get certain concentration. The final DMSO concentration was less than 1%. 1% DMSO solution itself caused no affection on motion of epimastigotes. Under condítion 1, the final concentration of each extract was 2 mg/ml and incubation time was 2 h, Under condition 2, the final concentration was 1 mg/ml and incubation time was 48 h. Each 50 of sample solution and cell suspensión {ca. 2x10* epimastigotes/ml) was placed in 96-we!l micro píate in duplícate and incubated at 26" C. The control was free from samples. The motion of epimastigotes was observed under inverted light microscope (x 100), after checking the epimastigotes in the control well were freely movíng. Each test was run twice. The resuits are shown in Table 1. The mark (+) means that all the epimastigotes became immobilized, while the mark (±) means 80-90% of the whoie epimastigotes became immobilized. The mark (-) means that more than 50% of the epimastigotes kept mobilíty. Estimation of Trypanocidal Activity: Sample solutions in different concentration were treated as mentioned above. The activity is shown by MCioo valué, which was defined as the mínimum concentration at which all the epimastigotes became immobilized after 48 h incubation at 26° C. Extracción and Isolatíon of the Active Constituents from the Roots of Aristolochia taiiscana

The dried and powdered roots (142 g) of A. taiiscana were extracted with MeOH (500 mi) under reflux for 1 h and fíltered. Further extractíon for 30 min was done twice. The filtrates were combined, concentrated and dried in vacuo to give a dark brown residue (19.4 g ) . The MCioo valué of the MeOH extract was 0.5 mg/ml . The residue was suspended in 60% MeOH and centrifuged. The precipítales were extracted with MeOH, and then with AcOEt. The supematant of 60% MeOH was passed through a coiumn of styrene polymer, Diaion HP-20, and the coiumn was washed with 60% MeOH. The MeOH solution was passed through the same coiumn and the coiumn was washed with MeOH. The AcOEt solution was treated in the same way. The 60% MeOH eluate was concentrated in vacuo to remove MeOH and the aqueous solution was passed through a new Diaion HP-20 coiumn. The coiumn was eluted with H20 and then 60% MeOH. Each eluate was concentrated and dried

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— 1 7 0 -in vacuo to obtain brown residue: H 2 O eluate ífr. 1, 10. I g ) : 60% MeOH eluate (fr. 2, 1 .4g) : MeOH eluate (fr. 3, 5 .2g): AcOEt eluate (fr. 4. 2 .3g ) . MCioo valúes of frs. 1-4 are >1000ng/ml, >1000ng/nil, 60^g/ml, and 400ng/nil, respectively. Fractions

3 and 4 were chromatographed with siUca gel (hexane-AcOEt), Sephadex LH-20 ( C H C I 3 ) , and ODS (YMC gel) (70% MeOH) cdumn, successively, to afford eupcmiatenoid-7"" ( 1 , 826 mg), licarin-A" ( 2 , 324 mg), mixture of 3 and 4 (230 mg), eupomatenoid-l"* ( 5 , 109mg), and licarin B"' ( 6 , 368mg). Austrobailignan-7'*' ( 3 , 139mg) and fragransin Ei'^' (4, 35 mg) were separated by preparative HPLC (ODS, KC-Pack, 60% MeOH). Identification of 1 - 6 was performed by analyses of MS and NMR spectra and comparison of the physical data with those reported. MCioo valúes of compounds 1 - 6 were estimaled as described above and shown in Table 2 . Extractíon and Isolatíon of the Active Constítuents from the Seeds of Persea americana

The dried and powdered seeds (340 g) of P. americana were extracted with MeOH (800 mi) under reflux for 1 h and fíltered, Further extractíon for 30 min was done twice. The fíltrates were combined, concentrated and dried in vacuo to give a brown residue (49.2 g ) . The residue was suspended in 60% MeOH and centrifuged. The precipítales were extracted with MeOH, and then with AcOEt. The supernatant of 60% MeOH was passed through a coiumn of styrene polymer, Diaion HP-20, and the coiumn was washed with 60% MeOH. The MeOH solution was passed through the same coiumn and the coiumn was washed with MeOH. The AcOEt solution was treated in the same way. The 60% MeOH eluate was concentrated in vacuo to remove MeOH and the aqueous solution was passed through a new Diaion HP-20 coiumn. The coiumn was eluted with H 2 O and then 60% MeOH. Each eluate was concentrated and dried in vacuo to obtain brown residue: H 2 0 eluate (fr. 1, 31.9g) ; 60% MeOH eluate (fr. 2, 9.2 g ) : MeOH eluate (fr. 3, 7.1 g ) : AcOEt eluate (fr. 4, 4.2 g ) , MC 100 valúes of frs. 1-4 are >1000ng/ml, >1000ng/ml, 250ng/ml, and 1 mg/ml, respectively. Fractions 3 and 4 were chromatographed with silica gel (hexane-AcOEt), Sephadex LH-20 (CHCb-MeOH). and ODS (YMC gel) (80% MeOH) columns, successively, to afford 7 ' " (107 mg), 8 ' " (60 mg) , 9 ' " (221 mg) , 1 0 ' " (32 mg) . and 1 1 (217 mg) . Identification of 7 - 1 1 was performed by analyses of MS and NMR spectra and comparison of the physical data with those of reported. MCioo valúes of compounds 7 - 1 1 were estimated as described above and shown in Table 3.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Many trypanocidal constituents from natural resources have been isolated and

were first reviewed by S. Sepúlveda-Boza and B. K. Cassels in 1996.'" In this review, various kinds of natural ccxnpounds were reported such as hydroquinones, naphthoquinones, diterpenes and many types of alkaloids, It is difficult to compare activity of each compound due to the diversity of straíns, stages of its life cycle, and experimental conditions applied. Sínce B. R. Schlemper et ai mentioned the positive correlation between activity against epimastigotes in vitro and activity against trypomastigote in wVo,"' we used epimastigotes to estímate trypanocidal activity. The method of assay by Hocquemillar et al was modified for estimation of trypanocidal activity in vitro.^

For preliminary screening tests, we chose plants and herbal medicines traditionally

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The Survey <rf Trypanocidal Constituents in Some Mexican Plants ÍFumiko Abe, et al.) — 171 — used mainiy for antiparasitic purposes in México"" and Guatemala.^ The list of crude extracts is shown in Table 1 with scientific ñames, local ñames and parts examined. It is comprised of 20 families and 37 species. The 18 extracts out of 43 have shown the trypanocidal activity at 2 mg/m! so far, while 13 extracts have shown activity even at 1 mg/ml. We started the chemicai investigation of these active plant materials.

Table 1. Ust of Plants Examined and Their Trypanocidal Activity' (epimastigotes, in vitro) Family Scienti6c Ñame Local Ñame PartíSolvenO" (I)'» (2)' Annonaceae Annona reliculaui Anona LT (M) + +

Annona muricala Guanábana S (M) + Aristolochiaceae Aristolochia taliscara Guaco R (M) + + Burseraceae Bursera simaniba Palo mulato LT (M) - -F (M) - -Cecropiaceae Cecropia obtusifotia Guarumbo L (M) + -Chenopodiaceae Ckenopodium graveolens Epazote de zorrillo G (M) + ±

Chenopodium ambrosioides Epazote morado G 0 0 - -Compositae Artemisia ludoviciana var. mexicana Estafiate L (M) ± -Bidens odorata Mosote blanco G (M) + ± Cucurbitaceae Maximowitzia sonóme Guareque R (M) - -Elaeocarpaceae Muntingia calabura Capulín rojo L (M) + -

F (M) - -Euphorbiaceae Crotón draco Sangre de grado L (M) - -Hura polyandra Haba o Ha billa S (M) - -Guttiferae CaiophyUum brasiliense'^ Bari L CA) + +

Calophyllum brasitiense^^ Bari L (M) - -Clusic salvinii Lobo de tigre L (M+C) - -Clusia guaUmalensis Lobo de tigre L (M) - -Garcinia intermedia Limoncillo L (M+C) + + Mammea americana Zapote Domingo P (A) + + Vismia bacci/era Vismia L 0^) - -Lauraceae Persea americana Aguacate S (M) + ±

Leguminosae Brongniartia podalyrioides Hierba de la Víbora R (M) - -Eysenhartia poiysiachia Palo Dulce S (M) - -Gliricidia septum Cocui te L (M) + -Haemaioxylum brasiUlo Palo de Brasil S (M) + ± Lonchocarpus unifoliolatum

L m - -Lonchocarpus oaxacensis R (M) - -Senna hirsuta Yecapahtzin LT (M) + ± Zomia ihymifolia Hierba de la víbora L (M) + ±

Marvaceae Malvaviscus arboreus Azocopacle L (M) - -Myrtaceae Psidium guajava Guayaba L (M) - -S (M) - -Piperaceae Piper sp. L (M) + +

Piper aurilum Acuyo L (M) - -Polypodiaceae Phlebodium aureum Lengua de ciervo G (M) - -R (M) - -Rubiaceae Hamelia paiens BatletíUa LT (M) - -Sapotaceae Pouteria sapoía Mamey S (M) ± -Uriicaceae Unica dioica Ortiga LT (M) - -Verbenaceae Aloysia triphylUt Té cedrón L (M) - -Lippia dulcís Hierba dulce L (M) - -a ) The mark (+) means all the epimastigotes were immobilized. The mark (±) means 80-90% of the whole epimastigotes were immobilized. b) LT: leaves and twigs, R: roots, F: fruits, L: leaves, G: ground parts,S: stems. P: peéis of fruits, M: MeOH, A: acetone, C; CHzCb. c ) Activity at 2mg/ml (2Íí}. d) Activity at 1 mg/ml (48h). e ) Collected at Santa Martha, Veracruz. í) Ccüected at Los Tuxtias, Veracruz.

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— 172 — The MeOH extracts of roots of Aristolochia taiiscana, immobilized all the epimastigotes

at 1 mg/ml . When MeOH extract was separated into 4 fractions (Frs. 1 -4) by a polystyrene coiumn (Diaion HP-20), activity was observed in less polar fraction 3 eluted with MeOH and fraction 4 eluted with AcOEt. Fractions 3 and 4 were combined and subjected to various kinds of chromatographies to afford four neolignans, eupomatenoid-7 (1), licarin A (2), eupomatenoid-1 (5) and ücarin B (6), and two Iignans, austrobailignan-7 (3) and fragransin Ei (4). Although this is the first isolation of iignans 3 and 4 from Guaco, these neolignans were already isolated from Guaco by G. Enriquez et al. " MCioo valúes of these compounds are listed in Table 2. Trypanocidal natural compounds, gossypol, °' berberine chloride'*' and harmine^*' are also estimated as positive control and listed in Table 2. Among six compounds isolated from Guaco, 1 - 4 exhibited higher activity than any of positive controls, and 5 and 6. Comparisons of 1 with 5 and 2 with 6 suggest that the loss of hydroxyl group reduces activity. The differences of activity between 1 and 2, and 3 and 4 are not neírfigible. It suggests that steric structures would give influences on activity. Judging from yield and MCioo vaiue, t rypanocidal activity of Guaco is mainly due to 1 (eupomatenoid-7).

1 R=CH). R - H (euponiate no id- 7)

3 R.R =-CHr (cupomaieiKitd'l)

2 : R-CHj. R - H (licuiii A)

6; RJÍ-CHi-(licahD B)

( • V M d l i v I p I v v M D h d i

Ftg.1. Isolated Compounds from the Roots of A. taiiscana

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Survey of Trypanocidal Constituents in Some Mexican Plants (Fumiko Abe. et al.) - 1 7 3 -

Table 2 . MCi» Valúes of Compounds 1 - 6 , Gossypol. Berberine Chloride. and Harmine against Epimastigotes of T. cruzi in Vitro


Compds jig/nú jiM^ 1 25 77 i 40 123 3 75 219 4 50 146 5 >I000

é >iooo gossypol 280 540 berberine Cl 300 807 harmine >5(X)

Recently Bastos et ai have isolated seven Iignans from Zanthoxylum naranjilto (Rutaceae) and revealed tha t ( - ) -methy lpu lv ia to l ide is highly act ive agains t trypomastigotes of the two strains of T. cruzi, the Bolivia and Y s t r a i n s . L i g n a n s from Guaco are the second instance of trypanocidal lignans.

The drved seeds ot P. americana were i realed m ihe same way as mentioned above. Again the trypanocidal activity is shown in less-polar fractions 3 and 4. From these fractions compounds 7 - H were isolated by bioassay-guided fractionation (Fig. 2). Compounds 7 , 8, and 9 are 1 ,2 ,4- t r ihydroxy-heptadec-16-ene derivatives, while compounds 10 and 11 are l,2,4-trihydroxy-heptadec-16-yne derivatíves. The trypanocidal activity of the compounds is shown in Table 3. These compounds have been described previously as the bitter, antifungal.^' antibacterial,'"^'' cytotoxic*' and insecücidal" constituents of P. americana. This is the very first time to make a reference to the trypanocidal activity oí these types of compounds.

O R 2 OH H 2 C = C H - ( C H 2 ) i 1 — C H - C H 2 — O H — C H 2 O R 1

17 16 4 2 1

7 : Ri=H. R2=COCH3 8: R,=C0CH3. Rj^H 9: Ri=R2=H

OR OH I I H C = C — ( C H 2 ) i i — C H - C H 2 — C H - C H 2 O H 17 16 * 2 1

10 : RsCOCHj 11: R»H

F i g . 2 . Isolated Compoimds from the Seeds of P. americana

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- 1 7 4 —

Table 3. MCi» Valúes of Compounds 7-11 against Epimastigotes of T. cruzi in Vitro

MCioo Compds Hg/ml 7 60 183 8 70 218 9 70 245 10 90 276 11 >1000

Acknowledgements The authors are grateful to Dr. M. A. Martínez Alfaro for valuable suggestion on the medicinal plants in México. The authors are also grateful to Dr. M.E. López-Vil lafr anco, National University of México, Campus Iztacala, for the authentifícation of the plant specimens. We thank Ms. Y. Iwase and Mr. H. Hanazono for NMR and MS measurements. This work was supported ¡n part by the fund (No. 001001) from the Central Research Institute of Fukuoka University: 2000-2001.

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