
Letter of Reference: Jennifer Wolfe Dear Sir or Madam, I have known Jennifer Wolfe since 1991 when she began her study to become a psychotherapist at our schoolthe Centre for Training in Psychotherapy in Toronto. I got to know her in lectures and seminars and in three years of group therapy, which is an integral part of our training. I have also acted as a supervisor both before and after her graduation. In the group I became aware of the range and depth of her inner life. In her daily life she was a warm and successful mother of two fine boys. In her work as a therapist she has demonstrated warmth, intelligence and great resourcefulness in dealing with some clients (men and women) who were often on the edge of fragmentation or collapse. Jennifer sometimes falls prey to anxiety about her self worth and abilities as a therapist. She does however have a good sense of the source of this feeling and has learned to hold firm and grow stronger. I supervised her work with a barely functioning adult male who was paranoid and suicidal. She showed great creativity in helping him weather his storms of feeling and return to a more balanced state without too much shame. Her sharp intelligence was clear to me in several discussions of the relation between therapeutic theory and the wisdom in our spiritual traditions. This latter has been the focus of a vigorous, years long exploration for Jennifer. I have seen Jennifer work as a good team member in group discussion and in a committee that organizes an annual cultural festival for CTP graduates and faculty. Jennifer has shown in her work as a psychotherapist an unusually wide range. She has worked effectively with those who differ from her in race, ethnicity, age, religion, gender and sexual orientation. I think of Jennifer as an unusually mature and gifted person. As a psychotherapist her range is phenomenal. I could refer almost anyone to her for therapy and be confident that she would meet them in their individuality. I think Jennifer is marvelously well equipped to study for and begin a supervised professional practice of social work I hope you enjoy having her as a student as much as I have. Terence P. McKenna, PhD

Transcript of 2002.LetterofReference.AsPsychotherapist

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Letter of Reference:  Jennifer Wolfe  Dear Sir or Madam,  I have known Jennifer Wolfe since 1991 when she began her study to become a psychotherapist at our school­­the Centre for Training in Psychotherapy in Toronto.  I got to know her in lectures and seminars and in three years of group therapy, which is an integral part of our training.  I have also acted as a supervisor both before and after her graduation.  In the group I became aware of the range and depth of her inner life.  In her daily life she was a warm and successful mother of two fine boys.  In her work as a therapist she has demonstrated warmth, intelligence and great resourcefulness in dealing with some clients (men and women) who were often on the edge of fragmentation or collapse.  Jennifer sometimes falls prey to anxiety about her self worth and abilities as a therapist. She does however have a good sense of the source of this feeling and has learned to hold firm and grow stronger.  I supervised her work with a barely functioning adult male who was paranoid and suicidal.  She showed great creativity in helping him weather his storms of feeling and return to a more balanced state without too much shame.  Her sharp intelligence was clear to me in several discussions of the relation between therapeutic theory and the wisdom in our spiritual traditions.  This latter has been the focus of a vigorous, years long exploration for Jennifer.  I have seen Jennifer work as a good team member in group discussion and in a committee that organizes an annual cultural festival for CTP graduates and faculty.  Jennifer has shown in her work as a psychotherapist an unusually wide range.  She has worked effectively with those who differ from her in race, ethnicity, age, religion, gender and sexual orientation.  I think of Jennifer as an unusually mature and gifted person.  As a psychotherapist her range is phenomenal.  I could refer almost anyone to her for therapy and be confident that she would meet them in their individuality.  I think Jennifer is marvelously well equipped to study for and begin a supervised professional practice of social work  I hope you enjoy having her as a student as much as I have.   Terence P. McKenna, PhD 

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(416) 964­7919 Letter of reference for Jennifer Wolfe