20 Reasons for Why US Economy is Dying

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  • 8/14/2019 20 Reasons for Why US Economy is Dying



    T H U R S D A Y , F E B R U A R Y 0 4 , 2 0 1 0

    20 Reasons Why The U.S. Economy Is Dying And Can't Ever Recover As Long As

    Democrats Control the Levers of Power

    Business Insider has the cheery analysis, listing 20 reasons we're in for a world of economic hurt. The most


    You want to see a hockey-stick graph? Try this unemployment chart, as businesses retract in fear over

    health tax mandates, cap-and-trade, card check, and heaven knows what else. In December, 6,130,000

    workers had been unemployed for 27 weeks or more -- another Obama record. That's the highest total

    since they started keeping track in 1948.

    n December, there were also nearly one million "discouraged" workers. Those are the folks who've given

    up looking for work and are therefore not counted in the official stats. You guessed it: it's another Obama

    record -- the highest level ever recorded.

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  • 8/14/2019 20 Reasons for Why US Economy is Dying


    25 state unemployment insurance funds are already broke and 15 more states are on track to go bust

    within 24 months. States are now borrowing tens of billions from the federal government, which also is

    guaranteeing all losses incurred by the "job shop for unemployed Democrats" called Fannie Mae and Freddie


    More than 37 million Americans currently receive food stamps with around 20,000 joining the club each and

    every day. Never mind that unchecked use of food stamps encourages dependency, single-parent families

    and crime. Those are facts, you see, and unimportant to Democrats.

    Public-sector unions like the SEIU have rung up some unbelievably outrageous bills for states, counties and

    cities. And many locales are simply going broke, burdened with underfunded pension plans and overly rich

    compensation packages. For example, more than 6,100 retired California government workers receive

    pensions in excess of $100,000 from CalPERS. The states' unfunded liabilities: as much as $3.2 trillion.

    The delightful Democrat inventions of Social Security and Medicare are doomed. Millions of baby boomers

    are retiring and the trillions they poured into the systems during their working years were stolen by

    bureaucrats -- swept into the general fund and spent. There's no way to make the math work. It's that


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    The U.S. federal debt has exploded since 2006, doubling in three years to $12.3 trillion and headed much,

    much higher with the proposed Obama budgets. Who will purchase the debt? What will happen when

    interest rates inevitably rise, adding huge additional interest payments to the debt? Just thank a


    How has the government responded to this dire situation? Has it tightened its belt? Hell, no. Last week,

    Senate Democrats last week raised the debt ceiling, which will allow the U.S. national debt to reach

    approximately $14.3 trillion. That's $48,000 for every man, woman and child in the country.

    So how is the U.S. funding its operations? Why, through a massive Ponzi scheme that would make Bernard

    Madoff blush. The Federal Reserve bought nearly 80 percent of all U.S. Treasuries issued in 2009. In other

    words, the entire Democrat-controlled government is a pyramid scheme -- and taxpayers are the suckers at

    the bottom.

    * * * * * * * * *

    99 weeks of unemployment compensation. Unchecked welfare payments. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    Disastrous socialized retirement and health care systems that are nothing more than gigantic Ponzi


    And that's before socialized medicine, cap-and-trade, card check and other disastrous policies -- hawked

    incessantly by the Party of Economic Destruction -- that simply choke free enterprise.

    Democrats must be crushed in November at the ballot box, before it's too late.

    Labels: Crime, Democrats, Economy, Obama, Pelosi, Reid

    10 comments links to this postPermalink | 9:45 PM


    At 11:02 AM , Anonymous said...


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    "Democrats must be crushed in November at the ballot box, before it's too late."

    I hate Repugs, but this is the truest statement I have read all week.

    At 5:51 PM , Carol MacDonald said...

    Republicans have more balls than Titlest to say that we are causing the economic downturn??? Health

    care will cut the deficit, save lives (nothing but wars appeal to you I realize) and is necessary for a moral

    country like ours. Bush undid all regulatory limits on business and they stole us blind!!!! They did more

    damage to our country than six attacks on WTC and look how much we have spent on two wars for 3,000

    deaths!!!! That's Republicans! War is where it's at!!! With the democrats in power our country will go

    from Cold War trigger happiness to taking care of it's own people, with jobs, health care and safer

    hospitals-everything that's taking the lives of so many Americans will be addressed with Democrats on

    the job. Republicans are so busy spreading lies, rumors, myths, silly stories, conspiracy theories theydon't know what they are doing.

    At 6:01 PM , carol8141 said...

    40,000 people each year die from crappy to no health care. That is 100 times as many that died in the

    World Trade Center bombings by Bin Laden. If Bin Laden came here, did to us what the banking,

    insurance, Republican congress and President did over the last 8 years there would be some immediate

    action taken. If Bin Laden killed 40,000 EVERY year (no health care) then another 100,000 EVERY year

    (unsanitary/unsafe hospital procedures) then cost us 8 million jobs, caused millions of Americans to lose

    their pensions, savings and homes from lack of regulation, don't you think something would get done to

    stop it!??? As it now stands, everything trying to be done to correct these disasters are being obstructed

    by, GUESS WHO-the Republicans. THANKS glad you love America so much!!!!Bastards!!!!!

    At 6:10 PM , Anonymous said...

    Carol and Carol,

    Both of you are too ignorant to see where we are headed as an economy. You have been blinded by

    socialist teachings with no history tossed in. Go back and look at all of the countries that have tried

    socialism and where they are today as an economy. You both are foolish boors.


    At 7:09 PM , Carol MacDonald said...

    Socialism? Is this what you have to say every time you hear something sensible, like saving human lives

    through safer, cleaner hospital practices, better health care coverage and fewer wars? Are you out of

    your rabit-assed minds???


    a huge difference between it and what we are doing. Take a look at all the other countries with great

    health care and safe hospitals.....Are they running around with handcuffs on marching with legs out

    straight, working for the state, staying home on Sunday mornings cuz they can't worship???? NO no no

    and no. They are happily planning how they will spend their own hard earned money on vacations and

    new BMW's since they don't have to spend $1200 a month on health care and $120,000 on college

    educations. And they can go to the hospital and come out alive because their Doctors remember to

    wash their hands.

    I am really angry with you Republicans for trying to prevent these great changes just so you can destroy

    Obama, the black President. You are the PITTS!!!!

    At 7:19 PM , directorblue said...

    Carol M. - thank you for visiting the site and your thoughtful response.

    Our country's socialized programs are broke. In fact, every country's socialized programs are going broke.

    Heard of the "sovereign debt problem"?

    Consider the credit ratings of the major countries of the world.

    One by one, they are set to default on their bonds, some sooner rather than later. What this means, in a


    The Founders of our country defied a centralized, authoritarian government in the British Crown. They

    established a Constitution that created the greatest society, the richest society, the most classless

    society ever seen on Earth.

    Since the 1930's, the firewalls of the Constitution have been eroded. Now we debate nationalized health

    care when Social Security, years ahead of schedule, is already broke.

    Carol, my friend, time's up. The U.S. is broke. And other countries are in even worse shape. Unless you

    want our children and grandchildren to live in poverty and misery, it's time to return to Constitutional

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    At 9:41 PM , Scooter Van Neuter said...

    Thanks Doug, you've hit the nail squarely on the head.

    Unfortunately the ignorant morons holding our highest offices seem to think that for the first time in

    the world's history they can make their form of socialism bear fruit.

    God save us from these pinheads.

    At 12:11 AM , carol macdonald said...

    socialism An economic and political system based on collective or state ownership of the means of

    production and distributionalthough, like capitalism, the system takes many and diverse forms.

    Our government is trying to offer health care that saves money, has 8% overhead compared to private

    healthcare with 33% overhead. Why do you want so many people to suffer? Are you guys untouched by

    the problems wreaked by the last administration? Nothing has touched you?

    OBVIOUSLY, we are not a socialist country. Our businesses and production, distribution are NOT

    controlled by governement. However, we DO have successful Veterans health insurance, successful

    Medicaire, and successful Medicaid. Certainly someone you know receives a Social Security check every

    month. This works well also.

    QUIT your bitchin' and DO SOMETHING to help during this time of complete and utter crisis!!! Instead you

    just say "NO". Do you deny the things I have said here tonight? NO, I didn't think so.....Be ashamed, be

    very ashamed...

    At 12:15 AM , carol macdonald said...

    We are SO going to beat the pants off you in 2012, hate to break it to you. You don't even have half a

    candidate yet. Palin? Brown? Gingrich? Maybe Romney, he has raised some millions after all. Your Tea

    Partiers are psychotic, and the rest love Beck and Hannity, two very psychotic thinkers. Since you have

    nothing to bring up about Obama, he's so much more intelligent than you and your base/candidates, you

    have to go off into la-la land and put a Hitler moustache on his photograph like school children!! Get a

    life, DO Something to HELP the situation and then a candidate will emerge who is sane. Nobody wantsthe people above running our country!!! Look what you already accomplished!

    At 5:21 AM , Duncan Idaho said...

    To pose a question, why did the Democrats' inability to pass "health care reform" pinned on the

    Republicans? Did they not have 60 votes? How can a minority party obstruct a clear majority that can

    invoke cloture to end attempts at filibustering a bill?

    Carol, your side had the majority and all the afforded opportunity to accomplish such, but can't. Explain


    If your side will beat the Republicans, why are you sounding like you're panicking?

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