20 empowering questions for personal growth

20 Empowering Questions for Personal Growth The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the questions you ask yourself. ~Anthony Robbins Emotionally Resilient Living

Transcript of 20 empowering questions for personal growth

20 Empowering Questions for

Personal Growth

The quality of your life is in direct proportion to the quality of the

questions you ask yourself.

~Anthony Robbins

Emotionally Resilient Living

Questions have the ability to change your focus in an instant, transforming your mindset from limiting to self empowering. In

fact as soon as you ask a question, your mind will immediately

begin searching for an answer … sometimes taking you to

wonderfully unexpected places.

If you’re not happy with the answers you’re getting, maybe it’s time to reconsider your questions.

What do I really love in life? How can I have

more of this?

The more thankful you are for the things in your life, the more things you will attract to be thankful for.


Do the things and people in my life reflect

who I really am?

Once you experience true happiness, you won't tolerate

being around things or people who make you feel anything less.


What is my biggest fear? What do I need to

do to overcome it?

Do the thing you fear most, and continue to do so ... this is the

quickest and surest way to achieve victory over fear.


Have I been settling for “good enough” in

my life?

There is no passion to be found in playing small - in settling for a life that is less than the one you are

capable of living.


How do I handle adversity and

unexpected change?

Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving; we get stronger and more



When was the last time I really challenged


If you want something you've never had, you have to do something

you've never done.


What can I do today that I could not do a

year ago?

Never be afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still.


How do I define my success?

Defining success on your own terms is building a life you can

be proud of.


What self limiting beliefs have I been

clinging to?

Let go of limiting beliefs because over time they have a way of

becoming self-fulfilling prophecies.


Do I have healthy personal boundaries?

Boundaries are not about controlling others, they are

guidelines to show what is (and is not) acceptable in your life.


What motivates me to do and be my very best?

People become quite remarkable when they start to believe in



What are my top 5 core values and am I (truly) living them each day?

Values are like fingerprints, nobody’s are the same, but you

leave them all over everything you do.


Who do I think I am? Who do I want to


Defining yourself as opposed to being defined by others is one

of the hardest challenges you’ll ever face.


What am I really good at? What would I like to

get really good at?

The capacity to learn is a gift, the willingness to learn is a choice.


Who in my life have I been taking for


We often take for granted the very things (and people) that most

deserve our gratitude


What one thing do I really want to do? What

am I waiting for?

The longer you wait for the future, the shorter it will be.


What are my top 3 priorities for the next

6 months?

We all have the same number of hours in a day – your actions

express your priorities.


What is the worst decision I ever made?

What did I learn?

Most problems in life are because we either act without thinking or

think without acting.


Have I allowed “shoulds” to get in the way of my happiness?

Should is a debilitating word. It combines the spirit of good

intention with a built-in disclaimer of failure.


If I make no changes where do I see my life

in 5 years?

We shall have no better conditions in the future if we are satisfied

with all those which we have at present.


There are no foolish questions, and no man has

become a fool until he stops asking questions.

~Charles P. Steinmetz

Marquita Herald Author, Publisher, Owner & Chief Resilient Living Evangelist

Emotionally Resilient Living

Celebrate the day on which you embrace the power you have to create your own life experience. It is an amazing journey and you alone will be responsible for the quality of it.

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