2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu 21 Mart 2013 The Changing Leadership Map 21 March 2013 Amrop...

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu 21 Mart 2013 The Changing Leadership Map 21 March 2013 Amrop International Amrop International Prof. Dr. Yeşim Toduk Prof. Dr. Yeşim Toduk

Transcript of 2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu 21 Mart 2013 The Changing Leadership Map 21 March 2013 Amrop...

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

The ChangingLeadership Map

21 March 2013

Amrop InternationalAmrop International

Prof. Dr. Yeşim TodukProf. Dr. Yeşim Toduk

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013


I. Please write 2 «Leaders Who Makes a Change» that surprise you.



II. How do you share the opinion of “I trust most of the people”?1 2 3 4 5Totally Disagree Neither disagree nor agree Agree Totally agree


2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

Former Pope New Pope

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

Trust and Turkey

• According to data from World Values Survey,

In Turkey, the rate of the people who say «I trust most of the people» approximately corresponds to 10%.

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

1. It is the ability to make a commitment and fulfill it.2. It consists of sincerity, authenticity, honesty, virtue and honour. 3. It is not «polite hypocrisy».4. It is not only acquired but also given.5. It is about relationships.6. It is dynamic.7. It is transformative.8. It begins from self-confidence.9. It is the vital part of truth. 10. It needs commitments and truths to maintain. 11. It is the only base on which true leadership can be founded.

(Adapted from «Building Trust» by Solomon and Flores.)

What is Trust?

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

Leadership Search in Turkey

Search Methodology• Conducted literature review (theories on leadership and defining

suitable hypotheses and leadership features for today’s Turkey) .• Analyzed database consisting 18.000 people.• Sent surveys to 200 leader executives. • Interviewed face-to-face with 20 leader executives. These

interviewes are coded with 21 features in the international leadership literature and shared with the readers.

• Prepared a leadership model for Turkey.

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

Leader is the one who actually has followers. It is not an individual expression, but relational.

Who is a leader?

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

21 Leadership Features

1. Trust- To trust/To trust his/her followers (their competencies)

- To be trustable/to earn his/her followers’ trust

2. Having open communication3. Being faithful, determined and

consistent 4. Having a sense of justice5. Having a vision 6. Being able to combine the

expectations with the vision 7. Being innovative (Reframing)8. Being sensitive to the people

9. Serving as an example 10. Being abitious and self-giving 11. Being insprational 12. Motivating13. Being a good listener 14. Being modest 15. Being development oriented 16. Being able to create a synergic team17. Being sensitive to situations18. Giving fast and effective decisions 19. Speen (effective time management)16. Being flexible 17. Having knowledge

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

Leadership and Trust?

Do you trust your leader in your working environment?

«Trust and commitment expression without fear, dread and suspicion; reliance. »

If you leader joins a different organization, do you follow him/her?

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

Leadership and Trust Model

Model: “Ideal Leader” Crystal Prism

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

Leadership Model

• Open Communication: An open and sincere communication is very important for people to understand each other well and establish trust.

• Trust Environment: A proper environment should be established for the leader to aim his/her followers to the target and share his/her vision.

• Trust: The leader should believe that his/her followers will be successful on their way to the determinated target.

• Being Trusted: His/her followers should believe that the leader is trustable and honest both professionally and personally.

• Consistency: The leader should stand behind the decisions he/she makes and his/her statements and actions should complement each other.

• Being Fair: The leader should apply the organizational performance standarts equally to everyone in any environment. He/she should not give privilege to anyone and should provide the trust environment to avoid this kind of an impression.

• Vision + Integrating with vision: The leader should ensure that the consisted vision is adopted and embraced by his followers.

• Being Innovative: The leader should be able to change people’s perspectives to new and different ideas and reframe.

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013


Reframing is the situation which the leaders define the situation realistically as well as abiding by some values and convincing his/her team. The leader transforms the problem to make it suitable to the resolution process. In the process of transformation, his/her team should be convinced that the leader will solve the problem.

The leader who reframes thinks about people’s situations with a new perspective and also makes others think differently. He/she labels the reframed problem again and starts to recreate his definitions he makes with his experience.

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013


Vatican is an unreliable foundation corrupted by fraud, civil strife and child sexual abuses.

Vatican is an unreliable foundation corrupted by fraud, civil strife and child sexual abuses.

The Catholic Church is keen on vanity and wealth. The Catholic Church is keen on vanity and wealth.

Papa thinks himself superior to anyone and anything. Papa thinks himself superior to anyone and anything.

Vatican started to leave the problems behind and adopted the role of the protector of the poor and the surroundings.

Vatican started to leave the problems behind and adopted the role of the protector of the poor and the surroundings.

The Catholic Church is to use its wealth not to show off but for help. Pope is their spiritual leader but he is just «one of us».

The Catholic Church is to use its wealth not to show off but for help. Pope is their spiritual leader but he is just «one of us».

Pope deserves respect for being the leader of the Christians but he can’t request privileges he doesn’t deserve. He knows he is «one of us».

Pope deserves respect for being the leader of the Christians but he can’t request privileges he doesn’t deserve. He knows he is «one of us».

FrameFrame New FrameNew FrameWhat did he What did he do?do?

He was introduced as «the friend of the poor». He declared in his first speech that «The Church should stand by the poor and the weakest and protect everything God created.» He kissed a baby and blessed a disabled citizen during the speech

He got people’s attention as a modest Pope living in an apartment in Buenos Aires, cooking his own meal and flying economy class. He said «I want a different church».

Francis used the public transport and did not hesitate to merge with the public during his cardinalship. During his first speech as Pope, he stood on the same level with other cardinals instead of a platform to give the message of equality.

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

Framing and Reframing

A woman in front of a mirror or a skull?

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

Habits in Reframing

Bad Habits

Finding only one explanation about a process and being insistent on it.

Deciding on a single perspective to use before searching for the solutions of the problems and creating the solution strategy without considering any other perspectives.

When evaluating the situation, only discussing with people who share your understanding and opinion.

Good Habits

Discussing with people who have different values, opinions and assumptions and make use of them when strategizing.

Realizing the situations in which the information is submitted only from one perspective.

Listening to everyone’s own point of view before making a decision.

Following the changes and the tendencies about the matters that concern the team with everyone.

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

Atatürk and The Youth

Atatürk’s speech in 26th March, 1937 to the youth in Uludağ Night, organized by young people from Bursa who studied in Ankara:

“You, young people, vowed to follow my steps tirelessly. I am moved by these words. “You say you follow me tirelessly; but dear friends, what does tirelessly mean? You will get tired for sure. What I ask from you is not following me tirelessly, but continue walking and following me without stopping for rest when you are tired. Tiredness is natural for people, but there is such a strenght in people that it will make the tired continue. You, the youth of the new Turkey, will continue to follow me even you get tired. I am here this evening just to tell you this. The ones who start walking without the purpose of resting never and ever get tired. Turkish youth will walk towards our high ideals without stopping and resting.”

2. Ulusal Liderlik Sempozyumu21 Mart 2013

Final Say

• The first thing the leader should care about when he establishes the trust environment is to have an “open and sincere communication” with his surroundings, his inferiors and superiors

• Giving confidence is impossible without self-confidence. Being trustful is impossible without trusting. Being consistent is impossible without being fair.

• If this trust environment isn’t transferred clearly, openly and sincerely, the leadership relationship will be unobtainable.