2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR...

Dear MR Flurry.13.05.2013 I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa on 27.09.2012. I posted it to the address in the trumpet magazine – PO Box 3700, Edmond Oklahoma. This letter to you exposed theft which is going on within the South African leg of the PCG. I heard absolutely nothing of the letter I had sent you, no acknowledgement or confirmation that my letter had reached you. On the Sabbath of the 5 th January 2013 our ministers were back in South Africa from attending the ministerial conference. Mr. Gerry Meaker called me and told me that Mr. Max Rummler wants to see me when he gets to South Africa. MR Rummler arrived in South Africa on the 29 th Jan 2013. I saw MR Rummler at 14H00at Mr. Ghithembe’s home. He had a copy of the letter which I had sent you and it was pretty marked up. Mr. Rummler said that I have a bad attitude and he came to that conclusion through reading the letter which I had sent to you. He claimed that he was given the letter from your hand. I felt a little dubious that he had received it from you as I had not received confirmation of receipt of the aforesaid letter. He explained to me that because the costs of the hall etc., in George for the Feast, is normally more than the funds received from the tithe of the tithe monies, he instructed Mrs. Wakelin to add R50 per day to the cost of each cabana for the South African brethren. He told me that they do the same in Australia and in Fiji. He said that the international brethren which attend the feast in George are charged an extra R100 per day for their cabana because the exchange rate for dollars is pretty good, he also said that if a room in the booked cabana is not occupied an additional R100 would be charged per room per day, the reason being that brethren must not think that they can book a cabana only for themselves. This additional money was imposed on each and every one of those attending the Feast without their knowledge or consent. Wow!!!!!!!!! Why not just rent a hall which is affordable? This is a just a “wonderful” money making scheme which cannot fail. The perfect money laundering plan.Doesn’t have to be declared etc, etc.Next year he will probably load the rates by R200.00 per day – gullible, gullible sheeple, or so he thinks. Well I wouldn’t have known about 1

Transcript of 2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR...

Page 1: 2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR Flurry.13.05.2013 I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa

Dear MR Flurry.13.05.2013

I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa on 27.09.2012. I posted it to the address in the trumpet magazine – PO Box 3700, Edmond Oklahoma. This letter to you exposed theft which is going on within the South African leg of the PCG. I heard absolutely nothing of the letter I had sent you, no acknowledgement or confirmation that my letter had reached you. On the Sabbath of the 5th January 2013 our ministers were back in South Africa from attending the ministerial conference. Mr. Gerry Meaker called me and told me that Mr. Max Rummler wants to see me when he gets to South Africa. MR Rummler arrived in South Africa on the 29th Jan 2013.

I saw MR Rummler at 14H00at Mr. Ghithembe’s home. He had a copy of the letter which I had sent you and it was pretty marked up. Mr. Rummler said that I have a bad attitude and he came to that conclusion through reading the letter which I had sent to you. He claimed that he was given the letter from your hand. I felt a little dubious that he had received it from you as I had not received confirmation of receipt of the aforesaid letter. He explained to me that because the costs of the hall etc., in George for the Feast, is normally more than the funds received from the tithe of the tithe monies, he instructed Mrs. Wakelin to add R50 per day to the cost of each cabana for the South African brethren. He told me that they do the same in Australia and in Fiji. He said that the international brethren which attend the feast in George are charged an extra R100 per day for their cabana because the exchange rate for dollars is pretty good, he also said that if a room in the booked cabana is not occupied an additional R100 would be charged per room per day, the reason being that brethren must not think that they can book a cabana only for themselves. This additional money was imposed on each and every one of those attending the Feast without their knowledge or consent.

Wow!!!!!!!!! Why not just rent a hall which is affordable? This is a just a “wonderful” money making scheme which cannot fail. The perfect money laundering plan.Doesn’t have to be declared etc, etc.Next year he will probably load the rates by R200.00 per day – gullible, gullible sheeple, or so he thinks. Well I wouldn’t have known about the blatant theft of God’s peoples 2 nd tithe monies if MR Meaker hadn’t, by mistake, put the original cabana cost document on the information desk instead of the fraudulently altered one. (Please see the attached document,exhibit D, which is part of the letter I sent to you in 2012, with irrefutable proof of the theft which went on in 2012)

Mr. Rummler said that he did not think it even necessary to let anyone know that an extra amount is being added to the accommodation costs, he brushed over this blatant theft of 2 nd tithe monies from God’s people as if it were nothing. He actually tried to make the theft, fraud and corruption sound quite righteous. Please realize, it’s not the money that is the issue, had the whole affair been administered in an open transparent way there would probably not have been any concerns or questions. I have stayed at Seabreeze for 16 years without any concerns or misgivings, only this last feast has been marred by unrighteousness and theft perpetrated by every one of your South African ministers. I know that we cannot discern between righteousness and unrighteousness, and perhaps I am wrong, but in the world such actions are criminal, and the perpetrator thereof may face a jail term. In large companies, such as the one for which I work, such actions are dealt with under the company’s disciplinary procedure, and such perpetrators are dismissed or may face criminal charges. Mr. Rummler said that it is no secret that he charges more than what the Feast site establishment charges. If it was no secret how come no one knew about it?Not even the Cape Town congregation knew of it – they still don’t know. Some few of the


Page 2: 2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR Flurry.13.05.2013 I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa

brethren in the Johannesburg congregation noted the Collusion only because the Cabana cost document on the info table was the original document from the Seabreeze establishment and then a month and a half later was replaced with the one which was so painstakingly altered. That was done only because I had voiced a concern to Mrs. Wakelin. (What a colossal slip up!Exhibit G&H). Those who noted the huge costing discrepancy chose to keep quiet.Fearful, that if they spoke out, they would be accused of having a government problem and a bad attitude. That’s exactly what MR Rummler accused me of (a bad attitude) right at the outset of our meeting over his theft of the sheeple’s hard earned money, faithfully saved up, in some cases, sacrificed to save it up for the “best Feast ever” at GOD’S Feast of Tabernacles. Fortunately I read the bible, which is the word of God.Even though 2nd tithe is commanded to be saved up by each individual Mr. Rummler has no authority to forcefully and fraudulently lay claim to 2nd tithe monies. The money he overcharged each and every member at the 2012 FOT was not a part of any free will tithe and offering.

Exodus 20:15 say’s “Thou shalt not steal” Does that only apply to the sheeple and not to the ministers? Revelation 21:8say’s “Idolators and all liars will have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death”Idolators is no 1496 in Thayers and refers to “a covetous man, as a worshipper of mammon” Check it out, does he not have ANY fear. We serve a God of judgment, does he know this?John 10:10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

I have been attending the FOT for 16 years now and have always stayed at Seabreeze;it has always been the ministers who have stayed at the King George hotel at probably double the rates of Seabreeze. God’s people have always booked for the feast at venues which fit their saved up 2 nd tithe monies. Not so for the FOT 2012. The brethren were instructed that they may not stay at any venue other than Seabreeze. Whether they could afford it or not was irrelevant. Mr. Rummler explained this, and said that this was done so as to promote fellowship. We all know that the Feast is designed to promote fellowship. There are daily services, activities, luncheons, dinners, get-togethers and cross visits to those brethren staying at different exciting venues. Big fat lie!!!! Does he have no shame? Certain brethren were not able to attend the Feast in 2012 due to finances. Even the Seabreeze rate, without the extra charge added by Mr. Rummler, which the venue charges is more than what some of the brethren can afford.Other of the brethren were prevented from going to the 2012 FOT, I can only think that it may be because he would not sponsor part of the cost for those who could genuinely not afford his inflated Seabreeze rates. Not that I have a problem with the fact that all brethren should be in one place at the Feast, I am all for it. I have always stayed at Seabreeze where many of the brethren book. Should we not care for those who cannot afford the rates? Should we not do our home-work better? After all it is a feast of God, Full of meaning and instruction for us, essential for us to qualify as King Priests in the family of God. WE are the called out ones. For some of the brethren to have missed the Feast because of shoddy planning and inconsideration from the ministers is unacceptable!

Mr. Rummler told me that I should have asked the minister about the discrepancy in the altered cabana costs and it would have been explained to me. I did ask Mr. Trietsch, our deacon, and he had no answer, he was himself perturbed over the issue. In my e-mail correspondence with Mrs. Wakelin it is evident that Mr. Gerry Meaker did have knowledge of my concern as she copied him with the e-mails exchanged between us. ([email protected]) Mr. Wakelin knew of the discrepancy as well because Mr.


Page 3: 2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR Flurry.13.05.2013 I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa

Rummler told me that he had instructed Mrs. Wakelin to add R50 per cabana per day. He would not have given that instruction to Mrs. Wakelin without the knowledge of Mr. Wakelin. I first mentioned in an e-mail – 12.05.2012-to Mrs. Wakelin that the Seabreeze establishment was charging a lower rate than what the PCG was. She did not deem it important at that time to address the cost variance. When I phoned her on 17.05.2012 I asked her why the variance in Cost on the list on the information desk as opposed to the cost in her e-mails to me? She “apparently” had no idea that there was a cost variance and she requested by e-mail that I send her a copy of the list with the lower rates. And her explanation of the cost variance after receiving the original cabana cost document from me:“There has been some confusion about the list of cabana costs – this is not the list that was emailed at the end of MARCH. Mr. Trietsch has been contacted and the correct list will be placed on the information table in Jo’burg tomorrow”That would be Sabbath 19.MAY2012. Note that Mr. Meaker was copied on her email. So that was the explanation of the cost variance from the minister’s office – Denial. (Please see the exhibits G & H on the first letter I sent you –attached above) Mr. Rummler said that if brethren want to stay at a cheaper place for the Feast it is because they “just want to sew fig leaves on themselves, hide from God – alluding to the fact that Adam and Eve sinned, were afraid and wanted to hide. (Refer to notes taken on the study given by Mr. Rummler on 02.02.2013 – attached.)

1 Samuel 2:12 Now the sons of Eli were sons of Belial; they knew not the LORD.13 And the priests’ custom with the people was, that, when any man offered sacrifice, the priest’s servant came, while the flesh was in seething, with a fleshhook of three teeth in his hand;14 And he struck it into the pan, or kettle, or caldron, or pot; all that the fleshhook brought up the priest took for himself. So they did in Shiloh unto all the Israelites that came thither.15 Also before they burnt the fat, the priest’s servant came, and said to the man that sacrificed, Give flesh to roast for the priest; for he will not have sodden flesh of thee, but raw.16 And if any man said unto him, Let them not fail to burn the fat presently, and then take as much as thy soul desireth; then he would answer him, Nay; but thou shalt give it me now: and if not, I will take it by force.17 Wherefore the sin of the young men was very great before the LORD: for men abhorred the offering of the LORD.1 Samuel 2:22 Now Eli was very old, and heard all that his sons did unto all Israel; and how they lay with the women that assembled at the door of the tabernacle of the congregation.1Sam 2:29 Wherefore kick ye at my sacrifice and at mine offering, which I have commanded in my habitation; and honourest thy sons above me, to make yourselves fat with the chiefest of all the offerings of Israel my people?

Eli condoned what his sons were doing to the sheeple.From the days of Eli the priests were stealing tithes and offerings. “The chiefest of the offerings” They took it by force!!!The extra money that was collected by the ministers in the 2012 Seabreeze collusion is not in any way free will tithes and offerings. This was taken by force and without our consent, in deviousness and darkness. It is a criminal act.

Mr. Rummler asked me how I felt about the whole thing and I told him that it has definitely affected me and that I did feel that something sinister was taking place and that I did feel it my duty to report the collusion. I also said to Mr. Rummler that as I had taken the matter to you, Mr. Flurry, that it is a closed chapter in my book regardless of the way I feel about it. Mr. Rummler does not like the word collusion and perhaps that is because it so accurately describes his money laundering schemes. While we are on the subject of money laundering; did you know that a fund raising effort is being brought to fruition and


Page 4: 2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR Flurry.13.05.2013 I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa

all of the proceeds are to be paid into a Capitec bank account,number 1343821183.This account is not the official church account, but is an account in the name of one of the Johannesburg congregation members. One can only wonder!! No obligations to the tax man I am sure, very difficult to officially track what the money gets used for, not officially connected to the PCG, etc, etc, etc. I would say that we could get some excellent tuition in “white collar crime” here

Subsequent to these proceedings; I was phoned by Mr. Ghithembe on the Sabbath of 23 rd March as I was travelling back home after the service. I made a U turn and went back to the hall. Mr. Githembe and Mr. Meaker were present – Mr. Githembe asked me if I still had a problem regarding the 2012 Seabreeze collusion as one of the members had overheard how I and another of the brethren were discussing Seabreeze two weeks previously. I told Mr. Githembe that I could not recall what I discussed with Mr. CB. I called Mr. CB over and he remembered that he was discussing how that he is going to fly down to the feast for 2013 as his vehicle is old and not too trustworthy, and to have a breakdown on the way to the Feast would be a financial disaster for him, especially with the high cabana costs at Seabreeze. Mr. Githembe then dismissed CB and again asked how I feel over the whole Seabreeze issue. I again explained to Mr. Githembe that as I had taken the matter to you it is behind me. I also told him that I have some doubt as to whether you received the letter which I had sent you by post as I did not receive any acknowledgement whatsoever that you were aware of my letter. I told Mr. Githembe that I do have a feeling of betrayal; similar to the sick feeling of one who finds out his wife is committing adultery. I told him that one can get over theft so much easier if it comes from the world, but it is not a light hearted matter when ministers are the perpetrators thereof. I told Mr. Githembe that as I have closed the door on the matter I have to get over the feeling of betrayal with the help of God and that it is a matter which I have to battle out in my head. I told MR. Githembe that I have taken the matter to the highest authority available to me and is behind me.

The “highest authority” meaning yourself, and of course I have prayed about it. I have always been under the impression that your door is always open for the lay-members to bring inconsistencies to your attention. I sent an email to you on the 24 th April 2013 which was the electronic version of the letter which I sent you on 29.09.2012. The address to which I sent the e-mail to is [email protected]. As with the first time I sent you the letter, I haven’t received any confirmation of receipt of the email. Should I then assume that your door remains shut even though I, one of the pipsqueak lay-member sheeple, am knocking at your door? Do you think that I should have kept quiet about the theft from God’s people? Psalms 50:18 when thou sawest a thief, then thou consentedst with him, and hast been partaker with adulterers. Adulterers is no 5003 in Gesenius and “It is applied to the turning away of Israel from the true God to the worship of Idols. (Idols – Mammon – a worshipper of mammon) So this is probably linked to Rev 21:8 this means that a thief will also have his place in the lake of fire. Proverbs 29:24 whoso is partner with a thiefhateth his own soul: he heareth cursing, and bewrayethit not.

On Sunday morning, 24.03.2013 Mr. Ghithembe phoned me and informed me that he had relayed what I had told him, at services, to Mr. Rummler. Mr. Rummler then instructed Mr. Ghithembe to suspend me indefinitely; he told me that Mr. Rummler will be coming to South Africa in June and that I should examine myself in the interim – he told me that as the wound has not healed I would need some time


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for it to heal and Mr. Rummler does not want the “wound” to infect others. I reminded Mr. Githembe that I had shut the door on the matter and that being suspended is, in my opinion, not the way forward for my mind to come to terms with what the ministers had construed. Mr. Ghithembe reminded me that the decision had been taken by Mr. Rummler, and was final. The other reality is that Mr. Rummler, in his bible study to us on2nd.February 2013, told the entire congregation that he had instructed Mrs. Wakelin that a “surcharge” be added on the cabana rates because of insufficient tithe of tithe monies and that the instruction was issued with the “approval” of Mr. Flurry. So with the theft of 2nd tithe monies, now being “legalized” through it being communicated to the congregation in a bible study to all the brethren, why the suspension? How would it be possible for “my wound” to infect anyone? Or is there an underlying reason? Suspension for exposing his near perfect racketeering and money laundering business.That’s a new reason for suspensionI’m sure. I can only wonder. To whom can I go? To whom can I plead my case?Messrs.’ Rummler, Meaker and Ghithembe are adamant that you did receive the letter I sent you in Sept last year. I don’t know, but the silence from you screams and shouts an unsaid message that perhaps you condone this theft and lies from your ministers. Do you?By the way the same bible study message was not given through to the Cape Town congregation, as they are blissfully unaware of what has been going on. I guess where there is no smoke there’s no need to kill a fire hey. I’m sure you know what I mean; in one of Mr. Rummler’s earlier sermons to the congregation in Johannesburg, with shaking jowls,loud threatenings and much gesturing he said that the Johannesburg congregation has a major GOSSIP problem, AND THAT IT MUST STOP.Of course everyone’s knees were shaking after that sermon and then the noticeably fearful whispering started – shucks, the sheeple didn’t know what gossip was and what was not. I wonder how he actually came to the conclusion that we had a “gossip” problem, unless of course he acquired the info through much gossip on his part. In the initial letter to you which I sent in 2012 I mentioned the last sermonette given by Mr. David Fraser. I wrote that Mr. Fraser spoke of grievous wolves coming in – well Mr. Rummler said that he asked a few of the brethren for their notes on that sermonette and he didn’t notice anything to that effect. Talk about Gossip! Well that is why I have scanned and included my noteson that bible study as a part of the 2012 letter which I sent you. (Attachment to this e-mail)

Before this “suspension” thing happened I had invited Mr. Githembe for a visit to my home for a social visit on 28.03.2013. When Mr. Githembe informed me that I am suspended he said that he would, in light of the suspension, not be able to visit with me. This too is a confusing to me, as in Mr. Rummler’s bible study on the 2nd Feb 2013 he said “a suspended member may have as much contact with the ministry as he/she wants. (Notes on study attached)In the Manual “Preparing for the Ministry” by Robert Morton, World wide church of God, 1975 there is a section on disfellowshipped members, page 47: Matthew 18:10-14; Be sure to visit the person within a month to encourage him. There’s no needfor probation periods—once he has repented invite him back. If you’re in doubtas to whether he has fully repented, it’s wise to err on the side of mercy. Bewilling to continue to work with him if he hasn’t repented—if his basic attitudewill allow it.

I wonder if I need to repent of exposing these fraudsters.


Page 6: 2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR Flurry.13.05.2013 I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa

I sent the letter by post before the 2012 FOT, and I kept quiet about the whole sordid affair, I attached 100%, irrefutable proof of the theft in the letter I posted to you . I did not cause dissension nor was I disloyal. I patiently waited for you to take note of this theft occurring in South Africa. Is my abhorrence of the South African minister’s theft contrary to scripture?

Galations4:16 Am I therefore become your enemy, because I tell you the truth?

Should I keep quiet when I know with all my being that foul play is afoot? We have not been taught to keep quiet. What I have put my faith and energy in for the last 17 years seems to be vanity. The vision of this world being filled with the colleges of God seems to falter with the knowledge and reality of ministers deceiving and robbing God’s people. By the way Mr. Rummler is very quick to say “With the approval of Mr. Flurry” I can only wonder. Maybe the same way that “Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart” will I be able to erase this blasphemous betrayal against Gods purity and righteousness. Please do not think in any way that I think that I am above reproach or am righteous. No, I still have a long way to go;I am nowhere near to being squeaky clean and I live with the fact that I am but just a dirty rag. I know it and God knows it. But, if it is true that ministers are allowed to steal and get away with it, what then? How can it ever ever be, that the work of God become adulterated, degraded and downright blasphemous? No No No, not Gods shepherds, it cannot happen! Not the shepherds who hear god’s voice and shepherd his flock of sheep.

What a wonderful government if delivered in righteousness, and on the other hand what an oppressive enslaving government if enforced in unrighteousness.

Most of Gods people cower in fear, and will not bring this and other matters to your attention. It’s against government you know, and too much talk constitutes gossip. But as God forgives and blots out transgression so we are to do the same, but I will not keep quiet about corruption, fraud and theft. I’ve already forgiven it, but I shall not hide it. Where shall I flee to from Gods spirit? God’s eyes have seen my substance in imperfection, my members are written in his book.

Thank you Mr. Flurry, for sending Mr. David Fraser to us, he was with us for a very short while andthe excellent example of a true minister of God was exciting and vibrant to us here in Johannesburg. We saw in him how continuing generations will remain in Gods work and church, how the brethren started knitting together in unity and love. So many of our youngsters leave Gods work, what we are doing wrong? I saw him as a teacher and a leader with Gods word in his mouth for every situation and event. A minister who went out of his way to get to know each and every one of us intimately, who made us feel what is meant by spiritual family, becoming one with God and each other. In the short while he was with us he pushed Gods work forward in such a way as to get us intoxicated with and acutely aware of how God surges forward with his work through a loyal and obedient minister. He started raising up numerous projects and we started to really feel that we were an integral part of the HQ work. He really managed to instill the vision of a world living in righteousness and peace with thousands of Gods colleges dotting the earth, with Sabbath services being held in every city and town – looking to Jerusalem for leadership. Oh as I write this a feeling of absolute excitement which brings tears to my eyes fills my heart. What a wonderful world awaits mankind under God the Fathers and Jesus Christ’s righteous government. Please


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enforce that righteous government throughout God’s work. You have the responsibility and opportunity to do just that.

Let it be known that not one of any of your other ministers has ever come to visit socially at my home with the intension of getting to know me or my wife, other than Mr. David Fraser. “Preparing for the Ministry” by Robert Morton, World wide church of God, 1975, pages 40-43 admonishes a minister to get to know each and every lamb in his flock, and explains in detail how they should go about doing it. These ministers here in South Africa clearly have no idea what Mr. Armstrong actually taught. In actual fact in 2002 I was assaulted underground (on the mine where I worked) I sustained a fractured skull and was off work for three months. When I was admitted to hospital my wife phoned MR Meaker for an anointing cloth. Guess what he told her? – “Alex must request an anointing cloth himself” For the first day I was unconscious and for probably the next week after the assault I was in no state to request an anointing cloth. My wife was in tears when she went to the deacon, and he somehow got an anointing cloth for my wife to give to me. That incident destroyed my wife’ faith in God’s work, and was a deciding factor in her opting to leave God’s work. I always asked her to look past the man and to look at what God is doing. MR Meaker did not even take the time to come and visit me when I was in hospital,and now he condones the theft of 2nd tithe monies, what a poor, pathetic,example of a minister of God!!

On the 21st of January 2013 I booked and paid ahead for the 17 th of September 2013 at sea Breeze. Seabreeze charged me R660 for the one night, which is one night before the 2013 FOT starts. On the 2 nd

May 2013 I received an SMS on my cell phone from MR Githembe, here are his exact words: “Good evening Mr. Foster, I hope all is going on with you. Are you planning to use your bookingat Sea Breeze Cabanas on 17th Sept 2013? May you have a good night?”What would a minister mean by those words? I’ve never missed a feast since I joined the PCG in 1997. Am I planning to use my booking at Seabreeze!!!!!!! Is that a joke or what? Hahaha, shall we all have a good laugh. Well the message his SMS sends is loud and clear – seeing as I have exposed these sons of Belial and they have turfed me out of their racketeering club - they don’t expect me to be at the feast – because no doubt it is a foregone decision by Mr. Rummler. When I contacted Mr. Ghithembe regarding his SMS to me he told me that as I am suspended I may not book at Seabreeze for the 2013 FOT, and that he will put me on the list of people for Mr. Rummler to visit when he gets to South Africa in June. God has commanded that we be at his FOT, so should I, in this regard listen to a man or should I applyActs 5:29? “Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said,we ought to obey God rather than men.” Make no mistake; I will be at God’s FOT.

May their God bless their racketeering and money laundering club.

Oh God please help me to find where the lion of Judah is working!

If this mail does not get to you I certainly hope that one of those who do receive it will forward it on to you.

As with the last two times when I knocked on your door – I do not expect your creaking door to swing open upon its rusty hinges, or any acknowledgement from you of your receiving this e-mail. Just sweep it under the rug, out of sight out of mind, and by turning a blind eye and denying it long enough it will surely fade away into oblivion. Eli is a good example of that.


Page 8: 2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR Flurry.13.05.2013 I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa

I again attach my initial letter to you which containsirrefutable proof of the money laundering.

One other recent issue which in my mind is quite confusing is the fact that in Mr. Ghithembe’s sermon to us on 23.03.2013 he said; “It is not commanded that we eat unleavened bread for every day of the days of ULB as some brethren don’t like ULB, but it is good to eat ULB every day” Wow, is this new revelation or what? There are several scriptures which command that ULB be eaten for seven days. So do we follow what a man say’s or do we follow what the word say’s? This is confusion.

Exodus 12:15 Seven days shall ye eat unleavenedbread; even the first day ye shall put away leaven out of your houses: for whosoever eateth leavened bread from the first day until the seventh day, that soul shall be cut off from Israel.Numbers 28:17 And in the fifteenth day of this month is the feast: seven days shall unleavenedbread be eaten.

Ezekiel 34:19-2419 Andas for my flock, they eat that which ye have trodden with your feet; and they drink that which ye

have fouled with your feet.20 Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD unto them; Behold, I, even I, will judge between the fat cattle and

between the lean cattle.21 Because ye have thrust with side and with shoulder, and pushed all the diseased with your horns, till

ye have scattered them abroad;22 Therefore will I save my flock, and they shall no more be a prey; and I will judge between cattle and

cattle.23 And I will set up one shepherd over them, and he shall feed them, even my servant David; he shall

feed them, and he shall be their shepherd.24 And I the LORD will be their God, and my servant David a prince among them; I the LORD have

spoken it.

It seems to me that the fat cattle and the lean cattle refer to the ministers

I look forward to the days mentioned here in Ezekiel 34, God will surely Judge between those ministers who scatter his flock, David will be a prince among us and will be our shepherd. The shepherd of Gods flock of sheep! David knows how to save a lamb from the mouth of the lion and out of the paw of the bear. The pasture which we will eat and drink will not be fouled and muddied by the fat and lean cattle ever again.

Your faithful servant,

Alex Foster

Ps: We have always been encouraged to reduce our standard of living, reduce our debt and have at least six months emergency savings as back up in a bank account. I reconthat it would be quite wise if you owned your own home as you would not have that monthly rental to pay. If you had to pay a monthly rental that could be considered a monthly debt. Currently just to rent a modest home would cost in the region of R6000 per month. So now I speak for other brethren in the congregation: MR. Rummler has instructed MRS T d W, who is a widow, and he has instructed MRS B M, also a widow, to sell their fully


Page 9: 2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR Flurry.13.05.2013 I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa

paid up homes. Neither of the two ladiesfeels that it is the right thing to do and is actually quite concerned about the “wise” counsel given by the Wizard of OZ.

Isaiah 10:1 ¶ Woe unto them that decree unrighteous decrees and that write grievousness which they have prescribed;

2 To turn aside the needy from judgment, and to take away the right from the poor of my people, that widows may be their prey, and that they may rob the fatherless!

3 And what will ye do in the day of visitation, and in the desolation which shall come from far? to whom will ye flee for help? and where will ye leave your glory?

Matthew 23:14 Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! Forye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretence make long prayer: therefore ye shall receive the greater damnation.

Not my words MR Flurry! When God say’s “My People” who is he actually talking about? THOSE DOING HIS WORK OF COURSE!! Definitely Isaiah 10:3 refers to an end time event – the Tribulation! These verses apply to the time in which we are living today. You don’t believe me? Take the time to check Isaiah 10:5 O Assyrian, the rod of mine anger, and the staff in their hand is mine indignation.

Why would God group the tribulation and widows in the same thought?

But this is just the tip of the iceberg – I cannot speak for others, I hope that those who gain accessto this letter will have courage to stand up against the evil. Here is much abomination going on that you do not know about – or maybe you do.

Please refer to the second attachment to this email to view my notes on the bible study which the wizard of Oz gave to us on 2nd Feb 2013 in an attempt to justify his filthy financial mismanagement and collusion.

A word of caution to your ministers: should I find out that they announce anything untoward concerning meor of my status in God’s church to the brethrenI shall disregard 1 Corinthians 6:1 Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?And I shall certainly lay criminal charges against them for their racketeering and money laundering.




Page 10: 2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR Flurry.13.05.2013 I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa


Page 11: 2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR Flurry.13.05.2013 I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa


Page 12: 2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR Flurry.13.05.2013 I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa


Page 13: 2 to MR fl…  · Web viewDear MR Flurry.13.05.2013 I sent a letter to you by post and mailed it from Nigel, South Africa