2. Salary — Salary Increase - State of Connetquot (2) Effective July 1 ... School application. 5....

5/22/14 8:40 am. MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT Except as modified herein, the contract between the BOARD OF EDUCATION, CONNETQUOT CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT and the CONNETQUOT TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, expiring June 30, 2012, shall remain in full force and effect. This memorandum shall be subject to ratification by the Board of Education and the membership of the unit. The parties' respective negotiating teams agree to recommend such ratification to their principals. 1. Term - July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2017 2. Salary Article XVIII — Section 2 - Paragraph A — Salary Increase — Delete and substitute as follows: (1) Effective July 1, 2012 — the 2011/12 salary schedule shall be improved by 0%, plus increment (2) Effective July 1, 2013 — the 2012/13 salary schedule shall be improved by 0%, plus increment (3) Effective July 1, 2014 — the 2013/14 salary schedule shall be improved by 1.2%. Teachers entitled to move on step shall receive one-half (1/2) of the scheduled step increase pursuant to the attached schedule. (4) Effective July 1, 2015 — the 2014/15 salary schedule shall be improved by 1.2%. Teachers entitled to move on step shall receive the remaining one-half (1/2) of the step increase pursuant to the attached schedule. (5) Effective July 1, 2016 — the 2015/16 salary schedule shall be improved by 0%, plus increment For the purpose of clarification regarding step movement, a teacher on Step 5 during 13/14 shall receive an amount equal to one-half (1/2) the value of the increment between Step 5 and Step 6 during 14/15 and shall move to Step 6 during 15/16. Normal step movement resumes effective July 1, 2016. During those years where one-half (1/2) step movement is provided, teachers on unpaid leaves of absence for more than one semester shall not be credited with service time for the period of said leave and, upon return, one-half (1/2) step movement shall be 80-20-192904 - MOA 2012-2017 Teacher Negotiations_ 2012 2011_2012 CNQT 30_

Transcript of 2. Salary — Salary Increase - State of Connetquot (2) Effective July 1 ... School application. 5....

5/22/14 8:40 am.


Except as modified herein, the contract between the BOARD OF EDUCATION, CONNETQUOT CENTRAL SCHOOL DISTRICT and the CONNETQUOT TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION, expiring June 30, 2012, shall remain in full force and effect.

This memorandum shall be subject to ratification by the Board of Education and the membership of the unit. The parties' respective negotiating teams agree to recommend such ratification to their principals.

1. Term - July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2017

2. Salary — Article XVIII — Section 2 - Paragraph A — Salary Increase — Delete and substitute as follows:

(1) Effective July 1, 2012 — the 2011/12 salary schedule shall be improved by 0%, plus increment

(2) Effective July 1, 2013 — the 2012/13 salary schedule shall be improved by 0%, plus increment

(3) Effective July 1, 2014 — the 2013/14 salary schedule shall be improved by 1.2%. Teachers entitled to move on step shall receive one-half (1/2) of the scheduled step increase pursuant to the attached schedule.

(4) Effective July 1, 2015 — the 2014/15 salary schedule shall be improved by 1.2%. Teachers entitled to move on step shall receive the remaining one-half (1/2) of the step increase pursuant to the attached schedule.

(5) Effective July 1, 2016 — the 2015/16 salary schedule shall be improved by 0%, plus increment

For the purpose of clarification regarding step movement, a teacher on Step 5 during 13/14 shall receive an amount equal to one-half (1/2) the value of the increment between Step 5 and Step 6 during 14/15 and shall move to Step 6 during 15/16. Normal step movement resumes effective July 1, 2016.

During those years where one-half (1/2) step movement is provided, teachers on unpaid leaves of absence for more than one semester shall not be credited with service time for the period of said leave and, upon return, one-half (1/2) step movement shall be

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provided for a period equivalent to that served by teachers on active service. Similarly, the one-half (1/2) step moves set forth above shall apply to new hires during 14/15 and/or 15/16 so as to require that in the first two years of employment said new hires shall move a total of one step.

Except as referred to herein regarding new hires and unit members on leaves of absence, the parties expressly agree that effective July 1, 2016 and thereafter, full step movement shall resume.

Horizontal Advancement (lane movement) — Section 5, Paragraph Fourth — Delete all from "July 1, 2010" and substitute:

Effective July 1, 2014 and thereafter, advancement for courses or degrees completed prior to September 1 st shall be effective September 1 st . Advancement for courses or degrees completed between September 1 St and February 1 St, shall be effective February 1 St . Salary adjustments shall be prospective only and shall be effective as of September 1 St or February 1 st following the completion of the course provided evidence from the institution of successful completion of the course(s) is provided prior to October 1 st for September advancement and prior to March 1 st for February advancement. Failure to provide such evidence within the above time limits will delay horizontal advancement until the September 1 st or February 1 st following such provision. Teachers shall be allowed to move horizontally only one time per year.

3. Promotions — Article IX, Section 2(A) — Notice of Promotional Positions — First sentence — Add "and sent to bargaining unit members via school district email.";

Section 4 — Extra Pay Positions — First Sentence — Add "and a copy of the posting is emailed to all unit members."

4. Teacher Load — Article XII — District E-mail and Parent Portal - Add new Sections 11 and 12 as follows:

Section 11

The District shall establish e-mail accounts for unit members and, if needed, shall provide appropriate training in using the District's e-mail software. Access to computers for this purpose shall be made available in each building. Acknowledging that some parent/ caregivers may prefer to initiate contact with unit members via email, the unit member will respond to such contacts made to them via their District email address, by telephone, or by any other appropriate method as promptly as possible, but within two (2) school days from accessing email. Unit members may, in their reply, invite parents/caregivers to make an appointment to meet with them personally or speak to them by telephone when the subject matter is deemed to be sensitive in nature.

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Unit members shall not, in any event, be required to engage in protracted back-and-forth email exchanges with individual parents on the same subject matter, or be required to respond via email that includes time sensitive matters.

Unit members will be expected to check their assigned District email address for messages from the District, building administration, and parents/caregivers on a daily (school day) basis when unit members are in attendance and will be required to respond within two school days upon their return.

The District will ensure the use of appropriate SPAM filters and will not electronically publish the email directory.

Section 12

All middle school and high school unit member teachers will be required to use the electronic grade book in the District's current student management system, or any other similar replacement system that may subsequently be purchased by the District. All middle school and high school teachers will be required to use the electronic grade book for report cards, test grades and assessments. Middle school and high school teachers shall not be required to maintain a paper grade book in addition to the electronic grade book. Assessments will be entered into the system as soon as practicable after the assessment is graded, but not later than two (2) weeks thereafter. Assessments will include, but are not limited to, tests, quizzes, lab results, grades on homework assignments, projects and any other body of work that contribute to a child's quarterly, semester and/or final grade. The District recognizes the value of electronic homework posting. However, teachers shall not be required to post homework on the electronic grade book or a teacher website. The District will provide training in the use of this e= School application.

5. Dental Insurance — Article XXII, Section 1— Add as follows:

The District shall contribute a combined total of $345,000 to the Dental and Vision plans. All remaining funds of the District's total contribution toward the dental and vision plans in a given plan year shall roll over to the following plan year.

Effective July 1, 2014 and thereafter, the District shall contribute a total of $261,000 annually to a dental plan selected by CTA. The $261,000 contribution shall be adjusted annually based on whether the cost of the Vision Plan increases or decreases. In the event the cost of the Vision Plan increases, the contribution of the dental plan shall decrease by the same amount (e.g. vision plan $87,000, dental plan $258,000). In the event the cost of the Vision Plan decreases, the contribution to the dental plan shall increase by the same amount (e.g. vision plan $80,000, dental plan $265,000). The plan shall be of a self-insured (by District)/third party administrator format. The total cost of said plan shall be supported by an initial contribution of $600 by all unit

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members participating in family coverage. This contribution shall be made in equal installments via payroll deduction.

On April 1 st of each year (or the first workday thereafter) CTA shall provide the District with a report from the administrator of the plan with the total claims up until that date. CTA will also provide a report from the administrator as to the projected claims against the plan for the remainder of the school year. In the event the projected claims exceed the unexpended portion of the total District contribution for that school year, an additional contribution from each member participating in the family dental plan shall be deducted in equal installments from the remaining paychecks in that school year. The amount of the deduction from each such participant shall be determined by dividing the total projected claims in excess of the required District contribution by the number of unit members participating in family dental coverage.

In the event the combined contribution from the District and participating employees exceeds the cost of claims, the excess, measured as of June 30 , shall be deposited in a District Trust and Agency account for the purpose of offsetting the cost of employee contribution in a succeeding year should claims against the plan exceed the District's total contribution for that school year.

Section 2 - Health Insurance — Paragraph B — Paragraph after percentages beginning with "Bargaining unit members..." - Delete "whose effective dates of retirement are between July 1, 2007 and June 30, 2012, and"; Delete "Notwithstanding any provisions of the so-called Triborough Law or Doctrine to the contrary, this provision shall sunset effective June 30, 2012."

Section 2 — Health Insurance — Paragraph C — Add new Subparagraph 5 as follows:

The New York State Department of Civil Service's Memorandum of May 15, 2012, Number 122r3, purports to prohibit health insurance buy outs (receiving a payment for dropping health insurance coverage) where a spouse is covered by the New York State Health Insurance Plan ("NYSHIP).

Pending final resolution of current litigation, the District shall enforce the rule as set forth in the May 15, 2012 memorandum effective January 1, 2015.

In the event the rule is ultimately declared to be unenforceable in the above-referenced litigation or other litigation, employees who elected not to participate in the district's health insurance plan (other than through the plan of a spouse) shall be eligible for the benefit of this paragraph retroactive to January 1, 2015 or such other date finally determined by the Court or legislative action. In the event the rule set forth in the NYSHIP Memorandum Number 122r3 is ultimately upheld, this provision shall be deemed amended so as to be consistent with said rule.

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Add New Section 6 — Vision Insurance as follows:

Effective July 1, 2014 and thereafter, the District shall contribute a total of $84,000 annually to a vision plan selected by CTA. The contribution rate shall be adjusted annually so that the plan is fully funded by the District. Any additional cost above and beyond the $84,000 contribution to the vision plan by the District shall be subtracted from the $261,000 contribution made by the District to the dental plan set forth in Section 1 of this article.

6. Retirement Incentive — Article XXIV — Paragraph C — Delete and substitute as follows:

The benefit shall be paid not later than July 5 th of the year of resignation, in a lump sum pursuant to the memorandum of agreement dated May, 2014 (attached as Appendix B) regarding 403(b) contributions. In the event the lump sum exceeds the maximum non-elective employer contribution for the given year, such additional monies shall be deposited as a non-elective employer contribution consistent with Appendix B.

Paragraph E — Delete and substitute as follows:

For those members not eligible for said incentive outlined in Paragraph A of this Article, when a teacher shall notify the Superintendent, in writing, of his/her planned retirement one (1) year in advance, ten percent (10%) of the employee's then current salary shall be deposited as a non-elective employer contribution to the 403(b) plan

5 th consistent with Appendix B. The benefit shall be paid not later than July -t of year of resignation.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have set their hands and seals this Mai., day of j_a__ , 2014.

Ronald Smith. Ed.D. Interim Superintendent of Schools Connetquot CSD

Tony Felicio, Jr. President, Connetquot Teachers' Assn.

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