2 Habits That Stop Natural HGH Production



http://www.hghmagazine.com/2-habits-that-immediately-stop-natural-hgh-production/ - It would be safe to say that we are creatures of habit, right? What if we told you there are two habits you might have that are shutting down your natural production of growth hormones. The nice part is – they’re easy to fix! #1 – Don’t Eat Sugar Two Hours After Working Out A high sugar meal after working out, or even a recovery drink (containing high sugar) after working out, will stop the benefits of exercise induced HGH. You can work out for hours, then eat a high sugar candy bar or have a high sugar energy drink, and this will shut down the synergistic benefits of HGH. Even before working out, a high sugar meal will slightly impair HGH, but after training, consider your exercise-induced HGH production stopped dead in its tracks. If you miss reaching HGH release during working out, you will still receive the calorie burning benefit from the workout. However, you’ll miss the HGH “synergy bonus” of enhanced fat burning for two hours after working out. This is an extremely important fact to remember if you want to cut body fat and shed a few pounds. The University of Virginia research team demonstrated that carbohydrates are burned during exercise in direct proportion to the intensity of training. Fat burning is also correlated with intensity. However, the actual fat burning takes place after the workout, during the recovery. This makes the “Synergy Window,” the 2 hour period after a workout, very important in maximizing HGH, once it’s released during exercise. Research shows that carbohydrates starts the protein synthesis recovery process faster than without carbohydrates. There are several studies involving young cyclist who compete for several days back-to-back, and quick recovery is their priority, not maximizing HGH. If you are middle-age and want all the benefits from exercise induced HGH, then it would be wise to apply this strategy. #2 – Don’t Eat Carbohydrates 90 Minutes Before Going to Bed Growth hormone status is especially dependent on sleep, more specifically deep REM sleep, because a major growth hormone surge occurs during the first 30-70 minutes after falling asleep. Disturbed or disrupted sleep can cause growth hormone output to be reduced or worse, aborted. Carbohydrates can disrupt AND disturb your nighttime HGH output. Carbohydrates are a primary trigger for insulin. HGH and insulin are not cooperative hormones, they do not like each other. If you go to bed with carbohydrates in your stomach this will raise your blood sugar which causes insulin to be secreted. Studies have show that fasting prior to sleep can heighten sleep-related growth hormone output. Therefore, based on all the evidence in both the sleeping and waking state, going to bed with a belly-full of carbs is hormonally unwise and may diminish, if not nullify, nighttime growth hormone release.

Transcript of 2 Habits That Stop Natural HGH Production

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2 Activities That START or STOPNatural HGH (human growth hormone)

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Of Exercise Induced HGHIf You Want ALL The Benefits

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BEFORE Working OutDon’t Eat A High Fat Meal

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DURING Work OutsDo Drink Lots Of Water

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AFTER Working OutDon’t Eat Sugar For 2 Hours

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AFTER Working OutDo Eat 25 Grams of Protein

Protein supplement - 1 scoop Chicken / Fish / Beef - 4 oz. Nutritional yeast - 8 tbs. Beef/Turkey jerky - 1 cup Water packed tuna - 6 oz. Eggs - 3

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ImportantAt Night

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BEFORE Going To BedDon’t Eat Carbs 90 Minutes

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Maximizing Natural HGHConclusion

Before Working Out - no high fat meals 1 hour before During Working Out - drink lots of water After Working Out - no sugar for 2 hours After Working Out - consume 25 grams of protein At Night - no refined carbs 90 minutes before bed

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