2 Gosp…  · Web view8/8/2020  · Continue abajo para español. ... The Greek...

Continue abajo para español. "When He disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, and He cured their sick." From today's Gospel, MT 14:13-21 . If we reflect on the history of our salvation, we will find miracles and events that fill us with awe and wonder, that only an almighty God can perform. Events such as the flooding of the entire earth with water, dividing the Red Sea in half, and of course resurrecting the dead. However, God didn't do any of these extraordinary things to prove His power. All of His actions were made for us to grow closer to Him. God did the “impossible” just to establish a relationship with us! How important we are for Him! Sadly, sometimes we can forget that God is not only an almighty being but also a person: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one perfect community. In today’s Gospel we find Jesus receiving the news that John the Baptist had been killed, and He withdraws to a deserted place. Jesus is visibly affected by this because He loved John the Baptist, and just like we can experience the sadness of a loved one passing, so did Jesus. We also read that the crowds followed Him and when He saw them His heart was moved with pity for them. The Greek translation used for pity in this scripture passage was the word "splagchnizomai", which refers to a person’s internal

Transcript of 2 Gosp…  · Web view8/8/2020  · Continue abajo para español. ... The Greek...

Page 1: 2 Gosp…  · Web view8/8/2020  · Continue abajo para español. ... The Greek translation used for pity in this scripture passage was the word "splagchnizomai",

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"When He disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, and He cured their sick." From today's Gospel, MT 14:13-21.

If we reflect on the history of our salvation, we will find miracles and events that fill us with awe and wonder, that only an almighty God can perform. Events such as the flooding of the entire earth with water, dividing the Red Sea in half, and of course resurrecting the dead. However, God didn't do any of these extraordinary things to prove His power. All of His actions were made for us to grow closer to Him. God did the “impossible” just to establish a relationship with us! How important we are for Him! Sadly, sometimes we can forget that God is not only an almighty being but also a person: Father, Son and Holy Spirit, one perfect community. 

In today’s Gospel we find Jesus receiving the news that John the Baptist had been killed, and He withdraws to a deserted place. Jesus is visibly affected by this because He loved John the Baptist, and just like we can experience the sadness of a loved one passing, so did Jesus. We also read that the crowds followed Him and when He saw them His heart was moved with pity for them. The Greek translation used for pity in this scripture passage was the word "splagchnizomai", which refers to a person’s internal organs. What Jesus felt was a gut-wrenching compassion, a very strong and deep reaction. He reacted to the people's desire to be with Him, to see Him, many of them needed Him to cure them. He cured those that were sick, and He fed them.

Page 2: 2 Gosp…  · Web view8/8/2020  · Continue abajo para español. ... The Greek translation used for pity in this scripture passage was the word "splagchnizomai",

He spent time with them. Jesus was truly human as well as divine. He loved them. Loving is not something that you can improvise, on the contrary, love requires a relationship. Jesus loved everyone because everyone around Him mattered and He had a relationship with them daily. 

In the present world, Jesus has not changed at all, He still feels sad when we struggle, He rejoices when we accomplish new things, but most importantly He loves us. Jesus is about relationships, and this is not just a spiritual statement but truthfully a real one. Just like you have a relationship with your spouse, friends and neighbors, we can also have a relationship with our Lord. Just like we spend time talking to our loved one, we can also spend time talking to our Lord, and this is how we get to know Him. He even comes to us in the Eucharist at every Mass, so that we can have that intimacy in which He gives His complete self to us. 

Let us keep in mind that knowing the name of a person doesn't mean we know the person. What do they like? What makes them sad? What makes them happy? We cannot know any of these things just by knowing someone’s name, but only by getting to know the person. The same applies to Jesus, do we only know His name? Have we gotten to know Him deeply? What does He like? What makes Him sad? What makes Him happy? So today when we approach the Eucharist, during our time of communion let’s proclaim our desire to have a relationship with Him and say: “Jesus I want to know You”. Although we will never come to know Him completely while on earth, we can discover something new about Him each day. Although we may not know Him completely, we are completely known to Him. He will make Himself visible to us in all the little things of our lives and will work many miracles if we let Him. And just like the Holy Trinity is a perfect community, so one day we may be in perfect communion with Him. 

We recommend Our God's Brother: The Story of St. Albert Chmielowski on FORMED, a film you can watch with your family based on a play written by Karol Wojtyla (St John Paul II). It portrays beautifully the relationship we are called to have with God and those around us. 

Page 3: 2 Gosp…  · Web view8/8/2020  · Continue abajo para español. ... The Greek translation used for pity in this scripture passage was the word "splagchnizomai",

"Cuando Jesús desembarcó, vio aquella muchedumbre, se compadeció de ella y curó a los enfermos." Del Evangelio de hoy, Mt 14, 13-21.

Si reflexionamos sobre la historia de nuestra salvación, encontraremos milagros y eventos que nos llenarán de asombro, que sólo un Dios todopoderoso puede realizar. Eventos como el diluvio en toda la tierra, dividir el Mar Rojo por la mitad y, por supuesto, la resurrección de los muertos. Sin embargo, Dios no hizo ninguna de estas cosas extraordinarias para probar su poder. Todas sus acciones fueron hechas para acercarnos más a Él. ¡Dios hizo lo "imposible" solo para establecer una relación con nosotros! ¡Qué importantes somos para Él! Tristemente, a veces podemos olvidar que Dios no es solo un ser todopoderoso sino también una persona: Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, una comunidad perfecta.

En el Evangelio de hoy encontramos a Jesús recibiendo la noticia de que Juan el Bautista había sido asesinado, y se retira a un lugar desierto. Jesús se ve visiblemente afectado por esto porque amaba a Juan el Bautista, y así como podemos experimentar la tristeza de un ser querido que fallece, también lo hizo Jesús. También leemos que las multitudes lo siguieron y cuando los vio, su corazón se conmovió por ellos. La traducción griega usada para comparecer en este pasaje de las Escrituras es la palabra "splagchnizomai", que se refiere a los órganos internos de una persona. Lo que Jesús sintió fue una compasión desgarradora, una reacción muy fuerte y profunda. Reaccionó al deseo de la gente de estar con Él, de verlo, muchos de ellos lo necesitaban para curarlos. Él curó a los enfermos y los alimentó, pasó tiempo con ellos. Jesús era verdaderamente humano además de divino, y los amaba profundamente. Amar no es algo que puedas improvisar, por el contrario, el amor requiere una relación. Jesús amaba a todos porque todos a su alrededor importaban y tenía una relación con ellos todos los días.

En el mundo actual, Jesús no ha cambiado en absoluto, todavía se siente triste cuando nos tropezamos, se regocija cuando logramos cosas nuevas, pero lo más importante es que nos ama. Lo principal de la vida Cristiana es una relacion con Jesus,  y no es solamente algo espiritual, sino una realidad. Al igual que uno tiene una relación con un esposo o esposa, amigos y vecinos, también podemos tener una relación con nuestro Señor. Al igual que pasamos tiempo hablando con nuestro ser querido, también podemos

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pasar tiempo hablando con nuestro Señor, y así es como lo conocemos. Incluso viene a nosotros en la Eucaristía en cada misa, para que podamos tener esa intimidad en la que nos da su ser completo.

Tengamos en cuenta que saber el nombre de una persona no significa que la conozcamos.  ¿Que les gusta? ¿Qué los pone tristes? ¿Qué los hace felices? No podemos conocer ninguna de estas cosas simplemente conociendo el nombre de alguien, requiere un pleno conocimiento personal. Lo mismo se aplica a Jesús, ¿Sabemos más que su nombre? ¿Hemos llegado a conocerlo profundamente? ¿Qué le gusta? ¿Qué lo pone triste? ¿Qué lo hace feliz? Así que hoy, cuando nos acercamos a la Eucaristía, durante nuestro tiempo de comunión, proclamemos nuestro deseo de tener una relación con Él y digamos: "Jesús, quiero conocerte". Aunque nunca llegaremos a conocerlo completamente mientras estamos en la tierra, podemos descubrir algo nuevo acerca de Él cada día. Él se hará visible para nosotros en todas las pequeñas cosas de nuestras vidas y obrará muchos milagros si lo dejamos. Y al igual que la Santísima Trinidad es una comunidad perfecta, un día podremos estar en perfecta comunión con Él también.

Le recomendamos ver la pelicula Juan Pablo II    en FORMED, con su familia. Basada en la vida de nuestro Papa Juan Pablo II, en la que se puede apreciar la relacion que el tuvo con Dios y con el resto de las personas a las que fue llamado a servir.