£2 - Barony Players

www.baronyplayers.co.uk If you are interested in finding out more about ‘The Big Project’, please speak to any one of our members or pick up one of our flyers in the coffee room. Printed by JMK Prinng, Mill Road Industrial Estate, Linlithgow. 01506 847840 £2

Transcript of £2 - Barony Players


If you are interested in finding out more about ‘The Big Project’, please speak

to any one of our members or pick up one of our flyers in the coffee room.

Printed by JMK Printing, Mill Road Industrial Estate, Linlithgow. 01506 847840



Welcome everyone to our Spring 2017 production of “The Real Inspector Hound”

by Tom Stoppard.

“The Real Inspector Hound” is a classic in the repertoire of British theatre. Written

in the early 60s it draws on Stoppard’s experience of being a theatre critic in Bristol.

The play premiered in 1968 at the Criterion Theatre in London with a cast that

included Richard Briers, Ronnie Barker, the original Poldark Robin Ellis

and Josephine Tewson from “Keeping Up Appearances” . The Barony Players are

delighted to be following in such illustrious footsteps and having seen rehearsals I

know we’ll give the original a run for their money.

We entered the Scottish Community Drama Association One Act Play competition

back in February with our version, and were delighted to be placed second in the

competition. We had the challenge of moving from the Barony stage (a well-known

space) to the Village Hall in Fintry. The Players rose to the challenge and we set off

with our set, props and costumes in the back of our cars – “The Barony Players On


We hope you enjoy the play – sit back and be entertained by this improbable farce.

Our Winter Production will be “The Flint Street Nativity” and more details will

follow later in the year.

We have had a busy time since our last production “My Boy Jack” and its all

reported in our newest newsletter – do pick up a copy while you are in the theatre.

Wishing you all a sunny and happy summer.

Wendy Turner— The Chair of The Barony Players


The Barony

Youth Theatre

Amy Grieve, Youth Theatre Director

The Barony Youth Theatre are looking for new members to join

our crazy team!

If you have a passion for either performing or technical theatre

arts and are aged between 9 and 17 then come along on Tuesday

nights from 7pm—9pm at The Barony Theatre, Bo’ness.

Tonight’s Programme

Turning Point by Judy Barker

Two middle aged sisters who live together, decide to go for a quiet Sunday afternoon drive. They take a wrong turn at a crossroads and in doing so, think they see something they shouldn’t and are witness to a sinister event. After arriving back home, the worried sisters try to decide what to do, and whether or not they did witness something – or did they?

The Real Inspector Hound by Tom Stoppard

The plot follows two theatre critics named Moon and Birdboot who

are watching a ludicrous setup of a country house murder mystery, in

the style of a whodunit. By chance, they become involved in the action

causing a series of events that parallel the play they are watching. It is

a parody of the stereotypical parlor mystery in the style of Agatha

Christie's "The Mousetrap" as well as of the critics watching the play,

with their personal desires and obsessions interwoven into their

bombastic and pompous reviews.


The Directors

Judy Barker—Director, Turning Point (and Mrs Drudge in The Real

Inspector Hound)

Judy has been acting since coming to Scotland 31 years ago. She

joined the local amateur dramatics club because she didn’t know

anyone, and now she is always planning ways of escaping for the

weekend because she knows everyone, so life is hectic! Known

to her friends as Dame Judy, she has played a variety of roles

ranging from Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple, to being a chicken in

a pantomime – one of her best roles, she says! Judy has also

acted in a revised version of Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night

in Stratford on Avon – in the gardens in The Dell though, not

quite in the theatre, but she’s getting closer! Her ambition has

always been to get a 25-year contract with The Archers, her favourite radio soap. She’s

always thought she’d be a much better Linda Snell than the actress who plays her. However,

as time is running short, she’d be happy with a 5-year one now. As Mrs. Drudge, Judy feels

she is playing a role created just for her as she says she knows her place in society. The sort

of character part she loves to play.

Craig Lowe—Director, The Real Inspector Hound

Craig has been involved in amateur dramatics for over a

quarter of a century, both on and off stage. He holds an

honours degree in Dramatic Arts, specialising in

Playwriting, and has written dialogue for a professional

play produced in London. He credits the Barony for being

responsible for meeting his wife, when they were both

involved in a production of 'The Winter's Tale'. He is very

proud of his cast and would like to thank everyone

involved in helping him bring one of his favourite plays to

the Barony stage.

Claire Withnell—Cynthia Muldoon

After joining the Barony last year, and playing the 60 year old “Busty” love

interest of Corporal Jones, Mrs Fox, Claire definitely got the bug and returned

this year, being cast as the sophisticated object of desire of Muldoon Manor,

Lady Cynthia! She has thoroughly enjoyed the camaraderie of this play, it helps

as throughout Inspector Hound, it feels the world is going slightly mad! She

hopes you enjoy this whodunit and if you work it out, please let her know,

you may be the only one......

Liny Mullins—Felicity Cunningham

Liny’s first production with the Barony Players was The 39 Steps and since

then she has performed in The Diary of Anne Frank, A Christmas Carol and The

Crucible and Dad’s Army. She is looking forward to having lots of fun as

Felicity with this cast.

Steph Ferguson—Alice

Steph first donned the Barony stage with the Barony Youth Theatre at the

tender age of 12, spending the next 3 years in a range of productions from

Merlin to Cinderella. In 2000 she came back to an Open Day and the bug soon

took hold again. She has appeared in a number of plays over the years—as

nosey neighbour Mrs Wilson in Men Should Weep and Sadie the tea lady in

Slab Boys to name two. When Steph is not on stage she is to be found in the

role of Stage Manager where she runs a very tight ship, revelling in overseeing

complicated set changes. She can also be found behind the bar or, more often,

on the other side of it having a wee red! Steph is looking forward to playing

Alice in this short two-hander play, Turning Point.

Moira Davies—Martha

Moira is enjoying playing the role of Martha in our surprise short play,

“Turning Point”. Moira originally hails from Fife, a Langtonian (Kirkcaldy) and

has appeared in a number of Theatre productions throughout Fife. Notable

Theatre credits are ‘Elaine’ in ‘One Good Beating’, ‘Helga Ten Dorp’ in

“Death Trap”, ‘Mary Aldin’ in “Towards Zero”, ‘Ysabell’ in ‘Mort’. A

professional role player, she has played newsreaders, police officers and

victims for corporate film productions. She has studied acting at Carnegie

College and RSC. TV Credits include DFS & T-Mobile commercials. Moira lives

in sunny California (Falkirk) – next stop Holyrood!

Steve Corrall—Birdboot

This is Steve’s third venture with The Barony, having previously appeared in Dad’s

Army as Corporal Jones, and in My Boy Jack as Rudyard Kipling. It has been a busy

year for him, having also made his first screen appearance as Great Uncle Will in the

black comedy Dentures of Death. He is really looking forward to working with his

Barony chums in The Real Inspector Hound, and hopes that you will enjoy watching

it, though not getting so involved in it, as much as Moon and Birdboot do!

Keith Hewitt—Major Magnus Muldoon

Keith has been with the Barony for just under a year and this will be his third

appearance on stage, previously playing Private Cheeseman in Dad’s Army and

Guardsman McHugh in the sellout production of My Boy Jack. In The Real

Inspector Hound he plays Magnus Muldoon a grumpy half crippled Canadian

which has been a little challenging at times but a lot of fun to work with. He

hopes you enjoy it as much as the cast have performing it.

Roddy Bain—Simon Gascoyne

This is a plea for help ! I was never meant to be in this whodunnit play within a

play but a stranger asked me to appear in it to help him "play a trick" on a couple

of critic pals of his who are coming to review the play tonight. As rehearsals have

gone on I have become more and more suspicious of the sinister behaviour of one

of the actors in particular, he looks familiar too but I can't remember where I saw

him last. I'm worried that my life might be in danger and I don't know how to

escape. If you see anything odd tonight please help me to get off the stage before

something nasty happens. Thank you.

John Knox—Moon

This will be John's first appearance with The Barony Players. He has, however,

done some acting before; most notably appearing in the 2006 film The Devil

Wears Prada. He is very excited about the play and is looking forward to giving

people the opportunity to see his 'Moon' on stage.

Garry Withnell—Inspector Hound

This is Garry’s second year with the Barony Players and it's been great fun. He’s

'appy to be playing Inspector 'ound in this production! Having played Private

Godfrey last year in Dad's Army, as well as various roles in Linlithgow Amateur

Musical Productions, there seems to be a pattern developing - dottery old men!!!

Is there some connection to real life? His family would certainly say yes! He 'opes

you enjoy the production as much as the cast have enjoyed rehearsing and

performing it. Good evening!

The Real Inspector Hound

Directed by Craig Lowe

Moon John Knox

Birdboot Steve Corrall

Mrs Drudge Judy Barker

Simon Gascoyne Roddy Bain

Felicity Cunningham Liny Mullins

Cynthia Muldoon Claire Withnell

Major Magnus Muldoon Keith Hewitt

Inspector Hound Garry Withnell

Turning Point

Written and Directed by Judy Barker

Alice Steph Ferguson

Martha Moira Davies

Production Team

Director (Inspector Hound): Craig Lowe

Assistant to Director : Wendy Turner

Director (Turning Point): Judy Barker

Stage Manager: Wendy Turner

Costume & Props: Barony Players

Lighting: Duncan Waterston

Sound: Duncan Waterston

Set build: The Players & Sandy Queenan

Poster design: Connie Smith

Publicity : Connie & John Smith

Programme & Box Office: Sandra Bain

Front of House: Sheena Keeble and team

Interested in lighting, sound, set building, prop making or other

technical aspects of theatre?

We would love you to come and join our team of volunteers.

Call us on 07541 346639 Or

email [email protected]