2 04 Upper Airways Larynx English 2014-2

Nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, larynx Summary for dissection room Csaba Szigeti, MSc, PhD Department of Anatomy, Histology and Embriology Szeged, 2014


anatomy of upper airways

Transcript of 2 04 Upper Airways Larynx English 2014-2

  • Nasal cavities, paranasal sinuses, nasopharynx, larynx

    Summary for dissection room

    Csaba Szigeti, MSc, PhDDepartment of Anatomy, Histology and Embriology

    Szeged, 2014

  • AB

    A. Semilunar hiatus (1), anterior- (2), middle- (3),and posterior (5) ethmoidal air cellsSuperior concha (4), sphenoidal sinus (6), ethmoidal bulla (7), opening of maxillary sinus (8)Perpendicular plate of palatine bone (9), torus tubarius (10), salpingopharyngeal fold (11)

    B. Thyrohyoid membrane (1), vestibular fold (2), vestibule (3), ventricle (4), arytenoid m. (5)thyroid cartilage (6, 10), tracheal ring (7), cricoid cartilage(8), cricothyroid membrane (9)Piriform recess (11)

  • The The laterallateral wallwall of of thethe nasalnasal cavitycavity


    Frontal sinus(1), nasal bone (2), middle nasal meatus (3), opening ofnasolacrimal duct (4), inferior nasal meatus (5), nasal vestibulum (6),inferior nasal concha(7), hard palate (8), semilunar hiatus (9),opening of middle ethmoidal air cells (10), ethmoidal bulla (11), superior nasal concha (12), Sphenoidal sinus (13),sphenoethmoidal recess (14), middle nasal concha (15)

    Frontal sinus (1), superior nasal concha (2), nasal bone (3), superiornasal meatus (4), middle nasal concha (5), inferior nasal concha (6),sphenoethmoidal recess (7), sphenoidal sinus (8), hypophysis (9),choana (10), opening of pharyngo-tympanic tube (11), salpingopharyngeal fold (12) anterior cranial fossa (13)

    Conchae partially removedSagittal section


    Opening or passage Where does it lead? Neurovascular structures :

    Piriform aperture Face -

    Choana Epipharynx -

    Cribriform plate Anterior cranial fossa Fila olfactoria (CN.I.); Anterior ethmoidal a. & n.

    Sphenopalatine foramen Pterygopalatine fossa Sphenopalatine a. & Sup. post. nasal nn.

    Semilunar hiatus Maxillary sinus -

    Infundibulum (ethmoidale) Frontal sinus -

    Opening of sphenoidal sinus Sphenoid sinus -

    Nasolacrimal canal Orbit Nasolacrimal duct

    Incisive canal Oral cavity Nasopalatine a. & n. (V/2)

    * from Andrea Czigner MD, PhD

  • BloodBlood supplysupply of of thethe nasalnasal cavitycavity

    Internal carotid artery

    ophtalmic artery

    Anterior ethmoidal and Posterior ethmoidal artery

    External carotid artery

    Maxillar artery

    sphenopalatine artery

    Septal rami +

    r. septalis post.

    nasopalatine artery Greater palatine artery

    aa.nasales posttlat.

    (Kisselbach area) ( incisive canal)

    anterior-superior part of the nasal cavity

    posterior-inferior partof nasal cavity

    Nasopalatine artery

    Kisselbach area

  • NerveNerve supplysupply of of thethe nasalnasal cavitycavity

    Ophtalmic nerve (V/1)

    maxillar nerve (V/2)

  • Frontal sinus

    Sphenoid sinus

    Maxillary sinus

    Ethmoidal sinuses


    F: Frontal sinus

    A: Anterior ethmoidal air cells

    P: Posterior ethmoidal air cells

    Sph: Sphenoid sinus

    M: Maxillary sinus

    NL Nasolacrimal duct

    * from Andrea Czigner MD, PhD

  • Nasopharynx

    behind the nasal cavity and superior to the soft palate, covered with respiratory epithelia Elevation of the soft palate separate the nasopharynx from the oropharynx during swallowing There is a large collection of lymphoid tissue (the pharyngeal tonsil) in the mucosa covering the roof of the nasopharynx The opening of the pharyngotympanic tube is posterior to and slightly above the level of the hard palate the vertical salpingopharyngeal fold, which descends from the tubal elevation and overlies salpingopharyngeus muscle Tubar tonsil: the small follicles around the opening of the pharyngotympanic tube posterior rim of the opening of the pharyngotympanic tube forms an elevation on the pharyngeal wall torus tubarius

  • Topography of the larynx




    Jugular notchTendon of the


    External carotid bifurcationUpper margin of thyroidcartilage

    Arcus of the cricoidcartilage

    Thyroid gland


  • Cartilages of the Larynx

    Hyaline cartilages:

    Thyroid cartilage

    Cricoid cartilage

    Arytenoid cartilage

    Elastic cartilages:


    Corniculate cartilage

    Cuneiform cartilage (in aryepiglottic fold)

    Thyroid cartilage:

  • Cricoid cartilage:

    Arytenoid cartilage:

    Cartilages of the Larynx

  • Joints of the larynx

    Cricoarytenoid joint:Articular facet of arytenoid + superior articular facet of cricoid

    pivot joint (movements around the vertical axis )+ med. et lat. translation (gliding movement)

    Cricothyroid joint:Inferior horn + lateral articular facet(Thyroid cartilage) (Cricoid cartilage)

    hindge joint (movements around the transverse axis)

  • Outer ligaments of the larynx(Attach the larynx to the hyoid bone and trachea)

    Thyrohyoid membrane,

    Median and lateral thyrohyoid lig.

    Hyoepiglottic lig.

    Thyroepiglottic lig.

    cricotracheal lig.

    cricopharyngeal lig.

  • Quadrangular membrane

    Vestibular lig.

    Conus elasticus (triangular membrane)

    Vocal lig.

    Median cricothyroid lig. = lig. conicum = parslibera coni elastici CONICOTOMIA

    Inner ligaments of the larynx(Membrana fibroelastica laryngis, stabilize the cartilages of the larynx)

  • Muscles of the larynx

    From Andrs Mihly MD. PhD. DSc.




    superior laryngealnerve

    Narrowing the aditus(epiglottis and

    arytenoid cartilagescome closer)

    Arytenoideusobliquus, aryepiglotticus

    Closes rima glottidisAdducts vocalfolds

    Cricoarytenoideuslateralis (6)

    Opens rima glottidisAbducts vocalfolds

    Cricoarytenoideusposterior (5)

    Closes rima glottidisAdductsarytenoidcartilages

    Arytenoideustransversus (4)

    Closes rima glottidisAdducts vocalfolds

    Thyroarytenoid (3)

    Tightensvocal folds

    Vocalis (2)

    Tightensvocal folds

    Cricothyroid (1)

  • Muscles of the larynx

    Superficial layerDeep layer: cricothyroid m. and the lamina of thyroidcartilage removed, pharyngeal mucosa reflected

  • Cavity of larynx1



    Laryngeal inlet: aryepiglotticfold, corniculate and cuneiformtubercle, interarytenoid notch.

    (1) Vestibule, vestibular fold, rima vestibuli, laryngealventricle (Morgagni), laryngealsaccule

    (2) Glottis: vocal fold, rima glottidis (parsintermembranacea, parsintercartilaginea).

    (3) Infraglottic space.

  • Arterial supply of the layrnx

    External carotid artery

    Superior thyroid artery

    Superior laryngeal artery

    Subclavian arteryThyrocervical trunk

    Inferior thyroid artery

    Inferior laryngeal artery

  • Venous drainage of the larynx

    Superior thyroid v.

    Middle thyroid v.

    Inferior thyroid v.

    Internal jugular v.

    Left brachiocephalic v.

    Plexus thyroideus impar

    Superior laryngeal v.

    Inferior laryngeal v.

    Left brachiocephalic vein

  • Innervation of the larynx

    Nodose ganglion

    Superior laryngeal nerve

    + superior cervical ggl.

    Internal ramus external ramus

    Sensory function:mucosa abovethe vocal fold

    motor function:Cricothyroid m.

    n. vagus

    recurrent laryngeal nerve(sin.: arcus aortae, dext.: a. subcl dext.)sensory: mucosa below the vocal foldmotor: all laryngeal muscles except cricothyroid

    Nodose ganglion

  • LaryngoscopyLaryngoscopy

    Indirect method

    Direct method

  • LaryngoscopyLaryngoscopy

    Open rima Open rima glottidisglottidis ReinkeReinkess edemaedema of of thethe vocalvocal foldsfolds

    epiglottisepiglottis posteriorposterior

    from Andrs Mihly MD, PhD, DSc.