1st science 15 common ailments of the respiratory system

Common Ailments of the Respiratory System Science V

Transcript of 1st science 15 common ailments of the respiratory system

Common Ailments of the Respiratory System

Science V


1. What are the mechanics of breathing?

2. What do we inhale, exhale?3. What is the breathing center of the


ReviewReviewWe breathe in air (oxygen) and breathe out carbon dioxide.Air enter the nose, passes down into the back of throat to the windpipe. In the lungs, the capillaries pick up the oxygen and goes with blood at the same time, carbon dioxide from the capillaries into the air in the lungs and is given out.



The respiratory center that control your rate of breathing are in the brainstem or medulla. The nerve cells that live within these center automatically send signals to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles to contract and relax at regular intervals

The breathing center of the body?

Checking of AssignmentChecking of Assignment

Will the size of the chest cavity affects the volume of the air drawn?



Who among you have colds now?How do you feel?


1. Form a group with 9 members.2. Based on your assignment, discuss a

common ailment of the respiratory system

3. Each group will present a common ailment.

4. Report to the class.

Concept FormationConcept Formation

1. Presentation of report.2. What are the common ailments of the

respiratory system?3. How does cold develop into bronchitis?4. Which of these ailments are

contagious?5. Which of these ailments are allergies?


cold is marked by sneezing, runny nose, coughing, sore throat and headache

it is caused by a virus characterized by the swelling of the mucus membrane of the respiratory passage

BronchitisBronchitis is the inflammation of the bronchial

tubes due to infection by bacteria or virus

is a disease in which too much mucus is produced in the bronchial tubes

the more a person coughs, the more the bronchial tubes are damaged


BronchitisBronchitis Acute bronchitis’ effects are coughing,

production of mucopurulet sputum and narrowing of the bronchi due to spasmodic contraction

Chronic Bronchitis is not primarily an inflammatory condition although it is frequently complicated by acute infection of which causes are cigarette smoking and air pollution

BronchitisBronchitis Chronic Bronchitis is not primarily an

inflammatory condition although it is frequently complicated by acute infection of which causes are cigarette smoking and air pollution

coughing up of excessive mucus secreted by enlarged bronchial mucus glands and cannot always be relieved by drugs

PneumoniaPneumonia is the inflammation of the lungs due to a

virus and bacteria; cough that produces yellow green phlegm, fever accompanied by chills, chest pains and abnominal pains

it is an acute chronic disease (severe or intense and persisting or recurring)


AsthmaAsthma is a condition where a person has a

difficulty in breathing and accompanied by coughing and wheezing sound when breathing out

is a respiratory disease often caused by an allergy that is marked by tightness in the chest and difficulty in breathing

AsthmaAsthma In a asthma attack, the muscle tissue in

the walls of the bronchi and bronchioles go into spasm

EmphysemaEmphysema associated with chronic bronchitis,

smoking, and advancing age

the air sacs (alveoli) of the lungs are enlarged and damaged, which reduces the surface area for the exhange of oxygen and carbon dioxide


TuberculosisTuberculosis it is caused by bacteria known as

Tubercle bacilli. The common symptoms are loss of appetite, fever, sweating at night, loss of weight, chest pain and blood sputum

it manifests itself in the lesions of lungs



How is Tubercle bacili acquired by a person?

How about pneumonia, bronchitis and asthma?


On a 1/2 cartolina, draw a person suffering from a respiratory ailment. Match the respiratory ailment in A with the description in B.

A B1. asthma

2. pneumonia

3. pharyngitis

4. bronchitis

5. cold

a. caused by viral or bacterial infection of the mucous membrane

b. cased by the inflammation of the bronchial tubes due to virus.

c. caused by the inflammation of the lungs, high fever, chest pain

d. caused by a bacteria called Tubercle bacilli with poor appetite, loss of weight

e. caused by allergy to dust and fumes, which wheezing sound when breathing

A B1. asthma

2. pneumonia

3. tuberculosis

4. bronchitis

5. cold

e. caused by allergy to dust and fumes, which wheezing sound when breathing

c. caused by the inflammation of the lungs, high fever, chest pain

d. caused by a bacteria called Tubercle bacilli with poor appetite, loss of weight

b. cased by the inflammation of the bronchial tubes due to virus.

a. caused by viral or bacterial infection of the mucous membrane

AssignmentAssignmentRecall how many times you suffered from colds. What do you do?

Each group will prepare a report on the symptoms, causes, prevention and treatment of the ailment reported earlier in class.